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CD Module 7.1 Plane Wave Observe a plane wave prop-

agating along the z -direction; note the temporal and
spatial variations of E and H, and examine how the wave
properties change as a function of the values selected for
the wave parameters- frequency and E-field amplitude
and phase-and the medium 's constitutive parameters
(e,ft ,a ).

lnpuVOulput I Phase Planes I Instructions Input

17 (Phasors( Frequency f = 1.iiE9"'" Hz
ConductlvMy (J = 0.0 Slm
Relative PermittlvMy s, = 1.0
Relative Permeability Jl , = 1.0
E-field Amplitude (zaQ) Eo= 1.0 V/m
E-field Phase (z•O) ~ = 0.0 rad
Length Displayed l = 1.0
(A( & (8( V\lndows Area= 1.0 m'

n 'I I Updale II
Output Wave Properties

Wavelength A = 30.0 I em I
Phase Velocity ~ "'3.0 x 1o8 [m /s ]
Period T = 1.0 x 10·9 I s ]
Impedance of the Medium ( Q ]
'1 •376.99111 8+ ]0.0
•376.99111 8 L O.Orad
A · 376.99111 8 Lo .o •
B Pene1ratioo (Skin) Depth
05 .. ro
zA• O.O:I • O.O(m( B) z 0 • 1.0.). •30.0 (em] Phase and Attenuation Constants
(EA( • 1.0 ( V / m( (E 0 ( • 1.0 ( V /m) p• 20.94395 I m· 1 I
LEA • O.O ( rad )
a • 0.0 (Ne/m]
LEo • -6 .28319(rad]
(H.,( • 2.65258 x 10·3 (A /m I IHol • 2.65258 x 10·3 (A i m) a/we = 0.0
LHA • O.O(rod ) LH 0 • -6 .28319(rad] The material is vacuum toerfect dlelectricl

Wave Polarization
phasor E(z ) of a +z-propagating plane wave may consist of an
rnenn,rnr.i7ntin.n ofa uniform plane wave describes the locus x-component, xEx (z), and a y-component, yEy(z ), or
by the tip of theE vector (in the plane orthogonal to
direction of propagation) at a given point in space as a
(7 .46)
of time.

the most general case, the locus of the tip of E is an ellipse, with
the wave is said to be elliptically polarized. Under certain
·-~'"".lms. the ellipse may degenerate into a circle or a straight ~ ( )
E X z
= x0e
- j kz
' (7.47a)
in which case the polarization state is called circular or ~ - jk z
, respectively. Ey(z) = Eyoe , (7.47b)
It Was shown in Section 7-2 that the z-components of the
and magnetic fields of a z-propagating plane wave are where Exo and Eyo are the amplitudes of Ex(z) and Ey(z),
zero. Hence, in the most general case, the electric field respectively. For the sake of simplicity, the plus sign superscript

has been suppressed; the negative sign in e- Jkz is sufficient to The electric field E(z , t) has components along the ._
remind us that the wave is traveling in the positive z -direction. y-directions. At a specific position z, the direction of Et a~d
The two amplitudes Exo and Eyo are, in general, complex characterized by its inclination angle 1jr , defined with ' I) IS
. and given
to the x -ax1s . by ~~
quantities, each characterized by a magnitude and a phase angle.
The phase of a wave is defined relative to a reference state, such
as z = 0 and t = 0 or any other combination of z and t . As will
become clear from the discussion that fo llows , the polarization
ljr(z, t) =tan - 1 (E Y (z , t))
of the wave described by Eqs. (7.46) and (7.47) depends on
the phase of E yOrelative to that of Exo, but not on the absolute In the general case, both the intensity ofE(z, t) and its direct"
phases of Exo and EyO· Hence, for convenience, we will assign . f d N . ton
are f unctiOns o z an t . ext, we examme some special cases.
Exo a phase of zero and denote the phase of E yO, relative to that
of Exo, as 8. Thus, 8 is the phase difference between they- and
x-components of E. Accordingly, we define Exo and Eyo as
7-3.1 Linear Polarization

Exo =ax, (7 .48a) A wave is said to be linearly polarized if for a fixed z, the
1"8 t~p ofE(~, t) traces a straight line segment as a function of
Eyo = aye , (7.48b)
ttme. Th1s happens when Ex(Z, t) and Ey(z, t) are in-phase
(i.e., 8 = 0) or out-of-phase (8 = n ).
where ax = IExol 2: 0 and ay = IE yoI 2: 0 are the magnitudes
of Exo and Eyo, respectively. Thus, by definition, ax and ay Under these conditions Eq. (7 .50) simplifies to
may not assume negative values. Using Eqs. (7 .48a) and (7 .48b)
in Eqs. (7.47a) and (7.47b), the total electric field phasor is E(O , t) = (xax +yay) cos(wt - kz) (in-phase), (7.53a)
E(O, t) = (xax -yay) cos(wt - kz ) (out-of-phase).
(7 .49) (7.53b)

Let us examine the out-of-phase case. The field 's magnitude is

and the corresponding instantaneous field is
IE(z , t)l =[a;+ a;]
/ 1 cos(wt - kz)l, (7.54a)

E(z , t) = 9'\e [E(z) ei wt J and the inclination angle is

= xax cos(wt - kz )
+yay cos(wt - kz + 8). (7.50)
1jr = tan - 1
_ _Y
(out-of-phase). (7.54b)

We note that 1jr is independent of both z and t. Figure 7-7

When characterizing an electric field at a given point in space, displays the line segment traced by the tip of Eat z 0 over 8 =
two of its attributes that are of particular interest are its half of a cycle. The trace would be the same at any ~ther J~J~e
magnitude and direction . The magnitude of E(z, t) is of z as well. At z = 0 and t = 0, IE(O , 0)1 =[ax + ayl ·
The length of the vector representing E(O, t) decreases to zero
. . and I·ncreases
at wt = n /2. The vector then reverses d IrectiOn
IE(z, t) l = [E~ (z, t) + E; (z , t)] 112 in magnitude to [a + a ] / in the second quadrant of the x-Y)
2 2 1 2
X y E(Z I
=[a~ cos 2 (wt - kz) planeatwt = n. Sinceljr isindependentofboth zandt, . hilie
maintains a direction along the line making an angle~ ~

+a; cos 2 (wt - kz + 8)] 112 . (7.51) x -axis, while oscillating back and forth across the ongtn.

E(z, t) = 9\e [E(z) ejwt J

= xa cos(wt - kz) + ya cos(wt -
= xa cos(wt- kz)- ya sin(wt- kz).

The corresponding field magnitude and inclination angle are

kz + rr /2)

IE(z, t)l = [ E'}(z, t) + E y2 (z, t) ] 1/2

= [a2 cos 2(wt - kz) + a 2 sin 2 (wt - kz)] 112
=a, (7.56a)


1/!(z, t) =tan
_1 [E y(z,
E (- )
X Z, t

_1 [ -asin(wt -kz)]
a cos(wt - kz)
Figure 7-7: Linearly polarized wave traveling 111 the
+z-direction (out of the page). = -(·M - kz). (7.56b)

We observe that the magnitude of E is independent of both

z and t, whereas 1jf depends on both vari ables. These
functional dependencies are the converse of those for the linear
polarization case.
If ay = 0, then 1jf =ooor 180°, and the wave is x-polarized; At z = 0, Eq. (7.56b) gives 1jf = -wt; the negative sign
if ax = 0, then 1jf = 90° or -90°, and the wave is
implies that the inclination angle decreases as time increases.
y-polarized. As illustrated in Fig. 7-8(a), the tip of E(t) traces a circle in
the x -y plane and rotates in a clockwise direction as a function
of time (when viewing the wave approaching) . Such a wave is
Circular Polarization called left-hand circularly polarized because, when the thumb
of the left hand points along the direction of propagation (the
We now consider the special case when the magnitudes of the x-
z-direction in this case), the other four fingers point in the
y-components of E(z) are equal, and the phase difference
direction of rotation of E.
=±rr /2. For reasons that will become evident shortly, the
polarization is called left-hand circular when 8 = rr /2,
right-hand circular when 8 = -rr /2.
(b) Right-Hand Circular (RHC) Polarization

Left-Hand Circular (LHC) Polarization For ax = ay = a and 8 = - rr /2, we have

ax =ay = a and 8 = rr /2, Eqs. (7 .49) and (7 .50) become
IE(z, t)l =a, 1jf = (wt - kz). (7.57)
E(z) = (xa + yaejnf2)e - jkz
The trace of E(O, t) as a function oft is shown in Fig. 7-8(b).
For RHC polarization, the fingers of the right hand point

y z
/ "

z ,a X

' / Left screw sense

'' " in space

(a) LHC polarization Right sense of rotation
in plane
y z

t Figure 7-9: Right-hand circularly polari zed wave radiated by a

helical antenna.

/ "
- q_ ~, ~
OJ '
E ' \

/ " '
(b) RHC polarization I

Figure 7-8: Circularly polarized plane waves propagating in
the +z-direction (out of the page). ' /
- ... ;

in the direction of rotation of E when the thumb is along Figure 7-10: Right-hand circu larly polari zed wave of
the propagation direction. Figure 7-9 depicts a right-hand Example 7-2.
circularly polarized wave radiated by a helical antenna.

Polarization handedness is defined in terms of the rotation

ofE as afunction oftime in afixedplane orthogonal to the
medium with e = 4eo, fJ., = f.J.,o , and a = 0. If the frequency
direction of propagation, which is opposite of the direction
is 100 MHz, obtain expressions for E( y, t) and H(y, t).
of rotation ofE as a function of distance at a fixed point in
time. Solution: Since the wave is traveling in the + y-direction, its
· The
field must have components along the x- and z-directJOns.
rotation ofE(y, t) is depicted in Fig. 7-10, where y is out of~:
[ Example 7-2: RHC Polarized Wave
page. By comparison with the RHC polarized wave shown ;e
An RHC polarized plane wave with electric field magnitude Fig. 7-8(b), we assign the z-component of E(y) a phase ~!th
of 3 (m V/m) is traveling in the +y-direction in a dielectric of zero and the x-component a phase shift of 8 == -rr 12·

onents have magnitudes of a = 3 (m Vlm) . Hence, and

corn P
H(y, t) = 9'ie [H(y) eiwt J
E(y ) = XEx + ZEz
= xae - Jrr l 2e- jk y + zae - jky = 9'ie [~(zj + x)e - jk yejwt]
= ( -XJ o + zA)3 e- jky (mVIm),
= - 1 [xcos(wt- k y)
- zsm(wt - ky)] (mAim).
A '

and application of (7 .39a) gives

~ 1 ~
H(y) = - y X E(y) 7-3.3 Elliptical Polarization
Plane waves that are not linearly or circularly polarized are
= - y X ( - xj + z)3e - J'k y elliptically polarized. That is, the tip ofE(z, t) traces an ellipse
in the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation. The
3 A , + A) - J'k y shape of the ellipse and the field's handedness (left-hand or
= - ( ZJ X e (mAim).
1] right-hand) are determined by the values of (ay /ax) and the
phase difference 8.
The polarization ellipse shown in Fig. 7-11 has its major
With w = 2n f = 2n x 108 (radls), the wavenumber k is
axis with length a~ along the ~-direction and its minor axis
with length a 11 along the 17-direction. The rotation angle y is
k = (1)~ defined as the angle between the major axis of the ellipse and a
c reference direction, chosen here to be the x-axis, with y being
2n x 108 J4 bounded within the range -n /2 ::: y ::: n /2. The shape of the
ellipse and its handedness are characterized by the ellipticity
3 X 108
angle x, defined as
= -T( (radlm),
3 a1 1
tan x= ±-1 = ± - , (7.58)
a~ R
and the intrinsic impedance 17 is

170 y Ellipticity angle

,...., 120n
- J4
= 60n (r.l).

instantaneous fields E(y, t) and H(y, t) are

E(y, t) == 9'ie [E(y) eiwt J

Polarization ellipse
== 9'ie [e-x}+ z)3 e- jk yejwt]
Figure 7-11: Polarization ellipse in the x -y plane, with the
== 3[xsin(wt- ky) + zcos(wt- ky )] (mVIm) wave traveling in the z-direction (out of the page).

X y- -90° - 45" oo 45" 90°

45" Left circular polarization
0 0 0 0 0
22S Left elliptical polarization
0 C) 0 0
oo Linear polarization
-22S Right elliptical polarization
0 0 0
- 45" Right circular polarization
0 0 0 0 0
Figure 7-12: Polarization states for various combinations of the polarization angles (y , x) for a wave traveling out of the page.

with the plus sign corresponding to left-handed rotation and the to a circle for x = ±45° and to a line for x = 0. Positive
minus sign corresponding to right-handed rotation. The limits values of x, corresponding to sin 8 > 0, are associated with
for x are -n/4 :S x :S n/4. The quantity R = at;fa 11 is called left-handed rotation, and negative values of x, corresponding
the axial ratio of the polarization ellipse, and it varies between to sin 8 < 0, are associated with right-handed rotation.
1 for circular polarization and oo for linear polarization. The Since the magnitudes ax and ay are, by definition,
polarization angles y and x are related to the wave parameters nonnegative numbers, the ratio ay/ax may vary between zero
ax, ay, and 8 by* for an x -polarized linear polarization and oo for a y-polarized
linear polarization. Consequently, the angle 1/Jo is limited to the
tan2y = (tan21/Jo)cos8 (-n/2 :S y :S n/2), (7.59a) range 0 :s 1/Jo :s 90° . Application of Eq. (7 .59a) leads to two
possible solutions for the value of y, both of which fall within
sin2x = (sin21/Jo)sin8 (-n/4 :s x :s n/4) , (7.59b) the defined range from -n 12 to n /2. The correct choice is
governed by the following rule:
where 1/Jo is an auxiliary angle defined by

ay y > 0 if cos 8 > 0'

tan 1/Jo = - (7.60)
ax y < 0 if cos 8 < 0.

Sketches of the polarization ellipse are shown in Fig. 7-12 for

various combinations of the angles (y, x). The ellipse reduces
In summary, the sign of the rotation angle y is the sa~e;
*FromM. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, New York: Macmillan , the sign of cos 8 and the sign of the ellipticity angle X 15
1965, p. 27. same as the sign of sin 8.

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