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Teacher’s Prayer

Loving and gracious God, creator of heaven and Earth, you are indeed the giver of all good gifts and I
wholeheartedly offer You thanks for the huge blessings, for the opportunity to teach and give each one
of my students the best possible education that I can offer. Now is the time, to strive not only to share
my knowledge with them but also to instill the passion for learning. O Lord, I humbly ask for your divine
guidance as I impart my knowledge and guide my students to the right path in life. Help me guide my
students to develop their potentials and bring something unique and special to the world. Help me assist
the learners in discovering who they are, so they can express their own opinions and nurture their own
ideas. Help me give my students the right tools in cultivating their own garden of knowledge. Enlighten
my mind and heart, O Lord, so that I will be a fine teacher who keeps peace and ease in the classroom.
Help me to be kind and gentle to each and every one of my students. Help me to be merciful to my
students, to balance mercy and discipline at the right measure, to give genuine praise and feedback at
all times. Help me become open-minded towards my students Lord so that I will recognize their varied
needs and abilities. Guide me to create an effective teaching learning process so that I can address their
diverse intelligences. Help me to be conscientious enough to keep my lessons always interesting and
recognize what motivates them. And help me to greet a smile with the new, cherish the old, and laugh
with the children. Ever-loving God, may my students learn to tie their knowledge into the global
community, and help them become caring and active members of the society. May they always become
motivated and learn to always take the power of initiative in doing things. This I humbly ask, through
Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you now and forever. Amen
Let’s Explore

Hilongos National Vocational School

(HNVS) (

A Description

) A place we can be proud of is a place where a prestigious school exists. Talking about history, this place
is one of the richest in Leyte and if we talk about travel then it is one of the known one. This place is no
other than the land of Hilongos, Leyte. There is a wide and big school existing in this municipality, which
is the Hilongos National Vocational School. It is a vocational school located at Rizal V. Street, Hilongos,
Leyte. It can be seen along the highway at the right side going to Bato, Leyte and at the left side going to
Hindang, Leyte. This school is composed of 100 personnel, 81 for teaching staff and 19 for the non-
teaching staff. There are 81 teaching staffs: 1 principal, 3 school heads, and 81 teachers. Presently, the
principal of Hilongos National Vocational School (HNVS) is Mrs. Daria D. Malanguis. HNVS was composed
of five departments and out of 81 teaching staffs 77 were in different departments. In Vocational
Department, there were 25 teachers, 13 teachers for ICT-Mathematics Department, 17 teachers for
Communication Arts Department, 11 teachers for Science Department and 11 for MAPEH, ARAL PAN, &
VAL.ED. Department. The grade levels offered are from Grade 7 up to Grade 12 of senior high. Inside the
campus, there were buildings and classrooms which include

the Math, Science, computer, canteen, and gardens including herbal garden. However, they don’t

have a library since it was ruined by a fire. It has 76 classrooms and another set of classrooms are under
construction. Last school year 2016-2017, the K to 12 was implemented which increased the number of
enrollees in the school and caused some problems and issues in every school. The lack of classrooms
and teaching materials are examples of this. As what I have observed about the school, I could say that
they were in the process of putting up new buildings which could address the issues I mentioned. The
school is wide and big, enough to accommodate all the students enrolled in the school. The school and
the classrooms were in good foundation, and the canteen is not wide enough to accommodate a lot of
students, but it is clean and orderly. It has guards to ensure safety and protection and utility to maintain
cleanliness. Generally, the school is conducive for learning. The only thing that bothered me was the lack
of classrooms and I am looking forward for the new buildings to be completed.
Various Emotions/Feelings and “What if” questions at School Site

Teaching for me is a noble job since it is the only profession that teaches other profession. Well, of
course, if there is a need of teaching then we need a place for teaching process. We need a place where
everyone is welcome and anyone can be anything, free to dream and learn, which is why the schools
were built. The school is not only the place where learners can cultivate their own gardens of knowledge
but also where they are free to dream and work hard to achieve their aspirations in life. My first
impression about what will happen to me in this school was that, I will experience various emotions and
feelings. Since the school sites were wide and big, my emotions and feelings were wide and big too.
First, the feeling of excitement because it was my first time to stay in Hilongos and of course, student
teaching for me would mean that I am a step closer to my graduation. It was overwhelming to face a
new environment, new faces and new experiences. I had this butterflies in my stomach telling me to feel
happy because of excitement. However, I also had so many questions running through my mind that
time. Before I entered the school, I asked

myself, “do I belong here?” What if they didn’t like me to be here? What if

my cooperating teachers


like me at all? Will the faculty and staff of the school be supportive? What if I will not be the kind of
teacher I have been hoping I would be? With all these questions, I started to feel intimidated and
nervous by what will happen next. I was worried that I will not get along with my cooperating teachers. I
was terrified to face my students.

I have this many “what if’s?” in my mind

but since I am a strong woman, I wanted to break this all unpleasant emotions and forget about it
completely. As I entered th

e gate of HNVS, I see to it that I don’t need to ask “what if”. I just have

to believe myself that I can face these various emotions. When it was my turn to begin teaching, all I
wanted to do was to be confident with myself and hoped that all things will be alright since I believed
that this school suits me at all. On our first day, the school staff and teachers were very welcoming and
the students were very curious about us. It is good to see high school students and it is exciting to teach
them soon

As a future teacher, I need to be flexible enough and accept the changes in environment. I commit to do
the things that are right for my future profession. I must be the kind of teacher who always understand,
observe and accept the people and my surroundings not only the school sites

but also the feelings I have with the place. I must not ask anymore “what if” questions about the

school site I was assigned since in the future, no matter what we do, we will be assigned anywhere, to
different places new to us not only to teach there but also to make a difference.
An engineer would not dare to build a building or a house without a plan. An architect would not dare to
sketch/draw a model of a house without a plan and the doctor would not dare to operate a person with
critical condition without a plan. The same goes with the teacher, we would not dare to have a lesson
without a lesson plan. What is a lesson plan? It is a detailed guide for teaching a specific lesson. It is a
step-by-step guide which

outlines the teacher’s objectives for

what the students will accomplish at a particular time. It serves as a guide for a teacher in dealing with
the students and executing the lesson. Many people said that no one could break the tie between the
lesson plan and the teacher. They are interrelated to each other. The most tiring work of the teacher is
making the lesson plan. In writing it, it took me two to three drafts before I came up with the satisfying
output and it took me 1 to 2 hours in finalizing it depending on my performance. I sacrificed everything
for the sake of my lesson plan and of course for my students. I needed to finish it as early as I can for the
sake of my demonstration and teaching the following day. Aside from that, my lesson plan should be
connected to the content that I need to teach. I needed to think back and forth for just one lesson plan
and I need to write it well since I need to pass it clean. The most tiring part of lesson plan writing for me
was creating the appropriate and meaningful activity for my students. Since I am teaching mathematics,
I wanted my activities to be meaningful and fun in order to set the mind of my students that this subject
is fun and not boring. Also, I needed to align my activities to the topic and objectives of the lesson. It is
truly mind- boggling to think about what strategies to use in delivering the lesson since I observed that
Grade 7 students I handled were not all good in math and not all were fast learners. I knew I needed to
come up with the appropriate strategy to cater the individual needs and differences of my students. In
general, lesson plan writing is

sine qua non

for apprentice teacher because it involves setting goals, developing activities, and determining the
materials that will be used. It helps us to keep on track, to be prepared, and helps to think in a more
organized manner
Lesson Planning: Teac

her’s Light in darkness

(A Reflection)

Teachers help students to learn but it does not mean that the teacher do


t need help at

all. We believe in the saying that “no man is an island”, so we need a partner to guide our way and

to be our light in the darkness. As a teacher, we also need help about anything that could guide our way
in the darkness. This darkness is not literally the absence of light but it is when we got lost in track in
delivering effective teaching-learning process. A daily lesson plan is created by the teacher to guide the

learning appropriately. It serves as a map for the teacher in order to keep on track with the lesson.
When I had my first exposure in teaching, I had a lot of worries about lesson planning especially my
penmanship. It made me realize that teaching is not an easy job. It is a kind of work where you need a
lot of patience especially in writing. The first time I wrote one, I wasted almost 15 sheets of intermediate
pad since my penmanship was bad and I spent two and a half hours just by drafting a semi-detailed one.
Being a practice teacher, there were lots of things that I needed to think about and not just only the
lesson plan but also the instructional materials. It was very tiring in adjusting to the time itself. And in
the evening, you need to make your instructional materials

and the lesson plan for the next topic. Since I’m just new to this field, I still don’t have a lot of

ideas and strategies on what would be the best lesson plan. I consider this lesson plan as

sine qua non

for us apprentice teacher since it will help us to stay on the light to effective teaching. Also, I needed to
study my lesson plan because I did

n’t want

to experience being lost during my discussion. It was good to hear positive and negative feedbacks from
your resource teacher about your lesson plan and demonstration because it boosts your confidence to
do better and improve each day. Having the lesson plan to rely on and as a guide lessen the burden in
teaching the topic to a class. I could apply this also if I will be teaching Grade 7 and 8 mathematics soon
in the future.

With the lesson planning and applying it for real, I’ve changed a lo

t the way I teach the students. Experience is indeed the best teacher
The Fun was priceless

( A Reflection) The best engineer prepares the best blueprint in building a house, the best doctor
operates a person with critical condition with the best operation plan. The same goes with the best
teacher, he/she needs the best lesson plan to create the best learning-teaching process for the students.
Considering the subject itself, Mathematics, it is not easy to impart knowledge to the students in an easy
way. Students tend to find the subject difficult and boring since it is full of numbers and problems. That
is why it is a challenge to the teachers to create a meaningful learning for the students. In my first week
of handling the Grade-7 mathematics, I found it hard to impart knowledge since not all of my students
were interested to learned the topics in math. It tends to bother me that they were not interested in
subjects without using their body in the class since they love to play. That is why I looked for a way to
catch their attention in my discussion and it was to learn while playing. Based on my observation, the
Grade-7 students were very active in nature. They liked to roam around the classroom so in my
everyday discussion I never forgot to insert games and fun activities, such as playing the pizza game,


(LCD), playing with pink caterpillar, etc. During the topic about Introduction to measurement, I see to it
that they would never feel bored listening to the definition of the terms related to measurements and
the its history. That is why I considered my lesson plan about this topic as the best one. Well I have
plenty of lesson plans but I chose this one since in this lesson, I could see to it that my students really
learned in different and fun way. The fun they had while playing jigsaw puzzle, jumbled letters, and in
measuring things made

me realize that even if I am tired preparing the lesson and the IM’s, I could not feel

the tiredness since the fun they showed was so priceless. The smile, laughter and quiz scores they gave
me after the discussion made me feel that today I broke the big wall that separates between

math lessons and my students. I can’t imagine if I would only discuss how to use the ancient

measurement and not letting them use it by themselves, and giving the meaning of some terms and
measurement without having them discover first what it was on their own

In the future, in God’s perfect time, if I will be teaching Grade

-7 mathematics again I will apply every single thing I learned from that experience. I will see to it that
every lesson plan I will prepare for my future lessons will be considered as the best lesson plan. As a
whole, I learned that it is not just our students who learned from us but also we could gain knowledge
from our students and the same goes with the fun. It is not just our students would gain fun in our
discussion but also the fun they have will be our fun too.
Give and Take Relationship

(student’s feedback)

God created us in His feature but each of us is unique on our own ways. We differ in our potentials,
skills, talents, and intelligence. The teachers serve as the second parents of the students in order to
guide them in developing their strengths and overcoming their weaknesses. In order to meet the
individual uniqueness of the students, the teacher must come up with an effective way in imparting
knowledge which does not focus on the topic itself but also cater the individual differences of the
students. In order to test the learning of the students, the teacher must conduct an assessment, thus
the result of this assessment serves as the basis for learning progress of the students. Quizzes,
assignments, projects, oral recitation, etc. given by the teacher are the basis to determine their
performances. Their response toward these assessments emphasizes the depth of

their learning about the lesson they gained from the teacher’s discussion. Learners’ work is directly
proportional to the teacher’s teaching style

e. For almost 3 months of my field practice in Hilongos National Vocational School, it was heartwarming
witnessing the response of my students. Since I was assigned in not so-called fast learners sections in
Grade 7, I struggled a lot in imparting the knowledge I have to my students. I came up with different
teaching style and approach just to meet their level of competencies, I even lowered my standard to
Grade 6 teaching since some of my students were not familiar with the multiplication table. I can really
compare the students I have today and the way I learned when I was a first year student way back in
high school. It challenged me a lot in creating questions for the quizzes and assignments since I needed
to consider their level. Every time I give them

assessment after my discussion, only half of the class will pass and as a teacher I don’t want to see

such responses like this. Thus, I again lowered my standards until I witnessed the scores that I am
craving for wherein they passed the quizzes and some of them got the perfect score. Despite this, I
learned to be patient and understanding towards them. I am very thankful to

them since every time I give a quiz they always do their best and as a teacher it’s gratifying to

observe that they value learning in math so much. This is what we call give and take relationship
between a teacher and students. In fact, they appreciated and valued my efforts and it really touches

and even prepared a surprise celebration with a cake and all of those were so precious to me since it
was my first time to receive appreciation letters from the students. I am glad that they treated

me as their second teacher. I can’t express how h

appy and thankful I was from what they did during that day. I will definitely treasure those memories

As a future educator, I do believe that the students’ works and feedbacks reflect to what

kind of teacher you are. Accepting feedbacks from the learners should motivate the teacher to do
better. And I just realized that teaching is not only about imparting knowledge in your level or standard
but it is imparting knowledge in the standard of the students.
Developing my strengths and weaknesses

( A Reflection)

An evaluation form provided by the supervisor is a tool used to measure an individual’s

overall performance. It comprises all the aspects of a person specifically student teachers, such as
his/her ability and capacity to meet the goals in teaching. It may collect information about a

student’s attendance, personality, performance in teaching, motivation and ethical judgement

whether positive or negative. It will also determine the strengths and weaknesses of the student teacher
that will help improve his/her way of teaching. I found the evaluation form as an important tool in my
field of practice since it gives the basis on what area of teaching I needed to improve. I obtained good
grades in my evaluation form

but it doesn’t mean it is enough to tell that I learned a lot, that is why I deeply needed the most the
negative comments of my cooperating teacher. One of my cooperating teachers once said that “I don’t
need to write the comments on your evaluation form, I just have to say it directly to you and

you must remember it.” Well, based on what she said I understood that she didn’t want to write

the comments but I was very thankful since she was being honest about my performance. The very first
time I taught, I let her evaluate me to discover my strengths and weaknesses in teaching and she gave
me positive and negative feedbacks which I accepted and absorbed deep within my heart and my mind.
The things that I needed to improve was my questioning skills and the classroom management. On the
other hand, I also have strengths like the knowledge of the subject matter, personality, modulated
voice, teaching methods and lesson planning. I need to improved my classroom management and
questioning skills since it is very important in handling the class, that is why I applied and accepted all
things and tips that my cooperating teacher gave to me. I was very thankful to the evaluations of my
cooperating teacher because I am very aware now of the things that I needed to improve. Through this
tool, I could say that in order to handle the class well, I need to develop my weaknesses and
continuously develop also my strengths.

Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes

but what’s important is we do

our best to learn from i

t and improve ourselves. Well, I’m so thankful that our department in Visayas State

University provided a tool in which helps the student teacher to strive more to be an effective teacher.
Thus, as a future teacher I learned that we need to accept our flaws and learn from it to improve it. On
the other hand, we must not remain our strengths the way it is, we also need to continuously improve it.
Truly, learning is a never-ending process


Five years from now, my first goal is to pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) and gain on a
teaching job in the province of Southern Leyte. Five years from now, I will take up my

Master’s Degree.


To obtain Bachelor’s degree i

n Secondary Education major in Mathematics at the Visayas State University. 2.

To attend review classes. 3.

To attend seminars and trainings related to my field of expertise. 4.

To obtain a high rank and pass the interview. 5.

To take a Master’s Degree.


I will graduate with the degree of Bachelor in Secondary Education major in Mathematics. 2.

I will pass the LET with the high rank. 3.

To teach in my own province. 4.

I will become an effective teacher not only for my future students but also contribute to the education
in the Philippines. 5.

I will acquire a teaching position in DepEd especially in my own province. 6.

I will become well-trained and competent teacher.

Intermediate Objective:
To pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).
Long Term Objective:
To use the knowledge, skills, values and experiences I have learned through tertiary study; to educate
and provide students with the necessary learning they needed to become a good citizen in our society. I
have a solid interest in all areas of Math and I am passionately committed to promote a positive and
dynamic learning environment for secondary students; And to acquire a teaching position in DepEd VII
or VIII.

Practice Teacher at Hilongos National Vocational School (HNVS) in Grade 7 and Grade 8 on August 31 to
November 16, 2017. 1.

Made a lesson plan and support learning materials for Mathematics subject. 2.

Taught students considering their multiple intelligences and differences. 3.

Gave organized and meaningful activities to the students for learning experiences. 4.

Monitored and supervised the daily routine of the students. 5.

Made the grades for math subject and computed the MPS for a certain quarterly exam.


Can communicate both written and oral in Filipino and English Language

Can draw and paint some appropriate learning and support materials.

Computer literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and editing software)

Can operate technological tools and equipment (PC, DLP, OHP, slide projector, audio devices, etc.)
School History:

Republic Act No. 9865 dated December 2, 2010 converted and named Pines City National High School -

After 21 years of fruitful existence with Pines City National High School, Magsaysay Annex is now an
independent national high school.

MNHS was a joint venture of the late couple Dr. Philip M. Flores, then the Principal of PCNHS, and Nelda
Flores, then Barangay Captain of New Lucban. They were supported by the New Lucban Sto. Niño
Barangay Councils and the City Government of Baguio, thus City Resolution No. 186-68 was created in
June 13, 1988.

The miracles of sharing made the miracles during the first years of MNHS.

It started with 53 students in school year 1989-1990 with Mr. Eduardo C. Palaroan and Mrs. Estelita F.
Valdez as pioneer teachers.

Magsaysay Elementary School lent one classroom, including physical facility resources. New Lucban
barangay council gave 55 arm chairs, set of teachers' table and chair. Likewise, the mother school
produced textbooks for students' use. Other school needs were also met due to parents' and
community's support and donations.

Enrollment dramatically increased the following school years, thus additional teachers started to come.

Moreover, students consistently gave honor to the school by reaping awards in various competitions. In
fact the valedictorian and salutatorian of the 1st Commencement Exercises among all six campuses of
PCNHS came from Magnex: Angeline Bogalin and Ralph Altiyen respectively. Both were first graduate of
the school.

At present, the school has 36 committed teachers who do not only toil with their hands but work with
their hearts in realizing the school's mission and vision.

Address: New Lucban Rd, Baguio, Benguet

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