Criminal Law Art. 13 Case Digests

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URBANO VS PEOPLE  T must be aware since of the potential violence

since he commenced the fight between them.

 September 28, 1993, Brigido Tomelden and
 T’s death could have been prevented had he
petitioner at compound of Pangasinan, having
had the financial means to get the proper
just arrived from a picnic with some co-
 Drunk beer in resto
 While inside the compound, two had heated
altercation – Tomelden hurled insulting
remarks at petitioner.  September 1995, wife Wilma Grace of the
 Exchanges of words turned to exchange of accused admitted to a close friend that she
blows. was having an affair with Nemesio Lopate.
 Co-workers tried to break up the fight, but only  Wilma in Taiwan, as domestic helper, sent 4
for a brief moment because they refused to be letters to her friend Romenda.
pacified  2 were for Nemesio, another 2 contains
 Petitioner delivered a “lucky punch” as instructions to reveal to the accused her affair
described by the witness, in T’s face. with Nemesio.
 Blow cause T’s nose to bleed and got  Nemesio was the brother of the owner where
unconscious Wilma worked.
 At home, T informed wife of the incident  Feb. 1996, R followed instructions of W and
 T complained of pain in his nape, head and ear told June, showed to him W’s letters
which impelled wife Rosario to bring him to  June got furious and stated “There will be a day
hosp where a doc examined him for that Nemesio, I will kill him”
 On October, T went back to hosp complaining  Same week, Alfred (who was presented at the
of dizziness, headached and other pains. trial as prosec witness) had a talk with June.
 Doc diagnosed T of suffering from brain injury,  Alfred was an elder of Kankanaey tribe where
secondary to mauling to consider cerebral June and Nemesio belonged
hemorrhage.  He confirmed the affair.
 T was confined but due to financial constraints,  March 10, witness Annie Bayanes who is
was discharge despite signs of improvement. trader in veggies, was at the Trading Post in
 At home he still complained of extreme head Benguet, was at the unloading area,
pain, was brought back to the hosp again and conversing with another dealer when she
died. heard gunshots.
 She saw June
 Another witness saw Nemesio on the ground.
HELD:  His alibi was that he was baking bread with a
friend and nowhere in the scene of the crime
 Mitigating circumstance that Urbano had no
intention to commit so grave a wrong as that RTC: MURDER AGGRAVATED WITH THE USE OF
committed should be appreciated. AN UNLICENSED FIREARM
 Intent to kill may be presumed from death of T,
mitigating factor can still be considered when
there are attendant facts and circumstances so  SG: the lapse of 2 weeks upon discovery of his
warrant. wife’s infidelity and killing could not be
 U tried to avoid the fight, he is smaller than T. considered proximate.
(he asked first why was T insulting him)  Passage of a fortnight is more than sufficient
 He tried to avoid blows of T, until he has time for appellant to have recovered his
inflicted the lucky punch just to end the fight. composure and unease his mind.
 He even helped in carrying T back to the office  There can be no immediate vindication of a
of LIWAD’s gen. manager. grave offense when the accused has sufficient
 Such gesture does not equate of one’s time to recover his serenity.
intention to commit so grave a wrong such as
to kill the victim.
 Mitigating circumstance of immediate  Slight physical injuries, consider mitigating
vindication of a grave offense cannot be circumstance of passion or obfuscation under
considered. Art. 13 (6)
 Because petitioner lost his reason and self-
control, thereby diminishing exercise of will
 Passion or obfuscation may lawfully arise from
 May 11, 2002, Jayson Dela Cruz and Roldan, causes existing only in honest belief of the
oder brother, both minors, joined the evening accused.
procession for Sto. Niño in Legazpi.  In p&o, offende suffers a diminution of
 When procession passed infront of Bongalon’s intelligence and intent.
house, B’s daughter, Mary Ann Rose minor,  He having acted in the belief that J and R had
threw stones at Jayson and called him “sissy” thrown stones and J burned C’s hair, entitled
 B confronted Jayson and Roldan and called to mitigating circumstance.
them names like “strangers” and “animals”
 B struck J at the back with his hand and
slapped him on the face NIZURTADO vs SANDIGANBAYAN
 He also went to the brothers’ house and
challenged Rolando, J and R’s father, to a fight  Felix Nizurtado committed complex crime of
but Rolando refused. malversation of public funds through
 Jayson was brought in the hospital to have falsification of document.
medical treatment.  FN was Barangay Capt. In Malabon from
 B denied allegations: that he had only talked to 1983-1988.
the brothers  FN and Romero (brngy. Treasurer), attended a
 Mary Ann and Cherrylyn, minor daughter, had seminar at University of Life, Pasig.
told him that J and R were throwing stones at  Seminar was about Barangay Livelihood
them and that J burned C’s hair. Program of the Ministry of Human Settlements,
 Denied challenging Rolando in a fistfight, only Metro Manila Commission, Kilusang
told Rolando to restrain his sons from harming Kabuhayan Kaunlaran
his daughters.  Under prog. Brngys in Manila could avail loans
of 10k per barangay to finance viable livelihood
CA: AFFIRMED BUT MODIFIED PENALTY  After seminar, FN received a check of 10k
intended for brngy Panghulo and issued in his
HELD: name
 Affirm findings of RTC and CA but disagree  Check can be encashed only upon submission
with holding that his acts constituted child- to the Secretariat a resolution approved by the
abuse. Brngy Council identifying the livelihood proj. in
 Records do not establish beyond reasonable w/c loan would be invested.
doubt that his acts towards Jayson had been  He entrusted check to R for safekeeping.
intended to debase the “intrinsic worth and  In one of the regular sessions, Brngy Panghulo
dignity” of Jayson as a child and human being, discussed proj w/c to invest 10k.
intended to humiliate or embarrass him  R proposed that a brngy center be established
 Laying of hands on Jayson was done at the  But session finished without them agreeing on
spur of the moment and in anger because of any livelihood proj
fatherly concern towards safety of minor  Few days after meeting, FN got the check back
daughters, who had suffered harm from J and from R, saying that he would return it
R.  After few more days FN asked R to sign an
 Loss of self-control, he lacked intent to debase, unaccomplished resolution in mimeograph
degrade of demean the intrinsic worth and form.
dignity of child as a human being = essential in  All blank spaces in the form were unfilled-up
child abuse. except those at the bottom w/c were intended
for the names of other brngy officials.
 Trusting FN, R affixed his signature MARIANO vs PEOPLE
 R was instructed by FN to talk with Gomez and
 Ferdinand de Leon was driving his owner type
secure his signature.
jeep in Bulacan, with wife Urbanita and 2-yr-
 R obliged pleading that his proposal would be
old son, from baptismal party.
the one written in the blank form.
 Reynaldo Mariano was driving red Toyota pick-
 But unknown to R and G, the proj. were titled
up with wife Rebecca and helper Rowena,
as “T-shirt manufacturing of round neck shirts”
from worship service.
 FN encashed the same check
 Toyota overtook jeep of D and almost bumped
FUNDS THROUGH FALSIFICATION OF PUBLIC  F got mad, overtook the Toyota and blocked its
CIRCUMSTANCE: VOLUNTARY SURRENDED  R stopped pickup behind jeep
AND REESTITUTION OF FUNDS IN HIS FAVOR  F approached R and a heated altercation
 Luis de leon, uncle of F, pacified them.
 FN was able to misappropriate funds and  They heeded advice of Luis and went their
encashed check on the basis of resolution of separate ways.
Brngy Council.  F dropped by his mother’s house to pick up
 The money instead of being used for proj, was some items.
later lent to other members of Brngy Council =  Parked his jeep in front of the house of mother
act of misappropriation. and alighted therefrom.
 Falsification of public doc. Punishable under  But he was bumped by a moving vehicle and
par. 2 of Art 171 of RPC. lost consciousness.
 Doc. Need not be an authentic official paper  Urbanita called help from mother-in-law and
since its simulation is the essence of identified the same Toyota red pickup by
falsification, and signatures need not be Reynaldo.
forged.  R’s defense: R stopped pickup as he saw an
 SC also considered voluntary surrender as a oncoming vehicle which he allowed to pass.
modifying circumstance independent and  He made signal and overtook jeep of F, but F
apart from restitution of the questioned funds. suddenly alighted from his jeep and lost his
 SC also considered another mc which is no balance and sideswiped by the overtaking
intention to commit so grave a wrong as that pickup.
committed, entitling him to 3 distinct mc.  R did not stop his pickup for fear that
bystanders might harm him and his
 He brought companions to their house, and
thereafter surrendered himself.

 But mc of voluntary surrender cannot be

 Par. 5 of Art. 365 of RPC, expressly states that
in the imposition of the penalties, the courts
shall exercise their sound discretion, w/o
regard to the rules prescribed in Art. 64.
 Rationale: In quasi-offenses penalized under
Art. 365, the carelessness, imprudence or
negligence w/c characterizes the wrongful act
may vary from one situation to another, in
nature, extent and resulting consequences.
 Court is not bound to apply par. 5 of Art. 64 of
rpc, even if appellant had 2 mitigating
circumstances in his favor with no aggravating
 There is negligence on the part of R: he could
have swerve to the direction where F was not

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