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Carreon, Justine Abegail C.


Quod Semita ut Solitude

“The Path to Loneliness”

I. Introduction

We do not always get what we want or what we expect just because we want to. Why does
this even happen? The reason for that is because the more we want it or the more we expect it, the
more we don’t get it. This can be explained with a few things like desires or wants that we cannot
achieve. Not completely unachievable, but in a sense that our reaction or desire contradicts it or
rejects it. Think of it as something like magnets. We can either be a positive side or a negative side
of a magnet and the something that we desire is the same as us. The more we strive to come near
it, the more it moves away. We do not see the opposite kind of magnet, which is better, that is set
for us.

II. Human Nature

Each and every being in this universe were born good and pure. Evil only starts to build up
in them when they starts to desire or obsess over something. This disrupts the fate of a human
being to just go with the flow that the higher being has decided upon. That is those who desire or
obsess more over something, have more evil welling up in them. This is not mostly known for
humans, or only some are aware of it, for the reason that most of them think that desiring something
is not such a bad thing. However, one proper reason on why desiring is such a bad thing is that
when we desire something, we would most likely do anything to get it; whether it may be through
a good or bad way.

III. Will and Freedom

Due to the human being having their own will and freedom, they would now tend to act on
their own, create their own desired fate while disregarding what is really meant for them. We now
become blind and don’t see the bigger picture or we don’t think of what the higher being has set
for us, for the reason that our eyes are only set on what we desire and only focus on that. Having
our own will and freedom now makes us do whatever we want. For instance, doing a bad thing
just to get what we desire, and this is where evil has formed in us.
IV. Social Implecation

Humans are actually social, or to emphasize it more, they are actually meant to socialize
with others. “No man is an island.”. However, due to some people focusing on their desires, they
forget to look around them and see the things and people around them. They subconsciously reject
those that are already there, for they are blind because of what they have set their eyes and minds
upon. This would now make the other party consciously or unconsciously drift away from the
other. Which may now lead to a rippling effect wherein because someone has drifted away, others
would now do the same too, which leads a person to being alone by the time they realize it.

V. Death

Death is a natural occurrence, in which all of us will reach. When faced with our death, we
should already accept that it is already “times’s up”. However, there are some of us which disrupts
this flow. Some commit suicide or some prolong their lives with machines. This again would not
be in sync with what has been set for us, that is why it would also affect those around us.

VI. Conclusion
Human beings become islands due to their desires that make them blind. By the time we
realize what has been happening around us, it might already be too late. Don’t try to fight your
fate, try to get along with it, ‘cause surely, something great is set for you. Don’t focus on something

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