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Mapping of Shell Plates of Double Curvature Into Plane Surfaces

Article  in  Journal of Ship Production · November 2005

6 502

2 authors, including:

Carlos Guedes Soares

University of Lisbon


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Journal of Ship Production, Vol. 21, No. 4, November 2005, 248–257

Mapping of Shell Plates of Double Curvature Into Plane Surfaces

J. N. Rodrigues Branco and C. Guedes Soares

Unit of Marine Technology and Engineering, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal

A solution for mapping of shell plates of double curvature into plane surfaces is
presented. As in most cases in which the equation of the surface of a compound-
curved shell plate is unknown, the mapping of the surface of such a plate is done to
a so-called “associated surface,” which is specified in three dimensions and can
substitute for the previous one within the shipbuilding tolerances. This solution allows
a plane peripheral contour of one of these shell plates to be built according to the
forming process chosen. It also allows the calculation of the parameters involved
instead of the traditional trial and error method.

Introduction are uncertain and higher than acceptable, taking as reference the
time spent in the fabrication of developable shell plates.
HULL FABRICATION starts from cutting plates in large panels and For a double-curvature shell plate, it is impossible to establish
then bending them to the appropriate curvature required in the hull a relation between the forming operation and its boundary lines,
shell. When the bending of the plate is done without stretching in defined by an existing development method (Lamb 1995). So, the
its main neutral axis, the plate is subjected to cylindrical bending boundary lines can uniquely be copied from the template, after the
and its overall dimension does not change. These surfaces are forming operation, and its contour can be cut only by manual
called developable surfaces, and techniques are available to trans- oxygen-cutting burners.
form the curved surfaces defined by the hull shape into the shape To obtain a solution for the fabrication of double-curved plates,
of the plates that need to be cut from the large panels on the shop Letcher (1993) proposed a mapping process between the three-
floor (e.g., Clements 1981, 1984, Hansen 1985, Nørskov- dimensional shell plate and a two-dimensional flat plate. To
Lauritsen 1985). form double-curved shell plates, it is necessary to reverse this
The boundary lines of a developable plate can be lofted by mapping process. Following this approach, he presented the gen-
existing methods, and its bending can be performed with a rolling eral mathematical algorithms for modeling and controlling the
machine once the rolling direction is identified. The bending of process of creating double-curved plates by deformation of flat
such a shell plate is done without stretching its main neutral axis, sheet material. To establish these algorithms, Letcher assumed that
and its overall dimension does not change, so its periphery can be
the shape of the shell structure and the boundary lines have been
cut on a numerically controlled thermal cutting machine before the
specified in three dimensions. However, at the present time, the
forming operation.
specification in three dimensions of the shape of a shell structure
For surfaces that are not developable, the same approach is
has been obtained only in very special cases.
often adopted (e.g., Cacho & Guedes Soares 2000), but then it is
This paper presents an approach that is applicable to the com-
necessary to deform the plate surface so that it can acquire the
plicated cases in which plates have double curvature. The method
required shape with the defined curvatures. These deformations
allows the mapping of the curved surface into a plane surface that
are given by trial and error procedures that are often very time
can be used as reference for plate cutting. As this transformation
consuming and require forming experts to perform them.
does not correspond to a plate development without extension,
According to the ship type, 65% to 80% of its hull shell plates
information is provided about the location and the extension of the
are plane or developable. The remainder are double-curvature
plate deformation required for transforming one surface into the
shell plates, and in most cases the time spent in their fabrication
other. This information is essential to developing a method of
plate forming that does not require a trial and error procedure and
thus becomes more economical.
Manuscript received by JSP Committee March 2005; accepted May 2005. This new approach is based on a plane transformation of the

248 NOVEMBER 2005 8756/1417/05/2104-0248$00.45/0 JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION

shell plate surface. To obtain this transformation, the shell plate three planes are used. Point t of the section i is denoted by Pit. The
surface is replaced by a so-called “associated surface,” which points are counted from the bottom to the top.
represents the same surface within the shipbuilding tolerances. An associated surface is constructed by inserting developable
The associated surface chosen is made of patches inserted in frus- patches in frustums of elliptical cones. By construction, these
tums of elliptical cones. These patches can be developed into a cones have circular sections perpendicular to the axis of abscissae
plane, and thus the transformation of the surface results in the of the hull coordinates.
nesting of these developed patches according to a chosen rule.
Doing the process in the inverse way, it is possible to obtain a Substitution of the sections’ segments by arcs
surface close to the shell plate surface. For that, one starts from the
plane transformation of the associated surface and follows the The segment of the section i of a curved plate can be defined by
above-mentioned rule in its bending. n points: the (n −2) points Pi2, Pi3 … Pi(n-1) are within the lower
The substitution of the compound-curved shell plate by an as- and the upper edges of the plate; the points Pi1 and Pin result from
sociated surface makes possible the analysis of its shape and the the intersection of section i with the lower and upper edges, re-
evaluation of the difficulty to be expected with its manufacture. It spectively. So, (n −2) arcs can be considered, which pass through
can also be an auxiliary means to be used during the hull fairing the points Pi1, Pin and one interior point Pim.
and in the definition of the shell rows. Finally, it allows the de- If the coordinates of these points are defined as:
termination of the parameters for the transverse and longitudinal Pi1共xi, yi1, zi1兲
bending of the shell plate, simplifying the manufacturing process. Pim共xi, yim, zim兲 m = 2,3 . . . 共n−1兲
Pin共xi, yin, zin兲
Building an associated surface the coordinates of the center Cim (xi, yCim, zCim) of the arc that
passes through the points Pi1, Pim and Pin are defined by:
To build an associated surface that can substitute for a com-
pound-curved shell plate, it is necessary to know the coordinates a1imbnin − annb1im
of a certain number of the points that make up this curved shell yCim = (1)
a1im − anim
plate. This number must be higher than the minimum that guar-
antees the indispensable conformity of the shape, within ship- bnim − b1im
zCim = (2)
building tolerances. As the shell plate is defined in the body plane a1m − anim
by its sections, the points to be considered lie in these sections and
must be spread on the plate surface according to a regular net. where (yi1 − yim) ⫽ 0 and (yin − yim) ⫽ 0 and
An example of a portside curved plate of the bulb of a tanker is zi1 − zim
shown in Fig. 1. To obtain the required points, the shell plate is a1im = (3)
intersected by n planes, parallel to the axis of abscissae, and uni- yim − yi1
formly spread on the surface. The points are located on the inter- zin − zim
sections of the sections by these planes. According to the current anim = (4)
yim − yin
practice, five points per section are enough, and therefore only
yi12 − yim2 + zi12 − zim2
b1im = (5)
2共yi1 − yim兲

yin2 − yim2 + zin2 − zim2

bnim = (6)
2共yin − yim兲
The radius Rim of the mentioned arc is:

Rim = 公共yim − yCim兲2 + 共zim − zCim兲2 (7)

The radius Ri of the medium arc that substitutes for the segment
of section i is the arithmetic medium of the Rim:

Ri = R (8)
n − 2 m=2 im

The coordinates of the center Ci (xi, yCi, zCi) of the medium arc
are determined by the intersection of the perpendicular at the
middle of the segment defined by the points Pi1 and Pin and the
circumference with the center on Pi1 and the radius Ri. Analyti-
cally, this corresponds to the resolution of this system of equa-

Fig. 1 The representation of a compound-curved shell plate 再 y − y a y++ zz −= zb

共 i1 兲

i1 兲
= Ri2 (9a)


where (zin − zi1) ⫽ 0 and:
yin − yi1
ai = (9b)
zin − zi1
yin2 − yi12 + zin2 − zi12
bi = (9c)
2共zin − zi1兲
The resolution of the system of equations gives two values for

yC1i = −ki + 公ki2 − ei (10a)

yC2i = −ki − 公ki2 − ei (10b)

−aibi − yi1 + aizi1
ki = (10c)
ai2 + 1
Fig. 2 Patch i/j inserted on an elliptical cone
yi12 + bi2 − 2zi1bi + zi12 − Ri2
ei = (10d)
ai2 + 1 The distance dv between the center Cm and the apex V is
To obtain the correct value of the ordinate, one of the centers dc
dv = R (17)
Cim is considered and tested in the two inequalities: RM − Rm m

ⱍ ⱍ ⱍ ⱍ
If yCim − yC11 ⬍ yCim − yC2i , then yCi ≡ yC1i (11a) The axis of the cone is represented in the form:

If ⱍyCim − yC1 ⱍ ⬎ ⱍyC

1 im − yC2 ⱍ, then yC ≡ yC2
i i i (11b) y = ayx + by (18a)
z = azx + bz (18b)
The value of yCi is given by
yCi = −ai yCi + bi (12)
yCM − yCm
The possibility of the substitution of the segments of sections by ay = (18c)
xM − xm
arcs involves the analysis of the differences ⌬it between the radius
Ri and the distances dit from each point Pit to the center Ci: xMyCm − xmyCM
by = (18d)
xM − xm
dit = 公共yit − yCi兲 + 共zit − zCi兲
2 2
(13) zCM − zCm
az = (18e)
⌬it = 共dit − Ri兲 (14) xM − xm
The standard deviation gives a global measure of the deviations: xMzCm − xmzCM
bz = (18f)

冋兺 册
xM − xm

␴i = ⌬it2 Ⲑ 共n − 1兲 (15) The coordinates of the apex are determined by the intersec-
t=1 tion of the axis with the sphere of radius dv with the center in the
point Cm:
Genesis of an associated surface 共x − xm兲2 + 共y − yCm兲2 + 共z − zCm兲2 = dv2 (19)
Once the centers and the radius of the arcs that substitute for the The intersection of a straight line with a sphere gives two
segments of the contiguous sections i and j of a curved shell plate points:
are known, the cone that inserts into the respective patch of this
plate can be defined. In Fig. 2, the two circular parallel sections i xV1 = −kv + 公kv2 − ev
and j are shown. The axis of the cone is the straight line that passes (20a)
xV2 = −kv −公kv2 − ev
through the centers Ci and Cj. As this straight line is not parallel
to the axis of abscissae, in most cases, the cone is elliptical.
The distance dc between the centers Ci and Cj is: where
ayby + azbz − xm − ayyCm − azzCm
dc = 公共xj − xi兲2 + 共yCj − yCi兲2 + 共zCj − zCi兲2 (16) kv = (20c)
1 + ay2 + az2
As the radius Rj and Ri have different values, let RM have the
higher value and Rm have the lower value. Let also CM(xM, yCM, xm2 + yCm2 + zCm2 + by2 + bz2 − 2yCmby − 2zCmbz − dv2
ev =
zCM) be the center of the arc with the radius RM and Cm (xm, yCm, 1 + ay2 + az2
zCm), the center of the arc with the radius Rm. (20d)


The value of xV is set according to the rule: used as was done with the segments of transverse sections. Let a
compound-curved shell plate have b transverse sections and each
If Ri > Rj, then xV = xV1. of these sections be defined by five points. Under these conditions,
If Ri < Rj, then xV = xV2. each of the three longitudinal sections considered is defined by b
Once the value of xV is known, the values of yV and zV are: points. The generic designation of one of these points is Pit, where
t is the reference number of the longitudinal plane (t ⳱ 2, 3, 4) and
yV = ayxV + by (21a) i is the reference number of the transverse section.
zV = azxV + bz (21b) The substitution of the segments of the longitudinal sections by
arcs is a problem analogous to the problem presented in the
The conical surfaces corresponding to the remaining contiguous
“Building an associated surface” section, provided a new coordi-
sections of the plate can be defined in same way. The associated
nate system where the heights of the points are constant is used for
surface can be built connecting the patches in order by their com-
each longitudinal intersection.
mon sections, as seen in Fig. 3.
Let the coordinate system (O, x, y, z) with associated i, j, k
vectors of unit magnitude be the ship system. Let the new system
Compound-curved shell plate types connected with the longitudinal plane t be the coordinate system
(Ot, ut, vt, wt) with associated it, jt, kt, vectors of unit magnitude.
At any point of a compound-curved shell plate, two perpen- Taking into consideration Fig. 4, the new coordinate system is
dicular directions the normal curvatures of which have a maxi- defined as follows:
mum and a minimum value can be defined. These curvatures are 1. The new origin Ot is the intersection of three planes: the
called the principal curvatures. In the case of a ship hull, for most plane t; the vertical plane, which contains the after top of the plate;
shell plates, the transverse sections present the higher values of the and the longitudinal central plane. The coordinates of Ot are:
curvature, whereas the longitudinal sections present lower values.
xOt = xt (22a)
Each of these curvatures can be from two types: (1) concave or (2)
convex. yOt = 0 (22b)
The definition of the type of the transverse curvature of a shell y1t ⭈ zbt − ybt ⭈ z1t
plate can be made by simple observation of their sections’ shape zOt = (22c)
y1t − ybt
in the body plane. If the medium center of the central section lays
somewhere departing from the plate to the inside of the hull, the 2. The new axis of abscissae, Ot ut, passes through Ot and is
type of the curvature is concave. If, on the other hand, the medium parallel to the axis of abscissae of the ship coordinate system.
center lays somewhere departing from the plate to outside of the Then:
hull, the type of the curvature is convex. It = i = l1t ⭈ i + m1t ⭈ j + n1t ⭈ k (23)
Unfortunately, the shape of a longitudinal section cannot be
obtained directly from the body plane, so the definition of the type and
of the longitudinal curvature of a shell plate requires the drawing l1t = 1 (24a)
of some longitudinal sections, well spread over the shell plate m1t = 0 (24b)
surface, before the rule mentioned above can be applied. n1t = 0 (24c)
As seen in the “Building an associated surface” section, to
define a shell plate by a certain number of points, the plate can be 3. The new axis of ordinates, Ot vt, passes through Ot and is
intersected by three planes parallel to the axis of abscissae. To simultaneously parallel to the plane t and perpendicular to the axis
define the medium arc of each section, the respective points can be Ot ut. In these conditions:
jt = l2t ⭈ i + m2t ⭈ j + n2t ⭈ k (25)
ybt − y1t
mt = (26a)
公共ybt − y1t兲2 + 共zbt − z1t兲2
zbt − z1t
nt = (26b)
公共ybt − y1t兲2 + 共zbt − z1t兲2
If ybt > y1t, then:
l2t = 0 (27a)
m2t = mt (27b)
n2t = nt (27c)
If ybt < y1t, then:
l2t = 0 (28a)
m2t = −mt (28b)
Fig. 3 An associated surface of a compound-curved shell plate n2t = −nt (28c)


Fig. 4 The coordinate system connected with longitudinal plane t

4. The new axis of heights Ot wt passes through Ot and is the plate is fundamental to get the plane peripheral contour of a
simultaneously perpendicular to the above-mentioned axis. Then: compound-curved shell plate.

kt = l3t + m3t + n3t = it ⳯ jt (29)

Mapping an associated surface
As seen in the “Building an associated surface” section, an
l3t = 0 (30a) associated surface is built up by patches, inserted in frustums of
m3t = −n2t (30b) elliptical cones, and connected in order by their common inter-
sections. The construction of a map of an associated surface in-
n3t = m2t (30c)
volves (1) the development of the patches and afterwards (2) the
The transformation of coordinates of one point Pit from the ship buildup of the plane peripheral contour by nesting the patches
coordinates system (xit,yii, zit) to the new one (uit,vit, wit) is giv- according to the shell plate type and the forming operations.
en by:
Developing the patches of an associated surface
If ybt > y1t,

冋 册
Consider the patch of an associated surface enclosed between
1 0 0 the sections i and j. As seen in the “Building an associated sur-
关uit vit wit兴 = 关共xi − x1兲 yit 共zit − zOt兲兴 ⳯ 0 mt nt face” section, the segment of each section was substituted by a
0 −nt mt circular medium arc having in mind five chosen points picked up
(31a) from the section. In these circumstances, it is possible to determine
the radius Ri and Rj, the coordinates of respective centers Ci and
If ybt < y1t, Cj, and finally the coordinates (xVi, yVi, zVi) of the apex Vi of the

冋 册
1 0 0 To develop the lateral surface of an elliptical cone, an inscribed
关uit vit wit兴 = 关共xi − x1兲 yit 共zit − zOt兲兴 ⳯ 0 −mt −nt pyramid can be considered. This pyramid must have a minimum
0 nt −mt number of faces that make possible this substitution in practice.
(31b) An analysis of different types of shell plates from several hulls
of commercial ships has shown that the center angle correspond-
Once the types of the transverse and longitudinal curvatures of ing to a transverse section of a shell plate never exceeds 20 deg.
a compound-curved plate are known, its type can be defined. If the If it is considered that five points are required to define the section,
transverse and longitudinal curvatures have the same type, that is, the center angle corresponding to contiguous points never exceeds
if they are concave or convex, then the plate is synclastic. On the 5 deg and the inscribed pyramid shell has at least 72 faces, which
other hand, if the transverse and longitudinal curvatures are of allows the substitution of the cone by the pyramid.
different types, the plate is anticlastic. As will be seen in the As the segments of sections were substituted by medium arcs,
“Mapping an associated surface” section, knowledge of the type of the three inner points of a section that were used to define the


corresponding medium arc are not on it. Let Pbm (xb, ybm, zbm) be
a generic inner point of section b. The coordinates of generic point
Qbm (xb, yQbm, zQbm), which result in the intersection, on plane b,
of the straight line that passes through the center Cb (xb, yCb, zCb)
and the point Pbm with the medium arc with the radius Rb, are
determined as follows:
The equation of the straight line is:
z = ab ⭈ y + bb (32a)
zbm − zCb
ab = (32b)
ybm − yCb
bb = ab ⭈ yCb + zCb (32c)
The equation of the arc is:

共y − yCb兲2 + 共z − zCb兲2 = Rb2 (33)

The ordinate yQbm is given by:

yQbm1 = −kb +公kb2 − cb (34a)

yQbm2 = −kb −公kb − cb 2
Fig. 5 Patch i/j inserted on an elliptical cone the apex of which is in the
where: bow direction

ab ⭈ bb − yCb − ab ⭈ zCb
kb = (34c) zQim − zVi
1 + ab2 aqz = (35e)
xi − yVi
bb2 − 2bb ⭈ zCb + yCb2 + zCb2 − Rb2
cb = (34d) bqz = −aqz xVi + yVi (35f)
1 + ab2
ⱍ ⱍ ⱍ ⱍ
If yQbm1 − ybm ⬍ yQbm2 − ybm , then yQbm = yQbm1
The coordinates of the Qjm are:
ⱍ ⱍ ⱍ ⱍ
If yQbm1 − ybm ⬎ yQbm2 − ybm , then yQbm = yQbm2
yQjm = aqy xj + bqy (36)
zQjm = aqz xj + bqz
zQbm = ab ⭈ yQbm + bb (34g)
If a pyramid inscribed inside an elliptical cone the apex of
A patch is enclosed by two sections. Let the section that has which is in the stern direction, that is, Ri < Rj (Fig. 6), had been
smaller diameter be called the first section and the other one the considered, the basis was a section on plane j. The vertices
second or reference section. of the polygon were the points Pj1, Pj5 and the inner points Qjm. In
Consider a pyramid inscribed inside an elliptical cone the apex this case, the coordinates of points Qim had to be determined.
of which is in the bow direction, that is, Ri > Rj (Fig. 5). The basis The development of the pyramid’s lateral surface results from
(reference section) of this pyramid, based on the plane i, is cir- the development of its faces and their connection by the common
cumscribed by a polygon the vertices of which are the points Pi1, edges on a plane. To develop the faces, it is necessary to determine
Pi5 and the inner points Qim where m ⳱ 2, 3, 4. If each of these the following for each face:
inner points are connected with the apex Vi, the resulting straight
lines intersect the arc j by the points Qjm where m ⳱ 2, 3, 4. These • The lengths of edges
three points with the points Pj1 and PJ5 will be used to define the • The angle between the edges.
section j. The coordinates of the points Qjm are defined by the To connect the faces together by the common edges on a plane,
intersections of the referred straight lines with the plane x = xj. it is necessary to define a coordinate system and to determine the
The straight line that passes through the apex Vi and the point coordinates of the apex and the vertices of the two sections in-
Qim is defined by the following equations: volved. Let the edges defined by the apex Vi and the points Qi2 and
y = aqy x + bqz (35a) Qi3 be considered. The lengths of the edges are:
z = aqz + bqz (35b)
ViQi2 = 公共xi − xVi兲2 + 共yQi2 − yVi兲2 + 共zQi2 − zVi兲3
where: (37a)

yQim − yVi ViQi3 = 公共xi − xVi兲 + 共yQi3 − yVi兲 + 共zQi3 − zVi兲

2 2 3

aqy = (35c) (37b)

xi − yVi
bqy = −aqy xVi + yVi (35d) The angle between these two edges is:


Fig. 6 Patch i/j inserted on an elliptical cone the apex of which is in the stern direction

␣23 = cos−1
冉 共xi − xVi兲2 + 共yQi2 − yVi兲 ⭈
共yQi3 − yVi兲 + 共zQi2 − zVi兲 ⭈ 共zQi3 − zVi兲
ViQi2 ⭈ ViQi3
冊 (38)
• Point Pi5 uPi5 = ViPi5 ⭈ cos共␣4i5 + ␣34兲 − ViQj3
vPi5 = ViPi5 ⭈ sin共␣4i5 + ␣34兲
• Point Qj2 uQj2 = ViQj2 ⭈ cos␣23 − ViQj3
vQj2 = −ViQj2 ⭈ sin␣23 (45b)
In this way the lengths of the involved edges can be determined:
• Point Pj1 uPj1 = ViPj1 ⭈ cos共␣23 + ␣j12兲 − ViQj3 (46a)
ViPi1; ViQi2; ViQi3; ViQi4; ViPi5
vPj1 = −ViPj1 ⭈ sin共␣23 + ␣j12兲 (46b)
ViPj1; ViQj2; ViQj3; ViQj4; ViPj5
• Point Qj4 uQj4 = ViQj4 ⭈ cos␣34 − ViQj3 (47a)
and the angles to be considered are: vQj4 = ViQj4 ⭈ sin␣34 (47b)
␣i12; ␣j12; ␣23; ␣34; ␣4i5; ␣4j5 • Point Pj5 uPj5 = ViPj5 ⭈ cos共␣4j5 + ␣34兲 − ViQj3 (48a)
In Fig. 7 the development of the patch the apex of which is in vPj5 = ViPj5 ⭈ sin共␣4j5 + ␣34兲 (48b)
the bow direction is shown. This development relies on coordinate In the case of Fig. 8, where the apex is in the stern direction, the
system O⬘, (u, v). Let the determination of coordinates of the coordinates of the apex Vi are
different points be analyzed. Placing then point Qj3 on the origin
O⬘ and taking into consideration that the apex is in the bow di- uVi = ViQj3 (49a)
rection, the coordinates of point Vi will be:

uVi = −ViQj3, (39a)

vVi = 0. (39b)
The coordinates of the point Qi3 will be:

uQi3 = ViQi3 ⳮ ViQj3 (40a)

vQi3 = 0 (40b)
The coordinates of the other points of the patch will be:

• Point Qi2 uQi2 = ViQi2 ⭈ sin␣23 − ViQj3 (41a)

vQi2 = −ViQi2 ⭈ sin␣23 (41b)
• Point Pi1 uPi1 = ViPi1 ⭈ cos共␣i12 + ␣23兲 − ViQj3 (42a)
vPi1 = −ViPi1 ⭈ sin共␣i12 + ␣23兲 (42b)
• Point Qi4 uQi4 = ViQi4 ⭈ cos␣34 − ViQj3 (43a)
vQi4 = ViQi4 ⭈ sin␣34 (43b) Fig. 7 The developed patch i/j the apex of which is in the bow direction


Fig. 8 The developed patch i/j the apex of which is in the stern direction

vVi = 0 (49b) nested on a plane. This means that there will be overlapping or a
lack of material on the connecting zones according to the type of
The coordinates of the involved points are as follows: the shell plate and the forming operation to be used. In the fol-
lowing paragraph this matter will be addressed.
• Point Qj3 uQj3 = 0 (50a)
vQj3 = 0 (50b)
• Point Qi3 uQi3 = ViQj3 − ViQi3 (51a)
vQi3 = 0 (51b)
• Point Qi2 uQi2 = ViQj3 − ViQi2 ⭈ sin␣23 (52a)
vQi2 = −ViQi2 ⭈ sin␣23 (52b)
• Point Pi1 uPi1 = ViQj3 − ViPi1 ⭈ cos共␣i12 + ␣23兲 (53a)
vPi1 = −ViPi1 ⭈ sin共␣i12 + ␣23兲 (53b)
• Point Qi4 uQi4 = ViQj3 − ViQi4 ⭈ cos␣34 (54a)
vQi4 = ViQi4 ⭈ sin␣34 (54b)
• Point Pi5 uPi5 = ViQj3 − ViPi5 ⭈ cos共␣4i5 + ␣34兲 (55a)
vPi5 = ViPi5 ⭈ sin共␣4i5 + ␣34兲 (55b)
• Point Qj2 uQj2 = ViQj3 − ViQj2 ⭈ cos␣23 (56a)
vQj2 = −ViQj2 ⭈ sin␣23 (56b)
• Point Pj1 uPj1 = ViQj3 − ViPj1 ⭈ cos共␣23 + ␣j12兲 (57a)
vPj1 = −ViPj1 ⭈ sin共␣23 + ␣j12兲 (57b)
• Point Qj4 uQj4 = ViQj3 − ViQj4 ⭈ cos␣34 (58a)
vQj4 = ViQj4 ⭈ sin␣34 (58b)
• Point Pj5 uPj5 = ViQj3 − ViPj5 ⭈ cos共␣4j5 + ␣34兲 (59a)
vPj5 = ViPj5 ⭈ sin共␣4j5 + ␣34兲 (59b)

Now it is possible to draw the contour of each patch using a

computer-assisted design (CAD) program. If the patches are cut
by their contours and joined by their connecting tops after the
respective transverse formation, the initial associated surface is
obtained. However, as what is wanted is the plane peripheral Fig. 9 Patches h/i and i/j connected together by section i in a sinclastic
contour of the associated surface, its developed patches must be shape


Pvi5 are connected by a segment of a straight line and set point Cvi
in the middle of this segment. Repeat the same operation for patch
i/j; that is, the connection of the points Pri1, Pri5 and the deter-
mination of point Cri .The nesting of the patches will be done in
two steps: by moving them in order to get the coincidence of the
points Cvi and Cri and rotating one patch against the other, to
obtain the coincidence of the segments of the straight lines.
Using nesting type A, the connection of two developed patches
originates in (1) superposition of material in the central zone if the
ensemble shape is sinclastic (see Fig. 9c); (2) lack of material in
the central zone if the ensemble shape is anticlastic (see Fig. 10c).

Case B: patches nesting where the length of the plate central

zone is respected. As in Case A, consider the two patches and the
auxiliary straight lines. The point Mvi, in patch h/i, can be defined
as the intersection of the section i with the perpendicular to the
segment of the straight line on point Cvi. The same thing can be
done for patch i/j and determining point Mrb . The nesting of the
patches will also be done in two steps: by moving the patches to
get the coincidence of points Mvi and Mri and rotating one patch
against the other, to get the parallelism of the segments of the
straight lines.
Using nesting type B, the connection of two developed patches
originates in (1) lack of material in the central zone if the ensemble
shape is sinclastic (see Fig. 9d); (2) superposition of material in
Fig. 10 Patches h/i and i/j connected together by section i in an anti- the central zone if the ensemble shape is anticlastic (see Fig. 10c).
clastic shape Using a CAD program, it is possible to draw successively each
developed patch nested with the previous one, following the de-
Building up the plane peripheral contour of an scribed procedures, and to get, in the end, the plane peripheral
associated surface contour of the shell plate.
The lengths of the zones of superposition or the lack of material
To build up a plane peripheral contour of an associated surface,
resulting from the nesting operations can also be evaluated geo-
the transverse and longitudinal forming operations involved must
metrically, for each section, after obtaining the drawing of the
be established. The transverse forming operations are used on the
plane peripheral contour of a shell plate.
patches to curve them one by one, taking into consideration the
radius to be respected. In this forming operation the surfaces of the
patches have no area changes. As these operations must be con-
ducted following a broken line, it is impossible to use a rolling
machine. The use of a flanging machine or line heating is recom-
mended. The longitudinal forming operations are used in the con-
necting zones and introduce area changes. These operations result
in compressions or spot heating.
To study the nesting of the patches, it is necessary to consider,
in a first step, the shell plate type. In a second step, it is necessary
to define the operation method to be used in the longitudinal
forming, that is, either area expansion or area contraction.
Figure 9a represents two patches, h/i and i/j, connected together
by section i in a sinclastic shape. These two patches are not in-
serted onto a unique conical surface; then section i has not the
same arc on the developed patches. As seen in Fig. 9b, the arc
corresponding to patch h/i has a medium radius smaller than the
medium radius of patch i/j. Figure 10a represents also two patches
h/i and i/j connected together by section i but in an anti-
clastic shape. Here two arcs must also be considered, but as repre-
sented in Fig. 10b, the smaller medium radius arc lies on patch i/j.
Among the numerous possibilities of nesting two contiguous
patches, the following two cases were chosen:

Case A: patches nesting where the lengths of the edges are Fig. 11 The developed patches h/i and i/j nested together in a sinclas-
respected. Consider Fig. 10b again. In patch h/i the points Pvi1, tic shape


Fig. 12 The map of the compound-curved shell plate represented in Fig. 1

Figure 11 represents the developed patches h/i and i/j, which are position or lack of material along the connection zones of the
nested, in this case, in a sinclastic shape by section i. Divide the patches produces the required information to form the plates with-
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