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1. Read the story "Wrong Color".

Today Ms. Green was very late for work. She waited for
the delivery of her new chair.But the delivery man brought the wrong chair. Ms. Green
called the store manager.

"I ordered a brown chair," she said, "not green!"

"Don't be angry," said the manager. "We all make mistakes, don't we?"

"Some people make bigger mistakes than others!" Ms. Green answered.

The manager found her order.

"Ha," he laughed. Another customer, Mr. Brown, ordered a green chair and got your chair
instead. Isn't that funny?"

"No, it isn't. I want my chair. I paid enough money for it," said Ms. Green. "Come to
the store now and get a different chair," he said.

But Ms. Green went to work instead. After work, she went to the store, but it was
alreadyclosed. A handsome young man was also there.

"I'm late," he said. "Now I have to wait until tomorrow for my green chair."

"Are you Mr. Brown?" she asked. "Yes, but ... "

"I can help you with your chair," said Ms. Green. And she smiled for the first time that day.

2. Read the story "Wrong Color", and then answer the questions.

a. Why was Ms. Green late for work?

The delivery man brought her the wrong chair.

The manager of the store spoke to her for too long.

She had to go out and buy another chair

b. What was the delivery man's mistake?

He brought Ms. Green a green chair.

He brought Ms. Green a brown chair.

He went to the wrong house.

c. Why did the store manager laugh when he found Ms. Green's order?

He understood that Ms. Green and Mr. Brown got each other's chairs.

He thought it was funny that she was so angry.

He thought it was funny that Mr. Brown still wanted a green chair.

d. How did Ms. Green get her brown chair?

She went to the store, and the manager gave her the chair she wanted.

She met Mr. Brown outside the store, and then they switched chairs.

She went to another store and bought a brown chair.

3. Read the story "Wrong Color." Then complete the table by filling in
the opposites of the highlighted words in the sentences.

Early Right Open Cried

Sentences Opposites
Ms. Green was late for work.

Mr. Brown received the wrong chair.

Ms. Green and Mr. Brown went to the store, but it was closed.

The store manager laughed when he found the mistake.

4. Drag the correct answer/s into place.

Cookbook meals bakes cook cup

My friend Carl loves to_________. He makes delicious _________. He

also _________ great cakes. I love to visit Carl. There's always delicious food
around. I sometimes just go to his house for a _________ of coffee and a piece
of one of his great cakes. "Carl, you can write a _________," I say to him.
"Nobody bakes like you!"

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