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Exposure to metal welding fume particles and risk for

cardiovascular disease in Denmark: a prospective
cohort study
Else Ibfelt,1 Jens Peter Bonde,2 Johnni Hansen1
Institute of Cancer ABSTRACT
Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Objectives To study welding fume particles in relation to What this paper adds
Society, Copenhagen, Denmark cardiovascular diseases.
Department of Occupational
and Environmental Medicine, Methods In 1986, 10 059 male metal workers in 75 < Few studies have investigated the relationship
Copenhagen University Hospital, welding companies were sent a questionnaire about between welding and the risk for cardiovascular
Bispebjerg, Denmark their welding experience and lifestyle (83.3% response diseases; most found an increased risk,
rate). Of these, 5866 were available for analysis and had although some did not find this association.
Correspondence to
Else Ibfelt, Institute of Cancer
ever welded at baseline. Information on exposure to < Generally, previous studies lacked detailed
Epidemiology, Danish Cancer welding fumes after 1986 was obtained by individual exposure measurements, combined many
Society, 49 Strandboulevarden, linkage to the National Pension Fund. Lifelong exposure cardiovascular diseases together, and rarely
Copenhagen DK-2100, to welding fume particles was estimated from
Denmark; adjusted for confounding.
a jobeexposure matrix based on more than 1000 < This study examines lifelong welding particulate
Accepted 11 February 2010 welding-specific measures of fume particles. Hospital exposure in relation to risk for nine cardiovas-
Published Online First contacts for cardiovascular disease were obtained from cular outcomes adjusted for confounding by
27 June 2010 the Danish National Patient Registry by individual linkage. smoking, alcohol and medicine use.
The nine disease outcomes considered were acute < Our study suggests that welders are at
myocardial infarct (AMI), angina pectoris, other acute increased risk for ischaemic and cerebrovas-
ischaemic heart diseases, chronic ischaemic heart cular diseases.
disease (CHD), cardiac arrythmias, cardiac arrest, heart
failure, cerebral infarct, arterial embolism and
thrombosis. The cohort was followed up from baseline 1 million workers worldwide perform welding as
until the end of 2006. a part of their job.4 Particles in general are a source
Results When the incidence of each of the nine of local irritation, as their physical, chemical or
cardiovascular outcomes among welders was compared biological properties can initiate an inflammatory
with 5-year age- and calendar year-specific male national response. The inflammation may be acute and
rates, the number of observed cases significantly easily healed, or it may become chronic.5 Studies of
exceeded that expected for AMI (standardised incidence exposure to welding fumes have shown that the
ratio, 95% CI) (1.12, 1.01 to 1.24), angina pectoris (1.11, particles are in the ultrafine size range of
1.01 to 1.22), CHD (1.17, 1.05 to 1.31) and cerebral 0.01e0.10 mm,6 and approximately 50%e75% are
infarct (1.24, 1.06 to 1.44). Internal comparisons of the of submicron size, with a diameter of 0.4e0.8 mm.7
cohort with adjustment for tobacco smoking, alcohol and As smaller particles penetrate further into the
hypertension medicines showed a significantly increasing airways, gases and other active species attached to
hazard rate ratio for CHD and non-significant increases their surfaces are carried deeper into the lung.8 The
for AMI, angina pectoris and cerebral infarct with hypothesis has been proposed that inhaled particles
increasing exposure to particles. create pulmonary inflammation and a subsequent
Conclusions This study supports the hypothesis that systemic inflammatory response. This will increase
exposure to welding processed particles increases the the probability of atherosclerosis, followed by other
risk for cardiovascular disease. cardiovascular events.9 The compounds of the
welding emission formed during the processes are
also suspected of increasing CVD, due to the
INTRODUCTION formation of, for example, ozone and carbon
Several studies conducted in Europe and the USA monoxide.
during the past two decades have shown an asso- Studies of ambient air pollution, in which the
ciation between the concentration of ultrafine level of exposure to ultrafine particles is usually
particles in ambient air and risk for cardiovascular much lower than that experienced during welding
disease (CVD).1 Welders are exposed to much (at least 10e100-fold, depending on the welding
higher concentrations of particles than the general method and the place and time of air measure-
public2 3; investigation of CVD in this population, ments2 10 11), have shown acute effects on heart
therefore, contributes to elucidating associations rate, blood pressure and blood coagulation and
between ambient air pollution and cardiovascular effects of more prolonged (chronic) exposure to air
risk. pollution particles on the progression of athero-
Metal welding consists of several processes that sclerosis.1 12
may result in substantial exposure to particles, Some of the few available studies on welding
fumes and gases. It is estimated that more than have shown increased morbidity and mortality due

772 Occup Environ Med 2010;67:772e777. doi:10.1136/oem.2009.051086

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Original article

to CVD,13e17 whereas others have shown no effect.18 19 Previous to 19 codes for additional diagnoses. Information on outpatients
studies of welders and CVD lacked detailed exposure measure- was added on 1 January 1994. Until the end of 1993, diagnoses
ments (eg, duration, mass or number of particles inhaled), were coded according to an extended Danish version of the
combined all diagnoses of cardiovascular or ischaemic heart International Classification of Diseases, Revision 8 (ICD-8), and
disease, or recorded only mortality from CVD, and few studies after that date according to ICD-10. We defined the first occur-
included adjustment for confounding by, for example, tobacco rence of CVD as the date of first hospitalisation with CVD as
smoking. In the study reported here, we estimated lifelong a main diagnosis after 1 January 1987; if a similar diagnosis had
exposure to welding fume particles, analysed doseeresponse been made earlier as a secondary diagnosis, however, we used this
relationships for different diagnoses of cardiovascular diseases to define the time of diagnosis. We excluded 236 welders’ hospi-
and attempted to adjust for individual lifestyle risk factors. talisations with CVD diagnoses (main or secondary) that had
occurred between 1977 and the start of follow-up.
METHODS We considered nine main disease outcomes from ICD-8 and
Study population ICD-10: acute myocardial infarct (AMI) (410, I21), angina
Potential study participants were selected from a cohort of 10 pectoris (413, I20), other acute ischaemic heart diseases (411,
059 male production workers that was established in 1986 with I24), chronic ischaemic heart disease (CHD) (412, I25), cardiac
the aim of studying associations between metal welding and arrythmias (427, I48 and I49), cardiac arrest (none, I46), heart
lung cancer. The various steps of the construction of the cohort failure (none, I50), cerebral infarct (433 and 434, I63) and arterial
have been described in detail elsewhere20 and are only embolism and thrombosis (444, I74).
summarised here. In 1982, employees of 79 companies in
Denmark with metal welding activities were identified in Assessment of exposure to welding fumes
a survey. After exclusion of shipyards, because of possible The questionnaire elicited information on the welding material
exposure to asbestos, 75 companies remained, employing about used (stainless or mild steel), welding process (manual metal arc,
60% of all Danish stainless-steel welders; five of the larger tungsten inert gas, metal inert gas, metal active gas, spot or gas
companies had substantial numbers of mild-steel welders. All welding), first year of welding, number of years welding in
men born before 1964 and employed by one of these companies various decades, use of exhaust ventilation and welding in
in the period April 1964eDecember 1984 for a minimum of confined spaces. In an attempt to cover any exposure to welding
1 year were then identified from the computerised files of the fumes after the baseline in 1986 and thereby obtain more
nationwide Danish Pension Fund.20 This pension scheme, with complete information about lifelong welding, we included data
compulsory membership for all wage earners aged 16e66 years, from the National Pension Fund register on duration of
contains the person’s name, the dates of the start and end of employment in welding companies after 1986.
each employment at company level (a unique company identi- To estimate total accumulated exposure to welding fume
fication number is assigned for tax purposes) and the unique particles before baseline, we used an exposure matrix based on
personal identification number assigned by the Central Popula- more than 1000 measurements of ambient air particles in the
tion Registry to all residents of Denmark.21 These two registers workplace between 1971 and 1985 made by the Danish Welding
are regarded as both accurate and complete.21 In order to iden- Institute and the National Institute of Occupational Health. Air
tify workers potentially exposed to welding, all the companies samples were collected on filters placed in the breathing zone
were visited in 1986, and employees in departments with behind welding helmets. Filters used were pore size 0.8 mm, so
welding activities were identified from independent information particles smaller than this did not contribute to the mass
in company records, foremen, long-term workers and other measurements. Earlier exposures were estimated by extrapola-
sources. Information on emigration, disappearance and death for tion, on the assumption of a declining trend in exposure in all
each worker identified, was retrieved from the files of the welding processes during 1971e1985. The database provided
Central Population Registry, which was established in 1968. In geometric mean values (mg/m3) for exposure to particulates in
autumn 1986, all the workers (or spouses or long-term each welding process.23
colleagues of deceased or emigrated workers) were sent ques- By linking the exposure matrix to data from the question-
tionnaires eliciting information on lifetime exposure to welding naires on decade, type of steel, welding process, frequency,
and other exposures such as tobacco smoking, use of medica- exhaust ventilation and welding in confined spaces, we were
tions and alcohol consumption. Non-respondents were able to compute the total of number of years that each man had
contacted up to three times. Responses were received from 8376 spent in welding and the particulate concentration in each
workers (83.3%). Of these, 6162 (74.6%) had ever welded at decade and for all decades. This gave a summary measure of
baseline according to the questionnaire. We did not use men who total exposure to welding fumes (mg/m33years) before baseline.
had never welded as an internal comparison group, as this group To obtain a measure of total lifelong exposure before and after
was small and heterogeneous. We excluded three welders with baseline, we calculated an average exposure for 1980e1986 (the
inconsistent personal identification numbers, eight welders who last interval of the questionnaire data) and multiplied it by
immigrated to Greenland and 285 welders who had died before 1 number of years in the welding industry after baseline. Total
January 1987, leaving 5866 men for the analyses. exposure was calculated from data for 3499 welders for whom
consistent information on welding was available from the
Disease experience questionnaire, and especially details on years, processes, etc, for
Information on the occurrence of CVD in this population was the period 1980e1986.
retrieved by linkage to the Danish National Patient Registry by
personal identification numbers. The welders were followed up Statistical analysis
from the start of 1987 until the end of 2006. This computerised The risk for CVD was calculated from 1 January 1987, and
register, with high validity,22 stores information on all persons follow-up ended on the date of hospitalisation for CVD, death,
hospitalised in Denmark since 1 January 1977 and includes dates emigration from Denmark or 31 December 2006, whichever
of admission and discharge, codes for the primary diagnosis and up came first.

Occup Environ Med 2010;67:772e777. doi:10.1136/oem.2009.051086 773

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Original article

In the external analysis, we compared the incidence of CVD RESULTS

among welders with 5-year age- and calendar year-specific Of the 5866 welders, 1126 died before the end of follow-up, 51
national rates among men, calculated from the CVD diagnosis in emigrated from Denmark and 4689 were still alive at the end of
the files of the Danish National Patient Registry. The expected follow-up. Selected descriptive characteristics of the welders are
number of CVD diagnoses was calculated by applying the shown in table 1.
national gender-, age- and calendar time-specific rates to the Table 2 gives the results of the external analysis. For four of
appropriate person-years under observation in each exposure the nine CVD outcomes, the number of observed cases signifi-
group. Standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated as cantly exceeded the number expected. We observed an increasing
the observed incidence divided by that expected with a modified risk with higher levels of particulate exposures for angina
version of the Person-Years (PYRS) software program.24 Signifi- pectoris, CHD and cerebral infarct, but the increase was signif-
cance and 95% CIs were determined on the basis of the icant only for cerebral infarct in the group exposed to >100 mg/
assumption that the observed number of diagnoses of heart m33years. Increased risks for AMI and CHD were also seen for
disease in any category was Poisson distributed. a group of welders for whom inadequate data were available for
In the internal analyses, we compared the rates of CVD calculation of cumulative exposure.
among welders by number of years of welding with a lag time of In the internal analyses, we found no association between
1 year and by estimated concentration of particles. We adjusted total years of welding (duration) and risk for AMI, angina
for the effects of tobacco smoking (never, former or current pectoris, CHD or cerebral infarct, before or after adjustment for
smoker), alcohol consumption (0e3.5, 4e20.5 or $21 drinks per calendar year, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and use of
week), regular use of hypertension or ‘heart’ medicine within hypertension or ‘heart’ medicine (data not shown).
1 year prior to baseline (yes or no) and calendar time. Tests for Table 3 gives the estimates for cumulative exposure to
interaction between covariates were performed for one pair at particulates after adjustment for potential confounders. A
a time using the Wald test statistics. No statistical significant significantly higher RR for CHD was found for welders exposed
interactions were observed between exposure and covariates. We to 10e50 mg/m33years (HRR 2.51, 95% CI 1.15 to 5.49) and
performed sensitivity analyses after excluding welders who had 50e100 mg/m33years (2.79, 1.29 to 6.04) than those exposed to
started welding before 1960 in order to minimise selection bias 0e10 mg/m33years (reference), while the risk for the group
due to the healthy worker effect. Cox regression analysis was with the highest exposure, >100 mg/m33years, was not
used to estimate hazard rate ratios (HRRs) for heart disease, significantly increased (1.70, 0.78 to 3.72). Similar tendencies for
a measure of RR, with the Breslow method for ties. Age was an exposureeresponse relationship were found for AMI, angina
used as the underlying time scale to ensure that estimates were pectoris and cerebral infarct, although these were not significant.
based on comparisons of individuals of the same age. Estimated The unadjusted results (data not shown) were similar to those
lifelong exposure to welding particles (mg/m33years) was found after adjustment.
included as a time-dependent variable, as duration of welding When analysing exposure generated from data before baseline
included employment time both before and after the study only, the results were similar to those generated from lifelong
baseline. Two-sided 95% CIs were calculated for the HRRs with exposure shown in table 3, but with lower RR estimates. For the
the Wald test of the Cox regression parameter. The proportional three exposure categories 10e50, 50e100 and >100, the HRRs
hazard assumption for the analysis was tested by KaplaneMeier for AMI were 1.04 (0.70 to 1.53), 1.31 (0.89 to 1.93) and 1.01
plots and the Schoenfeld test of proportional hazard assump- (0.68 to 1.52), for angina pectoris 1.04 (0.72 to 1.49), 1.27 (0.88
tion. Cox regression analyses were performed with Stata to 1.81) and 1.09 (0.75 to 1.58), for CHD 1.27 (0.82 to 1.96), 1.48
statistical software v 9.2.25 (0.96 to 2.28) and 0.95 (0.61 to 1.50) and for cerebral infarction
Table 1 Characteristics of 5866 welders at baseline, Denmark, 1987 1.19 (0.65 to 2.17), 1.05 (0.57 to 1.95) and 1.39 (0.76 to 2.52).
After exclusion of welders who had started welding before
Characteristic Welders
1960, the estimates for the group with the highest exposure
Age (years), mean (SE) 42.3 (0.16) (>100 mg/m33years) were increased, with HRRs of 1.24 (0.66
Never smoked 1077 (18.4%) to 2.36) for AMI, 1.28 (0.68 to 2.40) for angina pectoris, 1.87
Former smoker 1394 (23.8%) (0.72 to 4.85) for CHD and 2.14 (0.77 to 5.92) for cerebral
Current smoker 3376 (57.7%) infarct. The tests for trend, however, remained non-significant
Number of drinks (glass of beer, wine or spirits) per week
(data not shown).
0e3.5 1.374 (23.5%)
4e20.5 3.895 (66.7%)
$21 558 (9.7%)
Regular use of hypertension or ‘heart’ 381 (6.5%)
medicine within past year In our cohort of 5866 welders, we found significantly higher
Total number of years welding, mean (SE) risks for the four most frequent of nine cardiovascular outcomes
Before baseline (1924e1986) 13.1 (0.13) (AMI, angina pectoris, CHD and cerebral infarct) than in the
After baseline (1987e2006) 5.6 (0.07) general population. The risks for AMI and CHD were increased
Year started welding in a group of welders for whom data for calculation of cumu-
<1960 1572 (26.8%) lative particulate exposure were inadequate. It is possible that
1960e1969 2022 (34.5%) this is a group of vulnerable welders who were unable to fill in
1970e1986 2272 (38.7%) the questionnaire or did not work between 1980 and 1986 for
Local exhaust used 2435 (67.5%) various reasons.
Often or sometimes welded in confined 2727 (48.1%) When comparing the welders internally, we also found an
approximate doseeresponse relationship between cumulated
Cumulative estimated particulate exposure, mean mg/m33year (SE)
exposure to particulates and each of the four diagnoses, although
All years before baseline (1924e1986) 53.1 (0.71)
the trend was not significant. The group with the highest
All years after baseline (1987e2006) 8.7 (0.18)
exposure had non-significantly lower risks for AMI, angina

774 Occup Environ Med 2010;67:772e777. doi:10.1136/oem.2009.051086

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Table 2 Standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) and 95% CIs for selected cardiovascular diseases among
5866 male Danish welders followed up from 1986 to 2006 and compared with the general male
Cumulative particulate exposure
Cardiovascular disease (mg/m33years) Observed Expected SIR 95% CI
Acute myocardial infarct All 377 337.4 1.12 1.01 to 1.24
0e10 11 8.7 1.26 0.63 to 2.26
10e50 40 42.7 0.94 0.94 to 1.28
50e100 80 63.3 1.26 1.00 to 1.57
>100 76 77.3 0.98 0.77 to 1.23
Missing data* 170 145.4 1.17 1.00 to 1.36
Angina pectoris All 437 394.5 1.11 1.01 to 1.22
0e10 9 11.3 0.80 0.36 to 1.52
10e50 65 57.6 1.13 0.87 to 1.44
50e100 87 82.1 1.06 0.85 to 1.31
>100 101 90.4 1.12 0.91 to 1.36
Missing data* 175 153.1 1.14 0.98 to 1.33
Chronic ischaemic heart disease All 326 277.6 1.17 1.05 to 1.31
0e10 5 7.3 0.68 0.22 to 1.59
10e50 42 36.7 1.14 0.82 to 1.55
50e100 68 55.3 1.23 0.95 to 1.56
>100 65 65.3 1.00 0.77 to 1.27
Missing data* 146 15.2 1.29 1.09 to 1.52
Cerebral infarct All 169 136.5 1.24 1.06 to 1.44
0e10 2 3.4 0.58 0.07 to 2.10
10e50 21 16.7 1.26 0.78 to 1.92
50e100 30 25.6 1.17 0.79 to 1.67
>100 46 32.1 1.43 1.05 to 1.91
Missing data* 70 58.7 1.19 0.93 to 1.51
Other acute ischaemic heart disease All 14 13.02 1.08 0.59 to 1.80
Cardiac arrythmias All 237 233.5 1.01 0.89 to 1.15
Cardiac arrest All 32 33.7 0.95 0.65 to 1.34
Heart failure All 157 148.8 1.05 0.90 to 1.23
Arterial embolism and thrombosis All 11 15.3 0.72 0.36 to 1.29
*Welders for whom we had either incomplete information on duration of welding or no information on welding in the period 1980e86
for calculation of cumulative particulate exposure after baseline (from 1 January 1987).

pectoris and CHD than the groups with intermediate exposure The major strengths of our study are the large cohort of
when compared with the reference. It is possible that the group relatively young welders, detailed, prospectively obtained infor-
with the highest exposure were selected ‘healthy workers’. mation about welding processes and the long follow-up of
When we excluded welders who had started work before 1960 in nearly 30 years. In Denmark, all residents have equal, free
order to reduce this possible selection bias, the risk for the group admission to hospital, and, through the Danish National Patient
with the highest exposure increased but was still not signifi- Registry, we were able to obtain information on all relevant
cantly higher than that of the group with the lowest exposure. diseases that required hospitalisation. One limitation of the
This may indicate that there is a threshold of exposure to study is that we did not have information on men with
particles, a ‘healthy worker’ survivor effect or misclassification cardiovascular disorders who were not admitted to hospital; for
of exposure. instance, angina pectoris is sometimes treated by general prac-
One limitation is that particles less than 0.8 mm in size were titioners. As it is unlikely that welders are admitted more or less
not included in the job-exposure matrix. Another is that the often to hospital for a particular disease than the general
effect of specific compounds involved in the welding processes is population, we consider that this limitation does not reduce the
not represented in the jobeexposure matrix algorithms used. In validity of the study. Furthermore, we considered disease
particular, carbon monoxide and ozone generated from shielding outcomes that are usually treated in hospital.
gases used in various welding processes are toxic to the respi- Information on exposure to welding fumes before baseline
ratory system, organs and blood. Carbon monoxide may have an was obtained from self-reports by welders up to 40 years later.
acute effect because of the formation of carboxyhaemoglobin Therefore, the details of welding processes, time spent welding
and have long-term effects via a possible atherogenic mecha- and working conditions might not be totally accurate for the
nism.26 Ozone has been shown to affect levels of the cytokine oldest group. Calculation of cumulative exposure to particulates
interleukin-6 in the bronchoalveolar lavage, which might with the jobeexposure matrix and responses to a questionnaire
increase concentrations of plasma fibrinogen and thereby the is not as precise as individual measurements of inhaled particles
risk for ischaemic heart disease.16 Even though the questionnaire for each welder. Therefore, some differential misclassification of
provided information on specific welding processes and mate- exposure might have occurred, resulting in underestimation of
rials, it was not possible to construct ‘clean’ groups by type of the risk for CVD among the most heavily exposed men.27 28
welding (eg, manual metal arc or metal active gas) or by expo- The addition of information on estimated duration of welding
sure to specific compounds, since the majority of the welders after baseline to the data from the questionnaire strengthens the
worked with different methods over the years. association of exposure during welding and CVD. The compulsory

Occup Environ Med 2010;67:772e777. doi:10.1136/oem.2009.051086 775

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Table 3 Adjusted HRRs and 95% CIs for cardiovascular disease among 3499 welders according to
accumulated exposure to particles
Cumulative particulate
Cardiovascular disease exposure (mg/m33years) N* No. of cases HRRy 95% CI
Acute myocardial infarct 0e10 (reference) 37991 17 1 e
10e50 163075 67 1.11 0.65 to 1.89
50e100 184292 96 1.43 0.85 to 2.41
>100 150199 80 1.03 0.61 to 1.74
Log-rank test, c2¼5.95, p¼0.114
Test for trend, c2¼0.00, p¼0.969

Angina pectoris 0e10 (reference) 44954 17 1 e

10e50 194825 80 1.23 0.73 to 2.08
50e100 226162 107 1.41 0.84 to 2.36
>100 181557 95 1.21 0.72 to 2.03

Log-rank test, c2¼2.26, p¼0.521

Test for trend, c2¼0.22, p¼0.637

Chronic ischaemic heart disease 0e10 (reference) 31613 7 1 e

10e50 131588 61 2.51 1.15 to 5.49
50e100 162675 83 2.79 1.29 to 6.04
>100 143045 60 1.70 0.78 to 3.72

Logerank test, c2¼13.56, p¼0.004

Test for trend, c2¼0.27, p¼0.606

Cerebral infarct 0e10 (reference) 15477 7 1 e

10e50 63815 32 1.32 0.58 to 3.01
50e100 76279 32 1.17 0.52 to 2.67
>100 66747 52 1.54 0.70 to 3.39

Log-rank test, c2¼2.44, p¼0.486

Test for trend, c2¼1.12, p¼0.290
Results for welders who answered all the questions necessary for calculation of their cumulative exposure across all years and who
answered questions about smoking, alcohol consumption and use of medicines.
*Numbers correspond to data split on every incidence of each disease for all welders, in order to include the time-dependent variable,
duration of welding after baseline. As each man contributed a different number of years for each incidence, each was included more
than once in the analysis.
yAdjusted for calendar year, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and use of hypertension or ‘heart’ medicine.

routine registration of employment in the Danish Pension Fund have stayed the same over the years for this group of people. The
register ensures that there is no selection of individuals or missing number of welders using hypertension or ‘heart’ medicine is
or incorrect reporting of employment. One limitation in the likely to increase as the cohort grows older, but is only relevant
calculation of cumulative exposure after baseline was the lack of for a smaller group and can be an intermediate step before
information on whether the work specifically included welding experiencing a CVD diagnosis. We had no information on other
and whether the welders continued to have the same hours and risk factors for CVD, such as obesity, high intake of fatty foods,
processes reported in 1986. Also, we assumed that there was no low vegetable intake and low physical activity.29 As we found an
change in exposure after 1980e1986. The semi-quantitative esti- approximate doseeresponse relationship between exposure to
mate of exposure to particulates is therefore an approximate welding particles and CVD, the increased risk is unlikely to be
measure of the true lifelong exposure. We consider, however, that it due only to other, unknown confounders.
is a more informative, complete measure than measures based on Few other studies have investigated the risk for CVD in
total number of years welding (used in other studies) or cumula- welders, and half of them addressed only mortality from such
tive exposure calculated only from data before baseline. causes. One Danish cross-sectional study of AMI and three
True risk can be underestimated when the morbidity rates of cohort studies of mortality due to ischaemic heart disease found
welders are compared with those of the total population (given positive associations with welding, the results being: OR 2.1
no confounding from other exposures), because the general (95% CI 1.05 to 4.30) only for welders with blood type O,
population includes sick and disabled people who are unable to unadjusted17; standardised mortality ratio (SMR) 1.06 (1.02 to
work.16 In our internal analysis, we were able to lessen this 1.11) in the 1970 census and SMR 1.35 (1.10 to 1.64) in the 1990
possible bias and potential confounding by including tobacco census, unadjusted16; SMR 1.51 (1.00 to 2.18) and SMR 1.79
smoking, alcohol consumption and use of hypertension or (p<0.05) for welders who had worked $20 years, adjusted for
‘heart’ medicines. These exposures had, however, only smoking14; and SMR 1.30 (1.04 to 1.56), unadjusted.15 A cohort
a marginal influence on the results. Data on these lifestyle study of 236 workers showed increased risks adjusted for
factors were only collected at one time point and we had no smoking for angina pectoris and chest pain, with prevalence
information about changes over time. Smoking exposure is likely ratios of 2.61 (1.2 to 5.7) and 2.27 (1.5 to 4.9), respectively, and
to have decreased since 1986, and if so our results of welding a non-significant effect for AMI (prevalence ratio 1.37, 0.7 to
effect may be underestimated. Alcohol consumption is likely to 2.8).13 The risk estimate for AMI observed in our study is within

776 Occup Environ Med 2010;67:772e777. doi:10.1136/oem.2009.051086

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Occup Environ Med 2010;67:772e777. doi:10.1136/oem.2009.051086 777

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Exposure to metal welding fume particles and

risk for cardiovascular disease in Denmark: a
prospective cohort study
Else Ibfelt, Jens Peter Bonde and Johnni Hansen

Occup Environ Med 2010 67: 772-777 originally published online June
27, 2010
doi: 10.1136/oem.2009.051086

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