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Web Manual I NS 2000


WEB Interface Manual NovelSat

Demodulator NS2000

NovelSat US
25 Tanglewood Rd. Newton, MA 02459, USA
NovelSat UK
141 Gloucester Road, London SW7 4TH, UK
NovelSat Israel
3 Hayetzira Street P.O. Box 2396, Ra'anana 43663 Israel

© 2011 NovelSat Israel

The material contained in this document is c onfidential and intended for use only by parties authorized by NovelSat.
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
in any form or by any means whether, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise without the prior written permission of NovelSat.

Version 1.2.1 I 1
Web Manual I NS 2000

About this Manual

This manual explains how the NovelSat NS2000 Demodulator can be remotely monitored and
controlled via a Web interface.

NovelSat encourages you to send us any comments you may have in regard to errors or
suggestions for improvements in this document. We are committed to providing documentation
that meets your needs.
Please send your comments to:

Version 1.2.1 I 2
Web Manual I NS 2000

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 How to Access the Web Interface ......................................................................................... 7
1.2 Web Users ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.2.1 Delete User .............................................
................... 8
1.2.2 Change User Password ......................................................
............................................. 8
1.2.3 Add User .............................................................................................. ........................... 8
1.3 IP Settings .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.4 Web Page Structure .................................................
2 Menu Tree ....................................................
......................... 12
3 The Web Interface ...................................................................................................................... 13
4 Preset Configurations ................................................................................................................. 15
4.1 Load Configuration .............................................................................................................. 15
4.2 Save as Configuration .......................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Rename Configuration
Configurat ion ......................................................
................................................... 16
4.4 Delete Configuration ........................................................................................................... 16
5 Main Menus ................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................... ........................................... 17
5.1 Background ..................................................................................................................
.............................................................. ............................................................
5.2 Line Settings ...................................................
5.3 Channel Settings ..................................................................................................................
....................................................................... ........................................... 18
5.4 SW Upgrade ....................................................................................... .................................. 19
5.5 Interface
Interf ace Settings .....................................................
5.5.1 ASI Settings .............................................
5.5.2 Test Settings ................................................................................................................. 22
5.5.3 Gb-Ethernet
Gb-Ethe rnet Settings
Set tings ................................................
.................................................... 23
6 MCT Calculator .............................................
......................... 24
6.1 What Is The NovelSat MCT Calculator ................................................................................. 24
6.2 How To Access NovelSat MCT Calculator. ........................................................................... 24
6.3 NovelSat MCT Calculator Structure. .................................................................................... 24
6.4 NovelSat MCT Calculator’s Results ....................................................
.................................. 26
7 ACM Mode
Mod e ..................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................ .................................. 30
7.1 What Is The ACM Mode ...................................................................................................... 30
7.2 Flow Control ........................................................................................................................ 30
7.3 Communication Between Transmitter and Receiver .......................................................... 31
7.4 ACM Mode Configuration
Configur ation ................................................
.................................................... 32

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7.5 ACM Mode Statistics ........................................................................................................... 34

8 Use Cases .................................................................................................................................... 35
8.1 Introduction
Introdu ction ...................................................
8.2 Use Case 1:
1 : Single
Singl e Channel Mode
Mod e (CCM) with ASI
A SI Source .................................................. 35
8.2.1 Introduction
Introdu ction ........................................................................................
.................................. ...............................................................................
......................... 35
8.2.2 Setting Up the Modulator ............................................................................................ 36
8.2.3 Setting up the Demodulator ........................................................................................ 37
8.2.4 Monitoring the Setup ................................................................................................... 38
8.3 Use Case 2: Dual Channel Mode (VCM) with ASI Sources ................................................... 40
8.3.1 Introduction
Introdu ction ........................................................................................
.................................. ...............................................................................
......................... 40
8.3.2 Setting up the Modulator ..................................................
........................................... 41
8.3.3 Setting up the Demodulator ........................................................................................ 44
8.3.4 Monitoring the Setup ................................................................................................... 45

List of Figures
Figure 1: NS2000 User’s Settings Screen ................................................
............................................. 7
Figure 2: Delete User Option................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3: Change User Password Option .............................................................................................. 8
Figure 4: Add User Option ......................................................
Figure 5: NS1000 Line Configuration Menu Path ................................................................................. 9
Figure 6: NS1000 IP Settings Screen .................................................................................................... 9
Figure 7: NS2000 Web
We b Interface General
Gene ral View .................................................................................
.............................. ................................................... 10
Figure 8: NS2000 Line Settings Screen ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 9: NS2000 IP Settings Screen .................................................................................................. 14
Figure 10: NS2000 Database Settings Screen .................................................................................... 15
Figure 11: Load Configuration Option ................................................................................................ 15
Figure 12: Save Configuration Option ................................................................................................ 16
Figure 13: Rename Configuration Option .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 14: Delete Configuration Option ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 15: NS2000 Line Configuration Menu Path ............................................................................. 17
Figure 16: NS2000 Line Settings Screen ............................................................................................. 18
Figure 17: NS2000 Channel-1 Configuration Menu Path ................................................................... 18
Figure 18: NS2000 Channel-1 Settings Screen ................................................................................... 19
Figure 19: NS2000 Software Upgrade Menu Path ............................................................................. 19
Figure 20: NS2000 Software Upgrade Screen .................................................................................... 20

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Web Manual I NS 2000

Figure 21: Software

Soft ware Upgrade Approval
Approva l Message ..............................................................................
........................... ................................................... 20
Figure 22: NS2000 ASI Interface Menu Path ...................................................................................... 21
Figure 23: NS2000 ASI Interface Screen ............................................................................................. 21
Figure 24: NS2000 Test Interface Menu Path .................................................................................... 22
Figure 25: NS2000 Test Interface Screen ........................................................................................... 22
Figure 26: NS2000 Gb-Ethernet Interface Menu Path ....................................................................... 23
Figure 27: NS2000 Gb-Ethernet Interface Screen .............................................................................. 23
Figure 28: MCT Calculator tab on NS1000 WEB gui ........................................................................... 24
Figure 29: MCT Calculator structure .................................................................................................. 25
Figure 30: MCT Calculator comparison method’s.....................................................
......................... 26
Figure 31: MCT Calculator use example ............................................................................................. 27
Figure 32: MCT Calculator legend ...................................................................................................... 28
Figure 33:
33 : MCT Calculator result
r esult table and apply buttons ................................................................
................................................. ...............28
Figure 34: MCT Mode connection on point-to-point ......................................................................... 31
Figure 35: MCT Mode connection on point-to-multipoint ................................................................ 31
Figure 36: NS1000 ACM Mode configuration .................................................................................... 32
Figure 37: NS2000 ACM Mode configuration .................................................................................... 33
Figure 38: NS1000 ACM Monitor Menu Path .................................................................................... 34
Figure 39: MCT Statistics screen ........................................................................................................ 34
Figure 40:
4 0: Use Case 1 Single Channel Mode (CCM) with ASI Source ................................................. 35
Figure 41: Use Case 1 AS1000 ASI Interface Settings Screen ............................................................. 36
Figure 42:
42 : Use Case 1 NS1000 Line
Li ne and Channel-1
Channel -1 Settings
Settin gs Screen .................................................. 37
Figure 43:
43 : Use Case 1 NS2000 Line
Li ne and Channel-1
Channel -1 Settings
Settin gs Screen .................................................. 38
Figure 44:
4 4: Use Case 1 NS2000 Line
Li ne Monitor Menu Path ................................................................... 38
Figure 45: Use Case 2 NS2000 Line Monitor Screen .......................................................................... 39
Figure 46:
46 : Use Case 2 Dual Channel Mode
M ode (VCM) with
wit h ASI Sources ................................................. 40
Figure 47:
47 : Use Case 2 NS1000 ASI-1
ASI -1 and ASI-2 Interface
I nterface Settings
Se ttings Menu .......................................... 41
Figure 48: Use Case 2 NS1000
NS100 0 Channel-1 and Channel-2
Channel -2 Settings Menu .......
.................................. 42
Figure 49: Use Case 2 NS2000 Line Settings Menu ............................................................................ 43
Figure 50: Use Case 2 NS2000 ASI-1 and ASI-2 Interfaces Settings Menu ......................................... 44
Figure 51: Use Case 2 NS2000
NS200 0 Channel-1 and Channel-2
Channel -2 Settings Menu .......
.................................. 44
Figure 52: Use Case 2 NS2000 Line Interfaces Settings Menu ........................................................... 45
Figure 53:
53 : Use Case 2 NS2000 Line
Li ne Monitor Menu
Me nu ...........................................................................
................................................................... ........45
Figure 54: Use Case 2 NS2000 Line Monitor Screen .......................................................................... 46

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Web Manual I NS 2000

List of Tables
Table 1: NS2000 Menu Structure ....................................................................................................... 12

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Web Manual I NS 2000

1 Introduction

1.1 How to Access the Web Interface

The NS2000 Web graphical user interface can be accessed using a web browser (Google Chrome,
Internet Explorer 7.0 or later, Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or later).
1. To access the first interface screen, enter the product’s IP address in the browser’s
address bar: http://device_ip_address
2. To locate the device’s IP address use the front panel or CLI (serial interface) under
system configure management  IP parameters  IP address.

1.2 Web Users

The Web interface includes three levels of user groups:
 Users –  who have permission only to read device variables.
 Operators –  who have permission to both read and write device variables.
  Administrators
 Administrators –  who have permission to both read and write device variables, as well 
as higher privileges, such as performing user-related actions.
By default, NovelSat products initialized with one user from each group under the names user,
oper, and admin accordingly. The password is NovelSat.
It is highly recommended to change passwords
passwords after a device is initiated.
Changing password, or any other user actions, can be done via the user screen under the System
menu. User configuration screen contains three buttons to activate three options. When an option
is chosen the appropriate fields appear.

Figure 1: NS2000 U ser’s Settings Screen

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1.2.1 Delete User

To delete a user:
1. Select Delete user and type the user’s name.
2. Click OK or Cancel to approve or cancel the action.

Figure 2: Delete User Option

1.2.2 Change User Password

To change a password:
1. Select Change password.
2. Enter the existing user name and the new password.
3. Click OK to approve or Cancel to abandon the action.

Figure 3: Change User Password Option

1.2.3 Add User

To add a new user:
1. Select Add user .
2. Type the new user’s name and password and choosing the desired group
3. Click OK to approve or Cancel to abandon the action.

Figure 4: Add User Option

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1.3 IP Settings
Device has an IP address that is used to access it. User can change device’s IP address manually or
by using DHCP server.
To edit IP settings:
1. Go to the IP screen under the system-config/management menu.

Figure 5: NS1000 Line Configuration Menu Path

2. In order to manually set IP address make sure DHCP Client parameter is set to Disable.
Set all other parameters as needed: IP address, Default Gateway, Netmask and DNS
and only after all are set as needed, press the Apply button.
3. In order to allow DHCP Server  to set IP parameters, make sure DHCP Client parameter
is set to Enable.
Enable. Other parameter will no longer be available for editing. Finally press
the Apply button.

Figure 6: NS1000 IP Settings Screen

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When changing IP settings, you need to take under consideration the following issues:
 of  IP Address and Netmask,
Subnet is defined by the combination of IP Netmask, therefor a change in
anyone of them will change it. If the new subnet does not match the configures Default
Gateway, error will occur.
 When DNS is set to the value, DNS is not configured.
 When enabling DHCP Client,
Client , DNS parameter will be configured to the first DNS address
given by the server.

1.4 Web Page Structure

All pages in the web interface have a consistent structure. The following figure shows this
structure, along with a description of each element.

Figure 7: NS2000 Web Interface General View

1. Top menu bar: Contains general options. In order to control the device, a user must log
in to the system through the login option in this menu.

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2. Side menu bar: Provides access to device monitoring and controlling menus, including
device specific menus. It is organized according to a menu tree that is described in
Section 2.
3. LED status display: Displays the state of indicative LEDs, presenting information on
alarms and devise status. This menu is identical to the LEDs on the device’s front panel.
4. Login information: Displays login status.
5. Main screen: Displays all options and data.
6. Web title is presented at the top of the browser or browser’s tab, the title displays the
name of the device. The device name can be changed under System  General menu.

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2 Menu Tree
Configurable variables in the device can be set using one of the following management tools:
Front Panel, Web, Serial connection, or SNMP Protocol.
The variables are structured in a logical way, in a menu tree.
The following table presents tree description shows the organization of the parameters in the
device. This menu structure is the same when accessing the parameters via the Front Panel, the
Web and the serial connection, except for Events monitoring, User menu and SW download 
which are not available through Front Panel.
Interfaces Status
Gb Ethernet status
sw download
hw/sw versions
System Configure
IP settings
SNMP settings
Clock settings
Serial port settings
Date & time settings
Demodulator Configure
line settings
Channel 1 settings
Channel 2 settings
Test settings
ASI-1 settings
ASI-2 settings
Gb Ethernet
Gb Ethernet-1 settings
Gb Ethernet-2 settings
Table 1: NS2000 Menu Structure

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3 The Web Interface

The Web interface is consistent for each configuration menu.
Settable parameters are displayed in a text box or a drop-down list, as shown in Figure below.
Web behavior varies for each type of parameter.
When a parameter’s value is selected in a drop-down list, the change is immediately implemented.
However it is not saved to boot configuration and will not be retained when the devise is
restarted. In order to save changes, click Save.
When typing a new value in a text box, the change is applied, only after pressing the Enter key. If 
this is not done, the present parameter value will be maintained. In order to save changes to boot 
configuration, click Save.

Figure 8: NS2000 Line Settings Screen

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One exception is the Management IP menu, in which the Enter key does not apply changes.
Only the Apply button does this. Clicking the Apply button will apply all changes in all IP
settings: DHCP, IP, Gateway, Netmask, and DNS.
In addition, the Save button performs in the same way as in other menus: it appears when
changes have been made in configuration but not yet saved. Clicking the button will save
changes to the boot configuration.

Figure 9: NS2000 IP Settings Screen

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4 Preset Configurations
The NS2000 Demodulator can store up to 20 different configurations, in addition to the boot 
Changes are saved to the Boot configuration by clicking Save in each configuration screen.
Other configurations are managed in the Database screen under the System menu.
The Database page includes four buttons for the four available options. When an option is
selected the appropriate fields appear.

Figure 10: NS2000 Database Settings Screen

4.1 Load Configuration

When the loading configuration option is chosen, all saved configurations are displayed in a drop-
down list.
To load a configuration:
1. Select the desired configuration.
2. Click OK.
The factory default option sets the device configuration to the original defaults.

Figure 11: Load Configuration Option

4.2 Save as Configuration

When saving a new configuration is selected, a text box appears allowing the user to enter a name
for the new configuration.

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To save a new configuration:

1. Type the name for the configuration in the Save as box.
2. Click OK.

Figure 12: Save Configuration Option

4.3 Rename Configuration

When renaming an existing configuration option is chosen, the entire list of saved configurations is
displayed in a drop-down list.
To rename a particular configuration:
1. Type a new name for the configuration in the New name box.
2. Click OK.

Figure 13: Rename Configuration Option

4.4 Delete Configuration

When deleting an existing configuration option is chosen, all saved configurations are displayed in
a drop-down list.
To delete a particular configuration:
1. Select the configuration to be deleted.
2. Click. OK.

Figure 14: Delete Configuration Option

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5 Main Menus

5.1 Background
The NS2000 optionally supports Dual channels. Each channel can be connected to any of the
available Input Interfaces, such as 2xASI, ASI&IP, and others. Therefore, its physical parameters
are divided into Line settings and specific Channel settings.
Line settings hold general physical parameters which are related to both channels. Channel
settings hold channel identifier ranges (e.g. ISI).

5.2 Line Settings

In order to enable transmission, physical parameters must be set f rom the Line menu.
To edit Demodulator line settings:
3. Go to the line screen under the demodulator-config menu.

Figure 15: NS2000 Line Configuration Menu Path

4. Set parameters by either selecting a value from a drop-down list or typing it in a text
box. Press Enter to apply textual changes (for more details on the Web interface,
please refer Section 3)
3 ).

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Figure 16: NS2000 Line Settings Screen

5.3 Channel Settings

Channel specific physical and data-related parameters must be configured as well. Each channel
has a different configuration that needs to be set.
To edit Demodulator channel settings:
1. Go to the channel-1 or channel-2 screen under the demodulator-config menu.

Figure 17: NS2000 Channel-1 Configuration Menu Path

2. Set parameters by selecting a value from a drop-down list or typing it in a text box.
Press Enter button in order to apply textual changes (for more details on web behavior
see section 3)

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Figure 18: NS2000 Channel-1 Settings Screen

5.4 SW Upgrade
Using TFTP (Trivial File Transform Protocol), a software upgrade can be loaded into the device and
TFTP is a simple protocol to transfer files. It has been implemented on top of the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) using port number 69.
To upgrade the Software on the Demodulator:
1. Go to the sw-upgrade screen under the system menu.

Figure 19: NS2000 Software Upgrade Menu Path

2. Enter the source IP address from which the file will be downloaded.
3. Enter the SW upgrade file name path, related to the FTP directory in the address you
typed previously.
4. Click Download.

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Figure 20: NS2000 Software Upgrade Screen

5. Click OK in the message box to provide final approval for the upgrade action.

Figure 21: Software Upgrade Approval Message

Messages will appear on the screen, updating you about the progress of the process. Please note
that a software upgrade takes a few minutes to complete and must be followed by a system

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5.5 Interface Settings

The NS2000 supports a variety of input interfaces, such as the Asynchronous Serial Interface (ASI),
the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), and the Test and Giga Byte Ethernet (Gb-Ethernet) interface.

5.5.1 ASI Settings

ASI is a streaming data format which often carries a MPEG Transport Stream.
To configure ASI settings:
1. Go to the ASI-1 or ASI-2 screen under the demodulator-configuration/interface/ASI
2. Set the Source of ASI to be disabled, channel-1 or channel-2.
3. Choose whether to Invert the data or not.

Figure 22: NS2000 ASI Interface Menu Path

Figure 23: NS2000 ASI Interface Screen

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5.5.2 Test Settings

Test allows the transformation of a known series of data, testing the quality of communication
between transmitter and receiver.
To configure Test settings:

1. Go to the Test screen under the demodulator-configura

tion/interface menu.
2. Set the Source of the Test to be disabled, channel-1 or channel-2.
3. Select the received test Pattern from the available list.
4. Choose whether to Invert the data or not.
5. On packetized mode, you can determine the number of Pattern Bytes to be ignored
from start-of-packet sign (include).

Figure 24: NS2000 Test Interface Menu Path

Figure 25: NS2000 Test Interface Screen

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5.5.3 Gb-Ethernet Settings

Ethernet is the most widely-installed local
l ocal area network ( LAN) technology. Gigabit Ethernet allows
for data transfers at one gigabit per second.
To configure Gb-Ethernet settings:

1. Go to the Gb-Ethernet-A or Gb-Ethernet-B screen under the demodulator-

configuration/interface/ Gb-Ethernet menu.
2. Set the Source of the Test to be disabled, channel-1 or channel-2.
3. Decide whether to enable or disable Auto Negotiation option.
4. In order to set the Speed,
Speed, 10 or 100, Auto Negotiation option must be disabled first.
5. In order to set the Duplex,
Duplex, half or full, the Auto Negotiation option must be disabled

Figure 26: NS2000 Gb-Ethernet Interface Menu Path

Figure 27: NS2000 Gb-Ethernet Interface Screen

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6 MCT Calculator

6.1 What Is The NovelSat

NovelSat MCT Calculator
The NovelSat MCT Calculator is an advisor tool that helps user clearly view all activation options
and decides which is the best.
It receives user’s input regarding current working modulation, CNR or SNR as well as desired link -
margin and other information about the system, and provide all Mode-Codes that meet the
limitations. The Calculator also provide advise on which is the best Mode Code that is expected to
provide best results.

6.2 How To Access NovelSat MCT Calculator.

The NovelSat MCT Calculator is available through NovelSat’s products’ WEB gui.
It can be accessed by choosing the tab “calculator” on the top of the webpage:

Figure 28: MCT Calculator tab on NS1000 WEB gui

6.3 NovelSat MCT Calculator Structure.

The NovelSat MCT Calculator page is consisted with four parts:

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1 2

Figure 29: MCT Calculator structure

1. Compared Mode Codes section; in this section user can decide which Mode-Codes will be
compared and presented.
 Mode: determines the mode of the mode-codes that will be compared. The calculator
currently support the following options: DVB-S2, NS3 and DVB-S2+NS3.
 Frames Size: determines the frame size of the mode-codes that will be compared. The
options are: Normal or Short.
 Pilot: determines the pilot usage of the mode-codes that will be compared. The options
are: Yes (with pilots) or No (without pilots).
 Roll-Off: determined the roll-off of the mode-codes that will be compared. If user has
chosen to compare to multiple Line Modes (e.g. DVB-S2+NS3), a specific roll-off will be
chosen for each mode.
 Include Redundant: determined whether to present redundant Mode-Code options.
Redundant Mode-Code is defined as options that at least one other Mode-Code with
same Line-Mode has a higher Info-Rate and lower CNR.
2. Comparison Reference; in this section user can decide what would be the compared
reference for all calculations.
He can decide to perform comparison according to CNR, SNR or Mode-Code. Sub fields will
appaear according to his choise:

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Figure 30: MCT Calculator comparison method’s

3. Show results button; after filling previous sections’ options, press to start compare Mode -
Code and show results.
4. Results table; displays the results of the comparison, as described in section 6.4.

6.4 NovelSat MCT Calculator’s Results

When receiving user’s choises, the calculator will present all Mode-Codes that match characters as
specified in ‘compared mode codes’ that also meet reference criteria:
- If Comparison method is according to CNR, Mode-Codes with CNR within the range
[reference_cnr – link_margin , reference_cnr] will be shown.
- If Comparison method is according to SNR, Mode-Codes with SNR within the range
[reference_snr – link_margin , reference_snr] will be shown.
- If Comparison method is according to Mode-Code, Mode-Codes with CNR within the range
[reference_mode_code _cnr – link_margin , reference_mode_code_cnr] will be shown.
- In addition, one more Mode-Codes for each selected Line-Mode, will be shown at each
edge of the range.
For each Mode-Code that included in the desired range the calculator shows all the necessary
details: link margin, info-rate, cnr, snr, Eb/N0, line mode, modulation, frame size, fec rate, roll off,
pilot and symbol rate.

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Figure 31: MCT Calculator use example

In this example all not redundant Mode-Code that are either

 DVB-S2, normal frame size, with pilots and with roll -off of 0.2, or
 NS3, normal frame size, with pilots and with roll-off of 0.05.
have been compared to reference Mode-Code of DVB-S2, 16APSK , normal frame size, with pilots,
roll-off of 0.2 and 4/5 fec rate.
Reference Mode-Code has CNR of 10.548188 and the desired link margin is 1.0, therefore Mode-
Code that appear are those with CNR within the range of [9.548188 , 10.548188].
In addition the first and last 2 line are extra Mode-Codes that are not included in the previous
range, but are the closest to it.

Advised Mode-Code
In addition to present Mode-Codes within the requested range, MCT calculator offers advise
regarding what should be the best Mode-Code to be used.
The advised Mode-Code is as follow:

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- The lowest Mode-Code within the range, that is not redundant and not higher than cnr-
link_margin+0.3, when comparing according to CNR or Mode-Code, or snr-
link_margin+0.3 for SNR comparisons.
- If there is no such Mode-Code, MCT Calculator will advise on the extra Mode-Code that is
lower than the range, meaning lower than cnr-link_margin (or snr-link_margin).

Result table legend

Results are presented in a table, and colored according to the following criteria:

Figure 32: MCT Calculator legend

Reference Mode-Code. Will only appear if user chodes Mode-Code as a comparison
Advised Mode-Code with NS3 line mode.
Advised Mode-Code with DVB-S2 line mode.
Mode-Codes that are redundant.
All other Mode-Codes.

Apply specific Mode-Code on device

User can easily change current working Mode-Code of device to one of the advised or shown
Mode-Codes by simply apressing the “apply” button at the desired Mode-Code row in results’

Figure 33: MCT Calculator result table and apply buttons

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Please note that switching between different Line Modes is a long action, therefore applying
Mode-Code with different Line Mode that current, may take some time.
Also, when applying specific Mode Code it will affect both channels.

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7 ACM Mode

7.1 What Is The ACM Mode

ACM Mode is an Adaptive Coding and Modulation Mode, used to adjust modulation parameters to
changing link conditions. It allows using the highest possible modulation with current link status; if 
link conditions get worst, the system will automatically change modulation in order to avoid loss
of data. If link condition is improved, system will automatically change modulation to highest
possible modulation.
ACM Mode supports multy receivers and changes modulation according to worst among them,
therefore if several recieveres listen to same channel and link status of one of them is declining,
causing its SNR to decline as well, the transmitter will change Modulation and Code rate to highest
possible according to the worst reciever’s condition in order to prevent lost of data in all receivers.
NS1000 ACM Mode also support multi-channel mode. Each channel is treated separately to avoid
reducing efficiency of receivers that do not receive data from same channel as those who’s link’s
conditions deteriorated. For example: if a Transmitter transmits two channels to two different
receivers such that one receives only transmission from channel-1, and the second receives only
transmission from channel-2. If the link status of the first receiver declines, the transmitter will
switch the first channel’s modulation to a lower one, however it will not change the modulation of 
channel-2. This enables the use of two regions, receivers in region A can receive channel-1 ajjd
recovers in region B can receive channel-2.
Important! ACM Mode only supports pilots on. Enabling ACM Mode will force both channels to
transmit data with pilots.

7.2 Flow Control

The transmitter, NS1000, uses Ethernet Flow Control (IEEE 802.3) to regulate the transmit rate of 
the device (e.g.: Switch, Router) connected to modulator.
When using ACM the link bandwidth can decrease if the modulation parameters have changed
because the link conditions deteriorated.
If that occurs some Ethernet packets could be lost because of the congestion caused by the
decreasing bandwidth.
Using flow control the modulator can ensure no packet loss when the ACM changes modulation
parameters due to changes in the link conditions.

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7.3 Communication Between Transmitter and Receiver

ACM Mode can work in “point -to-point” mode:

ACM signaling via IP link (internet)

Figure 34: MCT Mode connection on point-to-point

as well as “point -to-multipoint” mode:

ACM signaling
via IP link

Figure 35: MCT Mode connection on point-to-multipoint

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The return channel from receiver(s) to transmitter is an IP link. Receiver signal the transmitter
every few seconds on it status using UDP protocol. These messages are received on transmitter
side in port 3000. The transmitter does not sends ACM messages to receiver(s).

7.4 ACM Mode Configuration

In order to operate on ACM Mode, both transmitter and receiver(s) need to be configured.

NS1000 configuration
On NS1000 there is only one configuration parameter need to be configured: ACM Mode Status
that can be either enable or disable.
To configure ACM Mode:
1. Go to the Line screen under the modulator-configuration menu.
2. Switch ACM Mode to either enable or disable.

Figure 36: NS1000 ACM Mode configuration

While set to ‘disable’, ACM mode will not work and all receiving messages from receivers will be
When set to ‘enable’ the following settings will become read-only fields: Line Mode, Channels
Frame Size, Channels Modulation, Channels FEC Rate and Channels Pilot.

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NS2000 configuration
On NS2000 there are several configuration parameters to configured.
To configure ACM Mode:
1. Go to the Line screen under the demodulator-configuration menu.
2. Switch ACM Mode to either enable or disable.
3. Set ACM Server address (the transmitter).
4. Set ACM Margin.

Figure 37: NS2000 ACM Mode configuration

While set to ‘disable’, ACM mode will not work and all no messages will be sent to server.

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7.5 ACM Mode Statistics

ACM Mode statistics is available only on NS1000, the transmitter side.
statistics and follow changes: Go to the ACM screen under the monitor menu.
To watch ACM statistics

Figure 38: NS1000 ACM Monitor Menu Path

ACM Statistics provide user information on which receivers are currently listening to the
transmitter and activated ACM Mode.
For each receiver displayed the reciving information it sent, such as IP address, current SNR and
requested link-margin. The Matching MCT displayes as well, showing the current Mode-Code the
transmitter is using for each channel.

Figure 39: MCT Statistics screen

In the example shown in Figure 37, both receivers listem to channel-1, however only one receiver
receives channel-2 as well. The first receiver, on IP address, has low SNR that causes
the transmitter to lower modulation for channel-1, affecting second receiver too. Channel-2 does
not received by a lower SNR receiver, thus transmitter chose a high transmission modecode.
Note that receivers can receive either both channels or just one of them. The transmitter will
change modecode according to lowest received SNR, which can be different between its two

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8 Use Cases

8.1 Introduction
This chapter describes how to configure the NS2000 Demodulator based on practical
configurations for each processing model:
 Single Channel Mode (CCM) with ASI source
 Dual channel Mode (VCM) with ASI source

8.2 Use Case 1: Single Channel Mode (CCM) with ASI

ASI Source

8.2.1 Introduction
The NS2000 supports a variety of output interfaces, such as Asynchronous Serial Interface (ASI).
ASI is a streaming data format which often carries a MPEG Transport Stream.
This use case explains how to setup the system to transport and receive an ASI stream.
The NS2000 can also receive streams to other modulators, as long as they are configured with
matched settings. However, when transmitting using NovelSat’s NS3 technology, it can only be
received by NovelSat’s Demodulator.
The physical setup is shown in the following illustration.

Figure 40: Use Case 1 Single Channel Mode (CCM) with ASI Source

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8.2.2 Setting Up the Modulator

This section describes the steps used to set up ASI transmission on the NS1000.
1. Connect an ASI interface to the ASI-1 port on the backplane of the NS1000. Modulator Interface Menu

1. Go to the ASI-1 screen under modulator Config  interface  ASI.
2. Set Data Order (LSB or MSB first).

Figure 41: Use Case 1 AS1000 ASI Interface Settings Screen Modulator Channel Menu

1. Go to the Channel-1 screen under the modulator config menu.
2. Select ASI-1 for Source.
3. Set ISI to hold the stream’s identifier.
4. Set the channel physical parameters: Frame Size, Modulation, FEC Rate, and Pilot.
5. Set the Channel Video stream parameters: ISSY, Stream Format and Null Packets.
6. Set the Channel State to Enable. Modulator Line Menu

1. Go to the Line screen under the modulator config menu.
2. Set the CM Mode to CCM.
3. Set the Sine Wave to OFF.
4. Set Dual Channel Mode to Single.
5. Set other physical line parameters to required values (e.g. Line mode, Power,
Frequency, ROF, Symbol Rate, and Golden Sequence).
6. Set TX Power-Up State to Enable.

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Figure 42: Use Case 1 NS1000 Line and Channel-1 Settings Screen

8.2.3 Setting up the Demodulator

This section describes the steps used to set up ASI transmission on the Demodulator side after
connection of ASI-1 Output. Demodulator Interface Menu

1. Go to the ASI-1 screen under demodulator config  interface  ASI.
2. Set the Source parameter to Channel-1.
3. Set the Data Invert parameter. Demodulator Channel Menu

1. Go to the Channel-1 screen under the demodulator config menu.
2. Set the ISI Range that contains the identifier specified in the modulator. Demodulator Line Menu

1. Go to the Line screen under the demodulator config menu.
2. Set Dual Channel Mode to single.
3. Set other physical line parameters to match the Modulator configuration.

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Figure 43: Use Case 1 NS2000 Line and Channel-1 Settings Screen

8.2.4 Monitoring the Setup

Use the demodulator in order to check that the setup is performing as expected:
1. Go to the Line screen under the Monitor menu.

Figure 44: Use Case 1 NS2000 Line Monitor Menu Path

2. The upper table presents physical parameters. Confirm that they are as anticipated.
3. Verfiy that the state is Locked.
4. The Data rate table presents the data rate in each channel. In single channel mode only
channel-1 has an active value.
5. The FER table displays frame numbers and error information.
6. The Mode code table displays information on all the Modulations and FEC rates that
the receiver has found. Verify the frame number is increasing.
7. In order to erase the table’s content (past information) and only display current setups,
press Clear Counters.
Counters .

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Figure 45: Use Case 2 NS2000 Line Monitor Screen

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8.3 Use Case 2: Dual Channel Mode (VCM) with ASI

ASI Sources

8.3.1 Introduction
The NS2000 supports Dual channels (which enables the use of VCM mode). Each channel can be
connected to any of the available Input Interfaces, such as 2xASI, ASI&IP and others . This use case
explains how to setup a system to transmit and receive two different ASI streams.
A modulator transmits multi-streaming. This stream consists of two different ASI streams, each
with a different ISI. The NS2000 Demodulator receives the streams and filters out the first and
second ASI streams according to the ISI range.
The NS2000 can also receive streams to other modulators, as long as they are configured with
matched settings. However, when transmitting using NovelSat’s NS3 technology, it can only be
received by NovelSat’s Demodulator.
The physical setup is shown in the following i llustration.

Figure 46: Use Case 2 Dual Channel Mode (VCM) with ASI Sources

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8.3.2 Setting up the Modulator

This section describes the steps used to set up the NS1000 Modulator after connection of the
input ports to two ASI sources. Modulator Interface Menu

1. Go to the ASI-1 and ASI-2 screens under modulator configinterface ASI.
2. Set the Data order parameter (LSB or MSB first).

Figure 47: Use Case 2 NS1000 ASI-1 and ASI-2 Interface Settings Menu Modulator Channel Menu

1. Go to the Channel-1 screen under the demodulator config menu.
2. Select ASI-1 for the Source parameter.
3. Set ISI to hold the stream’s identifier.
4. Set the channel physical parameters: Frame Size, Modulation, FEC Rate and Pilot.
5. Set channel video stream parameters: ISSY, Stream Format and Null Packets.
6. Set Channel State to Enable.
7. Repeat these actions for Channel-2.
Channel-2. Make sure to provide a different channel identifier
(ISI) and that the Source parameter points to ASI-2.

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Figure 48: Use Case 2 NS1000 Channel-1 and Channel-2 Settings Menu Modulator Line Menu

1. Go to the Line screen under the demodulator config menu.
2. Set the CM mode to VCM.
3. Set the Sine Wave to OFF.
4. Set Dual Channel Mode to Dual Channel.
5. Set Channel Priority according to preferences: Equal, Channel-1 or Channel-2.
6. Set other physical line parameters to desired values (e.g. Line mode, Power, Frequency,
ROF, Symbol Rate and Golden Sequence).
7. Set TX state to Enable.

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Figure 49: Use Case 2 NS2000 Line Settings Menu

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8.3.3 Setting up the Demodulator

This section describes the steps used to set up ASI transmission on the Demodulator side after
connection of ASI-1 and ASI-2 Output Interfaces. Demodulator Interface Menu

1. Go to ASI-1 screen under demodulator config  interface  ASI.
2. Set Source to Channel-1.
3. Set the Data Invert parameter.
4. Do the same for the ASI-2 interface and connect it to the Channel-2 Source.

Figure 50: Use Case 2 NS2000 ASI-1 and ASI-2 Interfaces Settings Menu Demodulator Channel Menu

1. Go to the Channel-1 screen under the demodulator config menu.
2. Set the ISI Range that contains the identifier specified in the modulator.
3. Do the same with Channel-2 and set the proper ISI range.

Figure 51: Use Case 2 NS2000 Channel-1 and Channel-2 Settings Menu

Version 1.2.1 I 44
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1. Go to the Line screen under the demodulator config menu.
2. Set Dual Channel Mode to Dual channels.
3. Set other physical line parameters to match the modulator configuration.

Figure 52: Use Case 2 NS2000 Line Interfaces Settings Menu

8.3.4 Monitoring the Setup

Use the demodulator in order to check that the setup i s performing as anticipated.
1. Go to the Line screen under the Monitor menu.

Figure 53: Use Case 2 NS2000 Line Monitor Menu

2. The upper table presents physical parameters. Verify that they are as anticipated.
3. Verify that the State is Locked.

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4. The Data rate table presents the data rate in each channel. Both channels should be
5. The FER table displays the frame numbers and error information.
6. The Mode code table displays information on all the Modulations and FEC rates that
the receiver has found. Verify that the frame number is increasing.
In order to erase the table’s content (past information) and only display current setups, press
Clear Counters.
Counters .
When VCM mode is used, the user must note that the total data rate will not exceed the maximal
data rate which is limited by the physical channel (i.e. Symbol Rate).

Figure 54: Use Case 2 NS2000 Line Monitor Screen

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