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Lesson Plan

Name: Marcello Cirelli Date: 5/2/19

Grade/Class: 4th Grade General Music Lesson # 1

1. Lesson Objectives: Students will learn about the different instruments of the
orchestra and formulate a basic understanding of the sounds they produce

National Standards and Frameworks: Responding

2. Assessment: Teacher Observation, Orchestra Worksheet

3. Required prior knowledge/skills: None

4. Review and/or support for new skills needed: N/A

5. Accommodations: Worksheet is fun and color coded. Instruments are generally

universally known words

6. Materials, Repertoire, Equipment needed:

Worksheet, Peter and the Wolf youtube video
7. Lesson Sequence:

A. Warm up activity – 5 mins (call and response beat patterns)
B. Learning Activity – 15 mins (Peter and the wolf. Stop video to explain
each instrument and its role in the orchestra, how it makes its sound)
C. Assessment Activity/Summative Activity – 15-20 mins (Worksheet
activity: Fill out sections of the orchestra)
D. Summative Activity/Closing/Wrap-up: 2 mins: Clean up, discuss quiz
E. Secondary/alternative plans: Video could decide not to load in which
case I’d teach them manually.

8. Agenda:
Instruments of the orchestra
Color in the orchestra

9. Assignment and Due Date: Study!

10. Teacher Reflection/Evaluation:

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