Brainlens Cover Letter

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2310 Fulton St, Apt #416
Berkeley, CA 94704

April 23, 2018

Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute
401 Parnassus Ave, Box 0984
San Francisco, CA 94143

Dear Hoeft Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory,

My name is Angela Tang-Tan, and I am a 3rd-year UC Berkeley student double-majoring in Molecular & Cell
Biology (with a track emphasis on Neurobiology) and Psychology. I heard about this position through a
departmental newsletter, and am writing to express interest in serving as a Volunteer RA over the summer
2018 term and possibly beyond.

I want to get involved with this project because I have always been utterly fascinated by the inner workings of
the brain. Even as I type these sentences, I cannot help but wonder at the lightning-fast processes that enable
my eyes to jump swiftly from word to word and convey information to my brain. I would love to delve deeper
into neuroscience and neuroimaging with the brainLENS lab.

I believe that I will be able to succeed in this role because it dovetails well with my interests, skills, and talents.
I bring some previous research experience, and was fortunate enough to be included as a co-author on two
papers. As a Neurobiology and Psychology major who has completed the general biology tracks, I have a solid
foundation in molecular biology and basic neurobiology. Furthermore, this past summer, I interned abroad in
Singapore with UC Berkeley Global Internships. At Tan Tock Seng Hospital, I was placed in charge of leading
hospital volunteers, who ranged from schoolchildren to elderly pensioners. Successfully interacting with
patients and coordinating hundreds of volunteers - even despite a language barrier - taught me valuable
interpersonal skills that I hope to apply in the lab. Also, as a competitive policy debater, new student
orientation mentor, and officer in several other extracurricular organizations, I excel at leadership and
teamwork. I can communicate logically and persuasively, and I hope to be an asset at lab meetings. Finally, I
possess an excellent work ethic, and I will dedicate myself to grasping new information and techniques
quickly, yet thoroughly.

Through this opportunity, I desire to gain more experience on the inner workings of a lab, to contribute to the
pioneering research being done at UCSF, and to receive valuable mentorship as I start out on my own scientific
journey. If accepted, research would be my foremost priority, and I feel that I will be more than capable of a 4-
8 hour per week time commitment. I very much hope to contribute my team spirit, diligence, and passion for
neurobiology to this project, and I would be honored to be selected.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Angela Tang-Tan

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