AEF3.Teacher'SUnit 2

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G present perfect and simple past j V money i P the lettero) Spend or save? Lesson plan Inthis lesson Stsreview some important uses of the present perfect and how the present perfect contrasts with che simple past. They alsolearn common words and phrases to talk about money The lesson begins with a song which has a rather cynical view of how acertain kind of male and female views money. This provides a lead-in to the vocabulary focus which is followed by a pronunciation activity on different pronunciations of the etter o. The new lexis is consolidated through reading and listening activities that ask Are you a spender ora saver? Inthe second half of the lesson, a dialogue where two people are arguing about money provides the context for the grammar review. Finally, Sts read and talk about the true story about a man who became a successful businessman despite having very difficult childhood. sTupY MRI + Workbook 28 Etec '» Grammar present perfect and simple past page 146 = Communicative Money, money, money... page 176 (instructions page 165) + Vocabulary Money page 203 (instructions page 196) Perec Optional lead-in (books closed) + Put Sts in pairs and give them three or four minutes to brainstorm some titles of songs which are about money. + Elicit the songs (and singers) onto the board. Some suggested titles: Money (Pink Floyd), Money, ‘Money, Money (Abba), Material Girl (Madonna), Can’ Buy Me Love (The Beatles), Money Makesthe World Go Round (from Cabaret), Money For Nothing (Dire Straits), Bills, Bills, Bills (Destiny's Child), Money Honey (Lady Gaga), etc. 1 VOCABULARY money a @34}) Books open. Tell Sts they are going to listen to song about money by an American band called Good Charlotte. Focuson the taskand phrases A-G. Tell Sts not to worry about the meaning of any phrases they don't know as these will be dealt with later. Play the audio once all the way through for Sts to fillin the blanks. Play again if necessary Check answers. ae ee ee ee sa) pe | Educated, with money set aees shah Se cn tosayin Seren er Sm eee ere wis coi aera vidio Se ae eae muchas Senne als [eee ea Bete ings See Ores Pee ae ee ee ee a teres alec wea pr becom Eo cedeecnrentty So eese top etree a teva gi fester aoa er ecnr ae tetsee! re lot theo boys yee el thes pi Losing their souls in a material world (x3) Now tell Sts they are going to listen to the song again and they should read the lyrics at the same time. Play the audio all the way through, Pur Sts in pairs and give them time to match phrases A-G with meanings 1-7. Check answers. Tee ae eens Do this as a whole class. First, explain {elicie the neaning of the three bullets. You might want to check Sts understand cynical (= believing that people only do things to help themselves and not for good or honest reasons) and offensive (= extremely unpleasant) ‘Thenask Sts what they think the song is saying and elicit answers. Tell Sts to goto Vocabulary Bank Money on page 154. Focus on 1 Verbs and get Sts to do a individually or in pairs. @35}) Now do b. Play the audio for Ststo check answers, Make sure Sts are clear about the meaning of allthe verbs. Remind Sts of the difference between lend and borrow with these examples: Can I borrow your book? | Can-you lend me your book? 2A Practice any words your Sts find difficult fo pronounce, modeling and drilling as necessary. @a5)) Money verbs | T" My uncle dedandlet me $2000. mgcng taint $2000. 2: Iput some money aside every waek for my next vacation ave money avery week 3. Nybratner promised give me $50 He promised tolend meso. 4. Tneedto askmny mom to give me $20. need to borrow S20 emmy mom, 5 lattenspendaney on stupid things often waste mone. | 5 ISovthave enough money buy tatcar ean aftord tobuy that car 7 lsualyhaveto pay the mechanic 8400 to Fix my ca. The mecha charges me $200. 8. These shoes atevery expensive, They are $200.They cost $200, 9. mngeve me S100 havert paidhimbeck yet. lowe Jn sive 10 Iwantto put moneyinabank account. They give me 5% interest. fwant to invest some mone. workin a supermarket. They pay me 1,600 month teem 31,08 rot 12. could sell house or about $200,000. My houses ‘worth about $200,000, 13 Weneed to get people to ge money to ble anew fosptal We went torelae money for the new hospital Now tell Sts to cover the sentences on the right and see ifthey can remember the missing verbs. Focus on 2 Prepositions and emphasize that Sts must write the preposition in the Preposition column, not in the shaded blank in the sentence (This is so they can test themselves later). ©36)) Now dob. Play the audio for Sts to check answers. Point out the silent in debt let! G26) Prepositions 1 "Would youtke to payin cash o by ret cara? 2 Ipatfarthe cnner ast Roe my Bethe 3 lgpent $50 0n books yosterdy. 4 bipunte invested alts money in realestate, 5 ldo ikelendngmoney totrencs & Ibaewee lot of nenay fem the bark 7 They charged me 120 fer ahaweut 8 Inever get into det. hate owing people money. Do cand tell Sts to cover the Preposition column and see if they can remember them. Next focus on 3 Nouns and get Sts to do a individually orin pairs. (@37)) Now do b. Play the audio for Sts to check answers. Model and drill the pronunciation of any words you think are difficult for your Sts, e.g., mortgage ‘/morgid3/ (pointing out the silent t). Make sure Sts are lear that [oan is the general word for money lent by an individual or bank to another personand miortgage is specifically money lent by abank to buy real estate like Now tell Sts to cover the words and see ifthey can remember what the definitions mean. Finally, focus on the Phrasal verbs box and go through it with Sts. Highlight that take out and pay back are separable, ic., you can also put the particles (out and back) after the noun, e.g., When can you pay methe money back? Tell Sts to go back to the main lesson 2A. Extra support + Ifyou think Sts need more practice, you may want to give them the Vocabulary photocopiable activity at this point or leave it for later as consolidation or review. 2 PRONUNCIATION the letter o Pronunciation notes + The letter ois quite tricky for Stsas it has several different possible pronunciations. There are some spelling-pronunciation rules you might want to point out jelicitafter you have done the exercises and ‘you can also help Sts by highlighting the exceptions. 0+ one consonant + eis usually /oul,e.g, hope, alone, but there are several common words which hhave the // sound, eg, some, money. ~o between two or several consonants s often ial, eg, holly, follow. There are some exceptions, €.g, worry. ~ the letters ol and oa between consonants are usually jou’, e.g, old, road. ~the letters orbetween consonants are usually 0, e.g. airport, but common exceptions are work and, world, which are fai + Encourage Sts to use a dictionary to check pronunciation when they arenot sure, a Focus onthe question and do it asa class, making sure Sts understand the word rhyme. Funny rhymes with rmoney b_ Focus on the activity and elicit the three sounds and words, ie, up in, clock fa, and phone fou Give Sts two minutes to put the words in the right column, Remind Sts that itis easier to do this kind of exercise if they say the words aloud to themselves. Get Sts to compare with a partner. © @38)) Play the audio for Ststo listen and check. Check answers. 30) aa ecb lait upia) —— done, money, nothing, some, won shows, atownhouse, or forthe construction of new ee ad aE I jouse. phone iu’ clothes, loan, go,owe, sold @37)) Play the audio again, pausing after each group of words Nouns for Sts to listen and repeat. Offer more practice if these 1 coin 5 loan are a problem for your |2 it 8 mortgege epinds area problem fox your Se 3 salary 7 atm Then repeat the activity eliciting responses from tax | individual Sts. d_ Now tell Sts to focus on the words with the letters or. In pairs, get Sts to answer the two questions. Extra challenge + Elicit the answers to d before playing the audio. € 39) Play the audio for Sts to listen and check. Check answers. ‘The letters or are normally pronounced far when theyre stressed. potisene: ‘The two words that ere different are worth and work. 39) See words in Student Book on page 15 2A LISTENING © 403) Tell Sts they are going to listen to six people answering the question Are-you a spender or a saver? ‘They need to listen to find out how many are savers. Play the audio once all the way through for Sts to listen. Extra support + Before playing the audio, go through the listening script and decide if you need to preteach / check any lexis to help Sts when they listen, e.g,, kids = children. Check the answer. ‘Twa Gf them are savers. Play the audio again for Sts to listen and repeat, ‘Then repeat the activity eliciting responses from individual Sts. £ Put Stsin pairs and get them to pra sentences. saying the Extra support + Model and drill each sentence before putting Sts in pairs. 3 READING & SPEAKING a Focus on the title of the questionnaire and make sure Sts understand it, Also make sure Sts understand the questions and options, e.g., [don’t have aclue, [have a rough idea, an installment, etc. Give Sts time to read the questions and choose the best answers, b_ Put Sesin pairs and ger them to compare their answers and explain why they have chosen each option. Get some feedback from various pairs. © Now tell Sts to go to Communication Spender or saver? on page 104. Tell Sts to find out which description applies to them, depending on whether they have answered mainly with “a,” *b,’ or “c” answers. While they read, go around ‘monitoring and helping with any vocabulary problems, eg, trust, manage, budget, etc. When they have finished, Sts should tell their partner if they agree with what they read. Get some feedback from the class. Finally, with a show ofhands find out how many Sts are savers and how many are spenders. You could also ell Sts whether you are a saver or a spender and why. Extra support + You could write any usefull words and phrases from the questionnaire and Communication on the board for Ststo copy. Tall Ststo go back to the main lesson 2A. Gao) {script nstudent Book on page 123) Speaker? ithe spender, thnk. try to save, but something alvays §sorn to come slong thet need vo buy and lend up Boke. Canget by with very tte money formyself when need to, but dont seem tobe good at holding on tit als my kids fsk to borrow some money always soy yes, Speaker? I woud say thatma spender. | spend money on things tke cancerts oro rps because lie having te experience and the merrories know that should spend money on things that last orsave forthe utur, but cont wart tomis all those good things thet are heppening right no. Speakers I consider myself spender don't have much money, but wen Ido have some there is always something need or want taspendit en love computers and computer games 0 buy things to make sure my computer's always up to dae. know itsnot very sensible, but its important to me Speaker ‘That's herd to say. lcan save money'f there's something | really really want, butusvally my money disappears as soon 25 1get get some money rom my parents every week, so Thave ust enough money to go to the movies withrny fens ‘and to buy something for myself, maybe ebook ora DYD or | some makeup... usualy end up buying something. But, For example, if want to goon. tp with my frends, then| can ‘make an effort and save somemaney for afew weeks Speaker 5 Since was ttle, Ive always saved about athird of the money iget.l wouldnever tink of spending allthe meney have. You could say that im careful about money. When Twant € buy Something that's ecpensive drit use a credit card, take the rmoney out of the bank, sol never have to worry about getting eb Speaker Te saya saver, definitely. ke having some money savedin case have an emergency. 120 think very corefuly before | buy something, andi always make suet’ the bestIcan buy fer that price, But | wouldtt describe myself a cheap llove buying presents fr people, and when Ido spend my money | tke to buy rice things, even theyre more expensive “Tell Sts that they are going to listen to the six speakers again and that this time they must match speakers 1-6 with AB, Play the audio, pausing after each speaker to give Sts time to answer. Play the audio again as necessary. Get Sts to compare with a partner and then check answers. ET a Tae are

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