Test Yourself!: The First Daily Chess Newspaper On The Net

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The First Daily Chess Newspaper on the Net

Friday, 15 June 2012

Test Yourself! The World Blitz Ch

T.Kosintseva - Koneru
4th WGP Kazan 2012 (5), 15.06.2012 The Chessvibes website and Ruslan
XIIIIIIIIY Ponomariov in his blog at the same
8-+-+-+-+0{ website are discussing the fact that
7+-+-+-+-0 those Grandmasters who, as
6-zP-+-+-+0 announced already, have qualified for
5+-+-+k+-0 the World Blitz Championship, are not
4-trN+-+-+0 invited to play in this championship,
which is scheduled to take place in
3+-+K+-+-0 early July in Astana, Kazakhstan.
xabcdefghy The Sicilian Dragon -
A new move in an old line
World Chess News by GM Mikhail Golubev

Women Grand Prix, Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav attack; B78

Kazan 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4
¤f6 5.¤c3 g6 6.¥e3 ¥g7 7.f3 0–0
After 5 rounds, Elina Danielian and 8.£d2 ¤c6 9.¥c4 ¥d7 10.h4 ¦c8
Anna Muzuchyk are leading with 3½
11.¥b3 ¤e5 12.0–0–0 ¤c4
13.¥xc4 ¦xc4 14.h5 ¤xh5 15.g4
¤f6 (D)
Official website
Tal Memorial, Moscow 7zpp+lzppvlp0
Standings after 6 rounds: 5+-+-+-+-0
1-2. Morozevich and Kramnik - 4, 4-+rsNP+P+0
3-5. Radjabov, Carlsen and Caruana - 3+-sN-vLP+-0
3½, 2PzPPwQ-+-+0
6. Nakamura - 3, 1+-mKR+-+R0}
7-8. Grischuk and Aronian - 2½, xabcdefghy
9. McShane - 2,
10. Tomashevsky - 1½. 16.e5 ¤xg4 17.fxg4 ¥xg4 18.¦dg1
dxe5 19.¦xg4 h5 20.£e2 exd4
June 15 is a free day at the 21.¦xg6 fxg6 22.£xc4+ (D)
tournament. XIIIIIIIIY
Round 7 (June 16) pairings: 8-+-wq-trk+0{
Radjabov – Caruana 7zpp+-zp-vl-0
Aronian – Grischuk 6-+-+-+p+0
Nakamura – Carlsen 5+-+-+-+p0
Tomashevsky- Morozevich 4-+Qzp-+-+0
McShane - Kramnik 3+-sN-vL-+-0
Official website 1+-mK-+-+R0
This issue is prepared by GM Mikhail Golubev; technical editor: Graham Brown
Subscription is 15 euro for 3 months. For further details please refer to http://www.chesstoday.net
CT-167(4238) Page 1 of 2
22...¢h8 23.¦d1 e5 24.¤e4 £h4 35.£xb4
25.¤g5 £g4 26.¥d2 e4 27.¤e6 e3 35.¦g1 £xb3+ followed by d2 =.
28.¥b4 b5 29.£d5 (D) 35...exd1£ (D)
8-+-+-tr-mk0{ 8-+-+-sN-mk0
7zp-+-+-vl-0 7zp-+-+-+-0
6-+-+N+p+0 6-+-+-+-+0
5+p+Q+-+p0 5+p+-+-+p0
4-vL-zp-+q+0 4-wQ-+-+-+0
3+-+-zp-+-0 3+-+p+-+-0
2PzPP+-+-+0 2PmKP+-+-+0
1+-mKR+-+-0 1+-+q+-+-0}
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
Recently, while preparing a small And here, for example,
article in Russian (chess- 36.£c3+
news.ru/node/7826), I looked again at After 36.cxd3 the simplest is 36...£e2+
this position, which occurred in the 37.¢c3 £e1+!=
Vitomskis-Koifman, corr. 1985 game 36...¢g8 37.¤g6 £xc2+ 38.£xc2
(published in the Chess Informant at dxc2= (D)
the time). With the help of the engine XIIIIIIIIY
Stockfish, it turned out that my 8-+-+-+k+0
improvement, found, in the 1980s, 7zp-+-+-+-0
29...d3 6-+-+-+N+0
works after all. The point is that after 5+p+-+-+p0
30.¤xf8 ¥xb2+ 31.¢xb2 £xb4+
32.£b3 (D) 4-+-+-+-+0
XIIIIIIIIY 3+-+-+-+-0
8-+-+-sN-mk0{ 2PmKp+-+-+0
7zp-+-+-+-0 1+-+-+-+-0}
6-+-+-+p+0 xabcdefghy
5+p+-+-+p0 with an easy draw. So, not only 22...
¢h7 23. ¦d1 £b8! but also the 22...
4-wq-+-+-+0 ¢h8 line may be playable for Black
3+Q+pzp-+-0 after all.
1+-+R+-+-0 Solution to our Quiz:
xabcdefghy T.Kosintseva - Koneru
Black plays 83...¥xb6! 84.¢c3 ¦b5! 84...¥c5? 85.¦e5+
85.¤d6+ ¢g5!= 86.¦e6
32...e2!! 86.¤xb5 ¥a5+ 86...¦b1 87.¤c4 ¥c7
immediately. Not 32...£xb3+? 33.cxb3 88.¢d3 ¦g1 89.¦e2 ¥f4 90.¢e4 ¢g4
e2 34.¤xg6+ ¢h7 35.¤f8+ ¢h8 91.¤b6 ¢g3 92.¤d5 ¦xg2 93.¤xf4
36.¢c1 exd1£+ 37.¢xd1 which I ¦xe2+ ½–½
analysed in the 1980s. I wrote about it
in CT-3100. Contact information. Have some comments
about Chess Today? E-mail us - we appreciate
33.¤xg6+ ¢h7 34.¤f8+ ¢h8! (D) your feedback! Chess Today is published by
XIIIIIIIIY Alexander Baburin, 3 Eagle Hill, Blackrock, Co.
Dublin, Ireland. Tel: (353-1) 278-2276. Fax: (353-
8-+-+-sN-mk0 1) 283-6839. E-mail: ababurin@iol.ie Website:
7zp-+-+-+-0 http://www.chesstoday.net Editors: GMs Baburin,
Scherbakov and Golubev, IMs Barskij and Notkin.
6-+-+-+-+0 Technical editors: Graham Brown, Ivan Baburin
5+p+-+-+p0 and Ralph Marconi.
4-wq-+-+-+0 Chess Today is copyright 2000-2012 by Alexander
Baburin and protected intellectual property under the
3+Q+p+-+-0 International Copyright convention. Subscribers are
2PmKP+p+-+0 allowed to non-commercially distribute copies of
Chess Today at their chess club, chess tournaments
1+-+R+-+-0} and via e-mail (on an occasional basis). Any other use
xabcdefghy and distribution (reproduction, via print, electronic
format, or in any form whatsoever), as well as posting
And White does not seem to have any on the Web, is strictly prohibited without express
winning chances, absolutely nothing. written permission.
This issue is prepared by GM Mikhail Golubev; technical editor: Graham Brown
Subscription is 15 euro for 3 months. For further details please refer to http://www.chesstoday.net
CT-167(4238) Page 2 of 2

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