CCideadevelopment - C - Ainnun Diaz Utami - 20180810111

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Name : Ainnun Diaz Utami

Student number : 20180810111

Class :C

Assessment 2 : Comparison and Contrast Essay


Julianna Baker is a girl who has great enthusiasm,friendly,hard working,aggressive girl,strong

girl,and also diligent. She is a unique girl with unpredictable behavior. That is why Juli’s character reminds
me of my friend Zalikho. They have some similarities in personality, one of them is friendly. They are not
disinclined to help others who need help without having to be asked, they will be happy to help. Then if
they hated someone they really won’t deal with that person they will ignore them. Then both of them also
have aggressiveness. When they have liked something they will continue stick with it. Besides having
some similarities in personalities both of them also have several different personalities in diligence and
how they show their feelings.

July is the type of person who is very diligent. It can be seen from how she takes care of her
chicken. Starting only for a project at school she was asked to hatch the egg and then turn out to be
chicken. Because of July diligent, all her chicken produced a best qualities egg. Some of her eggs are
selling to her neighbors and some of them too were free to the Bryce family. Her diligence was also
evident from how she cleaned and repaired her front yard. With enthusiasm she cleans and also
rearranges the front yard of her house to make it more eye-catching. Juli also obedient child, she always
listens to what her parents said very well, she can always discuss with her parents well, she also never
denied what their parents said to her. She loves her parents so much because she is type of people who
will always try to make her parents proud and happy to her. Besides that, Juli is a quite different when she
have to face her feelings whenever she likes someone. She is the type of person who can love someone
at first sight, she also not the type of person who is shy to showing her feelings. When she likes someone
she will be happy to show her feelings to the boy that she likes. She will show her aggressiveness and she
will try to stick to the boy that she likes wherever that boy goes.

Different from Juli, my friend Zalikho is the laziest person that I have ever met. She was the type
of person who really enjoyed her life she would only do a work when it was closed deadline or she already
had enough mood to do that. She also very rarely cleans her room she will just clean her room when the
room is really messy and there is no space for her to put her things. Therefore she was often scolded by
her parents and she often fight with her parents because of this problem she is like a trouble maker, that is
why her parents always scold her. What are her parent wants that she could be diligent and clean her own
room because it was something she must to do. She also is unable to communicate well with her parents.
They often differ opinions and her parents put they opinions more often without listening to her opinion.
Therefore my friend Zalikho is lazy to argue further, she is prefer to be quiet, and finally she cannot
express her emotions freely. Then talk about love story when she likes someone. Whenever she fell in
love or likes someone, she never shows it. She is prefer to hide her feelings and do not want everyone
know what she feel because she feel it is hard for her to show her feelings. She will be more silent and pay
more attention to what the boy that she likes do. She will find out about anything that concerns of the boy
that she likes behind him.

The conclusion is my friend and juli have some differences and similarities in personality. One of
the similarities is both of them are friendly and also care with other people. The others difference is quite
opposite, especially in love story. Juli’s not shy to show her feelings through an action, while my friend
does not dare to show her feelings she prefer to hide her feelings by herself.

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