Collective Nouns PDF

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Collective nouns

of ants

of flowers

of gorillas

of students

of thieves

of cars

of hoodlums

of players

of puppies

of wolves

of lions

of buffalo

of fish

of alligators

of crows

of geese

of owls

of cobras

Word bank

pride band herd school team class

congregation murder gaggle quiver
army litter bouquet pack den
fleet parliament gang

A free download compliments of Farquhar’s Vocabulary Flash Cards
Collective nouns - Answers

army of ants
bouquet of flowers
band of gorillas
class of students
den of thieves
fleet of cars
gang of hoodlums
of players
litter of puppies
pack of wolves
of lions
herd of buffalo
school of fish
congregation of alligators
murder of crows
gaggle of geese
of owls
quiver of cobras


A free download compliments of Farquhar’s Vocabulary Flash Cards

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