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Which of the following cell types are not found in normal olfactory neuroepithelium
a. Olfactory neurons
b. Microvillar sustentacular cells
c. Goblet cells
d. Pseudostratified columnar epithelial cells

33. The prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in people older than 20 years is around which
a. 1%
b. 40%
c. 20%
d. 5%

34. A 38-year-old woman present with olfactory loss of one month duration after a severe
upper respiratory tract infection. She is particularly disturbed by a constant foul odor
seemingly occurring from the right side. Which of the following would you advise the
patient to do
a. To undergo a craniotomy and resection of the olfactory bulbs to completely
eliminate the foul smell
b. To start gabapentin to decrease severity of the smell
c. To use saline drops and wait for the smell to diminish over time
d. To undergo endoscopic resection of the right olfactory epithelium

35. Female 25 years old, complain smell foul odor since 4 days before admission. She never
had runny nose, nasal blockage and also facial pain. The physical examination, right
nasal cavity within normal limit, left nasal cavity there was mucopurulent discharge.
She had bad oral hygiene. Which is the proper diagnostic for this case:
a. Dentogenic Sinusitis
b. Acute rhinitis
c. Fungal rhinosinusitis
d. Post viral anosmia

36. Male 20 years old, complain couldn’t smell anything since 1 month. He had
commoncold 1 month ago, but now he doesn’t had nasal discharge, nasal congestion
and also fever. He had no history of trauma. Which is the proper diagnostic for this
a. Dentogenic Sinusitis
b. Acute rhinitis
c. Fungal rhinosinusitis
d. Post viral anosmia

37. According to case no.9, which treatment shouldn’t given:

a. Antibiotics
b. Nasal rinse
c. Topical steroid
d. Olfactory training
38. Which one of the following statement is the etiology of choanal atresia
A. outgrowth of buccopharyngeal membrane
B. Failure of resorption of bucconasal membrane
C. Ingrowth of vertical and horizontal processes of the palatine bone
D. Failure of buccopharyngeal membrane to rupture
E. Mutation in CHD9

39. Bilateral choanal atresia can cause significant airway distress in the newborn because

 of which of these statements?
A. Infants with choanal atresia usually have concomitant cardiac anomalies.
B. Infants are initially obligate nasal breathers.
C. The neonatal larynx is smaller and collapses easily.
D. Neonates have low oxygen reserves.
E. Infants are initially mouth breathers

40. In CHARGE syndrome, which ofthe following is the best description?

A. Choanal atresia is associated with more than 65% of cases.

B. It is unilateral in more than two-thirds of the patients.
C. In unilateral cases, it is more common on the right side.
D. A only
E. B and C only

41. A patient with choanal atresia, external ear anomalies, congenital heart defects,and an
irregular pupil secondary to an iris defect likely has which ofthe following associated
defects ?
A. CHD7 mutation


C. SHH mutation
D. Pallister-Hall syndrome
E. Down Syndrome
42. Which one is not the anatomic deformity of choanal atresia?
A. Narrow nasal cavity
B. Complete bony obstruction
C. Membranous obstruction
D. Lateral bony obstruction from pterygoid bone
E. Medial bony obstruction from vomer

47. What approach is used for revision of failed choanal atresia repairs?
A. Transnasal
B. Transpalatal
C. Endoscopically
D. Transseptal
E. Combined approach

48. Which one is not the component of CHARGE syndrome

A. Coloboma
B. Heart Defect
C. Growth retardation
D. Asthma bronchiale
E. Genitourinary anomalies

49. When the stent removed after surgery?

A. After 3 months
B. After 6 weeks
C. After 6 month
D. After 1 year
E. After 4 weeks

50. What is the meaning of “cyclic apnea” in choanal atresia?

A. Apnea occur when awake, disappear at rest
B. Apnea occur at rest, disappear when awake
C. Apnea occur in supine position, disappear in prone position
D. Apnea occur when sitting, disappear when lying down
E. Apnea occur when head tilt, disappear when head down
51. Which structure have to be avoid when doing choanoplasty
A. Rossenmuller Fossa
B. Torus tubarius
C. Pterigopalatine canal
D. Nasal septum
E. Inferior tubinate
52. What is the highest border when doing choanoplasty?
A. Superior part of inferior tubinate
B. Inferior posterior part of middle turbinate
C. Upper part of nasopharynx
D. Inferior medial part of middle turbinate
E. Inferior part of superior turbinate
53. Obstruksi hidung yang terjadi kurang lebih 3 cm di anterior septum yang perforasi,
terutama berhubungan dengan :
a. krusta
b. perubahan sekitar epitel sehingga terjadi atrofi
c. hasil akhir dari kolaps valve
d. turbulensi intranasal
e. kehilangan penyangga bagian dorsal
54. Salah satu pembentuk septum adalah :
a. Kartilago alaris mayor
b. Kartilago quadrangularis
c. Os nasalis
d. Kartilago Lower lateral
e. Krista maksilaris

55. The angel between the caudal quadrangular cartilage and the distal upper lateral
cateral is:
a. Flow limiting segment
b. Nasal valve
c. Nasal passage
d. Keystone area
e. Inferior turbinate

56. What is the deformity of the adjacent structure caused by septal deviation
a. smaller maxillary sinus in ipsilateral
b. bullous concha
c. paradoxal concha
d. lateralised of uncinate processes
e. larger ethmoid bulla

57. What is the true statement about “fixed nasal valve obstruction”
a. obstrution occur during expiration
b. obstruction occur during inspiration
c. obstruction evident at rest
d. can be restorated by widening alae with finger and thumb
e. allar collapse during inspiration

58. Suplai pembuluh darah pada bagian anterosuperior septum dan dinding lateral
nasal berasal dari :
a. A. Ethmoidalis anterior
b. A. Ethmoidalis posterior
c. A. Palatina desenden
d. A. Sphenopaltina
e. A. Pharyngealis

59. Serabut simpatis dan parasimpatis terdistribusi ke hidung :

a. melalui ganglion sphenoplatina
b. bersinaps di ganglion sphenoplatina
c. melalui nervus vidianus
d. semua yang di atas
e. a dan c benar

60. What is the purpose of preserving the “keystone area” during septoplasty?
a. To maintain appropriate support of the nasal dorsum to prevent postoperative
saddle nose deformity
b. To keep cartilage available for future rhinoplastic procedures
c. To support the lower lateral cartilages
d. To prevent postoperative epistaxis
e. To shape pyramid bone

61. During septoplasty, what maneuver should be avoided when addressing the
bony septum?
a. Grasp the perpendicular plate with forceps and use a twisting motion to remove the
fragments of bone.
b. Use a double action instrument to make a superior cut in the bony septum,
followed by removal of the deviated portion of the septum.
c. Use an osteotome to fracture the bony septum; then remove the fragments of bone.
d. Use through-cutting instruments to remove the bony septum in a piecemeal fashion.
e. Removed the inferior bony septum with greater forceps

62. Which one is not the indication of septoplasty?

a. Recurrent epistaxis
b. Allergic Rhinitis
c. Headaches
d. Obstructive sleep apnea
e. Difficulty to perform sinus procedure
63. What is the most important surgical component of the septum
a. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
b. Vomer bone
c. Quadrangular cartilage
d. Maxillary crest
e. Collumella
64. Aliran darah vena pada hidung dilakukan oleh:
a. Vena angularis
b. Vena etmoidalis
c. Vena fasialis
d. Vena pteridoid

65. Menegakkan diagnosis abses septum pada umumnya dilakukan dengan anamnesis dan:
a. Pemeriksaan nasus eksternus
b. Pemeriksaan rinoskopi anterior
c. Pemeriksaan nasus eksternus dan rinoskopi anterior
d. Pemeriksaan nasus eksternus, rinoskopi anterior, dan penunjang radiologi

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