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Date : August 01, 2018

Time : 10:45-11:45/ 4:00-5:00

Grade Level & Strand : Grade 11 STEM B/ 11 STEM A
Time Frame : 1 Hour

1. Essential Understanding
Students will understand that…

in designing an exercise program is one the make people to think to contribute more
in building a strong foundation in firming the health of everyone.

II. Essential Questions

Students will keep considering the following questions…

 What are the several methods to estimate energy usage in our body?

III. Learning Objectives

Giving varied learning activities, the students can:
a. evaluate the methods to developed one’s personal health;
b. appreciate the essence of fitness in our daily living;
c. design the concept of emotional eating as it states the used of foods to satisfy the
emotions rather than the health.

Learning Content
a. Topic: Exercise Design Program
b. References: Physical Education and Health Vol. 1 by Lualhati Fernando- Callo
and Peter Fermin Dajime ( REX bookstore)
c. Materials: Teachnology based materials, bond paper, pencil and book
IV. Learning Experiences
1. Preliminary Matters
a. Prayer: Prayer to Blessed Maria Theresia
b. Recitation of the VMG
c. Greetings: Peace and All-Good
d. Checking of Attendance
e. Checking of Cleanliness
f. Reminders
 Participate actively in the discussion
 Stay on your assigned seats
 Sit properly
 Remember always our class rules
2. Introduction
a. Review:
Through PowerPoint presentation the students will be ask of the following:
What are the barriers that mostly encounter in performing activities?
b. Motivation
Activity: picture association
The students are instructed to tell their ideas in picture presented and they must
share their idea in the class.
c. Introduction of Essential Questions/Objectives

What are the several methods to estimate energy usage in our body?

3. Interaction
 Activity: Picture Association
 Pictures will be presented through Power point slides
 Students will be ask to share about their ideas about the pictures

What are the several methods to estimate energy usage in our body?
a. Discussion

Exercise Design Program is one of the actors in proper using of methods

in exercising to avoid injury to our body.
Warm- Up Exercises
Cool- Down Exercises

b. Generalization
The students will evaluate what the better methods in performing
exercise to manage our stress and as well as to avoid injury that we may
encounter during exercise load.

4. Integration
a. Valuing
 Better person is just like you are in the right track and living in a secure
life because you are aware the you from enough form possible danger
or any harm.

b. Horizontal Integration
Social Studies
Students will appreciate the ancient people and especially to those
people who has a great contribution in find a solution for us to promote
fitness in many ways, it could be in technology or in food we must eat
for us to be a better and healthy person.
c. Vertical Integration
The students will appreciate that the essence of the health is one of the
biggest reassure we have and no one can take away from us.
d. Synthesis
What are the several methods to estimate energy usage in our body?


In performing exercise, first must identify the methods and strategies

use during exercise load the Warm-up and Cool- Down help us to
prepare and manage our body to handle stress and maintain the
lifestyle we have.

Prepared by:


MAPEH Teacher

Checked by:


Vice-principal of Senior High School

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