CSTP 1 Hiser 12

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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by learn about individual of formal and informal measures to make knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. sources to learn about adjustments to make ongoing
assessments. students and guide instruction and meet adjustments and
selection of instructional individual identified accommodations in
strategies to meet diverse learning needs. 10/28/18 instruction.
Using knowledge of learning needs. 6/24/18 12/12/18 5/7/19
students to engage
them in learning Some students may Students engage in single Student engage in Students actively utilize a Students take ownership
engage in learning using lessons or sequence of learning through the use variety of instructional of their learning by
instructional strategies lessons that include some of adjustments in strategies and choosing from a wide
focused on the class as a adjustments based on instruction to meet their technologies in learning range of methods to
whole. assessments. needs. 6/24/18 that ensure equitable further their learning that
10/28/18 12/12/18 access to the curriculum. are responsive to their
4/7/19 learning needs.
Evidence -Major focus on getting to I use the Progress
know my students, Monitoring element
especially at the of AIMSweb to track the
beginning of the year fluency and reading levels
6/24/18 of my students and then
use this information to
-Variety of methods for create lessons and
getting to know students groupings. 10/28/18
including home surveys, 12/12/18
conferences with parents, 5/7/19
speaking with previous
teachers, engaging with
child during non-
academic time (playing or
eating together) 6/24/18

-I try to incorporate
student culture and
interest into the
curriculum. 6/24/18

-I use formal data

(assessments) and
informal (observations,
self-reflection) to create
dynamic small groups
that target learning goals.
I readjust these groups as
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
needed. 6/24/18
10/28/18 12/12/18

-I create differentiated
small groups in Math and
Literacy which change
based on test data,
observation, student
work, and student self-
assessment. 6/24/18
10/28/18 12/12/18
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered Uses school resources and Integrates broad Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, information about family contacts to expand knowledge of students systematically uses
backgrounds, life students’ prior understanding of and their communities to extensive information
experiences, and interests knowledge, cultural students’ prior inform instruction. regarding students’
represented among backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural cultural backgrounds,
students. experiences, and interest backgrounds, life prior knowledge, life
Connecting learning to support student experiences, and interests experiences, and interests.
to students’ prior learning. 6/24/18 to connect to student
knowledge, learning. 10/28/18
backgrounds, life 12/12/18 5/7/19 Students can articulate
experiences, and Some students connect Students participate in Students make Students are actively the relevance and impact
interests learning activities to their single lessons or connections between engaged in curriculum, of lessons on their lives
own lives. sequences of lessons curriculum, and their which relates their prior and society.
related to their interests prior knowledge, knowledge, experiences,
and experiences. 6/24/18 backgrounds, life and interests within and
experiences, and across learning activities.
interests. 10/28/18
12/12/18 5/7/19
Evidence -I attempt to always -Co-created a Social
make connections to Studies unit on Ancestry
prior learning and build in which students
on student experience. researched their heritage,
6/24/18 family history, heirlooms,
and immigration.
-In all content areas, I 10/28/18 12/12/18
use examples of 5/7/19
experiences students
I teach direct lessons on
can relate to and bring in
making connections.
topics that interest
Students are taught how
students. For example, to make connections and
writing story problems encouraged to explore
about Ninjago. 6/24/18 and share connections to
curriculum. 10/28/18
-Students have choice in 12/12/18 5/7/19
many aspects of
curriculum. For example, Students independently
in writing, students draw connections
choose what to write between curricular areas.
about and are not asked They are excited about
to write to a specific what they are learning.
prompt. 6/24/18 5/7/19
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
-To teach Social Studies
standards, I use Inquiry
projects that are driven
by student interest. For
example, we learn map
skills by making maps of
our neighborhood
community. We learn
about cultural
differences and
similarities by reading a
variety of Cinderella
stories from various
cultures (I always
include ones from the
cultures that are present
in my classroom).

-In Science, students

choose a plant or animal
adaptation they think is
interesting, identify a
human problem, and
then create an invention
that uses the adaptation
to solve the problem.
This is totally driven by
student choice and
interest. 6/24/18
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in
during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life actively making
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning connections to relevant,
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those subject matter instruction meaningful, and real-life
lessons to support specific to students’ and is responsive during contexts throughout
understanding. family and community. instruction to engage subject matter
Connecting subject 6/24/18 students in relating to instruction.
matter to subject matter. 10/28/18
meaningful, real-life Students make use of 12/12/18 5/7/19
contexts Some students relate real-life connections Students routinely
subject matter to real-life. provided in single lessons Students utilize real-life Students actively engage integrate subject matter
or sequence of lessons to connections regularly to in making and using real- into their own thinking
support understanding of develop understandings life connections to subject and make relevant
subject matter. of subject matter. matter to extend their applications of subject
6/24/18 10/28/18 understanding. 5/7/19 matter during learning
12/12/18 activities.
Evidence -I try whenever possible -Students are currently
to use real-life contexts studying a unit on
for Math. When learning ancestry and Ellis Island.
about measurement, We watched a short video
what around us actually from the Washington Post
needs to be measured? and made connections to
How can we use the real life immigration
measuring to solve an happening currently.
10/28/18 12/12/18
actual problem?
6/24/18 10/28/18
I plan connections to real-
life contexts. For example,
in studying the life cycle
-In Social Studies, we of a plant, we used some
identify actual problems garden beds on campus to
in our community. For plant seeds and observe
example, we wrote an their life cycle. 5/7/19
informational text “How
to Be a Good Sport” after Students are actively
noticing poor making connections to
sportsmanship at recess. their real-lives, which I
Students studied how encourage. We use
change came about council and Grand
during the Civil Rights Conversations to connect
Movement and then held literature to our real life
a rally to end experiences. 5/7/19
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
homelessness. They
applied their knowledge
of the past to solve a
current, real-world
problem. They wrote
letters to the Mayor, gave
speeches, made protest
art, and wrote and
performed a song.
6/24/18 10/28/18

Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Using a variety of Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
instructional strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range an extensive repertoire of
strategies, resources, technologies as provided resources, and culturally responsive of strategies, resources, strategies, resources, and
and technologies to by school and/or district. technologies in single pedagogy, resources, and and technologies into technologies to meet
meet students’ lessons or sequence of technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
diverse learning lessons to meet students’ ongoing instruction to meet students’ diverse needs.
needs diverse learning needs. meet students’ diverse learning needs10/28/18
learning needs. 6/24/18 12/12/18 5/7/19

Some students participate Students participate in Students participate in Students take

in instructional strategies, single lessons or instruction using Students actively engage responsibilities for using
using resources and sequence of lessons strategies, resources, and in instruction and make a wide range of strategies,
technologies provided. related to their interests technologies matched to use of a variety of resources, and
and experiences. their learning needs. targeted strategies, technologies that
6/24/18 10/28/18 resources, and successfully advance their
12/12/18 technologies to meet their learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
individual students needs.
-I make frequent I utilize a variety of
modifications for strategies including
students depending on Culturally Responsive
their needs. This can Teaching strategies.
look like: flexible 12/12/18 5/7/19
seating, fidget objects,
graphic organizers, -I am using more
purposeful and flexible technological tools and
resources to engage and
teach my students.
Teacher or TA support
10/28/18 12/12/18
6/24/18 10/28/18
My students have a
-I use a variety of ways “choice board” of
to talk and share (raised classroom tools they can
hands, chime in, partner use to help them achieve
talk, whip around, etc.) their best. Some choices
and include movement include whisper phones,
Evidence 6/24/18 10/28/18 noise-cancelling
12/12/18 headphones and dividers.
-Students work in
dynamic, differentiated
groups that target their
areas of need and build
on strengths. 6/24/18
10/28/18 12/12/18

-Groupings are
homogeneous, but often
heterogeneous to
provide opportunities to
learn with and from
peers. 6/24/18
10/28/18 12/12/18

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Promoting critical Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic
thinking though on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently to apply critical thinking
require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, by designing structured
interpret, and think and reflection on issues in posing problems and inquiries into complex
critically. content. 6/24/18 reflecting on multiple problems.
10/28/18 12/12/18 perspectives.
inquiry, problem Some students respond to Students respond to Students pose and answer
solving, and questions regarding facts varied questions or tasks Students pose problems a wide-range of complex
reflection and comprehension. designed to promote Students respond to and construct questions questions and problems,
comprehension and questions and problems of their own to support reflect, and communicate
critical thinking in single posed by the teacher and inquiries into content. understandings based on
lessons or a sequence of begin to pose and solve in depth analysis of
lessons. 6/24/18 problems of their own content learning.
10/28/18 12/12/18 related to the content.
Evidence -Students engage in -This is most evident in
activities that promote Social Studies and
critical thinking, but not Science. I would like to
all demonstrate critical find a way to bring more
thinking skills. For critical thinking and
example, when asked to problem solving into
use light or sound to how I teach ELA and
solve the problem of a Math. 6/24/18 10/28/18
dangerous crosswalk, 12/12/18
some will come up with
very creative solutions, -Lack of explicit lessons
while others will copy on HOW to think
the teacher’s example. critically, but many
6/24/18 10/28/18 opportunities to do so.
12/12/18 6/24/18 10/28/18

Explicit lessons taught on

how to ask questions,
collaborate, and problem-
solve. 12/12/18

-Use of high-level, open

ended questions
6/24/18 10/28/18

-I want to incorporate
more reflection. That
piece is missing.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
6/24/18 10/28/18

I am creating more
student-driven inquiry
projects. For example,
during a recent lesson
on plant pollination,
students had a lot of
questions about bees.
We returned to this idea
the next day, charting all
our questions about
bees. We made a list of
ideas for how to learn
more (read books, watch
videos, talk to a
beekeeper, study bees in
person) and we are
pivoting our study of
plant life cycle to a deep
dive into bees. This will
include an action piece
(planting a pollinator
garden). 5/7/19

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Monitoring student Implements lessons Seeks to clarify Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
learning and following curriculum instruction and learning adjustments to instruction based on the extend learning
adjusting instruction guidelines. activities to support instruction based on ongoing monitoring of opportunities and provide
while teaching. student understanding. observation of student individual student needs assistance to students in
engagement and regular for assistance, support, or mastering the concepts
checks for understanding. challenge. 10/28/18 flexibly and effectively.
6/24/18 12/12/18 5/7/19
Students monitor their
Some students receive Students receive progress in learning and
individual assistance assistance individually or Students successfully Students are able to provide information to
during instruction. in small groups during participate and stay articulate their level of teacher that informs
instruction. 6/24/18 engaged in learning understanding and use adjustments in
activities. 10/28/18 teacher guidance to meet instruction.
their needs during
instruction. 12/12/18
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Teacher and TA circulate -Frequent checks for -I use frequent checks for
to support students that understanding, through understanding and adjust
may need help. 6/24/18 exit tickets, student instruction while teaching
work, and student self- based on need. 10/28/18
Teacher and/or TA work assessment. 6/24/18 12/12/18 5/7/19
with small group of
students that are -Dismiss students from a -Students are beginning
struggling or need more mini-lesson based on to be able to articulate
their understanding and
of a challenge. 6/24/18 readiness “If you are
can respond to checks for
feeling confused or need
understanding with
Position certain students a little more help, stay thumbs
to be near TA during on the rug.” 6/24/18 up/down/sideways to
whole group lessons so indicate their level of
TA can offer additional -I make adjustments in proficiency. 12/12/18
support/clarification/ the moment based on 5/7/19
Evidence monitoring. 6/24/18 student understanding
or lack thereof. 6/24/18 Students use checklists
and rubrics to assess
I use a variety of themselves. 5/7/19
strategies (turn and talk,
picking sticks, proximity,
voice level, etc.) to
maintain student
engagement. 10/28/18

-Activities and lessons

are scaffolded and
structured to ensure all
students can participate.

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