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Final Composition Rubric

Student Name: _________________________________________     Date: ___________________

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

(1 Point) (2 Points) (3 Points) (4 Points)

Melody Melody is not correctly inputted into Melody is almost correctly inputted Melody is almost correctly inputted Melody is correctly inputted into
notation software, with 4+ mistakes. into notation software, with the into notation software, with the notation software. Melody fits the
Melody does not fit the emotion exception of 1-3 mistakes. Melody is exception of 1-3 mistakes. Melody emotion student wishes to convey.
student wishes to convey. close to the emotion student wishes fits the emotion student attempts to
to convey, but could use some express.

Rhythm Drum track needs work. Sound of Drum track almost fits the correct Drum track almost fits the correct Drum track fits the correct feel of the
drum track covers other portions of feel of the composition. Drum track is feel of the composition. Drum track is composition. Drum track is not
the composition. Needs dynamic and at times overbearing and takes away not overbearing, but could use some overbearing to the listener, but
rhythmic editing. from other sounds within the track. dynamic editing. accompanies the other layers of
Needs dynamic editing. sound.

Timbre Student uses one voice in their Student uses 2-3 non-distinct voices Student uses 3-4 distinct voices Student uses at least 5 distinct
composition. Student needs to add throughout their composition. throughout their composition. Voices voices throughout their composition.
more voices that are distinct. Student needs to change at least one blend fairly well, but it is worth Voices blend together well.
voice to achieve a well balanced considering changing one or two
sound. sample voices.

Auxiliary Tracks Use of auxiliary track does not fit the Use of auxiliary track does not fit the Use of auxiliary track is fitting to the Use of auxiliary track is fitting to the
emotion student wishes to convey. emotion student wishes to convey. emotion student wishes to convey. emotion student wishes to convey.
Auxiliary track covers multiple Auxiliary track at times covers one Auxiliary track at times covers one Auxiliary track does not cover other
voices. Student needs to consider voice. voice. voices.
another audio sample and work with
dynamic editing.

Description of Composition Student's description of the emotion Student's description of the emotion Student gives a coherent description Student gives a coherent description
and image/story they wish to convey and image/story they wish to convey of what emotion they wish to convey, of what emotion and image/story
through their composition needs is compelling but together could both but could use editing on the image or they attempt to convey through their
further editing and thought. Is still in use further editing. story behind their composition. composition.
a "rough draft" state.

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