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Microbial EOR Technology Advancement: Xinjiang Project

Rosas Hernández Giselle, Ingeniería Petrolera, UNAM.


operator before the start of Microbial EOR.

Abstract Care was taken to continue field operations in
the same manner under Microbial EOR as
during the period the baseline waestablished.
Field results from the Xinjiang Project
Laboratory testing for microbe induced oil
commercial Microbial EOR with diverse
viscosity decreases confirmed the
reservoir conditions prove Microbial EOR
effectiveness of the selected microbes both
increases production and reserves while
before and during the projects.
decreasing water cut. Xinjiang is located in
Microbes can improve oil recovery by:
Microbial reduced oil viscosity and residual oil
result in improved oil recovery. Production rate 1. Generation of gases that increase reservoir
increases range from ten to five hundred pressure and reduce oil viscosity.
percent, averaging thirty-nine percent. Oil 2. Generation of acids that dissolve rock
recovery increases thus far average thirty-two improving absolute permeability.
percent. Numerical simulator results 3. Reducing permeability in channels thereby
considering the two main microbial effects are improving displacement conformance.
consistent with field performance. In this 4. Altering wettability.
project facultative anaerobic bacteria capable 5. Producing bio-surfactants that decrease
of deriving nourishment from the native surface and interfacial tensions.
reservoir environment are injected into the 6. Reducing oil viscosity by degrading
producing wells. The microbes are diluted with longchain saturated hydrocarbons.
water and placed in the formation using
annular batch treatments. Treatment size has For this reservoir and microbes in these
ranged from ten to 450 barrels and frequency projects is considered the significant
from every seven to twenty-eight days. mechanisms for the reduction of residual oil
Injection wells are treated as recycled and increased production. A typical reservoir
produced water is injected. was numerically simulated using three phase,
Microbe selection and effectiveness are black oil calculations. Considered in the
determined and monitored by measuring simulator model are reduced oil viscosity,
changes in Newtonian behavior and viscosity reduced residual oil and changes in relative
of produced oil. permeability which occur as the microbes
migrate or are transported through the
reservoir. Model results are consistent with the
field results.
Production data and laboratory results indicate
microbes improved production and increased The Microbial EOR technology used in the five
reserves on the project. Oil production rates projects is based upon colonizing reservoirs
are compared to baselines established by the with microbes capable of deriving nourishment
from the native reservoir environment. The process of the microbes produces organic
process does not require large volumes of acid, alcohol and surfactant and degrades
nutrients be pumped into the reservoir. long-chain, saturated hydrocarbons.
The microbial cultures used in these projects The five Microbial EOR reservoirs are
are naturally occurring, non-pathogenic and inoculated with microbes mixed in formation or
not genetically engineered. They are mixtures treated fresh water. Microbe distribution and
of live facultative anaerobes containing colonization in the reservoirs occur by natural
several principal strains which produce microbe migration and by transport in injected
desirable changes in crude properties. water. The Microbial EOR process converts
Dimensions are 1 to 4 micro-meters in length reservoirs into subsurface bioreactors and
and 0.1 to 0.3 in width. The strains are motile microbe growing facilities. The immobile,
and capable of migrating into the pore space irreducible water phase present in the majority
of oil reservoirs. The metabolic process of the of oil producing reservoirs provides a habitat
microbes produces organic acid, alcohol and for microbe colonization and migration.
surfactant and degrades long-chain, saturated Irreducible water saturation can be as high as
hydrocarbons. fifty percent in preferentially water wet
The five Microbial EOR reservoirs are reservoirs. The irreducible water saturation of
inoculated with microbes mixed in formation or the five subject reservoirs ranges from 30 to
treated fresh water. Microbe distribution and 40% allowing ample colonization and
colonization in the reservoirs occur by natural migration medium. As microbe colonies
microbe migration and by transport in injected develop and extend into the reservoirs, the
water. The Microbial EOR process converts growing process reduces oil viscosity and
reservoirs into subsurface bioreactors and produces metabolites which improve oil flow
microbe growing facilities. The immobile, and recovery.
irreducible water phase present in the majority
of oil producing reservoirs provides a habitat Project Evaluation Method.
for microbe colonization and migration.
Irreducible water saturation can be as high as First the history of each project before the start
fifty percent in preferentially water wet of Microbial EOR and the suitability of the
reservoirs. reservoir and operations to Microbial EOR are
The irreducible water saturation of the five evaluated. Next the treatment design and
subject reservoirs ranges from 30 to 40% frequency are reviewed. The project results
allowing ample colonization and migration are then evaluated in terms of:
medium. As microbe colonies develop and • Production rate increase compared to
extend into the reservoirs, the growing process baseline, • decrease in water cut.
reduces oil viscosity and produces metabolites • Increase in cumulative recovery.
which improve oil flow and recovery. • Microbe effectiveness as measured by oil
compositional changes indicated by viscosity
The Microbial EOR technology • Projected change in residual oil saturation.

The Microbial EOR is based upon colonizing

reservoirs with microbes capable of deriving Xinjiang Project
nourishment from the native reservoir
environment. The process does not require
large volumes of nutrients be pumped into the
This project contains ten wells located in the
reservoir. The microbial cultures used in these
Xinjiang Petroleum Administration Bureau.
projects are naturally occurring, non-
The wells, most in the later stage of being
pathogenic and not genetically engineered.
waterflooded, are scattered and not in the
They are mixtures of live facultative anaerobes
same reservoir. Therefore, while production
containing several principal strains which
data can be analyzed, reservoir performance
produce desirable changes in crude
cannot be determined for this grouping.
properties. Dimensions are 1 to 4 micrometers
Microbial EOR started January 1995. The
in length and 0.1 to 0.3 in width. The strains
wells are rod pumped, with pumps set from
are motile and capable of migrating into the
200 to as high as 6,000 feet above the
pore space of oil reservoirs. The metabolic
perforations on one well. Reservoir and fluid produced which is 43% over the baseline
parameters are all favorable for microbe (Figure 2).


Each well was treated three times (Figure 1).

Figure 2. Xinjiang Project Cumulative

Incremental Oil Recovery.

Figure 1. Xinjiang Project Production


The first treatment consisted of 150 barrels of

microbe-laden fluid on 7 wells and 80 barrels
on 3 wells, followed by 0 to 150 barrels of
displacing water. The displacement was
calculated according to the distance the pump
was set over the perforations and the pumping
fluid level. The second and third treatments
were 50 barrels on 6 wells and 75 barrels on 4
wells with displacement ranging from 0 to 70

Figure 3. Xinjiang Project Viscosity vs.
The wells in the project were on a rapid decline Shear Rate at 80°F
for the 24 months before Microbial EOR was
begun (Figure 1). For the 6 months after the
start of Microbial EOR the oil production rate Oil production is 300 barrels per day, 36%
increased then maintained a rate of 300 percent over baseline. Viscosity for an
barrels per day. Water production decreased example project well is shown versus shear
after the start of Microbial EOR, and as shown rate in Figure 3 and versus temperature in
by Figure 21 the water cut decreased from Figure 4.
64% to 54%. And the trend in water cut versus The baseline sample indicated microbes could
cumulative oil production which was rapidly significantly alter the crude. The area under
increasing is now flat. Over the 6 months the shear rate curve is reduced by 49%. The
14,000 barrels of incremental oil have been
temperature curve is shifted to the left 2. Brown, F. G.: “Microbes: The Practical
approximately 10°F. Due to the short duration and Environmental Safe Solution to
of the microbe treating and the location of the Production Problems, Enhanced
project, viscosity curves are not available for Production, and Enhanced Oil
the field treated oil. However, on five of the Recovery” paper SPE 23955
wells the operator measured an average presented at the 1992 SPE Permian
decrease in viscosity at 68°F from 273 to 184 Basin Oil and Gas Recovery
cp. (49%) and an increase in gravity from 28.7 Conference, Midland, Texas, March
to 29.6°API (3.1%). Microbes favorably altered 18-20, 1992.
the oil in is this reservoir. 3. Streeb, L. P., and Brown, F. G..:
“MEOR - Altamont/Bluebell Field
Project” paper SPE 24334 presented
at the SPE Rocky Mountain Regional
Meeting, Casper, Wyoming, May 18-
21, 1992.
4. Jang, Long-Kuan et al.: “The
Transport of Bacteria in Porous Media
and Its Significance in Microbial
Enhanced Oil Recovery” paper SPE
12770 presented at the 1984
California Regional Meeting, Long
Beach, California, April 11-13, 1984.
5. Bryant, R. S. et al.: “Optimization of
Microbial Formulations for Oil
Recovery: Mechanism of Oil
Mobilization, Transport of Microbes
and Metabolites, and Effects of
Additives” paper SPE 19686
presented at the 64th Annual
Figure 4. Xinjiang Project. Viscosity vs.
Technical Conference and Exhibition,
San Antonio, Texas, October 8-11,
Conclusions 6. Islam, M. R.: “Mathematical Modeling
of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery”
Microbial EOR has significantly increased oil paper SPE 24080 presented at the
production and reserves on the project. The 65th Annual Technical Conference
only costs were for the microbes and for and Exhibition, New Orleans,
performing the treatments. No investments Louisiana, September 23-26, 1990.
were required. On Xinjiang project increased 7. Chang, M-M. et al: “Modeling and
production has paid all the expenses and Laboratory Investigation of Microbial
resulted in ongoing profit. The average cost of Transport Phenomena in Porous
Media” paper SPE 22845 presented at
each incremental Microbial EOR barrel
the 66th Annual Technical
produced on these projects is $3.10.
Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
Expansion is underway or planned for the Texas, October 6-9, 1991.
project. Commercial simulators can be used to 8. Zhang, Xu et al: “A Mathematical
match and project Microbial EOR recovery Model for Microbial Enhanced Oil
using the experience in this reservoir with Recovery Process” paper SPE 24202
these types of microbes. presented at the Eigth Symposium on
Enhanced Oil Recovery, Tulsa,
References Oklahoma, April 22-24, 1992 No. 4.
1. Bryant, Rebecca S. and Douglas, pp. 45-59, July-August 1989.
Jonell: “Evaluation of Microbial
Systems in Porous Media for EOR”
SPERE (May 1988) 489-494.

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