Silaby Biotechnology

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1. Course : Introduction to Biotechnology

2. Code Sandi/SKS : AHYT 272/2
3. prerequisite : AHYT: 242, 252, 254
4. Lecture : Dr. H. Muhammad Zaini, M.Pd.
5. Standart Competency : Students are able to integrate various disciplines to understand the development of biotechnology to
solve problems related to the advancement of science and technology by upholding the ethical considerations.

Meeting Basic Competency Indicators Subject Matter Reference

1 Soil Microbes Students will understand that millions of Soil Microorganisms Introduction to
microorganisms live in a small amount of soil Biotechnology
and these microorganisms, some too small to
see with the naked eye, eat organic matter
such as grass clippings,fallen plant leaves, and
1 Isolation of Soil Microorganisms Students will determine the effect of adding Soil Microorganisms Introduction to
Describe the events of mutation and soil bacteria to the growth of selected Biotechnology
its implic legumes.
2 Making Yogurt Students examine the role of bacterial Fermentation in the production of Introduction to
fermentation in the production of yogurt. yogurt. Biotechnology

3 Mutations Students are able to explain the events of 1. Understanding mutations Introduction to
mutation 2. Various kinds of mutations Biotechnology
3. Gene mutation
4. Chromosome mutation
3 Explain the relationship of genes, Students are able to explain the relationship  The genetic code Introduction to
DNA-RNA polypeptide and protein between genes, DNA, RNA, polypeptides,  Protein synthesis Biotechnology
synthesis process and the process of protein synthesis

Students will be researching the a. Describe the difference between aerobic Anaerobic Digestion Introduction to
microbial/microecological processes and anaerobic digestion Biotechnology
of wastewater treatment and how they b. Depict how wastewater flows through
relate to the digestion of solid waste the plant then ultimately discharged
materials. c. Describe the primary, secondary and
tertiary treatments
d. Be able to explain how solids are
decomposed using the anaerobic digestion
process in the lab.

e. Perform an experiment depicting

anaerobic digestion of solid material into
4 The student will plan and 1. The student will be able to explain 1. Use, limitations, and misuse of Modern
conduct investigations in how DNA technologies allow genetic information Biotechnology
which a) use, limitations, and scientists to identify, study, and 2. Exploration of the impact of
misuse of genetic information modify genes. DNA technologies
b) exploration of the impact of 2. The student will be able to explain
DNA technologies how genetic engineering techniques
are used in a variety of industries,
in agriculture, in basic research, and
in medicine.
3. The student will be able to explain
how biotechnology creates a great
potential for the development of
useful products through genetic
4. The student will be able to
understand and explain the
practical and ethical questions
which are raised when altering
5. The student will be able to form an
educated opinion on the benefits
and concerns regarding
biotechnology with respect to
genetic modification of crops.

6. The student will be able to either
draft a letter, create audio, or
create a video which will be sent to
a ministry of research and
technology either expressing
support or concern regarding
genetic alteration of crops.
5 Incorporating Biotechnology into the 1. Transform bacterial cells with a plasmid Genetic Engineering Modern
Classroom and observe the growth of the bacteria and Biotechnology
the genetically engineered phenotypic traits.
The plasmids used will include some of the

pLux: allows resistence to ampicillin and

allows bacteria to GLOW IN THE DARK.
pGFP: allows resistence to ampicillin and
will make the bacteria fluoresce green under
a "blacklight".

2. Learn about plasmids, genes, antibiotic

resistence and phenotypic traits.
3. Learn about genetic engineering and the
impact on agriculture.
4. Learn about gene therapy.
5. Learn about the Human Genome Project.

6. Learn about the future of genetic

engineering and its impact on society.
6 Explain the meaning, principles, basic, Explain what antibiotics Genetic engineering Modern
and other types of antibiotics • Explain the types of antibiotics • Definition of antibiotics Biotechnology
Biotechnology • Create and implement the products of • The type of antibiotic
modern biotechnology on antibiotics • Use of antibiotics
7 "greenhouse gases." Compare and make distinctions among 5 Automobile choices and Modern
alternative fuels alternative fuels Biotechnology
2. Understand the impact of different types of fuel
a. the environment

b. lifestyle
c. the economy/personal finances of car choices
8 Biotech Animals: Science, Benefits, (1) Explore enhancements that can be made to Biotech Animals Modern
Risk & Public Sentiment animals using biotechnology, Biotechnology
(2) consider advantages of producing GM
(3) research possible concerns associated with
GM animals, and
(4) analyze public opinion data about the use of
biotech animals.
9 Introduction to Recombinant DNA 1. Students learned and refined techniques and Introduction to Recombinant DNA Modern
skills related to: Biotechnology
 Microscopy
 DNA isolation
 Gel electrophoresis
2. Students’ scientific literacy improved
due to use of news articles and lectures
relating the concept taught to real life
3. Students learned about the future of
biotech and possible jobs in related
10 Describe the application of 1. Explaining the understanding of application of biotechnology Modern
biotechnology in support of human biotechnology. Biotechnology
survival through food production. 2. Explain the benefits of biotechnology in food
3. Mention a simple example of biotechnology.
4. Record biteknologi conventional and modern
products in the environment.
5. Creating a simple biotechnology can be used
in everyday life.
6. Explain the meaning of genetic engineering.
7. Mention some examples of genetically
engineered products.
8. Explaining the impact (positive and negative)
the application of biotechnology.
11 Automobile choices and alternative 1. Compare and make distinctions among 5 Fuels alternative Modern

fuels alternative fuels. Biotechnology
2. Understand the impact of different types of
fuel on:

a. the environment
b. lifestyle
c. the economy/personal finances of car

3. Use critical thinking skills to support multi-

step decision-making for buying a car
12 Explain the meaning, principles, basic, •Explain what antibiotics Antibiotics Modern
and other types of antibiotics • Explain the types of antibiotics Biotechnology
• Create and implement the products of modern
biotechnology on antibiotics
13 Student would be able to understand 1. The objective of the course is to familiarize 1. Basic concepts and Modern
the students with the experimental tools used historical background. Biotechnology
basic principles of fermentation
in Industrial microbiology. 2. Industrial cultures
technology as used in Biotechnology. 2. The student would be using many industrial 3. Growth of industrial
techniques as: Isolation, improvement, Microorganisms.
maintenance and preservation of microbial 4. Design of bioreactors
cultures, Design of media, bioreactors and
5. Downstreamprocessing
downstream processes along with production
techniques for some Biomolecules during the 6. Biosynthesis and
tenure of their study. Production

14 The students will have sufficient To familiarize the students with the basics of 1. Introduction of animal cell Modern
scientific understanding of the Animal Animal Tissue Culture Techniques and use of in cultures. Biotechnology
Tissue Culture techniques, knowledge various fields of research and human welfare. 2. Primary cell cultures
of aseptic handling of cell lines. Use 3. Secondary cell cultures
of these techniques in various fields of 4. Characterization of cell lines
research and medicine and human 5. Production of vaccine in
welfare. animal cells :
6. Bioreactor in animal cells
7. Transplantation, tissue

8. Cryopreservation and tissue
culturing applications

15 Students will develop a foundation for 1. Explore enhancements that can be made to Biotech Animals: Science, Modern
understanding the scientific ackground animals using biotechnology, Benefits, Risk & Public Sentiment Biotechnology
to genetically modified organisms. 2. Consider advantages of producing GM
Students will be able to assess the animals, Research possible concerns
advantages of biotech animals and associated with GM animals, and
develop a viewpoint in support of their 3. Analyze public opinion data about the use of
scientific evaluation. biotech animals.

Banjarmasin, Januari, 2012


Dr. H.Muhammad Zaini, M. Pd

NIP. 19560603 `198003 1 002


6. Mata Kuliah : Pengantar Bioteknologi

7. Sandi/SKS : AHYT 272/2
8. Prasyarat : AHYT: 242, 252, 254
9. Dosen Pengasuh : Dr. H. Muhammad Zaini, M.Pd.
10. Kompetensi Perkuliahan : Mahasiswa mampu mengintegrasikan berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk memahami perkembangan bioteknologi guna
memecahkan masalah-masalah yang berhubungan dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dengan menjunjung tinggi pertimbangan etika.

6. Rencana Perkuliahan :

Perte- Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Buku

muan Sumber

(1) Mahasiswa mampu memahami perkembangan 1. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan Pendahuluan e) sum-
bioteknologi dari masa ke masa untuk pengertian bioteknologi. 1. Pengertian ber uta-
menjawab persoalan masyarakat dalam 2. Mahasiswa dapat merunut kembali 2. Sejarah dan perkembangan ma.

konteks lokal, regoinal, dan global. sejarah perkembangan bioteknologi. bioteknologi 3-8
3. Mahasiswa mampu membeda-
bedakan antara bioteknologi
konvensional dengan bioteknologi

Mahasiswa mampu memahami eksploitasi 1. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan

(2-5) mikroorganisme untuk tujuan-tujuan prinsip-prinsip kultur mikroba. Eksploitasi mikroorganisme 49-93
perkembangan keilmuan dan komersial. 2. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan 1. Kultur mikroba skala besar
tujuan eksploitasi komersial 2. Eksploitasi komersial
mikroorganisme. mikroorganise.

Perte- Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Buku

muan Sumber
3. Mahasiswa dapat melakukan 3. Immobilisasi enzim dan
identifikasi jenis mikroorganisme yang mikroorganisme
dikultur dalam skala besar.
4. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan
peran enzim dalam kultur mikro-

(6-8) Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan 1. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan Teknologi rekombinan DNA 11-44
menjelaskan teknologi rekombinan DNA dan teknik rekombinan DNA. Prinsip-prinsip dasar kloning,
implikasinya dalam perkembangan 2. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan Plasmid, dan ekspresi gen
bioteknologi. prinsip dasar kloning.
3. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan
peranan plasmid dalam teknik
rekombinan DNA.
4. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan
ekspresi gen.
5. Mahasiswa dapat membedakan
bioteknologi konvensional dan modern
dalam prinsip kloning.

(9-11) Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip- 1. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan Bioteknologi hewan 97-133
prinsip bioteknologi hewan dan aplikasinya mekanisme kultur sel hewan. 1. Aplikasi kultur sel hewan

untuk menjawab persoalan masyarakat baik 2. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan 2. Kultur sel hewan skala besar
dalam lingkup lokal, regional maupun global aplikasi kultur sel hewan dalam
memecahkan masalah-masalah biologi.

Perte- Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Buku

muan Sumber
3. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan 3. Produksi virus, vaksin dan bahan-
tujuan kultur sel hewan skala besar. bahan biologis aktif termasuk
4. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan antibodi mono-klonal.
prinsip-prinsip pembuatan bahan 4. Hewan transgenik dan terapi gen,
biologis aktif.
5. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan
untuk rugi pemanfaatan hewan
6. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan
mekanisme terapi gen.

Bioteknologi tanaman
1. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan 1. Prinsip-prinsip dasar kultur
(12-13) Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip- mekanisme kultur sel tumbuh-an. jaringan dan sel tumbuhan 137-158
prinsip bioteknologi hewan dan aplikasinya 2. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan 2. Bioteknologi breeding non-
untuk menjawab persoalan masyarakat baik aplikasi kultur sel tumbuhan dalam rekombinan.
dalam lingkup lokal, regional maupun global memecahkan masalah-masalah
3. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan
tujuan kultur sel tumbuhan skala besar.
4. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan
prinsip-prinsip bioteknologi breeding

Perte- Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Buku

muan Sumber

(14-15) Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan peranan azas 1. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan Azas legalitas, aspek sosial dan 163-172
legalitas, aspek sosial dan bioetika dalam perlindungan hukum terhadap bioetika
menyikapi perkembangan bioteknologi serta pemanfaatan produk-produk 1. Hak paten, pengertian dan
penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. bioteknologi. kelayakannya
2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan 2. Implikasi legal sidik jari
implikasi legal sidik jari DNA dan DNA, produk-produk
produk-produk rekombinan lainnya. rekombinan, dan terapi gen
3. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan 3. Aspek agama dan budaya
kedudukan agama dan budaya dalam
menyikapi produk-produk bioteknologi.

11. Pendekatan/metode yang digunakan: Pendekatan konseptual/ ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab,.
12. Referensi:
a) Amstrong, Kerr & Weber, Kurt.1991. Genetics Engineering-A Lesson on Bioethics for the Classroom. The American Biology
Teacher, Volume 53, No. 5, May 1991.
b) Bertens, K. 1994. Etika. Jakarta: Penerbit P.T. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
c) Clark, Deborah Campero. 1997. Social Issues and Genetics Testing: A Case Study Using Advocacy Groups. Journal Collage
Science Teaching, September/ Oktober 1997.
d) Larkin, P.J. (ed.). 1994. Genes at work: Biotechnology. CSIRO.
e) Primrose, Sandy, B.1987. Modern Biotechnology. London: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
f) Pancoro, Adi. 1993. Aplikasi Rekayasa Genetika untuk Kesejahteraan Manusia. Bahan Ceramah Wawasan Program Pelatihan Dosen
g) Smith, John, E. 1985. Prinsip Bioteknologi. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia. Diterjemahkan oleh Usman dkk (1990).

13. Penugasan dan Penilaian: Presentasi kelompok, tes bagian dan akhir.


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