Domain 1: Planning & Preparation: ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern: Yvonne Boeskool Date: April 29, 2019

Grade Level: 5th Subject/ Topic: Reading
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 1 hour
Main Focus/Essential Questions​: Chapters 15-16, pages 102-118
Chapter 15 = Jeff tries to get Tom excited about the Cobra on Saturday but Tom is distracted by what he now knows
about Jessica, Jessica asks Tom to go to New Haven with her, but he tells her about the Cobra plans
Chapter 16 = Tom waits for Jeff to pick him up in the Cobra, Tom calls and confronts Jeff, Jeff says hurtful things about
Jessica, Tom has a dream about Jessica being trapped in a burning car
Brief Context​: This is the ​sixth​ lesson (of nine total) in a reading/literature unit on Tony Abbott’s ​Firegirl​ for a small
group of 5th graders. The novel study is part of a grade-level book club unit, mostly led by Calvin College Education
students in a class on teaching reading to upper elementary. I will have the largest group of students, the only ones
reading Firegirl, and we will be secluded from the rest in our own classroom since many of my unit requirements are
beyond the other Calvin students’.
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills​: Students have worked with all of the standards in this unit before, with the exception of
RL.5.7. Students have some experience with comparing characters/settings/events and with figurative language. They
have much experience with quoting from a text, drawing inferences, and determining the theme of a story.

Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments

Consider formative & summative tools
Please number objectives and the aligned assessment measures.
The learner will be able to: I will assess learning by:
1. Explain what we can infer from their chosen section of 1. Students’ verbal explanation of their chosen quote.
text and explain why they chose that quote. 2. Lesson 6 Assignment (first 3 questions)
2. Use context clues to determine the meaning of words 3. Lesson 6 Assignment (last question)
and phrases from Chapters 15 and 16.
3. Identify an additional word or phrase that they may not
have known before reading and explain how they can use
context clues for that particular word or phrase to
determine its meaning.

Standards Addressed in Lesson: ​(Include full standard.)

RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as
metaphors and similes.
RL.5.7 Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic
novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem).
RL.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the
Instructional Resources:
Kahoot​ over Chapters 1-14 (and screen with Airplay capability)
Students’ school issued laptop computers
Email access to share quote
Sticky notes
Lesson 6 Assignment
Writing utensils
Firegirl​ by Tony Abbott (one copy for teacher and one for each student)
​ nit folder (character map inside)
Each student’s ​Firegirl U

Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners?​ ​Consider UDL ​(Multiple means of Engagement, Representation,
Action & Expression)​ & principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual accommodations you will make
in response to needs or interests of students.
Although this particular lesson may be lacking in terms of engagement and representation, using email to turn in and
read off the students’ chosen quotes does provide some a new mode of representing the information in a way that
simply using paper and pencil would not. Using student computers for the Kahoot! Quiz also provides another means of
engagement. Students can track their progress on the Kahoot! as well, while remaining anonymous if desired. Students
are being read to by the teacher, as well as reading Chapter 16 in partners, both supporting understanding for struggling
readers. The character map is similar in the fact that it allows students to create a visual representation of the
relationships between and personality traits of characters. I will also make physical accommodations for my one student
in a wheelchair by leaving a space for her at the table.


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: Relationship & community building​ (Note any specific ways in which you plan to build or
strengthen relationships and community: student-student & teacher-student.]
As this is the sixth lesson of the unit, we are growing in relationships between students, as they were originally from
three different homeroom classes. Many of them had not met me yet either before the unit began. Students are
reading Chapter 16 in partners. This allows them to build relationships with people who they may not usually talk to. I
will also make myself available and try to interact with each student as they are working on the assignment.

CONDUCT MANAGEMENT:​ (Behavioral expectations, strategies to encourage self-regulation, etc.)

Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention: ​If chatter erupts, I will wait until everyone is quiet to move
on. I will also respond to student behavior that is disrespectful towards their peers by specifically saying just that during
discussion time.
Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students: ​For students who are doing something that is distracting to
themselves such as reading or drawing while they should be listening, I will simply move toward them and tap on their
desk. They know this means that they need to put whatever it is away. If students are saying things or making noises
that is distracting everyone while I read, I will respond to them directly by pausing and asking them to stop. If a student
becomes a big problem, I will write their name on the board, indicating that they owe me five minutes of their break.

CONTENT MANAGEMENT: ​Note procedures/routines that are expected or embedded.

As this is the sixth lesson, we have now established a routine in which students bring their computers and a pencil to
every session. If I ever need them to bring anything else, I put up a sign by the door that indicates that. I will have all
other materials that students will need sitting out on the tables. Students also have assigned seats and their materials
will be waiting for them at their seat.

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT​: Note any specific ways you will use the environment to contribute to the learning.
I will arrange the tables to make one large table in which students can all sit together. This will foster more effective
discussion. I will also make physical accommodations for my one student in a wheelchair by leaving a space for her at
the table and avoiding any activities in which she would need to move through tight spaces or sit at any other level than
what her chair allows.

Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
● Do a quick Kahoot! quiz over Chapters 1-14 as a memory refresher. Students will sign in on their own
computers and may use their first name or an appropriate anonymous username to sign in. Teacher will need to
project the quiz screen onto the TV via airplay.
● Give learning target: ​I can explain what I can infer from my chosen section of text and explain why I chose that
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
● Have students share their quotes from last lesson by reading them off, explaining what they can infer from the
quote, and why they chose the quote.
● Present additional learning targets:
○ I can use context clues to determine the meaning of words and phrases from Chapters 15 and 16.
○ I can identify an additional word or phrase that they may not have known before reading and explain
how they can use context clues for that particular word or phrase to determine its meaning.
○ Be sure students understand that they should be listening for words they don’t know. Have them mark
possible options with a sticky note.
● Read Chapter 15 aloud to the class.
● Discussion questions - have students turn and talk about the following:
○ Why is Tom so distracted when Jeff is trying to get him excited?
○ Do you think Tom is actually excited?
○ How do you think Tom wanted to respond to Jessica?
○ Would he have gone with her if it weren’t for the Cobra?
● Have students read Chapter 16 in partners.
Closure​: ​(Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an assignment or
independent practice.)
● Have students complete the Lesson 6 Assignment individually.
● When they have finished, have them add to their character map (or work on their Popplet if that is not finished).


I ended up having to give students time to catch up on the Popplet today because I wasn’t able to have students
work on it outside of our class sessions. Therefore, we didn’t even get to the Lesson 6 Assignment. This made me think
about being flexible as a teacher, and also prioritizing activities. I’m working on being flexible, and I’m not sure that I
prioritized the activities the way I should have in this lesson. I think that at some point, I should have given up on the
Popplet activity and moved on. It was clear that students were beginning to make important connections between
pressures on characters, they were just caught up in the mechanics of using the new technology. By not moving on until
they were done or close to done, I missed out on giving them an important opportunity to practice making meaning of
words and phrases - something that will be an important part of the final assessment. I’m nervous about this now and I
regret how I prioritized the activities.

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