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nap Hydroponics

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Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and
Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines 4030
Fax: (63 49) 536-0016
E-mail:, 2004-11-01

Hydroponics is an alternative system of growing plants without soil. Instead of soil, an inert
media is used into which a nutrient solution containing essential elements is added for a
plant's normal growth and development.

Existing commercial hydroponics systems vary in terms of form, size, and type of materials.
They need electric driven pumps for aeration and irrigation. During a power failure, these
systems encounter water logging and consequently lead to the death of plants. Thus, a
Simple Nutrient Addition Program (SNAP) (Fig. 1(2)) was developed. This system does not
require electricity or aeration, is low cost, and uses simple methods.

The SNAP hydroponics system is appropriate in urban areas where soil or space for growing
crops is not adequate. It may be done in apartments or townhouses where small terraces
can be used in growing crops for home consumption. The small space is easy to protect
against rain and strong sunlight. The system requires covered containers or pots that can
hold about 2 liters of water, SNAP fertilizer, and seeds of chosen heat-tolerant vegetables.


Vegetables like lettuce, sweet pepper, cucumber, and celery were successfully grown using
the SNAP hydroponics system. The use of this system can improve household income and
increase the per capita vegetable consumption.



In the trials conducted during the cold months on lettuce, the vegetables performed better
in SNAP culture than in the field. Economic analysis of adopting SNAP hydroponics for
commercial lettuce production in a 200 m2 area showed that it requires an initial
investment of P66,925 and an annual production cost of P65,555.83 ($1=P56). Assuming
ten croppings per year at the average lettuce price of P50/kilo, the return on investment will
be 51%. The investment cost can be recovered in less than 2 years.

How It Is Done

Prepare materials like seedling plugs ( Fig. 2(0)) and culture pot. For seedling plugs, use 6
oz styrofoam cups with the center bottom (2.5-cm diameter) cut off. Place a garden net in
the cutoff portion of the cup. Place 1.5 cm thick coir dust and 1.5 cm sand at the bottom of
the cup.

For culture pots, use recycled styrofoam grape boxes ( Fig. 3(0)). Make holes big enough to
hold the seedling plugs by their necks. Line the bottom with polyethylene plastic sheet (0.02
mm thick) to prevent the solution from leaking. Place the culture pots inside the

Prepare the seedlings. Sow seeds in seed boxes. Transplant seedlings in seedling plugs 2
weeks after seedling emergence. Place in shallow trays with 1 cm nutrient solution. If root
length grows from 1-2 cm, transfer to culture pots. The bottom of the seedling plugs should
be submerged by about 1 cm in the culture pot.

After two weeks, replenish the water with nutrient solution. Allow the nutrient solution to go
below the bottom of the cups from 1-3 cm to enhance passive aeration.

The History of Hydroponics

The word hydroponics comes from two Greek words, "hydro" meaning water and "ponics" meaning
labor. The concept of soil less gardening or hydroponics has been around for thousands of years.
The hanging Gardens of Babylon and The Floating Gardens of China are two of the earliest
examples of hydroponics. Scientists started experimenting with soil less gardening around 1950.
Since then other countries, such as Holland, Germany, and Australia have used hydroponics for
crop production with amazing results.
The Benefits of Hydroponics
Hydroponics is proved to have several advantages over soil gardening. The growth rate on a
hydroponic plant is 30-50 percent faster than a soil plant, grown under the same conditions. The
yield of the plant is also greater. Scientists believe that there are several reasons for the drastic
differences between hydroponic and soil plants. The extra oxygen in the hydroponic growing
mediums helps to stimulate root growth. Plants with ample oxygen in the root system also absorb
nutrients faster. The nutrients in a hydroponic system are mixed with the water and sent directly to
the root system. The plant does not have to search in the soil for the nutrients that it requires. Those
nutrients are being delivered to the plant several times per day. The hydroponic plant requires very
little energy to find and break down food. The plant then uses this saved energy to grow faster and
to produce more fruit. Hydroponic plants also have fewer problems with bug infestations, funguses
and disease. In general, plants grown hydroponically are healthier and happier plants.

Hydroponic gardening also offers several benefits to our environment. Hydroponic gardening uses
considerably less water than soil gardening, because of the constant reuse the nutrient solutions.
Due to lack of necessity, fewer pesticides are used on hydroponic crops. Since hydroponic
gardening systems use no topsoil, topsoil erosion isn't even an issue. Although, if agricultural trends
continue to erode topsoil and waste water, hydroponics may soon be our only solution.
Growing Mediums
The purpose of a growing medium is to aerate and support the root system of the plant and to
channel the water and nutrients. Different growing mediums work well in different types of
hydroponic systems. A fast draining medium, such as Hydrocorn or expanded shale works well in an
ebb and flow type system. Hydrocorn is a light expanded clay aggregate. It is a light, airy type of
growing medium that allows plenty of oxygen to penetrate the plant's root system. Both types of
grow rocks can be reused, although the shale has more of a tendency to break down and may not
last as long as the Hydrocorn. These grow rocks are very stable and rarely effect the pH of the
nutrient solution.

Rockwool has become an extremely popular growing medium. Rockwool was originally used in
construction as insulation. There is now a horticultural grade of Rockwool. Unlike the insulation
grade, horticultural Rockwool is pressed into growing cubes and blocks. It is produced from volcanic
rock and limestone. These components are melted at temperatures of 2500 degrees and higher. The
molten solution is poured over a spinning cylinder, comparable to the way cotton candy is made,
then pressed into identical sheets, blocks or cubes. Since Rockwool holds 10-14 times as much
water as soil and retains 20 percent air it can be used in just about any hydroponic system. Although
the gardener must be careful of the pH, since Rockwool has a pH of 7.8 it can raise the pH of the
nutrient solution. Rockwool cannot be used indefinitely and most gardeners only get one use per
cube. It is also commonly used for propagation.

Other commonly used growing mediums are perlite, vermiculite and different grades of sand. These
three mediums are stable and rarely effect the pH of the nutrient solution. Although, they tend to hold
too much moisture and should be used with plants that are tolerant to these conditions. Perlite,
vermiculite and sands are very inexpensive options, and work charitably in wick systems, although
they are not the most effective growing mediums.
Most of the principles that apply to soil fertilizers also apply to hydroponic fertilizers, or nutrient
solutions. A hydroponic nutrient solution contains all the elements that the plant normally would get
from the soil. These nutrients can be purchased at a hydroponic supply store. Most are highly
concentrated, using 2 to 4 teaspoons per gallon of water. They come in liquid mixes or powered
mixes, usually with at least two different containers, one for grow and one for bloom. The liquids are
the slightly more expensive and the easiest to use. They dissolve quickly and completely into the
reservoir and often have an added pH buffer. The powered varieties are inexpensive and require a
little more attention. They need to be mixed much more thoroughly and often don't dissolve
completely into the reservoir. Most do not have a pH buffer.

Like soil, hydroponic systems can be fertilized with organic or chemical nutrients. An organic
hydroponic system is considerably more work to maintain. The organic compounds have a tendency
to lock together and cause pumps blockage. Some hydroponic gardeners simply supplement their
hydroponic gardens with organic nutrients, using the chemical nutrients as the main food supply.
This gives the plants a stable supply of nutrients without the high maintenance a hydro-organic
Most plants can grow hydroponically within a pH range of 5.8 to 6.8, 6.3 is considered optimal. The
pH in a hydroponic system is much easier to check than the pH of soil. Many hardware, pet, and
hydroponic supply stores sell pH-testing kits. They range in price from $4.00 to about $15.00,
depending on the range and type of test you prefer. Testing pH is easy and essential in a
hydroponics system. If the pH is too high or too low the plant will not be able to absorb certain
nutrients and will show signs of deficiencies. pH should be checked once a week. It is easy to adjust
by adding small amounts of soluble Potash to raise pH, or phosphoric acid to lower pH. There are
also several pH meters available. These give a digital reading of the pH in the system. The pH meter
cost around $100 and are not necessary in most cases.
Hydroponic Systems
Hydroponic systems are characterized as active or passive. An active hydroponic system actively
moves the nutrient solution, usually using a pump. Passive hydroponic systems rely on the capillary
action of the growing medium or a wick. The nutrient solution is absorbed by the medium or the wick
and passed along to the roots. Passive systems are usually too wet and do not supply enough
oxygen to the root system for optimum growth rates.

Hydroponic systems can also be characterized as recovery or non-recovery. Recovery systems or

recirculating systems reuse the nutrient solution. Non-recovery means just what it says. The nutrient
solution is applied to the growing medium and not recovered.
The Wick System
The wick system is a passive non-recovery type hydroponic system. It uses no pumps and has no
moving parts. The nutrients are stored in the reservoir and moved into the root system by capillary
action often using a candle or lantern wick. In simpler terms, the nutrient solution travels up the wick
and into the root system of the plant. Wick systems often uses sand or perlite, vermiculite mix and a
growing medium. The wick system is easy and inexpensive to set-up and maintain. Although, it
tends to keep the growing medium to wet, which doesn't allow for the optimum amount of oxygen in
the root system. The wick system is not the most effective way to garden hydroponically.
The Ebb and Flow System
The Ebb and Flow hydroponic system is an active recovery type system. The Ebb and Flow uses a
submersible pump in the reservoir and the plants are in the upper tray. They work on a simple flood
and drain theory. The reservoir holds the nutrient solution and the pump. When the pump turns on,
the nutrient solution is pumped up to the upper tray and delivered to the root system of the plants.
The pump should remain on for about 20 to 30 minutes, which is called a flood cycle. Once the water
has reached a set level, an overflow pipe or fitting allows the nutrient solution to drain back into the
reservoir. The pump remains on for the entire flood cycle. After the flood cycle the nutrient solution
slowly drains back down into the reservoir through the pump.

During the flood cycle oxygen poor air is pushed out of the root system by the upward moving
nutrient solution. As the nutrient solution drains back into the reservoir, oxygen rich air is pulled into
the growing medium. This allows the roots ample oxygen to maximize their nutrient intake. Rockwool
and grow rocks are most commonly used growing mediums in Ebb and Flow type systems. The Ebb
and Flow is low maintenance, yet highly effective type of hydroponic gardening.
Nutrient Film Technique
The Nutrient Film Technique or NFT system is an active recovery type hydroponic system. Again,
using submersible pumps and reusing nutrient solutions. The NFT uses a reservoir with a
submersible pump that pumps the nutrient solution into a grow-tube where the roots suspended. The
grow-tube is at a slight downward angle so the nutrient solution runs over the roots and back into the
reservoir. The nutrient solution flows over the roots up to 24 hours per day.

Oxygen is needed in the grow-tube so capillary matting or air stones must be used. The plants are
held up by a support collar or a grow-basket and no growing medium is used. The NFT system is
very effective. Although, many novice hydroponic growers find it difficult to fine tune. It can also be
very unforgiving, with no growing medium to hold any moisture, any long period of interruption in the
nutrient flow can cause the roots to dry out and the plants to suffer and possibly die.
Continuous Drip
The Continuous Drip system is an active recovery or non-recovery type system. This system uses a
submersible pump in a reservoir with supply lines going to each plant. With drip emitter for each
plant the gardener can adjust the amount of solution per plant. A drip tray under each row of plants,
sending the solution back to the reservoir, can easily make this system an active recovery type. In
the early days of hydroponics, the extra solution was leached out into the ground. Continuous Drip
systems are often used with Rockwool. Although, any growing medium can be used with this
system, thanks to the adjustment feature on each individual drip emitter.

Buying a System or Building a System

This is the most asked question relating to hydroponics. Should I buy one or build one? This author
recommends a little of both. If you have an engineer's mind and dream of building your own
hydroponic system, buy one first! Getting an inexpensive system will allow you to get your feet wet
and give you a better understanding of how hydroponics works. The hands on experience is worth
the cost of the system and chances are, you will be able to reuse the parts in that system when you
set out to build your own.

If you would rather get right into building your own, do your research. Get all the information you can
and don't rely on just one source. This is a constantly changing industry and there are many books
still on the shelves that are already outdated. Building your own system can be very rewarding or
extremely frustrating. It's mostly trial and error so, be patient.

Hydroponic gardening is the wave of the future. It is currently being studied in classrooms around
the country, local horticultural societies and in government funded research at major universities and
NASA. It is also becoming a popular hobby. Hydroponics is fun, exciting and easy to get involved in.
Benefits Of Hydroponics

o You can grow all year around – both indoors and out
o Conserves water and plant nutrients are controlled
o More plants can be grown in a given area and crop flavour is enhanced
o Plants grow quicker with increased yields
o No need for weeding
o Soil borne pests are eliminated, leading to reduced needs for pesticides
o Less need for re-potting as the plants do not get root bound

nvironmental Benefits of Hydroponics

o They take up to 50% less land to grow the same amount of crops: Leaving more land for other uses such as

wildlife reserves and also saving trees, which would otherwise be cleared for agricultural purposes.

o Less water usage: In fact, less than 10% the amount that would be required for growing in soil. The only

water lost with hydroponics is through evaporation, or occasional changes to the feeding solution.

o 60% less fertilizer is required: The hydroponic growing solution circulates through the plant’s roots, the plant

absorbs what they need, and you never lose anything due to settling or crystallizing in the soil

o Reduced fossil fuel consumption: Food is shipped all over the world to places where agriculture is hard or

impossible – or where certain foods cannot be grown due to shorter growing seasons. With hydroponics, you

can grow those foods locally!

o Less pesticide use: Due to the fact that you’re growing indoors and eliminating soil (which hold bacteria and

many common insects), there’s no need for toxic pesticides to protect your plants.

The Benefits of Hydroponic Growing: Why Hydroponics as Opposed to

Traditional Growing
International Consultants to Practical Hydroponics and Greenhouses claims that
Hydroponics are, “a good alternative for producing safer urban crops.” There are
many cases available through the International Consultants to Practical Hydroponics
and Greenhouses website that offer evidence to support the claim that hydroponic
farming in an urban setting is both environmentally beneficial and a viable source of

The following are the benefits as outlined by International Consultants to Practical

Hydroponics and Greenhouses. The following has been taken from: For more
information contact or vist

 Isolation from soil. Planting takes place at a convenient height, where soil
pollution has no impact. Plants are grown in water containers or in low–cost
natural substrates (sand, rice husk, pumice, etc.). With this system, it is
possible to grow a vast range of vegetables, for example, lettuce, tomatoes,
carrots, celery, watercress eggplants, beans, parsley, wild radish, leeks,
strawberries, melons, aromatic and medicinal plants, etc.
 Use of limited space. One of its main advantages of hydroponics is the
possibility of using urban spaces which until now had not been considered
adequate for growing food
 High efficiency in the use of irrigation water. Water is recycled and does not
pollute the environment.
 Pest, disease and weed control. Hydroponic systems facilitate the adoption of
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. There is also a significant
reduction in the use of chemicals once used to control pests and weeds.
Moreover, neither the produce nor the environment is contaminated by
 Higher yields and shorter times between harvests. Hence, total output is
greater than the case of conventional soil systems.
 Easy to learn. The technique is easy to understand, it does not require prior
knowledge and concrete results are achieved quickly.
 Potential use of recycled materials. It is possible to use recycled materials to
build growing systems. Subsequently, growers can use materials they
already have on hand, e.g. wood, disposable packaging materials.
 Source of income from direct sales. It promotes family or community owned
 Food is of a high quality. Fruit and vegetables have a high biological and
dietary value. Crops for household consumption are harvested when they are
ready to be used. Hence, produce is fresh and has its nutritional and
medicinal properties intact (vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, etc).

Hydroponics is a system of growing vegetables without soil. Using this system, the plant receives
nutrients through the roots, but they are not in soil. Hydroponic plants can be grown in water, gravel,
sand or simply in the air with an occasional nutrient bath. This is an efficient system and the plants
benefit through greater efficiency than soil-based planting. Hydroponic plants can grow through faster
and bigger than those grown in soil due to this efficiency and there are many other benefits as well.
Hydroponic vegetable gardens are something that deserves a serious look for those who want to
develop an efficient plant production system to feed a growing world.

Why Do Hydroponic Plants Grow Better? We are taught in elementary school that in order to grow
plants need water, sunshine, and soil. This is a mantra that any fourth grader knows by heart, but it is
only partially correct. Plants need water, sunshine, and nutrients. They do not have to get their nutrients
from the soil. In soil, the nutrients are dilute and the plant has to spend considerable time and energy
spreading its roots to find the nutrients that it needs.

In a hydroponic system, the plant does not have to spend this energy seeking nutrients, which means
that they do not need such an extensive root system. Hydroponic plants can grow as much as two times
as fast as their soil-grown counterparts can because they do not have to expend the energy to develop
an extensive root system. The nutrients are applied directly to the roots, allowing the plant to be grown
in a smaller space. Hydroponics allows the plant density to be quadrupled, which means four times
more production for the space. The Efficiency of a Hydroponic System Many other reasons make a
hydroponic system more efficient aside from space. Plants in the soil are at the mercy of Mother Nature.
They are exposed to pests, airborne diseases, flood, drought and storm damage. Many diseases come
directly from the soil. Hydroponic gardening eliminates the potential for diseases in the soil. It also
allows the grower to control precisely the environment so that it gets exactly what it needs. Hydroponic
plants can be grown easily without the use of herbicides or pesticides, which is always an advantage. Soil
based farming is labor intensive. From the time the seed is planted, it is a constant race to keep down
weed competition. Soil based plants need to be tended regularly or they will succumb to the stresses of
the environment. This is not so with hydroponic plants. Much of the caretaking can be automated. Isn’t
Hydroponic Gardening More Resource Intensive? Many people think that hydroponic vegetable gardens
is more resource intensive than traditional farming. However, the answer to this question relies on the
system that is used. In traditional soil-based farming, water must be applied on a regular basis. Unless,
one is lucky enough to live in an area that receives the exact amount of rainfall needed, the water must
be drawn from the local water table. This places a strain on the water table and this water cannot be
recycled. With a hydroponic system, the water used is recycled repeatedly with little loss. Hydroponic
farmers claim that they use 90% less water than if the plants were grown using a traditional soil system.
Natural lighting can be used to reduce further the footprint on the environment. Several types of
hydroponic systems exist. Some require moving parts, which of course expends electricity and
resources, but there are some hydroponic systems that do not require moving parts. These require less
energy than soil based systems because they do not require gasoline engines to work the soil. The wick
system is one example of a hydroponic system that does not require pumps. This system supplies
nutrients to the soil through a capillary system that uses a candlewick to deliver the nutrients to the

What About the Nutrition Value of the Produce? Many people say that hydroponic plants do not taste
the same as those grown in the soil. Taste is a complicated subject. It is determined by genetic, the
cultivar grown and growing conditions. Too much rain or a lack of sun can significantly affect the taste of
the produce. Many factors that affect taste can be precisely controlled using he hydroponic system. In
the beginning of hydroponic gardening, only a few cultivars had been developed, which accounts for
their reputation as being tasteless. Now, many cultivars exist that are almost identical in taste to their
soil-grown cousins. With improvements in growing systems and better cultivar development, many
people cannot tell the taste of hydroponically grown vegetables from soil-grown ones. In terms of
nutritional value, there is no conclusive evidence either way, that hydroponically grown vegetables are
more or less nutritious than soil-grown vegetables. In some cases, there may be more nutrients in
hydroponic varieties because the nutrient levels can be precisely controlled and adjusted. This is not
possible with crops grown in soil. However, at this time, there is no evidence either way that one is
better than the other as far as nutrition is concerned. It is possible to utilize organic growing methods in
a hydroponic system. Some organic growers use compost or manure tea as their plant nutrient, just as
with soil-based systems. The only difference is that the tea is added directly to the water, not the soil.
Nutrient sources also include seaweed and fish emulsion. The nutrient mixture is recirculated and
refreshed, so there is little loss. Hydroponic vegetable gardens are one solution to places where the soil
has been over-farmed, or where it is not suitable for traditional farming. Hydroponic farming does not
deplete the soil. It is an efficient system that fits anywhere. Hydroponics allows wasted roof space to be
turned into a source of food production. There is no need to plan for crop rotation, pest control, or
weed competition. Many crops can be grown year round using hydroponic systems. Many top chefs tout
the flavor and advantages of hydroponically grown vegetables. Maybe this is something that you should
consider if you think that you do not have enough space for traditional soil-based gardening. What do
you think? Is Hydroponics a viable solution for feeding a growing global population? - See more at:

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