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4/5/2019 What are Bearing Capacity Values of Different Types of Soil?


What are Bearing Capacity Values of Different Types of


What are Bearing Capacity Values of Different Types of Soil?  Question

What are the bearing capacity values of different types of soils such as clay, sand, gravel, rocks etc.?

 in progress 0  Foundation (

 Gopal Mishra (  1 year
 6 Answers (  6572 views  0

Answers ( 6 )

Gopal Mishra (

 0  Nov 18, 2017 at 13:39 (  Reply

Following table shows maximum bearing capacity values of different types of soils:

Bearing Capacity Bearing Capacity

Types of Soil
(Kg/m2) (kN/m2)

Soft, wet clay or muddy clay 5000 50

Soft clay 10000 100

Fine, loose and dry sand 10000 100

Black cotton soil 15000 150

Moist clay and sand clay Mixture 15000 150 1/3
4/5/2019 What are Bearing Capacity Values of Different Types of Soil?

Loose gravel 25000 250

Medium clay 25000 250

Medium, compact and dry sand 25000 250

Compact clay 45000 450

Compact sand 45000 450

Compact gravel 45000 450

Soft rocks 45000 450

Laminated rock such as sand stone & Lime

165000 1650

Hard rocks such as granite, diorite, trap 330000 3300

Bearing capacity of soil is the maximum load per unit area. This is the ultimate bearing capacity of
soil shown in table. Dividing the ultimate soil bearing capacity by a safety factor we get the
maximum safe bearing capacity of soil for design of foundations.

 Best answer

NeerajKhatri (

 0  Dec 25, 2018 at 00:54 (

 Reply

Dear Gopal, thankyou for this informative. I have an additional query. How does one deduce
the soil type (among the above mentioned types) by visual inspection or simple field tests ?

Giuseppe Pace

 0  Nov 20, 2017 at 15:41 (  Reply

Review the Gopal first column, it’s wrong, the correct value must be: the tabla value divided by 10000

shuvam dey (

 0  Feb 23, 2019 at 00:02 ( 2/3
4/5/2019 What are Bearing Capacity Values of Different Types of Soil?

 Reply


Gopal Mishra (

 0  Nov 28, 2017 at 20:36 (  Reply

@Giuseppe Pace

1 kg = 10 N, so, 1000 N = 100 kg = 1 kN. So, value of column 2 is divided by 100 to obtain value in

andanr123 (

 0  Feb 7, 2019 at 10:34 (  Reply

Can I get step by step on how to find out SBC if cohesion=0.36 kg/cm²,angle of internal
friction=13,Field dry density=1.603,fmc=12%.

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Gopal Mishra is a Civil Engineer from NIT Calicut and has more than 9 years of experience in Civil Engineering and Construction. He is the
founder of The Constructor.

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