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Experimental Measurement of the

Persistence of Permeability
Reduction in Porous Media Treated
With XanthanlCr(NE) Gel Systems
R.W. Eggwt Jr.,* SPE, G.P. WIUhite, SPE, and D.W. Green, SPE, U. of Kansas

Spg 191b30

Summary. A series of long-term experiments was condu”tied to determine the persistence of flow resistance in unconsolidated sand.
packs treated with xanthan/Cr(IIIl gels. Gels were prepared with Z,@Xl ppm xantban and Cr@I) concentrations from 25 to 200 ppm.
These systems exbiblt various degrees of swelling or syneresis.” The expe~ents were conducted by first allowing a gel to set up in
a sandpack. and hen continuously flushing the sandpack with brine for up to 4 months at a constant pressure drop of 13.3 psi/$ Flow
rate was monitored to calculate permeability changes with time. ,Plow experiments indicated that the mwm=mt Of sw~g md ~me~sis
in bulk-gel tests is not a gocd predictor of gel response in unconsolidated sandpacks. Excellent permeabili~ reduction was obtained
in sandpacks when gels tlmt exhibited 35% to 60% reduction in volyme in bulk tests owing to syneresis were used. Gels were most
.effectivi at retaining flow resistance in the range of 35 to 75 ppm Cl@), where the sandpacks regainkd <0.1 % of their orighml 4,000
md permeability during the experiments. These observations were supported by experiments in which the pH of the injected brine was
varied between 3.0 and 6.5. The swelling tests on the bulk gel indica@ that permeability would decrease as pH increased@ would
increase as pH decreas@ This occurrd, however, the magnitude of tie perme?biiity ctkm& W= less thm ~efi~ from bw-gel m=-
uremds.. “Other experiment indicated that residual oil does not*! permeability mcdific=tiOn ~ s~dpac~. The ~Ount Of Cr@f)
removed from the sindpack during bi’ine flushing ranged from 38% for the 25-ppm-Cr(ILO gel to 70% for tie 200-ppm-Cr@) gel.
ti””all systems, effluent Cr@l) .concentqtion declined exponentially as flushing contbu+ suggesting ~at the Cr(J2J) recovered never
reacted with the polymer.


iihny reservoirs have large variations in penneabiliq with depth. of metal ions often undergo syneresis (stujnk) with time by exped-
Some of these variations result from the depositional environment ling solvent. Thus, persons evaluadng gel system .have wsumed
that existed when the reservoir framework was laid down. fn other that a gel was satisfactmy for permeability-modification treatments.
cases postdepositional changes, such as dngenesis and fractures, if the gel was stable in bottle tests for long periods. Compositions
may be responsible. Fraitures may also be introdu~ during that exhiiited symreiis were discarded from Ma testing because
P- OF~ons. When SWOUd@ recovery processes, such as it was thought that syneresis in the reservok” would l~d to the for:
watertlowling, we implemented in such heterogeneous systep?-$, in- mation’ of water channels in the gels and destroy the intended
jected fluids flow in the direction of least resistance, bypassing a permeability-reducing properties of the gels.
portion of the oil-bearing layers. These “thief zones” reduce. the This paper describes results of a study of the persistence of per-
volumetic sweep eftkiency of the 01 displacement process. meabiliv reduction in unconsolidated sandpacks treated wi~ a
One method to @prove waterflood volumetric sweep efficiency Cr(lIl)/xanthan gelling system.
is to inject a substance into a wel to change me injectivity pro~e
and the distribution of water flowing in the reservoir. Permeability Background
mcdikication, conformance control, perrneabili~ adjustment, pro-
Gd-SwelIing Theory. Gels formed by the cmsslinking of xantiwn
f~e mcdiIicadon, and flpid diversion ate terms oh used to @cni
with Cr@?J exhibit two unique properties when studied in bottle
this process: 1
tests: sive!.bg and syneresis. The swelling property is observed
Several methods of ch&ging the permeability in the vicinity of
when a gel has the capability to absorb solvent and to increase the
an injection well have been proposed, including injection of cement
slurries, partic@.e sofids, silica gels, monomers that poIypIe~e gel volume when contacted with excess solvent. Syneresis deyxibes

in situ, water-soluble polymers, and gels or colloidal sh’uctures the decrease in the volume of a gel caused by expulsion of apor-
formed by metal ions and polymers. 2 Of tiese methcds, in-situ ge- “tion of the solvent upon aging of the gel. Syneresis is often caused

lation ?pp&,rs to be applicable to a wide range of reservoir condi- by condnued cros$linhg, which leads to a higher crosslink degsity,

tions and has been successful in several field tests. 3S a contraction of the polymer network, and expulsion of solvent.

Permeability modification by i@itu gelation consists of the in- Syneresis is usually observed sometime after the initial gel forms.
je@on of a hi@-molecul.w-weight polymer, ~ch as @ya@a- Swelling &d syneresis are thermodynamic properties of cross:
mide or xantban gum; and a metillic ion cromliier, usually linked polymer systems that can be described theoretically from
cliromium or aluminum, into an tijection’ well where volumetic Flory 11 and Herman’s 12 polynier-network theory. According to
sweep is suspected to be a problem. The gel solution floys iflto this theory, the equilibrium swelling state of a gel is a “balance
the fmctures or high-permeability simaks and f- a gel there with- between two potentials; a m.ix@g potential that favo,m the di~er-
in .a few days. After treatment, it is hypothesized that tie injected sion of the polymer network into +e solvent, and an elastic poten-

water will spread more eveidy over tie net pay interval. M fiat ~.~ to resi.q any further deformation of the network tlom ,,
The effectiveness Ma permeability-modifwaion proj4ct defends its most probable cotilguration. 10
on the persistence of the long-term permeabili~ modification. The Swefling and syneresis represent predictable changes in the
gel must witlistand a continuous high pressure drop near the injec- volume of a gel as it moves toward a tbenncdynamically stable state.
tion well without degrading in the Idgb-permeabtity stmaks,or fmc- Wwn,a gel undergoes syneresis, the contraction of the gel network
tures. Comeq+ntly, gel fonnul$ons ase e+nsively evaluated for leads to separation of the gel and solvsnt phases. When exposed
stabili~,in bottle tksts. Many polymcrlmetal ion compositions are to excess solvent, a gel swells to reach a stable state corresponding
not Wble in botie tests. 9.10 Gels containing high concentrations to the properties of the solvent and the gel. Xanthan/Cr(Hf) gels
exhibit swelling and syneresis under a wide variety of conditions.
‘Nw at BHP Petroleum (Americas) Inc.
For example, Gales et al. lo presented data describing the proper-.
Cqyrlght 1992 Sticl~ d Petroleum Engineers ties of 2,000-ppm-xanthm gels cms+nked with chromium cOn-
WE Reservoir Engineering, Febnmry 1952 29

(ppm) Test Type
(red) . ..
7. Persistence
30 Persistence .,
4,900 0.37
35. Persistence
4,800 0.36
50 Persistence
3,700 0.32
50 Persistence and reproducibility
.4,400 0.35
50 Persistence at ROS
. ,,,7.5 : ; 4,100/1,870 at S.W , 0.s4
.?< Persistence
.. . . 4,60u 0.36
100. ‘ ~ “) Persistence and effect of brine pH
3,900 0.36
100 Persistence and effect of brine PH
8,800 0.36
125 Persistence
4,800 0.38
150 Persistence
4,200 0.35
200 Persistence
3,800 0.33

.Xcmtha. concmwatlm was 2,000 mm 1.3% Kcl .All Sandpacks were milked 8! pH. 5 before gel In]wtlon.

erdes. It was observed that gels exftibkd @%riuoMates =&g eflluent Cr(lll) concenti-tion were measw~. The experimental ap-
from 66% to 71 %.sjneresii (volume decrease). There was a single paratus is described in detail k Ref. 14.
Cr(TfI) concentration (30 ppm) where the gel retained its original The effect of pH on gelled sandpck permeability was determined
volume, exhibiting neither swelling nor syneresis. in two sandpacks by flushing them with brine with a pH ranging
Gales et af. found that.pH affects the swellingkyneresis proper- from 3 to 7. These exper&ents were expected to show whether
ties of gels. A series of 50-ppm-Cr(fIf)/4,000-ppm-kmthan bulk xtinthan/Cr(lIT) gels in Pious medii showed the s~e response to
gel samples was exposed to brines of various pHs undl the sam- changes in pH as bulk gels.
ples Racked their equifibriqm swelling stite, The gel behavior varied Dispersion experiments were conducted in two of the sindpacks
linearly from 32% symmesis at pH 2.5 to 107% swelling at pH 7.1. to estimate the effective porosity of the sandpacks after syneresis
Swelling ~d syneresis are also sensitive to temperature. had WCUred.
Thes? experiments suggest that a gel will not retain its orit@d
volume onder reservoir conditions except under unique conditions Materials and Sample Ptwparatio& The xantban biqmlymer uied
of metal ion composition, pH, and temperature.
in the experiments came from Ffccon 48CKIPW Batch Number TS-
261-145. This xantban broth contained 5.0 W% active xantlxq (ac-
Porous Media Te$ts. AS noted earlier, many persons have assumed
W-to the ptiier assay), 1,500 ppm of formaldehyde as a bio-
that gel shrinkage in bottle tests is direct .widence that the gel will
cide, and some celhdar debris. Ref. 14 describes tie mixing
not block water in the pores of an underground formation. Few
resewch results, however, have been published dealing with the
Cr@f) was obtained from Ptizer X-Link 1000TM Lot V4Y180
effects of syneresis on permeabtity reduction in porous media. A
17.61% w/w Cr(Ill)]. The Cr(fII) concentration was verified by
single refwenm was found on tie persistence of permeabili~ reduc-
atomic absorption (AA) Spectmphotometry and comparison with
tion by xar@an/Cr(DI) gels. Avery et al..g presented one example
Fisher Chemcids’ AA chromium standard sofution. X-Link 1000
of a 1,2W-md saodpack treated with a gel of unspecified Cr(IIf)
is a concentrated ‘Cr(llT) solution prepared from CrC13. 6H20 and
and xanthan conckntratims that regained only 8% of its pretreat-
was purple, indicating hydrolysis of CrC13. The chromium solu-
ment permeability after flushing with 525 PV of brine. No men-
tion was added to 3 % KCI brine gmwimetricaly to give the desired
tion was made whetAer the gels swelled or underwent syneresis.
Cr(lIl) concentration for subsequent gelation when mixed~,the
Purkaple and summersl$ studied the Iong-term effectiveness of
polymer solution. The chromiom solution was then allowe$to set
chromium crossfinked Folyacrylamide. gels in P.erea sandstone corm.
overnight m ensufe hydrolysis.
Resi@al resistance t%ctors of 1,000 were reported after 2W PV’s
(50 days) of brine were irjected in cores treated with gel systems-
that exhibited significant syneresis. Sandpack llqaration. .%ndpacks were chosen for gelation studies

The existeace of swelJing/syneresi3 characteristics in gel systems because uniform properties could be. obtained when packing was
suggest that conclusions drawn from observations in bottle tests done with an automatic sandpac@r and the PH cmdd be stabilized
should be tested in porous media. by acid washing. Sand was acid washed with HC1 and i’imed with
distilled water repatedly for 2 weeks to remove soluble iron. Sand-
Ex@r[memtaf Study packs were prepired in a 9-in.-long Lucitew tube with an ID of
1.$ in. Pressure taps were located 4-in. .apad in the center of the
Experiments. The experimental work was planned to determine
tube. A set of screens was used to tontine the sand at each end.
the persistence of permeability reduction wi@ time as brine was
of the sandpack. Ref. 14 gives details of sandpack preparation. Each
flowed at a constagt pressure drop through sandpacks treated with
gel. Gels selected ‘for this study were made at the same CN.fll) and sandpack was flushed with COZ to displace air. from the pore

xantban concxmhadons used by G&Set of-lo in their experimental space, evacuati with a house vacuum, and saturated with 3 % KCI

study of equilibrium swelling and syneresis properties. Table 1 brine. Porasiw was determined gravimehically by weighing @e

shows ,*e set of geIs .usezi. sandpack when dry and when saturated with brine. Permeability
Gel solutions were mixed, placed in a transfer cyfinder, and Own to brine-at 100% brine saturation was measured at three different
dk.placyf through the sandpack while pressure drop was recorded flow raw and plotted as pressure drop vs. ffow cate to ensure that
by meam of two pressure taps spaced 4 ~., apart at the center of there was a linear relationship and no gas saturation. Table 2 gives
the 9-in. -long sandpack. Samples from tie transfer cylinder and fhe sandpack ptipertks. Sandpacks were flushed at 60 mLih with
eftluent were collected in bottles and put aside for later syneresis a brine of 30,W ppm (3%) KC1 at a pH of 5.0 uiitil the effluent
measurements. ‘f%e tinted sandpacks were then agedfor two weeks pH stab~ied at 5.0. This typically took 40 PV of brine for acid-
in a 77°F constant-temperature bath. After aging, the sandpack washed sand.

30 SPE Reservoir Engin&g, February 1992

R-efm-dionauf Di.@wemnt of Gel SOMion. Gel 3Qluti0ns were
with Cr(711)
by nixing
the polymer
in 3%. KCI
in a M*er
in 3 % KCI brine
a maZQ~cs~

bm. Chromium was added dropwise fibm a burette onto the vor- m1 bbl/dw/fL iniotim

tex shoulder over a .20-minute period. Upon completion of mix- 200 ● 5 .bbl/d~/ft

ing, the PH was adjusted to 5.0 by.adding dilute HC1 acid or KOH. A 15 bbl/dw/ft
The solution was p&red into”a plastic bag for installation in “ti= .35 bbl/day/ft
transfer cyliider. 160
Three PV of gel solution were. tijwted into each sandpack in a
period of 30 minutes to ensure complete saturation with gel solu-
tion. Bag (inlet) samples and effluent samples colfected during the .
100 ... .
third PV of injection were saved for later measurements. The pres-
sure drop over the center 4 in. of sandpack was measured condnu-
ously during the displacement.
Upon completion of a displacement, the” sandpacks were shut in 50
and stored for 2 weeks in 77°F water bath. ‘T& was ample time
for the gel to form and. for syneresis to begin. Effluent s~Ples
generally began to show signs of syneres~ within a few days.

o 20 40 60 80 100
Long-Term Brine Ffuahfng. tijection of 3 % KC1 brine. at a pH
of 5.0 begin
the sandpack
to a constant
after the 2 weeks
pressure. source.
of shut-in
by mnnecting
drop was
I Distance From .Wellbore 4Ss (ft)

maintained at 10 psi, which is equivalent P a pressure gradient of viscosity= 1. CP

13.3 psi/ft. Tbi.s pressure gra~ent was selected to approximate tie Wellbore Radius= 0.333 ft.
average gradient in the near-wellbore mea of an irjdon well when Permeability of Gel-Treated Z&e= 10 md
the effective permeabtity to water is 10 md. Fig. 1 shows pres-
Fig. l—Praswre gradient In the vicinity of an injection Well
sure gradients cakulated from Darcy’s law? watefiood ~j~~On
at various injection rates. Brine permeability= 10 md.
rates of 1 to 2.5 B/(D-ft). These gradients were computed assuming
radial flow of water (1 cp) from a wellbore with a radius of 0.33 ft.
Effective permeabw of the sandpack was determined by QMS- solution was examined by obseming the pressure drop in the test
uring M flow rate over an 1 ,80@c0ndinterval and the total pres- section and characteristics of the effluent.
sure drop, and then solving for tie effective permeability witi the Pressure histories for 30- to 50-ppm-Cr(lII) gel solutions were
lineti form of Darcy’s equation. The pressure drop was nominally similar. The prassure drop increa.xd rapidly as the gel solution was
10 psi, but was measured every 30 sezonda and averaged over 1,800 displac@ through the test section. After .brwkthrougb at the end
seconds.’ of fhe sandpack, the pressure drop leveled, indicating little change
Total PV’s of brine flushed through the sandpack were recorded of apparent viscosity and solution composition in the sandpack.
during tie 1 to 4 monti!.s of brine icjection. The effluent from the Gel solutions containing Cr~ coiicen!rations of 75, 125, 150,
sandpack was analyzed for chromium periodically by AA spec- and 20Q ppm did not reach a steady-state pres:u~ dI’JP dufig fi-
tmphotonwhy. These data were used to calculate tie total mass jection. Effluent samples of gel solutions contamm g 30 to 125 ppm
of chromium retained in the sandpack. formed gels that we~ studied in subsequent tests. The 150-ppm-
Cr(Dl) gel solution bag sample (iiet) formed a rigid gel within
Syneresis Measurement. The degrea of syneresis was measured 24 hours, while the effluent sample did not gel in 6 months of ob-
to understand the relationship between gel behavior in the porous servation. During placement of the 150-ppm gel solution, the pre+
media and the decre?se in volume in bottle samples of the same sure droD over the test section increased to more than 25 psi, a
gel. Two samples were measured for degree of symeresis for eqch presure”gradient of more than 75 psilft.
of the sandpacks that” were treated with gel. The fust sample w=
Effluent samules from tie 200-ppm-Cr(IIIl gel solution runs did
kateled “bag sample,” and came Mm the gel remaining in the tmns- not form gels. &xinmm viscosi~’of the effluent was 1.6 ~ com-
fer cylinder after a run was completed. The second sample was col- pared to 30 cp (at 12 revhnin and 77°F OD a BrooM1eld Microvia-
lected from the effluent as the third PV of gel solution was being cometerm) for a 2,00Q-ppm xanthan solution. The eftlient still
injected into the sandpack. Approximately 100 cms of each sample had much of the original blue color of Cr(DTl solutions, and the
were collected. chromium concentration in the last PV w*” 176 ppm Cr~., down
The syneresis measurements were conducted at the conclusion only slightly from the injected concen~ation of 200 ppm Cr~.
of ~e series of e.xperinients in which the effectiveness of the gels We beIieve that efthent samples $Iid not gel because them was
in reduchg permeability of the sandpacks was determined. The bot- nearly complete polymer retention when gel solutions containing
tle samples were thus at their swelling equilibrium condition when 150 and ZOO ppm chromium were displaced through the sandpacks.
measured. Loss of volume was measured by the same procedure h reviewing the displacement data, the hig!iest Cr(DI) concentra-
used by Gafes et af. 1° tion of a gel solution that could be displaced without showing sigh
of significant, polymer retention during placement was 125 ppm.
Disperdon.’fbrough Gefled Sandpacks. D~PersiOn exP~*ent3 Two factors are thought to cause the observed behavior during
were condu~ on two of tbe treated sandpacks after tinishing the gel placement of tie solutions at the highest Cr(BI) concentrations.
long-term brine flushing and permeability measurements. A solu- First, because the gel solutions were batch mixed ‘rather Oum in-
tion of 3.2 W% KC1 was iqjeed to dispface the resident 3.0% line mixed, a gel solution did not have a constant age as it was in-
KC1 solution through the sandpack. Effluent fi?m tie sandpacks jected into a sandpack. Thus, the last PV injected had a ~gher ~s-
was, an?Jyzefi with a differential re~ctmmeter to determine the cosi~ than the tirst PV injtitedbecauso of the faster geladon rate
change in KC1 concentmtion as a function of volume injected. at “the higher Cr(lU) coucentmdions. Second, a faster reactiori rate
leads to rapid formation of gaf aggregates and retention in the
Results and Discussion sandpack.
of&l Solution in the SandpA@w. The gel solutioris Placement tests suggest tba? indepth propagation of Cr(III)/xan-
were injectid rapidly (3 PV in 30 minutes). to miqimize gelation than gel systems studied in this research is probably not possible
outside the sandpack and D“eniure that the pori! space was ftied in sandpack for Cr(IIf) concentrations greater than about 125 ppm
with gel solution before gefation occiu’red. Placement of the gel at a 2,01%ppm plymer concentration.

SPi3 3&sery~,Enginetig, Febhu’y 19%2

.;OO ~
~o., 1111111
0 20 40 60 80 .. 100 IZO
o S6 60 76 100 1,S0 1S0 176 .s00
Days of Wine Injection

Cr(f3f) Initial& Charged, pprn 450 PV fnjected at 102 DaY%

Finaf perm. =- Z.5Z of pre-gel- perm.

’19. 2—Resulfs of equOlbrlum swelling measurements on Fig. 3–Effecf of brine Injection on permeabillfy of Saodpack

Y(lll)lxanthan gels, 2,OOO ppm xanthan. 4 treated wlfh 25 ppm Cr(lll)/2,000 ppm xanthan gel.

Moh . ...o . ...& # s...+. of hqet ~d EMu~t &+mp16. ‘The this work were conducted with a xanthm’ concentration of 2,~

degr& of syneresis V&S determined on bkt (bag) and et%ent sac+ ppm, the results should be applicable to xantban gels of 3,000 and
pies over a ronge of 35 to 200 ppm Cr(IU). Fig. 2 shows the close 4,CO0 ppm ovmtbe same Cr(lOYxanthan weight ratio of 1 X 10-2
agreement of the swefling measurements with those of Gales. 15 to 4x 10’2.
These gels lost from 20% to 70% of their volome in bottle tests
from sync.resis. Swelling measurements of etMmt samples showed Pe&3ence of Permeability Reduction with Brine F2uddog. +11
similar values of syneresis for Cr(fU) concentzatiou$ of 35 to 125 sandpacks treated with Cr(JIt)/xantban gel systems had some per-
ppm. meabii when brine injection begin under a mmf&t pressure drop.
ResuM.s from previous studies 10 showed that swellingkyneresis Permeabilities ranged from 0.5 to 1.5 md, compared wifl 3.9 to
data for gels of various Cr(IU) concentrations at 2,0C0, 3,0C0, and 8.8 ticks before treahnmt with the gel solutions.,@ gel systems
4,000 ppm xantban corrdated when plotted as perceot swelfhg vs. excqx the oneat 25 ppm W(III) ex@bited syneresis m samples col-
&(fQ/xanihan weight ratio over tle range of 1 X10-2 to 4X1O’2 kcted from the inlet, as expected. TINIS, .syneresis had little effect
Cr(IIl)/xantban. Even though the gelled sandpack experiments of on the initial brine permeability of the sandpack after treatment.

150 pprn Cr[IfI), 2,000 ppm xanthan

100 ppm Cr(Iff), 2.000 ppm x~~~ Pre-gel perm.= 4,200 md
Pre-Gel Perm. = 3,900 md
i 1 I I I I 1 I I I I

00 m
1.s I I I I I

a 70
< $0 t
~ .60

3 40 -
: so

Zo ~

2 10
0 m I I 1 $ I I I I !

0 1 I 1 I I 1 I
O .10 ZO ZO 40 60 60 70 80 90 100
o 20 40 $0 80 100 120 Dag8 After Brine fujection Began
Day’s of Brine ?njection
Pinal perm.= 2% of initial perm.

Fig. 4-Effect of brine Injection on permeabllify cd a .iandpack Fig. 5—Eff&mf of brbie injection on permeabllky of Sandpack
Ireated with 100 ppm Cr(l[l)/2 ,000 ppm xonthan gel. 11 treated with 150 ppm C~l10/2,000 PPm xanthan 9el.

32 SPE Reservoir Engineering, February 1992


Final Pregel Swelling

Cr(lll) P~gel Postgel Permeabiiii Brine of Bulk
Concentration Permeability Permeability Regained. Flushed Gel” Source of
Experiment .. (ppm) (red)
(%) (PV/days) J& Swelling Data
SP4 ‘ 25 3,900 98 2.5 V 450/1 02 +45 Gales10

sPlo 30 4,900 0.8 0.02 4127 o Gales

SP5 35 4,s00 2 0.04 42/66 -18 Eggort14 and Gales
SP7 50 3.700 2 0.05 31/40 -35 Eggert and Gales
SP3 50 4;400 0.5 0.01 7/55 -35 ,Eggefl and Gales
SP9 50 1,670 1.4 0.0s 12/19 -35 ~ Eggert and Gales
SP8 75 4,600 0.5 0.01 8/40 -48 Egge~ and Gales
SPI ‘loo” 6,800 11 0.1 237/1 i 6 -62 ‘Eggert and Gales
SP2 100 3,900 11 0.3 200/104 -62 Eggerf aid Gales
SP12 1? 4,800 1 0.02 7/21 -71 Eggeti and Gales
SPI 1 150 4,200 90 2.1 50/9 -70 Eggerl and Gales
SP6 200 3;s00 100 2.6 1004/52 -88 Eggert and Gales.

.All gels contdmd 2,000 mm Xatian.

The behavior of t$e$e systems under long-term brine injection bifity of a sandpack treated witl’50 ppm Cr(fII) varied from 0.S
was unexpected. The 25-ppm-Cr@Q gel was the only gel system to 0.5 md during 55 days of brine injection. A sandpack treated
studied that exhibited swefling and was considered to be stable in with 75 ppm Cr(Ifi) gave similar results. l%g. 4 shows permmldlily
bottle tests. This d swelled 45% when it was contacted with 3% histories during bi-ime iniecdon for a sandpack treated with a 100-
KCI brine at pH=~. Fig. 3 shows permeabilities of the treated sand- ppm-Cr(IIf) geisolution: The brine perme&iMy remained betweti
pack as a function of time. During the 102 &ys of continuous brine 1.0 and 2.2 md for the fist 20 days of injection. Then the permea-
injection, about 450 PV were injected. Permeability increased ex- bility increa&d steadily, leveling at 11 md after 237 PV of brine
ponentially with time, reaching a value of 100 md when the test was injected in 116 &ys. Other permeability data are found in Ref.
was terminated. It w thought that&her icjecdon of brine woufd 14:
lead to further increase in permeabifiV. It appeam that a stable gel Fig. 5 shows the permeability response of sandpacks treated with
that swells will not yield long-term permeability reduction. a 150-ppm gel solution. This gel exhibited syneresis of about 70 %
The 35-ppm-Cr(llT) gel underwent syneresis, losing 13% of its upon aging. Brine permeabfity increased linearly with time, reach-
volume by tie time brine displacement began. After treatment of ing 90 md after 9 days of injection and showed no sign of leveling.
a 4,800-md sandpack with this system, the initial brine permeabil- Fig. 6 presents data for a sandpack treated with 200 ppm Cr(131).
ity was 1.3 md md increased to about 2 md after 43 PV of brine Brine permea.btily increased exponentially with dme to about lIM
injection. A sigdkw run using 30 ppm Cr(fIl) in a 4,900-md sand- md over 40 &ys, after which no iirtherchanges were detected II&I
pack had an initiaf brine permeability of 0.4 md that increased to the end of the run (52 days, 1,004 PV inj.x.ted). Tbe initial part
0,3 md afpr 27 days of brine injection (4 PV). According to the of the permeability response is simik to the 25-ppm-Cr(Itfl gel
correlation of swelling data in Fig. 2, the 30-ppm gel system should in that both treated sandpacks reached a maxim um pmabifity of
not swell or synerese when exposed to brine at PH=5. 100 md. fncreases in perrmabiity were dower in the 25-pprn sys-
A similar response was obsewed in four sandpacks meated with tem, however, and appeared to be continuing when the experiment
gel solutions contamm g 50 to 125 ppm C@Ii). The bdnepennea- wa3 terminated. in com-mt, the 2C@pm system. appears to have

200 ppm Cr(fff), 2,000 ‘ppm xa.nflmn

Pre-Gel Penn. . 3,800 m+d S50 1 7’.0
1 t I 1. 4 I
10* 1 1 1 1
E. 3

~ 10” ~ ,
E, : :
2- 5.0 !
% 10’ r,
8 e


I I 1 1 100 S.o
0 5 10 1S 20 25 SO 35 40
0 20 40 80 So 100

Days of Brine Injection

DVS After f@e fnjection Began

1,004 PV fnjected at 52 Days
Pinaf perm. = 3.0% of pre-gel p’erm.
Fig. 7—Effecf of brine PH on the permeability of Sandpack
Fig. 6–Effect of brine inlection”oit permeability of Sandpack 1 (S,800 md) treated with 100 ppm Cr(lll)/2,000 ppm xanthan
6 trsafed with 200 ppm Cr(Ill)/2,000 ppm xanthan gel. gel. \

SPE Reservoir Er&mriw, Fdn’wy 1992 33

flocded to an ROS of 20%. The sandpack was then treated with
a 50-ppm-Cr(III)/2,000-ppm-xantban gel solution. This sandpack,
$. Lo I I I I I I I
as well as the two other sandpack treated with a 50-ppm-Cr(13fl
z gel but not containing .a R(X., regained <0.1 % of the original
=Bulk Gel Pmrneabtiiw. Residual oil thus ap- to have no measurable ef-
.g 0..9 fti on the mechanism tlmt albws 81ese 50-ppm-Cr@Il gels tcmain?
. Gell.d sandpack
~ au ?,000 ppnl XWlthan gels tin tie permeability reduction. The 50-ppm+r(TIf gek lost
between 32% to 37 % of their volume in measurements of synere-
u 0.6
sis made on displacement inlet (bag) samples.

Effect of PH on Gefled Sandpa&.P~*&. ‘fWO ~t~ ~d-
g .
packs were used to study the effect of w?rying the brine pH on per-
“g 0.4 mwbii during ptgeladon flocding. Tiwchmmiurn concentration
~ was 100 ppm in both tests. AH other variables were held constant.
: frjected brine was varied from PH=5 to 4 to 3 knd then back to
PH=5 and 7. In most cases, brine wti injected until effluent PH
~ 0..2
measurements reached the injected PH. TIws, the entire sandpack
was stabilized at the injected PH. Permeability did not change with
time before pH adjumnent of the injicied brine, ensuring that any
a 0.0 permeability chaoge observed was a result of pH variation.
0 25 60 76 100:126 150 175 200 Fig. 7 shows permeablily as a function of time as the pH of the
Cr(ifI) C0n6., ppm injected brine was changed as a step function.. GIs swe~ when PH
is increased and tend toward syneresis when PH is decreased. Treat-
Fig. 8–Fractional conversion of Cr(lll) durlrig gelation based
ed $mdpach exhiihed increa.sd”permeabilhy at lower pH and d+
mt analysis of brine-flush effluent. creased permeabxty at higher PH. Some of the Permeability
increases and decreases, however, were short-lived. The trends in
pmidliv changes correspond to those expected tiom the re~t?
of Gales et al. lo The magnimde of the permeabili~ change, how-
ever, was much less than inferred from swellingand syneresis data
the initi~ brine permeability and represm& a significant permea-
on bulk gels that had been flushed with brines with PH =3 to 7.
bility ldlCtiOU.
Inbtd!+gel tests, tie gels swelled 48% at PH=5 and syneresed 15%
Table 3 summarizes results of permeabtity-persistence tests for at PH=3. The 63% change in volume betw~n PH=5 ad? was
dlthe szel dimktcements arranged inorderof increasing Cr(131)/p01y- reflected in the changes in the brine permeabtity under the same
mer ia~o. ‘l& lowest Cr(JfI) &ncention, 25 ppm, idtbe highest conditions. Permeabtity decreased 17% in the. run shown in Fig.
Cr(flI) concentqtions, 150 and 2043 ppm, were less effective in 7 when brine pH was raised from a PH of 3 to 7. Bulk gel samples,
maintaining permeability reduction. swelling (45% volume increase on the other band, went from 159$ synere.sis to 105’% swelling over
was seen in bottle samplesj and the resulting weaker gel in,the 25- the same range of PH change. The trend in permeability change
,. ‘~m-Cr(lIO gel appeared to cause the gel to wash out of the sand- in the sandpacks was consistent with the observed swelling data
pack. This brings into question the idea that gel swelling is benefi- for the bulk gels, but the magmifide of the permeabm change was
cial ‘in maintaining penneabfity reduction. The permeabtity smaller than expected.
increases observed in the 150- and 200-ppm-Cr(IU) gelled sand- Results from flushing with brine at constant PH over a range of
packs may ~ve been a redt of ext~sive syoeresis (71%) or 30 to125 ppm cxq, as w.41 as flus~g wi~ bfie Of PH=3 tO
Prhaps incomplete gel mh+’atiori of the sandpack caused by ~lymer 7, show that bti-gel syneresis measurements do not accurately
retention. predict the level or tie persistence of permeahifity rw+uction in
Results, from nine gelled sandpacks covering the pmge of chro- pemus media. Sandpacks of 3,700- to 8,800-md pregel permea-
mium concentrations from 25 to’ 125 ppm Cr(711), O% to 62% syn- biliw were effectively treated with gels that lost up to 71 % of their
eresis, and 2,430- to 8,800-md sandpack permeabilides (pregel volume in bull-gel sampks. Gels that lost volume were found to
treatment) confirmed that stability of Cr(I12) gels in botOe samples perform better than the gel that was stabIe ~ bOMe.tes~. Ttis ~t-
has ~ttfe correlation with Mng-term permeabiWy reduction in ter gel swelled and appeared to wash out of the sandpack because
homogeneous porous media. ~ fact, the best pe~eabtity reduc- of a weaker gel structure.
tion and persistence. were obshed for gels with Cr(llI) concen-
trations of 35 to 125 ppm, which underwent syneresis. Determination of Cr(3Tfl Retention fn the Sandpack. Me?.sure-
‘fhree reasons for the long-term stability of gels that undergo syn- ment of Crl,131) in the eftluent of brine flushed ~ough the =11~
eresis =“ proposed. The difference in the surface area to which sandpacks was performed to gain abetter understanding of the gel
gel solutions ire exposed in porous medk may keep the gel from structure in porous media. AA spectmphotometry a130wed accurate
undergoing synertiis “in porous medii in the same manner as ob- measurement of the efiluent Cr(l19 concentration. A material bal-
served in bottle tests. Porous media maybe plugged effectively with ante was used to calculate. the fraciion of Cr(IIf) crOsslinkeA(cOn-
a gel that has undergone symresis if the gel implants itself in pore verted) in the gelled sandpacks. Fig. 8 shows fractional chromium
throats. The potential role of porethmat plugging is supported by conversion data and values measured by Gales et al. 10 on bulk
evidence from a s~dpack in which the inlet and outlet for brine gels.
flushing wem interchanged. Permeability of a sandpack treated with Fig. 8 shows a general trend of lower efilcieucy of Cr(tU) con-
a 100-ppm-Cr(lJJ gel solution increased from 7.5 to 28.0 md when version at higher CrfJII)/xanti ratios. R was assumed that Cr~
the direction of flow was reversed. When the ffow direction was flushed out of the gekd sandpack had never cmsslinkd with the
returned to the original direction, the permeability decreased from xanthan. Gales er al. used a semipermeable membrane to contain
28.0, to ?.4 md. Fi@Y, the StIUCm Of ~e gel ne*Ork tit r~ the gel and measured the Cr(llI) concentration of brine thti bad
mains after syneresis appears to be smonger than in gels tixat me @libmti with the sample. Both methods bad some scatter, as
stable bi bottle tests and & ,not undergo syneresis. This may COD-. can be seen in Gafes et al measurements at 50 PPm Cr(D3) and
triiute to plugging of a porow medi~. 2,000 ppm.xantban.
‘fhe effect of a residd ofi samr~On (ROS) On pe~~bfity BotJI Gales et af. and the mesent study show that ~ tie Cr@)
reduction in a gelled sandpack was also investigated. One of the mixed with 2,0~ ppm xank does n{~ read fith fie POIYIWX.
sandpacks was fully saturated with brine, oilflooded with31 ‘API Therefore, the Cr(Dl)/xanti ratios recommended as effective in
Ransas sweet crude to residual water saturation, and then water- maintaining permeability reduction in sandpadcs donot represent

34 SFE Reservoir mw@ering. Febmaxy 1992.

the actual number of chromium atoms cross finked in the gel . .

Dispersion Experiments. Dk~rsion expw’iments conducted in the

gelled randpacks with 30- and 125-ppm-Cr(331J gel solutions showed
breakthrough of the injected 3.2% KC1 at <x. PV injected. The
breakthrou~ Qf injected brine at such a low ffaction of the total
PV indicmes that the gels cxcupied most of the pore space. Effluent “:”=.
.= .,
~mntmtioll pmtik ‘also indicated that substandaf mixing mcun’ed
in both the randpacks. The mixing may he partly a result of pixkets
of original brine where tie gel lost volume yet continued to plug 7

pore throats. Alternatively, there most likely was mixing between

the irjected KC1 solution and original solvent trapped in the gel
Eggeft Willhlte Green

Imericasj inc. in Houston, [s Invoyved in reservoir ehglneer

1. Gels exfdliting up to 71% syneresis as bufk samples were g for fields In Arksnsas, Kansas, and Okfahoma. He hold:
S and MS degrees in petroleum engineering from the U. d
shown to be effective in maintaining permeability reduction in un-
Bnsas. G. Paul WN1hfte 18 the Ross H. Fomey Pmfessa
con.soli&ted sandpackr.
: Chemlcsl and Petroleum Engineering and codb’ecfor of the
2. Swelfing gels, which increased up to 45 % in volume 8s bulk
wtlaty Oil Recovery Project ~ORP) st the U. of Kansas in
samples, were found to be less effective in maintaining permeability
lwr%nqe where he also chairs the Chemlcsl and Petroleum
reduction in sandpaoks than gels hat exhibhsd syneresis.
lgineerlng Dept. He holds a SS degree fmm Iowa Stsfe U.
3. The effect on gelkd sandpack pe.-meabiity of injecting a brine Id a PhD degree from Nmlhwestem U., both In chemics
with a different pH was less than inferred from the large swelling @neerlng. A Distinguished Member and aothor of the SPE
and syneresis increases observed in bufk-gel measurements at var- xtbook Waterfloodhg, WOlhlte fecrdved the 1986 Lester C.
ious pH’s. @n Award and the 19S1 Distinguished Achievement Awsfd
4. Fractional conversion (uptake) of the Cr(lTI) contained ti a r Petroleum Engineering Faculty. He was U. of Ksnsa6 SPE

gel solution ranged from 30% to 62%, with a higher fraction of udent Chapter faculty sponsor during 1981 -S4 and served
I the 19S2-85 Education and Accredltaflon Committee. He
the Cr(IfI) reacted at the lower Cr(IfI)/xanthan ratios.
so served on steering committees for the 1885 and 1988
5. The preseme of an ROS bad a negligible effect on psrrneability
mm Series and on pmgrsm committees for the 1986 An-
reduction of a gelled sandpack.
Ial Meeting, the 19SS SPS/DOE symposium on Enhanced
6. Sfability in bottle tests is a pcor predictor of long-term per- I Recovefy, and the 1991 Colloquium on Petroleum Engi-
meabfity reduction properties of Cr(D3)/xantbmi gefs in saodpadrs. lering Education. Don W. Qrom Is the Conger-Gabel Dis.
lguished Professor of Chemical and Petroleum Snglneettng
Acknowfedgmenfs Id codkector of TORP at the U. of Kansas. PIWously, he
M a research engineer sf Conoco’s Production Reseftfch
Tfds research was suppa’td’ in part by U.S. DOE ~
v. Green holds a t38 degree In petroleum engineering from
#AC19g5BC10B43 and the Tertiary Oif Recovery Project at the U.
e U. of Tulss and MS and PhD degfees in chemkxd engi.
of Kansas.
wing from the U. of Oklahoma. A D18tinguished Member,
received the 1S83 Dltilngulshed Achievement Award for
Rafererrce% ~roleum Englnewlng Faculty and was a 1988-87 Dkdtn.

1. 8wight, KS.: Waixrnau of Gels To Mcdify fnjecdon Pm6fes,,, p+m Ished Lecturer. He served on the Educstion and Accredl-

SPE 17332 presented at the 1988 SPS/DOE Enhanced Gil Recovuy :Ion Oommittee during 1978-S2, chairing N in 1981, and
rrently serves on the Educstlon and Pmfesdona[ism corn.
s~~ium. Ttdsa, APriI 17-20.
2. Huq, C-G,, Willhhe, G. P., and Gmm, D.W., “An Ex@nmtal ttee. He was a membrw of the Program committee for the

NY of the fn-situ Gelation of CJmndmn (+3)lP01yaayLmd& Polymer 90 Symposium on Enhanced 01[ RecoveW.

in Porous Media,,, SPERS fNov. 19S6) 583-% Trans., A2MK, 2S2.

3. Hessert, I.E. and Ftaning, P.D. 31L “GeUed Polymer Tcdrmlofl for
Control of Water in Irjection and production Wefls,? R-w., Tbkd Ter- 12. H—, 1.1.: ‘Watis!ical Thermc@mmics of Swollen Polymer Nti-
dary Oti Recvvery Conference, U. of Xamas, L&rence (April 2S- vmrks.,, J. Poly. M. (1962) 3P, 191.
26, 1979) 5S-70, 13. PUIklpk, J.D. and Sumrmm, L.E. :, ‘Polywrylandde Gel 8yst.qns for
4. Binning, D. D., Hedges, and 20~es,
J. H.,D.R.: ‘sUse of Atuminum f@=60Q ~fle Modification? paw SPE 17331 pmseotedat tk 19S8
Citrate Recess in. the Commemial North Burbank Unit polymer Flc.d;, SPEIDOE Snbanced 01 Recnverv Swncosium. ‘Tuka. Amil 17-20.
Pmt., Fii Tertiary Ofl Recovery Cmfefeme, U. of Km!sas, Lawrenm 14. Egg@, R.W.Z “Ex@merd.at J&siig&ion oftbe S&J.&of Xan-
(h&arch 9-10, 1983) 111-30. O!a@JCr(IIO 04s in Porous M- MS thesis, U. ofXmas, Lawm.m,
5. AM., M.K. et al.: “Field Expwience WitJ Flw.iwater Diversion by Ks (1$90).
Complexed Biopolymer,” paper SPE 12642 presented at the 1984
15. G~es. J.G.:”~ ~ti.mti Inv=dsation of the Long-Term prop.
SPE/130E Enhanced Oil Recovay Symposium, T&a, April 15-1S. erdes of Xantban Gum-cm Gels by Swdting Measurem cut and Equi-
6. Sydamk, R.D. and Smih, T. B.: “Field Testing of a New Cordormance-
librium Dbfysis;’ MS tiesis, U. of &nsas, L?.wreace, X8 (1987).
Jmpmvement-Treatment Chmmium@IJ Gel Technology,s. paper SPE
173g3 prewnted at the 198s SPEIDOE Enhanced Oif Reswerj Sym-
S1 Metric Conversion Factors
posium, T&?, April 17-20.
7. Sclmding, L. G., Omen, D, W., and Willhhe, G.P.: ‘Tmrcducing EOR “API 141.5/(131.5+ “API)
Technology to Independent Operators,’, JPT fDec. 19S9) 1344-50. f+ol : ~m3
bbl X 1.5S9 873
S. Awry, M.R. , ~rkbO]der, L.A. , and GruemafeldeI, M.A. : C<Use of
Cp x 1.0* E–03 = Pas
Cmmli@led Xanthan Gels in ActtM profile Mcdi6cadon Pmspwts;,
ft x 3.048* E-01 = m
pv SPE 14114 presented at the 19S6 SPE MI. Meeting On Peimleurn
“F (“F–32)/l.8 = “C
fi-fig. B@%. M~h 17-20.
9. Willhhe, G.P. et aL : “Evaluation of M&& of Reducing Pmwbili~ in. X 2.54* E+IM = cm
in Pomu.s Media by fn Sim Polymer ‘llcalmerm, llml report, cam-act md x 9.S69 233 E–w = ~2
No. DOE/BC/10354-16, U.S. DQE, Natt. Technical Jnfmmadm ,Wv.
psi x 6.S94 757 E+CO = kpa
ice, Springfl?ld, VA (Feb. 1986).
10. Gales, J.R. et al.: “Equilibrium .%vdling and 8ynemis R.perdw of -Cunimlon fadcf 1, exact, ,,, WERE
XantAan Gum-Cq3E) Gels,’> paWr SPE 17328 p~mtd at the 19SS
Origlnd SPE mmu%mpt recaiwd formviw Oct. 9, !989, Paper rme9ped for putdk$.ti.an
SPB/DOE Enhanced Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, April 17-20.
MA 2?, 1691. RwIwJ mnuwdpt redvec m 11, isul. Paw (SPE 196!0) firsi
11. =lory, P.s.: Principles ofPoiynw Chemfmy, Cnrndl u. Press, lb, Pr--mted at th. 7989 SPE Amud TechntcaI Cm femce am Ex.Mbhlm held In San Amc-
NY (1953) Chaps. 9, 11, and 13. “1!2 m. e-l 1.

SPE Resrvoir E“gimaing, February 1%2 35

WE 19630



2000 ppm in 3% KC1

ppra Type of Test

25 Persistence
30 Persistence
35 Persistence
50 Persistence
50 Persistenceand reproducibility
50 Persistenceatresidualoilsaturation
75 Persistence
100 Persistenceand effectof brine pH -
100 Persistenceand effectof brinepH
125 Persistence
150 Persistence
200 Persistence



(red) Porosity

3900 0.35
4900 0.37
4800 0,36
3700 0.32
4400 0.35
4100/1670at Sor 0.34
4600 0635
3900 0.36
8800 0.36
4800 0.38
4200 0.35
3800 0.33

Note: All sandpackswere stabilizedat pH = 5.0 prior to

gel injection.

: :,

SPE 19630



Post- % of Brine Swelling
Cr(III) Pre-gel Gel Pre-gel PV z of
Experiment Cone. Perm. Perm. Perm. Flushed Bulk
Number (ppm) (red) (red) Regained (No.Days) Gel

SP4 25 3900 98 2.5 450 +45% Gales


sPlo 30 4900 0.8 0.02 0% Gales

a (2$)

SP5 35 4800 2 0.04 -18% WE&

(::) Gales

SP7 50 3700 2 0.05 -35%


SP3 50 4400 P0.5 0.01 -35% RE&

(5;) Gales

SP9 50 1670 1.4 0.08 -35X


SP8 75 4600 O*5 0.01 -48% M?liic

(4:) Gales

SP1 100 8800 11 0.1 237 -62% WBti

(116) Gales

SP2 100 3900 11 0.3 200 -62% mdE&

(104) Gales

SP12 125 4800 1 0.02 -71% m&

(2:) Gales

SP11 150 4200 90 2.1 50 -70% RdE&

(9) Gales

SP6 200 3800 100 2.6 1004 -68% W/E&

(52) Gales

~= : -~
WE 19630 ,. ,,““

Solution b
Prmmsro —Ptmtie Bag
7rmmdtreor ~

.— —— .

Bath I’ll’ Temp.
t (25 ‘c) I I Gelled Bath
Sandpac~ ~ (2s’ c)

.— —.
‘i —1
—t —

b: ! Effluent
fjJ- collector
idEffluent Gel
Solution Sample

1: Expcrirncntel●pparatusfor saturationof the sandpactr Figure2 ~~:t:l apparatus for bng term brine ~
with gcl solution.

●l bbl/day/f& injoctiori

●5 bbI/d~/ft
A15 bbl/day/ft
t 85 bbl/d~y/fl

H 20 l-\ ● CAMS DATA -1

!3 100
o 80 40 60 80 100 -80
Dirstanoe From Wellbore Axie (ft)
I I 1 1 I I I
Vitcosity= 1. CP O 86 60 76 100 MM 160 176 200
Wellbore Radiua= 0.333 ft. Cr(III) Initially Charged, ppm
Permeability of Gel-Treated Zone= 10 xnd
Figure 3: Pressure gradient in the vicinity of an hsjcctionWCII at Figuro 4 Results of equilibrium swcllirrg mcasurcmcrsts on
various injection ratcso Cr(IIl)/xanthan gels, 2000 ppm xanthan.


a 10I

,f)-, LLL_L_-.J.--l o~
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 o ZO 40 60 do 100 120
Days of Brine Injection Daya of Brine Injection

450 PV Injected at 102 Days 216 PV Injected at 109 Days

Final perm. = 2.5% of pre-gel perm. Final perm. = 0.27% of pre-gel perm.

Fgurc S Effect of brine injection on pcrnrcabili~ of Sandpack FigaroG Effect of brine injection on pcrrncability of a atmdpack
4 treated with 2S ppm Cr(lII)/21XK) ppm xanthan gel. treated with WI ppm Cr(llI)/ZXlf) ppm xanthan gel.

I-T i

o~ 10-’
0 20 40 60 80 100
o 10 20 90 40 50 60 7’0 80 90 100 Day, of Brine Injection
Days After Brine Injection Began
1,004 PV Injected at M Daye
Final perm.= 22 of initial perm, Final perm. = 3,0% of pre-gel perm,

Figure 7 Effect Of brine injection on permeability of Sandpack Figure 8 IYfcct of brine injcctiop on permeability of Sandpack
11 treated with 150 ppm Cr(lll)/2000 ppm xanthan gel. 6 treated with 200 ppm Cr(llf)/2fM0 ppm xanthan gel.

sPE 19630 . ,

“0 ~ ‘*”

f 25

100 I 1 /1 I 1 I I 9.0
0 5fOf5~OZ690S40
Days hfter Brine Injeation Began

Figure 9: EfYcct of brine pH on the pcrntcabilith of Sandpack

I (8800 md) treated with 100 ppm Cr(llWJ@ PPm
xanthan gel.

,g 0.6
I ●
●Bulk Oat
● riottod Baadpaok

all MOO ppm Xaathm gels 1

100 I 1 I I I I 1 9.0
I 1


I 1

0 6 10 16 B“ 86 90 96 40 O S6 60 76 f“” MS 160 176 SO”
Day8 After Brine Injection Began Cr(lU) Cone,, ppm

Figure 10 Effect of b.+c pH on the pcrmcabilitics of Sandpack Figure 11: Fractional convcmion of Cr(llI) during gefatfon based
2 (3900 md) treated with 100 ppm W19~ PPm on analysisof brlnc flushing offluont.

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