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BMJ 2019;364:l1370 doi: 10.1136/bmj.

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Child poverty in Scotland set to worsen despite targets

set in 2017
Bryan Christie
Edinburgh, UK

Child poverty in Scotland is projected to hit a 20 year high in The Resolution Foundation’s projection, based on economic
the next few years, despite ambitious targets set by the Scottish forecasts and policy analysis, is that relative child poverty will
government to reduce the problem. increase to 29% in Scotland by 2023-24, equivalent to an extra
This warning comes from the Resolution Foundation, which 60 000 children.
says that radical action will be needed if politicians are serious Adam Corlett, senior economic analyst at the foundation and
about meeting their targets. author of the report, said: “Child poverty across Scotland is on
Their report Wrong Direction1 blames welfare policies course to rise substantially in the coming years, and risks
introduced in 2015 by the UK government for the projected reaching a 20 year high by 2023. If the Scottish government is
increase. These include a four year freeze on working age to meet its ambitious—and welcome—child poverty reduction
benefits and a two child limit on support. The programme will targets, it will need to implement much more radical changes
cut £12bn (€14bn; $16bn) from welfare payments at substantial to social security than it has done.”
cost to families across the UK. This was followed by the One measure that could help is the planned introduction of an
abandonment by the UK government of its statutory commitment income supplement in Scotland with a specific focus on reducing
to eradicate child poverty by 2020. child poverty. This is expected in 2022, although there are no
The Scottish parliament took a different approach when it details about how it will work.
unanimously approved the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act in The Scottish government’s cabinet secretary for communities
2017.2 The act commits the government to reducing relative and local government, Aileen Campbell, said: “We’re doing all
child poverty to below 18% by 2023-24, and to below 10% by we can with the powers we have to mitigate cuts, protect people
2030-31, alongside targets to reduce absolute poverty, persistent on low incomes, and secure our ambitions to eradicate child
poverty, and material deprivation. poverty.”
The latest figures, for 2016-17, show that 23% of children across
1 Resolution Foundation. Wrong direction: can Scotland hit its child poverty targets? March
Scotland were living in relative poverty (being part of a 2019.
household with income below 60% of the median)—a total of pdf.
2 Scottish Government. Child poverty (Scotland) act: target measures. 2017.
230 000 children. This is significantly lower than the overall scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Social-Welfare/IncomePoverty/CPBillInfographic.
UK rate of 30%. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already
granted under a licence) please go to

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