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Techmical Note

FrickeDosimetryinLowDoseRclnge forSpr。Uf TnhibiIion†

Tamikazu KUME,HiroyukiTACHIBANA and MasaakiTAKEHISA

TakasakiRadiation Chemi3try Research Establishment,
Japan Atomic Energy ResearchInstitute
1233,Watanuki−Cho,Takasaki−Shi,Gunma Pref.370−12
Received May14,1981

KeyWords:Frickc dosimetry,low dose range,SPrOutinhibition

1.1mtroduction chemicals wereusedwithoutfurtherpuri丘cation.
For foodirradiation dosimetry,the Fricke TheFricke solution containlnglxlO ̄3Mferrous

solution(aqueousferrous sulfate solution)has ammonium sulfate,1×10,8M sodium chloride

been most frequently used andis recommended and O.4Msulfuric acidin triply distilled water
inIAEA Manuall)as a ref’erencedosimeter.It wasprepared. The solution was bubblcdwith
has tissue−equlValent absorption characteristics, oxygen forabout15min beforeirradiation by
alinear dose てJS.e丘−ect relationship and good γ−rayS from a60Co slab source・

accuracy.Itis,however,high1y sensitive to
impurities and restricted for usein the dose 2・2 Analysis
rangeof40′−400Gy(4∼40krad)with airsatu− The concentration of’ferricion was deter−

ratlOn2). mined from the optlCaldensity at304nm on a

Since the dose rangeusedf−Orradiationsprout Hitachi239SpeCtrOPhotometer. The absorbed
inhibitionis60∼150Gy(6∼・15krad)for pota− dose(D)was calculatedfromtheopticaldensity
toes3)and20∼100Gy(2∼10krad)for onions4〉, at 304nm(OD3。4)at the temperature(TOC)
itis required to extend thelower dose]imit of by equation(1);
the Fricke dosimeter. It has been polnted 2.77×102 し1、・
out2),5)that thelowerlimit of the Fricke do−
simeter can be extended by using along path−
3.Results and Discussion
Or by measuring the ferricion absorbance at 3・1Accuracyin thelow dose range
224nm.However,thesemethodsneedsomewhat The relationshipbetween theirradiationtime
tedious treatment, and the changein opticaldensity at 304nmin
In this study,Weinvestlgated the effect or the dose range of40∼150Gy(4∼15krad)was

water puriBcation on Fricke dosimetry and the obtainedby equation(2)using theleasトSquareS

precisionlimit of the Fricke dosimeterin order method.

to establish a suitable method for the measure− 0上)3。4=2.025×10 ̄1g÷5.167×10 ̄3 (2)

ment atlow dose range for sproutinhibition・ where tis theirradiation timeinhr.Equation
(2)hasasmallpositiveintercept,Whichis the
2・1 Chemicals andirradiation The same measurementswererepeatedsixtimes.
Pyrex test tubes(¢15×150mm)were used Data are shownin Tablel.The standard de−

†発芽防直のための低線量域におけるフリッケ線量 viations f10r Six data are O.0020/〉0.0037. The

測定。久米民和,桶 宏行,武久正昭‥日本原子 errors were calculated from the diFerences bet−

力研究所高崎研究所,370−12高崎市綿貫町1233。 Ween the optical densities calculated from the

Oct.1981 T.Kume,eta1.:Frickedosimetryinlowdoserangeforsproutinhibition     561

Tablel Relative errors for the Fricke dosimeter atlow doses

0上)304** Error
:∴〕告了こ  ∴宝二; (calc.) (%)

1 1 0 0 0 0
8 9 5 3 2 2
0 0 1 1 2 2

つ 山   5   0   5   0   5


Opticaldensities at304nm were measured at25.00C.

*standard deviations

**calculatedvaluesfrom equation(2)


Table2 Effect of water quality on Fricke dosimetry

Opticaldensities at304nm were measured at20.50C. (1Gy=100rad)

equation(2)and experimentalones.At>57.6 mato Science Co.Ltd.)and Milli−Q water was

Gy(5.76krad)the errors are withinO.5%.It obtained from a Milli−Q system(Mi11ipore Co.,
has been described that the accuracy of the USA)with the use of anion−eXChangecartridge
Fricke dosimeterisl′〉2%byFrickeandHart5), and milliporefilter.As shownin Table2,the
1.5%inICRU Report6)andl%inIAEAMan− errors are withinl.5%in the dose range of
uall).Relative error within D.5% obtained in 43.2∼179.OGy(4.32∼17.9krad)for both triply

this experiment at >40Gy(4krad)isIowest. distilled water ar)dMilli−Qwater.On the other

At the dose rangelower than40Gy(4krad), hand,the errors arelarger with distilled water
the error becomeslarger,but does not exceed Or taP−Water.However,the maximum erroris
2%at dose aslow as15.5Gy(1.55krad). 4%,Whichis smallerthanweanticIPated.Tap−
water contains aboutlOppm C卜,2ppmorganic
3・2 Effect of water purification impurities and small amounts of− metallicions
Since the yield of ferricionisa打ectedsensi− (Fe,Zn,etC.),butitis considered that the
tively byorganicimpurities,triplydistilledwater errorisminimizedbysodiumchloridecontalnlng
is usually11Sed for the Fricke dosimeter. We in the solution. Milli−Q wateris found to be
examined whether water from other sources used for the Fricke dosimeter as good as triply
could be used for the Fricke dosimeterinstead distilled water.The Milli−Q systemisexpensive
Of triply distilled water. Distilled water was butit can prepare the purified water easilyin
freshly prepared with an AutostilWA−510(Ya− a short time.

562 RADIOISOTOPES Vol.30,No.10

Table3 ComparisonofFrickedoslmetrydatabetweenirradiation
facilityin Shihoro andJAERI

Ir,adiati。nWaS。arriedoutattheShihoroirradiationfacility usingall.lPBq(300kCi)60Co

3・3 Comparison with the data atthepotato irradiation can be carried outconveniently with

irradiation facilityin Shihoro highaccuracy.

The Fricke dosimeteris being used asarou−
tine dosimeter at the Shihoroirradiationfacility

(Shihoro Agricultural CooperationAssociation) The allthors wish to thank Mr.K.Kame−

where potat0号S areirradiated commercially・ yamaofShihoroAgriculturalCooperaionAssoci−
Comparisonof Frickedosimetry datawasmade ation for his assistance on acomparison test of
between Shihoro andJAERI. It took two dosimetry. They also acknowledge Professor

weekstotransportthe samplesfromJAERI to HJizukaof’Science University of Tokyo,and

Shihoro and return by air mailin February・ Dr.H.Itoand Mr.H.WatanabeofthisInstitute

Asshownin Table3,the errors caused by the for their discussion.

differenceofpreparation werel・9and2・4・The
values measuredin Shihoroarelittlehigherthan
those measuredinJAERI,andoverallmaximum l)“Manualof FoodIrradiation Dosimetry”,

erroris calculated tobe4.9%.  Takinginto IAEA,Vienna(1977)

account the differencein the speCtrOphotometer 2)J.W.T.SpinksandR・J・Woods:“AnIntro−

duction to Radiation Chemistry”,John

used,meaSuring temperature,reagentS,Water
and theeffectof transportation,the results are WileyandSons,Inc.,New York(1976)
inpracticallygoodagreementwith each other・ 3)T.Kume,H.Tachibana,S・Aoki and T・
Ithasbeen reported that the effect oftranspor− Sato:JAERI−M6408(1976)
tationfor42dayswasnot observed on Fricke 4)T.Kume,H.Tachibana,S・Aoki,K・Umeda
dosimetrydataT).Theseresultsdemonstratethat and T.Sato:叫坤On Shokuhin Kogyo
the Fricke dosimeter can beusedforthemutual Gα尾長αfg最,24,37(1977)

comparisonofthedosimetry amongtheirradia− 5)H.FrickeandE.J.Hart:“Radiation Do−

tion facilities. simetry汁,Vol・II,ed・by F・H・Attix and

In conclusion,itbecomes apparent that the W.C.Roesch,Academic Press,New York

errors of Fricke dosimetryis within 2% even (1966)

at dose asIow as15.5Gy(1.55krad). Ther6− 6)ICRU Report14,“Radiation Dosimetry:

fore,the Fricke dosimeteris applicable to the XRaysandGammaRayswithMaximum

dosimetryforsproutinhibitionwithoutmodifica・ Photon EnergleS Between O・6 and 50

tion.Atpresent,thefollowingFrickedosimetry MeV”,ICRU,Washington,D・C・(1969)

systemisadoptedinourlaboratorytominimize 7)K.Kawashima,K・HoshinoandM・Matsui:
theerror.The Frickesolutionispreparedwith “practical Methods for Processlng Level

Mi11i−Qwaterandtheopticaldensitiesare mea−
suredin athermostated room by uslngadigital on processingLevel Radiation Dosimetry,

recordingspectrophotometerandaflow−CelL By Irradiation Development Association,P・21



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