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To Whom It May Concern,

I have been working in education for over ten years and it is still a unique and wonderful
opportunity to write letters of recommendations for insightful and motivated students such as Arianna
Carrillo. This year, I have had the uplifting pleasure of being the club advisor for Arianna’s Fashion Club.
Few students have the drive and charisma that it takes to create, organize, and sustain an enjoyable and
effective club on a high school campus. Due to those qualities, and numerous others, is why it has been
an absolute joy working with Arianna this year.

Arianna is bright, energetic, and genuine. Her grades have been consistently above average, and
her work in her honors classes is evidence of that. Moreover, she has actively participated in a diverse
assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from being the on-campus Fashion Club president, taking
part in a number of community service projects, and working with the theater arts department.

As the Fashion Club president, Arianna has been quite busy. Her initial action was to connect the
Fashion Club with the community; not just the campus community, but the local business community. She
did this be writing personal letters to a number of businesses, clothing and fabric stores, thrift stores, and
even design companies. Moreover, these personal letters were hand delivered. This ​small​ action has
been a major contribution to the club’s success. Donations from this outreach, as well as a number of
fundraisers, has allowed the club to purchase supplies and partake in educationally rewarding field trips.
Arianna organized one field trip that really stands out. During the first semester the Fashion Club took a
day field trip to San Francisco and the de Young Museum to see the Contemporary Muslim Fashions
Special Exhibition.

It doesn’t end there; Arianna has a keen ability to reach out. Arianna connected with Fashion
Institute of Design and Merchandising, FIDM. The school has visited our campus multiple times, and the
on-campus club is now officially registered with their program. It is very impressive to me that Arianna
started this club at the beginning of the year, and it has already grown so well; raising more money and
participation than any other independent club on campus.

In the short time I’ve known her, it has become abundantly clear to me that Arianna has a unique
passion for people and the ability to go above and beyond the expectations of the average teenager. I am
so impressed with her achievements in the classroom, in her extracurricular activities, and in her
community. I hope you recognize the same potential, and downright magnetism, in Arianna that her
peers and teachers see in her and choose to help support her promising future endeavors.

Highest regards,

Michael Penna
-CHS ELA Teacher
-CHS Club Advisor

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