Blockbuster - Hillary's People Reportedly Using Nsa Spy Tools To Identify Top Trump People To Arkancide Them PDF

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This is all unconfirmed (of course) but I would not be one bit surprised

Here is the story: "correct the record" is a Hillary Clinton funded army of trolls. Someone
managed to bug one of their laptops and intercept a chat session. During this chat
session, something huge was discussed.

Supposedly the Clinton team was handed an NSA spyware package called Foxacid
that they are going to use against people who are posting in support of Trump, get
their personal data, such as HOME ADDRESSES, go to where they are and "START

Would I be surprised if that is the case? Absolutely not, the Clinton killing machine is so
well established that all they'd have to do is bump it up a notch and it will be thousands
dead. Would Hillary use NSA spy tools to identify the core of her opposition and kill it off?
YOU BET, there is no doubt in this in any way whatsoever, she is the eminence of
Bolshevik communism, as is Soros, And all I can say is that if you are solidly pro
trump and post about it, you had better be packing heat.

Communists ALWAYS escalate to killing off their competition, and Hillary probably already
has killed off many this election cycle who slipped under the complicit media radar, the
MSM could know she killed hundreds already and they would not say jack. They have
already proven that. She is losing her butt and figures she needs to step it up a notch with
a better kill list gathered by NSA hacking tools.

Yesterday I was reading about this and there were many, many web sites that had this on
Google, it went totally viral in a short time. Now, today, there is practically nothing on
Google about this. Google did cleanup for Hillary, because Google "does no evil".

Here is what I have concluded, after digging through the chaff: They are going to
get on social media, identify anyone who is posting in favor of Trump, get their IP
address, enter the IP address into the software, have the software go to that IP
address and back door their computers, gather personal information, find out
where they are AND KILL THEM.

The media absolutely will be complicit in this by REPORTING NOTHING ABOUT IT.
The goal of all of this is to permanently silence the top voices speaking for Trump,
in the hopes that it will help Hillary's troll teams get the upper hand in the last days
before the election. DO I DOUBT IT? NO, I am actually shaking now. I don't doubt it
at all.

Rumor? YES. But rumors are all too often too true to ignore.

The first post in the window about Hillary

employing NSA spyware and hit teams to single
out and kill the leading Trump supporters who are
most effective is staying on top
I have gone around the web and found a 90 percent consensus that it is accurate. That
means 90 percent real people, and the 10 percent trolls can't overcome it. It is real, READ

Arkancide IS a reality, and all the Clinton machine would have to do is bump it up a notch
to meet the new objective.

I am definitely paying more attention to what is going around me right now, to say the



I am calling the assassination attempt 90 percent probable because the alt media
site that reported it had the story FIRST, and I mean WAY FIRST, by almost a full
day, which could be explained by the fact the MSM took a while to figure out how to
whitewash it.
Probable confirmed assassination attempt on Donald
Trump by the FBI, with them using an off the books
"deceased" FBI agent who was reported as "retired" by
the MSM.

Opinion: It took the MSM a whole freaking day to figure out how to spin this to bury
what really went on.

Here is the link to the alt media version of this event, that is now confirmed to have
happened. At the time of posting, the alt media site that was a day earlier than the
MSM with this is being DDOS'ed into oblivion.

DISCLAIMER: This is probably true, but not confirmed true because only one alt
media site carried this. However, that alt media site had this story almost a full day
before the MSM did. That ROCKS for credibility, I bet this really happened just like

August 2nd, 2016 Brian Michael (New York)

A source within the NYPD has reported that an armed 62 year old man tried to sneak in to
the Trump Tower late Tuesday night. Interestingly the suspect who was found with a semi-
automatic handgun fitted with a silencer has been identified as Barry Lee Bush, a former
Newark NJ FBI agent who has been "dead" since 2007.

A Secret Service agent discovered Bush after he had circumvented a security partition on
the bottom floor of the Trump Tower. Questioned by Secret Service at the scene, Bush
who initially identified himself as Barry Franklyn, remained silent offering no explanation
for why he broke security at the Trump Tower.

According to the NYPD source, Bush was arrested for trespassing and for illegally
carrying a pistol fitted with an illegal silencer. During his booking at the NYPD Jail,
Bush’s fingerprints were submitted to the National Crime Information Center, which
immediately reported Bush’s true identity.

"I wasn't sure if our system had malfunctioned, so I rescanned his fingerprints to confirm
that our system was working correctly. There was no system error. The man we have in
custody was reported deceased in 2007 after being shot in an attempted bank robbery,"
one source speaking on anonymity said.

The New York Times reported on April 6, 2007 that Barry Bush, a veteran F.B.I. agent on
a bank robbery detail was fatally wounded apparently when another agent's weapon
accidentally discharged during a confrontation with three gunmen outside a bank in a quiet
town in central New Jersey. Totally alive but "Deceased" FBI Agent Found At Trump
Tower With Silenced Pistol


Speaking about the weapon found on Bush, the NYPD source stated, "We don't find
hardware like this on the streets-that Glock was never stamped at the factory [serial
number]-those pieces are reserved for people with a lot higher pay grades than

According to a spokesman at the Newark FBI field office, Bush was killed in the line
of duty in April of 2007. Coincidentally, five minutes after we got off the phone with
him, a page honoring FBI agents who were killed in the line of duty, went down on
the FBI’s website.

It is not clear what Bush's intentions were for sneaking around security to presumably
access the service elevators at the Trump Tower, however it does not take much
imagination as to why Bush was carrying a silenced pistol at the time of his arrest.

Trump is in Florida today for rallies in Daytona Beach and Jacksonville. Trump has
informed us that he was not at the Trump Tower yesterday evening and did not have any
information about the incident, other than an armed man had been arrested at his building
and that it was not clear about what Bush's intentions were.
Mr. Trump seemed to take the news that an armed dead person was found at his NY
building with a grain of salt. Fortunately for his family and supporters, Mr. Trump is still
around to try to sort out this interesting incident.

This is how the MSM reported this, So now you have the alt media version and the
MSM version. Which one is true? Well, who lies, covers up, buries, etc? I don't think
the MSM would EVER report this without a huge slant and the fact that the alt media
source that reported this in an entirely different way had it before the MSM had it
and can't be accessed due to attacks against it stands, in my opinion, as a huge
hint toward the truth.
Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol

August 2nd, 2016 – Brian Michael (New York) [stock photo with enhanced bg]

A source within the NYPD has reported that an armed 62 year old man tried to sneak
in to the Trump Tower late Tuesday night. Interestingly the suspect who was found
with a semi-automatic handgun fitted with a silencer has been identified as Barry Lee
Bush, a former Newark NJ FBI agent who has been dead since 2007.
A Secret Service agent discovered Bush after he had circumvented a security partition
on the bottom floor of the Trump Tower. Questioned by Secret Service at the scene,
Bush who initially identified himself as Barry Franklyn, remained silent offering no
explanation for why he broke security at the Trump Tower.
According to the NYPD source, Bush was arrested for trespassing and for illegally
carrying a pistol fitted with an illegal silencer. During his booking at the NYPD Jail,
Bush’s fingerprints were submitted to the National Crime Information Center, which
immediately reported Bush’s true identity.
“I wasn’t sure if our system had malfunctioned, so I rescanned his fingerprints to
confirm that our system was working correctly. There was no system error. The man
we have in custody was reported deceased in 2007 after being shot in an attempted
bank robbery, “one source speaking on anonymity said.
The New York Times reported on April 6, 2007 that Barry Bush, a veteran F.B.I. agent
on a bank-robbery detail was fatally wounded apparently when another agent’s
weapon accidentally discharged during a confrontation with three gunmen outside a
bank in a quiet town in central New Jersey.

Not actual gun

Speaking about the weapon found on Bush, the NYPD source stated, “We don’t find
hardware like this on the streets–that Glock was never stamped at the factory [serial
number]—those pieces are reserved for people with a lot higher pay grades than me.”
According to a spokesman at the Newark FBI field office, Bush was killed in the line of
duty in April of 2007. Coincidentally, five minutes after we got off the phone with
him, a page honoring FBI agents who were killed in the line of duty, went down on the
FBI’s website.
It is not clear what Bush’s intentions were for sneaking around security to presumably
access the service elevators at the Trump Tower, however it does not take much
imagination as to why Bush was carrying a silenced pistol at the time of his arrest.
Trump is in Florida today for rallies in Daytona Beach and Jacksonville. Trump has
informed us that he was not at the Trump Tower yesterday evening and did not have
any information about the incident, other than an armed man had been arrested at his
building and that it was not clear about what Bush’s intentions were.
Mr. Trump seemed to take the news that an armed dead person was found at his NY
building, with a grain of salt. Fortunately for his family and supporters, Mr. Trump is
still around to try to sort out this interesting incident.

1. Deceased F.B.I. agent Barry Bush found alive at Trump Tower with a silencer pistol |
nobodysbuying - August 4, 2016
[…] Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol […]
2. Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol – Get Off The BSGet Off The BS |
PG.Chrys' No Agenda Linkblog - August 4, 2016
[…] Source: Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol – Get Off The BSGet Off
The BS […]
3. Intelwars2 – August 4, 2016 – *Breaking News Headlines!* The Constitution – The Bill of Rights –
And The Ten Commandments Are Under Assault! 24 Hour Emergency Broadcast Lines! (512) 646 –
5000 or (605) 562 – 7701. For Tomorrows News, Today! | - August 4, 2016
[…] Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol:THIS WAS A PRO -ASSASSIN
4. Okay, here's a weird story - Shooting Sports Forum - August 4, 2016
[…] Okay, here's a weird story Never heard of this website so who knows. Deceased FBI Agent Found
At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol – Get Off The BSGet Off The BS […]

Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With

Silenced Pistol – Arrested for Trespassing
Illegally Carrying Pistol with Silencer
Wednesday, August 3, 2016 20:55

(Before It's News)

Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol – arrested for trespassing
illegally carrying pistol with silencer

Submitted by Quest-News-Serv… on Wed, 08/03/2016 – 22:18.

A source within the NYPD has reported that an armed 62 year old man tried to sneak into the Trump Tower late
Tuesday night. Interestingly the suspect, who was found with a semi-automatic handgun fitted with a silencer,
has been identified as Barry Lee Bush, a former Newark NJ FBI agent who has been dead since 2007.

A Secret Service agent discovered Bush after he had circumvented a security partition on the bottom floor of
the Trump Tower. Questioned by Secret Service at the scene, Bush who initially identified himself as Barry
Franklyn, remained silent offering no explanation for why he broke security at the Trump Tower.
According to the NYPD source, Bush was arrested for trespassing and for illegally carrying a pistol fitted with
an illegal silencer. During his booking at the NYPD Jail, Bush’s fingerprints were submitted to the National
Crime Information Center, which immediately reported Bush’s true identity.
“I wasn’t sure if our system had malfunctioned, so I rescanned his fingerprints to confirm that our system
was working correctly. There was no system error. The man we have in custody was reported deceased in
2007 after being shot in an attempted bank robbery, “one source speaking on anonymity said.
The New York Times reported on April 6, 2007 that Barry Bush, a veteran F.B.I. agent on a bank-robbery
detail was fatally wounded apparently when another agent’s weapon accidentally discharged during a
confrontation with three gunmen outside a bank in a quiet town in central New Jersey.
Not actual gun
Speaking about the weapon found on Bush, the NYPD source stated, “We don’t find hardware like this on the
streets–that Glock was never stamped at the factory [serial number]—those pieces are reserved for people
with a lot higher pay grades than me.”
According to a spokesman at the Newark FBI field office, Bush was killed in the line of duty in April of
2007. Coincidentally, five minutes after we got off the phone with him, a page honoring FBI agents who
were killed in the line of duty, went down on the FBI’s website.
It is not clear what Bush’s intentions were for sneaking around security to presumably access the service
elevators at the Trump Tower, however it does not take much imagination as to why Bush was carrying a
silenced pistol at the time of his arrest.
Trump is in Florida today for rallies in Daytona Beach and Jacksonville. Trump has informed us that he was
not at the Trump Tower yesterday evening and did not have any information about the incident, other than
an armed man had been arrested at his building and that it was not clear about what Bush’s intentions
Mr. Trump seemed to take the news that an armed dead person was found at his NY building with a grain of
salt. Fortunately for his family and supporters, Mr. Trump is still around to try to sort out this interesting
August 2nd, 2016 – Brian Michael (New York)

Brenda Corpian reporting for Get Off The Bs 08/02/216
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Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush Conspire to Murder Donald Trump

Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush Conspire to Murder Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton FBI Investigating Domestic Hit Teams
By Tom Heneghan
International Intel Expert

Kreg Stonestreet Mitt Romney’s Cousin
Kreg Stonestreet running FBI Assassination Teams

Supervisory Special Agent at FBI

Overland Park, Kansas
Law Enforcement
Previous 1. Bank of the West,
2. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
3. Moore & Bucher, P.C.
Education 1. U.S.
2. Army Command and General Staff College/School of Advanced Military Studies
• BSA/AML Investigations, High Risk Customer Unit Team Manager
Bank of the West
2015 – 2015 (less than a year)
Managed bank BSA/AML investigations and enhanced due diligence process to identify, risk assess and
monitor high-risk clients; oversee SAR process and AML compliance functions. Led efforts to develop and
implement new policies and procedures for BSA/AML investigations resulting in more efficient and
effective processes.

Supervisory Special Agent (Retired)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
July 1992 – January 2014 (21 years 7 months)
Planned and managed investigations/operations, primarily counterterrorism and white collar crime related.
Performed strategic planning, program development and management, including Development and
coordination of program strategies, goals and objectives. Supervised multi-agency task forces.
Led community outreach efforts and conducted numerous presentations to companies, groups, etc. on white
collar crime and terrorism threat and prevention efforts. Integrally involved in formation, operation and
strategic planning of FBI’s Terrorist Financing Program. Provided program management of FBI’s national
Economic Crime and Fraud Program to include corporate/securities fraud, insurance fraud, wire fraud,
bankruptcy fraud, and cyber fraud matters, including oversight and management of high-profile corporate
fraud investigations. Provided legal advice and guidance on matters involving FBI investigative programs
and government contracts.
Established new Technology Law Unit to address legal issues associated with impact of communication
and information technology on ability of law enforcement to execute mission.
Moore & Bucher, P.C.
January 1989 – June 1992 (3 years 6 months)
Attorney for mid-sized law firm handling wide variety of civil matters to include commercial transactions,
corporate law, banking law, bankruptcy law, insurance defense, estate planning, and all aspects of civil
• Power and Stability: Promises and Perils of an Economically Strong China
US Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Ft. Leavenworth,
May 2010
This monograph explores the question whether an economically strong China represents more of a threat or
an opportunity for United States national security interests
o Kreg Stonestreet
• Independent Coursework
o U.S. Army Command and General Staff College/School of Advanced Military Studies/Advanced
Operational Art Studies Fellowship
National Security Higher Education Advisory Board Holds October Meeting

Washington, D.C.October 02, 2008 • FBI National Press Office(202) 324-3691

Today the National Security Higher Education Advisory Board (NSHEAB) convened at FBI Headquarters.
The NSHEAB, comprised of 20 university presidents and chancellors, meets regularly to discuss national
security matters that intersect with higher education. FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III created the
NSHEAB in 2005 to provide a forum for open dialogue between the FBI, our government partners, and
higher education institutions.
Dr. Vahid Majidi, Assistant Director of the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, and Daniel
Lee Cloyd, Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, welcomed members from around
the U.S. who represent universities with significant research and development programs. NSHEAB
members were briefed by The Pennsylvania State University President Graham Spanier, NSHEAB
Chairman; Immigration and Customs Enforcement Acting Deputy Assistant Director John Woods; and
Federation of American Scientists Director of Biology Policy Michael Stebbins, Ph.D.
Director Mueller addressed those assembled about the importance of the NSHEAB in confronting potential
national security threats to college laboratories and research facilities.
“We appreciate our partnership with the members of the NSHEAB and we are committed to the promotion
of strategic national security partnerships with academia here in the United States. Together we will
develop a clear view of the threats we face, and a clear understanding of what we must do to defeat them,”
said Director Mueller.
NSHEAB members also received a briefing on protecting the United States’ critical national assets, which
include valuable research and development technology developed by our nation’s colleges and universities,
from Supervisory Special Agent Kreg Stonestreet, Chief of the Critical National Assets Unit,
Counterintelligence Division and Michael Glass, Ph.D., Chief of Science and Technology Branch, Office
of the National Counterintelligence Executive.
The NSHEAB is scheduled to meet again in February 2009.

Stew Webb Radio Network

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“Beyond Top Secret” Hillary Clinton

“Beyond Top Secret” Hillary Clinton Emails Used In Russian Court Against Ukraine Pilot

By Tom Heneghan

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A very intriguing Federal Security Services (FSB) report prepared for The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
(SLEDKOM) relating to the trial of Ukrainian “spy/terrorist” Nadiya (Nadezhda) Savchenko states that “beyond top secret”
emails obtained from a “private computer storage device” belonging to former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
“should/must” be allowed into the sentencing phase of this case due not only to their “critical relevance”, but, also, because the
“apprehension” of them falls outside the purview of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

According to this report, Nadiya Savchenko is a former Ukraine Air Force pilot who in 2014 joined the neo-Nazi Aidar
Battalion, which is a volunteer military detachment of Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense currently fighting against Russian
separatist factions in their eastern regions and has been the target of many war crimes investigations.
On 6 June 2014, this report continues, Nadiya Savchenko entered into the Federation from Ukraine and presented herself before
Federal Migration Service (FMS) officials stating that she was a refugee and requesting she be granted Russian identity
documents—which were approved.
On 17 June 2014, this report notes, while on Federation soil and in the possession of (legal) Russian identity documents, Nadiya
Savchenko used her cellular phone to secretly adjust mortar fire from her Aidar Battalion terrorist allies in Ukraine onto a
militia roadblock in the vicinity of Metallist village in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) killing Russian
television reporter Vladimirovich Kornelyuk and his sound engineer Anton Voloshin.

Neo-Nazi Terrorist Nadiya Savchenko On Trial

With the facts relating to Nadiya Savchenko’s terrorist crimes and neo-Nazi affiliations having been fully documented during
her trial, FSB legal analysts in this report state, the “beyond top secret” emails belonging to former Secretary Hillary Clinton are
critical for the court’s “understanding/consideration” in sentencing as they “directly relate” to the causes as to why this
murderer has become the West’s latestcause célèbre against Russia.
According to these FSB analysts, the specific emails obtained from former Secretary Hillary Clinton involving Nadiya
Savchenko were written by US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland who
masterminded what the private American intelligence firm Stratfor (known as the Shadow CIA) called the “most blatant coup in
history” in toppling Ukraine’s legitimate government.
And with these emails having a US government classification of SAP (an acronym for ‘special access programs,’ a level of
classification above top secret), this report further notes, the “black project” nature of the American’s attempting to subvert
justice in the case of Nadiya Savchenko has not only been confirmed, but also explained.
For what these emails show, this report explains, was that upon the FSB’s arrest and detention of Nadiya Savchenko for her
crimes in 2014, Assistant Secretary Nuland began a “counter campaign” of Western propaganda depicting this neo-Nazi
terrorist as a heroic female pilot unjustly being persecuted by Russia—and while at the same time not a single report of Foreign
Minister Lavrov’s extensive report to the international media has yet appeared on any major online American, French, British
and German newspaper portals or television channels, the coverage of this Nazi terrorist has been non-stop.

Most intriguing, however, about this FSB report is its advising the Investigative Committee that it is legal to use these Secretary
Hillary Clinton’s emails against Nadiya Savchenko as the method(s) in which they were obtained were outside of the
jurisdiction of the SVR.
This is an important distinction to note due to if these were emails obtained from a foreign government (in this case the US), the
SVR would have “sole and exclusive” domain over them and would never allow their admittance in court due to the high
security level they would be held under.
Having been obtained from Secretary Hillary Clinton’s “private computer email server” though, FSB legal analysts state in this
report, these emails are to be considered as outside of US government jurisdiction and thus legal, under Russian law, to be used
in any matter before the court.

As to how exactly the FSB obtained these “beyond top secret” Secretary Hillary Clinton emails this report doesn’t say, but it is
important to note that the former US Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, did recently acknowledge that they were in the
possession of Russia and, just yesterday, the US State Department was forced to admit that 22 “top secret” emails were found
on her private email server she had previously told the American weren’t there because she deleted them.

Aidar Battalion is a Territorial Defense Battalion of Ukraine, a volunteer military detachment ofUkraine’s Ministry of Defense.
The battalion is currently fighting in the war in Eastern Ukraine, and has roughly 400 members. The unit is known for links to
the far-right and soldiers associated with the unit have been documented brandishing Neo-Nazi symbols.[2][3][4]
Crimes of Ukrainian Aidar battalion confirmed in Amnesty Int’l report …
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ‘ISIS-Style’ War Crimes
Sep 10, 2014 … Armed volunteers who refer to themselves as the Aidar battalion … of the Azov battalion flying flags with the
symbols of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi party …
Indictment Looms As FBI Declares 22 Hillary Clinton Emails “Top Secret”

Stew Webb Radio Network

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About Stew Webb
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge. Stew was a General
Contractor-Home Builder until 3 car crashes in one year and is now disabled. Stew turned Federal Whistleblower-
Activist of 31 years and has been a guest on over 3,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and
now has his own Radio and TV Network Stew was responsible for the
Congressional Investigations and hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams in
the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings, the Denver International Airport Frauds
hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest
case aka Keating 5 hearings and the information provided that lead to the 2008 Illegal Bank Bailout. Stew was held
as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal
charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges which were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman,
George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman
Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush-Millman-
Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman (Deceased 2004) was member of the "Illuminati Council of

Hillary Clinton Lesbian Demon

Pedophile and Child Rapist
“Hillary Clinton is the only female to become sexually aroused at the sight of my mutilated

‘Eat me, oh god, eat me now’ –Hillary Clinton US Presidential Candidate 2016 Raped

Hillary exclaimed, “God!” and immediately began performing oral sex on me.

Women for Hillary Clinton beware.

Cathy O’Brien describes her sexual assault perpetrated by Hillary Clinton in her book, Trance Formation of
America, at Swiss Villa-Lampe, Missouri, 1983.
“Hillary Clinton is the only female to become sexually aroused at the sight of my mutilated vagina”.

‘Eat me, oh god, eat me now’ –Hillary Clinton

My name is Cathleen (Cathy) Ann O’Brien, born 12/4/57 in Muskegon, Michigan. I have prepared this
book for your review and edification concerning a little known tool that “our” United States Government is
covertly, illegally, and un-constitutionally using to implement the New World Order (One World
Government). This well documented tool is a sophisticated and advanced form of behavior modification
(brainwashing) most commonly known as MIND CONTROL. My first hand knowledge of this TOP SECRET
U.S. Government Psychological Warfare technique is drawn from my personal experience as a White
House “Presidential Model” mind-control slave.
Much of the information enclosed herein has been corroborated and validated through brave and
courageous “clean” members of the law enforcement, scientific, and Intelligence communities familiar with
this case. These individuals’ efforts helped me to understand and corroborate what happened after a
lifetime of systematic physical and psychological torture orchestrated to modify my behavior through
totally controlling my mind. Some of these courageous individuals are employed by the very system that
controlled me and live in fear of losing their jobs, their families, or their lives. They have gone as far as
they dare towards publicly exposing this tool of engineers of the New World Order–to no avail. This book is
a grassroots effort to solicit and enlist the public and private support of Human Rights advocates, the
recognized, respected doors in America to expose this invisible personal and social menace. This can be
done by well organized, cooperative citizens with a passion for justice, who have expressed interest in
restoring our Constitution and taking back America. This copy you hold is for your edification and action.
…It is my patriotic respect for the principles of truth, justice, and ultimately that freedom on which
America was founded that compels me to expose the world domination motivations of those in control of
our government, commonly referred to as the Shadow Government. By taking back America NOW, we can
maintain the integrity of our country’s history and future by detouring its destined course of being
recognized world wide for the mind-control atrocities unleashed on humanity that literally begin where
Adolph Hitler left off. Hitler’s version of world domination that he termed in 1939 the “New World Order” is
currently being implemented through advanced technologies in among others, genetic mind-controlled
engineering by those in control of America.
…The expertise of my primary advocate and skilled deprogrammer, Mark Phillips, developed through his
U.S. Defense Department knowledge of “Top Secret” mind-control research and researchers, was
responsible for the restoration of my mind to normal functioning. As a result, I have recovered the
memories related in this text, and having survived the ordeal, have reached this point of enormous
frustration. In 1988, through a series of brilliantly orchestrated events, Mark Phillips rescued me and my
8-year-old daughter, Kelly, from our mind-controlled existence and took us to the safety of Alaska for
rehabilitation. It was there that we began the tedious process of untangling my amnesic mind to
consciously recall what I was supposed to forget.
Many U.S. and foreign government secrets and personal reputations were staked on the belief that I could
not be deprogrammed and rehabilitated to accurately reveal the criminal covert activities and perversions
in which Kelly and I were forced to participate, particularly during the Reagan/Bush Administrations. Now
that I have gained control of my own mind, I view it as my duty as a mother and American patriot to
exercise my gained free will to expose the mind control atrocities that my daughter and I endured at the
hands of those in control of our government. This personal view of inside Pandora’s Box includes a keen
perception of how mind control is being used to apparently implement the New World Order, and a
personal knowledge of WHO some sort of the so-called “masterminds” are behind this world and mind
dominance effort.
While I am free to speak my mind, Kelly, now 17, is not so fortunate. Kelly has yet to receive
rehabilitation for her shattered personality and programmed young mind. The high tech sophistication of
Project Monarch trauma-based mind control procedures she endured, literally since birth, reportedly
requires highly specialized, qualified care to aid her in eventually gaining control of her mind and life. Due
to the political power of our abusers, all efforts to obtain her inalienable right to rehabilitation and seek
justice have been blocked under the guise of so-called “National Security”. As a result, Kelly remains
untreated in the custody of the State of Tennessee–a victim of the system–a system controlled and
manipulated by our abusive government “leaders”–a system which exists due to federal funding directed
by our perverse, corrupt abusers in Washington, D.C. She remains a political prisoner in the custody of
the State of Tennessee to this moment, waiting and hurting!

Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips

Reality Marketing

c/o Mark & Cathy

Post Office Box 868

Gunterville, Alabama 35976 USA
Page 154 of Transformation of America

I met up with Bill Clinton again in 1982 at a county fair in Berryville, Arkansas. Alex Houston was “entertaining”there due to
the close proximity of the CIA Near Death Trauma Center (aka slave conditioning and programming camp) and drug
distribution point at Swiss Villa in Lampe. Missouri. I had just endured intense physical and psychological trauma and
programming, Clinton was campaigning for Governor and was backstage with Hillary and Chelsea while waiting to make a
speech. Clinton stook in the afternoon sun with his arms crossed, talking to Houston about him and “his people” (CIA
Operatives) being looked into specific areas for the dual purpose of entertaining and carry- ing our specific covert drug

From my perspective, those who were actively laying the groundwork for implementing the New World Order through mind
conditioning of the masses made no distinction between Democratic and Republican Parties. Their aspi- rations were
international in proportion, not American. Members were often drawn from, among other elitist groups,

the Council on Foreign Relations. Like George Bush, Bill Clinton was an active member of the CFR, Bilderbergers, and Tri-
Lateral Commission. Based on numerous conversations I overheard. Clinton was being groomed and prepared to fill the role of
President under the guise of Democrat in the event that the American people became discouraged with Republican leaders. This
was further evidenced by the extent of Clinton’s New World Order knowledge and professed loyalties.Clinton understood that I
had just beenthrough “hell” in Lampe, and took it all in stride as he focused on his speech.

He not only was well aware of the mind-control tortures and criminal covert

activities proliferating in Arkansas and the neighboring state of Missouri, but he condoned them! Just as there are no partisan
preferences in this world dominance effort, neither are there any strong individual state considerations or boundaries, either. I
knew from expe- rience that Clinton’s Arkansas criminal covert operations meshed with the Lampe. Missouri center where he
routinely tended business and claimed to “vacation.” staying in the compound’s resort villas.

In 1983, Houston took me to Lampe for routine trauma and programming while he was scheduled to “entertain” at the
amphitheatre. Also scheduled to perform were Bill Clinton’s and George Bush’s friends Lee Greenwood and CIA operative,
slave runner, and country music singer Tommy Overstreet Greenwood and Overstreet were active in both the Lampe, Missouri
and Lake/Mount Shasta, California CIA compounds.
Clinton was flown in from Berryville, Arkansas by helicopter for the shows as well as for a business meeting.

Before Clinton arrived. Greenwood and Houston were in the backstage dressing rooms snorting fine after fine of cocaine,
Houston, always eager to make an extra penny to pinch, attempted to prostitute me to Greenwood, “She’s the real performer,”
Houston said. “She performs all kinds of sex acts upon command. For a small price, she’s yours.”Greenwood laughed, and
referring to my Huntsville. Alabama NASA programming said, “I’ve spent more time in Huntsville than she has, and I know
full well who and what she is-a ‘space cadet’ programmed for sex. She’s a modified version of Marilyn Monroe.”

Tommy Overstreet had waited in and heard what Greenwood said.

“How much time have you spent in Shasta?””Shasta?” Greenwood looked arrogantly at Overstreet and smiled knowingly as he
said, “You don’t ‘spend time’ in Shasta, you maintain the concept if you can. I haven’t lost any time there, either, if that’s your
next question. I go there quite a bit Enough really to override Houston’s suggestion with ease and take what I want, when I
want, and how 1 want it.”

Greenwood began expertly accessing my sex programming and told the others in the room, “You all can come and go as you
please, but I’ve been made an offer that I am going to use.” He ordered me to undress and bend over the desk where he roughly
sodomized me as he said, “You’re going to think it’s daddy all over again”.

When Greenwood was through with me, I was ordered out into the amphitheatre concert area. During in termission, I met up
with Swiss Villa manager Hal Meadows, Tommy Overstreet, and Governor Clinton in the hall.

Clinton was wearing a cap that read “Diesel Trainer” which I was told to equate literally as “these-will-train-her”. Puzzled, 1
looked at his cap and asked, “Are you a conductor?”

Clinton smiled and said, “Of electricity”. Overstreet laughed as he continued, “Actually it means I check cabooses. How’s
yours?” I squirmed.

Apparently Greenwood had bragged about sodomizing me. They laughed even harder as Clinton said, “Still running, I’m sure”.

Houston stepped out of the dressing room to greet Clinton, “Hi, bud.” Houston extended his hand. “I hear you made Governor.”

“I hear you deliver a hell of a one liner,” Clinton replied, cryptically referring to cocaine and NOT Houston’s so-called comedy
routine. “I’m always aspiring to achieve new heights.”

“Well, come on in,” Houston invited. “I have enough (cocaine) to put us all into orbit.” I walked into the dressing room with
them as Houston was saying to Clinton, “I suppose there are no limits for you since you’re across the (stale) line.”

“What line?” Clinton feigned surprise and ignorance. He looked at Hal Meadows as he continued, “You mean I’ve left that state
of mine? In the state of mind I ‘ m in, there are no boundaries anyway.” He walked over to the table and snorted a line of
cocaine. “I come here to get away from it all. This kind of business is pleasure.”
“So where’s that young wife of yours?” Houston asked, referring to Hillary.

“She’s with friends.” Clinton sniffed the coke further up his nose. “She’s

minding her own business. I’m just here to unwind, see the show, maybe do a little

hunting (referring to A Most Dangerous Game). I’ve got a bird (helicopter) ready to fly me back when I’m through. Hey,
speaking of ‘Byrd’ (he gestured my way) I hear she’s moved up to the big house (White House).”

Referring to his friend and mentor Senator Byrd he asked, “So what’s his position now?”

“The same.” Houston answered. “Probably like this…” Houston p a n t o mimed a lewd sodomy pose while everyone laughed.
“He still runs the show.”

Clinton kept his eyes fixed on Houston’s “caboose” and said, “Why don’t you show her (referring to me) me way out and show
me that again?” If 1 could have thought at that moment, I would have realized Bill Clinton was/is bisexual. My personal sexual
experience with Clinton was limited, but I had witnessed him engaged in homosexual activity during an orgy at Swiss
Villa.Immediately following the Swiss Villa incident, Houston was scheduled as usual to perform at the county fair in
Benyville, Arkansas. There, Houston and I had been visiting with long time Clinton Mend and supporter, H.B. Gibson, when
we parted company to attend a private meeting at the mansion of Clinton’s bisexual friend and supporter Bill Hall, Hall had
reportedly made his fortune in

the pre-fabricated log home business, and the Clintons were slaying in a guest villa patterned after those at Swiss Villa Hillary
had taken toddler Chelsea to the villa while Clinton and his aide/bodyguard attended the meeting. Tommy Overstreet was also
in attendance as this directly coincided with the recent Lampe meeting. We all sat in Hall’s sunken living room on two couches
facing each other with a black mirror coffee table between us. Hall had cut numerous lines of cocaine on the table, and everyone
present—including Bill Clinton—was inhaling it through $50 bills rolled into straws. The conversation ranged from CIA, drugs,
and politics to the Swiss Villa Amphitheatre and country music. At that time, a major effort was underway to move
Nashville,Tennessee’s country music industry to the Lampe area (it has since literally moved to nearby Branson), in closer
proximity to the CIA cocaine operations that leached the

industry.Tommy Overstreet was attempting to convince Hall, who was obviously no

stranger to the drug (cocaine) business, to join the high level CIA cocaine operation that was funding covert activity They
discussed the possibility of Hall transporting cocaine from Berryville, Arkansas to Nashville, Tennessee to be in on the ground
level of what would soon be one of the largest and most prolific CIA cocaine operations—the Branson, Missouri country music

By enlisting now, the contacts and customers that Hall would procure could “politically and financially bolster him for life”.
Additionally, Overstreet discussed the viability of using Hall’s own company trucks to transport the drug throughout Atlanta,
Georgia; Louisville, Kentucky; and Jacksonville, Florida as well as Nashville, Tennessee and Lampe, Missouri. These key CIA
cocaine routes coincided with Hall’s established
truck routes, according to the insiders present at the meeting. Hall was being offered the “opportunity of a lifetime” as his role
would also include laundering money through his business to fund the black budget covert operations. Hall appeared nervous
and skeptical, and Clinton and Overstreet attempted to maintain a “light” atmosphere by joking that Hall could change the name
of his trucking line to “CLINTON COKE LINES”.

Hall was not convinced and began to raise questions as to the longevity of the operation and how he was going to protect
himself. Although Hall was very adept at the cocaine business, he voiced concern that he found it easier to trust those who were
not with the CIA operations lhan he did U.S. government protected participants. Clinton reassured him that it was “Reagan’s
operation,” but Hall was concerned that some faction of the government would “shut it down like a sting operation” without
warning and leave him literally holding the bag, Houston laughed and explained that “no one was going to cut it (the drug
business) off.” He assured them it was far too lucrative and that there would

“always be a market” for drugs-a market controlled by those criminals implementing their New World Order.

Clinton added to what Houston “said, talking in local colloquialisms.

“Bottom line is, we’ve got control of the (drug) industry, therefore we’ve got control of them (suppliers and buyers). You
control the guy underneath ya’ and Uncle (Sam) has ya’ covered. What have ya’ got to lose? No risk. No one’s gonna hang ya’
out to dry. And whatever spills off the truck as it passes through (he laughed and snorted another line of coke) you get to clean

Hall smiled at his friend, which was apparently interpreted as consent.

Clinton motioned for his aideto get his ledger. Overstreet began pulling out his paperwork, and Hall neatly cleared the table of
the remaining coke lines.

Clinton gestured to me and told Houston, “Get her out of here”. Houston didn’t move and laughed.

“She’s a Presidential Model. She’s kept secrets bigger than yours.”

Clinton responded, “I don’t care. Get her the fuck out of here,”

Hall’s wife led me away and locked me in a back bedroom. After an indeterminate period of time, I heard her telephone Hillary
at the guest villa. She then drove me up the mountain through the dark to meet with Hillary Clinton.

Although I had previously met Hillary we had very little to say to each other- particularity since I was still dazed and tranced
from the tortures I had endured at the CIA Near Death Trauma Center in Lampe. Hillary knew I was a mind- controlled slave,
and, like Bill Clinton, just took it in stride as a “normal” part of life in politics, Hillary was fully clothed and stretched out on
the bed sleeping when Hall’s wife and I arrived. “Hillary, I brought you something you’ll really enjoy. Kind of an unexpected
surprise. Bill ordered her out of the meeting and I look her to my bedroom and made an interesting discovery. She is literally a
two- faced (referring to my vaginal mutilation carving) bitch,” “Hmm?” Hillary opened her eyes and sleepily roused herself
“Show me.”
Hall’s wife ordered me to take my clothes off while Hillary watched. “Is she clean?” Hillary asked, meaning disease free. “Of
course, she’s Byrd’s,” she responded, continuing the conversation as though I were not there, “Plus, I heard Houston say
something about her being a Presidential Model, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean.”

“It means she’s clean,” Hillary said matter-of-factly as she stood up. I was not capable of giving thought to such things back
then, but I am aware in retrospect that all Presidential Model slaves I knew seemed to have an immunity to social diseases. It
was a well known fact in the circles I was sexually passed around in that government level mind-controlled sex slaves were
“clean” to the degree that none of my abusers took precautions such as wearing condoms.

Hall’s wife patted the bed and instructed me to display the mutilation.

Hillary exclaimed, “God!” and immediately began performing oral sex on me.

Apparently aroused by the carving in my vagina,

Hillary stood up and quickly peeled out of her matronly nylon panties and pantyhose. Uninhibited despite a long day in the hot
sun, she gasped, “Eat me, oh, god, eat me now”. I had no choice but to comply with her orders, and Bill Hall’s wife made no
move to join me in my distasteful task. Hillary had resumed examining my hideous mutilation and performing oral sex on me
when Bill Clinton walked in. Hillary lifted her head to ask, “How’d it go?”

Clinton appeared totally unaffected by what he walked into, tossed his jacket on a chair and said, “It’s official. I ‘ m exhausted.
I ‘ m going to bed.”

I put my clothes on as ordered, and Hall’s wife drove me back down to the mansion where Houston was waiting for me The
meeting apparently had been

a success. I heard discussions throughout the remaining years between Houston, his agent Reggie MacLaughlin, and Loretta
Lynn’s handler, Ken Riley pertaining to Hall’s successful branch of the CIA cocaine operation emanating from Arkansas, No
discussions were as poignant and revealing as those between Alex Houston and CIA operative country music entertainer Boxcar

Boxcar Willie burst onto the country music scene after an ad campaign of high tech hypnotically persuasive produced television
commercials that strategically made him an overnight, sensation and “star”. The country music industry’s Freedom Train
needed a conductor to lead the industry and fans to Branson, Missouri, and Boxcar Willie was

placed in the driver’s seat. Like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, Boxcar Willie succeeded in his role of trance-ferring the industry in
close proximity to the Lampe CIA cocaine operations.
Boxcar Willie was one of the primary ground level contacts that Bill Hall made after Clinton convinced him to cash in on the
cocaine benefits of the country music industry transfer. Houston and Boxcar Willie discussed Hall’s lucrative dealings
throughout the years in my presence while traveling the country together, billed on the same shows, including performances at
the Swiss Villa Amphitheatre, I had much contact with Boxcar Willie personally since my government sponsored cocaine runs
often coincided and intermeshed with his.

But 1 never knew Boxcar Willie as well as my daughter, Kelly, knew him.

Kelly has named Boxcar Willie as one ofher primary sexual abusers in three different mental institutions, and has voiced
frustration at the lack of justice.

“Why am I the one locked up while my abusers remain free?” she constantly pleads. I assure her I am doing all I can to blow
the whistle on Boxcar Willie for hex, and expose his role in transferring the country music industry to close proximity of the
Lampe, Missouri CIA cocaine operation as outlined by Bill


Hillary Clinton Pedophile and Child Rapist 1983

Loyalty to the sovereign of our country is nonexistent under New World Orders.
“President” Clinton poses no more leadership or loyalty to our country than Ronald Reagan did
since both follow(ed) New World Order directives from former U.N. Ambassador and CIA
DIRECT or George Bush,
Hillary Clinton is the only female to become sexually aroused at the sight of my mutilated

Hillary Clinton Raped Minor & Said: ‘Eat me, oh god, eat me now’
People named in Cathy O’Brien’s book:
Ronald Reagan – President – Had sex with Cathy Obrien many times when she was a child. Did cocaine with Robert Byrd
who was Cathy Obrien’s “owner”. Bohemian Grove
George H Bush – had sex with Kelly Obrien as a child. Worked with Cheney on the new world order plan. Used a hologram
in front of Cathy Obrien to pretend he was a lizard alien.
Dick Cheney – Vice President under Bush. Had sex with Cathy Obrien repeatedly. Hunted her and other children down in a
game called they called “The Most Dangerous Game”.
George W. Romney – Governor Michigan’s

“Romney was also interested in an early version of the Global Education 2000 Program (Outcome-Based Education) that’s
infiltrated our school system It was designed to increase our children’s learning capacity while decreasing their ability to
critically analyze. As a result, the Michigan education system ranked first in the nation for many years but the devastation to the
children was horrible.”

Gerald Ford – President – had sex with Cathy as a child many times – the first time with Guy Vander Jagt at the state capital in
Lansing MI. Member of Bilderberger group, member of Boheman Grove , CFR member
Bill Bennett – Secretary of Education, Drug Czar – Bohemian Grove

sexually assaulted Kelly Obrien, had sexy with Cathy Obrien

Mind control programmer

Bob Bennett – Bohemian Grove – Bill Cinton’s legal counsel

sexually assaulted Kelly Obrien

Madeleine Albright – was introduced to Cathy Obrien as mother of all mind control slaves. Bush said she rose in the UN to
implement the New World Order.
Brian Mulroney – Prime minister of Canada – new world order pig. Used mind controlled sex slaves repeatedly.
Bill Casey – Reagan CIA Director – used mind control slaves, new world order pig, programmed mind control slaves.
Patrick Leahy (Senator Vermont) – had sex with sex slaves. Programmed mind control slaves.
Allen Simpson – Senator – worked with Cheney and was aware of MK Ultra sex slave program.
Robert Byrd – Senator – Cathy was prostituted to him as a child. He tortured her and was her “owner”. (from Cathy’s Book)

Byrd also “justified” my victimization by saying, “You lost your mind anyway, and at least you have destiny and purpose now
that it’s mine.” Our country’s involvement in drug distribution, pornography, and white slavery was justified” as a means of
“gaining control of all illegal activities world wide” to fund Black Budget covert activity that would “bring about world peace
through world dominance and total control”. He adhered to the belief that “95% of the (world’s) people WANT to be led by the
5%”, and claimed this can be proven because “the 95% DO NOT WANT TO KNOW what really goes on in
government”. Byrd believed that in order for this world to survive, mankind must take a “giant step in evolution through
creating a superior race”. To create this “superior race,” Byrd believed in the Nazi and KKK principles of “annihilation of
underprivileged races and cultures” through genocide, to alter genetics and breed “the more gifted-the blondes of this world”.

Arlen Specter – Senator. His home at Conneaut Lake was used to film pornography for the sex slaves. He owned mind
control sex slaves. Israeli US dual citizen. Inventor of the “single bullet” fraud concerning JFK assassination.
Patrick Leahy (Senator Vermont) – had sex with sex slaves. Programmed mind control slaves. Cathy said he was very
intelligent and one of the mastermind of the new world order.
Dick Thornburgh – Governor Pennsylvania, US Attorney General, Secretary for UN – visited the Charm School in
Youngstown OH where the Monarch Mind Control sex slaves were programmed. Had sex with the mind control sex slaves.
Jim Traficant – US Congressman (OH) had sex with the sex slaves the Charm School in Youngstown Ohio. Died in a very
suspicious farm equipment “accident”.
Gary Ackerman – US Congressman (D NY) ran the elaborate Long Island docks drug network – had sex with Cathy
Obrien. Head of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians.
Lamar Alexander – Bush Secretary of Education – Cathy Obrien met him at a satanic ritual
used sex slaves

Bennett Johnston – Senator LA – had sex with Cathy Obrien. Did drug operations with Bill Clinton.

Said the following to Cathy Obrien at an office inside Lockheed Martin in Shreveport, “I was there that fateful day in 1943
when a hole was ripped in the fabric of time through what later became known as the Philadelphia Experiment. All those fine
boys vanished along with their ship in a bizarre twist of events that parallels the Atlantis disappearances. A vortex was created
in an effort to slip dimensions and become invisible to the enemy. It was a success beyond the highest expectations and
launched us all into universal travel. It is no wonder at all that we have had a man on the moon. Traveling to distant planets and
galaxies is Mickey Mouse stuff in comparison to the high tech wizardry of trans-dimensional travel. Trans-dimensional travel
circumvents all measures of time, including distance and speed. When the fabric of time was torn, we opened ourselves up to
intergalactic travel—both in and out of this dimension – and in and out of the future, as well as the past. We can alter the course
of history by traveling back in time to alter events, or we can blast off into the future and gain wisdom and knowledge of events
yet to come.

James Blanchard – Governor Michigan – sex slaves went to his mansion at Macinac Island
Pierre Trudeau – Prime minister of Canada – worked for the vatican – communist, new world order pig. Used Cathy Obrien
as a sex slave. His son Justin Trudeau is now prime minister!
Guy Vander Jagt – Michigan State Senator – US House of Representatives. Used Cathy Obrien as a sex slave many times
when she was a child. Worked for the vatican. Helped put George Bush as President
Colonel Michael Acquino – helped do more programming on Cathy Obrien. He was a Neo Nazi and Founder of the Himmler
inspired satanic Temple of Set

Charged with child ritual and sexual abuse at the Presideo Day Care in San Francisco

Alex Houston – CIA mind control handler for Cathy Obrien. He was a ventriloquist and stage hypnotist in the country music
industry. Alex Houston followed Senator Byrd’s orders to ensure that Kelly and I were at specific places at certain times to
carry out the criminal operations that we were forced to participate in and to fulfill the perversions of those controlling our
Boxcar Willie – involved in CIA operations. Entire basis of his popularity was due to an ad campaign of high tech hypnotically
persuasive produced television commercials. Boxcar Willie one of those who routinely abused Cathy’s doughter Kelly.
Kris Kristofferson – Musician, actor. Project Monarch Mind Control Slave Runner, worked with Aquino.
Jimmy Buffett – Singer, CIA operative – worked with Cathy Obrien on drug operations.
Loretta Lynn – CIA mind control victim
Tommy LaSorda (Dodgers manager) – many players on his team were mind controlled to win or lose according to their
owners’ bets and favors. Cathy says many sports team stars are under mind control.
Jack Greene – entertainer – CIA operative
Charlie Pride – CIA Operative
Lesbian Demon Hillary Clinton and Lesbian Huma Abedin former Congressman
Anthony Weiner’s wife.

Spot Dog loves to eat Illuminati, Zionists, Satanists and Lying Media Whores and has no
respect for sold out Politicians.

Hillary Clinton why she barking like a dog? Maybe because of Spot Dog?
Seattle TV interviews Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb expose Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason
Hillary Clinton Freed Rapist Laughed About It
Hillary Clinton former Partner Iran Contra

Hillary Clinton Women’s Card now becomes her Lesbian Card
Hillary Clinton the CIA Agent Fired From Watergate Committee
Lesbo Demon Hillary Clinton is out to shred Second Amendment
Rodger Stone Claims Hillary Clinton Murder John F Kennedy Jr
Hillary Clinton email servers Israeli Espionage Exposed

Hillary Clinton email network a private intelligence operation
Hillary Clinton Assassination Teams Revealed in Emails

Lesbian Jew Hillary Clinton her Devil Worshiping Emails
Hillary Clinton had several abortions kept Chelsea for political appearances
Hillary Clinton a Lesbian Jew
Hillary Clinton likes killing people says Julian Assange
Hillary Clinton Emails “Greater Israel” and the Yinon Plan
Hillary Clinton Email: Destroy Syria for Israel
Hillary Clinton Lesbian Lover HumaA bedin Indicted
Hillary Clinton Racist
Ashley Williams To #Hillary Clinton I Am Not A Super Predator

Stew Webb Whistle blower Federal Grand Jury Demand against Kerre Millman, Leonard
Millman, Elaine Millman, Larry Mizel, Norman Brownstein, George HW Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil
Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and others.
Stew Webb Savings and Loan Whistle blower Faces Illegal Charges
Stew Webb Official SEC Whistle blower Complaint Mortgage Backed Securities Fraud
Bush – Millman – Clinton Zionist Organized Crime Family Flow Chart (1)
FRAUDS ARE US AT MDC-NYSE The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection
Illuminati Human Sacrifices June 21 and December 20-22 every year in Denver, Colorado
George HW Bush, Larry Mizel, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Rabbi Answar Bin Shari of Israel, Meyer Rothchild, and
the other 12 Disciples of Satan are there Killing an Infant and drinking its blood as a Ritual to Satan.
From Cradle to Cabal The Secret Life of Gale Norton The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection
John McCain wife hiding war profits untaxed off shore accounts
Note: Larry Mizel’s Real Corp Realty
Larry Mizel go to Jews for Republicans and Democrats Who Want to Be President
US President #Obama Admits US Trains ISIS
Donald Trump American Gladiator Fighting Evil
Stew Webb Radio Network
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‹ Return to Hillary Clinton Faces Life In Prison
Posted on 2016/03/06 by Stew Webb

Hillary Clinton Faces Life In Prison

Inside The Bush Millman/Mizel Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate

By Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb

The Washington Post reports this morning that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin illegally sent out 104 classified emails to non
government employees including her husband Bill Clinton, the emails deal with drone strikes and assassination teams a total

Hillary Clinton could face life in prison 22 emails deal with HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY CLASSIFIED MATERIAL




Ex FBI Ted Gunderson a Daddy Bush Stooge sold Osama bin Laden Stingers while at FBI LA, California stole from US
Arsenal at China Lake Naval Facility.
More Crimes by FBI Ted Gunderson against American’s for the Dirty FBI
And the Bush Clinton Millman Mizel Organized Crime Syndicate targeting Whistle blowers and others.
Related Below:
A SAP Compromise Could Bring Life In Prison
By Maj Ed Coet, US Army (Ret)
Courtesy Capt Les Horn, USN (Ret)
March 4, 2016

My name is Ed Coet I am a retired US Army Intelligence Officer. In my last job in the army I was the Chief of the Human
Intelligence Branch for the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany. In that capacity I was also the Designated Program
Manager for a Special Access Program (SAP) like the SAP that Hillary Clinton is alleged to have compromised in the most
recent State Department Inspector General report to congress and which has been widely reported in the news. Here is what I
personally know about SAP’s and what I can attest to in an unclassified forum:

1. The names of each SAP are themselves classified Top Secret because the information within the SAP are far and above Top

2. SAP’s are so sensitive that even people who have security clearances giving them access to Top Secret Sensitive
Compartment Information (TS SCI), an enormously high security clearance level, cannot have accesses to a SAP’s unless they
receive a special indoctrination into the SAP based on an operational “must know” that exceeds all other “need to know”

3. Being “read on” for a SAP is far more then acknowledging in writing that you have been briefed on the SAP. It is an in-depth
“indoctrination” into the given SAP, and each SAP is itself compartmented separately from other SAPS. Having access to one
SAP does not give you access to another SAP, and in fact rarely does. Only a tiny handful of people have knowledge of all
SAP’s. SAP’s are the most stringently compartmented and protected information in the entire US government.

4. Unlike Top Secret SCI which is maintained in highly secure Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilitates (SCIF’s)
managed by specially trained Special Security Officers (SSO’s) at various levels of command, every single SAP is managed by
an individually designated Program Manager for each individual SAP covering an entire theater of operations. In other words,
SAP Program Managers are far fewer in number than there is SSO’s. SSO’s are not cleared to even know about SAP’s or to
maintain information about them in their already enormously secure SCIF’s. How SAP’s are secured cannot be discussed
because of the sensitive beyond Top Secret nature in which it is done.

5. Unlike individuals with the highest Top Secret SCI access security clearances, who must undergo a special background
information with periodic “bring-up” background investigation, those tiny few who have access to SAP’s must also endure
periodic polygraph tests in addition to the most comprehensive of special background investigations. I used to have to schedule
four-star generals and admirals to be polygraphed in order for them to maintain their access to my SAP. Many generals and
admirals who obviously have the highest security clearances still did not rate being indoctrinated into my SAP. In fact, they
didn’t even know the SAP existed.

6. Compromise of a SAP is the single most dangerous security violation that can ever happen to the USA. Even the enormously
damaging revelations of the Edward Snowden’s TOP Secret SCI security compromise does not reach the level of a SAP

7. To put SAP information in to an unsecure sever like Hillary Clinton’s unsecure server is a class one felony that could, in
some cases, result in life in prison. That is because such a compromise is so dangerous that it could and likely will result in the
death of people protected by and within the scope of the SAP.

As a former SAP Program Manager I believe it is inconceivable that if it is verified that Hillary Clinton’s server actually had
SAP information on it that she could possibly escape indictment and criminal prosecution. As hard as it is to imagine, that
would even be worse then electing to not prosecute a mass murdering serial killer because even they could not inflict as much
damage on our country as the compromise of a SAP. Compromise of a SAP not only could — but without doubt would —
cause serious damage to our national security.

If it is true that Hillary Clinton had SAP information on her unsecure server, whether it was marked or not, you can be sure that
the FBI will strongly recommend that charges be brought against Hillary Clinton and continue in an exhaustive investigation to
trace back to every single person that had even the tiniest role in this unbelievable security compromise.

If the Attorney General, through “prosecutorial discretion,” elected not to prosecute this crime, I believe congress would have
no alternative but to impeach her, and the FBI would then have no choice but to conduct a criminal investigation of her for a
deliberate cover up ¬- so grave is this security violation.

If President Obama were to pardon Hillary Clinton for a compromise of this magnitude he would render himself in the historical
record as an “enemy of the state,” and could himself face criminal prosecution ¬- so grave is such a security compromise.
Nobody, not even the POTUS could gets away with something like this in our system of government. If anyone could escape
persecution for compromising a SAP, we are deep trouble as a nation. No president who loves this country and is true to his
oath would ever allow anyone, not even his or her closest and most loved relative, to get away with a SAP compromise. It is
simply unimaginable that this could ever happen.

If the ongoing investigation finds that Hillary Clinton compromised a SAP, then we all should know with certainty, regardless
of political persuasion, that she is entirely unfit to hold public office of any kind let alone President of the USA — and ALL
Americans should never tolerate it. Compromising a SAP is an absolute “disqualifier” for public office and access to our
nations most sensitive information – period.
Ed Coet Major, US Army (Retired)


I am an old soldier now. I’ve long been retired from over two decades of loyal and faithful military service to my God and my
country. I took a solemn oath to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic, as a condition of my service. For me that oath was and remains sacred. When I retired from military service that oath
did not retire with me. That oath lives inside of me “to my last dying breath.”

My word and my oath is my bond.

The US constitution I swore to uphold and defend is the law of the land. It always has been for every single citizen living in our
blessed country – The United States of America. We don’t defend just part of our constitution, we defend it all, all of the time.
That includes our gun rights under the 2nd Amendment to our constitution. This is non-negotiable. Because it is an “inalienable
right” it cannot be negotiated or legislated away. To do so is itself anti-American and unlawful.

No man or women, not even the president, not even the entirety of the US congress has a right to deprive any law-abiding
citizen of their inalienable constitutional rights; not now, not ever.

It is incumbent upon every single patriotic American to resist any effort, by any person, who would deny another citizen any of
their inalienable constitutional rights. It is incumbent upon every American, but especially all members of our armed forces and
police forces, to understand that “inalienable” means that our constitutional rights are unable to be taken away or given away by
the possessor or the government.” They are “duty bound” by their solemn oath to ensure that this never happens.

Any politician, to include the President of the United States, must be removed from office, forcibly if necessary, should they
ever violate their solemn oath to uphold and defend our constitution and/or deny any of our citizens the constitutional rights
they are sworn to uphold and defend. Any order or directive given or issued to the contrary, by anyone, be he/she a general, a
police chief, a politician, or even the President of the United States is an “unlawful order” and must be disobeyed.

I am a Christian man. I am a peaceful and law-abiding man. I am a patriot who loves his country. I am a senior citizen now. I’m
also a disabled veteran. I am limited in what I am able to do, but this I can do, and this I will do – I will resist to the extent that I
am able, to my last dying breath, any attempt by anyone who would deprive me or any other law-abiding patriotic American of
their constitutional rights, to include their right to own and bare arms.

This isn’t about hunting. This is about liberty. This is about our freedom. We must resist to our “last dying breaths” if need be,
to protect all of our inalienable rights.

Tyranny is the enemy of the American people. It is the duty of all Americans to resist tyranny and refuse to live under a
dictator/tyrant who would deprive any law-abiding citizen of their constitutional rights. Soon, we may all be put to the test. I
hope we will be as brave,as selfless, and as determined as our Founders Fathers were to fight for our constitution and our
inalienable rights. Future generations of Americans will be depending on us.

Respectfully submitted,
ED COET Major, US Army (Retired) American Patriot – To My Last Dying Breath

Related Below:
Inside The Bush Millman/Mizel Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate
Bush-Millman-Mizel- Clinton Organized Crime Chart

Bush-Millman-Mizel- Clinton Organized Crime Chart
Stew Webb Whistle blower Grand Jury Demand against Hillary Clinton Jeb Bush and others.
Stew Webb Whistle blower Injunctive Relief Obstructed without hearing
Inside the Bush Crime Family PT-2
Inside the Bush Crime Family PT-1
Stew Webb Saving and Loan whistle blower faces federal charges (Illegal Charges dismissed with Prejudice)
Stew Webb Official SEC Whistle blower Complaint Mortgage Backed Securities Fraud
Worldwide Financial Criminal Network Revealed part 2
Who is America’s Moriarity? The Illuminati Zionist Denver Connection
From Cradle to Cabal The Secret Life of Gale Norton
How the West lands Was Won Larry Mizel and Norman Brownstein both AIPAC Directors
BCCI Bank of Credit and Commerce International Frauds Timeline
Illuminati Drug Smugglers Indicted by Costa Rica Government
Junk Bond Daisy Chain Frauds The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection
George W. Bush AIG Harken Energy Winn Financial Denver
AIPAC Operated Congress Child Sex Blackmail Ring

Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason

Justice Department Grants Immunity to Hillary Clinton Staffer
Hillary Clinton Lesbian Lover Huma Abedin Indicted
Hillary Clinton Bush Assassination Teams Revealed
Using FBI Killer Kreg Stonestreet Mitt Romney’s Cousin the same stooge Hillary Clinton was using to silence “Loud
Mouths” like Stew Webb and Tom Heneghan
Hillary Clinton Bush Assassination Teams Revealed
Ashley Williams To Hillary Clinton I Am Not A Super Predator
Hillary Clinton Racist

US President Obama Admits US Trains ISIS
Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush Conspire to Murder Donald Trump
Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush Conspire to Murder Donald Trump
Using Ex FBI Killer Kreg Stonestreet Mitt Romney’s Cousin the same stooge Hillary Clinton was using to silence “Loud
Mouths” like Stew Webb and Tom Heneghan
Jeb Bush Murders Securities Frauds Scams
Mitt Romney Tax Cheat Exposed
FBI Whistle blower Jeb Bush Drug Lord
US Attorneys Murders tied to Jeb Bush
Bush-Clinton Body Count from Iran Contra

Barbra Bush offering $100 Million for Donald Trump Death
Senator John McCain Wife Hiding War Profits
Stew Webb Radio Network
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Breaking News
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About Stew Webb

Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge. Stew was a General Contractor-Home
Builder until 3 car crashes in one year and is now disabled. Stew turned Federal Whistleblower-Activist of 31 years and has
been a guest on over 3,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and now has his own Radio and TV Network Stew was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and hearings that lead to the
Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings, the
Denver International Airport Frauds hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) Illegal Political Campaign Money
Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 hearings and the information provided that lead to the 2008 Illegal Bank
Bailout. Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law
with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges which were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman,
George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman
Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush-Millman-Clinton
Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman (Deceased 2004) was member of the "Illuminati Council of 13".

Crooked Hillary Clinton War Monger

Totally Exposed
By Tom Henegan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that former Assistant U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has testified
and supplied evidence inside the U.S. Military Grand Jury operating in Washington, D.C. fingering Bill and Hillary Clinton,
along with Bush Crime Family crony James Baker III and then Democratic Congressman, extortion-friendly, Nazi Jew, crooked
bank stooge, Barney Frank, for blackmailing and issuing death threats against Holder and then U.S. Attorney General Janet
Reno in regards to 17 criminal referrals dealing with massive vote fraud and violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 regarding 70,000 African-American legally registered voters in the State of Florida that were not
allowed to vote in the year 2000 presidential election aka a massive coup d’état versus the American People.

Holder has also fingered the NAZI Paperclip NSA for massive illegal espionage against the American People that actually
started before 9/11 on the day junior George W. BushFRAUD and pedophile Dick Cheney were illegally inaugurated (the
blackest day in American history since the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963).

P.S. We can also divulge that Holder and the current U.S. Inspector General are also working to unravel a major massive Israeli
espionage network along with the U.S. NSA, that is still conducting massive illegal espionage against the American People,
including planning a “cyber attack” against the American grid and the U.S. infrastructure.

Individual names on the hot list include:

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-CA

U.S. Congressman Steven Israel, D-CA

Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, R-GA

Former Clinton Administration era alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr

(currently turning Baylor University into a Bush-Clinton Nazi Jew Israel Mossad outpost)

Weekly Standard magazine editor and journalist Nazi Jew neocon Bill Kristol

(Note: Kristol has now been linked by U.S.-French Intelligence to conference calls with former Republican nominee loser and
Mormon pedophile Mitt Romney and the current Israel Prime Minister Nazi Jew Benjamin Netanyahu on a daily basis,
including death threats against now without a shadow of a doubt, year 2000 DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated, natural born,
REAL President of the United States Albert Gore Jr.

Direct message to Nazi Jew Kristol: Your ass is grass, bitch)

Internet mogul Alex Jones of

last but not least, both Bill and Hillary Clinton
Major assets of the now criminally fingered Israeli Mossad include CNN journalist Gloria Borger and Joy Reid of MSNBC.

Note: We will supply more names of TREASONOUS U.S. politicians who have been on the take for years, along with criminal
U.S. media royal court messengers in our next briefing.

Happy Memorial Day to all freedom loving Americans.

The Second American Revolution continues – we will soon have our Constitution Rule of Law and our American way of life
back with the help of God Almighty!
HILLARY says we will PROVOKE WAR – we’ll be in POWER Forever!

LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY! Hillary, teaming up with James Baker, agrees. We need to Provoke war. There is no other
way to explain her comments. She seems to think POWER over the world is desirable and wants someone to attack us, bring it
on she says!

If these comments were said by any other politician, they would be finished. Will she get away with these comments?

Some have said she is Teflon plated. I believe she is simply Elite backed, and speaking what her handlers, the puppet masters,
want her to say. This is why they use her, they can say, and do, anything they want. You, the people, will never care, or be
shocked, by any comments coming from her mouth.

How sad. How sad that the American people do not see, have no understanding, and cannot tell the difference between a puppet
and a human.

Spot Dog loves to eat Illuminati, Zionists, Satanist, Lying Media Whores and Corrupt Politicians.
Hillary Clinton why she barking like a dog?
Stew Webb Whistle blower Federal Grand Jury Demand against Kerre Millman, Leonard Millman, Elaine Millman, Larry
Mizel, Norman Brownstein, George HW Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and others.

Husband of Prosecutor Investigating Pedophile and Child Rapist Bill Clinton Assassinated
Hillary Clinton Lesbian Demon Pedophile and Child Rapist
Seattle TV interviews Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb
Ashley Williams To Hillary Clinton I Am Not A Super Predator
Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason
Hillary Clinton Racist
Hillary Clinton Assassination Teams Revealed in Emails
Bush – Millman – Clinton Zionist Organized Crime Family Flow Chart (1)

Illuminati Jewish Mafia Goon Larry Mizel, Hillary Clinton’s Boss.

FRAUDS ARE US AT MDC-NYSE The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection
Stew Webb Radio Network
Listen Live
US Intel Breaking News
Listen live by phone
Hillary Clinton Whitewater Savings
and Loan theft pt1

Vincent Foster: A longtime Arkansas associate of the Clintons, Foster came to … Susan
Thomases: A close friend and former Children’s Defense Fund … 1999/whitewater/players.html – 46k –

Cast of Characters
Neal Ainley: The government’s star witness in the second Whitewater trial, Ainley was formerly president of Perry Bank and
pled guilty to two misdemeanors. He told jurors he saw documents revealing that the defendants, Robert Hill and Herby
Branscum, reimbursed themselves for political donations to Clinton’s gubernatorial campaign. Defense attorneys dismissed
Ainley as a scoundrel simply trying to cut a deal to get a lighter sentence for his own crimes.
Roger Altman: Formerly deputy Treasury secretary, Altman resigned Aug. 29, 1994 following revelations he tipped the White
House off to criminal referrals made by Resolution Trust Corp. investigators related to Madison Guaranty. Altman, a college
friend of Clinton’s, angered both Republican and Democratic senators after giving conflicting testimony about White House-
Treasury contacts.
Richard Ben-Veniste:Ben-Veniste was counsel for the Democratic members of the Senate Whitewater Committee.
Herby Branscum, Jr.: A longtime political supporter of Bill Clinton, small-time banker Branscum was one of two defendants
in the second Whitewater trial, charged with 11 counts of misusing bank funds for political purposes. The jury acquitted both
Branscum and Robert Hill on four charges and deadlocked on the rest. Starr decided not to retry.
James Carville: The Democratic strategist who helped orchestrate Clinton’s 1992 campaign, Carville threatened in late 1996 to
mount an aggressive campaign to counter what he has termed Starr’s “Republican effort to harass the president, the first lady
and their friends.” Though he backed down a bit, Carville remains the Clintons’ preeminent political pit bull and stridently
defended the Clintons and attacked Starr during the Monica Lewinsky investigation and subsequent impeachment of the
Michael Chertoff: The counsel retained by the Republican side of the Senate Whitewater probe, Chertoff is a New York
lawyer specializing in government corruption cases. Democrats cried foul after Chertoff questioned the president’s ethics during
appearances on behalf of GOP nominee Bob Dole during the presidential campaign.
Bill Clinton: The president has now testified under oath in two Whitewater cases tried by Starr and his team. In the first,
Clinton steadfastly contradicted the government’s star witness, banker David Hale, who said Clinton had pressured him to make
an illegal $300,000 loan. After supporting Clinton’s denial, James McDougal is reportedly now corroborating Hale. Starr is also
investigating Travelgate (the Clinton Administration’s firing of seven longtime travel office workers) and the FBI files flap (the
improper collection of some 900 FBI background files). During his presentation before the House Judiciary Committee over the
Monica Lewinsky investigation, Starr said that he did not have enough evidence to present reports to Congress on Whitewater,
Travelgate and the FBI files affair but that the investigations are continuing.
Hillary Clinton: She made history as the only first lady to appear before a federal grand jury, which she did in January 1996
after being subpoenaed by Starr to help explain the mysterious appearance of her long-sought Whitewater billing records in a
book room in the Clintons’ White House residence. Mrs. Clinton was reportedly a major focus of Starr’s investigation, and
figures prominently in Whitewater, Travelgate, and the FBI files flap. Starr’s investigations into those matters remains ongoing.
Alfonse D’Amato: Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, the New York Republican senator chaired the $1 million, 14-
month Senate Whitewater Committee investigation. The proceeding produced a few fireworks, most notably over the
mysterious appearance of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Whitewater legal records, but no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing. He
was defeated for re-election in 1998 by Democratic Rep. Chuck Schumer, who was on the House Judiciary Committee during
President Bill Clinton’s impeachment and became a senator during the 1999 Senate trial.
Lanny Davis: Davis was the White House’s pointman for all matters scandalous during his tenure. He took the job over from
Mark Fabiani and Jane Sherbourne, who left the administration at the end of Clinton’s first term. Davis has since left the
administration but often appeared as a television commentator during the Lewinsky scandal.
1. Hickman Ewing, Jr.: The lead prosecuting attorney in the second Whitewater trial, Ewing heads the Little Rock
investigation into Whitewater. He testified during Susan McDougal’s trial on criminal contempt and obstruction charges
relating to her refusal to testify. In his testimony, he said that he wrote a “rough draft indictment” of first lady Hillary
Rodham Clinton after he doubted her truthfulness in a deposition.
Robert Fiske: The first Whitewater independent prosecutor, Fiske, a New York attorney with a reputation for even-handedness,
was appointed in January 1994. His investigation, which critics called lackluster, focused on longtime Clinton associate and
White House counsel Vincent Foster’s July 1993 death, which Fiske ruled a suicide.
Vincent Foster: A longtime Arkansas associate of the Clintons, Foster came to Washington in 1992 to become White House
counsel. In July 1993, he committed suicide, an event which sparked new and intense interest in Whitewater. Critics of the
administration suspected Foster was depressed over legal issues dogging the Clintons, including Whitewater and Travelgate.
What Foster may have done with the Clintons’ legal records, and whether documents were removed from his office in the hours
following his death, has been the source of intense speculation.
Mark Geragos: Geragos was Susan McDougal’s defense attorney during her 1998 trial in which she was acquitted on charges
that she embezzled her former employers, conductor Zubin Mehta and his wife, Nancy. Geragos also defended McDougal
during her latest trial on criminal contempt and obstruction charges.
David Hale: — The government’s star witness in the first Whitewater trial, Arkansas banker David Hale made the salacious
claim that Clinton, in the 1980s, conspired with him and Whitewater partner Jim McDougal on an illegal $300,000 loan. Then-
Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker and James and Susan McDougal were convicted in that trial. Hale himself pleaded guilty to two
felony counts of defrauding the Small Business Administration and served 21 months of a 28-month sentence. He once
predicted that Starr would indict Hillary Clinton, and once told an interviewer he had only told investigators “a small, small
part” of the whole Whitewater saga, and that “a lot more information will come out by the time this investigation is all over.” In
1999, Hale was sentenced to 21 days in prison after pleading guilty of lying to state regulators about the solvency of his
insurance company.
Robert Hill: Along with co-defendant Herby Branscum Jr., Hill was charged with 11 counts of misusing bank funds for
political purposes in the second Whitewater trial. Prosecutors suggested Clinton rewarded Hill with a plum Arkansas state job in
return for political donations. The jury acquitted both Branscum and Robert Hill on four charges and deadlocked on the rest.
Starr decided not to retry.
Webster Hubbell: A former Rose Law Firm partner of Hillary Rodham Clinton and a golfing buddy to Bill, Hubbell was
Starr’s first prey, pleading guilty in late 1994 to bilking the Rose firm of hundreds of thousands of dollars in fraudulent billings.
The former No. 3 person at the Justice Department, Hubbell recently completed an 18-month jail sentence, but has frequently
been summoned to testify before Whitewater federal grand juries or Capitol Hill committees, though he has frequently cited
memory lapses on key issues. Senate Whitewater investigators believe Hubbell lied about his involvement with a deal called
Castle Grande, and referred him to Ken Starr for possible criminal investigation. Tax evasion charges filed by Starr were
dismissed by a federal judge who concluded that the tax evasion case went beyond Starr’s mandate to investigate the
Whitewater land deal. But Starr appealed and a federal appeals court ruled that the judge overreached his authority when he
threw out the charges. In November 1998, Starr got a third indictment alleging that Hubbell lied to federal regulators about the
work he and Mrs. Clinton did for a failed Arkansas savings and loan association owned by the Clintons’ Whitewater partner,
James McDougal. The indictment also alleges that he committed perjury while testifying before the House Banking Committee
during nationally televised Whitewater hearings.
Carolyn Huber: Practically family to the Clintons, this diminutive longtime aide discoveredHillaryClinton’s long-sought
Whitewater billing records in a book room off the Clintons’ White House residence. Not realizing their importance, she told
investigators, she initially filed them away. After realizing their sought-after-status, she turned them over to White House
lawyers who, in turn, delivered them to Whitewater investigators.
Harold Ickes: Formerly deputy chief of staff, Ickes was referred to Ken Starr for possible criminal investigation by Senate
Whitewater investigators, who believed he misled them about the statute of limitations for pursuing possible crimes committed
by the Rose Law Firm. Ickes also participated in a phone conversation with George Stephanopoulos and Roger Altman
protesting the selection of Republican lawyer Jay Stephens to head the RTC investigation of Madison. Forced out of office at
the behest of incoming chief of staff Erskine Bowles, Ickes was asked initially to head the White House Whitewater response
David Kendall:Kendall is the Clintons’ personal lawyer for Whitewater matters. A Rhodes scholar and Yale law school
graduate, just like Clinton, Kendall practiced civil rights law before joining the elite Washington, D.C., firm of Williams &
Connolly. His biggest triumph there was in a case defending The Washington Post against libel charges filed by Mobil Oil. The
judge who wrote the decision was a young U.S. Court of Appeals judge named Ken Starr. Representing the Clintons, Kendall
has been forced into a more public posture than is customary for a Williams & Connolly lawyer; in June 1996, he derided Sen.
Alfonse D’Amato’s Senate Whitewater committee as “a partisan kangaroo court.” He was thrust into an even more public role
when he successfully defended the president during the impeachment trial in the Senate. He also questioned the independent
counsel during Starr’s appreance before the House Judciary Committee in late 1998 before Clinton was impeached.
William Kennedy: Starr may be investigating Kennedy, formerly a White House counsel, on allegations he improperly used
the FBI to trump up charges against the White House travel office staff. In the FBI files matter, Kennedy took responsibility for
hiring Craig Livingstone, the former White House security office head who oversaw the improper collection of some 900
background files.
Jim Leach: Leach, an Iowa House Republican, accused the RTC of stonewalling on Whitewater documents in March 1994
during a floor speech. In July 1995, as the new chairman of the House Banking committee, Leach led a new set of House
hearings into White House-Treasury contacts which featured Jean Lewis’ dramatic allegations of administration interference.
Jean Lewis: Formerly on the Resolution Trust Corporation team investigating Whitewater and Madison, Lewis resigned after
telling House lawmakers there was “a concerted effort to obstruct, hamper, and manipulate the results of our investigation of
Madison” by top RTC officials. Testifying under oath, Lewis said her superiors at RTC altered criminal referrals she prepared.
Bruce Lindsey: A longtime Arkansas associate, Lindsey attended Georgetown University with Bill Clinton and came to the
White House where he has functioned a top if somewhat inconspicuous political advisor. He became noticed more after
Starr named him an unindicted co-conspirator in the second Whitewater trial, on allegations Lindsey arranged meetings between
then-Gov. Clinton and Arkansas banker Robert Hill, one of the defendants.
James McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton Whitewater partner, McDougal was convicted in the first Whitewater trial of
essentially using his now-defunct savings and loan, Madison Guaranty, as a piggy bank for his various business schemes,
among them the Whitewater land development. After being convicted on 18 felony counts, McDougal began to cooperate with
Starr’s investigation in August 1996 in exchange for a reduced prison sentence. Initially facing 84 years, he was sentenced to a
three-year term. McDougal died March 8, 1998 of an apparent heart attack while incarerated at a Bureau of Prisons medical
facility in Fort Worth, Texas.
Susan McDougal: She was convicted along with her former husband James and former Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker in the
original Whitewater case. But before she began serving her two-year sentence, she was slapped with another 18 months’ worth
of jail time for contempt of court after refusing to testify before Starr ‘s Little Rock federal grand jury. In 1998, a federal
judge, citing medical reasons, reduced her two-year sentence to time served and she was released from prison. She
was acquitted in November 1998 of charges that she embezzled from her former employer, conductor Zubin Mehta. In
numerous jailhouse interviews, Mrs. McDougal has said Starr is unscrupulously pursuing Clinton for partisan ends.Before her
1999 trial on criminal contempt and obstruction charges, she said Starr was on a “personal vendetta” against her.
Mack McLarty: Former White House chief of staff, McLarty denied Hillary Clinton was behind the firing of the White House
travel office staff, though his notes cited “HRC pressure” regarding Travelgate. In a letter to Ken Starr, House Government
Reform and Oversight chairman William Clinger (now retired) said McLarty may have committed perjury regarding Travelgate
and the FBI files matter. McLarty was later named by President Clinton as special envoy to the Americas. He left the
administration in June 1998.
Bernard Nussbaum: Hillary Clinton’s former boss on the Senate Watergate Committee, Nussbaum joined the Clinton
Administration as White House counsel. He reluctantly resigned over allegations of improper contact with officials
investigating the Clinton’s involvement with the failed Madison Guaranty. Nussbaum was subsequently ensnared in the FBI
files flap, and Starrwas following up on a Republican congressional report which said Nussbaum may have perjured himself to
hide an “aggressive damage-control operation” that obscured the involvement of top adminstration officials.
Charles C. F.Ruff: — Becoming President Clinton’s fifth White House counsel in January, Ruff, a former Watergate
prosecutor, took over the job from Jack Quinn who resigned in December 1996. Ruff defended the Clintons throughout the
Whitewater scandal and was one of President Clinton’s main defense attorneys when he was impeached by the House of
Representatives for the Monica Lewinsky affair. He also helped successfully defend the president against conviction in the
Paul Sarbanes: A Democratic senator from Maryland, Sarbanes was the ranking member of the Senate Whitewater Committee.
He and his Democratic colleagues concluded the Clintons and their associates had not engaged in any wrongdoing.
Ken Starr: Formerly the solicitor general for President George Bush, Starr replaced New York attorney Robert Fiske as
independent counsel in August 1994. Though he has had a reputation for fairness, Starr, a Republican, has been pounded by
critics who say he is motivated by politics. Starr may not have helped his image by maintaining private clients with interests
opposed to the Clinton Administration, and by addressing conservative groups. Perhaps even more damaging was his flip-flop
over a possible departure from the Office of the Independent Counsel in 1997. After word leaked he had accepted the deanship
of Pepperdine law school, Starr reversed himself four days later and promised to remain with the investigation. His
investigations of Clinton were expanded in January 1998 to cover the Monica Lewinsky affair. After nearly a year
of investigation, Starr turned in a referral to Congress on his probe, which led to the impeachent of the president by the House
of Representatives. Clinton was acquitted of the impeachment charges in the subsequent Senate trial.
Julie Hiatt Steele: Steele testified in Susan McDougal’s criminal contempt and obstruction trial because she also is under
indictment by Starr and claims, like McDougal, that Starr’s prosecutors wanted her to lie. Steele became involved in Starr’s
investigation into the Monica Lewinsky affair after she initially backed allegations by White House volunteer Kathleen Willey
that President Bill Clinton made an unwanted sexual advance toward Willey. But Steele later retracted her story in an affidavit
filed in the Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit and during testimony before two federal grand juries. She was then indicted
by Starr and has pleaded innocent to three counts of obstruction of justice and one count of making a false statement.
Josh Steiner: Formerly Treasury chief of staff at the tender age of 28, Steiner essentially told Senate investigars he had lied to
his diary, which said Clinton “was furious” at Roger Altman’s decision to recuse himself. “Persuaded George [Stephanopoulos]
that firing him [the RTC investigator] would be incredibly stupid and improper,” the notes read. “I wish that my diary was more
accurate,” Steiner told incredulous Republicans and sympathetic Democrats.
Susan Thomases: A close friend and former Children’s Defense Fund colleague of Hillary Clinton, Thomases, a New York
corporate attorney, was brought on to help the Clintons respond to Whitewater inquiries in 1992. Senate Whitewater
investigators grilled her on the handling of the contents of Vincent Foster’s office immediately following his death, and, citing
184 instances where she claimed memory lapse, referred Thomases to Ken Starr for possible criminal prosecution.
Jim Guy Tucker: Convicted of bank fraud in the first Whitewater trial, Tucker resigned as Arkansas governor shortly after the
verdict came down May 28, 1996. He was sentenced to four years’ probation and probably escaped jail time because of his
failing liver. But he got atransplanted liver in December 1996. Tucker then plead guilty Feburay 1998 to not disclosing the sale
of a Florida cable television business when filing for bankruptcy in Texas in the 1980s in a case brought by Whitewater
Independent Counsel Ken Starr.
Maggie Williams: Formerly the first lady’s chief of staff, Williams was grilled by Senate Whitewater investigators on whether
she shepherded documents out of Vincent Foster’s office the night he died. Williams volunteered for and passed two lie detector
tests backing up her statements, and though Senate Whitewater investigators were suspicious, they did not refer Williams to
Ken Starr for possible criminal investigation
Spot Dog loves to eat Illuminati, Zionists, Satanist, Lying Media Whores and Corrupt Politicians.
Hillary Clinton why she barking like a dog?
Stew Webb Whistle blower Federal Grand Jury Demand against Kerre Millman, Leonard Millman, Elaine Millman, Larry
Mizel, Norman Brownstein, George HW Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and others.

Husband of Prosecutor Investigating Pedophile and Child Rapist Bill Clinton Assassinated
Hillary Clinton Lesbian Demon Pedophile and Child Rapist
Seattle TV interviews Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb
Ashley Williams To Hillary Clinton I Am Not A Super Predator
Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason
Hillary Clinton Racist
Hillary Clinton Assassination Teams Revealed in Emails
Bush – Millman – Clinton Zionist Organized Crime Family Flow Chart (1)
FRAUDS ARE US AT MDC-NYSE The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection
Stew Webb Radio Network
Listen Live
US Intel Breaking News
Listen live by phone

Hillary Clinton Now Fingered as

Lesbian Racist Crooked Bank
By Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that, as of this hour, alleged ISIS aka the Israeli Secret Intelligence
Services, along with the NAZI Paperclip Bush-Clinton-Obama-CIA-NSA Crime Family Syndicate, have activated forty-five
(45) U.S. domestic assassination teams on American soil to coordinate the murders of thousands of patriotic American citizens
who are described as “loud mouths” and who know too much and are opposed to the illegal, un- Constitutional occupation of
the United States of America by this treasonous filth that began in earnest with the year 2000 election coup d’état against the
American People.

We can also report that current presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, is being blackmailed and
physically threatened, along with being bribed, to ignore the massive Clinton scandals of the 1990s, including “True Colors”
assassinations, massive arms and narcotics and foreign currency money laundry, along with pedophile rape by then President
William Jefferson Clinton, and finally lesbian pedophile sex with 9-year old girls by then First Lady Hillary Rodenhurst

Note: Bill Clinton’s rape of Juanita Broaddrick and Hildabeast’s lesbian sex with then White House prostitute Susan during the
1990s, including Hillary’s lesbian sex with a 9-year old girl Cathy O’Brien back in earlier times.

Hillary Clinton Lesbian Demon Pedophile and Child Rapist

Item: All of this was covered up by Clinton era Independent Counsel Bush Crime Family crony Kenneth Starr and then
Republican Speaker of the House, another pedophile, Newt Gingrich, Republican of Georgia as to protect the Bush-Clinton-
CIA-Israeli Mossad Crime Syndicate and keep then Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born
President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee from taking office as the Constitution requires.

We can also report that the individuals currently bribing and blackmailing Donald Trump include known homosexual and Nazi
Jew neocon Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, as well as former Republican presidential nominee, Mormon
pedophile Mitt Romney (his grandfather was married to as many as 50 13-15 year old girls in Utah) and Bush Crime Family
crony, year 2000 election stealer, neocon Nazi James Baker III.
Today in Utah Romney and Baker had a secret meeting, along with rogue FBI Division 5 agent and domestic “True Colors”
assassination teams coordinator “Kraig Stonestreet”.

P.S. At this hour we can report that Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, who recently met with Nazi Jew neocon
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Moscow, was offered a $70 million bribe by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu from secret CIA proprietary accounts in the nation of Switzerland, along with a massive natural gas contract for the
Putin-controlled Russian Gasprom energy company headquartered in the Russian Federation, to hold back the 20,000 emails
tied to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s HIGH TREASON involving her use of a private email server, which actually put forty-seven
(47) U.S. intelligence officers at risk of being assassinated reference their own investigation of junior fagot George W. Bush
FRAUD’s TREASONOUS illegal, un- Constitutional war in Iraq that has destabilized the entire Middle East for the rest of our

In closing, BiBi Netanyahu also asked Putin to withhold and even delete the electronic evidence that the Russian Federation
was able to acquire through NSA whistle blower patriot Edward Snowden proving categorically without a shadow of a doubt
that in the year 2000 presidential election then Vice President now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. actually
won the election by three (3) million popular votes, not a half million; and not only won Florida by a comfortable margin but
also won the states of Missouri, New Hampshire, West Virginia and his home state of Tennessee.

Finally we can divulge that our great ally of over 200 years, the Republic of France, has copies of all of this material evidence,
including photographs of Hillary Clinton’s lesbian sex inside the White House, junior George W. Bush FRAUD’s homosexual
sex inside the White House (with White House prostitute body builder Jeff Gannon) and current FOREIGN BORN illegal
White House occupant, CIA Kenya stooge Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro engaged in hot homosexual oral sex with his then
lover Larry Sinclair of Chicago, Illinois in 1998 while they were snorting cocaine.

Reference: Obama’s nickname back then was “Barry bathhouse”.

Stay tune, folks, lock-n-load, protect your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights and be prepared to take whatever methods are
necessary to liberate this country from occupation with immediate re-implementation of Constitutional Rule of Law.
Hillary Clinton Crimes Reach New Low With Mass Theft From Poor American Blacks
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An absolutely stunning Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is alleging that American
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is behind the rollout to US police departments of a new computer scanning device that
allows police officers to immediately seize all the money from the bank debit cards of millions of poor American blacks and
keep it for themselves unless these victims can prove they have a legitimate reason to have their own money—but will not
affect the wealthiest people in the US who use credit cards.
According to this report, SVR criminal analysts deciphering the Panama Papers discovered this massive crime against
America’s poorest citizens by tracking the multiple links between some of the world’s most notorious criminals, Bill and
Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation—and described as the illegal money raising apparatus for the Clinton’s that goes
under various names including the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Health Access Initiative and the
William J. Clinton Foundation.

As of 2015, this report continues, the Clinton’s through their many foundations have gained for themselves a staggering $3
billion, and that even today one of the leading independent groups that track charities – Charity Navigator – has been unable to
determine where these billions of dollars went and says it has “determined that this charity’s atypical business model cannot be
accurately captured in our current rating methodology.”

In spite of Hillary Clinton having already amassed billions in wealth, however, this report notes, in 2011 she began her latest
criminal scheme to steal from the black peoples of America when she was Secretary of State and had forwarded to her illegal
private email server a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) document titled Mobile Payments and the Global
Remittance of Funds written by one of America’s most secretive computer experts named T. Jack Williams. [Note: Virtually
unknown to the America people, Russia retains in its possession all of Hillary Clinton’s emails the SVR obtained from her
private server.]
1. Jack Williams, this report explains, is credited with creating and implementing the world’s first electronic gift card
program, as well as the launch of the successful Blockbuster Visa co-branded credit card, and the 50 million members
Universal Membership Loyalty Card and is the president of Paymentcard Services, Inc. that was established in 2009 and
incorporated in Texas and “employs a staff of approximately 1”.

T. Jack Williams, partner with Hillary Clinton in ERAD Group, Inc.

After reading T. Jack William’s report to ICE, though, this report continues, and as the Panama Papers document, Secretary
Clinton, in 2012, through her Clinton Foundation, enabled him to create a company called ERAD Group, Inc. that was
immediately awarded a prime development contract to provide the US Department of Homeland Security, Advanced
Technology Directorate, with a prepaid access card reader solution to process prepaid debit cards at time of arrest.

And even though the US Department of Homeland Security paid T. Jack William’s and Hillary Clinton’s new EARD Group
company to develope this access card reader, this report notes, this year they, instead, began licensing it to local American
police departments—and as evidenced by the contract T. Jack William personally signed with the State of Oklahoma on 3 April

Most insidious about this T. Jack Williams-Hillary Clinton contract signed with the State of Oklahoma, this report explains, is
that aside from the State having to pay the ERAD Group $5,000 for the software and scanners, they then have to pay the ERAD
Group 7.7 percent of all the cash their police forces seize from the poorest Americans bank debit cards—the majority of whom
are black—and which the Washington Post commented on by saying: “Sorry, but that sort of arrangement is shady. As we’ve
seen with traffic cameras, private probation and other areas of criminal justice, giving a private company a cut of seized assets is
an arrangement rife with bad incentives and ripe for corruption.”
SVR analysts in this report concur with the Washington Post’s assessment of this corrupt scheme allowing T. Jack Williams and
Hillary Clinton to steal from the poorest citizens of America and further note that the America Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
has, likewise condemned this practice by stating: “Police abuse of civil asset forfeiture laws has shaken our nation’s conscience.
Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need
not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the

And in, perhaps, her greatest show of arrogance and contempt of America’s poor black people she is now profiting from by
stealing their money with her partner in crime T. Jack Williams, this report concludes, Hillary Clinton has now been shown
wearing a $12,495 Giorgio Armani coat during a speech she gave recently while addressing the topic of income inequality—
which is, by definition, the most racist thing any American politician has done in modern times.

Champion of the poor Hillary Clinton wearing $12,495 Giorgio Armani coat during speech on the topic of income
Spot Dog loves to eat Illuminati, Zionists, Satanist, Lying Media Whores and Corrupt Politicians.
Hillary Clinton why she barking like a dog?
Stew Webb Whistle blower Federal Grand Jury Demand against Kerre Millman, Leonard Millman, Elaine Millman, Larry
Mizel, Norman Brownstein, George HW Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and others.

Husband of Prosecutor Investigating Pedophile and Child Rapist Bill Clinton Assassinated
Hillary Clinton Lesbian Demon Pedophile and Child Rapist
Seattle TV interviews Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb
Ashley Williams To Hillary Clinton I Am Not A Super Predator
Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason
Hillary Clinton Racist
Hillary Clinton Assassination Teams Revealed in Emails
Bush – Millman – Clinton Zionist Organized Crime Family Flow Chart (1)
FRAUDS ARE US AT MDC-NYSE The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection
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#DropoutHillary number 1 on twitter

Hillary Clinton finally hit the top Trending on Twitter Thursday May 5th 2016 the number 1 Twitter feed was #DropOutHillary

Ashley Williams To Hillary Clinton I Am Not A Super Predator
Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason
Stew Webb Whistleblower Grand Jury Demand against Hillary Clinton Jeb Bush and others
Hillary Clinton why she barking like a dog?

Clinton aides promised to protect

‘marked and unmarked’ classified

By Julian Hattem – 06/02/16 01:01 PM EDT

The Republican National Committee (RNC) on Thursday released classified nondisclosure agreements signed by a pair
of Hillary Clinton‘s State Department aides in which they promised to protect classified information.
The release of the documents from Jacob Sullivan and Bryan Pagliano comes hours before Clinton is set to deliver a major
national security address attacking presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, and appear to be designed to
undercut her claims to be the most responsible steward of American power.

“Hillary Clinton endangered our national security and created a culture where top staffers went rogue, silenced career officials
and hid a reckless email scheme that placed her political ambitions above all else,” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said in a
statement. “These records show that like Clinton, her closest aides did not meet their responsibilities to protect classified
information regardless of whether it was marked.”

The agreements show that Sullivan — a top adviser who now works on Clinton’s presidential campaign — and Pagliano — the
IT aide believed to have set up and maintained Clinton’s controversial private server — swore to protect “marked or unmarked
classified information, including email communications.”

Sullivan sent more than 800 emails that now include information marked as classified, according to the State Department. None
of those emails were marked as classified at the time they were sent.

Pagliano, meanwhile, is believed to have been the point man responsible for the server’s upkeep and functioning throughout
Clinton’s time as secretary of State. On Wednesday, his lawyers disclosed that he would refuse to answer questions as part of
an ongoing lawsuit connected to Clinton’s email setup.

The FBI is currently investigating Clinton’s server and the possibility that classified information was mishandled.

The RNC’s release is a clear ploy to counterbalance her attacks on Trump, a businessman with no foreign policy experience.
Clinton’s inability to calm the furor surrounding her email arrangement has exposed a vulnerability ahead of this fall’s general

Husband of Prosecutor Investigating Pedophile and Child Rapist Bill Clinton Assassinated
Hillary Clinton Lesbian Demon Pedophile and Child Rapist
Seattle TV interviews Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb
Ashley Williams To Hillary Clinton I Am Not A Super Predator
Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason
Hillary Clinton Racist
Hillary Clinton Assassination Teams Revealed in Emails

Spot Dog loves to eat Illuminati, Zionists, Satanist, Lying Media Whores and Corrupt Politicians.

Hillary Clinton why she barking like a dog?
Stew Webb Whistle blower Federal Grand Jury Demand against Kerre Millman, Leonard Millman, Elaine Millman, Larry
Mizel, Norman Brownstein, George HW Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and others.
Bush – Millman – Clinton Zionist Organized Crime Family Flow Chart (1)
FRAUDS ARE US AT MDC-NYSE The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection
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Hillary Clinton the CIA Agent Fired

From Watergate Committee

By Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb

It can now be reported that the U.S. Military in Washington, D.C. has evidence linking Hillary Clinton to spying on the
Watergate Committee of the early 1970s and its Chairman Peter Rodino Hillary Clinton a CIA Asset at the time was spying on
the Committee on behalf of her handler George Herbert Walker Bush, subject matter Watergate Burglar and the President John
F. Kennedy November 22, 1963 Dallas, Texas Delay Plaza tramp E. Howard Hunt.

Note: Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton remain a CIA couple, Bill actually spied on Vietnam anti war protesters
while a student in Great Britain with his CIA handler none other than George Herbert Walker Bush.

Bill Clinton was forced to leave the UK or face serial rape charges of 2 women that Bill Clinton attacked.

Bill Clinton had CIA diplomatic immunity both women still fear for their lives from Hillary Clinton’s CIA – Israeli Mossad
assassination teams.

Note: Gary Best true colors.

By Johnny Simpson
Apr 2, 2008 in Politics

The former general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary during the Watergate
investigation, says her history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.

Hillary Clinton has been taking a lot of heat lately over the Bosnia sniper misfire, for which she has been derided and ridiculed
by all but the most staunch of her supporters. It has even inspired the above YouTube video, which recently surpassed
Now comes this bombshell from Jerry Zeifman, who supervised a much younger Hillary Clinton when she worked as a staffer
for the Watergate committee:

‘A lifelong Democrat, Mr. Zeifman supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job
working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief
counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and
refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-
year career.’


“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to
violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.’
Mr. Zeifman also had this to say about a Hillary campaign rally in Connecticut in early February of this year:

‘I have just seen Hillary Clinton and her former Yale law professor both in tears at a campaign rally here in my home state of
Connecticut. Her tearful professor said how proud he was that his former student was likely to become our next President.
Hillary responded in tears.’

‘My own reaction was of regret that, when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her
unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations.’

This is no small potatoes, like the cattle futures dustoff. From Mr.Zeifman’s account, Hillary and others on the Committee,
including former senior associate special counsel (and future Clinton White House Counsel) Bernard Nussbaum – engaged in a
seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation by stealing Judiciary
Committee files on the only precedent case that could have stonewalled their plot and drafting a legal brief that, according to
Mr. Ziefman, “was so fraudulent and ridiculous Hillary would have been disbarred if she had submitted it to a judge.”
Things were already very tough for the former First Lady. Her ex-President husband has not exactly been helping her on the
campaign trail recently, and she is no doubt wondering what kind of artillery the dreaded Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is
waiting to fire at her in the general election, should she make it that far.
This last torpedo, from a lifelong Democrat no less, may just be the one that sinks the Good Ship Hillary and her dreams of the
presidency, which only a year ago looked like a cakewalk.
Though a year can be an eternity in politics, Hillary knows probably better than anyone (except maybe her husband) that
political fortunes can turn overnight. A catastrophic world event, or any more nuclear political bombs dropped onto Obama’s
head between now and the convention, such as even more devastating news vis-a-vis the volatileJeremiah Wright, whom even
former Democratic New York Mayor Ed Koch has roundly condemned, can make this and the Bosnia Sniper Misfire recede in
the minds of the electorate, whose memories can be exceedingly short on such matters as events develop.
It’s going to be a lively one on the Democrat side. Perhaps even more so than the chaos and turmoil at the 1968 Democratic
Convention in Chicago. Perhaps more than any other in American political history. One can only wonder what is going through
Senator John McCain’s head during these cyclone-like twists and turns for both Democratic candidates. I can only imagine they
are inspiring some very wide grins.

Stay tuned, people. This one isn’t over. Not by a long shot.
Read more:
Hillary Clinton Fired From Watergate Committee

Spot Dog loves eating Illuminati, Zionists, Satanists and Lying Media Whores and pisses acid on their remains.
Hillary Clinton why she barking like a dog?
Lesbian Jew Hillary Clinton her Devil Worshiping Emails
Hillary Clinton email network a private intelligence operation
Hillary Clinton email servers Israeli Espionage Exposed
Panama Papers Could End Lesbian Demon Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
Stew Webb Whistle blower Federal Grand Jury Demand against Kerre Millman, Leonard Millman, Elaine Millman,
Larry Mizel, Norman Brownstein, George HW Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and others.
Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason
Hillary Clinton Assassination Teams Revealed in Emails
Hillary Clinton involved in Corruption says Donald Trump
Bill Ayers and Communist Party USA Protesting Donald Trump for Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton likes killing people says Julian Assange
Hillary Clinton a Lesbian Jew
Hillary Clinton had several abortions kept Chelsea for political appearances
Rodger Stone Claims Hillary Clinton Murder John F Kennedy Jr
Bush Clinton Tied to JFK Jr Assassination
Lesbo Demon Hillary Clinton is out to shred Second Amendment
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Hillary Clinton Freed Rapist
Laughed About It

Hillary Clinton Freed Rapist Knew He Was Guilty Laughed About It.

Hillary Clinton Accused Victim a12 year old girl of fantasizing about older men.


The Hillary Clinton Tapes

Clinton tells of defense of child rapist in newly unearthed recordings

Hillary Clinton 1975

BY: Alana Goodman
In 1975, the same year she married Bill, Hillary Clinton agreed to serve as the court-appointed attorney for Thomas
Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old accused of raping the child after luring her into a car.
The recordings, which date from 1983-1987 and have never before been reported, include Clinton’s suggestion that she knew
Taylor was guilty at the time. She says she used a legal technicality to plead her client, who faced 30 years to life in prison,
down to a lesser charge. The recording and transcript, along with court documents pertaining to the case, are embedded below.
The full story of the Taylor defense calls into question Clinton’s narrative of her early years as a devoted women and children’s
advocate in Arkansas—a narrative the 2016 presidential frontrunner continues to promote on her current book tour.
Her comments on the rape trial are part of more than five hours of unpublished interviews conducted by Arkansas reporter Roy
Reed with then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton and his wife in the mid-1980s.
The interviews, archived at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, were intended for anEsquire magazine profile that was
never published, and offer a rare personal glimpse of the couple during a pivotal moment in their political careers.
But Hillary Clinton’s most revealing comments—and those most likely to inflame critics—concern the decades-old rape case.

‘The Prosecutor Had Evidence’

Twenty-seven-year-old Hillary Rodham had just moved to Fayetteville, and was running the
University of Arkansas’ newly-formed legal aid clinic, when she received a call from prosecutor
Mahlon Gibson.
“The prosecutor called me a few years ago, he said he had a guy who had been accused of rape, and
the guy wanted a woman lawyer,” said Clinton in the interview. “Would I do it as a favor for him?”
The case was not easy. In the early hours of May 10, 1975, the Springdale, Arkansas police
department received a call from a nearby hospital. It was treating a 12-year-old girl who said she
had been raped.
The suspect was identified as Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old factory worker and friend of the
girl’s family.
And though the former first lady mentioned the ethical difficulties of the case in Living History, her
written account some three decades later is short on details and has a far different tone than the
“It was a fascinating case, it was a very interesting case,” Clinton says in the recording. “This guy
was accused of raping a 12-year-old. Course he claimed that he didn’t, and all this stuff” (LISTEN
Describing the events almost a decade after they had occurred, Clinton’s struck a casual and
complacent attitude toward her client and the trial for rape of a minor.
“I had him take a polygraph, which he passed – which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,”
she added with a laugh.
Clinton can also be heard laughing at several points when discussing the crime lab’s accidental
destruction of DNA evidence that tied Taylor to the crime.
From a legal ethics perspective, once she agreed to take the case, Clinton was required to defend
her client to the fullest even if she did believe he was guilty.
“We’re hired guns,” Ronald D. Rotunda, a professor of legal ethics at Chapman University, told
theWashington Free Beacon. “We don’t have to believe the client is innocent…our job is to
represent the client in the best way we can within the bounds of the law.”
However, Rotunda said, for a lawyer to disclose the results of a client’s polygraph and guilt is a
potential violation of attorney-client privilege.
“You can’t do that,” he said. “Unless the client says: ‘You’re free to tell people that you really
think I’m a scumbag, and the only reason I got a lighter sentence is because you’re a really clever
Clinton was suspended from the Arkansas bar in March of 2002 for failing to keep up with
continuing legal education requirements, according to Arkansas judicial records.
Public records provide few details of what happened on the night in question. The Washington
County Sherriff’s Office, which investigated the case after the Springdale Police Department
handled the initial arrest, said it was unable to provide an incident report since many records from
that time were not maintained and others were destroyed in a flood.
A lengthy yet largely overlooked 2008 Newsday story focused on Clinton’s legal strategy of
attacking the credibility of the 12-year-old victim.
The girl had joined Taylor and two male acquaintances, including one 15-year-old boy she had a
crush on, on a late-night trip to the bowling alley, according to Newsday.
Taylor drove the group around in his truck, pouring the girl whisky and coke on the way.
The group later drove to a “weedy ravine” near the highway where Taylor raped the 12-year-old.
Around 4 a.m., the girl and her mother went to the hospital, where she was given medical tests and
reported that she had been assaulted.
Taylor was arrested on May 13, 1975. The court initially appointed public defender John Barry
Baker to serve as his attorney. But Taylor insisted he wanted a female lawyer.
The lawyer he would end up with: Hillary Rodham.
According to court documents, the prosecution’s case was based on testimony from the 12-year-old
girl and the two male witnesses as well as on a “pair of men’s undershorts taken from the defendant
In a July 28, 1975, court affidavit, Clinton wrote that she had been informed the young girl was
“emotionally unstable” and had a “tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing.”
“I have also been told by an expert in child psychology that children in early adolescence tend to
exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences and that adolescents in disorganized families, such as
the complainant’s, are even more prone to exaggerate behavior,” Clinton said.
Clinton said the child had “in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had
attacked her body” and that the girl “exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does
not get her way.”
But the interview reveals that an error by the prosecution would render unnecessary these attacks
on the credibility of a 12-year-old rape victim.
‘We had a lot of fun with Maupin’

“You know, what was sad about it,” Clinton told Reed, “was that the prosecutor had
evidence, among which was [Taylor’s] underwear, which was bloody.”
Clinton wrote in Living History that she was able to win a plea deal for her client after she obtained
forensic testimony that “cast doubt on the evidentiary value of semen and blood samples collected
by the sheriff’s office.”
She did that by seizing on a missing link in the chain of evidence. According to Clinton’s
interview, the prosecution lost track of its own forensic evidence after the testing was complete.
“The crime lab took the pair of underpants, neatly cut out the part that they were gonna test, tested
it, came back with the result of what kind of blood it was what was mixed in with it – then sent the
pants back with the hole in it to evidence,” said Clinton(LISTEN HERE). “Of course the crime lab
had thrown away the piece they had cut out.”
Clinton said she got permission from the court to take the underwear to a renowned forensics expert
in New York City to see if he could confirm that the evidence had been invalidated.
“The story through the grape vine was that if you could get [this investigator] interested in the case
then you had the foremost expert in the world willing to testify, so maybe it came out the way you
wanted it to come out,” she said.
She said the investigator examined the cut-up underwear and told her there was not enough blood
left on it to test.
When Clinton returned to Arkansas, she said she gave the prosecutor a clipping of the New York
forensic investigator’s “Who’s Who.”
“I handed it to Gibson, and I said, ‘Well this guy’s ready to come up from New York to prevent this
miscarriage of justice,’” said Clinton, breaking into laughter.
“So we were gonna plea bargain,” she continued.
When she went before Judge Cummings to present the plea, he asked her to leave the room while
he interrogated her client, she said.
“I said, ‘Judge I can’t leave the room, I’m his lawyer,’” said Clinton, laughing. “He said, ‘I know
but I don’t want to talk about this in front of you.’”
“So that was Maupin [Cummings], we had a lot of fun with Maupin,” Clinton added.
Reed asked what happened to the rapist.
“Oh, he plea bargained. Got him off with time served in the county jail, he’d been in the county jail
forabout two months,” said Clinton.
When asked why Taylor wanted a female lawyer, Clinton responded, “Who knows. Probably saw a
TV show. He just wanted one.”
Taylor, who pleaded to unlawful fondling of a chid, was sentenced to one year in prison, with two
months reduced for time served. He died in 1992.

‘Is This About That Rape of Me?’

Neither Reed nor a spokesman for Hillary Clinton returned a request for comment.
The Taylor case was a minor episode in the lengthy career of Clinton, who writes inLiving History,
before moving on to other topics, that the trial inspired her co-founding of the first rape crisis
hotline in Fayetteville.
Clinton and her supporters highlight her decades of advocacy on behalf of women and children,
from her legal work at the Children’s Defense Fund to her women’s rights initiatives at the Bill,
Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
And yet there are parallels between the tactics Clinton employed to defend Taylor and the tactics
she, her husband, and their allies have used to defend themselves against accusations of
wrongdoing over the course of their three decades in public life.
In the interview with Reed, Clinton does not mention the hotline, nor does she discuss the plight
of the 12-year-old girl who had been attacked.
Now 52, the victim resides in the same town where she was born.
Divorced and living alone, she blames her troubled life on the attack. She was in prison for check
forgery to pay for her prior addiction to methamphetamines whenNewsday interviewed her in
2008. The story says she harbored no ill will toward Clinton.
According to her, that is not the case.
“Is this about that rape of me?” she asked when a Free Beacon reporter knocked on her door and
requested an interview.
Declining an interview, she nevertheless expressed deep and abiding hostility toward
the Newsdayreporter who spoke to her in 2008—and toward her assailant’s defender, Hillary
Rodham Clinton.

Listen to the audio:

Read the full case file:
State of Arkansas V. Thomas Alfred Taylor by Washington Free Beacon
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Husband of Prosecutor
Investigating Pedophile and Child
Rapist Bill Clinton Assassinated

Bill Clinton Pedophile and Child Rapist

By Tom Henegan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that the Clinton-Bush ‘True Colors’ Gary Best-CIA-Israeli Mossad
domestic assassination teams have once again become operational on American soil putting at risk patriotic American citizens
who have been opposed and been the resistance to the Clinton-Bush dictatorship that has destroyed the U.S. Constitution, looted
the U.S. Treasury and wrecked our American way of life.

The SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION must continue and be prepared to take the Revolution to the next level.

Husband Of Prosecutor Investigating Bill Clinton For child Sex Charges Gunned Down
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A shocking new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is
alleging that an elite team of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) assassins controlled by President
Obama have gunned down the husband of a US prosecutor who was preparing to charge former
President William (Bill) Clinton with crimes relating to his having had sex with an underage girl
child kept as a sex slave by hisclose personal billionaire friend Jeffery Epstein.
According to this report, the SVR regularly monitors the locations and activities of these CIA “hit
squads” that in 2013 were described by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist for the New York
Times, Mark Mazzetti (in his book titled The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a
War at the Ends of the Earth), as beingPresident Obama’s “personal army” who he has
authorized to have “unfettered assassination authority”.

On 31 May, this report continues, SVR “electronic/telephonic/satellite” surveillance of one of these

CIA “hit squads” detected their movement from [удалить местоположение] to the Atlanta,
Georgia, region where they then “operated/mission worked” until the early morning hours of 1 June
then departed. [Note:Some words appearing in quotes in this report are English language
approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
In the “exact/near similar” location this CIA “hit squad” had been operating in, this report notes,
and shortly after their departure from the Atlanta region, local police officers were called and
discovered the body of Shahriar Zolfaghari who was the husband of Georgia’s statewide prosecutor
for human traffickingCamila Wright—and whom Atlanta Police Major Adam Lee III reported had
been shot twice in the chest at close range and said: “It’s a mystery as to why someone would harm
Shahriar Zolfaghari (left) with his wife Georgia’s statewide prosecutor for human trafficking Camila Wright (right)

This SVR report, however, states that the “possible/supposed” reason for Zolfaghari’s killing was a
“death message” to his wife Camila to stop her from charging former President Clinton with child
sex crimes and to cease her sex trafficking investigation all together.
As to Prosecutor Wright’s exact criminal case against President Clinton, this report explains, it
involves the “contracting/deal making” with a number of underage female girls living in the
Atlanta region by New York-British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell,Sarah Kellen and Nada
Marcinkova—all three of whom were tasked by convicted pedophile, and billionaire, Jeffery
Epstein to procure underage sex slaves for his private Caribbean island compound known as
“Pedophile Island” that catered to the world’s rich and famous, including President Clinton and
Prince Andrew.
Ghislaine Maxwell, who has been labeled as “Epstein’s pimp mama”, this report continues, was the main
“dealmaker/contractor” for the underage Atlanta female sex slaves preferred by her close friend President Clinton during his
visits to “Pedophile Island”—and which recently discovered flight log reportshave shown him visiting numerous times,
and many without his Secret Service detail.

Ghislaine Maxwell is a good friend of President Bill Clinton and can be seen on the right at his daughter Chelsea’s
wedding in July 2010
To if Prosecutor Wright will succumb to the Obama regimes “death message” and drop her planned
sex crime charges against President Clinton (and by extension many other American elites who
were also “serviced” by Epstein’s underage female sex slaves) this report doesn’t speculate upon—
but does note that in the past, especially where the Clinton’s are concerned, if one murder won’t
work, many others will soon follow.
Jeffrey Epstein Paedophile Network – ‘SCANDAL Of The MILLENNIUM’
The Most Radioactive ‘SCANDAL Of The MILLENNIUM’

TMR Editor’s Note:

This story is perhaps the single most “Radioactive Scandal of the Millennium”.

It involves the House of Windsor and the Clinton political dynasty, a powerful Neocon Harvard-affiliated attorney and both
presumptive GOP and Democrat presidential nominees.

What makes this story SO RADIOACTIVE is that an extremely dangerous and extraordinary legal precedent was set…in posh
and swanky Palm Beach, Florida. Simply explained, a plea bargain was negotiated for convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein of
which radically departed from all generally accepted principles and protocols that are routinely adhered to within the U.S.
criminal justice system. The following short video reveals the essential legal facts by a Florida attorney who is very close to the

VIDEO: Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Non-Prosecution Deal’ Exposed

As matter of historical fact, the true back story to Mr. Epstein’s absolutely incredible “non-prosecution agreement” with federal
prosecutors is so off the charts that it will not go away. In all likelihood it will not go away until those who negotiated it on
behalf of the government answer for their actions.

At the end of the day, this is the type of system-shattering event that has the potential to really bring down the whole System.
When the political corruption and judicial misconduct is so blatant and in your face, the inevitable blowback can often be fast
and furious.

TMR Prediction:
Look out for this one! You know how every generation has its major scandal(s). Watergate. Iran-Contra Affair. The Clinton-
Lewinsky Saga. Obama’s Birth Certificate. Emailgate. Servergate. 2016 now has yet another to add to Emailgate and
Servergate. The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal has all the combustible ingredients and serious powerful players to blow up in a Palm
Beach flash. For the uninitiated there are some very good reasons why the underlying gross miscarriage of justice will not go
unaddressed. And that it may even go all the way up the flagpole, closer to the top, than any which have come before. First,
there are some extremely influential Florida attorneys who have suffered some serious defamation of character for only doing
their job. Powerful attorneys will not stand by and see their reputations ruined by the criminal elite. Secondly, the purposeful
malfeasance on the part of the prosecution is as unrivaled as it is inconceivable. Things like this just don’t happen. They’re not
supposed to happen in America. Thirdly, this made-for-TV Palm Beach blockbuster has every bad actor (read: rich and famous
personality) all in the first ‘episode’. It has all the right elements for a super-blockbuster mini-series, which may just be
produced after all the perps are safely put away in prison. This last point may be the one that causes this story to really go
supernova. Yes, it’s that radioactive because the inner workings of the ruling cabal’s control matrix (and other world elites) has
somehow been compromised, if not graphically exposed. This is NOT ever supposed to happen. Revelations like this are
NEVER supposed to make it into the public domain. And when they do, it can only be by intentional design. Which means the
last ‘episode’ of this ongoing series just might reveal by whose “intentional design”. For that, truly, is the final $64,000 question
that remains to be answered where it concerns the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal.
The Millennium Report

Special Note

This criminal case revolves around an underage sexual favors ring commandeered by one Jeffrey Epstein. There is even a “little
black book” which recorded all the BIG names of those who participated in this long-term pedophilia party. That the ringleader
— Epstein — was offered a sentence that was completely disproportionate to the crimes was bad enough. That the aggrieved
parties or their attorneys did not participate to any degree in the prosecution’s decision process was also completely
unacceptable by any legal standard. Because the final plea bargain was negotiated in total secret, those involved in the process it
seems got caught off guard. That’s why it has taken since 2007 to resolve this criminal justice fiasco. The concerned attorneys
got so blindsided because it appears that they did not know they were up against the world’s most powerful pedophilia network.
Hence, the seriousness of the crimes committed bore no relationship to the punishment meted out.
N.B. The following post teases out in a little more detail just how historic the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal really is. The reference
links at the bottom are particularly telling.

Sunday March 15, 2009

Bernard Madoff and George Soros Linked to Bush-Clinton-Cheney-Mossad-Gary Best

Tom Heneghan Intelligence Briefing


UNITED STATES of America – It can now be reported that new evidence is surfacing linking serial criminal, Ponzi Scheme
artist and Israeli Mossad agent, Bernard Madoff, and international financial terrorist, George Soros, to the funding of former
Vice President Dick Cheney’s assassination teams.
Reference: These assassination teams, which have for years been reported extensively in these intelligence briefings, are the
noted Bush-Clinton-Cheney-Mossad-Gary Best “TRUE COLORS” assassination teams bought and paid for Al Qaeda terrorists
with a major link to the Israeli Mossad.

Note: The Bush-Clinton-Cheney-Mossad-Gary Best “TRUE COLORS” assassination teams date back to the Clinton
Administration’s war in Bosnia and the privatization of U.S. Special Forces under the disguise of former Vice President Dick
Cheney’s Halliburton Corporation.

Halliburton recruited and trained former Mujahideen Al Qaeda fighters to assassinate Serbian Christian leadership opposed to
the U.S. backed Islamic forces.

These Gary Best-mega Mossad teams were then used later for the politically motivated assassinations of former CIA Director
William Colby, Clinton Administration Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, former Republican Congressman Sonny Bono as well
as the late John F. Kennedy Jr.

It should also be noted the failed attempt to assassinate then Vice President, now duly elected year 2000 President Albert Gore
Jr. over the skies of Chicago in 1999.

Item: One must recall that the Clinton Administration aka Bill and Hillary, gave Dick Cheney’s Halliburton the contract to
rebuild Bosnia after the war was over.

We can also remind you, folks, that U.S. Attorney for the District of Northern Illinois, TRAITOR Patrick Fitzgerald, continues
to “SEAL” Federal Grand Jury indictments against former Vice President Dick Cheney, former illegal White House occupant
George W. BushFRAUD, current U.S. Secretary of State and loser, lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and
fugitive Marc Rich’s attorney, Israel Mossad agent Scooter Libby in regards to their links to the assassination teams as well as
financial funding linked to the Bank Crozier in Grenada.

Reference: The sealed indictment against Scooter Libby is one of the reasons illegal White House occupant George W.
BushFRAUD did not pardon Libby at the end of the Bush Administration.

Note: Fitzgerald continues to cover up photographic evidence of loser Hillary making a major withdrawal in 2003 from the
Bank Crozier in Grenada.

We can now divulge that the account Hillary raided dealt with STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds that were laundered through Dick
Cheney’s Halliburton Corporation.

Fitzgerald, who clearly took too much catechism and not enough U.S. Constitution in school, continues to treat the Bush-
Clinton Crime Family Syndicate as infallible figures and spends most of his time looking for patsies like former Illinois
Governor Rod Blagojevich and current U.S. Democratic Illinois Senator Roland Burris.

Fitzgerald, who is in weekly contact with Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate business partner, daddy Bush aka George
Herbert Walker Bush, is also covering up the assassination of Illinois Federal Judge Joan Lefkow’s husband and mother.
We can now divulge that Lefkow was actually investigating misconduct by Fitzgerald in reference to his cover up of the Bush-
Clinton-Mossad-Gary Best “TRUE COLORS” assassination teams.

And, of course, it gets worse!

The U.S. Department of Justice and FBI investigators now have a paper trail linking Israeli Mossad agent Bernard Madoff and
financial terrorist, East German Stasi DVD, Hungarian Intelligence asset and Israeli Mossad agent George Soros to a series of
worldwide “financial black ops” and assassinations.

The headquarters for this activity is in the Eastern European countries of Georgia, Ukraine and Belarus, along with the former
Soviet province of Kazakhstan.

The funding for the Madoff-Soros “financial black ops” and assassinations deal with massive illegal and bogus currency trading
that have links to secret trading platforms headquartered at the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce in Budapest and the
previously mentioned secret London-based Bush-Clinton-Alan Greenspan-Tony Blair illegal trading platform.

All of this has a paper trail directly compromising the entire U.S. Federal Reserve as well as the Bank of New York.

Hillary Clinton Lesbian Demon Pedophile and Child Rapist
Seattle TV interviews Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb
Ashley Williams To Hillary Clinton I Am Not A Super Predator
Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason
Hillary Clinton Racist
Hillary Clinton Assassination Teams Revealed in Emails

Hillary Clinton why she barking like a dog?
Bush – Millman – Clinton Zionist Organized Crime Family Flow Chart (1)
FRAUDS ARE US AT MDC-NYSE The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection
Stew Webb Whistle blower Federal Grand Jury Demand against Kerre Millman, Leonard Millman, Elaine Millman, Larry
Mizel, Norman Brownstein, George HW Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and others.
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Hillary Clinton former Partner Iran

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton are Major Criminals involved in Narcotics Weapons and Murders and are partners with George
HW Bush.

Stew Webb Whistle blower Grand Jury Demand against Hillary Clinton Jeb Bush and others

Lesbian Jew Hillary Clinton her Devil Worshiping Emails
Hillary Clinton email network a private intelligence operation (War Crimes)
Hillary Clinton had several abortions kept Chelsea for political appearances
Hillary Clinton a Lesbian Jew
Hillary Clinton likes killing people says Julian Assange
Hillary Clinton Emails “Greater Israel” and the Yinon Plan
Hillary Clinton Email: Destroy Syria for Israel
Spot Dog loves to eat Illuminati, Zionists, Satanists and lying Media Whores.

Hillary Clinton why she barking like a dog?

The below were conversations with Iran Contra Player Larry Nichols who was a partner with Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton
this is a must listen too if you want to know just some of the truth about Lesbian Demon Hillary Clinton.

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FBI Has Enough Evidence to

Prosecute Hillary Clinton
Report: FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton for Public Corruption

An investigation into possible mishandling of

classified information on Hillary Clinton’s private
email server has expanded to consider whether
Clinton’s work as Secretary overlapped with her
work for the Clinton Foundation run by her family.
Fox News‘ Catherine Herridge published the report, citing unnamed FBI sources,Mondaymorning. The report indicates the
initial security referral looking into whether or not classified information was mishandled has expanded to look at possible
public corruption involving the Clinton Foundation.
The report paints a picture of an internal struggle within the FBI over whether or not to prosecute Clinton. Herridge quotes an
unnamed FBI source saying, “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much
less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.”

One parallel said to be weighing on the FBI is the prosecution of David Petraeus. Petraeus pled guilty to a misdemeanor for
sharing highly classified information with his biographer and lover Paula Broadwell and also for lying to the FBI. A two-year
investigation concluded that none of the classified information ever appeared in Broadwell’s book. Nevertheless, Petraeus’s
treatment was considered a slap on the wrist by some agents within the FBI.

As many as 100 special agents are said to be working on the investigation, including about 50 assigned to work the case on a
temporary basis. Herridge reports the agents have been asked to sign new non-disclosure agreements, possibly to prevent leaks
or because of the classified information being handled in the examination of Clinton’s server.
Over 1,300 documents on Clinton’s server have been deemed classified thus far, with more to come as the State Department
continues to release new emails each month. Two of the emails have been judged to have contained “top secret” material at the
time they were sent. The State Department initially suggested the information in those emails may have come from a parallel
intelligence source but, apparently, dropped that claim. The Department then asked for a review of those classifications in an
attempt to have them downgraded, but a final determination by the Director of National Intelligence found the emails did
contain “top secret” information at the time they were sent.
Clinton’s former IT person, Bryan Pagliano, chose to plead the 5th rather than answer questions about his involvement with
Clinton’s unique email arrangement.
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Lesbo Demon Hillary Clinton is out

to shred Second Amendment

Lesbo Demon Zionist Jew Hillary Clinton is out to shred Second Amendment



$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States

Steep gun tax concept endorsed by Hillary Clinton in
1993 beginning to take hold

Who would be pushing hard for this, funding the

lobbying efforts, and WHY when blatantly against
our Second Amendment rights?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states,
according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which
imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in
1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a
U.S. territory. (The people needing the ability to protect themselves won’t be able to afford this
tax, BUT thecrooks, thieves, rapists and the terrorists won’t have the tax problem, nor the hired
mercenaries, or the rogue make believe ‘government‘. All of them somehow come up with the
money or sources for their weapons MINUS the tax payments to arm themselves against the
American population.)
As reported by the Saipan Tribune:

The administration of Gov. Ralph DLG Torres defended the CNMI’s new gun control laws on
Friday as a law that could be “a role model” for other U.S. states and jurisdictions facing seemingly
uncontrolled and continued gun violence.

The administration was responding to queries regarding its position on recent reports that the a
legal challenge to the new law, Public law 19-42, was likely, particularly over a provision that
assesses a $1,000 excise tax on pistols.
The threat of such a tax serving as a role model for other politicians to impose is not an idle one.
Consider the following:
Seattle Gun and Ammunition Tax: On Jan. 1, 2016, Seattle’s $25 per gun tax took effect, as did a two cent to five cent tax per
round of ammunition. The new taxes have already forced at least one major gun dealer to leave the city.
Cook County, Ill. Gun and Ammunition Tax: On June 1, 2016, Cook County’s new ammunition tax takes effect, at a rate of
one cent to five cents per round of ammunition. The ammo tax comes on top of the existing gun tax regime of $25 per gun.
Hillary Clinton’s 25% Gun Tax Endorsement: In passionate testimony to the Senate Finance Committee in 1993, Hillary
Clinton gave her strong personal endorsement to a new national 25% sales tax on guns and endorsed a steep increase in the gun
dealer fee, to $2,500. “I am speaking personally, but I feel very strongly about that,” said Clinton at the conclusion of her
“The Left is now seeking to tax guns out of existence,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.“The
Second Amendment makes it difficult to legally ban guns, but Hillary has led the way to explaining you can achieve the
same thing with high taxes.”
In newly released footage from Americans for Tax Reform, Clinton is shown nodding enthusiastically as she endorsed
the 25% gun tax and as legal gun dealers were described as “purveyors of violence.”



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Note for anons: Post all requested updates in /cfg/. Access requests are ignored.
Note for journalists: Use any content you like, this was all public information.

Context/Disclaimer: This is a backup of what we’ve been posting and documenting on 4chan about the
Clintons and their associates. What has been posted there is what shows up here, with some extra links to the
website, subreddit, and other communication outlets for convenience. It is by no means a professional
report, but it’s all of the information we’ve been gathering put into one location. Any offensive language is
merely tongue in cheek - the online board develops its own slang. We are NOT affiliated with Neo-Nazi
groups, Anonymous, or any other political/social organizations.

Backups of this backup are saved every few hours. No vital content ever deleted.
Check the ends of sections for updates - most are done 4chan-style unless it’s cleanup.

See section “How You Can Help” for what to get started on.

Shills/CTR are really mad about the dox. Hang in there.

Ctrl + F is your friend 250 pages and beyond!

Beginner’s guide to whatever this has become:


DNC LEAKS - important spreadsheet in the section + best emails compiled
Correct The Record - one very very interesting section:
How To Rig Elections - try not to want to move to another planet after reading!

Need anons in /cfg/ at some point to help with formal content for journalists (thank you PressAnon).

Updates 7/21-8/4: Scroll down for a lot more.

Added Sections:
7/21: Democracy Alliance content consolidated (Democracy Alliance And Everything Else)
7/22: DNC Leaks, Harold Ickes, Tim Kaine, Deray, Jordan David Kaplan
7/26: FUCKH8 False Flag, Seth Rich, MKUltra, Anastasia Somoza
7/27: DWS, IRS Investigation, DNC Fraud,
7/28: Videos
7/29-30: Clinton Foundation Link To The Federal Reserve moved to Jordan David Kaplan section, Are Helge
Traasdahl, DNC Speakers section renamed to Anastasia Somoza, Ukraine Pinchuk And The Middle East
section moved, Lynn Rothschild section renamed to Rothschilds And Rockefellers, Tapad, Hillary’s With Us
If…, Correct The Record
7/31: Boko Haram, Nepal, Khizr Khan,
8/1: US Code Violations,
8/2: Skolkovo, Libra And Logothetis, Gladio, How To Rig Elections, UNITAID, Bill And Melinda Gates
Foundation, Susie Tompkins Buell,
Updated Sections:
7/21: HSBC And Comey, Smuggling/Human Trafficking?, Emails and Wikileaks, USAID, How You Can Help,
Coup d’What, Donors and Money, News, Black Lives Matter And Soros, China (above subsection Sheldon
Silver), Marc Rich, Qatar, Norway,
7/22: Deray, Epstein, Jordan David Kaplan, DNC Leaks, Donors And Money, Article Pastas, Democracy
7/25: Muslim Brotherhood, News (7/19),
7/26: Hillary Bonus Details, Mindmap added to Huma Abedin, Tavistock Institute, Seth Rich,
7/27: Hillary Bonus Details, Work in progress websites, Marc Rich, Mindmap added to The Bonner Group,
Seth Rich,
7/28: CHAI - A Global Cancer - multiple updates, Norway, info added to the beginning of The Bonner Group,
IRS Investigation, Zip files,
7/29-30: How You Can Help, DNC Fraud, Andrew Tobias, Rothschilds And Rockefellers, Tavistock Institute,
Brian Raven Tavistock And Talos Properties, Tim Kaine, News, AIDS, Harold Ickes, ...Mining Operations, 455
Massachusetts Avenue, Cheryl Mills, Zip Files, Fethullah Gulen, Marc Rich,
8/1: Seth Rich, pastebin added to Books,
8/2: Donors And Money, Khizr Khan, HSBC And Comey, Norway, Energy Pioneer Solutions, I See Dead
People, Anastasia Somoza, AIDS, USAID, News, Clinton Foundation Corporate Info/General, Correct The
8/4: Correct The Record, How To Rig Elections, I See Dead People,

Document theme:

>FBI AMA (Ask Me Anything) thread archives:
>Updated Clinton Foundation (/cfg/) thread archive links:
VIDEOS (WIP, will fill with many more soon)
>#NeverHillary at the DNC:
>Taking the Russian bait:
>the Clinton tapes:
>----7/28: BOKO HARAM
>----7/19: CF employee arrested in Cairo
>this kills the Clinton Foundation
>----7/17:NEW GUCCIFER:
>----7/11: Hello, Infowars!
>----7/8 RIP Dallas cops: >MUH RACISM
>----7/7 IT’S HAPPENING:
Guccifer stuff, plans for the RNC:


NEW STUFF?!qUNUWDLL!FSltLp_jqztpqwrbt0cOAg

These are hundreds of pages of information about the people involved in the corruption under Bill Clinton's presidency -
amongst these, one can find my favorite rabbit hole, Marc Rich's case.
For the content of "PDF.rar", see pic related.

HANDLE WITH CARE: cripplechan/8chan file dumps

Screenshot of what exactly got dumped:

Social media is absolutely not exploitable in any way at all :^) ← lol
Memetic Warfare albums (anti-Hillary meme galleries): ***many of these have sources, it’s not all hearsay
Advanced Meme Warfare:
font suggested by belgian anon: Use Roboto Sans & Playfair Display

Social media tactics:
Connecting Social Media and Pushing Content 101:

>Goddwins Law (Revival of memetics in Usenet)
>Book collection on radical bottom up activism
>Links says it all (There is more out, it makes sense looking for the earlier versions, will post if i find them)
>Nice easy readable introduction to cyber warefare
>Finkelsteins Meme Compendium!7pcRjLrY!K2dCLXsawbnk71B8-NYXag
>/pol/ Book collection!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg
>Step by step how to manipulate narratives

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------

THREAD CONTENT (starting with OUTDATED OP - the rest is things we found)

>IRS Investigation
>To-do list:
>9/11 - 28 pages:

>TL;DR info here (also see first few posts):

>FBI Threads:

>Hillary nuclear file here!oQYiWQYY!6vGXkmC2ECa7N_XapmbMyQ
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------


(NSFW - you’d be surprised what people post to derail threads)


CF Donor List:

CF Highest paid contractor list:

HRC Paid Speaking engagements:

HRC Private Jet Travel:

It looks like from 2010 to 2013 the highest paid people were involved in filming and producing some sort of live event and
doing something with the recordings:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

**See The Bonner Group section and subsection “Tasks for /cfg/” for further information

>Chinese ties, all of them

>More on The Bonner Group. State charity financials can be important to catch cases where solicitors do not
actually send much of the revenue to charity at all.
>FDI and South Africa
>Henry “Hank” Paulson - Which bank went under as a result of his actions?
>Where did TARP come from?
>Who does the accounting for Haiti?
>Why is China investing in Africa?
>”gold and oil flow in the opposite direction” - think OPEC
>The Obama Foundation and all foundations similar to it
>Aid going to Africa - food, drugs, etc.
>John Poindexter and Cibolo Creek Ranch

India specifically, the ties to central banking between them and the Clintons
Sant Chatwell relates to human trafficking - Singh Chatwell? - but they use a larger component in the people
recently leaving the Indian central bank
Sudan should be examined closely
Cheryl Mills is an important person of interest
The families you must look at are
Underpinned by Soros
Are Helg Traasdahl's Muhmud
Tapad (not human)
Elisa Lam

WHEN IN DOUBT: SPREAD MEMES (refer to Meme Division on where to get said memes)
>include a picture in any tweet about the crimes Hillary & associates have committed
>include a picture in any online article
>include them in any website feature!

Not sure how to help? Time for everyone's favorite game, Clinton Email Mining! In the link below there are 23,035
emails that Clinton had a part in during her time as SoD. To play simply match your post number to one of those
emails, read it, then post anything you find that might be relevant or juicy.

NOTES FROM RECENT AMA (similar to above, just more misc info)

relevant notes from AMA:

>CF is heavily tied into Chinese interests
>HRC will sell out weapons, favors, intelligence, and people to anyone willing to pay.
>"The Bonner Group, warm or cold?" Hot.
>FDI in South Africa by China is no accident, and the Clintons are always tied up in the mix. As is Tavistock
>Why did George Soros make more moves in the markets?
>Henry Paulson: past corporate affiliation? Where did he get the idea of TARP from? What major bank went under as a
result of his actions?
>USAID = human trafficking
>Africa is a hotbed for investment by the Chinese and other organizations. The question is, how is HRC benefiting from
the investment deals? Why would she want to engage a war over the African plains?
>Why are Haiti's financial records spotty? Who does the accounting?
>It screams shady because it is shady. Who is affiliated with the BoD for M Partners, and do they have ties to the CF?
>high level insider is misinformation but there is some interesting philosophy
>Q: "I found it rather odd the people who write the reports on issues like human trafficking in Haiti are also the group that
award mass aid grants to Clinton foundation members like Muhammad Yunus" A: Be careful.
>"gematria": Purely coincidental.
>Monsanto, GMO's, HRC
>"gold and oil flow in opposite directions": but typical rules for commodities are muted by OPEC's meddling
>"obama foundation/the foundation run by his brother": Definitely dive into it
>food and minerals in africa
>john poindexter and cibolo creek ranch
>scalia was murdered for something more sinister than trafficking
>2% discrepancy between actual vote and exit polls is fraud
>"child trafficking": Is it an integral component of elite circles? Yes.


One thing missing from all this analysis that is indispensable in knowing is the finance and economics of all this. This will
put a lot of the political side in place.

The world currently has more debt than any time in history. Since the great financial crisis the world has $57 trillion MORE
in debt (what the real number is, is a mystery, safe to say it's much more). Most of the developed world's governments
(basically the OECD) are insolvent (bankrupt/ broke). Nation states collapse under this debt load. Got the picture? Good.

On to Soros.
Soros, through his political connections and his numerous philanthropic endeavors have supported the overthrow of
governments. This is much easier to do with an over indebted populous and government. Debt up to a certain point
strengthens if used properly, but beyond that point it's devastating to the business, the economy, and therefore societal
structure. Once beyond the horizon, the more debt that exists the more devastating it will be when everything hits the fan.
We, in the developed world are way way way beyond the horizon. All we are waiting for is the spark.

This is where Soros comes in. Soros has a history of destabilizing a country and is very effective at it. He is actively doing
it now with BLM and other organizations. If you want more details see the original thread. His MO in a nutshell -> destroy
a country -> companies and resources get really cheap -> buy up companies and resources for cheap and bail out
governments for favors and even more money -> sell when things recover or use as assets for another takeover. Rinse
and repeat.

What I don't understand is what he's doing in the US. It is a change in his pattern. His ability to profit on destruction
requires the ability to move his winnings to a stable nation. The US is starting to unravel at a very fast pace (not to
mention the EU). There aren't many safe havens left.

Let's put our tinfoil hats on even tighter. Soros broke the English pound in 1992. He made $1 billion in a single day by
selling it short. Right before the Brexit vote, Soros came out and stated britian should vote to stay. We know he has inside
information, if he wasn't already involved in rigging the vote (see OP threads for more). You can see where this is going.
He publicly states they should stay, manipulates all the polls to show that staying is winning thereby dramatically
increasing the payoff for Brexit. The pound is down 14%, just as he predicted. In 1992 he caused it to fall 15%. He made a
billion in 1992 and probably many multiples that from Brexit.

The greatest irony in my opinion would be if England welcomed him with open arms, provided he invests in their
economy. The way things are going over there, he's going to be able to buy London for dirt cheap.

While I despise him as a person for what he does and is involved in, as an intellectual and strategist, I don't think there is
anyone better.

Back to global macroeconomics.

It has become common practice for central banks (CBs) to bail out and prop up failing companies and governments. Since
CBs create money out of thin air, there is no limit to how much they create, except for the fact that the currency becomes

Think supply and demand. If you are hungry and you had 3 hotdogs to eat, you would value each hotdog a lot as long as
you were hungry. If you only have 1 hotdog, that 1 is more valuable than if you have 50. After 3 hotdogs I'm full and
couldn't eat another bite. The remaining 47 are worthless. This is what CBs have been doing, except instead of hotdogs
it's money. They are devaluing money. The way to protect against this is to change your dirty money for quality money, ie
money that isn't being messed with... or precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium).

Back to Soros.
He just bought $264 million worth of Barrick Gold mining company. If gold goes up $1, the stock of Barrick goes up $5.
Needless to say, he is going to easily make billions on this deal alone. Gold will only go higher because all of the world's
CBs are destroying their currency.

Things to Remember
Collapsing countries are weak countries. Anyone with money and big guns can take over easily. They can rewrite laws.
This ties in with the globalist POV. Collapse the world, the power that's left will be the one to take over.

Research Anons Tasks

Light bulb just went off. Gold and other Precious metals will be the means with which to carry the elite through the
collapse. The value of the gold will increase exponentially. They will literally be able to buy the world.

Need to look into the precious metals angle. The safest and cheapest place to store gold, is in the ground (ie unmined).
We need to look for countries or areas where the CF or Soros have done work that are rich in gold reserves or mining.

We should also look into if there have been purchases of farm land. Control of food will become a source of power. It will
be how they get the local population to work.

Reading list:



The IRS has launched an investigation into the Clinton Foundation due to a request by Congress.
------------------------Qoute Begins---------------
Time to go /cfg/, let’s see who the head of the IRS is currently.

Oh look, it’s going to be another DEMOCRATS "LOSING" EMAILS AGAIN EPISODE.

>In June 2014, Koskinen informed Congress that 30,000 emails from the account of a central figure in the scandal, Lois
Lerner, had been lost. It later came to light that Koskinen had known about the lost emails in April and had waited until the
information was disclosed in a court case to notify Congress. Koskinen stated: "We confirmed that backup tapes from
2011 no longer existed because they have been recycled, pursuant to the IRS normal policy." In September 2014, the
Treasury Department Inspector General reported that it had found 760 tapes from which it later recovered Lerner's

>Those sponsoring the impeachment resolution to remove Koskinen from office accused him of failing to prevent the
destruction of evidence in allowing the erasure of back-up tapes containing thousands of e-mails written by Lois Lerner,
and of making false statements under oath to Congress.[10][11] In a statement released by the Committee, Chaffetz said
Koskinen "failed to comply with a congressionally issued subpoena, documents were destroyed on his watch, and the
public was consistently misled. Impeachment is the appropriate tool to restore public confidence in the IRS and to protect
the institutional interests of Congress."


Sunita B. Lough is the actual head of the sub department conducting the investigation.

Letter to the IRS.
Response from IRS.


I went onto Wikileaks (, and searched specific words/phrases (e.g. SAP, Clinton Foundation, Rajiv,
etc.) that would provide me with e-mails that might come off of Hillary's server. I'm hoping to come across conversations
about the Clinton Foundation and SAP's (Secret Access Programs).
I came across a resume ( of a someone that has
experience with SAP's.
Why that is important is because it gives you clues as to what key words to search for when trying to find the Clinton
Foundation e-mails that might link donors to SAP privileges. Basically, selling Top Secret Access to "Donors"; pay to play.

Here are terms I found from the resume that I thought might be useful:
*Top Secret Security Clearance with SCI/ SAP/ Access.
*Space Force Enhancement and Space Control Operations
*National Collection Capabilities
*Experienced user of INTELLINK, SIPRNET, JWICS and other intelligence tools
*Tactical Intelligence including some Human Intelligence (CI/HUMINT)
*Intelligence Operations.
*Stabilization Force 10 producing daily
Best of luck!

Clinton-sponsored coup d'etat of Honduras President Zelaya (Emails 14096, 13677)

- Emails reference mission to force Zelaya to step down including coaching/funding de facto regime.
- "being closed despite proximity of our mission to Brazil."

Clinton's involvement with the organization & funding of opposition/protest groups (Emails 27230, 1125)
- Freedom House, a democracy advocacy group, trains and funds civic networks in Egypt under the guise of "Egyptian
Democratic Academy". FH received US Government Grants. Related to Arab spring.

Clinton urged to convince Merkel to appoint Tony Blair as president of EU committee (Emails 16328, 13732)
- Jonathan Powell, Former Chief of Staff, asks Hillary for details on conversations she had with Merkel
- Sid, Hillary's Assistant, sends several emails to Hillary requesting status on Tony Blair's bid

General Motors/Opel (Emails 26229, 16307, 25971)

- German FM Frank-Walter Steinmeier sends Hillary an email asking her to interfere in GM's sale of Opel shares
- Weeks after this email is sent, GM decides NOT to sell 55% of Opel's shares
- Hillary asks an aide if GM's decision will "be an issue for us in Germany"
- Phillip Gordon replies and says yes; Merkel angered.

Hillary Instructing Retired Military Figure/Intelligence Community to Discourage Anti-Muslim Sentiments (Email 7279)
- Sid advises Hillary to recruit "retired military figure" to speak out against islamophobia
- Hillary advised to put together "committee of CIA and Intelligence Community" to issue statement against same

Hillary's possible lesbian lover, Capricia Marshall (Emails 29729, 17988)

- All emails referencing dinner with Capricia and Hillary are personal in tone
- Multiple references to Hillary and Capricia as "you two".
- Hillary's aide asks NZ Prime Minister to find "best, most private hotel on a beach", CC's Capricia


>we cannot vote in ICC elections. But the UK can.
>WSJ and CFR in bed
>Confidential: Syria, Turkey, Israel, Iran
>Confidential: Erdogan, Oezel & Syria; Lebanon/Syria
>They can't find micheletti
>They will in effect become liegemen bowing before him
>Norway YES
>fish party

6954= Hillary wanting to talk in private to Dennis B Rossi.

"Dennis B Rossi" is actually Dennis B Ross.
Dennis B Ross is a Middle East slimeball
> It Never Rains…..
>thing1 and thing2 / shadow cabinet post
>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the
backyard to Moloch . . .

I was looking through wikileaks and think I stumbled upon evidence of when the US - Saudi relations started. The email is
from March 11, 1974.
I hadn't filtered by clinton emails so that might be why this is just coming out...



I found these today from an email search:
>Clinton's PAC's, Connections, And Boss
>contact list hillary clinton emails
>alias list hillary clinton emails

Not sure how to help? Time for everyone's favorite game, Clinton Email Mining! In the link below there are 23,035 emails
that Clinton had a part in during her time as SoD. To play simply match your post number to one of those emails, read it,
then post anything you find that might be relevant or juicy.



DNC LEAKS 7/22/2016 - 1/?

Media ties, hilarious responses, and so much more.

SPREADSHEET: (thank you spreadsheet anon)

20,000 DNC internal emails leaked by wikileaks.

>The cache appears to contain sensitive personal information about some donors, including Social Security numbers,
passport numbers and credit card information.
It has a searchable database.

>Who is DWS?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Deborah "Debbie" Wasserman Schultz (born September 27, 1966) is an American politician.
She is the U.S. Representative for Florida's 23rd congressional district, a member of the Democratic Party and the
Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee.

>The WikiLeaks cache of 19,000 emails from the Democratic National Committee has only been online for a couple of
hours, and already it’s revealing some of the party’s dirty tricks.
>In an email dated May 18, 2016, Christina Freundlich, Deputy Communications Director at the DNC proposed that the
Democrats impersonate the Trump Organization on Craigslist, placing a fake ad for “hot women” aimed at making the
Republican candidate look as sexist as possible.
>The email, which can be read below, contains the full text of the fake ad. It includes requirements for employees to “not
gain weight on the job,” to “evaluate other women’s hotness,” and be comfortable with a range of illegal workplace sexual
harassment including allowing the boss to “grope you under the meeting table.”
>The fake ad closes by calling on interested applicants to send their cover letters to “”


How the Morning Joe became the Morning Cuck (thank you /trumpgen/):
Oh wow, that explains a lot Mika change right around that date
It goes deeper:
> MSNBC After Party?

This is a REALLY JUICY email sent to Wasserman Schultz informing her that she got a meeting with Phil Griffin,
president of MSNBC, to discuss Mika of the Morning Joe specifically
The meeting took place on May 2, 2016
If some interested anon could check MSNBC's coverage the week before and after this meeting, and find a direct shift on
some topic, this could be huge

> New list to search:

"Chuck, this must stop"

>Chuck, see below. I would like to discuss this with you today. Can you reach out to Luis to schedule a call? Thanks.
> Brzezinski’s co-host, former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough wondered why Sanders would “get in line” for
the Democratic Party, given that they “rigged the entire thing,” and that if he was in Sanders’ position, “I’d say, ‘Go straight
to hell, I’m running as an independent.'”

CNN is Clinton News Network indeed

>Thanks for facilitating Luis coming on today, and bearing with us through a meelee of GOP nonsense and cancellations
and all that. Any particular points he'll want to make? We're gonna stay Dem focused... >Thanks! Jason Jason Seher |
CNN Writer/Producer | The Lead with Jake Tapper (202) 772-2640 | (856) 979-8021
Also I love how there is dozens of emails on how much Pablo is screwing up and literally the worst worker, then he is
promoted to VP of Comms for US 'Hispanic Chamber of Commerce' hahah

CNN Briefing - It’s a long read but it confirms CNN political Bias and also the delusions they hold. "Should I send this to Tapper to air with the piece" Getting uber-triggered by Trump’s tweets.
What dogs they were:

InfoWars and Alex Jones mentioned:

>The source: This flimsy claim was ginned up a month ago by a conspiratorial web site called the Wayne Madsen Report.
Then it spread to like-minded sites like InfoWars. By the end of April, it was on the front page of the National Enquirer.
>But maybe more than anything, Mr. Trump showed in 2011 how he would deploy conspiracy theories, associating with
conspiracy purveyors like Alex Jones, a syndicated radio host. Among many examples in the last year, The Times wrote
in March, Mr. Trump ‘reposted information on Twitter from the website Infowars, hosted by Mr. Jones,’ to support his
unsubstantiated claim that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheered the Sept. 11 attacks.”
>I am a political reporter for the cable news channel One America News. Am working on negative story on Sen. Cruz.
When he was a practicing attorney, he defending a Chinese Tire company that had stolen trade secrets from an America
tire company. As a result, the American tire company went out of business. The name of the CEO of the American
company is Jordan Fischman, whom I have spoken to.

>off the record meeting with president of MSNBC

>trying to control the narrative
Mostly confirms that the government and the media are corrupt and in bed with one another.

>off the record meetings with NYT editor and reports, CBS president

Guys read some of these "OFF THE RECORD" emails -> KEK
>off the record meeting with WSJ editors

JAMES GRIMALDI of the Wall Street Journal investigated an Energy Department

grant( to a company owned by friends and
political allies of Bill Clinton that was also the beneficiary of a "commitment" received through the Clinton Global Initiative.
Clinton personally spoke to then-Energy Secretary Stephen Chu about it, Grimaldi reports.

Grimaldi raises the question of whether the foundation's advocacy on behalf of the company creates a "private benefit"
substantial enough to threaten its tax-exempt status. BUT THE REAL REASON this story will remain a hot topic is the list
of friends of Bill who had ownership stakes in the company:
* Scott Kleeb, former Democratic congressional candidate
* Jane Eckert, art gallery owner
* Andrew Tobias, DNC treasurer
* Mark Weiner, campaign paraphernalia seller
* Julie Tauber McMahon of Chappaqua, NY

"Ms. McMahon, 56 years old, described Mr. Clinton as 'a family friend.'"
—James Grimaldi / WSJ (
The New York Post splashed pictures of Clinton and McMahon across its cover (
13-2016/) this morning, referring to her as a "blond bombshell." If past is prologue, expect Donald Trump to talk about this
story a lot.
> Hi Luis,
> It's Gene Emery from PolitiFact.
> This afternoon we're checking the claim made by George Clooney on Meet
> the Press that "The overwhelming amount of the money that we're raising, is
> not going to Hillary to run for President. . . . It's going to the > congressmen and senators to try to take back Congress.“
> > He made it in reference to the fundraisers he did this weekend.
> > Is Clooney correct? Can you tell us what percentage of the money
> collected from the fundraisers is going to Clinton and how much is going to
> downballot candidates?
> > Any links to documentation would be appreciated.
> > Thanks,
> > -- Gene Emery, correspondent, PolitiFact
>Politifact is in direct contact with the Clinton foundation using them as a source for their shitty charts, specifically ones
that affect Clinton and public perception of her and the DNC
Unbiased fact checking guys

MSM reports prison "reform" by releasing nonviolent prisoners. MSM paint it as reducing the burden for taxpayers,
nonviolent offenders pose less threat to community upon reentry. TL;DR this is a good thing.

Step back from MSM narrative. See that the people being released are cocaine related prisoners. Clintons = cocaine.
Obama being told to or deceived into freeing the Clinton drug network? Need to find connections
More TV stuff

>From: Miranda, Luis Miranda Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 8:11 PM To:
Amy Dacey
>Subject: RE: 27 April - NYC Meeting Agenda Booking is heavily influenced by relationships. We didn't have them, but
have made great progress. Still, we're not where we need to be, especially with CNN and msnbc. We've tightened the
screws on the executives but need the follow up Booker to Booker connection to better understand their day to day. He's
been a, challenge in the past, I'm the first to hesitate but he's getting it done and I believe this will be a worthwhile trip.
The Henry staffing is just icing.
Uh, guys.... I think this is the DNC directly colluding with new organizations for hit pieces. They apparently even have
executives on lock-down...

And worse:
>From: Manriquez, Pablo Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 3:17 PM To: Miranda, Luis Subject: Re: 27 April - NYC Meeting
Agenda HuffPost NYC wants to meet too about their new livestreaming program in the aftermath of HuffPostLive. On Apr
22, 2016, at 1:10 PM, Manriquez, Pablo wrote:

>This is who I will meet with in NYC. At each meeting, I’ll discuss hits we’ve executed (if relevant) and future hits.
Anything I should add?
>At Fox News — • America’s Newsroom HQ Team • Shepard Smith Reporting Team • Kelly File Team • O’Reilly Factor
Team At
>MSNBC— • Diaz Balart Team • Live with Tamron Hall Team • Chris Hayes Team • Maddow Team At
>CNN — • Andersen Cooper Team • Erin Burnett Team • Don Lemon Team
>Other — • Reuters Video Team • Buzzfeed Video Team • NowThis Team >Phil Griffin, President of MSNBC In bed with TV production company?

Has it already been reported that the NYTimes is listening to the Democrats? We know about CNN but was the NYT also
Got something here.
>Eric drafted this last night
> SL: Is Thin-Skinned Trump's Prez Run an Attempt at Payback for 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner?
>Body: From the New York Times<>: HAHAHAHA
>The thesis: we hand out thumb drives at events, which could infect the reporters/attendees' computers. So that means
that we're bad at cybersecurity. Okay.
>Buzzfeed: These Experts Think The DNC And RNC Are Both Horrible At Cybersecurity
Re: BuzzFeed and DNC connection.
DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.
DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.
DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.
Politico writer sending his stories to the DNC before he sends them to his editor.

DNC being messed with by the Washington Examiner.

Press talking points, states Hillary is their candidate, dated May 5, 2016. More of a smoking gun than the ambiguous talk
in the emails themselves.

RE: Interview Request for DWS and/or Luis Miranda on "Fox & Friends".
>Great to meet with you both. As we said - we're happy to bend over backwards to try to make this come to pass. So
please let us know if there's anything we can do.
Can someone dig a little deeper? Sounds like Fox News doing some favors to DNC. comments on a CNN piece, people demanding alterations

ASSOCIATED PRESS looks like the DNC is writing articles for the AP and passing it as their own.:

China censoring news in africa
>Worth the read, particularly re Chinese efforts to censor Egypt news


Shows the DNC confirming they're paying "young voters" to shill online.
Manafort screenshot:
>RE: For approval: 9 AAPI videos


Anyone want their #Record #Corrected?

Get Hispanics on board:

Latino Vote 2016 DOWNLOAD:

Wave of immigrants:

>Video request: Putin rubbing hands together w/"glee" at trump's speech

>Having to take Jewish holidays into account while planning Feminist events

>RE: Interview request

>"I’m not totally opposed to the idea but it would have to be somewhat controlled. We could set up a ‘demo’ where we
pretend that Trump just said a really offensive thing and then the process of clipping video and getting a release out the

LOL >the Clinton people don't have their shit together 'mop up some more taco bowl engagement'

Akshai Bhatnagar video/DNC diversity story. LATINOS
Just click the "attachments" tab to see the docx. Alternatively, it can also be found here: I wonder who supports these protest groups reacing out to milennials

Little tiny shill shapiro

Unrelated but related: Super PAC for shilling.
Democrats using interns to organize fake "protests."
DNC discussing Hillary's policies as unfeasible.
Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC.
RE: Action on DNC tomorrow (Immigration Raids).

Vote Builder: Database of voters that the DNC use for for targeted ads. <--(PDF)

mApp that will have a storytelling component.

Re: Defending our Western Heritage.

Re: Draft statement for jahm for review.

RE: CA Press Call Draft Excerpts.

Re: for edits: Draft Yom Hashoah statement.

>RE: draft -- if we want to troll the twitters

>troll the twitters

Formal complaint by NV party over DNC national tactics at NV convention

Daily marching orders for “everyday citizens” tweeting. Includes messages they should post, hashtags they should use:


DNC DEPUTY COMM DIRECTOR: Bernie people will "probably complain regardless":

>attempting to undermine the Sanders committee nominees

>So we want to see the list of committee appointments the Sanders Folks submitted just to verify it was mostly staffers
and ineligible figures. That possible with no fingerprints attached?
>#DNCLeaks: "Yes, Super PAC paying young voters to push back online on Sanders supporters" #FeelTheBern
>Sanders: Democratic Party hasn't been fair to me
>Spoken like someone who has never been a member of the Democratic Party and has no understanding of what we do.
They've been Berning too long, there's gonna be a nuclear chernobyl-style meltdown with these guys.

>You have lost every inch of my support so fuck off Debbie along with your bitch Hilary. FEEL THE Bern

“Fuck you”:

listen link:
DOC ID 16014
MD5 ffb6221552bee4ddc176d3c1a0843629
>... should Sanders exit the race, we will lose millennial engagement and encounter a level of voter atrophy that could be
extremely detrimental to the success of the Democratic nominee.
>Re: Sanders: If I'm elected, DNC leader would be out
>DWS: This is a silly story. He isn't going to be president.
Colluding to spy into Sander's Campaign "with no fingerprints" with Politico Reporters using non official emails.

> Audio dats:

> Hello darkness my old friend
(Listen to the .mp3, it is pure gold)
Mentions of money laundering and the victory fund
>Re: Please search If there's any coverage of Bernie Sanders camp calling the victory fund "money laundering"
>Hi guys, I just got the below fundraising email and was wondering if it reflects a new agreement between the DNC and
the Clinton campaign, an acknowledgement that she will almost certainly be the Democratic nominee, etc. Are you at all
concerned that Sanders supporters will see this as the DNC choosing a winner before the voters have decided? Thanks,

>We can’t go to DWS with just Facebook intel. Kay told me she has friends inside the Bernie organization there who may
be able to provide some more information.
>'friends' inside the Bernie organization
DNC-employees forging emails on how bernie sanders will endorse Hillary. IN APRIL.

They are worried about Sanders people starting violence at the DNC

>Subject: RE: anything we want to add to our latest tp's for her media hits tomorrow and tues? thx
>Last week. But we have to address the Bernie bs

On May 18, 2016, at 12:32 PM, Walker, Eric <<>> wrote: Called the DNC /
Bernie Dustup a “Trump dream” Can we clip his interview?

A mole working inside of the Sanders campaign.

Bringing up Sanders religion to scare the southern voters.

RE: WaPo: DNC to offer Sanders a convention concession…





#FreeTheDelegates coup attempt:

CRUZ DROPPING OUT! The youtube link is lady gagas applause:
> In case Cruz endorses or starts talking nice about Trump, below is a compilation of his harshest attacks against Trump.
Thanks to Eric for helping pull these together...
Thanks a lot, Cruz missiles.

here's another #CruzMissile one, as well as a quicklink to donate to Republican delegates. They love Ted Cruz.

>Nothing real interesting on Trump being more presidential. Says multiple times there will be no second ballot at the
convention and that is why the campaign isn't focused on stealing state delegates like Cruz is


>"Ted Cruz's refusal is the latest Republican leader to refuse to support Donald Trump isn't a startling revelation - it's the
new norm for Republican leaders desperate to distance themselves from a monster of their own creation. Cruz joins a list
that includes a slew of former Republican Presidential candidates, former Republican Presidents and the highest ranking
Republican in Congress. While the Republican Party remains in chaos as it comes to terms with Trump's reckless and
dangerous policies, while Democrats will remain united in holding Republicans accountable and defeating Trump in
November. We will not let down-ballot Republican candidates run away from their presumptive nominee's divisive rhetoric
and dangerous policies." -- DNC National Press Secretary Mark Paustenbach

I’m afraid to click this:

Endorse rato, pls

Wow they love this guy:

Cruz email: It's all on Indiana.

Teddy talking to the DNC itself:



>digital created a fake craigslist jobs post for women who want to apply to jobs one of Trump’s organizations. This will be
a microsite and we still need to send it to Perkins. Since we will be pitching this, need your approval please.
>Seeking staff members for multiple positions in a large, New York-based corporation known for its real estate
investments, fake universities, steaks, and wine. The boss has very strict standards for female employees, ranging from
the women who take lunch orders (must be hot) to the women who oversee multi-million dollar construction projects (must
maintain hotness demonstrated at time of hiring). “TRUMP NARRATIVE” that's sent out to state parties
> She doesn't have to beat him on the economy, but it's usually the No. 1 issue. So, fighting him to a draw or a near-draw
would seem imperative. That's one of the reasons I write for Roll Call today (
that Clinton should put VA Secretary Robert McDonald, a former CEO of the Fortune 50 Procter & Gamble, on her vice
presidential short list.

Searched through the leak, and I’ve compiled a list of UNLISTED videos they plan to use at some point against Trump.
Not a very incriminating find, but if we can REPORT A COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT,comment or dislike them all, it'll
give em a little spook...enemies behind the line.

GRAPHICS TEAM APPROVALS - most likely from the Toolbox

Oh my lord these guys are children.

>Of course, the (maybe) billionaire could merely be biding his time, fervently planning a campaign event where he gets a
visit from some of the local wildlife in a bid to out-do Birdie Sanders. Maybe that's what that cougar was doing in Gresham
last week.
>If Trump is, indeed, looking for an animal friend to spruce up any of his speeches, we know one avian accomplice that's
likely to be left off the shortlist.

>Releasing stuff during speeches

>MAN CARD the fake Trump Jobs adds on craigslist


Here is the evidence:
Read e-mails from the bottom up.
Here is a summary.
>people at DNC ask for clips of responses from a certain Akshai during a RNC vs DNC questions and answers session
>they have a discussion: will it be better to organize the clip and make a DNC "effort story" out of it (e.g. how much we
fight, how hard working we are).
>somebody suggests just to cherry pick something Trump said in the Q&A and make it look like it is offensive (by framing
the clip)
>idea is discarded because now they are focussing on DNC's effort stories
>nevertheless, it is implied they often do that gimmick with Trump's speeches to damage him. Just not this time.
TL;DR: (my summary)
>hey, do you have footage of that dude so I can make a video to make him look nice?
>why don't we just do what we usually do, that is, to frame something random Trump said in a way that it will sound
offensive even if it's not?
>yeah man. I am aware we usually do that... but just not this time >video requests, again >plans

Re: For approval: Trump supporter graphics.

Draft linking news articles about trump to use as negative press.

DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.

Trump's campaign dwarfed by Clinton's

Tim O'Brien: Trump's Fixation on Inflating his Net Worth is a Cause for Concern.

Re: Points from Talkers Call.

Stitch — Trump Treatment of Women Story Points to New Media Scrutiny…

Re: Trump's History on Tax Returns.

RE: Dangerous Donald Trump Narrative…

>doc ID 6865
"Non-specific policies Donald" really rolls of the tongue. >“dongerous danald”

Saying something anti-trump while Jewish results in online abuse:

Dems decide against using mariachi music in anti-trump ad around his Cinco De Mayo tweet




>#DNCLeaks: Clinton campaign arranged call with editor to try and squash Victory Funds money laundering story SEE: ENERGY PIONEER SOLUTIONS

Searched gulen. Found this email with an irs receipt attached. 10,000 dollars to lakefront strategies. Interesting (SEE:


Found a list of thousands of donors.
Link to the DOWNLOADABLE list:
Link to the email:
RE: Sample Email
>I know FEC can't be used for prospecting donations, but this feels more "current donor research." Happy to answer any

Oh hey. A complete list of lawyers working for DNC/Clintons
RE: Looking for a lot of NGP DownTime
>meta discussion, more financial stuff, (smalltime) party donors, database, merging entries
FW: Personal Financial Disclosure Report (Clinton)
>pdf attachment
Hillary for America Raised $26.4 Million in April, Began May with More than $30 Million Cash on Hand
>Re: $75,000 Schoenberg wire arrives from Fidelity tomorrow --
A hebe wire transferring monies? Very, very suspicious!
>>I’ve promised him and wife Alexandra seats June 8 . . . and a Convention package. He previously did $25K and has
been to the R&R Hall of Fame party.

Stuff about money laundering: >the breach of contract action pending against the DNC.

>I hope it just shows up at 430 S. Capitol in the next day or three. But it's possible he sent it to us c/o Amalgamated at
275 Seventh Avenue because that was the address on the wire instructions I gave him.


Transfer to Amalgamated: wire from Fidelity Marc Emory made a nice $10k donation
75K donation

Money Money

Who's George? ;)

This is a weird one. No subject topic, just RE:RE:RE.

>Trying to figure out if I can get my hosts to still write/raise $350k without hosting it at their house. So if they fall off then
we'll definitely have a lot of space!
What do they mean?
>Andy Tobias reached out to me last night worried that some of our LGBT donors were still emailing Julia’s DNC account.
He forwarded one such instance where a donor’s request to process a $16,000 contribution went unanswered. Is there a
way for me to get access to her account to tie up any remaining loose ends?
William Eacho donated double the 33400 contribution limit.
Looks like $10k "mysteriously" disappeared:


Removed donations? Ton of money for 1 event.

DNC member killing horses for insurance money.

$200k for a private dinner with Hillary.

Possible money laundering by moving money back and forth to bypass legal limits.

Hillary funding 2 million dollars in a coordinated campaign in battleground states to win back the Senate.

$50,000 - Lawrence Benenson.

Daily Fundraising Report for the DNC.

RE: May Fundraising Numbers.


RE: $50,613 - Benenson -- possibly sent to Amalgamated???)

Missing a check for Correct the Record: DNC talking about "Outstanding (overdue) Donations"

How can a donation be overdue? what do they mean by this? More donor names and numbers
"It doesn't matter how/where the money is coming from, just that it came in."

Here is a donation with a French woman donating to DNC abroad


What is a lollipop?

Layer’s council DOWNLOAD:

reminder that if you come across a private contractor connected to CF, search for the contractor's name in this database
>database of federal contractors doing bad things

Echo Chrome extension was on for this guy, but it mentions Soros in the emails:

Found you.

The attachments open up to a pdf doc about business trips done by a man named Jordan David Kaplan.
Worked for Obama for America
Could be associated with Kaplan Inc.,_Inc.
Possibly related to the Kaplan Foundation
Jesus this Kaplan guy is always showing up doing whacky stuff. >Kaplan be nice! $75k wire at stake
Here's a voice message he sent to himself.

Message sent by his wife?
Relative, Open Society Foundation Member. Worked in the DOS

Looking for some more stuff.

You can find who they have talked to by searching Microsoft Lync and searching up the number.
Jordan Kaplan Talked for 2 minutes to some Terranova Corp

HONDURAS and Cheryl Mills:

DNC trying to get away with violating the Hatch Act.

>Subject: Federal investigators are eyeballing a Democratic governor
Officials say that while the time frame of the investigation does cover Gov. Terry McAuliffe's work as a board member with
the Clinton Global Initiative, the foundation is not alleged to have done anything wrong.
CNN's Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz and Pamela Brown broke the story, which found that, "Among the McAuliffe
donations that drew the interest of the investigators was $120,000 from a Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang, through
his U.S. businesses. Wang was previously a delegate to China's National People's Congress, the country's ceremonial
legislature." Here's the latest (
campaign-contributions/index.html) (better formatted version)
A lot of these commutations/pardons involve criminals involved with "cocaine." That's not totally suspicious, isn't it?
>Commutation Grant: Prison sentence commuted to expire on September 2, 2016.
A lot of them set to that date.

I found something in Chicago that strikes me as suspicious. 2 men dress up similar to pharmaceutical workers, and have
bags to dispose of. One of them, Clayton Cox is also connected to Rahm from a prior 2014 meeting in Chicago.
Not sure, exactly, how this all connects but I feel it may be useful. The same names just keep coming up in the posts that I
roll, so I'm going with it.

Spooky occult stuff detected

> Pool is now holding in the Treaty Room of the Apostolic Palace. The walls are covered in gold wallpaper with
"Secretarius Status" embroidered throughout. There are three mammoth paintings on the walls and a central table each
with what appear to be empty silver candleholders and very large salt-and-pepper shakers but are almost certainly
something else. The room is ringed with gilded chairs your pool was forcefully reminded not to occupy. Then again, pool's
Secret Service escort was not invited inside the building at all. A grandfather clock is clicking loudly between two giant
windows. VPOTUS will hold a meeting with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State.
>to be empty silver candleholders and very large salt-and-pepper shakers but are almost certainly something else.
> Roy Black- NEW 2016: Black defended Jeffrey Epstein, who was prosecuted this year for multiple charges of sexual
abuse against at least 34 underage girls between 1999 and 2007. 2015: Represent Justin Bieber after his 2014 DUI
charge; Wild reputation, has defended unsavory characters (Rush Limbaugh, Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis),
parties with flagged celebrities, accused of ethical violations by former US Attorney; Represented Alex Rodriguez in 2013
steroid case; unable to locate why he was let go by A-Rod
> Finance would like approval for Roy Black to attend/photo/donate for one of the POTUS events in Miami. His wife Leah
passes vet. I'm ok with him but defer to Bobby and others if there are objections.
The lawyer for Epstein is involved with donating to Obama

Content & Social Strategy Discussion.

Fwd: State Dinner Countdown.
Some chick is angry she hasn't been given more stuff from the Obama administration...might be interesting to follow up.
Re: State Dinner Countdown.

Dropbox link on delegates.

RE: Vet Committee: Kruel. DWS event attendee

This is an e-mail showing Obama had a small event at the home of a one 'Ken Lerer'.
Search his work history, it’s incredible.

Show literally any kind of interest and get on the board

meeting at palm
DNC, Clintons, Amalgamated, multiple links to Gov Terry, weiner, Raj Fernando
hallahan is under raj, brother is long time clinton, father was airforce intel
Billionaire wilbur ross bought into amalgamated
Logothetis family Greek Brit money Shipping
gives to obama and dems through charities
son marrying a dreamwaker set up child refugee center for Gov Terry in virg child refugee center!
dreamwaker Annie Medaglia former special advisor state department diplomatic engagement energy with europe, Russia,
and ukraine . current global energy center at the atlantic council
also on At council is Wilson Damon, Unaccompanied Children in Exile!

HILLARY VICTORY FUND - also Soros RE: HVF credit card link RE: HVF RE: Hi Graham / Politico Re: Credit for HVF RE: HVF Issue Lou

>Mitchell Berger

>FTI Consulting DNC Officer Clip: WSJ: Clinton Charity Aided Clinton Friends

USTR Press Secretary Opening

Fwd: Joint Victory Fund Talking Points.


DWS (Debbie Wasserman Schultz)

Rather incriminating:
guys these are all the emails FROM debbie wasserman schultz. there's 157 of them. if there's any communication with
hillary it would be in those emails. hillary might have some weird email account for DNC communications.

this one's juicy. from DWS:

Sexist pig.
> On Apr 27, 2016, at 8:19 AM,
Paustenbach, Mark <> wrote: > >
shouting >
> "I haven't quite recovered — it's early in the morning — from her shouting that message," Trump said on MSNBC's
"Morning Joe" when asked about Clinton bringing up his comments on the "woman card." "And I know a lot of people
would say you can't say that about a woman, because of course a woman doesn't shout. But the way she shouted that
message was not — that's the way she said it, and I guess I'll have to get used to a lot of that over the next four or five
wow, seems like DWS has quite the double standard here. it's ok to call a man a pig but it's not ok for a man to call a
woman a pig?
>For edits: Draft DWS statement on primary result
>Garret has already spoken with Shana before we even got off the plane. We will call The Assemblywoman when we get
to the hotel. Ethan Berkowitz is the new Mayor of Anchorage. I know him. He was an R2B candidate in '06 when I co-
chaired it. He's also Jewish.

Not sure if there is anything "unusual here" but I got a weird vibe when I read it. The date was back in April and it hints at
DWS already knowing Comey's findings.


Found an unlisted video

that interview was on the morning of the 19th, this is what DWS said on the same day:
>Charlie told me yesterday that they were not taking the bait.
Luis caught straight-up lying when saying he was considering it.

Re: update on May debate…



so i found two links to

1) a DNC google drive where they share videos and documents
2) some sort of DNC toolbox that i don't know what it does

both require a DNC gmail address and password to access. Obviously, these emails provide hundreds of DNC email
addresses, cell phones etc... perhaps someone more technically savvy than me could get access to these?
Google Drive:
I can only imagine what goodies these dnc drives hold.

Anybody want some social security numbers??

> Hi – So for June 8 dinner we need, for each of you: DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH HOME ADDRESS SOCIAL

Guys... just search for "place of birth" with parenthesis to find social security numbers and contact info
> Francisco Cortes

Name: Howard A. Kaplan (President Obama knows me as "Woody")
>Apologies for delay in sending this out but I cannot login to<> with either of
the passwords I have on file for the account (Obama-Biden-2012 and obamain08). Quickest solution here is for me to
blast from<>? I know this runs against protocol but if<> is out of commission again and I’m the press POC all weekend
anyway…this would go a long way toward Making Saturday Great Again as your weekends faithful firewall from work shit
like this. Let me know. Thanks!

[cid:6C26E4DF-8101-4E5D-863F-14C9CC75E008@home] On May 7, 2016, at 2:34 PM, Palermo, Rachel

<<>> wrote: You don't send it from the gmail account. Send it from your
personal outlook and change the sender to<>. If you type<> in under the "change sender" option it will automatically set that sender
Sent from my iPhone On May 7, 2016, at 2:31 PM, Manriquez, Pablo
<<>> wrote: Hi Team: Does anyone have the password to<> handy? Thanks! On May 7, 2016, at 2:29 PM, Manriquez, Pablo
<<>> wrote: Roger, dncrr2main?

CONTENT FROM THE TOOLBOX??? (found earlier)


Fwd: Perspectiva Nacional. PROHIBITED lol

FW: Boonville. gate codes, some location, etc.

speechwriters for the Convention.

People should start hunting for pictures and documents. Use these links:
If you're looking for documents to sift though instead of e-mails, go here:|docx|doc|xlsx|xls&count=50#searchresult
>pdf, docx, doc, xlsx, xls (1062 results)
If you're looking for pictures to sift through instead of e-mails, go here:
>jpg, png, gif (6696 results)
>pic related, never seen publicly before the leak:
>more images:
Interest in tracking down a photo of a Mr. Hamilton which he got without their "Permission"

Limitless card?

Getting access to past empolyees’ emails as jokes?



For our memes’ sake: SHUT IT DOWN "Can we shut it down please" "Fuck off pablo"

“Salad with chicken asshole”

I swear to god we are dealing with children here
>[Line up of diverse little people] You were part of a community of millions of proud grassroots Democrats
lol diverse little people, how inclusive

Dems complaining about Gun control, Sandy Hook and San Bernardino mentioned. Pretty funny read.

>DNC making fun of black names:

>The asshole from fox emailed us again.

>If he's a good gay, he'll love that this pic is with Kathy griffin.

Found someone's training plan. Why would you save that on your dnc account? “these clowns” love how they talk about their donors

DNC telling each other, "I love you too. no homo."

Consultant calling megyn kelly a bimbo. Has PDF attached that says the same.

RE: question “what a joke this guy is” Omar Abu Jariban the "Sand nigger" Sounds like complaints - pretty childish. >Hillary is a 1st class doosh. “fucking idiot”



This will explain the process of how they Sanders. Basically it’s called Strip, Stack and Hack. You first make people
ineligible to use a regular ballot. Once its a provisional ballot they don't have to count them on election night. It appears
that based on the voting barcodes and data mining system they can identify a likely Clinton voter, and ensure that is
counted immediately.


They mention a white noise generator in this video.

I remember a company in one of the addresses we were looking at that sold this technology, but I’m not sure what the
name is.


>OK, so we all know Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS) was the co-chair of Hillary's 2008 presidential run, where she
lost the nomination to Obama. So, in order to lock down the nomination for 2016, Hillary was able to get DWS in charge of
the DNC and manipulate it from within. That's the theory anyway, except....

In order for this to work, they would first have to, not only get the DNC chair to step down, but also get them to
recommend DWS for the position. The Clinton's would have to promise something to that person, something more
prestigious than being head of the Democratic party. So who was that person and what did they get in return?

It would appear that Donna Brazile was in-line to get the position, but she was only the interim chair after the previous
chair left, served only one month. According to this,, the previous chair of the DNC
prior to DWS was Tim Kaine.

The attachments open up to a pdf doc about business trips done by a man named Jordan David Kaplan.
Worked for Obama for America
Could be associated with Kaplan Inc.,_Inc.
Possibly related to the Kaplan Foundation

So, link so far is DNC>Lakefront Strategies/Jordan Kaplan/Eli Kaplan>Rahm Emanuel>Obama

Address for Lakefront is :

3112 Northampton St. NW
Washington DC 20015

Based on what we've seen so far, I have a gut feeling that this is probably another shell company address.
We should also assume that each shell company in an address are connected if leads dry up of where money is going.
Those offices could be used as a private area for cash and other transactions where a paper trail would be too risky.
It would also serve as cover to make the building seem populated enough. After all, an empty office building is suspicious,
especially in a major city such as DC.

Some recipt:

Info about Lakefront Strategies from earlier
>See attachment according to anon in my screengrab.


>Clinton Foundation, DNC Donor Appointed as Federal Reserve Official

>New appointee replaces a popular critic of the Fed weeks before pivotal meeting
A donor to the Clinton Foundation and Democratic National Committee (DNC) has been appointed as the chief executive
officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).

Robert Steven Kaplan, a Harvard Business School professor and former executive at Goldman Sachs, has also donated
more than $100,000 to Democratic candidates and campaigns, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

Kaplan has donated $147,450 to Democratic candidates and campaigns, including $45,600 to the DNC, as well as
$15,450 to Republican candidates and campaigns.
Kaplan has also donated between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Kaplan was appointed to be the CEO of the Dallas Fed on Aug. 17. As part of his role, Kaplan will also serve as a
member of the FOMC, the group that is scheduled to meet eight times a year to formulate monetary policy, which includes
setting interest rates and open market operations such as quantitative easing (QE) policy.

Kaplan will begin the job on Sept. 8, 2015, one week before the highly anticipated September FOMC meeting, where 82
percent of economists are predicting that the Fed will raise interest rates.

Kaplan will replace Richard Fischer, a critic of the Fed and QE policy, the process of large-scale asset purchases of
Treasury and mortgage-backed securities that has greatly expanded the Fed’s balance sheet.

>Records Show Clinton Only Candidate to Receive Campaign Money from Federal Reserve Officials

>Thanks to the recently leaked Panama Papers, that public persona is getting peeled back layer by layer. Yesterday, the
Free Thought Project reported on the recently leaked names from the papers that link the campaign financed-careers of
Hillary and the former President Bill Clinton to those who use the offshore tax shelters. Not only do their financiers use
unethical offshore tax-havens, but as we showed, many of them are outright criminals.

>It seems that the only thing missing from Clinton’s rap sheet are outright admissions of murder and conspiracy. And,
judging from her recent “success” in the widely rigged polls, it is not so far-fetched to think that she could actually admit to
conspiracy and still be President.

>According to federal records, Hillary not only runs multiple shadowy shell companies, and has virtually unlimited support
from an international elite cabal, but she is also in the pocket of the Federal Reserve.

>According to the records at the Federal Election Commission, Hillary Clinton has received multiple donations from a top
Federal Reserve official. Since 2007, when she was at the Brookings Institution, Lael Brainard has been funneling money
to Hillary. In 2014, after serving as a senior official at the Treasury Department, Brainard was placed on the Washington-
based Federal Reserve’s board of governors and continued her support.
>Since her stint at the Fed, Brainard has made three such donations to Clinton’s campaign, Hillary for America.


Search seed corn in the database:



>DNC Treasurer since 1999, Andrew Tobias was born and raised in New York. He majored in Slavic Languages and
Literature at Harvard, but spent most of his time running the million-dollar student business conglomerate and publishing
"Let's Go: The Student Guide to Europe."

>After graduating in 1968, he had a brief sojourn in the high-flying world of business, rising to a VP spot at then-hot/then-
not National Student Marketing Corporation (about which he wrote "The Funny Money Game," his first book to gain wide
national attention).

>At 23, he entered Harvard Business School, writing for New York Magazine on the side and, upon graduation, as a
Contributing Editor. When NYM was sold, he followed Clay Felker to Esquire. He had a column for several years in Time,
and is Personal Finance Editor of Parade.

>One of his books is:

>"The Invisible Bankers: Everything the Insurance Industry Never Wanted You to Know"

More dirt on Monsanto:



Did you see the disabled girl speaking at the DNC? That's not a normal cripple. Her family has a serious history. And I
think we need to investigate. Her grandfather was the actual dictator of Nicaragua.

He was overthrown by the Sandinistas Liberation Front in 1979, which led to the Contra War, in which the US government
took the side of the Dictators Anti-revolutionaries (the side that supported teh crippled girls grandfather)

Here's some additional reading on the contra war, sources on the wiki page give direct links to the CIA attempting to stop
the counter revolutionaries
And check out the Coat of Arms for nicaragua. It shares an odd resemblance to the "illuminati" symbol

She works with the clinton foundation, which is obviously predated by the activities that her grandfather was involved in,
but its odd that the CIA was involved, and now shes involved with the Clinton Foundation

CF links:

Just google "anastasia somoza clinton foundation"

And there are loads of links associated with her
I just found out about this connection, so I will continue to dig, but any additional help would be beneficial.

anyone care that the handicapped girl story in Hillary's acceptance speech was
totally fabricated?
“I took over as Mayor in January of 1973. We had a budget for vans with drivers and provided services to students with
disabilities. It was Tremblay Bus. They would pick them up and drop them off at their homes. Now, they may not have
been able to go to the local school, depending on whether or not the schools were accessible for wheelchairs but there
were many schools then which could and did accommodate our handicapped students in wheelchairs”.
“In fact, we had a local guy who was a paraplegic, injured in a diving accident who came to my office many times to
advocate for the disabled and I actually spent an entire day in 1973 in a wheelchair to better understand the challenges
they face everyday. Soon after that we were cutting out sidewalks for wheelchairs and doing things in New Bedford before
the laws ever compelled us to.”
So despite the progressive and good works of the New Bedford leadership in 1973 to make the city schools and streets
more handicap accessible, Hillary (no pun intended) rolled New Bedford local government under the bus last night in front
of the world. And needed to lie to do it. It just didn’t seem possible in those days Hillary, because it wasn’t true in 1973
New Bedford.
Read the whole thing here.
Hillary Clinton made up the whole story to sound like a selfless humanitarian. In 1973 New Bedford was already giving
handicapped kids rides to school.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------


This guy should be a reminder to people that:

a) hillary was the one who created the war that his son died in
b) the guy is a massive sharia law advocate trying to use his son as a political gambit to push for more muslim
immigration, by trying to slam trumps immigration policies. People find that out..
c) he also has ties to the clinton foundation which hillary does NOT want to talk about


Literally nothing is going hillarys way..

it's incredible the information and connections are there for you to find, but you refuse to acknowledge how much you've
been lied to by hillary and the dems in general.

“Records obtained by Breitbart News reveal that Hillary Clinton’s own lawyer’s firm represented the company and handled
the patent for the program that Clinton used on her private email account.

“New York tax attorney Howard Topaz became Bill and Hillary Clintons’ personal tax lawyer in 2004 and started filling out
the couple’s tax returns. Topaz was a partner at Hogan & Hartson, which later merged to become known as Hogan
Lovells, where Topaz continues to practice. The firm’s lawyers were major donors to Hillary Clinton’s first presidential

Khizr Khan is Pakistani, by way of the UAE. He has an MA from Harvard, or at least studied for one.
He works in the legal profession. He’s not an attorney, but a “litigation technology specialist” – in other words, he knows
the information technology that is involved in a modern law practice.

As a matter of fact, from 2000-2007 he was the manager of litigation technology for Hogan & Hartson.

Since leaving the direct employment of Hogan & Hartson, Khan has worked as a consultant, presumably in the litigation
technology field, but it is not known who his clients have been.
So he’s a former (and possibly current?) IT guy at a DC law firm which was involved with setting up Hillary’s email system.
I think we deserve to know more about this fellow, and precisely how he is connected with Hillary Clinton, and why he has
taken on this role as her unassailable moral authority figure de la semaine.
PS: Oh, did I mention that Loretta Lynch also worked at Hogan, from 2002-2010?


Why so many Saudi connections?
> But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial,
legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm
did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website,
matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United
States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon
thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the
“Clinton Cash” narrative.
They crop up a LOT with the Clintons. Is it just money?
To be fair, the Bushes were close to the Saudi's too, but I don't remember this much money being mentioned all the time.

>Domain Name: KMKHANLAW.

Registry Domain ID: 764053620_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Update Date: 2015-01-15T19:13:38Z
Creation Date: 2007-01-19T19:20:32Z

>icann whois
>IP Address Location IP Address Owner Last seen on this IP Scottsdale - United States GoDaddy. , LLC
> Saint Paul - United States Thomson Reuters (Legal) Inc. 2012-11-12
>Thomson Reuters donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.[79]

he has ties to things we were looking into before he even came onto the scene. after a day or two they realized there was
going to be backlash and completely bowed out of anymore involvement.

if he thinks he’s going to disappear and keep bringing terrorists into this country on the down low he’s wrong. he’s a
person of interest now… In other words: PERMA-STUMPED.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------


Dem VP Pick close ties to Muslim Brotherhood Founder, Jamal Barzinji, October 24, 2011 Article from Front Page
Magazine - Maybe close friend of Huma Abedin family????
See Wikipedia:
Also, Tim Kaine was a Jesuit missionary in Honduras...... priests started
"Liberation Theology" in South America. Same as Black Liberation Theology. "Bottom Up Revolution".
Involved with the DNC fundraising and Clintons for a very long time.

Here's a possible lead for you guys with the whole pedophile sex cult/Jeffrey Epstein angle of the Clintons. Perhaps this
could involve Tim Kaine as well, since he would have to know about this and be OK with it.
I think you all have noticed that Tim Kaine seems like a homosexual. Just watch this if you haven't seen him yet:

Often people are "turned" gay after having been sexually abused as a child or teenager. I have some evidence that this
may be the case with Kaine:

According to his bio, Kaine graduated from the Rockhurst Jesuit Highschool in 1976. So he would have presumably went
there between 1973-1976. The thing about the Jesuit order is that it is infested with homosexuals and there are
innumerable cases of Jesuits sexually preying on young teenaged boys.

Here is one Jesuit priest, Chester "Chet" E. Gaiter (1939-2010) who was accused of sexual abuse. He worked at the
exact same school that Kaine went to from 1968-1973 as the school nurse (easy access to teenage boys to prey on):

So maybe Kaine was the victim of sexual abuse?

Oddly enough this was a black priest, and one of the nearest churches to the school is St. Elizabeth's in Kansas City, MO.
Kaine has attended a black church in Virginia for 30 years...St. Elizabeth's.


>US Patent Application No: 2013/0124,309

>Device identifiers for devices, such as computing devices, software, and applications, etc., are analyzed to determine
whether the device identifiers are associated with each other (e.g., are connected to each other) and how strongly the
device identifiers are associated with each other. A stronger connection between two device identifiers may indicate that
the device identifiers are connected to the same user, same computing device, or same household. Connections between
device identifiers are identified and/or weighted if the device identifiers are associated with the same network or if the
device identifiers use the same login information to access content. The identifiers and their connections may form a
device graph. Content is targeted to the clients based on the device graph. The device graph may also be used to perform
targeting and orchestration of advertising, attribution reporting, analytics, and content optimization across devices in the
device graph.

Inventors : Traasdahl Are Helge (New York, US), Liodden Dag Oeyvind (New York, US), Chang Vivian Wei-Hua (New
York, US)
Published Assignee : TAPAD, INC. (New York, US)
Current Assignee : TAPAD, INC. (New York)
Filed : November 14, 2012

Since I'm having trouble looking into Are Helge Traasdahl I'm going to give the information I have which is very little and
hope someone is better at searching this than I.

So in February his company, Tapad was bought by a Norwegian company called Telenor for 360 million dollars.

I tried to see if there was a connection to them and CF but all I found was this.

So the only thing I can think of is that Norway's Goverment is one of the donors for CF so is it possible for Norway to
donate money on behalf of Telenor? I'm not particularly smart on how this sort of thing works so I was hoping /cfg/ could


So, Tapad is founded in 2010 by Traasdahl, and this guy Dag Liodden.
Mr. Dag Liodden co-founded Tapad, Inc. in 2010 and also serves as its and Chief Technology Officer. Mr. Liodden
oversees all technological advancements for the company, including Tapad’s notable breakthroughs in delivering targeted
advertising across platforms. Prior to Tapad, he was a Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Giant Leap

Did a little search, SBIR is gov't backed small business innovation research..

Tapad Announces Founding Board Following Closure Of Telenor Acquisition Technology And Business Leaders Join
Tapad's Board as Company Charts Global, Unified Marketing Technology Path
PR Newswire
NEW YORK, May 3, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Following its $360 million acquisition by global telecom giant Telenor, Tapad
has announced the members of its founding board. Joining Are Traasdahl, Tapad Founder and CEO, are a seasoned
group of technology and business leaders including Jon Gravråk, Knut Giske and Matthew Kearney. Gravråk has been
named Chairman of the Tapad Board.
Prior to Rockbridge, Kearney was Executive Chairman of the Carlyle Group-backed Talent Partners.
>the Carlyle Group

Uhhhhh, Tapad/Telenor have expertise in M2M hardware solutions...

2015 this guy is appointed Tapad's board chair:

"Gravråk is Chief Digital Officer/EVP at Telenor Group and the head of Digital Businesses, the global unit looking after
Telenor's investments in digital business models. Previously, he was a Partner at McKinsey & Company"

"Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation, works to drive the vision and work of the Clinton Foundation.
Chelsea previously worked at McKinsey & Company and Avenue Capital."

Traasdahl is in the DNC leaks about a meeting with Obama

Basically, he's here on a Visa so he couldn't donate due to a greencard being needed. Then, they floated the idea of him
attending the meeting w/o donating.

This is very very interesting


Diplomatic visa number: 5010213628

Passport number: 910086093

Suspicious Clinton Death List:



18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses

18 U.S. Code § 219 - Officers and employees acting as agents of foreign principals

18 U.S. Code § 1962 - Criminal Racketeering

18 U.S. Code § 1621 - Perjury

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

18 U.S. Code § 1509 - Obstruction of court orders

18 U.S. Code § 1510 - Obstruction of criminal investigations

18 U.S. Code § 595 - Conspiracy to Interference of Election by administrative employees

18 U.S. Code § 597 - Expenditures to influence voting

18 U.S. Code § 610 - Coercion of political activity

18 U.S. Code § 211 - Acceptance or solicitation to obtain appointive public office

18 U.S. Code § 600 - Promise of employment or other benefit for political activity



Directors / Officers:
CHERYL MILLS, director
CHERYL SABAN, director
DONNA SHALALA, president
ERIC GOOSBY, director
LISA JACKSON, director
RICARDO CASTRO, assistant sec.

>"In July 2013, the board of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation approved a salary of more than $395,000,
plus bonus, for its new Yale-educated CEO, Eric Braverman, who had worked with Chelsea Clinton at the prestigious
McKinsey & Company consultancy. The former first daughter pulled strings so Braverman could help her impose
McKinsey-like management rigor to a foundation that had grown into a $2 billion charitable powerhouse.
Just a year and a half after Braverman arrived, he abruptly resigned, and Politico reported that his exit stemmed partly
from a power struggle inside the foundation between and among the coterie of Clinton loyalists who have surrounded the
former president for decades and who helped start and run the foundation. Some, including the president’s old Arkansas
lawyer Bruce Lindsey, who preceded Braverman as CEO, raised concerns directly to Bill Clinton about the reforms
implemented by Braverman, and felt themselves marginalized by the growing influence of Chelsea Clinton and the new
CEO she had helped recruit. What played out over the past two years at the foundation was the story of Chelsea Clinton’s
rise. Now 35 and with the official title of vice chair at the foundation, her power now cannot be overstated: no major
decisions occur without her input."

Possible connections between the Clinton Foundation and Russia, China, the UK, and maybe India:

Whitewater was only a piece.

Raytheon and worse
Follow leads to Other Foundations i.e. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rotary International Foundation, the latter
directly connected to the UN.
Want to find corporations laundering money I suggest checking out Florida Corporations Division
Chelsea Clinton is in over her head as is her husband Marc, who was introduced by his convicted father and B&H Clinton
while at Martha's vineyard.

Guess who Chealsea's father in law is?

>In March 2001, Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 counts of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire
fraud.After serving less than five years in federal prison, he was released in April 2008 and remains on federal probation.
>To this day, he still owes $9.4 million in restitution to his victims.


60 MINUTES OVERTIME NYC attorney: "We run the country"
Video: Hillary Claims She Is “Not In The Pocket Of Anyone” After Receiving $6 million From Soros Last Month
3.) Global Witness, a London-based nonprofit organization that exposes international corruption, came to New York City
19 months ago. It wanted to see how helpful U.S.lawyers would be in concealing questionable funds.
Reminder: Hillary Clinton's Daughter is Married to a Hedge Fund Manager
5.) Marc Mezvinsky
6.) Ed Mezvinsky,
8.) Neptune Minerals Inc.
9.) The NANA Family of Companies
Carlyle Group
The Carlyle Group, CVC Capital Partners and Energy Industry Veteran Sam Laidlaw join forces to launch Neptune Oil &
Gas Ltd., a new Oil & Gas Acquisition Platform
Tue, 09 June 2015
The Carlyle Group is a private investment bank which doesn't come to the publics attention very often but it is one of the
biggest American (ed: USA) investors of the defense industry, telecom, property and financial services.
12.) Case 9:15-cv-80388-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2015 Page 1 of 59
a/k/a The William J. Clinton Foundation
a/k/a The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation
1271 Avenue of the Americas, 42nd Floor, New York, New York 10020
Service: Chairman Bruce Lindsey or Vice-Chairman
Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky (neé Chelsea Victoria Clinton)
Towers of Secrecy
Stream of Foreign Wealth Flows to Elite New York
Real Estate

>Neptune Minerals Inc.

Was facing near bankruptcy in 2014 due to Soros selling off shares

>Currently getting ready to begin huge gold mine boom off of New Zealand, shares are cheap right now, but given history
of Odyssey Marine (several 'failed' projects) and subsidizing by London
this has to be a slush fund corp

Soros is invested heavily in gold and in that first part it is mentioned how the rich will need a way to store precious metals
Soros bought Arch Coal back in October along with a man named Leon Black.
Black is incredibly rich, owns "The Scream", and is the founder of Apollo Management. Maybe this is the next step,
looking at artwork to see who has used it as a store of value or as a way to launder money to the organization. Hopefully
the idea about the buying of the coal company helps.

>Some areas to look into:

Haitian Government-
BME director who approved the deals- Ludner Remarais

Majescor Resoruces Inc.- -------- Had other Haiti exploitation permit
Daniel F. Hachey-President, CEO, and Director at time of Haiti Disaster and deal
C. Tucker Barrie--- Largest Shareholder???
Andre D Audet-Current Interim CEO- Was CEO of SIMACT Alliance Copper Gold Inc.
Sabino Di Paola-Current CFO

M Partners Inc- Bought Majescor shares for 2 million at $0.25 a share. 1/10 of market value at time; seems to be standard
price for insiders?
Thomas Kofman- Was chairman during Haiti disaster- M. Partners Inc.
Steven Isenberg
Michael Krestell

VCS Mining
Angelo Viard-Connected directly to the clintons with HRC's brother and CGI

VCS Mining Connections


-Linked by HRC's Brother and CEO at the time with CGI- Well-documented by several sources:
Company Number: 4786681
Incorporation Date: 11 February 2010 (over 6 years ago)
Company Type: Corporation
Jurisdiction: Delaware (US)
Agent Address: 615 S. DUPONT HWY, DOVER, DE, 19901
Directors / Officers: NATIONAL CORPORATE RESEARCH, LTD, agent


Thomas Kofman

Majescor Inc. Info and Connections


Company Number: 3231291
Status: Active
Incorporation Date: 23 February 1996 (over 20 years ago)
Company Type: Distributing corporation
Jurisdiction: Canada
Business Number: 892344144RC0001
Registered Address: 800, Place Victoria, Bureau 3700, Montréal, H4Z 1E9, QC, CA
Governing Legislation: Canada Business Corporations Act - 1996-02-23
Previous Names: 3231291 CANADA INC.
Alternative Names: MAJESCOR RESOURCES INC. (alternative legal name, 1996-05-16 - )
Directors / Officers:
André Audet, director
C. Tucker Barrie, director
Michel Fontaine, director

SIMACT Alliance Copper Gold Inc. (“SACG”) is a Montreal-based private company headed by a group of Canadian
financiers and Haitian-American developers.
On April 4, 2009, Majescor executed an Agreement with SIMACT and its principal shareholders whereby the Company
will acquire a 10% interest in SIMACT,
as well an option to acquire the remaining 90% interest.

Majescor Inc. bought out SIMACT Alliance before being, I think, bought out by M Partners Inc., or at the very least, have a
massive amount of shares.

Company Number: 4515943
Status: Active
Incorporation Date: 16 April 2009 (about 7 years ago)
Company Type: Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders
Jurisdiction: Canada
Business Number: 813667557RC0002
Registered Address: 5460 Canotek Road, Unit 99, Ottawa, K1J 9G9, ON, CA
Governing Legislation: Canada Business Corporations Act - 2009-04-16
Alternative Names: SIMACT ALLIANCE CUIVRE OR INC. (alternative legal name, 2009-04-16 - )
Directors / Officers
André D. Audet, director


To help this search along Here is a snapshot of his holdings. As of Dec. 31, 2015, funds at Soros Fund Management, run
by George Soros, were valued at $5.4 billion.
During the quarter, Soros Fund Management had 235 total holdings. Adecoagro S.A. 5.9% of portfolio.
Synchrony Financial 4% of portfolio.
Level 3 Communica...3.2% of portfolio.
Zoetis Inc. Class A 3% of portfolio.
Dow Chemical Comp... 3% of portfolio.
Cypress Semicondu... 3% of portfolio.
Endo Internationa... 2.5% of portfolio.
Allergan plc Ordi... 2.1% of portfolio.
Polycom, Inc. 2.1% of portfolio.
PayPal Holdings 2% of portfolio.
Delta Air Lines, ... 1.9% of portfolio.
eBay Inc. 1.8% of portfolio.
Facebook, Inc. 1.6% of portfolio.
American Airlines... 1.4% of portfolio.
LyondellBasell In...1.4% of portfolio.
EQT Corporation 1.4% of portfolio.
iShares iBoxx $ 1.4% of portfolio.
Columbia Pipeline... 1.4% of portfolio.
DISH Network Corp... 1.4% of portfolio.
Time Warner Cable... 1.4% of portfolio., Inc. 1.3% of portfolio.
Marathon Petroleu... 1.2% of portfolio.
Viavi Solutions Inc. 1.1% of portfolio.
Qunar Cayman Isla... $1.1% of portfolio.
MCD McDonald's Corpor... 1.1% of portfolio.

See: Qatar
>Adecoagro was heavily invested by Soros when it started its IPO in 2011. And of course there is QATAR connection to
the ipo. "
Qatar Holding LLC, the investment arm of the Qatar Investment Authority, the Persian Gulf state’s sovereign wealth fund,
agreed to buy stock equal to about 25 percent of proceeds.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --


The William J. Clinton Presidential Center and Park is the presidential library of Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the
United States (1993–2001). It is located in Little Rock, Arkansas and includes the Clinton Presidential Library, the offices
of the Clinton Foundation, and the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service.

The library has been criticized for not including much information about the pardons Clinton issued just before leaving
Clinton pardoned former financier Marc Rich, a fugitive who had been charged with multiple counts of racketeering, wire
fraud, income tax evasion, and illegal oil trading
Rich's wife, Denise Eisenberg Rich, was reported to have made three donations totaling nearly $1,000,000 to Clinton's
presidential library fund, as well as multiple other contributions to the Democratic Party and Hillary Rodham Clinton's
senate campaign. It was later found that she only made three payments totaling $450,000 to the fundraiser.

Clinton has also been criticized for the library's lack of coverage regarding various scandals during his presidency,
including the Whitewater scandal.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------


>Clinton Foundation’s Colombian ‘Private Equity Fund’ Was Unregistered
>Company’s website removed from internet after Thursday report

>The Clinton Foundation’s Colombia-based investment company was not registered as a private equity fund in the
country, which may have allowed it to avoid certain industry regulations and oversight from the Colombian government.

>Although Fondo Acceso described itself as a “Private Equity Fund” in company promotional materials and business
presentations, it is not listed in a database maintained by the Colombian government of current or previously registered
private equity funds.

>Colombian legal experts consulted by the Free Beacon said that Fondo Acceso did not appear to have violated any laws
by calling itself a private equity fund, as long as it was not doing so while trying to raise capital.

>According to its corporate records, Fondo Acceso is registered in Colombia as a “simplified stock corporation,” which
legal experts said precludes it from doing business as a private equity fund.


Hello quid pro quo

>Clinton and Thein Sein shared a warm greeting in a hotel courtyard, their national flags and tropical foliage behind them.
Clinton asked about Thein Sein's family and told him "I brought a very prestigious business delegation to see you. I
wanted them all to hear from you tonight about your plans for the future."
>She met the reformist president last year when she became the first U.S. Secretary of State in half-a-century to visit

>They were to go together Friday night to meet the largest-ever delegation of American businesses to Southeast Asia.
Those represented include Coca Cola, Ford, General Electric, General Motors, Goldman Sachs and Google.

>The high-profile gathering and meeting reflected the sharp progress the country also known as Burma has made after
years in the international wilderness.
>July 13, 2012
A bit further down:
>We also want to look at ways to develop heavy industries around the country - and further develop mining potential ...

>The methodology approved by VCS was prepared by Winrock International, under contract to Shell Canada Energy.
Funding for preparing the methodology came from Shell Canada, Gazprom Marketing and Trading and the Clinton

>Shell, Gazprom and the Clinton Foundation are funding the landmark REDD Rimba Raya project on 100,000 ha
(250,000 acres) in the province of Central Kalimantan in Indonesia. According to Reuters, the Rimba Raya project marks
“a milestone” in the development of a global market in forest carbon credits.

>Shell’s REDD carbon offset project could be quite a money maker. Reuters calculates that “At about $10 a credit, that
means about $750 million over 30 years.”

>Renowned Nigerian environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey, Director of Environmental Rights Action and Chair of Friends of
the Earth International, has a long history of opposing destructive oil extraction activities. “We have suffered Shell’s
destruction of communities and biodiversity as well as oil spills and illegal gas flaring for decades. Now we can add
financing REDD for greenwash and profits to the long list of Shell’s atrocities.”

>Clinton urges cooperation in resource-rich Arctic

>Arguing for its ratification at a recent Senate hearing, Clinton said the treaty would offer the U.S. oil and gas rights some
600 miles into the Arctic. She said American companies were "equipped and ready to engage in deep seabed mining," but
needed to join the treaty to take exploit oil, gas and mineral reserves.
>Also, she expressed the wish that: “the federal government could help biotechs with ‘insurance against risk,’ she said.
Without such subsidies, she said, this is going to be an increasing challenge,” because otherwise, biotech companies
might get bankrupted by lawsuits from consumers who might have become poisoned by their products. She wants the
consuming public to bear the risk from those products —


More on Cheryl Mills, the Clinton aide turned shady businessmen.

After her departure from the State Department, she was allowed to keep her clearance level to access classified
information. Clinton requested that the she be allowed to keep her clearance, despite her leaving to found the BlackIvy
group. Presumably it was to gain information to help her business and delete emails that may tarnish the Clinton name.
Most likely the ones retaining to the CF.

BlackIvy has been under fire for a multitude of reason, this article will explains why, it has been said before.

BlackIvy is also under an extreme amount of fire for proposing for a 23 cent minimum wage in Ghana, despite all the
founders and CEOs calling for a 15 dollar minimum wage in the U.S. Here is another article explaining that and the actual
powerpoint used to attract businesses to Africa.

Another fun fact about Cheryl, she is also on the board of directors of the Clinton foundation. She helped defend Bill in
1999 and has been a retainer goon for Hillary since then.
>tl;dr mills is a terrible at business and still uses her clearance to make money, similar to insider trading.

Also, here is a article about the Tanzania port authorities trying to shut down BlackIvy. I haven't read it because it has to
be paid for and I want none of my information near this.

Found something about a deposition she gave some time ago. It is quite long though, fyi
Pagliano was Hillary's personal IT guy during Hillary's SOS term. He had an immunity agreement so that he could
participate in a probe. His deposition is indefinitely postponed thanks to judge Emmet Sullivan. Pagliano also loves to
plead the 5th a lot.
^ is also the judge presiding over the FOIA case for the emails.

>pretty much your out of the mill a lot of talk no action "charity". It's data grabbing and making pretty graphs.
This is one of their partners, Droga5:
>known media company, it's just shills, creating memes (heartbreaking/emotional images) and produce "that" viral video...

UN and the Clintons:
>old player, not much to see there. They try to buy off charges for cheap to ship it somewhere else and are legit.
>We already know the Clinton foundation has nothing to do with charity, they put some money down there but most of it
goes into buying off Health Ministers, Hospital CEO's or Pharmaceutical companies to get more influence. So they pull the
lines for unitaid to get deals...

>CHAI has a donor list
>Above 25m


### UNITAID ###

This is a global health initiative that somehow sort of spun out of the World Health Organization (WHO). It doesn’t carry
out any programs or research of its own, instead providing grants to various other groups which already have labs and
distribution networks. Its proximity to the WHO gives it the leverage to negotiate cheap drug contracts with large
pharmaceutical companies for its grantees. []
Almost all UNITAID contributors are governments, but the BMGF did provide them $10m.

UNITAID is listed alongside BMGF as a top-tier donor for the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)

There are also a ton of other grantees, such as Stop TB Partnership, TB Alliance, etc.

The most interesting part about UNITAID though is their “innovative financing” mechanism. They have accumulated over
$2 billion in eight years via a small fee added to any international departing flight out of a small subset of countries.

So basically this company doesn’t need any of its own equipment, generates an infinite stream of funding for grants, and
is nestled up close enough to the WHO that it can get pharmaceuticals for dirt cheap.

One of its largest grantees is The Global Fund.



>The sources of such pricing information vary, but relevant information may include the price paid by wholesalers or other
third-party buyers, a favorable price negotiated by an organization (such as the Clinton Foundation) for a particular drug,
or other such reasonable bases.
>page 23
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------


By the late 1980s, Arkansas was the only prison in the United States still running a blood program. In 1991, a reporter for
the Arkansas Times asked John Byus, medical director of the Arkansas Corrections Department, how much longer they
planned to continue the operation, and was told, “We plan to stick with it till the last day, to the last drop we’re able to sell.”

>Look thru to see some names of who they give grants to. Most money seems to be circulated within their private groups.
Don't know how to find out what they are doing with all of the money.

>Clinton Foundation
>$1m or over

First page on the pdf, start googling if you're bored.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

This may define a link between George Soros and the manipulation of music entertainment pre-2010
> $16 million funneled from Mexico Media Empire to nightclubs & high-end car dealerships
The Derboghossian family, Armenians (Serbia/Kosovo) was also indicted in the ensuing charges: 102 felonies; state
dropped charges on Mario De La Fuente, but kept the seized $12 million. Derboghossian’s were charged with low-level
felonies also dropped.
Several Americans owned shell businesses used to launder the Mexican money, Jodi Upton only one named never
charged. Her nightclub was actually ran by Swizz Beatz who did charity work with the UN to “unite entertainment industry
for peace”. Organized fundraisers for other entertainers also. Big player in the Gordon Parks Foundation, a George Soros
open society foundation.

> Swizz Beatz helped promote and sell over 280 million records in the US alone.
Swizz Beatz also listed as CEO of MegaUpload when KimDotCom got busted, Swizz claims he gave 90% of proceeds to
the artists



Proof that the Clinton Campaign is Coordinating with Super PACs.
Spread this like wildfire:

CF Donor List:
CF Highest paid contractor list:
HRC Paid Speaking engagements:
HRC Private Jet Travel:
Also on that list of donors, is James Murdoch who is Rupert Murdoch son who testified in that telephone hacking scandal
a few years back.

Clinton Foundation Donor List:

>Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund
>$1,000,001 - $$5,000,000

>Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative - Canada

>$1,000,001 to $5,000,000

>Soros Foundation
>Google Inc.
>$500,001 - $1,000,000

Wasserman Foundation
"Affiliated Entity" of the CF:
>scroll to the bottom

Interesting Donors list - these can go somewhere

>Some donors to Clinton foundation used the Panamanian law firm for offshores
>Connections come from the more than 40 years Bill and Hillary Clinton have spent in public life
>Clinton criticized those exposed in the Panama Papers, some looking to hide their wealth

One of them is Ng Lap Seng (see sections on China)
>Ng Lap Seng is the subject of an American investigation, and faces bribery, money laundering and other charges, as he
allegedly that he paid bribes via intermediaries totalling US$500,000 to former UN General Assembly president John
John Ashe is dude who had "accident" with barbell and died.
>Ng Lap Seng was also part of a Democratic fund-raising scandal when Bill Clinton was president, and is mentioned in
the Panama Papers.

Saudis and Pfizer donated to foundation in 08 and crashed the site

Big donations directly to bill for 'speaking'
> "A politician from India donated some $5 million to the Clinton Foundation — which would have amounted to nearly his
entire net ?worth, a new book about the Clintons claims. The Clinton Foundation in 2008 reported that it had received a
contribution of between $1 million and $5 million from Amar Singh, a member of India’s Parliament and a pal of Bill
Clinton. The size of the donation relative to Singh’s net worth raised questions about whether Singh was the true source
of the cash, according to “Clinton Cash” author Peter Schweizer . The 2008 contribution was made as Congress debated
approval of a nuclear agreement between the United States and India, which then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton eventually

Potential tax fraud via tax reporting and donation reporting

also talks about mexican donor and changing reporting records
> "Clinton supporter Ira Lessfield was listed last year as a $250,000 to $500,000 donor. His Leesfield Foundation was
listed as having given just $1,000 to $5,000. However, the latter’s tax filings revealed it has given at least $200,000 to the
Clinton Foundation.

>The updated donor list merges the two, putting “Ira H. Leesfield and Leesfield Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.” in the
$250,000 to $500,000 category.
>The website appears to have corrected a similar discrepancy with respect to Fred Eychaner, combining the Chicago
media mogul’s personal and foundation giving into one line item."

Hillary Clinton's campaign has received 2.5 mil from a hedge fund called "Renaissance Technologies." This is run by a
man named James Harris Simons. He also runs Euclidean Capital which has donated 7 mil to her campaign. In 2014 a
Senate committee found Renaissance Tech had effectively dodged over 6 billion dollars in taxes. I wonder why they're
donating to her. Isn't she supposed to be breaking up hedge funds that do this, not get funded by them.

“The crime was not only corruption – the selling of ‘official acts’ as secretary of state for personal gain obtained via
‘donations’ to the Clinton Foundation – the crime was also inurement – operating a 501(c) tax-favored charity for personal
gain, at the same time the politicized IRS denied tax-favored status to conservative, tea-party-affiliated groups,” Corsi
>Some experts in charity law and taxes said it was not remarkable for a charity to refile an erroneous return once in
awhile, but for a large, global charity to refile three or four years in a row was highly unusual.
>"I've never seen amendment activity like that," said Bruce Hopkins, a Kansas City lawyer who has specialized in charity
law for more than four decades, referring to the CHAI filings
>"No charity is required to disclose their donors," he said. "However, we voluntarily disclose our more than 300,000
donors and post our audited financial statements on our website along with the 990s for anyone to see."
>Minassian declined to comment on why the foundation had not included the necessary break-down of government
funding in its 990 forms. He said it was rare to find an organization as transparent as the foundation.

Name Drops:
>Maura Daley
CHAI (Clinton Health Access Initiative) Spokesperson
>Craig Minassian
CF Spokesperson
Hillary Clinton presidential primary race began fundraising program is $ 100 million
2015-04-22 18:11:33
Hillary Clinton is trying to build a small-scale, low-key, localization campaign image: no meetings, no crowds, close to the
But she still needs to raise money at an alarming rate.
Clinton campaign 2015
To create a low-key image of Hillary still a large campaign contributions electioneering
Later this month, Hillary Clinton will attend a campaign fundraiser.
According to his campaign finance director Dennis Chan on Friday sent a message to donors and fundraisers, April 28 in
New York, April 30 in Washington, DC, there were two fund-raising activities. But the message did not specify the ticket
price per game activities.
Program insiders confirmed, Clinton will attend fund-raising activities, the most likely venue for a private residence. Just
last Wednesday, Clinton fundraiser was held in Vernon Jordan couple at home, they had former President Bill Clinton's
personal advisor. In accordance with the recommendations have been received, the Democratic Party announced that for
the first time Clinton's fund-raising activities will not take large banquet style.
This name insiders, fundraising infancy, Hillary's plan is to come up with a small amount of "the Clinton campaign's start,"
the event in line with the plan style.
If you can raise to 10 donors, each contribution of $ 2700, the fundraiser will be led by Dennis

Chen campaign finance team given name "Clinton campaign initiator." $ 2,700 is the upper limit individual contributions to
the early election regulations. They can also donate $ 2,700 for the final election. But in the primaries, Hillary only accept
the basic political cash. This is Obama's strategy in 2008 to take the same pre-selection phase, and that time, Hillary
Clinton is raising money for the general election on her useless.
"Clinton campaign started by" program also predicts a more attractive way of raising money: Clinton last election its
requirements "package" and improve fundraising limit (Note: refers to circumvent regulatory Federal Election Commission,
a where many people raise from donors or political action committee money, then the money donated to the campaign at
once. this is where the candidates from their friends and family to raise funds might be called "packaged" and usually the
company the CEO, lobbyist or some rich people). Fund-raising more than $ 100,000 "package" and automatically
upgraded to "Clinton campaign ascending."
Chen's message also said that the campaign team opened the weekly "behind the scenes" calls for "help Hillary Clinton's
campaign" briefings. In addition, every call will introduce a different understanding fundraiser campaign team members.
They sent Jennifer Palmieri, director of media and Christina Scheck, vice president at the head.

Recep Özkan is the Turkish tie to the Clinton foundation. He can be found in the 500k-1m donation list and donor to the
Ready for Hillary PAC.
He was a President of the Turkish Cultural Center Ny Chapter. The center is strongly intertwined in the Gulen Movement.
>It looks like from 2010 to 2013 the highest paid people were involved in filming and producing some sort of live event
and doing something with the recordings:
The ones that I could dig anything up on, seem to be connected with CGI events.

>Five Currents LLC
The Clinton Global Initiative, a FiveCurrents ANNUAL production, has once again topped BizBash Magazine’s list of New
York’s Top Political, Legal & Diplomatic Events 2010. During the 2009 Annual Meeting, CGI celebrated its fifth
anniversary with a keynote address by President Barack Obama and attendance by heads of state, government and
business leaders, scholars, and NGO directors. The Annual Meeting encourages these divergent groups of individuals to
work together to analyze, discuss, and debate possible solutions to urgent global issues.

>“In just five years, members of the Clinton Global Initiative have made nearly $57 billion worth of commitments to world
relief—$9.4 billion of which came out of the 2009 >meeting at the Sheraton New York.”

>Lankey & Limey

>this kills the Clinton Foundation

Hillary for America, Top Clinton Bundlers Tied to Foreign Banks, Governments


Found a list of thousands of donors.
Link to the DOWNLOADABLE list:
Link to the email:
>Found this. Looks like something about Hillary accepting money from some Bob Glovsky, arranged by Jordan Kaplan
and Naomi Aberly.
>Glovsky appears to have ties to Obama and is one of the heads of:
>So he's some kind of merchant who paid the woman a ton of money so she could do some speaking event.

>may require more investigation: Phil Munger

Huge contribs to Dems
OFA reports only some contribs. DNC leak reveals he is real largest donor, sits next to Obama at roundtable
Alaska Dem party 13th dist
Connected to 13th regional native ghost corporation, which is connected to Perkins Coie?
Son of Charles Munger
Munger, Tolles, and Olson
V. Chair at Berkshire Hath


>Douglas J. Band, Bruce R. Lindsey, Aaron Motsoaledi, Dakota Fanning, Jesse Eisenberg, John A. Catsimatidis, Ira C.
Magaziner (What is with this dude), Natalie Portman, Declan Kelly, John D. Podesta, Eric Braverman, Madhuri

>Time-Life, Procter & Gamble, McKinsey & Company, Teneo (magaziner), MF Global

>Standard Chartered, a British financial services company that paid a $340 million fine to New York regulators last year to
settle charges that it had laundered money from Iran, is a Teneo client and a sponsor of the 2012 global initiative.

>Large commitments have been made by foreign businessmen with records of making payments to government officials
to gain influence. Gilbert Chagoury, for example, who has sponsored speeches by Bill and committed $1 billion to the
Clinton Global Initiative, has a long history of association with corrupt transactions in Nigeria.
>$1 billion

>friend of clintons
>donated over a billion dollars to various clinton stuff
>basically the bribe-guy/middleman for a brutal nigerian dictator
>involved with halliburton
>convicted of money laundering
>basically looted his entire country
>sold oil rights to china
>for some reason, knighted by the catholic church under the order of st. gregory
so we have a known money-launderer funneling tons of money into the clintons' various funds who served a dictator and
looks to be enabling chinese colonization of africa through resource-exploitation


HillaryClinton/Unaoil/CitiGroup/HSBC Scandal. -
Apr 15, 2016 ... Hillary's second largest donor is Citigroup who is also involved in ... /us-news/ 2015/feb/10/hillary-clinton-

Hillary Sucks -
Apr 9, 2016 ... But if Hillary Clinton isn't as influenced by money as she claims, how ... -donors- got-weapons-deals-hillary-

Nov 7, 2015 ... However, this was agreed month(s) before, as you can find Ickes's donation receipt to Hillary for America
below, exactly a month before Brock's ...

WASHINGTON – Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters have made ...
Dec 17, 2015 ... That's a sharp contrast to Hillary Clinton's 17,575 maxed-out donors, whose donations accounted for
almost 62 percent of her money raised, ...

May 16, 2016 ... <p class=", sm"> 219971</p> ... Regimes
which happen to be her personal donors.
Hillary Clinton: Takes millions in speaking fees from Wall Street ...
Feb 10, 2016 ... Hillary Clinton: Takes millions in ... the same foundation whose donors got weapons deals when she was
Secretary of State 1. Makes her fans ...
SC votes -
Feb 21, 2016 ... >sponsored by George Soros, FEMEN and BLM donor, also funded protesters in Ferguson and
Baltimore, Hillary and DNC donor. PPP CEO on ...

Turkbro -
Nov 11, 2015 ...
Nov 8, 2015 ... The SwissBro accountant & TurkBro are currently looking at Hillary's ... FEC PAC violations

>From an Aussie:
Not really a big part of this, but I saw the FBIanon threads and thought I'd pitch in.
I looked at the board of directors for CF and saw one of them was a CEO for a finance company and thought I'd check it
out (Frank Giustra).
The guy looks incredibly strategic. Being a finance manager, he can pass off as fairly innocuous, but his past makes him
stand out.
According to an interview he did (linking below) he worked with Merriyl Lynch, and then with Yorkton Securities -
launching financing for Europeanean resources. He's also an advisor for a gold mining company as well as connections to
other resources (mostly gold though. AND he created Lionsgate Entertainment. Hell, him and Bill Clinton launched an
organisation together and has more ties in Vancouver.
For a man like that to succeed so well several times (he even owns an olive oil company on the side) he must be
connected through the roof. He's connected to Europe, to resources like gold (it may be worth noting George Soros
recently bought a lot of gold) and will have his fingers in the media. He seems like an extremely advantageous man for
any money laundering organisation. Further research would have to be done though.


Potentially important >***CGEP - Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnship - Canadian CF? ***
Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra and former president Bill Clinton launch the Clinton Giustra Enterprise
Partnership (CGEP), a Canadian charity that is an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation. The CGEP will become known for
many charitable works, including funding relief efforts after a 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
However, investigative journalist Ken Silverstein will allege in a 2015 Harper’s Magazine article that the CGEP is actually
a “slush fund” for the Clintons. He will write that CGEP “has been moving significant sums of money into the Clinton
Foundation’s flagship in New York. There’s no way for the public to know precisely how much total money the CGEP has
taken in over the years—or how much it has forwarded on to the Clinton Foundation—because, unlike in the United
States, under Canadian non-profit law charities don’t need to report donors to tax authorities.” Nearly all the donors to the
CGEP are unknown. It is also unknown how much CGEP has given the Clinton Foundation, except that it ranks in the top
donor class of $25 million or more.

CGEP Website:
>A Canadian charity called the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership—which is run by one of Bill Clinton’s close friends,
Frank Giustra—has been moving significant sums of money into the Clinton Foundation’s flagship in New York.
"A Canadian affiliate of the Clinton Foundation that has raised millions from mining executives has spent far more on
salaries and administrative costs than charitable programming in the two most recent years for which numbers are
available, according to financial statements from the Canada Revenue Agency."

"The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada), a registered charity based in Vancouver, B.C., devoted $737,441
— amounting to 78 per cent of its expenditures — to management and administration in 2014. The amount includes
spending on office supplies and expenses, salaries and professional and consulting fees."


Been lurking for a while, not sure if anyone’s posted about this but I haven’t seen anything, so I’ll post what I’ve got.
February 2009, Hillary Clinton urges China to buy more US treasuries.
October 2009 China has a US shipment of gold tested and discovers they are fakes (gold plated tungsten), produced by
the Federal Reserve during Bill’s presidency. It’s estimated that over a million were produced, possibly having an effect on
up to $600 billion worth of gold in the market place.
July 2015, China releases first official statement of gold holdings since April 2009. Why the six year silence? Also, their
holdings increased by 57%, which is less than predicted.
Another article that goes more in-depth into the tungsten bars, along with relevant source material and quotes, although
I’m unsure of the integrity of the site.

Someone mentioned to look into gold because of its properties as a store of value that would only be augmented in a
SHTF scenario. That being the case the value of pure and genuine gold would be further expanded if the majority of “gold”
in the market place was actually tungsten. Beyond that, consider then, that you and all your elite mates own pretty much
all of it because you secretly siphoned it all off.


The Rockefeller family started liquidating its oil assets way back in 2014 to "fight global warming" which makes NO sense
on several levels. Then in May 2016, they liquidated ALL of their oil assets.

I'm not sure if this is important or not, but I study macroeconomics as a hobby. This strongly suggests to me that the
rockefeller's new about the oncoming oil glut, and started selling early, 2 years or so before it hit in full force.

Oil and gold working both ways works similarly in the market. Oil prices going up, or being bought means a bet on
economic growth, whereas gold means the opposite.
If fbi anon is right in his assessment that the US and the world is going into a "Lost Decade" of stagflation (the most
reasonable outcome with the current financial environment), then gold is going to become a growth asset for a long period
of time since it's "immune" (price will vary, but that's why it's a safe haven anyway) to the fluctuation of currency. This'll
make gold over the coming financial craziness an amazing investment if you have the money.

What do you think /pol/. Not trying to link the rockefeller's the clinton foundation necessarily, but gold purchases, gold
investments, and gold mines, dates of oil liquidation holdings, etc, might give us another avenue of investigation.

Worth it, or red herring?


MARC RICH (died of a stroke in 2013)

>Marc Rich & Co AG renamed Glencore after a management buyout in 1993

>Founder was on FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List.
>He enrolled at New York University but dropped out
>Pulled off first Middle Eastern corporate coup in 1973.
>Miraculously he predicted OPEC countries oil export embargo, and the threefold price increase that accompanied it
>Future trading was the norm in the crude oil market, but realising a price hike was imminent, Rich started buying and
selling on the spot market.
>Allowed him to sell on demand as the embargo took effect and and price rose catastrophically.
>In 1974 Rich resigned from his employers who didn't approve and founded Marc Rich & Co AG Switzerland.
>From 1979 to 1993, his company imported 50,000 tons of oil to the heavily sanctioned South African apartheid
>Rich purchased crude through a maze of front and shell companies in the midst of the 1979 Iranian hostage crises and
oil trading ban.

>It was a crime that was only picked up in 1983 by Rudy Giuliani (God Emperor knows everything).

>Amid more than 51 counts of tax fraud, $48 m in tax evasion and a 300 year prison sentence, Rich fled the US.
>After nearly bankrupting the company in 1993 through zinc trades, the company dropped the founder’s name, along with
his notoriety, to rename itself Glencore.
>Bitter at being forced out of his company, Rich founded another trading company called MRI Trading AG.
>In 2003, with a $7.5 billion turnover and 240 employees, MRI was sold to Russian Crown Resources.
>Pardoned by Clinton in 2001.
>Rich’s ex-wife, Denise, was a close friend of the Clintons.
>They had made sizable donations to the Clinton Presidential Library and the Clinton Foundation.
>Through ‘The Rich Foundation’, he donated large amounts to Israeli causes received honorary doctorates from Bar-Ilan
and Ben-Gurion Universities.

Marc Rich, whose foundations have donated some $100 million over the past two decades, 80 percent of it to good
causes in Israel."
We sent over 100 letters to the White House, some of which were addressed to me and contained appreciation of Marc
Rich's philanthropy, and others addressed directly to [Bill] Clinton

Azoulay, who has headed the Tel Aviv arm of the foundation for six years, said it had given the hospital about $1.2 million.
''We often get requests from donors to write a letter stating that they have given us money, so we didn't think it unusual.
But we had no idea it would be used for getting a pardon."

The book of appreciation to Rich has not yet been published (is it now?)

TL;DR Rich and his foundation were friends with the Clintons since forever and Rich used a simplistic yet forethought
dupe: he donated random millions to hospitals and such and when he needed a pardon he asked them all to write a letter
telling good things about him.
He also gave massive amounts of cash to Israel and jewish foundations.

check this out, just screening for info at the moment:
Anons here is a translated version of this email from the Turkey wikileaks put all info in a pastebin. it was a wall of text so
might not flow well:

Choice excerpt:
>FBI can not find a kind of castle Rich living in Switzerland. Former federal prosecutor for organized Gueliani R. Rich,
1982 51 crime investigation files in the summary, it will not miss the $ 48 million tax evasion and the arms trade. US
history is the largest smuggling. Wanted list of the top ten most important people Richer. Rich is a quick trader. Soros, due
to the US bombing of Serbia and Kosovo, stirred up, Rich has sold oil embargo drilling Serbia. Hostage crisis period,
selling arms to Iran in exchange for oil Rich still has penetrated markets in the Iraqi oil embargo. Rich is the most
important actors on the metal exchanges. Rich's refineries in Romania with offices in Spain, factories Australia, Sardinia
and West Virginia. Rich, nickel, lead, zinc, tin, chromium, magnesium, copper and coal dominate the market. When the
Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, said Rich are donated, the telephone Clinton twice. The Mossad chief Shavit, in his
letter, with Rich's extensive relationship indicates that achieve important things. the foundation of Israel, they sent a letter
to the President of the United States. Israel "Marc Rich Foundation" has the foundation and "The movement For Quality
Government" has organization, is managing Michal Herzog. Michal Herzog, was the wife of Ehud Barak's government
secretary Yitzhak Herzog. Yitzhak Herzog, the former president's son Chami Herzog. Chami Herzog is enough to make
the trip through China and Kazakhstan Shaul Eisenberg private aircraft is in intimate relationships. Although the details
are a bit overwhelming, until come to our country, 'openness' and 'moral' terms should be important to know the nature of
management suggests. We need to add a little more detail

>FBI and Interpol's most wanted man on the side of the position her husband Marc David Rich, famous in the US. Denise
(Eisenberg), Rich Sister Sledge one hand, Bette Midler, when writing lyrics for singers such as Celine Dion, on the other
hand has cut the legs from Akev. Manhattan Akev (USA Presidential Palace, Whitehouse) elite of society Mrs. Rich, over
$ 500,000 to the Democratic Party, Hillary Rodham Clinton Presidential Library while the project was $ 450,000 in aid.
Hillary Clinton, to thank Shortly after he won the senatorial elections and had gone to Tel Aviv to show their support for
Israel. On the other hand, MD Rich's attorney and lobbyist Jack Quinn, before Akev consultant and later, Clinton's deputy
chief of staff has made Al Gore. After all these positive relationships, and Spain, as well as Swiss nationals, Marc Rich
and accomplice David Pincus (Pinky) Green are among the 141 people donated by Clinton. What the Rich, is neither the
first nor the last person that donated the president.

Leads (?) :
- Marc Rich Foundation (Marc Rich?)
- Mossad chief Shavit
- Ehud Barak's government secretary Yitzhak Herzog
- Chami Herzog
- Shaul Eisenberg private aircraft
- Marc David Rich (ah-ha!)
- Denise (Eisenberg)
- Bette Midler
- Jack Quinn
- Manhattan Akev (USA Presidential Palace, Whitehouse)
- Clinton's deputy chief of staff has made Al Gore
- Marc Rich and his accomplice David Pincus (Pinky) Green are among the 141 people donated by Clinton
That's a lot of leads boys. All of them sound shady and remember the Clinton Foundation is huge.
We need to look into every lead.

>Rich and Green have had extensive trade with terrorist states and other enemies of the United States despite clear legal
restrictions on such trade. (commodities trading with Iraq, Iran, Cuba, and other rogue states that have sponsored terrorist
>Marc Rich and Pincus Green attempted to obstruct the criminal investigation of them in every way imaginable, including
attempting to smuggle subpoenaed documents out of the country. They fled the country rather than face trial.
>Marc Rich and Pincus Green attempted to renounce their United States citizenship. It demonstrated that they had no
loyalty to the United States, and viewed their citizenship as a liability to be discarded at will.
>Marc Rich hired Jack Quinn after a recommendation from Eric Holder. Jack Quinn’s work on the Rich pardon was in
apparent violation of Executive Order 12834. That executive order was enacted as part of President Clinton’s promise to
create “the most ethical administration in history,” and it prohibited former executive branch employees from lobbying their
former executive branch agencies within five years of their departure
>The “letters of support” in the pardon petition were used in a misleading manner
>Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak spoke to President Clinton three times about the Rich pardon. Barak had met with
Rich personally, and told Clinton that the Rich pardon “could be important . . . not just financially, but he helped
(((Mossad))) on more than one case.”
>President Clinton has failed to answer any questions about the Rich and Green pardons.
This report is huge and it ties Rich and Green with a lot of stuff we've already been putting our nose in.
Everyone should try to find clues. All this was from the first few pages out of a hundred.

READ THIS (also slight commentary/summary)

We have found Marc Rich in the Turkey Wikileaks emails, having ties to Clinton, Gülen, his institutes in America, and his
followers. This short article gives us a lot of connected names and we also got a new institute to search for - but we all
know what it really is about, from its name: "The Marc Rich Foundation for Education, Culture and Welfare " in Luzern. If
one of the Swiss could look into this, and Marc Rich (moved to Switzerland after Bill Clinton pardoned him), it would be a
huge help. I am certain this Rich guy had a lot of dirt on him, and had very close ties with the foundation.

If you do not know by now, Gülen was the leader of the recent coup attempt.
He is an Islamist (much more "extremist" than Erdogan himself) who fled to America, and the Clintons and all the other
usual suspects are very friendly to him. He has several institutes and schools all across the USA and gets a lot of money
injected into these straight from American officials connected to the government.

Out of all the institutes Gülen has recently sent money to as "charity", it was the Clinton Foundation who received the
biggest amount.

From the Comey And The Clintons section:
>Comey declined to elaborate on other cases, but among the most publicized pardons was the one Clinton gave to
fugitive commodities trader Marc Rich. Rich's ex-wife, Denise, was a major donor to the Democratic National Committee,
Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Clinton library foundation.

Quick news search:
>Marc Rich traded illegally with Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini and made deals with Libya’s Moammar Khadafy, Yugoslavia's
Slobodan Milošević and North Korea’s Kim Il Sung — earning him a spot on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List.
>Days after it was revealed that a senior UBS executive named Pierre de Weck had written a letter to Clinton “to support
his request for a pardon,” the Swiss banking giant cancelled its discussions with Clinton about a lucrative post-White
House speech, apparently “worried that a large speaking fee would create an appearance of impropriety.”
>The United States indicted Rich in 1983, hitting him with charges—tax evasion, wire fraud, racketeering, trading with the
enemy—that could’ve brought life in prison. Rich fled the country.
>On Jan. 19, 2001, Holder advised the White House that he was "neutral leaning favorable" on pardoning Rich.
>In interviews with journalist Daniel Ammann for his biography, "The King of Oil", the normally obsessively secretive Rich
admitted to bribing officials in countries such as Nigeria and to assisting the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad.

PDF text about Marc Rich's pardon by Bill Clinton on his last day has been copied into this pastebin:
Rich has close ties with the Clinton Foundation, Gülen and his movement (leader of the recent Turkey coup), MOSSAD,
and has an institute in Luzern, Switzerland called "The Marc Rich Foundation for Education, Culture and Welfare".
This lead started as his name came up in the recent email leaks from Turkey, in connection to the coup.

>Then, on Jan. 20, 2001 — Mr. Clinton’s last day in office — Mr. Rich’s name appeared on the presidential pardon list. It
immediately became the most debated White House pardon since President Gerald R. Ford gave one to Richard M.
Nixon in 1974, and speculation about Mr. Clinton’s motivation was rampant.
>It was soon learned that Mr. Rich’s former wife, Denise Rich, had made large donations to the Democratic Party and the
Clinton library, and that Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Ehud Barak, had lobbied Mr. Clinton for the pardon.
Rabbi Irving Greenberg, chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, also pressed Mr. Rich’s case, on
museum stationery.


From the RNC:

Rules for Radicals basics:

In her thesis Clinton compares Alinsky to Martin Luther King:

"In the first chapter it was pointed out that Alinsky is regarded by many as the proponent of a dangerous socio/political
philosophy. As such, he has been feared – just as Eugene Debs or Walt Whitman or Martin Luther King has been feared,
because each embraced the most radical of political faiths — democracy."

Let's listen to Alinsky himself:

"The Have-Nots of the world, swept up in their present upheavals and
desperately seeking revolutionary writings, can find such literature
only from the communists, both red and yellow. Here they can read
about tactics, maneuvers, strategy and principles of action in the
making of revolutions. Since in this literature all ideas are imbedded
in the language of communism, revolution appears synonymous with

"We have permitted a suicidal situation to unfold wherein revolution

and communism have become one. These pages are committed to
splitting this political atom, separating this exclusive identification of
communism with revolution."
>We need a communist revolution, but let's give it another name, because nobody likes communism.


Also, CAIR has defended her on a couple issues, CAIR has ties to terror orgs


Huma Abedin Timeline

1976 - Born in Michigan
1978 - Moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
1994 - Returned to US @ George Washington University
1996 - Interned for Hillary Clinton @ White House
1997 to 1999 - Was an executive board member @ GWU's Muslin Student Association
2000 - Full time HRC personal aid
2009 - Became an employee of CF and Teneo
2012 - Started her own private consulting firm 11 days before leaving the state department; Zain Endeavors, LLC
2013 - Left state department

Noteworthy: Starting in 2001 Anwar al-Awlaki was the Muslim chaplain at GWU's Muslim Student Association. He was the
spiritual leader for some of the 9/11 hijackers. He had personal contact with the Fort Hood shooter. He was killed in 2011
in a Yemen drone strike (the one that caused the controversy of targetting an American citizen)

Another chaplain at GWU's MSA (from at least October 1999 through April 2002) was Mohamed Omeish, who headed the
International Islamic Relief Organization, which has been tied to the funding of al Qaeda. Omeish's brother, Esam, headed
the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood's quasi-official branch in the United States. Both Omeish brothers
were closely associated with Abdurahman Alamoudi, who would later be convicted and incarcerated on terrorism

(IMPORTANT) Pretty large paper on her:
-married to Anthony Weiner, NYC politician, critics have attacked Trump for describing Weiner as a “perv”, Weiner was
caught up in the sexting scandal under Carlos Danger, Weiner resigned from Congress on June 23, 2011.

-Abedin has served as vice chairwoman for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for president, & continues in her role as
personal assistant to Clinton, currently #3 position. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump proposed banning
Muslims from entering the United States, Abedin wrote an open letter to Clinton supporters calling herself "a proud
Muslim" & criticized Trump's plan as "literally (writing) racism into our law books." Worked at a journal that promotes
Islamic-supremacist ideology, founded by one top al-Qaeda financier, Abdullah Omar Naseef. Naseef ran the Rabita
Trust, foreign terrorist organization under American law. Ms. Abedin & Naseef overlapped at the Journal of Muslim
Minority Affairs (JMMA) for at least 7yrs.

-Syed Zainul Abedin, her father (died 1993), Huma was two they moved to Saudi Arabia. According to Walid Shoebat, a
former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, now a peace activist, writes, “The Abedins for decades were actually serving
a foreign entity, the government of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs, and not American Democracy as President
Obama stated.”

-Saleha Mahmood Abedin, her mother is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s female division the “Muslim Sisterhood”
Hillary's aide's mom is law professor in Jeddah Saudi Arabia
more info on mom gold mine wants strict sharia

-Abedin family business, the journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, related to Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. The Institute
of Muslim Minority Affairs is an organization founded in Saudi Arabia by al Qaeda financier Abdullah Omar Naseef. Huma
served as an assistant editor for 12 years.
image from the .pdf:

Huma Abedin and connections to terrorist orgs

State department issued a subpoena to CF in Fall of 2015, asked for records "related to Huma Abedin, longtime Clinton
aide who for six months in 2012 was employed simultaneously by the State Department, the foundation, Clinton's
personal office, and a private consulting firm with ties to the Clintons."

Huma was involved in simultaneous employment with the State Department, the CF, Clinton's personal office and a
consulting firm close to the Clinton's. Seems really strange that someone would hold 4 jobs at once, no? Could be wrong
but I think Huma's involvement goes much deeper than we thought.


Abedin was granted "special employee" status at state dept. with Hillary so that she could simultaneously retain a position
with, of all orgs, Teneo (See sections on Teneo).
>Huma had access to classified info and worked with Teneo and the foundation
>The whole company is just CEOs looking for influence
>Teneo works with FIFA which we all know how corrupt that is
Now she started her own company to shield her while she started working with these groups right after leaving Clinton’s
personal staff:

Huma's Teneo ties are widely documented, this from of all places Vanity Fair for example -
>The next step was to sign off on Abedin’s 2012 request to become a “special government employee,” or S.G.E., at the
State Department. This would allow her to continue to get paid while working from home, in New York City, as a
consultant with expertise that no other person could supply on a “myriad of policy, administrative and logistical issues,”
according to her application for S.G.E. status. At the same time she could care for her new baby son, Jordan, born on
December 21, 2011. She became an S.G.E. in early June 2012 and was paid $62.06 per hour.

>By then, Abedin was also acting as a consultant to Teneo Holdings, a global strategic-consulting and investment-
banking firm co-founded by her old friend Douglas Band, who did the same thing for Bill Clinton that she did for Hillary.
For the seven months she worked at Teneo, she was paid $105,000.

More information:

Shows her as a member of the Muslim Student Association, the Muslim Brotherhood’s North American Student Arm.
>In it, al-Noman provided a remarkably detailed description of the history and mission of the Muslim Brotherhood in
America, beginning with the establishment of the first front groups, such as the MSA, and proceeding according to the
Ikhwan Bylaws to expand the network in a methodical, organized manner.[20]

> Annual Report of the Board of Trustees, which unequivocally show that Hassan Abedin—Huma’s brother—held a
fellowship for several years under the supervision of Muslim Brotherhood spiritual head and its international liaison Sheikh
Yusuf al-Qaradawi, along with Abdullah Omar Naseef, the founder of “Rabita Trust”, a Specially Designated Global
Terrorist Entity by the U.S. Naseef has been the Chairman of the Board and Qaradawi a Board member


>Courtesy of Internet Archives, we were able to learn that Huma Abedin served as an Assistant Editor with IMMA from at
least December 2, 2002—September 24, 2008. Her name fails to appear on the
IMMA website some time before February 14, 2009. Presumably, Abedin left IMMA to accept her
current position as Deputy Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton.

On Huma, have direct evidence that her and her immediate family are directly tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and the
Saudi government and have been since the beginning.
Huma, her brother and her mother were directly employed and associated with Saudi government officials and
organizations indicted in terrorism funding schemes.
"Huma’s luck seemed to know no end when Hillary Clinton personally signed off on a controversial deal in 2012 that
allowed Huma to simultaneously work for the State Department and a private New York firm with deep ties to the Clinton
family foundation. Mrs. Clinton personally signed a title change form that approved of the transition from being her Deputy
Chief of Staff, to an SGE (special government employee), the equivalent of a contractor with special privileges. This
allowed Huma to work for both the State department and for the Teneo Group. Some of you might remember the Teneo
Group as a top consulting firm run by Bill Clinton gatekeeper Doug Band. Bill Clinton was also on the payroll of Teneo.
From June 2012 to February 2013, she held four jobs. She was Hillary’s State Department aide, a consultant at Teneo
Group, she worked and was paid a salary at the Clinton Foundation, and she worked as Hillary’s private personal

I think Huma is one of the key players in all of this. Huma also worked for Teneo Group, probably leveraging her Clinton

“As The Only Official Channel To Clinton Over The Past Year, Abedin Also Became The Go-To Phone Call For Longtime
Donors Looking For Information And Access.”
(Annie Karni, “Hillary’s Shadow,” Politico, 7/2/15)

Abedin’s “Special Government Employee” status allowed her to serve as Deputy Chief of Staff at the State Department
while simultaneously accepting private sector clients, including the Clinton Foundation and Clinton-tied Teneo, both of
which had a stake in projects directly impacted by State Department decisions—presenting a clear conflict of interest for
Abedin. The arrangement, which shielded Abedin from having to disclose her private earnings, reportedly earned Abedin
more than $350,000 from Teneo while she simultaneously earned $130,000 in a taxpayer-funded salary from the State
Department. Her deal shielded Abedin from having to report her private earnings.

“As part of the elevated role, Abedin is scheduled to begin headlining fundraisers and speaking in front of donors in the
coming weeks, and will likely do more afer that, campaign operatives said.”
(Annie Karni, “Hillary’s Shadow,” Politico, 7/2/15)

In August 2015, Grassley Asked The FBI To Confirm A Tip The Senate Judiciary Commitee Received That The State
Department IG Opened An Investigation Into Abedin For Criminal Misconduct Having To Do With Her Special
“Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is asking the FBI to confirm a tip the panel received that the State
Department inspector general has probed Hillary Clinton confidante Huma Abedin for criminal misconduct. On
Wednesday, the Iowa Republican sent a leter to FBI director James Comey, obtained by POLITICO, asking him to
confirm any investigation of Abedin, who’s currently helping run Clinton’s 2016 campaign. ‘The Judiciary Commitee has
learned that the Office of Inspector General for the Department of State (State OIG) opened an investigation involving
potential criminal conduct by Ms. Huma Abedin while she worked for the Department of State under then-Secretary
Clinton,’ the leter says. … While working for Clinton as one of her closest staffers, Abedin was given a “special
government employee” status that allowed her both to serve Clinton and to work for the philanthropic Clinton Foundation
and an outside firm called Teneo. The mater became a big to-do when it was originally reported a couple years ago,
particularly because she was Clinton’s deputy chief of staff.”
(Rachael Bade, “Sen. Chuck Grassley Asks FBI For Clarification On Huma Abedin Probe,” Politico, 8/5/15)
Was able to find the following alternate address listed:
254 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10010

Huma M Abedin
Previous locations
922 24th St NW Apt 8 Washington, DC
254 Park Ave S Apt 12a New York, NY
20 Walnut Dr Pine Brook, NJ
Also random stuff on ?tax evasion.
Random donation of $550 lol
Letter to Secretary of State Kerry suspecting Huma was selling secrets for money.

Actions have been taken to purge our govt agencies & FBI guidebooks of terms linked to radical islam, or even islam.
Read this PDF from Judicial Watch, provides a great amount of useful info for us to find intersections and connect dots etc


He is a mini Bill Clinton, and their marriage is the biggest BS ever. There is literally no info on them meeting and
interacting, and get this Bill officiated their wedding.
>In June 2008, Weiner sponsored a bill that would increase the number of O-visas available to foreign fashion models,
arguing that it would help boost the fashion industry in New York City
>Weiner sent a link to a sexually explicit photograph of himself via his public Twitter account
>On July 23, 2013, following allegations that Weiner (using the alias "Carlos Danger") had continued sexting after his
resignation from Congress, he acknowledged that he had continued to send explicit messages to at least three women in
Anthony Weiner (Huma Abedin's husband) has a non-profit registered at his address. (146 W 28th St Apt 5 New York, NY
Listing this alternate address for Weiner's company: 146 W 28Th St Apt 5 New York, NY 10001
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------


>Like so many other things Bush did, this appointment made it easier for his successor to not only replicate the move but
to replace Cumber with someone like Rashad Hussain, who has memorized the Qur’an and has been tied to the Muslim

> Already serving as a high officer of the administration, Hussain is now Obama’s chosen envoy to the Organization of the
Islamic Conference. He is also a fan of Sami al-Arian, the convicted head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad in North America.
According to Hussain in 2004, al-Arian was the victim of “politically motivated persecutions.” Hussain also reportedly
asserted that al-Arian was being “used politically to squash dissent.”

>In August 2008, Hussain published a paper (for the Brookings Institution) titled “Reformulating the Battle of ideas:
Understanding the Role of Islam in Counterterrorism Policy.” A number of the paper's recommendations were consistent
with the agendas and worldviews of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. For example:

> “Policymakers should reject the use of language that provides a religious legitimization of terrorism such as ‘Islamic
terrorism’ and ‘Islamic extremist.’ They should replace such terminology with more specific and descriptive terms such as
‘Al-Qaeda terrorism.’”

AND this shows that the Muslim Brotherhood was welcomed at Yale
>While attending Yale Law School, Hussain was a member of the organizing committee for an April 2004 conference held
by Critical Islamic Reflections, a student group sponsored by the International Institute of Islamic Thought and the
American Learning Institute for Muslims (ALIM). Among ALIM's instructors were such prominent Muslim Brotherhood
figures as Tariq Ramadan, Jamal Badawi, and Taha Al-Alwani.

In February 2015, President Obama appointed Hussain to take over (in April) as director of the Center for Strategic
Counterterrorism Communications, an office within the U.S. Department of State.
>an office within the U.S. Department of State


Oh, and look at what new department Hillary started on Sep 9, 2011
>“As the threat from al-Qaida becomes more diffuse, it is in the interest of the United States to forge closer ties with the
governments and communities on the front lines and to help them build up their counterterrorism capacity. We need to
expand our efforts to build an international counterterrorism network that is as nimble and adaptive as our adversaries’.
So we have launched a diplomatic offensive to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation on counterterrorism. We
have a broad and ambitious agenda, and to carry out this work, I am upgrading our office devoted to counterterrorism to a
full-fledged bureau within the State Department.”

>--United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking on a “Smart Power Approach to Counterterrorism,”
September 9, 2011

>“At Hillary’s urging,” Andersen writes, “the President granted clemency to 16 Puerto Rican terrorists who have been
sentenced to prison following a wave of bombings from 1974 to 1983 that took the lives of six Americans and wounded
scores of others. Incredibly, the terrorists had not even asked for clemency.” The worst attack was the January 24, 1975
bombing of Fraunces Tavern in Manhattan. The Puerto Rican FALN exploded a bomb during the lunch hour, “hurling body
parts into the street and killing four people.”

>The terrorists accepted President Clinton’s offer of clemency but expressed no regret for their actions. Former U.S.
Attorney Joseph Di Genova went on record that “the Puerto Rican terrorists were pardoned because they were a political
benefit to the president’s wife. Make no mistake about it.” As Anderson notes, FBI director Louis Freeh opposed the
pardons, as did New York major Rudy Giuliani, senator Charles Schumer and former Puerto Rico governor Carlos
Romero Barcelo who, says Andersen, “pleaded with the president not to release the bombers.”
Fun fact : none other than James Comey found nothing wrong in what she and Bill did releasing these people.



A few weeks ago the State Department got in trouble for deleting video and transcript mentioning a trip that Clinton took to
Iran (at that time visit to Iran were not permitted due to sanctions - was before talks were "officially" opened).

During this time, Clinton's plane crashed at Iran’s Ahwaz International Airport . I think this is what caused her concussion
(not the stomach flu).

What's also worth noting: this plane also had on board one of the Seal Team Six members, who died in that plane crash.
Remember how all those "heroes" except the hagiographer that put out the book with the official story, just coincidentally
happened to die months after Osama's death was announced?

So the trip made to Iran was illegal, one of the Seal Team Six dudes dies during this time, the story has obviously been
scrubbed from the media and state dept. records. And Hillary was Secretary of State during this time.
(to those unfamiliar the No Agenda Show is a media deconstruction podcast. They have no advertisers or underwriters
and are completely listener supported. Great source of information)
>A new Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) [LINK IN ARTICLE] report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that United
States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was injured, and a top US Navy Seal Commander killed when their C-12 Huron
military passenger and transport aircraft crash landed nearly 3 weeks ago in the Iranian city of Ahvaz near the Iraqi

>GRU report confirms that the aircraft is still in their possession in Ahvaz, but will only admit that the plane was “forced to
land because of technical problems.”

>The US Navy Seal member reported killed in this bizarre incident... was identified as Commander Job W. Price who as a
leader of this highly specialized American Special Forces unit protects high-ranking diplomats traveling in Middle Eastern
and Asian combat zones.

>Curiously, US media reports on Commander Price’s death say it being investigated as a possible suicide as he died from
what the American Defense Department describes as “a non-combat related injury.”

>Equally as curious, US media reports state that Secretary Clinton will return to work next week after her having suffered
what they describe as a “nasty bout with stomach flu” and a “concussion” which have kept her missing from public view
the past three weeks.

>Within minutes of leaving Bahrain airspace... the C-12 Huron carrying Secretary Clinton and her US Navy Seal
protectors... deviated from their assigned flight path heading, instead, directly towards Iran’s International Airport where,
coincidentally, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had previously landed on an “unscheduled” visit.

>Within seconds of the C-12 Huron crashing, this report continues, Iranian emergency and security personal responded
freeing the victims, including Secretary Clinton who was reportedly unconscious and “bleeding profusely.”
>On the fourth anniversary of the worst one-day loss of military life in the war on terror, families of the dead say they are
aghast that the government will not honor basic requests under the Freedom of Information Act.
>“It has now been four years since Extortion 17 was shot down,” said Doug Hamburger, whose Army air crew son,
Patrick, was one of the 30 Americans killed. “I find it quite disturbing that the government is not willing to give us the
answers we deserve. I find it very irritating that we will not question the Afghans about their knowledge of what took place
that night.”
>At the end of Dec. 2012, several sources from many countries, including the AP, Reuters, EU Times, and many others
reported that Hillary was injured in a plane crash in Iran. That same crash killed US Navy Seal Commander Job W. Price
yet the State Dept. claimed he died of a non-combat related injury in Afghanistan and were investigating a possible
suicide. All of the sources speculated that she was on a secret mission to Iran to possibly stall a ME war or to talk about
Iran's nuclear bomb program.

>The inevitable Hillary is vulnerable due to her lack of credibility. This is a common theme with her and her husband and
won't end for good reason; she can't be trusted as a CEO that leads by example or "plays by the same rules"*. So if
someone might be a serial liar, isn't it fair game to question her past actions? The fact is, she owes Americans the truth if
she expects to be the next president. Some may ask, at this point, what difference does it make?

>Is Iran holding this secret over America's head as a hostage in the nuclear talks?
>Is this why Hillary deleted all her emails so we don't know the truth about her trip and her involvement in secret Iran
>Why did the NYT report she was home alone during her accident, yet Hillary said the email server is guarded by her and
Bill's Secret Service protection at all times?
>Is she healthy enough to be president?


Well, here is something sketchy. A couple of thread's ago I posted some info regarding the unauthorized (ILLEGAL) and
secret trip that Hillary made to Iran as secretary of State. This trip involved a plane crash in Iran - a sudden emergency
landing at the International Airport in Iran, where Hillary was injured and a former SEAL team 6 member died (whose
death was reported a SUICIDE btw). This trip is likely where Hillary developed her blood clot, necessity for speech
rehabilitation, and concussion (not a stomach flu as the reports said). Anyway, I digress from my original point...

Recently, two people have died from Tesla's self driving cars. One of them (you guessed it) was a former SEAL Team 6
member Joshua D. Brown.
>He was killed May 7 in Williston, Florida, when his car's cameras failed to distinguish the white side of a turning tractor-
trailer from a brightly lit sky and didn't automatically activate the brakes, according to statements by the government and
the automaker. Brown didn't take control and brake, either.
>Brown's family said in a statement that it wanted to help the government and Tesla so that "information learned from this
tragedy will trigger further innovation which enhances the safety of everyone on the roadways." Brown served more than
11 years in the Navy, including as a master explosive ordnance disposal technician with Naval Special Warfare
Development Group, commonly known as SEAL Team 6, according to his biography on the website of the company he
founded, Nexu Innovations.
>"While deployed numerous times overseas, in both warfighting and non-combatant roles with SOF (Special Operations
Forces) units, it was my pleasure to work with the most intelligent, innovative, and independent patriots I have ever met," it


>Proposition 9 Task Force
>New World Foundation

>Walmart when she was on the board.

Where the $6 Billion dollars she "lost" from the State Department went. All of these matter. Some of the organizations are
old, but we might be able to find info they haven't sanitized.

Child soldiers approved by Obama and Clinton

>Rebel forces in southern Sudan began using child soldiers long before seceding from Sudan in 2011. The United States,
on the other hand, passed a law in 2008 that banned providing military assistance to nations that use child soldiers. The
law was called the Child Soldiers Prevention Act, or CSPA, but after South Sudan’s independence, the White House
issued annual waivers that kept aid flowing to the world’s newest nation despite its use of child soldiers. President Obama
stated in 2012 that the waiver that year was in “the national interest of the United States.”

>Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state when the first waivers were issued, was apparently never asked to comment
on them, and the State Department never provided any explanations about its role. Clinton had spent years vowing to
defend the rights of children worldwide — in 2012, she railed against “modern-day slavery” in the introduction to a State
Department report on human trafficking that took aim at the “unlawful recruitment or use of children” by armed forces. Yet
she does not appear to have publicly explained her role in allowing South Sudan and other countries to receive military
support despite using children as combatants. In fact, the State Department played a central role in issuing the
controversial waivers, according to two sources, including a former State Department official.

9/11 AND 28 PAGES

Latest info:
"While in the United States, some of the 9-11 hijackers were in contact with, and received support or assistance from ,
individuals who may be connected to the Saudi government."

just reading an article about the quote:

>The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) is specifically named as having connections to terror funding and support
for a number of worldwide terror groups.
>As Breitbart News has reported exclusively, the “Abedin family business” is an academic group called the Institute for
Muslim Minority Affairs that is based in the London offices of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth and its parent
organization, the Muslim World League.
>Huma Abedin, born in the United States but raised in Saudi Arabia, has worked closely with Hillary Clinton since 1996
and is now Hillary Clinton’s closest aide and the vice-chairwoman of her presidential campaign. Abedin, who is married to
disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, is also at the heart of the Clinton email scandal.
so is that naming a Clinton aide as a major supporter and financier of terrorism? is the release of these 28 pages basically
delivering another nail into Hillary's coffin?

US government releases secret chapter from 9/11 report:
I know, I know. Fox News. There is a reason this came out when it did.
Has anybody looked at these names and tied them into the CF? You're soo close…

US Congress releases secret 28 pages indicating Saudi ties to 9/11, Hillary Clinton a Terrorist
Posted by EU Times on Jul 16th, 2016


>Boko Haram kills 10,000 Nigerian villagers

>FBI, Congress, CIA, and Justice Department all recommend Hillary Clinton's State Department classify them as a
terrorist organization
>people in the U.S. are banned from doing business or associating with terrorist organizations
>Hillary Clinton refuses to classify them the whole time she is in office and no one could figure out why
>turns out individuals buying stolen Boko Haram gold and developing stolen Boko Haram oil fields are donating massively
to her campaign fund and the Clinton Foundation

Info an anon uncovered in the last thread abouy Lawal:
>On the national level, in 1996 Lawal was appointed by the Secretary of Commerce to a position on the United States
Council on the Business Development Committee of the United States-South Africa Binational Commission. Lawal told
Forbes he was surprised by the appointment. “I asked [the secretary], what is a small businessman out of Texas doing on
this big commission.” The reply was, “We know you’re from Africa. You must have an inherent interest in the continent
and its well-being.” President Bill Clinton thought so too and appointed Lawal a member of the United States Trade
Advisory Committee on Africa. In this role Lawal helped to develop trade policies in Africa—a subject that he knows first

It seems this Lawal had connections with the Clintons going back 20 years.
It's also not the first time he's been "trading" gold.

>Meme with sources


Princess Basmah Bint Saud : After Basmah bint Saud divorced her Saudi husband, she founded a chain of restaurants in
Saudi Arabia and she is planning to expand these into Britain.[3] In 2008, she also founded a media firm, Media Ecco, in
addition to catering firms, which she is also planning to expand.
(Media firm + food links) (Minor link : Fled to britain after the start of Lebanon crisis)

There were 3 Saudi donors to the CLinton presidential center (I can't find the other two, anyone can help me? Laying this
out here while I’m looking my own way)
- Nasser Ibrahim Al-Rashid (also known as Amir al-Tharik)

International Bank of Qatar (IBQ), the affiliate of NBK in Qatar, is owned 30% owned by the Bank. It is one of the oldest
financial institutions in Qatar and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2006. It has a network of many branches and service
centers, and ATMs in strategic locations throughout Qatar. It offers a range of corporate, private and retail banking
products and services. This operation was sold early in 2015.

Qatar is everywhere. Qatar is also owned by The National Bank of Kuwait

They include Saudi businessmen Abdullah al-Dabbagh, Nasser al-Rashid and Walid Juffali, as well as Issam Fares, a
U.S. citizen who previously served as deputy prime minister of Lebanon.

Executive Profile
Issam M. Fares: Chairman, WEDGE Group Incorporated
Age Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 1 Board Members in 1 different organizations across 0
different industries.

H.E. Mr. Issam M. Fares is the Chairman of WEDGE Group Incorporated. Mr. Fares has founded dozens of major
corporations, and consistently cultivates business and political relationships with world leaders on many continents. Mr.
Fares was a Deputy Prime Minister of Lebanon. He serves on Boards of international organizations, on boards of major
business corporations, and on boards of universities and institutions of higher learning. Mr. Fares graduated from Tripoli
College with a concentration on Business.

E. A. Juffali and Brothers
‫شركة إبراهيم الجفالي وإخوانه‬
Type: Private
Founded 1946; 70 years ago
Headquarters Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Key people
Walid Juffali, chairman
Khaled Juffali, vice chairman

Ebrahim A. Juffali and Brothers is Saudi Arabia's largest commercial enterprise. Founded in 1946, its expansion coincided
with the country's growth, and by the mid 1970s, the Juffali Group had firmly established itself as the largest business
house in the Middle East, with 49,218 employees worldwide.[1]

Nasser Ibrahim Al-Rashid (born 1939) is a Saudi Arabian businessman. He is reputedly an influential advisor to the Saudi
royal family and a US dollar billionaire. However he is not included in the Forbes list of the world's richest people as his
personal wealth, like that of many Saudi insiders, cannot be assessed with much accuracy from publicly available
Amr Al-Dabbagh is a Saudi businessman, philanthropist, former government minister, and author. He is the chairman and
CEO of the Jeddah-based Al-Dabbagh Group. Al-Dabbagh is the founder of the Stars Foundation, a non-profit devoted to
helping disadvantaged children, and Philanthropy University,[1] a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for non-profit
managers and philanthropists, providing free non-credit courses powered by the Haas School of Business at the
University of California, Berkeley.

Is the 'non-profit devoted to helping disadvantaged children' a front for something else?

Saudi Arabia funding the Hillary presidentials :

>On Sunday a report appeared on the Petra News Agency website that included comments from Saudi Deputy Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The comments included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding
to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign.
>The report did not remain on the website for long, although the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs later re-
published an Arabic version of it, which quoted Prince Mohammed as having said Saudi Arabia had provided with “full
enthusiasm” an undisclosed amount of money to Clinton.

>“Saudi Arabia always has sponsored both Republican and Democratic Party of America and in America current election
also provide with full enthusiasm 20 percent of the cost of Hillary Clinton’s election even though some events in the
country don’t have a positive look to support the king of a woman (sic) for presidency,” Prince Mohammed said. anyone can translate and confirm this please?

There's more dirt : (still in the middleeasteye article)

>Senior global communications specialist Will Bohlen - who, prior to joining Podesta, was chief researcher for a best-
selling history of Bill Clinton's presidency - sent a link to a clarification issued by the Petra News Agency which said it was
"totally false and untrue" that they had published then deleted the quotes from Prince Mohammed about funding the
Clinton campaign.
>"A technical failure on Petra ’s website occurred for a few minutes on Sunday evening, 12 June 2016.''
>"Later, it became clear that the technical failure that occurred was an attempt to hack the agency’s transmission system
and its website. The agency was surprised to see some media outlets as well as the social media publishing false news
that were attributed to Petra. They said that Petra transmitted a news item related to the deputy crown prince of Saudi
Arabia and later deleted this news item. This is totally false and

I'm going to dig up more about :

Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
Petra News Agency
Will Bohlen

Updated pastebin about the Saudis/Saudi Arabia and Huma:

Juan Carlos I, of Spain:

>Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece (Spain)
>Lord Protector of the International Order of St Hubertus

>On June 18, 2007, King Juan Carlos of Spain conferred to Abdullah, the Muslim King of Saudi Arabia, the Catholic Order
of the Golden Fleece. With this act, the Order lost its significance.
>By offering the Golden Fleece, whose purpose was to defend the Church primarily against the Mohammedans, to one of
the Muslim’s more important representatives today, Juan Carlos completely dishonors one of the most prestigious
honorific orders of Christendom.

>Reparation for such a betrayal of the ideal of Chivalry made by a reigning Catholic King is in order.
They're trying to dictate the narrative:
>Jordan's official news agency said on Tuesday that it was hacked when, over the weekend, a story briefly appeared on
its website that said Saudi Arabia is a major funder of Hillary Clinton's campaign to become the next president of the
United States.

>On Monday a spokesperson for American public relations firm the Podesta Group contacted MEE to say that they work
with the Saudi Royal Court and to request a correction to our earlier story that said the Jordanian news agency had
deleted the quotes from Prince Mohammed.

>Senior global communications specialist Will Bohlen - who, prior to joining Podesta, was chief researcher for a best-
selling history of Bill Clinton's presidency - sent a link to a clarification issued by the Petra News Agency which said it was
"totally false and untrue" that they had published then deleted the quotes from Prince Mohammed about funding the
Clinton campaign.

>"A technical failure on Petra ’s website occurred for a few minutes on Sunday evening, 12 June 2016," the Jordanian
news agency said. "Protection systems at the agency as well as the technical department noticed that and therefore, they
suspended the transmission system and the electronic site and moved to the alternative website.

DONMEH - root of the Saud

To find the roots of The Saud, I encourage you to research the Donmeh who were crypto Jews that converted to Islam
under order of the Ottoman Empire. The followed a man named Sabbatai Zevi who claimed to be the Jewish messiah.
The House of Saud is from this lineage.

This gives a fairly concise explanation.
Read wiki on the Donmeh and Sabbatai Zevi for the rest.

Oh my god...:
>Two years later, British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour, in a letter to Baron Walter Rothschild,...

>With reformist governments in Turkey and Egypt much more willing to look into the background of those who have split
the Islamic world, Ataturk in Turkey and Mubarak in Egypt, the Sauds are likely very much aware that it is only a matter of
time before their links, both modern and historical, to Israel will be fully exposed. It makes sense that the Sauds have
been successful in engineering a dubious plot involving Iranian government agents trying to assassinate the Saudi
ambassador to Washington in an unnamed Washington, DC restaurant. The Iraqi intelligence report could have been
referring to the Zionists and Dönmeh when it stated, “it strives to . . . [the] killing of Muslims, destructing, and promoting
the turmoil.” In fact, the Iraqi intelligence report was referring to the Wahhabis.

>With new freedom in Turkey and Egypt to examine their pasts, there is more reason for Israel and its supporters, as well
as the Sauds, to suppress the true histories of the Ottoman Empire, secular Turkey, the origins of Israel, and the House of
Saud. With various players now angling for war with Iran, the true history of the Dönmeh and their influence on past and
current events in the Middle East becomes more important.

>Since the time in 1945 on his return from the fateful Yalta Conference, that US President Roosevelt met Saudi King Ibn
Saud and won exclusive rights for US Rockefeller-group oil companies to Saudi Arabia’s vast oil wealth, the relationship
between Saudi and US foreign policy has been one of almost satrapy status for the Saudis.

>Rockefeller-group oil companies

There's the United States government working for the benefit of private industry; back in the day.

She funded and armed the rebels who were basically slaughtering the population and knew about it.
>In a March 27, 2011, email, Clinton's trusted advisor, Sidney Blumenthal, informed her that a Libyan rebel commander
told him that, "his troops continue to summarily execute all foreign mercenaries captured in the fighting." Since no trials
were reported conducted to determine who is a "foreign mercenary," it is alleged that people were labeled as mercenaries
by the color of their skin.

>Emails reveal that Secretary Clinton was explicitly told that Libyan rebel forces were carrying out racially based
massacres of black Africans. During one documented atrocity, the rebels forced 30,000 residents of Tawergha, who were
descendants of black slaves, to flee the town. Those captured were subjected to abuse, including beatings, rape, and
torture leading to death, according to a 2011 report from Human Rights Watch.

>The United States is moving to provide Libyan rebels with $25 million in medical supplies, radios and other aid that
would not include weapons, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday.

>Hillary Clinton has paved the way for the United States to arm the Libyan rebels by declaring that the recent UN security
council resolution relaxed an arms embargo on the country.


Interesting source about the Arab Spring:

Hillary received large donations from Qatar which funded the Muslim Brotherhood take over of Egypt and Libya. Hillary
appears to have blocked a peaceful solution to Qaddafi wanting him to die. She was sweet talked by a clear global
economic operator who happened to take control of the Libyan rebellion Mahmoud Jibril. Her advice on this matter came
from Huma and another diplomat who has been immersed in the Middle East for decades specifically Egypt. Qatar
donations to the CF motivated her to support the coup


Oh, you lads are now looking into the London School of Economics?
Did you know that they basically sold a degree to Gaddafi's son?



Lagardere makes explosive munitions.
Qatar is the largest shareholder in it.
Lagardere has close ties with Teneo and the Tiger group of shell companies.
Qatar (and saudi arabia) runs Muslim Brotherhood.
Through Muslim Brotherhood they have a registered pool of future "moderates"/martyrates
Qatar bought Bataclan 2 months before the massacre.
Spoke with French security officials beforehand.
Details of the massacre were covered up at the investigation level (most convenient point of power to control).


Qatar has given to the CF. Huma has ties with the Muslim Brotherhood which Qatar supports. But, other than that I'm not
sure. Also this:
>The wife of the former British prime minister, Tony Blair, exchanged 19 emails with Clinton over four months in 2009 as
she sought to arrange the meeting on behalf of Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Missned, an informal but influential
ambassador for Qatar on the world stage. After initially suggesting they shared a philanthropic interest in disability
charities, Blair added: “I am sure the conversation would not be confined to these issues but would be about the US/Qatar
relationship generally.”

>Last week, the No Ceilings team hosted its first Google Hangout with Chelsea Clinton, Rebecca Winthrop, Director of the
Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution,

>The U.S. Islamic World Forum also provided $250,000 to $500,000 to the foundation for a speech by Bill Clinton,
according to the new disclosure. The event was organized in part by the Brookings Institution with support from the
government of Qatar.

CF/Hillary --> Qatar --> Lagardere --> Bataclan

This was the best hint he gave us:
> find everyone involved in the State Department who has recently made a donation or speech in relation to the CF.
Public figures are not to meet with foreign officials in secret - so who did?

FIFA and QATAR donated money to the CF around the time they were bidding to host the World Cup which will take
place in 2022.
Bill wanted the US to host it, money ended up going to the CF, Qatar won the bid. I found this connection almost a week
ago but because it wasn't anything corrupt in comparison to other leads, most of us deemed it either a dead end or only
worth looking into when other leads dried up.

Qatar is the biggest shareholder in Lagardere, which bought the Bataclan weeks before Paris. Qatar officials met with the
French government for the first time just days after the shootings to talk about security. Some other anons found that
Lagardere is also in the munitions business.
Confirmed that Lagardere, which Qatar has at least a 10% interest in making it the largest single holder, bought an Isreali
intelligence front a mere two months before it was attacked.
Have we already tied Lagerdere to Airbus Group NV (formerly EADS) which produces amongst other things UAVs Drones
and other military applications, for the US and others. There financial performance spiked massively in the last few years
after being part of big new contracts with the US Dept of Defense. This company has had its fair share of scandals,
including bribery involving Saudi Arabia.

Lagerdere is a major shareholder and played a major role in preventing a merger. It seems EADS/Airbus value
skyrocketed after Lagerderes intervention. And, in 2015 they became a Societas Europaea (public EU Company).

What’s important is that A. Qatar is the largest single shareholder, B. they bought the Bataclan from its jewish owners two
months before it was attacked, and C. Tony Blair's wife set up meetings between Hillary who met with the Queen
equivalent of Qatar according to wikileak emails.

>As you know I have good links to the Qataris. Sheikha Mosah's son is the 31/32 year old Crown Prince and she is keen
that he starts to build a wider international profile. He has been appointed head of the Qatar National Food Security
Programme which is designed to deal with Qatar's food security issues its a $30 billion programme. He is aware that food
security is an issue you are majoring on and would love to meet with you in person to discuss this and to explore potential
partnership areas between US and Qatar including possible participation in the US/World Bank Food Security Fund. He is
also keen to talk more generally about US/Qatari cooperation and even suggested they could help out with the Oil spill
problem. There is apparently a Arab Food Security Summit in October 2010 and he would like to discuss Us participation
in that too.
>Arab Food Security Summit in October 2010
Also known as Sheika Mosa, sought meetings and set ups with Hillary just as her Arab Democracy Foundation sought US
government assistance in its role as a mediator of conflicts in the region.
Note for completeness sake, the end recipient whose worked with the Sheika before that Claire asks to meet is
Former assistant to the Clintons, Women's Rights advocate and initiatives, yada yada.

Adel Ali Bin Ali Al Muslimani is in the donator list for the Clinton Foundation (between 25k to 50k)
Mr. Adel Ali Bin Ali Al Muslimani serves as Director at Amwal QSC. Mr. Al Muslimani is Chairman of one of the nation’s
biggest business conglomerates, Ali Bin Ali Group of Companies including Ali Bin Ali Establishment, Ali Bin Ali & Partners,
Qatar Quality Products Co, Qatar Marketing Company, Gulf Travel Agency, Continental WLL, Qatar Luxury Products Co,
and Qatar Media & Marketing Co. Mr. Al Muslimani modernized, diversified and developed his family business to
encompass major sectors of Qatar’s economy.
>Pic related:

>Ahmad Al Sayed was appointed as QIA's Chairman and Chief Executive
I clearly remember FBIanon posting a list of names we should investigate.I'm retarded and didn't screencap it, but I
CLEARLY remember the Al Sayer group / family was in the list of names.

>Qatar has agreed to keep current security restrictions, monitoring and a travel ban in place for five members of the
Taliban and former Guantanamo Bay prisoners who are living there while officials from the Gulf country negotiate with the
U.S., a senior State Department official tells CBS News.
>The five Taliban members were traded for Army Sgt. Bowe Berghdal, the last U.S. prisoner of war in Afghanistan, in May
2014. As part of the arrangement, the detainees were sent to live in Qatar for a year under the supervision of Qatari
>For the moment, the five will remain in Doha while diplomacy continues. Qatar has not yet agreed to allow them and their
dozens of family members to stay. All five are Afghan citizens. Some may want to go home, while others might choose to
stay in Doha.

>The "Taliban 5" who were transferred from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to custody in Doha, Qatar, are Mohammad Fazl,
Khairullah Khairkhwa, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Norullah Noori, and Mohammad Nabi Omari. They have largely disappeared
from view since they were dropped off in Doha, but eyewitnesses place Fazi, Wasiq, and Noori in Iraq and Syria fighting
with ISIS.

The Qatar connection is essential. Libya was cause by Qatar funding which was supported by Hillary from Qatar funding
of the foundation.
Qatar also supported what happened in Syria because of pipelines that would undermine Russian dominance in Europe
for oil and gas. Clinton works for Qatar and Saudis
Russia objected because the Iranian plan fitted with their goals, but Qatar’s fitted with the US.

Qatar has to know that Deutsche bank is going to melt down, so why did they decide to jump on a sinking ship?
This is from a very liberal Hungarian news site.
(via TheHill)
Main points:
- Under the Swiss investigation against FIFA, it turned out that the Clinton Foundation has received an amount between
$50,001 and $100,000 from FIFA
- The foundation has also received $250,000 to $500,000 from the Qatari Committee responsible for the 2022 Qatari
World Cup


Months of tension between Qatar and Saudi Arabia over Qatar's continued support for the Muslim Brotherhood came to a
head last week. It has been reported that a Saudi official threatened to close Qatar's border with Saudi Arabia if the
emirate does not cease supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.
With Qatar looking increasingly isolated and reports of possible sanctions from its GCC neighbours, many are wondering
why Qatar continues to host key figures from the Muslim Brotherhood, which has an ideology fundamentally at odds with
Gulf monarchies
Qatar’s foreign policy has also been at odds with other GCC members. In the aftermath of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings,
Doha supported Islamist organisations and Muslim Brotherhood-led administrations, including that of Egypt’s former
president Mohammed Morsi.

If we can directly link Qatar to Clinton (which I think has already been done?) that ought to put a lot of dirt on the
Direct links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Muslim Brotherhood official, former Clinton Foundation employee arrested in Cairo

>A senior Muslim Brotherhood official who, until recently, had been employed by the William J. Clinton Foundation was
arrested in Cairo on Tuesday and charged with inciting violence.
>Gehad el-Haddad served as one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s top communications officials until Egyptian security forces
seized him as part of a wider crackdown on officials loyal to ousted former President Mohamed Morsi.
>Before emerging as a top Brotherhood official and adviser to Morsi, el-Haddadserved for five years as a top official at the
Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit group founded by former President Bill Clinton.
>El-Haddad gained a reputation for pushing the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamist agenda in the foreign press, where he was
often quoted defending the Brotherhood’s crackdown on civil liberties in Egypt.
>He was raised in a family of prominent Brotherhood supporters and became the public face of the Islamist organization
soon after leaving his post at the Clinton Foundation.

The U.S. State Department also donated money to the Cherie Blair Foundation for women

>As you know I have good links to the Qataris. Sheikha Mosah's son is the 31/32 year old Crown Prince and she is keen
that he starts to build a wider international profile. He has been appointed head of the Qatar National Food Security
Programme which is designed to deal with Qatar's food security issues its a $30 billion programme. He is aware that food
security is an issue you are majoring on and would love to meet with you in person to discuss this and to explore potential
partnership areas between US and Qatar including possible participation in the US/World Bank Food Security Fund. He is
also keen to talk more generally about US/Qatari cooperation and even suggested they could help out with the Oil spill
problem. There is apparently a Arab Food Security Summit in October 2010 and he would like to discuss Us participation
in that too. IS a meeting possible Or maybe we could set up an initial phone call. Can you let me know if this appeals to
you at all? Cherie Blair

Second confirmed London Connection with no obvious Qatar link is the CIFF and that clifford 7 or 9 london address that
has 128 companies. Let’s go folks.

He is a member of the World Economic Forum, as well as a Member of the Governing Body of the London Business
School. He currently sits on the International Leadership Board of Cleveland Clinic and is a Trustee of the Eisenhower

We are talking about one of the three wealthy people from Saudis Arabia that donated so much money.

>London Business School

>Regent's Park
>NW1 4SA

Looking at this, it is:

>London Business School Sussex Place
>London NW1 4SA
>Connected to 1 officer

You find a Yariv Cohen, under him is this:

Camco Ventures (China) Limited Director 2008-06-02 - 26-JUL-2006 British Virgin Islands Active Offshore Leaks
Under Camco are a ton more shell companies:

>Clinton Foundation, Hamas Share Major Donor

>Qatari government gave millions to Clinton group and terror group
>The Clinton Foundation and the terror group Hamas share a key donor: The government of Qatar, a leading backer of
terror groups that has emerged in recent years as Hamas’ chief financial lifeline.
>Qatar, which has been designated by the State Department as a “significant terrorist financing risk,” has pledged more
than $400 million to Hamas since 2012 and has long harbored one of the terror group’s senior leaders, Khaled Mashaal.
>At the same time, Qatar has sought to curry favor with elite Westerners, donating between $1 million and $5 million
through 2013 to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

>Qatar’s Controversial World Cup Committee is a Clinton Foundation Donor

>The Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee gave Clintons up to $500,000 in 2014
>The committee created by Qatar after it won the bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup, responsible for preparing the
nation for the tournament, donated up to $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2014.
>The Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee, also known as the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, was formed in
April 2011 after FIFA awarded Qatar hosting rights. It is chaired by Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar.



BOWE BERGDAHL - See also QATAR, information overlaps (aka, sorry for the reposts)

Relevant pastebin:

So apparently there's really important information that needs to be dug up regarding BOWE BERGDAHL and bad stuff
that happened in india and pakistan which is somehow related to him.
>Look at the timeline for Bergdahl, and for everything that happened in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India during that
>Look up just bad things in India and Pakistan that would likely cause them to retaliate if things got bad.
Isn't he the guy that got kidnapped? Also, ever since creating one of the first threads, life has bombarded me with so
much, I haven't had time to look at much of anything.

For more information on Benghazi, please read this:
>In July 2013, the Joint Chiefs found a more direct way of demonstrating to Assad how serious they were about helping
him. By then the CIA-sponsored secret flow of arms from Libya to the Syrian opposition, via Turkey, had been underway
for more than a year (it started sometime after Gaddafi’s death on 20 October 2011).[*] The operation was largely run out
of a covert CIA annex in Benghazi, with State Department acquiescence. On 11 September 2012 the US ambassador to
Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed during an anti-American demonstration that led to the burning down of the US
consulate in Benghazi; reporters for the Washington Post found copies of the ambassador’s schedule in the building’s
ruins. It showed that on 10 September Stevens had met with the chief of the CIA’s annex operation. The next day, shortly
before he died, he met a representative from Al-Marfa Shipping and Maritime Services, a Tripoli-based company which,
the JCS adviser said, was known by the Joint Staff to be handling the weapons shipments.

Clinton Connections
>When Republican members of Congress learned in November 2011 that the Obama administration was contemplating a
swap — Taliban terrorists for captured ArmySgt. Bowe Bergdahl — they wrote to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of
their fears.

>Mrs. Clinton wrote back that they had nothing to worry about. The White House would follow the law requiring a 30-day
>“I want to make clear that any transfer from Guantanamo will be undertaken after consultation with Congress and
pursuant to all legal requirements for transfers, including those spelled out in the FY2012 [National] Defense Authorization
Act,” she said of the law signed by President Obama that December requiring that he notify Congress ahead of time.

>Fewer than three years later, Mr. Obama freed five hard-line Taliban commanders from the prison at Guantanamo Bay.
As the five left Cuba, U.S. specials forces troops rendezvoused with the Taliban on May 31, 2014, at a remote location in
Afghanistan to pick up Sgt. Bergdahl. The Army would later charge him with desertion.

>The White House neither consulted with Congress nor gave proper notification for the “illegal transfer.”
>The Clinton letter remains secret to this day. The committee could only disclose the sentence that ended up in a
nonclassified letter from then-Sen. Saxby Chambliss, who led the intelligence committee and is one of those who sounded
the alarm on any swap back in 2011.

>Noori and four other prisoners who were known as the Taliban five were released from Guantanamo Bay and flown by
U.S. military C-17 aircraft into Qatar on June 1, 2014 where they were set free. Their release was in exchange for that of
U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl who had been captured in Afghanistan five years earlier. The exchange was brokered by the
Emir of Qatar. Noori, and the others, were required to stay in Qatar for 12 months as a condition of their release

>Six soldiers died on missions seeking intelligence on the whereabouts of or actively intending to rescue Bergdahl:
Private First Class Morris Walker, Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen, Staff Sergeant Kurt Curtiss, Second Lieutenant Darryn
Andrews, Private First Class Matthew Martinek, and Staff Sergeant Michael Murphrey.

>Due to resources being diverted to find Bergdahl, the closing of Combat Outpost Keating was delayed, which may have
led to eight American soldiers being killed on October 3, 2009, after 300 Taliban insurgents overran the base.

Vet who served with Bergdahl :

>Specialist Cody Full had another reason, saying that her treatment of the Benghazi victims’ families demonstrated her
>“The reason why I’m voting for Donald Trump is because Hillary Clinton came out and told the mothers and widows of
the Benghazi victims that their sons were killed over a video.
>Well, when those same mothers and widows came out and said that’s what Hillary told them, she proceeded to call them
a liar.
>If a person is willing to call a Gold Star mother or a widow a liar, there is no lie she will not tell the American public.”
>Full also said that electing Clinton would bring more of “the same kind of bad deals, as opposed to the Trump
Administration, who I think values veterans and the VA more than Hillary would.”

>how specialized were they? What did we give them back?

> Abdul Haq Wasiq was deputy chief of the Taliban regime's intelligence service.
> Norullah Noori served as the governor of Balkh and Laghman provinces in the Taliban regime. He was a senior Taliban
military commander in Mazar-e-Sharif.

>Mohammad Fazl served as Chief of Staff of the Taliban Army.

> Khairullah Khairkhwa was the interior minister under the Taliban. He helped found the Taliban in 1994. He was directly
associated with Osama Bin Laden and Taliban Supreme Commander Mullah Muhammad Omar. Likely involved with
militant training, he was also "a narcotics trafficker and probably used his position and influences to become one of the
major opium drug lords in Western Afghanistan", and probably used profits from drugs to promote Taliban interests.

>Mohammad Nabi Omari was the Taliban's chief of communications. Nabi had "operational ties to Anti-Coalition Militia
(ACM) groups including al-Qaida, the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and the Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin". He also
"maintained weapons caches and facilitated the smuggling of fighters and weapons".

Bergdahl was a big deal

>At the time Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings was killed under suspicious circumstances, he had recently written a
huge exposé on Bowe Bergdahl, revealing that he had deserted his unit and actively sought out the Taliban. Hastings had
also revealed Bergdahl’s anti-American sentiments, publishing the emails to his father that so shocked America: “I am
ashamed to be an American…The horror that is America is disgusting.”

>After this (the expose), the Obama administration actively sought to keep the lid on Robert Bergdahl and Michael
Hastings’ reporting of Bowe Bergdahl, as secret FBI documents now reveal.

>A 22-page secret FBI report dated June 11, 2012, obtained by investigative reporter Jason Leopold, shows that both
Hastings and former Afghanistan war veteran and co-writer Matt Farwell were under an intense FBI investigation in early
2012. The document is highly redacted; but it appears Hastings and Farwell were under direct FBI surveillance, including
when they met with Bowe Bergdahl’s parents in 2012.

>Keep in mind, at the time of Hastings’ death, the FBI had denied they had ever investigated Hastings, despite Hastings
sending out a frantic email hours before his death with the subject line: “FBI Investigation,” stating that he was being
investigated. Also included in the body of the email was a reference to a “big story” he was working on. This “big story”
turned out not to be about Bergdahl, but an investigation of then-terrorism czar—now CIA head—John Brennan, per
Hastings’ widow. After Hastings’ death, all of his notes and documents on Brennan were suppressed—and this “big story”
never appeared in Rolling Stone.

More on the Taliban:
Qatar’s role in the Obama administration’s negotiations to swap Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in May 2014 for five senior Taliban
commanders is well known, and President Obama spoke with both Qatar’s Emir and Father Emir in the week before
Bergdahl’s release.58 What is not so well known is that “a private $10 million cash ransom deal was in the works” through
other channels before that swap was implemented, according to BuzzFeed News’ Aram Roston, although it may not have
involved the Qatari or American governments. Roston also reported that the Taliban previously demanded $25 million and
$15 million ransoms earlier in the process, along with the request for a much larger prisoner release involving fifty
individuals.59 Rep. Duncan Hunter (R, CA) wrote a letter to the Pentagon later that year raising concerns that some
money in Bergdahl’s case may still have been disbursed: “I recognize the reluctance to describe a payment as ransom,
but regardless of how the transaction is described, it has been brought to my attention that a payment was made by an
Afghan intermediary who ‘disappeared’ with the money and failed to facilitate Bergdahl’s release,” adding that “the
payment was made in January-February 2014, according to sources, through Joint Special Operations Command.”60

>Just days after U.S. Army Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl went missing from his base in Afghanistan in 2009, the
men in his platoon were ordered to sign papers vowing to never discuss what he did or their efforts to track him down.
Many of those men were already exhausted, searching endlessly in the hot dust and misery of the Afghan desert for a guy
they knew had chosen to walk away. More than six months later, long after Army officials learned Bergdahl’s captors had
smuggled him into Pakistan, commanders still had a sweeping gag order on thousands of troops in the battlefield. Some
were told they could not fly home until they signed the nondisclosure agreements.

>And even now, six years later, as America’s most notorious prisoner of war faces an August court-martial that could put
him in prison for the rest of his life, the Army is still hiding the truth, refusing to let the public see critical documents in the

>The Pentagon finished its formal investigation, known as an Army Regulation 15-6, more than a year ago. That report,
led by a two-star general and a team of 22 investigators, includes interviews with roughly 57 people, including Bergdahl.
In 371 pages of sworn testimony, he told General Kenneth Dahl what he did, why he did it and what he endured during his
five years as a hostage of the militant Haqqani network. The 15-6 is not classified, and at a September preliminary
hearing on the case, Dahl testified that he does not oppose its release. But the Army won’t budge.
August 30th, 2011
>Featured prominently in the talks was the whereabouts and eventual release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl of Hailey,
Idaho, who was captured more than two years ago in eastern Afghanistan, according to a senior Western diplomat in the
region and a childhood friend of the Taliban negotiator, Tayyab Aga.

>The U.S. negotiators asked Aga what could be done to gain Bergdahl's release. The discussion did not get into specifics
but Aga discussed the release of Afghan prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and in Afghanistan at Bagram Air Field.
>Published reports about the clandestine meetings ended the talks abruptly, and sent Aga into hiding.

>At the time of the leak, Washington had already offered small concessions as "confidence-building measures," a former
senior U.S. official said. They were aimed at developing a rapport and moving talks forward, said a current U.S. official on
condition he not be identified because of the sensitivity of the topic.

>A member of that High Peace Council, who asked not to be identified by name so he could talk candidly, told the AP that
the leaking of the talks reveals the level of mistrust and the lack of coordination among the key players in any eventual
peace deal.

>The United States, for example, has also held secret talks [who?] with Ibrahim Haqqani, the brother of Jalaluddin
Haqqani, who heads the notorious Haqqani network considered by U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan to be their
biggest threat.

>A month ago, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Sen. John Kerry and Pakistan's Army chief of staff
Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani met for a marathon eight hours in a Gulf country. Peace negotiations with Afghanistan's
insurgents featured prominently, said both Pakistani and U.S. officials who would not be identified by name because of
the secret nature of the meeting.

>This “big story” turned out not to be about Bergdahl, but an investigation of then-terrorism czar—now CIA head—John
Brennan, per Hastings’ widow. After Hastings’ death, all of his notes and documents on Brennan were suppressed—and
this “big story” never appeared in Rolling Stone.

Bergdahl is back in the news and in court.

The gov't has extended his duty until 2022 instead of giving him the option of re-enlisting or leaving the military in 2014.

EGYPT (from Reddit)

You guys need to correlate the political relations of the US and Egypt in regards to the Muslim Brotherhood banishment
and break down in political relations between the two countries.
Egypt expelled the Muslim Brotherhood. The US condemned them and left them on their own to deal with an insurgency.
To this day the US continues a propaganda campaign against Egypt calling it an illegitimate government.
Back track a few years and you find
In 2012, Safwat launched MB candidate Mohamed Morsi's campaign. In his speech to a crowd of hundreds of thousands
of Egyptians, Safwat emphasized that Morsi will lead Egypt's campaign to restore the "United States of the Arabs" or
"Caliphate" with Jerusalem as its capital, and urged listeners to "awake Jews from their slumber" and chanted that they
would march as martyrs toward Jerusalem.[7] During the June 2013 protests against Morsi, Hegazy threatened opposition
protesters saying “whoever sprays Morsi with water will be sprayed with blood.”[8]
This guy is the guy who facilitated US NGO's operating in Egypt in order to create the unrest that toppled Mubarak
He's also the guy who facilitated Morsi's rise to power.
After Khairat El-Shater was disqualified from the 2012 presidential election, Morsi, who was initially nominated as a
backup candidate, emerged as the new Muslim Brotherhood candidate.[35] His campaign was supported by well-known
Egyptian cleric Safwat Hegazi at a rally in El-Mahalla El-Kubra,[36] the epicentre of Egyptian worker protests.[37]

So, what we have here is a guy who facilitated NGO's, created a coup, then installed a MB leader.
Then Egypt went into Caliphate mode and started creating law based upon Sharia. They brought out religious police that
were above the law.
As president, Morsi issued a temporary constitutional declaration in late November that in effect granted him unlimited
powers and the power to legislate without judicial oversight or review of his acts. The temporary constitutional declaration
was called for a referendum, an act that his opponents called an "Islamist coup"
Sorry, I apparently repeated myself in there. I'm leaving it for now.
Before you say that this has nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation remember her links to Soros and his affiliation with
NGO's in countries like Ukraine.

directing most of these connections Thoughts?

Elaborate please
Ah, heck. I'll just assume you want to know what her job title is?
a consigliere is an advisor or counselor to the boss, with the additional responsibility of representing the boss in important
meetings both within the boss's crime family and with other crime families. The consigliere is a close, trusted friend and
confidant, the mob's version of an elder statesman. In some depictions, he is devoid of ambition and dispenses
disinterested advice. This passive image of the consigliere does not correspond with what little is known of real-life
consiglieri, however. By the very nature of the job, a consigliere is one of the few in the family who can argue with the
boss, and is often tasked with challenging the boss when needed, to ensure subsequent plans are foolproof.[1]
A real-life Mafia consigliere is generally the number three person in a crime family, after the boss and underboss in most
cases.[2] The boss, underboss, and consigliere constitute a three-man ruling panel, or "Administration.


>Some Update on Clinton Al-Qaeda/Chechen Muslim connection

>BIF (Benevolence International Foundation)
Was listed as SDGT in 2002

In notes on BIF’s Kadugli, Sudan office, BIF describes a visit by Ambassador Melissa (spelled “Milicia”in the report) Wells,
a specialenvoyfrom the U.S. under President Clinton who worked in Sudan as part of international efforts to bring peace
to the country. Ex. 148 and 149. BIF recorded that on June 15, 1994, Ambassador Wells met with the director of BIF’s
Kadugli office, Ma’moun Muhammad Al Hasan Bilouwho
provided her “information about the goals and activities of BIF in Kadugli province. Ex.
148 at 1. Director Bilou told Ambassador Wells that BIF is a international organization working in the humanitarian fields
and provide (sic) free
basic services like health care, education, agriculture, mother and child care, and helping the poor families regardless of
color or gender. He added that BIF works in coordination with all
international organizations in Kadugli like UNICEF, WHO and Red Crescent.



WJC = Will J C
HRC = Hill R C


WJC HOLDS SPEECH 5 TIMES @ Global Artist Co., Ltd -> $250,000 - $500,000
nihon-university.htm) (only 4 of the 5 speeches are mentioned here)


HRC HOLDS SPEECH @ PUBLIC COUNSEL -> $100,000 - $250,000

WJC HOLDS SPEECH @ PUBLIC COUNSEL -> $100,000 - $250,000
(could possible be related to child-trafficking ideas from earlier, BOTH EVENTS HAPPENED)


HRC HOLDS SPEECH @ UNLV FOUNDATION -> $100,000 - $250,000

WJC HOLDS SPEECH @ UNLV FOUNDATION -> $100,000 - $250,000
Media "outrage" but how could it occur twice?

Extra sources:

List 1:
List 2:



Does not include any speeches she gave to companies.

Cisco events seem to indicate she was NEVER there physically. The best that happened was a telepresence broadcast
and a global trade thing last year.

This is completely unrelated to what she got paid for, hilariously.

She was never physically there to say anything excluding a later visit, the ~$450k were probably campaign contributions
or insidious cover-ups.

This Cisco event was the one semi-credible one from the second speeches list (List 2).
>Look how much she got paid for a "surprise visit"

HOWEVER (refer to Sneaky pic):

Evidently the Boston Bombing was earlier that week, and she gave a speech in New York on 4/17 to the Global Fund for
Women anniversary gala. I can't find any mention of a Morgan Stanley speech for the day after though. And afterward I
only see mentions of other speeches and conventions which are entirely separate from the list.
>As President, she would aim to sign into law a program to provide subsidies from U.S. taxpayers to Monsanto and other
biotech firms, to assist their PR and lobbying organizations to eliminate what she says is “a big gap between the facts and
what the perceptions are” concerning genetically modified seeds and other GMOs. In other words: she ignores the
evidence that started to be published in scientific journals in 2012 showing that Monsanto and other GMO firms were
selectively publishing studies that alleged to show their products to be safe, while selectively blocking publication of
studies that — on the basis of better methodology — showed them to be unsafe. She wants U.S. taxpayers to assist GMO
firms in their propaganda that’s based on their own flawed published studies, financed by the GMO industry, and that
ignores the studies that they refuse to have published.



>To date we have invested circa $20m in this initiative with the predominant aim of building sustainable, profit making
businesses whilst enabling an environment that supports every child’s full development.
>Currently our focus is solely on Rwanda where in partnership and with guidance from the Rwandan people and its
Government we aim to deliver import substitution and export enablement. In essence we aim to retain as much value in-
country and to distribute the benefits of that retention throughout the supply chain maximising returns to farmers providing
crops to the businesses.

This is related to CHAI. Their relationship supposedly ended in 2014, their financial reports kinda stopped.
>The ELMA Foundation funded the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) from 2011 through 2013 to provide technical
support to the Government of Rwanda to create and fundraise for a seven year plan to develop a sustainable national
health education system that graduates the volume of well-trained health workers needed to support a high performing
health system.

And then there's THIS GUY.

Looks like how they get bills into Congress. Dunno if the Borgen stuff is remotely related to the Clintons, but he didn't stop
doing this "philanthropy" work.


Nicholas Logothetis is marrying Monica Gray.

Logothetis, Libragroup website being difficult suddenly, but from the cache they have these programs going on.

Social Responsibility initiatives comprise:

Libra Internship Programme: Internships for more than 100 students each year enabling bright young people to
experience the world through the eyes of an international business.

Entrepreneurship Awards: Currently focussed on Greece and the United States, these awards seek to stimulate
entrepreneurial spirit through the provision of practical support and start-up funding.

Concordia: The Libra Group is the founding sponsor of this non-profit organization that seeks to promote public-private

The Seleni Institute: A New York-based organisation that addresses women's reproductive and maternal mental health.

Libra Mentorship Programme: A series of year-long mentorships provided principally to young people of colour, first
generation college students, and students who face socio-economic challenges.

The Grace Foundation: A charity support programme representing our hotel businesses, including match-funding between
the Libra Group and hotel guests.

Libra Fellowships: Selective funding of students in further and higher education with the broad objective of creating
opportunity for tomorrow's leaders.

My Brother's Keeper Alliance (MBKA): Libra Group is a founding sponsor of this non-profit organization launched by
President Barack Obama and aimed at eliminating opportunity and achievement gaps for boys and young men of colour.

Youth Empowerment Conference: An annual conference targeting young people subject to achievement and opportunity
gaps. Comprising a series of workshops designed to prepare young people for the workplace.

Corporate Giving: At its discretion the Libra Group chooses to support a variety of causes that fall outside the scope of the
above primary initiatives.

Chairman and CEO of the Libra Group

I took over our family shipping business at 19. We went from a fleet of two to 70. Then we sold the ships, took all the great
people from our shipping business, and sent them around the world to start companies. We ended up with a ship's captain
running a $200 million real estate company and a Russian fruit seller who runs six biogas plants in Latvia. It was asking
inappropriate people to do appropriate tasks. I came to it through my grandfather, who used to say, "You can do the
impossible. It is miracles that take a little longer." Libra group wing Lomar Shipping is

understood to have sold a second ship ... was incorrectly said to have been sold by Lomar to a Syrian buyer for $3.7m.
Also work as ship broker selling ships all around Med, possible smuggling in Libya.
Logothetis in dncleaks, donates to DNC and DWS directly and through charity groups
Sold ships before 2008, bought back later, knew ahead of time?
Marrying son with Dreamwakers, Clinton, Obama, Terry McAuliffe, connections, the energy council with Norway, child
refugee center in McAuliffe's state

Unrelated lead: Phil and Charles Munger, keeps low profile, alaska 13 district, huge donor to Obama, dnc leak round table

Rockefellers and Logothetis connection:
Logothetis at Bilderberg:

COPRESIDA - from Spainbro

Apparently Copresida didn't exactly donate 10-25 million to the CF, but instead had a collaborative partnership of some
kind in which Copresida bought anti-HIV pharmaceuticals from the CF. So the CF apparently acted as an intermediate
providing the anti-HIV drugs for the Dominican Republic, buying them internationally and then re-selling them to
Copresida. PIC RELATED

it's explained here:

In the screenshot you can see the total quantity. Link here:
>The supply of anti-VIH medications (...) for people with AIDS within the Dominican Republic was made from the year
2004 until 2009 through the William J. Clinton Foundation as SALES AGENT [or BUYER AGENT], without any lucrative
goal, through the operations and means disposed within the following juridical instruments"
>Apparently the Clinton Foundation provided the supply of anti-HIV drugs for children, while some "World Fund" provided
the treatment for adults. (Pic related, flow chart)

Also cited along the CF is Unitaid, which I already saw mentioned around (also CHAI, the Clinton Health Access
Initiative). I don't know if there could be anything shady in there, but it looks like a good business plan for the CF: buy
drugs from organizations/partners you own/half own and then sell them to foreign governments to help fight AIDS in their
poor countries (like Dominican Republic or Haiti), while at the same time making a profit for you and your friends.
Not that I found anything illegal, but it's profitable.

>For what it's worth, here's the link between the Clinton Global Initiative and the World Fund:
CGI member list (2007):
Last name on the document is Luanne Zurlo, founder of the World Fund, also member of the CGI.
Also this:

Other names on the pdf might also be interesting to look at.

So it wasn't entirely surprising when the fund began to dump its former largest position, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries
Ltd. (NYSE:TEVA), last year as the generic and specialty drugmaker was staring down an imminent threat from the entry
of generic Copaxone, the multiple sclerosis drug that tends to make up around 20% of the company's quarterly sales.
Living up to its reputation, however, Soros Fund rebought about $25 million or 423,308 shares of Teva in the second
>Copaxone contains amino acids and is used to prevent the relapse of multiple sclerosis (MS)
>eorge Soros was funding Teva Ph. --> Hillary has MS confirmed? If my memory is good, didn't an FBIanon / insider
predict it?
> Why did he sell every share then rebought a portion later? Change of plan? (((acceleration of plan?)))
Also : Teva was reportedly pursuing a $40 billion buyout of generic drug rival Mylan earlier this year to help offset any
revenue losses from Copaxone
And then Teva surprised most of us with its somewhat out-of-the-blue deal for Allergan's generic drug unit that was
resoundingly cheered by the market. (Pic related)
>Conclusion : this is fishy
>Still no deal with the $40 billion buyout. It is expected for June 2016
>[alarm?] looks like the $40 has never happened because every link I find is a ''Teva planning to buy/Teva buys in June..
So what made Teva's value go so high in this graph?


For the GMO link check out Ann Veneman, she pushed big deals while working for UNICEF.
She was a Bush pet but I think it is linked, current UNICEF exec is outspoken Clinton shill.

What would really be interesting is if I could outright link UN parties to traffic from refugee camps. Anyway, it is all
intertwined. Republicans esp under Bush are as involved as Democrats.

Ann Veneman:
>As Executive Director, Veneman travelled to more than 60 countries to review the plight of children and UNICEF's work
to assist them. She gained first-hand knowledge of how children's lives were being saved and improved as a result of
programmes and assistance provided by UNICEF and its partners. Veneman witnessed the devastation caused by natural
disasters, conflict, disease and exploitation. These experiences redoubled her sense of hope, passion and urgency in
advocating for children when administering programmes, meeting with government leaders, international agencies and
strategic partners, or speaking at conferences such as the World Economic Forum and Clinton Global Initiative. Veneman
co-chaired Mothers Day Every Day, a campaign launched by CARE and the White Ribbon Alliance supporting access to
basic health care and maternal services for women around the world.
>World Economic Forum
>Basically Davos



>At Bill Clinton's behest, a $2 mil. commitment for Energy Pioneer Solutions was placed on the agenda during a Sept.
2010 conference of the Clinton Global Initiative...

>At the heart of the issue is the foundation sent funding to a company that had significant ties to the Clinton family
according to the WSJ. The IRS website states that any 501(c)(3) should not be operated for the benefit of private
>From WSJ: "Energy Pioneer Solutions was founded in 2009 by Scott Kleeb, a Democrat who twice ran for Congress
from Nebraska. An internal document from that year showed it as owned 29% by Mr. Kleeb; 29% by Jane Eckert, the
owner of an art gallery in Pine Plains, N.Y.; and 29% by Julie Tauber McMahon of Chappaqua, N.Y., a close friend of Mr.
Clinton, who also lives in Chappaqua.

>Owning 5% each were Democratic National Committee treasurer Andrew Tobias and Mark Weiner, a supplier to political
campaigns and former Rhode Island Democratic chairman, both longtime friends of the Clintons.

>The CGI holds an annual conference at which it announces monetary commitments from corporations, individuals or
nonprofit organizations to address global challenges—commitments on which it has acted in a matchmaking role.
Typically, the commitments go to charities and nongovernmental organizations. The commitment to Energy Pioneer
Solutions was atypical because it originated from a private individual who was making a personal financial investment in a
for-profit company."

>Not only did the Clinton's oversee $2 mil being sent to friends at Energy Pioneer Solutions via the foundation, according
to the WSJ, Bill also personally endorsed the company to then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu for a federal grant,
ultimately leading to a grant in the amount of $812,000. Of course, Chu now says he doesn't remember the conversation.


>Andrew Tobias (DNC Treasurer), Julie Tauber 'Energizer' McMahon (Bill Clinton's alleged mistress), Democrat
Operative Mark Rich (RIP) & Scott Kleeb (Former boss to Seth Rich (RIP) Mark Wiener (RIP) Jane Coats Eckert
All partners in Energy Pioneer Solutions

>Mr. Clinton also personally endorsed the company, Energy Pioneer Solutions Inc., to then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu
for a federal grant that year, said people with knowledge of the endorsement.

>The company, whose business plan was to insulate people’s homes and let them pay via their utility bills, received an
$812,000 Energy Department grant. Mr. Chu, now a professor at Stanford University, said he didn’t remember the


Jan Piercy was Hillary's college roommate.

Shorebank went tits up, folded into Enclude:

It looks like they kept it up after they went under, here Enclude admit to spitting out loans to risky areas left and right. I see
a lot of Clinton areas on this list...

Haiti, Iraq, Syria all got money for building contracts under the ShoreBank banner

Triodos Bank- Enclude affiliate, CF donor, 50-100k

Inter-american Development bank- Enclude client, CF donor, 1-5mil
DFID- Enclude client, 1-5mil
NORAD- Enclude client 1-5mil
Bill Gates foundation- Enclude client 25+mil
Rockefeller foundation- Enclude client 5-10mil
Skoll Foundation- Enclude client 100-250k
Global Impact- Enclude client (?) 500k-1mil


Irwin Redlener added to call list along with Vali Nasr and George Soros. I haven't dug into Nasr but so far here's what I
found on Redlener.
Long rapport with the Clintons.

He's cofounder of the children's health fund. And has ties to the Clinton Global Initiative
In May 2009, Redlener was appointed to the National Commission on Children and Disasters.In 2010, in part due to his
research on the health effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil,the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil
Spill and Offshore Oil Drilling appointed Redlener to serve as the Commission’s Special Consultant on Public Health.
On November 15, 2012, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that he had appointed Redlener co-chair of
the NYS Ready Commission, which was tasked with finding ways to ensure critical systems and services are prepared for
future natural disasters and other emergencies.


Here is a probe by a Wall Street Financial Advisor into the Clinton Foundation. He has found much illegal

He could be very valuable

“There are massive discrepancies between what some of the major donors say they gave to the Clinton Foundation to do,
and what the Clinton Foundation said what they got from the donors and what they did with it.”
Last year, the Clinton Foundation was forced to issue corrected tax filings for several years to correct donation errors. But
Ortel said many of the discrepancies remain.
Ortel said his reports in the coming months would also provide evidence that the foundation is not complying with state
laws on fundraising, financial disclosure, and audits.
“I’m against charity fraud. I think people in both parties are against charity fraud, and this is a charity fraud,” he said.
Ortel said he hoped the reports would encourage investigative journalists to follow up on his findings.

>Ortel said his reports in the coming months >would also provide evidence that the foundation >is not complying with
state laws on fundraising, >financial disclosure, and audits.

Charles Ortel contributed to this series
> The Clinton Foundation finds itself under new scrutiny, this time pertaining to its financial disclosures. Wall Street
analyst Charles Ortel is uploading a series of reports showing what he alleges is fraudulent activities by the Foundation.
Someone please investigate this lead.
I'm working on

He's already been tracking Hillary down, and he's pretty far down the rabbit hole.
>State, federal, and foreign laws bar public charities from being run for private gain in interstate commerce—which
means, by using the mail, telephones or the internet. The Clinton Foundation’s complex operations (it is not just one entity
but a web of them) do not comply with this requirement. Nor does the Clinton Foundation ever seem to have submitted its
financial records to an independent, properly certified audit by a qualified accounting firm.

The Clinton Foundation, directed by certain individuals and together with numerous affiliates, has been part of an
international charity fraud network whose entire cumulative scale (counting inflows and outflows) approaches and may
even exceed $100 billion, measured from
1997 forward.

As many are starting to appreciate, Clinton Foundation documents omit crucial facts, include false and materially
misleading statements, and exclude legally required audits of financial statements for each year of operation, that must be
prepared on a consistent basis

In short, close review of the Clinton Foundation record shows clearly that it and related entities have operated illegally
since inception to serve private interests under the cloak of charitable
The Clinton Foundation steadfastly resists making proper accounting for its inflows, so it is difficult to discern who actually
provides support without studying reams of material issued by donors that is available in the public domain.
Meanwhile there is little, verifiable evidence that all the “initiatives” and projects discussed in
Clinton Foundation reports actually have served validly authorized and truly charitable purposes, as these are strictly
defined in state, federal, and foreign laws.

and this:
and this:

LOL if it’s true:

>House GOP Seeks Federal Scrutiny of Clinton Foundation
>An FBI leak revealed that Clinton pleaded the 5th Amendment to every question during her 3.5 hour interrogation on
Saturday 7/2/2016. “On the advice of counsel I invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination and
respectfully decline to answer your question”


>HILLARY SUPPORTER'S UNTOLD OBAMA HORROR STORIES: Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, sudden

>HSBC WHISTLEBLOWER SPILLS LYNCH EVIDENCE TO SENATE: Massive drug, terrorism scandal ropes in Obama's
AG nominee

And these two from the last week I thought were rather interesting:
>No prosecution 'ensures Hillary case won't go away'

>Comey has long history of cases ending favorable to Clintons
I can't find any evidence of what he's currently working, but I imagine that's because he's gearing up for his book release
and writing articles regarding current events. My guess is that over the last few years his research has been focused
solely on the shady dealings of the Clintons. On the WND store website there's a nice promo video for the book:

Has anyone read this book - 'Partners in Crime: The Clintons' Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit'?

Here is the Amazon link -

The book only has two reviews, which is odd.

What stuck out the most to me were things mentioned in the description:
>"Jerome Corsi presents the detailed research and expert testimony proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Clinton
Foundation is "a vast, criminal conspiracy," "

>"several "shell corporations" and "pass-through" bank accounts Bill Clinton has established in secret to hide what
amount to kickbacks from Clinton Foundation donors and sponsors."

>"In Partners in Crime, Corsi provides readers the names and addresses of state attorney generals throughout the
country, explaining that any one state in the Union can get a temporary restraining order from a state judge to place the
Clinton Foundation in receivership and launch law enforcement examinations of Clinton Family philanthropic fraud
accomplished on a global scale."

I found a recent article on Jerome Corsi talking about his Clinton Foundation book -




Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow (who kidnapped Clinton fundraiser Norman Hsu) was one of the 19 men arrested in the FBI
dragnet which caught Leland Yee.
So there is certainly a loose association between these Chinese underworld figures and Clinton fundraising activities.
Article about it:

>Ng Lap
>Jeff Yin
>Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow
>Leland Yee [SEN. D - CALI] <====
>Norman Hsu
>Allen Leung
>John Ashe [PRES UN Gen Assy]
>Francis Lorenzo [UN - Dominican Repub]
>Shiwe Yan
>Heidi Hon Piao
>Sheldon Silver [NY State Assy Spkr]

Major player in china has been Ng Lap, billionaire real estate developer and owner of Fortuna Hotel through which he has
sourced girls for high end Rub and Tug from:
China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Burma, Europe and Russia. [this is apparently available in
Fortuna Literature]

A FBI investigation/complaint implicates him and his assistant Jeff Yin in traveling with 4.5 million dollars worth of bribe
money [not sure of intended money target]

FBI complaint filed Jun '15.

Here's where it gets interesting: A second FBI complaint was filed "Conspiracy to Bribe a UN Official,"
This official happens to be the late John Ash
President: UN General Assembly: Antigua Batuda Representative who was funneling money into "Lucrative Antigua

He lobbied for the need for a multibillion Dollar UN Sponsored Conference center in Macau, China [Same city as Fortuna
Hotel from above connection to Ng Lap]

This conference center was to be instrumental in developing a "global Business Incubator" funded through a "Foundation"
headed by ash and Ng Lap.

Also connected and caught in the dragnet that flagges Ashe and Lap were codefendants:

Shiwe Yan, Heidi Hong Piao, and Francis Lorenzo [permanent UN representative or Dominican Republic?] more to come

Ng Lap Sen related:

A strange article about large Chinatown donations to Clinton, from people who cannot be found, or do not exist:
>The Times examined the cases of more than 150 donors who provided checks to Clinton after fundraising events geared
to the Chinese community. One-third of those donors could not be found using property, telephone or business records.
Most have not registered to vote, according to public records.
>The tenement at 44 Henry St. was listed in Clinton's campaign reports as the home of Shu Fang Li, who reportedly gave
>In a recent visit, a man, apparently drunk, was asleep near the entrance to the neighboring beauty parlor, the Nice Hair
>A tenant living in the apartment listed as Li's address said through a translator that she had not heard of him, although
she had lived there for the last 10 years.
>A man named Liang Zheng was listed as having contributed $1,000. The address given was a large apartment building
on East 194th Street in the Bronx, but no one by that name could be located there.
>Census figures for 2000 show the median family income for the area was less than $21,000. About 45% of the
population was living below the poverty line, more than double the city average.

Something I did find interesting however is that the Chinese may be doing more than they seem to be. Xi Jinping stated in
November 2015 that the FDI to Africa was 60 Billion USD. However, there is a lot of investment by Chinese companies as
well. How much money they are investing, nobody but the Government knows.

Additionally, the Chinese are also sending Multi-Billion dollar loans to African Nations on top of the FDI. This is important
because it will make them in debt and therefore economically dependent on China in the coming years, and with a
potential resurgence of American investment in the region along with China's economic slowdown, it could cause
economic competition between the two and dictate Clinton's approach to African Foreign Policy if she was to become


Sheldon Silver: Who i believe the pastebin is referring to as one of the corrupt commiefornia politicians aiding the China
A former top aide to Silver, chief counsel J. Michael Boxley, was accused of raping two legislative aides while he was
working for the Speaker, and Boxley eventually pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct. Silver was sued for failing to
investigate the accusations properly and for tolerating a culture of sexual harassment in the Assembly. In 2006, Silver and
the Assembly leadership agreed to pay $500,000 to settle the lawsuit.[25] Similar settlements in 2012 and 2015 resulted
from multiple harassment charges against former Assemblyman Vito Lopez, and Silver was accused of not acting
forcefully to prevent Lopez’s behavior. Silver apologized for not reporting cases to the Assembly's Ethics Committee as
required, and said that since then he "put in place new policies to ensure these incidents are dealt with swiftly and

Sheldon Silver also received $4 M in bribes.

WE FOUND MR. CHENG! - thank you Vietnam bro

cheng lives in a place owned by GATEWAY BELVEDERE, LLC (market value over $90 million)
NATIONAL CORPORATE RESEARCH, LTD also registered Haiti Development Fund, LLC
Haiti Development Fund, LLC is a Clinton Foundation shell company

Clinton Gave PRC 'False Certification' By Scott L. Wheeler
>Senior defense-intelligence analysts tell Insight that the Clinton administration falsely certified the People's Republic of
China (PRC) as a nuclear nonproliferator despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Clinton officials went so far,
sources say, as threatening to fire a senior defense analyst unless he changed his analysis, which was based on the
overwhelming preponderance of all available intelligence sources that Beijing was proliferating nuclear technology and
materials to rogue nations.
>This magazine has obtained a copy of an analysis written by Jonathan Fox, arms-control specialist for the Defense
Special Weapons Agency, dated Oct. 23, 1997, which states: "This assessment concludes that the proposed arrangement
presents real and substantial risk to the common defense and security of both the United States and allied countries."
According to Pentagon sources, the analysis was ordered to determine whether President Bill Clinton could certify to the
U.S. Congress that China was a nonproliferating nation, thus qualifying it for an exchange of nuclear technology with the
United States - an agreement that the analysis refers to as "a technology-transfer agreement swaddled in the comforting
yet misleading terminology of a confidence-building measure."
>A Pentagon insider tells Insight that "the certification was the key to obtaining U.S. nuclear technology for which the
People's Liberation Army would have done literally anything, including passing very substantial sums to the president, his
political friends and anyone else who might have influenced the deal." Another senior official says, "Getting off the list of
nuclear proliferators was an enormous concession" that allowed China to have the type of technology that contributes to
global instability - "technology worth a pretty penny to countries, nations and organizations seeking nuclear weapons"
Necessary commentary on above article: /ccg/ OP here, for some reason the thread slid into the archive. Not sure what
happened and I'm a little iffy on opening a new thread from that.
Billary's 90s dealings and even the 00s stuff is readily available if you search for like Hillary PRC Connections or any
combination of China/PRC connections and Hillary/Bill Clinton


Henry "Hank" Paulson, former Treasury Secretary under Bush Jr./TARP
How is this helping the US?:

Sustainable Cities in China? He seems to be very "helpful" the Chinese.
>It’s official: we’re in a time of energy transition. On April 22, Earth Day, the UN’s most recent climate agreement—known
as the Paris Agreement—will be formally signed in New York, ushering in a new era of country-led action to reduce
carbon emissions. For the first time, individual countries have specific and (politically, if not legally) binding commitments
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which they will feed into an international process to measure progress every five
>These solutions can take a variety of forms: first, countries should commit to closing down the dirtiest and most
inefficient industrial plants. China could lead the way: its commitment to reduce overcapacity in its steel sector should start
with action to close down its worst-performing plants, including some state-owned enterprises, and include a well-thought-
out worker transition program to soften the blow for the millions who will lose their jobs.

>well-thought-out worker transition program to soften the blow for the millions who will lose their jobs.
>millions who will lose their jobs.
>lose their jobs

Why are we outsourcing to these people again if there are groups trying to put people out of business who they disagree

Endorsed Hillary...... Rhea Suh, President
endorsement-of-hillary-clinton/ website Rhea Suh, President

2014 Form 990 Info:

NRDC a/k/a Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. (see 990 financial Info):
> doing business as Natural Resources Council, Inc.
>2014 Income & Expenses: Income - $122M Expenses - $116M
>See also Part VII - Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Ind. Contractors (page 95, Form 990, 2014)
-----> Devine Mulvey,Inc., $5.6M , RR Donnelly, $2.1M, Thompson Mailing, $1.8M, Princeton South, Inc., $1.3M, The
Campaign Workshop, $801K

>See also Part IX, Form 990, 2014, "Fees and Program Service Exp. (column A, B, C, D) Total Fees - $20.4 M
>See also Part V, Form 990, 2014, Page 99, "Related Organizations" - NRDC Action Fund, $1.5M, NRDC Limited, $753K
>See also Page 6, Form 990, 2014, "Highest Compensated Employees"
>See also Page 51-54, Form 990, 2014, "Grants/Grantees" List

------->Line 2, Partnership Project, Inc., 1501 M Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20005, Grant $1.2M......

PARTNERSHIP PROJECT, INC.>>>a/k/a Energy Foundation

2014 Form 990 -
*****All Grantee Names are Blacked Out (possibly required by law), Grant money was "Wire Transferred" to the "East Asia
and Pacific" Region, Pages 1-13
*****Schedule 1, U.S. Grants to "Organizations, Governments and Individuals", Names and Addresses Listed, Page 1-42.
Eric Heitz. President

"Secret Deal" championed by the Terminator himself

> NDRC is into "geo-engineering" A.K.A. - allow me to put on my tinfoil hat - Chemtrails
> Motive for deals awarded and all these donations

As you remember, Jesse Williams was one of the people FBIAnon suggesting looking into, and I have found multiple
distinct connections between Jesse Williams to the Clintons/Soros.

>Pics Related

Rough timeline:
1)October 2011 - August 2011: Founded FarWord Inc (Can't find any info on this pls halp, might be related, only
mentioned because Question Bridge was produced under this company).
2)June 7, 2012 - "Honorary Ambassador" at Clinton Foundation event - The Millennium Network [1][2]
3)June ?, 2012 - Works as executive producer on Question Bridge:Black Males - documentary which released sometime
June 2012. First listed donor on website - Open Society Foundations. [3]
4)October 11, 2014 - Participates in ferguson BLM protest - funded by Soros [4]
5)Unknown date/year - Jesse Williams joins advancement project. Unclear when this affiliation started. [5]
also - Gerald Torres - Senior Attorney in the Justice Department during the Clinton Administration - is a member of the
board of directors for the advancement project. [6]
6)June 27, 2016 - Jesse Williams BET Award/Speech - generated massive media coverage

[1] [1]

[2] [2]
[5] [5]
[6] [6]

>FarWord Inc
>Creation Date: 2011-05-19T02:00:10. 00Z
>Registrant Organization: KELDOF ID
>Registrant Email: Info@KELDOF.COM

Soros also heavily funding the advancement project. Jesse Williams is newest board member for advancement project.
Also - gerald torres + bill lann lee esq have ties to Clinton.
2006 - received $150,000 from OSF
2011 - received $1,000,000 from OSF
2013 - received $500,000 from OSF

Jesse Williams + Laurens Grant produce documentary called "Stay Woke" - focusing on BLM protestors (pro BLM
Funded by BET - owned by Viacom - Soros may have stakes in Viacom.

Lauren Grants - produced/directed the black panthers: vanguard of the revolution. Movie funded by PBS, CPB, ITVS,
Justfilms (Ford).
Produced by Firelight - which has funding from ford foundation, clients of OSF.

Basically all BLM propaganda/docs are being sponsored by the same organizations. If you check the OSF, the amount of
different projects and funding for programs for black men in America is staggering. (Jesse Williams executive producer - funded by ford foundation & OSF) describes their goal is:
In essence, we want to represent and redefine Black male identity in America.
If any other anons want to look into the Advancement Project there is probably more. Basically it seems as though many
pro-black organizations and BLM propaganda is heavily sponsored by Soros.

>Locally, we provide direct, hands-on support for organized communities in their struggles for racial and social justice,
providing legal and communications resources for on-the-ground efforts, while assisting in building their own capacity and
power in their communities.

Look at the entry for Bill Lann Lee, Board Chair --- he's from the Clinton Administration:

>Shareholder, Lewis, Feinberg, Lee, Renaker & Jackson, PC

Mr. Lee is a 40-year veteran civil rights lawyer. He served as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in the Clinton
Administration from December 1997-January 2001. He was Assistant Counsel in the New York office of the NAACP Legal
Defense and Educational Fund, the law firm founded by the late Justice Thurgood Marshall from 1974-83. He was co-
head of the NAACP LDF’s Los Angeles office from 1989-97. He prosecutes civil rights and disability rights actions with the
Oakland, California firm Lewis, Feinberg, Lee, Renaker & Jackson, PC. Bill graduated from Columbia University Law
School in 1974 and Yale College in 1971.

JUNE 7 2012 - JESSE WILLIAMS - Event Info - Photos

The official event page is gone from the Clinton Foundation website, however:
Still remains.

In the eventbrite page you can see ticket pricing. According to the facebook event, the event capacity was 500 and they
almost sold out. There have been multiple Clinton Foundation's Millennium Network events. No idea what the Millennium
Network is supposed to do. Looks like they raise lots of money though.

I know there's some controversy with Rahm Emanuel as well, and he's mentioned in Clinton's emails. Why are him and
Jesse Williams doing a public fundraising event for the Clintons?

Someone was looking for more Jessie Williams info:

>FarWord Inc
>California Secretary of State
>Filing Type: Articles of Incorporation
>Status: Active
>State: California
>State ID: 03229377
>Date Filed: Monday, September 14, 2009
>Registered Agent Aryn Drakelee-Williams

Company Number: C3229377
Status: Active
Incorporation Date: 14 September 2009 (almost 7 years ago)
Company Type: Domestic Stock
Jurisdiction: California (US)
Registered Address: 5850 W 3RD ST STE 157, LOS ANGELES, CA 90036, United States
Agent Address: 5850 W 3RD ST STE 157, LOS ANGELES, CA 90036
Directors / Officers: ARYN DRAKELEE-WILLIAMS, agent
Registry Page


Company Number: 201315710170
Status: Active
Incorporation Date: 28 May 2013 (about 3 years ago)
Jurisdiction: California (US)
Registered Address: 5850 W 3RD ST STE 157, LOS ANGELES CA 90036-2983, United States


Agent Address: 5850 W 3RD ST, LOS ANGELES CA 90036
Directors / Officers: ARYN DRAKELEE WILLIAMS, agent
Source California Secretary of State,, 17 Sep 2015

FARWORD, INC. branch

Company Number: 16058894
Status: Active/Compliance
Incorporation Date: 17 June 2016 (about 1 month ago)
Company Type: Foreign Profit Corporation
Jurisdiction: Georgia (US)
Branch: Branch of FARWORD, INC. (California (US))
Registered Address: 5850 WEST 3RD ST, SUITE 157, LOS ANGELES, CA, 90036, USA, United States
Agent Address: 2985 GORDY PARKWAY, 1ST FLOOR, Cobb, Marietta, GA, 30006
Directors / Officers:
JESSE WILLIAMS, W, secretary
Registry Page

>5850 WEST 3RD ST, SUITE 157, LOS ANGELES, CA, 90036 (location of the branch)

This is obviously a servicing company designed to set up, among other things, shell corporations.
Company Number: P95000064633
Status: Active
Incorporation Date: 22 August 1995 (almost 21 years ago)
Company Type: Domestic for Profit
Jurisdiction: Florida (US)
Directors / Officers
LUIS A URIARTE, president

Looks like leaders from BLM had private meetings with DA donors last year



>McKesson himself has been accused of playing fast-and-loose with the facts in the past. In many of the cases he's
protested - from the Michael Brown case to Freddie Gray's death to Sandra Bland's - McKesson has made claims to his
large Twitter following that turned out to be false.

>Hey team, can we please vet DeRay Mckesson (100683684) to act as a surrogate for us at a young professional event
possibly featuring the Chair? Thank you.

> DeRay McKesson Tweets - Then Deletes - Claim That Virginia Shooter Was White: "Black Lives Matter activist DeRay
McKesson continued his pattern of jumping to conclusions and getting his facts wrong on Wednesday when he tweeted
out to his 200,000 followers that the man who fatally shot a TV reporter and cameraman in Virginia was white. McKesson
quibbled with initial reports that the shooter - who had not been identified at the time - was a disgruntled ex-employee.
The activist, who began touring the country as an organized protester after the Michael Brown shooting last year,
appeared to believe that the shooter was white. He compared the initial reports to how Muslims are characterized as
"terrorists" following similar incidents.
> Finance asked us to vet DeRay to act as a surrogate, possibly with the Chair, at an upcoming event. He has been an
issue since 9/2015 with no updates for his involvement in Black Lives Matter protests. I believe he is currently running for
Mayor of Baltimore.
Talking about the head of BLM


I heard an anon say that Leland Yee donated to the Clinton foundation, if we can prove this, we have direct ties to Hillary
and somebody that laundered campaign money and attempted to smuggle Rocket launchers and rifles into the US from a
terrorist group in the Philippines. Right now there is a connection between a Clinton donator (Hsu) and Leland Yee's crime
partner "Shrimp boy" (I wish I was kidding, but that's his actual nickname.)

So if we can find any campaign donations or donations to, Leland Yee, it could be huge.


Micron Technology, Inc. Institutional Ownership

D. E. SHAW & CO.*****

**** >Dr. Shaw was appointed to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science
and Technology by President Clinton in 1994, and again by President Obama in 2009.

>But Clinton’s plan was mute on a key sector of the industry: asset management firms, like BlackRock or Vanguard or
Fidelity, which control a staggering $30 trillion in global wealth.



Anthony Weiner petitioning the Israelis to allow 2 containers of "carp" to be allowed thru customs duty free, with 7 more in
the US (Illinois) waiting to be shipped.

Other relevant emails to this :

basically says that there was a Summer Work Travel program that was being abused to smuggle eastern european
women in to work in the american sex industry.

>"use particular prudence and caution when dealing with jobs that offer legitimate employment but also have been known
to be associated with human trafficking, such as janitorial service, housekeeping and modeling agencies."

This is what I will be focusing on now

Iraqi SWAT wanted to search crate with med supplies, found secret compartment, called convoy IV
Possible chinese connection, havent read this article yet
Haiti earthquake, evac 150 then more 160 americans on military airplanes
>Absence of Obama inner circle at huma party, says obama inner circle is mostly Mr. McDonough
>when to europe and met with the people in the pic
>Nagorno-Karabakh in Okinawa (we've established this is a child trafficking hub)
>negotiations with the Taliban

Its very clear that this is/has been going on for a long time (SWT started in the 1960s) but I cant find any information that
directly links the CF to it. It all seems to work on the same premise as tor, hide in a sea of legitimate use.

I’ve posted this before, but here's an email where Anthony Weiner is petitioning the Israeli government to allow 2
containers that were being held in Haifa to be put through customs duty-free, with 7 more in the US (illinios, a hotbed of
corruption in the US) that are waiting to be shipped.

There is also an email that talks about the Pakis not wanting to commit over a discrepancy over the cost per container,
though Im not sure if this is related.

I've found that eastern european women are smuggled in through the Summer Work Travel program, on J-1 visas
(100k+/year) and can bring children in through J-2 visas (40k+/year). Now there are several emails about this from 2012:
as well as this news story showing that they were used in the sex industry:

On another note, the Office of Refugee Resettlement, has many children namely from central america, disappearing or
knowingly being released to human traffickers, but I can't find any info on names of people who work there who might
have an abnormal number of cases like this. This is where there might be a possible connection to the CF.

Supposedly, this girl came from Fujian province (an area where a lot of illegal immigrants come from, and where the
parent organization for the Fuk Ching originates from), and was supposed to go to a Washington, DC hotel before she
was stopped.
I wouldn't be surprised if she was a gift for the Clintons.


Human trafficking/child abuse charges in London embassies:
Diplomats have that "diplomatic immunity" thing going on. Saudis again, so you know the CF isn't far behind.


Comey is a leftist involved with a criminal bank

>Columbia Law School
>HSBC banking institution accused of money laundering for drug cartels-Comey on Board of Directors at the same time-
paid out $1.9 billion in fines to DOJ–no charges brought against anybody-Lynch heavily involved.

Commey Connection With Clintons

Comey was involved in different positions in 4 clintons scandals where they got away scott free.
That really makes you think...

>Comey declined to elaborate on other cases, but among the most publicized pardons was the one Clinton gave to
fugitive commodities trader Marc Rich. Rich's ex-wife, Denise, was a major donor to the Democratic National Committee,
Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Clinton library foundation.
Lynch fumbled the investigation.
Comey covered for the Clintons on multiple occasions.
Lynch and Comey have been tag teaming to protect Clinton Interests.

The HSBC Connection
>HSBC Mexican Drug Money in Obama's 2008 Campaign?
Loretta Lynch crafts a soft-touch deferred-prosecution deal for HSBC,
after being caught in the largest drug-money-laundering case in history.
Loretta Lynch helped negotiate a settlement with HSBC in 2012 that saw the bank avoid criminal charges.

>New FBI Director President Nominates James B. Comey at White House Ceremony 21 June 2013

Loretta Lynch becomes Attorney General of the United States 27 April 2015

>Recent Info: Justice Department Overruled Recommendation to Pursue Charges Against HSBC, Report Says
Note HSBC has strong clinton ties too. So it is in everybody's mutual interest that nothing happens in any investigation in
the foundation or the Clintons.

I am the 77 y.o. old lady that directed you to look at Comey & HSBC. I have another rabbit hole for you. Here is an article
referencing Pulitzer winner Seymour Hersch...he exposed My Lai massacre in Vietnam, huge deal. Hillary and her State
dept. sent WMD Sarin gas to Syrian rebels. THIS IS TREASON.

>Clinton, Comey, Lynch All Guilty of Concealing Money Laundering for Terrorists and the Cartels Says Senior VP at

>HSBC Names James Comey to The Board


This is not the first time Comey has come to the aid of the Clintons…
Comey, Clintons and Clemency
>During the final days of his presidency, Bill Clinton opted to reduce the prison terms of the New Square offenders, and
after 9/11 that sparked an investigation. As Anderson notes, “Hillary received an unexpected gift in late June when,
without explanation, U.S. Attorney James B. Comey closed the New Square clemency case.”

Who were the new square four?

>New Square, a Hasidic enclave 30 miles northwest of Manhattan, had voted as a bloc in previous elections and
campaign workers urged Hillary urged to stop there. In New Square, four members of the Skver (Jesus Christ, that name)
sect had been convicted in 1999 of bilking government aid programs for some $30 million. During her visit, Hillary denied
that any pardon was discussed.

More fun I was unaware of from the article I posted

> “At Hillary’s urging,” Andersen writes, “the President granted clemency to 16 Puerto Rican terrorists who have been
sentenced to prison following a wave of bombings from 1974 to 1983 that took the lives of six Americans and wounded
scores of others. Incredibly, the terrorists had not even asked for clemency.” The worst attack was the January 24, 1975
bombing of Fraunces Tavern in Manhattan. The Puerto Rican FALN exploded a bomb during the lunch hour, “hurling body
parts into the street and killing four people.”

>The terrorists accepted President Clinton’s offer of clemency but expressed no regret for their actions. Former U.S.
Attorney Joseph Di Genova went on record that “the Puerto Rican terrorists were pardoned because they were a political
benefit to the president’s wife. Make no mistake about it.” As Anderson notes, FBI director Louis Freeh opposed the
pardons, as did New York major Rudy Giuliani, senator Charles Schumer and former Puerto Rico governor Carlos
Romero Barcelo who, says Andersen, “pleaded with the president not to release the bombers.”
>Time reports that 20 years ago, Comey was a deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee, looking into
the conduct of then President Bill Clinton and the first lady.

>Several people involved with the Whitewater corporation (including Clinton’s successor as governor) ultimately went to
jail, but the Clintons never faced criminal prosecution.

Guess who else was involved in the Clintons getting away with pardoning Marc Rich??
>Comey parlayed the Whitewater job into top posts in Virginia and New York, returning to Manhattan in 2002 to be the top
federal prosecutor there. One of his first cases as a line attorney in the same office 15 years earlier had been the
successful prosecution of Marc Rich, a wealthy international financier, for tax evasion. But on his last day as President in
2001, Bill Clinton pardoned Rich. “I was stunned,” Comey later told Congress. As top U.S. prosecutor in New York in
2002, appointed by George W. Bush, Comey inherited the criminal probe into the Rich pardon and 175 others Clinton had
made at the 11th hour.
Comey seems to be the go to guy for all Clinton related scandals, yet never quite seems to pin anything substantial on
Remember former senior Clinton advisor Sandy Berger?

>On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating Berger for unauthorized removal
of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11
Commission. The documents were five classified copies of a single report commissioned from Richard Clarke covering
internal assessments of the Clinton Administration's handling of the unsuccessful 2000 millennium attack plots. An
associate of Berger said Berger took one copy in September 2003 and four copies in October 2003, allegedly by stuffing
the documents into his socks and pants. Berger subsequently lied to investigators when questioned about the removal of
the documents.

Well turns out Comey had a big hand in that investigation too :
>Deputy Attorney General James Comey told reporters Tuesday he could not comment on the Berger investigation but
did address the general issue of mishandling classified documents.

>According to The Hill, this is not the first time Comey has dealt with the mishandling of classified information. In 2004,
Comey played a large role in investigating Sandy Berger, former President Bill Clinton's national security adviser.

>"As a general matter, we take issues of classified information very seriously," Comey said in response to a reporter's
question about the Berger bind, adding that the department has prosecuted and sought administrative sanctions against
people for mishandling classified information.

>"It's our lifeblood, those secrets," Comey continued.

"It's our lifeblood, those secrets"

Boy, is it ever!

In more fun Comey news :

The Martin Armstrong case
>James Comey was the chief prosecutor in the Southern District of New York between 2003 and 2005. He had no
problem keeping me in Federal Prison on contempt of court without any charges, indictment, or a civil complaint
describing any crime whatsoever that they even admitted openly in court. There were never any charges or complaint
filed, and they publicly stated, “[T]here is no description of criminal liability.” Yet, Comey allowed me to be held in prison,
entirely arbitrarily, with absolutely nothing whatsoever; Comey completely violated my civil rights, those of my family, and
all 240 employees. So he is not someone who upholds the Constitution when it goes against government or the banks. As
they say, the Department of Justice is really “Just Us” in reality. He has proven that once again.

>Comey also allowed a LIFETIME GAG ORDER on me to prevent me from providing any assistance to my clients in
Japan to sue the bankers. Now the State Department has asked for a two-year stay in turning over any of Hillary’s emails.
Why would they do that if there is nothing criminal? This only proves that this is a cover-up, as always, because the
Democratic Party cannot allow Hillary to go down for they would lose everything. Sorry, but Comey has a track record of
defending the banks even when they stole billions and pleaded criminally guilty before having to pay them back. He kept
me in prison on contempt to turn over assets for a “possible” restitution, but when I got into the Supreme Court, I was
released and no such charges were ever filed nor did I ever have any restitution. They then tried to prevent “The
Forecaster” from being shown in the USA.

Seems like this the Comey character is very selective when it comes to handing out justice.

Another interesting strand in the Clinton-Comey connections was that James Comey, fresh off a 2 year stint as the deputy
attorney general, worked for Lockheed Martin as "general counsel and senior VP" from 2005-2010.

Lockheed Martin was heavily involved in funding the Clinton Foundation as well as one of the 3 main beneficiaries of the
much lauded foreign government CF donations to arms deals that have been brought up before. Many around the same
time Comey was working there.

>Boeing was one of three companies that helped deliver money personally to Bill Clinton while benefiting from weapons
authorizations issued by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The others were Lockheed and the financial giant Goldman

>Lockheed is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to speak at an
event in 2010. Three days before the speech, Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved two weapons export deals in
which Lockheed was listed as the prime contractor. Over the course of 2010, Lockheed was a contractor on 17 Pentagon-
brokered deals that won approval from the State Department. Lockheed told IBTimes that its support for the Clinton
Foundation started in 2010, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

>“Lockheed Martin has periodically supported one individual membership in the Clinton Global Initiative since 2010,” said
company spokesperson Katherine Trinidad. “Membership benefits included attendance at CGI annual meetings, where
we participated in working groups focused on STEM, workforce development and advanced manufacturing.”

>Federal records show that ethics staffers at the State Department approved the payments to Bill Clinton from Goldman
Sachs, and the Lockheed- and Boeing-sponsored groups without objection, even though the firms had major stakes in the
agency’s weapons export decisions.

>Stephen Walt, a Harvard University professor of international affairs, told IBTimes that the intertwining financial
relationships between the Clintons, defense contractors and foreign governments seeking weapons approvals is “a vivid
example of a very big problem – the degree to which conflicts of interest have become endemic.”

James Comey Lockheed Martin General Counsel and Senior VP (2005-10)

employment history :

Relevant to Comey’s time:

>The Advanced Multi-Role Infrared Sensor is a targeting pod that is mounted on the weapons station of the CF-18. It is a
state of the art electro-optic and infrared sensor, which includes a laser designator, a laser marker and a tactical data link

>“The AMIRS pod will provide the CF-18 with enhanced targeting as well as intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
capabilities that make it an invaluable asset for the Canadian Forces’ air, land and sea operations,” said Lieutenant-
General Steve Lucas, Chief of the Air Staff. “The modernized, combat-effective, multi-purpose and globally deployable
CF-18 fleet will continue to play an important role over the next decade as the Air Force transforms to meet the 21st
century security needs of Canada.”

>The contract was awarded to Lockheed Martin following a competitive procurement process. The total contract value is
estimated at $126 million, which includes $101 million for the acquisition of 36 AMIRS pods and $25 million for in-service
support through to 2020. Canada will take delivery of the first AMIRS pod in the spring of 2007, with an initial operational
capability delivered by April 2008.

FBI Agents Were Told To Sign A "Very, Very Unusual" NDA In Hillary Email Case


>“There is no single group that dominates the Democrats’ informal network, but the one that has the greatest reach, due
to the power of its purse, is the Democracy Alliance. It was founded in 2005 by Rob Stein, a venture capitalist who had
worked for master political operative Ron Brown at the Democratic National Committee and Commerce Department.”

>Stein went on a mission to grow the Democracy Alliance into a powerful infrastructure to promote their ideas of Income
Redistribution, Climate Change, Federal Government Saturation, and Organized Labor Power. He won the confidence of
billionaires such as financier George Soros, insurance tycoon Peter Lewis and labor leader Andy Stern among others. He
assembled more than 75 individual donors. This group, Democracy Alliance, would pick about 25 groups for its donors to

>Over the next decade, they would put over $500 million into these progressive organizations. You can accurately refer to
these donors as the “Billion Dollar Club” who want to change our nation upside down. Many have their money through
inheritance with a good portion coming from the 1960’s style of street activism. The few Republicans have left and the
extremist continue to join in.

Peter Lewis, founder of Progressive Insurance:
Rob Stein, the brains behind the Democracy Alliance:


General sources for Democracy Alliance Mindmap - big players:
Ben Miller, one of the founders of the Democracy Alliance now works for the US Chamber of Commerce.

Keith Mestrich:

-President and CEO of Amalgamated Bank
-Amalgamated Bank, The Democracy Alliance, Roosevelt Institute
>Roosevelt Institute:
-Founder: William vanden Heuvel
-Daughter: Katrina vanden Heuvel
-writer for The Nation

Additional Articles:

After the meeting, Stiglitz held a private dinner with three Clinton aides at the restaurant Poste. Clinton was represented
by speechwriter Dan Schwerin and Anne O’Leary, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress who also works on
a Clinton Foundation-related initiative. Roosevelt President and CEO FELICIA WONG was also in attendance."

-Clinton gets in with Roosevelt Institute

Posted: 04/10/15 01:53

"Fang joins us to discuss Clinton’s Wall Street ties along with Ellen Chesler, a senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute and
longtime Clinton supporter."

-Pawn of Roosevelt Institute: ELLEN CHESLER tries to defend Clinton

-Posted: FEBRUARY 02, 2016

AMALGAMATED BANK is actually my focus of attention as they appear to be the bank of choice for anything revolving
around Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
So if you guys got anything on them drop it here.

Eg. from their "clients website:

>Ready for Hillary
>With more than 2.5 million supporters and over 100,000 grassroots donors, Ready for Hillary is a political action
committee that encouraged former Secretary of State Clinton to run for president in 2016. Ready for Hillary assembled a
national grassroots network of supporters that is ready to help Hillary win in the 2016 presidential election.

Yet the FEC records from the Ready PAC show only about 3000 contributions in total, once you filter it down to actual
grass root contributions ($1-$100) you end up with a list of less than 1000 transactions.
There's nothing grassroots about it.



>In late April, roughly 100 donors gathered at a resort in Laguna Beach, California. They were all members of the
Democracy Alliance, a private group of wealthy liberals that includes George Soros and Facebook co-founder Chris

>Over five days, they swapped ideas on how best to promote a progressive agenda and took in pitches from leaders of
the most powerful liberal and left-leaning groups in America, including Organizing for Action, the rebooted version of
Obama's 2012 presidential campaign.

>Since the Democracy Alliance's founding in 2005, its members have given $500 million to various causes and
organizations. At the Laguna Beach event alone, its members pledged a reported $50 million.
Archived version:
>I hope it just shows up at 430 S. Capitol in the next day or three. But it's possible he sent it to us c/o Amalgamated at
275 Seventh Avenue because that was the address on the wire instructions I gave him.


>the Saudis
>Probably also Agenda 21


More on Lake Nona, whose project is affiliated with the Tavistock Group (they explicitly say it on their official page).

>Thad Seymour, Jr. PhD

>Seymour, who previously led strategic planning and business development for Lake Nona Medical City and recently
served as the senior advisor for UCF’s strategic planning process, will manage the project.

>Prior to joining Lake Nona, Thad was a Senior Executive with biotech distributor CuraScript, Inc., a subsidiary of Express
Scripts, Inc. He also has extensive experience in health care informatics, including co-founding a venture-backed
electronic medical records company.


>On May 31, 1994 President Clinton signed a bill establishing National Men’s Health Week in an effort to promote
awareness, disease prevention and education. In recognition of this bill, Congressman Bill Richardson stated the
importance of raising awareness for men’s health, as it is a family issue – impacting not only men but wives, mothers,
daughters and sisters.



>Tavistock Development Company is a diversified real estate firm owned by Tavistock Group and specializing in planning,
design, finance, construction and development. Tavistock Development Company’s real estate portfolio is highlighted by
the 14-square-mile, master-planned community Lake Nona in Central Florida, in addition to its infrastructure network,
residential, office and retail development and medical and educational institutions.
>The Lake Nona Institute is a nonprofit, community-focused organization that incubates, activates and measures the
impact of innovative technologies and programs that can become global models for building healthy, sustainable and
inspired communities.



Decided to start with the Gates family since their connections seem relatively unexplored and the BMGF appears central
to the world of non-profit foreign aid. It is the largest non-profit in the world, owned of course by Bill and Melinda gates.
They also serve as the foundation’s trustees, alongside Warren Buffet, who famously donated the majority of his large
fortune (about $60 billion) to the foundation’s coffers in the form of Berkshire-Hathaway stock.

The BMGF also pursues other stock opportunities, investing primarily in oil companies and other large corporations like
Wal-Mart and McDonalds. Their investments can be tracked via the foundation’s financial documents:

In 2013, they partnered with the Clinton Foundation to build a program for researching the treatment of women globally
called “No Ceilings”. []

The foundation is also listed as one of the top donors for the Clinton Health Access Initiative ($25m+).

They made a one-time $550k contribution to the Center for American Progress. For those who aren’t familiar, this is a
hugely influential center of liberal power founded by John Podesta. George Soros is also on record as a CAP donor.

Another notable contribution they made was to an organization called UNITAID…


>Bill and Melinda Gates
>William J. Clinton

Clinton foundation uses aids help as a front

>All Clinton foundation help on aids comes from the Irish aid government sponsored charity
>Ireland is the third largest buyer of aids drugs especially virus fighting drugs
>It has been used as an excuse to get involved in Kazakhstan which has a .1 aids problem in pop compared to a 18
percent South African Aids problem
> Kazakhstan had a uranium deal with Russia
> Irish Aid has contacts with Africa same as Cf
>Irish Aid is not confirmed to be allowed to give money to CF as CF is not confirmed a charity in Ireland
>Millions is missing from Irish Aid in donations to the CF
>Irish Aid is confirmed to give money to anti Israeli groups like the state department
>Aids research is part of the global scam!
This requires close collaboration with representatives of Global Fund, DFID, UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, GAVI and World
Bank as they provide essential support to health, HIV/AIDS and HSS activities. Other contacts for close collaboration
include other appropriate non-governmental entities such as Clinton Foundation and others

>Senior Supply Chain Systems Advisor (SSCSA)

Solicitation Number: 617-16-0011
Agency: Agency for International Development
Office: Overseas Missions
Location: Uganda USAID-Kampala

>Senior Supply Chain Systems Advisor (SSCSA)

Solicitation Number: 617-16-0011
Agency: Agency for International Development
Office: Overseas Missions
Location: Uganda USAID-Kampala


An international financing organization that… okay, lets be real. This thing is just a fucking piggy bank. Its only purpose is
to “attract and disburse additional resources ($$$$) to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria”. Turns
out that it’s really good at the attracting part, having raised $30 billion since 2002; sadly it’s not so good at the “disbursing”
part. There have been numerous complaints of fund mismanagement and corruption, even beyond the many examples
found on the Wikipedia page. The entire Global Fund Wikipedia page is an honest-to-god-clusterfuck and I highly
recommend reading it if you’re trying to get more involved with research on this stuff.

As a highlight of the article, the UN Development Program (UNDP) which is responsible for managing and supervising a
large chunk of their funds successfully claimed diplomatic immunity to prevent internal audits of programs carried out in
more than two-dozen nations. This was after the Global Fund had already been caught misusing funds on multiple
occasions, of course.

There are multiple Wikileaks documents that confirm the amount of fraudulent activity going on with this institution. Here is
a cable describing a meeting set up by Global Fund members to intervene in a Mauritanian aid program that had
somehow misplaced or misused millions of dollars (74% of its grant value). The Global Fund then blames the local
committee and suspends all aid until the missing money is reimbursed. Note that the Mauritanians don’t accept
responsibility, instead blaming the various members of the NGO community that The Global Fund was working with.

This seems to be a common pattern. Lend money to a local government; money disappears; cut off aid unless money is
reimbursed; dispatch a corruption report to anybody involved in the Global Fund; have grounds to claim that the Fund is
hard on corruption and transparent about its dealings.

It should come as no surprise that Hillary finds a way to get involved with this. Here is an email chain where she is being
looped in on an aggressive effort to choose some new leadership for the GF’s “reform”: [

Additionally, this email shows that Huma Abedin is also associated the Global Fund. Haven’t been following the Huma
investigation as closely as I’d like, but hope this helps! []

Oh, and last but not least - who gives money to The Global Fund?

Bono! And The Gates Foundation. And the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Chevron, and many many

After the FBI joined his sex trade investigation, Epstein donated 3.5 million to the Clinton Foundation. Due to a deal struck
with Ken Starr afterwards (note another Prosecutor who was in charge of other Clinton investigations that died suddenly)
the FBI probe was stopped and video evidence of Epstein and his "friends" were sealed.

Virginia Roberts saw Bill after the donation was made and asked what he was doing there. Epstein replied "Well, he owes
me a favor".

The guy that died just before testifying was one John Ashe, who was about to testify as to her involvement with Ng Lap..
this is where the coverup for girls being bought and "sold" might lie.

The comments of Patrick Knowlton, a grand jury witness who had been at the park where Foster's body was found, were
included as part of Starr's Report over Starr's objection. Judge John D. Butzner wrote to Judges Peter Fay and David
Sentelle after Knowlton submitted a motion that his comments be included as part of an appendix to the final report, "I
suspect that if we deny this motion we will be charged as conspirators in the cover-up," and concluded "I suggest we let
the motion and attachments speak for themselves."[18] Judge Peter Fay wrote that Knowlton contradicted "specific factual
matters and takes issue with the very basics of the report" filed by Kenneth Starr.[19] Knowlton's comments were
ordered[20] included as part of the official report on September 26, 1997. Two days later, Kenneth Starr filed a 9-page
motion[21] to appeal that the comments by Knowlton not be included in the report. The next day, Starr's motion was
denied[22] and Knowlton's comments were included as part of the final official Report on the Death of Vincent W.


>“Businesses have taken advantage of unpaid internships to an extent that it is blocking the opportunities for young
people to move on into paid employment,” Clinton said at UCLA in 2013. “More businesses need to move their so-called
interns to employees.”

>“The Clinton Foundation makes no promises or commitments of employment after the internship,” the Foundation says
on its website. “No intern is entitled to a job at the conclusion of his/her internship experience.”


> Booz Allen Hamilton
> Bill mentioning them by name
> revolving-door conflict of interest between Booz Allen and the U.S. government, and between multiple other contractors
and the U.S. government in general
> Shorrock further relates that Booz Allen was heavily involved with two particular programs at the [[U.S. National Security
Agency]] (NSA), called Trailblazer and [[Pioneer Groundbreaker]], and then asserts two statements: that these programs
reveal that Booz Allen, and many other contractors, are deeply involved in various secret surveillance programs of which
the media and U.S. government have now questioned the legality; and that the apparent (assertion made by Shorrock)
unsuccessful nature of the programs reveals a lack of competence by both NSA and Booz Allen.
> By December 2004, payments to Booz Allen had exceeded $30 million -- 15 times the contract's original value.
> Booz Allen Hamilton is owned by the Carlyle Group.


"James McDougal Dies While Awaiting Parole"
"The man who knew too much? The truth about the death of Hillary Clinton's close friend Vince Foster"
"Victor Raiser, 52, Financial Aide In Clinton Presidential Campaign"
"Paul Tully Is Dead at 48; Top Democratic Strategist"
"'Death by barbell' sparks questions about Hillary 'silencing people'"

Related to what FBI anon said about how people around HRC tend to disappear
Includes a very recent listing
Notable entry from 2010, very relevant:
>Gareth Williams, an MI6 spy who wored on both sides of the Atlantic, engaged in some unauthorized hacking by
breaking into Bill Clinton's database of friends and connections, ostensibly to give to a friend in the media.
In a previous thread, people were wondering who has donated to Hillary and ended up dead afterwards.
> Mrs. Alix was an active fundraiser for Democratic races, hosting First
Lady Hillary Clinton in her home on two occasions and raising funds for
presidential, Michigan legislative and Detroit mayoral races.
>In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be made to the
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation


> A somber Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that a top American
Democratic Party staffer preparing to testify against Hillary Clinton was assassinated this past Sunday during a secret
meeting in Washington D.C. he believed he was having with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents, but who turned
out, instead, to be a “hit team”—and who, in turn, were captured yesterday after a running gun battle with US federal
police forces just blocks from the White House. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English
language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

> According to this report, SVR “electronic specialists” performing counterintelligence “missions/operations” noted on 7
July an “enormous/gigantic” increase of computer and telephonic traffic between the Democratic National Committee
(DNC) headquarters in Washington D.C. and the Clinton Foundation (CF) offices in New York City.

>Upon a “deeper/broader” investigation into this “odd/strange” increase in communications between these believed to be
separate organizations, this report continues, SVR analysts determined that the original initiating person responsible was
a 27-year-old DNC official named SETH RICH.

>What had drawn the concern of DNC official Seth Rich causing him to contact the Clinton Foundation, this report
explains, was his discovery of a “pay-to-play” scheme that involved people seeking jobs with a new Hillary Clinton
presidential administration to funnel money to the Clinton’s through their foundation with various US federal government
positions being designated by the dollar amount it would cost to buy them.
TL;DR.: Seth Rich discovered a ''Pay to play'' scheme where people basically pay for government positions.

> SVR analysts, while preparing to document the results of their 7 July probe into the Clinton Foundation concerns of
DNC official Seth Rich, became alarmed when they discovered that his “micro computer system” (cell phone?) had
become “infected/virused” by “killers/assassins” working for the Clinton’s—and who the SVR had previously documented
as being involved in the assassination of the husband of the State of Georgia prosecutor investigating Bill Clinton for child
sex crimes and the murder of American pop singer Christina Grimmie and massacre of nearly 50 gay pride celebrants.
Fearing that the life of DNC official Seth Rich was in danger due to his being “tracked/targeted” by this known Clinton “hit
team”, this report says, SVR Director Mikhail Fradkov authorized an emergency contact between his agency and the US
State Department—but, and shockingly, when Russian diplomats presented the SVR findings to US authorities, on 7 July,
they were immediately expelled from the United States.

> the US State Department thanked Russia for the information stating that it would be “taken care of”, and then formally
requested that the matter remain secret. Seth Rich died 24 hours later at 4:19 am

> SVR intelligence analysts contributing to this report speculate that this latest assassination ordered by the Clinton’s has
enraged FBI Director JAMES COMEY who barely a week ago allowed Hillary Clinton to walk free from her many crimes
committed against her own government and people—and that he had no choice to do because of his own involvement
with the Clinton Foundation while he was the director of the notorious HSBC money laundering bank that funneled
hundreds-of-millions of dollars to the Clinton’s.
TL;DR.: Seth Rich knew too much.


Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.
1021 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43205
614-224-87 71
July 25, 2016
Offices of the President and Vice President
United States of America
Via Email
Dear Messrs. President Obama & Vice President Biden:
> this guy who devotes his time to 'discovering' and clearing up the same corruption in dem party and media that
everyone knows about
> has a friend called Beverly
> she tells him about her friend 'Mark' who's apparently CIA
> tells her all sorts of stuff like how Obama is under a death threat to keep him in line, 911 is an inside job, and some
other stuff
> also tells her that CIA is monitoring their every meeting
> CIA is also monitoring author of this letter
> Beverly about to sing in court/public
> suddenly dead
> author suspects she was killed as were a few others
> suspects he's gonna (((die))) pretty soon as well, so he publishes letter openly for anyone to read.

Karl Rove previous involvement in illegal activities and election Fraud This guy was killed too
>In July 2008, the lead attorney in the King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association v. Blackwell case, Cliff
Arnebeck, sent a letter [3] to U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey seeking protection for Connell as a witness in the
case, saying he had been threatened. Arnebeck wrote, “We have been confidentially informed by a source we believe to
be credible that Karl Rove has threatened Michael Connell, a principal witness we have identified in our King Lincoln case
in federal court in Columbus, Ohio, that if he does not agree to 'take the fall' for election fraud in Ohio, his wife Heather will
be prosecuted for supposed lobby law violations." [4] Arnebeck claims that months later, his source called back and
warned that Connell's life was in danger.[5]

>He was served with a subpoena in Ohio on September 22, 2008,[6] in a case alleging that vote-tampering during the
2004 presidential election resulted in civil rights violations. Connell, president of GovTech Solutions and New Media
Communications, was a website designer and IT professional and created a website for Ohio Secretary of State Ken
Blackwell that presented the results of the 2004 election in real time as they were tabulated. At the time, Blackwell was
also chairman of the Bush-Cheney 2004 reelection effort in Ohio. Connell refused to testify or to produce documents
relating to the system used in the 2004 and 2006 elections, lawyers said.[7]

>Connell was killed when the plane he was flying crashed on December 19, 2008.

Shawn Lucas, DNC investigator lawyer, found dead

also rumors of an AP journalist dead who was investigating clintons
Shawn Lucas served a lawsuit against the DNC, dies 'in his sleep' last night


My opinion was that he was murdered by a hit-team after he discovered the DNC would sell important positions to high

He realized this because he had direct access to that info as he was an analyst for the democratic party.

He wasn't robbed, just shot at 4:20.

The Media is saying he was on the phone with his girlfriend but (and I have researched far and wide, even getting Rich's
dad phone number and address) Rich's girlfriend's name is never mentioned anywhere.

So I'm asking :
Who was Seth Conrad Rich's girlfriend at the moment of his murder and what were her connections?

I'll add this

Mentions girlfriend of 2 years, but there are no pics on fb or any other info on her. It was a hit…

Seth Rich was the key witness in a case filed against Edison Media Research and the alarming discrepancies between
the results and exit polls, and their chummy relationship with John Husted. He was executed.

This is the story:

>Sunday Morning July 10 at 4:19, Seth Rich, a key DNC staffer in charge of voter databases was murdered right outside
his home in Washington DC. As Fitrakis, Johnson, other election integrity activists and their paralegals were exchanging
final emails prior to filing Seth Rich was murdered. There are no witnesses, no suspects, his wallet and cellphone were
recovered at the scene and the DC Metro police are “pursuing all possible motives.”

>The official police report states “CIC reports the sound of gunshots at 2134 Flagler Pl. NW. Upon arriving to the scene,
the decedent was laying in the Southwest corner of the intersection of W St. and Flagler Pl. NW. The decedent was
conscious and breathing with apparent gunshot wound(s) to the back. The decedent was transported to local area
hospital and was pronounced by attending physician at 0557 hours.”

>A key potential witness in derivative litigation was shot multiple times in the back 31 hours before this suit was filed. Only
a very bad reporter would not be curious. Fitrakis was not aware of Rich's death until after the filing, as this reporter
discovered the suit had been filed while calling him for comment on Rich's murder. Fitrakis responded with “Wait what?
Who? When?”

>After graduating in 2011, Seth was hired by a national polling company, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, and relocated to
Washington, DC. Once again Seth surrounded himself with a caring community of friends, including his girlfriend Kelsey
Also, right before he worked for the DNC he worked here:
>Research Data Associate
>Greenberg Quinlan Rosner
>March 2012 – May 2014 (2 years 3 months)

Guess who they are connected with?

>Stanley B. Greenberg
>Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, Inc.
>Washington, D.C.
>Pollster and Senior Adviser to the President, 1991-1995

President Clinton, btw


>Rich was appointed by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in 2014 as Data Director of the DNC's Voter
Expansion Project. He would have had intimate knowledge of the NGP VAN, and its capabilities.


>D.C.-based NGP VAN, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) tech company that specializes in providing campaign software to
progressive campaign organizations, has been working to add a new and important feature to it's platform: a sidebar
navigation bar feature. The update, however, is more significant than perhaps understood at face value because it
represents a larger development trend for NGP VAN ahead of a complex general election. The move effectively comes at
a time when NGP VAN's internal design team, led by Justin Lewis, is following through on multiple projects that aim to
make the platform—which is used by volunteers, canvassers and campaign staff to run on-ground operations—more

NGP VAN is the front end of

> is hosted on IP address which is located in Dover, and it is owerned by Incapsula and
its ISP: Incapsula

> is hosted on IP address which is located in Dover, and it is owerned by Incapsula and its
ISP: Incapsula

Incapsula used to be Imperva Inc., guess who used to be part owner of that company?
> George Soros Full Second Quarter 13F Filing
> IMPERVA INC COM 45321L100 3,731 142,500 SH SOLE 1

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner is employed by the DNC AND the DCCC, both of wich were Hacked. One of Greenberg's
partners worked for Bill Clinton in the Past.

>They showed Clinton a photo of Seth and his girlfriend outside the White House. Mary Rich said Clinton remarked on
what a room-brightening smile he had.
>Joel asked if the candidate would sign a photo for the girlfriend, whom he identified only as Kelsey from the Detroit area.
Tuesday morning, he received the autographed photo, which included an expression of sympathy from Clinton.


Here are the last few. I was following links from this: She has a long history
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------


Various articles exposing HildaWitch
How Hillary Stole Nevada: Voter Fraud Caught on Camera
Hillary Clinton Mocks Putin, Gladly Accepts $500K in Jewels from Head-Chopping Saudi Dictator
Is Hillary Clinton America's Most Ambitious Sociopath?
A vote for Hillary is a vote for endless, stupid war

Read more:

A Superb Article Introducing Hillary Clinton the War Hawk and Her Neocon Views
How Hillary Clinton Became a Hawk
Julian Assange: Google Is In Bed With Hillary’s Campaign [VIDEO]
Hillary Clinton: the Queen of Chaos and the Threat of World War III
HuffPo Yanks Hillary RICO Indictment Story Posted Earlier Today
Hillary Clinton Is 'Safe' Candidate for Establishment - Unsafe for Everybody Else
The Clintons Received Millions of USD from Ukrainian Oligarch Pinchuk
Despite Email Scandal, Establishment Backs Hillary as the Ultimate Neocon
Vladimir Putin Has Everything He Needs to Blackmail Hillary Clinton
President Hillary? If you think Russian-American relations are bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet
Neocon War Hawks Want Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump. No Surprise—They’ve Always Backed Her
GOP hawks declare war on Trump
Clinton linked to 'international trafficking in women'
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services
Former Georgia State Senator, Nancy Schaefer (Murdered) was an outspoken opponent of child protection services.
Shrimp Boy, Democratic Party gunrunners and Hillary


Connection to former Filipino president Joseph Estrada?

Key people
Marie Lichtenberg
Mogens Amdi Petersen
Jackson Mtimbuka

Get a load of this:

We should start looking into connections between Hillary, AFRICOM, and terrorism/instability in the region:
>Op-Ed: AFRICOM, The Real Reason Behind Hillary Clinton’s Africa Tour
>Secretary of State Hillary Clinton emphasized that her seven-country tour of Africa was intended to promote unity and
democracy, fight corruption, and boost US investments in African trade and agriculture...
>Wars over blood diamonds and colonial genocidal tribal wars have left a devastated, mal-nourished population in its
wake. Was Ebola simply a panic-maker? Further investigation uncovered the Pentagon was developing an Ebola vaccine
with Monsanto and suspicion was that the 3,000 US troops were sent to force the population to become human guinea
pigs for the untested substances. Before that Obama, or more precisely then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in 2011
ordered Libya to be bombed back to the stone-age as what she called “responsibility to protect.” Today, four years after,
the country is anarchy pure with roving lawless bands killing and looting.

On Africom, the strategic arms package, meeting between president Zuma, Hillary and Obama

this pdf should tie in AFRICOM and Hillary

"Administration officials argue that AFRICOM will not only allow the U.S. military to better
coordinate these operations and programs, but that it will also allow DOD to better coordinate with other U.S. agencies,
like the State Department, USAID, the Department of Justice, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of
Investigations and others, as well as with other governments, like those of Britain and France, which are also providing
training and assistance for African security forces. DOD suggests that Africa Command will build on the experiences of
the U.S. military’s only forward presence in the region, Combined Joint Task Force—Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) in

Oil and Global trade

" In 2000, the Clinton Administration introduced a comprehensive U.S. trade and investment policy for the continent in the
African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA; Title I, P.L. 106-200)."

Since the earthquake all southern cone countries are getting flooded with haitians. One anon posted she helped a soros

and there's those emails


To do-- Goal 1: Bring immediate influx of human capital into education sector in concentrated areas, and map out plan for
long- term development of teachers/human capital.

Goal 1: Human Capital: Create Haiti Teacher Corps. Model loosely off of Peace Corps/Teach for America, CityYear
Teacher corps (US): Recruit, train, and place 500-1000 teachers from US this spring and summer. We can do this. o
Recruiting: Limit variable this year, and build up and out as we go. This spring we go to Georgetown, Univ of

Goal 3: Build/reconstruct schools and training centers that will support high quality education, and on their own, motivate
and inspire children, families, and communities to send children to school.

one of the way they were getting in was by getting college scholarships, they would go 1 week and were never seen again


in the rubble from a country in ruins. "How long will that child survive without somebody rescuing them," Moyes said. Save the Children Emergency Team Reaches Haiti


>Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a self-described mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold
exploitation permits” from the Haitian government—the first issued in over 50 years.

>VCS’s coveted gold mining exploitation permit was apparently such a sweetheart deal that it outraged the Haitian
senate, since royalties to be paid to the Haitian government were only 2.5%, a sum mining experts say is at least half the
standard rate. Moreover, the mining project in Morne Bossa came with a generous ability to renew the project for up to 25
years. Nevertheless, the fledgling company proudly touted its luck in landing the deal.

Some short reading: >


Was looking into Haitian politics - they literally elect rappers for presidents.

This same melanin enriched male was accused of pocketed relief money.
>"Jean's efforts at earthquake relief, highly publicized in 2010 throughout Haiti and the United States, were channeled
through his charitable organization, Yéle Haiti. The charity, which performed a variety of charitable works in Haiti between
2005 and 2010, effectively closed in 2012 after much controversy over mismanagement of funds, with many believing that
a large portion of the profits weren't used for charitable purposes. Thus it has been claimed that much of the money raised
by the organization in the Hope for Haiti Now telethon went to Jean's own benefit.[7]"

Guess what? This Hope for Haiti now telethon was directly connected to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. Did they let him
pocket the money hoping they could buy control of Haiti?

Someone asked me to look into the Haiti trafficking this morning and I found their report about the situation
Then I found job application related randomly and had a crazy idea how easy would it be to obfuscate facts and deflect
attention away if you were the ones writing the report so I looked into them.

>Haiti - Economy : The Government awarded 2 mining exploitation permits

22/12/2012 08:31:16
>On Friday, Mr. Ludner Remarais, Ing., Director General of the Haitian Bureau of Mines and Energy (BME) announced
that the Haitian Government has awarded 2 mining exploitation permits in Haiti [gold and copper] to the haitian company
Société Minière du Nord-Est SA (SOMINE SA) [company partner of Majescor Resources Inc. (Majescor) and its wholly
owned subsidiary SIMACT Alliance Copper-Gold Inc. (SACG)], represented by Mr. Michel Lamarre, Ing., President of
SOMINE SA, and by Mr. Daniel Hachey, Director of SOMINE SA and President and CEO of Majescor and SACG. This is
the first time since 1976 [36 years] that mining exploitation permits are awarded in Haiti.

>Under Haitian mining law, a Mining Exploitation Permit is valid for five (5) years and is renewable until the start of
commercial mining at which time the permit shall be automatically converted to a Mining Concession (valid for 25 years;
renewable). Under the terms of the Mining Convention, the granting of the Mining Exploitation Permits will allow Majescor
and SOMINE SA to carry out all advanced mineral development work, including but not limited to geological, geotechnical,
metallurgical, engineering and environmental studies and new drilling to define additional mineral reserves (non NI 43-
101), required to bring the Douvray and Faille B projects to commercial production.

>"[...] This is a big step forward for the mining industry in Haiti," declared Mr. Hachey, concerning the awarding of these
permits, although the company has yet to submit a preliminary environmental assessment. The Company will continue
exploration in order to better determine where the minerals are located, said Mr. Hachey "we want to see how far these
deposits are, how broad, how wide, how deep, how long," stating that the company plans to invest about 75 million U.S.
dollars to reach the stage of production of gold. As for the production of copper, the leader indicated that it will take
several million dollars before reaching the stage of copper production, an operation considered more difficult. The
President of SOMINE SA expects that the exploitation can begin within 36 to 42 months.


Company Number: 3231291
Status: Active
Incorporation Date: 23 February 1996 (over 20 years ago)
Company Type: Distributing corporation
Jurisdiction: Canada
Business Number: 892344144RC0001
Registered Address: 800, Place Victoria, Bureau 3700, Montréal, H4Z 1E9, QC, CA
Governing Legislation: Canada Business Corporations Act - 1996-02-23
Previous Names: 3231291 CANADA INC.
Alternative Names: MAJESCOR RESOURCES INC. (alternative legal name, 1996-05-16 - )
Directors / Officers:
André Audet, director
C. Tucker Barrie, director
Michel Fontaine, director

>MONTREAL, QUEBEC, July 21, 2010 -- Majescor Resources Inc. (“Majescor” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: MJX) is
pleased to announce the execution today of the share purchase agreement for the acquisition of all of the remaining
issued and outstanding common shares of SIMACT Alliance Copper and Gold Inc. (“SACG”), further to the exercise in
January 2010 of the option granted to Majescor pursuant to the letter agreement of April 2009 (the “Transaction”). The
closing of the Transaction is subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions, including the closing of the previously
announced concurrent private offering of Majescor for a minimum amount of $3,500,000 and the receipt of the final
approval from the TSX Venture Exchange Inc. The closing of the transaction is expected to occur on July 27, 2010.

>SIMACT Alliance Copper Gold Inc. (“SACG”) is a Montreal-based private company headed by a group of Canadian
financiers and Haitian-American developers.
>On April 4, 2009, Majescor executed an Agreement with SIMACT and its principal shareholders whereby the Company
will acquire a 10% interest in SIMACT, as well an option to acquire the remaining 90% interest.

Company Number: 4515943
Status: Active
Incorporation Date: 16 April 2009 (about 7 years ago)
Company Type: Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders
Jurisdiction: Canada
Business Number: 813667557RC0002
Registered Address: 5460 Canotek Road, Unit 99, Ottawa, K1J 9G9, ON, CA
Governing Legislation: Canada Business Corporations Act - 2009-04-16
Alternative Names: SIMACT ALLIANCE CUIVRE OR INC. (alternative legal name, 2009-04-16 - )
Directors / Officers
André D. Audet, director

>More on the earthquake:


CGI involvement:
Also a video on the page.
>Throughout the Annual Meeting, new Commitments to Action are announced and CGI members share updates on the
progress of their work. The Opening Plenary Session highlighted the commitments of several members who joined
together to address long-term reconstruction needs in the wake of the April 2015 Nepal earthquake.
>New York – September 28, 2015 – On the second day of this year’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting, the
focus of the opening plenary turned to helping Nepal “build back better” following the devastating earthquakes last spring.
The plenary session featured a commitment by CGI members All Hands Volunteers and The Architects Foundation to
reconstruct culturally appropriate, earthquake resilient permanent homes for displaced families in the Sindhupalchuk
district of Nepal, a region in which approximately 90% of the housing stock was destroyed.

>reason for concern

Figured if we ever want to look at human trafficking, organ selling isn't too far off.
Related to ^:


CHAI and jobs in Rwanda.!/

>After its victory, the RPF established a coalition government similar to that agreed upon at Arusha, with Pasteur
Bizimungu, a Hutu, as president and Paul Kagame, a Tutsi, as vice president and defense minister. Habyarimana’s
NRMD party, which had played a key role in organizing the genocide, was outlawed, and a new constitution adopted in
2003 eliminated reference to ethnicity. The new constitution was followed by Kagame’s election to a 10-year term as
Rwanda’s president and the country’s first-ever legislative elections.

What did Clinton know and when did he know it?

Apparently Kagame and the Clintons are no strangers:
>From: P Kagame
>To: Amitabh Desai
>Sent: Mon Dec 31 18:53:44 2012
>Subject: New Year's greetings

>Dear Bill,
>As this time of festivity and celebration, Jeannette and I wanted to extend our very best wishes for a happy and
prosperous new year.
>We also would like to take the opportunity to wish Madame Hillary a swift and full recovery - our thoughts are with you
>I look forward to the next occasion we shall have to meet, or otherwise interact - it always is a pleasure discussing issues
of shared interest. Until then, success in all your endeavours!

And the next year, this happens:

>There is no doubt that it will also lead to improved agricultural productivity through low cost financing, the purchase of
seeds and fertilisers, and through modern harvesting, sorting and storage techniques.
Hm, I wonder if Monsanto has an interest in Rwanda?
Making money off British Taxpayers:

>The Clinton friends included Ira Magaziner, a key adviser in Mrs. Clinton's health care initiative in the 1990s who now
runs the Clinton Foundation's health division, called CHAI (short for Clinton Health Access Initiative and pronounced like
the spiced Indian tea);

In 2015, tension arose between Magaziner and the Clinton machine:

>Its chief executive, Ira C. Magaziner, who is admired as a brilliant, farsighted leader, has long alienated co-workers at the
Clinton Foundation. But a harsh new set of complaints about Mr. Magaziner were captured this year in a performance
review, with most of the grievances coming from the board of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, or CHAI, of which
Chelsea Clinton is a member.

>The review said Mr. Magaziner had shown “disdain” for the health initiative’s board, exhibited “duplicitousness with
management” and displayed a “lack of transparency” and “dismissive behavior” toward Clinton family members.

CF involved with antiretrovirals:

>Untangling the Web of ARV Price Reductions | Please check
CHAI has agreements with eight
manufacturers of ARV formulations,
active pharmaceutical ingredients
and/or pharmaceutical intermediates:
Aurobindo Pharma, Cipla Ltd., Hetero
Drugs, Mylan, Ranbaxy, Strides
Arcolabs, Abbvie and Macleods.

>The six manufacturers that have signed Master Supply Agreements with the Global Fund under the AMFm are: Norvatis,
Sanofi-aventis, Ajanta Pharma, Cipla, Guilin and Ipca. Other manufacturers may participate in the AMFm, provided that
they meet the quality criteria.
> The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) negotiated the agreements, which provide the terms and conditions under
which the manufacturers would sell eligible ACTs to first-line buyers, and under which the Global Fund would make co-
payment to those companies for qualifying purchases by wholesalers.

>PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative
>455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 1000
>Washington, DC 20001 | USA

But surely this is a coincidence?



2008 HillRaiser List:

2016 HillBlazer List:

Posting Hillblazer profiles, I've added a few. These are quick skim searches so someone else can dig deeper.

>Imaad Zuberi profile <lobbyist>

>Bruce Zoldan <SOLD

>Jeremy Zellner profile

>Lawrence Yanovitch profile

> Steve Tidrick profile
blacks-older-workers-article-1.1154992 <prosecuting attorney>

>Ursula Terrasi profile <Jewish chronicle> <fictitious registration?>

>Susan Swecker

>Smita Shah <business owner> <H-1B>

>Miriam Sapiro <Trade>

>Ken Salazar

> Julissa Reynoso

>Phillip Polakoff

><connected Nancy Pfund>


The J-1 Visa exploitation:

Eight Russian students, recruited to work in the U.S. for the Frosty Treats Ice Cream Truck Company, drove the trucks 13
hours a day, seven days a week averaging 87 cents per hour income. If the students did not meet their quota for the
amount of ice cream sold each day, Frosty Treats would not reimburse gas money, the truck rental fee, and the truck
deposit, so that at the end of the day a driver often owed money to Frosty Treats. The apartments the students were
forced to stay in were cramped with little furniture except mattresses on the floor and six people to an apartment.

U.S. federal charges allege that Cecilia Chang, the former dean of the Institute of Asian Studies at St. John’s University,
Queens, NY, threatened her scholarship students with revoking their funds if they didn’t do such menial tasks, such as
taking out her garbage and shoveling the snow from her driveway. Chang had already been arrested in September on NY
state charges that she embezzled about $1 million, including a $250,000 donation from a Saudi prince’s foundation.

"If you wish to dance in USA as a J-1 exchange visitor, contact us," ZM Studios, a broker for topless dancers, advertised
on its website this year. The ad said ZM Studios is "affiliated with designated visa sponsors" and can get women J-1 visas
and jobs at topless clubs in cities like Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
Huffpost story deleted, anyone know if they keep archives somewhere? They have a lot about this J1 SWT program but
everything seems to be deleted

>The Rockefeller Foundation has funded work on resilience that ranges from addressing post-Sandy New York and post-
Katrina New Orleans to rapidly growing Asian cities, and agricultural innovations in African countries. It has already
invested more than $100 million in programs that has resulted in significant knowledge development, the production of
practical solutions, and stronger resilience in these communities and regions.

Here's the part I DON'T LIKE:

>Their primary mission is to develop, engineer, and test the non-nuclear components of nuclear weapons. The primary
campus is located on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico and the other is in Livermore, California, next
to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Sandia is a National Nuclear Security Administration laboratory.
>100 Resilient Cities

Rockefellers are involved: ALSO SEE NEXT SECTION

Topic: Rockefellers on the Pharmaceutical Front. John Rockefeller Jr, looking for new opportunities, opened up The
Rockefeller Institute for medical research. (serious science, 20 nobel peace prizes coming from their research) The
institute was attempting to find a cure for yellow fever, but screwed up and found a cure for a different virus strain.
Later a Dr Jordi Casals, a Spaniard who fled the Spanish civil war, came into the employ of the institute. He discovered a
ton of different virus strains including the ZIKA virus. The institute handed over the ZIKA samples to a non profit lab in the
50's called ATCC, and now they are selling it to researchers. Basically the Zika virus could be acquired by bio terrorists
quite easily right now.
FYI the Rockefellers have been accused of funding the Nazi Eugenics programs in the 20's
Links: l


Lynn Forester de Rothschild has a close personal relationship with the Clintons.

(Lady Lynn Rothschild knows well and I am sorry say that I supported the McCain/Palin ticket the final weeks-I truly
believed Sen McCain was more likely include you his cabinet).

And shows Clinton/DNC collusion as far back as 2009:

BTW, would like your campaign staff for the 2016 election!
Godspeed and tight hug,
Prameela Bartholomeusz
DNC Platform Committee Member

The Rothschild and Rockefeller families come back again and again in the major scandals we are trying to uncover. It is
no longer a myth that they have been involved in a lot of wars, where they funded both sides.
There have been many people who tried to openly tell the world about this conspiracy, but nobody listened.
Today, we are going down the rabbit hole together.

What we will find at the very bottom of this rabbithole is explained pretty seriously in the 3 following ''documentaries'' :

I would recommend watching them in that order, and the vimeo ''could'' be cut out altogether, but it contains precious
information on this affair. So do the two others.

What you think cannot possibly be connected will often be by means of secrecy and non-transparent fundings. Hence the
existence of very powerful secret societies.
The two wars over opium involving Britain and China was “their” doings. It's one of the ways they got mighty rich in the
first place, this and by creating false flags and using the following panic as a way to invest in something, then they'd
provide the solution.
It's been around for centuries.

Here's a movie on one of the subject of our investigation for your entertainment and knowledge :
The house of Rothschild 1934.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild

David Mayer de Rothschild

Edmund Leopold de Rothschild

Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild,_4th_Baron_Rothschild

Amschel Mayer Rothschild

Anthony Gustav de Rothschild

The Rothschild Bloodline

Rothschild banking family of England

Rothschild banking family of France

Rothschild banking family of Naples

N M Rothschild & Sons
The Giving Pledge is a commitment by the world's wealthiest individuals and families to dedicate the majority of their
wealth to philanthropy.
You see the connection?
Not for Profit Foundation, Philanthropy, Globalism, Wealth.


With all this Tony Blair stuff going on in the UK, it's probably not surprising that the CF and Blair had quite close ties as

"Clinton evidently asked Blair to "go to Israel as part of our full court press on keeping the Middle East negotiations going,"
according to an email between the former secretary of state and Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a top Democratic donor."

Also the Blair Faith Foundation which says to be countering religious extremism in all six major faiths (Buddhism,
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sikhism), has also been endorsed by Bill Clinton.

In light of this there's probably a link between the two foundations.

Theres some e-mails that the Clintons and blairs have been sending each other so i'll try to find them.

Alright, here's a list of donors on the "Cherie Blair foundation for women"
U.S. Department of State, Accenture, Anheuser-Busch Inbev, Bank of America, Bill&Melinda Gates foundation, European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, ExxonMobil, J.P. Morgan, Oak Foundation, Pratt Foundation, Qualcomm,
TEB, Trafigura, VISA Inc, The Angelica Fuentes Foundation, Dell
It’s all making sense. Cherie Blair Foundation For Women is all about for promoting world wide businesswomen. That
explains how she would be in a position to give Sheika access to Clinton to lobby for her son, that's what her initiatives are
designed to do.

Cash for contacts: Tony Blair's illicit Saudi oil dealings spark outrage
Cherie Blair, Nicholas Blair, Huma Abedin email chain

Nicholas Blair is Cherie and Tony Blair's son.

It looks like Nicholas was asking to get someone he knew a job as staff assistant for a Hillary related entity. Nicholas
currently runs a very, very, very successful futball agency.
Prediction: He will have a lot of success at the Qatar World Cup.

NUKES? - section relatively incomplete.
Obama’s Failed Nuclear EMP Attack and more On Who He Is!
Published on Dec 8, 2013
more info here
This video should be getting seen too. It has Obama saluting the Queen.…
Thanks to… for the graphic
thanks to… for “The Sun’s Magnetic Field is about to Flip” –…
thanks to… and Jim Garrow for the contend.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------


Creepy daycare in Salt Lake City possibly involved in child trafficking

Fundamental Financial Corp/North South Capital, LLC- Chicagoland

Fun with Phonics, California.
Funland Jumpers, Oregon
Funcrest Bait shop, Iowa.

5 companies, including the day care in the OP, are all named on a bill of lading for a shipping container from China with
1,100KG of 'plastic jewelry' and 6,825KG of 'football & soccerballs'. Shipment of container was facilitated by a company
with a password protected merchandise catalog who employs as an executive an ex-defense contractor formerly
responsible for sales of 'operational merchandise'. If this is nefarious, the shipping company that carried the container,
and possibly the cheap plastic crap manufacturer in china may be in on nefarious shenaniganary.

some info discussed in other places:

So I looked into the bill of lading # and they shipped to 4 places other than Salt Lake City the plastic jewelry. Oregon,
Iowa, Chicago, and California. Each place had the exact same weight of product shipped to them (1100kg)[1][2][3][4]
>I received the following via PM
Funcrest Bait shop, note the address of the company:
Registered sex offender, Note his home address:
Fundamental Financial Corp/Financial Fundamental Corp

Note: Xxxxx Xxxxx (Owner) Phone xxx-xxx-xxxx
Note the address: 200 W. Adams, Ste 2230 Chicago, IL 60606

Same address as on BL, however The

company on the BL is registered to the same guy, but in a town ~40miles away All are listed on the same BL for the
container facilitated by: A profile of one of their execs:

Scroll down a little and you'll see the blurb was posted on reddit about the company he worked for. This guy facilitated the
transfer of the container from china to the US

The address for Fun Time Bait shop, is the same address for a registered sex offender. Not the owner of the business
mind you, but we now have a legit tie-in to pedo and these chinese shipments. So, that's, something?
The Fundamental Financial Group shipment: There is no website of record for this business, however a search for the
name on the BL brings up a gentleman in the chicagoland area, currently working at two places; Fundamental and North
South Capital, LLC. The address on the BL is actually the address for North South even though the company listed is
Fundamental, Fundamental is registered at a totally different location about 40-50 min away. Smells like some shell-corp
antics afoot all over this thing.
So it seems one of the executives, based on his linked-in profile, at Fun Stuff Inc (facilitator of the chinese shipment) used
to work for a short time with another company
Regional Account Manager servicing the Defense Industry with Tactical Equipment, Operational Gear, MRO, Fire and
Emergency Services, Expeditionary, Medical, and simplified logistic solutions.
ADS has developed procedures that shorten the "logistics pipeline" to provide rapid response and the best possible
pricing to our customers worldwide.
ADS specializes in working with defense and security contractors as well as protective services organizations. No matter
what uniform you wear, our mission is to provide the specialized equipment and related services you need to complete
your mission at home, in theater, or around the globe.
Nope, nothing curious about that. Oh, and the company he works for now is the one who has their current merchandise
behind password protection. Look at their site again, and ask why that is necessary.
Can't seem to find much about the Fun With Phonics company, other than a lawsuit with Leapfrog. What I do find curious
though, is this is a company with almost 1 mil in annual revenue. What are they doing in bed with these other 4
companies and shell corps?


The CF bagged $145 million selling 20% of all uranium the US had to the russians
seems to be quite widely reported though.

Also, about the actual charity done by the Clinton Foundation, it might be that only 6% goes to actual charity, so even the
Center of effective philanthropy does not consider it as a charity organization.
"Charity Navigator put the Clinton Foundation on its “watch list,” but not because of concerns about insufficient funds
going toward charity. Mainly, it was put on the watch list due to questions raised in the media about foreign donations to
the foundation and the potential for quid pro quo when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state."

About where the money actually goes:

So, there are two main parts to the Russian Uranium deal:
The first part happened in 2005 with Bill Clinton and Frank Giustra going to Kazakhstan, Bill Clinton the supporting then
president of Kazakhstan's appointment to the Secretariat of the OSCE in spite of Kazakhstan's awful human rights and
lack of US support. Giustra's no name mining company UrAsia gets Uranium mining rights from Kazatomprom. Few
Months later Giustra donates about $30 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Second part happens while Hillary is Secretary of State, but before the Ukranian happenings so US-Russian relations are
okay. In the intervening years Giustra's UrAsia is bought out by Uranium One, a South African mining company. Uranium
One along with it's Kazakhstan uranium mining rights also acquires US uranium mining rights. Russian mining company
Rosatom wants to (supposedly only) acquire Uranium One's Kazak uranium mining rights, so they go about trying to
acquire control of the company. This sets off alarm bells here in the US because--while nuclear weapons is not a concern-
-uranium for nuclear power plants are, apparently most reactors here only have 18-36 months reserves. So, a special
committee which Hillary is a part of is overseeing the proposed merger. Russian investment banks with ties to Rosatom
give Bill Clinton $500,000 for speeches, and the acquisition of Rosatom gets OK'd.

There's also Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan.

One important name on this list is Robert Disbrow. He’s a vice president of Haywood Securities. Haywood was reported to
be giving $58 million dollars to float a Canadian company called URasia.(this company was originally funded by Frank
Giustra a Canadian mining investor) It was reported in the NYT that Giustra gave $31.3 million dollars to the Clinton
Eventually the Canadian company merged to become Uranium One, which help the Russians acquire uranium mines in
the usa.
Anyways Disbrows name was all over the Panama Paper leaks. Haywood was holding shares in a trust for him in the
british virgin islands, for a company called Gem Diamond Mining Company of Africa. The panama papers also showed
$332,000 dollars of donations to the local British Columbia Liberal party.
>But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American
president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

>At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the
charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually
sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

>Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-
fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with
implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a
number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department,
then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

>As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian
records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation
to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an
agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to
the company made donations as well.

>And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton
received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting
Uranium One stock.

>At the time, both Rosatom and the United States government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding
control of the company’s assets to the Russians. Those promises have been repeatedly broken, records show.

SKOLKOVO - Russia’s Silicon Valley

More HRC and CF corruption with Russia. Can we get some meme Anons to put something together on this and uranium
one? Would help counter all the trump/ Russia deflection.
>One such project was Skolkovo, an “innovation city” of 30,000 people on the outskirts of Moscow, billed as Russia’s
version of Silicon Valley. As chief diplomat, Hillary was in charge of courting US companies to invest in this new Russian
city. Russia, on the other hand, had committed to spend $5 billion over the next three years (2009-12).
>As Schweizer continues, “soon, dozens of U.S. tech firms, including top Clinton Foundation donors like Google, Intel and
Cisco, made major financial contributions to Skolkovo, with Cisco committing a cool $1 billion. In May 2010, the State
Department facilitated a Moscow visit by 22 of the biggest names in U.S. venture capital—and weeks later the first
memorandums of understanding were signed by Skolkovo and American companies.

By 2012 the vice president of the Skolkovo Foundation, Conor Lenihan—who had previously partnered with the Clinton
Foundation—recorded that Skolkovo had assembled 28 Russian, American and European “Key Partners.”

Of the 28 “partners,” 17, or 60%, have made financial commitments to the Clinton Foundation, totaling tens of millions of
dollars, or sponsored speeches by Bill Clinton…

Russians tied to Skolkovo also flowed funds to the Clinton Foundation. Andrey Vavilov, the chairman of SuperOx, which is
part of Skolkovo’s nuclear-research cluster, donated between $10,000 and $25,000 (donations are reported in ranges, not
exact amounts) to the Clinton’s family charity”

More from the WSJ op-ed: “The state-of-the-art technological research coming out of Skolkovo raised alarms among U.S.
military experts and federal law-enforcement officials. Research conducted in 2012 on Skolkovo by the U.S. Army Foreign
Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth declared that the purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a “vehicle for world-
wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space
technology, and nuclear technology.”Moreover, the report said: “the Skolkovo Foundation has, in fact, been involved in
defense-related activities since December 2011, when it approved the first weapons-related project—the development of
a hypersonic cruise missile engine. . . . Not all of the center’s efforts are civilian in nature…”

“The FBI believes the true motives of the Russian partners, who are often funded by their government, is to gain access to
classified, sensitive, and emerging technology from the companies. The [Skolkovo] foundation may be a means for the
Russian government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use
technologies with military and commercial application.”

CANADA - from a helpful Canadian

Looking for connections to Canada, it looks like our local zionist royalty (Seagram's fortune, started off as bootleggers) the
Bronfman family seems to know the Clintons pretty well.
They're definitely with her: list of major donors
^seems like the CF has spawned many other similar 'foundations'. I wonder how many local bigwigs across the world
have this kind of stuff going on.
The Canadian mob is Jewish and headquartered in Montreal. Keep in mind Montreal is where MKUltra doctor Ewan
Cameron developed the basis of mind control to be used by the CIA. CIA is a known Zionist/Bush/Clinton Crime
family/British Royalty extension of MI6, so this is relevant. Montreal was ruled by an anglo minority after the British routed
the French from North America. Was more overtly apartheid-like until the 1960s but even then you would have a
Quebecois frontman (called a 'vendu' as slang-sellout) ruled by the anglos behind the scenes.
pre-empting the narrative:
^what is Frank Giustra up to?

More connections to Montreal and McGill University:
What is this all about? Who is Victor Dahdaleh?
And what is this all about?
I wonder what she said?
New book on the Clintons (seems to be quite favourable to them) written by: "Gil Troy is a professor of history at McGill
University. Originally from Queens, New York, he is the author of ten previous books."

Here's the concluding paragraph of the summary of the report, it basically admits none of the gold was returned and they
have no gosh darn idea where it went but gee we should be proud of our efforts:

"With the lifting of all conditions restraining foreign gold on earmark in Ottawa after the war, there was no rush by neutral
central banks to clear out their accounts in Ottawa. In fact, all parties to the wartime swaps maintained their Ottawa
earmarks well into the peace, often increasing their balances.
Throughout all these transactions, officials at the Bank of Canada, usually in consultation with officials at the Department
of Finance and the Bank of England, exhibited due diligence in handling these transfer requests from Europe. The context
of the times must be borne in mind. These transactions took place at the height of the war, when the pressures of wartime
decision-making bore heavily on Ottawa's mandarins. These gold swaps between friendly and neutral central banks
constituted fleeting decisions in a myriad of wartime challenges and must be seen in this light. By and large, the decisions
taken around Canada's custodianship of foreign gold earmarked in the Bank of Canada conform to the stereotype of the
cautious, deliberate and well-balanced demeanour of the senior bureaucrats who have come to be known by history as
the "Ottawa men." They never possessed the absolute knowledge or the power to eliminate any possibility that Ottawa
might facilitate the movement of looted gold, but their instincts led them to policies that made that possibility remote. In
this sense, Canadians can take justifiable pride in the efficient manner in which the rather prosaic service of earmarking of
gold was turned to commendable Allied and, at times, humanitarian ends during the war."

Straight from the horses' mouth, they don't know what they could have done with 2600 tons of gold.

More Canadian connections: It seems like former NB premier, Ambassador to US, Carlyle group member and current TD
bank deputy chairman Frank McKenna knows both the Bushes and Clintons really well.

From wikipedia:
"Frank McKenna is referred to in the book "Clinton Cash" by Peter Schweizer. The majority of the reference is regards to
the Keystone Pipeline decision making process. Hillary Clinton serving as secretary of State in the United States, and the
monetary involvement with TD Bank in Canada is described in depth. The book describes TD Bank, with Frank McKenna
as vice chairman, as having "paid Bill more than any other financial institution for Lectures. More than Goldman Sachs,
UBS, JPmorgan, or anyone on Wall Street". Quoting from the book, "TD Bank paid Bill $1.8 million for ten speeches over
a roughly two-and-half-year period from late 2008 to mid-2011."

"At several of the speeches, (Bill) Clinton was introduced, or interviewed by TD Bank vice chairman Frank McKenna.
Frank McKenna is described as a "good friend of both Bill and Hillary Clinton".[9]"
Bush and Clinton, friends after all?

and finally, the weirdest one I've seen so far: why are they so worried? Is this a smoking gun? We can learn the truth from
what people most vehemently deny:

"Canadian officials are vexed that 3 1/2 years later, they have not dispelled the groundless claim that Canada was a route
for the Sept. 11 hijackers. Frank McKenna, the new ambassador to the United States, calls it an "urban myth" and has
been trying to beat it down in television interviews and letters to the editor. "It took on a life of its own, like a viral
infection," McKenna said in a telephone interview from Washington.

Here a few tidbits on Trudeau, Gerald Butts, and their close relationship with Obama czar Larry Summers.
Cross-pollination can only do so much for a leader The Globe and Mail Metro (Ontario Edition) 10 Mar 2016
"Long before Justin Trudeau travelled to Washington, his circle had travelled with Barack Obama’s. Obama people and
Trudeau people started working together years ago, and the lessons learned from those connections were key to Mr.
Trudeau’s success. Now there’s an Obama-Trudeau club. It counts right now.

When he’s outside the White House in Washington this week, Mr. Trudeau will mostly be at two events co-hosted by the
Center for American Progress (CAP), a big think tank that’s a leading force in Obama-Democrat politics. The first
reception for Mr. Trudeau on Wednesday night, where Obama Democrats and Trudeau Liberals mingled, was one of
those. That’s no accident.

The centre, founded by former Clinton and Obama adviser John Podesta, doesn’t confine its cause to the United States. It
started something called the Global Progress Initiative to link up with similar left-leaning organizations around the world.
Canada 2020, an outfit with lots of Liberal links that’s now headed by close Trudeau friend Tom Pitfield, became the
Canadian hub. Now it is cohosting Mr. Trudeau’s events in Washington with CAP."

^What and who are Canada 2020? What is John Podesta doing with Global Progress initiative? Who is Tom Pitfield?

"The ‘North American Union’ (NAU) is here. The same people who ran Senator Barack Obama’s campaign for president
are running Canadian Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s campaign for Canadian Prime Minister."
The plan to bankrupt Canada:

How to keep Canada in check: Remember that pipelines are massive leverage. At the moment our only market is the US.
They control our oil industry and want to keep it that way. You have left-wing think tanks putting forth fluffy papers that
seem to point to an insecure future.

"While our political stability and huge resource base are major advantages, we have lost ground by failing to manage
social and environmental issues effectively. These issues can be viewed either as a moral imperative or as a critical
commercial challenge, but either way few would dispute they are the biggest factor standing between the Canadian oil
and gas sector and its aspirations."
^the bastards know that they are the ones who stand in the way, because in BC and Alberta, their friends at Clinton-
Democratic Party loyalist eco-fascists like Tides Foundation and Sierra Club lead the effort to block all construction and
Vancouver's mayor is a bought-and-paid for foreign agent:

more dirt...
Bill's connection to the Vatican?
Mark Rich knew a lot of powerful people. What did he have on the Clintons that was bad enough that Bill tarnished his
legacy by pardoning him?

UKRAINE, PINCHUK, AND THE MIDDLE EAST (thank you Finland anon)

Ukraine was an "inside job" orchestrated by the US department of state.

Many of the top officials in the state department have financial ties to a Ukrainian uranium (recall that HRC sold US
Uranium rights already to Russia and then conveniently recieved donations to her foundation) and oil company.
Had the former Ukranian President (Viktor Yanukovych) made closer ties with Russia then it would have destroyed the
money-funneling system ran through the oil company. Thus, Ukraine had to revolt.

>Look at pic related to see how money flows to HRC, John Kerry, the Bidens, and the Clinton Foundation.


The main places to focus in pic related are:

1) Burisma Uranium and Oil company
2) Devon Archer (worker for Burisma)
3) John Kerry (Secretary of State)
4) and lastly Hillary Clinton/Clinton Foundation

>Here is what we know:

Burisma is a Ukrainian oil and uranium company. It is owned by the former Ukrainian minister, Nikolai Zlochevski
(basically was 2nd in command to the Ukrainian pro-Russian before he was ousted).
The former Ukranian president wanted closer ties to Russia. This would have ruined the Burisma company and thus
Nikolai wanted to stop closer ties with Russia. Nikola funneled money from his company to Clinton in exchange for helping
overthrow the Ukrainian president.

Addendum: Exxon Mobil also donated $1 million to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation.

>The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to ukrainian oligarchs:

Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least
$8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was
created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member
of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.

In 2008, Mr. Pinchuk made a five-year, $29 million commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative, a wing of the foundation
that coordinates charitable projects and funding for them but doesn’t handle the money. The pledge was to fund a
program to train future Ukrainian leaders and professionals “to modernize Ukraine,” according to the Clinton Foundation.
Several alumni are current members of the Ukrainian Parliament. Actual donations so far amount to only $1.8 million, a
Pinchuk foundation spokesman said, citing the impact of the 2008 financial crisis.

The Pinchuk foundation said its donations were intended to help to make Ukraine “a successful, free, modern country
based on European values.” It said that if Mr. Pinchuk was lobbying the State Department about Ukraine, “this cannot be
seen as anything but a good thing.”

The CF apparently also funded "tech camps" in ukraine where they taught shilling on social media:

Also: 1258 IRAQ related emails:

More about the Pinchuk-Clinton connection, also bringing the Tony Blair foundation onboard:
Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the
creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest
single donor in 2013.
About Pinchuk's business to Iran:

"Among a number of high-value invoices for products related to rail or oil and gas, one shipment for $1.8m (1.7m) in May
2012 was for “seamless hot-worked steel pipes for pipelines” and destined for a city near the Caspian Sea. Both the rail
and oil and gas sectors are sanctioned by the US, which specifically prohibits any single invoice to the Iranian
petrochemical industry worth more than $1m."

"Pinchuk became particularly friendly with Bill Clinton. In 2010, he invited the former president to his 50th birthday party in
the French ski resort of Courchevel. In return, Pinchuk attended Clinton’s 65th in 2011, and was a guest at the
inauguration of Clinton’s Presidential Library. The Clintons spoke at Pinchuk’s Yalta European Strategy conference, which
seeks integration between Ukraine and Europe."

More contributors to Hillarys cause:

"Soros, a top contributor to the Clinton Foundation, was one of several major donors whose messages were disclosed by
the State Department last week as part of the ongoing release of the former secretary’s e-mails. Other exchanges
included references to entertainment mogul Haim Saban, who has said he would pay “whatever it takes” to propel Clinton
to the White House in 2016, as well as other major Clinton Foundation donors such as Microsoft’s Bill Gates, fashion
industry executive Susie Tompkins Buell and Ukrainian steel magnate Viktor Pinchuk."

Bill Gates :(


More evidence of The Clinton Foundation Being used for Money Laundering and a Slush Fund:
tl;dr on The Clinton Foundation Money Laundering:

1. You create a separate foreign charity. In this case one in Canada.

2. Foreign oligarchs and governments, then donate to this Canadian charity. In this case, over 1,000 did - contributing
mega millions. I'm sure they did this out of the goodness of their hearts, and expected nothing in return. (Imagine Putin's
buddies waking up one morning and just deciding to send untold millions to a Canadian charity).
3. The Canadian charity then bundles these separate donations and makes a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation.
4. The Clinton Foundation and the cooperating Canadian charity claim Canadian law prohibits the identification of
individual donors.
5. The Clinton Foundation then "spends" some of this money for legitimate good works programs. Unfortunately, experts
believe this is on the order of 10%. Much of the balance goes to enrich the Clinton's, pay salaries to untold numbers of
hangers on, and fund lavish travel, etc. Again, virtually all tax free, which means you and I are subsidizing it.
6. The Clinton Foundation, with access to the world's best accountants, somehow fails to report much of this on their tax
filings. They discover these "clerical errors" and begin the process of re-filing 5 years of tax returns.
7. Net result -- foreign money, much of it from other countries, goes into the Clinton's pockets tax free and untraceable
back to the original donor


Some groups listed:
Color of Change directly accepts money from the Democracy Alliance and is a coalition member of Americans for
Financial Reform.


Link salad:
References to Knights of Malta & Order of St. Hubertus:

Look at the front row of pic related

>Cibolo Creek Ranch owner John Poindexter and C. Allen Foster, a prominent Washington lawyer who traveled to the
ranch with Scalia by private plane, hold leadership positions within the Order. It is unclear what, if any, official association
Scalia had with the group.
>Two other private planes that landed at the ranch for the weekend are linked to two men who have held leadership
positions with the Texas chapter of the Order, according to a review of state business filings and flight records from the
>The International Order of St. Hubertus, according to its website, is a “true knightly order in the historical tradition.” In
1695, Count Franz Anton von Sporck founded the society in Bohemia, which is in modern-day Czech Republic.
>The group’s Grand Master is “His Imperial Highness Istvan von Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduke of Austria,” according to
the Order’s website. The next gathering for “Ordensbrothers” and guests is an “investiture” March 10 in Charleston, S.C.

* Arrived at the ranch Sunday Morning

N50FT SR22 San Antonio Intl (KSAT) Fri 10:22AM CST Fri 12:19PM CST


* Arrived at the Ranch Fri 12:19PM CST

N758PC PC12 San Antonio Intl (KSAT) Fri 10:39AM CST Fri 12:11PM CST
*Arrived Friday at the Ranch 12:11 AM

XSR639 E50P Austin-Bergstrom Intl (KAUS) Fri 10:04AM CST Fri 11:27AM CST
Executive Airshare
*Arrived Friday 11:27AM

Some of these are private jet services..

All 4 Leave Sunday between 10AM and 2:30PM



These two people other than Poindexter and Foster, were also present at Cibolo Creek Ranch when Scalia died; all four
are members of the International Order of St. Hubertus (IOSH)

Company Number: 2173135

Incorporation Date: 20 September 1988 (almost 28 years ago)
Company Type: Corporation
Jurisdiction: Delaware (US)
Agent Address: 2711 CENTERVILLE RD, WILMINGTON, DE, 19808
Directors / Officers

> John B. Poindexter

John's current roles include:
Chairman Director
Other Companies for John:
Truck Accessories Group, Inc.
Morgan Truck Body, LLC
Southwestern Holdings, Inc.
Poindexter Foundation
Poindexter Properties, LLC
Federal Coach, LLC
State Wide Aluminum of Indiana, Inc.
Mic Group, LLC
Lowy Group, Inc.
Swk Holdings, Inc.




Lads, I think I've stumbled upon something huge. It’s about The Clinton Foundation's link to Jeffrey Epstein.
Apparently, the Clinton Foundation received 25,000 Dollars from Epstein:

>Clinton Foundation Accepted $25,000 from Known Pedophile

>On July 18, 2006, the Clinton Foundation received a $25,000 check from the C.O.U.Q. Foundation, whose president was
known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, a friend of Bill Clinton. >The donation is revealed in the C.O.U.Q. Foundation's 990 tax
form, filed with the IRS.

>Others have previously reported that Epstein and Clinton parted ways in 2005, as the New York Post did, due to
Epstein's legal problems:

>Clinton apparently turned his back on Epstein in 2005 — the year the financier was first arrested for receiving an “erotic
massage” from a minor, according to the 2011 court records, related to a suit brought by women who claimed the
businessman abused them.

>Before that, Clinton was a frequent flier on the moneyman’s private jet.

>“The documents clearly show that Clinton flew with Epstein and then suddenly stopped, raising the suspicion that the
friendship abruptly ended, perhaps because of events related to Epstein’s sexual abuse of children,” the documents state.


Don't let anybody use the Epstein lie against trump. TRUMP BANNED EPSTEIN

>In July, a source close to Trump told Politico that “there was no formal relationship" between the Trump and Epstein.
And in January, a Trump spokesman told Gawker that the candidate only knew Epstein because he would occasionally go
to the Trump-owned Mar-a-Lago, "the hottest and most luxurious club in Palm Beach.” And Epstein’s former “houseman,”
Juan Alessi, testified that while Epstein’s lawyer Alan Dershowitz received massages at the Palm Beach mansion, Trump
never did because “he’s got his own spa.” (Dershowitz has in court papers categorically denied any untoward behavior,
calling allegations against him “salacious and false.”)

>Alessi testified that Trump would come over to Epstein’s home for dinner — though he added that Trump “never sat at
the table” but instead ate “with me in the kitchen.”
Trump flew on Epstein's private jet once to go to New York, but it was while Epstein's brother was present.
>In 2009, Trump was subpoenaed in a case against Epstein concerning victim Virginia Roberts. Trump's attorney Alan
Garten said that the subpoena "never happened."

>Donald Trump once barred child molester Jeffrey Epstein from his famed Mar-a-Lago club after the presidential
candidate caught him hitting on young girl, has learned.

>A lawyer of Epstein victim Virginia Edwards had a conversation with Trump.
“During the conversation, Mr. Trump was open and forthright,” Edwards said. “I cannot discuss the substance of the
conversation. But I will say that it was obvious to me that he was in no way involved in any untoward activity.”

>“It was obvious that Trump himself was not involved in any of Epstein’s illicit activity,” an associate of the inevitable GOP
nominee told Radar.
Case. Closed.

So reading more and more on Jeffrey Epstein, all accounts seem to point to the fact that he is extremely confident in
himself, pretty much cocky.
Despite the fact that he has been fooling around with underage girls and knowingly.

This has me worried. Wouldn't he be a lot more secretive and careful about his actions? Like, making threats to the girls
he fools around with so they won't talk to police?
Wouldn't he be exclusively be working in sex trafficking with slaves, who can't even talk to police? Or is he just that stupid
and thirsty that he needs new girls all the time?
Perhaps nowadays that's all he works in is slave trading.
> Roy Black- NEW 2016: Black defended Jeffrey Epstein, who was prosecuted this year for multiple charges of sexual
abuse against at least 34 underage girls between 1999 and 2007. 2015: Represent Justin Bieber after his 2014 DUI
charge; Wild reputation, has defended unsavory characters (Rush Limbaugh, Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis),
parties with flagged celebrities, accused of ethical violations by former US Attorney; Represented Alex Rodriguez in 2013
steroid case; unable to locate why he was let go by A-Rod
> Finance would like approval for Roy Black to attend/photo/donate for one of the POTUS events in Miami. His wife Leah
passes vet. I'm ok with him but defer to Bobby and others if there are objections.
The lawyer for Epstein is involved with donating to Obama


Bill gave a speech in Miami Florida on February 7, 2002 to a group called WIZO, some women's Zionist organization.
Afterward, he was picked up by Epstein and flown back to New York, but on January 31, 2002, Bill gave a speech to a
group called The Educational Institute of the AHLA - the American Hotel and Lodging Association. The Clinton's financials
list the address of the AHLA as being in Santa Barbara, CA.

But there's just one problem with that: the AHLA's HQ is in Orlando, FL.

According to the AHLA's website, they started in Lansing, MI, then moved HQ to Orlando, and the office of educational
sales, publication, and fulfillment stayed in Lansing. (

So why would Bill be giving them a speech in Santa Barbara? He had to have been in Orlando for the speech, but why
didn't he say so on his financials?

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, a 13 year old girl named Uma Sewpersaud went
missing on January 28, 2002, from ORLANDO, FLORIDA. She(

That is 3 days before Bill's speech to the AHLA. About a week later, Bill shows up on Jeffrey Epstein's flightlogs headed to
an airport in Westchester County New York, near Bill and Hillary's home. Also appearing on the flight log are 4 secret
service agents, Jeff, the intitals GM,
SK, and AP, as well as "2 males and 1 female." (
That is 3 days before Bill's speech to the AHLA. About a week later, Bill shows up on Jeffrey Epstein's flightlogs headed to
an airport in Westchester County New York, near Bill and Hillary's home. Also appearing on the flight log are 4 secret
service agents, Jeff, the intitals GM, SK, and AP, as well as "2 males and 1 female."

All 3 of them disappear from the flightlog, as do Bill Clinton and the secret service agents, when they land in Westchester.
Haven't found anything on 2 males, yet.

Here's another one. Bill flew with Epstein on May 22, 2002, this time with no secret service agents.
He was picked up at Atsugi Naval Air Facility, along with Doug Bands - Clinton's former personal assisstant - Pete
Rathgeb - at the time Head of Risk Controlling & Credit Rating at Siemens Financial Services, currently CFO of Siemens
Bank (
- Ghislaine Maxwell, and Sarah Kellen - both madames - and two girls - Janice and Jessica.

They traveled all over the place.

On May 22, they left Atsugi Naval Air Facility and arrived at Hong Kong on the 23rd. From Hong Kong they went to
Shenzhen, China and then to Singapore, all on the 23rd. They stayed in Singapore for two days before leaving for
Bangkok, Thailand on the 25th (I wonder what there is to do there). That same day they left Bangkok and went to Brunei
where Bill, Doug, Jessica, Janice, et al, were dropped off. Jeff stayed until May 27th, and then he and the madames.

According to Page Six, before the end of 2002, the Sultan of Brunei donated between $1 and $5 million to the Clinton

Bill Clinton was really big on handicapping the US intelligence agencies during his presidency as well. A lot of this is what
allowed AQ/OBL to get as big as they did, and possibly part of what led 9/11 to be easier for them to pull off. And a lot of
stuff recently as indicated Saudi government directly funded the operation.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------



The twitter account that posted it is a Donald Trump supporter who made his account during the Amon Bundy ranch
mess, to support him and troll SJW people.

What we know, the leaders of BLM were hacked, and they have met with white house officials at the end of this last year.
We can assume "Mrs Lynch" is Loretta Lynch the Attorney General of the WH. What we also know is that Obama signed
something into executive order this last year that lets him bring in Foreign UN/NATO armies onto US soil, if martial law is
declared, we also know that the UN/NATO is now TOTALLY leftist. I am sure I don't have to explain what Martial Law is,
or how it sets off the elections and postpones them.

We also know that Cleveland RNC just purchased 2000 full riot suits and 340 semi riot armor sets for bicycle cops. (in
Cleveland newspaper)
What we also know is the Philadelphia DNC and the city just changed a bunch of laws, allowing people to block streets,
smoke weed in the streets, gather in large numbers to protests and several other things that make rioting much easier,
including not being arrested but given fines for anything not a felony.
(in Philadelphia newspaper.)

What we also know, and are offering 15$ an hour on the Craigslist for both cities to protest
these conventions, we also know Soros is following a plan for colored revolutions and BLM can use social media to call
for more of this on a nation wide level.

The scariest thing the number of people who have agreed to protest both of these conventions ranges from 20,000 -


Ironically found looking into the antifa faggots from Sacramento
Organization of UN vehicles for fear-mongering during the RNC. Most likely a false flag.

>PROTEST GROUP: Stand Together Against Trump

>PROTEST GROUP: Stand Together Against Trump
>PROTEST GROUP: The Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation, along with the AIDS Taskforce of Greater
>PROTEST GROUP: A coalition of groups that includes Organize! Ohio, Iraq Veterans Against the War and many others.
>PROTEST GROUP: Citizens for Trump, Bikers for Trump, Tea Partiers for Trump, Truckers for Trump and others
>PROTEST GROUP: Patriotic Millionaires
>PROTEST GROUP: Created Equal
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------

CRISIS ACTORS - most likely code words for “paid agitators/protesters”

So for people who think crisis actors were related to Dallas. Check this out:
It's about two days earlier, it's something to consider.

Flss is recruiting heavy for West Virginia:
Also they are looking for more red team analysts:
Burlington, Vermont:
Tampa, Florida:


This is from last year's research when that FUCKH8 false flag was happening (large images)
This needs to make it out into the general awareness:
>Fractionalized vote:
>Instead of “1” the vote is allowed to be 1/2, or 1+7/8, or any other value that is not a whole number.
>What fractionalized votes can do:
>They allow “weighting” of races. Weighting a race removes the principle of “one person-one vote” to allow some votes to
be counted as less than one or more than one. Regardless of what the real votes are, candidates can receive a set
percentage of votes. Results can be controlled. For example, Candidate A can be assigned 44% of the votes, Candidate
B 51%, and Candidate C the rest.

This is how electronic voting gets rigged. Instead of a 1:1 ration of vote:person, each person's vote can be reduced or
increased by a percentage built into the software.

In other words, 25 people can be counted as 2500 votes or 2500 people can be counted as 25 votes depending upon how
the software is configured. These machines are already known to be compromised.

>Source code: Instructions to treat votes as decimal values instead of whole numbers are inserted multiple times in the
GEMS source code itself; thus, this feature cannot have been created by accident.
The code was made to be able to manipulate voter totals.

>The GEMS central tabulator program is incorrectly designed and highly vulnerable to fraud. Election results can be
changed in a matter of seconds. Part of the program we examined appears to be designed with election tampering in
mind. We have also learned that election officials maintain inadequate controls over access to the central tabulator. We
need to beef up procedures to mitigate risks.

>In order to engage in voter suppression, it is important to be very accurate in knowing which voters to suppress. The
best possible way to compile such a list is to vet two or more separate databases against each other. Sanders had one,
Clinton had two and the DNC had a third. We may never know the truth about the third because of a recent removal of a
key potential witness from this mortal coil.

>Sunday Morning July 10 at 4:19, Seth Rich, a key DNC staffer in charge of voter databases was murdered right outside
his home in Washington DC. As Fitrakis, Johnson, other election integrity activists and their paralegals were exchanging
final emails prior to filing Seth Rich was murdered. There are no witnesses, no suspects, his wallet and cellphone were
recovered at the scene and the DC Metro police are “pursuing all possible motives.”

Seth Rich had two ties directly to the Clinton Machine other than working as the Data Director for Voter Expansion.

The voting software uses floating point numbers to count votes, it's not a 1:1 vote:person, it can be any decimal value they
>Source code: Instructions to treat votes as decimal values instead of whole numbers are inserted multiple times in the
GEMS source code itself; thus, this feature cannot have been created by accident.
>But it appears float values are being used, which is either an extreme waste of memory/processor time that indicates a
thorough lack of expertise on the part of the programmers, or an attempt to allow fractional or weighted voting.
>Although we could have simply changed the few numbers on this Summary Results Report, we chose a more elaborate
plan. We used a spreadsheet to create vote percentages for each polling place, resulting in changing Kerry’s overall
percentage from 34.73% to 55.24%, and Bush from 61.88% to 43.66%; we chose to give all remaining votes to Badnarik.
Even though we changed over 200,000 votes in hundreds of different locations, we were able to achieve this in just a few
seconds. Because it can be done so quickly, “Fraction Magic” can be performed as often as necessary on Election Night.
Jesus Christ, this is spooky.


I've been researching Brian Raven and his board memberships with various companies. In the process I discovered
BlackSquare Capital LLP. In trying to investigate this company I stumbled across a magic address.

9 Clifford Street London, -- W1S 2FT,-

There are 128 companies registered between 7 and 9 Clifford Street with a combined net worth of over £3,000,000,000.
Most of them have no employees. Some of them are the shareholders of the others. Many of them have received massive
cash injections within the last year.
Let me give you an example:

Talos Properties limited received 7.28m in the last year and increased its value by (276.39%). With a staff comprised of
the world's busiest man:

Mr Simon Trevor Lloyd aged 55, is a director in 43 companies. Simon has resigned from 36 of these appointments.

This is a massive money laundering network with the bulk of the money being controlled by an American named Jamie
Cooper, former wife of Sir Chris Hohn the billionaire under the guise of a non-profit called The Children's Investment Fund

The Clinton Foundation has listed CIFF among seven organizations from which it received more than $25 million.

This would have been totally invisible until Endole started making a geographic map.
I want to be clear, Brian Raven is listed as the Chairman of Black Square LLP by Bloomberg.

BlackSquare Capital LLP, the company that Brian Raven (Group CEO of Tavistock) was chairman of starting in 2010. He
oversaw £140,000,000 in assets in 2009 shed value down to £49,000,000 which was revealed by an audit of what the
LLP actually controlled. Meanwhile they'd been posting an operating profit on the LLP in 2009 of £257,000 for the LLP
since it was only managing the funds of its three clients: BlackSquare Capital Access Fund, BlackSquare Capital Fund LP
and IFSL BlackSquare Capital Fund in the Cayman Islands.

Keep your eyes open on these names they all have something oddly matching
Mr Simon Trevor Lloyd
Lynn Forester de Rothschild


Could this all be related to the club of 300?

It's all there in the public tax and incorporation filings. Bloomberg sourced Raven as chairman of BlackSquare LLP and the
fact that there are 128 companies worth over £3 billion incorporated at the addresses of two townhouses sharing that
same address isn't just some fantasy. There's tax filings proving all of it and forcing it to be a matter of public record.

People often setup shell company networks at a single address and declare the same few people to be the necessary key
staff for the incorporation over and over. Something that is also readily present among the 128 companies list at the two

The fact that the Clinton Foundation received $25 million from this maze of money laundering is also public record. The
connections between the Clinton Foundation and CIFF begin with a $10,000,000 donation in April of 2005. They have a
long, established relationship.

The fact that CIFF Trading Limited has both Simon Trevor Lloyd and Jamie Cooper as directors means that Jamie is
clearly involved. Trevor's the one who has racked up the director title for 43 companies and counting since CIFF was

If Brian Raven wasn't the chairman of yet another company at the same address it might just look like Cooper was
laundering money. But the fact he is implicates Tavistock's group CEO in being involved with the scheme.

This isn't some tinfoil hat conspiracy. It's fact backed with credible sources on every point.

They're shell companies that exist to receive assets controlled by the LLPs as cash injections. Sometimes they inherit
assets like realestate or various forms of tangible goods. The asset controller is in the Cayman Islands, the asset
manager is an LLP there at Clifford.

There are people who specialize in spinning up bogus incorporations that they sell off or hire in buyers as directors then
resign from. Adrian Joseph Morris Levy and his associates are among them.
We have records of people joining this shell companies for as little a day, entering in director to make a controlling action
with a shareholder position over another shell company under the group structure. It's absolute labyrinth of accounting
designed to launder money under the guise of a children's charity.


Company Number: OC313413

Other Identifiers: SEC CIK number: 1353383
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation Date: 26 May 2005 (about 11 years ago)
Dissolution Date: 8 October 2013
Company Type: Limited Liability Partnership
Jurisdiction: United Kingdom
Registered Address: 5 Victoria Street, Windsor, SL4 1HB, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Latest Accounts Date: 2011-10-31

Inactive Directors / Officers:

AJAY ARVINDRAY PATEL, llp member, 11 Jun 2010-
BENJAMIN SCOTT RAVEN, llp member, 14 Apr 2011-
BLACKSQUARE MANAGEMENT LIMITED, llp designated member, 7 Jun 2005-11 Jun 2010
BRIAN KENNETH RAVEN, llp designated member, 7 Sep 2010-
CHRISTOPHER EDWARD PEEL, llp designated member, 19 Jan 2006-
MADILEAN LI COEN, llp designated member, 26 May 2005-11 Jun 2010
NEIL MCDONALD MEADOWS, llp designated member, 26 May 2005-15 Jul 2005
RICHARD WILLIAM SHERWIN, llp designated member, 2 Feb 2010-10 Jun 2010
RICHARD WILLIAM SHERWIN, llp member, 7 Sep 2010-

BENJAMIN SCOTT RAVEN is a None from Windsor Berkshire. This person was born in January 1985, which was over 31
years ago. BENJAMIN SCOTT RAVEN is British and resident in United Kingdom. This company officer is, or was,
associated with 2 Companies.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to TAVISTOCK WEALTH LIMITED on 2012-03-19, from which they
resigned on 2013-05-23.

CompanyName Company Status Role Appointed Appointment Status

TAVISTOCK WEALTH LIMITED Active Director 2012-03-19 UNTIL 2013-05-23 RESIGNED

Related People
Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
BRIAN KENNETH RAVEN Company Director Virginia Water, 38
CHRISTOPHER EDWARD PEEL Company Director Bracknell, 2
STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER MOSELEY Director Windsor, United Kingdom 1
Nearby People
Name Occupation Address No of Appointments
STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER MOSELEY Director Windsor, United Kingdom 1

Name Born Nationality Role Appointed Status

MH SECRETARIES LIMITED Corporate Secretary 2012-03-08 UNTIL 2014-07-22 RESIGNED
BRIAN KENNETH RAVEN Apr 1956 British Director 2011-10-11 CURRENT
CHRISTOPHER EDWARD PEEL Sep 1962 British Director 2011-10-11 CURRENT
STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER MOSELEY Dec 1965 British Director 2015-08-21 CURRENT
BRIAN KENNETH RAVEN Secretary 2011-10-11 UNTIL 2012-03-08 RESIGNED
BENJAMIN SCOTT RAVEN Jan 1985 British Director 2012-03-19 UNTIL 2013-05-23 RESIGNED

Related Companies
CompanyName Address Accounts Status Main Company Activity
GLADSTONE MRM LIMITED OXFORDSHIRE FULL 62012 - Business and domestic software development
TORSTAR LIMITED OXFORDSHIRE DORMANT 62012 - Business and domestic software development
UNIVERSE GROUP PLC SOUTHAMPTON GROUP 70100 - Activities of head offices
CARDCAST LIMITED LONDON FULL 70100 - Activities of head offices
RETAIL DECISIONS EUROPE LIMITED WOKING FULL 63110 - Data processing, hosting and related activities
GLADSTONE LIMITED WALLINGFORD FULL 70100 - Activities of head offices
TAVISTOCK INVESTMENTS PLC BRACKNELL GROUP 70100 - Activities of head offices
TAVISTOCK PARTNERS LIMITED KEGWORTH FULL 64999 - Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified
TAVISTOCK FINANCIAL LIMITED CHELTENHAM ENGLAND FULL 64999 - Financial intermediation not elsewhere
STERLING MCCALL LIMITED DERBY FULL 64999 - Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified
>The interest rate set by the Bank of England is known as "the Bank rate", and it is a controlling factor in interest rates
throughout the world, although rates in other countries may be higher or lower than this "Bank rate". The Bank of England
manages the government debt, and is called upon to arbitrate in political affairs. It served as the intermediary with the Iran
revolutionaries in negotiating for the return of the American hostages--a recent example.

>The present directors of the Bank of England (1982) include Leopold de Rothschild of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Sir
Robert Clark, chairman of Hill Samuel Bank, the most influential bank after Rothschilds, John Clay, of Hambros Bank, and
David Scholey, of Warburg Bank, and joint chairman of S.C. Warburg Co.

Well, you may ask, wtf does this have to do with Tavistock?
>Few Americans know that almost every development in psychology in the United States in the past sixty-five years has
been directed by the Bureau of Psychological Warfare of the British Army. A short time ago, the present writer learned a
new name, The Tavistock Institute of London, also known as the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. "Human
relations" covers every aspect of human behavior, and it is the modest goal of the Tavistock Institute to obtain and
exercise control over every aspect of human behavior of American citizens.

>The Tavistock Institute was taken over by Sir John Rawlings Reese, head of the British Army Psychological Warfare

>James Paul Warburg (son of Paul Warburg who had written the Federal Reserve Act in 1910), financed a subsidiary of
the Tavistock Institute in the United States called the Institute for Policy Studies, whose director, Marcus Raskin, was
appointed to the National Security Council. James Paul Warburg set up a CIA program to experiment with LSD on CIA
agents, some of whom later committed suicide. This program, MK-Ultra, supervised by Dr. Gottlieb, resulted in huge
lawsuits against the United States Government by the families of the victims.

>The Institute for Policy Studies set up a campus subsidiary, Students for Democratic Society (SDS), devoted to drugs
and revolution. Rather than finance SDS himself, Warburg used CIA funds, some twenty million dollars, to promote the
campus riots of the 1960s.

>The English Tavistock Institute has not restricted its activities to left-wing groups, but has also directed the programs of
such supposedly "conservative" American think tanks as the Herbert Hoover Institute at Stanford University, Heritage
Foundation, Wharton, Hudson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Rand. The "sensitivity training" and "sexual
encounter" programs of the most radical California groups such as Esalen Institute and its many imitators were all
developed and implemented by Tavistock Institute psychologists.

>Did you just connect Tavistock to MK-Ultra, of all things?

Yep, that's something that's been known about in the tinfoil circles for quite some time.

This is where more attention needs to be paid:

>the Tavistock Institute in the United States called the Institute for Policy Studies

>As Washington’s first progressive multi-issue think tank, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) has served as a policy and
research resource for visionary social justice movements for over four decades — from the anti-war and civil rights
movements in the 1960s to the peace and global justice movements of the last decade. Some of the greatest progressive
minds of the 20th and 21st centuries have found a home at IPS, starting with the organization’s founders, Richard Barnet
and Marcus Raskin. IPS scholars have included such luminaries as Arthur Waskow, Gar Alperovitz, Saul Landau, Bob
Moses, Rita Mae Brown, Barbara Ehrenreich, Roger Wilkins and Orlando Letelier.

> the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) has served as a policy and research resource for visionary social justice
movements for over four decades

Following on this you guys seem to have found Tavistock to be highly involved, as FBIanon predicted by giving you the
following lead : Tavistock is at the heart of everything.
Information on Tavistock is next to impossible to acquire. This information was obtained from Dr. Coleman's copyrighted
material. His book : Dr John Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300

Info on Tavistock :

A little on the : Committee of 300

This is also an interesting watch, as I know not all of you like reading stuff :


The Children's Investment Fund is a charity founded by Jamie Cooper with the investment of her husband at the time
Chris Hohn. It has many tendrils of sub-divisions, some of which are legitimate and some of which are not. The co-
directed companies of Jamie Cooper and Simon Trevor Lloyd include shell companies manufactured by Adrian Joseph
Morris Levy.

In the past 11 years, has created over 1,200 companies and resigned from them. He manufactures shell organizations
like Talos Properties Limited, which can then go on to receive massive cash injections from assets in the Cayman
Islands. The CIFF has been doing business with the Clinton Foundation since 2005 when it acted to provide a
$10,000,000 donation to support a charity. What you're not seeing in the wake of donation there's asset growth for CIFF.
Billions. How?

Because of shell organizations like BlackSquare Capital LLP, the company that Brian Raven (Group CEO of Tavistock)
was chairman of starting in 2010. He oversaw £140,000,000 in assets in 2009 shed value down to £49,000,000, revealed
by an audit of the LLP's client assets. They'd posted an operating profit on the LLP in 2009 of £257,000 for the LLP since
it was only 'managing' the funds of its three clients: BlackSquare Capital Access Fund, BlackSquare Capital Fund LP and
IFSL BlackSquare Capital Fund in the Cayman Islands. As a note, Brian Raven brought Ben Raven into the 'failing' LLP in

BlackSquare put a massive amount of asset wealth into the control of the LLP which used the operational loss to launder
funds through to the different organizations within the Clifton Collective. That is where the surprise cash injections into
these shell companies keep coming from. Once the process is complete the LLP is dissolved, another one adopted and
the cycle repeats.

As this process goes on CIFF is involving itself charitably with the Clinton Foundation. The more they give, the more they
seem to get in return. Their most recent donation was $25,000,000.

CIFF has been funneling in funds from the Cayman islands through managing LLPs that CIFF has director positions in.
These high value funds lose their managed value gradually and dissolve while shell corporations like Talos receive huge
cash injections. Assets are being passed around within the shareholder organization.

BlackSquare Capital LLP, the company that Brian Raven (Group CEO of Tavistock) was chairman of starting in 2010. He
oversaw £140,000,000 in assets in 2009 shed value down to £49,000,000 which was revealed by an audit of what the
LLP actually controlled. Meanwhile they'd been posting an operating profit on the LLP in 2009 of £257,000 for the LLP
since it was only 'managing' the funds of its three clients: BlackSquare Capital Access Fund, BlackSquare Capital Fund
LP and IFSL BlackSquare Capital Fund in the Cayman Islands. As a note, Brian Raven brought Ben Raven into the
'failing' LLP in 2011.

Mass production of shell companies.
For those looking into CIFF:
>Hedge fund boss in £337m divorce sets up new charity after stopping
>The billionaire hedge fund boss Sir Chris Hohn has quietly set up a new charity, having decided to stop funding his
estranged wife’s Children’s Investment Fund Foundation.

>During his divorce proceedings in July, Mr Hohn told the Family Division of the High Court that he had decided he no
longer wanted to give money to the CIFF – a decision borne out by figures filed today showing his hedge fund gave the
charity just £4.8m last year. The previous year it gave £14.2m. Mr Hohn told the court he habitually gave 98 per cent of
the money he could reasonably afford to the foundation.

>His new charity, The CH Foundation (UK), is aimed at helping alleviate poverty and the effects of human trafficking and
organised crime in the Indian subcontinent. It also aims to promote health and education in Jamaica, where Mr Hohn’s car
mechanic father was born.

> CIFF is now The CH Foundation (UK)


older Tavistock listings


Connected to 1 intermediary
Incorporated: 06-MAY-1982 Struck off: 06-AUG-1983
Status: Shelf company
Registered in: Panama
Linked countries: Luxembourg


Connected to 1 intermediary
Incorporated: 26-JAN-1996 Inactivation: 16-SEP-2005 Struck off: 31-DEC-2006
Status: Dissolved
Registered in: Bahamas
Linked countries: Isle of Man
>Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited

There's more on it from the Panama DB:


From Type To
SCARLETT CORPORATE SERVICES LIMITED Intermediary of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
The Bearer Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
Knockdale Limited Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
Gallano Investments Limited Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
Scarlett Corporate Services Limited Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited
Syfrets Enterprises Limited Shareholder of Scarlett Secretarial Services Limited

Other officers in TAVISTOCK FINANCIAL CORPORATION Showing first 30 (see all)

CHARLES LEWIS, vice president

DOUG MCMAHON, vice president
JEFFERSON R VOSS, vice president
JOSEPH LEWIS, vice president
JOSEPH LEWIS, president
THAKKAR, RASESH, president


>London's own 911 was carried out on the 7th of July, 7/7, EXACTLY 11 years before the Dallas shooting.
>An explosion blew apart a bus outside the British Medical Association offices on Tavistock Square in London.
>The London School of Jewish Studies used to be headquartered in Tavistock Square.
>Tavistock Square has been a hotbed of extreme liberalism since the turn of the century. It has commerations to pacifism
(Conscientious Objectors, Ghandhi and Horoshima) and it has spawned publishers which birthed the feminist movement


Some background coincidences, maybe they mean something, maybe they mean nothing.
>The Tavistock Institute in London was set up as a splinter organization from the Tavistock Clinic via funding from the
>It had original Frankfurt School leaders as founders
>It's ostensible remit was psychoanalysis as it relates to ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR and GROUP BEHAVIOUR.
>The Tavistock Institute has been associated with conspiracy theories for decades. Chiefly, that the Institute promotes
degeneracy to destroy society and control World culture (John Coleman - Aquarian Conspiracy)
>There are clear linkages to say that the Tavistock Institute set up the ADL

I've been looking at a bit of the older research of the Tavistock Institute, here are a selection of titles:
>Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority S Milgram - Human relations, 1965
>An experimental study of the effects of cooperation and competition upon group process
>The concept of class as a reference group
>Some Principles of Mass Persuasion Selected Findings of Research on the Sale of United States War Bonds
>Urban neighbourhood as a socio-spatial schema
>The next thirty years: concepts, methods and anticipations
>On the Dynamics of Social Structure A Contribution to the Psycho-Analytical Study of Social Phenomena
all of the above are pre 1970
this is the org that created PsyOps

Related to tavistock: Discussions on Child Development: Volume one:

The Big Lie of the Therapeutic State

>"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and
producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so
that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted
from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And
this seems to be the final revolution." -- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

The Science of Mass Manipulation through crisis creation. An Introduction to the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
You don't have to be interested. I think some elements can be retained nonetheless.

Eric Trist and Hugh Murray <--- Founders of Tavistock.

This is a text straight out of their head:

>''From this background projects emerged related to the fifth Theme, The Unconscious in Culture and Society.''
>''the personality-culture approach''
>''projects were carried out by teams'' / ''most of the projects were conducted in an action-oriented frame of reference''

Guys I have found evidence connecting Tavistock to child molestation/ritual sacrifice.

These kids:
Were sent to Tavistock for "counselling" after this case blew up and was eventually covered up.
google "gabriel alisa tavistock"


>The second Clinton/State Department scheme uncovered by NLPC involves Clinton Foundation donor Claudio Osorio,
who now sits in a federal penitentiary, serving a 12-year term for fraud. In 2013, he was convicted of bilking 10 investors
out of $40 million and the federal government out of $10 million.

>In 2010, both Clintons pushed for a $10 million loan from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) to a
company owned by Osorio called InnoVida. The loan was supposedly for building houses in earthquake-ravaged Haiti, but
Osorio instead used the money to fund a lavish lifestyle and to buy off politicians.

>The loan was rushed through and Osorio was never required to provide an audited financial statement. Documents
uncovered by NLPC show that Bill Clinton lined up a well-connected law firm to represent Osorio with OPIC, and Hillary
Clinton went to bat for the project within the State Department. OPIC is technically an independent agency but submits its
budget through the State Department.

>InnoVida also hired Clinton insider Jonathan Mantz to lobby for the loan, paying his firm $300,000 in 2009 and 2010.
Mantz was Hillary’s 2008 finance director and currently is a key figure in Priorities USA, a pro-Hillary super PAC.

>Whereas Osorio’s Ponzi-like scams have generated headlines, and even an “American Greed” episode on CNBC, the
Clintons' direct involvement in the OPIC loan had not been previously reported. It was discovered by NLPC Chairman Ken
Boehm and Tom Anderson, director of NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, while sifting through documents at state and
federal courthouses in Miami.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

MKULTRA - may be a little /x/-tier, but bear with it

Relevant Mindmap:

There's an interactive map and the sources are very well layed out:

>Project MKUltra—sometimes referred to as the CIA's mind control program

This is ''Brain program''

Download link ------>
More info there :

>Mr. Tirado was president of and ran Venezuelan operations for the famously corrupt Stanford Bank, which was
headquartered in Antigua and was named for its American founder, Allen Stanford. He and Mr. Stanford came to be
extremely close and “were like father and son,” one well-placed source told me.

>Mr. Stanford’s name may ring a bell as he was sentenced to prison for 110 years for committing an $8 billion Ponzi
scheme. In 2006, the Hugo Chavez government was asked to investigate Mr. Tirado by scandal-plagued, pro-Wall Street
New York Congressman Gregory W. Meeks, a member of the House Committee on Financial Services and a major
recipient of cash and perks from jailbird Allen Stanford. Mr. Tirado was charged with tax evasion and theft, The Hill
newspaper reported.

>Tirado soon fled for Miami to avoid prosecution and petitioned the State Department, through Mr. Mantz, for political
asylum. It’s not clear if he won asylum—and he doesn’t seem to merit it as he had no record of political opposition to the
Chavez government—but it is clear that he was allowed to remain in the U.S. and live a life of luxury.

>Incredibly, the Obama administration not only failed to help the Chavez government investigate Mr. Tirado, but it also
indicted a legendary former DEA agent named Tom Raffanello, a one-time head of the DEA’s Miami office and the
agency’s chief of congressional affairs during Bill Clinton’s first term as president.

Mr. Raffanello’s subsequent prosecution, which ended in abysmal failure, almost surely was prompted and abetted by Mr.
Tirado, a secret FBI informant. the Justice Department indicted a decorated former DEA agent Raffanello, who had tried
to blow the whistle on Tirado. The case against Raffanello was so weak, and so obviously political, that the judge
unilaterally acquitted him even before the jury reached a verdict. Until now, Raffanello has refrained from public comment
but he spoke to Silverstein and had plenty to say. Unsurprisingly, the vindicated Mr. Raffanello had few kind words for Mr.
Tirado or Ms. Clinton during a recent interview.

>“Tirado believed in buying influence,” Mr. Raffanello said of the crooked financier. “He wouldn’t give away 10 cents that
he didn’t think he’d get back a dollar on. That was his entire philosophy.”

>As for Ms. Clinton, he said that during her years in the Obama administration the “prevailing wisdom in Miami at the time,
among people in high profile civil and criminal defense circles, was that giving money to the Clinton Foundation was very
helpful. She was secretary of state and a potential future president. I’m sure that’s the same thinking now.”


A name that I came across months ago was Rajiv K. Fernando.

Rajiv K. Fernando is a major Clinton Foundation donor who was placed on a sensitive government intelligence advisory
board, even though he has no obvious experience in the field. This appointment baffled the department’s professional

Here are links referencing this claim:

Other reference link:
According to this, he'd have TS security clearance for a period in July to August 17th, 2011. If there was someway to link
when the SAP's got on the server, we might have connection.

This guy started a company called Chopper trading

That was taken over by DRW in 2015
>Chicago trading firm DRW Trading Group has agreed to buy a smaller rival in the city, Chopper Trading, a deal that
continues recent consolidation in the industry.
>In 2016, Fernando launched
>serving on the Foreign Policy Leadership Committee at the Brookings Institute
>As CEO, Fernando designed, implemented and managed some of the most sophisticated risk management,
communications, trading, monitoring and source code security systems in the financial industry.

Possible headhunter?
>What is Scoutahead?
>Scoutahead™ is a platform for both individuals and organizations to get confidential information and reviews from the
people they trust. Scoutahead is uniquely designed for both the person providing information and the party receiving it.

>Obama and the DNC raised over $15.6 million from the financial industry for his 2012 reelection
>Obama’s third-largest source of cash in
>Chicago-based Chopper Trading Chopper Trading’s CEO Raj Fernando held a fundraiser in his home with Joe Biden
>Chopper Trading raised at least $200,000 for Obama’s campaign and for the DNC
>Chopper Trading employs a controversial high-frequency trading technique
>A federal study of the 2010 “flash crash” placed the blame on high-frequency trading technologies
>Other studies have cited high-frequency trading as contributing to stock market volatility

Found Rajiv Fernando's blog -

He goes by Raj Fernando. My uploaded file has an e-mail where he is referenced. Here is the context I found - "Not sure
why Mills put him (Raj) on that board. Months after he resigned, another slot on the board opened up. Mills communicates
about it to Clinton, referring to Rajiv Fernando as "Raj". He's on a first-name basis. That's how money gets you a top
secret clearance."

Went on Reddit
( and used to find any censored material.
No mention of his appointment on the ISAB. They talk up his international financial market knowledge. Looking at the
bigger picture, maybe he sought intelligence on foreign financial markets to benefit the CF?
This implicates Cheryl Mills was the main reason he was able to get the position. Also, seems like media suspicion was
talked about in some of these emails.


Been looking into the clinton foundation website on the ol' wayback machine and the very first instances of the domain for
their .org brings up ALLTEL in october 2000.

I wondered why the name ALLTEL seemed familiar to me then I remembered:

>Charles Wilbourne Miller: 63, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, 1998 in a shallow pit
about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a .410 gauge shotgun near Miller’s body and a Ruger
.357-caliber revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the Ruger was the weapon used by Miller to kill
himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun’s cylinder had been spent.

>He had long served as executive vice president and member of the board of directors for a company called Alltel and
was deeply involved in his own software engineering company until the day he died. Alltel is the successor to Jackson
Stephens’ Systematics, the company that provided the software for the White House’s “Big Brother” data base system
and that was behind the administration’s plan to develop the secret computer “Clipper” chip to bug every phone, fax and
email transmission in America.
Oh right that guy who was such a bad shot he needed two guns to commit "suicide."

>Pia Farrenkopf -- the mummified woman found dead in Pontiac, Michigan, in March 2014
>The Clintons, PROMIS, PRISM, Systematics, Inc. (later Altell):

Systematics - since purchased by Alltel - an Arkansas financial and technical firm headed by billionaire Jackson
Stephens, has often been reported as the primary developer of Promis for financial intelligence use. Systematics through
its various evolutions had been a primary supplier of software used in inter-bank and international money transfers for
many years. Attorneys who have been connected to Systematics and Promis include Webster Hubbell, Hillary Clinton and
the late Vince Foster.
>Pia Farrankopf, the mummified woman from Pontiac, Michigan, had a 23 year history working for Systematics, Inc. (later
Alltel), that traces back to Little Rock, Arkansas.
>Nov. 2, 2010: Voting records showed Farrenkopf casting a ballot in the gubernatorial election, but investigators said they
believe it's an error in the records and she didn't vote.
>Cecil Goeldner spent 30 years with Systematics, Inc./Alltel -- doing exactly the same job that Pia did: installing core
banking systems across the globe.

>Have installed and tested all Systematics software products at dozens of domestic client locations as well as many major
international institutions in England, large banks in Puerto Rico, the National Bank of Greece and Riyadh Bank of Saudi
Arabia.Developed the source translator system for the international version of Systematics software.Assisted in opening
first SI data center in England and consulted with client (American Express) in the conversion to Systematics ATM Card
processing for U.S. Military personnel in England and Germany.


cecil-goeldner&catid=61:national&Itemid=1 09

PROMIS background:
>In the 1980's Inslaw, Inc developed a software program called PROMIS (Prosecutor's Management Information System)
the Fed's took the software and modified and added backdoors to it.

>But the real power of PROMIS, according to Hamilton, is that with a staggering 570,000 lines of computer code,
PROMIS can integrate innumerable databases without requiring any reprogramming. In essence, PROMIS can turn blind
data into information. And anyone in government will tell you that information, when wielded with finesse, begets power.
Converted to use by intelligence agencies, as has been alleged in interviews by ex-CIA and Israeli Mossad agents,
PROMIS can be a powerful tracking device capable of monitoring intelligence operations, agents and targets, instead of
legal cases.
>—Richard L. Fricker, Wired magazine, 1993, "The INSLAW Octopus"

>Bin Laden's reported possession of Promis software was clearly reported in a June 15, 2001 story by Washington Times
reporter Jerry Seper. That story went unnoticed by the major media. In it Seper wrote, "The software delivered to the
Russian handlers and later sent to bin Laden, according to sources, is believed to be an upgraded version of a program
known as Promis - developed in the 1980s by a Washington firm, Inslaw, Inc., to give attorneys the ability to keep tabs on
their caseloads. It would give bin Laden the ability to monitor U.S. efforts to track him down, federal law-enforcement
officials say. It also gives him access to databases on specific targets of his choosing and the ability to monitor electronic-
banking transactions, easing money-laundering operations for himself or others, according to sources."

>ENTER Obama's uncle, Cecil Goeldner

>Cecil Goeldner married Stanley Dunham's sister, Virginia Dunham. They met while both worked at Boeing in Kansas.
Cecil would go on to become a computer programmer after working and studying in the data processing division of

>Cecil's website provides an incredible glimpse into Obama's family, and shows that Obama is not quite the outsider he
has pretended to be. His familial ties link closely back to Hillary Clinton, Vince Foster, and the Rose Law Firm. I
encourage anyone interested to read it.
Obama's uncle worked the very job Pia Farrenkopf worked prior to her obtaining that position.

>Pia led a life isolated from her family due to her commitment to her job. She had moved to Pontiac, Michigan from Little
Rock, around 2006, and continued to work for Alltel under yet a new name: Fidelity National Information Services.

>At Alltel, Pia installed core banking systems across the globe. It wasn't unusual for family and friends to go months or
longer without speaking to her. In fact, Pia's family and friends felt her job was such an important clue to her death that
they reported to the press about an argument Pia had with her former boss.

>The commitment, made through CGI, between Palantir Technologies, Team Rubicon and Direct Relief is the first of its
kind - bringing together volunteers and staff with military, pharmaceutical, disaster relief and data science expertise to
more efficiently meet the needs of vulnerable communities hit by calamities.


>Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe signed a controversial order into law which restored voting rights to more than 200,000
convicted felons in Virginia. At the time we noted McAuliffe's close relationship with Hillary, and opposition comments that
his action "doesn't speak of mercy. Rather, it speaks of political opportunism," and African American support in the state.
All of which is by way of background as CNN reports today that McAuliffe is now being probed over questionable
donations made to his campaign (from a Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang) during his time as a board member of
The Clinton Global Initiative. We have three simple words: quid pro quo?

>Wang also has been a donor to the Clinton foundation, pledging $2 million.




The earlier mentioned Talos Properties with the obvious mass cash injection was originally formed with a man who
immediately resigned the position named Adrian Joseph Morris Levy. This seemed odd since Simon Trevor Lloyd didn't
appear to have any qualms with being director of over three dozen companies. Why have someone else spin it up?

Mr Adrian Joseph Morris Levy aged 46, is a director in 997 companies and a secretary in 3 companies. Adrian has
resigned from 998 of these appointments.

It appears Adrian offers a service where he spins up shell companies to hand-off. Doing so in London isn't to any tax
benefit, though. This is purely about obfuscation of finances. Sort of like London's version of Mossack Fonseca.

>Adrian Joseph Morris Levy
Companies House has him in a few more than that.
..and further to that, from his correspondence address.
It seems setting companies up is their game, they advertise the fact.

I may have found something.

Melinda Walker, a massage therapist in Santa Fe. The name "Melinda" appears in Epstein’s little black book in the
Massage - New Mexico section at the very end, page 91 of the PDF.

That HAS to be her. Think she'd know anything incriminating against Epstein or the CF?

Her business information is readily available on Groupon of all places. Think she'd be worth a contact? A 'masseuse'
might know more about this than many journalists could dig up.

How many other Melindas are anywhere near Zorro Ranch, and this one happens to be a professional massage therapist.

From PsychologyToday:
"Years in Practice: 20+ Years",LPCC,CRS,BCPC_Santa+Fe_New+Mexico_5

Look at her specialties. This has Epstein and his twisted band of pedos written all over it. Likely she focused on this after
bearing witness to JEp's scandals, and move to psychology as well as form of coping herself, and helping others through

It's all just wayyyy too coincidental.

Earlier, a >1 post by this ID tried to throw me off the trail, but that only confirms that this Melinda might know something,
I'm just too pussy and normie to actually call, since there are no payphones where I live.

>When the recently leaked “Panama Papers” exposed the existence of thousands of offshore bank accounts of the
politically high and mighty, Hillary Clinton quickly decried them as “outrageous tax havens” for “the super-rich.”

>But it turns out that the Democratic presidential front-runner and her husband have multiple connections with people
named in the papers — including staffers and major donors, McClatchy Newspapers revealed Saturday night.

>Among those named in the papers as using the Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca to set up offshore entities are
Gabrielle Fialkoff, who served as Clinton’s finance director during her first campaign for the Senate in New York,
according to a report published online at

>Fialkoff is also a senior adviser to Mayor de Blasio and director of the city’s Office of Strategic Partnership.

>Another name from the papers is billionaire Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate and longtime crony of Bill Clinton
who has donated $100 million to the Clinton Foundation.

>Yet another name from the paper is The Chagoury Group, an international developer based in West Africa that has
pledged $1 billion in projects to the Clinton Global Initiative.

>Additional names include Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng, who was at the center of a Democratic fund-raising scandal
during the Clinton administration, and Marc Rich, the notorious international fugitive pardoned by Bill Clinton in his final
hours as president in 2001, McClatchy reported.
>McClatchy Newspapers and some 350 other reporters under the umbrella of the International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists have been pouring over a massive dump of more than 11.5 million Mossack Fonseca documents,
revealing their first findings earlier this month.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------


>Leaked Audio: Hillary Clinton Calls at Private Fundraiser for Infrastructure Bank to Resemble Clinton Global Initiative

>Hillary Clinton told donors at a private fundraiser in New York last Thursday that she plans as president to create a
“national infrastructure bank” modeled on the Clinton Global Initiative, according to a recording of her remarks obtained by
the Washington Free Beacon.

>This was the first time that Clinton, who has long supported the formation of a government-controlled bank to invest in
national infrastructure projects, cited the Clinton Global Initiative—the flagship arm of her family’s controversial
foundation—as an investment model for her proposed bank.

>Clinton said CGI’s “public-private” partnership with labor unions has created tens of thousands of jobs, and argued that a
federal infrastructure bank could take on this type of project.

>“Think of what we can do on a national scale,” said Clinton.

>Clinton’s plan for a national infrastructure bank dovetails with the financial interests of some of her most prominent
supporters. Her comments could also give ammunition to critics who say that the Clintons’ philanthropic operations,
including CGI, have been plagued with conflicts of interest and financial mismanagement.

>“I want to see if we can create what is called an infrastructure bank,” said Clinton. “It’s like a revolving loan fund so we
can take it out of to a great extent the annual fight over appropriations. If we can get it funded with a combination of public
and private funds, we can do this.”

>Clinton cited as an example a $15 billion project she said the Clinton Global Initiative is running with labor union pension
funds to train people for “clean energy work.”



>Report: FBI Email Probe Now Investigating Potential Clinton Foundation Corruption

>The FBI is reportedly investigating the “intersection” of Clinton Foundation donations and State Department decisions
during Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State violated corruption laws.

>Three sources from the intelligence community confirmed the probe’s expansion to Fox’s Catherine Herridge. “The
agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department
contracts and whether regular processes were followed,” one source told Fox.

>Another intelligence source told Fox News that there was strong internal pressure from within the FBI to investigate the
possibility of corruption. “…Many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with
much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation,” the source said.

>While Fox’s report doesn’t make clear exactly which “intersections” are being investigated, the details of the case bear a
striking resemblance to allegations put forward in the 2014 book Clinton Cash. In the book, conservative author Peter
Schweizer noted that foreign government donations to the nonprofit Clinton Foundation often coincided with positive State
Department decisions in favor of those governments. Clinton herself has strongly denied that Clinton Foundation business
had any effect on her decision-making
as Secretary of State.

WiGLE AND TWILIO INC WiGLE is an open source community but the database is entirely closed by the admins who are 2 automated

These traders sell data ( from their API's for "commercial use".

One of the big buyers and users of WiGLE info is Twilio Inc.

Their API:

The head of the board of Twilio is a guy named JEFF LAWSON.

Guess who he max donated to? YEP, HRC.

Twilio is working with the Clinton Foundation:


>Last year, Lee joined Sen. Jeff Flake in voting against Sens. Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz, helping to pass a Democratic
amendment, which would essentially codify the idea that Muslims living in foreign nations have a global right to immigrate
to the United States.

>Both Lee and Flake come from devout Mormon families. Many have pointed out how the Mormon church seems to have
aligned itself with big business interests in efforts to open America’s borders. In 2010, church and business leaders signed
the Utah Compact.

>As The Salt Lake Tribune reported last year, Ali Noorani, the executive director of the Soros-funded National Immigration
Forum, has described the Utah Compact as the “gift that keeps on giving.”


Ever heard of Fethullah Gulen? The leader of a muslim movement in Turkey. He's living in a CIA-funded compound in
Turkey, funds terrorist attacks in Turkey, has been extradited by Erdogan, oh and he's got a whole bunch of charter
schools in the US - THAT THE FBI HAVE RAIDED

>Gulen is a charismatic and reclusive man who has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999. The official
reason for his exile is given as "medical", but Gulen was actually fleeing charges of plotting to overthrow the government
in Turkey. Over the years, he has built an impressive network of more than 1,000 schools in 140 countries, from South
Africa to the United States.

Here's just one example (I'll get to the Clinton part)

>The FBI has raided a charter school in Louisiana which allegedly has ties to the controversial movement of Fethullah
Gulen, a Turkish cleric living in self-imposed exile in the US. During the visit at the Kenilworth Science and Technology
Charter school in Baton Rouge, federal agents seized several boxes from the campus but they refused to reveal the
reasons behind the raid.
>It is not the first time that the FBI has put the spotlight on the charter schools, which are funded by American taxpayers.
In 2011, the agency was investigating whether employees of charter schools linked to the movement were kicking back
part of the salary to Hizmet, a Muslim movement funded by Gulen in Turkey.
>U.S. federal agents have raided 19 charter schools, including three in Ohio, where an FBI criminal investigation in
Cleveland has led to search warrants in Indiana and Illinois over the past week, Ohio-based Beacon Journal has reported.

Concept Schools, a charter school operator headquartered near Chicago, manages 19 charter schools in Ohio, second
only to Texas with 44 such schools. There are nearly 140 charter schools, spread across 26 states, reportedly associated
with Turkish cleric Fethullah Gülen, an Islamic cleric exiled from Turkey, living in Pennsylvania.

Concept Schools, which emphasizes math and science, has been investigated previously by the U.S. Department of
Labor for its use of foreign workers. Ohio audits found that public money for the schools had been used improperly for
visas, according to the report.

And where the Clintons get involved:

>Gülen lives in the United States, and he has received praise and support from high-level figures in the American
government. Bill Clinton and James Baker have delivered encomiums to his contributions to world peace, for instance,
and President Obama has made an admiring visit to the Gülen-inspired Pinnacle School in Washington, D.C. Former CIA
officer Graham Fuller—also former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council and the author of The Future of
Political Islam—vouched for Gülen personally in his green-card application process, as did former CIA officer George
Fidas and former ambassador to Turkey Morton Abramowitz.
>Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Clinton Foundation have taken in hundreds of thousands of dollars from Gülen’s
followers, including from Recep Ozkan, former president of the Gülen-connected Turkish Cultural Center.
>42nd U.S. President Clinton thanks the Gülen Movement for contributions to world peace and security
>Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government mouthpiece Star daily has claimed that Turkish-Islamic scholar
Fethullah Gülen bribed US politicians including US President Barack Obama and Democrat Party presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton as well as 200 members of the US Congress to gain political favors from the US government.

Gülen who has been vilified by the AK Party government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is claimed to have
“countless” court cases opened against him by US authorities.

>The Star daily claimed in its major story on Wednesday that Gülen bribed President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Rick Perry,
and Jeb Bush alongside 200 members of the US Congress to “slow down” judicial proceedings.
>Star, which is owned by Ethem Sancak, a businessman close to Erdoğan, also claimed that Gülen is trying to topple the
government from the US, where he resides, via the “Parallel Structure,” a phrase coined by Erdoğan to refer to the Gülen


Searched gulen. Found this email with an irs receipt attached. 10,000 dollars to lakefront strategies. Interesting
>lakefront strategies
connected to Rahm Emanuel, Barack’s buddy from chicago
Why is /pol/ always right?
Blogspot accusing lakefront strategies of paid shilling

There’s a reason why gulenist schools are banned from Russia. They are a cia front
Fuller makes a full denial, but remember he was the one that wrote to the FBI to discourage them to deport him. (FROM

it is worth digging into the Gulen-Clinton relationship

the missing link is one Graham E Fuller, ex-CIA, author of the Fuller Memorandum, father of Samantha Ankara Fuller
(who was uncle Tsarni's wife)
Fuller is undoubtedly linked to Gulen, what remains is to solidly link him to Clintons
>Boston bombers were homebrewed

I just started looking, and I got this weird thing - allegations that Graham Fuller ordered a hit on Bill Clinton
Fuller was buying reports from Stratfor
and he's also being discussed elsewhere in the Stratfor e-mails

> How did Fuller and former USA Ambassador Morton Abramowitz and businessman Ishak Alaton know each other?

partial list of Gulenist contributions to Clinton campaign here:
Gulenists contributing to Hillary's 2008 campaign:

also the (in)famous video

Hillary personally asking how the Kurds feel about Gulen:


Hillary running diplomatic interference for Gulenists in Uzbekistan

> --We are very concerned about the arrests this year of at least 37 individuals ) including a FLEX program alumnus who
studied in Connecticut ) on extremism charges based on their alleged membership in Nur, a movement associated with
Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gulen.

Some helpful downloads:

You can download many PDFs from here:
It contains a pdf named "Huma's Ties" - maybe there you can find more Gülenist clues.
Also, download “The Gulen Movement” here:

A gulenist you are looking for is Recep Ozkan

>trip sponsored by Turkic American Alliance, meeting with prominent business and govt. officials
More on KYM
In the document regarding operations in palestine, they've been working with Peace Solidarity and Relief Society and
Gaza Immediate Voluntary Relief Effort(Give Gaza) in Gaza region and with Al Zakah committee of Jerusalem in West



>A former president of the Gulen-linked Turkish Cultural Center, Ozkan gave between $500,001 and $1,000,000 to the
Clinton Foundation in recent months, the charity’s website shows. He also served as a national finance co-chair last year
for a pro-Clinton political action committee called Ready PAC.
>Ready PAC
Now we have gone full circle. The same people throwing money at each other and around the same PAC's
>Ready PAC
>Priorities USA Action
>Hillary For America
>Hillary Victory Fund
>Correct the Record
The same thing with the clinton foundation, the same strange people and or companies pop up over and over again.

It's beautiful, the dots connect.

Guess who works right alongside American Bridge 21st Century on the same floor of the same building?
The Bonner Group. The money is coming in through The Bonner Group.

Oh look, globalists!


>The Turkish Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) ordered the detentions of 2,745 judges hours after
removing them from their posts at an extraordinary meeting on Saturday, which comes after a failed coup attempt by the
Gülenist Terror Organization (FETÖ), while 11 prosecutors, 10 Court of Appeals members were arrested and arrest
warrants were issued for 140 others.

>The charismatic Sunni imam Fethullah Gülen, leader of a politically powerful Turkish religious movement likened by The
Guardian to an “Islamic Opus Dei,” occasionally webcasts sermons from self-imposed exile in the Poconos while his
organization quickly grows to head the largest chain of charter schools in America

Soros Open Society Freely Operates in Istanbul, Turkey. New, freshly-folded flags indication of Soros "involvement in
themed revolutions".


Basic background:

Operation Gladio B is a classified ongoing expansion of Operation Gladio. The original Gladio was established just after
the end of World War II by a small number of senior officials within OSS/CIA, MI6 and NATO. This was a top secret
network of fascist "stay-behind" cells trained to carry out acts of terrorism in the event of a Soviet invasion. This was
exposed in the 1980's after they were used to carry out a string of false flag attacks , mostly in Italy, which were initially
blamed on communist groups. As the cold war ended, this strategy of tension was diversified to include Gladio B, which
substitutes Muslims for fascists and neo-nazis. It was exposed by FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, who revealed
"Operation Gladio B" as an FBI codename adopted in 1997 for ongoing relations between US intelligence, the Pentagon
and Al Qaeda.[1] Daniel Ellsberg has stated that Edmonds possesses information "far more explosive than the Pentagon
Papers".[2] She has stated that 9-11 was a Gladio/B Operation[2] and summarizes the objective of Gladio B as:
"projecting U.S. power in the former Soviet sphere of influence to access previously untapped strategic energy and
mineral reserves for U.S. and European companies; pushing back Russian and Chinese power; and expanding the scope
of lucrative criminal activities, particularly illegal arms and drugs trafficking."[3]

TLDR: Gladio is NATO. Gladio A first established in Turkey using the Babas (spelling? they are Turkish gangsters) to
destabilize the caucasus because geopolitical players (think Brezinksi) have long thought that area was a strategic key to
being the biggest kid on the block. This eventually got someone outed and they found it was better to use islamic
fundamentalists, AKA Mujahideen and Al Qaeda

I'm no expert on this, I think it had it's roots in Italy after WWII and some other countries but I don't think that's important
for us. Basically the theory goes that almost all "terror" attacks that occur around the world trace back to Gladio B, the B
was adopted when they started using islam. Organizations like Al Quaeda (literally means the database) and ISIS are
Gladio B controlled. I'm sure there are some useful idiots that actually believe, but we're talking about who's really pulling
the strings.

I learned about this mostly from Sibel Edmonds (nationally famous 9/11 whistleblower ) and James Corbett from
CorbettReport. Here are videos if you want to learn more:

I gotta stress that this is not /x/-tier garbage. This can be proven by breaking down the geopolitical actors, motives, etc

Now to Gulen:
"Our first knowledge about Gülen is, his struggle against communism via a foundation (which was a NATO agenda
indeed). So could we say that Gülen and his CIA relationship started long ago?
WE: Yes, all evidence suggests that NATO Turkish Gladio networks picked up Gülen as a potentially useful asset years
ago. As their agenda changed with the collapse of the Soviet Union, their role for Gülen changed as well and doors were
opened for him to play that role.
So in a true sense we can say that the Gülen Cemaat is the nothing more than the projection of an idea from Langley
Virginia CIA headquarters, an idea from essentially stupid people there who believed they could use him and they could
abuse religion as a cover to advance their design for global control, what David Rockefeller calls One World Government.
Unlike the CIA’s Mujahideen Jihadists like Hekmatyar in Afghanistan or Naser Oric in Bosnia, the CIA decided to give
Fethullah Gülen a radically different image. No blood-curdling, head-severing, human-heart-eating Jihadist. No, Fethullah
Gülen was presented to the world as a man of “peace, love and brotherhood,” even managing to grab a photo Op with
Pope John Paul II, which Gülen featured prominently on his website. The Gülen organization in the US hired one of
Washington’s highest-paid Public Relations image experts, George W. Bush’s former campaign director, Karen Hughes,
to massage his “moderate” Islam image."

I recommend reading full article above for clues as well as this video:
Again, I'm no expert, I'm more hoping to connect a dot for someone more knowledgeable than me. Last thing I'll say is
that Gulen has a HUGE network of shady Islamic charter schools throughout the US that gets no attention. I can't put my
finger on why, maybe something I read in the past, but I think this may be important to the interests of this investigation:
"For the last two years I have been pounding on Imam Fethullah Gulen’s web of organizations and his charter schools
empire in the US. For years I have been marveling about the consistent media blackout on the Turkish Imam Fethullah
Gulen’s past and present nefarious activities and highly suspicious partnerships with various US government agencies
and elected officials. And of course for almost two years I have been writing and discussing Gulen with you over here at
Boiling Frogs Post. Now the New York Times appears to be catching up; at least with a fraction of this notorious Imam’s
multi billion dollar network of organizations and businesses. Yesterday, the Times ran a fairly detailed and long exposé on
Gulen’s dubious and highly secretive penetration of US school systems via his rapidly growing charter school operations; "


one deputy called Elisa carrio denounced that the police chief of Buenos Aires Province is really deep into drug trafficking.
A day after she presented charges she received a death threat and is now under protection of the police

"Le vengo advirtiendo a la gobernadora desde hace cinco meses. Ya no puedo no decirlo públicamente. Hay un
problema muy grave de seguridad". afirmó Carrió. Y fue más allá: "Se están matando. Están generando un clima de

I've been warning the governor for 5 months. I cannot not tell the public. Theres a big security issue", Carrio said. And she
went beyond: " They are killing. They are generatian a climate of insecurity

The police chief "Pablo Bressi" was before in charge of the anti narcotic division and yet foreing drug cartels and the
human trafficking the brought started popping like no tomorrow
After the governor elections the peronists lost and the new administration from the party Cambiemos
(Merkel/Obama/Hillary puppets) assumed control over the province promoted him to his current position
Deputy Carrio and his team are getting more evidence to present charges against him soon

But just now on tv:

Felipe sola who is also a deputy and was governor of BS AS province in between 2002-7 said that when he was asked
who he thinks should be the police chief, that he spoke against Bressi and that it was the United state Embassy by
petition of the DEA who appointed him. Maria Eugenia Vidal, the governor had ignored the fact Sola had told her very
clearly to the governor Maria Eugenia Vidal that DEA's agenda and our government's agenda are opposites

Note: Both Carrio and Sola are part of the same political party "Cambiemos"

>Basically socialists who want to radically change the US.
>paper outlining their basic strategy, written by economist Gar Alperovitz
>Gar Alperovitz was one of the founders of the Democracy Collaborative, now is in a "New Economy Advisor" to the
>According to the Democracy collaborative he worked on environmental and consumer stuff as an advisor on the Council
of Economic Advisors.
Co-founder, current President. From their site:
>Ted lectures frequently about community wealth building, most recently at the Clinton Global Initiative-America, the
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, the Co-operatives United World
Conference (Manchester, England), various regional Federal Reserve Banks, as well as at universities including the
University of Pennsylvania, Yale, MIT, Georgetown, Oberlin, Michigan State and the Ohio State University.

>Steve Dubb is special project guy who formerly had "Building Wealth: The New Asset-Based Approach to Solving Social
and Economic Problems" published by the Aspen Institute
>Aspen Institute is evidently some type of think tank, though one that is "bipartisan" according to the site. It would appear
that inequality and environment are key focuses.
>Aspen institute linked to Northwest Area Foundation, evidently a more socialist type of collective grant-giver, particularly
to native populations

From pictures, identified ""

> is the financial loaning arm of Aspen institute
>Aspen Institute locks arms with Chase, JP Morgan, and The Bridgespan Group
>An organization of philanthropists, doing consultations and such. Doesn't seem to do much themselves other than
consult, train, and organize. Former alumni Tara Abrahams now oversees work for Girl Rising and USAID.


Have our anon detectives posted links of Clinton-UBS relationship?

>In March 2009, after meeting with Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
intervened with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on behalf of Switzerland's most powerful banking institution,
UBS. The IRS, which at that time was seeking the identity of wealthy Americans who had stashed some $20 billion in
52,000 tax evading UBS accounts, then agreed that the Swiss bank need only turn over information on 4,450 accounts.
Afterwards, UBS increased its previous $60,000 in donations to the Clinton Foundation ten-fold. By the end of 2014, UBS
donations to the Clinton Foundation totaled $600,000. UBS also "paid former President Bill Clinton $1.5 million to
participate in a series of question-and-answer sessions with UBS Wealth Management Chief Executive Bob McCann,
making UBS his biggest single corporate source of speech income disclosed since he left the White House."

>Those facts, of themselves, raise disturbing questions. Did a bank that still ranks as "the world's biggest wealth
manager" and has at its disposal a bevy of economists and law firms have a legitimate reason for paying Bill Clinton $1.5
million in speaking fees? Or was the $1.5 million and the tenfold increase in Clinton Foundation donations a reward for the
former secretary of State's intervention? If the latter, that reward would have, under federal law (18 U.S.C. § 201(c)(1)(A)),
amounted to an illicit bribe. (The Hill) (WSJ) (The Atlantic)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------




Iron Mountain fire deemed arson

Although an earlier investigation led by an economic crime and money-laundering unit had eliminated “criminal
hypotheses” concerning the fire in May 2014, it has been noted that the firms most affected by the fire were
multinationals, large Argentine companies and financial entities. Among them was HSBC Argentina.

HSBC Argentina has been accused of tax fraud, tax evasion and money-laundering in a scheme that includes thousands
of Argentine citizens transferring funds of up that US$3 billion to HSBC’s Geneva branch.

Iron Mountain itself has also been under investigation for money-laundering activities.

The police report, now in the hands of prosecutor Marcela Sánchez, opens up the door to further investigations to
determine who may have been responsible for the fire and accordingly, to determine their responsibility in the deaths of
the 10 firefighters that perished .


HSBC staff explained handing Caring the huge sum of cash by quoting a statement by him that he planned to deposit the
cash with another Swiss bank, and did not want either bank to be aware of the other. They wrote: “RC goes to great
lengths to maintain discretion.” …

The files show Caring, a major donor to British politics, transferring $1 million to the Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit set up
by the former U.S. President Bill Clinton with the stated mission to “strengthen the capacity of people in the United States
and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence.”

The donation to the Clinton Foundation was requested in December 2005. The previous month, Caring funded a
champagne and caviar extravaganza at Catherine the Great’s Winter Palace in St Petersburg, Russia, flying in 450 guests
to be entertained by Sir Elton John and Tina Turner and addressed by Bill Clinton. The event raised more than £11 million
for a children’s charity.

Also making an appearance in the HSBC documents is Canadian mining mogul Frank Guistra, whose name was listed on
an account holding more than $10 million in 2006-07.

Well would you look at that HSBC the bank that laundered two billion for drug cartels also gave 81 million to the Clinton
>They include Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate and one of the foundation’s biggest financial backers, and
Richard Caring, the British retail magnate who, the bank’s internal records show, used his tax-free Geneva account to
transfer $1m into the New York-based foundation
>Giustra’s Swiss HSBC account, created in 2002, contained up to $10m in the 2006-2007 period. Lawyers for the mining
magnate said that he held the account for investment purposes, and that it was in compliance with Canadian laws that
required disclosure of foreign assets
>Another Clinton foundation donor who had a HSBC account in the tax haven is Jeffrey Epstein, the hedge fund manager
and convicted sex offender who once flew the former president on his private jet for charity events in Africa
Epstein donated to the foundation through HSBC! The judge who did not prosecute HSBC was appointed by Bill Clinton

A little on Comey:
James Comey used to be on the board of HSBC. HSBC laundered money for 7 accounts in their Geneva Bank Division
for Clinton Foundation. HSBC was found to have laundered money for Mexican Drug Cartel's and was going to be
charged billions of dollars in a fine but Eric Holder got them off in 2012 while HRC was SecState. Bill has given 6 fig
speeches to HSBC before too....



[cue discussion about how the elites are getting away with it]
>That validates what the group think has been about multiple competing elite groups, that also work together.

It reminds me of what JP Morgan did.

>DEFINITION of 'Morganization'
>Monopolization techniques used by J.P. Morgan in the nineteenth century. J.P. Morgon used his reputation to lure
European financiers into America by taking over an industry and stabilizing it through monopoly. Morgan would then turn
the industry into a single, stable, profitable entity that was much more palatable to European bankers.

>BREAKING DOWN 'Morganization'

>Morgan "morganized" the railroad industry first, taking over small underfinanced companies. He then took over the steel,
electricity and banking industries the same way. The solid, steady growth that resulted was successful in transforming the
U.S. from a debtor nation to one that was able to lend money to others.

So the idea is, that they are moving to "Morganize" the extremely disorganized Middle Eastern power group, which I
imagine extends into much of Africa more than we know. Their plan is to absorb some of the groups and pit others against
each other, this is likely the reason for China going into Africa.

Not to mention what him and Edison did to Tesla.



Tides foundation is the lynchpin between Soros, Clinton foundation, and many other orgs and people.

"Between 2003 and 2011, NoVo (Buffet's foundation) donated $26 million toTides Foundation, which in turn..."
"Democratic presidential candidate HillaryClintonspeaks on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, N.J.,Wednesday .... were
funded by theTides Foundation, another recipient of Soros cash."
"Frank E. Loy, Environmental Defense Fund's chairman of the board, served asClinton's Under Secretary of State for ...
TheTides Foundationhas a history of making donations and grants to every..."


Here's the 2014 IRS 990 for The Open Society Institute.
Lots of good info - full records of contributions and grants. May be something here.


Jerome Corsi's book just came out, and it mentions a group called Davos. Looking them up returns this:

>Chapter 3: Reinventing Davos

>"The [Clinton] foundation... accepted millions from seven foreign governments while Hillary Clinton served as secretary
of state." - Washington Post

>Among the various similar versions of the story of how Bill Clinton got the idea to create the Clinton Global Initiative, the
version with the most credibility was told by journalist Alec MacGillis in the 'New Republic.' His article, "Scandal at Clinton
Inc: How Doug Band drove a wedge through a political dynasty," was highly critical of the Clinton foundation and, in
particular, of Doug Band.

>MacGillis appears to have gotten the story from Paul Begala, the longtime Clinton loyalist who transitioned from being a
key strategist in Clinton's 1992 run for the White House to serving as cohost of CNN's heavily partisan political program
Crossfire, along with James Carville, another top Clinton strategist from the 1992 presidential campaign.

>"As Begala tells it," MacGillis narrated, "the idea came to Band at the front of grand ideas, Davos." The reference to
Davos is to the World Economic Forum, the high-level meeting of the global business elite.
Literally the EXACT same thing as the CF's little shell:
>Clinton Foundation Initiative
>HSBC and many many more CF and CF Shell Charities and Donors


Some background/connects
Led by Mary Pat Bonner, the Bonner Group is overtly a fundraising business which is almost unique among other
fundraisers in that it takes commission on the donations, typically 12.5%, which is considered unethical by Association of
Fundraising Professionals because it "encourages abuse and places self-gain over philanthropy".

"Ms. Bonner’s fees have been a perennial source of controversy in the Democracy Alliance, a club of wealthy progressive
donors, each obligated to contribute money to a select roster of liberal research and advocacy organizations. [..] She
continues to attend the alliance’s private donor conferences, however, as an unpaid “donor adviser” to Marcy Carsey, a
prominent Hollywood producer. Current and former executives at liberal nonprofits complain about a perception that hiring
Ms. Bonner would improve their chances of being included in the Alliance’s investment portfolio.

“I don’t know what her role in the D.A. is at this point, nor do I know who she actually is a donor adviser to, nor do I know
what organizations she represents within the group of organizations who we are supporting,” Mr. Ryan said. “I think it’s
Gara LaMarche is the president of the Democracy Alliance. LaMarche, a longtime progressive activist and close ally of
George Soros, assumed the post in 2013. Prior to LaMarche's hiring, Hillary Clinton aide Kelly Craighead led the Alliance.
Howard Dean has previously been considered as a potential president for the Democracy Alliance. The board of directors
for the Democracy Alliance includes John Stocks, Patricia Bauman, Paul Egerman, Weston Milliken, Gara LaMarche,
Mary Kay Henry, David desJardins, Nick Hanauer, Farhad Ebrahimi, Josh Fryday, Keith Mestrich, Fran Rodgers, Susan
Sandler and Rob Stein.

John Stocks BOARD CHAIR President of National Education Association (NEA), the largest labor union in the United
Patricia Buaman VICE-CHAIR Patricia E. Bauman is an American mathematician. She is a professor of mathematics at
Purdue University
Paug Egerman TREASURER CEO of eScription and IDX Systems Corp, both healthcare software
Weston Milliken SECRETARY - Management Consultant
Gara LaMarche PRESIDENT Best buddy with Soros and Chuck Feeney
Mary Kay Henry MEMBER International President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
David desJardins MEMBER Software Engineer/Investor
Nick Hanauer MEMBER Entrepeneur
Farhad Ebrahimi MEMBER Founder of Chorus Foundation - Involved with Occupy, BLM and KeystonePL protests
Josh Fryday MEMBER Josh Fryday Chief Operating Officer (COO) for NextGen Climate, founded by Tom Steyer
Keith Mestrich President and Chief Executive Officer of Amalgamated Bank (previously COO of SEIU)
Fran Rodgers MEMBER Chair of WFD Consulting, leads "New Community Fund"
Susan Sandler MEMBER Playwright, 'philantropist'
Rob Stein Journalist, NPR, Washington Post

There, LaMarche joined his former boss at Human Rights Watch, Aryeh Neier, who ran OSI, as leader of US projects.
CEO of Atlantic Philanthropies, the foundation created by Chuck Feeney
Human Rights Watch (Aryeh Neier who runs OSI was once boss here, and recruited LaMarche to OSI as boss of US
Fund for the Republic (advised by Lawrence Lessig) shill organisation
Every Voice (founded by Jonathan Soros)
Mayday PAC (founded by Lawrence Lessig, notable donors include Peter Thiel and Vin Ryan (from DA)
"New Community Fund", and WFD is connected to all the big players.
Atlantic Philantropies, founded by Chuck Feeney (LaMarche CEO before joining DA)
Bauman Foundation, funded by Co-Chair of DA, its board is a who's who of the Soros network

Taken from the Media Matters IRS 990 linked in the OP. Media Matters reported 1.4 Million in compensation to BONNER
GROUP INC for the purpose of Fundraising.

BONNER GROUP Raised 11.8 Million total for Media Matters for FY2013, with 10.4 Million payed to Media Matters
(Minus 1.4 Million fee for Bonner Group). Media Matters reported 11.2 Million in total Revenue in FY2013, almost all of
their revenue was provided by the Bonner Group.

If Media Matters is reporting ANY other expenses for Fundraising, it's most likely fraudulent, because they're reporting
most of it came through the Bonner Group. This is fishy, and I've only spent about 30 minutes looking at this.

It may be worth the time to investigate the other Non-Profits in the Democracy Alliance and see what they’re paying in
contracting services. This may be one technique they use for funneling funds between organizations, disguised as

Bonner Group has been flagged before by Watchdogs. There may be something here.

More on the Bonner Group...I'm finding almost no traces of them anywhere. This is the most official record I've been able
to locate off of West Virginia's Business Records.

Doing a search on their address (PO Box 523523 Springfield, VA 22152) brings up some miscellaneous 990s, but nothing
big from what I've seen so far.
Is it strange for a multi-million dollar fundraiser to be operating out of a PO Box?


Company Number: 04409496

Status: Active
Incorporation Date: 1 February 1995 (over 21 years ago)
Company Type: Corporation
Jurisdiction: Virginia (US)
Registered Address:
United States
Directors / Officers: JOHN P MCGEEHAN, agent


SCC ID: 04409496

Entity Type: Corporation
Jurisdiction of Formation: VA
Date of Formation/Registration: 2/1/1995
Status: Terminated
Shares Authorized: 1000
Principal Office: 455 MASSCHUSETTE AVE NW, SUITE 640, WASHINGTON DC20001
Registered Agent/Registered Office: JOHN P MCGEEHAN, MCGEEHAN & ASSOCIATES PLC, 11211, WAPLES MILL
Status: Active
Effective Date: 9/13/2004

Found something else in Media Matter's 990. "THE ORGANIZATION HAS A MERRILL LYNCH ACCOUNT FOR WHICH

$967,875 was donated via Publicly Traded Securities. This, in addition to The Bonner Group providing all of their
funding...muddies the waters quite a bit.
Unless receiving Donated Securities and selling them immediately is standard practice with charities…

I've been looking into The Bonner Group. Run by Mary Pat Bonner, the entirety of the Clinton Machine is funded through
the Bonner Group. Every Single Organization listed on 455 Massachusetts Avenue in Washington DC

obtains almost 100% of their revenues through the Bonner Group. Check out their IRS 990's, it's there hiding in plain
sight. Since they're using a Professional Fundraiser, there is no way for anybody to determine where those funds came
from. The Bonner Group has reported links to all organizations linked to the Clinton's, which has drawn ire from honest
Republican AND Democrat organizations. Given the obscurity here, it's very possible large sums of money raised through
the Bonner Group are from foreign entities.
Bonner advertises a donor Database of 70,000+, and charges a flat fee of 12.5% for all funds raised. According to the
NYT, " The Bonner Group is paid almost exclusively on commission, a practice that is legal but frowned upon by some
fund-raising consultants, who say it leads to fights with clients and other consultants over credit. It is considered unethical
by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, partly because it can encourage abuses and, in the charity world, places
self-gain over philanthropy."

Oh, and I've saved the best for last. David Brock (Who started Media Matters, The American Independent, American
Bridge 21st Century, Correct the Record, and many, many more) Shares a house in the Hamptons with Mary Pat Bonner.
"The New York Times report on The Bonner group notes that Brock and Mary Pat Bonner, who runs the Bonner Group,
share a house in the Hamptons."

The Employee Identification Number for The Bonner Group is 54-1743477

Someone work some magic and find financial documents linked to that number.

Here's the SCC E-File for The Bonner Group.

The Bonner Group provides fundraising for a lot of organizations in the Democracy Alliance. As reported by the NYT, "A
constellation of left-leaning nonprofits and “super PACs” are raising tens of millions of dollars to pave the way for Hillary
Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign — and nearly all of them have paid Mary Pat Bonner a cut."
This was tough to find. Have fun :)

If anyone wants something to do: Here's my angle on the Bonner Group:

>They fund the Democracy Alliance
>None of their funds or donors are traceable
>They are Pending Registration in the State of Virginia as a "Professional Solicitor"
>Full registration entails submission of financial documents
>each state requires professional solicitors to acquire some type of registration in order to even ASK for donations

>I've searched Virginia and DC, no registration for the Bonner Group to solicit donations.

I suspect that they aren't officially registered to solicit donations in any state, which means that they may be operating
Or, they're only soliciting funds from OUTSIDE the country. Since there's a number of organizations in the Democracy
Alliance that are funded primarily through the Bonner Group, that would put their "Public Charity" status at risk. We could
potentially uncover massive charity fraud/fundraising fraud for a number of pro Clinton 501(c)(3)'s.

Even better...those shell companies in London (clifford street I think)? What if they're funneling dark money into the
Bonner Group, to be dispersed, tax free, into the states? That would be very hard to prove, but it's definitely a possibility.
Many angles to this.

Bonner and Brock:

>Bonner, who sources say now shares office space with Brock inside Media Matters, also did not respond to an emailed
request for comment.
More from that NYT piece:
>“Without Mary Pat, we would never be where we are today,” said Craig T. Smith, a senior adviser to Ready for Hillary.
Bonner Group is KEY to Hillary's money machine.

>Ready for Hillary 990

>Ready PAC

>Top Vendors/Recipients
>Rank Vendor/Recipient Total Expenditures
>1 Windward Strategies $459,015
>2 Paychex Inc $225,543
>3 KK Promotions/ Aia Corporation $179,023
>4 Bonner Group $163,055
>5 Ngp Van $145,000
>6 Rising Tide Interactive $135,000
>7 Pivot Group $95,000
>8 The Pivot Group, Inc $89,331
>9 Paris Associates Limited Partnership $85,860
>10 CTS Global Partners $80,000
EID RELATED (David Brock)

The Bonner Group Building

729 15th St NW Washington, DC 20005

Floor 2 - NDN - - leading think tank and advocacy organization based in Washington, DC.
Floor 3 - Bonner Group, Inc.
Floor 4 - Ameriprise Financial Advisors
Floor 5 - Institute For War & Peace Reporting Us - - The Institute for War & Peace Reporting gives voice
to people at the frontlines of conflict and transition to help them drive change.
Floor 6 - Constellation West - - Constellation West is an award-winning small business with the depth
and breadth of IT engineering experience to get the job done right-the first time and every time.
Floor 7 - Clarity Campaign Labs - - We provide advanced modeling and analytic
services to Democratic party and coordinated campaigns, candidates, charitable groups, and other progressive
organizations and corporations.
Floor 8 - GAIN (The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition) - - The Global Alliance for Improved
Nutrition (GAIN) is an international organization driven by the vision of a world without malnutrition.
Floor 9 - NGLCC (National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce) - - The NGLCC is the business voice of the
LGBT community and is the largest global not-for-profit advocacy organization dedicated to expanding economic
opportunities and advancements for LGBT people.


First Report:
Second Report:
Third Report:
Fourth Report:
Media Matters Names:

>About the 3rd report:

This is more of a guide than a report. There are a SIGNIFICANT amount of leads presented in this report. I haven’t had
the time yet to dig into any lead, as most of my work has been analyzing IRS 990’s (I haven't even begun to discuss that
yet). What I’m providing here is the guidance to enable others to investigate these leads further.
Please take the time to understand what’s being said in this report. This will enable you to become an actual researcher
and discover new information, rather than depending on reports from the news media.

DC Property Information Verification System:
DC’s Business License Verification Database:
DC’s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Database:

Tasks for /CFG/

Follow up on leads presented from the Work Permit notes
Dig up dirt on all Basic Business Licenses connected to 455 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC, 20001
Find a way to get more details on the Certificates of Occupancy linked to 455 Mass.


I’m confident that this will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The Bonner Group got sloppy and left a trail
in the public record. If you want to be a part of history, please help with one of the tasks below.

1. We need to build Bonner Mindmaps for the past 3 years using data from IRS Form 990’s
a. Follow my lead from this report, start with one organization and then follow the money
b. 2012, 2013, and 2014 IRS 990s are available to the public for free. Let’s build a Mind Map for each of those
c. Any organization that paid The Bonner Group is suspect
d. Any organization that receive a Grant from an organization that paid The Bonner Group is suspect
e. To help get you started, this is a short list of organizations I’ve found that have worked with The Bonner
Group. (there are many more, these are just the ones written on my whiteboard at the moment)
i. Center for American Progress
ii. Center for American Progress Action Fund
iii. Leadership Conference for Human and Civil Rights
iv. People for the American Way Foundation
v. People for the American Way
vi. America Votes
vii. American Foundation for Equal Rights
viii. American Bridge
ix. Media Matters
x. Media Matters Action Network
xi. Ready for Hillary
xii. Priorities USA
xiii. Correct the Record
xiv. American Democracy Legal Fund
xv. American Independent
xvi. Colorado Independent
xvii. Franklin Education Forum
f. As you may have noticed, I’m not very good with visuals. Someone should take ownership and format this
piece similar to the Clinton Map created a couple weeks back.

2. From my 3rd Report, we still need to get more details on the Certificates of Occupancy linked to 455 Mass.
3. From my 3rd Report, we still need to dig up all leads on the Basic Business Licenses connected to 455 Mass
4. From my 3rd Report, we still need to dig all leads presented from the Work Permit Notes

What's contained here is already enough to incriminate The Bonner Group, which is one of the largest DC Democrat


>THESE ARE IMPORTANT**************
RELEVANT STATES SO FAR: (also images if the pages don’t load)
>California: (specific) (specific - held at the lawyer’s office)
>Florida: Florida Registration#: SS31471
Every pdf from Massachusetts that had The Bonner Group, INC. listed
>New Jersey:
>New York:

>This report is for 2008 campaigns/Massachusetts pdf:

Funds raised through the Bonner Group:
Center for Independent Media: 1.8 Mil
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights: 50k
Leadership C. on Civil Rights Education Fund: 251k
People for the American Way foundation: 660k
Sierra Club: 270k

Here's some dirt on their lawyer, Copilevitz & Canter LLC.

"Meet the lawyer who keeps some of America's worst charities in business"

On image 3 of the last report/gallery link:

>The General Services Administration (GSA) is an independent agency of the United States government, established in
1949 to help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies. The GSA supplies products and
communications for U.S. government offices, provides transportation and office space to federal employees, and develops
government-wide cost-minimizing policies, and other management tasks.
That checks out, they apparently renewed their lease for the entire 3rd floor in 2015.

On the 2nd floor (needs more careful investigation before pursuit):

>Delivered to the market in 2001, the 15-story Bethesda office building is owned and managed by Saul Centers, Inc. and
houses main headquarters and divisional offices for Capital One, ASB Capital Management and the International
Baccalaureate Organization.
>William Stern, Katherine Oelschig and Greg Tomasso of Avison Young brokered the D.C. renewal on behalf of ASB
Capital Management, while David Machlin, Lawrence Thau and Andrew Thau of CBRE brokered the Bethesda renewal on
behalf of Saul Centers.
All of those companies and people mentioned could be related.

Looks like they're registered to Taryn Fielder.

>Ms. Fielder is responsible for the legal affairs of ASB, including serving as the principal legal advisor to ASB's
management team. After graduating from Harvard Law School in 2002, Ms. Fielder spent two years with Simpson,
Thacher & Bartlett LLP in New York City where she practiced corporate and real estate law. In 2004, Ms. Fielder moved to
Washington, D.C. to join the Real Estate Group at Hogan & Hartson (now Hogan Lovells ) where she practiced for nearly
seven years. Ms. Fielder took a three-month leave of absence from the firm during late 2008 to early 2009 to serve as
Deputy General Counsel of the 2009 Presidential Inaugural Committee. In 2011, Ms. Fielder joined DiamondRock
Hospitality Company, a publicly-traded REIT, as Assistant General Counsel - a role she held until joining ASB in June of
2013. Ms. Fielder graduated summa cum laude from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida with majors in Political
Science and International Relations & Global Affairs and minors in French and Theater.

This Square 516 is an Operator of Nonresidential Buildings. If they manage the contract for this building, they must know
that there's over 10 organizations operating out of the 6th floor on 455 mass. There is only 17 active licenses, so
something is going on.

>Square 516s Office Venture LLC is a contractor in the Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses)
industry. Last year, they did not win any contracts. Since 2000, the contractor has performed 2 contracts with a total
obligation amount of $1.43 million, which means Square 516s Office Venture LLC has completed contracts worth
relatively the same amount as the median for all government contractors. The average obligation amount for their
contracts is $713,446.
Data is from

Some emails:

You won't find Bonner Group directly. You need to search the 990's of Clinton Aligned non-profits and see if they paid the
Bonner Group any fundraising fees.
For example, here's the 2014 IRS 990 for American Bridge 21st Century Foundation.
Page 21:
1.68 Mil raised from Bonner
206K retained by Bonner

Center for American Progress 2014

1.02M raised by Bonner
128k retained by Bonner
This time they lied about their address...they moved out of 729 15th St in 2011 I think.

Center for American Progress 2014. Page 46. They gave out a lot of loans in 2014.
Center for American Progress action fund, EIN 30-0192708.
Plug that into one of the 990 databases, then rinse and repeat.
See this:

Can someone explain to me how an organization can report

And at the same time report:
How can you pay 5.4 Million dollars in salaries to 0 employees?!
This is ABSURD:

And yes, the Center for American Progress Action Fund paid Bonner 12k to do nothing in 2014.
How can they report on one page that they paid 11k in professional fundraising fees...
When they actually paid 70k in professional fundraising fees!

642k to the Board of Directors

70K in fundraising fees
0 to Contractors
So we've got 4 Million bucks in salaries being paid nothing.
And if you think this is odd. This is like the 5th nonprofit I've seen that's pulling shit like this.
See for yourself. Someone look up the IRS 990 for the American Conference on Human and Civil Rights.

You all are going to love this. Can't believe I haven't posted this yet.

Here's another lead for you all.

Add Ready for Hillary PAC to the Bonner List:
Everyone who's digging through the IRS 990's
Please keep a look out for AMY GRAY. She's the Treasurer for Ready for Hillary PAC.
The PAC is registered to a PO Box in Virginia.
Please post if you find AMY GRAY in any of the 990s:

Amy W Gray, Ready PAC @ FEC:


Ctrl-f "bonner" brings up 8 results. CTR:
Another one on page 22 $54k on that one
Apparently they have been receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from correct the record. Also correct the record
donated 400k to the american bridge 21st century group, who then donated that money to guess who.....the Bonner
group. Something shady is going on and we need to look into it.

>Correct The Record
Elrod, Adrienne | Communications Director - HRC Texas Communications Director 07-08
Ritzman, Sam | Research Director
Strider, Burn | Senior Adviser
Wright, Isaac | Daily Operations Director
Cohen, Elizabeth| Treasurer
Morgan, Michelle| Assistant Treasurer
Elizabeth Shappell Communications Director
Elizabeth Price | Deputy Communications Director
Ritzman, Sam | Research Director
Strider, Burn | Senior Adviser Executive Vice President American Bridge 21st Century
Wright, Isaac | Daily Operations Director
Cohen, Elizabeth| Treasurer
Morgan, Michelle| Assistant Treasurer
Susie Tompkins Buell | Fundraiser
Connor Shaw | Special Projects
Benjamin Williams | Research Associate
Ryan R. Migeed | Digital Writer
Camden Weber | Assistant Press Secretary
Amanda Taylor | Karpay Digital Team Lead
John Newman | Digital Strategy Manager
Daniel Wessel | Press Secretary


You might remember the old /pol/ exposes Hillary threads? (precursor to /cfg/)
We found CTR, Media Matters, American Bridge 21, PRIORITIES USA, etc pp and how they funnel money to each other.
>pic related was the starting point
Hillary for America paying CTR so therefor not only colliding on the cooperation sector but also on the financial
>source: sort by amount:

They all share the same employees, the same donor circle, and all of them have the same marks of hilarious high one
time salaries that get straight donated back to the company.
>we even got a Breitbart article about that was heavily "corrected"
>fast forward
CTR announces Barrier Breakers 2016 a literal shilling program on "social media"... nobody mentions 4chan as 4chan is
literally hitler in the normie world
>With a few bros we memed it over to Reddit and other social media causing a uproar by the bernouts so everyone was
aware of what’s going on

>come yesterday...
>a shitposter creates the "fake leak fuckup" all of you have seen... accidentally doxing CTR with an address located at
KeK Incorporate at the Sprague Ave (Sperg avenue anyone)
>a few bros spread it vaguely to normies to social media and renounce it as fake and gay a few mins later
>suddenly hell broke loose with that shit getting posted everywhere as shills saw their chance to plant a false flag
>CTR posts reaching leddit r/all frontpage
>shills triggered running wild on all channels (you could watch the shilling getting worse by the minute)
>4chan shitposter start to ironically shitpost as CTR everywhere taking any and all credibility from the outlet
>normies started to comment shilling posts with "thanks for correcting the record"
GG, no RE

>nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary Clinton, it's a sheer symptom of pure paranoia
Top kek
LOL "There is no evidence that Hillary Clinton’s personal email was ever hacked."

wordpress admin username: benghazicomm seems to host url shortcuts
Go to google and type
then click "repeat the search with the omitted results included."
Lists a bunch of things like private YouTube video links with low view counts…
Heaven forbid that anyone should
dox these upstanding paragons
of free speech or hack into their

TED NO! ahaha

Targeting /pol/:
Anons are infiltrating:

>This is proof that the clinton campaign is working directly with the Super Pacs Priorities USA
Action and Correct the Record
Wait a minute
facebook.html []
>Due to FEC loopholes, the Sunlight Foundation’s Libby Watson found this year that Correct the Record can openly
coordinate with Clinton’s campaign, despite rules that typically disallow political campaigns from working directly
with PACs.
>“SuperPACs aren’t supposed to coordinate with candidates. The whole reasoning behind (Supreme Court
decision) Citizens United rests on (PACs) being independent, but Correct the Record claims it can coordinate,” Watson
told The Daily Beast. “It’s not totally clear what their reasoning is, but it seems to be that material posted on the Internet
for free—like, blogs—doesn’t count as an ‘independent expenditure.’”
So their defense in this is that the internet is free territory. But Shillary directly engages in activities in real life
organized and paid for by Super PACs. Does the FEC know this?

Here's Allida Black twitter account.

Allida BlackProtected Tweets
Director @LTHProject, @nobarriers2016, Historian, Hillary supporter, human rights activist, basketball fan, dog lover,
married to Judy Beck #Hillary2016

Basically everything:

MOST salvaged image files:

SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS (also in the ghostbin)

Kevin Donohoe writes for CTR
Elizabeth Shappell communication director for CTR
Camden Weber assistant press secretary for CTR
Lizzy Price deupty comms director for CTR
Sean England communications for CTR
Daniel Wessel worked for CTR but now works as a press secretary directry for HRC
John Newman "Internet Meme Guy" for CTR
Isaac Wright executive director for CTR
Brad Woodhouse president for CTR
Ryan R. Migeed writer for CTR
Karla Towle editor for CTR
Ellie Cohen operations manager for CTR
"I currently serve as the Operations Manager and Aide to the Executive Director at Correct The Record, a strategic
research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks. "
Ben Fischbein digital director "Dank Meme Expert" for CTR
Found another site that CTR runs its robots.txt disallows ALL robot indexing, might be something juicy there…
And another site CTR runs once again disallows indexing
Some fangirl of CTR that seems well connected

Benjamin Fischbein
Digital Director Correct The Record (Dec. 2013)
Vice president of digital at American Bridge 21st Century (Feb. 2013-Jan. 2014)
product and marketing manager (Jan. 2012-Feb. 2013) at BlastRoots, Inc..
Director at Sparkpoint Strategies, July 2010-Jan. 2012.
Director at Integrity Interactive Marketing and Branding, Jan. 2010-Jan. 2012.
Owner at Fisch Media, Oct. 2005-April 2010.
Research consultant at Koppen Group, June 2007-Jan. 2009.
Junior associate at Citigroup Smith Barney, June-Dec. 2006.
B.A. in history from American University, 2007.


CTR web IP

CTR internal net? is hosted on the same IP as these other sites (yeah, it's on Linode a cheap shared host, but I remember
a while ago a Republican site being using cloudflare for SSL and a bunch of people being mad that other domains were
on the SSL)
Their wordpress install is possibly vulnerable to exploiting (pic related ) as they don't have
everything up to date at the moment
Their wordpress admin username is "correctrecordk" what do you want to bet the password is? I'm willing to bet a simple
brute force attack would guess their password… they also never renamed the default admin account
Correct The Record also runs these sites nothing there at the moment but there are archives

Total Receipts $6,384,152
Total Spent $5,947,924
Begin Cash on Hand $0
End Cash on Hand $436,227
Debts $136,893
Independent Expenditures $6,376,684
Date of last report June 30, 2016
2016 PAC Contribution Data
Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients) $0
Contributions to this PAC from individual donors of $200 or more ( list donors) $5,266,914
Official PAC Name:
Location: WASHINGTON, DC 20001
Industry: Democratic/Liberal
FEC Committee ID: C00578997
Individual donors gave 75 large ($200+) contributions to this PAC in 2015-2016.
Browse by Amount: 1 2Next
Contrib Occupation Date Amount
BROOKLYN, NY 11201 06/01/15 $275,615
FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 PHILANTHROPIST 06/09/15 $250,000
FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 PHILANTHROPIST 03/30/16 $250,000
BELVEDERE TIBURON, CA 94920 RETIRED 06/29/15 $200,000
BELVEDERE TIBURON, CA 94920 Retired 06/22/16 $200,000
ERIE, PA 16514 Manufacturer 06/01/16 $150,000
DENVER, CO 80206 RETIRED 06/19/15 $125,000
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 RETIRED 06/30/15 $125,000
ATHERTON, CA 94027 RETIRED 06/30/15 $125,000
DENVER, CO 80209 NOT EMPLOYED 10/23/15 $125,000
DEDHAM, MA 02026 THE CARLYLE GROUP 10/09/15 $100,000
ANAHEIM, CA 92807 OTEN, INC. 12/31/15 $100,000
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 02/26/16 $100,000
NEW YORK, NY 10153 INFORMATION REQUESTED 06/30/15 $100,000
KALAMAZOO, MI 49005 STREAM LINE CIRCLE 02/24/16 $100,000
RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418 Extell Development Company 06/28/16 $100,000
BEDFORD HILLS, NY 10507 The Carlyle Group 05/16/16 $100,000
MIAMI, FL 33129 US Education Finance Group 04/22/16 $100,000
NEW YORK, NY 10153 Thomas H Lee Capital 05/16/16 $100,000
KALAMAZOO, MI 49005 Stream Line Circle 04/22/16 $100,000

Ctrl-f "bonner" brings up 8 results. CTR:
Another one on page 22 $54k on that one
Donated 400k to the american bridge 21st century group, who then donated that money to guess who.....the Bonner
group. Something shady is going on and we need to look into it.

Some info:
>RENAISSANCE TECHNOLOGIES 02/18/16 $500,000 Wall street shill
> Renaissance is one of the first highly successful hedge funds using quantitative trading — known as "quant hedge
funds" — that rely on powerful computers and sophisticated mathematics to guide investment strategies.
>LEE, BARBARA $250,000
>Barbara Fish Lee was raised in a middle-class Jewish family in West Orange, New Jersey, the daughter of Sidney and
Ruth Fish.
>She writes monthly about women in politics in the Huffington Post.
>FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 PHILANTHROPIST $250,000+$250,000 Big medicine shill
>Following fraud allegations in November 2007 involving Stryker Corp. overbilling for Medicare in South Dakota,
Republicans called on Democratic organizations to return donations they had received from Stryker and her brother, Jon


This is from a Daily Mail article. Susie is definitely someone to look into.
Her foundation's website has Andrea Dew as the primary contact:

Susie owned the Esprit clothing company. It says she "Sold out" in 96 to some guy from Hong Kong. She's made a lot of
donations over the years and some probably coincide with favorable trade agreements while Clinton was in office that
helped Espirit outsource production while paying almost no taxes…….I just can't find any records older than 10 years.
And this article:
Is deff worth reading. This is one of the women in hillarys ear. Leveraged buyouts, extracting all the wealth out of a
company before throwing it into bankruptcy etc. etc. This woman is a real piece of work that should be exposed.

More on her. Seems the Daily Kos didn't like Susie Thompkins either:
>I saved my personal favorite for last: Susie Tompkins Buell. Tompkins Buell ran the fashion house Esprit de Corp with
her husband for over two decades from 1968-1990. Originally founding the company on hippie ideals, Tompkins Buell let
greed consume her, ultimately leading to the company's downfall.
>After divorcing her husband in 1990, Tompkins Buell led a leveraged buyout of the company that both gave her control
of the company, and netted her $150 million in profit. However, a combination of the buyout and Tompkins Buell's
mismanagement of the company's finances, caused the company to enter into a complete financial collapse:
>But Esprit de Corp. also ultimately came to epitomize the worst side of another decade, the me decade, the 1980s and
its junk-bond daddies and S&L pirates and slick-suited sharpies. After helping manage the company with her then-
husband, Doug Tompkins, for 22 years, Susie Tompkins led a 1990 leveraged buyout that gained her control of the
company, and netted her an estimated $150 million.
Etc. etc. The full section on her is worth reading:
From the comment section there is this jewel:
>I Used to Work for Esprit
in fact I'm proud to say I was fired after just 3 months. I was hired as a design assistant in then Susie Tompkins junior
sportswear department and let me tell you, the corporate frost was visceral! That was one of the unhappiest places I ever
worked in my 13-year-long career in the fashion industry. Not only that but they were KEY in the off-shoring movement of
American garment manufacturing. Shame, shame, SHAME on you Susie Tompkins Buell!

>"Ms. Tompkins, through her operatives, orchestrated a scheme to strip over $150 million out of a once-thriving clothing
company she owned, via a classic leveraged buyout, leaving in its wake a financially crippled entity so heavily burdened
with debt that its survival was doubtful," Esprit's lawyers wrote in court filings.
>But with her takeover of Esprit de Corp. just seven years ago, she joined the ranks of the country's most artful corporate
>She gained, then nurtured during 20 years, a reputation as the model New Age professional woman: stylish, competent,
and independent. Yet her shocking blunders as leader of Esprit de Corp. during the 1990s drove a once-thriving company
into insolvency within less than two years.
>Toscani "used to say Susie's ideas were sort of like a fart. It smells bad, but it goes away quickly," recalls Peter Buckley,
former Esprit Europe CEO.
>In mid-1989, the two agreed to allow Goldman-Sachs bankers to determine a price at which Doug would buy Susie's
Her ex-husband gave up $40m in value in order to keep true and not sell out their principles:
>Esprit was poised to become just another division of just another conglomerate, a notion offensive to everything the two
people who had started the company believed in.
>Doug called Susie, they talked, and he agreed to sell to Susie at a lower price than he would have received from the
>"I made an inside deal with her to keep it inside the family," Doug says. "I took a $40 million bath to keep it with her. I
could have spent that money on our environmental foundations. It has turned out to have been a bad idea, but at the time,
I had my children to consider."
Just look at the delusion of these leftist tards:
"It isn't my fault that it was having problems. There was management that I hired, but the problems weren't ones I was
responsible for," Susie recalls. "It got to a place where we couldn't control what was going on. We had to hand it over to
business types to handle it, and that just wasn't something we were into. I had an understanding about how a company
should be handled. You should have a beautiful workplace, you should have benefits for the employees. To live with the
way of the new management, to make the company lean and mean – that was a big adjustment."
That "adjustment" included her forced buyout and being barred from the Esprit headquarters.


David Brock Info from 2014, looks like he has moved on, but not sure.

Re-Launched this "Non-profit news reporting site" 2014....not sure it is still in business....does not sound like it. Just some
info about what they tried to do with a "non-profit" News organization.

Reporters associated with the organization may be around somewhere else...."progressives"

Write up in Columbia Journalism Review from 2012. Info says "institutional support" by the Rockefeller Brothers


455 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Person of interest: David Brock ^

Here's the play:

1) Correct the Record openly collaborates with the Clinton Campaign (FEC loophole)
2) Correct the Record operates on the 6th floor of 455 Massachusetts Ave NW, along with 13 other organizations
3) All organizations on the 6th floor of 455 Mass receive funds from the Bonner group (also on 6th floor of 455
4) Bonner group isn't properly registered as professional solicitor anywhere, meaning all organizations are taking
in dirty money.


455 Massachusetts Avenue NW 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20001

(From Media Matter's 990 linked in OP)

(1) The American Independent

455 Massachusetts Avenue NW 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20001

(2) Franklin Education Form 455 Massachusetts Avenue NW 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20001

(3) Bonner Group Inc.

455 Massachusetts Ave.NW, Suite 640
Washington DC, 20001

(4) American Bridge 21st Century PAC

455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC, 20001, US

(5) Correct the Record PAC

455 Massachusetts Avenue Suite 650, Washington, DC 20001

(6) Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

455 Massachusetts Avenue NW • Sixth Floor • Washington, DC 20001

(7) DC Private Jet Charter Service

455 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest,
Washington, DC 20001
DC Private Jet Charter Service (potential Shell Company) SIC Codes:
Affiliated Persons: Donald Knutson

(8) Media Matters

455 Massachusetts Avenue NW NO 6th FL

Archive related:

All of these organizations are listed on the 6th Floor of 455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, but it's only MEDIA MATTERS
that's shown as the Lease Holder since 2009 on National Democratic Institute is listed here as well, but
they've got the 8th floor.

Middle of the page:
Media Matters pays 1.4 Million to the Bonner Group for Fundraising activities, but they both have known connections to
the same exact address. Media Matters owns the lease, and there could be an untold amount of other 'charities' listed at
floor 6 of 455 Massachusetts Ave. NW in Washington DC.

It's not a big building either, there's 10 floors with 14 lease comps.

>455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC, 20001

looking at that address gave me this:

Terry McAuliffe for Governor (CC-12-01470)

Committee Address
P.O. Box 13881
Arlington VA, 22219
Report Due: 10/26/2013
Report Filed: 10/28/2013
Election Cycle: 11/2013
Office Sought: Governor
Schedule B: In-Kind Contribution
Contributor Business or Employment Information Description Date Received Contribution
American Bridge 21st Century
455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20001; Political Action Committee
Washington, DC
ActualCost 10/26/2013 $ 76099.70

Alright it's getting weirder. There's a 'DC Private Jet Charter Service' saying they operate out of 455 Massachusetts
Avenue Northwest,
Washington, DC 20001. No floor is specified (weird, all tenants here list their floor/suite number). They aren't registered as
a tenant on compstak at

I wouldn't be surprised if they were registered on the 6th floor with the rest of the organizations.
They have a sketchy looking website that throws Disk Quota Errors on the top and bottom of the page, telling me they
don't keep the website maintained.

They've got a phone number listed... 2026848626.

>DC Private Jet Charter Service

It's a domains by proxy domain
Update Date: 2015-11-11T01:43:26Z
Creation Date: 2010-06-01T17:06:50Z

It hasn't been around that long and not updated in nearly a year it looks like, I wonder what's up?

This "DC Private Jet Charter Service" has got to be a Shell Company. Check out the Google Reviews...I'm calling BS.
Also, reviews are showing up from 5 years ago, but the copyright on the website states 2016. Yes, they could have
updated it, but the website has Disk Quota Errors...they're not keeping it maintained.

Again, advertised address from their website: 455 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest,
Washington, DC 20001

Google Reviews:

Real talk this time. Had to leave the 6th floor off it, but I get a lot of businesses you already listed.
>More information
>Phone number: +1 (678) 954-7551
>Name: Jet Charter Flights Atlanta
>Address: 76 Mitchell St Sw
>Atlanta, GA 30303
>Country: United States
>Phone Carrier: Tw Telecom Of Georgia Lp

DO NOT go to the DC Private Jet Charter Service Website (suspected Shell Company)
The website has since been modified in the past hour to an HTTPS site with a Google Analytics script added to (I think)
track IP's.
Luckily, the script was blocked from executing on my browser.
Code is below:
<!-- Google Analytics -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-11190945-20']);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
<!-- /Google Analytics -->


SP Plus Corporation
>Parking garage

Texas de Brazil
Suite 100
>Brazillian steakhouse

1st Floor
Mass Ave Office Bldg Foodcourt
>Five dollar footlongs

UPS Store
>Just another street facing UPS location

McBee Strategic
12th Floor
>McBee Strategic drives results for our clients across a wide range of industries, from Fortune 100 companies to
innovators, both domestic and international. We provide competitive advantage, insight into media and political
challenges, and build and protect brands through communications and government affairs campaigns.

National Democratic Institute (NDI)

8th Floor
>NDI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that has supported democratic institutions and practices
in every region of the world for more than three decades.

Center for Progressive Reform

>The Center for Progressive Reform is a nonprofit research and educational organization with a network of Member
Scholars working to protect health, safety, and the environment through analysis and commentary.

Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)

Suite 1000
>PATH is the leader in global health innovation. An international nonprofit organization, we save lives and improve health,
especially among women and children.

G&G Home Improvements

Ste 304
>Roofing and siding guys. Maybe running an office out of the building.

American Bridge
6th Floor

Americans United for Change
>They list a PO box on their site. Maybe operate out of the 4th floor on Mass.

Espion Atelier
>Fashion designer

Association of American Publishers

Suite 700
>The Association of American Publishers (AAP) is the largest U.S. trade association for the consumer, educational,
professional and scholarly publishing industry.
>They also list a New York Address

Reno and Cavanaugh, PLLC

Suite 400
> Established in 1977, Reno & Cavanaugh (R&C) is a national law firm with a mission to strengthen communities across
the country.

American College of Preventive Medicine

Suite 200
>The American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) is a professional medical society of more than 2,700 preventive
medicine and public health physicians who manage, research, and influence population health.

Media Matters for America
>Launched in May 2004, Media Matters for America put in place, for the first time, the means to systematically monitor a
cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation - news or
commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda - every day, in real time.
>PO box listed on the site.

Square 516s Office Venture LLC
>Can't find a website or office number. Linked to GSA mentioned in the Bonner docs via a lease agreement I found
>GSA provides "workspace to more than 1 million federal civilian workers, oversees the preservation of more than 480
historic buildings, and facilitates the federal government's purchase of high-quality, low-cost goods and services from
quality commercial vendors."
>More digging needed.

>Correct the Record (AHAHAHAHA oh my god)

Treasurer Name: COHEN, ELIZABETH
Designation: U - UNAUTHORIZED

2011 990 AmBridge


An easier to use list compiled from the 4th Bonner Group Report ( using the 990 search engine
Center for American Progress:
Center for American Progress Action Fund:
POSSIBLE MATCH: Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (EIN 52-0789800):
ALSO POSSIBLE MATCH: Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund (EIN 23-7026895):
People for the American Way Foundation (EIN 13-3065716):
People for the American Way (EIN 52-1366721):
America Votes (EIN 26-4568349):
American Foundation for Equal Rights (EIN 94-3478012):
POSSIBLE MATCH: American Bridge 21st Century Foundation (EIN 27-5278038):
POSSIBLE MATCH: Media Matters for America (EIN 47-0928008):
Media Matters Action Network(EIN 77-0646754):
Priorities USA (EIN 45-2305224):
American Democracy Legal Fund (NOT FOUND, NO POSSIBLE MATCHES)
American independent (NOT FOUND)
POSSIBLE MATCH: American Independent News Network (EIN 33-1137541):
Franklin Education Forum (EIN 46-3009324):

Center for American Progress 990


Action Fund 990s


CTR and the AMALGAMATED BANK itself:

>American Priorities
>Official PAC Name:
Location: WASHINGTON, DC 20005
Industry: Treasurer: CECIL, GUY
FEC Committee ID: C00519918

Treasurer Name: CECIL, GUY
Committee Designation: J (JOINT FUNDRAISER)
They are also known as American Priorities Joint Fundraising Committee which was located at
455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 650.

>Franklin Education Forum:


7-9 CLIFFORD STREET, PRECIS - see BRIAN RAVEN section for more (128 companies)

9 Clifford Street London, -- W1S 2FT,-

The biggest companies listed at the address are the CIFF (Children's Investment Fund Foundation - roughly 3 billion
pounds net worth), the TCI Fund Management Limited (76 million pounds net worth), the TCI Fund Holdings Limited (78
million pounds net worth), and the TCI Advisory Services LLP (140 million pounds net worth). Other companies also have
millions of pounds of net worth, some are only a few pounds of net worth (the shells) and others are in negative net worth,
so I assume they're simply having some issues with cash flow.

As I understand it, a shell company is very useful as a sort of buffer for a company with large liabilities to protect itself.
The shells operate and do business with the vehicles creating liabilities and then take the fall if something goes wrong,
holding company repossess their things that was being leased to the shell and the shell gets sued. What I can't
understand is why something like a Children's Investment Fund would need a shell company? Any business / econ / legal
anons out there who can help bring light to this?

More on precis: Some share owners are WPP group and Primrose Secretarial Services Limited

I think they specialize in setting up offshore companies.

Anyone know what Precis is? There are a lot of companies on 9 Clifford Street named "Precis <4 digits> Limited"
There are many more
They seem to own stock in each other
You know what they have in common?
2 people and 1 address.
They've resigned then become directors again, strange.

TIGER NO. 2 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED has used some other names:
PRECIS (1670) LIMITED 14 Sep 1998 - 29 Sep 1998
>PRECIS (1670) LIMITED 14 Sep 1998 - 29 Sep 1998


Largest hedge fund ever, just down the street from 9 clifford,
opened to the public 2004
Something started in '04. but what? all these shell companies started at almost the exact same time.

Found some more info about Precis (XXXX) Ltd.
>It has been common practice for Company
Formation Agents and other organisations to create ‘off the shelf’
companies ahead of time. This provided a facility for individuals,
companies or businesses to purchase them from the agents and after a
change of name, for them to start trading immediately.
>Number of companies previously called Precis (numerical suffix) Ltd - 4959
So, any company named Precis is most likely a shell corporation.
There's some offshore companies involved in this as well.
Children's Investment Fund Management Ltd
incorporated in the Cayman Islands (tax haven)
Carbon Willow Developments Jersey Ltd, incorporated in Jersey. It owns Tiger No. 5 Limited (W1S 2FT, O'Flynn)

There may be a connection.
registered at that address, and they're in the group structure of Tiger No. 5 Limited (9 clifford street),
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------

MORE SHELLS AND LLCS - thank you Cyprus


ANALYTIC FOCUS, LLC - - Analytic Focus LLC is a research organization comprised of
professionals with decades of practical experience in analysis, research methods, and financial models.

Morning Consult, LLC (Old Company Names: 1. Paragon Insights, LLC , 2. Forward Intelligence, LLC) - - Morning Consult is a media and technology company at the intersection of politics, policy,
Wall Street and business strategy.

BANNEKER VENTURES, LLC - - We specialize in providing value-add construction

and facilities management services to federal and local government clients.

The Bonner Group Building
729 15th St NW Washington, DC 20005

Floor 2 - NDN - - leading think tank and advocacy organization based in Washington, DC.
Floor 3 - Bonner Group, Inc.
Floor 4 - Ameriprise Financial Advisors
Floor 5 - Institute For War & Peace Reporting Us - - The Institute for War & Peace Reporting gives voice
to people at the frontlines of conflict and transition to help them drive change.
Floor 6 - Constellation West - - Constellation West is an award-winning small business with the depth
and breadth of IT engineering experience to get the job done right-the first time and every time.
Floor 7 - Clarity Campaign Labs - - We provide advanced modeling and analytic
services to Democratic party and coordinated campaigns, candidates, charitable groups, and other progressive
organizations and corporations.
Floor 8 - GAIN (The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition) - - The Global Alliance for Improved
Nutrition (GAIN) is an international organization driven by the vision of a world without malnutrition.
Floor 9 - NGLCC (National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce) - - The NGLCC is the business voice of the
LGBT community and is the largest global not-for-profit advocacy organization dedicated to expanding economic
opportunities and advancements for LGBT people.


Someone mentioned in the last thread that the GSA rented a floor in a building, but that was not a good lead. There may
be a little something here.

I searched through for any solicitations for bidding that might be related to the CF. There's a current bid for a
project that outright says that you have to liaise with the Clinton Foundation.
That's the first of 14 results with the name "Clinton Foundation."
Screencap of search results from “Clinton”:

Associated groups with the CFG mentioned in the bids:

Global Fund, CFG (obviously), World Bank, GFATM, GAVI (See: AIDS section), GAIN

Some more info:


>part of the SDX protocol is:


Company Number: 06035323

Status: Active
Incorporation Date: 21 December 2006 (over 9 years ago)
Company Type: Private Limited Company
Jurisdiction: United Kingdom
Registered Address: 5 New Street Square, London, EC4A 3TW, United Kingdom

Industry Codes: 70229: Management consultancy activities (other than financial management) (UK SIC Classification
Latest Accounts Date: 2014-12-31
Directors / Officers:
GEORGE GOLDSMITH, director, 7 Feb 2007-
Inactive Directors / Officers:
HUNTSMOOR LIMITED, director, 21 Dec 2006- 7 Feb 2007
HUNTSMOOR NOMINEES LIMITED, director, 21 Dec 2006- 7 Feb 2007

>Taylor Wessing

BUREAUX OF CURRENCY HOLDINGS LIMITED Intermediary - - 28-JAN-1993 British Virgin Islands Defaulted Panama
SPAN ENGINEERING INCORPORATED Intermediary - - 04-JUN-1993 British Virgin Islands Dissolved Panama Papers
VIONICS ENGINEERING INCORPORATED Intermediary - - 07-JUN-1993 Bahamas Dissolved Panama Papers
ADCALL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Intermediary - - 20-JUN-1994 Bahamas Defaulted Panama Papers
GLOBAL ADVANTAGE INVESTMENTS LTD. Intermediary - - 06-MAY-1994 Bahamas Defaulted Panama Papers
ZAKU INVESTMENTS LIMITED Intermediary - - 13-MAY-1994 Bahamas Defaulted Panama Papers


looking at their about us page, I would say almost certainly:

Glenn Booraem
Principal and Fund Controller, Vanguard
Les Brun
Director, Automatic Data Processing, Inc., Broadridge Financial Solutions, and Merck
Mayree Clark
Managing Partner of Eachwin Capital and Director, Ally Financial Services
Stu Dalheim
Vice President, Shareholder Advocacy, Calvert Investments
Michelle Edkins
Managing Director and Global Head of Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment, BlackRock
Margaret M. Foran
Chief Governance Officer, Vice President and Corporate Secretary, Prudential Financial and Chairman of the Governance
Committee, Occidental Petroleum Board of Directors
Tim Goodman
Associate Director and Head of North American Engagement, Hermes EOS
Bonnie Hill
Director, AK Steel Holding Corp., California Water Service Group, Home Depot*, and Yum! Brands
Michele Hooper
Director, National Association of Corporate Directors, PPG Industries, United Health Group
Labe Jackson
Director, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Bess Joffe
Managing Director of Corporate Governance, TIAA-CREF
Rakhi Kumar
Managing Director and Head of Corporate Governance, State Street Global Advisors
Linda Fayne Levinson
Director, Hertz, Ingram Micro, Jacobs Engineering Group, NCR and Western Union
Mike McCauley
Senior Officer, Investment Programs & Governance, State Board of Administration of Florida
Eileen Mercier
Director, Intact Financial, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Teekay Shipping, University Health Network
Thomas Mistele
Director, Chief Operating Officer, Senior Counsel, and Secretary, Dodge & Cox, San Francisco
Tom O’Neill
Director, Archer Daniels Midland, NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc., and Misonix
Nathan Partain
Debra Perry
Rich Roedel
Anne Sheehan
James C. Woolery


>Companies and investors often miss valuable opportunities to engage. While the SDX Protocol does not offer a one-
size-fits-all approach to engagement, it does provide meaningful guidance and concrete suggestions from seasoned
engagement practitioners. It is offered in service to public company directors and investors to enable them to more
effectively make and respond to engagement requests.

Sure makes it sound like this SDX protocol is a set way to give a particular image when actions don't necessarily match
with what is said.

>SDX related
Company Number: 000672923
Incorporation Date: 8 September 1999 (almost 17 years ago)
Company Type: Foreign Corporation
Jurisdiction: Massachusetts (US)
Branch: Branch of TAPESTRY NETWORKS, INC. (Delaware (US))
Registered Address: 404 WYMAN STREET SUITE 225, WALTHAM, 02451, MA, USA


Agent Address: 404 WYMAN STREET, #225 WALTHAM, MA 02451 USA
Directors / Officers


>The new status made her a “special government employee,” which was tantamount to being a consultant, according to
the source, whose information was confirmed by two other staffers familiar with the matter. Multiple sources told
POLITICO Abedin did work for other clients, which a friend of Abedin said totaled four, including the State Department,
Hillary Clinton, the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation and Teneo, the firm co-founded by former Bill Clinton counselor
Doug Band...

>It’s similar, in many respects, to the way many Clinton aides were paid for years while she was a senator. They were
compensated partly through work on her government staff, and partly through her political action committee. Other
loyalists, such as longtime Clinton aide Kelly Craighead and other confidants, later went on to lucrative work with Clinton-
allied organizations.

>News broke days ago that the State Department inspector general had opened a “criminal investigation” into alleged
overpayments made to Abedin at State. The Justice Department failed to take up the case, which is now being handled

In An April 10, 2012 Email, Teneo President Doug Band Asked Abedin To Help Get A Teneo Client Nominated To The
President’s Global Development Council, Mentioning That She Was A “Huge Foundation/CGI Supporter And Close Pal Of
WJC,” As Well As A Teneo Client.
“In the April 10, 2012 exchange, Teneo president Doug Band — a close confidant of Bill Clinton— asked Abedin to help
him get Rodin nominated to The President’s Global Development Council. The Rockefeller Foundation at the time was
both a Teneo client and Clinton Foundation donor — and Band made that point in his email to Abedin. The email subject
line read: ‘She is expecting us to help her get appointed to this.’ ‘Judy rodin,’ he wrote to Abedin in the shorthand email.
‘Huge foundation/cgi supporter and close pal of wjc[.] Teneo reps her as well[.] Can you help?’ ‘Wjc’ is ofen used as
shorthand for Bill Clinton. And ‘foundation,’ likely means Clinton Foundation.”
(Rachael Bade, “Emails Show Huma Abedin’s Ties To Private Consulting Firm,” Politico, 9/23/15)

Abedin Reportedly Collected $355,000 As A Consultant To Teneo While Also Receiving $135,000 In Government Pay.
“She reportedly raked in $355,000 as a consultant to Teneo, while simultaneously pocketing $135,000 in government pay.
The arrangement raised eyebrows because Abedin failed to disclose the exact nature of her work for Teneo, which
represents a long list of foreign clients and has offices in Brussels, Dubai, Dublin, Hong Kong, London, Munich and


Teneo founders:
Declan Kelly (search Blackstone, relevant later)
Douglas J. Band
Paul Keary

Company Number: 4883596

Incorporation Date: 12 October 2010 (over 5 years ago)
Company Type: Limited Liability Company
Jurisdiction: Delaware (US)
Directors / Officers: THE CORPORATION TRUST COMPANY, agent
The Corporation Trust Company
Archived Record Wilmington, DE — Business Services

>Teneo boasts of a vast reach across international arenas, partnering “exclusively with the CEOs and senior leaders of
many of the world’s largest and most complex companies and organizations.” In a Clintonian claim of cosmic proportions,
Teneo says the firm addresses a “range of financial, reputational and transformational challenges and opportunities by
combining the disciplines of strategic communications, investor relations, investment banking, financial analytics,
executive recruiting, digital analytics, corporate governance, government affairs, business intelligence, management
consulting and corporate restructuring on an integrated basis.”

>Got that? In fact, Teneo is rather shadowy, with only a few known corporate clients. It is best known for its relation with
the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation. Journalists so far have seemed unwilling or unable to penetrate much further into
Teneo. But that appears to have changed with Mrs. Clinton’s formal entry into the presidential race and the dawning
realization among media types that the Clinton Foundation, Teneo and the disappearing State Dept. emails really do
signal that some sort of gigantic sleazy game is afoot.

>Reporter Ron Brynaert is one example of this new breed of investigative gunslinger. A former executive editor for Raw
Story, Brynaert has been digging deep into the Teneo connection and publishing his findings at his blog, “-gate news” and
on Twitter [LINKS IN ARTICLE POSTED ABOVE]. While the media focus on former Clinton aide Doug Band as the key
Teneo founder, Brynaert has explored the extensive Clinton ties of Declan Kelly, the Teneo co-founder and CEO. Based
on Brynaert’s reporting, Kelly seems to be the real brains behind the operation.

>Teneo is filled with former associates of the Clintons.... The Teneo roster included Justin Cooper, former Clinton aide
linked to registration documents for the private email server at the center of Mrs. Clinton’s State Department emails
controversy. “Cooper’s bio was scrubbed from Teneo’s website,” Brynaert reports, “but a cache link reveals it once noted,
‘In addition to his role with Teneo, Mr. Cooper serves as Senior Advisor to President William J. Clinton. Mr. Cooper
advises President Clinton on a broad range of issues, including finances, business matters, public affairs and politics.
Additionally, Mr. Cooper advises and assists in operating the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton
Family Foundation.’” Five State Department officials from the Economic Envoy’s office also followed Kelly to Teneo,
Brynaert reports: Stephen Meahl, Therese O’Higgins, Monica Milton, Steven Sullivan and Jacqueline Wilson.

>In another post, Brynaert turns up new details on Mrs. Clinton’s longtime aide, Huma Abedin. Brynaert closely examines
Teneo’s role in a Dec 7, 2012, event in Belfast, Ireland, honoring Secretary of State Clinton. The trip appears to be one of
those peculiarly Clintonian mixtures of self-aggrandizement, shmooze and money. Abedin was along for the ride. By then,
Brynaert notes, Abedin was serving in dual capacities as a State Department employee and an adviser to Teneo, roles
that later attracted considerable controversy...


>Thus, at the time of the December 2012 event in Belfast, Brynaert notes, Abedin was simultaneously employed by “the
State Department, Teneo, the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton” in a personal capacity. Citing possible misconduct
and misrepresentation, Judicial Watch has asked a federal judge to reopen a Freedom of Information lawsuit that sought
records related to Abedin’s multiple roles at the State Department and with Teneo.
>When Hillary Clinton became secretary of state she personally sought out a man named Declan Kelly to be her
economic envoy to Northern Ireland, giving her 41-year-old former fundraiser a special status outside normal diplomatic

>“Yeah! Is he now official? Can I call him? Can I ask him to start?” she wrote in an Aug. 28, 2009 email to her chief of
staff, Cheryl Mills.

>By some measures, Kelly was a bargain for the government. The Ireland-born businessman refused a salary, hired five
staffers on his own dime and pushed for U.S. companies to invest in the once-troubled region, a diplomatic priority for
>But while serving as Clinton’s special envoy, reaching out to global corporations for those investments, he was also
working for two of them as a private consultant — earning about $2.4 million from Dow Chemical, a longtime client of his
and one of the firms that participated in Clinton’s Ireland initiative.

>It was also during this time period that Kelly and Doug Band, a close aide to former President Bill Clinton, were preparing
to launch a global consulting business that would soon become a well-known and controversial success story. Their new
venture, Teneo Holdings, would go on to employ numerous Hillary Clinton associates, including her closest confidante,
Huma Abedin, and, for a time, Bill Clinton as “honorary chairman,” giving clients rare access to the couple and their
network of world leaders.
Click "All Leadership"...
President: Douglas Band (Former Chief Advisor to former President Bill Clinton)

Former US Senate majority leader George J. Mitchell, who in 1995 was appointed by Bill Clinton as special envoy to
Northern Ireland, and in 2009 was appointed by Hillary Clinton in her capacity as US Secretary of State as US special
envoy to the Middle East, is listed as a senior adviser to the firm

Huma Abedin Linked
Both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair worked here previously as Advisors

>Teneo, where Bill was a paid adviser, represented firms who had often either paid for Bill’s
speeches or donated to the Clinton Foundation. Also involved in Teneo was Declan Kelly. An SGE at
State for a while, Kelly joined Teneo in 2011. Teneo’s clients included Fortune 500 companies,
governments, and high-net-worth individuals. The companies it represented included Coca-Cola,
UBS, and Standard Chartered.
>“I especially want to thank and recognize Declan Kelly,” Clinton said. “I appointed Declan to this post in September 2009,
and just a little more than a year later, I think, it proves the wisdom of that appointment.”
That Politico link is a trove of information and other key names you guys should be looking into.
"Looks at the world through the CEO’s eyes
Is always senior-led and highly specialized
Ignores traditional silos"
"Gives Chief Executives the ability to see around corners and lead their organizations deftly"
Sounds like SAP/NSA access

>This sounds a lot like Clinton's "correct the record" PAC:

Misinformation reposted across social media undermines traditional reputational control – for instance, the recent havoc in
the wake of fraudulent tweets that caused market movements representing billions of dollars. On the upside, studies
indicate that the trust in and public perception of a CEO improve when he or she is active on social media. Facebook has
surpassed 1 billion active users, more than 500 million are active on Twitter, and China’s leading microblogging site,
Weibo, has more than 500 million accounts.

The explosion of social media and the ubiquity of other digital communications channels mean that CEOs must embrace
“big data” as a paradigm to increase productivity and efficiency. Exponentially expanding sets of both structured and
unstructured data can now be correlated across multiple silos. These innovations have enabled profitable new business
solutions in every industry, and leaders are combining human ingenuity with data-driven insights to chart a new future.
Simply put, big data is increasingly vital to maintaining a leadership position – and ignoring it raises the risk of falling
behind the competition.
Teneo guides our clients through these technological shifts, providing counsel to monitor and protect their reputations
from potential threats and helping them take advantage of the opportunities presented by radical technical innovation.
Declan Kelly is the Teneo founder.
Also important is the nature of Blackstone Group.

Relevant to Blackstone:

So they’re a think tank now?:

Teneo's Consulting President, Alex Pigliucci and Teneo's Vice Chairman, Chris Wearing, both had high level positions at

Teneo in the press:
Also 3000282608 and 3000502339

Big corporations, small-time businesses, rogues, scoundrels and worse — all have turned up at Delaware addresses in
hopes of minimizing taxes, skirting regulations, plying friendly courts or, when needed, covering their tracks. Federal
authorities worry that, in addition to the legitimate businesses flocking here, drug traffickers, embezzlers and money
launderers are increasingly heading to Delaware, too. It’s easy to set up shell companies here, no questions asked.

“Shells are the No. 1 vehicle for laundering illicit money and criminal proceeds,” said Lanny A. Breuer, assistant attorney
general for the criminal division of the Justice Department. “It’s an enormous criminal justice problem. It’s ridiculously easy
for a criminal to set up a shell corporation and use the banking system, and we have to stop it.”


>Jordan's news agency says they have funded over 1/5th of Clinton's campaign this election
>Podesta Group talks to Jordanian news agency, Jordan news organization then reverses and says "they were hacked"
>FARA registration for Podesta Group in Saudi Arabia
>Leading us to Podesta Group founder John Podesta, Center for American Progress chairman and Bill Clinton’s
Secretary of Staff

We have confirmed terrorist support and terrorism funding banks, and have tied these organizations to the Podesta
This is the entity that has the stake in Lagardere. It has confirmed terrorist financing ties with the following bank, run by
Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi and his sons Saleh, Sulaiman, Abdullah and Mohammed. We need to check donors to see if any are

Podestas were hired to lobby on behalf of banks, including the Qatar Fund Authority that got the largest foreign influence
in the company that bought the bataclan, which were shown to have ties to terrorism.
Qatar Authority is tied with the Arab bank that owns the Islami bank.

John Podesta is Hillary's Chief of Staff.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------




Holy mother of required cross-referencing:

>After buying some of the pedophile goods, which included a painful rape of a small child, van Rossem went back to one
of the sex shops and asked for even more hardcore material for which he was willing to pay a hefty price. He hinted that
he would like to see a girl being murdered on camera. Within a week, van Rossem received what he had ordered for
5,000 euros, a price quite similar to later reports.

>Some important names:

Beyond Dutreaux
You Tube Conspiracy of Silence
Franklin Conspiracy
Nancy Schaefer
Aangirfan site
>Boys for Sale
>Conspiracy of Silence
>Nancy Schaefer on CPS
>US child abuse experiments
>Dutroux and dead witnesses
>Franklin Cover-up & Johnny Gosch
>Vice's Love Serve Surrender
>covers CPS putting kids with a known sex offender
In 2013 a law was passed that charitable organizations do not need to pledge their opposition to prostitution and child
trafficking in order to receive government grants.
This was introduced by an arm of the open society foundation (owned by George Soros). The open society foundation has
donated millions to Clinton.

To summarize, Soros used one of his companies to provide a free pass to the Clinton foundation and others-which make
their money off sex slaves. Meaning, thanks to the 2013 law, if we can prove Clinton got her charity money through
human trafficking, there is no legal reasoning to prosecute her.
These people are sick.

Oh and that 2013 law? It went to the Supreme Court and Scalia voted against it-but it still passed, 6-2.

From the archive:

"Hugo Coveliers to Hugo Magazine 'De Bende & co.', pg. 133-134.

>Essentially says "oh there's no dossier on child molesting politicians, and there's no video... oh, well there's a dossier,
but it doesn’t matter. Oh those videos? nah, they aren't important... but we will turn them over to an investigator... Oh that
investigator is afraid to testify about them? See, not so bad after all!"

Beyond Dutroux, Pilgrims, the 1001, and Le Circle were mentioned as possible sex victims.
Some investigative journalists were mentioned who worked on these scandals. It may be worth emailing them. From
context, I think they are french. While I parle un petit francais, I'm certainly not fluent. If a Frenchanon or french speaker
could ask them about their investigation into child-sex and politicians that would be great. We could maybe get some
names from them, then see if they have relations to the Clintons.
>Names: Marie-Jeanne Von Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte, Douglas De Coninck.

It's a lot. I'm about a fifth of the way through the whole nasty ordeal...
>Marieo-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte, Douglas DeConinck- Investigative Journalists.
>Ray Wire, an american pedophilia investigator who WORKED WITH THE FBI (!)
>Nick Davies, an investigative journalist who worked on child porn investigation

>Elio Di Rupo
>Jean-Pierre Grate
>Soparauto- pimp at a place called Knokke
>Annie Bouts- Nihouls GF, raped children
>Warwick Spinks, who owned a gay nightclub in Amsterdam, apparently had connections in England, but isn't clear.
>Andrei Minaev: ran a russian trafficking/porn ring

4 Connected individuals
>Jean-Louis Delamotte, Michel Nihoul, Bernard Weinstein, Michele Martin
Places: These are sex clubs that were involved in pedophilia, it may be worth looking into these.
>Le Mirano club, an "elite" club
>Dolo Nightclub, frequented by Nihoul
>Les Atrebates Club, frequented by Nihoul

VICTIMS (not comprehensive):

"X2"- Turned over to a justice department spokesman of the "Rotary" in the mid-late 80s. Became a police officer.
"X3"- ignored by investigators numerous times, made allegations about the Belgian Royal Family, ("a prince" is mentioned
"Nathalie W."- born in '65 father abused her at the age of 6 ('71), he was in Rotary a time

>Aschats Services Commerces (pedo ring)
>FMSF, False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a group that "proved" that children can have memories implanted via
suggestion. As a psych major, I can say that research does support that... somewhat. At any rate, many of the founders
were accused of child abuse THEMSELVES, and many apparently had links to various intel departments (!!!!!!)
>Marcel Vervloesem + Markhoven Workgroup, got list of clients of a porn site, including Spinks. These guys are anti-child

Weird guy:
>Van Rossem: financial genius, made a bunch of money. Involved in sex culture and royal family finance.
Van rossem met a guy searching for "exclusive" porn at a sex shop. Later found a snuff ring. Turned over his
investigations.... But may or may not have had sex with underage girls himself. Hard to say..

>Snuff is 100% real and sold to a few clients at up to $5000 per video
>$75,000 to kill a child yourself
>Belgian law basically prevents the royal family from being prosecuted, apparently.
>animals raping people
>torture in all the ways you could imagine
>Abducting an orphan at about 10 Brit pounds per kid
>rape dungeon ignored by Belgian BOB because competence is for chumps.


Minnesota was one of those states that is basically under cultural of the leftist government and currently having one of the
largest wealth gaps and currently has the largest education gap so I figured when the fbi guy talked about human
trafficking and me knowing this about the state i looked it up and found out Minnesota has one of the largest human
trafficking rings in the nation
the case in 2010 determined one family was the cause for three generations currently searching who.
page four displays a graph showing the increase of prostitution and sex trafficking in Minnesota.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------


>Who Funds CREW?
>The Foundation to Promote Open Society (controlled by liberal billionaire financier George Soros and his family):
$740,000 since 2010
>The Open Society Institute (another foundation controlled by Soros): $150,000 in 2010
>The Bohemian Foundation (controlled by Colorado Democratic donor Pat Stryker and her political operatives): $850,000
since 2010
>Gill Foundation (private foundation of Colorado Democratic mega-donor Tim Gill): $608,615 since 2010
>Dyson Foundation (family foundation of the late Charles Dyson, an FDR Administration official, leveraged-buyout titan,
and longtime board member of liberal group Common Cause): $500,000 since 2011
>Steven M. Silberstein Foundation (run by Steven Silberstein, a Democracy Alliance financier and member of the board of
advisers for U.C. Berkeley’s public policy school who made his money in the software industry): $500,000 since 2010
>Marisla Foundation (environmentalist foundation run by J. Paul Getty oil fortune heiress Anne Getty Earheart): $425,000
>Leland Fikes Foundation (controlled by Lee Fikes, Texas oilman and major donor to Democrats and abortion-rights
causes): $200,000
>Daniel and Janet Mordecai Foundation (foundation controlled by major Colorado Democratic Party donor Janet
Mordecai): $100,000

Most likely a shell company, we have a LOT of dirt on this location:

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
455 Massachusetts Avenue NW • Sixth Floor • Washington, DC 20001
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------

USAID pic related

Uh-oh what's this I found about the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) being used to give
grants to Clinton Foundation donors? USAID sure doesn't sound fishy and shouldn't be looked into. I'm sure this SCOTUS
case "Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International, Inc". ruling that grant recipients
have a policy explicitly opposing sex trafficking was a violation of the first amendment isn't in the least bit odd or out of
place. Poor Scalia, living with a den of vipers.

>Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International, Inc
Relevance of image is $13 million dollar recipient of USAID grants and huge CF donor Muhammad Yunus, managing
director of Grameen Bank warning Hillary and Bill of an incoming Bangladesh investigation into the bank.

TL;DR: The leader of bangladesh probed grameen bank partially because she thought it was an attempt at political control
by the clintons in bangladesh, evidenced by her accusation that yunus won the nobel prize due to lobbying by the clinton
global initiative. Grameen bank anda ll its offshoots could potentially be clinton political control operations.

Also, Congress as well as many entrepreneurs signed a petition to tell the leader of bangladesh to lay off yunus. Threats

More on Grameen Bank:

>Hillary Clinton’s Department of State awarded at least $13 million in grants, contracts and loans to her longtime friend
and Clinton Foundation donor Muhammad Yunus, despite his being ousted in 2011 as managing director of the
Bangladesh-based Grameen Bank amid charges of corruption, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller News

>The tax funds were given to Yunus through 18 separate U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) award
transactions listed by the federal contracting site

>They highlight how Clinton mixed official government business with Clinton Foundation donors. Yunus gave between
$100,000 to $300,000 to the foundation, according to the Clinton Foundation website.

>In an order late on Wednesday, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson told the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID) to hand over to the Republican National Committee (RNC) whatever records it could as part of an RNC’s open-
records lawsuit on July 11.

>After that, USAID will need to consult with the State Department about hundreds of other pages of documents, which
could be released at some point in the future.
>Before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, USAID has claimed that it has discovered approximately 3,300
pages of records that it might be able to hand over to the Republican Party organization. But roughly 2,600 of those
reportedly need to be cleared with the State Department before they can be released.

>In her order on Wednesday, Jackson said USAID should release to the RNC what it can by July 11 and determine a
schedule for releasing the rest.

Decided to stop being a pansy and dump some USAID stuff. If they do human trafficking, they hide it well.
what_did_they_mean_by_this.png though:

Official site:
Wikipedia page:
Deliver Project:
Learning Lab:
TRAction Project:
Making Cities Work: 100 Resilient Cities ring a bell?
Oddly recent news:
Democracy Fellows and Grants Program:
President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief:
Dept. of State Strategic Plan:
Environmental Health:
Community Options, Inc.:
ArcGIS (sketchy site):
NY Times archive:
NASA stares at Africa:
Coca-Cola Partnership:
>USAID covert operation in cuba with anti castro propaganda
>As a cold war policy tool, the agency was, at times, used as a front for C.I.A. operations and operatives. Among the most
infamous examples was the Office of Public Safety, a U.S.A.I.D. police training program in the Southern Cone that also
trained torturers.
>Pando has confirmed that the American government – in the form of the US Agency for International Development
(USAID) – played a major role in funding opposition groups prior to the revolution. Moreover, a large percentage of the
rest of the funding to those same groups came from a US billionaire who has previously worked closely with US
government agencies to further his own business interests.
tl;dr USAID and Pierre Omidyar in ukraine revolution

US aid agencies instructed to report anti-GM nations to USAID
>In the minutes of its meeting with aid agencies
[] it is made clear that US Aid Agencies are
expected to immediately report any opposition to GM food imports by recipient nations to USAID, that they are to make
investigations to enable USAID to classify objections as either 'political' or 'trade' related and that USAID will then take the
necessary 'diplomatic action' (sanctions?, WTO prosecutions?, aid cancellations/, IMF action?) to ensure that the
shipments are accepted
>Hillary controls USAID and influences billions in foreign assistance
>head of USAID (Rajiv Shah) is a hillary minion
>hillary appointed Rajiv Shah


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------


On 5/6/14 Jeffries LLC gave $225K to the Clinton Foundation

Just 3 months later, Jeffries LLC was “Sole financial advisor to Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P. and Kinder Morgan
Management, LLC in their $60 billion sale to Kinder Morgan, Inc.”

Kinder Morgan Energy and Kinder Morgan Management are both privately owned by their general partner, Kinder Morgan
Inc. So it looks like it was a 60 billion dollar purchase of what they already technically owned.

I looked more into KM Energy and back in 2007 this was said about them
“The fifty percent leakage in unit holder investment goes to prominent general partners – a Wall Street House that has
furnished two Secretaries of the Treasury in recent years, a Washington leveraged buyout fund that rewards politicians,
and a large insurance company that apparently has used an off-the-books offshore fund to pay bonuses to its executives.
A former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, whom we have often admired for his defense of
individual investors, serves as a paid advisor to two of the general partners.”

The last part, "The latest declaration of an increase in quarterly distribution to $0.88 a unit from $0.85 amounts to an
additional $7 million a quarter to limited partners and an equal $7 million to the general partner who has put up essentially
no capital. When we allocate projected cash flow (Ebitda) in proportion to the debt ratio we have “equity Ebitda” of $917
million for the next twelve months compared to a projected distribution of $1499 million. The excess of $582 million is that
portion of the distribution we consider financed by debt and not sustainable by prudent standards."

They bought the company for $60 billion and get to keep half of it, all while not putting down actual capital since they are
buying their own company technically.

To me, it looks like Jeffries LLC paid the clinton foundation $225k. In return they were allowed to "advise" in this extremely
shady tax loophole without the government intervening.

Kinder Morgan being able to put 0 physical dollars down and make $30 billion immediately should be illegal. The
government shouldn't allow that to begin with. Having Jeffries LLC pay 225k to the CF and get a cut of that $30 billion is
undeniable corruption.

Kinder Morgan is the largest independent transporter of petroleum products in North America, and it looks like the
government let them create money out of thin air. This is absolute corruption.

The article from 2007 mentions prominent general partners of Kinder Morgan and links them to the Secretaries of the
Treasury. Looking back at the past secretaries of the treasury, some of the names are:
Jack Lew – COO Citigroup
Henry Paulson – CEO Goldman Sachs
Timothy Geithner – President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
John W. Snow — Managed the Chrysler bailouts
Robert M. Kimmitt — According to a classified wikileak, he met with Kuwait Prime and Foreign Minister on 10/30/08 and
even discusses the Iran Nuclear deal.


Only 5-10MM Kuwaiti connections:

Guys, I digged into this mind app that an anon posted (pic related). There’s a lot of interesting stuff, like Tavi for instance,
but instead I focused on Clinton, Bill especially, since he must have some dirt
Oh boy there's a lot of things that can be sufficient enough to redpill normies.Most of the stuff I will post here is straight
from wikipedia no bully It means that all is common knowledge, albeit the puzzle pieces are spread over a large web of
CIA directors, President Advisory etc..
So, beside the money laundering, CIA drug operations, conflict of interests, Whitewater, Lewinsky et al, I found strange
patterns surrounding Clintons & espionage…
Like for instance the Mossad/Lewinsky MEGA operation, or the allegations that he was recruited by the CIA as a young
Rhodes scholar :
>Dr Roger Morris, author of an astonishing new book called Partners in Power, claims that, in the late 1960s, Mr Clinton
worked as a source for the Central Intelligence Agency.
>According to the book, the bearded, dishevelled Rhodes scholar was recruited by the CIA while at Oxford - along with
several other young Americans with political aspirations - to keep tabs on fellow students involved in protest activities
against the Vietnam War.
>Morris says that the young Clinton indulged in some low-level spying in Norway in 1969, visiting the Oslo Peace Institute
and submitting a CIA informant's report on American peace activists who had taken refuge in Scandinavia to avoid the
So I digged some more dirt into wikipedia and I stumbled upon a deep rabbit hole
Samuel Richard "Sandy" Berger
-Deputy national security advisor - 1993 - 1997
-Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs - 1997 - 2001

>In 1999, Berger was criticized for failing to promptly inform President Clinton of his knowledge that the People's Republic
of China had managed to acquire the designs of a number of U.S. nuclear warheads.
>Berger was originally briefed of the espionage by the Department of Energy (DOE) in April 1996, but did not inform the
president until July 1997
>A number of Republicans, including then presidential hopeful Lamar Alexander, called for Berger's resignation. They
accused him of ignoring the allegations of Chinese espionage. "For his unwillingness to act on this serious matter,
>Mr. Berger should resign", Alexander said. "If he does not, he should be relieved of his duties by President Clinton."
>President Clinton rejected the calls: "The record is that we acted aggressively," Clinton said. "Mr. Berger acted
>On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating Berger for unauthorized removal
of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11
>The documents were five classified copies of a single report commissioned from Richard Clarke covering internal
assessments of the Clinton Administration's handling of the unsuccessful 2000 millennium attack plots.
>Berger took one copy in September 2003 and four copies in October 2003 allegedly by stuffing the documents into his
socks and pants
>Berger subsequently lied to investigators when questioned about the removal of the documents.


Clinton's National Security Advisor in 1996, knew that China had acquired the designs of US nuclear warheads…he was
just extremely "careless" and dindu inform the president about it.
Notice a recurrence here with recent Hillary / Comey "careless" quid pro quo and also the removal of classified materials ?

Robert James Woolsey Jr.

-Director of CIA, 1993–1995
>Woolsey was CIA director when Aldrich Ames was arrested for treason and spying against the United States.
>The CIA was criticized for not focusing on Ames sooner, given the obvious increase in Ames' standard of living and there
was a "huge uproar" in Congress when Woolsey decided that no one in the CIA would be dismissed or demoted at the
>Woolsey declared: "Some have clamored for heads to roll in order that we could say that heads have rolled…Sorry,
that's not my way."
>Woolsey was forced to resign.
>He is currently a Senior Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton for Global Strategic Security (since July 15, 2002)
>Booz Allen Hamilton, since 2002

Second warning,
The Director of CIA under Clinton administration, knew that a KGB mole spied for decades (the second-largest number of
CIA agents compromised) and dindu nothing.
That same CIA director, then became Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton since 2002, which means he also
knew about Snowden (since Snowden worked at the CIA before working at Booz Allen Hamilton).
Also, he is
-A Board Member and Vice-Chairman of The Jamestown Foundation
>The Jamestown Foundation is a Washington, D.C.-based institute for research and analysis, founded in 1984.
>as a platform to support Soviet defectors[…]dedicated to supporting Soviet dissidents, enabled the defectors from the
Eastern Bloc to earn extra money by lecturing and writing.
>Jamestown's board of directors has included Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski
>Jamestown's current board includes Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Bruce Riedel (keep that in mind).

Remember Samuel Richard "Sandy" Berger? that guy who let China spies acquired nuclear warheads, well, he's also :
-Advisory Board member for the Partnership for a Secure America
-Chairman of Stonebridge International merged in 2009 with The Albright Group, a similar firm founded by former
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, to form Albright Stonebridge Group
-He also served on the International Advisory Council of the Brookings Doha Center.
-Berger was born to a Jewish family
William Anthony Kirsopp Lake
-Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
-National Security Advisor under U.S. President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997
-nominated to become the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, but his nomination was withdrawn due to
Republican opposition
He's also
-Advisory Board member for the Partnership for a Secure America (same as Samuel Richard "Sandy" Berger)
-ultimately converted to Judaism in 2005.

Bruce O. Riedel
-Special Assistant to the President, and Senior Director for Near East Affairs on the National Security Council (1997–
-Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near East and South Asian Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense (1995–
-National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National Intelligence Council (1993–95)
-Director for Gulf and South Asia Affairs, National Security Council (1991–1993)
-senior fellow in the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution
There's certainly a lot more people involved into this, but as you can see with only 4 people we have :
-two different National Security Advisor, William Anthony Kirsopp Lake & Samuel Richard "Sandy" Berger
who are also Advisory Board members of the Partnership for a Secure America
-We have one CIA director who became Vice chairman of a platform dedicated to support KGB defector, a platform also
linked to the Brookings Institution, who is also linked to Saban Center
-We have a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense who also work with the Saban Center for Middle East Policy
-We have Madeleine "the price is worth it" Albright
>Madeleine Albright is a co-investor with Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild and George Soros, in a $350 million
investment vehicle called Helios Towers Africa, which intends to buy or build thousands of mobile phone towers in Africa
>She also serves as an Honorary Chair for the World Justice Project to lead a global, multidisciplinary effort to strengthen
the Rule of Law for the development of communities of opportunity and equity

I stopped my research here, but I'm sure there is a lot more to find
This is not really related (or is it ?) to the Clinton foundation, but I found it interesting enough to post it here, you guys
might want to dig more into this if you find it useful.
CIA directors and other Intel agencies are working in unison, with ramifications in Rockefeller / Rothschilds / Fabian
How does it adds up with Comey FBI Director congress hearing about a shadow gov ? I don't know, you tell me.
Have fun.


September 24, 2009
AREVA, through its subsidiary AREVA Med LLC, announced today that the Clinton Global Initiative has recognized its
efforts to develop innovative production methods to produce medical-grade Lead-212. This one is used in promising alpha
radio-immunotherapy treatments, to combat cancer.

Areva is listed as a partner. This one screams trafficking but who knows.

In 2015, the Elle Foundation continued with its endeavours by supporting six new projects in Algeria, China, Ghana, the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cambodia and France.

Denis Olivennes, chairman of one of the Lagardere divisions, is a board member of the Elle Foundation.

He also is an alleged guest at Bilderberg in 09 and 10.

Areva is the company that sold Fukushima Daiichi it's MOX fuel.
>After the Fukushima accident, Hillary Clinton signed a deal permitting Japan to continue importing irridated fish and other
goods to the US, even while other nations are turning them away.

Hillary knew more about the meltdown than she let on about in public
>Leak has been doing since last night. It is still not under control. A US team was flown in to help get this thing under
control, but that is not public record yet. It will come out later, I think.
>Anway, leak from last night means it is hitting us about now. I am not going outdoors for a while.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------


>"The Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, which may have collected the third most at $110 million, has been quick at raising
money but slow in deciding what to do with it. Not until December 7, over three months after Katrina hit the Gulf, did it
apply for tax-exempt status with the IRS and announce how it will distribute the bulk of its donations. The former
Presidents' Fund said that it will give $40 million to charitable funds formed by the governors of Louisiana, Mississippi and
Alabama, $30 million for colleges and schools in the three states, and $20 million for a faith-based partnership, which will
decide how to distribute it. It is surprising that it took so long to allocate these funds since most went to grantee
organizations that are serving as intermediaries in deciding which organizations or people will be the final recipients of
these donations. Also, as of December 7, the former Presidents' Fund has not publicly announced on its Internet site or in
its press releases who will serve on its full governing board. Donors need to know this to make an informed giving
KASICH: And what happened with that money?

STAMP: That was the problem. Is that they went around the country raising the money and they didn't really tell people
what they were going to do with it. I had a problem then that you should never give to a charity that's vague or deceptive
in what they're raising money for. It's like investing in a for-profit company without knowing what they are going to do with

Today, just three weeks later — just three weeks ago, I'm sorry, William Gray and Pastor T.D. Jakes from Texas and the
Religious Advisory Committee has resigned from the Clinton-Bush Katrina relief fund because they are not even sure that
the charities and churches they are giving to exist.


>[opposite of privacy] [I was born here so I am]

>public citizen, and

ok anons, look into these people for CF donations/ties

>Mark A. Chavez
>Jim Bildner
>Ann Brown
>Robert C. Fellmeth
>David Halperin
>Annie Leonard
>Cynthia Renfro
>Steve Skrovan
>Gerson Smoger
>Robert Weissman
>Jason B. Adkins
>Joan Claybrook
>Andrew Friedman
>Danny Goldberg
>Jim Hightower
>Joy Howell
>Shannon Liss-Riordan
>John Richard
>Anthony So


Possible link with Australia's PM and the UN Security council with the CF tied in:
>We can take you to New York now where Australia is pushing for that spot on the UN Security Council.
>Richard Marles is Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Richard how is the Prime Minister doing?
>RICHARD MARLES: The Prime Minister has been ill, as people know, but I think she is getting up and about. She did
participate in the Clinton Foundation function today.

>What's cuter is, you’ll be delighted to know the Australian taxpayer is also listed as tipping in somewhere between $10
million - $25 million to the Clinton Foundation thanks to Julia Gillard. Your hard earned dollars thrown around like confetti
by Gillard for her close mate.

>Announced by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton, and former
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, CHARGE’s commitments
will focus on five key areas in global girls education which include: ...

>AusAID was brought under the umbrella of DFAT shortly before Bob Carr was parachuted into the Foreign Affairs

plot thickens
>Bingo! US Internal Revenue Service to investigate the Clinton Foundation - Australian Government's problems begin

>Even more telling, Pentagon documents obtained by Bamford for his Rolling Stone story revealed that Rendon had been
given access to the NSA’s top-secret surveillance data to carry out its work on behalf of the Pentagon. TRG, the DoD
documents said, is authorized “to research and analyze information classified up to Top Secret/SCI/SI/TK/G/HCS.”

>‘SCI’ means Sensitive Compartmented Information, data classified higher than Top Secret, while ‘SI’ designates Special
Intelligence, that is, highly secret communications intercepted by the NSA. ‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for
imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites, while ‘G’ stands for Gamma, encompassing communications
intercepts from extremely sensitive sources, and ‘HCS’ means Humint Control System—information from a very sensitive
human source.

>In Bamford’s words: “Taken together, the acronyms indicate that Rendon enjoys access to the most secret information
from all three forms of intelligence collection: eavesdropping, imaging satellites and human spies.”
Seems like Hillary got the top secret docs from someone involved, look into The Rendon Group and Highlands Forum.


Boeing's CEO is on the board for this thing called Partnership for a New American Economy. It is tied in with George
Soros. Disney's CEO, Julian Castro, Bloomberg, and Rupert Murdoch are also on the board. It has been brought up a few
times but not in these threads I don't think.
>Building on the growing desire of civic and business leaders to attract, retain, and integrate immigrants as part of an
economic growth strategy, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE) and Welcoming America are pleased to
announce communities that have been selected as part of the Gateways for Growth Challenge. Launched in December
2015, Gateways for Growth invited communities across the United States to apply for research, technical assistance, and
matching grants to support the development and implementation of multi-sector strategic plans for welcoming and
integrating new Americans.

>There are fears the cure for Aids could have been lost with 100 of the “best and brightest” scientists and researchers on
board Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

>Trevor Stratton, a Canadian HIV researcher attending the conference told ABC researchers had been getting close to a
vaccine against Aids.

>According to UNSW, Mr Lange had worked in Aids research and treatment since 1983 and made “ground-breaking”
contributions to the development of affordable treatments. He also played a pioneering role in exploring affordable and
simple antiretroviral drug regimens for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission.

>Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17) was a Boeing 777-200ER airliner.

>The Boeing Company (donor to CF)

>$1,000,001 - $$5,000,000
Also in this donation range are
>Verein Aids Life

The MH370 plane was also

> Boeing 777-200ER


So these monsters likes to buy up property and influence in San Diego.

Aside from that, they own Qualcomm.

>They own this thing:
They HAVE to be losing money on this because it's placed in the middle of private property in the neighborhood.
HOWEVER, they did use it as their fund-raising arm. For the Ronald McDonald House, the Obamas, silent auctions for
themselves, you name it. Every other night these guys had events in the middle of a neighborhood.

The Jacobs are involved with the Friends of the San Dieguito River Valley, who mention the Sierra Club.

They got in trouble a few times because they wanted to put a walking path all the way from the Jenny Craig Horse Farm
to the Lake Hodges dam and were refused because some girl also died out there and it was deemed unsafe. They also
wanted to remove all cars from the area around the San Diego Zoo because they could suggest that, I guess.
These guys also have a private residence in La Jolla, which they let the Obamas themselves show up at. I can't
remember if it was ever in the local news, but they used to disperse their emails about all these cute happenings in San
They just buy up property, waste time for 5 years, and then do nothing with it or go off annoying the city.
They do earn legitimate BILLIONS with legitimate businesses, but their deep ties to the Obamas is disgusting.

IIRC Irwin Jacobs has made varied and substantial donations to the Donahue Foundation in excess of what appears to be
50m over several years.
You look at the grant page and they have given out maybe 200k this year. Looks like a lot of spread. Anyone know
anything about this group?

they are based in San Diego which explains a lot of the San diego groups on there probably mostly inn0cu0us
Irwin Jacobs personal philanthropy to Donahue Foundation was in excess of looking like 50m need to recheck his stuff

Once cherie Blair, CGI, various intergovernmental panels etc

This is the obit for the guy, this foundation looks slushy, website looks garbage for a foundation pulling that kinda bread
Charity is for Catholic schools


Finally found when the she went to their house.
Other date:

I looked into billionaire Irwin Jacobs on that list of CF donors of 25k+

Not only did he give over 2 million to the Obama campaign, but Irwin Jacobs met with Michelle in a little publicised
"fundraiser" that's purpose was unspecified. It looks like obama is sending michelle off to speak to contributors under the
guise of fundraising.

Jacobs owns Qualcomm, the massive telecommunications company. Qualcomm also hides its political spending.
After a lawsuit, they were forced to disclose giving $1 million to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and $1.8
million to trade associations, including $385,000 to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“From 2002 through 2012, Qualcomm provided things of value to foreign officials … to try to influence these decision
makers to favor and/or promote Qualcomm-developed technology in an evolving international telecommunications market,
thereby providing Qualcomm with a business advantage,” said the SEC.

We need to assume Michelle is just as on board with this as obama and hillary are. Her fundraising travels are very likely
a ploy for something bigger. We need to look deeper into her


>$540K to the US Chamber of Commerce in 2015
Lawsuits everywhere:
I started digging through Qualcomm stuff and decided to bite the bullet on an auto-download of their associations.
Pic related:
>Cherie Blair


Qualcomm donates to a bunch of Tech companies.

CTIA is one of the annoying ones, because it looks like another thing like Lake Nona.

>Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY)
>Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

Qualcomm gives to these guys:
Republican group founded by the Rockefellers in 1962 - see History. Legitimately looks like a Democrat group made by


>Zain Endeavors, LLC

Current Entity Name: ZAIN ENDEAVORS, LLC
DOS ID #: 4249270
Initial DOS Filing Date: MAY 23, 2012
County: NEW YORK
Jurisdiction: NEW YORK
Current Entity Status: ACTIVE

Selected Entity Address Information DOS Process (Address to which DOS will mail process if accepted on behalf of the

>Hillary is often confused.
The above is from court records.

>So where does Huma fit into this profile? There is a precept within Sharia called, ‘maruna’ that advocates lying and false
impersonation as a valid doctrine of faith. This doctrine is widely accepted as a means of sowing division and confusion –
by The Muslim Brotherhood. Hence, Huma’s very odd marriage to a jewish man, in complete contradiction to the values
instilled by her Sharia Law mother. Perhaps he was the unwitting shill, the man who followed his lust instead of his values
and morality. He was easy. And perhaps the vow Huma has for Hillary, knowing that her innate’ confused mind’ will
ultimately lay the table for a a Huma dictatorship. As she is really the ‘man’ in control.
>Is the abdication of the ‘confused’ Hillary simply a precursor to the potential rule of Abedin as her most trusted and loyal
advisor. Is Hillary the real pawn and the betrayal a play waiting to happen? Is Abedin raising her child to be the new
messiah within the lineage of Muhammad? Is that her coronation? IS that what gives her and her mother the ability to
reign within Saudi Arabia despite their Muslim Brotherhood connection


>Irish Aid is a government sponsored charity that has given millions to the Clintons
>They have ties in all the African countries that the CF is tied into
>They spend large amounts on aids medicine like the Clintons are fond of
>Also spend money supporting political groups against Israel just like the State Department was revealed to do
>Millions are missing in donations pledged and money is going to corrupt African shit holes
>CF might not even be a legal charity in Ireland to give to!

>The donation took place last year after Brende and Prime Minister Erna Solberg promised a contribution following a
meeting with former President Bill Clinton.
They had a very energetic meeting apparently.

The two foreign ministers to have been in charge sonar Norway started giving money to the Clintons are Borge Brende
and Espen Barth Eide. Wide resigned a few years back and since has landed himself a spot on the Board for the centre of
Humanitarian Dialogue and a job as the UN special adviser on Cyprus. These could be linked to the CF but I haven't
found out yet. Brende is currently the foreign minister and has a job as Managing Director at the world economic forum.
Also possibly linked to the CF. The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation is also giving money to the CF so if
anyone needs something to do, they could look into that.

>The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, otherwise known as the Henry Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, or HD,
is a private diplomacy organisation based in SWITZERLAND that assists in mediation between conflicting parties to
prevent or end armed conflicts.[1][2]
Seems like they do a GREAT JOB at their goal.

>It also conducts research and analysis on mediation and peacemaking in support of its operational work to improve
international efforts to secure and sustain peace. To do so, HD opens channels of communication and mediates between
parties in conflict, as well as facilitates dialogue and provides support to the broader mediation and peacebuilding
community.[4] HD will facilitate dialogue in both confidential settings as well as public ones.
Wonder how much they gag on qatari and saudi cock for peacemaking.

>It is headquartered in Geneva,[5] which is also the location of its MIDDLE EAST and NORTH AFRICA programme. HD
has regional offices in Africa and Asia.
Well isn't that unironic, since both of those places have become beacons of peace, stability, and civilization in the past

The Qatari sheikha that Clinton met through Clair Blair founded an organization that approached the US government
around the same time they met to do the exact same thing.

Something is fishy in Norway. People haven't talked about the Norway connection much, but they have contributed an
inordinate amount to the CF. Why?
- Norwegian press says: Donations to the Clinton Foundation by the GON (Government of Norway) were against the law
- The CF has wanted to structure its sources from the GON in a way that the received amount appeared to be significantly
smaller than it really is
- The reason for this was that the GON has a law limiting the amount of outgoing donations
- They have used the well-known "smurfing" technique to achieve this - they have cut the amount into several smaller
- More on this on and Dagbladet
First quick translation (will read more, but thought I'd post this as it summaries it I think).
Dagbladet article summary (snippets from article).

Regarding the foundation to Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton wanting to replace diesel-aggregate with wind and solar

Norwegian foreign-minister Borge Brende had a strong wish to give money to this project. The wish was so strong that he
according to an internal Norad-report (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) elected to ignore his own policy.

The money was promised to the project when Borge Brende and Erna Solberg (prime-minister) met Bill Clinton 29. June
Norway, Saudi-Arabia and Australia is the three countries that according to the Clinton-foundation contributes most

In the period 2007 to 2015 did Norway contribute 584 million kroner to the Clinton-foundation according to Norad. The
next three years have Norway promised further 92 million kroner.
>584 million kroner = ~67,8 million USD when I checked today value
>92 million kroner = ~10.7 million USD

>The point where Borge Brende was breaking policy is that Norway have declared what countries we are going to help,
and the Clinton-foundation project is outside this scope.
The Clinton-foundation was asked that the money given by Norway wasn't channeled to those three countries because
those countries haven't been cleared for receiving aid by the OECD.

List of meeting between Norwegian parliament members and Clinton-family members. Meeting between Hillary Clinton
and foreign-minister Borge Brende is not included in list.
>Note: I'm not 100% sure on the translation of minister posts.
Bill Clinton is in Norway for a conference and has meeting with prime-minister Jens Stoltenberg
Prime-minister Jens Toltenberg meets Bill Clinton during a meeting at the Clinton-foundation in New York
Jens Stoltenberg meets Bill Clinton during a meeting at the Clinton-foundation in New York
Development-minister Hekki Holmås meets Bill Clinton at the Clinton-foundation in New York
Jens Stoltenberg meets Bill Clinton in New York
Bill Clinton meets prime-minister Jens Stoltenberg in Oslo and development-minister Heikki Holmås in Oslo
Borge Brende meets Chelsea Clinton in New York
Borge Brende leads a meeting regarding renewal (swapping form old to new ?) of old barbecues(?) and stoves with
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton is in Norway and meets Borge Brende
Bill Clinton visits Erna Solberg and Borge Brende in the prime-minister residence
Bill Clinton is in Norway and visits Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norad
Borge Brende meets Bill Clinton at the Clinton-foundation in New York

There is a couple of hits on Clinton when searching the ministry of foreign affairs.
Think this is the article referenced in Dagbladet

Norvég Civil Alap (~Norwegian Civilian Found).

It is well known here that they are backed by Soros. They tried manipulating Hungarian politics by "donating" to Hungarian

We know the Clintons have close ties with the Chinese. And that as DOG said, they were into green energy together with
the Government of Norway (GON).
This could be a clue:
H.E. Tord Lien, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Kingdom of Norway


On Steve Bing and the North Korea trip:

>The White House is trying to give the impression that ailing NK dictator Kim Jong-il, who suffers from terminal pancreatic
cancer, was willing to release the reporters merely for the privilege of having a photo opt with former president Bill Clinton-
-no messages, no deals, no promises--just a sudden thaw in an otherwise frosty relationship.

>Anyone familiar with the past and current history of North Korean tactics knows this release-without-conditions was a
total charade with a pre-agreed upon script. It was at once a propaganda coup for Kim Jong-il, coming across as the
benevolent grantor of clemency, and a publicity stunt for media hungry Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

>But the reality is that no such private mission to NK is even possible. You can't even file a flight plan into NK without a
special government waver granted by the White House. Slowly additional truths have leaked out about the role of the
National Security Advisor in coordinating this mission. Hillary Clinton, who as head of the State Department, would have
been the normal one to vet this trip, but she was shunted aside so as to avoid the charge of making this a family affair.

>To further the private mission claim, Dow Chemical and wealthy Hollywood movie producer Steve Bing were tapped to
provide the transportation. Naturally, a deep insider newspaper like the Washington Post had the lion's share of the partial
truths while still maintaining the myth that this was totally private.
Steve Bing doesn't seem particularly sketchy, thought this whole NK trip certainly was.


We could start with the War on Drugs in mexico, there is a treasure trove of leads.
was defined by former President George W. Bush as a “new security cooperation initiative” between Mexico and the
United States to combat drug trafficking and organized crime.
In March 2009, President Obama signed $300 million more into law for Merida Initiative funding as part of the 2009
Omnibus Spending bill.
The release of 15% of these funds depends on a State Department report regarding 4 Human Rights requirements
conditioned by the U.S. congress for Mexico to fulfill. These include improving the transparency and accountability of
federal, state and municipal police; ensuring that civilian authorities are investigating and prosecuting members of police
and military forces who have been credibly alleged to have committed human rights violations; engaging in consultation
with Mexican human rights organizations; and enforcing the prohibition of testimony obtained through torture.
The funds released will go to military aircraft and towards drug interdiction equipment and training; these resources are
intended for Mexican military and federal police forces. Members of the Mexican Congress have complained about the
lack of transparency related to the how these funds have been dispersed up to this point.
This link advises the companies that benefited from the deal were DynCorp, Risks Inc Lockheed Martin, General Electric
and United Technologies(which the author mentions has a connection to Clinton foundation due to them owning

HSM Global

Checked the website on, seems to have started redirecting to (world of business) between Feb
15 and Mar 17 2012.

More interestingly, the domain remains registered to an Argentinian subsidiary headquartered in Mexico.
(HSM Domains, HSM Argentina S.A., Paseo de los Tamarindos # 90, Mexico D.F, MEXICO 05120. Phone:
+52.39775210, Email:


Has anyone looked into Aspire - Katara Investment Company, Doha GOALS and Richard Attias?

Current minister of foreign affairs of Qatar, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani, used to be chairman of the
board of directors for Aspire - Katara Investment Company from 2011 to 2012. Aspire - Katara Investment Company is
organization behind Doha GOALS which advertises it as the "world’s premier platform for world leaders to create
initiatives for global progress through sport".

DOHA GOALS was launched in 2012 with the help of Richard Attias, who just happens to be also the co-founder of the
Global Clinton Initiative.


Trying to into piecing things together like everyone else so I can contribute, but I suck at it so I will post what I have
gathered and what I think so far.

Possible Clinton Connections with Penn State and Sandusky.

Bill Clinton visits Penn State Behrend, Friday, April 8

Professor's latest book examines presidential bid of Hillary Clinton

Chelsea Clinton Visits University Park

Hillary Clinton's Father and Brother attend Penn State - Both Played Football (possible sandusky connection)

Hugh E. Rodham Memorial Scholarship - Not much information listed - Benefactors: Friends and family of Hugh E.

As Many As Six Penn State Coaches Witnessed Jerry Sandusky Rape Children
"A lawyer for one of the three ‘90s coaches denied his client had seen anything. A second coach declined to comment. A
third could not be reached, and the name of the fourth was not disclosed to NBC News."

Joe Paterno Reportedly Knew of Sandysky's Abuse Since 1976

Joe Paterno Concealed Facts for Sandusky

The Second Mile - Sandusky Founded nonprofit for underprivileged youth - ceased operations
"The Second Mile had three offices in Pennsylvania, with headquarters in State College, Pennsylvania. The charity's
revenue, primarily from donations and fundraisers such as golf tournaments, was $3 million in 2009.
[10] Major companies and foundations that have given to The Second Mile include Bank of America, Bank of NY Melon,
the Hershey Company, Merck,
State Farm, Sheetz, U.S. Steel Corp., PepsiCo, Frito-Lay, local Walmarts and newspapers. [11] The charity paid its CEO
$133,000 a year, and his wife received about $100,000 a year."

Another top official at Second Mile to leave charity

Penn State hires former counsel to Bill Clinton

Still working on finding more, see if anyone can piece anything together here. Most likely just suspicion, but one can never

Board Members of Second Mile Donate to Corbett Campaign

Sandusky's Charity "Served" Nearly 400k Individuals

Sandusky Made $500k After Admitting Hanging Out With Boy - Important: Points out compensation for three officials in
Second Mile

ESPN Matt Millen Director at Second Mile Charity

Tax Returns for Sandusky’s deal

Summary of Key Points on Sandusky

Jerry Sandusky’s Second Mile Charity May Be as Culpable as Penn State

It seems to me that there was a huge coverup involving the board and Tom Corbett, as well as potential child trafficking
from the charity itself. This could link back to both Jeffrey Epstein's doings and the Clintons, as the Clintons have close
ties with Penn State and the football program.

Im finding names of people that will need to be interviewed and a few books that will need reading. Sandusky was part of
a tri state child sex ring. Im pretty tired. Here are some good links if someone wants to carry on.

A couple people who need looked into.

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino
Greg Bucceroni
This article brings up Greg Bucceroni. Searching him on google brings up a ton of leads for child sex rings in the area. Im
sure any and all of those sex rings are related. They all seemed to be high profile "customers"

****POSSIBLE CONNECTION TO CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING**** and it wasn't even the one i was looking for (still
digging into late-90s bosnia)

Lanny Davis: connected to HRC and the Penn State sex scandal
>first he's trying to patch up the penn state fiasco

>then he's gushing about how awesome he thinks CF is


>Abbott: Texas to Block Syrian Refugee Resettlement
>Texas Gov. Greg Abbott takes flak for pandering to fringe

>Texas Gov. Greg Abbott already took fire for his perceived pandering to a radical fringe when he called up the Texas
troops to keep an eye on the feds in Jade Helm. Now fresh allegations are flowing.
>An editorial in the Dallas Morning News alleges, "Abbott sided with conspiracy theorists to kill mental health bill." The
charge is based on reporting by the Texas Tribune, which suggested the governor was again giving substantial
government sway to conspicuous perspectives.
>The bill, Senate Bill 359, would have allowed doctors or hospitals to detain mentally ill patients deemed dangerous to
release until law enforcement arrives to take charge of the subject. Otherwise, hospitals are faced with the decision of
admitting a patient, who may seem mentally ill though not medically sick, or releasing them.

The guy is already on the liberal/leftist blacklist, but clearly he did something else to annoy people.
>Abott said three of his biggest priorities during his time as Texas governor will be additional job growth, border security
and improving Texas schools
Abbott also signed into the law the Texas open carry legislation.

The big thing to note is the "IMPROVING TEXAS SCHOOLS." Texas is the hub for the Gulen charter schools. Fethullah
Gulen is a terrorist, Erdogan has called for his extradition to Turkey. He is funding islamist charter schools all over the
country, particularly in Texas. They money from these charter schools are going to dubious causes. Gulen is a known
friend of the Clintons and donates to the foundation.

Remember that yesterday Seth Rich, an advocate for fair elections and anti-voter fraud, was shot dead in Northern DC.
There was no robbery. There are no suspects.
Last week TX Governor Greg Abbott was badly burned from his knees down in an "accident" while on vacation in
Wyoming. Let’s take a closer look at Greg Abbott:
First, there's this website:

Then there's this jab he took directly at Clinton:

>On Friday, anti-rights Democrat leftist Hillary Clinton thought that gun confiscation, which goes against everything
America was founded upon, should be “worth considering.” Apparently Rodham Clinton isn’t aware that America’s Second
Amendment has a very clear “shall not be infringed,” provision when it comes to gun rights, as our brilliant Founding
Fathers knew that some tyrant would eventually come along who didn’t respect human freedom and voters may be duped
into voting for him or her.

>And while progressive leftists seem to have taken an oath to Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, rather than the U.S.
Constitution, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, has a three word answer for tyrants like Hillary Clinton, and it’s
only three words, “NOT IN TEXAS.”

Then there was the twitter battle the two had, which Breitbart reports nicely on so I won't quote:

Clinton took a jab at Abbott during a campaign speech in Houstin:


Some more SICK BURNS by Abbott via twitter:



Pope Francis & Soros work together for a common goal

>While the IRS revoked the non-profit status of the George Soros-subsidized Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
(CACG) in October 2013 for failing to file a form 990 for three consecutive years, the organization recently re-emerged
with a progressive voter guide for the November presidential elections. For A Revolution of Tenderness: A 2016 Election
Pope Francis Voter Guide, CACG collaborated with other progressive groups—including the Soros-supported Faith in
Public Life Catholic Program, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Pax Christi International, and others—to
produce a voter guide that claims to “show how we apply the teachings of our Church to the problems of our day with a
heart of mercy.”

>Like the organization’s previous presidential voting guides, the new guide provides encouragement to Catholics wishing
to support candidates who promote progressive positions—sometimes at the expense of the non-negotiable teachings of
the Church on life and marriage. Claiming that their long list of social ills are “all related,” the 2016 guide, like the 2012
guide before it, stacks the deck in favor of pro-choice politicians who promise to protect the poor, the environment, and
LGBT rights—but not the rights on the unborn or of the family.

This pope is not like the others.


According to the transcripts of the White House's first Ramadan Dinner in 1996. Hillary Clinton states that she learned
everything about Islam from 14 year-old Chelsea Clinton who got such knowledge from her Islamic Studies class in
Sidwell Friends School.

Almost every major figure of the last century, including Bill Nye the Science Guy, has a familial relationship to this creme
of the creme school.

Oh boy, that's a CIA/spy training school if I ever saw one. In looking for info on the school, I found this:
The article itself is nothing terribly new, but the excerpt at the end is pretty funny:
>One day, according to Payne, he was walking through the second-floor private kitchen when an agent walked in behind
him waiting to escort Chelsea to Sidwell Friends, the private school she attended in northwest Washington. Chelsea was
on the phone.

>“Oh, I’ve got to go,” she told her friend. “The pigs are here.”
>The agent turned “crimson,” Payne recalls. “Ms. Clinton, I want to tell you something. My job is to stand between you,
your family, and a bullet. Do you understand?”
>She replied: “Well, that’s what my mother and father call you.”

1992 AND LSC?

Here's an oldie, but maybe it has some people we overlooked. The Spectator wrote an expose on Hillary in 1992 that
might prove useful now.
>By the morning of June 5, four top Clinton campaign aides — David Wilhelm, George Stephanopoulos, Eli Segal, and
Stanley Greenberg — had had enough of Susan Thomases and Harold Ickes, two ultra-liberal campaign aides who had
fastened themselves to Hillary. According to a Clinton insider, the four had concluded that “Susan Thomases is running
this campaign with Harold Ickes through Hillary,” and gave Bill Clinton this ultimatum: “Either [Thomases] goes, or we’re
all going and she can run the campaign.” Ever the Conciliator-in-Chief, Clinton managed to avert a mass resignation by
the top echelon of his campaign staff. “They papered all this over for the time being, but it won’t last,” says the insider.

>When the spunky, young Hillary Rodham left Park Ridge, Illinois, for college in 1965, she was by all accounts a
Goldwater conservative. Four years later, as Wellesley’s first-ever student commencement speaker, she took her leave of
the school in a valedictory cloud of disjointed sixties rhetoric. What happened to Hillary at Wellesley? “What happens to
everybody at Wellesley,” says her close college friend, Eleanor "Eldie"Acheson (granddaughter of Truman Secretary of
State Dean Acheson). “They become right-thinking.”

Names to research.
>Susan Thomases
>Harold Ickes
>Eleanor "Eldie" Acheson

She also stated really weird things about children's rights.

>But Hillary’s advocacy of massive and immediate expansion of federal child-care programs was relative tinkering
compared to the radical redefinition of the relationship between state and family that she called for as a champion of the
“children’s rights” movement. In “Children Under the Law” (a 1974 essay reprinted by the Harvard Educational Reviewin
1982) she proposed three measures for obtaining “children’s rights”: (1) the immediate abolition of the legal status of
minority and the reversal of the legal presumption of the incompetence of minors in favor of a presumption of competence;
(2)the extension to children of all procedural rights guaranteed to adults; (3)the rejection of the legal presumption of the
identity of interests between parents and their children, and permission for competent children to assert those
independent interests in the courts. (In effect, when parents and their teenage kids don’t agree on who’s the boss, a judge
steps in.)

>I prefer that intervention into an ongoing family be limited to decisions that could have long-term and possible irreparable
effects if they were not resolved. Decisions about motherhood and abortion, schooling, cosmetic surgery, treatment of
venereal disease, or employment, and others where the decision or lack of one will significantly affect the child’s future
should not be made unilaterally by parents. Children should have a right to be permitted to decide their own future if they
are competent.

We might want to look into the LSC. It was a shady charity she headed back in the 1970s.
>In 1978, Hillary Rodham was appointed Chairman of the Board of the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) by Jim-my
Carter. Established by Congress as a federally funded, independent, private, non-profit, and non-political corporation to
provide legal assistance to the poor in non-criminal cases, the LSC degenerated under Rodham into what the late Warren
Brookes called “a $300 million liberal political action committee,” rife with illegality. During her chairmanship and later
tenure on the board, the LSC published a political training manual showing “how community organizations and public
interest groups can win political power and resources,” a sequel to the earlier “Tactical Investigations of People’s
Struggles.” They even made a contribution to a mayoral campaign in Georgia, rationalizing it as “a project to educate
clients about their rights in the legislative process.”
>In January 1980, the LSC funneled taxpayer money into something called the Proposition 9 Task Force, a campaign to
coordinate the efforts of thirty LSC grant recipient groups and 500 attorneys in California to defeat Proposition 9, a ballot
initiative to cut state income taxes in half. The LSC is explicitly barred by its charter from providing this type of assistance
to defeat a state ballot initiative, and in a September 19, 1983 report, the Comptroller General of the United States (GAO)
nailed the Rodham LSC to the wall.


Reposting info found on Harold Ickes and asking if anyone else knows more and can point me in right direction.

"Ickes joined the Clinton White House on January 4, 1994, and would serve for three years as Deputy White House Chief
of Staff for Political Affairs and Policy.

Ickes would later surface at the center of the so-called "Teamstergate" scandal -- a complex money-laundering scheme in
which several high-level Democrat leaders and union bosses who were directly implicated in the case mysteriously
escaped prosecution. Among those major players were Service Employees International Union (SEIU) head Andrew
Stern; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) chief Gerald McEntee; Terry McAuliffe,
who then headed the Clinton-Gore reelection campaign; and Harold Ickes himself."

"Insiders have long noted Ickes’ special loyalty toward Hillary Clinton. The Boston Globe called him "a special favorite of
the president's wife." In the Clinton White House, Ickes quickly gravitated to Hillary's end of the operation. He served
initially as "health care czar," charged with rescuing the First Lady’s floundering Health Security Act. Mrs. Clinton later
placed Ickes in charge of a special unit within the White House Counsel's office, dedicated to suppressing Clinton
scandals. It operated, in effect, as a Counsel's office within the Counsel's office. In his book The Seduction of Hillary
Rodham, David Brock refers to Ickes' special unit as the "Shadow Counsel's Office." Its operatives included Mark Fabiani,
Chris Lehane and Jane Sherburne. Ickes reported directly to Hillary Clinton on all matters related to the work of this
special unit.

Because so many of his duties involved damage control during Clinton scandals, Ickes wryly referred to his role as
"Director of Sanitation." "Whenever there was something that [Bill Clinton] thought required ruthlessness or vengeance or
sharp elbows and sharp knees or, frankly, skulduggery, he would give it to Harold," former Clinton advisor Dick Morris told
Vanity Fair in September 1997."

"Ickes also headed the Clintons’ fundraising apparatus, collecting record-breaking quantities of soft money -- much of it
through such means as labor racketeering; soliciting payoffs from U.S. businessmen seeking inside access to overseas
trade missions; and -- as Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett II document in their book Year of the Rat: How Bill
Clinton and Al Gore Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash -- cutting deals with Chinese intelligence agents eager
to loosen up U.S. export controls on military technology.

By 1996, federal investigators had begun zeroing in on Ickes' involvement in numerous Clinton scandals, including
Filegate (the illegal commandeering of more than a thousand secret FBI background files on potential Clinton foes) and
Chinagate (the selling of military secrets to Red China in exchange for campaign contributions). Thus Ickes was becoming
a liability to the Clinton White House; two months after Bill Clinton's November 1996 reelection, the President fired him."

"Following Mrs. Clinton's successful election, Ickes played a central role in creating the Democrat Shadow Party. After
passage of the McCain-Feingold Act of March 27, 2002, Ickes helped put Shadow Party architect George Soros together
with activists Andrew Stern, Ellen R. Malcolm, Steven Rosenthal, Gina Glantz, Cecile Richards, and other leftwing
Democrats who were seeking ways to circumvent McCain-Feingold's soft-money ban. Working closely with Soros, Ickes
personally helped launch six of the seven organizations that formed the Shadow Party’s core during the 2004 election,
including America Coming Together, America Votes, the Center for American Progress, Joint Victory Campaign 2004, the
Media Fund, and the Thunder Road Group."

Ickes lobbied for Supreme grp. shortly before it got busted for defrauding the Pentagon. 434 mil fine. Swiss/UAE/Bahrain
food supplier to military.
Perkins Coie are DNC lawyers from DNC leak. Lobbied for 13th regional corporation (Alaskan natives.) Shortly after it
became a "ghost corporation" and inquiries and freedom of info act r's blocked etc.


Somewhat interesting:
>Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace
settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political
consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the
Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.
>General Danny Rothschild
>Irwin Mark Jacobs
>Tony Blair
>it’s just a coincidence, right? ;)

Still following up on this, looked at their financials and we found the New Venture Fund. Kinda starts to hurt when you
notice that tax money is just going into slush funds and grants for these people in tax-exempt organizations.
>took in $179M
>spent $134M
>can give out $45M

>Color of Change
>Media Matters
>Sierra Club
>The Tides Center
>Tides Foundation
>Toilet Hackers (top kek didn't we see these guys somewhere)

350.ORG - paid university shills?
North America:
>Clinton Global Initiative


Domain Name: CARE.ORG

Domain ID: D412382-LROR
Registrant ID: CR32984156
Registrant Name: Ken Bess
Registrant Organization: Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc.


Guys, has anyone heard of this "Timshel" organization? I found mention of it in this article about Eric Schmidt's
> He explained that the Groundwork and its parent company, Chicago-based Timshel—which according to its website is
named for a Hebrew word meaning “you may” and is devoted to “helping humanity solve our most difficult social, civic,
and humanitarian challenges”—are “all one project, with the same backers,” whom he declined to name.

>Schmidt—the executive chairman of Google parent-company Alphabet—to ensure that Clinton has the engineering
talent needed to win the election.
> Company with Hebrew name helping Clinton
> Anonymous backers

Registrant Contact
Name: Michael Slaby
Organization: Timshel
Mailing Address: 320 W. Ohio, Chicago IN 60652 US
Phone: +0.13126005951

Not sure if related:

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Overwhelming evidence indicates that a
combination of nuclear, thermitic and
conventional explosives were used in a
controlled demolition of the WTC on 9/11
Contro Engine U.S.,
Francis, phy 9/11. Nanothermite contributed but does p Truth,
lled Explosiv ers / Israel,
Stephen WTC sica not have sufficient detonation velocity i anti-
demoli e experts Scientis SA,
NFU l to pulverize the WTC into dust. c Zioni
tion ts Britain
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is sts
leading gatekeeper trying to deflect
Israel's role. See Cozen O'Connor 9/11
1 lawsuit.
The cabal: U.S., Britain, Saudi Arabia
and Israel executed the 9/11 false flag
attack in order to usher in a new 'war on
WTC, terror' along with the Iraq and Mossad U.S.,
Francis, poli l Intel : US,
Penta False Afghanistan wars and fullfil the PNAC's / Israel,
Stephen tica Cabal n agencie UK,
gon, flag 'Full Spectrum Dominance' of the Sayeret SA,
NFU l k s Israel
PA Middle East and its resources ... all have Matkal Britain
& SA
roots that go back to Zionist / Nazi
Germany, the Cold War ... 9/11 was a
2 planned step.
VeteransToday: Fox, Kuehn, Prager,
Viken,Ward, Cimono & Fetzer …on
mini neutron bombs … discuss all major
WTC theories … micro nuke (neutron)
Neutro Contro Control Engine
phy most promising … comparatively low l
Fox, WTC n, lled led 9/11 ers &
sica blast effects, a quick blast of radiation n Israel
Donald 1-2 Fissio demoli demolit Truth Scientis
l that doesn't linger, a series of shape k
nless tion ion, all ts
charged mini-neutron bombs were
detonated from top to bottom to
simulate a free fall collapse. ... localized
3 damage only to WTC.
Reasonably clear factions have
developed in the 9/11 Truth community
(mininukes vs nanothermite or planes/no
planes..etc). Sites that claim that nuclear 9/11
WTC, 9/11
Francis, poli demolition of the WTC to be p Truth,
Penta Truth Mini 9/11
Stephen tica disinformation including 911Truth, i gatek U.S.
gon, faction Nukes Review
NFU l 9/11Review, 911Research ..etc also c eeper
PA s
omit any information about the s
complicity of Israel, Saudi Arabia or the
UK. Are they gatekeepers? We believe
4 yes...
9/11 Nuke Demolition Proof:
Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the
Scale” Firefighters who recovered
bodies at Ground Zero are developing
me cancer at a faster rate than those who p
WTC r, Victim Victims 4/1/2
NYPost dic worked before the atrocity … cites i NYC U.S.
1-2 Myelo s , all 011
al unusual rises in leukemia, non- c
Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple
myeloma. The report also states
increases in esophageal, prostate and
5 thyroid cancers. see USGS data in pic
Conflict of interest: Zionists held
relevant controlling positions in the
NYC mayor's office, District Attorney,
Port Authority, Emergency Cabal
WTC, U.S.,
Francis, poli Global Management, judicial offices relevant to l : US,
Penta hijacker, …Top Israel,
Stephen tica ist victim compensation and insurance n UK,
gon, patsies 20 SA,
NFU l agenda litigation, WTC security, debris k Israel
PA Britain
(evidence) removal, options trading, & SA
media coverage, the alleged demolition,
and nuclear radiation remediation of
6 9/11 event.
Israel used Zim American Shipping
Comapany out of Houston Texas to
smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC
Nuclea Zim
WTC, demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland
poli r l Zim Americ
Penta Carnaby, Carnaby set up cameras to track these
WMR tica smugg n Shippin an Israel
gon, Roland shipments. Zim has close ties to the
l ling & k g Shippin
PA Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the
9/11 g Co.
police in a high speed chase in Houston
... his laptops contained information on
7 the shipments.
Jews comprise only .02% of the world's
population but have a disproportionate Cabal
WTC, Rothsch U.S.,
Francis, poli control over the U.S. Congress (via l : US,
Penta 9/11 & ild Israel,
Stephen tica Zionists AIPAC), executive branch (Cheney, n UK, CIA
gon, Israel Zionists SA,
NFU l Libby ... ), 9/11 litigation (Hellerstein, k Israel
PA , all Britain
Mukasey, Feinberg) and the operational & SA
8 control of the Dept of Defense during
the run-up to the Afghanistan and Iraq
wars, which were 'justified' by 9/11.
(Wolfowitz, Feith, Zakheim ... )

WMR: info on suspicious death of

Michael Calabrese: source: "Dave
Adam" (Navy), claimed involvement in
placement (by CIA demo experts,
Malmstrom AF base) of vending
poli Whistl Calabres l 11/1
WTC machines (Aramark) containing Neocon U.S.
WMR tica eblowe e, n CIA U.S. 3/20
1-2 detonation and relay switches in WTC s, all gov
l r Michael k 14
1-2, ... coodinated by 'Military Sealift
Command Atlantic', ... E-Team and
Gelitin (vetted by Lower Manhattan
Cultural Council) were coordinated
9 distractions,
Finnish Military Expert (FME) …
Destruction of twin towers took from 6-
18 months of preparation by around 20
Nukes Contro Control
phy Finnish workers placing thousands of thermate l
WTC , lled led 9/11
FME sica Military cutter charges, one or more micro nukes n U.S.
1-2 Fissio demoli demolit Truth
l Expert and napalm for dramatic explosions near k
nless tion ion, all
top of towers. A complicit MSM is
1 controlled by 9/11 perps ... huge bomb
0 in WTC 6 has gone unreported ...
Video fakery by MSM is clearly
identified as CGI editing, thus we
declare agreement with 'no planes'
theory. All info from the MSM, FAA,
Francis, poli v
Penta Video about 9/11 is lies and designed to Video U.S.
Stephen tica i FBI U.S.
gon, fakery promote the government's fakery gov
NFU l d
PA incompetence, 'failure of imagination'
meme. Israel nuked wtc, ... embracing
planes crashing into wtc is MSM
1 /neocon/Israeli
1 gatekeeping/smokescreen.
GW Bush hired Marvin Rosen's law
firm in Gore vs Bush litigation, Dec
2000, ... Rosen was Clinton's campaign
finance chief (of Greenberg Traurig in
WTC, Rothsch White
poli 9/11 Miami) in 1995/96 election, a leader in l
Penta Rosen, ild U.S. House, Dec-
WMR tica Groun Florida election corruption. Several days n U.S.
gon, Marvin Zionists gov Bush 00
l dwork before 9/11 Jeb Bush placed Florida k
PA , all GW
under martial law ... collected all
Huffman Aviation (CIA front) papers,
1 Walt Disney Corp (& Rozen) assisted in
2 illegal visas to the hijackers.
“The type of nuclear devices used on
911 were a modified version of the W-
54 nuclear artillery shells covertly
Contro provided to the Israelis between 1988 ...
phy Mini l White
WTC lled Clinton, during the Bush/Clinton era. Chemical Mini U.S.
PressTV sica Nukes n House, Israel
1-2 demoli Bill analysis done by DOE Sandia was able Nukes gov
l , W-54 k Clinton
tion to identify the chemical/radiation
footprint or fingerprint of the warheads
1 based on samples taken after 9/11 of the
3 fallout at ground zero.”
Gordon Duff: Putin dumping 9/11 intel
on the net: Israel's nuclear arsenal
includes mostly US illegally exported,
stolen? (from Pantex, see Carnaby) W-
Contro 54 nuclear artillery shells taken out of
poli l
Veterans WTC lled service in 1978,1-2 kiloton range, Mini U.S. 1/1/1
tica n Israel
Today 1-2 demoli remachined and used by Israel / Nukes gov 978
l k
tion Neocons to bring down WTC.
Plutonium-based footprint, ... low
fallout gone in 72 hours. Steven Jones
1 (DoE) helped design the nukes? (Webb)
4 nuked.
Donald Fox: ... The mini-nuke theory
(associated with Dr. Ed Ward MD, the
Anonymous Physicist, Dr. Bill Deagle,
WTC, Contro
phy Mini Jeff Prager and myself). We have l
Fox, Penta lled Mini U.S.
sica Nukes determined that the mini/micro nuke n U.S.
Donald gon, demoli Nukes gov
l , w-54 hypothesis best fits the evidence. See k
PA tion
the Mystery Solved and the Mini-
1 Neutron Bomb articles for a full break
5 down of the WTC Mini-Nuke Theory.
Roland Carnaby (deceased), was an ex-
CIA operative who was president of the
local chapter (Houston, TX) of the
WTC, National Association for Intelligence
Francis, poli 9/11 nuclear l
Penta Minin Officers. There is a CIA memorial Mini 9/11 6/1/2
Stephen tica Groun smuggli n U.S.
gon, ukes garden in his honor. He was gunned Nukes Truth 007
NFU l dwork ng k
PA down under suspicious circumstances by
the Houston police while investigating a
1 nuclear smuggling ring headed by Israel
6 involving the Port of Houston.
Ashton Carter, the former #2 at Defense,
replaced Chuck Hagel ... who
expounded on the 'Jewish lobby' ... of
which SNL parodied a unaired skit that
poli called on Hagel to fellate a donkey for l Intel
Mondow Penta 9/11 & Carter, U.S. Jul-
tica Israel ... the ADL wasn't happy. Carter n agencie DoD U.S.
eis gon, Israel Ashton gov 13
l visited Mitkan Adam AB in July 2013 k s
said the relationship has never been
stronger ... said protecting America
1 means protecting Israel, ... including the
7 use of attack dogs on Palestinians.
Jonathan Bush, uncle of President
George W. Bush, was an executive at
Riggs Bank during the mid 1970s …The
WTC, Rothsch
poli 9/11 & Bandar Riggs Bank is one of the most important l
Wikiped Penta ild U.S. Riggs 1/1/1
tica Saudi bin links between BCCI scandal, Bush, n U.S.
ia gon, Zionists gov Bank 975
l Arabia Sultan Saudi Arabia, Israel … etc and the 9/11 k
PA , all
hijackers…. Providing accounts for
1 money laundering and support for the
8 hijackers.
Gordon Duff ... talks about the hidden
past of Steven Jones of Architects and
Engineers for 9/11 Truth as a nuclear 9/11
poli Mini weapons designer! In fact, Steven Jones v Truth,
Webb, WTC Jones, Mini AE911
tica Nukes, designed the very specialized low i anti- U.S.
Stew 1-2 Steven Nukes Truth
l Israel radiation micro nukes designed to d Zioni
destroy buildings! … Jones worked for sts
1 DoE, helped with real report that says
9 WTC taken down with nukes.
Israel, ... has been pilfering spent U.S.
nuclear fuel from American nuclear
arms caches (Pantex) at a phenomenal
poli Mini rate… mostly through Houston, … the l
Penta Carnaby, Mini U.S. Carlyle 1/1/1
WMR tica Nukes, same shipping pipeline that Carlyle n U.S.
gon, Roland Nukes corp Group 980
l Israel Group front companies used to ship k
nerve gas chemicals to Saddam
2 Hussein's Iraq in the 1980s, ... Carnaby
0 was tracking nuclear shipments...
The Israelis discovered that only U.S.
nuclear cores composed of plutonium
alloys were ripe for theft at Pantex.
WTC, They used required refrigeration trucks
poli r l Zim
Penta to move the cores through the port of Israeli
WMR tica smugg n Shippin Israel
gon, Houston and into refrigeration gov
l ling & k g
PA containers loaded on board ships
belonging to Zim-American Israeli
2 Shipping Company, a firm with close
1 links to the Mossad.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
gatekeepers: these search terms absent
Benth from entire website: uranium,
am plutonium, tritium, tritiated water, 9/11
Francis, poli Open fission, fusion, barium, thyroid cancer, p Truth,
WTC Gateke Jones, Gatekee AE911
Stephen tica Scienc multiple myeloma, USGS data, i gatek U.S.
1-2 epers Steven pers Truth
NFU l e mininuke, nuclear, the resignation of c eeper
Journa Bentham Open Science's Marie-Paule s
l Pileni, and detonation velocity or how
2 their super-duper-nano-thermite was
2 implemented.
Rothschild announced strategic alliance
with GTP... William Perry, Gerald
Rosenfeld (CEO, Rothschild North
America, John M. Deutch (CIA..); John Global
WTC, Rothsch
poli Rothsc P. White (DoD, OMB, Kodak, Wang); l U.S. Techno
PRNews Penta ild
tica hild & Paul G. Kaminski ( General Dynamics, n think logy U.S.
Wire gon, Zionists
l 9/11 Anteon Corp, Condor Systems, Inc., k tank Partner
PA , all
DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc., s
DynCorp, General Dynamics; Ashton
2 Carter, DoD, Nato; Robert J. Hermann,
3 Irving B. Yoskowitz
A fission nuke (W-54) uses up only
some 1-6% of its fissile material in its
chain reactions before the remainder is
China blown apart and gave rise to the
WTC, Contro Engine
Anonym phy Syndr underground fires, the micro-nukes l
Penta lled Mini 9/11 ers &
ous sica ome, placed within the 47 core columns were n U.S.
gon, demoli Nukes Truth Scientis
Physicist l bathtu chosen small enough so as to not k
PA tion ts
b vaporize the outer structure ... The
buildings didn't come down at free fall
2 acceleration until the mini nukes
4 vaporized the core columns.
Explosion #3, of 10 explosions …
WINS TV video/audio … 10 10 WINS
Explos TV audio track, use headphones to hear
Contro Control
phy ions, low frequency explosion sounds about v
Seigel, WTC lled Seigel, led 9/11 9/11/
sica during 24 minutes into the video 9:56:10 AM i U.S.
Rick 1-2 demoli Rick demolit Truth 2001
l 9/11 … notice at 1:31:28 … discussion of d
tion ion, all
attack flashes from helicopter … are these
2 electromagnetic pulses that can initiate
5 nuclear explosions in 4th generation
micro nukes? see Dr. Bill Deagle /
Steven Jones row 28

Inside an airliner, because of its superior

position, the cellphone may reach
several cellsites at once. This creates
problems for software that determines
WTC, Airlin Control
phy which site is to handle the call makes its
Penta e cell led U.S.
AVWeb sica judgment based on the relative strength U.S.
gon, phone demolit corp
l of calls. If the call is made from an
PA calls ion, all
overhead position, it may well not be
able to distinguish relative strength at
2 different cellsites. A cascade of
6 decisions closes down the call.
Sept 11 Litigation: 03 MDL 1570
(GBD) (FM) ECF Case 1:03-md-01570-
GBD-FM Document 2890 Filed
09/15/14 Stephen A. Cozen, Esq. Elliott
9/11 & R. Feldman, Esq … amendment of l Saudi
911Trut Penta doc Saudis U.S. Saudi
Saudi 2002-4,to hold accountable the principal n Royal
h gon, s & 9/11 gov Arabia
Arabia parties who provided material support to k Family
al Qaeda and provided it with the
essential means to carry out the
2 September 11th attacks, (all Israel
7 gatekeeping)
A discussion between Dr. Steven Jones
and Dr. Bill Deagle… on evidence of
neutron activation in WTC dust. Jones is
phy Nanot desparatetly trying to keep the l
Deagle, WTC lled Jones, Mini 9/11
sica hermit conversation on a 'crucial test' for n U.S.
Bill Dr. 1-2 demoli Steven Nukes Truth
l e radioactive isotopes and is evasive about k
Dr. Deagle's attempt to add inability of
2 thermate to bend massive steel beams
8 into pretzel shapes.
A subsidiary of Zakheim’s (Jewish
rabbi) SPC firm, known as Tridata
Remot Corporation, oversaw the investigation
WTC, e- of the first World Trade Center terrorist Rothsch
Barrett, poli WTC l Tridata
Penta contro Zakheim attack in 1993, which would have ild U.S.
Kevin tica Securit n Corpor Israel
gon, lled , Dov provided vital first-hand knowledge of Zionists corp
VT l y k ation
PA aircraf the security systems and structural , all
t blueprints of the World Trade Center. ...
2 use the chaos of war to further political
9 agenda.
9/10/2001 at the CBOE there were
4,516 puts on American Airlines to only
WTC, 9/11, 748 calls. United Airlines was targeted Rothsch
Francis, phy l
Penta Wall for 4,744 puts as opposed to 396 calls. ild U.S. 9/10/
Stephen sica n CBOE U.S.
gon, St. & The numbers on the reinsurance Zionists corp 2001
NFU l k
PA Israel companies were similarly lopsided. , all
3 Biggest trader of put options was
0 Deutsche Bank Alex Brown
Nuclea Bout regularly flew ... weapons into Zionist/
WTC, r West Africa on behalf of Osama Bin Neocon Mossad
poli l
Penta smugg Bout, Laden and his Saudi interlocutors as part s Israeli /
WMR tica n Israel
gon, ling & Viktor of a joint Israeli-Saudi plan to break the created gov Sayeret
l k
3 PA Plame Lebanese Shi'a-Hezbollah monopoly on al Matkal
1 gate the West African diamond trade. The Queda
plan involved the recruitment by
Mossad agents of Bin Laden loyalists to
displace Shi'a from the diamond trade in
countries like Sierra Leone, Liberia, and

Hauer, (Zionist), managed WTC

security thru Kroll, managed Giuliani's
OEM controversially moved to WTC 7,
WTC, and directed the Anthrax attack Rothsch
Francis, poli l
Penta Anthra Hauer, response. Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose ild
Stephen tica n NYC Israel
gon, x hoax Jerome Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of Zionists
NFU l k
PA the Beth Israel School of Nursing and , all
the Honorary President of the New York
3 Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of
2 Zion
Richard D. Hall: Video Fakery, more
evidence, the plane was composited on
Hall, poli Hall, top of a ball shaped object, not the other v
WTC Video Video 9/11
Richard tica Richdard way around where a 'pod' for remote i U.S.
1-2 fakery fakery Truth
D. l D. control was added to the plane. … d
3 painstaking accurate analysis of videos
3 proves his point
... mothballed Davy Crockett tactical
nukes (used to demolish WTC) had been
spirited out the back door via an
Nuclea 9/11
inventory accounting system ... The
poli r l Truth,
Dean, WTC Minin Dean, inventory had gone to Israel after the Mini
tica smugg n anti- Israel
James 1-2 ukes James Dimona accident had wrecked their Nukes
l ling & k Zioni
ability to produce weapons grade
9/11 sts
material, but they had the expertise to
3 re-manufacture the Davy Crockett’s into
4 modern tactical nuclear weapons.
“The Military District of Manhattan,”
(w)as an underground testing facility for
WTC, lled Contro
phy nuclear weapons of 3% fission initiation l
Duff, Penta demoli lled Mini U.S. 9/11/
sica assembled from re-machined W54 pits n CIA Israel
Gordon gon, tion, demoli Nukes gov 2001
l transferred through Britain in k
PA nuclea tion
3 partnership with South African,
5 Zimbabwean arms dealers, chaos theory
A Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi
housed and opened bank accounts for
two of the 9/11 hijackers. About two
weeks after the assistance began, al-
poli 9/11 & Bandar Bayoumi's wife began receiving l
Wikiped Penta Saudis U.S. Saudi
tica Saudi bin monthly payments totaling tens of n
ia gon, & 9/11 gov Arabia
l Arabia Sultan thousands of dollars from Princess Haifa k
bint Faisal, the wife of Saudi
ambassador and Bush family confidant,
3 Prince Bandar bin Sultan, through a
6 Riggs bank account
In the mid-1970s members of the Saudi
royal family set up covert accounts at
the Riggs Bank in Washington Zionist/
WTC, amounting to tens of millions of dollars; Neocon
poli 9/11 & Bandar l
Wikiped Penta this money was used by the so-called s U.S. Riggs 1/1/1
tica Saudi bin n
ia gon, "Safari Club" to run intelligence created corp Bank 975
l Arabia Sultan k
PA operations at a time when American al
intelligence was paralyzed by Queda
3 investigations in the aftermath of
7 Watergate.
Dr. Crockett Grabbe-National Swindle
on the World Trade Center 1/2 …
received his PhD in Applied Physics
Contro Contro from Caltech in 1978, having received
Grabbe, poli Grabbe, l
WTC lled lled Bachelor of Science with Highest Mini 9/11
Dr. tica Dr. n U.S.
1-2 demoli demoli Honors and Master's degrees in Physics Nukes Truth
Crockett l Crockett k
tion tion from the University of Texas. He is an
experienced scientist who does research
3 & consulting in applied physics
8 (particularly plasma physics),
Mini Nukes incidents: Marines Beirut,
Lebanon in 1983. Murrah Federal
Building in Oklahoma. 1995. The
Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad,
Pakistan in 1995. The Khobar Towers
phy l Truth,
Dean, WTC Minin False Dean, Saudi Arabia, 1996. The American Mini 1/1/1
sica n anti- Israel
James 1-2 ukes flag James Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Nukes 983
l k Zioni
1998. British Consulate, Turkey. Sari
nightclub Bali 2002. The UN Office in
Baghdad, Iraq in 2003. The Australian
3 Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2004.
9 Rafik Hariri in Beirut in 2005
The top 14 floors of the WTC account
Contro Control NIST /
phy Struct for only about 1.4% of the buildings l
Fetzer, WTC lled led U.S. FEMA
sica ural, mass. It is physically impossible for that n U.S.
James 1-2 demoli demolit gov UL
4 l steel mass to cause the destruction of the k
tion ion, all Labs
0 lower 98%.
The Al Taqwa Bank ... is a financial
institution incorporated in 1988. It is
based out of The Bahamas, Switzerland,
poli 9/11 and Liechtenstein. Al Taqwa Bank was l Corpora al
Wikiped Penta al Taqwa Swiss Switze 1/1/1
tica Financ accused by the US of having links to n tions & Queda
ia gon, Bank corp rland 988
l ing Islamist terror organizations, and that it k 9/11 banks
was a major source of funds for the
4 operations of Osama bin Laden and his
1 associates ... see Bush connections
2,500 Ground Zero workers have cancer
… the World Trade Center Health
Program at Mount Sinai Hospital counts
WTC, Cance 1,655 responders with cancer among the
me l
Penta r, Victim 37,000 cops, hard hats, sanitation Victims
NYPost dic n NYC U.S.
gon, Myelo s workers, other city employees and , all
al k
PA ma volunteers it monitors ...higher rates
than expected in the normal population
4 — prostate, thyroid, leukemia and
2 multiple myeloma.
James Bath (born 1936) is a former
director of Bank of Credit and
Commerce International (BCCI), a
WTC, Neocon
poli 9/11 former frontman for Salem bin Laden, l Bush
Wikiped Penta Bath, s U.S. 7/1/1
tica Groun and also former part owner of Arbusto n Crime U.S.
ia gon, James created gov 991
l dwork Energy with George W. Bush, with k Family
PA al
whom Bath served as a member of the
4 Texas Air National Guard during the
3 Vietnam War.
The thermite 'sniffers' say that iron 9/11
poli spheres were added to thermite to make l Truth,
Duff, WTC Gateke Mini
tica it explosive, while the nuclear n anti- U.S.
Gordon 1-2 epers Nukes
4 l demolition adherents say the iron k Zioni
4 spheres are a product of nuclear sts
detonations. The theories are so far apart
that one has to be wrong. Motive
provides the answer. Gordon Duff wants
to widen his investigation of
AE911Truth gatekeeping to Jones and
his Mormon money connections.
Madoff scandal related to Forest Hills,
NY Jewish mafia, money laundering by
Nuclea Bank of New York and Russian Israeli
WTC, Rothsch
poli smugg and Benex (Marc Rich), offices in same l White
Penta Madoff, ild U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica ling, building as Grigori Loutchansky ... who n House, Israel
gon, Bernie Zionists gov 996
l Russia is a Latvian-born Israeli who laundered k Clinton
PA , all
/ Israel billions through his Vienna-based
mafia NORDEX firm. ... nuclear smuggling,
4 and and Clinton re-election ... Sam
5 Dombs
The 28 pages make up part four of the
report, a section titled “Finding,
Discussion and Narrative Regarding
poli 9/11 Graham, Certain Sensitive National Security l
Alternati Penta Saudis U.S. Saudi 8/1/2
tica Financ Senator Matters.” They are widely believed to n
ve news gon, & 9/11 gov Arabia 014
l ing Bob implicate Saudi officials or describe k
support from Saudi intelligence for the
4 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi
6 citizens.
... (Dimona, Negev Nuclear Research
Center) suffered a major equipment
failure in the 1990s that impacted on
Israel's ability to re-process nuclear
fuel.prompting Israel to actively
poli r l
Plame Plame, smuggle nuclear materials to Israel.... Mini U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica smugg n CIA Israel
gate Valerie the smuggling operations immediately Nukes gov 995
l ling & k
became known to the CIA's
Counterproliferation Division and its
non-official cover (NOC) Brewster
4 Jennings & Associates ... see Carnaby
7 and Pantex
Bush GW ..While still at Sarasota's
Emma E. Booker Elementary on the day
of the 2001 terrorist attacks,... three of
WTC, the hijackers had been living in the area White
poli Hijack
Graham, Penta Bush while taking flying lessons at Huffman Neocon U.S. House, Saudi 8/30/
tica ers,
Sen. Bob gon, GW Aviation ... "There was a network s, all gov Bush Arabia 2001
l Florida
PA supporting the hijackers, ... a Saudi GW
Arabian family who were living in an
4 upscale Sarasota gated community.
8 Twelve days before 9/11
The US Geological Survey collected
samples of dust and airfall debris from
more than 35 localities within a 1-km
Mini radius of the World Trade Center site on
phy Nukes the evenings of September 17 and 18, p 17-
Fox, WTC lled Mini U.S.
sica , 2001. Quantity ratios of cesium, i USGS U.S. Sep-
Donald 1-2 demoli Nukes gov
l USGS uranium, thorium, barium, strontium, c 01
data yttrium, rubidium, molybdenum,
lanthanum, cerium, chromium and zinc
4 found highly correlate with amounts
9 consistent with nuclear fission.
NNSA, National Nuclear Security
Agency, officials and experts responded
Contro immediately to the nuclear demolition Control
phy Clean p
Fox, WTC lled of the WTC … and responded to the led U.S.
sica up, i NNSA U.S.
Donald 1-2 demoli massive radiological contamination at demolit gov
l NNSA c
tion ground zero … the point directly above, ion, all
5 below or at which a nuclear explosion
0 occurs.
Carnaby used a number of cell phones
to control and download port cameras.
However, an Israeli surveillance firm,
Nuclea Orsus, ... put Carnaby's nuclear
poli r smuggling surveillance operations in l
Penta Carnaby, Mini 9/11
WMR tica smugg jeopardy. The financial backers of Orsus n U.S.
gon, Roland Nukes Truth
l ling & include ComSor Venture Fund LDC, a k
9/11 joint operation of Comverse
Technology, ..subsidiary of Verint
5 Systems, and Soros Fund Management's
1 Quantum Industrial Holdings Ltd.
At least two different types of nuclear
weapons were used. One being a
standard micro nuke with a (W-54 Pit
Contro Engine
phy Mini design) of less than 3 kiloton in size and l
Fox, WTC lled Mini 9/11 ers &
sica Nukes greater than 500 ton minimum in blast n U.S.
Donald 1-2 demoli Nukes Truth Scientis
l , w-54 size. … a 3 kiloton weapon will produce k
tion ts
a 150 foot fireball … volcanic burst of
5 hot iron plasma will literally gut the
2 inside of the building
A Uranium or Plutonium can be used as
the primary weapon. The primary only
needs to be a fission weapon design.
Contro Uranium is also used in a Plutonium Engine
phy Nukes l
Fox, WTC lled weapon as a neutron reflector and Mini 9/11 ers &
sica , n U.S.
Donald 1-2 demoli energy booster. It reduces the amount of Nukes Truth Scientis
l USGS k
tion PU needed by 25 to 50%. The Uranium ts
will not completely burn because it is a
5 neutron reflector so it shows up in the
3 fallout.
Mohammed Atta and Prince Nayif: the
Saudi drugs dealers who helped finance
the 9/11 attack. the Drug Enforcement
poli 9/11 & Atta, l Saudi
WTC Administration (DEA) broke open a Saudis Saudi 1/1/1
WMR tica Saudi Moham n Arabi DEA
1-2 major conspiracy involving a Saudi & 9/11 Arabia 999
l Arabia med k a gov
prince’s Colombian cocaine smuggling
5 from Venezuela to support some “future
4 intention” involving Koranic prophecy
Mohammed Atta and Prince Nayef: the
Saudi drugs dealers who helped finance
the 9/11 attack. The DEA operations
poli 9/11 & were contained in a “Declassification of l Saudi
WTC Nayef, Saudis Saudi 6/26/
WMR tica Saudi a Secret DEA 6 Paris Country Office” n Arabi DEA
1-2 Prince & 9/11 Arabia 2000
l Arabia memo: dated June 26, 2000, a date k a gov
which coincided with the height of
5 Israeli art student and 911 hijacker
5 activity in the U.S.
Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, also
WTC, spelled Naif, was the crown prince of
poli 9/11 l Saudi
Wikiped Penta Nayef, Saudi Arabia as well as first deputy Saudis Saudi
tica Financ n Arabi
ia gon, Prince prime minister from 2011 to 2012. He & 9/11 Arabia
l ing k a gov
5 PA was also minister of interior from 1975
6 to 2012 … After the September 11
attacks, as the man in charge of the
Saudi investigation he received US
criticism for his continuing to insist that
the Saudi hijackers were dupes in a
Zionist plot for over a year after 9/11

Prince Nayif: The DEA investigation

centered around Saudi Prince Nayif al
Saud, whose alias was El Principe (the
poli 9/11 Prince). Nayif's full name is Nayif (or l
WTC Nayef, Saudis U.S. Saudi 1/1/2
WMR tica Financ Nayef) bin Fawwaz al-Shaalan al-Saud. n DEA
1-2 Prince & 9/11 gov Arabia 000
l ing In pursuit of his international drug deals, k
Nayif traveled in his own Boeing 727
5 and used his diplomatic status to avoid
7 customs checks
Prince Nayif: The Boeing 727 was
operated by Skyways International,a
Saudi-owned airline with past
poli 9/11 & l
WTC Nayef, connections to the mysterious James Saudis U.S. Saudi 1/1/2
WMR tica Saudi n DEA
1-2 Prince Bath, George W. Bush's Texas Air & 9/11 gov Arabia 000
l Arabia k
National Guard friend and later Arbusto
5 and Harken Energy investment pass-
8 through between the Saudis and Bush.
Prince Nayif: These investors included
Salem Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden's
late older brother who was killed in a
poli 9/11 l
WTC Bath, 1988 plane crash in Texas. Bath was the Saudis U.S. Saudi 1/1/2
WMR tica Financ n DEA
1-2 James registered agent for Salem Bin Laden. & 9/11 gov Arabia 000
l ing k
The Saudi prince’s drug smuggling
5 operation was smashed by the DEA and
9 French police in October 1999.
Rogue government chain of command:
Minot- Vice President Dick Cheney, COS
Barksd David Addington, AF Sec Michael
poli ale Wynne, AF COS Gen. Michael Mosely, l
Penta Cheney, Mini U.S. Rogue
WMR tica nuclea Gen. Lawrence Stuztriem n U.S.
gon, Dick Nukes gov govt
l r CHECKMATE, Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, k
scanda Dr. Lani Kass, Col. Bruce Emig, Maj.
6 l Gen. Stephen Goldfein ... Minot
0 Barksdale nuclear event.
When the Israelis were no longer able to
produce nuclear weapons, they found a
way to just take them off the shelf in the
WTC, USA. They began cherry picking
State of poli r l
Penta (nuclear pits sent to Pantex), to re-build Mini U.S.
the tica smugg n Pantex Israel
gon, the Israeli nuclear arsenal after the Nukes gov
Nation l ling & k
PA Dimona reactor operation had crashed ...
Colonel James Henke, Attaché to Israel,
6 and now Editor of VT, was in the
1 reactor on behalf of US government,
Russia Ukraine Israel Mafia (RUIM):
Madoff & Forest Hills, NY Jewish
mafia, money laundering by Bank of
poli smugg Loutcha l White
Penta SPIDERWEB, … and Benex (Marc Mini U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica ling, nsky, n House, Israel
gon, Rich), offices in same building as Nukes gov 996
l Russia Grigori k Clinton
PA Grigori Loutchansky ... who is a
/ Israel
Latvian-born Israeli who laundered
6 billions through his Vienna-based
2 NORDEX firm. ...connect nuclear
smuggling and Clinton re-election ...
Sam Domb

National Nuclear Safety Administration

(NNSA) memorial at Pantex honoring
first responders who died of radiation
related illinesses from the nuclear
me demolition of the WTC in NYC on 9/11 p
WTC r, Victim Victims U.S.
NNSA dic by Zionist Neocons. The thyroid gland i NNSA Israel
1-2 Thyroi s , all gov
al is highly susceptible to radiation c
carcinogenesis and exposure to high-
dose ionising radiation is the only
6 established cause of thyroid cancer.
3 source:
Interlo Cresce
Stratesec director James Abrahamson …
WTC, cking nt
poli He also co-founded a company called l Corpora
911 Penta BOD Ijaz, U.S. Invest Pakista
tica Crescent Investment Management n tions &
Blogger gon, & Mansoor corp ment n
l (Crescent) with the Pakistani-American, k 9/11
6 PA conspi Manag
Mansoor Ijaz.
4 rators ement
Davy Crockett, The M-28 or M-29
Davy Crockett Weapon System(s) was a
tactical nuclear recoilless rifle for firing
WTC, Contro the M388 nuclear projectile that was
phy Mini l U.S.
Wikiped Penta lled deployed by the US during the Cold Mini U.S. 1/1/1
sica Nukes n Militar U.S.
ia gon, demoli War. … one of smallest ever built … M- Nukes gov 950
l , W-54 k y
PA tion 388 round used a version of the W54
warhead ... yield between 10 or 20 tons
6 of TNT ... had a selectable yield feature
5 ...
An increased incidence of thyroid
cancer in the exposed children remains
the most well-documented long-term
effect of radioactive contamination after
me the Chernobyl nuclear accident in April, l
NIH Chern r, Victims U.S.
dic 1986. Multiple studies on approx 4000 n NIH U.S.
NCBI obyl Chern , all gov
al children and adolescents with thyroid k
cancer have provided important new
information about the epidemiological
6 aspects of radiation-induced
6 carcinogenesis in the thyroid gland
Judaized British Freemasons conspired
to create the Wahhabi sect in Saudi
Arabia, to divide Islam, and provide a
poli 9/11 & geopolitical advantage for a new state of l Saudi
Penta …Top UK Saudi 1/1/1
WMR tica Saudi Israel... Hempher (British spy) was n Royal
gon, 20 gov Arabia 933
l Arabia responsible for shaping of the extreme k Family
tenets of Wahhabism was mentioned in
6 a Turkish work, Mir’at al-Haramain, by
7 Ayyub Sabri Pasha between 1933-1938.
Contro Control
phy ar l
Fox, WTC lled Donald Fox … short course on nuclear led 9/11
sica physic n U.S.
Donald 1-2 demoli physics demolit Truth
6 l s short k
tion ion, all
8 course
Both the 'underwear bomber' Umar
Farouk Abdul Mutallab... on a
Northwest Airlines/Delta Airbus 330,
WTC, r
poli flight 253, and Richard Reid 'shoe l
Penta smugg Hijacker U.S.
WMR tica bomber' American Airlines flight 63 n ICTS Israel
gon, ling & patsies gov
l from Paris to Miami in December 2001 k
PA Schiph
had no problems boarding their
6 respective planes... ICTS controlled
9 security at Schiphol airport
Mohammed Atta and the Saudi’s in the
US weren’t training to attack on 9/11
but rather were being trained by the CIA
poli Drills to fly drugs out of Afghanistan. They l
Duff, Penta Hijacker Hijacke U.S. 7/7/2
tica gone were there as patsies on 9/11 … just like n U.S.
Gordon gon, patsies rs, all gov 005
l live the 7/7 bombers were set up in London, k
where 'terror' drills were executed...
7 'miraculously' at the same time as the
0 real bombings.
In the 1960s the SAWT AL ARAB
Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt,
and the YEMEN Broadcasting Station
in SANAA confirmed the Jewish
poli 9/11 & Ancestry of the SAUDI Family. l Saudi
Penta Saudis Israeli Saudi 1/1/1
WMR tica Saudi FAISAL AL-SAUD at that time could n Royal
gon, & 9/11 gov Arabia 960
l Arabia not deny his families kindred with the k Family
JEWS when he declared to the
Washington Post on Sept. 17, 1969
7 stating: WE, THE SAUDI FAMILY, are
1 cousins of the Jews,
The Bout story is directly linked to
relationships between former Soviet
Jews and the Sephardic Jews in Israel,
who, working with Arab "business
WTC, Nuclea
poli partners" from Yemen and Saudi l
Penta r Bout, Neocon
WMR tica Arabia, decided to back the Asif Ali n
gon, smugg Viktor s, all
l Zadari-Benazir Bhutto campaign to k
PA ling
finance and establish the Taliban as
reliable protectors of the vital "Afghan
7 Highway project," which was the key
2 link for a "Mumbai-to-Moscow"
Tadiran, Israel … The Israeli connection
to SkyWay (cocaine smuggling),
including the involvement of an Israeli
WTC, Nuclea tele-com firm, Tadiran, accused of being
Hopsick poli l Corpora
Penta r involved in worldwide espionage, and Israeli
er, tica n tions & Tadiran Israel
gon, smugg which owned the headquarters of corp
Daniel l k 9/11
PA ling SkyWay in Clearwater, Florida. See
links between Mohammed Atta, DEA,
7 Israeli Art Students, Prince Nayef
3 (Nayif).
at 8:46… we hear 'BOOM!' An
explosion so powerful and so loud that
WTC, push us upward in the air coming from Control
phy ions, Rodrigu l
Wikiped Penta Eyewit below! It was so powerful that all the led 9/11
sica during ez, n U.S.
ia gon, ness walls cracked, the false ceiling fell on demolit Truth
l 9/11 William k
PA top of us, the fire sprinkler system got ion, all
7 activated and everybody started
4 screaming in horror: 'HELP!
Richard Parsons, AOL Time Warner
chairman and a member of the board of
WTC, Rothsch
Francis, poli Rockef Estee Lauder … Ronald S. Lauder ( of li
Penta Lauder, ild Israeli
Stephen tica ellers Estee Lauder and WTC privitization) … n MSM U.S.
gon, Ronald Zionists corp
NFU l & 9/11 and has a close long-time business k
PA , all
7 relationship with the
5 Rockefellers (Rothchilds)
Parsons (Citi chairman) represents the
interests of the Rockefeller family and
the Council on Foreign Relations in his
WTC, 9/11,
poli meetings with Obama, described as one- l Corpora
Penta Wall Parsons, U.S. 12/1/
WMR tica way communications that ensure that n tions & Citi U.S.
gon, St. & Richard corp 2001
l Obama is carrying out the wishes of the k 9/11
PA Israel
Rockefellers and their business
7 friends. Rothschilds created
6 Rockefellers who led WTC construction.
Richard Hohlt was hired by Citi
chairman Richard Parsons. His roster of
clients has included JPMorgan,
Washington Mutual, TimeWarner,
9/11, Philip Morris, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
poli l Corpora
Plame Wall Hohlt, Chevron, and the Nuclear Energy U.S.
WMR tica n tions & Citi U.S.
gate St. & Richard Institute. He’s a close associate of Karl corp
l k 9/11
Israel Rove and collaborated with Robert
Novak in outing Valerie Plame. He was
a George Bush “Super Ranger”
7 bagman. see money laundering Raul
7 Salinas
"A few of the operatives (Israeli Art
Students) are well known in the Israeli Israeli
Israeli intelligence community.... Peer art
poli Art Segalovitz, Aran Ofek, ... Yaron Ohana, l students
Penta Israeli 1/1/2
Antiwar tica Studen Ronen Kalfon, Zeev Cohen and Naor n , Urban Israel
gon, gov 000
l ts, Topaz." see also connections to Retalix, k Moving
spies student employees of….Retalix System
7 headquaters in Israel and offices in s
8 Plano, Texas
There is increasing evidence that the
radioactive poisoning assassination of
WTC, Organi ex-KGB and FSB agent and Kremlin
poli Berezov l
Penta zed critic Alexander Litvinenko was the Mini Israeli
WMR tica sky, n Russia
gon, crime result of a plot by anti-Vladimir Putin Nukes gov
l Boris k
PA & 9/11 criminal syndicates (Berezovsky) based
7 in Britain, Israel, Ukraine, and Poland to
9 embarrass the Russian government.
ASCE (American Society of Civil
Engineers) report: "...essentially all
ASCE interior impact damage was inflicted in
g 757 Control
phy Report the first story. The aircraft seems for the l
Penta slips led U.S.
ASCE sica s, most part to have slipped between the n U.S.
gon into demolit gov
l Pentag first-floor slab on grade and the second k
first ion, all
on floor." … impossible for a 225,000
8 jetliner to dissappear in the 1st floor of
0 a building...
For an explosive to demolish a material,
Deton Contro it must have a detonation velocity equal Control Engine
phy l
Fetzer, WTC ation lled to or greater than the speed of sound in led 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
James 1-2 velocit demoli that material. The speed of sound in demolit Truth Scientis
l k
8 y tion concrete is 3,200 m/s, in steel 6,100 m/s. ion, all ts
1 But the highest detonation velocity
attributed to nanothermite in the
scientific literature is only 895 m/s.

Port Chicago disaster: (1st nuclear

explosion?) ... munitions explosion...
occurred on July 17, 1944, at the Port
Chicago Naval Magazine in Port
Cance Contro
Port me Chicago, California. Munitions l Manhat
Wikiped r, Port lled Victims U.S. 7/17/
Chica dic detonated while being loaded onto a n tan U.S.
ia Chica demoli , all gov 1944
go al cargo vessel bound for the Pacific k Project
go tion
Theater of Operations, killing 320
sailors and civilians and injuring 390
8 others. Most of the dead and injured
2 were enlisted African-American sailors.
the NYC DOHMH investigated cancer
incidence during 2003–2008 in a cohort
of approximately 56,000 individuals
me registered with the WTC Health
NIH WTC r, Victim Victims U.S.
dic Registry and reported statistically NIH U.S.
NIEHS 1-2 Thyroi s , all gov
al significant increases in thyroid cancer,
prostate cancer, and multiple myeloma
8 among rescue and recovery workers in
3 2007–2008
From DoE: Restricted Data
Declassifications Decisions: August
1958: "Mere fact that the U. S. has
lled Contro Control
developed atomic munitions suitable for d
WTC doc demoli lled led U.S. 8/1/1
DoE use in demolition work." and The fact of o DoE U.S.
1-2 s tion, demoli demolit gov 958
weapon laboratory interest in Minimum c
nuclea tion ion, all
Residual Radiation (MRR) devices. The
8 fact of successful development of MRR
4 devices." (1976)
Our hypothesis is that World Trade
Center Buildings 1 and 2 were
demolished by a series of very low-yield
micro nuclear devices that were planted
lled Contro Control
phy in the center columns of the buildings l
Fetzer, WTC demoli lled led 9/11
sica and detonated sequentially from top to n U.S.
James 1-2 tion, demoli demolit Truth
l bottom and configured or directed to k
nuclea tion ion, all
explode upward in order to simulate a
free fall collapse. A mini-nuke or series
8 of mini-nukes were also detonated in the
5 basement of WTC 6
A third opinion from NY State Police
chief forensic pathologist backed
Zadroga's family original claim that
WTC dust was responsible for his death,
me l
Wikiped WTC Cance Zadrog Zadroga, citing no 'track marks' on his body, and Victims
dic n NYC U.S.
ia 1-2 r a Act James that he had taken anti-anxiety and , all
al k
painkillers including OxyContin and had
never ground up and injected drugs that
8 the NY Medical Examiner accused him
6 of.
ASCE From ASCE: "The Boeing 757
Pentago Boein Control
phy Report approached the west wall of the l
n Penta g 757 led U.S.
sica s, Pentagon from the southwest at n U.S.
Building gon slips demolit gov
8 Perform l Pentag apprximately 780 ft/sec. (531.8 mph) As k
into ion, all
7 on it approached the Pentagon site it was so
ance first low to the ground that it clipped the
Report floor antenna on a vehicle on an adjacent
road."This is impossible because of
ground effect, also impossible for a
professional pilot, and there also was no
damage to the lawn...
SkyWay was part of a network of
companies, three of which—L-3
Communications, Net Command Tech
WTC, 9/11, Inc, and Triton Network Systems Inc.—
Hopsick poli l Corpora
Penta Wall were cited by Elliot Spitzer, then the U.S.
er, tica n tions & Israel
gon, St. & Attorney General of New York State, corp
Daniel l k 9/11
PA Israel for being used by Wall Street brokers in
“pump and dump” schemes which cost
8 unwary investors tens of millions of
8 dollars.
... (Dimona, Negev Nuclear Research
Center) suffered a major equipment
failure in the 1990s that impacted on
Israel's ability to re-process nuclear
fuel.prompting Israel to actively Rothsch Brewst
poli r l
Plame Carnaby, smuggle nuclear materials to Israel.... ild U.S. er 1/1/1
WMR tica smugg n U.S.
gate Roland the smuggling operations immediately Zionists gov Jenning 995
l ling & k
became known to the CIA's , all s
Counterproliferation Division and its
non-official cover (NOC) Brewster
8 Jennings & Associates ... see Carnaby
9 and Pantex
The Saudi’s also have a stash of W54’s
acquired from the US under Bush2.
Nuclea (Editor’s note: Confirmed) The Israelis
poli r have also provided them to India, Brazil, l White
Duff, Penta U.S. Saudi
tica smugg China, Taiwan, Japan, North and South n House,
Gordon gon, gov Arabia
l ling & Korea etc. (Editor’s note: All but South k Cheney
9/11 Korea confirmed. Canada had been
9 believed to be the source of Brazilian
0 nuclear weapons.)
Rogue government chain of command:
Minot- Vice President Dick Cheney, COS
Barksd David Addington, AF Sec Michael
poli ale Addingt Wynne, AF COS Gen. Michael Mosely, l
Penta Mini U.S. Rogue
WMR tica nuclea on, Gen. Lawrence Stuztriem n U.S.
gon, Nukes gov govt
l r David CHECKMATE, Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, k
scanda Dr. Lani Kass, Col. Bruce Emig, Maj.
9 l Gen. Stephen Goldfein ... Minot
1 Barksdale nuclear event.
The explosions at Fukushima No. 1
nuclear plant were actually caused by
Nuclea nuclear fission of warhead cores stolen
Shimats poli r from Pantex ... (evaporation in the l
WTC Olmert, Mini U.S.
u, tica smugg cooling ponds led to detonation) …. n Israel
1-2 Ehud Nukes gov
Yoichi l ling & were authorized under a three-way deal k
9/11 between the Bush-Cheney team, Prime
9 Minister Shinzo Abe and Elhud Olmert's
2 government in Tel Aviv. Richard Perle led the
WTC, Defense Policy Board,... is also director
poli l Corpora
Alternati Penta Perle, of Hollinger Inc, Hollinger Digital also U.S. Amdoc
tica MSM n tions & U.S.
ve news gon, Richard owns Onset Technology which corp s
l k 9/11
9 PA cooperates with spy messenger software
3 of Comverse (Amdocs) and Odigo.
Hollinger (Conrad Black) operated 400
newspapers worldwide, #3 after Gannet
and Murdoch,

The Vulcan’s... war chest ($240 billion

looted from Russia) ... known by several
names: Black Eagle Trust, the Marcos
WTC, Wall gold, Yamashita’s Gold, the Golden Rothsch
poli l
Alternati Penta St., Lily Treasure, the Durham Trust or ild U.S. Vulcan 9/17/
tica n U.S.
ve news gon, Israel Project Hammer. ... of covert illegal Zionists gov s 2001
l k
PA & 9/11 bonds, which appear to have been , all
replaced with Treasury notes by
9 relaxation of SEC immediately
4 following 9/11.
Shimatsu: US & Israel knew Fukushima
had weapons-grade PU and UR (W54
pits) that were exposed to the
WTC, atmosphere after the tsunami hit. ... In
Shimats poli r l
Penta Cheney, retaliation for Japan's support for a Mini U.S. 3/1/2
u, tica smugg n Israel
gon, Dick Palestinian State. Cheney/Bush had the Nukes gov 011
Yoichi l ling & k
PA reactor sabotaged with the Stuxnet virus
twenty minutes after the tsnami hit
9 hampering the shutdown and enabling
5 the meltdowns.
According to German newspapers, the
Mossad gave the CIA a list of 19
terrorists living in the US and said that it
WTC, Neocon Mossad
poli Hijack appeared that they were planning to l
911 Penta Hijacker s U.S. / 8/23/
tica er carry out an attack in the near future... at n Israel
Review gon, patsies created gov Sayeret 2001
l patsies least four names did refer to actual 9/11 k
PA al Matkal
hijackers: Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid
9 Almihdhar, Marwan Alshehhi, and
6 Mohamed Atta.
An Ashton Carter 1998 essay in Foreign
Affairs, co-written with Philip Zelikow,,
and former Deputy Defense Secretary
WTC, John Deutch: ... on 9/11 ... " ... Like
Barrett, poli Civil l
Penta Carter, Pearl Harbor, this event would divide Neocon U.S.
Kevin tica Rights n DoD U.S.
gon, Ashton our past and future into a before and s, all gov
VT l lost k
PA after. ... The US might respond with
draconian measures, scaling back civil
9 liberties, allowing wider surveillance of
7 citizens, ... ".
Norfidid: MRR, .. radiation from fusion
Mini devices is short lived, produces tritium
Nukes and that the DoE admits to at least
, MINIMAL Residual Radiation
phy Minim weapons, … Nuclear fusion leaves l
Alternati WTC lled Mini U.S.
sica um behind tritium... a fact recorded by the n U.S.
ve news 1-2 demoli Nukes gov
l Residu EPA at ground zero…Tritium: a k
al radioactive isotope of hydrogen having
Radiat a mass of 3 units; it is produced in
9 ion nuclear reactors by the action of
8 neutrons on lithium nuclei.
Bandar bin Sultan's wife ( Princess
WTC, White
poli 9/11 & Bandar Haifa al Faisal, the wife of Prince
Penta Saudis U.S. House, Saudi
MSM tica Saudi bin Bandar
gon, & 9/11 gov Bush Arabia
9 l Arabia Sultan bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, the
9 Saudi Ambassador to the United
gifted $1 million to Bush 43 presidential

Rich's partner in crime was hedge-fund

Nuclea manager Michael Steinhardt, a second
r generation Meyer Lansky syndicate
WTC, Rothsch
poli smugg front-man. Steinhardt, who is the l White
Penta Rich, ild U.S.
EIR tica ling, founder of the.. Democratic Leadership n House, U.S.
gon, Marc Zionists gov
l Russia Council (DLC) (RNC lookalike) and k Clinton
PA , all
1 / Israel who is the sugar-daddy of Sen. Joseph
0 mafia Lieberman... to secure Sharon's
0 reelection, and ... Likud
Federal probes of various security leaks,
criminal activity, and dirty money -- Russian
Abramoff, Kidan, CIA leak, Niger -Israeli-
WTC, Organi Rothsch Russia,
poli bogus documents, AIPACgate, election l Ukraini
Penta zed Rich, ild Ukrain
WMR tica fraud, Indian gambling casino money n global an
gon, Crime Marc Zionists e,
l laundering, dirty GOP campaign money, k Mafia
PA & 9/11 , all Israel
1 oil profiteering, 9/11--all related to (RUIM
0 Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian Mafia )
1 (RUIM).
The common link between 9/11, JFK
and the Holocaust is the creation,
sustenance and expansion of the state of
9/11, Israel. It would not exist if not for the Cabal
Francis, JFK, poli Rothsc Holocaust, JFK's anti-Israel policies li JFK, : US,
Stephen Holoc tica hild & Jewish were dealt with (assassination) and the n 9/11 & UK, U.S.
NFU aust & l JFK Iraq / Afghanistan wars were fought in k Zionists Israel
ISIS part to expand, protect and enrich Israeli & SA
1 Zionists. Michael Collins Piper was the
0 first author to expose Mossad as JFK
2 assassins.
The ASCE report states that a Boeing
Pentag Disinf 757 … slipped in between the second Control
phy l
Penta on, o& story floor and the ground floor… which led 9/11
ASCE sica n U.S.
1 gon wall ommis is absolutely ridiculous….a 200,000 lb demolit Truth
l k
0 holes sions aircraft to disappear in the first floor of a ion, all
3 five story building.

Pentag Disinf The FBI would not allow the ASCE Control
phy l
Penta on, o& entry into the Pentagon for at least two led 9/11
1 ASCE sica n U.S.
gon wall ommis weeks, and until all the debris had been demolit Truth
0 l k
holes sions removed. ion, all
Whatever crashed into the Pentagon,
could not have been a 125 ton airliner.
The entry point was too small, … the
Pentag Disinf Control
Francis, phy official story does not consider the l
Penta on, o& led 9/11
Stephen sica practically indestructible 10-ton jet n U.S.
gon wall ommis demolit Truth
NFU l engines that should have pierced the k
holes sions ion, all
1 wall in two separate places... and would
0 have been easily recovered and
5 displayed if they existed.

Disinf On detonation velocity, AE911Truth Control Engine

phy li
AE911T WTC o& website does not even mention the led 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
1 ruth 1-2 ommis concept … as seen from a search of their demolit Truth Scientis
0 l k
sions website. ion, all ts
Brewster Jennings & Associates was a
front company set up in 1994 by the
Nuclea CIA... employed Valerie Plame, Robert
r Novak outed her identity on July 2003..
poli l Intel
Wikiped Plame smugg Plame, Novak said Richard Armitage was his U.S. 7/14/
tica n agencie CIA U.S.
ia gate ling & Valerie source… the company was used by the gov 2003
l k s
Plame CIA to investigate an alleged foreign
1 gate intelligence ring, including Pakistan's
0 ISI, which was attempting to recruit
7 moles to obtain U.S. nuclear secrets
… the controlled demolition of the Twin
Towers and WTC 7 was called
WTC, Operat Control
poli 'Operation Code Angel,' also known as l
Aangirfa Penta ion led U.S.
tica Tripod II - a U.S. Department of Justice n DoJ U.S.
n gon, Code demolit gov
1 l 'war games' exercise involving the k
PA Angel ion, all
0 Federal Emergency Management
8 Administration (FEMA)
Al Taqwa Bank... a George H. W. Bush
/ Swiss / German bank on behalf of
WTC, Osama bin Laden, headquartered in the 9/11
poli 9/11 bin l al
Penta Italian Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia Finacin Italy
WMR tica Financ Laden, n Queda Italy
gon, and had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets g& gov
l ing Osama k banks
1 PA blocked by US Treasury, changed its Roots
0 name to Nada Management. see
9 Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)
Lord Charles Powell became an advisor
WTC, to the board of BAE. He also served on
poli 9/11 Powell, l
Penta the board of Jardine Matheson which is Saudis UK Saudi
WMR tica financi Lord n HSBC
1 gon, linked to HSBC which is reportedly & 9/11 gov Arabia
l ng Charles k
1 PA involved in transfer of funds through
0 Dubai to the 9/11 hijackers.
If you fill a glass vile with PU-239
oxide flakes add some acid and
compress it properly you will get a
small nuclear chain reaction in the
Gordon phy ar Alterna
WTC Duff, single ton range. It is called a nuclear Mini 9/11
Duff, sica physic tive U.S.
1-2 Gordon Co-hearer, Detonator, Trigger or “Red Nukes Truth
VT l s short media
Mercury.” Put that into a 40mm grenade
1 launcher and it will drop a small
1 building or take out any bunker. One
1 gram of PU equals one ton of TNT.
Jeff Gates: Less than two weeks prior to
the mass murder of September 11, 2001,
the Israeli government made a $1
WTC, million grant to Israeli super-spy Rothsch
Veterans Penta Warni Jonathan Pollard. (Signal?)…he is ild Israeli 9/1/2
tica Israel
Today gon, ngs celebrated in Israel… 110 CIA agents Zionists gov 001
PA died because of the 1 million documents , all
1 Pollard stole which Israel passed on to
1 Russia... in exchange for emigration
2 guarantees.
Explos In the oral histories of 503 emergency
David Control
phy ions, emergen personel on 9/11 over 100 reported l
Ray WTC Victim led U.S. NY 8/1/2
sica during cy explosions prior or during the collapses. n U.S.
1 New 1-2 s demolit corp Times 005
l 9/11 workers Citizens reported explosions that blew k
1 Pearl ion, all
attack glass out of doors and windows.
3 Harbor
Sir Peter Mason is a Knight of the
British Empire. The former mayor of
New York, Rudolph Giuliani, who gave
WTC, up, Rothsch
Francis, the management of the WTC site to the l Bovis
Penta Zionis 9/11 & Giuliani, ild UK 2/1/2
Stephen two British firms, AMEC and Bovis n Constru UK
gon, t UK Rudy Zionists corp 002
NFU Lend Lease, received an honorary k ction
PA compa , all
1 knighthood in the Order of the British
1 Empire from Queen Elizabeth II on Feb.
4 13, 2002.
A subsidiary of Zakheim’s SPC firm,
Remot known as Tridata Corporation, oversaw
e- the investigation of the first World Control
Barrett, poli WTC l Tridata
WTC contro Zakheim Trade Center terrorist attack in 1993, led U.S. 6/1/1
Kevin tica Securit n Corpor Israel
1993 lled , Dov which would have provided vital first- demolit corp 993
VT l y k ation
1 aircraf hand knowledge of the security systems ion, all
1 t and structural blueprints of the World
5 Trade Center.
Bill Clinton was photographed at a
Nuclea Democratic Party function with
r controversial Russian businessman
Washing poli smugg Loutcha Grigory Loutchansky, whose Vienna, li White
Penta Mini U.S. 9/1/1
ton tica ling, nsky, Austria-based company Nordex has n House, U.S.
gon, Nukes gov 999
Times l Russia Grigori been the focus of multiple international k Clinton
1 / Israel probes investigating Russian organized
1 mafia crime and money laundering. Mr.
6 Loutchansky surfaced in
Jerome Hauer advised the White House
to begin taking Cipro, ...
WTC, Mr. Hauer's advice was not made public,
me l White
Alternati Penta Anthra Hauer, when the first anthrax letters appeared, Victims U.S.
dic n House, U.S.
ve news gon, x hoax Jerome and again three weeks after that, when , all gov
al k Bush
1 PA anthrax appeared in letters to
1 Democratic Senators Daschle and
7 Leahy.
Jerome Hauer joined New York City's
Office of Emergency Management
WTC, (OEM) in 1998 and quickly obtained Control
me l White
Alternati Penta Anthra Hauer, funding from the office of then-mayor led U.S. 1/1/1
dic n House, U.S.
ve news gon, x hoax Jerome Rudy Giuliani for the study of West demolit gov 998
al k Bush
1 PA Nile virus. The following year the virus ion, all
1 appeared in the city, and Jerome Hauer
8 led the fumigation effort.
Jerome Hauer managed the NIH
response to the anthrax attacks. The
WTC, anthrax used in the attacks was
me l
Alternati Penta Anthra identified as an Ames strain, which Victims U.S.
dic n NIH U.S.
ve news gon, x hoax means it had to have come from the U.S. , all gov
al k
1 PA Army Medical Research Institute of
1 Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at
9 Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Six out of eight black boxes on
supposed 9/11 hijacked planes were
David WTC, Disinf Control
poli never released, while the two (on Flight l
Ray Penta Black o & led U.S.
tica 77 and Flight 93) that were reportedly n NTSB U.S.
New gon, boxes ommis demolit gov
1 l found cannot be verified as genuine, k
Pearl PA sions ion, all
2 Should be 2 hours of recordings for four
0 hijackings total,
Despite Kroll's leading role in providing
WTC, Disinf the security plan for the WTC, neither Control NIST /
poli l
9/11 Penta o& Hauer, the 9/11 Commission nor the National led U.S. FEMA
tica n U.S.
1 Blogger gon, ommis Jerome Institute of Standards and Technology demolit gov UL
l k
2 PA sions (NIST) mentioned Kroll in their ion, all Labs
1 respective reports.
Friedman figured prominently in the
evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his
role at Marsh & McLennan and his later
WTC, cking Marsh
poli Friedma role as George W. Bush's top economic l Corpora
Alternati Penta BOD U.S. &
tica n, advisor. Friedman was also a member of n tions & U.S.
ve news gon, & corp McCle
l Stephen the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg k 9/11
PA conspi nnan
1 group, the Foreign Intelligence
2 Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-
2 Tel
Worst Dutch air disaster ... Oct 4, 2009
& scandal .. involved Israel, Mossad, the
Nuclea US, El Al, secret and illegal chemical
r weapons transfers, unconfirmed
Shimats El al poli
smugg allegations of weapons-grade plutonium, Mini Israeli 10/4/
u, Flight tica ICTS Israel
ling & … 2000 residents / firefighters with Nukes gov 2009
Yoichi 1862 l
Schiph radiation poisoning symtoms, ... the
1 ol chemicals aboard El Al Flight 1862
2 could have produced 270 kilos of sarin
3 (see ICTS, Cukierman)
Friedman figured prominently in the
evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his
role at Marsh & McLennan and his later
WTC, cking
poli Friedma role as George W. Bush's top economic l Corpora
Alternati Penta BOD U.S. In-Q-
tica n, advisor. Friedman was also a member of n tions & U.S.
ve news gon, & corp Tel
l Stephen the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg k 9/11
PA conspi
1 group, the Foreign Intelligence
2 Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-
4 Tel
Shirlz007: Buller: Director General of
MI5 Eliza Manningham-Buller,
instrumental in the cover-up of Pan Am
WTC, Flight 103 over Lockerbie, 1998, Rothsch
poli li
Alternati Penta 9/11 & secured Britain's role in 1st Gulf War, ild 9/12/
tica n UK
ve news gon, UK dismantled last remnants of the IRA Zionists 2001
l k
PA with false flag attacks on British soil , all
1 blaming Irish Republicans, possibly
2 recruited Gerry Adams, was in NY Sep
5 12, 2001.
Kroll has operated as a private
intelligence agency, and has been called
"The CIA of Wall Street". In this role,
Kroll traced and recovered the assets of
WTC, cking
poli Ferdinand Marcos, Jean-Claude "Baby l Corpora Kroll &
Alternati Penta BOD Hauer, U.S.
tica Doc" Duvalier, and Saddam Hussein n tions & Associa U.S.
ve news gon, & Jerome corp
l (for Kuwait). Kroll also worked for the k 9/11 tes
PA conspi
Russian government to recover funds,
1 and for the Federal Deposit Insurance
2 Corporation (FDIC) during the Savings
6 and Loan scandal.
Interlo Kroll helped out by finding
WTC, cking embarrassing secrets about the takeover
poli l Corpora Kroll &
Alternati Penta BOD Hauer, company's executives, thereby U.S.
tica n tions & Associa U.S.
1 ve news gon, & Jerome preventing the takeover. Former CIA corp
l k 9/11 tes
2 PA conspi spies, FBI agents, and prosecutors were
7 rators hired by the firm, and made as much as
twice the salaries they made in the
public sector while investigating
corporate and personal misdeeds.

Jules B. Kroll in 1972. Mr. Kroll was

WTC, Rothsch
poli WTC admitted to the New York Bar in 1967, l
Alternati Penta Kroll, ild
1 ve news gon, tica Securit
and had spent several years as an n
2 l y assistant District Attorney for New York k
PA , all
8 County.
Riggs Bank was a large Washington,
D.C.-based commercial bank with
poli 9/11 & branches around the world. .. Saudis set l
Wikiped Penta Saudis U.S. Safari Saudi
tica Saudi up accounts with 10s of millions for use n
ia gon, & 9/11 gov Club Arabia
1 l Arabia by Safari Club in wake of Watergate k
2 scandals. …and funded 9/11 hijackers
9 patsies.
There were two unneeded evacuations
poli Rumsfel of fire fighting personel that were l
Penta o& Neocon U.S.
1 ASCE tica d, initiated by Donald Rumsfeld sighting n U.S.
gon ommis s, all gov
3 l Donald more attacks on the Pentagon that never k
0 materialized.
Neither the service, nor the "third
generation" hardware, nor the "Picco
WTC, Airlin Control
phy cell" CDMA base station inside the li
Aviation Penta e cell led U.S.
sica cabin (which so to speak mimics a cell n MSM U.S.
Week gon, phone demolit corp
1 l phone communication tower inside the k
PA calls ion, all
3 plane) were available on the morning of
1 September 11, 2001.
There is a high correlation between so-
called 9/11 Truth websites that deny
Wikip nuclear demolition devices and 'no
Francis, poli edia planes' and websites that do not mention l Corpora
Penta U.S.
Stephen tica rewrite Israel, UK or Saudi Arabia roles in 9/11. n tions & MSM U.S.
gon, corp
NFU l s …including AE911Truth, 911review, k 9/11
1 history 911Truth … NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox
3 News would all immediately be suspects
2 in the cover-up.
An attempt by the FBI to penetrate New
York and New Jersey Israeli
intelligence-connected office moving
WTC, companies, such as Urban Moving Urban
poli li Zim
Penta 9/11 & Eisenber Systems, which was discovered to have Moving
WMR tica n Shippin Israel
gon, Israel g, Shaul conducted an emergency move of the System
l k g
PA Israeli Zim-American Israeli Shipping s
1 Company from the World Trade
3 Center’s North Tower just weeks prior
3 to 911,
ISIS … have disturbing links to
intelligence services of the United
States, Israel, and Britain. "Islamic State
poli of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL), or, as it li
9/11 & U.S.
WMR ISIS tica is variably called, "Islamic State of Iraq n ISIS ISIS Israel
ISIS gov
l and al-Sham" (ISIS), "Al Dawlah" (the k
1 State), or "Da'ish" (a concatenation of
3 "al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa al-
4 Sham",
ISIL is an outgrowth of the Organization
of Jihad's Base in the Country of the
poli Two Rivers or Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) li
9/11 & U.S.
WMR ISIS tica led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. As with n ISIS ISIS Israel
ISIS gov
1 l the current leader of ISIL, Abu Bakr al- k
3 Baghdadi, questions surrounded the
5 background of Zarqawi.
Cheney's team executed 9/11 power
consolidation to drive far-reaching legal
changes under a new set of rules ... team
WTC, composed of: David Addington
History poli Rogue Addingt l White
Penta (Cheney's legal counsel), Timothy Neocon U.S.
Commo tica govern on, n House, U.S.
gon, Flanigan (dep WH counsel), John Yoo s, all gov
ns l ment David k Cheney
PA (dep chief of Office of Legal Council)
1 and Alberto Gonzalez with no
3 accountability on or adherence to any
6 democratic process.
Link the DEA, Venice (Florida) hijacker
WTC, flight school training, Prince Nayif's
poli 9/11 & l
Penta (Nayef) drug smuggling conviction and Saudis U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Saudi Nayef n DEA
1 gon, offices in Venice, Mohammed Atta, Sky & 9/11 gov Arabia
l Arabia k
3 PA Way Aircraft, cocaine smuggling at the
7 airport and the Israeili Art Sudents…
Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal
Branch -- Sayeret Matkal is a deep-
WTC, penetration unit that has been involved Rothsch
poli l
Fetzer, Penta 9/11 & Eastman, in assassinations, the theft of foreign ild Israeli Sayeret
tica n Israel
James gon, Israel Dick (US) defense, financial, industrial and Zionists gov Matkal
l k
1 PA diplomatic secrets and the theft and , all
3 destruction of foreign weapons and
8 research facilities. They did 9-11.
“Islamists” are “anti-Western” mainly in
the sense that they don’t like
pornography, alcohol, sexualized
advertising, usury, and other
Barrett, poli manifestations of Western decadence. ... l
Penta Islamo 9/11 al
Kevin tica few hate Democracy ... Shi’a Islamism, n U.S.
gon, phobia Truth Queda
VT l the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the k
less-successful, less-savvy but still
1 leading force of Sunni Islamism, the
3 Muslim Brotherhood, are very strongly
9 pro-democracy.
AIPAC is impeding Lynch / Jones
WTC, 28 Lynch, emergency bill to declassify full Joint Rothsch
Barrett, poli l Truth,
Penta pages Stephen Congression Report on 9/11. Why is SA ild
Kevin tica n anti- AIPAC U.S.
1 gon, declass Congres protecting Saudi Arabia? Does the Zionists
VT l k Zioni
4 PA ified! smen report implicate the Mossad, FBI, CIA, , all
0 MI5,
Chairman of the State Department's
Nuclea International Security Advisory Board.
WTC, r One of Wolfowitz's key areas of Rothsch
poli l
Penta smugg Wolfowi responsibility will be non-proliferation ild U.S. State
WMR tica n U.S.
gon, ling & tz, Paul and arms control and he will have input Zionists gov Dept
l k
1 PA Plame on the proposed US-Turkey nuclear , all
4 gate technology deal. See Soreq Nuclear
1 Research
According to Lawrence Livermore
Laboratories the maximum detonation
velocity for an energetic compound
made of iron oxide and aluminum in a
Deton Contro silica substrate is 895mps. ... the Lawren
Cahill, phy Cahill, li
WTC ation lled velocity can be increased to above 2000 Mini U.S. ce
Dr. sica Dr. n U.S.
1-2 velocit demoli mps if copper is added.... Dr. Jones Nukes gov Liverm
Thomas l Thomas k
y tion samples did not have a copper ore Lab
component. Nuclear detonation velocity
1 approaches 100k mps. Logistically
4 impossible to put enough nanothermite
2 in WTC to demolish it.
Hellerstein has a clear conflict of
interest in the 9-11 tort litigation
because his son is a lawyer with Amit,
WTC, Confli Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that Rothsch
poli l Israeli Pollak
Penta ct of Rothschi works for and is closely connected with ild
Bollyn tica n think & Israel
gon, interes ld Cukierman & Company, the parent Zionists
l k tank Matalo
PA t company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is , all
1 headed by Roger Cukierman and his son
4 Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of
3 the Edmond de Rothschild Group
The Dutch Attorney General testified
before the commission that the El Al
security unit at Schiphol wasn't actually
an El Al security unit at all, but a front
Shimats El al poli operation for the Mossad. * Airport
smugg Mini U.S. 1/1/1
u, Flight tica employees testified that since 1973, the ICTS Israel
ling & Nukes gov 993
Yoichi 1862 l Netherlands' authorities had allowed El
Al planes to transfer cargo at Schiphol
1 Airport without being inspected by
4 customs or by the Dutch Flight Safety
4 Board
ASCE report: "Controlled access to the
site was granted to the full team after
rescue and recovery operations were
complete. On Oct 4, 2001 the Pentagon Control
poli Report l
Penta team … inspected the interior and led U.S. 10/4/
ASCE tica s, n U.S.
gon exterior of the damaged area of the demolit gov 2001
l Pentag k
Pentagon for approximately four ion, all
1 hours."including John Durrant (ASCE
4 dir) and W. Gene Corely (WTC BPS
5 leader)
Ehud Olmert, like his Russian-born
parents who emigrated first to China and
then to Palestine, is an ideological child
of Jabotinsky. Olmert's father,
WTC, Rothsch
poli Israel Mordechai, was a devoted follower who l Israeli
Penta Olmert, ild Zionist
Bollyn tica & 9/11 joined the right-wing Herut movement n think Israel
gon, Ehud Zionists s
l ICTS and the Irgun militia then led by the k tank
PA , all
notorious Zionist terrorist Menachem
1 Begin. Olmert's intensely right-wing
4 family lived on a cooperative farm
6 called Nahalat Jabotinsky.
The six-member Pentagon Building
ASCE Performance Study team is headed by
poli Report Lead Technical Director Paul F. Mlakar, l
Penta led U.S. 9/12/
ASCE tica s, ... includes Mete A. Sozen. Mlakar and n U.S.
gon demolit gov 2001
1 l Pentag Sozen had worked together on the k
ion, all
4 on (FEMA) investigation into the
7 Oklahoma City bombing under W. Gene
Corley, who is now assigned as
FEMA/ASCE’s team leader for the
WTC investigation 09/12/2001)

Olmert, who has long been tarnished by

allegations of financial crimes, was
implicated in a financial scandal
WTC, involving forged receipts for donations Rothsch
poli Israel l
Penta Olmert, to the 1988 Likud campaign, of which ild Israeli 1/1/1
Bollyn tica & 9/11 n PM Israel
gon, Ehud he was co-treasurer. This affair Zionists gov 996
l ICTS k
PA culminated in the March 1996 , all
1 conviction of three other Likudniks,
4 including Menahem Atzmon, the Likud
8 treasurer.
W. Gene Corley is a concrete specialist
who performed a similar
service (Pentagon reports) after the
Waco massacre, the Oklahoma City
poli Report l Corpora
Penta Corley, bombing, and the bombing of the U.S. Henry 1/1/1
Bollyn tica s, n tions & Israel
gon W. Gene Pentagon. Corley, now deceased, corp Crown 997
l Pentag k 9/11
received from the Crown
1 family (Chicago, General Dyanics,
4 Lithuanian Jewish ) the Henry Crown
9 award for his work in 1997
... convicted in Israel in 1996 for
campaign finance fraud, and his
WTC, business partner Ezra Harel, took over
poli Israel Atzmon, l Corpora Huntlei
Penta management of security at the Boston U.S. 1/1/1
Bollyn tica & 9/11 Menache n tions & gh, Israel
gon, and Newark airports when their corp 999
l ICTS m k 9/11 USA
1 PA company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA
5 in 1999. See ICTS, Huntleigh,
0 Hellerstein, Rothschild and Cukierman
UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which
allegedly struck the twin towers, both
phy Israel l Corpora Huntlei
Flight originated in Boston, while UAL 93, U.S.
Bollyn sica & 9/11 n tions & gh, Israel
1 93 which purportedly crashed in corp
l ICTS k 9/11 USA
5 Pennsylvania, departed from the
1 Newark airport. See ICTS and Huntleigh
Undocumented El Al cargo flights
arrived from Schiphol en route from
New York to Tel Aviv, Dutch Journalist
Shimats El al poli Dekker claims, ... the jet carried 27
smugg Mini U.S.
u, Flight tica kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium, ICTS Israel
ling & Nukes gov
Yoichi 1862 l enough to make seven warheads, ... *
1 Soil samples taken at the crash site have
5 turned up evidence suggesting that
2 nuclear weapons technology
Huntleigh, along with the other security
poli Israel companies, was granted complete l U.S.
Penta Neocon U.S. 1/1/2
1 Bollyn tica & 9/11 congressional protection in 2002 and n Congre U.S.
gon, s, all gov 002
5 l ICTS will not be called to account for its k ss
3 actions on 9-11 in any U.S. court. -
William Casey's covert operations as
WTC, Director of the CIA led from the arming
poli 9/11 & bin li
Bowles, Penta the mujehaddin to the intricacies of Saudis U.S. Saudi
tica Saudi Laden, n CIA
1 William gon, Contragate. Drug profits from this & 9/11 gov Arabia
l Arabia Osama k
5 PA funneled through BCCI at the behest of
4 Saudi Arabia / CIA that used the
Pakistan ISI as a proxy. These funds
went to a drug dealer named Hekmyatar
and to his protégé, Osama bin Laden.

Davy Crockett mini nuke: The M-388

uses a version of the W54 warhead, a
small sub-kiloton fission device. The
Nuclea Mk-54 weighed about 51 pounds, with
WTC, lled Control
phy r an equivalent of 10-20 tons of TNT, The l
Alternati Penta demoli led U.S. U.S. 1/1/1
sica smugg round weighed 76 pounds. It was 31 x n U.S.
ve news gon, tion, demolit gov military 967
l ling & 11 inches, 2100 were manufactured, k
PA nuclea ion, all
9/11 taken out of service in 1967, used in
1 Special Atomic Demolition Munition
5 project and the AIM-26A Falcon. see
5 M65.
Nuclea On 17 July 2014, Flight 17 departed
WTC, r from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Gate Rothsch
poli l
Wikiped Penta smugg G03 at 12:14 CEST (10:14 UTC)[77] ild U.S.
tica n Israel
1 ia gon, ling & and was due to arrive at Kuala Lumpur Zionists gov
l k
5 PA Schiph International Airport at 06:00, 18 July , all
6 ol MYT
The smuggling network and the outing
of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings
directly involved the fact that the CIA's
WTC, r Brewst
poli counter-proliferation network had l
Penta smugg Feith, Neocon U.S. er
WMR tica accumulated a great deal of intelligence n Turkey
gon, ling & Douglas s, all gov Jenning
l on Douglas Feith's and Richard Perle's k
PA Plame s
1 International Advisors, Inc. (IAI),
5 registered foreign agents for the
7 government of Turkey;
Westfield (of WTC lease) has an interest
in ten shopping centres in England and
Northern Ireland. By far its most
7/7 significant asset is Westfield's 50%
Londo poli partnership inWestfield London l Westfie
Wikiped 9/11 & Lowy, UK
n tica development in Shepherd's Bush,... The n ld UK
ia UK Frank gov
bombi l development included the construction k Group
ngs of a new railway station for the London
1 Overground.... and a new entrance for
5 the London Underground station. where
8 7/7 bombings occurred
U.S. Defense Secretary Donald
WTC, Rumsfeld … announced that Iraqi
poli li
Penta Iraq Hussein, President Saddam Hussein has raised Neocon UK Zionist 4/3/2
MSM tica n Israel
1 gon, War Sadam the amount offered to relatives of s, all gov s 002
l k
5 PA suicide bombers from $10,000 per
9 family to $25,000,
His daughter Jane is married to Kevin
poli 9/11 Warsh, a former member of the Board l Corpora Federal
Wikiped Penta Lauder, U.S.
1 tica Financ of Governors of the Federal Reserve … n tions & Reserv U.S.
ia gon, Ronald corp
6 l ing see connections to Loutchansky, Russia k 9/11 e
0 Israeli mafia

A condensed video synopsis of CNN

phy and the BBC's 9-11 coverage where l
WTC 9/11 & Neocon UK 9/11/
1 MSM sica both reported 'sources' had indicated n MSM UK
7 UK s, all corp 2001
6 l WTC7 had collapsed, well before it k
1 occurred.

Bush, Cheney meet with 9/11 panel, …

refused to testify under oath … appeared
WTC, Disinf together, dismissed suggestions that he
poli li Commi
Penta o & Cheney, appeared before the panel with Cheney Neocon U.S.
MSM tica n ssion, U.S.
gon, ommis Dick to coordinate stories. … "see our body s, all gov
l k omissio
1 PA sions language... how we work together." …
6 no recording made of the session nor a
2 stenographer in the room.
WMR Taliban sources report that it was
Bout who secretly flew Osama Bin
Laden and his family out of Afghanistan
poli 9/11 & prior to the massive U.S. bombing of l
Penta Bout, Saudis U.S. Saudi 12/1/
WMR tica Saudi Tora Bora in late 2001. Bout, a n RUIM
gon, Viktor & 9/11 gov Arabia 2001
l Arabia Bukharan Jew was... involved with the k
1 Bin Laden family in logistics for their
6 construction activities, diamond
3 business.
the US war against Afghanistan ... is
about ...the transport oil and gas from
WTC, the east side of the Caspian Sea,
poli Energy li Bush
CourtFo Penta Bush pipelines had been planned through Neocon U.S.
tica / Drug n Crime U.S.
ol gon, GW Afghanistan. Because ... UNOCAL, s, all gov
l wars k Family
1 PA failed to control the Afghan route, the
6 war was prepared. ... 9/11 gave Bush the
4 pretext to start this war...
Carnaby was holding a trove of
documents outlining the theft and
transfer of hundreds of nuclear
warheads from the Pantex Plant near Mossad
poli r li
WTC Carnaby, Amarillo, Texas. Weapons sent there for Mini Israeli /
PressTV tica smugg n Israel
1-2 Roland disassembly were transshipped to Israel Nukes gov Sayeret
l ling & k
and, from there, refurbished, their cores Matkal
1 remachined and then sold around the
6 world or stored in Israeli embassies and
5 consulates around the world.
The Rothschilds exert political control
through the secretive Business
Roundtable, which they created in 1909
with the help of Lord Alfred Milner and
poli Cecil Rhodes- whose Rhodes li Zionis
Henders m= U.S. Rothsc Jan-
global tica Scholarship is granted by Cambridge n m= Israel
on, Dean Nazis gov hild 09
l University, out of which oil industry k Nazism
propagandist Cambridge Energy
1 Research Associates operates. Rhodes
6 founded De Beers and Standard
6 Chartered Bank.
Micro nukes can be mass produced fast
and cheap when needed. Just assemble
Contro and test. Cruise missiles weighing less
Gordon phy ar li Alterna
WTC lled Duff, than 1,000 lbs., not 4,000 lbs. Any plane Mini 9/11
Duff, sica physic n tive U.S.
1-2 demoli Gordon can drop one. Even a Cessna 150 can be Nukes Truth
VT l s short k media
1 tion turned into a drone. Mortars and tanks
6 can shoot the rounds. Man-pad / RPG
7 micro nukes are just around the corner.
Nuclear tipped hand grenades and 36
mm rounds are next.

The official version of 9/11 is so

indefensible little time is spent
defending it. Most efforts by the
WTC, Disinf perpetrators involve disinformation U.S.,
Francis, poli l
Penta o& campaigns, opposition control, Neocon U.S. Israel, 9/11/
Stephen tica n
gon, ommis gatekeeping, limited hangout, s, all gov SA, 2001
NFU l k
PA sions distractions and intimidation. A large Britain
1 part of Washington DC knows that
6 Israel double-crossed us by using our
8 own nukes on the WTC.
Concrete used to fill a 40 ft deep, 80 ft.
Eviden wide whole with melted rock sides
WTC, ce which was revealed as the debris was Control Engine
Nuclear phy Syndr p
Penta destruc removed. It appeared that something led 9/11 ers &
demoliti sica ome, i U.S.
gon, tion, (nuclear reaction) had melted the sides demolit Truth Scientis
on l bathtu c
1 PA obstru of the whole…. This got no MSM ion, all ts
6 ction attention… see pic. See Nuclear
9 Demolition
See video of airliner crash test where a
single 12" telephone pole easily slices Engine
phy li
YouTub WTC No Video through the wing of the aircraft and Video 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
1 e 1-2 planes fakery another pole cuts half way through fakery Truth Scientis
l k
7 between two engines. Part of proof of no ts
0 planes … see
8:30:00 AM Basement explosion
Griffin, reported by NY1 TV, four stories below
David WTC, ground. TV film of Philip Morelli Control
phy ions, l
Ray Penta Victim Morelli, stating this on NY1 TV … impact of led U.S.
sica during n MSM U.S.
New gon, s Philip explosion "through me to the floor", and demolit corp
l 9/11 k
1 Pearl PA then a second explosion, … tile was ion, all
7 Harbor falling down, ceiling fixtures falling
1 down, …
Hannah was also a key liaison between
Cheney and the Iraqi National Congress
(INC) headed by Ahmed Chalabi, the
controversial Iraqi exile who was a close Iraqi
WTC, Rothsch
Francis, poli Neoco confidant of many neoconservative l Nationa
Penta Hannah, ild U.S.
Stephen tica ns, figures in and out of government prior n l Iraq
gon, John Zionists gov
NFU l Strauss to the 2003 Iraq War. Chalabi was k Congre
PA , all
eventually accused of feeding false ss
1 information to the Bush administration
7 regarding Saddam Hussein's weapons
2 programs -
Yeslam Binladin, Kelhoffer, Potomac
Capital (Geneva), Manucher
Ghorbanifar office where Potomac
Iran poli 9/11 Capital is located. [redacted]: Potomac l Corpora Potoma
Negropo U.S. Switze
WMR Contr tica Financ Capital played a hand in Honduras and n tions & c
nte corp rland
a l ing El Salvador, Iran-contra (Negroponte k 9/11 Capital
1 and Hannah) Negrononte now Deputy
7 Secretary of State in Obama
3 administraion
Bout regularly flew ... weapons /
personnel into West Africa on behalf of
Osama Bin Laden and his Saudi
interlocutors as part of a joint Israeli-
WTC, Saudi plan to break the Lebanese Shi'a-
poli 9/11 & l
Penta Bout, Hezbollah monopoly on the West Saudis U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Saudi n
gon, Viktor African diamond trade. The plan & 9/11 gov Arabia
l Arabia k
PA involved the recruitment by Mossad
agents of Bin Laden loyalists to displace
1 Shi'a from the diamond trade in
7 countries like Sierra Leone, Liberia, and
4 Guinea.
Ron Lauder (former U.S. Ambassador
to Austria and former candidate for
WTC, Mayor of New York) also had ties to
poli smugg l
Alternati Penta Lauder, mafia oligarch Vadim Rabinovich (a Mini Israeli
tica ling, n Russia
ve news gon, Ronald convicted criminal who spent 9 years in Nukes gov
l Russia k
1 PA jail) a business partner with Grigori
/ Israel
7 Loutchansky (Nordex). Stefan
5 Lemieszewski
DEA report: Segalovitz was untruthful
about his reasoning to be in the United
States for approximately the first 3
WTC, hours. Segalovitz finally admitted that
poli Demol li
Penta Segalovi he was one of approximately 30 Israeli Neocon U.S.
DEA tica ition n DEA U.S.
gon, tz, Peer art students who are currently in Florida. s, all gov
l prep k
PA Segalovitz would not admit what their
1 purpose was in Florida, but did state that
7 they were not here for legitimate
6 means.”
Fissionless fusion ... without
requirement of a fission trigger, a fusion
device can be made tiny ... A vertical
Mini series of fusion point sources, placed
Nukes Contro every 10 floors of WTC or so, could Control
phy l
Alternati WTC , lled approximate a thin vertical cylinder of led 9/11
sica n U.S.
ve news 1-2 Fissio demoli Sun-like temperatures ... That would demolit Truth
l k
nless tion also help explain the initial upward ion, all
Fusion trajectory of so much of the towers'
1 mass during the 'collapses' as
7 (supposedly only) gravity was pulling
7 them down.
the nuclear “event” began by the violent
upward thrust of the nuclear blast 150
feet per second. Its white-hot heat shot
Nucle upward vaporizing the Towers’ interiors
Contro Non-
phy ar of concrete, steel, glass, combustibles— li U.S.
Duff, WTC lled Mini Prolifer
sica physic and people—into dust. Blowing to the n think U.S.
Gordon 1-2 demoli Nukes ation
l s short top and out into the atmosphere, the k tank
tion commu
course tremendous energy flung its steaming
1 load of vaporized materials skyward to
7 become multi-colored pyroclastic clouds
8 of dust and radioactive fuel.
Michael Mukasey (Jewish), federal
judge in New York; presided over 1993
WTC bombing case; active in 9-11 Rothsch
poli Litigat Mukasey l
WhoDid WTC cases, including Larry Silverstein’s ild
tica ion & , n NYC DoJ U.S.
It 1993 insurance claims; oversaw the detained Zionists
l 9/11 Michael k
1 material witnesses of 9-11, including , all
7 five dancing Israeli Mossad agents
9 apprehended by FBI;
Nuclear demolition: The radiation
dissolves the steel into iron oxide
Contro consuming the carbon and silicone in Control
phy trusses l
Duff, WTC lled the steel. This explains the missing steel led 9/11
sica , n U.S.
Gordon 1-2 demoli columns and the very important clue of demolit Truth
l antenn k
1 tion the “vaporized’ 20 ton antenna tower ion, all
8 atop the south tower. The upward blast
0 of radiation literally vaporized it.
IRMEP Institute for Research: Middle
East Policy, Grant F. Smith …
Netanyahu worked with Heli Trading
WTC, Krytro r Netanya Rothsch
poli Co (an Arnon Milchan company, Pretty li Milcha
Penta n smugg hu, ild Israeli May-
IRMEP tica Woman movie) headed by Richard K. n n, Israel
gon, trigger ling, Benjami Zionists corp 84
l Smyth (Milco), who was convicted of k Arnon
PA s Netany n , all
1 smuggling 800 Krytron nuclear triggers
8 to Israel. FBI investigated and buried
1 all.
Melted steel and iron oxide or “nano
thermite” is a byproduct of the very high
Contro Control Engine
phy Nanot gamma ray / Neutron flux induced into l
Duff, WTC lled led 9/11 ers &
sica hermit the central steel core. The radiation n U.S.
Gordon 1-2 demoli demolit Truth Scientis
1 l e dissolves the steel into iron oxide k
tion ion, all ts
8 consuming the carbon and silicone in
2 the steel.
Seismologists point out that Richter
readings always come from Earth’s
movements or explosives coupled to the
ground, not from plane impacts on 9/11
Contro Control Engine
phy Seism buildings or falling debris. Earthquakes l Truth,
Duff, WTC lled led ers &
sica ograph rumble up to a climax and then n anti- U.S.
Gordon 1-2 demoli demolit Scientis
l s decrease, but a sudden spike denotes a k Zioni
tion ion, all ts
ground-planted explosive device. The sts
1 Seismic Waves produced during the
8 WTC collapse were High Frequency
3 Waves— an impulsive explosive source.
Arden Bement, the metallurgist and
expert on fuels and materials who was
NIST / nominated as director of NIST by NIST /
poli l
911 WTC FEMA Bement, President George W. Bush in October Neocon U.S. FEMA 10/1/
tica n U.S.
Review 1-2 Cover- Arden 2001, was former deputy secretary of s, all gov UL 2001
l k
1 up defense, former director of DARPA’s Labs
8 office of materials science, and former
4 executive at TRW.
Both the United States and the Soviet
Union have acknowledged producing
nuclear weapons small enough to be
carried in specially-designed backpacks
WTC, Mossad
poli Mini during the Cold War, but neither have l
Wikiped Penta Mini Israeli / 1/1/1
tica Nukes, ever made public the existence or n Israel
ia gon, Nukes gov Sayeret 952
l Israel development of weapons small enough k
PA Matkal
to fit into a normal-sized suitcase or
1 briefcase. It has also been reported that
8 Israel has produced nuclear warheads
5 small enough to fit into a suitcase
Former military analyst and famed
whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg said that
poli Whistl the case of a certain 9/11 whistleblower li
Ellsberg, Penta Ellsberg, Whiste 9/11
tica eblowe is "far more explosive than the Pentagon n U.S.
Daniel gon, Daniel blowers Truth
1 l r Papers". He also said that the k
8 government is ordering the media to
6 cover up her allegations about 9/11.
Carlyle Group director: Norman
WTC, cking
poli Augustine, another ex-president of the li Corpora
Exiled Penta BOD Carlucci, U.S. Riggs
tica Boy Scouts, another Princeton alum, n tions & U.S.
1 Online gon, & Frank corp Bank
l and former board director at the scandal- k 9/11
8 PA conspi
plagued Riggs bank.
7 rators
After the attacks on 9/11, the FBI
WTC, discovered that Saudi government
poli 9/11 & li
Exiled Penta officials used accounts at Riggs bank to Saudis U.S. Riggs Saudi
tica Saudi n
1 Online gon, wire funds to at least two known & 9/11 corp Bank Arabia
l Arabia k
8 PA associates of the Saudi hijackers who
8 crashed Flight 77 into the Pentagon.
A Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi
housed and opened bank accounts for
two of the 9/11 hijackers. About two
weeks after the assistance began, al-
poli 9/11 & Bandar Bayoumi's wife began receiving li
Exiled Penta Saudis U.S. Riggs Saudi
tica Saudi bin monthly payments totaling tens of n
Online gon, & 9/11 corp Bank Arabia
l Arabia Sultan thousands of dollars from Princess Haifa k
bint Faisal, the wife of Saudi
1 ambassador and Bush family confidant,
8 Prince Bandar bin Sultan, through a
9 Riggs bank account.
Zarqawi's real name was Ahmed Fadeel
Nazal al-Khalayleh. He was born in the
Jordanian town of Zarqa. Abu Musab al-
poli Zarqawi was an alias as much as Abu li
9/11 & al U.S.
WMR ISIS tica Bakr al-Baghdadi is an alias today for n Israel
ISIS Queda gov
l the leader of ISIL. Al Baghdadi, a native k
1 of Samarra, Iraq, is actually Ibrahim ibn
9 Awwad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ali ibn
0 Muhammad al-Badri al-Samarrai.
The smuggling network and the outing
of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings
directly involved the fact that the CIA's
WTC, r Brewst
poli counter-proliferation network had l
Penta smugg Plame, Neocon U.S. er
WMR tica accumulated a great deal of intelligence n Turkey
gon, ling & Valerie s, all gov Jenning
l on Douglas Feith's and Richard Perle's k
PA Plame s
1 International Advisors, Inc. (IAI),
9 registered foreign agents for the
1 government of Turkey;
Evidence of tremendous heat can be
seen in a 8 ton 6" thick I beam that is
bent like a horseshoe without warping,
kinking or splitting. ... there is no way
Contro Control Engine
phy Nanot for thermate to create this horseshoe,
Ward, WTC lled led 9/11 ers &
sica hermit unless it is "miraculous" thermate. Nor, U.S.
Ed 1-2 demoli demolit Truth Scientis
l e is there any unspecified vague "scalar"
tion ion, all ts
weapon that can do this even if the beam
1 was isolated and not covered by some
9 degree of 110 floors of concrete and
2 steel.)
the 9/11 movement in the UK led by Ian
Henshall, which doesn’t want to ruffle
WTC, feathers by addressing the discoveries
poli l Truth,
Fetzer, Penta Gateke Henshall that make a difference, such as the use Neocon
tica n gatek UK
James gon, epers , Ian of mini-nukes to blow apart the Twin s, all
l k eeper
1 PA Towers, that no Boeing 757 hit the
9 Pentagon, that all four of the crash sites
3 were fabricated or faked, albeit in
different ways, and that the Mossad
played a crucial role in 9/11.

the “plane huggers,” such as Rob

WTC, Disinf Balsamo, the head of Pilots for 9/11 Control
phy l
Fetzer, Penta no o& Truth, who want to hang onto the myth led 9/11
sica n U.S.
1 James gon, planes ommis that these big Boeings actually crashed demolit Truth
l k
9 PA sions on 9/11, when all the evidence ion, all
4 contradicts them.
Zarqawi was recruited in Jordan by
"The Base" or "Al Qaeda" to serve in
the ranks of Arab legions fighting the
Soviets in Afghanistan. … General
poli li
9/11 & Mark Kimmitt, the U.S. Central al U.S.
WMR ISIS tica n Israel
ISIS Command's chief public affairs officer Queda gov
l k
in Iraq stated in a 2004 internal
1 CENTCOM briefing that "The Zarqawi
9 PSYOP program is the most successful
5 information campaign to date."
Thermites are energetic materials, which Journal
do not release gaseous species when of
Contro Control
phy Nanot they decompose. However, explosives l Physics
Fetzer, WTC lled Spitzer, led 9/11
sica hermit can be blended in thermites to give them n and U.S.
James 1-2 demoli Denis demolit Truth
1 l e blasting properties”, which implies that, k Chemis
tion ion, all
9 unless supplemented with explosives, try of
6 nanothermites are non-explosive. Solids
Stratesec (WTC security firm) had a
small board of directors that included
WTC, retired Air Force General James 9/11
poli 9/11 l Bush
911 Penta Walker, Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the brother Finacin U.S.
tica Groun n Crime U.S.
Blogger gon, Wirt of George W. Bush) and Wirt Walker g& gov
l dwork k Family
1 PA III, a cousin of the Bush brothers. Roots
9 Yousef Saud Al Sabah, a member of the
7 Kuwaiti royal family
John Deutch, dir of CIA; co-authored
paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A
National Policy" with Zelikow, Ashton
WTC, Carter; senior partner at Global
poli 9/11 l Corpora Techno
Penta Deutch, Technology Partners, an affiliate of U.S.
Bollyn tica Groun n tions & logy U.S.
gon, John Rothschild North America; his Russian corp
l dwork k 9/11 Partner
PA Jewish father quickly rose to deputy
1 director at the War Production Board,
9 WWII, was on Chicago Tribune's "List
8 Alien 'Rulers' in U.S."
"To understand 9/11, we must return to
the dissolution of the USSR in 1990-91,
WTC, which left the US military-industrial-
poli l
Fetzer, Penta 9/11 intelligence complex without an Neocon U.S. Rogue 1/1/1
tica n U.S.
James gon, Roots international boogeyman to motivate the s, all gov govt 990
l k
1 PA American people to continue to support
9 vast expenditures on bombs, planes and
9 tanks."

Disinf It's impossible for a Boeing 757 to fly

phy l Corpora
Fetzer, Penta Light o & less than 80 feet altitude at normal U.S.
2 sica n tions & Boeing U.S.
James gon poles ommis cruising speeds because of the ground corp
0 l k 9/11
sions effect.
B-25 bomber crashes into Empire State
Building, between 78th and 80th floors,
one engine shoots through the side
WTC, Contro Control
History phy Struct Smith, opposite the impact, and flies as far as a l
Penta lled led 9/11 7/1/1
Commo sica ural, William block and lands on a roof of a nearby n CIA U.S.
gon, demoli demolit Truth 945
ns l steel Franklin building, starts fire, fire extinguished in k
PA tion ion, all
2 40 minutes, 14 people killed, building
0 opens for business the following
1 Monday.
Craig Furlong and Gordon Ross,
“Seismic Proof: 9/11 was an inside job,”
where they compared very precise
Contro Control
phy Seism seismic data from a geological lab run l
Fetzer, WTC lled led Acad Univers
sica ograph by Columbia University with FAA and n U.S.
James 1-2 demoli demolit emia ities
l s military radar data for the alleged k
tion ion, all
2 impact times of the planes and found
0 that they occurred 14 and 17 seconds
2 prior to the alleged impacts.
Highlights from interviews with
eyewitnesses/Pentagon police officers
SGT William Lagasse and SGT
Pentag Chadwick Brooks see YouTube… a Control
phy l
Alternati Penta on, Boeing 757-200 flew over the led U.S.
sica n U.S.
ve news gon missil Pentagon… Ronald Reagan demolit gov
l k
e International Airport is only a few miles ion, all
2 away. The Pentagon is in the normal
0 landing approach path. It created
3 diversion for missile.
Sen. Paul Wellstone, … was murdered
in a plane crash by rogue elements of
me Wellston the U.S. Government … the control of l 10/2
Fetzer, Penta Victim Neocon U.S. Rogue
dic e, Sen. the US Senate changed upon his death n U.S. 5/20
James gon, s s, all gov govt
2 al Paul removing an obstacle in the path of the k 02
0 invasion of Iraq. Norm Coleman a war
4 hawk replaced him.
The proper principle on which societies
should be based is that of treating every
person as intrinsically valuable and
WTC, Rothsch
poli never merely as a means. The term l
Fetzer, Penta Zionis ild 9/11
tica “merely” is crucial within this context, n U.S.
James gon, m Zionists Truth
l since we treat one another as means all k
PA , all
2 the time, where employers use their
0 employees as their means to conduct a
5 business and make a profit

WTC, Disinf Silverste Rudy Dent, Fire Marshal, 32 year Silverst

Alternati Penta o& in, veteran of NYFD … NYFD does not ein 9/11/
2 ve news gon, tica ommis Lawrenc 'pull' buildings Silverstein lying,
0 PA sions e buildings… ies
Morgan published a piece by Joe Keith,
who was the software engineer who
designed the on-ground “shaker system”
phy Reynold for Boeing, who points out that the l
Fetzer, WTC No Video Video 9/11
sica s, videos show the plane (Flight 175, n U.S.
James 1-2 planes fakery fakery Truth
l Morgan presumably) passing through its whole k
2 length into the building in the same
0 number of frames it passes through its
7 own length in air, which is impossible
… according to FAA Registration
WTC, Flight Disinf records I have in hand, the planes Control
phy l
Fetzer, Penta 93 o& corresponding to Flights 93 and 175 led 9/11
sica n U.S.
2 James gon, anomil ommis were not deregistered until 28 demolit Truth
l k
0 PA ies sions September 2005 …. Supports fact of no ion, all
8 planes…
According to Dr. Theodore Taylor after
reviewing leaked photographs of
disassembled weapons components
WTC, Engine
poli Mini Taylor, taken before 1986, Israel possessed l
Wikiped Penta Mini 9/11 ers &
tica Nukes, Theodor boosted weapons and would require n Israel
ia gon, Nukes Truth Scientis
l Israel e supercomputers of that era to advance k
PA ts
2 further toward full two-stage weapons in
0 the megaton range without nuclear test
9 detonations
Eviden Col. George Nelson, USAF (ret.) has
WTC, No ce observed, although there are millions of Control
phy Nelson, l
Fetzer, Penta plane destruc uniquely identifiable components of led 9/11
sica Col. n U.S.
2 James gon, parts tion, those four planes, the government has demolit Truth
l George k
1 PA id obstru yet to produce even one. … no parts… ion, all
0 ction then no planes…
The first to notice that American
Airlines Flights 11 and 77 were not even
Eviden scheduled to fly on 9/11 was the
WTC, ce brilliant Australian blues musician, Control
phy schedu Kollerstr l
Fetzer, Penta destruc Gerard Holmgren, who was interviewed led 9/11
sica le om, n U.S.
James gon, tion, by David West on 27 June 2005. Others, demolit Truth
l anoma Nicholas k
PA obstru such as Nick Kollerstrom, “9 Keys to ion, all
2 ction 9/11″, have also reported the same
1 difficulty with the government’s official
1 account.
In his new book, 9/11: ENEMIES
WTC, Disinf Edward Hendrie has published the data Control
phy schedu l
Fetzer, Penta o & Hendrie, tables for both of these alleged flights, led 9/11
sica le n U.S.
James gon, ommis Edward where it turns out that the BTS demolit Truth
l anoma k
2 PA sions subsequently revised their tables with ion, all
1 partial data in order to cover up their
2 absence. For Flight 77
Waleed al-Shehri, whom the
government claims was aboard AA
WTC, Disinf
phy hijacker Flight 11, was interviewed after 9/11 by l
Fetzer, Penta o& Hijacke 9/11
sica patsies, a London-based newspaper and spoke n U.S.
James gon, ommis rs, all Truth
2 l alive with the US Embassy in Morocco on 22 k
PA sions
1 September, if hijackers still alive then
3 'no planes'....
Ahmed al-Nami and Saeed al-Ghamdi,
both alleged to have been aboard Flight
93 and were interviewed by multiple
WTC, Disinf sources, while the Saudi Embassy in
phy hijacker l
Fetzer, Penta No o& Washington, D.C., reported that three Hijacke 9/11
sica patsies, n U.S.
James gon, planes ommis other alleged hijackers, Mohand al- rs, all Truth
l alive k
PA sions Shehri, Salem al-Hazmi, and Abdulzaiz
2 al-Omairi, were all alive and well and
1 living in Saudia Arabia... if hijackers
4 still alive then 'no planes'....
Jules Naudet, a French filmmaker, just
WTC, happened to be in the vicinity doing a
phy l
Fetzer, Penta No Video modest documentary about New York Video 9/11
sica n U.S.
2 James gon, planes fakery Firemen out looking for a “gas leak” … fakery Truth
l k
1 PA supposedly filmed 1st plane hitting
5 WTC … part of proof of no planes…
W. Gene Corley is a concrete specialist
who performed a similar
service (Pentagon reports) after the
Waco massacre, the Oklahoma City Control
poli l General
Penta 9/11 & Corley, bombing, and the bombing of the led U.S. 1/1/1
Bollyn tica n Dyanm Israel
gon Israel W. Gene Pentagon. Corley, now deceased, demolit corp 997
l k ics
received from the Crown ion, all
2 family (Chicago, General Dyanics,
1 Lithuanian Jewish ) the Henry Crown
6 award for his work in 1997
William Perry — former Secretary of Global
WTC, Rothsch
Francis, poli Rothsc War; associated with the Rothschild's l Techno
Penta Perry, ild UK
2 Stephen tica hild & banking empire through Global n logy UK
gon, William Zionists corp
1 NFU l 9/11 Technology Partners, a Rothschild k Partner
PA , all
7 affiliate s

Flight Pilots for 9/11 Truth has done some of

Disinf Control
phy schedu the most important work on this subject, l
Fetzer, Flight o& led 9/11
2 sica le including establishing that Flight 93 was n U.S.
James 93 ommis demolit Truth
1 l anoma over Urbana, IL, after it had allegedly k
sions ion, all
8 lies crashed in Shanksville;
Flight 175 was over Pittsburgh, PA,
Flight long after it had allegedly entered the
Disinf Control
phy schedu South Tower. FAA Registration data l
Fetzer, WTC o& led 9/11
sica le show that the planes associated with n U.S.
James 1-2 ommis demolit Truth
2 l anoma Flights 93 and 175 were not de- k
sions ion, all
1 lies registered or formally taken out of
9 service until 28 September 2005
Declassified August 1958: “Mere fact
that the U. S. has developed atomic
munitions suitable for use in demolition
phy Mini li
Ward, WTC work.” Declassified January 1967, “The Mini 9/11 8/1/1
sica Nukes n U.S.
Ed 1-2 fact that we are interested in and are Nukes Truth 958
l , W-54 k
2 continuing studies on a weapon for
2 minimizing the emerging flux of
0 neutrons and internal induced activity.”
Declassified March 1976, “The fact of
weapon laboratory interest in Minimum
Residual Radiation (MRR) devices. The
phy Mini fact of successful development of MRR li
Ward, WTC Mini 9/11 3/1/1
sica Nukes devices.” Tritium from a thermonuclear n U.S.
Ed 1-2 Nukes Truth 976
l , W-54 (fusion) bomb would be way above k
2 these trace levels of a few NANOcuries
2 per liter. (A nanocurie = nCi, 1 billionth
1 of a curie.
Philip Zelikow, Executive Director of
the 9/11 Commission, for example, had 9/11
WTC, Rothsch
poli Neoco as his area of academic specialization l Commi
Fetzer, Penta Zelikow, ild 9/11 11/1/
tica ns, before entering government the creation n ssion, U.S.
James gon, Philip Zionists Truth 2002
2 l Strauss and maintenance of public myths, … the k omissio
PA , all
2 9/11 Commission was established in ns
2 November 2002
Susan Lindauer reveals inside
information that 9/11 was an “inside
job.” She served as the liaison between
poli Whistl the CIA and Saddam Hussein … learned l Intel
Fetzer, Penta Lindauer U.S.
tica eblowe of plans to attack Iraq, she protested n agencie FBI U.S.
James gon, , Susan gov
l r vigorously to President Bush. For taking k s
2 that step, for speaking out about her
2 concerns... she was harassed,
3 intimidated, imprisoned and tortured.
A.K. Dewdney has shown, all of the
alleged phone calls from those planes
were faked … (Dewdney 2003). An
WTC, Airlin Disinf
phy aircraft traveling at normal speed and l
911 Penta e cell o & Dewdne 9/11
sica altitude would not be over the cellsite n U.S.
Blogger gon, phone ommis y, A.K. Truth
l long enough to complete the electronic k
PA calls sions
2 “handshake” (which takes several
2 seconds to complete) before arriving
4 over the next cellsite
LBJ, bipolar, manic depressive, racist,
active in JFK assassination, feared
Kennedy would remove him from 1964
ticket, Warren Commission a total
Francis, poli cover-up, ... LBJ connections to many l
JFK & Kennedy Holoca 9/11
Stephen tica shady characters: Bobby Baker, stalled n U.S.
Holoc , John F. ust Truth
NFU l Civil Rights until assumed Presidency, k
... conspired with Texas oil men, CIA,
2 FBI, Cuban missile crisis to murder
2 Kennedy ... E. Howard Hunt death bed
5 confession.

WTC, Donald Rumsfeld said that the 9/11

poli Rumsfel li
Fetzer, Penta Iraq attacks created “the kind of Neocon U.S.
2 tica d, n DoD U.S.
James gon, War opportunities that World War II offered, s, all gov
l Donald k
2 PA to refashion the world.”
Gen. Wesley Clark, the former Supreme
Commander of NATO, has reported
WTC, being informed immediately following
poli Clark, li
Fetzer, Penta Iraq 9/11 of a plan to destabilize and Neocon U.S.
tica Gen n DoD U.S.
James gon, War overthrow the governments of seven s, all gov
l Wesley k
2 PA nations in five years, including
2 Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, but
7 working up to Syria and eventually Iran.
assass poli Kilgalle Dorothy Kilgallen suspicious death…. li
2 WMR inatio tica n, JFK assassination … her book and n U.S.
2 n, l Dorothy reporting. k
8 Israel
“FAA… assumed that the aircraft pilot
would notify the controller via radio or
WTC, Disinf by “squawking” a transponder code of
phy Hijack l
Fetzer, Penta o& “7500” – the universal code for a hijack Hijacke U.S.
sica code n FAA U.S.
James gon, ommis in progress.” rs, all gov
l 7500 k
2 PA sions Griffin then goes on to explain how all
2 four planes did not squawk the hijack
9 code.
Ralph Eberhart (commander of
NORAD) also gave false information
WTC, Disinf about the NORAD response to others.
phy Hijack l
Fetzer, Penta o & Eberhart, General Richard Meyers, acting CJCS Hijacke U.S. NORA
sica code n U.S.
James gon, ommis Ralph that morning, said that Eberhart told him rs, all gov D
l 7500 k
2 PA sions there were “several hijack codes in the
3 system.” Yet none of the four planes had
0 squawked the hijack code on 9/11
... a 100-ton airliner with a 125′
Pentag Disinf wingspan and a tail standing 40′ above Control
Francis, phy l
Penta on, o& the ground, according to the official led U.S.
Stephen sica n DoD U.S.
2 gon wall ommis story vaporized as it entered the demolit gov
NFU l k
3 holes sions Pentagon. A small hole about 15 feet in ion, all
1 diameter marks the alledged entry point.
The lawn in front of the supposed
impact area of Flight 77 is utterly
Disinf Control
phy Pentag undisturbed. This coupled with the fact l
Fetzer, Penta o& led U.S.
sica on, that the second floor sustained little n DoD U.S.
James gon ommis demolit gov
2 l lawn damage from the impact assumes the k
sions ion, all
3 airliner disappeared into the first floor of
2 the Pentagon, which is utterly absurd.
Jeff Prager has done extensive work
phy with the USGS dust samples and we’ll p
Prager, WTC USGS Mini 9/11 ers &
2 sica use some of the slides from his i U.S.
Jeff 1-2 data Nukes Truth Scientis
3 l Vancouver Power Point presentation to c
3 help us analyze the USGS data:
(former) Editor-in-Chief of the Bentham
Benth Open Science Journal, Marie-Paule
am Pileni, who specializes in nano- Bentha
phy Open Pileni, materials research at the Université l U.S. m
Fetzer, WTC o& Mini
sica Scienc Marie- Pierre et Marie Curie in France, n think Open U.S.
James 1-2 ommis Nukes
l e Paule resigned her position in protest of k tank Science
2 Journa Steven Jones' nanothermite publication, Journal
3 l which she regarded as very
4 inappropriate.
An important trail linking 9/11, JFK and
the Holocaust (Nazi Germany) threads
through the Israel Corporation
9/11, Nuclea
(Rothschild motives and funding of
Francis, JFK, poli r li Zim
Jewish emmigration to Palestine), U.S. Permin
Stephen Holoc tica smugg Jewish n Shippin Israel
International Credit Bank (Tibor gov dex
NFU aust & l ling & k g
Rosenbaum and Permindex, JFK) and
ISIS 9/11
2 the Zim American Shipping Service
3 (Roland Carnaby and 9/11 mini nukes in
5 the Houston shipping channel.
NIST: When WTC 1 collapsed at
10:28:22 AM, . . . some fragments [of
debris] were forcibly ejected and
traveled distances up to hundreds of
Contro Control NIST /
phy meters. Pieces of WTC 1 hit WTC 7, p
Fetzer, WTC Ejecti lled led U.S. FEMA
sica severing six columns on Floors 7 i U.S.
James 7 ons demoli demolit gov UL
l through 17 on the south face and one c
tion ion, all Labs
column on the west face near the
2 southwest corner. The debris also
3 caused structural damage between Floor
6 44 and the roof.85
In a standard controlled demolition a
Contro Contro Control Engine
phy debris pile remains that is about 12% of l
Fetzer, WTC lled lled led 9/11 ers &
2 sica its original height. The WTC towers n U.S.
James 1-2 demoli demoli demolit Truth Scientis
3 l debris piles were only about three k
tion tion ion, all ts
7 stories.
By reaching beyond conventional
weaponry in to the range of
Mini unconventional weaponry, such as
Contro Engine
phy Nukes lasers, masers, plasmoids, mini-nukes. I l
Fetzer, WTC lled Mini 9/11 ers &
sica , mean, who knows in advance of actually n U.S.
James 1-2 demoli Nukes Truth Scientis
l USGS conducting an investigation that theories k
tion ts
2 data or hypotheses about the use of lasers or
3 masers or mini-nukes are wrong? You
8 can’t know that without investigation.
A fuel-air explosive (FAE) device
consists of a container of fuel and two
separate explosive charges. After the
Mini 9/11
munition is dropped or fired, the first Engine
phy Nukes l Truth,
Duff, WTC explosive charge bursts open the Mini ers &
sica , n anti- U.S.
Gordon 1-2 container at a predetermined height and Nukes Scientis
l therm k Zioni
disperses the fuel in a cloud that mixes ts
obaric sts
2 with atmospheric oxygen, the size of the
3 cloud varies with the size of the
9 munition.
. The highest degree of explosiveness
for iron oxide/aluminum
nanothermite—the chemical form
Deton Contro claimed to have been involved in WTC Control Engine
phy l
Fetzer, WTC ation lled destruction—that Mark could find led 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
James 1-2 velocit demoli documented in the technical literature demolit Truth Scientis
l k
y tion has a detonation velocity of only 895 ion, all ts
2 m/s (or meters per second). TNT is 6900
4 m/s and nuclear weapons are 100,000
0 m/s.
While thermite in one or another of its
guises as a rapid incendiary could have
been used to sever or pre-weaken steel
Deton Contro Control Engine
Hightow phy members, this low velocity melting li
WTC ation lled led 9/11 ers &
er, T. sica process is a totally different mechanism n U.S.
1-2 velocit demoli demolit Truth Scientis
Mark l for the cutting of steel than the shock k
y tion ion, all ts
2 wave method that requires detonation
4 velocities of at least 3,200 m/s for
1 concrete and 6,100 m/s for steel.
... “explosive nanothermite”, when used
to describe the causal mechanism for
demolishing the Twin Towers is either
Contro Control Engine
phy Nanot seriously misleading under a charitable l
Fetzer, WTC lled led 9/11 ers &
sica hermit interpretation and at worst deliberately n U.S.
James 1-2 demoli demolit Truth Scientis
l e deceptive under an uncharitable k
tion ion, all ts
2 one. (were developed at Lawrence
4 Livermore National Laboratories
2 (LLNL)
“Find and document peer-reviewed
scientific research that demonstrate that
Contro a gas-generating nanothermite (GGNT) Control Engine
phy Nanot l
Fetzer, WTC lled based upon iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) and led 9/11 ers &
sica hermit n U.S.
James 1-2 demoli aluminum (Al), where the gas- demolit Truth Scientis
l e k
2 tion generating chemical added to the ion, all ts
4 nanothermite is not itself a high
3 explosive, can be made to be a high
explosive with at least a detonation
velocity of 2000 m/s. ... will donate up
to $1000 for proof.

Israel used Zim American Shipping

Comapany out of Houston Texas to
smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC
Nuclea Zim
WTC, demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland
poli r l Zim Americ
Penta Carnaby, Carnaby set up cameras to track these Israeli
WMR tica smugg n Shippin an Israel
gon, Roland shipments. Zim has close ties to the gov
l ling & k g Shippin
PA Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the
9/11 g Co.
2 police in a high speed chase in Houston
4 ... his laptops contained information on
4 the shipments.
It has also been reported that Israel has
produced nuclear warheads small
phy r U.S.
Hersh, WTC Hersh, enough to fit into a suitcase. Hersh, Mini 1/1/1
sica smugg think Israel
2 Seymour 1-2 Seymour Seymour M (1991), The Samson Nukes 991
l ling & tank
4 Option, New York: Random House, p.
5 220, ISBN 0-394-57006-5.
Thermites are energetic materials, which
do not release gaseous species when Journal
they decompose. However, explosives of
Contro Control
phy Nanot can be blended in thermites to give them l Physics
Fetzer, WTC lled led 9/11
sica hermit blasting properties”, which implies that, n and U.S.
James 1-2 demoli demolit Truth
l e unless supplemented with explosives, k Chemis
tion ion, all
2 nanothermites are not explosive. iron try of
4 oxide/aluminum nanothermite Solids
6 detonation velocity is less than 300 m/s
Dwain Deets, the former Chief of
Research Engineering and Director for
Aeronautical Projects at NASA Dryden
Flight Research Center ... for a high NASA
Deton Contro explosive to significantly fragment a Control Dryden
phy l
Fetzer, WTC ation lled Deets, material, its detonation velocity has to led 9/11 Flight
sica n U.S.
James 1-2 velocit demoli Dwain be greater than the speed of sound in demolit Truth Researc
l k
y tion that material, which requires a ion, all h
detonation velocity of at least 3,200 m/s Center
2 to fragment concrete and 6,100 m/s to
4 fragment steel–far beyond 895 m/s for
7 nanothermite.
Contro IAEA image … The 9-11 commission Control
phy l Truth,
Dean, WTC Minin lled Dean, was never interested in the molten pools led
2 sica n anti- Israel
James 1-2 ukes demoli James of granite under the towers. Photo from demolit
4 l k Zioni
tion IAEA inspector. ion, all
8 sts
director of studies at the US Army War
y Mossad
poli Sabrosk College) : What we need to stand up and l Intel
Darkmo WTC officer Israeli /
tica y, Dr. say is that not only did they, the Israelis, n agencie U.S.
on 1-2 s for gov Sayeret
2 l Alan attack the USS Liberty – they did 9/11 k s
9/11 Matkal
4 also. They did it!... 9/11 was a Mossad
9 operation
Pieczenik is a Harvard University-
WTC, Zionist/
poli bin trained psychiatrist and has a doctorate li
Pieczeni Penta al Neocon 9/11 10/1/
2 k, Steve gon, tica Queda
Laden, in international relations from the MIT, n
s Truth
5 l Osama he received a B.A. degree in Pre- k
PA created
0 Medicine and Psychology from Cornell ,
was deputy assistant secretary of state al
under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance Queda
and James Baker ... says that Osama Bin
Laden had died of Marfan syndrome in
2001 shortly after 9/11.

Francesco Cossiga: (former Prime

Minister of Italy): All the intelligence
Militar services of America and Europe know
y well that the disastrous 9/11 attack was Rothsch
poli Cossiga, l
Darkmo WTC officer planned and realized by the CIA and ild Italy
tica Francesc n Italy
on 1-2 s for Mossad, with the help of the Zionist Zionists gov
l o k
9/11 world, in order to pin the blame on the , all
2 Truth Arab Countries and persuade the
5 Western powers to intervene in Iraq and
1 Afghanistan.
Odigo had a branch office only two
blocks away from the World Trade
poli Center. Even more coincidentally, l Corpora
Fetzer, WTC Warni Israeli
tica Odigo’s headquarters were located in n tions & Odigo Israel
James 1-2 ngs corp
2 l Herzliya, Israel, a town just north of Tel k 9/11
5 Aviv where — wonder of wonders! —
2 Mossad is also headquartered.
mini-nukes — which were probably
Contro neutron bombs — planted in the center Engine
phy l
Fetzer, WTC Minin lled columns of the buildings, detonated Mini 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
2 James 1-2 ukes demoli from top to bottom and configured to Nukes Truth Scientis
l k
5 tion explode upward, can explain what is ts
3 observed.
Judy Wood, Ph.D., has proclaimed that
a Tesla-inspired directed energy weapon Engine
poli l
Fetzer, WTC Minin Gateke Wood, (DEW) was responsible for the Mini 9/11 ers &
tica n U.S.
2 James 1-2 ukes epers Judy destruction of the WTC buildings and Nukes Truth Scientis
l k
5 has vehemently denied nuclear bombs ts
4 were used.
The explosives that demolished the
Twin Towers were so powerful that
Contro Control Engine
phy North Tower debris was ejected up at a p
Fetzer, WTC Ejecti lled led 9/11 ers &
sica 45° angle and out over 600 feet into the i U.S.
James 1-2 ons demoli demolit Truth Scientis
2 l Winter Garden. 90% of the debris from c
tion ion, all ts
5 the Twin Towers destruction landed
5 outside the building’s footprints.
The Department of Energy (DOE)
collected water samples from the
Contro basement of Building 6 eleven days Engine
phy Nukes p
Fetzer, WTC lled after 9/11 that showed tritium levels 55 Mini 9/11 ers & 9/17/
sica , i U.S.
James 1-2 demoli times greater than background.barium, Nukes Truth Scientis 2001
l USGS c
2 tion zinc, and lead, elements that never ts
5 should have turned up in Lower
6 Manhattan
In 1988, Congress established
(Radiation Exposed Veterans
me Compensation Act Pub. L. 100-321) l U.S.
Alternati WTC r, Victims U.S. 1/1/1
dic those diseased attributed to ionizing n Congre U.S.
ve news 1-2 Myelo , all gov 988
2 al radiation from nuclear explosions. k ss
5 Listed as “Number 2” under leukemia is
7 multiple myeloma.
In 1997 Enron attempted to negotiate a
$2 billion deal with the Uzbek state-
WTC, owned Neftegas with help from the
poli Energy li Corpora
Henders Penta Bush White House. When that effort U.S. 1/1/1
tica / Drug n tions & Enron U.S.
on, Dean gon, and other privatization attempts were corp 998
l wars k 9/11
2 PA rebuffed in 1998, CIA-backed Islamist
5 attacks on Uzbekistan’s government
8 were ratcheted up.
In a paper titled “Why Indeed Did the
WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?”
(2006), physicist Dr. Steven E. Jones Control
phy Nanot l Truth,
Fetzer, WTC Gateke Jones, cited thermite to explain the molten led AE911 1/1/2
sica hermit n gatek U.S.
James 1-2 epers Steven metal and first started raising the demolit Truth 001
l e k eeper
2 possibility that nanothermite could ion, all
5 explain the additional explosive effects
9 observed.
... “Active Thermitic Material
Discovered in the Dust from the 9/11
Contro Control
phy Nanot World Trade Center Catastrophe” by l
Fetzer, WTC lled Harrit, led 9/11 AE911 4/1/2
sica hermit Niels Harrit, et al. (April, 2009), ... n U.S.
James 1-2 demoli Niels demolit Truth Truth 009
2 l e assumed that nanothermite had been k
tion ion, all
6 definitively identified as the prime
0 candidate destructive agent.
The day the world fell down…9-11 was
a nuclear attack … VT has gone public
with the official US 2003 classified
Nucle report on the Ground Zero attack being 9/11
phy ar a nuclear event … confirmed by a mass l Truth,
Dean, WTC lled Dean, Mini
sica physic spectrometry analysis of the dust n anti- Israel
James 1-2 demoli James Nukes
l s short samples … IAEA investigators k Zioni
course confirmed the nuclear bombing history sts
2 and our own Sandia labs had designed
6 the bombs that were supposed to be
1 used to defend us.
black smoke--was coming from a series
Disinf Control Engine
phy Fires, of enormous dumpsters in front of the l
Fetzer, Penta o& led 9/11 ers &
2 sica Pentag Pentagon and not from the building n U.S.
James gon ommis demolit Truth Scientis
6 l on itself, a nice example of the use of k
sions ion, all ts
2 "special effects" on 9/11.
the impact of a moving plane impacting
with a stationary building should create
Contro Control Engine
phy Meltin the same effects as those of a moving l
Fetzer, WTC lled led 9/11 ers &
sica g building impacting with a stationary n U.S.
James 1-2 demoli demolit Truth Scientis
2 l planes plane. We would not expect a car k
tion ion, all ts
6 crashing into an enormous tree to
3 disappear into the tree.
Flight 77 (as reportedly seen in
surveillance videos) should have been Engine
Francis, poli l
Penta Video more than twice the size of the plane in Video 9/11 ers &
Stephen tica n U.S.
2 gon fakery the Pentagon’s own frame. So my third fakery Truth Scientis
NFU l k
6 question is, why isn’t the plane in the ts
4 image the size of a Boeing 757?
Two men wearing business attire were
photographed carrying airliner parts
on, Disinf Control Engine
Francis, phy within a hundred feet of the Pentagon l
Penta plante o & led 9/11 ers &
Stephen sica crash area. Other parts were n U.S.
gon d ommis demolit Truth Scientis
2 NFU l suspiciously carried and placed at the k
eviden sions ion, all ts
6 scene by firefighters. The parts were
5 suspiciously clean and shiny.
And I’m going to suggest that a gigantic
Contro hoax is being perpetrated on the Control Engine
phy Nanot l
Fetzer, WTC lled research community by the claim that led 9/11 ers &
sica hermit n U.S.
2 James 1-2 demoli [the] scientific method supports this demolit Truth Scientis
l e k
6 tion very narrow definition of the use of ion, all ts
6 thermite and thermate . . . .
Then we have the “thermite sniffers”,
led by Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan, 9/11
WTC, Control
phy Nanot who insist that this obscure incendiary l Truth,
Fetzer, Penta Gateke Jones, led AE911
sica hermit could have blown apart the buildings, n gatek
James gon, epers Steven demolit Truth
2 l e and see link to Bentham Open Science k eeper
PA ion, all
6 Journal paper on nanothermite that is s
7 surrounded in controversy.
An attempt by the FBI to penetrate New
York and New Jersey Israeli
intelligence-connected office moving
WTC, companies, such as Urban Moving Urban
poli li JFK,
Penta 9/11 & Eisenber Systems, which was discovered to have Moving
WMR tica n 9/11 & Israel
gon, Israel g, Shaul conducted an emergency move of the System
l k Zionists
PA Israeli Zim-American Israeli Shipping s
2 Company from the World Trade
6 Center’s North Tower just weeks prior
8 to 911,
Obama continues to rely on Erdogan for
advice on how to handle the ISIS threat.
The relationship is encouraged by CIA
John Brennan who maintains an
WTC, Brenna
poli unhealthy relationship with Saudi l
Penta n, Brennan, U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Arabia and Qatar, major supporters of n ISIS ISIS
gon, Saudi John gov Arabia
l ISIS. The Saudis and Qataris, skittish k
PA Arabia
about Erdogan's neo-Ottoman plans
2 (Crimea) and ties to the Muslim
6 Brotherhood, see him as a
9 counterweight to Iran.
Sept Clues video: The 9/11 imagery was
nothing but a Hollywood-style film
production, complete with actors in the
Disinf Engine
poli role of ‘eye-witnesses’ or ‘firefighters’, l
Fetzer, WTC o& Video 9/11 ers &
tica staged ‘running crowds’… No airliners n U.S.
James 1-2 ommis fakery Truth Scientis
l were hijacked or ... crashed into the k
sions ts
2 WTC towers … The WTC complex was
7 demolished with powerful explosives ...
0 3000 people did not perish..
Two of the five 'dancing Israelis
Urban (Mossad agents) 'worked' for Urban
Movin Moving Systems (a Mossad front
WTC, g company created by The Jewish Agency
poli Suter, students
Penta Syste to smuggle illegal immigrants into Israeli 6/1/2
Forward tica Dominik , Urban MSM Israel
gon, ms, Palestine). They were seen at Liberty corp 001
l Otto Moving
PA Dancin park at the time of the alleged first plane
2 g impact (foreknowledge of 9/11). They
7 Israelis were caught with multiple passports and
1 a lot of cash.
Cahill: “soil and glass were boiling” at
Ground Zero well after 9/11 and up to
Contro and including Oct 30, 2001 and beyond. Control Engine
Cahill, phy Nukes l 10/3
WTC lled ...extraordinary temperatures required led 9/11 ers &
Dr. sica , n U.S. 0/20
1-2 demoli and oxygen.... Underground fires, demolit Truth Scientis
Thomas l USGS k 01
2 tion whether fed by nanothermite or other ion, all ts
7 incendiaries, require oxygen. There is
2 only ONE source of igniting and
maintaining a fire without a constant
feed of oxygen. Nuclear reactions....

In 1985 Drexel Lambert S&L crook

Michael Milken helped Houston Natural
Gas merged with Internorth to create
WTC, cking Rothsch
poli Enron. Kenneth Lay headed Houston li
Henders Penta BOD Rothschi ild Rothsc
tica Natural Gas and became chairman and n Israel
on, Dean gon, & ld Zionists hild
l CEO of the new company. Enron was k
PA conspi , all
2 the biggest corporate contributor to
7 George W. Bush’s campaign to become
3 Texas Governor. HendersonLeftHook
Jeff Prager has done extensive work
with the USGS dust samples and we’ll
Deton Contro Control Engine
phy use some of the slides from his p
Prager, WTC ation lled led 9/11 ers &
sica Vancouver Power Point presentation to i U.S.
Jeff 1-2 velocit demoli demolit Truth Scientis
2 l help us analyze the USGS data, and see c
y tion ion, all ts
7 Veterans Today….on detonation
4 velocity
In 1985 Drexel Lambert (Rothschild
front) S&L crook Michael Milken
helped Houston Natural Gas merged
with Internorth to create Enron. Kenneth
WTC, Rothsch
poli Lay headed Houston Natural Gas and li
Henders Penta 9/11 & Rothschi ild Rothsc 1/1/1
tica became chairman and CEO of the new n Israel
on, Dean gon, Israel ld Zionists hild 985
l company. Enron was the biggest k
PA , all
corporate contributor to George W.
2 Bush’s campaign to become Texas
7 Governor. HendersonLeftHook (9/11
5 roots easily go back to the 1980s)
Maurice Greenberg (close to Shaul
Eisenberg, Permindex) CEO of
American International Group (AIG) on
9-11 which became co-owner of the 9/11 Irgun,
assass poli 9/11 l
Eisenber “private spy agency”, Kroll Associates, Finacin Betar,
inatio tica Groun n Israel
g, Shaul in 1993 and was a major share-holder in g& Stern,
n, l dwork k
Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9- Roots LEHI
2 11 was Maurice’s son Jeffrey; director
7 of the New York Federal Reserve bank
6 (1988-1995);
Eisenberg founded the company Israel
Corporation (links to JFK
assassination), he purchased Zim
9/11, Integrated Shipping Services,... oil
JFK, poli refineries, and others. became an li Zim Eisenbe
Wikiped 9/11 & Eisenber Israeli
Holoc tica exporter of weapons from Israel to n Shippin rg Israel
ia Israel g, Shaul corp
aust & l countries in Africa and South America. k g empire
ISIS ... established businesses in China ...
2 Eisenberg is considered a significant
7 donor to political parties, influencing the
7 Israeli politics.
Three Israelis were also arrested in New
York on 9/11 with a truck load of
WTC, Mossad U.S.,
Francis, poli explosives in an apparent effort to blow l Intel
Penta False Dancing Israeli / Israel,
Stephen tica up the George Washington Bridge. n agencie
gon, flag Israelis gov Sayeret SA,
2 NFU l Chertoff ordered mobbed-up New York k s
PA Matkal Britain
7 Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik to
8 destroy all records of the arrest, and
witnesses have been murdered; but the
New York Police audio recording of the
arrest escaped destruction and can be
heard on YouTube.

About 200 Israelis who were members

of Israeli intelligence units were also
Israeli deported without investigation after
WTC, Mossad U.S.,
poli Art Israeli 9/11... Telegraph, Haaretz daily. In Intel
Cryptom Penta Israeli / Israel,
tica Studen Art Texas: Hillel Dor, Tomer Ben Dor, agencie
e gon, gov Sayeret SA,
l ts, Students Marina Glickman, Ofir Navon, Zeev s
PA Matkal Britain
2 spies Miller … Retalix USA headquarters,
7 6100 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 150,
9 Plano, TX 75024
... these Israeli Art Student agents were
Urban given full access and residence in the
Movin WTC towers for up to two years. ...
WTC, g (Enough time to set up explosive
9/11 poli l students
Penta Syste charges) ... did videos and photos of 9/11
Justice tica n , Urban Israel
gon, ms, dropping of full human sized gelatin Truth
Halifax l k Moving
PA Dancin people off the tower and filming it. see
2 g ‘Gelatin The B Thing’ book photos.
8 Israelis Mysterious Gelatin Art Group Living in
0 WTC prior to 9/11

Francis, poli l
Penta UK & Blair, UK
2 Stephen tica Tony Blair — n PM U.S.
gon, 9/11 Tony gov
8 NFU l k
2001 Bollyn ) Hellerstein has a clear
conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort
litigation because his son is a lawyer
WTC, cking Rothsch
Bollyn, poli with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law l
Penta BOD Hellerste ild U.S.
Christop tica firm that works for and is closely n DOJ Israel
gon, & in, Alvin Zionists gov
her l connected with Cukierman & Company, k
PA conspi , all
2 the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman
8 & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman
2 and his son Edouard.
2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities in the
Twin Towers came from two companies
WTC, that managed U.S. government
Francis, me l Cantor
Penta Victim securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Victims U.S.
Stephen dic n Fitzger
gon, s Eurobrokers. 31% of the 125 fatalities in , all corp
NFU al k ald
2 PA the Pentagon were from the Naval
8 Command Center that housed the Office
3 of Naval Intelligence.
Forest Hills has been identified by the
FBI as a major center of cooperation for
both the Russian-Israeli Mafia and Russian
Mossad. In 2002, OPERATION -Israeli-
WTC, 9/11, Rothsch
poli SPIDERWEB, a joint FBI-EUROPOL l Israeli Ukraini
Penta Wall Domb, ild 1/1/2
WMR tica operation, resulted in the arrest of 20 n think an Israel
gon, St. & Sam Zionists 002
l Russian-Israeli dual citizens on charges k tank Mafia
PA Israel , all
of money laundering.... involved the (RUIM
2 Bank of New York, the Russian bank )
8 Menatep, and an "Internet bank" called
4 the European Union Bank.
2001 Pauline Neville-Jones -
International Governor of BBC on 911;
Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman
WTC, Rothsch
Francis, poli Global Neville- of UK Joint Intelligence Committee l
Penta ild UK
Stephen tica ist Jones, (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ n BBC
gon, Zionists corp
NFU l agenda Pauline Group, a war technology company with k
PA , all
2 government customers in UK and USA;
8 Chairman of Information Assurance
5 Advisory Council (IAAC)
2001 some less known players in 9/11
Thomas Pickard, Dale Watson, Dave
Frasca, Marion “Spike” Bowman, Ralph
WTC, cking
Francis, poli Eberhardt, Larry Arnold , Eric Findley, l
Penta BOD Neocon
Stephen tica Montague Winfield, Richard Mies n
gon, & s, all
NFU l ,Henry Shelton, Peter Schoomaker, k
PA conspi
2 Geoffrey Lambert, John Brinkerhoff,
8 Tony Gentry, Philip Odeen ,Lewis
6 Eisenberg,
2001 Stumblein Shaul Eisenberg owned
the Mossad company called Atwell
Francis, poli Demol Security. Atwell tried to obtain the l Corpora
WTC Israeli y 1/1/1
Stephen tica ition security contract for the World Trade n tions & Israel
1-2 corp compan 989
2 NFU l prep Center (and Port Authority) in the late k 9/11
8 1980s. .... Eisenberg still alive... see
7 Globes articles.
2001 9/11 Olmert, ... tarnished by
allegations of financial crimes, was
implicated in a financial donations 9/11
Francis, phy 9/11 l
WTC Olmert, scandal involving forged receipts in the Finacin Israeli
Stephen sica Groun n Likud Israel
1-2 Ehud 1988 Likud campaign, This affair g& gov
NFU l dwork k
2 culminated in the March 1996 Roots
8 conviction of three other Likudniks,
8 including Menahem Atzmon,
9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected
WTC, Confli to Rothschild-Funded ICTS .. (9/11
Francis, poli l Corpora
Penta ct of Hellerste Airport Security) & Mariani case and 2 U.S.
Stephen tica n tions & ICTS Israel
2 gon, interes in, Alvin … Sheila Birnbaum (Zionist) was corp
NFU l k 9/11
8 PA t appointed special mediator between
9 Hellerstein and the victims’ families …
9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected
WTC, Confli to Rothschild-Funded ICTS .. (9/11
Francis, poli l Corpora
Penta ct of Mariani, Airport Security) & Mariani case and 2 U.S.
Stephen tica n tions & DoJ Israel
2 gon, interes Elen ... Sheila Birnbaum (Zionist) was corp
NFU l k 9/11
9 PA t appointed special mediator between
0 Hellerstein and the victims’ families …
Alan D. Ratner’s (Jewish) Metals
Clean Eviden
Management and the SIMS group is
up, ce Control
Francis, phy responsible for quickly scooping up the l
WTC Zionis destruc Ratner, led U.S. SIMS
Stephen sica WTC steel rubble and shipping it off to n Israel
1-2 t tion, Alan demolit corp Group
2 NFU l Asian smelters. Ratner merged with the k
compa obstru ion, all
9 SIMS group and the Hugo Neu
nies ction
1 corporation
Gen. Hugh Shelton, Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff 1997-2001: The US
Militar Zionist/
had no reason to invade Iraq in 2003,
WTC, y Neocon
poli Shelton, and only did so because of “a series of li U.S.
RawStor Penta officer s U.S. 10/1/
tica Gen. lies” told to the American people by the n Militar U.S.
y gon, s for created gov 2001
l Hugh Bush administration, see his book: k y
PA 9/11 al
2 Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an
Truth Queda
9 American Warrior. He was replaced by
2 Richard Meyers in Oct 2001
Jabotinsky, the patron-saint of Israel's
Likud party who also created
Revisionist Zionism, and Chaim
Weizmann, chairman of the World
WTC, Rothsch
poli Zionist Org..., were both witting l
Penta 9/11 ild 1/1/1
EIR tica champions of the British Empire. They n Israel
gon, Roots Zionists 916
l were instruments of Lord Alfred k
PA , all
Milner... authors of the Balfour
2 Declaration, who craftily used them to
9 secure British rule over Palestine as part
3 of the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreements.
Zvi Malkin, joined Shin Bet in 1950,
explosives specialist, master of
disguises, the capture of Adolph
9/11, Eichman, 'retired' to NY in 1976, went
Rothsch Mossad
Bollyn, JFK, poli WTC under cover as an artist, (Michael li
Malkin, ild Israeli /
Christop Holoc tica Securit Chertoff's mother owned an art gallery n Israel
Peter Zvi Zionists gov Sayeret
her aust & l y in New Jersey), ...inspiration for Israeli k
, all Matkal
ISIS Art Students?, was security consultant
2 involved in brokering the WTC, Port
9 Authority security contract. Wikipedia
4 omits this fact
Russel Brand voted the world's 4th most
influential person is also a 9/11 Truther
…He sits between Canadian economist
and activist Naomi Klein, who came
poli third, and Nobel-winning US economist li
9/11 & Brand, 9/11 Mar- global tica Paul Krugman, who came fifth. Topping n Israel
Israel Russel Truth 15
l the list is French economist Thomas k
Piketty, author of “Capital in the
2 Twenty-First Century,” followed by
9 left-wing Greek finance minister Yanis
5 Varoufakis.
Sky Way Aircraft Inc., have entered into
a sales and marketing partnership
agreement with The Titan Corporation
poli Hijack … see Kwik Chek owned by Makram li Intel
Alternati U.S. Titan
global tica er Majid Chams, … Venice Florida, flight n agencie U.S.
ve news gov Corp
l patsies schools, bars, nightclubs, strippers, k s
2 Titan Corp also involved in Pentagon
9 after action reports and Abu Ghraib
6 prison nightmare
On the 9/11, the SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-
3: Customer Protection – Reserves and
WTC, Wall Rothsch
Francis, poli Custody of Securities.” Thus GSCC l
Penta St., ild U.S.
Stephen tica Government Securities Clearing n SEC U.S.
gon, Israel Zionists gov
2 NFU l Corporation] was allowed to substitute k
PA & 9/11 , all
9 other securities for the physical
7 securities destroyed during the attack
... PTech's original manager of
marketing and information systems was
Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff
Francis, poli Goff, Communications, currently represents li Corpora
Penta Ptech / U.S. Guardi 1/1/1
Stephen tica Michael Guardium, a Mossad-linked software n tions & U.S.
gon, Mitre corp um 994
NFU l S. company. And Goff comes from a well- k 9/11
2 to-do line of Jewish Masons who have
9 belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth
8 Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith
Peter Peterson --also was Chairman and
CEO of Lehman Brothers (19731977)
and later the Chairman and CEO of
WTC, Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc.
Francis, poli li Corpora Blackst
Penta WTC Peterson, (19771984), . Ambassador and Personal U.S.
Stephen tica n tions & one U.S.
gon, lease Pete Representative to President Richard corp
NFU l k 9/11 Group
PA Nixon. .and on the boards of the JP
2 Morgan Chase National Advisory Board
9 and the New York City Partnership
9 Board of Directors.
Philip Zelikow (Zionist Jew)-- led the 9-
11 Cover-Up Commission; personally
wrote the 9-11 Commission Report, a 9/11
WTC, Rothsch
poli best-selling work of fiction; appointed li Commi
Fetzer, Penta 9/11 & ild U.S.
tica Counselor of US Department of State; n ssion, U.S.
James gon, Israel Zionists gov
l "dual citizen" of US and Israel … his k omissio
PA , all
3 area of academic specialization before ns
0 entering government the creation and
0 maintenance of public myths (Fetzer)
WTC, In the vaults beneath the World Trade
Francis, phy bond li Corpora
Penta Center Towers, major government U.S.
3 Stephen sica rules n tions & U.S.
gon, security brokerages and their securities corp
0 NFU l suspen k 9/11
PA certificates for bonds were destroyed.
1 ded
Building 6 was destroyed by explosions U.S.
from within. Building 6 was home to the Custom
U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado 9/11 s
Francis, poli 9/11 li
WTC Task force, (, U.S. Customs Finacin U.S. Service
Stephen tica Financ n U.S.
6 Service Office of Investigations, Bank g& gov Office
NFU l ing k
3 Secrecy Act) which was responsible for Roots of
0 coordinating all major money- Investi
2 laundering investigations in the U.S gations
Philip Zelikow, Executive Director of
the 9/11 Commission, for example, had 9/11
WTC, Rothsch
poli Neoco as his area of academic specialization li Commi 1-
Fetzer, Penta Zelikow, ild 9/11
tica ns, before entering government the creation n ssion, U.S. Nov-
James gon, Philip Zionists Truth
3 l Strauss and maintenance of public myths, … the k omissio 02
PA , all
0 9/11 Commission was established in ns
3 November 2002
Donald Rumsfeld said that the 9/11
attacks created “the kind of
opportunities that World War II offered,
poli Rumsfel to refashion the world.” Rumsfeld use of li
Fetzer, Penta Iraq Neocon U.S.
tica d, the word 'missile' in interviews when n DoD U.S.
James gon, War s, all gov
l Donald referring to the Pentagon attack … held k
3 a press conference to announce that $2.3
0 TRILLION was missing from Pentagon
4 coffers and could not be located
Gen. Wesley Clark, the former Supreme
Commander of NATO, has reported
WTC, being informed immediately following
poli Clark, li
Fetzer, Penta Iraq 9/11 of a plan to destabilize and Neocon U.S.
tica Gen n DoD U.S.
James gon, War overthrow the governments of seven s, all gov
l Wesley k
3 PA nations in five years, including
0 Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, but
5 working up to Syria and eventually Iran.
WTC, Stopped American coup to overthrow 9/11
poli 9/11 li
Fetzer, Penta Butler, Roosevelt administration. He was Finacin 9/11
3 tica Groun n U.S.
James gon, Smedley recruited to become president but g & Truth
0 l dwork k
PA exposed the plot at the opportune time. Roots
The NTSB accident report is disputed in
the book American Assassination: The
Strange Death of Senator Paul
WTC, Wellstone by Don "Four Arrows" Control
poli Rogue Wellston li 25-
Fetzer, Penta Jacobs and James H. Fetzer. The led U.S. Rogue
tica govern e, Sen. n U.S. Oct-
James gon, authorsdocument official cover-up. One demolit gov govt
l ment Paul k 02
PA of their principal claims is that FBI ion, all
3 personnel left the field office in St. Paul
0 for northern Minnesota before the plane
7 crashed.
Clean Eviden
GlobalGuru Executives and board
WTC, up, ce
Francis, phy members at AMEC include former li Bovis
Penta Zionis destruc Rothschi Neocon UK
Stephen sica directors of NM Rothschild, Kellogg, n Constru UK
3 gon, t tion, ld s, all corp
NFU l Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and k ction
0 PA compa obstru
SG Warburg.
8 nies ction
... mothballed Davy Crockett tactical
nukes had been spirited out the back
door via an inventory accounting system 9/11
phy ... The inventory had gone to Israel after l Truth,
Dean, WTC Minin lled Dean, Mini
sica the Dimona accident had wrecked their n anti- Israel
James 1-2 ukes demoli James Nukes
l ability to produce weapons grade k Zioni
3 material, but they had the expertise to sts
0 re-manufacture the Davy Crockett’s into
9 modern tactical nuclear weapons.
Roland Carnaby (deceased), was an ex-
CIA operative who was president of the
local chapter (Houston, TX) of the
WTC, National Association for Intelligence
Francis, poli 9/11 nuclear li Americ
Penta Minin Officers. There is a CIA memorial Mini 9/11
Stephen tica Groun smuggli n an U.S.
gon, ukes garden in his honor. He was gunned Nukes Truth
NFU l dwork ng k Shippin
PA down under suspicious circumstances by
g Co.
3 the Houston police while investigating a
1 nuclear smuggling ring headed by Israel
0 involving the Port of Houston.
method known as "boosting." Early on
in atomic weapons development,
Nucle nuclear weapon scientists realized that
WTC, Engine
Damn phy ar Demol injecting a bit of tritium gas into the li
Penta Mini 9/11 ers &
Interesti sica physic ition center of a nuclear device could increase n U.S.
gon, Nukes Truth Scientis
ng l s short prep its destructive power tremendously.... k
PA ts
3 course the only way to create usable quantities
1 of the gas is inside nuclear reactors, by
1 using neutron activation of lithium-6.
the Bosnia Defense Fund, which partly
financed al Queda in Bosnia civil war,
was established by Richard Perle and
WTC, Douglas Feith, … and facts strongly
poli 9/11 l Neocon
Penta Feith, indicate that there was high-level Neocon U.S. 4/1/1
WMR tica Financ n financi U.S.
gon, Douglas coordination between Abramoff's s, all gov 992
l ing k al org
PA underworld network of Russian-
3 Ukranian-Israeli gangsters, wealthy
1 Saudi financiers, and Bush neocon
2 operatives.
8:46:00 AM Media reports: American
Airlines Flight 11 impacts the north side
WTC, Control Pilots
Francis, phy Airlin of the North Tower (1 World Trade li
Penta led 9/11 for 9/11/
Stephen sica er air Center) of the WTC between the 94th n U.S.
gon, demolit Truth 9/11 2001
3 NFU l speed and 98th floors. American Airlines … k
PA ion, all Truth
1 this is impossible … see Pilots for 9/11
3 video …link
Rudolph Giuliani, who was mayor of
7/7 New York City at the time of the 9/11
Londo poli attacks, was staying at the Great Eastern li
Global 9/11 & Giuliani, ild 7/7/2
n tica hotel on the 7th of July, where TASE n NYC U.S.
Research Israel Rudy Zionists 005
3 bombi l was hosting its economic conference, k
, all
1 ngs with Israel’s Finance Minister Benjamin
4 Netanyahu as keynote speaker.
Donald Fox list of gatekeepers: “Truth
Movement” as Architects & Engineers
Steve Jones, Richard Gage, Christopher 9/11
poli Bollyn, Mark Bilk, Judy Wood, Andrew l Truth,
Fox, Penta Gateke
tica Johnson, Thomas Potter, Emmanuel n gatek Israel
Donald gon, epers
l Goldstein, S. Tiller and Pete Santilli k eeper
3 … none also mention Israel or Saudi s
1 Arabia except for Bollyn who is a
5 thermite sniffer.
Seattle Seahawks and Pete Carroll have
the 9/11 Truth movement on their side
WTC, going into the Super Bowl … He kind of
poli li
Penta 9/11 Carroll, became an instant celebrity in the 9/11 9/11
MSM tica n MSM U.S.
gon, Truth Pete Truth movement … during a 2013 Truth
l k
3 PA meeting with retired Army Gen. Peter
1 Chiarelli, Carroll pressed him about
6 several 9/11 conspiracy theories.
2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities in the
Twin Towers came from two companies
WTC, that managed U.S. government
Francis, me li Corpora
Penta Victim Victims, securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and U.S.
Stephen dic n tions &
gon, s 9/11 Eurobrokers. 31% of the 125 fatalities in corp
NFU al k 9/11
3 PA the Pentagon were from the Naval
1 Command Center that housed the Office
7 of Naval Intelligence.
Donald Rumsfeld said that the 9/11
attacks created “the kind of
opportunities that World War II offered,
poli Rumsfel to refashion the world.” Rumsfeld use of li
Fetzer, Penta Iraq Neocon U.S.
tica d, the word 'missile' in interviews when n DoD U.S.
James gon, War s, all gov
l Donald referring to the Pentagon attack … held k
3 a press conference to announce that $2.3
1 TRILLION was missing from Pentagon
8 coffers and could not be located
9.10/2001 at the CBOE there were 4,516
puts on American Airlines to only 748
WTC, 9/11, calls. United Airlines was targeted for
Francis, phy li Corpora he
Penta Wall 4,744 puts as opposed to 396 calls. The U.S. 9/10/
Stephen sica n tions & Bank
gon, St. & numbers on the reinsurance companies corp 2001
NFU l k 9/11 Alex
3 PA Israel were similarly lopsided. Biggest trader
1 of put options was Deutsche Bank Alex
9 Brown
2001 Pauline Neville-Jones -
International Governor of BBC on 911;
Interlo UK
Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman
WTC, cking Joint
Francis, poli Neville- of UK Joint Intelligence Committee li
Penta BOD Neocon UK Intellig
Stephen tica Jones, (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ n
gon, & s, all gov ence
NFU l Pauline Group, a war technology company with k
PA conspi Commi
3 government customers in UK and USA;
rators ttee
2 Chairman of Information Assurance
0 Advisory Council (IAAC)
2001 Pauline Neville-Jones -
International Governor of BBC on 911;
Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman
Francis, poli Neville- of UK Joint Intelligence Committee li Intel Qineti
Penta U.S.
Stephen tica MSM Jones, (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ n agencie Q
gon, corp
NFU l Pauline Group, a war technology company with k s Group
3 government customers in UK and USA;
2 Chairman of Information Assurance
1 Advisory Council (IAAC)
2001 Pauline Neville-Jones -
International Governor of BBC on 911;
Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman
Francis, poli Neville- of UK Joint Intelligence Committee li Secret
Penta UK & U.S. Bilderb
Stephen tica Jones, (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ n societie
gon, 9/11 gov erg
NFU l Pauline Group, a war technology company with k s
3 government customers in UK and USA;
2 Chairman of Information Assurance
2 Advisory Council (IAAC)
Sept. 10, 2001 - "The match is about to
begin."... "Tomorrow is zero hour" In
WTC, Rothsch
poli addition, two other intercepts of Al l
Alternati Penta Warni ild U.S. 9/10/
tica Qaeda cells in the United States were n U.S.
ve news gon, ngs Zionists gov 2001
3 l also ignored: Sept. 10, 2001 - "Watch k
PA , all
2 the news." Sept. 10, 2001 - "Tomorrow
3 will be a great day for us."

WTC, Olmert, as deputy prime minister to Rothsch

Francis, poli li
Penta 9/11 & Olmert, Ariel Sharon, made an unannounced and ild Israeli
3 Stephen tica n Israel
gon, Israel Ehud secret visit to New York City on Zionists gov
2 NFU l k
PA September 10-11, 2001 , all
London School of Jewish Studies
WTC, (LSJS) and London School of Rothsch
Francis, poli Rothsc li
Penta Zakheim Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov ild UK
Stephen tica hild & n LSE UK
3 gon, , Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind) Zionists gov
NFU l 9/11 k
2 PA relationship. Dov Zakheim attended , all
5 LSE.
Later Goff worked for Guardium, an
Israeli software-firm with links to
WTC, military intelligence services. This is the
Francis, poli Goff, li Corpora
Penta Ptech / crucial connection (PTech –> Goff –> U.S. Guardi
Stephen tica Michael n tions & U.S.
gon, Mitre Guardium) that was helpful in corp um
NFU l S. k 9/11
3 PA uncovering the larger Israeli military
2 network that was behind the events of
6 9/11.
But the company's original manager of
marketing and information systems was
Francis, poli Goff, Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff li Corpora
Penta Ptech / U.S.
Stephen tica Michael Communications, currently represents n tions & Ptech U.S.
gon, Mitre corp
3 NFU l S. Guardium, a Mossad-linked software k 9/11
2 company. And Goff comes from a well-
7 to-do line of Jewish Masons who have
belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth
Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith

Malay On 17 July 2014, Flight 17 departed

sia from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Gate
poli Israel l Corpora
Wikiped Airlin G03 at 12:14 CEST (10:14 UTC)[77] Israeli Schipol
tica & 9/11 n tions & Israel
3 ia es and was due to arrive at Kuala Lumpur corp Airport
l ICTS k 9/11
2 Flight International Airport at 06:00, 18 July
8 17 MYT
But the company's original manager of
marketing and information systems was
Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff
WTC, Rothsch
Francis, poli Demol Communications, currently represents li Israeli
Penta ild B'nai
Stephen tica ition Guardium, a Mossad-linked software n think Israel
gon, Zionists Brith
NFU l prep company. And Goff comes from a well- k tank
PA , all
3 to-do line of Jewish Masons who have
2 belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth
9 Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith
Building 6 was home to the U.S.
Customs agency and the El Dorado Task
Control s
Francis, poli Money force, (, U.S. Customs Service li
WTC led U.S. Service
Stephen tica Laund Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy n U.S.
6 demolit gov Office
NFU l ering Act) which was responsible for k
3 ion, all of
coordinating all major money-
3 Investi
laundering investigations in the U.S
0 gations
AP reported on Sept 26, 2001 that the
FBI took possession of photos from
Abramoff owned SunCruz Casino
WTC, boats... "SunCruz Casinos has turned
poli Hijack l
Penta Abramof over photos to ... FBI investigators after Hijacke U.S. 9/26/
WMR tica er n FBI U.S.
gon, f, Jack employees said they recognized some of rs, all gov 2001
l patsies k
PA the men suspected in the terrorist attacks
3 as customers. Names on the passenger
3 list from a Sept. 5 cruise matched those
1 of some of the hijackers.
Fed owned by consortium of Jewish
affiliated banks: Lazard, Kuhn Loeb,
Rothchild, Israel Moses Seif, Warburg,
Lehman Bros, Goldman Sachs,
poli 9/11 NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (JP Morgan l Corpora Federal
Penta Dimon, U.S.
Rense tica Financ Chase, Jamie Dimon), Hanover Trust n tions & Reserv Israel
gon, Jamie corp
l ing … these banks have been financing both k 9/11 e
sides of war for centuries... were
3 undoubtedly involved in financing of
3 9/11 thru money laundering, ... hijacker
2 support.
Building 6 was home to the U.S.
Customs agency and the El Dorado Task
force, (, U.S. Customs Service
Francis, poli Money Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy li
WTC led U.S.
Stephen tica Laund Act) which was responsible for n U.S.
6 demolit gov
NFU l ering coordinating all major money- k
ion, all
3 laundering investigations in the U.S ..
3 All these investigation records were
3 destroyed.
GlobalGuru Executives and board
WTC, Control
Francis, poli members at AMEC include former li Bovis
Penta 9/11 & led UK
3 Stephen tica directors of NM Rothschild, Kellogg, n Constru UK
gon, UK demolit corp
3 NFU l Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and k ction
PA ion, all
4 SG Warburg.
Argenbright which ran security on 9/11
at Dulles and Newark airports where
WTC, Flight 77 and Flight 93, respectively, Neocon
Francis, poli WTC li Corpora
Penta took off that day. Argenbright also U.S. security
Stephen tica Securit n tions & U.S.
gon, managed some, perhaps unrelated, corp compan
NFU l y k 9/11
3 PA security checkpoints at Logan Airport in ies
3 Boston, where the two other 9/11 planes
5 took off.
Argenbright which ran security on 9/11
at Dulles and Newark airports where
WTC, Flight 77 and Flight 93, respectively, Logan
Francis, poli WTC li Corpora
Penta took off that day. Argenbright also U.S. Internat
Stephen tica Securit n tions & U.S.
gon, managed some, perhaps unrelated, corp ional
NFU l y k 9/11
3 PA security checkpoints at Logan Airport in Airport
3 Boston, where the two other 9/11 planes
6 took off.
Investigators in the US and the UK
revealed that BCCI had been "set up
deliberately to avoid centralized
regulatory review, and operated
WTC, extensively in bank secrecy
poli l JFK,
Wikiped Penta jurisdictions. Its affairs were
tica n 9/11 & global BCCI UK
ia gon, extraordinarily complex. Its officers
l k Zionists
PA were sophisticated international bankers
who operated in secrecy to commit
3 fraud on a massive scale, and to avoid
3 detection. Wikipedia omits any
7 reference to Jewish banking dominance
The CIA held numerous accounts at
BCCI,... Oliver North also used and held
multiple accounts at BCCI. These
poli accounts were used for... transfers of l
Wikiped Penta Neocon Mujahe
tica money and weapons related to the Iran- n global UK
ia gon, s, all ddin
l Contra scandal, ... The CIA also worked k
3 with BCCI in arming and financing the
3 Afghan mujahideen ... which becomes al
8 Queda... scapegoat for 9/11.
Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive
Director Age 52, was appointed a non-
executive director in January 2009. He
Clean Eviden
was previously an executive director of
WTC, up, ce
poli Thomps Anglo American plc, Chairman of the l Corpora
Iamthe Penta Zionis destruc U.S.
tica on, Tarmac Group and held positions with S n tions & AMEC U.S.
Witness gon, t tion, corp
l Simon G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is k 9/11
PA compa obstru
currently Non-Executive Director of
nies ction
3 Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining
3 Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB
9 (Sweden).
Clean Eviden These five companies were AMEC
WTC, up, ce Construction Management, Bovis Lend Tishma
Francis, phy li Corpora
Penta Zionis destruc clean-up Lease, Turner Construction, Tully U.S. n
Stephen sica n tions & U.S.
3 gon, t tion, execs Construction and Tishman Construction. corp Constru
NFU l k 9/11
4 PA compa obstru Charlie Vitchers, who worked for Jim ction
0 nies ction Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at
Ground Zero, said the site was then
broken up "into basically five segments.

These five companies were AMEC

Clean Eviden Construction Management, Bovis Lend
WTC, up, ce Lease, Turner Construction, Tully Tishma
Francis, phy li Corpora
Penta Zionis destruc Construction and Tishman Construction. U.S. n
Stephen sica n tions & U.S.
gon, t tion, Charlie Vitchers, who worked for Jim corp Constru
NFU l k 9/11
3 PA compa obstru Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at ction
4 nies ction Ground Zero, said the site was then
1 broken up "into basically five segments.
Roger Cukierman was CEO of the
Edmond de Rothschild Group and
chairman of the Israel General Bank. He
WTC, has also served as the chairman of Rothsch
poli Israel Cukierm li Rothsc
TruthSee Penta several venture capital funds established ild Israeli
tica & 9/11 an, n hild Israel
ker gon, by the Rothschild Group. One of these Zionists corp
l ICTS Roger k Group
PA funds, the Catalyst Fund, is run by Boaz , all
3 Harel, a managing partner of private
4 equity at Cukierman & Co. – and the
2 head of ICTS at the time of 9-11
Paul Wolfowitz — Deputy Secretary of
WTC, War on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and
Francis, poli li financi
Penta Iraq Wolfowi Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying Neocon Globa US
Stephen tica n al
3 gon, War tz, Paul for Israel; former PNAC member; chief s, all l Israel
NFU l k organiz
4 PA architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in
3 World Bank scandal

WTC, Nero and blaming the burning of Rome

Francis, poli li
Penta False on the Christians … Israeli Embassy in Globa 3/1/1
3 Stephen tica n Global
gon, flag Argentina bombed in False Flag attack l 992
4 NFU l k
PA in 1992,
Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management
Clean Eviden
and the SIMS group is responsible for
up, ce
Francis, poli quickly scooping up the WTC steel li Corpora
WTC Zionis destruc Ratner, U.S. SIMS
Stephen tica rubble and shipping it off to Asian n tions & Israel
1-2 t tion, Alan corp Group
3 NFU l smelters. Alan Ratner is Jewish. Ratner k 9/11
compa obstru
4 merged with the SIMS group and the
nies ction
5 Hugo Neu corporation
... the company's original manager of
marketing and information systems was
Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff
WTC, Rothsch
Francis, poli Goff, Communications, currently represents li Israeli Jewish
Penta Ptech / ild 1/2/1
Stephen tica Michael Guardium, a Mossad-linked software n think organiz U.S.
gon, Mitre Zionists 994
NFU l S. company. And Goff comes from a well- k tank ations
PA , all
3 to-do line of Jewish Masons who have
4 belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth
6 Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith
... the company's original manager of
marketing and information systems was
Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff
WTC, Rothsch
Francis, poli Goff, Communications, currently represents li Israeli
Penta Ptech / ild B'nai Saudi 1/2/1
Stephen tica Michael Guardium, a Mossad-linked software n think
gon, Mitre Zionists Brith Arabia 994
NFU l S. company. And Goff comes from a well- k tank
PA , all
3 to-do line of Jewish Masons who have
4 belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth
7 Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith
William Perry — former Secretary of
WTC, Rothsch
Francis, poli Rothsc War; associated with the Rothschild's li
Penta Perry, ild UK Rothsc
3 Stephen tica hild & banking empire through Global n UK
gon, William Zionists corp hild
4 NFU l 9/11 Technology Partners, a Rothschild k
PA , all
8 affiliate
Gen. Wesley Clark, the former Supreme
Commander of NATO, has reported
WTC, being informed immediately following
poli Clark, li
Fetzer, Penta Iraq 9/11 of a plan to destabilize and Neocon U.S.
tica Gen n DoD U.S.
James gon, War overthrow the governments of seven s, all gov
l Wesley k
3 PA nations in five years, including
4 Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, but
9 working up to Syria and eventually Iran.

WTC, Rothsch
Francis, poli l
Penta Neoco ild Globa Pilgrim
3 Stephen tica Pilgrim Society n Global
gon, ns Zionists l Society
5 NFU l k
PA , all
IRMEP Institute for Research: Middle
Nuclea East Policy, Grant F. Smith …
WTC, r Netanya Netanyahu worked with Heli Trading Jonatha
poli li Corpora
Penta smugg hu, Co (an Arnon Milchan company, Pretty Israeli n
IRMEP tica n tions & Israel
gon, ling, Benjami Woman movie) headed by Richard K. corp Institut
l k 9/11
3 PA Netany n Smyth, who was convicted of smuggling e
5 ahu 800 Kryton nuclear triggers to Israel.
1 See Milco,
Science Applications International
(SAIC) is the DOD and Homeland
Security contractor that supplied the
largest contingent of non-governmental
WTC, NIST / Control
poli investigators to the NIST WTC l
911 Penta FEMA led U.S.
tica investigation. SAIC has extensive links n SAIC U.S.
Review gon, Cover- demolit corp
l to nano-thermites, developing and k
PA up ion, all
judging nano-thermite research
3 proposals for the military and other
5 military contractors, and developing and
2 formulating
The end of the generator that was in the
flight path of the 'missile' was knocked
Gener Control Engine
Francis, phy towards the Pentagon building and had a l
Penta ator, led 9/11 ers &
Stephen sica round shaped dent on an upper corner. n U.S.
gon Pentag demolit Truth Scientis
3 NFU l This dent could not have been made by k
on ion, all ts
5 a Boeing 757 considering its structural
3 dimensions.

Francis, phy Fires, Fires (intentionally) burned for three l
Penta led U.S.
3 Stephen sica Pentag days, which were initially reported as n U.S.
gon demolit gov
5 NFU l on contained. k
ion, all
System Planning Corporation (SPC)
International (leader in remote control
aircraft) executive, Dov Zakheim,
WTC, called for "some catastrophic and System
Francis, poli l Corpora
Penta 9/11 Zakheim catalyzing event "like a new Pearl U.S. s
Stephen tica n tions & U.S.
gon, Roots , Dov Harbor" In 2010 he became Senior Vice corp Plannin
NFU l k 9/11
PA President of Booz Allen Hamilton . His g Corp
3 father played a leading role in the 1905
5 turmoil that paved the way for the 1917
5 Bolshevik Revolution
Scooter Libby (Jewish) as Marc Rich's
attorney … Libby was the behind-the-
scenes Svengali responsible for the
WTC, 9/11
Francis, poli 9/11 disastrous Clinton Presidential pardon of l White
Penta Rich, Finacin U.S.
Stephen tica Groun Rich, working directly with "former" n House, U.S.
gon, Marc g& gov
NFU l dwork Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah and k Clinton
PA Roots
3 Avner Azulay. Marc Rich was an
5 international arms dealer in nuclear
6 materials.
In the... "Working Paper" entitled "The
Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy",
University of Chicago political science
WTC, professor John J. Mearsheimer and Rothsch
l White
Wikiped Penta doc 9/11 & Libby, academic dean of the John F. Kennedy ild 9/11
n House, U.S.
ia gon, s Israel Scooter School of Government at Harvard Zionists Truth
k Cheney
PA University Stephen M. Walt argue that , all
3 Libby was among the Bush
5 administration's most "fervently pro-
7 Israel ... officials"

WTC, Stopped American coup to overthrow 9/11

poli 9/11 li
Fetzer, Penta Butler, Roosevelt administration. He was Finacin 9/11
3 tica Groun n U.S.
James gon, Smedley recruited to become president but g & Truth
5 l dwork k
PA exposed the plot at the opportune time. Roots

WTC, Office
Francis, poli Neoco Links Rothschild, LSE, Neocons, l
Penta Laski, Neocon U.S. of
3 Stephen tica ns, Strauss, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, n U.S.
gon, Harold s, all gov Special
5 NFU l Strauss Shulsky k
PA Plans
A nuclear fission chain reaction begins
with a neutron bombarding a uranium
WTC, 235 atom…that splits into Bromine and Engine
phy ar l
Wikiped Penta Zenon … then splitting Krypton and Mini 9/11 ers &
sica physic n U.S.
ia gon, Cesium … then splitting Rubidium and Nukes Truth Scientis
l s short k
3 PA Barium to Strontium until all the ts
6 fisionable material is gone. … This is
0 the China Syndrome.
Schoenman correctly identifies the
support provided by the Clinton
Rahman, 9/11
poli 9/11 Administration to the al Qaeda network li White
Global WTC Sheik Finacin
tica Groun at a time when Al Qaeda, and more n House, Israel
Research 1993 Omar g&
3 l dwork specifically Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman k Clinton
Abdel, Roots
6 was being accused of masterminding the
1 1993 WTC bombing.
A 1997 document of the US Congress
reveals how the Clinton administration -
-under advice from the National Zionist/
Security Council headed by Anthony Neocon
poli li White
Global Bosni al Lake, Lake-- had "helped turn Bosnia into a s U.S.
tica n House, Bosnia
Research a Queda Anthony militant Islamic base" leading to the created gov
l k Clinton
recruitment through the so-called al
3 "Militant Islamic Network," of Queda
6 thousands of Mujahedin from the
2 Muslim world.
Cornell University’s Quill & Dagger
WTC, Interlo
poli society. This included Paul Wolfowitz, l Secret U.S.
911 Penta cking Hadley, Quill &
3 Blogger gon, tica BOD Stephen
National Security Advisors Sandy n societie think
6 l Berger and Stephen Hadley, Marsh & k s tank
PA &
3 McLennan executive Stephen Friedman,
conspi and the founder of Kroll Associates,
rators Jules Kroll.

The NTSB accident report is disputed in

the book American Assassination: The
Strange Death of Senator Paul
WTC, Wellstone by Don "Four Arrows" Control
poli Rogue Wellston li 25-
Fetzer, Penta Jacobs and James H. Fetzer. The led U.S. Rogue
tica govern e, Sen. n U.S. Oct-
James gon, authorsdocument official cover-up. One demolit gov govt
l ment Paul k 02
PA of their principal claims is that FBI ion, all
3 personnel left the field office in St. Paul
6 for northern Minnesota before the plane
4 crashed.
Michael Mukasey (Jewish), federal
judge in New York; presided over 1993
WTC bombing case; active in 9-11
cases, including Larry Silverstein’s Rothsch
Francis, poli Litigat Mukasey l
WTC insurance claims; oversaw the detained ild
Stephen tica ion & , n NYC DoJ U.S.
1993 material witnesses of 9-11, including Zionists
NFU l 9/11 Michael k
five dancing Israeli Mossad agents , all
3 apprehended by FBI; The foxes are in
6 the hen house. ... have overwhelming
5 control of NYC judicial system
Bush cousin (Judge John M. Walker of
poli Litigat the 2nd Circuit of the United States li White
Global Penta Gallop, Neocon U.S.
3 Research gon tica ion &
Court of Appeals) presides over April n
s, all gov
House, U.S.
6 l 9/11 Gallop 9/11 suit against Cheney, k Cheney
6 Rumsfeld, Myers
Bush cousin (Judge John M. Walker of
poli Walker, the 2nd Circuit of the United States li White
Global Penta BOD Neocon U.S.
tica Judge Court of Appeals) presides over April n House, U.S.
3 Research gon & s, all gov
l John M. Gallop 9/11 suit against Cheney, k Cheney
6 conspi
Rumsfeld, Myers
7 rators
An important trail linking 9/11, JFK and
the Holocaust (Nazi Germany) threads
through the Israel Corporation
9/11, Nuclea
(Rothschild motives and funding of
Francis, JFK, poli r li JFK,
Jewish emmigration to Palestine), U.S. Permin
Stephen Holoc tica smugg Jewish n 9/11 & Israel
International Credit Bank (Tibor gov dex
NFU aust & l ling & k Zionists
Rosenbaum and Permindex, JFK) and
ISIS 9/11
3 the Zim American Shipping Service
6 (Roland Carnaby and 9/11 mini nukes in
8 the Houston shipping channel.
... West Bank settlers, "Greater Israel"
racists, and "Jewish underground"
terrorists... directed against then-Prime
WTC, Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the architect of Rothsch
poli l Israeli
Penta Israel, the Oslo peace accords, and set the ild 1/1/1
EIR tica n think Likud Israel
gon, eretz preconditions for his Nov. 4, 1995 Zionists 990
l k tank
PA assassination. The assassin, Yigal Amir, , all
3 came from the ranks of the Sharon and
6 Benjamin Netanyahu-led anti-Rabin
9 mob.
Wall Rothsch
Francis, poli Long Term Capital Management l
LTC St., ild
3 Stephen tica scandal, Israel connections, Jewish n Israel
M Israel Zionists
7 NFU l bankers, Zionist banksters, bailouts, k
& 9/11 , all
Evidence of tremendous heat can be
seen in a 8 ton 6" thick I beam that is
bent like a horseshoe without warping,
kinking or splitting. ... there is no way
Contro Control Engine
phy Struct for thermate to create this horseshoe, li
Ward, WTC lled led 9/11 ers &
sica ural, unless it is "miraculous" thermate. Nor, n U.S.
Ed 1-2 demoli demolit Truth Scientis
l steel is there any unspecified vague "scalar" k
tion ion, all ts
weapon that can do this even if the beam
3 was isolated and not covered by some
7 degree of 110 floors of concrete and
1 steel.)
Chernobyl site, “They tried in vain to
put out the fire with 2400 tonnes of lead
China and 1800 tonnes of sand.” ….Mayor 9/11
WTC, Control
Nuclear phy Syndr Giuliani ordered the trucking in and out li Truth,
Penta Gateke Jones, led AE911
demoliti sica ome, of sand the very next morning. These n gatek U.S.
gon, epers Steven demolit Truth
on l bathtu are real “unextinguishable fires” Steven k eeper
PA ion, all
3 b Jones, desperately tries to claim for s
7 (“nano-composite”) thermite--which
2 actually stops burning in minutes.
High temperature hotpsots ("1500
degrees, sometimes higher") revealed in
Govern WTC, Contro this article, to be present until at least Control Engine
phy Syndr p
ment Penta lled March, 2002 could only have been led 9/11 ers &
sica ome, i U.S.
Compute gon, demoli caused by the GENERATION of heat demolit Truth Scientis
l bathtu c
3 r News PA tion from nuclear reacting criticality sites ion, all ts
7 underground-- the China Syndrome. ...
3 see Operation Anvil Graham speaks of close
personal ties between the Bush family
poli 9/11 & Graham, and the Saudi Arabia rulers. But why the li Bush
Graham, Penta Saudis U.S. Saudi
tica Saudi Senator “policy of covering up Saudi n Crime
Sen. Bob gon, & 9/11 corp Arabia
3 l Arabia Bob involvement [in 9/11] persisted under k Family
7 the Obama administration” is something
4 he fails to understand.
Graham says the FBI -- which is
fighting the release of thousands of
pages of its investigation -- is continuing
poli 9/11 & Graham, to cover up the Saudi Arabian li
Graham, Penta Saudis 9/11 Saudi
tica Saudi Senator connection between Sarasota and the n
Sen. Bob gon, & 9/11 Truth Arabia
l Arabia Bob 9/11 attack. "After having said there k
3 were 'no' documents about the
7 investigation in Sarasota, 'no' has now
5 become 80,000 pages,"

poli 9/11 l Eisenbe
WRME Eisenber Finacin
3 global tica Groun David Kimche n rg
A g, Shaul g&
7 l dwork k empire
Some light on the Saudi role in the 9/11
WTC, 28
poli Graham, tragedy could be shed if the 28 redacted li Saudi Bush
Graham, Penta pages Saudis Saudi
3 Sen. Bob gon, tica declass
Senator pages from the inquiry were made n
& 9/11
Arabi Crime
7 l Bob public. Graham has been campaigning k a gov Family
PA ified!
7 for that.
Despite the fact that 15 out of 19 of the
WTC, hijackers were Saudis, some 144 of their
poli 9/11 & Graham, li Saudi Bush
Graham, Penta compatriots mostly from the Saudi Saudis Saudi
tica Saudi Senator n Arabi Crime
3 Sen. Bob gon, aristocracy, were able to return home to & 9/11 Arabia
l Arabia Bob k a gov Family
7 PA Saudi Arabia within days of the attack
8 without being questioned by the FBI.
Failure by the US to investigate Saudi
Arabia’s connection to the 9/11 attacks
poli 9/11 & Graham, is among the factors that led to the rise li Saudi White
Graham, Penta Saudis Saudi
tica Saudi Senator of ISIS, Bob Graham, a former senator n Arabi House,
Sen. Bob gon, & 9/11 Arabia
3 l Arabia Bob and co-chairman of the official inquiry k a gov Obama
7 into 9/11, told The Independent in an
9 interview.
Six hijackers still alive. BBC, NYTimes,
Griffin, official apology. The official
David WTC, explanation that they were victims of
me Hijack hijacker l
Ray Penta identity theft is ludicrous. The Hijacke U.S. Saudi
dic er patsies, n DOJ
New gon, probability that one of them was a rs, all gov Arabia
al patsies alive k
3 Pearl PA victim of this is very low, but the
8 Harbor probability that more than one had their
0 identity stolen is beyond astronomical.
Adelson, Ukranian (Ashkenazi) Jew,
worth $36 billion, heavily funds
WTC, Rothsch
poli Republican party, developed COMDEX l Israeli
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Adelson, ild
tica (Las Vegas) sold it to Softbank, razed n think RNC U.S.
ia gon, Israel Sheldon Zionists
3 l the Sands, built Venetian,close k tank
PA , all
8 relationship to Netanyahu… funded
1 removel of Olmert…
Jerome Hauer managed the NIH
response to the anthrax attacks. The
WTC, anthrax used in the attacks was
me l
Alternati Penta Anthra identified as an Ames strain, which U.S. USAM
dic n U.S.
ve news gon, x hoax means it had to have come from the U.S. gov RIID
al k
3 PA Army Medical Research Institute of
8 Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at
2 Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Mini MRR, Minimum Residual Radiation,
Nukes Fourth Generation Nuclear Devices,
, This means elimination of the neutron
phy Minim activation of bomb components, of l
Alternati WTC lled Mini U.S.
sica um materials outside the bomb, and n U.S.
ve news 1-2 demoli Nukes gov
l Residu reducing the fissile content . It may also k
3 al be desirable to minimize the use of
8 Radiat relatively hazardous materials like
3 ion plutonium.
WTC7, which was not hit by a plane
and only had small office fires on a few
floors, and the collapse was identical to
controlled demolition. The asymetrical 9/11
David Contro Contro Control U.S.,
phy nature of the fires could not have l Commi
Ray WTC lled lled led 9/11 Israel,
sica precipitated a symetrical destruction. n ssion,
New 7 demoli demoli demolit Truth SA,
l Seismic and videographic evidence— k omissio
Pearl tion tion ion, all Britain
plus a major witness’s statement— ns
3 strongly indicate the basements also
8 were hollowed out by a shattering
4 morning explosion.
Most nuclear accidents release
radioactive iodine into the atmosphere
which can be absorbed into the body.
me When thyroid cells absorb too much li
WTC r, Victim Victims U.S.
Thyroid dic radioactive iodine, it can cause thyroid n NNSA U.S.
1-2 Thyroi s , all gov
al cancer to develop several years after the k
3 exposure. Thyroid cancer seems to be
8 the only cancer whose incidence rises
5 after a radioactive iodine release
Tritium is the “smoking gun” for a
hydrogen bomb detonation. … Traces of
Mini tritiated water (HTO) were detected at
phy Nukes the WTC ground zero after 9/11/01. A l 13-
Fetzer, WTC lled Mini U.S.
sica , water sample from the WTC sewer, n DoE U.S. Sep-
James 1-2 demoli Nukes gov
l Tritiu collected on 9/13/01, contained k 01
3 m (0.164±0.074) nCi/L of HTO ... 20 TUs
8 is standard ... DoE report says 1,092.54
6 TUs 55x times standard.
The WTC twin towers were designed to
withstand the impact of a large airliner
traveling at 600 mph. There would be a
fire but the building would withstand
David Contro Control
phy Struct it… no signs of collapse after l
Ray WTC lled Skilling, led 9/11
sica ural, explosions… "all the columns on one n U.S.
New 1-2 demoli John demolit Truth
l steel side could be cut as well as two corners k
Pearl tion ion, all
and several columns on the adjacent
3 sides, and the tower would still be
8 strong enough to withstand a 100 mph
7 wind."
Mini From DoE: Restricted Data
Nukes Declassifications Decisions: August
, 1958: "Mere fact that the U. S. has
Minim Mini developed atomic munitions suitable for d
WTC doc Mini U.S. 8/1/1
DoE um Nukes, use in demolition work." and The fact of o DoE Israel
1-2 s Nukes gov 958
Residu Israel weapon laboratory interest in Minimum c
3 al Residual Radiation (MRR) devices. The
8 Radiat fact of successful development of MRR
8 ion devices." (1976)
In January 2001, Silverstein, via
Silverstein Properties and Westfield
America (Lowy), made a $3.2 billion bid
Rothsch U.S.,
poli for the lease to the World Trade Center. l Westfie
Wikiped WTC 9/11 & Lowy, ild U.S. Israel, 1/1/2
tica Silverstein was outbid by $30 million by n ld
ia 1-2 Israel Frank Zionists corp SA, 001
l Vornado Realty, ... Vornado withdrew k Group
, all Britain
3 and Silverstein's bid for the lease to the
8 World Trade Center was accepted on
9 July 24, 2001
Kelhoffer sent $10 billion on June 23,
1996 from Cyprus (on behalf of Saudi
poli Energy Kelhoffe Royals) to Enron Houston via Barclays l Saudi
Penta Saudi 6/1/1
WMR tica / Drug r, … This was the money for CentGas n Arabi Austria
gon, banks 996
3 l wars Hartmut pipeline. Russian Finance Ministry was k a gov
9 aware of the money transfers to Enron
0 from the Saudis.
Scaramella-Berezovsky link to WTC
WTC, Organi security firm emerges in Italian law
poli Scarame l Corpora Kroll &
Penta zed enforcement investigation. .. Mario U.S.
WMR tica lla, n tions & Associa Italy
3 gon, Crime Scaramella linked to 9/11 through Kroll corp
l Mario k 9/11 tes
9 PA & 9/11 & Associates, Kroll purchased OnTrack
1 Data
Radiation from fusion devices is short
lived, produces tritium and that the DoE
admits to at least MINIMAL Residual
Contro Radiation weapons, … Nuclear fusion
phy Nukes p
Alternati WTC lled leaves behind tritium... a fact recorded Mini U.S.
sica , i U.S.
ve news 1-2 demoli by the EPA at ground zero…Tritium: a Nukes gov
l Tritiu c
tion radioactive isotope of hydrogen having
3 a mass of 3 units; it is produced in
9 nuclear reactors by the action of
2 neutrons on lithium nuclei.
David WTC, It was omitted that GW Bush's brother U.S.,
poli WTC l Corpora
Ray Penta Bush, Marvin Bush and his cousin Wirt U.S. Securat Israel,
tica Securit n tions &
3 New gon, GW Walker III were principles in WTC corp ec SA,
l y k 9/11
9 Pearl PA security firm Securatec. See Securacom Britain
3 Harbor
The world is awash in mini nuclear
weapons. Neils Harrit's articles claim
that hundreds of tons of nanothermite
would be necessary to demolish the
poli Nanot WTC, but offers no explanation of who, l
Harrit, WTC lled Neils 9/11
tica hermit how, when, where and why they were n U.S.
Niels 1-2 demoli Harrit Truth
l e implemented. Nanothermite can cut (but k
not eject) steel beams. How much has to
3 be applied to concrete slabs (one acre/
9 floor) to pulverize it into dust if even
4 possible?
Griffin, Pentag
David on, Contro U.S.,
phy There are photos of government agents l Intel
Ray Penta where' lled U.S. Israel,
sica with business attire carrying plane parts n agencie FBI
3 New gon s the demoli gov SA,
l within minutes of the attack. k s
9 Pearl wreck tion Britain
5 Harbor age?
Unhived Mind: Special Atomic
Mini Demolition Munition Normal radiation
Nukes Contro levels will not be found standard
Alternati WTC , lled Geiger counters since these nuclear Mini 9/11
sica U.S.
ve news 1-2 Fissio demoli devices give off only alpha radiation Nukes Truth
3 nless tion from their 99.7% plutonium 239 core,
9 Fusion this obviously aids a cover-up unless
6 you test with a Muller Tube
The clincher for Tahil that reactors were
involved was the presence of high levels
of vanadium, a radioactive decay
phy product. An expert in aerosols and p
Tahil / WTC Minin lled Mini 9/11
sica atmospheric sciences, Dr. Thomas i U.S.
Cahill 1-2 ukes demoli Nukes Truth
l Cahill of the University of California, c
3 also had studied the USGS report and
9 pronounced the vanadium level the
7 highest ever seen in the U.S.
From DoE, LLNL 2002, Study of
Traces of Tritium at the World Trade
Center (UCRL-JC-150445). It is used in
Contro thermonuclear fusion weapons,...The Engine
phy Nukes l
Fox, WTC lled most common method of producing 9/11 ers &
sica , n U.S.
Donald 1-2 demoli tritium is by bombarding a natural Truth Scientis
l Tritiu k
tion isotope of lithium, lithium-6, with ts
3 neutrons in a nuclear reactor. The
9 presence of tritium in large quantities is
8 a telltale sign of a hydrogen bomb.
From DoE, LLNL 2002, Study of
Traces of Tritium at the World Trade
Center (UCRL-JC-150445). It is used in
Contro thermonuclear fusion weapons,...The Engine
Nukes l
Fox, WTC doc lled most common method of producing 9/11 ers & Nov-
, n U.S.
Donald 1-2 s demoli tritium is by bombarding a natural Truth Scientis 02
Tritiu k
tion isotope of lithium, lithium-6, with ts
3 neutrons in a nuclear reactor. The
9 presence of tritium in large quantities is
9 a telltale sign of a hydrogen bomb.
Lord Charles Powell became an advisor
to the board of BAE. He also served on
the board of Jardine Matheson which is
WTC, linked to HSBC which is reportedly 9/11
poli 9/11 Powell, l
Penta involved in transfer of funds through Finacin UK Saudi
WMR tica financi Lord n HSBC
gon, Dubai to the 9/11 hijackers. He was g& gov Arabia
l ng Charles k
PA chairman of Jacob Rothschild Capital Roots
4 Management ... he controlled what
0 Margaret Thatcher was told and his
0 brother was Blair's chief of staff.
In 1992 El Al said Boeing 747 had
contained fruit, perfumes, and computer
components. Dutch authorities asserted
that it contained no military cargo. In
El al poli 1993 it was reported that the cargo l
Wikiped smugg Mini U.S.
Flight tica (national defense materials) had not n ICTS Israel
ia ling & Nukes gov
1862 l been inspected ..In 1998 it was publicly k
revealed by El-Al that 190 liters of
4 dimethyl methylphosphonate, a CWC
0 schedule 2 chemical which,used for
1 synthesis of Sarin gas... and DU.
Adelman, dual Israeli citizen, neocon,
WTC, Israel, member Defense Policy Board, PNAC,
poli Adelman l
Wikiped Penta Dual Committee for the Present Danger, U.S.
tica , n Israel
4 ia gon, citizen Edelman Public Relations, promoted but gov
l Kenneth k
0 PA s regrets incompetence of Iraq War,
2 supports Obama,
Emergency request by Congressmen
Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter
Jones (R-NC) for a Congressional
WTC, 28 Lynch, resolution demanding that President
Barrett, poli l US
Penta pages Stephen Obama declassify the full Joint U.S.
Kevin tica n Congre U.S.
gon, declass Congres Congressional Report on 9/11? The gov
VT l k ss
PA ified! smen report implicates one or more foreign
4 intelligence agencies in the planning and
0 execution of the attacks on the World
3 Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
website does not contain any references
to the controversy around Bentham
am 9/11
Open Science Journal and the fake paper
Francis, phy Open l Truth,
WTC Gateke Jones, they accepted that was generated by AE911
Stephen sica Scienc n gatek U.S.
1-2 epers Steven SCIgen. see Center for Research in Truth
NFU l e k eeper
Applied Phrenology (CRAP).... they
Journa s
4 ignore the resignation of its director
0 Marie-Paule Pileni, over inappropriate
4 publication of Steven Jones paper.
More coming soon, White Dragon
Society (good CIA Pentagon … etc
elements), formerly Black Dragon
WTC, Society. Bush 43 delivered nukes to Iran
Fulford, poli l Secret
Penta 9/11 & (who abandoned them at Iraq border) in 9/11
Benjami tica n societie U.S.
gon, Israel order to start WWIII. Netanyahu in on Truth
n l k s
PA planting nukes at Fukushima as part of
4 broad blackmail scheme... NWO losing.
0 Washington DC earthquake was nuking
5 of NWO underground bunkers.
Sept 11 Litigation: 03 MDL 1570
(GBD) (FM) ECF Case 1:03-md-01570-
GBD-FM Document 2890 Filed
09/15/14 Stephen A. Cozen, Esq. Elliott
poli 9/11 & R. Feldman, Esq … amendment of l Cozen
911Trut Penta Saudis U.S. Saudi
tica Saudi 2002-4,to hold accountable the principal n O'Conn
h gon, & 9/11 gov Arabia
l Arabia parties who provided material support to k or
al Qaeda and provided it with the
4 essential means to carry out the
0 September 11th attacks, (all Israel
6 gatekeeping)
There is a clear link (see the UNSCEAR
Cance 2000 Report, Volume 2: Effects)
Wikiped Chern r, between the Chernobyl accident and the
4 ia obyl Chern unusually large number, approximately
0 obyl 1,800, of thyroid cancers reported in
7 contaminated areas, mostly in children.
Conservative investigative journalist,
resigned from CBS News (substitue
Disinf anchor) Mar 2014, reported on how Red Control
Attkisso WTC o & Attkisso Cross raised and spent over $300 led U.S. Red 3/1/2
tica U.S.
n, Sharyl 7 ommis n, Sharyl million after Hurricane Sandy (see demolit corp Cross 014
4 sions NYAG Eric Schneiderman) … and its ion, all
0 handling of 9/11 funds meant for
8 recovery, …
LEHI ...Lohamei Herut Yisrael also
known as the Stern Gang after its
founder Avraham Stern who murdered
innocent civilians to cleanse Palestine of Irgun,
assass poli Jewish li
Rampold Eisenber its British occupiers and its indigenous Betar,
inatio tica organi n Israel
i, Milena g, Shaul inhabitants ... solicited Albert Einstein Stern,
n, l zations k
raise American money ... the efforts LEHI
4 failure helped to create the American
0 Zionist council that would concentrate
9 on the US Congress.

Prescott Bush, made $1.5m from
Auschwitz labor camp and placed in a
blind trust in 1980 by Bush 41 …
Holoca through Union Banking Corporation Fascism
aust poli l Nazi Bush 1-
Prison ust Bush, (UBC), Prescott Bush, George Herbert & Germa
hoax, tica n Germ Crime Jan-
Planet revisio Prescott Walker, Fritz Thyssen, financed Adolf Neocon ny
Wall l k any Family 80
n Hitler before and during World War II. s
4 It was first reported in 1994 by John
1 Loftus and Mark Aarons in The Secret
1 War Against the Jews.
One week prior to the WTC attack, the
Zim Shipping Company (offices in
Israeli Norfolk, Manhattan, Haifa) ... moves
poli l Zim Americ
Connecti WTC 9/11 & out of its offices in the WTC, breaking Israeli
tica n Shippin an Israel
on to 1-2 Israel its lease and costing the company corp
l k g Shippin
4 9/11 $50,000 ... (16,17th floors), hijackers
g Co.
1 Atta and Shehhi in Norfolk in Feb/April
2 2001,
Secret Societies and Their Power in the
20th Century .. By Helsing Jan Van ...
The key person in linking the Rothschild
and the BCCI scandal was Dr. Alfred
JFK, poli Secret li Secret
Alternati Hartmann, the managing director of the Israeli
Holoc tica societi n societie BCCI Israel
ve news Swiss branch of the BCCI (Banque de corp
aust & l es k s
Commerce et de Placement SA), head of
4 the Zurich Rothschild bank AG and
1 member of the board of N.M.
3 Rothschild & Sons in London.
Eisenberg's ties to JFK assassination go
through Tibor Rosenbaum (BCI and
Clay Shaw) and ties to 9/11 go through
9/11, Zim American Shipping which was
Francis, JFK, poli owned by Israel Corp which he founded. li Zim
9/11 & Eisenber Permin
Stephen Holoc tica WMR reports that Roland Carnaby was n Shippin Israel
Israel g, Shaul dex
NFU aust & l killed for his investigative work k g
ISIS involving the shipment of mini nukes in
4 Houston ship channel (2007) by Zim
1 American Shipping (16th floor WTC,
4 2001)

"To understand 9/11, we must return to
the dissolution of the USSR in 1990-91,
WTC, which left the US military-industrial-
poli l
Fetzer, Penta 9/11 intelligence complex without an …Top U.S. Rogue 1/1/1
tica n U.S.
James gon, Roots international boogeyman to motivate the 20 gov govt 990
l k
4 PA American people to continue to support
1 vast expenditures on bombs, planes and
6 tanks."
Murder in Dealey Plaza, by James
Fetzer …Bush 41 was in Dallas Nov 22,
63, Bush 43 did 9/11 ... Baker is LBJ's
right hand man. Murchison's empire
poli Rothsc overlaps with that of Mafia financial l JFK, Bush
Fetzer, assass Lansky, U.S. Mexic
tica hild & wizard Meyer Lansky and Teamster n 9/11 & Crime
James inatio Meyer gov o
l JFK leader Jimmy Hoffa.] … search k Zionists Family
Trafficante and "CIA contract agent and
4 professional anti-Communist Frank
1 Sturgis" and "Victor Ostrovsky, an
7 Israeli Mossad agent" ...
The location with the greatest
Mini concentration of nuclear pollutants, 9/11
phy Nukes according to the data, was the southeast l Truth,
Alternati WTC Mini
sica , corner of Water Street and Coenties n anti- U.S.
ve news 1-2 Nukes
4 l USGS Slip, near the Brooklyn Bridge. It had k Zioni
1 data the greatest levels of zinc (2,990 ppms) sts
8 and the second highest levels of both
strontium (1,000 ppms), and barium
(765 ppms).

A Nuclear Thermobaric Weapon is a

type of enhanced radiation weapon that
Mini 9/11
Contro utilizes boosted plasma from the nuclear Engine
phy Nukes l Truth,
Duff, WTC lled fire ball to generate an intense, high- Mini ers &
sica , n anti- U.S.
Gordon 1-2 demoli temperature explosion, and in practice Nukes Scientis
l therm k Zioni
4 tion the blast wave produced is typically ts
obaric sts
1 larger and longer in duration than in a
9 conventional explosive weapon design.
Thermobaric explosives apply the
principles underlying unconfined vapor
Mini 9/11
Contro cloud explosions, which include those Control Engine
phy Nukes l Truth,
Duff, WTC lled from dispersions of flammable dusts and led ers &
sica , n anti- U.S.
Gordon 1993 demoli droplets. Such explosions are most often demolit Scientis
l therm k Zioni
4 tion encountered in flour mills, their storage ion, all ts
obaric sts
2 containers,coal mines, oil tankers and
0 refineries.
Julius Zakheim (father of Dov Zakheim,
one of 9/11 masterminds), born in the
Ukraine (1870), was a Russian rabbi
WTC, who married a relative of Karl Marx. He
poli li Israeli Chabad
Penta 9/11 Zakheim was a Menshevik/Bolshevik and played
research tica n think Lubavit Israel
gon, Roots , Dov a leading role in the 1905 turmoil that
l k tank ch
PA paved the way for the 1917 Bolshevik
4 Revolution. (also the father of Dov
2 Zakheim, Pentagon comptroller
1 9/11/2001)
Fascis --
4 m& -
2 Zionis
2 m
The Pilgrims, Le Cercle, 1001, Club of
Rome... etc .. are the umbrella
organizations ... together they
encompass all aspects of the globalist 1001,
poli Global movement: Anglo-American business li Secret LeCerc
Wikispo Fascis
tica ist and banking, Paneuropean Catholic n societie le &
oks m&
l agenda fanatics, multinationals worldwide, old k s Pilgrim
blue blood family lines. Western and s
4 Middle- Eastern intelligence, the illegal
2 arms trade, and the environmental
3 movement.
Jewish members of Congress regularly
attend seminars conducted by a
Washington DC Lubavitcher rabbi. The
WTC, Rothsch
poli Lieberm Assistant Secretary of Defense, Paul D. li Israeli Chabad
Alternati Penta 9/11 & ild
tica an, Wolfowitz, the comptroller of the DoD, n think Lubavit Israel
ve news gon, Israel Zionists
l Joseph Dov Zakheim (an ordained Orthodox k tank ch
PA , all
4 rabbi), and Stuart Eizenstat, former
2 Deputy Treasury Secretary, are all
4 Lubavitcher groupies.
Francis, poli l
R St.,
4 Stephen tica LIBOR scandal, n Israel
scand Israel
2 NFU l k
al & 9/11
Ari Fleischer — White House
spokesman for Bush on 9-11; “dual
citizen” of US and Israel; connected to
the extremist group called the Chabad
WTC, Israel,
poli Lubavitch Hasidics Fleischer was the l Chabad
WhoDid Penta Dual Fleischer U.S. 10/1/
tica co-president of Chabad's Capitol Jewish n Lubavit U.S.
It gon, citizen , Ari gov 2001
l Forum. He received the Young k ch
PA s
Leadership Award from the American
4 Friends of Lubavitch in October, 2001.
2 see also Eric Cantor, Debbie Wasserman
6 Schultz, Joe Lieberman
Ashton Carter — co-authored paper,
“Catastrophic Terrorism: A National
WTC, Policy” with Zelikow and Deutch;
Rothsc l Corpora Techno
WhoDid Penta doc Carter, senior partner at Global Technology U.S.
hild & n tions & logy U.S.
It gon, s Ashton Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North corp
9/11 k 9/11 Partner
4 PA America … advocates use or threat of
2 force to prevent them from obtaining
7 nuclear weapons
Israeli security officials inspect the
garage of Zim American Israeli
Shipping in the WTC, and conclude that
Israeli the WTC garage is vulnerable to a car
poli l Zim Americ 1-
Connecti WTC 9/11 & bomb. The bomb was probably a Israeli
tica n Shippin an Israel Jan-
on to 1993 Israel modified W54… (too much damage for corp
l k g Shippin 91
9/11 the amount of conventional explosives
g Co.
4 that could be packed into a van.... same
2 with Oklahoma City Murrah building.
8 McVeigh was set up.)
the Bosnia Defense Fund, which partly
financed al Queda in Bosnia civil war,
was established by Richard Perle and
WTC, Douglas Feith, … and facts strongly Fascism
poli l Neocon
Penta al Perle, indicate that there was high-level & U.S. Saudi
WMR tica n financi
gon, Queda Richard coordination between Abramoff's Neocon gov Arabia
l k al org
PA underworld network of Russian- s
4 Ukranian-Israeli gangsters, wealthy
2 Saudi financiers, and Bush neocon
9 operatives.
Israeli Art Students and Arab hijackers
paths crossed in a number of cities in
WTC, 2000 … was covered up by John
poli Art Israeli l Intel
Penta Ashcroft and Robert Mueller. U.S.
WMR tica Studen Art n agencie FBI U.S.
gon, …Hollywood, Florida, Irving, Texas gov
l ts, Students k s
4 PA [near Dallas-Forth Worth International
3 Airport]; San Diego; Jersey City; and
0 Laurel, Maryland.
Griffin, The omission of important information
David WTC, about the relationship between the
poli Energy l Corpora Commi
Ray Penta Taliban and Unocal, Caspian region oil U.S. Afghan 1/1/2
tica / Drug n tions & ssion,
4 New gon, and gas pipelines through Afghanistan corp istan 001
l wars k 9/11 omissio
3 Pearl PA and Pakistan … would give the Bush
1 Harbor administration a pretext for war….
A CIA insiders's view of 9/11 and who
may have been responsible … WMR is
WTC, publishing as an exclusive a draft report
poli bin li
Penta written by a longtime Central Saudis 9/11 Saudi
WMR tica Laden, n
gon, Intelligence Agency officer and top & 9/11 Truth Arabia
l Osama k
4 PA Middle East expert who once spent time
3 in the Saudi home of Mohammed Bin
2 Laden in Jeddah
In 1989, one of Valerie Plame Wilson's
Nuclea predecessor's in the CIA's Counter-
WTC, r Proliferation Division, Richard Barlow,
poli l White
Penta smugg Barlow, was fired after he uncovered the U.S. Pakista 1/1/1
WMR tica n House,
gon, ling & Richard involvement of the George H. W. Bush gov n 989
l k Bush
4 PA Plame administration in facilitating the A Q
3 gate Khan network and Pakistan's nuclear
3 weapons program.
link between those who 'outed' CIA
counter-proliferation covert agent
Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster
Jennings & Associates cover firm and
convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
WTC, r Brewst
poli The link centers around convicted l
Penta smugg U.S. er
WMR tica Israeli-South African nuclear n U.S.
gon, ling & gov Jenning
l components smuggler Asher Karni, a k
PA Plame s
former officer in the Israeli Defense
Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally
4 smuggled 66 U.S.-made triggered spark
3 gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town,
4 South Africa
The A Q Khan network sold nuclear
materials to Libya, North Korea, and
WTC, r
poli most importantly, Iran. Karni's end-user l Pakist
Penta smugg Khan, Paklan Pakista
WMR tica client for the nuclear triggers in Pakistan n an
gon, ling & AQ d Corp n
4 l was Humayun Khan's import-export k gov
PA Plame
3 Pakland Corp. Humayun Khan is no
5 relation to A Q Khan.
William Rodriguez (WTC building
maintenance manager), president of the
poli Hispanic Victims Group, said he spotted l Intel
Penta Warni Victims, U.S. 6/1/2
WMR tica and talked to Mohand Al-Shehri casing n agencie FBI U.S.
gon, ngs 9/11 gov 001
4 l the North Tower, … he said he passed k s
3 numerous tips to the FBI but they were
6 ignored …

WTC, Carlucci: Director and Member of

poli BAE
Business Penta 9/11 & Carlucci, Nominating and Corporate Governance UK
4 Week gon, tica UK Frank Committee corp
System UK
3 l s
PA BAE Systems Land & Armaments
Bush 41 passed his most important days
at the Yale Skull & Bones Society ...
in The Tomb... Roland and Averrall
Harriman belonged also ... an agency for
poli Harrima li Secret U.S.
Tarpley, 9/11 British subversion of the American Skull &
global tica n, n societie think U.S.
Webster roots Republic ... power sharing through Bones
l Averall k s tank
intermarriage with other similar elite
4 'club's ... wealth rooted in Russel opium
3 syndicate. ... similar to Rothschild
8 opium predation.
Realizing that Kennedy would not
change his mind, Ben-Gurion decided to
join forces with Communist China in
JFK developing a secret nuclear program
John F assass poli Ben- through intermediary Shaul Eisenberg, li JFK,
Kennedy inatio tica Gurion, who owned Zim Shipping, that n 9/11 & Israel
IS gov
.net n, l David transported nuclear weapons for 9/11 in k Zionists
Israel Houston Ship Channel ... see Carnaby ...
4 how US secrets were stolen or doctored
3 by PROMIS software ... and PROMIS /
9 9/11
The omission of all the evidence
indicating that Flight 93 was shot
down by a military plane despite
undeniable evidence of airliner parts 9/11
David Flight U.S.,
poli discovered in a wide debris field. l Commi
Ray Flight 93 US U.S. Israel,
tica Sommerset County Coroner Wallace n ssion,
New 93 Shot military gov SA,
l Miller. Dennis Roddy, editor of k omissio
Pearl down Britain
Pittsburg Gazette, couldn't identify any ns
4 plane parts, and mayor of Shanksville
4 Ernie Smith, said there was no airplane
0 at the crash site.
The explosions at Fukushima No. 1
nuclear plant were actually caused by
Nuclea nuclear fission of warhead cores stolen
Shimats poli r from Pantex ... (evaporation in the
WTC Cheney, U.S.
u, tica smugg cooling ponds led to detonation) …. Israel
1-2 Dick gov
Yoichi l ling & were authorized under a three-way deal
4 9/11 between the Bush-Cheney team, Prime
4 Minister Shinzo Abe and Elhud Olmert's
1 government in Tel Aviv.
Israel Corporation / Shaul Eisenberg
were major and covert weapons
suppliers to Southeast Asia at least since
JFK Nuclea
deals with genocidal Khmer Rouge (Pol
assass poli r l JFK, Israel
Eisenber Pot) regime in the 1970s. Eisenberg
WMR inatio tica smugg n 9/11 & Corpor
g, Shaul (Zim American Shipping) was
n, l ling & k Zionists ation
intelligence and business partner with
Israel 9/11
4 the Japanese Imperial government. This
4 relationship instrumental in forming the
2 Irgun and the Shanghai Betar.
David WTC, Disinf Omission of claim that Cheney did not U.S.,
poli l Intel
Ray Penta o & Cheney, reach the underground shelter (the U.S. Israel,
tica n agencie PEOC
4 New gon, ommis Dick PEOC [Presidential Emergency gov SA,
l k s
4 Pearl PA sions Operations Center until 9:58. Britain
3 Harbor
The 9/11 Commission omission of 9/11
David WTC, U.S.,
poli Pentag multiple testimony, including that of l Commi
Ray Penta Mineta, U.S. Israel,
tica on Norman Mineta to the Commission n ssion,
4 New gon, Norman gov SA,
l missile itself, that Cheney was in the PEOC k omissio
4 Pearl PA Britain
before 9:20. ns
4 Harbor

Weishaupt soon infiltrates the
Continental Order of Freemasons with
9/11, this Illuminati doctrine and establishes
Freem Rothschi
JFK, poli lodges of the Grand Orient to be their l Secret Israeli
Iamthe asons / ld, Illumin
Holoc tica secret headquarters. This was all under n societie think Israel
Witness Illumi Mayer ati
aust & l the orders and finance of Mayer k s tank
nati Amschel
4 ISIS Amschel Rothschild and the concept has
4 spread and is followed within Masonic
6 Lodges worldwide to the present day.
FBI states airliner is buried in the
ground, found data recorder 12 feet
below the surface, and cockpit voice
phy recorder about 25 ft deep. Both of which l
Ray Flight Black U.S.
sica are always installed in the rear of the n NTSB U.S.
New 93 boxes gov
l plane. NTSB reconstructs most major k
4 airline crashes, but this was not done on
4 Flight 93. All parts have been
7 sequestered by the FBI,

911Report.pdf li
WTC doc lled U.S.
4 NIST NISTBuilding7FinalReport.pdf n U.S.
1-2 s demoli gov
4 NISTReportWtc1&2.pdf k
Another client was Los Alamos Los
Contro National Laboratory (LANL), where Control Alamos
phy Nanot l
911 WTC lled scientists were working on the led U.S. Nationa
sica hermit n U.S.
4 Blogger 1-2 demoli development of nanothermite, a type of demolit gov l
l e k
4 tion explosive material that has since been ion, all Laborat
9 discovered in the WTC dust ory
An attempt by the FBI to penetrate New
York and New Jersey Israeli
intelligence-connected office moving
WTC, companies, such as Urban Moving Urban
poli li
Penta 9/11 & Eisenber Systems, which was discovered to have …Top Moving
WMR tica n Israel
gon, Israel g, Shaul conducted an emergency move of the 20 System
l k
PA Israeli Zim-American Israeli Shipping s
4 Company from the World Trade
5 Center’s North Tower just weeks prior
0 to 911,
WTC, McDaniel was in charge of the
security operation in terms of what he
Interlo called a “completion contract,” to
WTC, cking provide services “up to the day the
poli l Corpora
911 Penta BOD McDani buildings fell down.” iii] McDaniel U.S. Carlyle
tica n tions & Israel
Blogger gon, & el came to Stratesec directly from BDM corp Group
l k 9/11
PA conspi International, where he had been Vice
4 rators President for nine years. BDM was
5 subsidiary of Carlyle Group ... black
1 projects.
David WTC, The failure to probe the issue of how the U.S.,
poli l
Ray Penta War "war games" scheduled for that day U.S. NORA Israel,
tica NORAD n
4 New gon, Games were related to the military's failure to gov D SA,
l k
5 Pearl PA intercept the hijacked airliners. Britain
2 Harbor
Kenneth Feinberg (Jewish) is an
American attorney, specializing in
mediation and alternative dispute
WTC, Rothsch
poli Feinberg resolution. Feinberg was appointed l
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & ild U.S.
tica , Special Master of the U.S. government's n DoJ U.S.
ia gon, Israel Zionists gov
l Kenneth September 11th Victim Compensation k
PA , all
4 Fund and served as the Special Master
5 for TARP Executive Compensation,
3 popularly called the "pay czar."
With Hillary Clinton’s knowledge, her
brothers Anthony and Hugh jaunted into
WTC, the highly politically charged former
poli smugg li White
Alternati Penta Soviet Republic of Georgia last month U.S. 10/1/
tica ling, n House, Russia
ve news gon, in pursuit of a $118 million gov 1993
l Russia k Clinton
4 PA moneymaking scheme involving close
/ Israel
5 associates of Russian mafia boss Grigori
4 Loutchansky
Griffin, The failure to point out that the
David WTC, Confli Commission's claimed "independence" U.S.,
poli l Commi
Ray Penta ct of Zelikow, was fatally compromised by the fact that U.S. Israel,
tica n ssion,
4 New gon, interes Philip its executive director, Philip Zelikow, gov SA,
l k omissio
5 Pearl PA t was virtually a member of the Bush Britain
5 Harbor administration.
The first two Hegelian wars (Spanish-
American war and the Ango-Boer of
1899 set the 'new world order' and then Brown
America poli Global Harrima WWI and II, secretly formulated by l Brother 1-
Fascis U.S.
n tica ist n, Averal Harriman: Hitler, by the n s Russia Jan-
m& gov
Bhudda l agenda Averall Guarantee Trust Co. and Brown k Harrim 17
4 Brothers Harriman vs Marxist Russia an
5 funded by Guarantee Trust, Union
6 Banking Corp and RuskomBank
David WTC, Confli The failure to point out that the U.S.,
poli l Commi
Ray Penta ct of Commission's chairman, most of the U.S. Israel,
tica n ssion,
4 New gon, interes other commissioners, and at least half of gov SA,
l k omissio
5 Pearl PA t the staff had serious conflicts of interest. Britain
7 Harbor
The failure of the Commission, while
bragging that it presented its final report
"without dissent," to point out that this
was probably possible only because
Griffin, Max Cleland, the commissioner who
David WTC, Confli was most critical of the White House U.S.,
poli l Commi
Ray Penta ct of and swore that he would not be part of U.S. Israel,
tica n ssion,
New gon, interes "looking at information only partially," gov SA,
l k omissio
Pearl PA t had to resign in order to accept a Britain
Harbor position with the Export-Import Bank,
and that the White House forwarded his
4 nomination for this position only after
5 he was becoming quite outspoken in his
8 criticisms.

WTC, The President's Daily Brief … the FBI

poli l White
Penta Warni Bush was aware that suspected terrorists were U.S. 8/6/2
4 WMR tica n House, U.S.
gon, ngs GW conducting surveillance of the WTC gov 001
5 l k Bush
PA towers
David WTC, A bomber hit the Empire State Building
phy Tower l Commi
Ray Penta that killed 13 people and caused 9/11 New
sica inferno n ssion,
4 New gon, widespread damage, but the building Truth York
l s k omissio
6 Pearl PA was never in danger of collapsing.
0 Harbor
"I remember getting a call from the, er,
Griffin, fire department commander, telling me
David WTC, Disinf Silverste that they were not sure they were gonna Silverst U.S.,
poli l Corpora
Ray Penta o& in, be able to contain the fire, and I said, U.S. ein Israel,
tica n tions &
New gon, ommis Lawrenc "We've had such terrible loss of life, corp Propert SA,
l k 9/11
4 Pearl PA sions e maybe the smartest thing to do is pull ies Britain
6 Harbor it." And they made that decision to pull
1 and we watched the building collapse."
David WTC,
poli Neocons wrote in PNAC that "a new l U.S.
Ray Penta Neoco
tica Pearl Harbor" was necessary to bring n think PNAC U.S.
4 New gon, ns
l about the changes they sought k tank
6 Pearl PA
2 Harbor
David WTC, Sec of
poli Energy Paul O'Neill:... Going after Hussein was l
Ray Penta O'Neill, U.S. the 1/1/2
tica / Drug 'Topic A" 10 days after Bush n U.S.
4 New gon, Paul gov Treasur 000
l wars inauguration, k
6 Pearl PA y
3 Harbor

WTC, Paul O'Neill attempted to expose Dubai, Sec of

poli 9/11 & l
Penta O'Neill, HSBC, BAE, Saudi 9/11 hijacker Saudis U.S. the Saudi 3/1/2
4 WMR tica Saudi n
gon, Paul financing and was forced to resign as & 9/11 gov Treasur Arabia 002
6 l Arabia k
PA Secretary of the Treasury, y
the Bosnia Defense Fund, which partly
financed al Queda in Bosnia civil war,
was established by Richard Perle and Zionist/
WTC, Douglas Feith, … and facts strongly Neocon
poli l Neocon
Penta al Perle, indicate that there was high-level s U.S. Saudi
WMR tica n financi
gon, Queda Richard coordination between Abramoff's created gov Arabia
l k al org
PA underworld network of Russian- al
4 Ukranian-Israeli gangsters, wealthy Queda
6 Saudi financiers, and Bush neocon
5 operatives.
..., Riggs Bank officials invited Pinochet
to open an account at Riggs Bank.
Pinochet was arrested in 1998... Riggs
WTC, executives helped Pinochet disguise
poli 9/11 & l Corpora
Wikiped Penta millions of dollars by using shell U.S. Riggs Saudi 1/1/1
tica Saudi n tions &
ia gon, companies and hiding accounts from corp Bank Arabia 998
l Arabia k 9/11
PA federal regulators, Riggs illegally
4 allowed Pinochet to retain access to
6 much of his fortune. see Bandar bin
6 Sultan.
FBI whistleblower, discovered info that
David WTC,
poli Whistl could have uncovered 9/11 plot, memos l Intel
Ray Penta Rowley, 9/11 8/1/2
tica eblowe never got past her superiors, and she n agencie FBI U.S.
4 New gon, Coleen Truth 001
l r was prevented from pursuing her k s
6 Pearl PA
7 Harbor
FBI whistleblower, discovered info that
David WTC,
poli could have uncovered 9/11 plot, memos l Intel
Ray Penta Warni Rowley, U.S. 8/1/2
tica never got past her superiors, and she n agencie FBI U.S.
4 New gon, ngs Coleen gov 001
l was prevented from pursuing her k s
6 Pearl PA
8 Harbor
James Bath (born 1936) is a former
director of Bank of Credit and
Commerce International (BCCI), a
WTC, cking CIA
poli former frontman for Salem bin Laden, l Intel
Wikiped Penta BOD Bath, U.S. front
tica and also former part owner of Arbusto n agencie U.S.
ia gon, & James corp compan
l Energy with George W. Bush, with k s
PA conspi ies
4 whom Bath served as a member of the
6 Texas Air National Guard during the
9 Vietnam War.
Utilitarianism, where right and wrong
are calculated on the basis of the
benefits that accrue to the group
WTC, regardless of their consequences for 9/11
poli 9/11 l
Fetzer, Penta others … What has happened to our Finacin 9/11
tica Groun n Israel
James gon, society appears to be that the rich and g & Truth
l dwork k
PA powerful are acting in accordance with Roots
4 the principles that define limited
7 utilitarianism rather than those of
0 deontological moral theory.
Gave a direct order to not shoot the
David WTC,
poli Pentag supposed Flight 77, see Norman Mineta. l Intel
Ray Penta Cheney, U.S. 9/11/
tica on "Vice President, the plane is ten miles n agencie PEOC U.S.
4 New gon, Dick gov 2001
l missile out"… "do the orders still stand?" … "of k s
7 Pearl PA
course they do", …
1 Harbor
ACE built the elevator systems in the
World Trade Center and until
WTC, September 11, 2001 had been their sole 9/11
poli 9/11 li Ace 12/2
911 Penta servicer, from which it derived 90 Finacin
tica Groun n Elevato U.S. 1/20
Blogger gon, percent of its revenue. Unable to make g&
l dwork k r 04
4 PA up enough of that income from other Roots
7 sources, ACE filed under chapter 11 on
2 December 21, 2004
SITE is infamous for releasing
unverified video and audio tapes from
WTC, Israeli such Al Qaeda leaders as Osama bin
poli li Israeli
Penta spies, Katz, Laden; Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri; and
WMR tica n think ADL Israel
gon, histori Rita Adam Gadahn, aka Adam Pearlman,
l k tank
4 PA cal whose grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was
7 a member of the board of the Anti-
3 Defamation League (ADL).
Loizeaux, only expert that said in
advance that WTC were coming down...
"Somebody's got to tell the Fire
Department to get out of there .... I
poli li Corpora led
Alternati WTC Warni Loizeau picked up the phone, dialed 411, got the U.S. 9/11/
tica n tions & Demoli U.S.
ve news 1-2 ngs x, Mark number, and tried it -- busy. So I called corp 2001
l k 9/11 tion
the Mayor's Office of Emergency
4 Management" -- which was in 7 World
7 Trade. "All circuits were busy. I couldn't
4 get through."
From Cheshire (DoE, Feb 1976 tests) ...
temperatures as high as 150°C had been
China measured in the melt glass (formed in
phy Syndr underground nuclear test cavities) and l
Wikiped WTC lled Mini U.S. 2/1/1
sica ome, small perturbations as much as 11 years n DoE U.S.
ia 1-2 demoli Nukes gov 976
l bathtu later ... high temperatures following the k
4 b Cheshire test may have dramatically
7 increased the rate at which radionuclides
5 were released from the melt glass
Popular Mechanics (Hearst owned),
David WTC,
poli most known 9/11 debunker, 2006 book l U.S. Popular
Ray Penta Debun Meigs, 1/1/2
tica Debunking 9/11 Myths, forward by John n think Mecha U.S.
4 New gon, kers John 005
l McCain, John Meigs is Editor in Chief, k tank nics
7 Pearl PA
also see Michael Shermer,
6 Harbor
Griffin, Interlo
US air defense system failed to intercept
David WTC, cking Nationa
poli any of the four aircraft in the one and a l
Ray Penta BOD Hellyer, U.S. l
tica half hours of the 9/11 attack. Paul n Canada
4 New gon, & Paul gov defense
l Hellyer, Canada Minister of National k
7 Pearl PA conspi depts
7 Harbor rators
David WTC, Incom The official version is that the failure to
poli l
Ray Penta petenc intercept any of the hijacked airplanes U.S.
tica n FAA U.S.
4 New gon, e were blunders, miscommuncations and gov
l k
7 Pearl PA theory mistakes …. 'incompetence theory'.
8 Harbor
Official reason for failure, Air Defense
was designed for external not internal
David WTC, Incom
poli threats. Debunked…but FAA l
Ray Penta petenc U.S.
tica responsible for internal threats, n FAA U.S.
New gon, e gov
4 l according to Rumsfeld himself, if a k
Pearl PA theory
7 plane goes off course it is contacted and
9 then referred to Pentagon if need be.
Russia Ukraine Israel Mafia (RUIM):
Madoff & Forest Hills, NY Jewish
mafia, money laundering by Bank of
WTC, SPIDERWEB, … and Benex (Marc
poli smugg l White
Penta Domb, Rich), offices in same building as Mini U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica ling, n House, Israel
gon, Sam Grigori Loutchansky ... who is a Nukes gov 996
l Russia k Clinton
PA Latvian-born Israeli who laundered
/ Israel
billions through his Vienna-based
4 NORDEX firm. ...connect nuclear
8 smuggling and Clinton re-election ...
0 Sam Domb
Until Sept. 11, 2001, NORAD
conducted four major exercises a year.
David WTC,
poli Most included a hijack scenario, but not l
Ray Penta war U.S. NORA
tica all of those involved planes as weapons. n U.S.
New gon, games gov D
4 l Since the attacks, NORAD has k
Pearl PA
8 conducted more than 100 exercises, all
1 with mock hijackings.
NORAD fighters based in Florida have
David WTC,
poli NORA intercepted two hijacked smaller aircraft l
Ray Penta U.S. NORA 4/1/2
tica D/ since the Sept. 11 attacks. Both n U.S.
4 New gon, gov D 003
l FAA originated in Cuba and were escorted to k
8 Pearl PA
Key West in spring 2003, NORAD said.
2 Harbor
ASCE American Society of Civil
Pentago Boein Engineers, Pentagon Building
n g 757 Performance Report (see docs). "...
phy Report l
Building Penta slips blast-resistant glass installed as part of U.S. 1/1/2
sica s, n U.S.
Perform gon into the Pentagon renovation was not broken gov 003
l Pentag k
4 ance first by the impact or the fireball, even where
8 Report floor the windows were located as close as 10
3 ft to the impact point of the fuselage"
Soil commonly contains an average of
phy Mini about 6 parts of thorium per million p
4 CDC sica Nukes, parts (ppm) of soil. USGS data i U.S.
1-2 gov
8 l Israel maximum thorium found was 30.7 ppm c
4 which is 5x more than normal.
Mineta testimony before 9/11
Commission, questioned about
underground bunker, PEOC, in White 9/11
David WTC, Contro Control
poli House, where Cheney took charge of the l Commi
Ray Penta lled Mineta, led U.S. 5/1/2
tica situation that day. Mineta said "the n ssion, U.S.
New gon, demoli Norman demolit gov 003
l plane is fifty miles out", Cheney k omissio
Pearl PA tion ion, all
4 responded "of course the orders still ns
8 stand" "have you heard anything to the
5 contrary"? excluded in report.
9:37:00 AM The 9/11 Commission
report and Mineta's testimony are in
Griffin, conflict. It can be proven from
David WTC, Contro numerous sources that Cheney was in Control
poli l Commi
Ray Penta lled Cheney, the PEOC at 9:37, but the 9/11 led U.S.
tica n ssion, U.S.
New gon, demoli Dick Commission report says he didn't enter demolit gov
l k omissio
Pearl PA tion until around 20 minutes later. The effect ion, all
4 Harbor of this lie is to negate the chance that
8 Cheney allowed Flight 77 to attack the
6 Pentagon.
No one has ever produced a single
Griffin, security camera image showing the
David WTC, alleged terrorists boarding any of the
poli Hijack l Corpora Commi
Ray Penta hijacker four hijacked airplanes. The only photo U.S.
tica er n tions & ssion, U.S.
New gon, patsies shows Alomari and Mohammed Atta corp
l patsies k 9/11 omissio
4 Pearl PA going through a security checkpoint, but
8 Harbor they are not boarding Flight 11, but a
7 flight from Maine to Boston,
No images of hijackers in security
cameras: but In 2005 a video was
released of hijackers of Flight 77 at 9/11
David WTC,
poli Hijack Dulles checkpoint, but the time stamp l Corpora Commi
Ray Penta hijacker U.S. 1/1/2
tica er was missing making it suspect, … if n tions & ssion, U.S.
New gon, patsies corp 005
l patsies they were in the airports it is impossible k 9/11 omissio
Pearl PA
4 that they would not have been recorded ns
8 because of the number and locations of
8 the cameras.
The Taliban sources report that it was
Bout (Marc Rich partner) who secretly
flew Osama Bin Laden and his family
poli 9/11 & out of Afghanistan prior to the massive l Russian
Penta Rich, Saudis U.S. Saudi 12/1/
WMR tica Saudi U.S. bombing of Tora Bora in late 2001. n Israeli
gon, Marc & 9/11 gov Arabia 2001
l Arabia Bout, a Bukharan Jew was... involved k mafia
4 with the Bin Laden family in logistics
8 for their construction activities, diamond
9 business.
No recorded conversations of hijackers
from cockpit voice recorder, American
Flight 11 Black box said never found, 9/11
David WTC,
phy For United 175 that hit second tower l Commi
Ray Penta Black hijacker U.S.
sica said never found, for Flight 77 voice n ssion, U.S.
New gon, boxes patsies gov
l recorder found but contents unusable, k omissio
Pearl PA
4 for United Flight 93 voice recorder ns
9 found but good recording was never
0 made public.
David WTC,
poli Families of 9/11 of Flight 93 asked the l Commi
Ray Penta Victim U.S. 12/1/
tica FBI to release voice recordings, FBI n ssion, U.S.
4 New gon, s gov 2001
l refused, k omissio
9 Pearl PA
1 Harbor
The only recordings of hijackers come
Griffin, from controller tapes of hijackers
David WTC, pressing the wrong keys, but the clips
poli Hijack l Commi
Ray Penta hijacker could have come from any source and U.S.
tica er n ssion, U.S.
New gon, patsies are highly questionable and don't prove gov
l patsies k omissio
4 Pearl PA the hijackers were aboard the planes. By
9 Harbor way of deception we shall do
2 war….Mossad
From (DEA) Report drafted in June
2001 on the activities of the art students
Israeli and... (FBI) list of the hijackers and
poli Art other terrorist suspects, accidentally l Intel
Penta U.S. 6/1/2
WMR tica Studen released in early October 2001 on a n agencie FBI U.S.
gon, gov 001
l ts, Finnish government web site. The DEA k s
4 spies memo specifically stated that the Israelis
9 may have had ties to an “Islamic
3 fundamentalist group.”
FBI agent Louis Schiliro said agents
Griffin, examined footage of dozens of cameras
David WTC, at the three airports where the terrorists
poli ers, l
Ray Penta hijacker allegedly boarded aircraft and found Hijacke U.S. Airline
tica lack of n U.S.
New gon, patsies nothing, even ticket areas, restaurant, rs, all gov s, US
l eviden k
4 Pearl PA departure lounges, boarding call, ..etc.
9 Harbor David Brent scanned 300 videos and
4 found no hijackers.
Griffin, Movin
Fox News, Carl Cameron, four-part art
David WTC, g U.S.,
poli investigation of an Israeli spy ring l students
Ray Penta Syste Cameron U.S. Fox Israel, 12/1/
tica casing hijackers shown only once then n , Urban
New gon, ms, , Carl corp News SA, 2001
l deleted from its website, is available k Moving
4 Pearl PA Dancin Britain
online System
9 Harbor g
5 Israelis
Griffin, No security cameras on 9/11 show
David WTC, hijackers, Washington Dulles had
poli ers, l
Ray Penta hijacker security cameras, but time-stamps were Hijacke U.S. Airline
tica lack of n U.S.
4 New gon, patsies missing making them highly suspicious rs, all gov s, US
l eviden k
9 Pearl PA and could have been produced by an
6 Harbor ordinary camcorder.
Every black box carries a metal plaque
with the model number and serial
David WTC,
phy number. The serial number is used to l
Ray Penta Black U.S.
sica signify memory configuration changes, n NTSB U.S.
New gon, boxes gov
4 l to perform correct recovery of the data, . k
Pearl PA
9 These numbers exist in every NTSB
7 report for the last twenty years, but were
missing in NTSB reports on Flight 73
and Flight 93

David WTC, Disinf FOIA request to the FBI, FAA and
poli l
Ray Penta Black o & NTSB for model number and serial U.S.
tica n FAA U.S.
4 New gon, boxes ommis numbers for Flight 77 and Flight 93 data gov
l k
9 Pearl PA sions recorders were all denied.
8 Harbor
Riggs Bank was fined $25 million in
May 2004 ..for violations of money-
laundering laws. A long running Justice
poli 9/11 & Department investigation was wrapped l Corpora
Wikiped Penta U.S. Riggs 2/1/2
tica Saudi up quickly in February 2005 ... a Wall n tions & Israel
ia gon, corp Bank 005
l Arabia Street Journal article reported December k 9/11
4 31, 2004, that Riggs had extensive ties
9 to the CIA, ... bank officials held
9 security clearances
David WTC, Below 10,000 feet air speed must be
phy Airlin l Corpora
Ray Penta below 250 mph. Each airplane has a U.S.
sica er air n tions & Boeing U.S.
5 New gon, VMO, max operating velocity, flutter corp
l speed k 9/11
0 Pearl PA can occur that rips the plane apart,
0 Harbor
Using a simulator designed and
Griffin, developed by Aeronautical Engineers,
David WTC, Pilots For 9/11 Truth attempt to
phy Airlin l Corpora
Ray Penta duplicate the 9/11 attacks based on data U.S.
sica er air n tions & Boeing U.S.
New gon, provided by the government regarding corp
l speed k 9/11
5 Pearl PA the excessive speeds reported, starting
0 Harbor from the exact locations and altitudes
1 according to government data.
Griffin, Air China 006 marginally exceeded
David WTC, VMO in 1985. Landing gear doors were
phy Airlin l Corpora
Ray Penta ripped off plane, visible damage all over U.S.
sica er air n tions & Boeing U.S.
5 New gon, plane, but it landed safely. All 9/11 corp
l speed k 9/11
0 Pearl PA aircraft exceeded VMO by more than
2 Harbor 100 mph. VMO for 757 is 402,
David WTC, Tom Brokaw reported that Flight 175
phy Airlin l Corpora
Ray Penta Brokaw, was going nearly 600 mph when it U.S.
sica er air n tions & MSM U.S.
5 New gon, Tom supposedly hit the north tower of the corp
l speed k 9/11
0 Pearl PA WTC. This is impossible.
3 Harbor
Griffin, Boeing 757 engines need six times the
David WTC, power to fly at sea level at 500 miles Control Pilots
phy Airlin l
Ray Penta and hour than they do at 30,000 feet due led 9/11 for
sica er air n U.S.
5 New gon, to the density of air at sea level. These demolit Truth 9/11
l speed k
0 Pearl PA are factual physical restraints that can't ion, all Truth
4 Harbor be refuted.
David WTC, Operation Northwoods detail how to Operati
poli l
Ray Penta False swap a passenger aircraft with a military U.S. on
tica n U.S.
5 New gon, flag aircraft in midair and undectectable to gov Northw
l k
0 Pearl PA air traffic controllers. oods
5 Harbor
The Thorium Lithium correlation are the
same as Barium Strontium
correlations...We therefore have Engine
phy , l
Fox, WTC compelling evidence that this fission 9/11 ers &
sica Bariu n U.S.
Donald 1-2 pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Truth Scientis
l m, k
5 Helium, with subsequent decay of the ts
0 Helium into Lithium, has indeed taken
6 place.
WTC, Wikipedia completely endorses the 9/11
poli edia l Israeli
Wikiped Penta Commission Report version of 9/11, Wikipe
5 tica rewrite n think Israel
ia gon, which is confirmation of Israel's dia
0 l s k tank
PA complicity in 9/11.
7 history
Ted Olson changed his story about his
wifes calls from cell phones to
David WTC, Airlin
phy airphones… and once it became l
Ray Penta e cell Olson, U.S.
sica apparent that cell phones could'nt be n DoJ U.S.
New gon, phone Ted gov
5 l used the official narrative became k
Pearl PA calls
0 ambiguous. 9/11 Commission report
8 only has one mention of it.
Wikipedia does not mention elevator
Elevat rennovations on its WTC page, which is Control
phy edia l Israeli
Wikiped WTC or significant. When Wikipedia omits led Wikipe
sica rewrite n think Israel
5 ia 1-2 renova something that is important to 9/11 demolit dia
l s k tank
0 tion Truth, it confirms the importance of that ion, all
9 subject
Caller ID proves the cell phone
David WTC, Airlin
phy connections worked… see Thomas l
Ray Penta e cell Burnett, 9/11
sica Burnett. But it has been proven that they n U.S.
5 New gon, phone Thomas Truth
l could not have worked from an k
1 Pearl PA calls
0 Harbor
US secretly selling nukes worldwide via
WTC, Israel … Carnaby was holding a trove of
poli r li
Penta Carnaby, documents outlining the theft and Mini Israeli
PressTV tica smugg n Pantex Israel
5 gon, Roland transfer of hundreds of nuclear Nukes gov
l ling & k
1 PA warheads from the Pantex Plant near
1 Amarillo, Texas.
Jim W. Dean is managing editor of
Nucle Veterans Today, … He has been 9/11
phy ar writing, speaking and doing public l Truth,
Dean, WTC Dean, Mini
sica physic relations, television, consulting and now n anti- U.S.
James 1-2 James Nukes
5 l s short multimedia work for a variety of k Zioni
1 course American heritage, historical, military, sts
2 veterans and Intel platforms.
US secretly selling nukes worldwide via
WTC, Israel … Carnaby was holding a trove of
poli Mini li
Penta Carnaby, documents outlining the theft and Mini Israeli
PressTV tica Nukes, n Pantex Israel
5 gon, Roland transfer of hundreds of nuclear Nukes gov
l Israel k
1 PA warheads from the Pantex Plant near
3 Amarillo, Texas.
Griffin, Remot
David e- Contro Control
phy Many eye witnesses report a small jet or l
Ray Penta contro lled led U.S.
sica screaming missile rather than a Boeing n Boeing U.S.
5 New gon lled demoli demolit corp
l 757. or Global Hawk k
1 Pearl aircraf tion ion, all
4 Harbor t
phy Any airplane with an 85 ft wing span l Corpora
Ray Penta Light U.S.
sica could have downed the light poles. The n tions & Boeing U.S.
5 New gon poles corp
l wing span of a Boeing 757 is 125 ft. k 9/11
1 Pearl
5 Harbor
Griffin, Pentag
David on,
phy Where's the wreckage,… no tail, no l U.S.
Ray Penta where' U.S.
sica seats, nothing …. Except mismatched n Militar U.S.
5 New gon s the gov
l what looks like planted parts. k y
1 Pearl wreck
6 Harbor age?
Griffin, Pentag
David on, Omitted that only two windows broken
phy l Commi
Ray Penta where' out in second floor of the Pentagon. U.S.
sica n ssion, U.S.
5 New gon s the Damage inconsistent with official gov
l k omissio
1 Pearl wreck version.
7 Harbor age?
The fuselage of an airplane is the
Griffin, Pentag
weakest structure, yet the official story
David on,
phy claims this is what put the whole in the l U.S.
Ray Penta where' U.S.
sica C-ring of the Pentagon. The engines and n Militar U.S.
New gon s the gov
5 l wings should have done more damage k y
Pearl wreck
1 for they are the first points of hard
Harbor age?
8 surfaces,
The core's of the Rolls-Royce RB-211
Griffin, Pentag engines are practically indestructible but
David on, were never found while the weakest part
phy l
Ray Penta where' of the plane supposedly crashed through U.S.
sica n Boeing U.S.
New gon s the the C-ring of the Pentagon. Purdue gov
l k
5 Pearl wreck University produced an animated
1 Harbor age? simulation where the engines simply
9 dissappear.
The Pentagon Building Performance
report by the American Society of Civil
Griffin, Pentag Engineers stated that columns in the
David on, direct path of the plane were damaged
phy l U.S.
Ray Penta where' but still standing after impact. The
sica n think ASCE U.S.
New gon s the fuselage was destroyed in a distance
l k tank
Pearl wreck approximately equal to its length which
5 Harbor age? is far less than the distance to the C-
2 ring. No fuselage part reached the C-
0 ring.
The opening on the first floor is only
Griffin, Pentag half the width of the projected
David on, dimension of the Boeing wingspan
phy l U.S.
Ray Penta where' given the 42 degree angle of entry….
sica n think ASCE U.S.
New gon s the No valid explanation why there is
l k tank
5 Pearl wreck almost no damage where the wingtips
2 Harbor age? would have entered. … and no similar
1 damage from the tail.
The FBI has never released definitive
Griffin, Pentag video surveillance tapes from at least 85
David on, sources around the Pentagon. FOIA
phy l Intel
Ray Penta where' requests replies said only one tape U.S.
sica n agencie FBI U.S.
New gon s the showed the plane. … and is only five gov
l k s
5 Pearl wreck frames that have become the focus of
2 Harbor age? many theories over the years of which
2 frame 23 is the most controversial.
Griffin, The FBI release another video in 2006
David that has been compared and
poli l Intel
Ray Penta Video synchronized with the first footage U.S.
tica n agencie FBI U.S.
5 New gon fakery released and frame 23 show visible gov
l k s
2 Pearl proof of being retouched. Using
3 Harbor sophisticated digital analysis techniques.
Griffin, Pentag We're supposed to believe that a 100 ton
David on, aircraft is buried underground.
phy l
Ray Penta where' Witnesses speak of little pieces of U.S.
sica n NTSB U.S.
5 New gon s the shrapnel but no plane parts… tv gov
l k
2 Pearl wreck reporters could not identify any of the
4 Harbor age? small pieces as parts of an airplane.

5 n
2 k
Soros connection to Rothschild goes
through Richard Katz … managing
director of Rothschild Italia SpA. and a
poli Secret director ofN.M. Rothschild & Sons, l Secret
Penta Soros, U.S. Rothsc
tica societi Ltd., London. Rothschild Italia is n Societie Israel
gon, George corp hild
l es controlled by Edmund de Rothschild, k s
5 and Nils O. Taube chief executive
2 officer of St. James Place Capital. The
6 firm is controlled by Jacob Rothschild
Debunkers say the aircraft flight path
was nearly vertical but this is not true.
NTSB data shows flight path at about 45
David Flight
phy degrees. The whole is only about 10 by l
Ray Flight 93 U.S.
sica 50 ft. The official story claims that 100 n NTSB U.S.
New 93 anomil gov
l tons of airplane parts were excavated k
Pearl ies
5 from a whole about 10-15 feet in
2 diameter, but no one has ever seen the
7 parts.
9/11 Nuke Demolition Proof:
Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the
Scale” Firefighters who recovered
bodies at Ground Zero are developing
me cancer at a faster rate than those who l
WTC r, Victim …Top 4/1/2
NYPost dic worked before the atrocity … cites n NYC U.S.
1-2 Myelo s 20 011
al unusual rises in leukemia, non- k
Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple
5 myeloma. The report also states
2 increases in esophageal, prostate and
8 thyroid cancers. see USGS data in pic
Normal plane crashes exhibit thick
plume of black smoke from fuel fires,
Griffin, but this did not occur for Flight 93… the
David Flight smoke resembled more of an a bomb
phy l
Ray Flight 93 explosion. The crash site doesn't have a U.S.
sica n NTSB U.S.
New 93 anomil burned jet fuel odor, more like scorched gov
l k
Pearl ies earth.. The grass around hole is
5 Harbor untouched, unburned, The plane was
2 carrying 8-10 thousand gallons of fuel at
9 the time of supposed impact.
Plane debris was found several miles
Griffin, away from crash site. Debris fell in
David Flight Indian Lake, a couple miles away,
phy l
Ray Flight 93 included a rib bone, pieces of seats, U.S.
sica n NTSB U.S.
New 93 anomil chunks of melted plastic, and New gov
l k
5 Pearl ies Baltimore, eight miles away, the official
3 Harbor story is that the plane nosedived into the
0 ground in one piece
recorded in tables: Uranium and its
deadly offspring of strontium, barium,
Mini and zinc. Massive levels were found of
phy Nukes strontium: 3,130 ppms as a maximum; p
Alternati WTC Mini U.S.
sica , 378 ppms as a minimum; and 726.61 i U.S.
ve news 1-2 Nukes gov
l USGS ppms as the mean. In leaching tests, c
5 data strontium’s minimum was a 561 ppms;
3 the maximum, a staggering 1,690 ppms;
1 a mean of 1,083.10 ppms.
People speak of lights flickering at the
moment of the crash. … pertains to
Griffin, radar functions in a shoot-down, the
David Flight mayor spoke of witnesses seeing a
phy l
Ray Flight 93 missile, and witnesses who said they U.S.
sica n NTSB U.S.
New 93 anomil saw a small white plane flying over just gov
l k
Pearl ies before the crash, Transcripts from voice
5 Harbor recorder were used to analyze moments
3 around Let's roll, but the actual
2 recording was never made public.
Gladio, stay behind, right-wing terrorist
attacks, including death squad hits and
bombings, which were initially blamed
poli by authorities on leftist guerrilla groups l Secret 1-
Fascis Israeli
WMR tica Gladio Nebula such as the Communist Combatant n societie Nebula Israel Jan-
m& gov
l Cells. Belgian deepstate network, k s 94
5 nuclear smugglers, drug dealers,
3 diamond and gold smugglers, weapons
3 merchants, all tied to the Mossad,
WTC towers were obsolete and heating
cooling costs were prohibitively high.
Port Authority would have had to spend
David Control
poli 9/11 $800 million to modernize. 1993 l Port
Ray WTC Asbest led
tica Groun bombing dropped tenancy, they n NYC Authori U.S.
New 1-2 os demolit
l dwork contained 400 tons of asbestos, 7 k ty
Pearl ion, all
5 million square feet of asbestos tiles,
3 every renovation required expensive
4 asbestos remidiation,
Leo Strauss, was a Jewish German-
Strauss born–American political philosopher
, who specialized in classical political
WTC, Nietch philosophy at the University of Chicago. Fascism
poli l U.S. Hudson
Wikiped Penta e, Strauss, .. immersed in the work of the &
tica n think Institut Israel
ia gon, Heideg Leo phenomenologists Edmund Husserl and Neocon
l k tank e
PA ger, Martin Heidegger, … medieval Islamic s
5 Schmi and Jewish philosophy and encouraging
3 dt the application of those ideas to
5 contemporary political theory.
Asbestos abatement bill of $1 billion,
David Silverste Control NYC
phy the same cost of a brand new tower, Port l
Ray WTC Asbest in, led Port 5/1/2
sica Authority lost a lawsuit against n NYC U.S.
5 New 1-2 os Lawrenc demolit Authori 001
l insurance companies to fund asbestos k
3 Pearl e ion, all ty
cleanup. Port Authority could not
6 Harbor
demolish them because of asbestos, but
too costly to maintain,

Silverstein purchased a 99 year lease on

the WTC towers for $200 million, and
Griffin, insured them for $3.2 billion (included a
David WTC Silverste terrorism clause). His office was in the Silverst
poli l Corpora
Ray WTC insura in, North tower. He claimed they were two U.S. ein 7/24/
tica n tions & U.S.
New 1-2 nce Lawrenc separate events, court settlement was for corp Propert 2001
l k 9/11
Pearl fraud e $4.5 billion. NY Times reported that ies
5 Harbor Silverstein spent $200 million on it to
3 reinforce it beyond requirements for its
7 main tennant Salomon Brothers.
Griffin, Silverstein received $800 million to
David WTC Silverste rebuild WTC7 that originally cost $400 Silverst
poli l Corpora
Ray WTC insura in, million. …chairman of United Jewish U.S. ein
tica n tions & U.S.
5 New 7 nce Lawrenc Appeal … partner of Frank Lowy … corp Propert
l k 9/11
3 Pearl fraud e treasurer of the Jonathan Institute in ies
8 Harbor 2001
Washington Post: Khashoggi crime
connections: A partial list would include
Iran-Contra, Wedtech, BCCI, the
WTC, Marcos Philippine kleptocracy, the Rothsch
poli BCCI Khashog li White
Penta Synfuels fiasco, and the discovery of ild
Slate tica corrupt gi, n House,
gon, buried mustard gas in the pricy Spring Zionists
l ion Adnan k Clinton
PA Valley neighborhood of Washington, , all
5 D.C. To these we must now add the
3 tragic events of 9/11. Clinton to Auchi
9 to Khashoggi
Stratesec had a small board of directors
that included retired Air Force General
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the l Bush
911 Penta Bush, Finacin U.S.
tica Groun brother of George W. Bush) and Wirt n Crime
Blogger gon, Marvin g& gov
5 l dwork Walker III, a cousin of the Bush k Family
PA Roots
4 brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah, a
0 member of the Kuwaiti royal family
Stratesec had a small board of directors
that included retired Air Force General
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the l Bush
911 Penta Walker, Finacin U.S.
tica Groun brother of George W. Bush) and Wirt n Crime
Blogger gon, Wirt g& gov
5 l dwork Walker III, a cousin of the Bush k Family
PA Roots
4 brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah, a
1 member of the Kuwaiti royal family
WTCs were built to hold 3x-5x the
weight they were required to hold. "Its
Griffin, 244 perimeter columns made it one of
David Contro the most redundant and one of the most Control Journal
phy Struct l
Ray WTC lled Roth & resilient skysrapers". "The building as led 9/11 of
sica ural, n U.S.
New 1-2 demoli Sons designed is sixteen times stiffer than a demolit Truth Metallu
l steel k
Pearl tion conventional structure." The rebuilt ion, all rgy
5 Harbor WTC7 has the same design as the
4 original WTC. Skyscraper within a
2 skyscraper thus validating the design.
The Israeli “art student” mystery … For
almost two years, hundreds of young
Israelis falsely claiming to be art
WTC, students haunted federal offices -- in
poli l JFK, Americ
Penta 9/11 & particular, the DEA. … In March 2001, Israeli
Salon tica n 9/11 & an Israel
gon, Israel the Office of the National corp
l k Zionists Shippin
PA Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX),
g Co.
5 a branch of the CIA, issued a heads-up
4 to federal employees about “suspicious
3 visitors to federal facilities.”
MEGA ... Israeli intelligence network ...
(9/11 connections, Clinton) ... a goup of
Jewish billionaires created in 1991 to
9/11, Nuclea
provide political clout to AIPAC ...
JFK, poli r l JFK,
Nodisinf Bronfma members: Michael Steinhardt, Edgar Bronfm
Holoc tica smugg n 9/11 & Israel
o n, Edgar Bronfman; Seagrams' Charles an
aust & l ling & k Zionists
Bronfman; GOP power broker Max
ISIS 9/11
5 Fisher; cosmetics heir Ronald Lauder;
4 CBS owner Lawrence Tisch; and bagel
4 mogul Max Lender.
WTC twin towers destruction
David WTC, Contro Control U.S.,
phy Struct exemplified at least 10 features l
Ray Penta lled led 9/11 Israel,
sica ural, suggestive of�controlled demolition. n
5 New gon, demoli demolit Truth SA,
l steel Freefall time of demoltion was about 10 k
4 Pearl PA tion ion, all Britain
5 Harbor
Steel melts at about 2800 F and
softening at about 1100 degrees F. NIST
found no proof that, ... no beams
temperature was beyond 480 degrees F.
David Contro Control
phy Struct "Live loads on these (permiter) l
Ray WTC lled Skilling, led 9/11
sica ural, comumns can be increased by more than n U.S.
New 1-2 demoli John demolit Truth
l steel 2000% before failure occurs." Normal k
Pearl tion ion, all
high rise buildings are designed to carry
5 3x to 5x times strength, so preliminary
4 explosion are necessary to weaken the
6 structure.
Bout, Russian citizen, was arrested in
Thailand in 2008 before being
Nuclea extradited in 2010 convicted of
poli r smuggling arms to FARC, in 1995 made l
Wikiped Penta Bout, U.S. South 1/1/2
tica smugg arms shipments to pre-Taliban Northern n
ia gon, Viktor gov Africa 008
l ling & Alliance, supplied arms to Charles k
5 9/11 Taylor in Sierra Leon civil war,
4 … Wikipedia omits any info on W54
7 nuclear pits and South Africa
Young, Leslie: No proof of temperatures
about 250 degrees C. (480 degrees F).
Jet fuel (bomb explosions) burnt up in a
David Office Contro Control NIST /
phy few minutes… only fuel left is office l
Ray WTC furnis lled led U.S. FEMA
sica furnishings which are required by code n U.S.
New 1-2 hings demoli demolit gov UL
l to be fire resistant. NIST claims k
Pearl fires tion ion, all Labs
5 temperatures of 1800 degrees… have
4 never published data from simulations
8 showing this...
Griffin, Steel melts at about 2800 F and
David Office Contro softening can begin at about 1100 Control NIST /
phy l
Ray WTC furnis lled degrees F. NIST found no proof that, led U.S. FEMA
sica NIST n U.S.
5 New 1-2 hings demoli accept for a few isolated spots, no demolit gov UL
l k
4 Pearl fires tion beams temperature was beyond 480 ion, all Labs
9 Harbor degrees F. "Live loads on these
(permiter) comumns can be increased by
more than 2000% before failure occurs."

Eisenberg ... Israel's main arms

merchant, Mossad agent, founder of
Israel Corp (that owned Zim American
JFK Nuclea
Shipping) ... and see (Edmund de
assass poli r l JFK,
Wikispo Eisenber Rothschild chairman of BOD), close ties U.S. Permin
inatio tica smugg n 9/11 & U.S.
oks g, Shaul to Kissinger, funneled advanced US corp dex
n, l ling & k Zionists
nuclear tech to China via Israel, served
Israel 9/11
5 the Japanese Imperial gov during WWII,
5 Iran Contra deals, formed first units of
0 the Irgun and Shanghai Beter ...
The theory published by Thomas W.
Eagar and Christopher Musso in JOM
Contro Control
Journal phy December 2001, and adopted by the li
WTC Panca lled Chandler led 9/11
of 9/11 sica Federal Emergency Management n FEMA U.S.
1-2 king demoli , David demolit Truth
Studies l Agency (FEMA) study, postulated that k
tion ion, all
5 the floor connections broke due to fire,
5 leading to a "pancaking" collapse of the
1 floors. (which was later rejected)
Loring Knoblauch — CEO of
Underwriters Labs; said that jet fuel
WTC, Office NIST / Control NIST /
phy Knoblau fires were not “reasonably foreseeable”; l
WhoDid Penta furnis FEMA led U.S. FEMA 8/1/2
sica ch, resigned suddenly in August 2004 after n U.S.
It gon, hings Cover- demolit corp UL 004
5 l Loring UL performed tests of WTC floor k
PA fires up ion, all Labs
5 models where floors did not collapse
2 and were barely affected
NIST claims the fire proofing dislodged
from the beams hastening the process
David Contro Control NIST /
phy causing the beams to sag. And made the l
Ray WTC Firepr lled led U.S. FEMA
sica NIST dislodging a necessary condition for the n U.S.
New 1-2 oofing demoli demolit gov UL
5 l towers to collapse, … Sagging trusses k
Pearl tion ion, all Labs
5 theory… created even more problems
3 for official version

5 n
5 k
Not until June 2012 did the Zadroga Act
include cancer benefits, but expires in
2016 and there isn't enough money to
help the greatly expanding list now that
me numerous cancer illinesses have been l
Wikiped WTC r, Zadrog Zadroga, Victims U.S. 6/1/2
dic included. Both the 9/11 Victim n U.S.
ia 1-2 Thyroi a Act James , all gov 012
al Compensation Fund and the World k
Trade Center Health Program are
5 funded under the Zadroga Bill ...
5 includes thyroid cancer victims. ...
5 among 36,000 WTC related illnesses.
Jet fuel does not create enough heat to
Griffin, Office Contro Control NIST /
phy melt the steel so the official story l
David WTC furnis lled Sunder, led U.S. FEMA
5 sica changed to the steel was weakened or n U.S.
Ray 1-2 hings demoli Shyam demolit gov UL
5 l "fire weakened steel". Expands, softens k
New fires tion ion, all Labs
6 and weakens… failure due to sagging…
Pearl they pulled on the exterior columns as
Harbor much as five feet breaking the columns..
16 people were able to descend through
the area of impact without being burned

Kerosene fires burned for less than 10

minutes (NIST 2005), or that the few
Office NIST / Control NIST / U.S.,
phy fires remaining in the building were li
Physics9 WTC furnis FEMA led U.S. FEMA Israel,
sica NIST mostly oxygen-starved, low-temperature n
11 1-2 hings Cover- demolit gov UL SA,
5 l office fires and could not have melted or k
fires up ion, all Labs Britain
5 even weakened in any way 5" thick steel
7 columns.
NIST said they have no proof of
temperatures high enough to weaken
steel. "of the more than 170 areas
David Office Contro Control NIST /
phy examined on 16 perimeter column l
Ray WTC furnis lled led U.S. FEMA
sica NIST panels, only three columns had evidence n U.S.
New 1-2 hings demoli demolit gov UL
l that the steel reached temperatures k
Pearl fires tion ion, all Labs
5 above 250 degrees C (480 degrees F)
5 Omitted that the jet fuel fires lasted only
8 a few minutes
Eisenberg's ties to JFK assassination go
through Tibor Rosenbaum (BCI and
Clay Shaw) and ties to 9/11 go through
9/11, Zim American Shipping which was
Francis, JFK, poli owned by Israel Corp which he founded. l JFK,
9/11 & Eisenber Permin
Stephen Holoc tica WMR reports that Roland Carnaby was n 9/11 & Israel
Israel g, Shaul dex
NFU aust & l killed for his investigative work k Zionists
ISIS involving the shipment of mini nukes in
5 Houston ship channel (2007) by Zim
5 American Shipping (16th floor WTC,
9 2001)
Philip Zelikow (Zionist Jew)-- led the 9-
11 Cover-Up Commission; personally
wrote the 9-11 Commission Report, a 9/11
poli best-selling work of fiction; appointed l Commi
Fetzer, Penta 9/11 & …Top U.S.
tica Counselor of US Department of State; n ssion, U.S.
James gon, Israel 20 gov
l "dual citizen" of US and Israel … his k omissio
5 area of academic specialization before ns
6 entering government the creation and
0 maintenance of public myths (Fetzer)
Samuel Prescott Bush (family
patriarch). Founder of the Buckeye Steel
Castings Company in 1894, Remington
Holoca Arms Company, and Chief of the Fascism
aust poli Bush, l Nazi Bush
Alternati ust Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition &
hoax, tica Samuel n Germ Crime U.S.
ve News revisio Section of the War Industries Board for Neocon
Wall l Prescott k any family
n World War I. Frank Rockefeller (brother s
5 of J.D. Rockefeller) ran Buckeye Steel
6 Castings ... Harriman's railroads were
1 clients.

5 n
6 k
Cause of initial collapse: There was
inward bowing of the exterior columns
but the trusses were not strong enough
Scientist to destroy the exterior columns. But if
David Contro Control Scientis
phy s/ explosives were used they would add l
Ray WTC Trusse lled led 9/11 ts /
sica Engineer enough energy to initiate the collapse. n U.S.
New 1-2 s demoli demolit Truth enginee
l s 9/11 NIST received $20 million to k
Pearl tion ion, all rs
Truth "Determine why and how WTC 1 and
5 WTC 2 collapsed following the initial
6 impacts of the aircraft … ". But have
3 never done this.

Contro Control
WTC phy Struct l
WTC lled led 9/11
5 Demoliti 1-2 sica ural, demoli WTC Demolition Blog n
demolit Truth
6 on l steel k
tion ion, all
NIST: "although it does not actually
Griffin, include the structural behavior of the
David Contro tower after the conditions for collapse Control NIST /
phy Struct l
Ray WTC lled initiation were reached and collapse led U.S. FEMA
sica ural, n U.S.
New 1-2 demoli became inevitable." "NIST did not demolit gov UL
l steel k
5 Pearl tion describe the specific sequence of events ion, all Labs
6 Harbor after global collapse initiated." 80,000
5 tons, John Gross, NIST lead engineer.
Researchers sympathetic to official
Griffin, version refer to publication: 'What Did
David Contro debunke and Did not Cause Collapse of WTC Control
phy Struct l U.S.
Ray WTC lled rs / Twin Towers in New York.' … states: led debunk
sica ural, n think U.S.
New 1-2 demoli gatekeep "The high tilt seen on the South Tower demolit ers
l steel k tank
5 Pearl tion ers top would call for a three-dimensional ion, all
6 Harbor model of progressive collapse." Bazant,
6 Zdenek P.
II, Book: Britain Was Responsible for Rothsch
poli Global l
Alternati Fascis Norman, WWI, WWII & the Holocaust … ild Rothsc
tica ist n UK Israel
5 ve news m & Montagu search: "montagu norman" harriman Zionists hild
l agenda k
6 Zionis schacht , all
7 m
Griffin, AE911Truth has asked NIST to "Publish
David Contro their data in regards to the potential Control
phy Struct l
Ray WTC lled Gage, energy released during the downwards led 9/11 AE911
sica ural, n U.S.
5 New 1-2 demoli Richard movement of the upper stories … and demolit Truth Truth
l steel k
6 Pearl tion the absorbitive capacity of the intact ion, all
8 Harbor structure below the collapse zone."
Angle, Richard Laws of physics
Griffin, violated, … Newton's Third Law of
David Freefa Contro Motion: "For every action there is an Control NIST /
phy s/ l
Ray WTC ll lled equal and opposite reaction"… like the led U.S. FEMA
sica Engineer n U.S.
New 1-2 accele demoli head-on collision of two cars, the top 14 demolit gov UL
l s 9/11 k
5 Pearl ration tion floors collapse would use up all the ion, all Labs
6 Harbor energy available and none would remain
9 to destroy the remaining 96 stories.
Laws of physics violated, Law of
Scientist Momentum Conservation, … The total
David Freefa Contro Control Scientis
phy s/ energy in an isolated system must l
Ray WTC ll lled led 9/11 ts /
sica Engineer always remain the same. Even if you n U.S.
New 1-2 accele demoli demolit Truth enginee
5 l s 9/11 assume that the top 14 stories had the k
Pearl ration tion ion, all rs
7 Truth potential to destroy the remaining 96
0 stories, it could not have happened at
freefall speed. ... the transformation
from movement to deformation.

James Bath (born 1936) is a former

director of Bank of Credit and
Commerce International (BCCI), a
former frontman for Salem bin Laden,
poli and also former part owner of Arbusto l
Wikiped Penta 9/11 Bath, U.S.
tica Energy with George W. Bush, with n BCCI U.S.
ia gon, Roots James gov
l whom Bath served as a member of the k
Texas Air National Guard during the
5 Vietnam War. ... exihibits strong ties
7 between Saudi monarchy and Bush
1 crime family.
Scott Bennett, U.S. Army Special
Operations Officer (11th Psychological
Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs- 9/11
Barrett, poli Whistl Psychological Operations Command) … l Truth, al
Penta Bennett, Saudis Saudi
Kevin tica eblowe clashed with Zakheim in efforts to n anti- Queda
gon, Scott & 9/11 Arabia
VT l r expose funds flowing through Swiss k Zioni banks
5 Banks to terrorists.... to protect “deep sts
7 state” funding flowing to “radical
2 Muslim terrorists.”
Lopez, Alfred P. E. "The towers could
not have come straight down through
Griffin, the resistance of 80,000 tons of
David Freefa Contro structural steel at the speed of freefall. " Control Scientis
phy s/ l
Ray WTC ll lled Chandler, David ..."If the top section led 9/11 ts /
sica Engineer n U.S.
New 1-2 accele demoli made an impact on the core structure demolit Truth enginee
l s 9/11 k
Pearl ration tion below it, the core structure is going to ion, all rs
5 Harbor push back equally hard, and that's what
7 is going to cause the collapse to slow
3 down."
The 'conspiracy theory' that
Freemasonry and Illuminati secretly
control many major aspects of society
Freem and are working to control society for a
JFK, poli l Secret Israeli
Iamthe asons / New World Order is an actual reality Illumin Germa
Holoc tica Jewish n societie think
Witness Illumi when you look at Jewish control of the ati ny
aust & l k s tank
nati western world's finance, media,
5 entertainment, alcohal, gambling
7 industries. The Hegelian Cold War,
4 9/11, JFK were all incremental events.
Dusterwald, Steven, P. E. "As energy is
drained away from the system, to
Scientist deform those members, it would slow
David Freefa Contro Control Scientis
phy s/ down the descending mass and cause a l
Ray WTC ll lled led 9/11 ts /
sica Engineer descent at less than freefall speed." n U.S.
New 1-2 accele demoli demolit Truth enginee
l s 9/11 Gibbs, Jody … The building fell at a k
Pearl ration tion ion, all rs
5 Truth freefall speed which can only occurr if
7 the vertical structure below has been
5 removed.
Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.
JFK formerly ZIM Israel Navigation
poli Rothsc l Zim Americ
Wikiped assass Eisenber Company Ltd. and Zim American Israeli Israeli
tica hild & n Shippin an Israel
5 ia inatio g, Shaul Shipping Inc., Haifa, Hamburg, corp
l JFK k g Shippin
7 n Manhattan, Norfolk, founded 1945 by
g Co.
6 the Jewish Agency / Histadrut ... on
immigration tasks, 1948 war, oil from
Iran to Israel... purchased by Shaul

In 1949 alone, Zim ships brought

100,000 immigrants to Israel. ... In
1969, the Israel Corporation acquired
about half of Zim shares. The Israeli Zim
poli government and other, smaller, investors li Zim Americ
Penta 9/11 & Angel, Israeli
Killtown tica held the rest. In April 1999, the Ofer n Shippin an Israel
gon, Israel Udi corp
l Brothers Group became the major k g Shippin
shareholder of the Israel Corporation, g Co.
5 and Udi Angel was appointed Chairman
7 of the Board of Zim. In February 2004
7 the Israel Corp completed ownership
Rice, William P. E. ..."The only way
that it can accelerate is by having it pre-
Griffin, engineered, precisely timed, and
David Freefa Contro precisely placed explosives" freefall Control Scientis
phy s/ l
Ray WTC ll lled speed automatically means controlled led 9/11 ts /
sica Engineer n U.S.
New 1-2 accele demoli demolition. Cazzaniga, Luigi … demolit Truth enginee
l s 9/11 k
Pearl ration tion Debunkers claim the collapse speed of ion, all rs
5 Harbor 10 seconds is correct, but the time on
7 available videos is 16 seconds, by
8 listening to how long the rumble lasts.
Link Cheney, Brown & Root, Dresser,
Schlumberger (John Deutch) to JFK
assassination thru banks like Lazard
Nuclea Frères and Rothschild connected ( First
poli r City National Bank, Houston) ... l JFK, 1-
Hoefle, assass Deutch, U.S.
tica smugg through co. pres. Jean de Menil, the n 9/11 & Citi U.S. Jan-
John inatio John corp
l ling & White Russian husband of k Zionists 63
9/11 Schlumberger heiress Dominique
5 Schlumberger de Menil, acting through
7 the New Orleans office of the Swiss-
9 based company Permindex
" A floor impacting the floor below
it…would transfer momentum … it
would take a minumum of 30 seconds to
collapse … just by transferring the
David Freefa Contro Control Scientis
phy momentum to the floors … the 10 l
Ray WTC ll lled Gage, led 9/11 ts /
sica second freefall speed has been n U.S.
New 1-2 accele demoli Richard demolit Truth enginee
l confirmed by official sources. "Since k
Pearl ration tion ion, all rs
the stories below the level of collapse
5 initiation provided little resistance …
8 the building section above came down
0 essentially in freefall."
At the time of the Oil-for-Food scandal
it turned out that Nadhmi Auchi's (Le
Cercle) General Mediterranean
Holdings had a majority share in BNP
II, Rothsch
Francis, poli Global Paribas, the bank that handled all of the li
Fascis ild UK Rothsc
Stephen tica ist Iraqi loans and has subsidiaries all over n Israel
m& Zionists gov hild
NFU l agenda the Middle-East. Auchi is a member of k
Zionis , all
Le Cercle and is up to his ears involved
5 in illegal arms trafficking, British
8 Intelligence, and the British throne
1 itself.
Shyam Sunder of NIST (lead
investigator), "The measurements have
indicated that Tower One collapsed in
David Freefa Contro Control NIST /
phy about 11 seconds and Tower Two l
Ray WTC ll lled Sunder, led U.S. FEMA
sica collapsed in about 9 seconds" and has n U.S.
New 1-2 accele demoli Shyam demolit gov UL
l acknowledged that the tower camed k
Pearl ration tion ion, all Labs
5 down in nearly freefall speed. "… the
8 entire top of the building pretty much
2 came down in freefall."
1940, SS Patria, with 1900 Jewish
refugees fleeing Nazi Germany to
WWI- Palestine was bombed by the Haganah
II, to prevent British authorites from
poli l
Fascis False deporting the refugees. 260 were killed Holoca Israeli Palesti
\ tica Jewish n
m& Flag in the explosion. They were operating ust gov ne
l k
Zionis under orders from Moshe Sharett (the
5 m future second prime minister of Israel,
8 1953-1955 ... Zionist leaders blamed the
3 British, Haganah lie eventually revealed.
David Freefa debunke Quirant, Jerome … the debunkers Control
phy l U.S.
Ray WTC ll Gateke rs / response to freefall issues: none…. They led debunk
sica n think U.S.
5 New 1-2 accele epers gatekeep either belittle or ignore AE911Truth demolit ers
l k tank
8 Pearl ration ers organization. ion, all
4 Harbor
David Meis, of Popular Mechanics,
wrote: "Not one of the leading
David debunke Control
phy Struct conspiracy theorists has a backgroud in l U.S. Popular
Ray WTC Gateke rs / led 1/1/2
sica ural, engineering, construction, or related n think Mecha U.S.
New 1-2 epers gatekeep demolit 006
5 l steel fields." … appeared in 'Debunking 9/11 k tank nics
Pearl ers ion, all
8 Myths, 2006 and revised version in
5 2011
More than 2000 architects and engineers
have examined the evidence about
Griffin, WTC7 collapse and disagree with the
David NIST report … AE911truth no longer Control
phy Struct l
Ray WTC Gateke Rivera, features this number on their website led 9/11 AE911
sica ural, n U.S.
New 1-2 epers Geraldo front page…the number is no longer demolit Truth Truth
l steel k
Pearl increasing and has remained around ion, all
5 Harbor 2340 for over six months as of Mar
8 2015. ... They do not mention Israel
6 anywhere on their site.
The explosive used by the bombers in
Mini 9/11
the 1993 World Trade Center bombing Control Engine
phy Nukes l Truth,
Duff, WTC Gateke incorporated the FAE (fuel air led ers &
sica , n anti- U.S.
5 Gordon 1993 epers explosion) principle, using three tanks demolit Scientis
l therm k Zioni
8 of bottled hydrogen gas to enhance the ion, all ts
obaric sts
7 blast.
Hat Scientist
David Contro Control Scientis
phy trusses s/ The antenna began descending before l
Ray WTC lled led 9/11 ts /
sica , Engineer the exterior trusses indicating the central n U.S.
5 New 1-2 demoli demolit Truth enginee
l antenn s 9/11 core was destroyed first. k
8 Pearl tion ion, all rs
a Truth
8 Harbor
Griffin, The debunkers have offered different
David debunke reasons than controlled demolition Control
phy Struct l U.S.
Ray WTC Gateke rs / saying it would have been impossible to led debunk
sica ural, n think U.S.
5 New 1-2 epers gatekeep place explosives and be undetected demolit ers
l steel k tank
8 Pearl ers saying it would take an army of workers ion, all
9 Harbor and months to be accomplished.
A major elevator rennovation in both
Griffin, towers by Ace Elevator was occurring in
David Elevat the months before 9/11. This could Control
phy 9/11 s/ l Ace
Ray WTC or provide cover for explosives being led 9/11
sica Groun Engineer n Elevato U.S.
New 1-2 renova planted. Elevator World Magazine … demolit Truth
l dwork s 9/11 k r
5 Pearl tion Humin, Richard: Chief elevator ion, all
9 Harbor engineer for WTC. The elevator shafts
0 gave direct access to the core columns.
Peter Peterson — CEO of the
Interlo Blackstone Group, parent corporation of
WTC, cking one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on
poli l Secret U.S.
WhoDid Penta BOD Peterson, 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the
tica n societie think CFR U.S.
It gon, & Pete Federal Reserve Bank of New York on
l k s tank
5 PA conspi 9-11; CEO of the Institute for
9 rators International Economics in October
1 2000
Forbes, Scott: Movement of heavy
equipment on supposedly empty floors
Scientist was noted by building occupants in the
David Elevat Control
phy 9/11 s/ weeks leading up to 9/11. Forbes said l
Ray WTC or led U.S. 7/1/2
sica Groun Engineer the people who worked for Aon were n Aon U.S.
New 1-2 renova demolit corp 001
l dwork s 9/11 moved from the 97th floor. Pneumatic k
Pearl tion ion, all
5 Truth drills, hammering sounds. Floors were
9 skaking… something heavy moved and
2 taken off wheels.
William Rodriguez, who worked at the
WTC for 20 years also recalls heavy
David Elevat Control
phy 9/11 survivor machinery movements. 34th floor, l
Ray WTC or led 9/11
sica Groun s, 9/11 heavy equipment being moved around. n U.S.
New 1-2 renova demolit truth
5 l dwork WTC He knew is was an empty floor and no k
Pearl tion ion, all
9 one was supposed to be there. The
3 elevators didn't stop on the 34th floor.
David 9/11
phy bomb 9/11 dogs, After 1993 bomb sniffing dogs were l Port
Ray WTC Finacin 9/6/2
sica sniffin Groun bomb used in WTC security, but were n NYC Authori U.S.
5 New 1-2 g& 001
l g dogs dwork sniffing removed on Sept 6, 2001. k ty
9 Pearl Roots
4 Harbor
Corbett, Gary: Unprecedented total
building power down on Sept 8, 2001
David Control
phy 9/11 until Sept 9, 2001. For the first time in l Port
Ray WTC Power led 9/8/2
sica Groun 30 years, all the security systems were n NYC Authori U.S.
New 1-2 down demolit 001
5 l dwork useless at the same time. All k ty
Pearl ion, all
9 surveillance cameras were inoperative.
5 … and door security….
Scott Forbes, database administrator in
Griffin, the South Tower, also reported power
David down. He said Port Authority was Control
phy 9/11 l Port
Ray WTC Power Forbes, conducting a recabling exercise to led 9/9/2
sica Groun n NYC Authori U.S.
New 1-2 down Scott increase the bandwidth of computer demolit 001
l dwork k ty
5 Pearl networks. He saw spools of cable, tool ion, all
9 Harbor boxes, uniformed workers, looked
6 legitimate,
Coburn, David: Debunkers say
"controlled demolition always begin
David Contro Contro debunke Control
phy from the bottom"… WTC destruction l U.S. Popular
Ray WTC lled lled rs / led
sica began from the top… but this is not true. n think Mecha U.S.
New 1-2 demoli demoli gatekeep demolit
5 l They are designed according to k tank nics
Pearl tion tion ers ion, all
9 engineering needs and are initiated from
7 top, bottom and middle.
U.S. counties with the highest thyroid
cancer incidence are in a contiguous
Cance area of eastern Pennsylvania, New
me p
Radiatio WTC r, Jersey, and southern New York. Victims 9/11
dic i U.S.
n .org 1-2 Thyroi blames nearby nuclear , all Truth
al c
5 d power plants, but Shoreham was
9 decommissioned in 1989, Oyster Creek
8 is 75 miles south,
Minneapolis Special Agent, FBI, tried in
vain to get a wiretap of Zacarias
Moussaoui, … Rowley described how in
mid-August of 2001, her office was
WTC, contacted by some flight instructors,
poli Whistl li Intel
Rowley, Penta Rowley, concerned because Moussaoui had paid U.S. 8/15/
tica eblowe n agencie FBI U.S.
Coleen gon, Coleen for flight lessons with large amounts of gov 2001
l r k s
PA cash. ... Time Magazine named her
Person of the Year in 2002, along with
5 fellow whistleblowers Cynthia Cooper
9 of WorldCom and Sherron Watkins of
9 Enron.
Rick Seigel, WTC 2, 10 pre-collapse
explosions, DVD, Control
phy ions, li
Seigel, WTC Eyewit Seigel, led 9/11
sica during n U.S.
6 Rick 1-2 ness Rick Nlqw … 10 10 WINS TV audio track, demolit Truth
l 9/11 k
0 use headphones to hear low frequency ion, all
0 sounds about 24 minutes into the video
... on 3/27/01, S/A's arrested Eran
LIVNI, Aran OFEK, both Israeli males,
and Michal GAL, POB: Afula Israel, an
WTC, Israel female. OFEK and GAL were
poli Art l
Penta recognized ... attempting to sell 9/11 3/3/2
WMR tica Studen n U.S.
gon, paintings at the DEA Dallas F.D. on Truth 001
l ts, k
PA Regal Row … WMR has linked them to
6 Concord Camera, Amdocs and Everest
0 Special Situations Fund, Hollywood,
1 Florda
David debunke Loiseaux, Mark: People mistake the Control
phy ions, l
Ray WTC Gateke rs / sound of explosions, but most were led debun
sica during n U.S.
6 New 1-2 epers gatekeep reported by firefighters and police who demolit kers
l 9/11 k
0 Pearl ers have experienced many explosions. ion, all
2 Harbor
How small can a nuclear reaction be?
Through hydrodynamic experiments for
triggering fusion, extremely lows yield
lled Control
Pilots for phy nuclear explosions have been generated li
WTC demoli led U.S. U.S.
9/11 sica on the magnitude of "several Pounds of n U.S.
1-2 tion, demolit gov military
Truth l TNT." As noted above, in 1961 .01 kt k
nuclea ion, all
6 was unveiled in 1961. In 1956, the
0 Tamalpais with a yield of 0.072 kt was
3 declassified.

6 Neocon
0 s
Ejections: 50-ton exterior column beams
flung upward from Towers basements to
phy pierce buildings such as the Deutsche p
Alternati WTC Ejecti 9/11
sica Bank across from WTC 2 (15th floor), i U.S.
ve news 1-2 ons Truth
6 l the American Express (17th-19th) and c
0 Verizon buildings across from WTC 1’s
5 two sides.
David WTC, Contro
phy l
Ray Penta lled 9:59 am, Collapse of the South Tower, U.S.
sica n Israel
6 New gon, demoli 9:59:00 AM gov
l k
0 Pearl PA tion
6 Harbor
David WTC, Contro
phy l
Ray Penta lled U.S.
sica 10:28, Collapse of the North Tower, n Israel
6 New gon, demoli gov
l k
0 Pearl PA tion
7 Harbor
David WTC, Contro
phy l
Ray Penta lled 5: 20 pm, controlled demolition of U.S.
sica n Israel
6 New gon, demoli WTC7 gov
l k
0 Pearl PA tion
8 Harbor
William Rodriguez, reported explosions
Griffin, that pushed him upward, that came from
David the B2 and B3 level. He thought is was Control
phy ions, Rodrigu l
Ray WTC Eyewit the mechanical room, … "when I went led 9/11
sica during ez, n U.S.
New 1-2 ness to verbalize it was a generator we heard demolit Truth
l 9/11 William k
6 Pearl a BOOM … all the way on the top … ion, all
0 Harbor two different events … two different
9 times."
9/11 Commission explanation of
Griffin, explosions: "A jet fuel fireball erupted
Explos 9/11
David Contro upon impact and shot down at least one Control
phy ions, 9/11 l Commi
Ray WTC lled bank of elevators." … "The fireball led U.S.
sica during Commis n ssion, U.S.
New 1-2 demoli exploded onto numerous lower floors, demolit gov
l 9/11 sion k omissio
6 Pearl tion including … the B4 level, four stories ion, all
attack ns
1 Harbor below ground." … but witnesses report
0 explosions before impact of plane.
Griffin, Griffith, Arturo: There were only two
David elevators that spanned all floors, that Control
phy ions, WTC survivor l
Ray WTC were used by maintenance people and led 9/11
sica during surviv s, 9/11 n U.S.
6 New 1-2 Arturo Griffith, who was on that demolit Truth
l 9/11 or WTC k
1 Pearl elevator and recalled the three separate ion, all
1 Harbor explosions …
Each tower contained 2,160,000 cubic
Griffin, yards of space, … the alleged planes had
David 10,000 gallons of fuel at time of impact, Control
phy ions, WTC survivor l
Ray WTC …. Or 50 cubic yards… insignificant … led 9/11
sica during surviv s, 9/11 n U.S.
New 1-2 if half the fuel was consumed on impact, demolit Truth
l 9/11 or WTC k
6 Pearl and 20 needed to ignite furnishings, ion, all
1 Harbor leaving only 5 to descend over 800 ft to
2 the basement ... all impossible..
David debunke David Dunbar of Popular Control
phy ions, l U.S. Popular
Ray WTC Gateke rs / Mechanics(Hearst owned), ignored that led
sica during n think Mecha U.S.
6 New 1-2 epers gatekeep the explosions were heard before impact demolit
l 9/11 k tank nics
1 Pearl ers (faked). ion, all
3 Harbor
No regular elevators connecting the top
Griffin, floors to the basement. The WTC was
David Elevat Contro constructed of three separate buildings Control Engine
phy l
Ray WTC ors, lled built on top of each other. … each with led 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
New 1-2 fuel demoli their own elevator system. … only two demolit Truth Scientis
l k
6 Pearl fires tion elevators connecting the lobby and 78th ion, all ts
1 Harbor floor. But (plane) struck 97th floor ... no
4 continuous shaft for fuel to pour down.
Scott, Michelle: Three lobby explosions
Explos within one hour after impact that blew
David Control
phy ions, WTC survivor all the windows out… before collapse l
Ray WTC led 9/11
sica during surviv s, 9/11 … It took survivors one hour to walk n U.S.
New 1-2 demolit Truth
6 l 9/11 or WTC down Tower One after plane impact k
Pearl ion, all
1 attack (faked). When they got to the lobby
5 there was another explosion.
Israel used Zim American Shipping
Comapany out of Houston Texas to
smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC
Nuclea Zim
WTC, demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland
poli r l Americ
Penta Carnaby, Carnaby set up cameras to track these …Top
WMR tica smugg n an Israel
gon, Roland shipments. Zim has close ties to the 20
l ling & k Shippin
PA Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the
9/11 g Co.
6 police in a high speed chase in Houston
1 ... his laptops contained information on
6 the shipments.
Dimitri A. Khalezov, is a Russian
National and former citizen of the
Soviet Union. He is a former
Khales commissioned officer of... “the Special Control
phy smugg Khalezo l
Wikispo WTC ov, Control Service” of the 12th Chief led 9/11
sica ling, v, n Russia
oks 1-2 Big Directorate of the Defense Ministry of demolit Truth
l Russia Dimitri k
Nukes the USSR.... Soviet atomic (later ion, all
/ Israel
6 “nuclear”) intelligence was a secret
1 military unit responsible for the
7 detection of nuclear explosions
John Schroeder NYFD, was climbing
Explos stairs, when he heard explosion from
David Control
phy ions, WTC survivor below, "We came down and it looked l
Ray WTC led 9/11
sica during surviv s, 9/11 like a bomb went off in the lobby." … n U.S.
New 1-2 demolit Truth
6 l 9/11 or WTC There were dozens of explosions k
Pearl ion, all
1 attack reported before and during the collapse
8 (demolition) of the WTCs.
Griffin, McLoughlin, John, Port Authority
David Police: Explosions moments before Control
phy ions, WTC survivor l
Ray WTC South Tower collapsed, "We heard a led 9/11
sica during surviv s, 9/11 n U.S.
6 New 1-2 loud explosion coming from the area demolit Truth
l 9/11 or WTC k
1 Pearl near Building Two" … at that point the ion, all
9 Harbor whole building began collapsing" …
Many witnesses describe explosions
during the collapse. "it sounded like if
Explos you had a hundred of those little fire
David Control
phy ions, WTC survivor crackers and you lit em all off" … l
Ray WTC led 9/11
sica during surviv s, 9/11 "sounded like the finally of the Fourth n U.S.
New 1-2 demolit Truth
l 9/11 or WTC of July" … "there were explosions less k
Pearl ion, all
6 attack than a second apart", "boom, boom,
2 boom (in raped sequence)... twenty
0 straight hits"
Grigory Loutchansky, linked by Interpol
Nuclea to the Russian mafia, money laundering,
r drug trafficking, nuclear smuggling
poli smugg Loutcha across the Baltics, and international li White
Alternati Penta U.S.
tica ling, nsky, arms trading, attended a Democrat Party n House, Russia
ve news gon, gov
l Russia Grigori White House dinner in October of 1993. k Clinton
6 / Israel Loutchansky got a private two-minute
2 mafia meeting and a picture with Mr. Clinton.
1 (The Washington Times, 2/11/97;
Ronald Hamburger — structural
engineer and Senior Principal at
WTC, NIST / Hambur Simpson Gumpertz and Heger Control
phy l n
WhoDid Penta FEMA ger, consulting engineers; was a principal led U.S.
sica n Gumpe U.S.
It gon, Cover- Hambur author of FEMA’s initial report on the demolit gov
l k rtz &
6 PA up ger collapse of the twin towers; later a key ion, all
2 participant in the flawed NIST report on
2 why the WTC buildings collapsed.
Griffin, Sequence of explosions heard in ABC
David Television report … NIST FOIA
phy ions, l Corpora
Ray WTC Cumulus release … The same sequence U.S.
sica during MSM n tions & U.S.
6 New 1-2 of explosions heard in ABC television corp
l 9/11 k 9/11
2 Pearl report can be heard on PBS
3 Harbor documentary.
The 28 pages make up part four of the
report, a section titled “Finding,
Discussion and Narrative Regarding
poli 9/11 Graham, Certain Sensitive National Security l
Alternati Penta …Top U.S. Saudi 8/1/2
tica Financ Senator Matters.” They are widely believed to n
ve news gon, 20 gov Arabia 014
l ing Bob implicate Saudi officials or describe k
6 support from Saudi intelligence for the
2 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi
4 citizens.
Israel used Zim American Shipping
Comapany out of Houston Texas to
smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC
Nuclea Zim
WTC, demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland
poli r l Zim Americ
Penta Carnaby, Carnaby set up cameras to track these Israeli
WMR tica smugg n Shippin an Israel
gon, Roland shipments. Zim has close ties to the gov
l ling & k g Shippin
PA Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the
9/11 g Co.
6 police in a high speed chase in Houston
2 ... his laptops contained information on
5 the shipments.
Elevated numbers of cases of Multiple
myeloma and Hodgkins disease are
reported among WTC first responders
David Cance Wall
me survivor and Wall Street workers. Did Griffin l
Ray WTC r, Street Victims U.S.
dic s, 9/11 purposely omit Thyroid cancer in his n NNSA U.S.
New 7 Thyroi worker , all corp
al WTC statement. Thyroid cance is only k
Pearl d s
6 contracted through nuclear radiation of
2 which Griffin (AE911Truth) says was
6 not a factor in 9/11. Gatekeeper?
Barry Jennings reported a big explosion
in WTC7 before either of the twin
Explos towers disintegrated. sometime after
David Control
phy ions, 9am he was trying to reach street level l
Ray WTC Eyewit Jennings led 9/11
sica during from the 23rd floor of WTC7. "We n U.S.
New 7 ness , Barry demolit Truth
l 9/11 made it to the 8th floor … big explosion k
Pearl ion, all
6 attack … " he was trapped in the building for
2 several hours and kept hearing
7 explosions.
Occult Forces 1943 … Paul Riche
WWI- (Mamy) learns of how the Freemasons
II, are conspiring with the Jews and the
poli Hegeli l Secret
Alternati Fascis Anglo-american nations to encourage Illumin
tica an Jewish n societie global Israel
ve News m & France into a war against Germany. Jean ati
l dialect k s
6 Zionis Mamy, a ex-freemason himself, was
2 m executed after the war. Occult Forces
8 1943
Ron Di Francesco, the person who
Griffin, descended from the 91st floor of the
David South Tower all the way to ground Control
phy ions, survivor l
Ray WTC level, … he was so close to an explosion led U.S. CNN /
sica during MSM s, 9/11 n U.S.
New 7 that a fireball was coming right at demolit corp Time
l 9/11 WTC k
6 Pearl him…blew him across Church street, he ion, all
2 Harbor woke up in the hospital two days later
9 …CNN, Beyond 9/11
There were at least three explosions in
the North Tower before the supposed
Griffin, impacts of the plane. explosion in lobby
David of North Tower 1 hr after impact of the Control
phy ions, l
Ray WTC Eyewit plane but before the collapse of tower led 9/11
sica during n U.S.
New 1-2 ness two. Michael Hess confirmed the demolit Truth
l 9/11 k
Pearl explosion on the 8th floor of WTC7. He ion, all
6 Harbor was colleague of Barry Jennings. He
3 said he was in the Emergency
0 Management Center on the 23rd floor,
AIG's Greenberg was deeply involved in
Chinese trade in the 80s with Kissinger.
JFK Nuclea Greenberg was also very close to Shaul
9/11 assass poli r Eisenberg, who headed the Asian l JFK,
Eisenber Betar,
Encyclo inatio tica smugg section of Israel’s Mossad, selling n 9/11 & Israel
g, Shaul Stern,
pedia n, l ling & sophisticated military equipment to the k Zionists
6 Israel 9/11 Chinese Communist military. Greenberg
3 appointed Kissinger as chairman of
1 AIG’s International Advisory Board
Steve Luce, US Army, Explosive
Demolitions Expert, noticed squibs 30-
40 stories below the collapsing floors
David Contro Control
phy survivor that contained concrete and debris, … l
Ray WTC lled led 9/11 AE911
sica Squibs s, 9/11 they were isolated to certain floors, if it n U.S.
New 1-2 demoli demolit Truth Truth
l WTC was air compression it would have k
Pearl tion ion, all
6 occurred on all floors and would not
3 contain concrete dust or smoke that far
2 below.
Squibs, according to debunkers is air
David debunke Control
phy blowing out the windows, as the l
Ray WTC Gateke rs / led debun AE911
sica Squibs structure cascades down, and ignore that n U.S.
6 New 1-2 epers gatekeep demolit kers Truth
l squibs were seen as much as 40 floors k
3 Pearl ers ion, all
below collapsing sections.
3 Harbor
Powerful ejections of concrete and steel
Griffin, seen during collapse that would require
David Contro far more explosive energy than thermite Control Engine
phy l
Ray WTC Ejecti lled Donly, or possibly even conventional led 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
New 1-2 ons demoli Michael explosives. Ejecta, … lateral ejection of demolit Truth Scientis
l k
6 Pearl tion large structures, over 500 ft in all ion, all ts
3 Harbor directions, reaching the Millenium Hotel
4 and WTC 3,
FEMA documented a 1200 ft diameter
debris field around each tower where
major chunks … Bank across from
David Contro Control
phy WTC 2 (15th floor), the American l
Ray WTC Ejecti lled led U.S.
sica Express (17th-19th) and Verizon n FEMA U.S.
New 1-2 ons demoli demolit gov
l buildings across from WTC 1’s two k
Pearl tion ion, all
6 sides. Down in WTC 5’s basements, a
3 firefighter reported “one guy had an “I”
5 beam on him.”
Griffin, Jody Gibbs, an architect, says gravity
David Contro works vertically not laterally. Material Control Engine
phy l
Ray WTC Ejecti lled was ejected hundreds of yards laterally. led 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
6 New 1-2 ons demoli The ejected structures are steel, and demolit Truth Scientis
l k
3 Pearl tion aluminum … exterior columns. And ion, all ts
6 Harbor were embedded in buldings nearby.
David debunke Control
phy Debunkers say that lateral ejections l
Ray WTC Ejecti Gateke rs / led debun
sica were composed of aluminum cladding n U.S.
6 New 1-2 ons epers gatekeep demolit kers
l only. … not true k
3 Pearl ers ion, all
7 Harbor
David Chandler calculated the energy
needed to hurl structures laterally.
Plotted graphs from data, … energy
needed to hurl a 4 ton girder is
David Contro Control Engine
phy comparable to shooting a 200 lb cannon l
Ray WTC Ejecti lled led 9/11 ers &
sica ball three miles. Jody Gibbs, an n U.S.
New 1-2 ons demoli demolit Truth Scientis
l architect, says gravity works vertically k
Pearl tion ion, all ts
not laterally. Material was ejected
6 hundreds of yards laterally. The ejected
3 structures are steel, and aluminum …
8 exterior columns.
Griffin, 8:00:00 PM Redyke, James: 45 degree
David cuts with thermite are typically used in
phy degree l Corpora
Ray WTC controlled demolitions. … shaped U.S.
sica & V- n tions & U.S.
6 New 1-2 charges … some of the cuts were made corp
l cut k 9/11
3 Pearl by ironworkers in the cleanup, …
9 Harbor Dykon Explosive Demolition
Kevin McPadden saw "tons and tons" of
Griffin, 45 degree cut beams in the evening of
David WTC, 9/11 when there was no acetylene or Control
phy degree First l
Ray Penta iron workers on site. "It's just not led 9/11
sica & V- respon n U.S.
New gon, possible to cut that amount of beams in demolit Truth
l cut ders k
6 Pearl PA that short a time" … 45 degree shaped ion, all
4 Harbor charges are commonly used in building
0 demolition.

6 n
4 k
David V-cut, a controlled demolition technique Engine
phy degree l
Ray WTC was observed on steel beams from 9/11 ers &
sica & V- n U.S.
6 New 7 WTC7. … In the cleanup, iron workers Truth Scientis
l cut k
4 Pearl would not use diagonal or v-cuts. ts
2 Harbor
The complete disappearance of the hat
Griffin, trusses, … large structures that bound
David Contro the columns from above, … covered an Control Engine
phy trusses l
Ray WTC lled acre in area on top of each building. led 9/11 ers &
sica , n U.S.
New 1-2 demoli Nothing could have crushed them from demolit Truth Scientis
l antenn k
6 Pearl tion above, they also supported the antenna ion, all ts
4 Harbor on the South Tower, should have been
3 sitting on top of the rubble.
Hat The antenna on the North Tower which
David Contro Control Engine
phy trusses was supported by the hat truss was l
Ray WTC lled led 9/11 ers &
sica , found, but the hat truss itself was n U.S.
6 New 1-2 demoli demolit Truth Scientis
l antenn completely destroyed. There was k
4 Pearl tion ion, all ts
a obviously nothing above it to cause this.
4 Harbor
A fission nuke (W-54) uses up only
some 1-6% of its fissile material in its
chain reactions before the remainder is
blown apart and gave rise to the
n Contro Engine
Anonym phy underground fires, the micro-nukes l
WTC steel, lled Mini 9/11 ers &
ous sica placed within the 47 core columns were n U.S.
1-2 concre demoli Nukes Truth Scientis
Physicist l chosen small enough so as to not k
te & tion ts
vaporize the outer structure ... The
6 buildings didn't come down at free fall
4 acceleration until the mini nukes
5 vaporized the core columns.
Hotspots remained clearly visible and
were getting worse. As they cleared
more rubble, oxygen was better able to
Griffin, Molte
reach the fires and would burst into
David n Contro Control
phy flames. … "Vitchers crew picked up 40 l Bovis 10/2
Ray WTC steel, lled led U.S.
sica to 60 foot-long pieces of steel impaled n Constru U.S. 3/20
New 1-2 concre demoli demolit corp
l in the pile, where the bottom 20 ft k ction 01
Pearl te & tion ion, all
would be glowing redhot." temps 1300
Harbor granite
6 degrees, Petake, CNN, ABC all reported
4 melting boots, flames ... days, weeks
6 after 9/11
Last underground fire extinguished Dec
19, 2001. From,
Griffin, Molte
"Underground fires burned at
David n Contro Control
phy temperatures up to 2000 degrees." … l 12/1
Ray WTC steel, lled led U.S.
sica and was confirmed by Mayor Giuliani, n OSHA U.S. 9/20
New 1-2 concre demoli demolit gov
l … and American Society of Safety k 01
Pearl te & tion ion, all
6 Engineers said therographic images
Harbor granite
4 taken from helicopters showed
7 temperatures from 400- 2800 degrees.

-- &
6 ---
- Neocon
4 s
Concrete is resilient to high
temperatures, yet molten concrete was
Griffin, Molte
found at ground zero and preserved at New
David n Contro Control
phy the New York Police Museum, l York
Ray WTC steel, lled led
sica including hand guns embedded in n NYC Police U.S.
New 1-2 concre demoli demolit
l concrete. On a plaque it said: … Fire k Museu
Pearl te & tion ion, all
6 temperatures were so intense that m
Harbor granite
4 concrete melted like lava around
9 anything in its path...
Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.
formerly ZIM Israel Navigation
Company Ltd. and Zim American Israeli Zim
poli Rothsc Shipping Inc., Haifa, Hamburg, l Zim Americ
Wikiped assass Eisenber Israeli
tica hild & Manhattan, Norfolk, founded 1945 by n Shippin an Israel
ia inatio g, Shaul corp
l JFK the Jewish Agency / Histadrut ... on k g Shippin
6 immigration tasks, 1948 war, oil from g Co.
5 Iran to Israel... purchased by Shaul
0 Eisenberg
Griffin, Voorsanger, Bart: Steel beams bent and
David Beams mangled, … builders and architects have Control
phy l
Ray WTC , never seen anything like it, … 6" thick led Israeli
sica n U.S.
6 New 1-2 horses beams curled into prezel shapes, … near demolit corp
l k
5 Pearl hoe perfect horseshoe bend, … History ion, all
1 Harbor Channel, 9/11 museum curator
Cahill: “soil and glass were boiling” at
Ground Zero well after September 11th,
2001 and up to and including October
30, 2001 and beyond. ...extraordinary
n Contro Control Engine
Cahill, phy temperatures required and oxygen.... li 10/3
WTC steel, lled led 9/11 ers &
Dr. sica Underground fires, whether fed by n U.S. 0/20
1-2 concre demoli demolit Truth Scientis
Thomas l nanothermite or other incendiaries, k 01
te & tion ion, all ts
require oxygen. There is only ONE
6 source of igniting and maintaining a fire
5 without a constant feed of oxygen.
2 Nuclear reactions....
In 1949 alone, Zim ships brought
100,000 immigrants to Israel. ... In
1969, the Israel Corporation acquired
about half of Zim shares. The Israeli Zim
poli government and other, smaller, investors li JFK, Americ
Penta 9/11 & Angel, Israeli
Killtown tica held the rest. In April 1999, the Ofer n 9/11 & an Israel
gon, Israel Udi corp
l Brothers Group became the major k Zionists Shippin
shareholder of the Israel Corporation, g Co.
6 and Udi Angel was appointed Chairman
5 of the Board of Zim. In February 2004
3 the Israel Corp completed ownership
John Deutch, Jewish, .. is an Institute
Professor at the MIT and serves on the
Board of Directors of Citigroup,
WTC, Rothsc Trilater
poli Cummins, Raytheon, and Schlumberger li Secret U.S.
WRME Penta hild / Deutch, al
tica Ltd. Deutch is also a member of the n societie think U.S.
A gon, Zionis John Commi
l Trilateral Commission. Was charged k s tank
PA m ssion
6 with having classified materials on his
5 laptop, Janet Reno declined prosecution
4 and Clinton pardoned him.
Ron Burger of the National Nationa
Griffin, Molte Envirnomental Health Association l
David n Contro stated: "Feeling the heat, seeing the Control Enviro
phy l U.S.
Ray WTC steel, lled molten steel, the layers upon layers of led nmenta
sica n think U.S.
New 1-2 concre demoli ash, like lava, it reminded me of Mt. St. demolit l
l k tank
6 Pearl te & tion Helen's." Peter Tulley of Tully ion, all Health
5 Harbor granite Construction, … saw pools of "literally Associa
5 molten steel" at the WTC. tion
William Langewische, author of
Griffin, Molte
American Ground, mentions "Streams
David n Contro Control Engine
phy of molten metal that leaked from the hot l
Ray WTC steel, lled led 9/11 ers &
sica cores and flowed down broken walls n U.S.
New 1-2 concre demoli demolit Truth Scientis
6 l inside the foundation hole." …Mark k
Pearl te & tion ion, all ts
5 Loizeaux, CEO of Controlled
Harbor granite
6 Demolition, Inc, was told by contractors
about "Hot spots of molten steel in the
basements … at the bottom of the
elevator shafts of the main towers."

Debunkers suggest fuel from cars in
of the
Griffin, parking lots, and power generators, but
David the Journal of the American society of
phy Cars, l U.S. an
Ray WTC debunke Safety Engineers said of the 2000 cars
sica toaste n think Society U.S.
New 1-2 rs in the basement many were in pristine
l d k tank of
Pearl condition. And 72000 gallons of diesel
6 Safety
Harbor fuel for generators was found and had
5 Engine
not exploded.
7 ers
The United States Army Environmental
Command (USAEC) was loaded with
Jewish agents that hated JFK for his
Israel anti-nuke actions… Morris Jaffe, who
assass poli l JFK,
Alternati & JFK Hunt, owned the Dal-Tex building and U.S. USAE
inatio tica n 9/11 & U.S.
ve news assassi H.L. bankrolled LBJ elections was made rich gov C
n, l k Zionists
nation by collusion with LBJ, H. L. Hunt and
6 the USAEC through uranium deals
5 (Dal-Tex front)... the USAEC basically
8 owned LBJ.
Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh, professor of
civil engineering at University of
Griffin, Molte
California at Berkeley, said " I saw
David n Contro Astaneh, Control Univers
phy melting of girders in World Trade l U.S.
Ray WTC steel, lled Dr. led ity of
sica Center." ... like the clocks in Savador n Acad U.S.
New 1-2 concre demoli Abolhas demolit Califor
l Dali paintings … That could only k emia
Pearl te & tion san ion, all nia
6 happen if you get steel yellow hot or
Harbor granite
5 white hot -- perhaps around 2000
9 degrees."

Contro Engine
Cars, (Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)
lled Wood, 9/11 ers &
6 toaste toasted cars…. No proof … no U.S.
demoli Judy Truth Scientis
6 d evidence, just conjecture.
tion ts
Griffin, Molte Molten steel running down channels of
David n NIST / beams seen, … debunkers and NIST Control NIST /
phy l
Ray WTC steel, FEMA deny any knowledge of molten steel, A led U.S. FEMA
sica n U.S.
6 New 1-2 concre Cover- dense mass of fused concrete and steel demolit gov UL
l k
6 Pearl te & up objects is held at a hangar at the ion, all Labs
1 Harbor granite Kennedy Airport. "The Meteorite"
James Angleton, the head of counter-
intelligence for the CIA 1963, was in
fact a mole working for Mossad and
9/11, Nuclea closely worked with Allen Dulles ...
JFK, poli r Both Angleton and Dulles had close ties l JFK, 1-
n Dulles, U.S. Permin
Holoc tica smugg to the CIA (Mossad) front company n 9/11 & Israel Jan-
Chronica Allen gov dex
aust & l ling & Permindex, a subsidiary of International k Zionists 63
ISIS 9/11 Trade Mart run by Clay Shaw (CIA
6 asset). Rosenbaum, Mossad's chief
6 money launderer and arms merchant ran
2 Permindex.
While the US issued humiliating
certifications to judge countries on their
WTC, ability to stop drug traffic, Big Oil
poli 9/11 li Intel Truth,
Henders Penta produced 90% of the chemicals needed
tica Financ n agencie anti- CIA U.S.
on, Dean gon, to process cocaine and heroin, which
l ing k s Zioni
6 PA CIA surrogates process and distribute.
6 CIA chemists were the first to produce
3 heroin.
Evidence against a gravitational
Griffin, collapse: Complete pulverization of all
David the contents of the WTC towers, Control
phy l
Ray WTC Pulver NYC Pataki, beginning with the concrete floors. led
sica n NYC U.S.
New 1-2 ization & 9/11 George Governor George Pataki told of demolit
l k
6 Pearl pulverized concrete all over Manhattan ion, all
6 Harbor in a 2-3 inch layer. 425,000 cubic yards
4 of concrete.
43,600 windows, 600,000 sq ft of glass,
200,000 tons of structural steel, 5
million sq ft of gypsum, six acres of
marble, and the contents of 110 stories
David Contro Control
phy First of furnishings. Nothing was l U.S.
Ray WTC Pulver lled led
sica responde recognizable other than dust and steel. n think U.S.
New 1-2 ization demoli demolit
l rs No phones, tables, desks, computers, k tank
Pearl tion ion, all
chairs, Pulverization of filing cabinets,
6 only one was found and it was melted
6 into a blob of steel found in the
5 basement.
... (Dimona, Negev Nuclear Research
Center) suffered a major equipment
failure in the 1990s that impacted on
Israel's ability to re-process nuclear
fuel.prompting Israel to actively Brewst
poli r l JFK, 1-
Plame Carnaby, smuggle nuclear materials to Israel.... U.S. er
WMR tica smugg n 9/11 & U.S. Jan-
gate Roland the smuggling operations immediately gov Jenning
l ling & k Zionists 95
became known to the CIA's s
Counterproliferation Division and its
6 non-official cover (NOC) Brewster
6 Jennings & Associates ... see Carnaby
6 and Pantex
Victims were vaporized. No bodies
found. Hospitals recorded almost no
Griffin, arrivals. 2749 people were killed. Fewer
David Victim chief than 300 whole bodies were recovered. Engine
me l
Ray WTC s, Victim medical 20,000 pieces of bodies were found. Victims ers &
dic n NYC U.S.
New 1-2 vapori s examine 6000 small enough to fit in 5 in. test , all Scientis
al k
Pearl zed r tubes. 200 pieces were matched to a ts
6 Harbor single person. 1630 identified, 800 by
6 DNA alone. Vaporization is a signature
7 of a nuclear weapon’s use
Griffin, 1119 or 41 % of victims remained
David chief unidentified because there wasn't
me l Medica
Ray WTC Victim medical enough DNA. Body parts found in a Victims
dic n NYC l U.S.
6 New 1-2 s examine wide field around the site. And , all
al k Examin
6 Pearl r fragments of human remains emerged
8 Harbor for many years.
Griffin, Body parts of victims found on the roof
David chief of the Deutsche Bank building kept
me l Medica
Ray WTC Victim medical increasing… to a total more than 700. Victims
dic n NYC l U.S.
6 New 1-2 s examine USA Today wrote that the bone , all
al k Examin
6 Pearl r fragments were tiny… the size of your
9 Harbor pinky nail, … they couldn't have come
from planes, blocked by the South
Tower, were of fire fighters not in North

WTC 7, first, had not been hit by an

airplane, but displayed all the
characteristics of a controlled
David Contro Contro Control Engine
phy demolition. Suffered non-devastating l
Ray WTC lled lled led 9/11 ers &
sica fires, sudden onset of collapse, rapid n U.S.
New 7 demoli demoli demolit Truth Scientis
l acceleration towards the ground, k
Pearl tion tion ion, all ts
6 symetrical descent, the collapse
7 appeared to start at the bottom, unlike
0 the twin towers.

6 n
7 k
Dan Rather: "It's reminiscent of all those
pictures we've seen on television where
Griffin, a building was deliberately destroyed by
David Contro well placed dynamite…" Danny Control
phy l
Ray WTC lled Rather, Jowenko: "That's a controlled led U.S.
sica MSM n U.S.
New 7 demoli Dan demolition" … this is a professional job demolit corp
l k
Pearl tion … done by a team of experts." "the ion, all
6 Harbor bottom goes first" … They just blew up
7 the columns, then the rest just caves in."
2 …
NIST's explanation: "WTC7 collapsed
because of fires" "We really have a new
Griffin, kind of collapse … where fire produces
David Contro NIST / progressive collapse" … according to Control NIST /
phy l
Ray WTC lled FEMA Sunder, NIST it was due to the failure of led U.S. FEMA 1/1/2
sica n U.S.
New 7 demoli Cover- Shyam Column 79 … it blamed thermal demolit gov UL 008
l k
Pearl tion up expansion as the "new phenomena" that ion, all Labs
6 Harbor caused the collapse of the structure.
7 Sunder Shyam is NIST Building & Fire
3 Research Lab Director
Soil ce Control
Francis, phy l Truth,
trucke destruc Soil trucked into WTC immediately led
Stephen sica n anti- U.S.
6 d into tion, after 9/11 to remidiate radioactivity … demolit
NFU l k Zioni
7 WTC obstru ion, all
4 ction
Washington Group is owned by URS
Corp, who "help manage and operate
Idaho National Lab, Los Alamos NL
and Lawrence Livermore National labs
Pilots for poli LLNL," through a partnership with li Corpora
9/11 tica Battelle, ... Washington Group also n tions & U.S.
gon, Cover- corp Corp
Truth l made payments to Greenhorne & k 9/11
PA up
O'Mara, whose employee Theresa
6 McAllister was a lead author for the
7 FEMA and NIST reports on the WTC
5 disaster.
Computer model to simulate the fires is
also inconsistent with their own
Griffin, statements. No one has been allowed to
David WTC, Contro NIST / verify the data used to create it. NIST Control NIST /
phy l
Ray Penta lled FEMA Sunder, computer model shows fires on floor 12 led U.S. FEMA
sica n U.S.
New gon, demoli Cover- Shyam east side peaked about 4pm but photos demolit gov UL
l k
Pearl PA tion up show they died out by 4pm. NIST ion, all Labs
6 Harbor inconsistently states: "their is no
7 indication of fires burning on the east
6 side of the 12th floor at this time."
Debunkers say that the steel in WTC 7
was weaker than the average structure,
and had been built over an electrical
substation. But NIST itself has refuted
David Contro Contro Control
phy this possibility. In final report: "The l
Ray WTC lled lled Quirant, led debun
sica transfer elements such as trusses, girders n U.S.
New 7 demoli demoli Jerome demolit kers
l and cantilever overhangs that were used k
Pearl tion tion ion, all
to support ... the office building over the
6 Con Edison substation did not play a
7 significant role in the collpase of
7 WTC7."
David Ben-Gurion declares the
WWI- independence of the new Zionist State
Take II, of Israel,... hours before the British Irgun,
poli Ben- l 15-
Our Fascis False Mandate is due to expire. May 15. Israeli Betar,
tica Gurion, n global Israel May-
World m & flag Eleven minutes after midnight, U.S. gov Stern,
l David k 48
6 Back Zionis President Harry Truman officially LEHI
7 m recognises the proclaimed Jewish state
8 in Palestine.
Dozens of NY police, fire fighters and
first responders were warned by the fire
department that WTC7 was going to be
phy First brought down as much as five hours l
sica responde before it happened. "… by noon or one n NYC U.S.
New 7 & 9/11
l rs o'clock they told us we had to move k
6 from that triage site … " said Indira
7 Singh, a first responder on Guns and
9 Butter, KPFA
David Fire fighters were warned of the
phy First l
Ray WTC Warni impending collapse of WTC7. "We
sica responde n NYC NYFD U.S.
6 New 7 ngs were just hanging out, until Tower 7
l rs k
8 Pearl came down." … and Sweeny confirmed.
0 Harbor
phy 4:00:00 PM CNN was spreading the l Corpora
Ray WTC U.S. CNN /
sica MSM rumor that WTC 7 was "going to n tions & U.S.
6 New 7 corp Time
l collapse or is collapsing" … k 9/11
8 Pearl
1 Harbor
David Disinf 5:00:00 PM BBC announced that WTC7
poli l
Ray WTC o & Stanley, had collapsed, but their own video UK
tica n BBC U.S.
6 New 7 ommis Jane shows it still standing during the corp
l k
8 Pearl sions message.
2 Harbor
CNN (and BBC) reported that the police
poli were clearing the area around WTC7 l Corpora
Ray WTC U.S. CNN /
tica MSM preparing for its collapse. "We are n tions & U.S.
6 New 7 corp Time
l walking back. The building is about to k 9/11
8 Pearl
blow up."
3 Harbor
(9/11 roots go at least back to the
1980s) ... In 1985 Drexel Lambert
(Rothschild front) S&L Jewish crook
WTC, Michael Milken helped Houston Natural
poli li JFK,
Henders Penta 9/11 & Gas merged with Internorth to create Rothsc
tica n 9/11 & Israel
on, Dean gon, Israel Enron. Kenneth Lay (Neocon) headed hild
l k Zionists
PA Houston Natural Gas and became CEO.
6 Enron was the biggest corporate
8 contributor to George W. Bush’s
4 campaign to become Texas Governor.
5:20:00 PM A person heard a
countdown right before the collapse. …
Griffin, waiting for orders from a Red Cross
David WTC, representative, … The Red Cross person Control
phy First l U.S.
Ray Penta had a radio ... McPadden: "at the last led Red
sica responde n think U.S.
New gon, three seconds he took his hand off and demolit Cross
l rs k tank
Pearl PA you hear … three, two, one ... after a ion, all
6 Harbor second or two you started to hear the
8 explosions, ... then boom, boom, ... then
5 building collapsed.
In 1997 Enron attempted to negotiate a
$2 billion deal with the Uzbek state-
WTC, owned Neftegas with help from the
poli Energy li 1-
Henders Penta Bush White House. When that effort U.S.
tica / Drug n Enron U.S. Jan-
on, Dean gon, and other privatization attempts were corp
l wars k 98
6 PA rebuffed in 1998, CIA-backed Islamist
8 attacks on Uzbekistan’s government
6 were ratcheted up.
Griffin, After the initial failure of the penthouse
David Contro Contro on the eastern side of the building, the Control
phy l
Ray WTC lled lled Chandler entire structure came down in about 6 led 9/11 AE911
sica n U.S.
6 New 7 demoli demoli , David seconds. The first 2.5 seconds is demolit Truth Truth
l k
8 Pearl tion tion indistinguishable from gravity freefall ion, all
7 Harbor speed.
AE911Truth confronted NIST with
freefall analysis and forced NIST to
change their story. They then said the
David Contro NIST / Control
poli collapse happened in three stages. First l
Ray WTC lled FEMA led U.S. AE911
tica a slow descent corresponding to n U.S.
New 7 demoli Cover- demolit gov Truth
l buckling of exterior columns, second a k
Pearl tion up ion, all
6 freefall for 2.25 seconds, which sealed
8 the debate, the bottom floors can't just
8 disappear.
David NIST / John McCain was posed a question
poli l
Ray WTC FEMA McCain, about WTC7 freefall in 2013, … he U.S.
tica n U.S.
6 New 7 Cover- John claimed ignorance even though he wrote gov
l k
8 Pearl up the forward to the 9/11 Myths book.
9 Harbor
Griffin, Mineta testimony before 9/11
David WTC, Commission, questioned about PEOC,
poli Pentag l White
Ray Penta Cheney, in White House, where Cheney took U.S.
tica on n House, U.S.
6 New gon, Dick charge. Flight 77 alledged crash at 9:37, gov
l missile k Bush
9 Pearl PA Flight 93 at 10:03, order to shoot down
0 Harbor commercial aircraft came after Pentagon
strike, Mineta said "the plane is fifty
miles out", Cheney: "of course the
orders still stand" "have you heard
anything to the contrary"? excluded in

Hijackers: Khalid Al-Midhar, Majed

Moqed, Nawaq Alhamzi, Hani Hanjour,
Satam Al Suqami, Waleed M. Alshehri,
poli Hijack Wail Alshehri, Mohamed Atta,
Penta hijacker Hijacke U.S.
FBI tica er Abdulaziz Alomari, Marwan Al-Shehhi, FBI U.S.
gon, patsies rs, all gov
l patsies Fayez Ahmed, Ahmed Alghamdi,
6 Hamza Alghamdi, Mohald Alshehri,
9 Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmed Alhaznawi,
1 Ahmed Alnami, Ziad Jarrahi -
David WTC, Steel U.S.,
phy Steel from WTC hurredly shipped l Corpora
Ray Penta scrap U.S. Israel,
sica overseas to remove crime scene n tions &
6 New gon, compa corp SA,
l evidence of explosives. k 9/11
9 Pearl PA nies Britain
2 Harbor
An August 19, 2001 New York Times
report ... suggested that O'Neill had been
the subject of an "internal investigation"
poli at the FBI. The report suggested that l Intel
Wikiped WTC Dirty O'Neill, U.S. 8/19/
tica O'Neill was responsible for losing a n agencie FBI U.S.
ia 1-2 tricks John gov 2001
l briefcase with "highly classified k s
6 information"..." The briefcase was
9 recovered shortly after its
3 disappearance.
Griffin, Griffith, Arturo: There were only two
David Elevat elevators that spanned all floors, that Control
phy WTC survivor l
Ray WTC ors, were used by maintenance people and led 9/11
sica surviv s, 9/11 n U.S.
6 New 1-2 fuel Arturo Griffith, who was on that demolit Truth
l or WTC k
9 Pearl fires elevator and recalled the three separate ion, all
4 Harbor explosions …
Each tower contained 2,160,000 cubic
Griffin, yards of space, … the alleged planes had
David Elevat 10,000 gallons of fuel at time of impact, Control
phy WTC survivor l
Ray WTC ors, …. Or 50 cubic yards… insignificant … led 9/11
sica surviv s, 9/11 n U.S.
New 1-2 fuel if half the fuel was consumed on impact, demolit Truth
l or WTC k
6 Pearl fires and 20 needed to ignite furnishings, ion, all
9 Harbor leaving only 5 to descend over 800 ft to
5 the basement ... all impossible..
Most recently, the NYC DOHMH
investigated cancer incidence during
2003–2008 in a cohort of approximately
Cance 56,000 individuals registered with the
me l
WTC r, WTC Health Registry and reported U.S.
NIH dic n NIH U.S.
1-2 Myelo statistically significant increases in gov
al k
ma thyroid cancer, prostate cancer, and
6 multiple myeloma among rescue and
9 recovery workers in 2007–2008 (Li et
6 al. 2012).
“The Military District of Manhattan,”
(w)as an underground testing facility for
phy nuclear weapons of 3% fission initiation l
Duff, Penta Minin Mini U.S. 9/11/
sica assembled from re-machined W54 pits n CIA Israel
Gordon gon, ukes Nukes gov 2001
6 l transferred through Britain in k
9 partnership with South African,
7 Zimbabwean arms dealers,
Odigo, the instant messaging service,
says that two of its workers received
messages two hours before the Twin
WTC, Towers attack on September 11
poli li Corpora
Penta Warni Macover predicting the attack would happen, and Israeli 9/26/
MSM tica n tions & Odigo U.S.
gon, ngs , Micha the company has been cooperating with corp 2001
l k 9/11
PA Israeli and American law enforcement,
6 including the FBI, in trying to find the
9 original sender of the message
8 predicting the attack.

Brzezins Brzezinski is the most prominent of Trilater

poli Rockef li Secret U.S.
Hankey, ki, Rockefeller servants, founder and al
6 global tica ellers n societie think U.S.
John Zbignie director of the Rockefeller's Tri-Lateral Commi
9 l & 9/11 k s tank
w commission, ssion
Niels Harrit,... While thermite was
“used for melting the steel beams”, he is
certain that conventional explosives
Contro Control
phy Nanot were also used. He lost a Copenhagen l
Harrit, WTC lled led 9/11
sica hermit libel lawsuit over the statement: "… n U.S.
Niels 1-2 demoli demolit Truth
l e Why not just invite Niels Harrit and k
tion ion, all
7 other lunatics from the 9/11-skeptic
0 environment, now we're at it? What
0 about Holocaust denier environment?"
former lead BBC Mideast correspondent
Alan Hart ( had relationships with Golda 9/11
WTC, 9/11
Mearshe poli 9/11 Meir, Yassar Arafat) ... says, the hard- li Truth,
Penta Hart, Finacin
imer & tica Groun line Zionists around Netanyahu want to n anti- BBC Israel
gon, Alan g&
7 Walt l dwork start a big Mideast war. This would k Zioni
PA Roots
0 allow them to finish the ethnic cleansing sts
1 of Palestine.
British weapons secretly destined for
Abu Nidal were financed through BCCI
offices and shipped under export
WTC, Mossad
poli documents that Marc Rich knew to be li Intel
Hendrie, Penta False Rich, Israeli /
tica phony. My role at the bank was to n agencie Israel
Edward gon, flag Marc gov Sayeret
l handle the Nidal account. I later became k s
PA Matkal
7 a spy for the CIA and MI6,” Ghassan
0 Quassem, who was a senior officer with
2 BCCI for nearly two decades,
The CIA and US Customs Service
busted one nuclear smuggling ring
involving South African-Israeli national
Nuclea Asher Karni, a Pakistani businessman
WTC, r named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish
poli l
Penta smugg Karni, Jew with strong Israeli ties named Zeki U.S.
WMR tica n Turkey
gon, ling & Asher Bilmen. The smuggling network gov
l k
PA Plame involved companies in Cape Town;
gate Secaucus, New Jersey; and Islamabad,
7 Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US
0 court for smuggling nuclear triggers to
3 Pakistan via South Africa.
Richard Perle caught passing intel to
WTC, Israeli Israel . This data was given to Perle by
History poli l Corpora
Penta spies, Perle, NSC staff member Helmut “Hal” U.S. 1/1/1
Commo tica n tions & Israel
7 gon, histori Richard Sonnenfeldt, who was under corp 967
ns l k 9/11
0 PA cal investigation since 1967 for providing
4 classified documents to the Israelis.
An FBI wiretap at the Israeli Embassy
WTC, Israeli in Washington picks up Richard Perle,
History poli l
Penta spies, Perle, an aide to Senator Henry “Scoop” U.S. 1/1/1
Commo tica n Israel
7 gon, histori Richard Jackson (D-WA—see Early 1970s), gov 970
ns l k
0 PA cal discussing classified information with
5 an Israeli official.
Scoop Jackson, Henry Martin ...was a
U.S. Congressman and Senator from the
poli Neoco state of Washington from 1941 until his l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Jackson, U.S. 9/1/1
tica ns, death in 1983. … known as "the Senator n Congre Israel
ia gon, Henry gov 983
7 l Strauss from Boeing" and a "whore for Boeing" k ss
0 … mentored Douglas Feith … Richard
6 Perle was an aid to Jackson.
The Shah’s secret police, SAVAK,
trained by the CIA and Israel’s Mossad,
are widely perceived as being as brutal
and terrifying as the Nazi Gestapo in
WTC, Mosadde
History poli World War II. British oil interests in l Intel
Penta CIA q, U.S. 1/1/1
Commo tica Iran, partially nationalized under n agencie CIA Iran
gon, coups Muham gov 953
ns l previous governments, are returned to k s
PA mad
British control. American oil interests
7 are retained by 8 private oil companies,
0 who are awarded 40% of the Iranian oil
7 industry.
NIST partners with the Naval Surface
Warfare Center (NSWC-IH) on
Chemical Science and Technology ...
and see Argonide and Technanogy ...
cking Control
poli and contractors in 1999 were SAIC, l
911 Penta BOD led U.S. 1/1/1
tica Applied Ordnance, Battelle, Booz Allen n SAIC U.S.
Review gon & demolit gov 999
l Hamilton, Mantech, Titan, ... William k
conspi ion, all
Caswell, an employee of NSWC-IH,
7 dead on (Flight 77). He had for many
0 years worked on “deep-black” projects
8 at NSWC-IH
NIST partners with the Naval Surface
Warfare Center (NSWC-IH) on
Chemical Science and Technology ...
and see Argonide and Technanogy ...
poli and contractors in 1999 were SAIC, l
tica Applied Ordnance, Battelle, Booz Allen n U.S.
Review 1-2 Cover- gov UL
l Hamilton, Mantech, Titan, ... A tragic k
up Labs
coincidence left William Caswell, an
7 employee of NSWC-IH, dead on (Flight
0 77). He had for many years worked on
9 “deep-black” projects at NSWC-IH
NORAD Has 1,200 Interceptor Aircraft
in 1960 - NORAD .. established by the
US and Canada in 1958 to counter the
History poli NORA threat posed by the Soviet Union. It is l
Penta U.S. 1/1/1
Commo tica D/ initially responsible for intercepting any n U.S.
gon, gov 960
ns l FAA Soviet long-range bombers that might k
7 attack the Northern Hemisphere. By
1 1960, it has about 1,200 interceptor
0 aircraft dedicated to this task.
NORAD's Mission Changes after Cold
WTC, War Ends - With the collapse of the
History poli NORA l
Penta Soviet Union and the dissolution of the U.S. 1/1/1
Commo tica D/ n U.S.
7 gon, Warsaw Pact in 1991, the threats gov 990
ns l FAA k
1 PA NORAD has to counter change
1 significantly. During the early 1990s,
NORAD’s mission consequently
changes from one of air defense to one
of maintaining “air sovereignty,”

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' - In

the 1920s, William J. Cameron, editor
of the Dearborn Independent,
popularized the manuscript called “The
History poli Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which l Israeli
Penta 9/11 1/1/1
Commo tica purported to detail the “secret n think Israel
gon, Roots 920
ns l teachings” of Judaism, including the k tank
planned takeover of the world’s
7 governments, the subjugation of non-
1 Semitic races, cannibalistic rituals
2 practiced by Jews.
8:00:00 AM Bush meets with Manatee
County Sheriff Charlie Wells, Sarasota
County Sheriff Bill Balkwill, Sarasota
WTC, Florida
History phy Police Chief Gordon Jolly, and Manatee l White
Penta , Bush, U.S. 9/11/
Commo sica County Sheriff’s Colonel Ken Pearson. n House, Florida
gon, Saraso GW gov 2001
ns l … all at beach resort.. The four law k Bush
PA ta
7 enforcement officials will later travel to
1 the Sarasota school in the president’s
3 motorcade.
revealed that NORAD has the capacity
to inject simulated material into the
system, “as though it was being sensed
History poli NORA for the first time by a radar site.” In a l
Penta Hamre, U.S.
Commo tica D/ training exercise in December 1998, for n U.S.
gon, John J. gov
ns l FAA example, NORAD ran “30 different k
7 simulations, some of them being mass
1 attacks, some of them being single
4 missiles.”
Mark Loizeaux, CEO of Controlled Control
David Elevat Contro Control
phy Demolition, Inc, was told by contractors l led
Ray WTC ors, lled Loizeau led U.S.
sica about "Hot spots of molten steel in the n Demoli U.S.
7 New 1-2 fuel demoli x, Mark demolit corp
l basements … at the bottom of the k tion
1 Pearl fires tion ion, all
elevator shafts of the main towers." Inc.
5 Harbor
the Saudis wrote a $20,000 check that
WTC, same day to a third Saudi who had listed
History poli 9/11 & l Corpora
Penta Siddiqui, the same address as Aafia Siddiqui, a U.S. Riggs Saudi
Commo tica Saudi n tions &
7 gon, Aafia microbiologist who is believed to have corp Bank Arabia
ns l Arabia k 9/11
1 PA been a US-based operative for 9/11
6 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
In November 2001, Swiss investigators
will search the home of Youssef Nada,
WTC, Ghorban
History poli Bush the leader of Al Taqwa Bank, a Swiss l
Penta ifar, 11/1/
Commo tica Crime bank that had just been shut down by the n global global
gon, Manuch 2001
7 ns l Family US and the UN for alleged ties to al- k
PA er
1 Qaeda, Hamas, see Osama bin
7 Laden. Bush connections
The Al Taqwa Bank is closely
associated with the Muslim
WTC, Neocon
History poli 9/11 & Brotherhood, and one of its key l Saudi Muslim
Penta Ramada s Saudi
Commo tica Saudi founders, Said Ramadan, is one of the n Arabi Brother
gon, n, Said created Arabia
7 ns l Arabia Muslim Brotherhood’s top leaders, and k a gov hood
PA al
1 also the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna,
8 the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.
there is strong evidence that Ramadan
also was a long-time CIA asset. ...
Declassified Swiss documents reveal
WTC, that in the 1960s, the Swiss government
History poli l Intel
Penta CIA Ramada considered him to be, “among other U.S.
Commo tica n agencie CIA U.S.
gon, coups n, Said things, an intelligence agent of the gov
ns l k s
PA British and the Americans.” The Wall
7 Street Journal will report in 2005,
1 “Historical evidence suggests Mr.
9 Ramadan worked with the CIA.
A. Q. Khan and his Khan Laboratories.
Khan is considered the “father” of
Pakistan’s nuclear weapons capability.
But since the funding for this nuclear
History poli program gets traced back to Saudi l
WTC Nukes, Wright, Mini U.S. Pakista
Commo tica Arabia, restrictions are placed on the n FBI
1-2 Saudi Robert Nukes gov n
ns l inquiry. Also in early 2001, FBI agent k
Robert Wright, attempting to pursue an
7 investigation into Saudi multimillionaire
2 Yassin al-Qadi, is told by FBI superiors,
0 “it’s just better to let sleeping dogs lie”
the modern, and most common W80
nuclear warhead-- has a maximum yield
WTC, Engine
Damn phy Demol of about 150 kilotons. ... can wipe out a li
Penta Minin Mini 9/11 ers &
Interesti sica ition typical medium-sized city, but at the n U.S.
gon, ukes Nukes Truth Scientis
7 ng l prep flick of a switch, the warhead's potency k
PA ts
2 can be reduced to as little as five
1 kilotons.
Nuclea Ambassador Eric Edelman used his
WTC, r position as ambassador to Turkey to Office
poli l
Penta smugg Edelman cement a triad of weapons and drug U.S. of
WMR tica n
7 gon, ling & , Eric smuggling and money laundering gov Special
l k
2 PA Plame involving Turks, Israelis, and Plans
2 gate Americans.
Nuclea House Speaker Dennis Hastert's receipt
WTC, r of Turkish-Russian-Israeli heroin and Brewst
poli l
Penta smugg Hastert, nuclear smuggling proceeds in the form U.S. er
WMR tica n Israel
7 gon, ling & Dennis of campaign contributions; and nuclear gov Jenning
l k
2 PA Plame smuggling money laundering in Cyprus, s
3 gate Dubai, and the Cayman Islands.
In 1932, Chevron struck oil in Bahrain
and was soon operating in Saudi Arabia.
In 1933, when Hitler seized power,
Standard Oil New Jersey supplied
WTC, Germany with the patents it required for
History poli l Bush
Penta 9/11 tetraethyl lead aviation fuel. In 1936, the Saudis U.S. Saudi 1/1/1
Commo tica n Crime
gon, Roots company Schroder, Rockefeller & 9/11 gov Arabia 932
ns l k Family
PA Investment Bankers, included board
directors linked to the Gestapo and
7 several European, Nazi-linked
2 banks. see Prescott Bush, Harriman,
4 Luftwaffe
In 1932, Chevron struck oil in Bahrain
and was soon operating in Saudi Arabia.
In 1933, when Hitler seized power,
History poli Rockef Standard Oil New Jersey supplied l Saudi Bush
Penta Bush, Saudis Saudi
Commo tica ellers Germany with the patents it required for n Arabi Crime
gon, Prescott & 9/11 Arabia
ns l & 9/11 tetraethyl lead aviation fuel. In 1936, the k a gov Family
7 company Schroder, Rockefeller
2 Investment Bankers, included board
5 directors linked to the Gestapo and
several European, Nazi-linked banks.
see Prescott Bush, Harriman, Luftwaffe

The role that Goff played within PTech

consisted of buying software for PTech
and sales of enterprise software
developed within PTech. Later Goff
How911 poli Goff, joined Guardium, a company that li Corpora
Penta Ptech / U.S. Guardi
WasDon tica Michael formed a branch of the research and n tions & U.S.
gon, Mitre corp um
e l S. development department of the Israeli k 9/11
air force. Guardium is a spin-off of Log-
7 On Software, founded by major Gil
2 Migdan (Israeli marine) en Joseph
6 Segev
Another founder and director of
Guardium is Amit Yoran, an Israeli who
became manager for computer security
How911 poli WTC of the Pentagon. After 9/11 he was li Corpora White
Penta Yoran, U.S.
WasDon tica Securit appointed by GW Bush to cyber security n tions & House, Israel
gon, Amit corp
e l y czar for the ministry of Homeland k 9/11 Bush
7 Security. Yoran was charged with the
2 design of a security architecture for the
7 Pentagon.
Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive
Director Age 52, was appointed a non-
executive director in January 2009. He
was previously an executive director of
WTC, cking
poli Thomps Anglo American plc, Chairman of the l Corpora
Iamthe Penta BOD U.S. Warbur
tica on, Tarmac Group and held positions with S n tions & U.S.
Witness gon, & corp g, SG
l Simon G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is k 9/11
PA conspi
currently Non-Executive Director of
7 Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining
2 Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB
8 (Sweden).
Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive
Director Age 52, was appointed a non-
executive director in January 2009. He
was previously an executive director of
WTC, Rothsch
poli Rothsc Thomps Anglo American plc, Chairman of the l Rothsc
Iamthe Penta ild U.S.
tica hild & on, Tarmac Group and held positions with S n hild, U.S.
Witness gon, Zionists corp
l 9/11 Simon G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is k NM
PA , all
currently Non-Executive Director of
7 Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining
2 Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB
9 (Sweden).
“There was elevator doors ajar. There
were elevator doors missing. I could see
Elevat Contro Control Non-
phy an elevator car twisted in the shaft…” li U.S.
Duff, WTC ors, lled led Prolifer
sica 50-ton exterior column beams flung n think U.S.
Gordon 1-2 fuel demoli demolit ation
7 l upward from Towers basements to k tank
fires tion ion, all commu
3 pierce buildings such as the Deutsche
0 Bank across from WTC 2
Interlo Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive
WTC, cking Director Age 52, was appointed a non-
poli Thomps l
Iamthe Penta BOD executive director in January 2009. He UK Tullow
tica on, n UK
7 Witness gon, & was previously an executive director of corp Oil
l Simon k
3 PA conspi Anglo American plc, Chairman of the
1 rators Tarmac Group and held positions with S
G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is
currently Non-Executive Director of
Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining
Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB

Less than a week before the 9-11 attack

on 5 September, the so-called lead
WTC, Hijack
poli hijacker Mohamed Atta and several l
Iamthe Penta ers, Abramof Hijacke Israeli 9/5/2
tica other hijackers made a still-unexplained n Israel
Witness gon, SunCr f, Jack rs, all gov 001
7 l visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, k
PA uz
3 Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s Sun
2 Cruz casino boats. ...
Less than a week before the 9-11 attack
on 5 September, the so-called lead
poli Atta, hijacker Mohamed Atta and several l Corpora
Iamthe Penta Warni U.S.
tica Moham other hijackers made a still-unexplained n tions & Florida
Witness gon, ngs corp
7 l med visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, k 9/11
3 Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s casino
3 boats. ...
Israeli It is discovered that US drug agents’
poli Art DEA communications have been l Corpora
Iamthe Penta Israeli AMDO
7 Witness gon, tica Studen penetrated. Suspicion falls on two n tions &
corp CS
3 l ts, companies, AMDOCS and Comverse k 9/11
4 spies Infosys, both owned by Israelis.
AMDOCS generates billing data for
most US phone companies and is able to
WTC, provide detailed logs of who is talking
poli Art l Corpora
Iamthe Penta Shiron, to whom. ... Shiron was Amdocs Israeli AMDO
tica Studen n tions & Israel
Witness gon, Eitan security manager interrogated by corp CS
l ts, k 9/11
7 PA Interpol about a huge computer
3 espionage spy ring involving Amdocs.
5 See also PROMIS, Michael Haephrati,
The most prominent backer of the
Lubavitchers on Capitol Hill is Senator
Joseph Lieberman (D.Conn.), an
Orthodox Jew, and the former candidate Rothsch
poli Lieberm Israeli Chabad
commen WTC 9/11 & for the Vice-Presidency of the United ild
tica an, think Lubavit Israel
t 1-2 Israel States. The chairman of the Senate Zionists
l Joseph tank ch
Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl , all
7 Levin (D-Mich.), has commended
3 Chabad Lubavitch "ideals" in a Senate
6 floor statement.
Comverse has built a back door into the
WTC, Control
poli system that is being exploited by Israeli l Comve
Iamthe Penta 9/11 & led Israeli
7 Witness gon, tica Israel
intelligence and that the information n
demolit corp
rse Israel
3 l gleaned on US drug interdiction efforts k Infosys
PA ion, all
7 is finding its way to drug smugglers.
The investigation by the FBI leads to the
WTC, exposure of the largest foreign spy ring
poli Art l Intel
Iamthe Penta ever uncovered inside the United States, U.S.
tica Studen n agencie FBI U.S.
7 Witness gon, operated by Israel. Half of the suspected gov
l ts, k s
3 PA spies have been arrested when 9-11
8 happens.
Urban At around noon on September 12, 2001,
Movin Roy Barak, a former Israeli paratrooper, Urban
poli l art 12/1
WTC g Barak, and Motti Butbul, both employed by Israeli Moving
WMR tica n students Israel 2/20
7 1-2 Syste Roy Urban Moving Systems as drivers, were gov System
l k , Urban 01
3 ms, stopped by police near York, s
9 Dancin Pennsylvania. They were en route from
g Chicago to New York City. Police System
Israelis discovered Barak had an expired visa s
and Butbul had no work permit.

Movin Three of the five 'Dancing Israeli's
WTC, g appeared on Israeli television after their Mossad U.S.,
Francis, poli l students
Penta Syste Dancing deportation.... see Bollyn Paul Israeli / Israel,
Stephen tica n , Urban
gon, ms, Israelis Kurzberg, Silvan Kurzberg, Israelis gov Sayeret SA,
NFU l k Moving
7 PA Dancin Yaron Shmuel, and Omer Gavriel Matkal Britain
4 g Marmari
0 Israelis
The Israelis are interrogated, and then
eventually sent back to Israel. The
owner of the moving company used as a Israeli
cover by the Mossad agents abandons art
poli his business and flees to Israel. The l students
Iamthe WTC Syste Kurzbur Israeli
tica United States Government then n , Urban Israel
Witness 1-2 ms, g, Sivan corp
l classifies all of the evidence related to k Moving
the Israeli agents and their connections System
7 to 9-11. ABC 20/20 report the East s
4 Rutherford police report. Explosives
1 detected in their 2000 Chevy van.
All of this is reported to the public via a
WTC, Israeli
poli four part story on Fox News by Carl l Corpora
Iamthe Penta spies, Dancing U.S. Fox
7 Witness gon, tica histori Israelis
Cameron. Pressure from Jewish groups, n tions &
corp News
4 l primarily AIPAC, forces Fox News to k 9/11
PA cal
2 remove the story from their website.
Two hours prior to the 9-11 attacks,
Odigo, an Israeli company with offices
just a few blocks from the World Trade
poli Towers, receives an advance warning l Corpora
Iamthe Penta Warni Israeli
tica via the internet. The manager of the n tions & Odigo U.S.
Witness gon, ngs corp
l New York Office provides the FBI with k 9/11
7 the IP address of the sender of the
4 message, but the FBI does not follow
3 this up.
The FBI is investigating 5 Israeli Israeli
moving companies as possible fronts for art
WTC, g
poli Israeli intelligence. ... It is revealed l students
Iamthe Penta Syste Israeli
tica that prior to the attack millions of n , Urban FBI U.S.
Witness gon, ms, corp
l dollars of put options on both American k Moving
7 PA Dancin
Airlines and United Airlines, were System
4 g
traded. s
4 Israelis
... article by Frank Connolly in Ireland's
WTC, Rothsch
poli 9/11 & Khashog Sunday Business Postquotes unnamed li
Alternati Penta ild Saudi
7 ve news gon, tica Saudi gi, U.S. intelligence officials alleging that n
Zionists Arabia
4 l Arabia Adnan Khashoggi has made "protection k
PA , all
5 payments" to Osama Bin Laden.
After 9/11, anonymous letters
WTC, containing anthrax are sent to various
poli l Corpora
Iamthe Penta False politicians and media executives. ... U.S.
tica n tions & U.S.
7 Witness gon, flag blamed on Al-Qaeda , later determined corp
l k 9/11
4 PA to be weaponized anthrax made by a
6 United States military laboratory. ...
The FBI then discover that the main
WTC, suspect for these anthrax letters is a
poli Zack, l Corpora
Iamthe Penta Anthra Ashkenazi Jew, Dr. Philip Zack, who U.S. al
tica Dr. n tions & U.S.
7 Witness gon, x hoax had been reprimanded several times by corp Queda
l Philip k 9/11
4 PA his employers due to offensive remarks
7 he made about Arabs.
Dr. Philip Zack, was caught on camera
poli Zack, entering the storage area where he l Corpora
Iamthe Penta Anthra U.S.
7 Witness gon, tica x hoax
Dr. worked at Fort Detrick which is where n tions &
4 l Philip the Anthrax was kept. FBI and MSM k 9/11
8 then stopped coverage..
Jewish Defence League Chairman since
1985, Ashkenazi Jew, Irv Rubin is jailed
WTC, Jewish
poli for allegedly plotting to bomb a mosque l Israeli
Iamthe Penta False Rubin, Defens 1/1/1
tica and the offices of a Arab-American n think Israel
Witness gon, flag Irvin e 985
7 l congressman. He dies shortly after k tank
PA League
4 slitting his throat in a suicide attempt,
9 before he can be brought to trial. ...
One week prior to the WTC attack, the
Zim Shipping Company moves out of its Zim
poli offices in the WTC, breaking its lease l Zim Americ
Iamthe Penta Warni Israeli
tica and costing the company $50,000. No n Shippin an Israel
Witness gon, ngs gov
7 l reason has ever been given, but Zim k g Shippin
5 Shipping Company is half owned by the g Co.
0 State of Israel
Ariel Sharon,... "Every time we do
something you tell me America will do
this and will do that....I want to tell you
WTC, Rothsch
poli something very clear, don't worry about l
Iamthe Penta 9/11 & Sharon, ild Israeli
tica American pressure on Israel. We, the n Israel
Witness gon, Israel Ariel Zionists gov
l Jewish people, control America, and the k
PA , all
7 Americans know it." Every Prime
5 Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi
1 Jew.
Lewis “Scooter” Libby — PNAC
WTC, founding member; studied political Rothsch Aspen
poli l
WhoDid Penta 9/11 & Libby, science at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; ild U.S. Strateg
tica n Israel
7 It gon, Israel Scooter aid to Cheney; convicted for lying about Zionists gov y
l k
5 PA outing of Valerie Plame; “dual citizen” , all Group
2 of US and Israel; Zionist

9/11, Rothsch Mossad

poli l
Iamthe JFK & 9/11 & Mossad: "By way of deception, Thou ild Israeli /
7 Witness Holoc tica Israel Shall Do War"
Zionists gov Sayeret
5 l k
aust , all Matkal

9/11, Rothsch
poli The Illuminati is to be based upon the l Israeli
Iamthe JFK & Illumi ild Illumin Germa
7 Witness Holoc tica nati
teachings of the Talmud, which is in n
ati ny
5 l turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews. k tank
aust , all
Adam Weishaupt officially completes
9/11, his organisation of the Illuminati on Rothsch
poli Weishau l Israeli
Iamthe JFK & Illumi May 1 of this year. The purpose of the ild Germa
tica pt, n think
7 Witness Holoc nati Illuminati is to divide the goyim (all Zionists ny
l Adam k tank
5 aust non-Jews) through political, economic, , all
5 social, and religious means.
Weishaupt soon infiltrates the
Continental Order of Freemasons with
this Illuminati doctrine and establishes
9/11, Rothschi Rothsch
poli lodges of the Grand Orient to be their l Israeli
Iamthe JFK & Freem ld, ild Illumin
tica secret headquarters. This was all under n think Israel
Witness Holoc asons Mayer Zionists ati
l the orders and finance of Mayer k tank
aust Amschel , all
7 Amschel Rothschild and the concept has
5 spread and is followed within Masonic
6 Lodges worldwide to the present day.
Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive
Director Age 52, was appointed a non-
executive director in January 2009. He
Clean Eviden
was previously an executive director of
WTC, up, ce
poli Thomps Anglo American plc, Chairman of the l Corpora
Iamthe Penta Zionis destruc U.S.
tica on, Tarmac Group and held positions with S n tions & U.S.
Witness gon, t tion, corp
l Simon G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is k 9/11
PA compa obstru
currently Non-Executive Director of
nies ction
7 Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining
5 Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB
7 (Sweden).
Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive
Director Age 52, was appointed a non-
executive director in January 2009. He
was previously an executive director of
WTC, cking
poli Thomps Anglo American plc, Chairman of the l Secret
Iamthe Penta BOD U.S. Tarmac
tica on, Tarmac Group and held positions with S n societie U.S.
Witness gon, & corp Group
l Simon G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is k s
PA conspi
currently Non-Executive Director of
7 Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining
5 Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB
8 (Sweden).
Joseph Kasputys, Pres. Ford's assitant
Sec of Commerce, …Ran Primark that
had offices in both Towers, James Baker
worked with Joseph Kasputys. …
WTC, cking
poli Kasputys worked with DiBona during l U.S.
911 Penta BOD Kasputy Primar
tica the Arab Oil Embargo as reps of US n think U.S.
Blogger gon, & s, Joseph k
l DoE, The Analytical Sciences k tank
PA conspi
Corporation (TASC) a Primark
7 subsidiary, worked with “so-called
5 'black projects'.” TASC also worked
9 closely with the NIST.
Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive
Director Age 52, was appointed a non-
executive director in January 2009. He
was previously an executive director of Rothsc
WTC, Rothsch
poli Rothsc Thomps Anglo American plc, Chairman of the l hild,
Iamthe Penta ild U.S.
tica hild & on, Tarmac Group and held positions with S n North U.S.
Witness gon, Zionists corp
l 9/11 Simon G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is k Americ
PA , all
currently Non-Executive Director of a, Inc.
7 Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining
6 Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB
0 (Sweden).
Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive
Interlo Director Age 52, was appointed a non-
WTC, cking executive director in January 2009. He Newmo
poli Thomps l Corpora
Iamthe Penta BOD was previously an executive director of U.S. nt
tica on, n tions & U.S.
Witness gon, & Anglo American plc, Chairman of the corp Mining
l Simon k 9/11
7 PA conspi Tarmac Group and held positions with S Corp
6 rators G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is
1 currently Non-Executive Director of
Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining
Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB

It is discovered that DEA

WTC, Israeli
poli communications have been penetrated. l
Iamthe Penta spies, U.S.
7 Witness gon, tica histori
Suspicion falls on two companies, n
6 l AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys, both k
PA cal
2 owned by Israelis.
Richardson to be Secretary of Energy in
July 1998 (Clinton). His tenure was
marred by the Wen Ho Lee (Los
WTC, Alamos) nuclear espionage scandal.
poli Mini l
Wikiped Penta Richardson publicly named Lee as a Mini U.S. 7/1/1
tica Nukes, n Israel
ia gon, suspect who might have given nuclear Nukes gov 998
l Israel k
PA secrets to the Chinese government. Lee
7 was later cleared of espionage charges
6 and won a settlement. He is an ardent
3 Zionist supporter.
Israel has had nukes since 1967,
unofficially it is estimated that Israel
WTC, possesses from 75 to as many as 400
poli Mini l
Wikiped Penta nuclear weapons,... including neutron Mini U.S. 1/1/1
tica Nukes, n Israel
ia gon, bombs, tactical nuclear weapons, and Nukes gov 967
l Israel k
7 PA suitcase nukes Israel is believed to
6 manufacture its nuclear weapons at the
4 Negev Nuclear Research Center.
Illuminati, The opposing sides were to
be armed and incidents were to be
9/11, Rothsch
poli Weishau provided in order for them to: fight l Israeli
Iamthe JFK & Illumi ild Illumin
tica pt, amongst themselves; destroy national n think U.S.
Witness Holoc nati Zionists ati
7 l Adam governments; destroy religious k tank
aust , all
6 institutions; and eventually destroy each
5 other.
Abramoff and his partner, Adam Kidan,
were indicted by a federal grand jury in
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on fraud
charges arising from a 2000 deal to buy
casino boats. Kidan and a third
WTC, Hijack
poli associate, Ben Waldman, as yet li Corpora
Source Penta ers, Abramof U.S. Foothill 8/1/2
tica unindicted, are accused of using a fake n tions & U.S.
Watch gon, SunCr f, Jack corp Capital 005
l wire transfer to defraud Foothill Capital k 9/11
PA uz
Corp. and Citadel Equity Fund Ltd that
had agreed to lend $60 million to
7 purchase the casinos on condition that
6 Abramoff and his partners made a cash
6 contribution of $23 million.
Abramoff is a central figure in a series
of high-profile political scandals linked
to the Republican Party. and
WTC, Hijack
poli involvement in the Abramoff-Reed li
Penta ers, Abramof Hijacke U.S. 8/1/2
IMC tica Indian Gambling Scandal, He was n Florida
gon, SunCr f, Jack rs, all corp 005
l indicted on August 11, 2005, by a third k
PA uz
7 grand jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
6 for bank fraud arising out of an
7 unrelated business deal.
9/11 Truth Sheen questioned the
plausibility of a fireballs traveling 110
Elevat Contro feet down an elevator shaft and causing Control
Sheen, WTC ors, lled Sheen, damage to the lobbies of the towers as led 9/11
sica U.S.
Charlie 1-2 fuel demoli Charlie seen in video footage, especially when demolit Truth
7 fires tion contrasted with eyewitness accounts of ion, all
6 bombs and explosions in the basement
8 levels of the buildings.
Strontium-90, (30 yr half life),
dangerous too environment, mimics
Mini properties of calcium and is taken up by
Nukes living organisms and made a part of
phy , their electrolytes as well as deposited in l
Fox, WTC Mini 9/11
sica Bariu bones. ... and is not subsequently n U.S.
Donald 1-2 Nukes Truth
l m, excreted like cesium-137. It has the k
Stronti potential for causing cancer, ... decay
7 um product is Yttrium 90, its fission
6 pathway that proceeds through Krypton
9 then Rubidium
One of the more outspoken and
WTC, prominent members of the Kosher 911
poli li Truth,
JewCrm Penta Gateke Bermas, truth movement is so called
tica n gatek U.S.
7 Nt gon, epers Jason “infowarrior” Jason Bermas. Co-
l k eeper
7 PA produced Loose Change, which doesn't
0 mention Israel
WTC, Alex Jones shares the same lawyer as U.S.,
poli li Truth,
JewCrm Penta Gateke Bronfma Holly Bronfman Lev, the younger sister Israel,
7 tica n gatek
Nt gon, epers n of Edgar Bronfman Jr, one of the most SA,
7 l k eeper
PA prominent Jew families in the world. Britain
1 s
These three films, which were made by
WTC, Bermas in conjunction with the Jew
poli li Truth,
JewCrm Penta Gateke Bermas, Dylan Avery, were associated and
tica n gatek U.S.
7 Nt gon, epers Jason promoted by a Jewess named Deborah
l k eeper
7 PA Simon, who married into the billionaire
2 Jewish Simon family of Minneapolis.
Bloomberg proposed legislation to ban
poli Bloombe detectors to warn them in case of a l
NY WTC 1/1/2
7 tica MSM rg, biological, chemical or radiological n NYC U.S.
Times 1-2 008
7 l Michael attack. … which includes Geiger k
3 counters …
Webster Tarpley has been a central
figure in the Kosher truth movement, 9/11
poli and wrote a book called 9/11 Synthetic li Truth,
JewCrm Penta Gateke Tarpley,
tica Terror: Made in the USA. Tarpley is a n gatek U.S.
Nt gon, epers Webster
7 l firm supporter of the Kosher version of k eeper
7 the truth which is that Bush & Cheney s
4 orchestrated 9/11;doesn't mention Israel
9/11 players: Abdussattar Shaikh,
Abdullah Noman ,Daniel Lewin,
WTC, cking U.S.,
poli Dominic Suter, Sivan Kurzberg, John li Corpora
JewCrm Penta BOD perps, U.S. Israel,
tica Gross, Theresa McAllister, Ronald n tions &
Nt gon, & 911 corp SA,
7 l Hamburger, William Baker, Harold k 9/11
PA conspi Britain
7 Nelson, Ramon Gilsanz, Shankar Nair,
5 Gene Corley, Paul Mlakar, Mete Sozen,
Patrick Clawson (Director of Research
at WINEP) (Middle East Quarterly) has
WTC, openly called for the mass murder of
Barrett, poli l US.
Penta False Clawson Americans in a false-flag attack to 9/1/2
Kevin tica n Think WINEP U.S.
gon, flag , Patrick launch a war on Iran, (Wikipedia calls it 012
VT l k tank
7 PA 'crisis initiation') … made the statement
7 in front of United Jewish Communities
6 audience
9/11 players: Loring Knoblauch ,
WTC, cking U.S.,
poli Michael Cherkasky Newt Gingrich, li Corpora
JewCrm Penta BOD perps, U.S. Israel,
tica Pauline Neville-Jones, Mahmoud n tions &
7 Nt gon, & 911 corp SA,
l Ahmad and WarIsCrime same names, k 9/11
7 PA conspi Britain
more detail.
7 rators
Hellerstein has a clear conflict of
interest in the 9-11 tort litigation
because his son is a lawyer with Amit,
WTC, Confli Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that Cukier
poli l Israeli
Penta ct of Hellerste works for and is closely connected with man &
Bollyn tica n think Israel
gon, interes in, Alvin Cukierman & Company, the parent Compa
l k tank
PA t company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is ny
7 headed by Roger Cukierman and his son
7 Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of
8 the Edmond de Rothschild Group
According to the Wisconsin Project on
Nuclear Arms Control, "Hands down,
Israel was South Africa's most important
missile supplier. Pretoria got most of
poli r l
WTC what it needed from Tel Aviv." ... "In U.S. South 6/1/1
WMR tica smugg n
1-2 June 1980, the CIA (Central Intelligence gov Africa 980
l ling & k
Agency) reported to the National
7 Security Council that the 2-3 kiloton
7 nuclear test had probably involved Israel
9 and South Africa.
Mike Berger - a member of the steering 9/11
poli committee of the kosher li Truth,
JewCrm Penta Gateke Berger,
7 tica website, that never mentions Jews. n gatek U.S.
Nt gon, epers Mike
8 l Steers away from Zionist complicity in k eeper
0 9/11. s
Jon Gold, co-founder of
WTC,, Jewish gatekeeper,
poli li Truth, 911
JewCrm Penta Gateke Gold, departed on "too much discussion" of
tica n gatek Blogge U.S.
7 Nt gon, epers Jon controlled demolition…. Returned as
l k eeper r
8 PA "reprehenser" see
Neils Harrit, a proponent of the
nanothermite hypothesis, has estimated
Contro Control Engine
phy Nanot that it would have required “hundreds of l
Fetzer, WTC lled led 9/11 ers &
sica hermit tons” to do the job (where Harrit has n U.S.
James 1-2 demoli demolit Truth Scientis
7 l e also offered the more precise calculation k
tion ion, all ts
8 of from 29,000 metric tons to 143,000
2 metric tons for each tower)
Jonathan Elinoff (Jewish) - This
WeAreChange Colorado activist is the 9/11
poli creator of a series of films called Core li Truth,
JewCrm Penta Gateke Elinoff,
tica Of Corruption, so called documenting n gatek U.S.
Nt gon, epers Jonathan
7 l the global conspiracy. Underplay role of k eeper
8 Israel,… attacked Missing Links (wasn't s
3 mentioned on CoC.
The cancer rate for cops has jumped
fivefold in the decade since the World
Trade Center’s twin towers collapsed,
an NYPD study shows. And there’s
NY me been a tenfold increase in cops l
WTC r, Victims
Daily dic diagnosed with thyroid cancer, while the n NYC U.S.
1-2 Thyroi , all
News al number falling ill with non-Hodgkins k
lymphoma has gone up by a factor of 3
7 1/2. most members of the department
8 did rescue and recovery work at toxic
4 sites post-9/11.
Jim Marrs, avoids Israel 9/11 question, 9/11
poli "Inside Job" excludes Jews. Promotes li Truth,
JewCrm Penta Gateke Marrs,
7 tica 'Rise of the Fourth Reich', Nazis gaining n gatek U.S.
Nt gon, epers Jim
8 l control of America, by 1%, secret k eeper
5 societies,… fascism s

poli Von Kleist is kosher member of 9/11 li Truth,
JewCrm Penta Gateke Kleist,
7 tica Truth? In Plame Sight does not mention n gatek U.S.
Nt gon, epers Von
8 l Jews only Bush Cronies k eeper
6 s

Lavon Affair … Egyptian Jews who

Jewish poli agreed to spy for Israel, Israeli li
JFK & False Israeli
7 Virtual tica underground cells that had been n Egypt
Holoc flag gov
8 Library l operating in Egypt were uncovered by k
7 the Egyptian police, Darling, John
ASCE report: "in the area of the impact
ASCE of the fuselage and the tail, severe
g 757
phy Report impact l
Penta slips U.S.
sica s, damage did not extend above the third- n U.S.
gon into gov
7 l Pentag floor slab.." … the third floor slab is k
8 on twenty feet off the ground … the tail is
8 44' high… all impossible…

WTC, Contro Engine

Journal poli Journal of 9/11 Studies website contains li
Penta lled 9/11 ers &
7 of 9/11 tica approximately 70 peer-reviewed n U.S.
gon, demoli Truth Scientis
8 Studies l publications. k
PA tion ts
The roof line of the North Tower of the
World Trade Center is shown to
have been in constant downward
Freefa Contro Control Engine
Journal phy acceleration until it disappeared. ... The li
WTC ll lled led 9/11 ers &
of 9/11 sica downward acceleration of the upper n U.S.
1-2 accele demoli demolit Truth Scientis
Studies l block can be understood as a k
ration tion ion, all ts
7 consequence of, not the cause of, the
9 disintegration of the lower section of the
0 building.
Griffin, Debunker and official first explanation
David was the "pancake theory" for the Control
phy l U.S.
Ray WTC Panca Gateke Quirant, collapse of the WTC towers, but had a led debunk 1/1/2
sica n think U.S.
7 New 1-2 king epers Jerome major flaw in that it doesn’t explaing demolit ers 002
l k tank
9 Pearl why the 47 column core structure also ion, all
1 Harbor collapsed.
CNN report: In the two years before the
Sept. 11 attacks, the North American
Aerospace Defense Command
WTC, Incom
poli conducted exercises simulating what the li
Penta petenc U.S. 4/1/1
Killtown tica White House says was unimaginable at n U.S.
gon, e gov 999
l the time: hijacked airliners used as k
PA theory
7 weapons to crash into targets ...were
9 regional drills, not regularly scheduled
2 continent-wide exercises.
CNN report on NORAD exercises
before 9/11: One of the imagined targets
WTC, was the World Trade Center. In another
poli NORA li
Penta exercise, jets performed a mock U.S. 4/1/1
Killtown tica D/ n U.S.
gon, shootdown over the Atlantic Ocean of a gov 999
l FAA k
7 PA jet supposedly laden with chemical
9 poisons headed toward a target in the
3 United States
USA Today report on NORAD
exercises before 9/11 that involved
poli NORA hijacked airliners. In a third scenario, li
Penta U.S. 4/1/1
Killtown tica D/ the target was the Pentagon — but that n U.S.
gon, gov 999
7 l FAA drill was not run after Defense officials k
9 said it was unrealistic, NORAD and
4 Defense officials say.
Project on Government Oversight,
released a copy of an e-mail written by a
poli NORA former NORAD official referring to the li
Penta U.S. 4/1/2
Killtown tica D/ proposed exercise targeting the n U.S.
gon, gov 004
7 l FAA Pentagon. The e-mail said the k
9 simulation was not held because the
5 Pentagon considered it "too unrealistic."
Direct involvement with BCCI's illegal
activities would besmirch...every US
presidential administration from Nixon
WTC, to Clinton: Clark Clifford, Richard 9/11
poli 9/11 li
Penta Helms, George Bush I, James Baker, Finacin
Pravda tica Groun n global BCCI
gon, William Casey, Bert Lance, and Marc g&
l dwork k
PA Rich among them. BCCI clients Roots
7 included the intelligence agencies form
9 the US and Saudi Arabia, the Medellin
6 Cartel and Saddam Hussein.
In 1985 Drexel Lambert S&L crook
Michael Milken helped Houston Natural
Interlo Gas merged with Internorth to create
WTC, cking Enron. Kenneth Lay headed Houston Fascism
poli l
Henders Penta BOD Natural Gas and became chairman and & Rothsc
tica n Israel
on, Dean gon, & CEO of the new company. Enron was Neocon hild
l k
PA conspi the biggest corporate contributor to s
7 rators George W. Bush’s campaign to become
9 Texas Governor. HendersonLeftHook
7 List of Rothschild banks
Olmert, who has long been tarnished by
allegations of financial crimes, was
implicated in a financial scandal
WTC, involving forged receipts for donations
poli Israel Atzmon, l
Penta to the 1988 Likud campaign, of which Israeli
Bollyn tica & 9/11 Menache n PM Israel
gon, he was co-treasurer. This affair gov
l ICTS m k
PA culminated in the March 1996
7 conviction of three other Likudniks,
9 including Menahem Atzmon, the Likud
8 treasurer.
1993: February 26. The WTC garage is
hit by a car bomb. The FBI has been
aware of the plot via their informant
Emad Salem yet let it go ahead... a plan U.S.,
poli Drills l Intel
WTC to substitute harmless powder for the U.S. Israel, 2/26/
WMR tica gone n agencie FBI
1993 explosives was called off by an FBI gov SA, 1993
l live k s
supervisor There now exists a pretext Britain
7 for subsequent "fireproofing upgrades"
9 Salameh framed, Josie Hadas was
9 Mossad agent.
WMR previously reported that a
WTC, classified French intelligence report U.S.,
poli bin l Intel
Penta al stated that Bin Laden and his Afghan U.S. Israel, 1/1/1
WMR tica Laden, n agencie CIA
8 gon, Queda forces remained under the operational gov SA, 995
l Osama k s
0 PA control of Britain's MI-6 and the CIA Britain
0 until 1995.
As the BAE Systems bribery scandal
continues to circle around top Saudi
officials, including the last two Saudi
ambassadors to Washington, Princes
Bandar and Turki bin Faisal, the Tony
WTC, Blair government, and possibly, Bush Rothsch
poli 9/11 & Fraker, l BAE
Penta administration officials aware of ild UK
WMR tica Saudi Ambassa n System UK
gon, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations Zionists corp
l Arabia dor k s
PA by BAE Systems, a major Pentagon , all
contractor but failing to take action, the
selection of Fraker, who has spent much
8 of his career in London, the focal point
0 of the BAE scandal, has taken on greater
1 significance.
Shortly before his suspicious death in
Scotland in 2005, former British Foreign
Secretary Robin Cook wrote in The
WTC, Guardian that "Al Qaeda" was a CIA
poli l
Penta 9/11 Cook, database of mercenaries, financiers, and UK al 1/1/2
WMR tica n UK
gon, Roots Robin interlocutors used by the CIA to fight gov Queda 005
l k
PA the Soviets in Afghanistan. He was
8 murdered because he dared to speak the
0 truth about 9/11 and the
2 Iraq/Afghanistan wars.
Shortly before his suspicious death in
Scotland in 2005, former British Foreign
poli Secretary Robin Cook wrote in The l Intel
Penta 9/11 & Cook, U.S.
WMR tica Guardian that "Al Qaeda" was a CIA n agencie CIA UK
gon, UK Robin gov
8 l database of mercenaries, financiers, and k s
0 interlocutors used by the CIA to fight
3 the Soviets in Afghanistan:
As the BAE Systems bribery scandal
continues to circle around top Saudi
officials, ... Princes Bandar and Turki
WTC, Rothsch
poli 9/11 & Bandar bin Faisal, the Blair government, and l BAE
Penta ild U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Saudi bin possibly, Bush administration aware of n System
gon, Zionists corp Arabia
l Arabia Sultan Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations k s
PA , all
8 by BAE Systems,... but failing to take
0 action, the selection of Fraker, is
4 significant
As the BAE Systems bribery scandal
continues to circle around top Saudi
officials, ... Princes Bandar and Turki
WTC, cking
poli Fraker, bin Faisal, the Blair government, and l Corpora BAE
Penta BOD U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Ambassa possibly, Bush administration aware of n tions & System
gon, & corp Arabia
l dor Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations k 9/11 s
PA conspi
8 by BAE Systems,... but failing to take
0 action, the selection of Fraker, is
5 significant
On the eve of the Iraq War, Rep. James
Moran (D-VA)said: "if it were not for
WTC, the strong support of the Jewish
poli l U.S.
Penta Iraq community for this war with Iraq, we U.S.
MERIP tica n Congre Israel
gon, War would not be doing this." … Moran's gov
l k ss
8 PA quick apology demonstrated once more
0 the power of the Zionist lobby over not
6 only US Middle East
Eleven signatories of the final report of
WINEP's 1992 commission on US-
WTC, Israeli relations, "Enduring Partnership," 9/11
9/11 l
Penta doc Lake, joined the Clinton administration. Finacin U.S. 1/1/1
MERIP Groun n WINEP Israel
gon, s Anthony Among them were National Security g& gov 992
dwork k
8 PA Advisor Anthony Lake, ... Madeleine Roots
0 Albright, Undersecretary of Commerce
7 Stuart Eisenstat and the late Les Aspin
1993, the Clinton administration
announced a policy of "dual
containment" aimed at isolating Iran and
Iraq. The principal formulator and
poli spokesperson for that policy was Martin l
Penta 9/11 U.S. 1/1/1
MERIP tica Indyk, in his new role as Special n Israel
gon, Roots gov 993
l Assistant to the President and Senior k
Director for Near East and South Asian
8 Affairs at the NSC. "Dual containment"
0 was the forerunner of George W. Bush's
8 "axis of evil" policy.
Interlo Jewish Institute for National Security
WTC, cking Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of
poli l Israeli
Penta BOD Cheney, advisors included Cheney,
MERIP tica n think JINSA Israel
8 gon, & Dick Undersecretary of State John Bolton and
l k tank
0 PA conspi Undersecretary of Defense Douglas
9 rators Feith. Richard Perle
Interlo Jewish Institute for National Security
WTC, cking Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of
poli l Israeli
Penta BOD Bolton, advisors included Cheney,
MERIP tica n think JINSA Israel
8 gon, & John Undersecretary of State John Bolton and
l k tank
1 PA conspi Undersecretary of Defense Douglas
0 rators Feith. Richard Perle
Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of
advisors included Cheney,
poli 9/11 Undersecretary of State John Bolton and l Israeli
Penta Feith, Neocon 1/1/1
MERIP tica Groun Undersecretary of Defense Douglas n think JINSA Israel
gon, Douglas s, all 988
l dwork Feith. Richard Perle …. Feith lobbied k tank
8 for rejection of Additional Protocols of
1 Geneva Convention during Reagan
1 administration...
Jewish Institute for National Security
WTC, Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of Rothsch
poli l Israeli
Penta 9/11 & Perle, advisors included Cheney, ild
MERIP tica n think JINSA Israel
8 gon, Israel Richard Undersecretary of State John Bolton and Zionists
l k tank
1 PA Undersecretary of Defense Douglas , all
2 Feith. Richard Perle
PNAC affiliates include Cheney and his
chief of staff Lewis Libby, Rumsfeld
and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz, Bolton,
WTC, special envoy to "Free Iraqis" Zalmay
poli Khalilza l U.S.
Penta Khalilzad, Secretary of State Colin
MERIP tica PNAC d, n think Israel
gon, Powell's deputy Richard Armitage and
l Zalmay k tank
PA Elliott Abrams, a rehabilitated Iran-
8 contra criminal who now serves as
1 National Security Council adviser for
3 the Middle East.
"A Clean Break: A New Strategy for
Securing the Realm," advocated that
Israel repudiate the Oslo accords and
WTC, seek permanent annexation of the West 9/11
9/11 l U.S.
Penta doc Bank and the Gaza Strip. Even more Finacin
MERIP Groun n think Israel
gon, s provocatively, it urged Israel to support g&
dwork k tank
PA Jordan in advocating restoration of the Roots
8 Hashemite monarchy in Iraq and the
1 elimination of the regime of Saddam
4 Hussein
January 26, 1998, PNAC sent a letter to
WTC, President Bill Clinton urging that he
poli l U.S.
Penta launch a war against Iraq. The 1/26/
MERIP tica PNAC n think Israel
8 gon, signatories included Kristol, Cheney, 1998
l k tank
1 PA Libby, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton,
5 Perle, Abrams, Khalilzad and Armitage.
The result of efforts by PNAC and
others was the passage of the Iraq
Liberation Act of November 1998,
WTC, which announced the switch in US Iraq
poli l U.S.
Penta policy from disarmament to regime 11/1/
MERIP tica PNAC n think Israel
gon, change. This legislation was adopted 1998
l k tank
PA weeks before Clinton ordered the
8 UNSCOM inspectors out of Iraq and
1 launched Operation Desert Fox—four
6 days of intensive bombing.
Soon after the 9/11 attacks, Perle
convened a two-day seminar of the
WTC, Defense Policy Board. The 9/11 Defens
poli 9/11 l U.S.
Penta Perle, consensuswas removing Saddam Finacin e 10/1/
MERIP tica Groun n think Israel
gon, Richard Hussein from power should be an g& Policy 2001
l dwork k tank
8 PA objective in the US war on terrorism Roots Board
1 despite the lack of any evidence linking
7 Iraq to the attacks or to al-Qaeda.
Perle also sits on the advisory board of
WTC, Rothsch
poli WINEP, the more established pro-Israel l U.S.
Penta 9/11 & Perle, ild
8 MERIP tica think tank in Washington (as did n think WINEP Israel
gon, Israel Richard Zionists
1 l Wolfowitz before he entered k tank
PA , all
8 government)
"… the operatives had been instructed to
insure the explosives went off at a point
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 that was high enough to prevent people li White
YouTub Penta Bush, Finacin U.S.
tica Groun trapped from above from escaping" n House, U.S.
e gon, GW g& gov
8 l dwork David Cameron quote: "...when the k Bush
PA Roots
1 Twin Towers *and* World Trade
9 Center #7 were blown up"
Bout regularly flew ... weapons /
personnel into West Africa on behalf of
Osama Bin Laden and his Saudi
interlocutors as part of a joint Israeli-
WTC, Saudi plan to break the Lebanese Shi'a-
poli 9/11 & l
Penta Bout, Hezbollah monopoly on the West …Top U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Saudi n
gon, Viktor African diamond trade. The plan 20 gov Arabia
l Arabia k
PA involved the recruitment by Mossad
agents of Bin Laden loyalists to displace
8 Shi'a from the diamond trade in
2 countries like Sierra Leone, Liberia, and
0 Guinea.
DeepCapture: The New York Times
published an obituary marking the death
WTC, Mahfouz that year of Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz,
poli BCCI li
Penta , Sheikh the Saudi billionaire and Muslim Saudis Saudi
MSM tica corrupt n global BCCI
gon, Khalid Brotherhood oligarch who had, in the & 9/11 Arabia
l ion k
8 PA bin 1980s, been the largest shareholder of
2 BCCI, and who had served as executive
1 director of the bank.
August 19, 1953, the democratically
elected government of Iran was
overthrown by a coup instigated by the
NFU poli US government. Sixty years after the li Intel
Penta CIA U.S. 8/1/1
Rothschi tica event declassified CIA documents detail n agencie CIA U.S.
gon, coups gov 953
ld l how the secret CIA operation overthrew k s
8 a democratic government (Mossadeq)
2 and imposed Washington’s puppet on
2 the people of Iran.
The nine-story WTC 5 suffered two
gigantic holes that went straight through
to the bottom-level basement. The hole
in the eight-story WTC was 100 feet in
phy diameter … Seismic evidence and U.S.
WTC Minin Mini Prolifer
NNP sica witness statements indicate that high- think U.S.
5 ukes Nukes ation
l yield explosives were used in basements tank
of all buildings except the Marriott that
8 morning to clear space for their remains.
2 NNP Nuclear Non-Proliferation
3 community
Israel used Zim American Shipping
Comapany out of Houston Texas to
smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC
Nuclea Zim
WTC, demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland
poli r l Zim Americ
Penta Carnaby, Carnaby set up cameras to track these
WMR tica smugg n Shippin an Israel
gon, Roland shipments. Zim has close ties to the
l ling & k g Shippin
PA Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the
9/11 g Co.
8 police in a high speed chase in Houston
2 ... his laptops contained information on
4 the shipments.
“There was elevator doors ajar. There
were elevator doors missing. I could see
Contro Control Non-
phy an elevator car twisted in the shaft…” p U.S.
WTC Ejecti lled led Prolifer
NNP sica 50-ton exterior column beams flung i think U.S.
1-2 ons demoli demolit ation
8 l upward from Towers basements to c tank
tion ion, all commu
2 pierce buildings such as the Deutsche
5 Bank across from WTC 2
“It is well known in seismology that
Impact Sources produce Low Frequency
Waves while Explosive Sources produce Nuclear
Contro High Frequency Waves. The Seismic Control Non-
phy p U.S.
WTC Ejecti lled Waves produced during the WTC led Prolifer
NNP sica i think U.S.
1-2 ons demoli collapse were High Frequency Waves— demolit ation
l c tank
tion again indicating that they could not have ion, all commu
8 been produced by the impact of rubble nity
2 on the surface, but rather by an
6 impulsive explosive source.”
DOE report produced on Oct 1, 2002
says tritium came from gun sights,
watches and fuel fires: This work was
performed under the auspices of the Lawren
phy Nukes l
WTC debunke United States Department of Energy by Mini U.S. ce 10/1/
DOE sica , n U.S.
7 rs the University of California, Lawrence Nukes gov Liverm 2002
l Tritiu k
Livermore National Laboratory under ore Lab
8 contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. See
2 Fetzer ... Open Letter to Steven Jones in
7 link
Mini ... levels never fall below 400 ppm for
phy Nukes Barium and they never drop below 700 p U.S.
WTC Mini Prolifer
NNP sica , ppm for Strontium and they reach over i think U.S.
8 1-2 Nukes ation
l USGS 3000 ppm for both of them at WTC01- c tank
2 commu
data 16, Broadway and John Streets.
8 nity
there’s a 99% correlation in the Nuclear
variation in the concentration between Non-
phy Nukes p U.S.
WTC these two elements (barium and Mini Prolifer
NNP sica , i think U.S.
8 1-2 strontium). They vary in lockstep; they Nukes ation
l USGS c tank
2 vary together. … Fission is the only commu
9 process that explains this. nity
Northern phy schedu li
Penta Flights 11 and 77 did not even exist on 9/11 9/11/
8 Truth gon,
sica le
9/11 according to FAA records.
3 Seeker l anoma k
0 lies
The Al Taqwa Bank is closely
associated with the Muslim
History poli Brotherhood, and one of its key l Saudi al
Penta al Ramada Saudis Saudi
Commo tica founders, Said Ramadan, is one of the n Arabi Taqwa
gon, Queda n, Said & 9/11 Arabia
8 ns l Muslim Brotherhood’s top leaders, and k a gov Bank
3 also the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna,
1 the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Firefighters/responders' computer
cataloging of 7000 human remains
China found at the WTC from 9/25/01 to
WTC WTC, Control Engine
me Syndr 5/30/02. It states that, "For six months l
China Penta Victim led 9/11 ers & 5/1/2
dic ome, after Sept. 11, the ground temperature n U.S.
Syndrom gon, s demolit Truth Scientis 002
al bathtu varied between 600 degrees Fahrenheit k
e PA ion, all ts
8 b and 1,500 degrees, sometimes higher."
3 ..., "In the first few weeks, sometimes
2 when a worker would pull a steel beam
from the wreckage, the end of the beam
would be dripping molten steel.

Remember, we know unequivocally

from the aerosol analysis carried out by
WTC, Contro Prof. Cahill, that for over 6 weeks the Control Engine
Nuclear phy Syndr Cahill, li
Penta lled temperatures under the WTC were so led 9/11 ers &
demoliti sica ome, Proffess n U.S.
gon, demoli high that soil and glass were being demolit Truth Scientis
on l bathtu or k
8 PA tion evaporated - boiled away. This means ion, all ts
3 the temperature must have been well
3 over 2000 degrees centigrade.
Chernobyl site, “They tried in vain to
put out the fire with 2400 tonnes of lead
and 1800 tonnes of sand.” ….Mayor
WTC, Soil ce Control Engine
Nuclear phy Giuliani ordered the trucking in and out li
Penta trucke destruc Giuliani, led 9/11 ers &
demoliti sica of sand the very next morning. THESE n U.S.
gon, d into tion, Rudy demolit Truth Scientis
on l are real “unextinguishable fires” Steven k
PA WTC obstru ion, all ts
8 Jones, desperately tries to claim for
3 (“nano-composite”) thermite--which
4 actually stops burning in minutes.
The MSM, NIST and the 911
Commission hide any mention of
China 9/11
WTC, Disinf molten metal. They simply ignore it, or Control
Nuclear phy Syndr li Commi
Penta o& say there was no evidence of molten led U.S.
demoliti sica ome, n ssion, U.S.
gon, ommis steel. The government, was also very demolit gov
on l bathtu k omissio
8 PA sions active in destroying any proof of high ion, all
b ns
3 temperatures after the 9/11 event-such
5 as altering the second AVIRIS data set.
Much of the rubble pile was indeed hot,
and led to such phenomena as melted
China firemen’s and dog’s boots; and the need
WTC, Contro Control Engine
Nuclear phy Syndr to hose down the rubble pile for many li
Penta lled led 9/11 ers &
demoliti sica ome, weeks and months, with countless n U.S.
gon, demoli demolit Truth Scientis
on l bathtu photos showing the steam emanation k
PA tion ion, all ts
8 b that resulted. A nanothermite fire does
3 not contiue to burn for weeks or even
6 months...

Nuclear me Hangi Felipe David’s hanging skin indicates li
Penta Victim Felipe, Victims 9/11
8 demoliti dic ng the largest nukes were likely in the sub- n U.S.
gon, s David , all Truth
3 on al skin basement. k
Much of the rubble pile was indeed hot,
and led to such phenomena as melted
WTC, Contro firemen’s and dog’s boots; and the need Control Engine
phy Nanot li
Alternati Penta lled to hose down the rubble pile for many led 9/11 ers &
sica hermit n U.S.
ve news gon, demoli weeks and months, with countless demolit Truth Scientis
l e k
8 PA tion photos showing the steam emanation ion, all ts
3 that resulted. Nanothermite would cool
8 down within minutes or an hour.
Three W-69M nukes were lost near the
Somalia coast due to B-52 crash.
WTC, r
poli Cheney's efforts to recover them were l White
Penta smugg Cheney, U.S. 2/1/1
WMR tica too late, as they ended up in North n House, U.S.
gon, ling & Dick gov 991
8 l Korea. Cheney also later falsified k Cheney
PA Plame
3 intelligence to show that the North
9 Korean bomb was procured from a DIY
(do-it-yourself) kit obtained from the A
Q Khan nuclear smuggling network in

A Government Accountability Office

investigator smuggled live bomb
components into a federal building in
WTC, Contro just 27 seconds, then assembled a bomb
poli li
RawStor Penta lled in a restroom and ventured throughout U.S.
tica n GAO U.S.
y gon, demoli the building without being detected ... In gov
l k
PA tion addition, congressional investigators
8 were able to penetrate every single
4 federal building they probed without
0 any difficulty — 10 in all.
She provides absolutely no hard 9/11
Nuclear phy evidence for DEW, which confirms the li Truth,
Penta Gateke Wood,
8 demoliti sica lack of credibility of her efforts … n gatek U.S.
gon, epers Judy
4 on l hurricane Erin, Class 3, just offshore, k eeper
1 New York. s, High Rise Safety U.S.,

NYC WTC Gateke Initiative, … to reinvestigate WTC 7 9/11 Israel, 10/1/
8 tica
CAN 7 epers failed, but was a highly successful Truth SA, 2014
4 l
organizing event Britain
The Palisades seismic record shows that
-- as the collapses began -- a huge
Take WTC, Contro seismic "spikes" marked the moment the Control
phy Seism l U.S. Seismo
Our Penta lled greatest energy went into the ground. led 9/11/
sica ograph n Acad graph U.S.
World gon, demoli The strongest jolts were both registered demolit 2001
l s k emia orgs
8 Back PA tion at the beginning of the collapses, well ion, all
4 before the falling debris struck the earth.
3 9:59:00 AM
After failing to secure the Atwell
security contract for the WTC, Shalom
(Avraham Bendor) then went to work
for Kroll Associates and Maurice
poli WTC Bendor, l Intel
WTC Greenberg after being forced to resign Israeli Shin
Bollyn tica Securit Avraha n agencie Israel
1993 as head of the Shin Bet in 1986, by Shin gov Bet
l y m k s
Bet agents. Kroll then obtained the
8 security contract for the WTC in 1993
4 and was responsible for security until 9-
4 11
Odigo was later bought up by another
Israeli company called Comverse. The
Info poli CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, l Corpora
Penta Warni Alexand Israeli
Undergr tica “dual” Israeli-US citizen, with n tions & Odigo Israel
gon, ngs er, Kobi corp
8 ound l connections to Mossad. Herzliya k 9/11
4 happens to be the Head Quarters of
5 Mossad
Yes, small atomic charges exist. They
are very small. Several dozen kilos,
WTC, thirty kilos, forty kilos. ..Russian ones Engine
phy li
Penta Minin do exist, … Their power is about one Mini 9/11 ers &
PBS sica n U.S.
gon, ukes kiloton, … Yeltsin's former Science Nukes Truth Scientis
l k
8 PA Advisor, Alexei Yablokov, testified to ts
4 the American Congress regarding the
6 so-called suitcase bombs
From ASCE report: "The photograph
also shows that the only column missing
Pentago Boein
ASCE on the second floor in the west exterior
n g 757
phy Report wall of the building was at column line l
Building Penta slips U.S.
sica s, 14. The spandrel beam for the third floor n U.S.
Perform gon into gov
l Pentag and all third-floor exterior columns k
ance first
8 on appears to be intact". …Impossible for a
Report floor
4 225,000 lb aircraft to disappear into the
7 1st floor of a building....
From ASCE report: "Impact of the
Pentago Boein fuselage was at column line 14, at or
n g 757 slightly below the second- floor
phy Report l
Building Penta slips slab.The left wing passed below the U.S.
sica s, n U.S.
Perform gon into second-floor slab, and the right wing gov
l Pentag k
8 ance first crossed at a shallow angle from below
4 Report floor the second- floor slab to above the
8 second-floor slab"
ASCE: "The photograph also shows that
Pentago Boein
ASCE the only column missing on the second
n g 757
phy Report floor in the west exterior wall of the l
Building Penta slips U.S.
sica s, building was at column line 14. The n U.S.
Perform gon into gov
8 l Pentag spandrel beam for the third floor and all k
ance first
4 on third-floor exterior columns appears to
Report floor
9 be intact.
The BPS team concluded that the impact
Pentago Boein of the aircraft destroyed or significantly
n g 757 impaired approximately 50 structural
phy Report l
Building Penta slips columns.The ensuing fire weakened a U.S.
sica s, n U.S.
Perform gon into number of other structural elements. gov
l Pentag k
8 ance first However, only a very small segment of
5 Report floor the affected structure collapsed,
0 approximately 20 minutes after impact
The collapse, fatalities, and damage
were mitigated by the Pentagon's
Pentago Boein
ASCE resilient structural system. Very few
n g 757 Control
phy Report upgraded windows installed during the l
Building Penta slips led U.S.
sica s, renovation broke during the impact and n U.S.
Perform gon into demolit gov
l Pentag deflagration of aircraft fuel. … confirms k
ance first ion, all
8 on no airliner… glass windows cannot
Report floor
5 withstand the impact of a 120 ton
1 Boeing 757.
David Office Disinf When Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Control
poli l
Ray WTC furnis o& Gage, Truth asked to see government data on led 9/11 AE911
tica n U.S.
8 New 1-2 hings ommis Richard fire temperature simulations, there demolit Truth Truth
l k
5 Pearl fires sions request was denied. ion, all
2 Harbor
An aircraft, having a metal skin and
fuselage, acts like a Faraday cage,
tending to block or attenuate
WTC, Airlin
phy electromagnetic radiation. One can li
Physics9 Penta e cell 9/11 Physics
sica make a cellphone call from inside an n U.S.
11 gon, phone Truth 911
l aircraft while on the ground because the k
PA calls
8 weakened signal is still close enough to
5 the nearest cellsite (relay tower) to get
3 picked up.
The airplane was UA175, a Boeing 767-
200, shortly before crashing into World
Trade Center Tower 2. Based on
WTC, analysis of radar data, the National Control
Pilots for phy Airlin li
Penta Transportation and Safety Board led U.S.
9/11 sica er air NTSB n U.S.
gon, reported the groundspeed just before demolit gov
Truth l speed k
PA impact as 510 knots. This is well beyond ion, all
8 the maximum operating velocity of 360
5 knots, and maximum dive velocity of
4 410 knots.
3:07 p.m. – Bush arrives at U.S.
Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force
Base in Nebraska." -
poli Pedop … see Warren l Bush
Alternati Penta Buffett, U.S.
tica hilia Buffet…Offutt is right outside Omaha n Crime U.S.
ve news gon, Warren gov
l rings Nebraska, home of the Franklin Scandal k Family
8 Omaha. The pedophile ring reached all
5 the way to the White House of George
5 Herbert Walker Bush.
Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the
board of directors at US Airways on
9/11. Ray Smith has served on the
boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Rothsc
WTC, cking Rothsch
Pilots for poli Smith, Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, li hild,
Penta BOD ild U.S.
9/11 tica Raymon Corestates Financial, First Union, and n North Israel
gon, & Zionists corp
Truth l d W. others. He is also Chairman of k Americ
PA conspi , all
Rothschild, North America, Inc. and a, Inc.
8 Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr.
5 Smith also served on the board of Five
6 Arrows (Rothschild).
During the restructuring of US
Interlo Airways, the company hired Rudy
WTC, cking Giuliani''s firm as an advisor to the
Pilots for poli li Corpora i
Penta BOD Giuliani, restructuring. Delta Airlines was paying U.S.
9/11 tica n tions & Capital U.S.
gon, & Rudy $400,000 a month to restructuring corp
Truth l k 9/11 Adviso
8 PA conspi specialists Giuliani Capital Advisors,
5 rators founded by former New York mayor
7 Rudy Giuliani.
US Airways also had a 28 year CIA
veteran sitting on it's board as well.
Interlo nd
James M. Simon Jr. is now on the board
WTC, cking Securit
Pilots for poli at ORBIMAGE. After September 11th, li
Penta BOD Simon, U.S. y
9/11 tica he was designated as the senior n U.S.
gon, & James Jr. gov Intellig
Truth l intelligence official for homeland k
PA conspi ence
8 security establishing and chairing the
rators Council
5 Homeland Security Intelligence
8 Council.
Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in
WTC, the basement of the FAA for two years
Pilots for poli NORA li
Penta prior to 9/11, Singh said. "Their specific U.S.
9/11 tica D/ n U.S.
8 gon, job is to look at interoperability issues gov
Truth l FAA k
5 PA the FAA had with NORAD and the Air
9 Force in the case of an emergency.
Mitre Corp / Ptech, in FAA basement If
anyone was in a position to know that
WTC, the FAA -- that there was a window of
Pilots for poli li
Penta Ptech / opportunity or to insert software or to Saudis U.S. Mitre Saudi
9/11 tica n
gon, Mitre change anything -- it would have been & 9/11 corp corp Arabia
Truth l k
8 PA Ptech along with MITRE." Singh has
6 spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged
0 connections with Saudi Arabia
Mitre Corp / Ptech, in FAA basement If
anyone was in a position to know that
WTC, the FAA -- that there was a window of
Pilots for poli li Corpora
Penta Ptech / opportunity or to insert software or to U.S.
9/11 tica n tions & U.S.
gon, Mitre change anything -- it would have been corp
Truth l k 9/11
8 PA Ptech along with MITRE." Singh has
6 spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged
1 connections with Saudi Arabia
ACARS Messages have been provided
through the Freedom Of Information
Act (FOIA) which demonstrate that the
Pilots for phy aircraft received messages through l
WTC S 9/11
9/11 sica ground stations located in Harrisburg, n FAA U.S.
1-2 messa Truth
Truth l PA, and then later routed through a k
8 ground station in Pittsburgh, 20 minutes
6 after the aircraft allegedly impacted the
2 South Tower in New York.
It has been reported that American
Airlines Flight 77 departed Washington
Dulles International Airport at Pilots
Pilots for phy schedu li
Penta approximately 08:20 AM on 9/11/2001 9/11 for
9/11 sica le n U.S.
gon allegedly from Terminal Concourse D Truth 9/11
Truth l anoma k
8 Gate 26 (1). ... Flight Data Recorder Truth
6 positional data provided by the NTSB
3 tells a very different story.
Boeing spokeswoman Leslie Hazzard in
this recording saying 500+ mph at 700
Pilots for phy Airlin feet is impossible. (Interviewer asks -) li Corpora
9/11 sica er air "So there's no way the aircraft could be n tions & Boeing U.S.
1-2 corp
8 Truth l speed going 500 mph at [700 ft] altitude k 9/11
6 then?" Boeing Spokesperson - (Laughs)
4 "Not a chance..."

WTC, Lear stated during this interview that

Pilots for phy Airlin li Corpora Lear
Penta Lear, AA11 and UA175 demonstrated U.S.
9/11 sica er air n tions & Corpor U.S.
8 gon, John “impossible speed” and that no planes corp
6 Truth l speed k 9/11 ation
PA hit the towers.
The aircraft (Boeing 767, 757) were
well within their structural limit of .86
Mach by a margin of .12 Mach or
approximately 14%; flying at maximum
WTC, of reported speed of .74 Mach. The Pilots
Pilots for phy Airlin li
Penta Bursill, simulator test carried out on an actual 9/11 for
9/11 sica er air n U.S.
gon, John certified Full Flight Simulator (the best Truth 9/11
Truth l speed k
PA available), in a fully accredited pilot Truth
certification facility, showed that the
8 767 aircraft can reach an airspeed of .86
6 Mach in a flat trajectory at approximate
6 sea level.
Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard
Interlo Gruetzm is currently on the BOD at US Airways. Rothsc
WTC, cking acher She is the chief executive officer of Rothsch hild
Pilots for poli li
Penta BOD Gordon/ Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. She ild U.S. Asset
9/11 tica n U.S.
gon, & Krongar was a senior managing director at Zionists corp Manag
Truth l k
8 PA conspi d, Rothschild also. She recently remarried , all ement,
6 rators Cheryl ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard. see Inc.
7 Edward S. Gordon
During the restructuring of US
Interlo Airways, the company hired Rudy
WTC, cking Giuliani''s firm as an advisor to the
Pilots for poli li Corpora US
Penta BOD Giuliani, restructuring. Delta Airlines was paying U.S.
9/11 tica n tions & Airway U.S.
gon, & Rudy $400,000 a month to restructuring corp
Truth l k 9/11 s
8 PA conspi specialists Giuliani Capital Advisors,
6 rators founded by former New York mayor
8 Rudy Giuliani.
Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the
board of directors at US Airways on
911. Ray Smith has served on the boards
of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie
Pilots for poli Rothsc Smith, Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, li Corpora US
Penta U.S.
9/11 tica hild & Raymon Corestates Financial, First Union, and n tions & Airway U.S.
gon, corp
Truth l 9/11 d W. others. He is also Chairman of k 9/11 s
Rothschild, North America, Inc. and
8 Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr.
6 Smith also served on the board of Five
9 Arrows (Rothschild).
US Airways also had a 28 year CIA
veteran sitting on it's board as well.
James M. Simon Jr. is now on the board
WTC, cking
Pilots for poli at ORBIMAGE. After September 11th, li Corpora US
Penta BOD Simon, U.S.
9/11 tica he was designated as the senior n tions & Airway U.S.
gon, & James Jr. corp
Truth l intelligence official for homeland k 9/11 s
PA conspi
8 security establishing and chairing the
7 Homeland Security Intelligence
0 Council.
Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in
the basement of the FAA for two years
prior to 9/11, Singh said. "Their specific
Pilots for poli 9/11 job is to look at interoperability issues li Corpora US
Penta U.S.
9/11 tica Groun the FAA had with NORAD and the Air n tions & Airway U.S.
gon, corp
Truth l dwork Force in the case of an emergency. k 9/11 s
8 Singh has spoken extensively about
7 Ptech's alleged connections with Saudi
1 Arabia
Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard
Interlo is currently on the BOD at US Airways.
WTC, cking She is the chief executive officer of
Pilots for poli li Intel
Penta BOD Krongar Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. She U.S.
9/11 tica n agencie CIA U.S.
gon, & d, Buzzy was a senior managing director at gov
Truth l k s
8 PA conspi Rothschild also. She recently remarried
7 rators ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard. see
2 Edward S. Gordon
Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard
Gruetzm is currently on the BOD at US Airways.
WTC, acher She is the chief executive officer of
Pilots for poli Rothsc li Corpora US
Penta Gordon/ Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. She U.S.
9/11 tica hild & n tions & Airway U.S.
gon, Krongar was a senior managing director at corp
Truth l 9/11 k 9/11 s
8 PA d, Rothschild also. She recently remarried
7 Cheryl ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard. see
3 Edward S. Gordon
Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the
Interlo board of directors at US Airways on
WTC, cking 9/11. Ray Smith has served on the
Pilots for poli Smith, li Corpora US
Penta BOD boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie U.S.
9/11 tica Raymon n tions & Airway U.S.
gon, & Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, corp
Truth l d W. k 9/11 s
8 PA conspi Corestates Financial, First Union, and
7 rators others. He is also Chairman of
4 Rothschild, North America, Inc. and
Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr.
Smith also served on the board of Five
Arrows (Rothschild).

Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the

board of directors at US Airways on
911. Ray Smith has served on the boards
of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Rothsc
WTC, Rothsch
Pilots for poli Rothsc Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, li hild,
Penta Rothschi ild U.S.
9/11 tica hild & Corestates Financial, First Union, and n North U.S.
gon, ld Zionists corp
Truth l 9/11 others. He is also Chairman of k Americ
PA , all
Rothschild, North America, Inc. and a, Inc.
8 Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr.
7 Smith also served on the board of Five
5 Arrows (Rothschild).
Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the
board of directors at US Airways on
911. Ray Smith has served on the boards
of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie
WTC, cking Rothsch
Pilots for poli Smith, Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, li
Penta BOD ild U.S. Rothsc
9/11 tica Raymon Corestates Financial, First Union, and n U.S.
gon, & Zionists corp hild
Truth l d W. others. He is also Chairman of k
PA conspi , all
Rothschild, North America, Inc. and
8 Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr.
7 Smith also served on the board of Five
6 Arrows (Rothschild).
... the U.S. House passed the Homeland
Security Bill -and very late they slipped
WTC, in “clarifying provisions,” which
poli WTC li U.S.
PlaneSaf Penta granted corporate immunity to U.S. 7/1/2
tica Securit n Congre U.S.
e gon, Argenbright Security (British), Globe gov 002
l y k ss
8 PA Aviation Security Services (Sweden),
7 and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Dutch
7 company)

Pornogra poli Vulcan Wohlstet li
Penta 9/11
8 phy of tica s& ter, Rise of the Vulcans, book, James Mann n Israel
gon, Truth
7 Power l 9/11 Albert k
Urban Israel has been wildly celebrating the
Movin success of its 9/11 operation against the
WTC, g United States of America. The latest
poli li students
Penta Syste Hariri, example: Israeli children recently Israeli
PressTV tica n , Urban Israel
gon, ms, Michael dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, gov
l k Moving
8 PA Dancin complete with impaled exploding
7 g airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish
9 Israelis holiday known as Purim.
Purim exalts and commemorates an
ancient operation very much like 9/11. It
glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who
WTC, concealed her Jewish identity to seduce
poli li
Penta 9/11 the King of Persia, then slyly tricked Israeli
PressTV tica Purim n Israel
gon, Roots him into slaughtering 75,000 people gov
l k
PA deemed “enemies of the Jews.” the
8 Neocon / Zionist celebration of Purim
8 was the execution of the Iraq /
0 Afghanistan wars.
Movin the “dancing Israelis” went on Israeli
WTC, g television and admitted their complicity Mossad
poli li students
Penta Syste Dancing in 9/11, but denied having planted the Israeli /
PressTV tica n , Urban Israel
gon, ms, Israelis explosives that destroyed the Twin gov Sayeret
l k Moving
8 PA Dancin Towers, saying: “We were only there to Matkal
8 g document the event.”
1 Israelis
"We are benefiting from one thing, and
WTC, Netanya Rothsch Mossad
poli that is the attack on the Twin Towers li
Penta 9/11 & hu, ild Israeli / 4/16/
8 PressTV tica and the Pentagon.” (Ha'aretz, Apr 16, n Israel
gon, Israel Benjami Zionists gov Sayeret 2008
8 l 2008 - “Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 k
PA n , all Matkal
2 terror attacks good for Israel”.)
Lavon Affair, otherwise known as
Operation Susannah. In that covert
operation, Israeli Mossad operatives,
WTC, Netanya Mossad
poli disguised as Egyptians, bombed li Intel
Penta False hu, Israeli / 3/1/2
PressTV tica American targets in Egypt. ...Israel n agencie Israel
gon, flag Benjami gov Sayeret 005
l officially denied the event ... But k s
PA n Matkal
8 Wikipedia: “In March 2005, Israel
8 publicly honored the surviving
3 operatives,
Kissinger was undeniably the
mastermind of the first 9/11 (Chile
coup). As President Nixon's National
WTC, Security Advisor in 1973, and the head
poli li Intel
Penta 9/11 Kissinge of the "40 Committee" that oversaw US U.S.
PressTV tica n agencie CIA U.S.
gon, Roots r, Henry covert operations, Kissinger designed gov
l k s
PA the coup that overthrew and murdered
8 Allende. ... he would eventually be
8 nominated to head the 9/11 Commission
4 report.
Eretz Israel ..biblical name for the
territory roughly corresponding to the
area encompassed by the Southern
poli Levant. ..including ... Land of Canaan, l
Wikiped Fascis Israel, Holoca Israeli
tica the Promised Land, the Holy Land, and n Israel
ia m& Eretz ust gov
l Palestine. The Land of Israel (between k
8 Tigris and Euphrates rivers) concept ...
8 of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) ...
5 etc.
Kissinger has been a leading advocate of
the neoconservative plan to destroy
poli "seven countries in five years" as Gen. li Intel
Penta Neoco Kissinge U.S.
PressTV tica Wesley Clark revealed. "I don't see why n agencie CIA U.S.
gon, ns r, Henry gov
8 l we need to stand by and watch a country k s
8 (Chile) go communist because of the
6 irresponsibility of its own people.”
The Turkish spy ring also intersects with
Israeli espionage ring a link between the
Nuclea Turkish espionage ring in the US State
WTC, r and Defense Depts and the outing of and
poli l Israeli
Penta smugg Plame, Brewster Jennings by the very same 1/1/2
WMR tica n think AIPAC Turkey
gon, ling & Valerie Turkish intelligence and influence- 001
l k tank
PA Plame peddling ring that also involved former
8 gate US ambassador to Turkey and
8 Undersecretary of State for Political
7 Affairs Marc Grossman
On June 10, 2003, Grossman, who was
trusted by the Cheney neocon cabal in
the White House, received a memo
WTC, r
poli drafted by an analyst in the State l
Penta smugg Grossma U.S.
WMR tica Department's Bureau of Intelligence and n INR Niger
gon, ling & n, Marc gov
l Research (INR's) on INR's skepticism k
PA Plame
8 about President Bush's State of the
8 Union charge that Iraq had tried to
8 procure uranium from Niger.
Not until July 2004 did American
Airlines and Qualcomm, announce the
WTC, Airlin
phy development of a new wireless Corpora
Penta e cell U.S. Qualco 7/1/2
Qualcom sica technology --which will at some future tions & U.S.
gon, phone corp m 004
8 l date allow airline passengers using their 9/11
PA calls
8 cell phones to contact family and friends
9 from a commercial aircraft
On the 9/11, the SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-
3: Customer Protection – Reserves and
WTC, Wall
Want to poli Custody of Securities.” Thus GSCC li
Penta St., U.S. 9/11/ tica Government Securities Clearing n SEC U.S.
gon, Israel gov 2001
8 fo l Corporation] was allowed to substitute k
PA & 9/11
9 other securities for the physical
0 securities destroyed during the attack
Spc. Gallop also says she heard two
loud explosions, and does not believe
poli li White
RawStor Penta Eyewit Gallop, that a Boeing 757 hit the building. Her U.S.
tica n House, U.S.
8 y gon ness April son sustained a serious brain injury, and gov
l k Cheney
9 Gallop herself was knocked unconscious
1 after the roof collapsed onto her office.
Mario Scaramella, under investigation
by prosecutors in Rome, Naples, and
WTC, Organi Bologna for international arms
poli Scarame l Corpora Kroll &
Penta zed smuggling, divulging official judicial U.S.
WMR tica lla, n tions & Associa Italy
gon, Crime secrets, conspiracy, international corp
l Mario k 9/11 tes
8 PA & 9/11 trafficking in radioactive materials, and
9 the dumping of hazardous waste through
2 unauthorized third parties.
Also of interest is another
"environmental" link that ties the
various Scaramella-Litvinenko players
under the cover of an international
WTC, Organi environmental network. An SEC
poli Scarame l Corpora Kroll &
Penta zed EDGAR search revealed a stockholders' U.S.
WMR tica lla, n tions & Associa Russia
gon, Crime agreement between Harrison-Kroll corp
l Mario k 9/11 tes
PA & 9/11 Environmental Services, Inc. of
Louisiana and Palumbo Partners, a
8 Delaware corporation dated December
9 31, 1992, in which Kroll acquired
3 Palumbo Partners.
SS-Hptscharf. Adolf Eichmann, had
visited Palestine, in October, 1937, as
the guest of the Zionists. He also met, in Rothsch
t / poli Zionis li
Egypt, with Feivel Polkes, a Zionist ild Israeli 1/1/1
Rense Nazi tica m & Zionists n Israel
operative, whom Eichmann described as Zionists gov 937
Germ l Nazis k
8 a "leading Haganah functionary." The , all
9 chain-smoking Polkes was also on the
4 Nazis' payroll "as an informer."
Brenner isn't the first writer to address
the mostly taboo subject of how the
Zionist leadership cooperated with the
Nazis. Rolf Hilberg's seminal "The
Destruction of European Jews"; Hannah
Zionis Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem"; Ben
t / poli Zionis Hecht's "Perfidy"; Edwin Black's "The li
ild Israeli 1/1/1
Rense Nazi tica m & Zionists Transfer Agreement"; Francis R. n Israel
Zionists gov 944
Germ l Nazis Nicosia's "The Third Reich and the k
, all
any Palestine Question"; Rudolf Vrba and
Alan Bestic's "I Cannot Forgive"; and
Rafael Medoff's "The Deadening
8 Silence: American Jews and the
9 Holocaust," also dared, with varying
5 public success.
Popular American playwright and
fervent Zionist Ben Hecht wrote the first
Zionis book on the subject, “Perfidy,” relating
t / poli Zionis the history of a Hungarian Zionist leader li
Hecht, ild Israeli
Rense Nazi tica m& who arranged for his family and several n Israel
Ben Zionists gov
Germ l Nazis hundred prominent Jews to escape while k
, all
8 any facilitating the movement of the rest of
9 Hungarian Jews to Nazi concentration
6 camps.
in 1933 Zionist leaders concluded a
secret pact with the Third Reich that
transferred 60,000 Jews and $100,000 to Rothsch
t / poli Zionis li
Palestine, Zionists promising in return ild Israeli 1/1/1
Rense Nazi tica m & Zionists n Israel
that they would halt the worldwide Zionists gov 933
Germ l Nazis k
8 boycott “that threatened to topple the , all
9 Hitler regime in its first year.” The
7 Transfer Agreement
Brenner’s second book on the topic, “51
Documents, Zionist Collaboration with
the Nazis,” includes a 1940 letter from
underground Zionist terrorist leader Rothsch
t / poli Zionis li
Avraham Stern proposing that Jewish ild Israeli 1/1/1
Rense Nazi tica m & Zionists n Israel
militias would fight on Germany’s side Zionists gov 940
Germ l Nazis k
in exchange for Nazi help in creating an , all
8 “historic Jewish state.” Ultimately, 9/11
9 is about protecting and expanding
8 Israel.
In “The Seventh Million: The Israelis
and the Holocaust,” Israeli historian
Tom Segev quotes Zionist leader and
future Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Rothsch
t / poli Zionis Ben- li
Gurion: “If I knew that it was possible ild Israeli
Rense Nazi tica m & Gurion, n Israel
to save all the Jewish children of Zionists gov
Germ l Nazis David k
Germany by transporting them to , all
8 England, but only half of them by
9 transporting them to Palestine, I would
9 choose the second.”
Nevzlin's and Berezovsky's activities
with Litvinenko are the tip of a huge
iceberg of private intelligence intrigue
poli that involves a number of wanted li Intel
Penta 9/11 & Akhmed
Rense tica Russian exiles, including Roman n agencie
gon, Israel Zakayev
l Abramovitch, and Chechen "Foreign k s
9 Minister" Akhmed Zakayev.
0 Berezovsky's [and Litvinenko's]
0 spokesman, Russian exile Alex
Goldfarb, freely operates out of both
London and New York.

Libby was closely associated with the

WTC, Rothsch
poli clique of hardline and neoconservative li White
RightWe Penta 9/11 & Libby, ild U.S.
9 tica advisers that was instrumental in n House, Israel
b gon, Israel Scooter Zionists gov
0 l shaping the foreign policy of the Bush k Cheney
PA , all
1 administration in the wake of 9/11.
Libby's views on U.S. defense and
foreign policy is the now-infamous 1992
draft Defense Planning Guidance
WTC, (DPG), a controversial defense blueprint Rothsch White
RightWe Penta doc 9/11 & Libby, created in the administration of ild U.S. House, 1/1/1
n U.S.
b gon, s Israel Scooter President George H.W. Bush. The draft Zionists gov Bush 992
PA DPG seems to have been a major , all HW
9 influence on the evolution of
0 neoconservative thinking during the
2 1990s.
March 2007 on charges of lying to
government investigators probing the
WTC, Disinf
poli leak of the identity of CIA agent Valerie li White
RightWe Penta o& Libby, U.S. 3/1/2
tica Plame. Among the charges were two n House, Israel
b gon, ommis Scooter gov 007
9 l counts of perjury, one count of making k Cheney
PA sions
0 false statements, and one of obstruction
3 of justice.
During the Bush Senior administration,
Libby worked at the Pentagon under
WTC, White
poli Wolfowitz and then-Secretary of li
RightWe Penta Neoco Libby, U.S. House, 1/1/2
tica Defense Cheney. Libby became Vice n U.S.
b gon, ns Scooter gov Bush 001
9 l President Cheney's chief of staff in k
0 2001, after the younger Bush took
4 office.
In 1992, while he was working under
Cheney, Libby teamed up with
Wolfowitz to write—with the assistance
Rogue of Zalmay Khalilzad—the Pentagon's li
RightWe WTC doc Libby, U.S. House, 1/1/1
govern new Defense Policy Guidance, or DPG. n U.S.
b 1-2 s Scooter gov Bush 992
ment The draft version of the guidance, k
9 ordered by Cheney, laid out a military
0 strategy for global military dominance
5 and preventive war
In 1992, while he was working under
Cheney, Libby teamed up with
Wolfowitz to write—with the assistance
Rogue Khalilza of Zalmay Khalilzad—the Pentagon's li
RightWe WTC doc U.S. House, 1/1/1
govern d, new Defense Policy Guidance, or DPG. n U.S.
b 1-2 s gov Bush 992
ment Zalmay The draft version of the guidance, k
9 ordered by Cheney, laid out a military
0 strategy for global military dominance
6 and preventive war
William Rodriguez filed a lawsuit
against the then President George W.
poli Litigat Rodrigu Bush and 155 other parties and accused li
Penta 9/11
Rense tica ion & ez, them of complicity in the 9/11 attacks. n U.S.
gon, Truth
9 l 9/11 William He claimed that the Twin Towers were k
0 devastated by means of “controlled
7 demolitions” which the members of
New York fire department were ordered
on instructions of the CIA

Zalmay Khalilzad suspected of money

laundering. Former U.S. ambassador to
WTC, Grypho
poli Money the UN, America's envoy to Iraq and li Corpora
Penta Benard, U.S. n Afghan 9/1/2 tica Laund Afghanistan under Bush, currently CEO n tions &
gon, Cheryl corp Partner istan 014
9 l ering of Khalilzad Associates, a division of k 9/11
PA s
0 Gryphon Partners, his wife Cheryl
8 Benard is accomplice.
The tapes were recorded (of Fed /
Goldman Sachs duplicity) by a former
New York Federal bank examiner,
WTC, Wall
poli Carmen Segarra, who was an embedded li Corpora Goldm
Penta St., Segarra, U.S. tica supervisor with Goldman Sachs. She n tions & an Israel
gon, Israel Carmen corp
l began the recordings when she became k 9/11 Sachs
PA & 9/11
9 worried about what she was witnessing
0 among her colleagues and at Goldman
9 Sachs over a deal with Banco Santander.
A record was needed in case events
were disputed. Nearly seven months into
poli Whistl her work Segarra was fired in May li Corpora Goldm
Penta Segarra, U.S. 5/1/2 tica eblowe 2012, after as she claims she refused to n tions & an Israel
gon, Carmen corp 012
9 l r alter a critical assessment of Goldman’s k 9/11 Sachs
1 legal and compliance units. ProPublica,
0 conflict of interest.
The tapes were recorded by a former
New York Federal bank examiner,
WTC, Carmen Segarra, who was an embedded
poli Whistl li Goldm
Penta Segarra, supervisor with Goldman Sachs. She 9/11 tica eblowe n an Israel
gon, Carmen began the recordings when she became Truth
l r k Sachs
9 PA worried about what she was witnessing
1 among her colleagues and at Goldman
1 Sachs over a deal with Banco Santander.
Krasnoyarsk, Russia The residential
tower “Novaya Vysota” [New Pinnacle]
phy Tower li
WTC was built in 2001, reports the local 9/11 sica infern n Global
9 1-2 branch of the Komsomolskaya Pravda Truth
l os k
1 newspaper. All floors engulfed in
2 flames, no danger of collapse.
Ruppert is the author of Crossing The
Rubicon: The Decline of the American
Empire at the End of the Age of Oil,
poli Rogue published in September 2004. Crossing li White
Ruppert, Penta Ruppert, 9/11
tica govern The Rubicon claims that VP Dick n House, U.S.
Michael gon, Michael Truth
l ment Cheney, the US government, and Wall k Cheney
9 Street had a well-developed awareness
1 of and colluded with the perpetrators of
3 9/11.
Rick Seigel, WTC 2, 10 pre-collapse
explosions, DVD, Control
phy ions, li
Seigel, WTC Eyewit Seigel, led 9/11
sica during n U.S.
9 Rick 1-2 ness Rick Nlqw … 10 10 WINS TV audio track, demolit Truth
l 9/11 k
1 use headphones to hear low frequency ion, all
4 sounds about 24 minutes into the video
FEMA, Tripod 2 emergency exercise
phy li
Seigel, WTC Eyewit Seigel, helicopter possibly seen hovering near 9/11
9 sica n U.S.
Rick 1-2 ness Rick top of WTC 2 prior to collapse, Port Truth
1 l k
Authority headquarters, Pier 92
Explosion #3, WINS TV audio track
Explos …...
phy ions, li
Seigel, WTC Eyewit Seigel, led 9/11 9/11/
sica during Nlqw … 10 10 WINS TV audio track, n U.S.
Rick 1-2 ness Rick demolit Truth 2001
9 l 9/11 use headphones to hear low frequency k
ion, all
1 attack sounds about 24 minutes into the video
6 9:56:10 AM
9/11 WTC Explosion #4-10, WINS TV
Explos audio track, …
phy ions, li
Seigel, WTC Eyewit Seigel, led 9/11 9/11/
sica during Nlqw … 10 10 WINS TV audio track, n U.S.
Rick 1-2 ness Rick demolit Truth 2001
9 l 9/11 use headphones to hear low frequency k
ion, all
1 attack explosion sounds about 24 minutes into
7 the video 9:56:10 AM
In 1949 alone, Zim ships brought
100,000 immigrants to Israel. ... In
1969, the Israel Corporation acquired
Nuclea about half of Zim shares. The Israeli
poli r government and other, smaller, investors li JFK, Israel
KillTow Penta Angel, Israeli
tica smugg held the rest. In April 1999, the Ofer n 9/11 & Corpor Israel
n gon, Udi corp
l ling & Brothers Group became the major k Zionists ation
9/11 shareholder of the Israel Corporation,
9 and Udi Angel was appointed Chairman
1 of the Board of Zim. In February 2004
8 the Israel Corp completed ownership
The annual Prayer Breakfast contrivance
of the Fellowship Foundation is a ruse
designed to provide a series of top level
WTC, Organi Fellowsh intelligence and organized crime Fellows
poli li Secret U.S.
Penta zed ip meetings under the sanctioning smile of hip
WMR tica n societie think
gon, Crime Foundati "Jesus." The person who invited Founda
l k s tank
PA & 9/11 on Brudno, Dubov, and the jailed tion
9 Khodorkovsky to the prayer breakfast
1 was Lantos, whose wife, daughter, and
9 son-in-law are devout Mormons.

9 n
2 k
Baron Edmond de Rothschild built the
first oil pipeline from the Red Sea to the
WWI- Mediterranean to bring BP Iranian oil to
II, Rothsc Israel. He founded Israeli General Bank Rothsch
poli li
Henders Fascis hild / and Paz Oil. He is considered by many ild Israeli Rothsc
tica n Israel
on, Dean m & Zionis the father of modern Israel. Link Zionists gov hild
l k
Zionis m Rothschild to Warburg ... the creation of , all
9 m Israel was not about Jews but
2 establishing a foothold in the Middle
1 East to control oil.
The Fed cartel: The Four Horsemen of
Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan
Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own
the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon
poli Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell (Rothschild), li JFK,
Global Fascis Israeli Rothsc
tica BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem n 9/11 & Israel
Research m & corp hild
l with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and k Zionists
other European old money
9 behemoths. They financed the
2 British/Nazi plans to start WWII, see
2 RIIA, Rhodes Round Table
Frank Lowy, billionaire Australian,
fought in Jewish Underground. He was
WWI- a member of the Golani Brigade, and
Take II, fought in the Israeli war of Control Irgun,
poli li
Our Fascis False Lowy, independence. Before this he was a led Israeli Betar,
tica n Israel
World m & flag Frank member of Hagganah, a Jewish terrorist demolit gov Stern,
l k
Back Zionis organization. … owner of Westfield ion, all LEHI
9 m Group WTC retail operation.
2 (connections to 7/7 London bombing
3 false flag attack).

FEMA FEMA, Tripod 2 emergency exercise

phy li Port
Seigel, WTC Tripod Seigel, helicopter possibly seen hovering near New
9 sica n NYC Authori
Rick 1-2 exercis Rick top of WTC 2 prior to collapse, Port York
2 l k ty
es Authority headquarters, Pier 92

FEMA FEMA, Tripod 2 emergency exercise

phy li
Seigel, WTC Tripod Seigel, helicopter possibly seen hovering near U.S.
9 sica n FEMA U.S.
Rick 1-2 exercis Rick top of WTC 2 prior to collapse, Port gov
2 l k
es Authority headquarters, Pier 93
Scooter Libby was Marc Rich's attorney
(from 1985) … Libby was the behind-
the-scenes Svengali responsible for the
WTC, Mossad
poli Global Clinton pardon of Rich, working li Intel
Serendip Penta Libby, Israeli / 1/1/1
tica ist directly with "former" Mossad n agencie Israel
ity gon, Scooter gov Sayeret 985
l agenda operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner k s
PA Matkal
9 Azulay. … Larry Silverstein and Marc
2 Rich both hired Jack Quinn as their
6 attorney.
9/11 Truth Sheen questioned the
plausibility of a fireballs traveling 110
Elevat Contro feet down an elevator shaft and causing Control
Sheen, WTC or lled Sheen, damage to the lobbies of the towers as led 9/11
sica U.S.
Charlie 1-2 renova demoli Charlie seen in video footage, especially when demolit Truth
9 tion tion contrasted with eyewitness accounts of ion, all
2 bombs and explosions in the basement
7 levels of the buildings.
WTC, cking Silverste Silverst
poli li
Spectato Penta BOD in, Larry Silverstein and Marc Rich both U.S. ein
tica n U.S.
9 gon, & Lawrenc hired Jack Quinn as their attorney. gov Propert
l k
2 PA conspi e ies
8 rators
Menachem Begin's Irgun Jewish
poli Begin, terrorists dress as Arabs and bomb the l
Wikiped Penta False Israeli 7/1/1
9 tica Menache King David Hotel, killing 92 people. n Irgun Israel
ia gon, flag gov 946
2 l m The Irgun also plot to assassinate British k
9 foreign secretary Ernest Bevin;
fortunately, this conspiracy is foiled by

David Ben-Gurion declares the

independence of the new Zionist State
of Israel, born from deception and from
Take WTC,
poli Ben- the blood of victims of Jewish terrorism l
Our Penta False Israeli 5/15/
tica Gurion, hours before the British Mandate is due n Irgun Israel
World gon, flag gov 1948
l David to expire. May 15. Eleven minutes after k
Back PA
9 midnight, U.S. President Harry Truman
3 officially recognises the proclaimed
0 Jewish state in Palestine.
An Israeli spy ring is arrested in Egypt.
These Israeli secret service agents have
been assigned to attack U.S. and British
interests in Egypt. "Operation
Take WTC, Operatio Susannah" is a typical example of false- Mossad
poli l Intel
Our Penta False n flag terrorism ... The operation is Israeli / 7/1/1
tica n agencie Israel
World gon, flag Susanna unsuccessful, the Israeli defense gov Sayeret 954
l k s
Back PA h minister Pinhas Lavon is forced to Matkal
resign as a result of the scandal, and the
9 incident becomes known as the Lavon
3 Affair. ... but he is later honored in
1 Israel.
Israel carries out a sustained air and
naval attack on the USS Liberty for over
Take WTC, an hour, employing torpedoes, machine Mossad
poli l Intel
Our Penta False guns and napalm rockets, even to the Israeli / 6/1/1
tica n agencie Israel
World gon, flag extent of machine-gunning lifeboats gov Sayeret 967
l k s
9 Back PA launched to save the most seriously Matkal
3 wounded. 34 men are killed and more
2 than 170 wounded.
Besides its persistence and high activity,
cesium-137 has the further insidious
property of being mistaken for
phy Nukes l
Fox, WTC potassium by living organisms and Mini 9/11
sica , n U.S.
Donald 1-2 taken up as part of the fluid electrolytes. Nukes Truth
l Cesiu k
9 This means that it is passed on up the
3 food chain and re-concentrated from the
3 environment by that process.
American journalist and author Michael
Collins Piper, in an article for The
Spotlight, exposes Roy Edward Bullock
as a full-time professional operative and 9/11
Take WTC,
poli Piper, informant for the Anti-Defamation l Truth,
Our Penta 9/11 & 1/1/1
tica Michael League of B'nai B'rith (ADL). Bullock, n anti- ADL Israel
World gon, Israel 986
l Collins a homosexual from San Francisco k Zioni
Back PA
whose information is passed on to both sts
9 Israel and the South African
3 government, poses as an "art dealer", a
4 "populist" and a "good patriot"

Take WTC, Israeli

poli Jonathan Pollard, a former U.S. Navy l
Our Penta spies, Pollard, 1/1/1
9 tica intelligence officer, is convicted of n Israel
World gon, histori Jonathan 987
3 l spying for Israel. One case of many. k
Back PA cal
Israeli security officials inspect the
garage of Zim American Israeli
Shipping in the WTC, and conclude that
Take WTC, the WTC garage is vulnerable to a car
phy 9/11 l Zim Americ
Our Penta bomb. The bomb was probably a Israeli 1/1/1
sica Groun n Shippin an Israel
World gon, modified W54… (too much damage for corp 991
l dwork k g Shippin
Back PA the amount of conventional explosives
g Co.
9 that could be packed into a van.... same
3 with Oklahoma City Murrah building.
6 McVeigh was set up.)
Eviden US fed prosecutors suppressed critical
Take ce Rahman, evidence in 1993 WTC bombing trial of
poli l Intel
Our WTC destruc Shaik Shaik Omar Abdul Rahman that U.S. 2/1/1
tica n agencie FBI Israel
9 World 1993 tion, Omar demonstrated links between the CIA and gov 993
l k s
3 Back obstru Abdul Muhjaeddin, including Osama bin
7 ction Laden.
The DEA compiled a list of the Israeli
Art Students… WMR has reprinted that Israeli
Israeli list in his book The Star and the Sword. art
poli Art Roy Barak is on the list and was arrested l students
WTC Barak, Israeli / 9/12/
WMR tica Studen on Sept 12, 2001. He was a driver for n , Urban Israel
1-2 Roy gov Sayeret 2001
l ts, Urban Moving Systems. See also Tinker k Moving
9 spies Air Force Base. ... and Canadian System
3 authorities also aware of IAS activities... s
8 see Winnegeg Sun, Bob Holliday.
The team active in Irving, Texas had
links to the Chesterfield, Missouri-based
AMDOCS, Michael Calmanovic was
Israeli art
the leader of the IAS Irving group,
poli Art l students
WTC Calmonovic was arrested, and his Israeli AMDO 10/1/
WMR tica Studen n , Urban Israel
1-2 address was just a few blocks away corp CS 2001
l ts, k Moving
from 9/11 hijacker Ahmed Khalifa
spies System
9 (Khafefa), ... Marbletree Apts, ... the
3 IAS were either decoys or were casing
9 and supporting the hijackers.
In another case of arrested "art students"
of the Israeli persuasion, we are told
who posted bail: one Ophir Baer, an
employee of AMDOCS (p. 13,
Israeli art
paragraph 42), an Israeli-based company
poli Art li students
WTC Baer, that has a virtual monopoly on phone- Israeli AMDO
Antiwar tica Studen n , Urban Israel
1-2 Ophir billing in the US, and is mentioned corp CS
l ts, k Moving
prominently both by Carl Cameron of
spies System
Fox News and Paul Rodriguez of Insight
9 magazine in their respective exposés of
4 Israeli penetration of US
0 communications systems.
The DEA used the T2S2 intercept
system provided by Comverse,… Israel
reimbursed Comverse for 50% of its
operations, the FCC (supported by Booz
poli Art l
WTC Allen) used T2S2 in counter narcotics U.S.
WMR tica Studen CALEA n U.S.
1-2 HIDTAs, see WMR for information on gov
l ts, k
links between NSA, Comverse Infosys,
9 STELLAR WIND, Narus, TDC, Unit
4 8200 (Israel's NSA) ISNU, Paul
1 Jacobson.
Take WTC, June 18. Eric Blane Hufschmid's half- Rothsch
poli Hufschm l
Our Penta Zionis sister Kathryn marries James Murdoch, ild 9/11
9 tica id, Eric n U.S.
World gon, m son and heir apparent to billionaire Zionists Truth
4 l Blane k
Back PA Zionist media mogul Rupert Murdoch. , all
Tom Leppert: 2001: January
Fireproofing "upgrades" are being
Take Contro Control
phy carried out at the World Trade Center's l Turner
Our WTC Firepr lled led U.S. 1/1/2
sica Twin Towers, as also occurred over n Constru U.S.
World 1-2 oofing demoli demolit corp 001
9 l several years pre-2001. The contract k ction
Back tion ion, all
4 holder is Turner Construction, whose
3 CEO is Tom Leppert.
February 15. Rupert Murdoch's Fox TV
network broadcasts a documentary
Take WTC, Disinf
poli entitled "Conspiracy Theory: Did We l
Our Penta o & Murdoch 9/11 Fox 2/1/2
tica Land on the Moon?" This weak n U.S.
World gon, ommis , Rupert Truth News 001
9 l conspiracy theory has plenty of k
Back PA sions
4 evidence against it, and very little to
4 support it.
Jewish business man, Sam Domb,
arranged Leutchansky’s invitation, and
was a good friend of American scoff
WTC, law, and Israeli money launderer Marc
poli smugg li White
Alternati Penta Domb, Rich. Domb was a conduit by which U.S.
tica ling, n House, Israel
ve news gon, Sam Nordex funneled illegal campaign funds gov
l Russia k Clinton
PA to Clinton’s campaign. Leutchansky
/ Israel
9 discussed with the President the means
4 he was using to force the Ukraine to
5 return its nuclear ICBMs to Moscow

Take WTC, Disinf

poli l U.S.
Our Penta o & Murdoch March 19. Fox TV rebroadcasts its Fox 3/1/2
9 tica n think U.S.
World gon, ommis , Rupert "Moon hoax" conspiracy theory. News 001
4 l k tank
Back PA sions
April. Real estate developer Larry A.
Take WTC, Silverste Silverstein is still in the running as one Silverst
poli l Corpora
Our Penta WTC in, of three bidders for the 99-year lease on U.S. ein 4/1/2
tica n tions & U.S.
9 World gon, lease Lawrenc the World Trade Center, after having corp Propert 001
l k 9/11
4 Back PA e been viewed as a "dark horse" who was ies
7 unlikely to win the deal.
Silverstein .. WTC bidder, However,
Port Authority chairman Lewis M.
Take WTC, Silverst
poli Eisenberg is in charge of negotiations. l Corpora
Our Penta WTC Eisenber U.S. ein 4/1/2
tica Eisenberg was a partner of Goldman n tions & Israel
World gon, lease g, Lewis corp Propert 001
9 l Sachs for many years, and is on the k 9/11
Back PA ies
4 planning Board of the UJA / United
8 Jewish Federation "charity".
Silverstein served as Chairman of the
Board of the United Jewish Appeal. See
Take WTC, Silverste Rothsch Silverst
poli also Runway 69 Strip Club… l
Our Penta 9/11 & in, ild U.S. ein
tica controversy…he said he was unaware of n Israel
World gon, Israel Lawrenc Zionists corp Propert
9 l its existence? And its connection to k
Back PA e , all ies
4 Negev and a free trade zone…
9 controversy.
Benjamin Netanyahu's friend Larry
Take WTC, Silverst
poli Silverstein, in partnership with l Corpora
Our Penta WTC U.S. ein 6/30/
9 tica billionaire Australian Frank Lowy who n tions & Israel
World gon, lease corp Propert 2001
5 l fought "in the Jewish underground", k 9/11
Back PA ies
0 takes control of the WTC lease, and
insures the buildings against terror
attacks for billions of dollars, with a
clause stating that in the event of a
terrorist attack, the partners could not
only collect the insured value of the
property, but would also be released
from all of their obligations under the
99-year lease.
The DEA used the T2S2 intercept
system provided by Comverse,… Israel
reimbursed Comverse for 50% of its
operations, the FCC (supported by Booz
poli Art l
WTC Allen) used T2S2 in counter narcotics U.S. Booz
WMR tica Studen n U.S.
1-2 HIDTAs, see WMR for information on gov Allen
l ts, k
links between NSA, Comverse Infosys,
9 STELLAR WIND, Narus, TDC, Unit
5 8200 (Israel's NSA) ISNU, Paul
1 Jacobson.
August 26. New York Police
Commissioner Bernard Kerik leaves for
Take WTC, Rothsch
poli a four-day trip to Israel, where he is to l
Our Penta 9/11 & Kerik, ild 8/26/
tica meet government officials to discuss n NYC Israel
World gon, Israel Bernard Zionists 2001
9 l terrorism. The trip has been approved by k
Back PA , all
5 Mayor Giuliani, with New York
2 taxpayers picking up the tab.
Frank Lowy, billionaire Australian,
fought in Jewish Underground. He was
Take WTC, a member of the Golani Brigade, and
poli l
Our Penta False Lowy, fought in the Israeli war of Israeli
tica n Irgun Israel
World gon, flag Frank independence. Before this he was a gov
l k
9 Back PA member of Hagganah, a Jewish terrorist
5 organization. … owner of Westfield
3 Group WTC retail operation.

9 n
5 k
September 6. In the U.S. stock options
market, an extraordinary proportion of
Take Wall trades are betting that the United
poli l Corpora
Our WTC St., Airlines price will fall. The put / call U.S. Stock 9/6/2
tica n tions & U.S.
World 1-2 Israel ratio is 25, i.e., "puts" are about 96.154 corp market 001
l k 9/11
9 Back & 9/11 percent of the volume, and "calls" only
5 3.846 percent, as opposed to a typical
5 50:50 ratio.
September 10. The Washington Times
publishes details of a study by the Army
Take WTC, School of Advanced Military Studies Control
poli l
Our Penta 9/11 & (SAMS), which has this to say of led U.S. 9/10/
tica n MSM U.S.
World gon, Israel Israel's Mossad: "Wildcard. Ruthless demolit corp 2001
l k
9 Back PA and cunning. Has capability to target ion, all
5 U.S. forces and make it look like a
6 Palestinian/Arab act."

Take WTC,
poli l
Our Penta Warni Brown, San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown is 9/10/
9 tica n U.S.
World gon, ngs Willie warned not to fly the next day. 2001
5 l k
Back PA
Take WTC, An internal memo is sent around
poli l Corpora Goldm
Our Penta Warni Goldma Goldman Sachs in Tokyo, advising all Israeli 9/11/
9 tica n tions & an Japan
World gon, ngs n Sachs employees of a possible terrorist attack corp 2001
5 l k 9/11 Sachs
Back PA against American buildings.
In the U.S. stock options market, an
extraordinary proportion of trades are
betting that the American Airlines stock
Take WTC, Wall
poli price will fall. The proportion of "put" l Corpora
Our Penta St., U.S. 9/11/
tica options, at more than 80 percent, (85.79 n tions & CBOE U.S.
World gon, Israel corp 2001
l percent at the Chicago Board Options k 9/11
Back PA & 9/11
9 Exchange, according to this source) far
5 exceeds the proportion of "call" options.
9 September 11.
7:00:00 AM Also in New York is Rudy
Take WTC, Giuliani. Odigo, an Israeli instant
poli l Corpora
Our Penta Warni Giuliani, messaging company with offices in Israeli 9/11/
tica n tions & Odigo Israel
9 World gon, ngs Rudy Herzliya, Israel, provides two hours' corp 2001
l k 9/11
6 Back PA advance warning of an attack on the
0 World Trade Center.
Also in Herzliya, which is where Chris
Bollyn's first Jewish wife worked for
Israeli military intelligence, is the
"Interdisciplinary Center" (IDC). The
Take WTC, Israeli IDC has close connections with Israeli
poli Bollyn, l
Our Penta spies, intelligence, and the Annual Herzliya Israeli 1/1/1
tica Christop n IDC Israel
World gon, histori Conference Series is chaired by Prof. gov 999
l her k
Back PA cal Uzi Arad, a former (1997-1999) foreign
policy advisor to Benjamin Netanyahu
9 and head of research at the Mossad,
6 where he served for some twenty-five
1 years.
At 9:00 a.m., officials at the National
Reconnaissance Office, Chantilly, VA,
start to run an exercise involving a plane
crashing into a tower. Another drill is
Take WTC, l
poli scheduled at the 97th floor of the WTC l
Our Penta NRO U.S. Reconn 9/11/
tica South Tower where Fiduciary Trust has n U.S.
World gon, drills gov aissanc 2001
l offices, and numerous other war games k
Back PA e
and exercises distract NORAD so that
9 any truly hijacked (electronically or
6 otherwise) planes cannot be intercepted
2 in time. NRO
The IDC has close connections with
Israeli intelligence, and the Annual
Take WTC, Israeli Herzliya Conference Series is chaired Mossad
poli l Intel
Our Penta spies, Arad, by Prof. Uzi Arad, a former (1997-1999) Israeli /
tica n agencie Israel
World gon, histori Prof. Uzi foreign policy advisor to Benjamin gov Sayeret
l k s
9 Back PA cal Netanyahu and head of research at the Matkal
6 Mossad, where he served for some
3 twenty-five years.
Uncharacteristically, Larry Silverstein
does not breakfast at the Windows on
Take WTC, Silverste the World restaurant on the 106th and
poli l Corpora
Our Penta Warni in, 107th floors of the North Tower that day U.S. 9/11/
tica n tions & U.S.
World gon, ngs Lawrenc since he has a "dermatologist's corp 2001
l k 9/11
9 Back PA e appointment", and another consequence
6 is that his two children, who work at
4 Silverstein Properties, are running late.
The steel was certified to ASTM E119
by Universal Laboratories. In
subsequent tests to be sponsored by
NIST on corresponding floor assemblies
Take WTC, Contro Control NIST /
phy subjected to greater heat exposure and l
Our Penta Firepr lled led U.S. FEMA
sica protected with less fireproofing than at n U.S.
World gon, oofing demoli demolit gov UL
l the WTC on 9/11, it will be found that k
Back PA tion ion, all Labs
the test specimens "were able to sustain
9 the maximum design load" without
6 collapsing for as long as the tests were
5 run: 2 to 3 1/2 hours).
Commenter: General Edward Lansdale's
role in "Operation Golden Lilly", is
exposed in the book Gold Warriors, by
9/11, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave ... the
JFK, poli l
Fetzer, Wall Lansdale treasure financed $240 billion worth of U.S.
Holoc tica n SEC Russia
James St. & , Edward bonds that were used to bring down of gov
aust & l k
Israel the Soviet Union and those bonds could
9 only be "cleared" by creating a stock-
6 exchange emergency, i.e. the 9/11
6 "attacks"
9 m&
6 Zionis
7 m
Within hours, Jerome Hauer goes on TV
to tell everyone that "It... certainly has
Take WTC, Disinf the fingerprints of somebody like bin
phy l Corpora
Our Penta o& Hauer, Laden", and that the World Trade U.S. 9/11/
sica n tions & MSM U.S.
World gon, ommis Jerome Center collapsed because of "the corp 2001
l k 9/11
9 Back PA sions velocity of the plane" and "intense heat
6 probably weakened the structure as
8 well".

Take WTC,
poli Hauer reportedly advises the White l White
Our Penta Anthra Hauer, U.S. 9/11/
9 tica House to start taking Cipro, an effective n House, U.S.
World gon, x hoax Jerome gov 2001
6 l antibiotic against anthrax. k Bush
Back PA
The DEA used the T2S2 intercept
system provided by Comverse,… Israel
reimbursed Comverse for 50% of its
Israeli art
operations, the FCC (supported by Booz Mossad
poli Art l students
WTC Allen) used T2S2 in counter narcotics Israeli /
WMR tica Studen n , Urban Israel
1-2 HIDTAs, see WMR for information on gov Sayeret
l ts, k Moving
links between NSA, Comverse Infosys, Matkal
spies System
9 STELLAR WIND, Narus, TDC, Unit
7 8200 (Israel's NSA) ISNU, Paul
0 Jacobson.
Maurice Greenberg (close to Shaul
Eisenberg, Permindex) CEO of
American International Group (AIG) on
JFK Nuclea
9-11 which became co-owner of the
assass poli r l JFK,
Wikispo Eisenber “private spy agency”, Kroll Associates, U.S.
inatio tica smugg n 9/11 & AIG U.S.
oks g, Shaul in 1993 and was a major share-holder in corp
n, l ling & k Zionists
Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9-
Israel 9/11
9 11 was Maurice’s son Jeffrey; director
7 of the New York Federal Reserve bank
1 (1988-1995);
A "panel truck with a painting of a plane
flying into the World Trade Center" is
stopped, and found to contain yet
Take WTC, Contro another team of "ethnic Middle Eastern Control Mossad
phy ions, Middle l
Our Penta lled people" - i.e., Israelis. There is evidence led Israeli / 9/11/
sica during Eastern n U.S.
World gon, demoli to suggest that this van exploded. And demolit gov Sayeret 2001
l 9/11 people k
Back PA tion team is caught attempting to blow up the ion, all Matkal
9 George Washington Bridge with a truck
7 packed with tons of explosives. Dan
2 Rather reported on it on 9/11.
Bush is whisked away to the United
Take WTC,
poli Pedop States Strategic Command headquarters l Bush
Our Penta Bush, U.S. 9/11/
9 tica hilia at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, n Crime U.S.
World gon, GW gov 2001
7 l rings Nebraska, where Warren Buffett is k Family
Back PA
3 hosting his annual golf charity event.

Ann Tatlock, the CEO of Fiduciary

Take WTC, Fiducia
poli Trust Co. International, having been l Corpora
Our Penta Warni Tatlock, U.S. ry 9/11/
9 tica invited to this charity event, is, like the n tions & U.S.
World gon, ngs Ann corp Trust 2001
7 l Silversteins, was not in her office on k 9/11
Back PA Co.
4 9/11. 87 of 650 employees were killed.
Khalezov theory: Nuclear reactors
existed for a long time in the basements
of the Twin Towers and were
Khales Contro
poli Khalezo intentionally caused to melt down. l
Veterans WTC ov, lled 9/11
tica v, When they eventually exploded the n Russia
Today 1-2 Big demoli Truth
l Dimitri vaporized the core columns of the WTC k
Nukes tion
9 thus causing their total destruction.
7 Theory doesn't address squibs or
5 explosions prior to collapse
SAIC investigated the 1993 WTC
bombing, ... also responsible for
evaluating the WTC for terrorism risks
poli WTC in 1986. SAIC is also linked to the late l Corpora
911 WTC Hauer, U.S.
tica Securit 1990s security upgrades at the WTC, the n tions & SAIC U.S.
Review 1993 Jerome corp
l y Rudy Giuliani administration, and the k 9/11
9 anthrax incidents after 9/11, through
7 former employees Jerome Hauer and
6 Steven Hatfill.
6:00:00 AM A van occupied by what
Israeli turned out to be Israelis (Middle eastern
Take WTC,
poli Art Middle men), pulled up to The Colony Beach & l Corpora Colony
Our Penta U.S. 9/11/
tica Studen Eastern Tennis Resort on Longboat Key, Florida n tions & Beach U.S.
World gon, corp 2001
9 l ts, people were turned away because of no k 9/11 resort
Back PA
7 spies appointment. Many reports from local
7 and national media report on this.

Take WTC, Disinf

poli 6:30:00 AM Bush goes for a four mile l Corpora Colony
Our Penta o& Bush, U.S. 9/11/
9 tica jog around the golf course at the Colony n tions & Beach U.S.
World gon, ommis GW corp 2001
7 l Beach and Tennis Resort. k 9/11 resort
Back PA sions
6:45:00 AM Two hours before the first
Take WTC, attack, two workers at the instant
poli l Corpora
Our Penta Warni messaging company Odigo receive U.S. 9/11/
tica Odigo n tions & Odigo Israel
9 World gon, ngs messages warning of the WTC attack. corp 2001
l k 9/11
7 Back PA This Israeli owned company has its
9 headquarters two blocks from the WTC.
6:50:00 AM US media shows video
Take WTC,
phy Passen Atta, Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz l
Our Penta 9/11/
9 sica gers, Moham Alomari's flight from Portland, Maine n U.S.
World gon, 2001
8 l 9/11 med arrives on time at Boston's Logan k
Back PA
0 Airport.
Daniel "Danny" Mark Lewin (Hebrew:
‫( )דניאל )דני( מארק לוין‬May 14, 1970 – 9/11
WTC, Rothsch
poli September 11, 2001) was an American- l Commi
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Lewin, ild
tica Israeli mathematician and entrepreneur n ssion, Israel
ia gon, Israel Daniel Zionists
9 l who co-founded internet company k omissio
PA , all
8 Akamai Technologies. He died in the ns
1 September 11 attacks.
WMR reported that United Flight 93
WTC, hijackers were present on the evening of
poli Hijack l
Penta September 10, 2001, in a Wayne, New 9/11 9/10/
WMR tica er n U.S.
9 gon, Jersey strip club before rising in the Truth 2001
l patsies k
8 PA morning and heading off to Newark
2 International Airport.
Johnson, heavily involved in the Zionist
plot from the beginning, was capable of
murder, and had enough power to
JFK control the investigation ... could keep
assass poli Rothsc Israel out of view. He and Ben Gurion l JFK,
Guyénot, Johnson, U.S. House,
inatio tica hild & had to stop Kennedy's plan to deny n 9/11 & Israel
Laurent Lyndon gov Johnso
n, l JFK Israel the bomb, to overcome Kennedy's k Zionists
Israel stop implementation of 1948 UN
9 Palestinian Resolution 194), to restrict
8 the ZOA (AIPAC), withdraw troops
3 from Vietnam, stop the Cold War...etc.

-- …Top
9 ---
- 20
US media reports about 229 people on
Take WTC, the four flights but in planes with a total
phy Passen l Corpora
Our Penta capacity of 762 people or about 70 % U.S. 9/11/
sica gers, n tions & U.S.
9 World gon, empty. corp 2001
l 9/11 k 9/11
8 Back PA
5 d70percentempty.htm
While the US issued humiliating
certifications to judge countries on their
WTC, ability to stop drug traffic, Big Oil 9/11
poli 9/11 li Truth,
Henders Penta produced 90% of the chemicals needed Finacin
tica Financ n anti- CIA U.S.
on, Dean gon, to process cocaine and heroin, which g&
l ing k Zioni
9 PA CIA surrogates process and distribute. Roots
8 CIA chemists were the first to produce
6 heroin.
James Baker, who went to Princeton
with Rumsfeld and Carlucci, and who
was White House Chief of Staff, and
Secretary of the Treasury, for Reagan.
poli 9/11 Baker was also George H.W. Bush’s l White
911 WTC Baker, ild 9/11
tica Groun campaign manager and Secretary of n House, U.S.
Blogger 1993 James Zionists Truth
l dwork State, and Bush’s White House Chief of k Bush
, all
Staff again in his last government
9 position. Baker became a partner at
8 Carlyle just two weeks after the
7 February 1993 bombing of the WTC.
Through AMDOCS Israel ... discovered
that the Pantex nuclear facility near
Nuclea Amarillo, Texas, stores enriched
poli r plutonium fuel that is 99 percent pure l
Penta Plame, Mini Israeli AMDO
WMR tica smugg plutonium that does not require n Israel
gon, Valerie Nukes corp CS
l ling & reprocessing for another 60 to 90 years. k
9 9/11 Israel gained access to the classified
8 details of the Pantex operation ... the
8 reason Plame was outed
Victor John Ostrovsky is an author and
a former katsa (case officer) for the
Israeli Mossad (foreign intelligence
WTC, Rothsch
poli service). He authored two non-fiction l
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Ostrovsk ild 1/1/1
tica books about his service with the n Israel
ia gon, Israel y, Victor Zionists 990
l Mossad: By Way of Deception, a New k
PA , all
9 York Times No. 1 bestseller in 1990,
8 and The Other Side of Deception several
9 years later.
If a pilot loses their transponder the
controllers console immediately alerts
him to this fact since he no longer has
phy the transponder code and altitude. The l
Our Penta S U.S. 9/11/
sica pilot is instructed to stay below 3,500 n FAA U.S.
World gon, messa gov 2001
l feet and return to the airport. The reason k
Back PA ges
9 for the concern is the pilot is a hazard to
9 navigation. Northeast corner of U.S. is
0 the busiest.
Take WTC, ce
poli FBI confiscate all of these tapes l Intel
Our Penta destruc U.S. 9/11/
tica between the controllers and these four n agencie FBI U.S.
9 World gon, tion, gov 2001
l flights? k s
9 Back PA obstru
1 ction
9:05 a.m.: Andrew Card walks up to
Bush while he is listening to a Goat
Take WTC, Story ... in Sandra Kay Daniels class at
poli Hijack l
Our Penta Card, Emma E. Booker Elementary School in U.S. Sarasot 9/11/
tica ers, n Florida
World gon, Andrew Sarasota, Florida. Card whispers in his gov a 2001
l Florida k
9 Back PA ear "A second plane has hit the World
9 Trade Center. America is under attack."
2 Bush doesn't leave for up to 18 minutes.
Abramoff's connections to the Saudis
goes back to the 1980s when he and
Grover Norquist, who had close links to
poli the Saudis were aiding the mujaheddin l U.S. Islamic
Penta Mujah Norquist Saudis Saudi 1/1/1
WMR tica through the International Freedom n think Institut
gon, eddin , Grover & 9/11 Arabia 980
l Foundation. Grover Norquist has close k tank e
9 ties to the Saudi Al-Abdul Rahm ...
9 Norquist was also cofounder of the
3 Islamic Institute, Talat Othman

Take WTC, 8:32:00 AM Bush's motocade leaves

phy l Corpora Colony
Our Penta Bush, The Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on U.S. 9/11/
9 sica n tions & Beach Florida
World gon, GW Longboat Key, Florida for Emma E. corp 2001
9 l k 9/11 resort
Back PA Booker Elementary School in Sarasota.
AN Israeli secret agent was found guilty
by Switzerland's supreme court of
WTC, Israeli spying and given a one-year suspended Mossad
phy li Intel
Telegrap Penta spies, sentence for his role in a botched Israeli / 7/1/2
sica n agencie Israel
h UK gon, histori wiretap by Mossad. Tried under his gov Sayeret 000
l k s
9 PA cal codename Issac Bental, he is thought to Matkal
9 be the first confirmed Mossad agent to
5 be convicted outside Israel.
Abramoff's connections to the Saudis
goes back to the 1980s when he and
Grover Norquist, who had close links to
WTC, Neocon
poli 9/11 & the Saudis were aiding the mujaheddin l U.S. Islamic
Penta Norquist s Saudi 1/1/1
WMR tica Saudi through the International Freedom n think Institut
gon, , Grover created Arabia 980
l Arabia Foundation. Grover Norquist has close k tank e
PA al
9 ties to the Saudi Al-Abdul Rahm ...
9 Norquist was also cofounder of the
6 Islamic Institute, Talat Othman
35) 8:44 a.m.: Secretary of Defense
Rumsfeld, talking about terrorism at the
Take WTC,
poli Rumsfel Pentagon says, "Let me tell you, I've l
Our Penta Warni U.S. 9/11/
tica d, been around the block a few times. n DoD U.S.
World gon, ngs gov 2001
9 l Donald There will be another event."He then k
Back PA
9 repeats it for emphasis, there will be
7 another event."
Citigroup Inc had a lawsuit for violating
federal securities laws by
misrepresenting Citigroup's potential
WTC, 9/11, Enron-related exposure in its 2001
poli l Corpora 10/2
Penta Wall Annual Report and elsewhere, and U.S.
WMR tica n tions & Citi U.S. 2/20
gon, St. & failing to disclose the true extent of corp
l k 9/11 01
PA Israel Citigroup's potential legal liability
9 arising out of its 'structured finance'
9 dealings with Enron. see Enron 9/11
8 links
German police files indicated that Al Internat
WTC, Al- Ahmoudi met in the fall of 2000 ional
phy 9/11 & l
Penta Ahmoud Mohammed Belfas, an Islamic leader in Saudis U.S. Freedo Saudi
WMR sica Saudi n
9 gon, i, Hamburg, who once shared an & 9/11 gov m Arabia
l Arabia k
9 PA Ahmed apartment with Ramzi bin al-Shibi, a Founda
9 kingpin in the 9/11 attacks tion
A nuclear bomb emits a flux of gamma
rays. These will ionize (expel electrons
from) surrounding air molecules. ... then
a coherent electromagnetic wave front
WTC phy (electromagnetic pulse) moves outward l
WTC 9/11
Demoliti sica EMP that will adversely affect any metallic n U.S.
1-2 Truth
on l objects that it intersects. A high voltage k
1 and current will be induced into the
0 metal, which can cause circuitry, or any
0 metallic parts to melt, catch fire, or
0 explode.
Khalezov claims that he knew about the
in-built so-called “emergency nuclear
Khales demolitions scheme” for the Twin
poli Khalezo l
Wikispo WTC ov, Warni Towers as long ago as the 1980's, whilst Mini 9/11
tica v, n Russia
1 oks 1-2 Big ngs a serviceman in the Soviet Special Nukes Truth
l Dimitri k
0 Nukes Control Service. … also says he is
0 colleague of Vikot Bout … Amazon /
1 Facebook prohibit entries on his books.
Russia Ukraine Israel Mafia (RUIM):
Madoff & Forest Hills, NY Jewish
mafia, money laundering by Bank of
WTC, SPIDERWEB, … and Benex (Marc
poli smugg l White
Penta Clinton, Rich), offices in same building as Mini U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica ling, n House, Israel
gon, Bill Grigori Loutchansky ... who is a Nukes gov 996
l Russia k Clinton
PA Latvian-born Israeli who laundered
/ Israel
1 billions through his Vienna-based
0 NORDEX firm. ...connect nuclear
0 smuggling and Clinton re-election ...
2 Sam Domb

1 phy NORA 8:47 a.m.: NORAD informed of l
Our WTC U.S. NORA 9/11/
0 sica D/ American Airlines Flight 11 striking the n U.S.
World 1-2 gov D 2001
0 l FAA World Trade Center. k
Environmental (WTC, 9/11) exposure to
ionizing radiation from both natural
background sources and artificial
Cance sources are suspected to play a
Me l
Wikiped WTC r, Victim significant role, and there are significant Victims 9/11
dic n U.S.
ia 1-2 Thyroi s increased rates of thyroid cancer rates in , all Truth
al k
1 d those exposed to mantlefield radiation
0 for lymphoma, and those exposed to
0 iodine-131 following the Chernobyl
4 disaster. (and a 239% increase in NYC)
Israeli Art Students and Arab hijackers
paths crossed in a number of cities in
WTC, 2000 … was covered up by John
poli Hijack Israeli l Intel
Penta Ashcroft and Robert Mueller. U.S.
WMR tica er Art n agencie FBI U.S.
1 gon, …Hollywood, Florida, Irving, Texas gov
l patsies Students k s
0 PA [near Dallas-Forth Worth International
0 Airport]; San Diego; Jersey City; and
5 Laurel, Maryland.
Comverse Infosys (Israeli company)
built the tapping equipment used by law
poli enforcement to eavesdrop on all l Intel Comve
Iamthe Penta 9/11 & Israeli
1 tica American telephone calls, but suspicion n agencie rse Israel
Witness gon, Israel corp
0 l formed that Comverse Infosys, which k s Infosys
0 got half of its research and development
6 budget from the Israeli government,
Just eleven days after the 9/11 terrorist
attacks, Congress created the September
poli 11th Victim Compensation Fund… li
Fox, Penta Victim Victims U.S. 9/22/
1 tica 2750 died at the WTC, but only 1634 n U.S.
Donald gon, s , all gov 2001
0 l identified. About 9000 remains remain k
0 unidentified and are stored at an
7 undisclosed location.
8:51:00 AM Bush arrives at Emma E.
Take WTC, White
1 poli Bush Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, l
Our Penta Bush, U.S. House, 9/11/
0 tica Crime Florida for a photo op with 16 second n U.S.
World gon, GW gov Bush 2001
0 l Family graders. He is there to promote his k
Back PA GW
8 administration's new bill on education.

Diane and Kenneth Feinberg were co-

WTC, Rothsch
1 poli Feinberg chairmen of a General Assembly of the li
Fox, Penta 9/11 & ild U.S.
0 tica , Jewish Federation, Diane is also an n U.S.
Donald gon, Israel Zionists gov
0 l Kenneth executive member of the United Israel k
PA , all
9 Appeal and the Jewish Federation of
Washington. She also happens to be a
member of the Board of Governors of
the Jewish Agency – the parent
organization of the Mossad.

8:53:00 AM Barbara Olson, a passenger

on American Airlines Flight 77,
"allegedly called" her husband, Solicitor
Take WTC, General Theodore Olson at the Justice
phy Cell l
Our Penta Olson, Department. He is watching the WTC U.S. 9/11/
sica phone n DoJ U.S.
World gon, Barbara news on TV. She tells him, ''they had gov 2001
l calls k
1 Back PA box cutters and knives. They rounded up
0 the passengers at the back of the plane.''
1 She asks him, "What should I tell the
0 pilot to do?"

Take WTC, Contro Control

1 phy Tower v
Our Penta lled led 9/11/
0 sica inferno unsucessful building demolitions: i U.S.
World gon, demoli demolit 2001
1 l s d
Back PA tion ion, all

Take WTC, Contro

1 phy Tower v
Our Penta lled 9/11 9/11/
0 sica inferno Tower infernos video i U.S.
World gon, demoli Truth 2001
1 l s d
Back PA tion
Billionaire, Frank Lowy (Westfield
malls, global) and his sons David, Peter
and Stephen hid assets from the
poli Money Australian Taxation Office, using the li U.S.
Penta Lowy, 7/1/2
MSM tica Laund European tax haven of Liechtenstein n think Israel
gon, Frank 008
1 l ering (LGT Bank) to conceal tens of millions k tank
0 of dollars for more than a decade
1 ...Rothschild connection through
3 Bombardier
David All discussion about the surveillance U.S.,
poli on l Intel
1 Ray Penta camera videos of the Pentagon being U.S. Israel,
tica surveil n agencie FBI
0 New gon confiscated and classified by the FBI are gov SA,
l lance k s
1 Pearl omitted Britain
4 Harbor
David U.S.,
phy on Rumsfel Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld use of l
1 Ray Penta U.S. Israel,
sica surveil d, the word 'missile' when referring to the n DoD
0 New gon gov SA,
l lance Donald Pentagon attack were omitted. k
1 Pearl Britain
5 Harbor
Kevin Ryan seems to be inferring that
nanothermites were sprayed on steel
girders underneath the fireproofing
phy (substituted for intumescent paint) on l
911 WTC FEMA Ryan, Port
sica the floors corresponding to the floors n NYC NY
Review 1-2 Cover- Kevin Authori
1 l impacted and 'weakened' by the alledged k
up ty
0 plane impacts, all possibly with the
1 knowledge by Buro Happold of the NY
6 Port Authority
TRW has had a long collaboration with
NASA laboratories in the development
Interlo of energetic materials that are
cking components of advanced propellants,
phy l Corpora
911 WTC Firepr BOD Ryan, like nano-gelled explosive materials U.S.
sica n tions & TRW U.S.
Review 1-2 oofing & Kevin (NASA 2001). TRW Aeronautics also corp
l k 9/11
1 conspi made fireproof composites and high
0 rators performance elastomer formulations,
1 and worked with NASA to make
7 energetic aerogels.
Bement (NIST) was also a director at
both Battelle and the Lord Corporation.
poli Battelle (where the anthrax was made) is l Corpora
911 WTC Anthra Bement, U.S.
1 tica an organization of “experts in n tions & Battelle U.S.
Review 1-2 x hoax Arden corp
0 l fundamental technologies from the five k 9/11
1 National Laboratories we manage or co-
8 manage for the US DOE.
Hratch Semerjian, long-time director of
NIST’s chemical division, was
promoted to acting director of NIST in
November 2004, and took over the
poli Zacharia WTC investigation until the completion l
tica h, of the report on the towers. Semerjian is n U.S.
Review 1-2 Cover- gov UL
l Michael closely linked to former NIST employee k
up Labs
1 Michael Zachariah, perhaps the world’s
0 most prominent expert on nano-
1 thermites (Zachariah 2008). (Who better
9 to run the cover-up?)
9:01:00 AM Bush statement. "And I was
sitting outside the classroom waiting to
go in, and I saw an airplane hit the
Take WTC, Incom tower" ... Bush could not have possibly
phy l White
Our Penta petenc Bush, seen the first plane (American Airlines U.S. 9/11/
sica n House, U.S.
World gon, e GW Flight 11) hit the WTC, because the gov 2001
l k Bush
1 Back PA theory only video showing this was not shown
0 on television till later in the day. So how
2 could he have possibly seen and said
0 this?
9:02:00 AM Official story: United
Take WTC,
1 phy NORA Airlines Flight 175 impacts the south l White
Our Penta U.S. 9/11/
0 sica D/ side of the South Tower of the WTC n House, U.S.
World gon, gov 2001
2 l FAA between the 78th and 84th floors at a k Bush
Back PA
1 speed of over 500 MPH.
Israel 'faked al-Qaeda presence' ...
Officials from the Palestinian Authority
WTC, have accused the Israeli spy agency Mossad
poli p Intel
Penta False Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda Israeli / 12/1/
MSM tica i agencie Israel
1 gon, flag terrorist cell in Gaza. Palestinian leader gov Sayeret 2002
l c s
0 PA Yasser Arafat said that Israel had set up Matkal
2 the mock cell in order to justify attacks
2 in Palestinian areas.
Khalezov claims that he knew about the
in-built so-called “emergency nuclear
Khales Contro demolitions scheme” for the Twin
poli Khalezo l
Wikispo WTC ov, lled Towers as long ago as the 1980's, whilst Mini 9/11
tica v, n Russia
1 oks 1-2 Big demoli a serviceman in the Soviet Special Nukes Truth
l Dimitri k
0 Nukes tion Control Service. … also says he is
2 colleague of Vikot Bout … Amazon /
3 Facebook prohibit entries on his books.
"In our investigation, we have not
uncovered a single piece of paper —
WTC, Disinf
poli either here in the United States, or in the li Intel
Penta o & Mueller, U.S.
1 FBI tica treasure trove of information that has n agencie FBI U.S.
gon, ommis Robert gov
0 l turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere k s
PA sions
2 — that mentioned any aspect of the
4 September 11 plot."
Bentham .... turns the conventional
business model of academic publishing
on its head by charging publication fees
to the authors of research papers, and
am 9/11
then making the content available for Control
phy Open li Truth,
TruthMo WTC Gateke Jones, free. … "I received solicitations for led AE911
sica Scienc n gatek U.S.
ve 1-2 epers Steven journals for which I had no subject demolit Truth
l e k eeper
expertise at all" ... so they tested ion, all
Journa s
1 Bentham: submitted a SCIgen paper that
0 generates nonsensical computer science
2 papers, ... it was accepted... for a $800
5 fee.
Wikipedia accepted without question
that In April 2008, Jones, along with
am 9/11
four other authors, published a letter in
phy Open l Truth,
Wikiped WTC Gateke Jones, The Bentham Open Civil Engineering AE911 4/1/2
sica Scienc n gatek U.S.
1 ia 1-2 epers Steven Journal, titled, 'Fourteen Points of Truth 008
l e k eeper
0 Agreement with Official Government
Journa s
2 Reports on the World Trade Center
6 Destruction'
WTC, Then we have the “thermite sniffers”, Control
1 phy Nanot l Truth,
Fetzer, Penta Gateke Ryan, led by Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan, led AE911
0 sica hermit n gatek U.S.
James gon, epers Kevin who insist that this obscure incendiary demolit Truth
2 l e k eeper
PA could have blown apart the buildings, ion, all
7 s
Griffin: “We are happy with our
formulation, that it can be tailored to
work as an incendiary or [as] an
explosive. We cannot be responsible for
phy Nanot Griffin, the fact that many people may equate l
Fetzer, WTC Gateke led 9/11 AE911
sica hermit David ‘explosive’ with ‘high explosive’”, his n U.S.
James 1-2 epers demolit Truth Truth
l e Ray answer raised a number of rather k
ion, all
1 disturbing questions about the ethical
0 implications of allowing these
2 enormously misleading impressions to
8 linger:
It was Montagu Norman, as Chairman
of the Bank of England, who, from 1933
WWI- through 1939, met repeatedly with
II, Zionis Hjalmar Schacht, Reich Minister of Busines
poli Secret
Nader, Fascis m = Norman, Economics, and a member of the UK s Germa
tica societie
Ralph m & Nazis Montagu Rhodes Round Table, to plan the overall gov Round ny
l s
1 Zionis m budget of the Nazi regime with British Table
0 m credit, and guided the strategies of
2 Hitler’s primary supporters, the
9 Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Harrimans.
Israel Art Students Hanan Serfaty, lived Israeli
Israeli at 701 S. 21st St. in Hollywood, around art
poli Art the corner from Shuckums Bar in p students
WTC U.S. 7/1/2
1 WMR tica Studen Hollywood Florida. He also lived at the i , Urban DEA Israel
1-2 gov 001
0 l ts, Emerald Greens Apartments at 4220 c Moving
3 spies Sheridan Street, Apartment 303, System
0 practically across the street from s
Mailbox Rentals, where Omari and Al
Shehhi, as well as two other hijackers,
Khalid al Midhar and Walid al Shehri,
maintained a mail drop. see pic

Zim American Shipping moved out of

the WTC around Sept. 4, 2001 and into
a newly built office building in Norfolk,
WTC, Va., even though they had a significant
poli li Zim Americ 4-
Veterans Penta 9/11 & remaining lease obligation at the WTC.6 Israeli
tica n Shippin an Israel Sep-
Today gon, Israel In fact, An April 3, 2001 article in the corp
l k g Shippin 01
1 PA Virginian-Pilot stated, “Zim expects to
g Co.
0 open the new (Norfolk) building by
3 Sept. 4 and will eventually employ 235
1 people.”
The Israeli “art student” mystery … For
almost two years, hundreds of young
Israelis falsely claiming to be art
WTC, students haunted federal offices -- in
poli li Zim Americ
Penta 9/11 & particular, the DEA. … In March 2001, Israeli
Salon tica n Shippin an Israel
gon, Israel the Office of the National corp
l k g Shippin
1 PA Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX),
g Co.
0 a branch of the CIA, issued a heads-up
3 to federal employees about “suspicious
2 visitors to federal facilities.”
9:06 a.m.: Order to halt traffic is
expanded to include the entire northeast
Take WTC, from Washington to Cleveland. FAA's
phy NORA l
Our Penta air traffic control center outside U.S. 9/11/
sica D/ n FAA U.S.
1 World gon, Washington D.C. notifies all air traffic gov 2001
l FAA k
0 Back PA facilities nationwide of the suspected
3 hijacking of American Airlines Flight
3 11.
FCC had apparently requested that
WTC, Airlin airlines make this rule, owing to the
1 Penta e cell tendency for cell phone calls made from U.S.
AVWeb sica FCC U.S.
0 gon, phone aircraft at lower altitudes to create gov
3 PA calls “cascades” that may lead to breakdown
4 of cellsite operations. (Frazier 2002)
WTC, Airlin report: Verizon wireless
1 911Trut Penta phy e cell Beamer, record shows that 19 calls were made
li Truth,
sica n gatek FAA U.S.
0 h gon, phone Tod from Tod Beamer’s cell phone long
3 l k eeper
PA calls after the crash of UA 93.
5 s
In 1985 Drexel Lambert S&L crook
Michael Milken helped Houston Natural
Interlo Zionist
Gas merged with Internorth to create
WTC, cking /
poli Enron. Kenneth Lay headed Houston
Henders Penta BOD Neocon Germa
tica Natural Gas and became chairman and global
on, Dean gon, & Nazi ny
1 l CEO of the new company. Enron was
PA conspi Germa
0 the biggest corporate contributor to
rators ny
3 George W. Bush’s campaign to become
6 Texas Governor. HendersonLeftHook

1 Francis, Penta poli Rothsc
Rothschi Hearst estate is being advised by NM
l Corpora
U.S. Hearst
0 Stephen gon, tica hild &
ld Rothschild,
n tions &
corp Corp
3 NFU l 9/11 k 9/11
Hearst estate is being advised by NM
1 Francis, Penta poli Rothsc Rothschild, the investment l Corpora
0 Stephen gon, tica hild & Hearst bank. Popular Mechanics Magazine is a n tions &
Mecha Israel
3 NFU l 9/11 Hearst publication and at the forefront k 9/11 nics
8 of 9/11 disinformation.
April Gallop versus Dick Cheney: Court
Dismisses 9/11 Suit against Bush
Officials … April Gallop … who
poli Litigat survived the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, li White
Global Penta Gallop, U.S.
tica ion & claims that no evacuation was ordered n House, U.S.
Research gon April gov
1 l 9/11 inside the Pentagon, despite flight k Cheney
0 controllers calling in warnings of
3 approaching hijacked aircraft nearly 20
9 minutes before the building was struck.
April Gallop versus Dick Cheney: Court
Dismisses 9/11 Suit against Bush
Officials … April Gallop … who
phy Litigat survived the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, li White
Global Penta Gallop, U.S.
sica ion & claims that no evacuation was ordered n House, U.S.
Research gon April gov
1 l 9/11 inside the Pentagon, despite flight k Cheney
0 controllers calling in warnings of
4 approaching hijacked aircraft nearly 20
0 minutes before the building was struck.

1 -- &
0 ---
- Neocon
4 s

1 --
0 ---
is a career diplomat who has been the
Nuclea United States Assistant Secretary of
r State for International Security and
poli Country l White
Wikiped WTC smugg Nonproliferation since September 27, U.S. 9/1/2
tica man, n House, U.S.
1 ia 1-2 ling & 2011, a special advisor to Madeleine gov 011
l Tom k Cheney
0 Plame Albright … now Assistant Secretary of
4 gate State for International Security and
3 Nonproliferation
9:23 a.m.: A sonic boom occurs, which
Take was picked up by an earthquake monitor
phy NORA l
1 Our Flight in southern Pennsylvania, 60 miles away U.S. 9/11/
sica D/ n FAA U.S.
0 World 93 from Shanksville. This was most likely gov 2001
l FAA k
4 Back caused by a fighter jet breaking the
4 sound barrier.
After a series of commissions, lawsuits
and investigations, it wasn’t until 1991
when the US government admitted that
poli Agent Orange had already killed as
o& 9/11 1/1/1
PressTV tica many as 100,000 veterans. Were they U.S.
ommis Truth 991
1 l diagnosed and treated using information
0 the government withheld, many if not
4 most would be alive today. The same
5 thing is happening with WTC cancer.
Bentham Open journals claim to employ
Benth peer review; however, the fact that a
am fake paper generated with SCIgen had 9/11
phy Open been accepted for publication, has cast l Truth,
Wikiped WTC Gateke Jones, AE911
sica Scienc doubt on this. Furthermore, the n gatek U.S.
ia 1-2 epers Steven Truth
1 l e publisher is known for spamming k eeper
0 Journa scientists with invitations to become a s
4 l member of the editorial boards of its
6 journals

1 --
0 ---

Take WTC,
1 phy NORA 9:26:00 AM The FAA halts takeoffs l
Our Penta U.S. 9/11/
0 sica D/ nationwide. All airborne international n FAA U.S.
World gon, gov 2001
4 l FAA flights are told to land in Canada. k
Back PA
Allegedly, Marc Rich is an asset of the -Israeli-
WTC, Rothsch
poli CIA, Mossad and the Russian Jewish l Ukraini
Aangirfa Penta 9/11 & Libby, ild
1 tica Mafia. "Lewis Libby's real claim to n an Israel
n gon, Israel Scooter Zionists
0 l fame is his 18-year collaboration with k Mafia
PA , all
4 Russian Mafia 'godfather' Marc Rich… (RUIM
9 )
9/11 EMT Patricia Ondrovic. ... as she
entered WTC 6 (as WTC 1 began to
explode), she “saw a series of flashes
around the ceiling of the lobby all going
WTC phy Ondrovi off one-by-one like the X-mass lights ... l
Penta Victims U.S.
Demoliti sica EMP c, pattern" These are EMPs passing n U.S.
gon, , all gov
on l Patricia through that area and causing wires or k
1 lighting fixtures to “pop.” ... cars near
0 her caught fire for no apparent reason. ...
5 a car door exploded off a car and injured
0 her.
Silverstein .. WTC bidder, However,
Port Authority chairman Lewis M.
Take WTC, cking United
poli Eisenberg is in charge of negotiations. l Israeli
Our Penta BOD Eisenber Jewish 4/2/2
1 tica Eisenberg was a partner of Goldman n think Israel
World gon, & g, Lewis Federat 001
0 l Sachs for many years, and is on the k tank
Back PA conspi ion
5 planning Board of the UJA / United
1 Jewish Federation "charity".
9:32:00 AM Secret Service agents burst
Take WTC, Disinf into Cheney's White House office. They
poli l White
1 Our Penta o& carry him under his arms -- nearly U.S. 9/11/
tica n House, U.S.
0 World gon, ommis lifting him off the ground -- and take gov 2001
l k Cheney
5 Back PA sions him to the security of the underground
2 bunker in the White House basement.
LSE was founded by Fabian Socialists,
WWI- with Sidney Webb playing a significant
II, role. Original patrons include Sir Ernest Rothsch
poli l
Alternati Fascis Cassel, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb and Co., ild
tica n LSE
1 ve news m & and armaments firm of Basil Zaharof, Zionists
l k
0 Zionis Vickers. Early funders: Rockefeller , all
5 m Foundation (via the Laura Spelman
3 Rockefeller Fund), Rothschilds (Sir
Evelyn Robert de Rothschild having
been a Governor ...

Washington Group is owned by URS

Corp, and they still "help manage and
Interlo operate Idaho National Lab, Los Alamos
WTC, cking NL and Lawrence Livermore National
Pilots for poli li Corpora Washin
Penta BOD labs LLNL," through a partnership with U.S.
9/11 tica n tions & gton U.S.
gon, & Battelle, Washington also made corp
Truth l k 9/11 Group
1 PA conspi payments to Greenhorne & O'Mara,
0 rators whose employee Theresa McAllister
5 was a lead author for the FEMA and
4 NIST reports on the WTC disaster.
According to USA Today: “On Sept. 11,
Elevat Contro Control
1 poli ACE Elevator of Palisades Park, N.J., li ACE
USA WTC or lled led U.S. 9/11/
0 tica had 80 elevator mechanics inside the n Elevato U.S.
Today 1-2 renova demoli demolit corp 2001
5 l World Trade Center“. The World Trade k r
tion tion ion, all
5 Center, Silverstein was there only client.
Washington Group is owned by URS
Corp, who "help manage and operate
Idaho National Lab, Los Alamos NL
and Lawrence Livermore National labs
WTC, NIST / Lawren
Pilots for poli McAllist LLNL," through a partnership with li Corpora
Penta FEMA U.S. ce
9/11 tica er, Battelle, ... Washington Group also n tions & U.S.
gon, Cover- corp Liverm
Truth l Theresa made payments to Greenhorne & k 9/11
PA up ore Lab
1 O'Mara, whose employee Theresa
0 McAllister was a lead author for the
5 FEMA and NIST reports on the WTC
6 disaster.
Manhattan Project: The implosion
design (tested at Port Chicago?
6/17/1944) acquired a new urgency in
April 1944, when studies of reactor-
Port me produced plutonium confirmed that it l Manhat
Alternati r, Port Vogel, Victims U.S. 4/1/1
Chica dic could not be used in a gun-type weapon. n tan U.S.
ve news Chica Peter , all gov 944
go al An accelerated effort was called for to k Project
1 design and build the implosion-type
0 weapon, codenamed Fat Man. (was this
5 related to Port Chicago? ... and
7 ultimately thyroid cancer deaths)

Cance Port Chicago: Witnesses report seeing a

1 Port me li Manhat
r, Port tremendous blinding light and a Wilson Victims U.S.
Rense Chica dic n tan U.S.
0 Chica condensation cloud, … the first ever , all gov
5 go al k Project
go atomic explosion?
LAKAM is an acronym for Bureau of
Scientific Relations, an Israeli
intelligence agency then headed by spy-
poli Mini master Rafi Eitan (1981-1986). It l
Penta Israeli
Bollyn tica Nukes, collected scientific and technical n Lakam Israel
gon, gov
1 l Israel intelligence abroad, particularly for k
0 Israel's nuclear program. It was
5 reorganized in 1986 following the arrest
9 of Jonathan Pollard.
9:40:00 AM Transportation Secretary
Norman Y. Mineta, summoned by the
White House to the bunker, was on an
Take Disinf open line to the Federal Aviation
poli l
Our Penta o & Mineta, Administration operations center, U.S. 9/11/
tica n FAA U.S.
World gon ommis Norman monitoring Flight 77 as it hurtled toward gov 2001
l k
1 Back sions Washington, with radar tracks coming
0 every seven seconds. Reports came that
6 the plane was 50 miles out, 30 miles out,
0 10 miles out-
9/11 EMT Patricia Ondrovic. ... as she
entered WTC 6 (as WTC 1 began to
explode), she “saw a series of flashes
around the ceiling of the lobby all going
Ondrovi off one-by-one like the X-mass lights ... d
Penta doc Victims U.S.
MSM EMP c, pattern" These are EMPs passing o U.S.
gon, s , all gov
Patricia through that area and causing wires or c
1 lighting fixtures to “pop.” ... cars near
0 her caught fire for no apparent reason. ...
6 a car door exploded off a car and injured
1 her.
9:40:00 AM The FAA stops all flight
operations at U.S. airports and orders all
Take WTC, planes in the air to land at the nearest
phy NORA l
Our Penta airport. No civilian aircraft are allowed U.S. 9/11/
sica D/ n FAA U.S.
1 World gon, to lift off. This is the first time all gov 2001
l FAA k
0 Back PA commercial flights in the U.S. have been
6 suspended. Only military and medical
2 flights are allowed to fly.
9:45:00 AM Bush's motorcade leaves
Take WTC,
1 phy the Emma E. Booker Elementary School l White
Our Penta Bush, U.S. 9/11/
0 sica in Sarasota, Florida headed for Air n House, U.S.
World gon, GW gov 2001
6 l Force One at the Sarasota-Bradenton k Bush
Back PA
3 International Airport.
Marc Rich (Jew), was charged in 1982
with the largest tax-evasion scheme in
U.S. history, having evaded more than Zionist/
WTC, $48 million in income taxes. ... Rich Neocon
poli Cars, l Jewish
Wikiped Penta Rich, also violated the Trading with the s Israeli 1/1/1
tica toaste n organiz Israel
ia gon, Marc Enemy Act by conducting business with created gov 982
l d k ations
1 PA Iran, during hostage crisis. In 1983, al
0 Rich fled to Switzerland, beame an Queda
6 Israeli citizen, Barak and Olmert urged
4 pardon.
Sediment cores pulled from the Hudson
River near the World Trade Center site
just a month after the Sept. 11, 2001,
Mini terrorist attacks contain a thin layer of
phy l
Fox, WTC Nukes metal-rich ash and pulverized debris. Mini U.S.
sica n U.S.
Donald 1-2 Iodine The top 3 cm of silt contained layers Nukes gov
l k
1 131 with unnaturally high concentrations of
0 copper, strontium, and zinc from the
6 towers, says Sarah D. Oktay, a
5 geochemist...
Uranium, always radioactive, under
Mini 9/11
scanning electron microscopy was found
phy Nukes l Truth,
1 Fetzer, WTC at 7.57 parts per million (93 Bequerels
sica , n anti- U.S.
0 James 1-2 per kilogram) in the dust taken from the
l USGS k Zioni
6 girder coatings by USGS personnel.
data sts
6 Normal uranium content on earth is
between 12 Bq/kg as a low and 40
Bequerels per kilogram as the maximum
high making this girder coating uranium
level between 2 and 7.75 times the
expected level.

Take WTC,
1 phy 9:55:00 AM Bush arrives at the l White
Our Penta Bush, U.S. 9/11/
0 sica Sarasota-Bradenton International n House, Florida
World gon, GW gov 2001
6 l Airport and boards Air Force One. k Bush
Back PA
9:55:00 AM Inside his White House
bunker, a military aide asks Cheney,
"There is a plane 80 miles out. There is
phy a fighter in the area. Should we li Intel
Mineta, Penta Mineta, U.S. 9/11/
sica engage?" Cheney immediately says, n agencie PEOC U.S.
Norman gon Norman gov 2001
1 l "Yes." As the fighter gets nearer to k s
0 United Airlines Flight 93, he is asked
6 the same thing twice more, and responds
8 yes both times.
Shortest range (in miles) of a U.S.
WTC, Contro nuclear shell. Known as the “Davy
Brookin poli Mini li
1 Penta lled Crockett,” the W54 weapon, a small Mini U.S. U.S.
gs tica Nukes n U.S.
0 gon, demoli nuclear warhead with a weight of 51 Nukes gov military
Institute l , W-54 k
6 PA tion pounds, was fired by a recoilless gun
9 mounted on a jeep.
Operation Hardtack II, 1958 - Nevada
Test Site … was a banner year for
nuclear weapons testing by the U.S.,
poli Mini 9/11 with a total of 77 U.S. tests, … 10 shots li
Alternati Penta Mini U.S. U.S. 1/1/1
tica Nukes Groun were conducted to verify the safety and n
ve news gon, Nukes gov military 958
1 l , W-54 dwork effectiveness of a primary for the XW- k
0 54 warhead. the XW-51 Davy Crockett
7 warhead - weighing only 16 kg in its
0 tested form.

1 Alternati WTC phy Clean Massive set of photos of cleanup of l

9/11 9/12/
0 ve news 1-2 sica up, WTC … Facebook 911 Nuclear n NNSA U.S.
Truth 2001
7 l NNSA Demolition k
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
gatekeepers: these search terms absent
from entire website: uranium,
Cance plutonium, tritium, tritiated water,
Francis, poli p Truth,
WTC r, Gateke Jones, fission, fusion, barium, thyroid cancer, Gatekee AE911
Stephen tica i gatek U.S.
1-2 Myelo epers Steven multiple myeloma, USGS data on pers Truth
NFU l c eeper
1 ma radioactive elements found at WTC site,
0 mininuke, nuclear, the resignation of
7 Bentham Open Science's Marie-Paule
2 Pileni,
From the 1960-80s, South Africa
pursued research intoWMD, including
nuclear weapons. Six nuclear weapons
Mini were assembled. South Africa was able
poli Mini li
Wikiped WTC Nukes to mine uranium ore domestically. South Israeli South 1/1/1
tica Nukes, n
ia 1-2 , Africa is suspected of receiving gov Africa 977
l Israel k
1 tritium assistance from Israel in building its first
0 nuclear device. in 1977 Israel traded 30
7 grams of tritium for 50 tonnes of South
3 African uranium
Davy Crockett, The M-28 or M-29
Davy Crockett Weapon System(s) was a
tactical nuclear recoilless rifle for firing
WTC, the M388 nuclear projectile that was
poli Mini 9/11 l U.S.
Wikiped Penta deployed by the US during the Cold Mini U.S.
tica Nukes Groun n Militar U.S.
ia gon, War. … one of smallest ever built … M- Nukes gov
l , W-54 dwork k y
1 PA 388 round used a version of the W54
0 warhead ... yield between 10 or 20 tons
7 of TNT ... had a selectable yield feature
4 ...
Feb 1993. The WTC garage is hit by a
truck bomb. The FBI has been aware of
the plot via their informant Emad Salem
yet let it go ahead, killing six and
Take Control
phy Sting injuring more than a thousand ... after a l
Our WTC Salem, led U.S. 2/26/
sica goes plan to substitute harmless powder for n FBI Israel
World 1993 Emad demolit gov 1993
l live the explosives was called off by an FBI k
Back ion, all
1 supervisor. Mossad mole Ahmad Ajaj,
0 involved in the early stages of the plot,...
7 pretext for subsequent "fireproofing
5 upgrades". now exists
Joseph Kasputys, Pres. Ford's assitant
Sec of Commerce, …Ran Primark that
had offices in both Towers, James Baker
worked with Joseph Kasputys. …
WTC, cking NIST /
poli Kasputys worked with DiBona during l
911 Penta BOD Kasputy U.S. FEMA
tica the Arab Oil Embargo as reps of US n U.S.
Blogger gon, & s, Joseph gov UL
l DoE, The Analytical Sciences k
PA conspi Labs
1 Corporation (TASC) a Primark
0 subsidiary, worked with “so-called
7 'black projects'.” TASC also worked
6 closely with the NIST.
Silverstein .. WTC bidder, However,
Port Authority chairman Lewis M.
Take WTC, United
poli Eisenberg is in charge of negotiations. l Israeli
Our Penta WTC Eisenber Jewish 4/2/2
1 tica Eisenberg was a partner of Goldman n think Israel
World gon, lease g, Lewis Federat 001
0 l Sachs for many years, and is on the k tank
Back PA ion
7 planning Board of the UJA / United
7 Jewish Federation "charity".
Brown & Root was one of the
companies centered around First City
Bancorp. of Houston (Zim Shipping) and
JFK Nuclea the Vinson & Elkins law firm. First
assass poli r City, which was founded by Vinson & l JFK,
Hoefle, Elkins, U.S. Permin
inatio tica smugg Elkins founder James Elkins, was n 9/11 & U.S.
John James corp dex
n, l ling & identified by 1976 House Banking k Zionists
1 Israel 9/11 Committee report as part of the
0 Rothschild banking network ... & see
7 Schlumberger (Banque de Neuflize,
8 Schlumberger, Mallet, Demach)
Hellerstein has a clear conflict of
interest in the 9-11 tort litigation
because his son is a lawyer with Amit,
WTC, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that Rothsch
Bollyn, poli WTC li U.S.
Penta Hellerste works for and is closely connected with ild Rothsc
Christop tica Securit n think U.S.
gon, in, Alvin Cukierman & Company, the parent Zionists hild
her l y k tank
1 PA company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is , all
0 headed by Roger Cukierman and his son
7 Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of
9 the Edmond de Rothschild Group
Roger Cukierman was CEO of the
Edmond de Rothschild Group and
chairman of the Israel General Bank. He
WTC, has also served as the chairman of Rothsch
poli Israel Cukierm li Rothsc
TruthSee Penta several venture capital funds established ild Israeli
tica & 9/11 an, n hild Israel
ker gon, by the Rothschild Group. One of these Zionists corp
l ICTS Roger k Group
1 PA funds, the Catalyst Fund, is run by Boaz , all
0 Harel, a managing partner of private
8 equity at Cukierman & Co. – and the
0 head of ICTS at the time of 9-11
Roger Cukierman was CEO of the
Edmond de Rothschild Group and
chairman of the Israel General Bank. He
WTC, has also served as the chairman of Rothsch
poli Israel li Rothsc
TruthSee Penta Harel, several venture capital funds established ild Israeli
tica & 9/11 n hild Israel
ker gon, Boaz by the Rothschild Group. One of these Zionists corp
l ICTS k Group
1 PA funds, the Catalyst Fund, is run by Boaz , all
0 Harel, a managing partner of private
8 equity at Cukierman & Co. – and the
1 head of ICTS at the time of 9-11
ICTS is the parent company of
1 poli WTC Huntleigh, USA, a passenger screening li Corpora Huntlei
Penta U.S.
0 Rense tica Securit company which was operating at Logan n tions & gh, U.S.
gon, corp
8 l y Airport on 9/11/01. Huntleigh, USA is a k 9/11 USA
2 defendant in this case.
Ezra Harel is a resident of Israel who
owned a controlling interest in ICTS at
US WTC, the time of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks.
poli WTC li Corpora
District Penta Harel, He owned 65% of ICTS when he Israeli
tica Securit n tions & ICTS Israel
1 Court, gon, Ezra supposedly died of a heart attack at the corp
l y k 9/11
0 Southern PA age of 53 in 2003. The Ezra Harel
8 Family Estate retained ownership of
3 59% of ICTS as of 2004
... the 9/11 Commission heard testimony
from national security adviser
Condoleezza Rice that the White House
WTC, Incom didn't anticipate hijacked planes being
poli Rice, li Commi
USA Penta petenc used as weapons. President Bush said at U.S. 4/1/2
tica Condole n ssion, U.S.
Today gon, e a news conference Tuesday, "Nobody in gov 004
l eza k omissio
1 PA theory our government, at least, and I don't
0 think the prior government, could
8 envision flying airplanes into buildings
4 on such a massive scale."
WWI- Interlo Zionist
Avery Rockefeller - was a director the J.
II, cking /
poli Henry Schroder Bank & Trust Company l
1 Wikiped Fascis BOD Dulles, Neocon U.S. Rockef Germa
tica and the J. Henry Schroder Banking n
0 ia m& & Allen Nazi corp ellers ny
l Corporation … Union Bank of k
8 Zionis conspi German
Switzerland (UBS) acquired SMH,
5 m rators y
... one operation, planned in July 2001
and conducted later, that involved
WTC, Incom
poli planes from airports in Utah and li
USA Penta petenc U.S. NORA 7/1/2
1 tica Washington state that were "hijacked." n U.S.
Today gon, e gov D 001
0 l Those planes were escorted by U.S. and k
PA theory
8 Canadian aircraft to airfields in British
6 Columbia and Alaska.
on NORAD exercises: "Threats of
killing hostages or crashing were left to
WTC, Incom McKinle the scriptwriters to invoke creativity and
poli li
USA Penta petenc y, Maj broaden the required response," Maj. U.S. NORA 4/1/2
tica n U.S.
1 Today gon, e Gen Gen. Craig McKinley, a NORAD gov D 004
l k
0 PA theory Craig official, told the 9/11 commission. No
8 exercise matched the specific events of
7 Sept. 11, NORAD said.
Jesse Ventura, upon his inauguration as
Governor of Minnesota, a group of state
poli Civil government officials who were also li Intel
Ventura, Penta Ventura, 9/11
1 tica Rights undercover CIA officers summoned him n agencie CIA U.S.
Jesse gon, Jesse Truth
0 l lost to a briefing in which it was made clear k s
8 who was really running the State of
8 Minnesota.

WTC, Air Force Colonel, Bob Bowman,

1 Veterans Penta poli Civil
Bowman directed Star Wars program in 1970's
0 Today gon, tica Rights
, Robert and was National Commander of
8 l lost k
PA veterans organization 'The Patriots'.
9/11 debate challenges, synopsis, names
mentioned: Jim Fetzer, Anthony Hall,
Frank McLaughlin, JFEF, Richard
poli Civil Shaddock (ANETA), David Griscom, U.S.
Veterans Penta Barrett,
tica Rights Donald Downs, Ann Althouse, Marshall Acad U.S.
Today gon, Kevin
1 l lost Onellion, … Mathew Mills of We Are emia
0 Change grabbed a mic and managed a l
9 short statement during an MVP n
0 interview. k
Sen. Graham : “None of the people
leading this investigation think it is
WTC, Incom credible that 19 people — most who
poli Graham, l U.S.
Veterans Penta petenc could not speak English and did not U.S.
tica Senator n Congre U.S.
1 Today gon, e have previous experience in the United gov
l Bob k ss
0 PA theory States — could carry out such a
9 complicated task without external
1 assistance.”
Zelikow published an article in 1998
WTC, entitled “Catastrophic Terrorism.” In it,
poli l U.S.
1 Veterans Penta False Zelikow, he speculated about the likely social, Neocon 1/1/1
tica n think U.S.
0 Today gon, flag Philip psychological and cultural effects of a s 998
l k tank
9 PA Pearl Harbor style event such as “the
2 destruction of the World Trade Center.”

1 Veterans Penta poli Civil
Bush, Guantanamo Bay, Gitmo, created from
0 Today gon, tica Rights
GW US government 9/11. l think
9 l lost n tank
3 k

WTC, Clergy Response Teams are real …

1 poli Civil
Penta clergy hired by DHS to calm down the U.S.
0 MSM tica Rights l U.S.
gon, public in the event of disasters and gov
l lost
9 PA martial law….28,000 n
4 k
Benyamin Netanyahu’s 1996 “Clean
WTC, Netanya Break” plan which was drafted by
poli Rogue l
1 Veterans Penta hu, American neo-cons to use the US Israeli Zionist 1/1/1
tica govern n Israel
0 Today gon, Benjami military to eradicate the Zionist gov s 996
l ment k
9 PA n regime’s enemies...The plan was put
5 into action on 9/11 to remove
governments in seven countries- Iraq,
Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan
and Iran – over five years, Dr. Barrett
said, citing retired Army General
Wesley Clark.

a US federal court ruled that relatives of

people who died in the 9/11 attacks can
WTC, sue Saudi Arabia, reversing a lower
poli Litigat Bandar l
Veterans Penta court ruling in 2002 that had found the Saudis 9/11 Saudi 12/1/
tica ion & bin n
1 Today gon, kingdom immune from lawsuits. The & 9/11 Truth Arabia 2013
l 9/11 Sultan k
0 PA complaint states that much of the
9 funding for 9/11 came from Saudi
6 Arabia

1 Veterans Penta poli Litigat
Judge Alvin Hellerstein ordered l
U.S. 12/1/
0 Today gon, tica ion &
in, Alvin
American Airlines to pay Cantor n
DoJ U.S.
9 l 9/11 Fitzgerald half a billion dollars. k

WTC, Confli Alvin Hellerstein, 9/11 judge,

1 Veterans Penta poli ct of Mariani, sanctioned Ellen Mariani's attournies for
Israeli 6/1/2
0 Today gon, tica Interes Ellen pointing out his obvious conflict of
DoJ U.S.
9 l k
PA t interest
Air Force Colonel, Bob Bowman, is
WTC, well known worldwide as the Pentagon
poli Whistl l
1 Veterans Penta Bowman insider who blew the whistle in the early U.S.
tica eblowe n U.S.
0 Today gon, , Robert 1980′s on the U.S. government’s plans gov
l r k
9 PA to use Star Wars as an offensive “first-
9 strike” weapon. ,
Benyamin Netanyahu’s 1996 “Clean
Break” plan which was drafted by
American neo-cons to use the US
military to eradicate the Zionist
poli Energy Clark, regime’s enemies in the region, he l U.S. 12/3
Veterans Penta U.S.
tica / Drug Gen explained. The plan was put into action n Militar Israel 1/19
Today gon, gov
l wars Wesley on 9/11 to remove governments in seven k y 95
1 countries- Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya,
1 Somalia, Sudan and Iran – over five
0 years, Dr. Barrett said, citing retired
0 Army General Wesley Clark.
A layering CGI glitch in the video
editing software produced one Engine
poli Herzakh li
1 Videogr WTC Video significant proof of video fakery. The Video 9/11 ers &
tica ani, n U.S.
1 aphers 1-2 fakery left wing of the Flight 175 passes behind fakery Truth Scientis
l Michael k
0 WTC 7 as it is about to slice into the ts
1 south WTC tower.
The planes nose emerges from opposite
1 Videogr WTC poli Video
side of the WTC tower that it entered. li
Video 9/11 ers &
1 aphers tica The nose is the weakest part of the n U.S.
1-2 fakery fakery Truth Scientis
0 l airplane and could not have survived k
2 intact.
A thorough examination the debris of
the WTC buildings reveals further
phy evidence of massive power and heat - a li
Ward, WTC Minin Mini 9/11
1 sica thermonuclear blast. WTC 6 was 8 n U.S.
Ed 6 ukes Nukes Truth
1 l stories high. The total height of its k
0 central debris of the crater was about 30
3 to 50 feet below sea level and about 120
feet wide. Eight stories of building
collapses and leaves a hole at least 30
feet deep.

Evidence of tremendous heat can be

seen in a 8 ton 6" thick I beam that is
bent like a horseshoe without warping,
kinking or splitting. ... there is no way
Beams Contro Control Engine
phy for thermate to create this horseshoe, li
Ward, WTC , lled led 9/11 ers &
sica unless it is "miraculous" thermate. Nor, n U.S.
Ed 1-2 horses demoli demolit Truth Scientis
l is there any unspecified vague "scalar" k
hoe tion ion, all ts
1 weapon that can do this even if the beam
1 was isolated and not covered by some
0 degree of 110 floors of concrete and
4 steel.)
the horse shoe beams … steel that has
been exposed to massive and intense
Beams Contro Control Engine
phy heat that is entirely consistent with a li
Ward, WTC , lled led 9/11 ers &
1 sica thermonuclear explosion and virtually n U.S.
Ed 1-2 horses demoli demolit Truth Scientis
1 l nothing else can produce this single k
hoe tion ion, all ts
0 effect. Nanothermite cannot produce
5 this effect.
the horse shoe beams … steel that has
Beams Contro been exposed to massive and intense Engine
phy li
1 Ward, WTC , lled heat that is entirely consistent with a Mini 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
1 Ed 1-2 horses demoli thermonuclear explosion and virtually Nukes Truth Scientis
l k
0 hoe tion nothing else can produce this single ts
6 effect
PROC. NO. 7463
Notice of President of the United States,
poli dated Sept. 10, 2009, 74 F.R. 46883, li White
Washing Penta Martia Obama, U.S.
tica provided: n House, U.S.
ton Blog gon, l law Barack gov
l Consistent with section 202(d) of the k Obama
1 National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C.
1 1622(d), I am continuing for 1 year the
0 national emergency declared on
7 September 14, 2001,
Two of 19 suspects named by the FBI,
Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi,
have the same names as men listed at a
me Hijack housing facility for foreign military li
Penta hijacker Hijacke U.S. Saudi
MSM dic er trainees at Pensacola. Two others, n MSM
gon, patsies rs, all gov Arabia
1 al patsies Hamza Alghamdi and Ahmed Alnami, k
1 have names similar to individuals listed
0 in public records as using the same
8 address inside the base.
Saeed Alghamdi graduated from the
Defense Language Institute at Lackland
Air Force Base in San Antonio, while
men with the same names as two other
me Hijack hijackers, Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz li
Penta hijacker Hijacke U.S.
MSM dic ers, Alomari, appear as graduates of the U.S. n MSM U.S.
gon, patsies rs, all gov
al alive International Officers School at k
1 Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., and the
1 Aerospace Medical School at Brooks
0 Air Force Base in San Antonio,
9 respectively.
Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the
board of directors at US Airways on
9/11. Ray Smith has served on the
boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie
WTC, cking
Pilots for poli Smith, Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, li Corpora
Penta BOD U.S.
9/11 tica Raymon Corestates Financial, First Union, and n tions & Israel
gon, & corp
Truth l d W. others. He is also Chairman of k 9/11
PA conspi
1 Rothschild, North America, Inc. and
1 Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr.
1 Smith also served on the board of Five
0 Arrows (Rothschild).
In 1949 alone, Zim ships brought
100,000 immigrants to Israel. ... In
1969, the Israel Corporation acquired
about half of Zim shares. The Israeli Zim
poli government and other, smaller, investors li Zim Americ
Penta 9/11 & Angel, Israeli
Killtown tica held the rest. In April 1999, the Ofer n Shippin an Israel
gon, Israel Udi corp
l Brothers Group became the major k g Shippin
1 shareholder of the Israel Corporation, g Co.
1 and Udi Angel was appointed Chairman
1 of the Board of Zim. In February 2004
1 the Israel Corp completed ownership
Peter Peterson — CEO of the
Blackstone Group, parent corporation of
WTC, one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on
poli l U.S. Blackst
WhoDid Penta WTC Peterson, 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the
tica n think one U.S.
1 It gon, lease Pete Federal Reserve Bank of New York on
l k tank Group
1 PA 9-11; CEO of the Institute for
1 International Economics in October
2 2000
Donald Rumsfeld — former Secretary
WTC, Pentag
1 WhoDid Penta phy Rogue Rumsfel of War and PNAC member; close friend l U.S.
1 sica govern d, of Cheney; was at Pentagon on 9-11; n think PNAC U.S.
It gon, missil
1 l ment Donald once slipped and said “when that missile k tank
PA e
3 hit the Pentagon”

WTC, Tommy Thompson — Health and

1 WhoDid Penta poli WTC Thomps l
Human Services (HHS) Secretary; hired 9/10/
1 tica Securit on, n NYC U.S.
It gon, Jerome Hauer, former Office of 2001
1 l y Tommy k
PA Emergency Center, on 9-10-01
poli Report Mete Sozen — part of ASCE team that l
1 WhoDid Feder Sozen, U.S.
tica s, investigated both WTC and Murrah n ASCE U.S.
1 It al Mete gov
l Pentag Federal building attacks k
1 Buildi
5 ng
Peter Peterson — CEO of the
Interlo Blackstone Group, parent corporation of
WTC, cking one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on Fed U.S.,
poli l
WhoDid Penta BOD Peterson, 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the U.S. Res Israel,
tica n
1 It gon, & Pete Federal Reserve Bank of New York on gov Bank SA,
l k
1 PA conspi 9-11; CEO of the Institute for of NY Britain
1 rators International Economics in October
6 2000
Mark Loizeaux — as CEO of CDI was Control
Murra Clean Eviden
1 WhoDid poli instrumental in “recycling” steel from l Corpora led
h up, ce Loizeau U.S.
1 tica WTC crime scene; CDI also buried the n tions & Demoli U.S.
It Feder Zionis destruc x, Mark corp
1 l rubble from the crime scene of the k 9/11 tion
al t tion,
7 Murrah Federal Building Inc.
Buildi compa obstru
ng nies ction

Peter Peterson — CEO of the

Interlo Blackstone Group, parent corporation of
WTC, cking one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on
poli l Secret U.S.
WhoDid Penta BOD Peterson, 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the
tica n societie think CFR U.S.
1 It gon, & Pete Federal Reserve Bank of New York on
l k s tank
1 PA conspi 9-11; CEO of the Institute for
1 rators International Economics in October
8 2000
Lewis “Scooter” Libby — former
WTC, Israel, PNAC member; studied political science
poli l U.S.
1 WhoDid Penta Dual Libby, at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; aid to
tica n think PNAC Israel
1 It gon, citizen Scooter Cheney; convicted for lying about
l k tank
1 PA s outing of Valerie Plame; “dual citizen”
9 of US and Israel; Zionist
Lewis “Scooter” Libby — former
WTC, Israel, PNAC member; studied political science
poli l U.S. Hudson
1 WhoDid Penta Dual Libby, at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; aid to
tica n think Institut Israel
1 It gon, citizen Scooter Cheney; convicted for lying about
l k tank e
2 PA s outing of Valerie Plame; “dual citizen”
0 of US and Israel; Zionist
Marc Rich, (was born in 1934 to a
Jewish family in Antwerp), Belgium ...
has close ties to the Sharon government
WTC, Rothsch Mossad
poli and Israeli intelligence … Rich had l
Penta 9/11 & Rich, ild Israeli /
WMR tica made substantial donations to Israeli n Israel
gon, Israel Marc Zionists gov Sayeret
1 l charitable foundations over the years, k
PA , all Matkal
1 and many senior Israeli officials, such as
2 Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert, and
1 Bill and Hillary Clinton
Frank Lowy — he and partner Larry
WTC, Silverstein obtained 99-year lease on Rothsch Mossad
poli l
1 WhoDid Penta 9/11 & Lowy, WTC shortly before 9-11; came to ild Israeli / 1/1/1
tica n U.S.
1 It gon, Israel Frank Palestine in 1945 from Hungary to fight Zionists gov Sayeret 945
l k
2 PA as Golani commando in Israeli “War of , all Matkal
2 Independence”;
poli Report Paul Mlakar — part of ASCE team that l
1 WhoDid Feder Mlakar, U.S.
tica s, investigated both WTC and Murrah n ASCE U.S.
1 It al Paul gov
l Pentag Federal building attacks k
2 Buildi
3 ng
Pauline Neville-Jones — International
Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of
WTC, UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-
poli Neville- l
WhoDid Penta UK & 1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a UK
tica Jones, n BBC U.S.
1 It gon, 9/11 war technology company with gov
l Pauline k
1 PA government customers in UK and USA;
2 Chairman of Information Assurance
4 Advisory Council (IAAC)
Pauline Neville-Jones — International
WTC, Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of
poli Neville- l Intel Qineti
1 WhoDid Penta UK & UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991- U.S.
tica Jones, n agencie Q UK
1 It gon, 9/11 1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a corp
l Pauline k s Group
2 PA war technology company with
5 government customers in UK and USA;
Chairman of Information Assurance
Advisory Council (IAAC)

Pauline Neville-Jones — International

Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of
WTC, UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-
poli Neville- l Secret
WhoDid Penta UK & 1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a U.S. Bilderb
tica Jones, n societie U.S.
1 It gon, 9/11 war technology company with gov erg
l Pauline k s
1 PA government customers in UK and USA;
2 Chairman of Information Assurance
6 Advisory Council (IAAC)
Richard Perle — former assistant
Secretary of War, chairman War Policy
WTC, Israel,
poli Board, and PNAC member; “dual l U.S.
WhoDid Penta Dual Perle,
1 tica citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; n think PNAC U.S.
It gon, citizen Richard
1 l allegedly gave $100,000 to head of k tank
PA s
2 Pakistan’s ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad;
7 nicknamed “Prince of Darkness”
Richard Perle — former assistant
Secretary of War, chairman War Policy
poli Pakista Board, and PNAC member; “dual l
WhoDid Penta Perle, U.S.
1 tica n& citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; n DoD Israel
It gon, Richard gov
1 l 9/11 allegedly gave $100,000 to head of k
2 Pakistan’s ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad;
8 nicknamed “Prince of Darkness”
Richard Perle — former assistant
Secretary of War, chairman War Policy
poli Rogue Board, and PNAC member; “dual l War
WhoDid Penta Perle, U.S. Pakista
1 tica govern citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; n Policy
It gon, Richard gov n
1 l ment allegedly gave $100,000 to head of k Board
2 Pakistan’s ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad;
9 nicknamed “Prince of Darkness”

WTC, Jack Abramoff — entertained USG Rothsch Mossad

1 WhoDid Penta poli Zionis Abramof “terrorist” patsy Mohammed Atta on his
ild Israeli /
1 tica n U.S.
It gon, m f, Jack yacht just before 9-11; convicted Zionists gov Sayeret
3 l k
PA criminal lobbyist; ardent Zionist , all Matkal
Elliot Abrams (Zionist) — former
1 WhoDid Iran poli 9/11 & Abrams,
member of PNAC, National Security l
1 Contr tica Council; pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying n think PNAC U.S.
It Israel Eliot Zionists 991
3 a l to Congress about Iran-Contra affair; k tank
, all
1 “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist

WTC, Mahmoud Ahmad — head of Pakistan’s

1 WhoDid Penta poli 9/11 Ahmad,
ISI; had Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh
l Intel
U.S. Pakista
tica Groun Mahmou n agencie CIA
1 It gon, wire $100,000 to lead 9-11 “terrorist” gov n
3 l dwork d k s
PA patsy Mohammad Atta
Richard Armitage — former member of
WTC, 9/11
1 WhoDid Penta poli 9/11 Armitag PNAC, Deputy Secretary of State; met l
1 tica Groun e, with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of n think PNAC
It gon, g& n
3 l dwork Richard Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 financier, k tank
PA Roots
3 shortly after 9-11
1 WhoDid Penta poli NORA Larry Arnold — NORAD Commander l U.S.
Arnold, NORA
1 tica D/ Major General on 9-11; has used 9-11 to n Milita U.S.
It gon, Larry D
3 l FAA push militarization of USA k ry
John Ashcroft — Attorney General on
1 WhoDid Penta poli 9-11; protected “terrorist” patsy l
Warni Ashcroft U.S.
1 tica Abdussattar Shaikh from subpoena after n DOJ U.S.
It gon, ngs , John gov
3 l 9-11; stopped flying commercial aircraft k
5 in 2001
Ashton Carter — co-authored paper,
“Catastrophic Terrorism: A National
Policy” with Zelikow and Deutch; Global
poli 9/11 senior partner at Global Technology l Corpora Techno
WhoDid Penta Carter, U.S.
tica Groun Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North n tions & logy U.S.
It gon, Ashton corp
1 l dwork America … he held positions at the k 9/11 Partner
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, s
3 the Congressional Office of Technology
6 Assessment, and Rockefeller University.
William Baker — member of FEMA
1 WhoDid Penta phy FEMA Baker,
Probe Team; partner with Skidmore, l
1 sica Owings, Merrill; contributed to the n FEMA U.S.
It gon, Cover- William gov
3 l flawed NIST report on why the WTC k
PA up
7 buildings collapsed

WTC, Marion “Spike” Bowman — FBI agent

1 WhoDid Penta poli FBI
Bowman who thwarted FBI investigations into
l Intel
1 tica cover- n agencie FBI U.S.
It gon, , Marion both Zacarias Moussaoui and the gov
3 l up k s
PA anthrax attacks on Congress
Paul Bremer — Marsh & McClennan
executive on 9-11; Chairman of the
Congressional National Commission on
WTC, Terrorism, 1999 to 2000; US
poli l
WhoDid Penta Iraq Bremer, Ambassador-at-Large for U.S.
tica n U.S.
It gon, War Paul Counterterrorism, 1986 to 1989; gov
l k
1 PA Presidential Envoy to Iraq and
1 Adminstrator of the Coaltion
3 Provisional Authority, May 2003 to
9 December 2004
John Brinkerhoff — retired US Army
Colonel who was a career senior
poli executive in the Office of Secretary of l
WhoDid Penta Martia Brinkerh U.S. U.S.
1 tica War; from 1981 to 1983, FEMA n U.S.
It gon, l law off, John gov military
1 l associate director for national k
4 preparedness developed martial law
0 plan;
Warren Buffett — was hosting golf
WTC, charity event at the US Strategic
poli Pedop l Corpora
1 WhoDid Penta Buffett, Command headquarters at Offutt Air U.S.
tica hilia n tions & U.S.
1 It gon, Warren Force Base in Omaha on 9-11 (Bush corp
l rings k 9/11
4 PA flew to Offutt afternoon of 9-11);
1 world’s second richest person
Executive Orders Blog: Jeb Bush —
WTC, Executive Order (#01-260), Florida
poli li
1 Alternati Penta Martia Bush, governor on 9-11; gave authority to the Florid
tica n PNAC U.S.
1 ve news gon, l law Jeb Florida National Guard to activate its a gov
l k
4 PA membership (martial law) in Florida
2 four days before 9-11 see also #01-17
9/11 Memorial Museum, 110,000 sq. ft.,
World Trade Center, Survivor's
China 9/11
Staircase, American Airlines Flight 11, Empire
WTC poli Syndr Memo l
WhoDid slurry wall, 10,000 artifacts, 23,000 still State 4/14/
Memo tica ome, rial, n NYC U.S.
1 It images, 500 hours of film (propaganda) Develo 2014
rial l WTC radiati k
1 … very clever means of hiding the pment
pools on
4 nuclear radiation and heat coming from
3 the effects of nuclear explosions.
George H.W. Bush — Bush crime
1 WhoDid Penta poli Global
family Don; Skull and Bones; CIA l
1 tica ist operative involved in JFK assassination; n Crime U.S.
It gon, GHW gov
4 l agenda former head of CIA; son of friend shot k Family
4 Reagan when he was VP; war profiteer
Marvin Bush — brother of George
WTC, Bush; on board of Securacom, US-
poli WTC l Corpora
1 WhoDid Penta Bush, Kuwaiti company paid $9.2 million to U.S. Securac 10/1/
tica Securit n tions & U.S.
1 It gon, Marvin manage WTC security October 1996 to corp om 1998
l y k 9/11
4 PA 1998; on board of HCC Insurance, big
5 WTC insurer
Andrew Card — Bush’s Chief of Staff
WTC, Florida on 9-11; was with Bush at Booker
poli l White
1 WhoDid Penta , Card, Elementary School in Florida on 9-11; U.S.
tica n House, Florida
1 It gon, Saraso Andrew claims to have whispered to Bush, “A gov
l k Bush
4 PA ta second plane hit the second tower,
6 America is under attack”
WTC, cking Frank Carlucci — former Secretary of
poli l Corpora
1 WhoDid Penta BOD Carlucci, War; affiliated with PNAC; served as U.S. Carlyle
tica n tions & U.S.
1 It gon, & Frank chairman of the Carlyle Group (1992- corp Group
l k 9/11
4 PA conspi 2003); on BoD of BDM International
7 rators
Dick Cheney — former PNAC member;
WTC, former chairman of CFR; guilty of war
poli l White
1 WhoDid Penta War Cheney, profiteering, treason; was in bunker on U.S.
tica n House, U.S.
1 It gon, Games Dick 9-11 directing several “war games”; lied gov
l k Bush
4 PA to 9-11 Omission Commission about
8 timing of 9-11 activities
Michael Cherkasky — CEO of Kroll on
WTC, cking
poli Cherkas 9-11; former investigator in the l Corpora Kroll &
1 WhoDid Penta BOD U.S.
tica ky, Manhattan DA’s Office from 1978 to n tions & Associa U.S.
1 It gon, & corp
l Michael 1994; now CEO of insurance-firm k 9/11 tes
4 PA conspi
Marsh & McClennan
9 rators

WTC, Benjamin Chertoff — 25-year-old

1 WhoDid Penta poli Debun
cousin of Michael Chertoff; senior
l Corpora
tica Benjami n tions & Mecha U.S.
1 It gon, kers “researcher” for Popular Mechanics’ hit corp
5 l n k 9/11 nics
PA piece on 9-11 Truth Movement
Movin Michael Chertoff — Assistant Attorney
WTC, g General on 9-11; freed over 100 Israeli
poli l students
WhoDid Penta Syste Chertoff, spies in the US after 9-11; promoted to U.S.
tica n , Urban DoJ U.S.
1 It gon, ms, Michael head Homeland Security; “dual citizen” gov
l k Moving
1 PA Dancin of US and Israel; Zionist; likely Mossad
5 g agent
1 Israelis
Gene Corley — led FEMA/ASCE WTC
WTC, collapse “investigation”; was the
poli Report l
1 WhoDid Penta Corley, principal investigator for ASCE and U.S.
tica s, n FEMA U.S.
1 It gon, Gene FEMA of the 1995 bombing of the gov
l Pentag k
5 PA Murrah Federal Office Building in
2 Oklahoma City
WTC, ce Kevin Delaney — FAA manager at the
poli l
1 WhoDid Penta destruc Delaney, New York Air Route Traffic Control U.S.
tica n FAA U.S.
1 It gon, tion, Kevin Center who destroyed controllers’ tapes gov
l k
5 PA obstru of 9-11
3 ction
John Deutch — former Undersecretary
of War, director of CIA; co-authored
paper, “Catastrophic Terrorism: A
National Policy” with Zelikow, Ashton Global
WTC, Rothsch
poli Rothsc Carter; senior partner at Global l Techno
Penta Deutch, ild U.S.
Bollyn tica hild & Technology Partners, an affiliate of n logy U.S.
gon, John Zionists corp
l 9/11 Rothschild North America; married k Partner
PA , all
1 Rachel Fischer, the daughter of Jean s
1 "Yonah" Fischer, a diamond merchant
5 of Antwerp who ran the Zionist
4 Federation of Belgium.
Ralph Eberhardt — NORAD
WTC, Commander on 9-11; fanatical supporter
poli l
1 WhoDid Penta Martia Eberhard of missile defense scheme, U.S. NORA
tica n U.S.
1 It gon, l law t, Ralph militarization of space; enthusiastic gov D
l k
5 PA supporter of merging law enforcement
5 and the military
Lewis Eisenberg — chairman Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey
poli Global on 9-11; authorized transfer of WTC l U.S.
WhoDid Penta Eisenber
1 tica ist leases to Silverstein and Lowy just n Politi RNC U.S.
It gon, g, Lewis
1 l agenda weeks before 9-11; later appointed k cal
5 chairman of Republican National
6 Committee; Zionist
Douglas Feith — effectively in
command, with Wolfowitz, of War
WTC, Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of
poli l U.S.
WhoDid Penta Iraq Feith, War for Policy; “dual citizen” of US and Neocon
tica n think PNAC U.S.
1 It gon, War Douglas Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying s, all
l k tank
1 PA for Israel; former PNAC member … son
5 of Dalk Feith, President of Betar, a
7 Revisionist Zionist youth organization.

1 WhoDid Penta poli Canad Eric Findley — Canadian Air Force l
Findley, U.S. NORA
1 tica a& Major General; acting commander of n U.S.
It gon, Eric gov D
5 l 9/11 NORAD on 9-11 k
Ari Fleischer — White House
WTC, Israel,
1 WhoDid Penta poli spokesman for Bush on 9-11; “dual l White
Dual Fleischer U.S.
1 tica citizen” of US and Israel; connected to n House, U.S.
It gon, citizen , Ari gov
5 l the extremist group called the Chabad k Bush
PA s
9 Lubavitch Hasidics

Dave Frasca — FBI Radical

1 WhoDid Penta poli FBI
Fundamentalists Unit Chief; personally l Intel
1 tica cover- scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams n agencie FBI U.S.
It gon, Dave gov
6 l up in July 2001 and Coleen Rowley in k s
0 August 2001, the Arizona and
Minnesota FBI agents who were
actively investigating “terrorist” patsies
in CIA-operated flight schools

Victor Ganzi — president and CEO of

1 WhoDid Penta poli Debun Ganzi,
Hearst Corporation since June 1, 2002; l Corpora
U.S. Hearst
1 tica the Hearst publication, Popular n tions & U.S.
It gon, kers Victor corp Corp
6 l Mechanics, has repeatedly tried to k 9/11
1 debunk the truth of 9-11
ABCNews: Prince Nayef, a Saudi prince
moved roughly two tons of cocaine from
WTC, Colombia to an airport outside Paris,
poli Able l U.S.
Penta Nayef, using his diplomatic status and a royal Saudis 9/11 Saudi 10/1/
MSM tica Dange n Congre
1 gon, Prince family 727 jet, U.S. and French law & 9/11 Truth Arabia 2004
l r k ss
1 PA enforcement authorities told ABC
6 News. See Able Danger, al Queda cells
2 identified
Michael Arad (son of Moshe Arad,
Israeli ambassador to US, Golani
Brigade) with Peter Walker of PWP
China 9/11 Landscape Architects, won the 9/11
WTC phy Syndr Memo Memorial design contest. Walker's l
Arad, State 9/1/2
MSM Memo sica ome, rial, comment on the project: "New York is n NYC Israel
Michael Develo 011
rial l WTC radiati so rough on trees," Walker said. "So k
1 pools on much soot in the air and so much
1 radiation that the average tree in New
6 York only lives seven or eight years."
3 see Nancy Somerville, ASLA CEO

WTC, Newt Gingrich — former Speaker of the 9/11

1 WhoDid Penta poli 9/11
Gingrich House; PNAC member; reputed to be a
1 tica Groun n think PNAC U.S.
It gon, , Newt member of the CFR; served on the g&
l dwork k tank
6 PA Pentagon’s War Policy Board Roots
Rudolph Giuliani — mayor of New
WTC, Operat York on 9-11; hailed as “hero” for his
poli l
1 WhoDid Penta ion Giuliani, “gutsy” leadership on 9-11; allegedly
tica n NYC U.S.
1 It gon, Code Rudy involved with FEMA and former NYC
l k
6 PA Angel Police Chief Kerik in Operation Code
5 Angel
Porter Goss — former House
WTC, Intelligence Chair; was meeting with
poli Pakista l Intel
1 WhoDid Penta Goss, General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of U.S.
tica n& n agencie CIA U.S.
1 It gon, Porter Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 financier, on 9- gov
l 9/11 k s
6 PA 11; promoted to Director of CIA,
6 resigned after “hookergate”
Bob Graham — former Florida Senator;
1 WhoDid Penta poli Pakista Graham, was meeting with General Mahmoud l
1 tica n & Senator Ahmad, head of Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 n Florida
It gon, a gov
6 l 9/11 Bob financier, on 9-11; ran for President in k
7 2004
Maurice Greenberg — CEO of
American International Group (AIG) on
WTC, cking CIA
poli Greenbe 9-11 which became co-owner of the l Intel
WhoDid Penta BOD U.S. front
1 tica rg, “private spy agency”, Kroll Associates, n agencie U.S.
It gon, & corp compan
1 l Maurice in 1993 and was a major share-holder in k s
PA conspi ies
6 Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9-
8 11 was Maurice’s son Jeffrey; director
of the New York Federal Reserve bank

Moshe Arad, father of Michael Arad,

designer WTC memorial, president of
The Israel Council on Foreign Relations
(ICFR) ... publishes a triannual policy
WTC, Rothsch
poli and scholarly journal, The Israel Journal l Israeli
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Arad, ild
tica of Foreign Affairs, which offers a n think ICFR Israel
ia gon, Israel Moshe Zionists
l platform for the discussion and analysis k tank
PA , all
1 of international affairs. The ICFR
1 operates under the auspices of the World
6 Jewish Congress, of which Ronald S.
9 Lauder is president.
Marc Grossman — Under Secretary for
WTC, Political Affairs on 9-11; met with
poli Pakista l
1 WhoDid Penta Grossma General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of U.S. State
tica n& n Israel
1 It gon, n, Marc Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 financier, on or gov Dept
l 9/11 k
7 PA shortly after 9-11; “dual citizen” of US
0 and Israel
Ronald Hamburger — structural
engineer and Senior Principal at
WTC, NIST / Hambur Simpson Gumpertz and Heger
phy l
WhoDid Penta FEMA ger, consulting engineers; was a principal U.S.
sica n FEMA U.S.
1 It gon, Cover- Hambur author of FEMA’s initial report on the gov
l k
1 PA up ger collapse of the twin towers; later a key
7 participant in the flawed NIST report on
1 why the WTC buildings collapsed.
Jerome Hauer — managing director of
WTC, Kroll and senior adviser to US Secretary
poli WTC l Corpora Kroll &
1 WhoDid Penta Hauer, of Health and (HHS) for National U.S.
tica Securit n tions & Associa U.S.
1 It gon, Jerome Security and Emergency Management corp
l y k 9/11 tes
7 PA on 9-11; put John O’Neill at the WTC
2 on 9-11;
Wallace Hilliard — with Saudi investors
including Shiek Kamal Adham, Adnan
WTC, Huffma
poli Hijack Khashoggi, and Prince Nawaf bin Abdul l
WhoDid Penta Hilliard, Hijacke Florid n Saudi
1 tica er Aziz. bought Venice, Florida Huffman n
It gon, Wallace rs, all a corp Aviatio Arabia
1 l patsies Aviation in 1999 where Mohammed k
PA n
7 Atta and other alleged 9-11 highjackers
3 allegedly learned to fly;
Richard Holbrooke — former US
WTC, ambassador to UN; CFR member; co- 9/11
poli 9/11 Holbroo l
1 WhoDid Penta chaired “Independent Task Force on Finacin U.S. State
tica Groun ke, n U.S.
1 It gon, America’s Response to Terrorism” in g& gov Dept
l dwork Richard k
7 PA which the Official Conspiracy Theory Roots
4 (OCT) was promoted
Bernard Kerik — NYC Police Chief on
WTC, Operat
1 WhoDid Penta poli 9-11; “sidekick” of Giuliani; allegedly l
ion Kerik,
1 tica involved with FEMA in WTC n NYC U.S.
It gon, Code Bernard
7 l demolition “war games” called k
PA Angel
5 Operation Code Angel

WTC, Henry Kissinger — long criminal

1 WhoDid Penta poli Zionis Kissinge history; wanted for war crimes in
1 tica n DoD U.S.
It gon, m r, Henry several countries; sat on War Policy gov
7 l k
PA Board under Perle; chosen to lead 9-11
Cover-Up Omission Commission; “dual
citizen” of US and Israel

Richard Parsons, AOL Time Warner

chairman and a member of the board of
WTC, cking Rothsch
Francis, poli Estee Lauder … Ronald S. Lauder ( of l
Penta BOD Lauder, ild Israeli
1 Stephen tica Estee Lauder and WTC privitization) … n MSM U.S.
gon, & Ronald Zionists corp
1 NFU l and has a close long-time business k
PA conspi , all
7 relationship with the
7 Rockefellers (Rothchilds)
William Kristol — PNAC co-founder;
1 WhoDid Penta poli Neoco Kristol,
adherent of Leo Strauss; editor of The l U.S.
1 tica Weekly Standard; strong advocate of the n think PNAC U.S.
It gon, ns William
7 l Iraq war; “dual citizen” of US and k tank
8 Israel; Zionist
Jules Kroll — founder of Kroll
WTC, Corporation, a “security services”
poli WTC l Corpora Kroll &
1 WhoDid Penta Kroll, company which was in charge of U.S.
tica Securit n tions & Associa U.S.
1 It gon, Jules “security” at WTC on 9-11; has close corp
l y k 9/11 tes
7 PA links to CIA and is active private
9 military contractor in Iraq; Zionist
A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard — now number
WTC, Wall three Executive Director at the CIA;
poli l Intel
1 WhoDid Penta St., Krongar until 1998, managed firm used to place U.S.
tica n agencie CIA U.S.
1 It gon, Israel d, Buzzy “put options” on United Airlines which gov
l k s
8 PA & 9/11 has left $2.5 million in “profits”
0 unclaimed
Sivan Kurzberg — driver of van Israeli
belonging to the celebrating Israelis; art
WTC, g
poli when stopped by police on 9-11, he said l students
WhoDid Penta Syste Kurzber Israeli
tica “We are Israelis. We are not your n , Urban Israel
1 It gon, ms, g, Sivan gov
l problem. Your problems are our k Moving
1 PA Dancin
problems. The Palestinians are your System
8 g
problem” Dominic Suter ring leader. s
1 Israelis
Geoffrey Lambert — Major General;
1 WhoDid Penta poli Able
SOCOM (Special Operations l U.S.
1 tica Dange Command) Intel Chief; made Able n Milita U.S.
It gon, Geoffrey M
8 l r Danger, the program that tracked patsy k ry
2 “terrorists”, off limits to FBI
Michael Ledeen — “anti-terrorism”
advisor to Secretary of State, Al Haig in
WTC, 1981; contacts with mullahs in Iran-
poli l White
WhoDid Penta Iran Ledeen, Contra affair; alleged ties to Italian U.S.
tica n House, U.S.
1 It gon, Contra Michael fascist P2 Masonic Lodge; contacts with gov
l k Bush
1 PA Libby, Cheney’s Chief of Staff; top
8 NeoCon(vict) advisor to Bush and Karl
3 Rove;
John Lehman — Reagan’s Navy 9/11
1 WhoDid Penta poli Neoco Lehman,
Secretary from 1981 till 1987; claims l U.S. Commi
1 tica US is in religious war against “violent, n Milita ssion, U.S.
It gon, ns John
8 l Islamic Fundamentalism”; member 9-11 k ry omissio
4 Omission Commission; PNAC member ns
Daniel Lewin — officer in elite, secret
unit of Israeli military called “Sayeret
WTC, Mossad
poli Matkal”; orchestrated activities of l
WhoDid Penta Zionis Lewin, Israeli /
1 tica Mossad agents in USA before 9-11; was n Israel
It gon, m Daniel gov Sayeret
1 l allegedly stabbed or “shot” by k
PA Matkal
8 highjacker Satam al-Suqami before AA
5 flight 11 crashed into the WTC
The INR memo described a Feb 2002
CIA meeting at which Joseph Wilson
was mentioned as the best candidate to
Nuclea undertake a mission to Niger to check
WTC, r on the uranium allegations. The memo
poli l
Penta smugg Grossma also reportedly identified Valerie Plame U.S.
WMR tica n INR Niger
gon, ling & n, Marc Wilson as a CIA counter-proliferation gov
l k
PA Plame officer and associated her with the
1 gate Brewster Jennings & Associates cover
1 company (keep in mind that Grossman
8 had already compromised the company's
6 covert status in June 2001).
not only did Ashcroft, ... try to cover up
the Turkish-Israeli [and, to an extent,
Pakistani] nuclear espionage ring, but
that Patrick Fitzgerald, the CIA leak
WTC, r
poli Special Counsel, and Paul McNulty, the l
Penta smugg Grossma U.S.
WMR tica US Attorney for Eastern Virginia who n INR Niger
gon, ling & n, Marc gov
l later became Alberto Gonzales' Deputy k
PA Plame
1 Attorney General, were pressured to
1 limit their investigations of the leakers
8 and two AIPAC lobbyists, (Rosen,
7 Weissman)
Clean Eviden
Mark Loizeaux — as CEO of CDI was Control
WTC, up, ce
poli instrumental in “recycling” steel from l Corpora led
1 WhoDid Penta Zionis destruc Loizeau U.S.
tica WTC crime scene; CDI also buried the n tions & Demoli U.S.
1 It gon, t tion, x, Mark corp
l rubble from the crime scene of the k 9/11 tion
8 PA compa obstru
Murrah Federal Building Inc.
8 nies ction
Frank Lowy — he and partner Larry
WTC, Silverstein obtained 99-year lease on Rothsch Silverst
poli l
1 WhoDid Penta 9/11 & Lowy, WTC shortly before 9-11; came to ild U.S. ein
tica n U.S.
1 It gon, Israel Frank Palestine in 1945 from Hungarian to Zionists corp Propert
l k
8 PA fight as Golani commando in Israeli , all ies
9 “War of Independence”;
Theresa McAllister, Shankar Nair,
1 WhoDid Penta phy FEMA
McAllist Harold Nelson, John Gross, Ramon l
1 sica er, Gilsanz,— contributed to the flawed n U.S.
It gon, Cover- gov UL
9 l Theresa NIST report on why the WTC buildings k
PA up Labs
0 collapsed

WTC, Robert Mueller — FBI director on 9-11;

1 WhoDid Penta poli Warni Mueller, under his “leadership” FBI field agents’
l Intel
1 tica n agencie FBI U.S.
It gon, ngs Robert warnings of an imminent attack were gov
9 l k s
PA stifled
Richard Meyers — in charge of USA air
WTC, Incom
1 WhoDid Penta poli petenc Meyers,
defenses on 9-11; lied to 9-11 Omission l U.S.
1 tica Commission about reasons for air n Milita U.S.
It gon, e Richard D
9 l defense failure on 9-11; promoted to k ry
PA theory
2 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Richard Mies — former Admiral; ran
Global Guardian “war game” on 9-11
poli out of US Strategic Command l U.S.
WhoDid Penta War Mies,
1 tica (Stratcom) at Offutt Air Force Base; n Milita DoD U.S.
It gon, Games Richard
1 l now CEO of Hicks & Associates, a k ry
9 “strategic consultant” to the USG
3 dealing in “military transformation”
1 WhoDid Penta poli Report Paul Mlakar — part of ASCE team that l
Mlakar, U.S.
1 tica s, investigated both WTC and Murrah n ASCE U.S.
It gon, Paul gov
9 l Pentag Federal building attacks k
4 on
Michael Mukasey — federal judge in
New York; presided over 1993 WTC
bombing case; active in 9-11 cases,
poli Litigat Mukasey l
WhoDid WTC including Larry Silverstein’s insurance
tica ion & , n NYC DoJ U.S.
1 It 1993 claims; oversaw the detained material
l 9/11 Michael k
1 witnesses of 9-11, including five
9 dancing Israeli Mossad agents
5 apprehended by FBI;
Rupert Murdoch — key player in
Zionist-controlled corporate media
WTC, which began the 9-11 cover-up on day
poli l Corpora Murdoc
WhoDid Penta Murdoch one; connected to individuals who U.S.
tica MSM n tions & h U.S.
1 It gon, , Rupert privatized and leased WTC just weeks corp
l k 9/11 empire
1 PA before 9-11; vocal supporter of Zionist
9 extremists Benjamin Netanyahu and
6 Ariel Sharon;
Carl B. Weisbrod, (Jewish) Ford
Foundation Trustee, pres. -Alliance for Lower
China 9/11
Downtown New York 1994-2005, Manhat
WTC poli Syndr Memo
Weisbro Tarragon Corp, board affliations: Lower tan 1/1/1
MSM Memo tica ome, rial, NYC NYC
1 d, Carl Manhattan Cultural Council, pres.-NYC Cultura 994
rial l WTC radiati
1 Economic Development Corporation, l
pools on
9 and professor, good Council
7 friend of NYC mayor, Ed Koch
Stephen Hatfill, at one time considered a
prime suspect in this still-unsolved case,
had worked for USAMRIID at Fort
me Detrick. Strangely, perhaps, he had also l Corpora
Alternati Penta Anthra Hatfill, U.S.
dic worked with Jerome Hauer, for n tions & SAIC U.S.
ve news gon, x hoax Stephen corp
1 al Scientific Applications International k 9/11
1 Corporation, at the Center for
9 Counterterrorism Technology and
8 Analysis.
Benjamin Netanyahu — former Israeli
WTC, Netanya Rothsch
1 WhoDid Penta poli Prime Minister; said 9-11 was “good” l
9/11 & hu, ild
1 tica for US-Israeli relationship; in NYC on n NYC Israel
It gon, Israel Benjami Zionists
9 l 9-11 and in London on 7-7 bombings … k
PA n , all
9 coined the phrase "war on terror".
Pauline Neville-Jones — International
Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of
WTC, UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-
poli Neville- l
WhoDid Penta UK & 1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a UK
tica Jones, n BBC UK
1 It gon, 9/11 war technology company with corp
l Pauline k
2 PA government customers in UK and USA;
0 Chairman of Information Assurance
0 Advisory Council (IAAC)
WTC, Abdullah Noman — worked for the US
1 WhoDid Penta poli Hijack Noman,
Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; filed
Hijacke U.S. State Saudi
2 tica er Abdulla n
It gon, 10-15 visas for the patsy 9-11 rs, all gov Dept Arabia
l patsies h k
0 PA “hijackers” in the Visa Express Program
Philip Odeen — as director of Program
Analysis for the National Security
poli Council, provided staff support to Henry l Intel
WhoDid Penta Iraq Odeen, U.S.
1 tica Kissinger from 1971 to 1973; served as n agencie NSC U.S.
It gon, War Philip gov
2 l Deputy Assistant Secretary of War in k s
0 Systems Analysis; named to chair the
2 National War Panel in 1997;
Ted Olson — Solicitor General of the
1 WhoDid Penta phy Cell
United States on 9-11; alleges that his l
2 sica phone wife, Barbara, phoned him from AA n FAA U.S.
It gon, Ted gov
0 l calls Flight 77 to report that it was highjacked k
3 by men with knives and box cutters;
Richard Perle — former assistant
Secretary of War, chairman War Policy
poli Neoco Board, and PNAC member; “dual l
WhoDid Penta Perle, U.S.
1 tica ns, citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; n DoD U.S.
It gon, Richard gov
2 l Strauss allegedly gave $100,000 to head of k
0 Pakistan’s ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad;
4 nicknamed “Prince of Darkness”

WTC, William Perry — former Secretary of

1 WhoDid Penta poli Iraq Perry, War; associated with the Rothschild's
2 tica n DoD U.S.
It gon, War William banking empire through Global gov
0 l k
PA Technology, a Rothschild affiliate
1 Aangirfa Penta poli Money l Intel
2 tica Laund Goldman Sachs, money laundering n agencie Naval U.S.
n gon, gov
0 l ering k s Intellig
6 ence
Thomas Pickard — took over the job of
FBI director from Louis Freeh in August
poli 9/11 2001; held this position only for a few l Intel
WhoDid Penta Pickard, U.S.
1 tica Groun weeks before Robert Mueller became n agencie FBI U.S.
It gon, Thomas gov
2 l dwork director; former Terror Task Force chief k s
0 John O’Neill complained about sabotage
7 by Pickard
Colin Powell — Secretary of State on 9-
1 WhoDid Penta poli Pakista
11; met with General Mahmoud Ahmad l
U.S. State
2 tica n& two days after 9-11; former chairman, n U.S.
It gon, Colin gov Dept
0 l 9/11 Joint Chiefs of Staff; helped cover up k
8 Vietnam My Lai massacre
Condoleeza Rice — National Security
Adviser on 9-11; promoted to Secretary
of State; lied to 9-11 Omission
Commission while under oath. “I don’t
poli Rice, think anybody could have predicted that l White
911Trut Penta Iraq U.S. 5/16/
tica Condole these people would take an airplane and n House, U.S.
h gon, War gov 2002
l eza slam it into the World Trade Center, k Bush
1 take another one and slam it into the
2 Pentagon, that they would try to use an
0 airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane
9 as a missile.”
David Rockefeller — vice director of
the CFR (1949-1985), vice president
WTC, (1950-1970), and chairman (1970-
phy 9/11 Rockefel l Secret U.S.
WhoDid Penta 1985); as chairman of the Downtown-
sica Groun ler, n societie think CFR U.S.
1 It gon, Lower Manhattan Assc. (1958 to 1975)
l dwork David k s tank
2 PA was builder of WTC complex; founder
1 and honorary chairman of the Trilateral
0 Commission;

1 WhoDid Penta poli Rockef Rockefel Nicholas Rockefeller — told film-maker l Secret U.S.
2 tica ellers ler, Aaron Russo of coming catastrophic n societie think CFR U.S.
It gon,
1 l & 9/11 Nicholas event eleven months before 9-11 k s tank
Karl Rove — Bush’s top strategist,
known as “Bush’s Brain”; America’s
WTC, Joseph Goebbels; Karl Rove was behind
poli Neoco l White
WhoDid Penta Rove, the campaign to oust Georgia U.S. 6/1/2
tica ns, n House, U.S.
1 It gon, Karl Representative Cynthia McKinney who gov 005
l Strauss k Bush
2 PA was the first nationally-known politician
1 to question Bush’s role in 9-11; in June
2 2005, said,
Fifty Years of the Deep State …
Bronfman Jr’s sister. As founder of the
9/11, Rothsch
Francis, poli Bet Lev Foundation and 100% owner of l
JFK & 9/11 & Gorton, ild U.S.
Stephen tica Lev Group Ltd, Holly Bronfman’s legal n U.S.
Holoc Israel Mark Zionists gov
1 NFU l affairs are conducted by the high- k
aust , all
2 powered lawyer, Elizabeth Schurig, who
1 also happens to handle the legal affairs
3 of Alex Jones.
Within hours of 9/11, Woolsey appeared
on television suggesting Iraqi
complicity. In September 2002, ... also
poli Neoco told the Wall Street Journal that he l
Wikiped WTC Woolsey U.S. Neocon
tica ns, believed that Iraq was also connected to n U.S.
ia 1993 , James gov s
1 l Strauss the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. k
2 Murrah Federal Building and the
1 bombing of the World Trade Center in
4 1993
WTC, Terrori Abdussattar Shaikh — FBI informant to
1 WhoDid Penta poli st
the San Diego office; helped bring
tica Abdussa n nt U.S.
2 It gon, entrap “terrorist” patsies to USA; protected by gov
1 l ttar k progra
PA ment Attorney General Ashcroft
5 m

WTC, Ariel Sharon — Israeli PM on 9-11; Rothsch Mossad

1 WhoDid Penta poli 9/11 & Sharon, heavy Mossad involvement in 9-11 (200
ild Israeli / 3/1/2
2 tica n Israel
It gon, Israel Ariel Israeli intelligence agents rounded up Zionists gov Sayeret 001
1 l k
PA after 9-11, swarn into office Mar 2001 , all Matkal
Kean, co-chairman of the 9/11
Commission, Kean's official
Interlo Commission biography was his role as
WTC, cking director of Amerada Hess Corporation,
poli l Commi
WhoDid Penta BOD Kean, which in 1998 formed joint venture Saudis U.S. Saudi
tica n ssion,
It gon, & Thomas Delta-Hess, with Delta Oil, in part & 9/11 gov Arabia
l k omissio
1 PA conspi owned by Khalid bin Mahfouz.
2 rators Mahfouz inherited a controlling interest
1 in the National Commercial Bank of
7 Saudi Arabia, the country's largest bank,
and was a director with 20% interest in

Larry Silverstein — he and partner

WTC, Silverste Silverst
1 WhoDid Penta poli WTC in,
Frank Lowy obtained 99-year lease on l Corpora
U.S. ein
2 tica WTC shortly before 9-11; made several n tions & Israel
It gon, lease Lawrenc corp Propert
1 l billion dollars on 9-11 insurance fraud; k 9/11
PA e ies
8 admitted to “pulling” WTC 7; Zionist
Eliot Spitzer — New York Attorney
WTC, General on 9-11; barred his top aide,
poli Able l
1 WhoDid Penta Dietrich, Deputy Attorney General Dietrich Snell,
tica Dange n NYC DoJ U.S.
2 It gon, Snell from testifying to Congress on Able
l r k
1 PA Danger; threw out Karl Schwarz’s 9-11
9 synopsis
Able Danger was a Top Secret U.S.
Special Operations Command / Defense
poli Able Shaffer, Intelligence Agency unit who were l
Penta U.S. al 1/1/1
1 WMR tica Dange Lt. Col. shadowing al Queda operatives in 1999 n U.S.
gon, gov Queda 999
2 l r Anthony … the same year that Nayef drug k
2 smuggling was discovered. Skyway
0 International
Steven Jones … links to Los Alamos,
DOE (early 80s) …in late 80s he was on
Nuclea review panel, helped to shut down
WTC, Neutro
phy r controversial research into cold fusion l
Alternati Penta n, Jones, U.S.
sica smugg (Fleischmann Pons) … Jones had a clear n U.S.
ve news gon, Fissio Steven gov
1 l ling & conflict of interest in the case … Eugene k
PA nless
2 9/11 Mallove MIT scientist resigned as
2 protest to review process and rejection
1 of cold fusion, was murdered in 2004 …
George Tenet — director of the CIA on
WTC, Israel,
1 WhoDid Penta poli 9-11; was awarded the “Medal of l Intel
Dual Tenet, U.S.
2 tica Freedom” by Bush for his fine work on n agencie CIA U.S.
It gon, citizen George gov
2 l 9-11; reported to be “dual citizen” of US k s
PA s
2 and Israel

WTC, Tommy Thompson — Health and

1 WhoDid Penta poli WTC Thomps
Human Services (HHS) Secretary; hired
2 tica Securit on, n U.S.
It gon, Jerome Hauer, former Office of gov
2 l y Tommy k
PA Emergency Center, on 9-10-01
Charles Thornton — partner of Richard
Tomasetti; told Karl Koch, whose
WTC, ce
poli company erected the WTC steel, “Karl, l Corpora
WhoDid Penta destruc Thorton, U.S.
1 tica we all know what caused the collapse”; n tions & U.S.
It gon, tion, Charles corp
2 l part of ASCE team that investigated k 9/11
PA obstru
2 both WTC and Murrah Federal building
4 attacks
Richard Tomasetti — partner of Charles
WTC, ce
poli Tomaset Thornton; reportedly behind the l Corpora
1 WhoDid Penta destruc U.S.
tica ti, unprecedented and widely criticized n tions & U.S.
2 It gon, tion, corp
l Richard decision to destroy most of the WTC k 9/11
2 PA obstru
steel evidence
5 ction
Wirt Walker — cousin of George Bush;
1 WhoDid Penta poli WTC
principal at Securacom, US-Kuwaiti l Corpora
U.S. Securac 9/11/
2 tica Securit joint-venture that managed security for n tions & U.S.
It gon, Wirt corp om 2001
2 l y WTC, United Airlines, and Dulles k 9/11
6 Airport, all of which figured into 9-11
Dale Watson, former Deputy Chief of
the CIA at the Counter-Terrorist Center;
poli Inspector Deputy Assistant Director l Intel
WhoDid Penta Warni Watson, U.S.
1 tica (NSD), ignored at least four different n agencie CIA U.S.
It gon, ngs Dale gov
2 l FBI agents’ warnings including a CIA k s
2 “urgent cable” on Aug 23rd about
7 Almihdhar and Alhazmi
Montague Winfield — Major General in
WTC, Winfield 9/11
1 WhoDid Penta poli 9/11
, General
charge of Pentagon war room on 9-10- l
2 tica Groun 01, the evening of September 10th he n Milita DoD U.S.
It gon, Montagu g& 2001
2 l dwork requested a rookie to stand in for him on k ry
PA e Roots
8 9-11
Paul Wolfowitz — Deputy Secretary of
WTC, Israel, War on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and
poli l
1 WhoDid Penta Dual Wolfowi Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying U.S.
tica n DoD U.S.
2 It gon, citizen tz, Paul for Israel; former PNAC member; chief gov
l k
2 PA s architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in
9 World Bank scandal
James Woolsey — former CIA director;
PNAC member; claims “incompetence”
was reason for 9-11 … a member of
Board of Advisors of the Global Panel
poli Rogue Foundation in Berlin, chairman of l Intel
WhoDid Penta Woolsey U.S.
tica govern Freedom House board of trustees, n agencie CIA U.S.
It gon, , James gov
l ment advisory board of NGO Monitor, served k s
1 on the Rumsfeld Commission, a partner
2 in Lux Capital, cofounded US Energy
3 Security Council, vp of Jamestown
0 Foundation, America Abroad Media
Pentag Dov Zakheim — Pentagon comptroller
WTC, on when trillion dollars reported missing on
poli l U.S.
1 WhoDid Penta million Zakheim 9-10-01; “dual citizen” of US and Israel;
tica n Milita DoD U.S.
2 It gon, s , Dov Zionist; Shul Rabbi; former CFR
l k ry
3 PA missin member; former CEO of fly-by-remote
1 g manufacturer; reputed 9-11 mastermind
Naval Office
WTC, ce
poli Intellige 39 of 40 Office of Naval Intelligence l Intel U.S. of
1 WhoDid Penta destruc
tica nce employees died when their office was n agencie Milita Naval U.S.
2 It gon, tion,
l employe struck (see NFU Flight 77 pages k s ry Intellig
3 PA obstru
es ence
2 ction
WTC, Illegal bonds, which appear to have
1 WhoDid Penta poli bond
Bush been replaced with Treasury notes
2 tica rules n Treasur U.S.
It gon, GHW backed by U.S. taxpayers in the gov
3 l suspen k y
PA aftermath of September 11.
3 ded
On 9/11 the Securities and Exchange
Commission declared a national
WTC, Wall emergency and for the first time in U.S.
poli l
WhoDid Penta St., history invoked its emergency powers U.S.
tica SEC n SEC U.S.
1 It gon, Israel under Securities Exchange Act Section gov
l k
2 PA & 9/11 12(k) and eased regulatory restrictions
3 for clearing and settling security trades
4 for 15 days.
WTC, cking ... Bush's nominee to head the panel Fiducia
poli li Corpora
1 Alternati Penta BOD Kean, that's investigating the Sept. 11, 2001 U.S. ry
tica n tions & U.S.
2 ve news gon, & Thomas terror attacks, Thomas Kean, used to corp Trust
l k 9/11
3 PA conspi serve as the company's director Co.
5 rators
BAE Director Sir Peter Mason is the
1 WhoDid Penta poli UK & Mason,
retired chief executive of AMEC l Corpora
2 tica (Pentagon Flight 77) plc, a British n tions & Amec U.S.
It gon, 9/11 Peter corp
3 l engineering firm with ties to N.M. k 9/11
6 Rothschild.
Ptech involved in "wiring backdoors"
WTC, into the computer systems of the FAA,
phy l Corpora
1 WhoDid Penta Ptech / Rove, NORAD, Pentagon, and White House to U.S.
sica n tions & Ptech U.S.
2 It gon, Mitre Karl bring about the operational collapse of corp
l k 9/11
3 PA the computer systems during the
7 morning of 9/11.
Oussama Ziade co-founded Ptech in
WTC, 1994 with the capital financing provided
poli l Corpora
1 WhoDid Penta Ptech / Ziade, by Kadi through one of his nominee U.S. 1/1/1
tica n tions & Ptech U.S.
2 It gon, Mitre Oussama companies, Sarmany Limited. Initially, corp 994
l k 9/11
3 PA in 1994, Kadi invested approximately $5
8 million in Ptech through Sarmany,
Jerome Hauer ran Mayor Rudy
WTC, Guiliani's office of emergency
poli l
1 WhoDid Penta NYC Hauer, management (OEM) from 1996 to 2000.
tica n NYC OEM U.S.
2 It gon, & 9/11 Jerome He is the key individual that pushed for
l k
3 PA this office to be placed in Silverstein's
9 WTC Building 7.
WMR has also obtained a possible
second connection between the Swiss
WTC, network connected to George H. W. 9/11
poli 9/11 l Potoma
Penta Bush, Bush and other 911 hijackers. The first Finacin U.S.
WMR tica Financ n c
1 gon, GHW connection concerned hijacker Fayyaz g& gov
l ing k Capital
2 PA Ahmed and a $50,000 check he received Roots
4 from a tranche connected to the Swiss
0 network.
2001 9/11 Olmert, ... tarnished by
allegations of financial crimes, was
WTC, implicated in a financial donations 9/11
poli 9/11 l
WhoDid Penta Olmert, scandal involving forged receipts in the Finacin Israeli Zionist 3/1/1
tica Financ n Israel
1 It gon, Ehud 1988 Likud campaign, This affair g& gov s 996
l ing k
2 PA culminated in the March 1996 Roots
4 conviction of three other Likudniks,
1 including Menahem Atzmon,
2001 9/11 SEC... reached out to major
market participants, Securities
WTC, Wall Silverste Industry Association and the Bond
poli l
WhoDid Penta St., in, Market Association, to determine U.S.
tica n SEC U.S.
1 It gon, Israel Lawrenc whether it could provide appropriate gov
l k
2 PA & 9/11 e temporary regulatory relief to facilitate
4 the reopening of fair and orderly
2 markets.
2001 9/11 Netanyahu's father Benzion
was secretary to Ze'ev "Vladimir"
WTC, Netanya
poli Jabotinsky,founded the Zionist terrorist l
WhoDid Penta False hu, Israeli
1 tica movement that played an important part n Irgun U.S.
It gon, flag Benjami gov
2 l in the creation of Israel (e.g. King David k
PA n
4 hotel bombing, conspiracy to assassinate
3 British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin),
2001 9/11 video Dov Zakheim, Dov
Zakheim -- Pentagon comptroller when
WTC, on
poli trillion dollars reported missing on 9-10- l
WhoDid Penta million Zakheim Israeli Zionist
1 tica 01; "dual citizen" of US and Israel; n Israel
It gon, s , Dov gov s
2 l Zionist; Shul Rabbi; former CFR k
PA missin
4 member; former CEO of fly-by-remote
4 manufacturer;
Robert Penniger worked for BAE
Systems, ("an industry leader in flight
control systems"), whose Board is
e- Victim
phy comprised of many from the intelligence l Corpora BAE
Alternati Penta contro s, U.S.
sica community. BAE has apparently n tions & System U.S.
ve news gon lled Flight corp
1 l removed their Board of Directors page, k 9/11 s
aircraf 77
2 but it listed a "who's who" of high level
4 connections to the CIA, DARPA, and
5 NSA.
Wall Street traders and brokers cancer:
10,800 downtown workers make up the
Cance second-largest group of registered Rothsch
me li
WTC r, Victim claimants after 39,500 Ground Zero ild
NYPost dic n NYC U.S.
1 1-2 Thyroi s responders. There are another 16,600 in Zionists
al k
2 d smaller categories such as residents, , all
4 students, child-care and health-care
6 workers.
Convar rival with offices in
1 WhoDid Penta poli Gold,
Germany. See Sibel l
2 tica WTC Edmonds Baltimore n U.S.
It gon, s, Sibel gov
4 l looting Chronical and YouTube WTC Gold k
7 heist. 100's of billions.

2001 9/11 WTC Gold Rediff, German

WTC, Wall
1 WhoDid Penta poli St.,
company Convar, data recovered from l Intel
2 tica hard drives shows unusual financial n agencie FBI U.S.
It gon, Israel gov
4 l activity (put options?), not investigated k s
PA & 9/11
8 by FBI, Pirmasens, Henschel …
9/11 NWO International Banking and
Finance Cartel, as well as the Federal
WTC, Reserve Banking Monopoly. "Black 9/11
poli 9/11 Tomaset l New
WhoDid Penta Nobility", House of Hanover, Germany; Finacin U.S.
tica Financ ti, n World U.S.
1 It gon, the House of Hapsburg, Austria; House g& gov
l ing Richard k Order
2 PA of Orange, Netherlands; House of Roots
4 Lichtenstein in Lichtenstein, House of
9 Guelph (Welf:
Zdenek Bazant and W. Gene Corley
were key proponents of the theory that
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 the Twin Towers' collapses were caused l
Penta Corley, Finacin U.S.
1 Bollyn tica Groun by fires that weakened the steel n U.S.
gon, Gene g& gov
2 l dwork structure, although such steel-framed k
PA Roots
5 towers have never collapsed before due
0 to fire. -

WTC, 9/11 Peter Peterson -- CEO of

1 WhoDid Penta poli Rothsc
Peterson, the Blackstone Group (controlled by
l Corpora
2 tica hild & n tions & one U.S.
It gon, Pete Rothschild), parent corporation of one corp
l 9/11 k 9/11 Group
5 PA of three lease-holders for WTC 7, …
Stopped American coup to overthrow
Roosevelt administration. He was
WTC, recruited to become president but 9/11
poli 9/11 li
Veterans Penta Butler, exposed the plot at the opportune time. Finacin 9/11
tica Groun n U.S.
1 Today gon, Smedley Comment: Butler’s book begins with the g & Truth
l dwork k
2 PA startling statistic that World War I Roots
5 created 21,000 new millionaires and
2 billionaires.”
9/11 SeptemberClues, two Mitre-guided
COCOM bases ..Florida based U.S.
poli Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) l Corpora
WhoDid Penta Ptech / Wolfowi U.S. Mitre
1 tica was joined by U.S. Strategic Command n tions & U.S.
It gon, Mitre tz, Paul corp corp
2 l (USSTRATCOM) in Omaha, Nebraska k 9/11
5 and U.S. Northern Command
Discover mag: In 2006 Thiago Olson
(teenager) built a nuclear fusion device
in his basement ... a hydrogen bomb ...
WTC, 'plasma in a jar' device. ... with high
phy ar l
Penta voltage x-ray transformer, deuterium 9/11
MSM sica physic n U.S.
gon, source, neutron bubble dosimeter ... Truth
l s short k
1 PA succeeded in creating a tine hot plasma
2 at 200 million degrees that created
5 bubbles indicating the presence of non
4 radioactive helium.
2001 9/11 Wikispooks Lewis Eisenberg
- Eisenberg was the head of the Port
WTC, Authority of New York and authorized NY
poli l
WhoDid Penta WTC Eisenber the lease transfer to Silverstein and U.S. Port
tica n U.S.
1 It gon, lease g, Lewis Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor gov Authori
l k
2 PA to the Bush-Cheney presidential ty
5 campaign, as well as a partner in the
5 Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs.
Charles Thornton — partner of Richard
Murra Eviden
Tomasetti; told Karl Koch, whose
h ce
poli company erected the WTC steel, “Karl, l
WhoDid Feder destruc U.S.
1 tica we all know what caused the collapse”; n U.S.
It al tion, gov
2 l part of ASCE team that investigated k
Buildi obstru
5 both WTC and Murrah Federal building
ng ction
6 attacks
Paul Wolfowitz — Deputy Secretary of
WTC, War on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Rothsch
poli l U.S.
1 WhoDid Penta 9/11 & Wolfowi Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying ild US
tica n think PNAC
2 It gon, Israel tz, Paul for Israel; former PNAC member; chief Zionists Israel
l k tank
5 PA architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in , all
7 World Bank scandal
James Woolsey — former CIA director;
Rhodes Scholar, Oxford, PNAC
member; worked for Shea & Gardner,
worked on SALT, claims
poli Neoco “incompetence” was reason for 9-11, l U.S.
WhoDid Penta Woolsey
tica ns, member of WINEP board of advisors, n think PNAC U.S.
It gon, , James
l Strauss Clinton courted neocons including k tank
1 Woolsey, Chairman of Foundation for
2 Defense of Democracies, and a patron
5 of the Henry Jackson Society, a British
8 think tank.
Dov Zakheim — Pentagon comptroller
WTC, when trillion dollars reported missing on
poli Global l Secret U.S.
1 WhoDid Penta Zakheim 9-10-01; “dual citizen” of US and Israel;
tica ist n societie think CFR U.S.
2 It gon, , Dov Zionist; Shul Rabbi; former CFR
l agenda k s tank
5 PA member; former CEO of fly-by-remote
9 manufacturer; reputed 9-11 mastermind
Dov Zakheim — Pentagon comptroller
when trillion dollars reported missing on
WTC, cking System
poli 9-10-01; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; l Corpora
WhoDid Penta BOD Zakheim U.S. s
1 tica Zionist; Shul Rabbi; former CFR n tions & U.S.
It gon, & , Dov corp Plannin
2 l member; former CEO of SPC, a fly-by- k 9/11
PA conspi g Corp
6 remote manufacturer; reputed 9-11
0 mastermind
Philip Zelikow — led the 9-11
WTC, Disinf Commission; personally wrote the 9-11
poli l 9/11
1 WhoDid Penta o & Zelikow, Omission Commission Report, a best-
tica n Commi
2 It gon, ommis Philip selling work of fiction; appointed
l k ssion
6 PA sions Counselor of US Department of State;
1 “dual citizen” of US and Israel
Paul Wolfowitz — Deputy Secretary of
WTC, War on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and 9/11
poli 9/11 l
1 WhoDid Penta Wolfowi Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying Finacin U.S. US
tica Financ n DoJ
2 It gon, tz, Paul for Israel; former PNAC member; chief g& gov Israel
l ing k
6 PA architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in Roots
2 World Bank scandal
WTC, cking Tommy Thompson — Health and
poli l
1 WhoDid Penta BOD Hauer, Human Services (HHS) Secretary; hired U.S.
tica n U.S.
2 It gon, & Jerome Jerome Hauer, former Office of gov
l k
6 PA conspi Emergency Center, on 9-10-01
3 rators
Larry Silverstein — he and partner
WTC, Silverst
1 WhoDid Penta poli WTC Lowy,
Frank Lowy obtained 99-year lease on l Corpora
U.S. ein
2 tica WTC shortly before 9-11; made several n tions & Israel
It gon, lease Frank corp Propert
6 l billion dollars on 9-11 insurance fraud; k 9/11
PA ies
4 admitted to “pulling” WTC 7; Zionist

WTC, Peter Schoomaker — US Army Chief of

1 WhoDid Penta poli Able Schoom
Staff; former SOCOM (Special
l U.S.
2 tica Dange aker, n Milita U.S.
It gon, Operations Command) chief; ran Able M
6 l r Peter k ry
PA Danger
Karl Rove — Bush’s top strategist,
known as “Bush’s Brain”; America’s
WTC, Joseph Goebbels; Karl Rove was behind
poli Neoco McKinn l White
WhoDid Penta the campaign to oust Georgia 9/11 6/1/2
tica ns, ey, n House, U.S.
1 It gon, Representative Cynthia McKinney who Truth 005
l Strauss Cynthia k Bush
2 PA was the first nationally-known politician
6 to question Bush’s role in 9-11; in June
6 2005
David Rockefeller — vice director of
the CFR (1949-1985), vice president
WTC, (1950-1970), and chairman (1970- Trilater
phy Global Rockefel l Secret
WhoDid Penta 1985); as chairman of the Downtown- al
sica ist ler, n societie U.S.
1 It gon, Lower Manhattan Assc. (1958 to 1975) Commi
l agenda David k s
2 PA was builder of WTC complex; founder ssion
6 and honorary chairman of the Trilateral
7 Commission;
David Rockefeller — vice director of
the CFR (1949-1985), vice president
WTC, (1950-1970), and chairman (1970- Trilater
poli 9/11 Rockefel l Secret U.S.
WhoDid Penta 1985); as chairman of the Downtown- al
tica Groun ler, n societie think U.S.
1 It gon, Lower Manhattan Assc. (1958 to 1975) Commi
l dwork David k s tank
2 PA was builder of WTC complex; founder ssion
6 and honorary chairman of the Trilateral
8 Commission;
WTC, William Perry — former Secretary of
1 WhoDid Penta poli Rothsc
Perry, War; associated with the Rothschild's
l Corpora
2 tica hild & n tions & logy U.S.
It gon, William banking empire through Global corp
6 l 9/11 k 9/11 Partner
PA Technology, a Rothschild affiliate
9 s

Condoleeza Rice — National Security 9/11

WTC, Disinf
1 WhoDid Penta poli o&
Rice, Adviser on 9-11; promoted to Secretary l
2 tica Condole of State; lied to 9-11 Omission n ssion, U.S.
It gon, ommis gov
7 l eza Commission while under oath, k omissio
PA sions
0 Condosleezy ns

Condoleeza Rice — National Security

WTC, Disinf
1 WhoDid Penta poli o&
Rice, Adviser on 9-11; promoted to Secretary l
2 tica Condole of State; lied to 9-11 Omission n ry of U.S.
It gon, ommis gov
7 l eza Commission while under oath, k State
PA sions
1 Condosleezy
Pauline Neville-Jones — International
Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK
WTC, UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991- Joint
poli Neville- l Intel
WhoDid Penta Neoco 1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a UK Intellig
tica Jones, n agencie UK
1 It gon, ns war technology company with gov ence
l Pauline k s
2 PA government customers in UK and USA; Commi
7 Chairman of Information Assurance ttee
2 Advisory Council (IAAC)
Pauline Neville-Jones — International
Interlo Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of
WTC, cking UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-
poli Neville- l Intel Qineti
WhoDid Penta BOD 1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a U.S.
tica Jones, n agencie Q U.S.
1 It gon, & war technology company with corp
l Pauline k s Group
2 PA conspi government customers in UK and USA;
7 rators Chairman of Information Assurance
3 Advisory Council (IAAC)
Philip Odeen — as director of Program
Analysis for the National Security
poli Council, provided staff support to Henry l Nationa
WhoDid Penta Iraq Kissinge U.S.
1 tica Kissinger from 1971 to 1973; served as n l War U.S.
It gon, War r, Henry gov
2 l Deputy Assistant Secretary of War in k Panel
7 Systems Analysis; named to chair the
4 National War Panel in 1997;
Richard Mies — former Admiral; ran
Global Guardian “war game” on 9-11
WTC, cking
poli out of US Strategic Command l Corpora
WhoDid Penta BOD Mies, U.S.
1 tica (Stratcom) at Offutt Air Force Base; n tions & U.S.
It gon, & Richard corp
2 l now CEO of Hicks & Associates, a k 9/11
PA conspi
7 “strategic consultant” to the USG
5 dealing in “military transformation”
Rupert Murdoch — key player in
WTC, Zionist-controlled corporate media
poli WTC l Corpora Murdoc
1 WhoDid Penta Murdoch which began the 9-11 cover-up on day U.S.
tica privitiz n tions & h U.S.
2 It gon, , Rupert one; connected to individuals who corp
l ation k 9/11 empire
7 PA privatized and leased WTC just weeks
6 before 9-11; vocal supporter of Zionist
extremists Benjamin Netanyahu and
Ariel Sharon;

Daniel Lewin — officer in elite, secret

unit of Israeli military called “Sayeret
WTC, Mossad
poli Hijack Matkal”; orchestrated activities of l
WhoDid Penta Lewin, Hijacke Israeli /
1 tica er Mossad agents in USA before 9-11; was n Israel
It gon, Daniel rs, all gov Sayeret
2 l patsies allegedly stabbed or “shot” by k
PA Matkal
7 highjacker Satam al-Suqami before AA
7 flight 11 crashed into the WTC
John Lehman — Reagan’s Navy
1 WhoDid Penta poli Iraq Lehman,
Secretary from 1981 till 1987; claims l U.S.
2 tica US is in religious war against “violent, n think PNAC U.S.
It gon, War John
7 l Islamic Fundamentalism”; member 9-11 k tank
8 Omission Commission; PNAC member
Jules Kroll — founder of Kroll
Corporation, a “security services”
WTC, company which was in charge of
poli l Corpora Kroll &
WhoDid Penta Iraq Kroll, “security” at WTC on 9-11; has close U.S. 9/7/2
tica n tions & Associa U.S.
1 It gon, War Jules links to CIA and is active private corp 001
l k 9/11 tes
2 PA military contractor in Iraq; Zionist, …
7 Silverstein hired Kroll approximately
9 near Sept 7, 2001
Michael Ledeen — “anti-terrorism”
advisor to Secretary of State, Al Haig in
WTC, 1981; contacts with mullahs in Iran-
poli Rogue l White
WhoDid Penta Ledeen, Contra affair; alleged ties to Italian U.S.
tica govern n House, U.S.
1 It gon, Michael fascist P2 Masonic Lodge; contacts with gov
l ment k Bush
2 PA Libby, Cheney’s Chief of Staff; top
8 NeoCon(vict) advisor to Bush and Karl
0 Rove;
Michael Ledeen — “anti-terrorism”
advisor to Secretary of State, Al Haig in
WTC, 1981; contacts with mullahs in Iran-
poli l White
WhoDid Penta Neoco Ledeen, Contra affair; alleged ties to Italian U.S.
tica n House, U.S.
1 It gon, ns Michael fascist P2 Masonic Lodge; contacts with gov
l k Bush
2 PA Libby, Cheney’s Chief of Staff; top
8 NeoCon(vict) advisor to Bush and Karl
1 Rove;
William Kristol — PNAC co-founder;
WTC, Israel,
1 WhoDid Penta poli Dual Kristol,
adherent of Leo Strauss; editor of The l U.S.
2 tica Weekly Standard; strong advocate of the n think PNAC U.S.
It gon, citizen William
8 l Iraq war; “dual citizen” of US and k tank
PA s
2 Israel; Zionist

Bernard Kerik — NYC Police Chief on

WTC, Operat
1 WhoDid Penta poli 9-11; “sidekick” of Giuliani; allegedly l
ion Giuliani,
2 tica involved with FEMA in WTC n NYC U.S.
It gon, Code Rudy
8 l demolition “war games” called k
PA Angel
3 Operation Code Angel
Henry Kissinger — long criminal
WTC, history; wanted for war crimes in 9/11
poli 9/11 l
1 WhoDid Penta Kissinge several countries; sat on War Policy Finacin U.S.
tica Groun n DoD U.S.
2 It gon, r, Henry Board under Perle; chosen to lead 9-11 g& gov
l dwork k
8 PA Cover-Up Omission Commission; “dual Roots
4 citizen” of US and Israel
Maurice Greenberg — CEO of
American International Group (AIG) on
9-11 which became co-owner of the
cking CIA
poli Greenbe “private spy agency”, Kroll Associates, l Intel
WhoDid WTC BOD U.S. front
tica rg, in 1993 and was a major share-holder in n agencie U.S.
It 1993 & corp compan
1 l Maurice Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9- k s
conspi ies
2 11 was Maurice’s son Jeffrey; director
8 of the New York Federal Reserve bank
5 (1988-1995);
Jerome Hauer — managing director of
WTC, Kroll and senior adviser to US Secretary
poli 9/11 l Corpora Kroll &
1 WhoDid Penta Hauer, of Health and (HHS) for National U.S.
tica Groun n tions & Associa U.S.
2 It gon, Jerome Security and Emergency Management corp
l dwork k 9/11 tes
8 PA on 9-11; put John O’Neill at the WTC
6 on 9-11;
Jerome Hauer — managing director of
WTC, Kroll and senior adviser to US Secretary
poli WTC l Corpora Kroll &
1 WhoDid Penta O'Neill, of Health and (HHS) for National U.S.
tica Securit n tions & Associa U.S.
2 It gon, John Security and Emergency Management corp
l y k 9/11 tes
8 PA on 9-11; put John O’Neill at the WTC
7 on 9-11;
Dave Frasca — FBI Radical
Fundamentalists Unit Chief; personally
WTC, scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams
poli FBI l Intel
WhoDid Penta Rowley, in July 2001 and Coleen Rowley in U.S.
tica cover- n agencie FBI U.S.
1 It gon, Coleen August 2001, the Arizona and gov
l up k s
2 PA Minnesota FBI agents who were
8 actively investigating “terrorist” patsies
8 in CIA-operated flight schools
Dave Frasca — FBI Radical
Fundamentalists Unit Chief; personally
WTC, scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams
poli FBI Williams l Intel
WhoDid Penta in July 2001 and Coleen Rowley in U.S.
tica cover- , n agencie FBI U.S.
1 It gon, August 2001, the Arizona and gov
l up Kenneth k s
2 PA Minnesota FBI agents who were
8 actively investigating “terrorist” patsies
9 in CIA-operated flight schools
Dave Frasca — FBI Radical
Fundamentalists Unit Chief; personally
WTC, scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams
poli FBI l Intel
WhoDid Penta hijacker in July 2001 and Coleen Rowley in U.S.
tica cover- n agencie FBI U.S.
1 It gon, patsies August 2001, the Arizona and gov
l up k s
2 PA Minnesota FBI agents who were
9 actively investigating “terrorist” patsies
0 in CIA-operated flight schools
Murra Gene Corley — led FEMA/ASCE WTC
h collapse “investigation”; was the
poli Report l
1 WhoDid Feder Corley, principal investigator for ASCE and U.S.
tica s, n FEMA U.S.
2 It al Gene FEMA of the 1995 bombing of the gov
l Pentag k
9 Buildi Murrah Federal Office Building in
1 ng Oklahoma City
Lewis Eisenberg — chairman Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey
poli on 9-11; authorized transfer of WTC l Port
WhoDid Penta WTC Eisenber
1 tica leases to Silverstein and Lowy just n NYC Authori U.S.
It gon, lease g, Lewis
2 l weeks before 9-11; later appointed k ty
9 chairman of Republican National
2 Committee; Zionist
Douglas Feith — effectively in
command, with Wolfowitz, of War
WTC, Israeli Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of
poli l
WhoDid Penta spies, Feith, War for Policy; “dual citizen” of US and U.S.
tica n DoJ U.S.
1 It gon, histori Douglas Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying gov
l k
2 PA cal for Israel; former PNAC member … son
9 of Dalk Feith, President of Betar, a
3 Revisionist Zionist youth organization.
Douglas Feith — effectively in
command, with Wolfowitz, of War
WTC, Israel, Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of
poli l
WhoDid Penta Dual Feith, War for Policy; “dual citizen” of US and U.S.
tica n DoD U.S.
1 It gon, citizen Douglas Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying gov
l k
2 PA s for Israel; former PNAC member … son
9 of Dalk Feith, President of Betar, a
4 Revisionist Zionist youth organization.
Ari Fleischer — White House
1 WhoDid Penta poli Jewish spokesman for Bush on 9-11; “dual l Israeli Chabad
2 tica organi citizen” of US and Israel; connected to n think Lubavit Israel
It gon, , Ari
9 l zations the extremist group called the Chabad k tank ch
5 Lubavitch Hasidics

Ari Fleischer — White House

1 WhoDid Penta poli Jewish spokesman for Bush on 9-11; “dual l White
Fleischer U.S.
2 tica organi citizen” of US and Israel; connected to n House, U.S.
It gon, , Ari gov
9 l zations the extremist group called the Chabad k Bush
6 Lubavitch Hasidics

Michael Cherkasky — CEO of Kroll on

1 WhoDid Penta poli WTC Cherkas 9-11; former investigator in the l
2 tica Securit ky, Manhattan DA’s Office from 1978 to n NYC U.S.
It gon,
9 l y Michael 1994; CEO of insurance-firm Marsh & k
7 McClennan

Michael Cherkasky — CEO of Kroll on

WTC, Marsh
1 WhoDid Penta poli WTC Cherkas 9-11; former investigator in the l Corpora
U.S. &
2 tica Securit ky, Manhattan DA’s Office from 1978 to n tions & U.S.
It gon, corp McCle
9 l y Michael 1994; CEO of insurance-firm Marsh & k 9/11
PA nnan
8 McClennan

Elliot Abrams — former member of

WTC, Israel,
1 WhoDid Penta poli Dual Abrams,
PNAC, National Security Council; l Israeli
2 tica pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to n think Likud U.S.
It gon, citizen Eliot 991
9 l Congress about Iran-Contra affair; “dual k tank
PA s
9 citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist
Elliot Abrams — former member of
PNAC, National Security Council;
WTC, pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to
poli l Intel
WhoDid Penta Iran Abrams, Congress about Iran-Contra affair; “dual U.S. 1/1/1
tica n agencie NSC U.S.
1 It gon, Contra Eliot citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist … gov 991
l k s
3 PA Bush appointed him to the International
0 Operations at the National Security
0 Council on June 25, 2001
Elliot Abrams (Jewish) — former
member of PNAC, National Security
Council; pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying
Iran poli 9/11 l Intel
Wikiped Abrams, to Congress about Iran-Contra affair; U.S. 1/1/1
Contr tica Groun n agencie NSC U.S.
1 ia Eliot “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist gov 991
a l dwork k s
3 … Bush appointed him to the
0 International Operations at the National
1 Security Council on June 25, 2001
William Baker — member of FEMA
1 WhoDid Penta poli FEMA Baker,
Probe Team; partner with Skidmore, l
3 tica Owings, Merrill; contributed to the n U.S.
It gon, Cover- William gov UL
0 l flawed NIST report on why the WTC k
PA up Labs
2 buildings collapsed
NY Times: Michael Arad, an unknown
young architect, won the design
China 9/11
competition in 2004 run by the Lower Empire
WTC poli Syndr Memo l
Arad, Manhattan Development Corporation State 11/1/
MSM Memo tica ome, rial, n NYC
1 Michael (LMDC) which is a subsidiarty of the Develo 2001
rial l WTC radiati k
3 Empire State Development Corporation pment
pools on
0 (ESDC) project costs tripled to $1
3 billion,
The New York State Urban
Development Corporation
(unaccountable), dba Empire State
China 9/11 Development is a public benefit
WTC poli Syndr Memo corporation … Pataki used the l
Wikiped State
Memo tica ome, rial, corporation to process $20 billion in n NYC NYC
ia Develo
rial l WTC radiati federal aid following the September 11 k
1 pools on attacks to rebuild lower Manhattan and
3 build a memorial. ... with total lack of
0 public scrutiny... about 20 unaudited
4 subsidiarys of UDC... see Hevesi
Madsen attributes the clubbing death of
CIA missile expert William Bennett in
Israeli Mossad
poli Landsdowne, Virginia, in March 2009 li Intel
spies, Bennett, U.S. / 3/1/2
1 WMR global tica to the Mossad. Bennett had uncovered n agencie Israel
histori William gov Sayeret 009
3 l evidence that Israel had shared with or k s
cal Matkal
0 sold to China and Russia classified U.S.
5 Patriot missile and stealth technology.
The McCormack-Dickstein Committee
confirmed some of Butler's testimony in Jewish
poli Neoco its final report. "In the last few weeks of l Corpora financi
Wikiped Penta Butler, U.S.
1 tica ns, the committee's official life it received n tions & al U.S.
ia gon, Smedley corp
3 l Strauss evidence showing that certain persons k 9/11 organiz
0 had made an attempt to establish a ations
6 fascist organization in this country.
Mario Scaramella (born 1970 is an
Italian lawyer, security consultant and
academic nuclear expert who came to
WTC, Organi
poli Scarame international prominence in 2006 in l Corpora Kroll &
Wikiped Penta zed U.S.
tica lla, connection with the poisoning of the ex- n tions & Associa Russia
ia gon, Crime corp
1 l Mario FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko. As k 9/11 tes
PA & 9/11
3 responsible for intelligence analysis and
0 production on KGB and military GRU
7 espionage in Europe,
On 1 November 2006 Scaramella met
the ex-Russian FSB agent Alexander
Litvinenko for lunch at Itsu, a sushi
WTC, Organi Litvinen restaurant in Piccadilly, London.
poli l Corpora Kroll &
Wikiped Penta zed ko, Scaramella has stated he ate nothing and U.S. 11/1/
tica n tions & Associa Russia
ia gon, Crime Alexand drank only water at the restaurant. On 1 corp 2006
l k 9/11 tes
1 PA & 9/11 er December 2006 he was taken to
3 University College Hospital, and it was
0 confirmed that he has been exposed to
8 Polonium-210
Eliot Spitzer announced the initiation of
a civil action against Marsh, alleging
impropriety in the steering of clients to
WTC, WTC Marsh
poli Greenbe insurers with whom the company l Corpora
Wikiped Penta insura U.S. &
tica rg, maintained payoff agreements, and for n tions & U.S.
ia gon, nce corp McCle
1 l Jeffrey soliciting rigged bids for insurance k 9/11
PA fraud nnan
3 contracts from the insurers. Former
0 CEO Jeffrey W. Greenberg resigned
9 several weeks later.
James Schiro died of Multiple
Myeloma, Lloyd Blankfein and
President Gary Cohn of Goldman Sachs
WTC, Cance
me made a statement. He received the l Goldm
Wikiped Penta r, 9/11 & Schiro, Victims U.S. 8/1/2
dic American Jewish Committee's National n an U.S.
ia gon, Myelo Israel James , all corp 014
1 al Human Relations Award in k Sachs
PA ma
3 1997 (Thyroid cancer still an issue with
1 the Eniwetok and Bikini fusion atomic
0 detonations).
An attempt by the FBI to penetrate New
York and New Jersey Israeli
intelligence-connected office moving
WTC, companies, such as Urban Moving Urban
poli l Zim
Penta 9/11 & Eisenber Systems, which was discovered to have Moving
WMR tica n Shippin Israel
gon, Israel g, Shaul conducted an emergency move of the System
l k g
1 PA Israeli Zim-American Israeli Shipping s
3 Company from the World Trade
1 Center’s North Tower just weeks prior
1 to 911,
The Council on Foreign Relations was
WTC, Rothsch
1 poli Global founded by Elihu Root, who was the l U.S.
Fox, Penta Rothschi ild
3 tica ist personal attorney for JP Morgan. n think CFR U.S.
Donald gon, ld Zionists
1 l agenda Morgan was well known to be a k tank
PA , all
2 Rothschild frontman
Clean Eviden
up, ce Three years later, in February 2005, the NY
me l
1 Wikiped WTC Zionis destruc Victims, New York City Medical Examiner's Victims Port 2/1/2
dic n NYC U.S.
3 ia 1-2 t tion, 9/11 office ended its process of identifying , all Authori 005
al k
1 compa obstru human remains at the site. ty
3 nies ction
The House of Saud, the Third Reich, the
Dulles brothers (principal operators in
WWI- Sullivan & Cromwell and British spy
II, and Nazi agent Jack Philby. ...the period Rothsch Sulliva
poli Global li
Spitfire Fascis Dulles, between WWI and WWII was ild U.S. n& Saudi
tica ist n
List m& Allen characterized by three men: Jack Philby, Zionists gov Cromw Arabia
l agenda k
1 Zionis a British spy; Ibn Saud, his Arab , all ell
3 m protégé; and Allen Dulles, an American
1 spy and Wall Street lawyer ....” ISIS is
4 funded by Saudi Arabia ...
The NNSA announced that for four days
leading up to the Boston Marathon
conduct a helicopter-based survey to
WTC, measure naturally occurring background
phy , l
Penta radiation in a ten square mile area west U.S.
NNSA sica Bariu n NNSA U.S.
gon, of downtown Boston. The gov
l m, k
1 PA measurements are being taken to
3 "establish baseline levels [which] is a
1 normal part of security and emergency
5 preparedness",
NUMEC, Nuclear Materials &
Equipment Co., first ever company to
provide nuclear fuel, and Zalman
WTC, Shapiro (founder, Zionist) suspected of
poli smugg l
Wikiped Penta diverting hundreds of lbs of uranium to Israeli Zionist 9/1/1
tica ling, n Israel
ia gon, Israel. He had extensive business gov s 968
l Russia k
1 PA interests and a contract to build nuclear
/ Israel
3 powered generators in Israel. He was the
1 president of the Pittsburgh chapter of the
6 Zionist Organization of America
The NNSA conducted a four-day
helicopter-based survey to measure
phy Clean naturally occurring background l
Penta U.S. 4/1/2
1 MSM sica up, radiation in a ten square mile area west n NNSA U.S.
gon, gov 014
3 l NNSA of downtown Boston. It did the same for k
1 Obama's inauguration, Super Bowl and
7 Fukushima.
Juan Zarate: AQ Khan relied on the
Swiss engineer Friedrich Tinner and his
sons Urs and Marco to facilitate his
Nuclea global financial network. ... an
poli r investigation found suspicious money Intel
Penta Khan, U.S. Switze
MSM tica smugg from a Dubai currencey exchange used agencie CIA
gon, AQ gov rland
l ling & by the 9/11 hijackers to Marco Tinner's s
1 9/11 Swiss accounts and companies. see
3 Scomi Precision Engineering (Malaysia)
1 and B.S.A. The CIA used to Tinner to
8 disrupt AQ Khan.
343 Firefighters and 72 law enforcement
1 Wikiped Penta me Victim
First officers died in NYC on September 11, l
3 dic responde 2001 … hundreds more would die of n think Israel
ia gon, s , all dia
1 al rs radiation related cancer deaths over the k tank
9 next decade.
Osama bin Laden, who was never
charged with a crime for 9/11 was killed
me bin in a raid in Pakistan in May 2011. His l Israeli
Wikiped Penta Victim Victims Wikipe 5/1/2
1 dic Laden, death in May 2011 was a made-for-TV n think Israel
ia gon, s , all dia 011
3 al Osama fiction … in November of 2014 Robert k tank
2 O'Neill claims he killed bin Laden… as
0 did Matt Bissonnette, (Mark Owen).
Ptech's roster of clients included
included the U.S. Armed Forces,
NATO, Congress, the DoE, DoJ, FBI,
poli Customs, the FAA, the IRS, the Secret l Corpora
Wikiped Penta Ptech / U.S. 5/1/2
tica Service, and the White House. Despite n tions & Ptech U.S.
ia gon, Mitre corp 004
1 l the eventual 2009 indictment of PTech's k 9/11
3 CEO and CFO, as late as May 2004 they
2 were still contracted by several federal
1 agencies, including the White House.
Libby was part of a network of neo-
conservatives known as the "Vulcans"—
its other members included Wolfowitz,
WTC, Condoleezza Rice, and Donald
poli Neoco Rice, l Intel U.S.
Wikiped Penta Rumsfeld. See also Zelikow Richard Vulcan 7/1/1
tica ns, Condole n agencie think U.S.
ia gon, Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen s 998
l Strauss eza k s tank
1 PA Hadley, Richard Perle, Dov S. Zakheim,
3 Robert Zoellick, Scooter Libby. Dick
2 Cheney, George P. Shultz and Colin
2 Powell
Ptech Inc. was a Quincy, Massachusetts-
based provider of business process
modeling software that was closed down
in late 2003 under Operation Green
WTC, Quest. The search was related to the
poli l Intel Saudi
Wikiped Penta Ptech / al-Qadi, relationship of the company to Saudi 11/1/
tica n agencie Arabi CIA
ia gon, Mitre Yasin businessman Yasin al-Qadi, a multi- Arabia 2003
l k s a gov
PA millionaire from Jeddah, Chicago. He is
1 the son-in-law of Sheikh Ahmed Salah
3 Jamjoom, a former Saudi Arabian
2 government minister with close ties to
3 the Saudi royal family
Ptech Inc. was a Quincy, Massachusetts-
based provider of business process
modeling software that was closed down
in late 2003 under Operation Green
WTC, Quest. The search was related to the Control Operati
poli 9/11 & l
Wikiped Penta al-Qadi, relationship of the company to led U.S. on Saudi
tica Saudi n
ia gon, Yasin businessman Yasin al-Qadi, a multi- demolit gov Green Arabia
l Arabia k
PA millionaire from Jeddah, Chicago. He is ion, all Quest
1 the son-in-law of Sheikh Ahmed Salah
3 Jamjoom, a former Saudi Arabian
2 government minister with close ties to
4 the Saudi royal family
After voting against the congressional
WTC, authorization for the war in Iraq on
poli Civil Wellston l
1 Wikiped Penta October 11, 2002, in the midst of a tight U.S. Rogue 10/1/
tica Rights e, Sen. n U.S.
3 ia gon, election, Wellstone is said to have told gov govt 2002
l lost Paul k
2 PA his wife, "I just cost myself the
5 election."
The NTSB accident report is disputed in
the book American Assassination: The
Strange Death of Senator Paul
WTC, Wellstone by Don "Four Arrows"
poli Rogue Wellston l 10/2
Wikiped Penta Jacobs and James H. Fetzer. The U.S. Rogue
tica govern e, Sen. n U.S. 5/20
ia gon, authorsdocument official cover-up. One gov govt
l ment Paul k 02
1 PA of their principal claims is that FBI
3 personnel left the field office in St. Paul
2 for northern Minnesota before the plane
6 crashed.
He served as chief economist for the
United States Department of Labor
WTC, during 2001–2002, George W. Bush's
poli Reynold l
Wikiped Penta 9/11 first term. In 2005, he gained public 9/11
tica s, n U.S.
1 ia gon, Truth attention as the first prominent Truth
l Morgan k
3 PA government official to publicly claim
2 that 9/11 was an inside job, and is a
7 member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.
Reynolds argues that the mainstream
versions of the JFK assassination, the
Oklahoma City bombing, and the 9/11
phy Rogue Reynold attacks are all lies. He states “The l
Wikiped Penta 9/11
sica govern s, network concealed in deep politics has n U.S.
ia gon, Truth
1 l ment Morgan grown more audacious since the k
3 Kennedy triumph … escalating to mass
2 murders like the Oklahoma City
8 bombing and the World Trade Center
1 Wikiped Penta poli Energy
The invasion of Afghanistan began on 7
3 tica / Drug n Militar U.S.
ia gon, October 2001 gov 2001
2 l wars k y
On October 7, 2001 the Taliban
1 Wikiped Penta poli Energy ambassador to Pakistan offered to detain l Afgha
Afghan 10/7/
3 tica / Drug bin Laden and try him under Islamic law n nistan Taliban
ia gon, istan 2001
3 l wars if the U.S. made a formal request and k , gov
0 presented the Taliban with evidence.
It has also been reported that Israel has
produced nuclear warheads small
phy Nukes l
1 Wikiped WTC enough to fit into a suitcase. Hersh, Mini Israeli 1/1/1
sica , n Israel
3 ia 1-2 Seymour M (1991), The Samson Nukes gov 991
l USGS k
3 Option, New York: Random House, p.
1 220, ISBN 0-394-57006-5.
The lightest nuclear warhead ever
acknowledged to have been
manufactured by the U.S. is the W54,
phy Nukes l Israeli
Wikiped WTC which was used in both the Davy Mini Wikipe
sica , n think Israel
1 ia 1-2 Crockett 120 mm recoilless rifle– Nukes dia
l USGS k tank
3 launched warhead, and the backpack-
3 carried version called the Mk-54 SADM
2 (Special Atomic Demolition Munition)
was a Israeli intelligence officer in the
WTC, Mossad
1 Wikiped Penta poli False Hariri,
Mossad. He was involved in several l Intel
9/11 /
3 tica notable operations, including the failed n agencie U.S.
ia gon, flag Michael Truth Sayeret
3 l Lillehammer affair and the rescue of k s
PA Matkal
3 hostages at Entebbe.
During his time in the Mossad he ran
agents in Europe, eventually advancing
WTC, to the head of the Operations Branch. It Mossad
poli l Intel
Wikiped Penta False Hariri, was during this time that he helped build 9/11 / 1/1/1
tica n agencie U.S.
1 ia gon, flag Michael and lead teams in Operation Wrath of Truth Sayeret 972
l k s
3 PA God, the Israeli response to the Munich Matkal
3 Massacre in 1972. In what became
4 known as the Lillehammer affair
During his time in the Mossad he ran
agents in Europe, eventually advancing
WTC, to the head of the Operations Branch. It Mossad
poli l Intel
Wikiped Penta False Hariri, was during this time that he helped build Israeli /
tica n agencie Israel
1 ia gon, flag Michael and lead teams in Operation Wrath of gov Sayeret
l k s
3 PA God, the Israeli response to the Munich Matkal
3 Massacre in 1972. In what became
5 known as the Lillehammer affair
Harari became the Mossad station chief
of Latin America but based in Israel...
He returned to Israel just before or
WTC, Mossad
poli during the 1989 United States invasion p Intel
Wikiped Penta False Hariri, Israeli / 1/1/1
tica of Panama, which deposed Manuel i agencie Israel
ia gon, flag Michael gov Sayeret 989
1 l Noriega and install ... Harari later c s
PA Matkal
3 appeared on Israeli television and
3 denied that he was ever a close advisor
6 of Noriega.
is a specialist in international studies, a
WTC, former Washington government official 9/11 Defens
poli 9/11 l
1 Wikiped Penta Hamre, and President and CEO of the Center for Finacin U.S. e 1/1/2
tica Groun n U.S.
3 ia gon, John J. Strategic and International Studies, a g& gov Policy 000
l dwork k
3 PA position he has held with that think tank Roots Board
7 since January, 2000.
is a specialist in international studies, a
WTC, former Washington government official 9/11
poli 9/11 l U.S.
1 Wikiped Penta Hamre, and President and CEO of the Center for Finacin
tica Groun n think CSIS U.S.
3 ia gon, John J. Strategic and International Studies, a g&
l dwork k tank
3 PA position he has held with that think tank Roots
8 since January, 2000.

Hamre was DoD Comptroller (1993– 9/11

1 Wikiped WTC poli 9/11
Hamre, 1997) and Deputy Secretary of Defense
Finacin U.S. 12/1/
3 tica Groun n DoD U.S.
ia 1993 John J. (1997–1999), both under President Bill g& gov 1999
3 l dwork k
Clinton. Roots
9:34:00 AM NEADS Surveillance
Technicians instructed to remove
WTC, simulations from Radar ScreensEdit
poli Rogue l
Wikiped Penta Hamre, event ...... turn off their “sim switches,” U.S. NORA
tica govern n U.S.
1 ia gon, John J. apparently so as to remove from their gov D
l ment k
3 PA radar screens simulated information for
4 a training exercise that was being
0 conducted this morning, 9/11
Historically, the Defense Policy Board
... served as a method for the Pentagon
WTC, Defens
poli Neoco to leverage consulting expertise in the l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Perle, e
1 tica ns, private sector. However, the DPBAC n think U.S.
ia gon, Richard Policy
3 l Strauss served a very powerful and influential k tank
PA Board
4 role in foreign policy in the George W.
1 Bush presidency.
Former Chairman Richard Perle (DPB)
was an influence in the decision to go to
war in Iraq, Prior chairmen have been
WTC, Defens
poli Brent Scowcroft, former New l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Iraq Scowcro e
tica Hampshire senator Warren Rudman, n think U.S.
ia gon, War ft, Brent Policy
1 l former House speaker Tom Foley, Gen. k tank
PA Board
3 Maxwell Taylor and former Johnson
4 administration secretary of defense
2 Clark Clifford.
Former Chairman Richard Perle (DPB)
was an influence in the decision to go to
war in Iraq, Prior chairmen have been
WTC, Rothsch Defens
poli Brent Scowcroft, former New l U.S.
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Perry, ild e
tica Hampshire senator Warren Rudman, n think U.S.
ia gon, Israel William Zionists Policy
1 l former House speaker Tom Foley, Gen. k tank
PA , all Board
3 Maxwell Taylor and former Johnson
4 administration secretary of defense
3 Clark Clifford.
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for
Securing the Realm (commonly known
WTC, Netanya 9/11
9/11 as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy l U.S.
Wikiped Penta doc hu, Finacin
1 Groun document that was prepared in 1996 by n think PNAC Israel
ia gon, s Benjami g&
3 dwork a study group led by Richard Perle for k tank
PA n Roots
4 Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime
4 Minister of Israel.[1]
The report (Clean Break) explained a
new approach to solving Israel's security
problems in the Middle East with an
emphasis on "Western values". It has
WTC, Netanya
since been criticized for advocating an l U.S.
Wikiped Penta doc Iraq hu,
aggressive new policy including the n think Israel
ia gon, s War Benjami
removal of Saddam Hussein from power k tank
PA n
1 in Iraq, and the containment of Syria by
3 engaging in proxy warfare and
4 highlighting their possession of
5 "weapons of mass destruction".
it (Clean Break) was written by the
Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy
Toward 2000, which was a part of the
Neoco Institute for Advanced Strategic and l U.S.
Wikiped Penta doc Feith, Neocon
ns, Political Studies. the final report n think IASPS Israel
ia gon, s Douglas s, all
1 Strauss included ideas from Douglas Feith, k tank
3 James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr.,
4 Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser,
6 and Meyrav Wurmser.
it (Clean Break) was written by the
Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy
Toward 2000, which was a part of the
WTC, Rothsch
Institute for Advanced Strategic and l U.S.
Wikiped Penta doc 9/11 & Wurmse ild
Political Studies. the final report n think IASPS Israel
ia gon, s Israel r, David Zionists
1 included ideas from Douglas Feith, k tank
PA , all
3 James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr.,
4 Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser,
7 and Meyrav Wurmser.
it (Clean Break) was written by the
Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy
Toward 2000, which was a part of the
Energy Institute for Advanced Strategic and l U.S.
Wikiped Penta doc Colbert,
/ Drug Political Studies. the final report n think IASPS Israel
ia gon, s James
1 wars included ideas from Douglas Feith, k tank
3 James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr.,
4 Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser,
8 and Meyrav Wurmser.
While there are those who will counsel
continuity, Israel has the opportunity to
make a (CLEAN BREAK); it can forge
WTC, a peace process and strategy based on an
l U.S.
Wikiped Penta doc Zionis entirely new intellectual foundation, one Zionist
n think Israel
ia gon, s m that restores strategic initiative and s
k tank
1 PA provides the nation the room to engage
3 every possible energy on rebuilding
4 Zionism, the starting point of which
9 must be economic reform.[1]
Rather than pursuing a "comprehensive
WTC, peace" with the entire Arab world, Israel
poli l Israeli
1 Wikiped Penta Zionis should work jointly with Jordan and Zionist
tica n think Israel
3 ia gon, m Turkey to "contain, destabilize, and roll- s
l k tank
5 PA back" those entities that are threats to all
0 three.
Israel can shape its strategic
environment, in cooperation with
poli Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, l Israeli
Wikiped Penta Zionis Zionist
1 tica containing, and even rolling back Syria. n think Israel
ia gon, m s
3 l This effort can focus on removing k tank
5 Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq —
1 an important Israeli strategic objective
in its own right — as a means of foiling
Syria’s regional ambitions.

supporting King Hussein by providing

him with some tangible security
WTC, measures to protect his regime against
poli l Israeli
Wikiped Penta Zionis Syrian subversion; encouraging— Zionist
tica n think Israel
1 ia gon, m through influence in the U.S. business s
l k tank
3 PA community—investment in Jordan to
5 structurally shift Jordan’s economy
2 away from dependence on Iraq
... it would be understandable that Israel
has an interest in supporting the
WTC, Hashemites in their efforts to redefine
poli l Israeli
Wikiped Penta Zionis Iraq, … Were the Hashemites to control Zionist
tica n think Jordan
1 ia gon, m Iraq, they could use their influence over s
l k tank
3 PA Najf to help Israel wean the south
5 Lebanese Shia away from Hizballah,
3 Iran, and Syria
Hashemite (also spelled Hashimite),...
refers to those belonging to the Banu
Hashim, or "clan of Hashim", an
poli Arabian clan within the larger Quraysh l Israeli
Wikiped Penta Zionis Zionist
tica tribe. It also refers to an Arab dynasty n think Jordan
ia gon, m s
1 l whose original strength stemmed from k tank
3 the network of tribal alliances and blood
5 loyalties in the Hejaz region of Arabia,
4 along the Red Sea.
In March 2003 Patrick J. Buchanan,
referring to the 2003 invasion of Iraq
poli and the report, wrote that "Their plan, l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Zionis Wurmse Zionist 3/1/2
1 tica which urged Israel to re-establish 'the n think Israel
ia gon, m r, David s 003
3 l principle of preemption,' has now been k tank
5 imposed by Perle, Feith, Wurmser &
5 Co. on the United States."
In Paul Wolfowitz's words, "The road to
peace in the Middle East goes through
WTC, Baghdad." It has indeed become an
poli l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Zionis Wolfowi article of faith (literally in some cases) Zionist
tica n think Israel
1 ia gon, m tz, Paul in Washington that American and Israeli s
l k tank
3 PA interests are identical, but this was not
5 always so, and "Jewish interests" are not
6 the main reason for it now.
George Packer, in his 2005 non-fiction
analysis of the Iraq war The Assassins'
Gate, explicates the Clean Break report
poli "through the lens of Wurmser's l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Zionis Zionist 1/1/1
tica subsequent AEI-published volume, n think Israel
ia gon, m s 999
1 l which argued (in 1999) that America's k tank
3 taking out Saddam would solve Israel’s
5 strategic problems and leave the
7 Palestinians essentially helpless
George Packer, in his 2005 non-fiction
WTC, analysis of the Iraq war The Assassins'
poli l U.S.
1 Wikiped Penta Iraq Gate, explicates the Clean Break report Zionist
tica n think Israel
3 ia gon, War "through the lens of Wurmser's s
l k tank
5 PA subsequent AEI-published volume,
8 which argued (in 1999) that America's
taking out Saddam would solve Israel’s
strategic problems and leave the
Palestinians essentially helpless

Netanyahu seems to be the main mover

in America’s official adoption of the
1996 white paper A Clean Break,
WTC, Netanya
poli authored by him and American fellow l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Iraq hu, Zionist 6/1/1
tica neocons, which aimed to aggressively n think Israel
ia gon, War Benjami s 996
1 l remake the strategic environments of k tank
PA n
3 Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and
5 Iran. As they say in boxing circles, three
9 down, two to go
He ... converted to Judaism in 2005,
WTC, cking
poli before marrying Julie T. Katzman, l
1 Wikiped Penta BOD Lake,
tica currently the Executive Vice President n global Israel
3 ia gon, & Anthony
l and Chief Operating Officer of the Inter- k
6 PA conspi
American Development Bank
0 rators
A Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi
housed and opened bank accounts for
two of the 9/11 hijackers. About two
weeks after the assistance began, al-
poli 9/11 & Bayoumi's wife began receiving l Corpora
Wikiped Penta Bush U.S. Riggs Saudi
tica Saudi monthly payments totaling tens of n tions &
ia gon, GW corp Bank Arabia
l Arabia thousands of dollars from Princess Haifa k 9/11
1 bint Faisal, the wife of Saudi
3 ambassador and Bush family confidant,
6 Prince Bandar bin Sultan, through a
1 Riggs bank account.
In the mid-1970s members of the Saudi
royal family set up covert accounts at
the Riggs Bank in Washington
WTC, amounting to tens of millions of dollars;
poli 9/11 & l
Wikiped Penta Bush this money was used by the so-called Saudis U.S. Riggs Saudi 1/1/1
tica Saudi n
ia gon, GW "Safari Club" to run intelligence & 9/11 corp Bank Arabia 975
l Arabia k
1 PA operations at a time when American
3 intelligence was paralyzed by
6 investigations in the aftermath of
2 Watergate.
In the mid-1970s members of the Saudi
royal family set up covert accounts at
the Riggs Bank in Washington
amounting to tens of millions of dollars; 9/11
poli 9/11 l
Wikiped Bush this money was used by the so-called Finacin Riggs Saudi 1/2/1
global tica Financ n global
ia GW "Safari Club" to run intelligence g& Bank Arabia 975
l ing k
1 operations at a time when American Roots
3 intelligence was paralyzed by
6 investigations in the aftermath of
3 Watergate.
According to British investigations on
the Al Yamamah deal, reported by The
poli Yama Bandar l Corpora
1 Wikiped Guardian, Bandar would have received U.S. Riggs Saudi
global tica mah bin n tions &
3 ia over $ 1.5 billion in bribery from BAE corp Bank Arabia
l deal Sultan k 9/11
6 Systems, laundered through the Riggs
4 Bank.
According to British investigations on
WTC, the Al Yamamah deal, reported by The
poli 9/11 & Bandar l BAE
1 Wikiped Penta Guardian, Bandar would have received Saudis UK Saudi
tica Saudi bin n System
3 ia gon, over $ 1.5 billion in bribery from BAE & 9/11 corp Arabia
l Arabia Sultan k s
6 PA Systems, laundered through the Riggs
5 Bank.
According to British investigations on
the Al Yamamah deal, reported by The
poli Yama Bandar l BAE
1 Wikiped Guardian, Bandar would have received UK
global tica mah bin n System UK
3 ia over $ 1.5 billion in bribery from BAE corp
l deal Sultan k s
6 Systems, laundered through the Riggs
6 Bank.

WTC, Libby was born to an affluent Jewish

1 Wikiped Penta poli Zionis Libby, family in New Haven, Connecticut; his
3 tica n Israel
ia gon, m Scooter late father, Irving Lewis Liebowitz, was s
l k
6 PA an investment banker, …
Libby was part of a network of neo-
1 Wikiped Penta poli Neoco
Rice, conservatives known as the "Vulcans"— l Intel U.S.
3 tica Condole its other members included Wolfowitz, n agencie think U.S.
ia gon, ns s
6 l eza Condoleezza Rice, and Donald k s tank
8 Rumsfeld.

Libby was part of a network of neo-

1 Wikiped Penta poli Neoco
Rumsfel conservatives known as the "Vulcans"— l Intel U.S.
3 tica d, its other members included Wolfowitz, n agencie think U.S.
ia gon, ns s
6 l Donald Condoleezza Rice, and Donald k s tank
9 Rumsfeld.

Libby was part of a network of neo-

1 Wikiped Penta poli Global
conservatives known as the "Vulcans"— l Intel U.S.
3 tica ist its other members included Wolfowitz, n agencie think U.S.
ia gon, Scooter s
7 l agenda Condoleezza Rice, and Donald k s tank
0 Rumsfeld.
Mohammed Atta and the Saudi’s in the
US weren’t training to attack on 9/11
7/7 but rather were being trained by the CIA
Londo poli Drills to fly drugs out of Afghanistan. They l
Duff, Hijacker Hijacke U.S. 7/7/2
n tica gone were there as patsies on 9/11 … just like n U.S.
Gordon patsies rs, all gov 005
1 bombi l live the 7/7 bombers were set up in London, k
3 ngs where 'terror' drills were executed...
7 'miraculously' at the same time as the
1 real bombings.
JTA bureau chief Ron Kampeas
observed that former Soviet dissident
and Israeli politician and writer Natan
Sharansky was one of many "Jews
WTC, Rothsch
poli pleading leniency for Libby – without l White
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Libby, ild U.S.
tica success" He describes how badly the n House, U.S.
ia gon, Israel Scooter Zionists gov
l Blair camp gets on with Vice-President k Cheney
PA , all
1 Dick Cheney and his office, and
3 particularly with Lewis Libby, Cheney's
7 chief of staff, who is close to Israel's
2 Likud party.

WTC, Confli
1 Wikiped Penta poli ct of
Walton, l
3 tica Judge Judge Reggie Walton sentenced Libby n House, U.S.
ia gon, Interes gov
7 l Reggie k Cheney
PA t
Interlo Eventually law firms like Skadden, Arps
WTC, cking and investment banks became major Rothsch
poli l
1 Wikiped Penta BOD Kroll, clients. In 1982, Drexel Burnham ild U.S. Rothsc 1/1/1
tica n U.S.
3 ia gon, & Jules Lambert hired Kroll to perform due Zionists corp hild 982
l k
7 PA conspi diligence on persons and companies , all
4 rators Drexel was underwriting.
Interlo Eventually law firms like Skadden, Arps
WTC, cking and investment banks became major
poli l Corpora Kroll &
1 Wikiped Penta BOD Kroll, clients. In 1982, Drexel Burnham U.S.
tica n tions & Associa U.S.
3 ia gon, & Jules Lambert hired Kroll to perform due corp
l k 9/11 tes
7 PA conspi diligence on persons and companies
5 rators Drexel was underwriting.
The 1993 Mumbai bombings were a
series of 13 bomb explosions that took
WTC, place in Bombay (now Mumbai),
poli l White
Wikiped Penta Plame Cheney, Maharashtra, India on Friday, The U.S.
tica n House, U.S.
1 ia gon, gate Dick attacks were coordinated by Dawood gov
l k Cheney
3 PA Ibrahim, don of the Mumbai-based
7 international organised crime syndicate
6 named D-Company. See Cheney
The 1993 Mumbai bombings were a
series of 13 bomb explosions that took
WTC, place in Bombay (now Mumbai),
poli l White
Wikiped Penta Plame Ibrahim, Maharashtra, India on Friday, The U.S. 3/12/
tica n House, U.S.
1 ia gon, gate Dawood attacks were coordinated by Dawood gov 1993
l k Cheney
3 PA Ibrahim, don of the Mumbai-based
7 international organised crime syndicate
7 named D-Company. See Cheney

1 Wikiped Penta poli Neoco Cheney,
l U.S.
3 tica IASPS n think IASPS U.S.
ia gon, ns Dick
7 l k tank

1 Wikiped Penta poli Neoco Cheney,
l U.S.
3 tica AEI American Enterprise Institute n think AEI U.S.
ia gon, ns Dick
7 l k tank
Leo Strauss, was a Jewish German-
born–American political philosopher
who specialized in classical political
WTC, philosophy at the University of Chicago.
poli Neoco l U.S. Hudson
Wikiped Penta Strauss, .. immersed in the work of the
tica ns, n think Institut Israel
ia gon, Leo phenomenologists Edmund Husserl and
l Strauss k tank e
1 PA Martin Heidegger, … medieval Islamic
3 and Jewish philosophy and encouraging
8 the application of those ideas to
0 contemporary political theory.
Abram Shulsky is a neoconservative
scholar who has worked for U.S.
government, RAND Corporation, and
the Hudson Institute. Shulsky served as
WTC, Office
poli Neoco Director of the Office of Special Plans, a l
Wikiped Penta Shulsky, U.S. of 1/1/2
tica ns, unit whose function has been compared n U.S.
ia gon, Abram gov Special 003
l Strauss to the 1970s Team B exercise. In the k
PA Plans
1 run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq,
3 Shulsky approved OSP memos with
8 talking points about Iraq and weapons of
1 mass destruction and terrorism.
In 1974, Albert Wohlstetter, a professor
at the University of Chicago, accused
the CIA of systematically
underestimating Soviet missile
Cold poli Neoco deployment, in his 1974 foreign policy l Intel
Wikiped Shulsky, U.S. Team 1/1/1
War tica ns, article entitled "Is There a Strategic n agencie U.S.
ia Abram gov B 974
hoax l Strauss Arms Race?" Wohlstetter concluded k s
1 that the United States was allowing the
3 Soviet Union to achieve military
8 superiority by not closing a perceived
2 missile gap.
Team B was a competitive analysis
exercise commissioned by the Central
Cold poli Neoco Intelligence Agency (CIA) to analyze l
Wikiped U.S. of
1 War tica ns, threats the Soviet Union posed to the n U.S.
ia gov Special
3 hoax l Strauss security of the United States. The Office k
8 of Special Plans was a similar entity as
3 Team B.

head of the Pentagon’s Near Eastern and

1 Wikiped Cold poli Neoco
Luti, South Asian desk, Under-Secretary of
l U.S. Hudson
3 War tica ns, n think Institut U.S.
ia William Defense during the administration of
8 hoax l Strauss k tank e
George W. Bush, on 9/11 Team B.

head of the Pentagon’s Near Eastern and

1 Wikiped Cold poli Neoco
Luti, South Asian desk, Under-Secretary of
l Intel U.S.
3 War tica ns, n agencie think U.S.
ia William Defense during the administration of B
8 hoax l Strauss k s tank
George W. Bush, on 9/11 Team B.

1 Wikiped Cold poli Neoco

Team B, led by Cheney to advance and l Intel U.S.
3 War tica ns, oppose Pentagon analysts and advance n agencie think U.S.
ia William B
8 hoax l Strauss neocon / Israeli war agenda. k s tank
The Project for the New American
WTC, Century ... established in 1997 as a non-
poli l U.S.
1 Wikiped Penta Neoco Cheney, profit educational organization founded 6/1/1
tica n think PNAC U.S.
3 ia gon, ns Dick by William Kristol and Robert Kagan. 997
l k tank
8 PA The PNAC's stated goal is "to promote
7 American global leadership
The Project for the New American
WTC, Century ... established in 1997 as a non-
poli l U.S.
1 Wikiped Penta Neoco Kagan, profit educational organization founded
tica n think PNAC U.S.
3 ia gon, ns Robert by William Kristol and Robert Kagan.
l k tank
8 PA The PNAC's stated goal is "to promote
8 American global leadership
The Project for the New American
WTC, Century ... established in 1997 as a non-
poli l U.S.
1 Wikiped Penta Neoco Kristol, profit educational organization founded
tica n think PNAC U.S.
3 ia gon, ns William by William Kristol and Robert Kagan.
l k tank
8 PA The PNAC's stated goal is "to promote
9 American global leadership
Some have regarded the PNAC's
January 16, 1998 letter to President
Clinton, which urged him to embrace a l U.S.
Wikiped Penta doc Iraq Cheney, 1/16/
1 plan for "the removal of Saddam n think PNAC U.S.
ia gon, s War Dick 1998
3 Hussein’s regime from power," and the k tank
9 large number of members of PNAC
0 appointed to the Bush administration as
evidence that the 2003 invasion of Iraq
was a foregone conclusion

WTC, Between 1987 and 1989, during his last

1 Wikiped Penta poli Global
Cheney, term in Congress, Cheney was a director
l Secret U.S.
3 tica ist n societie think CFR U.S.
ia gon, Dick of the Council on Foreign Relations
9 l agenda k s tank
PA foreign policy organization.
Roger Cukierman is a French banker,
businessman and Jewish philanthropist.
WTC, Rothsch Cukier
poli Cukierm He serves as the President of the Conseil l
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & ild Israeli man &
1 tica an, Représentatif des Institutions juives de n Israel
ia gon, Israel Zionists corp Compa
3 l Roger France and Vice President of the World k
PA , all ny
9 Jewish Congress … and the head of
2 ICTS at the time of 9-11
Roger Cukierman is a French banker,
businessman and Jewish philanthropist.
WTC, Rothsch World
poli Cukierm He serves as the President of the Conseil l Israeli
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & ild Jewish 8/1/2
1 tica an, Représentatif des Institutions juives de n think Israel
ia gon, Israel Zionists Congre 001
3 l Roger France and Vice President of the World k tank
PA , all ss
9 Jewish Congress … and the head of
3 ICTS at the time of 9-11
Roger Cukierman is a French banker,
businessman and Jewish philanthropist. Jewish
WTC, Rothsch
poli Cukierm He serves as the President of the Conseil l financi
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & ild Israeli
1 tica an, Représentatif des Institutions juives de n al Israel
ia gon, Israel Zionists corp
3 l Roger France and Vice President of the World k organiz
PA , all
9 Jewish Congress … and the head of ations
4 ICTS at the time of 9-11
Roger Cukierman, director of Banque
WTC, Rothsch
1 Wikiped Penta poli Cukierm privée Edmond de Rothschild, … He l
9/11 & ild Israeli Rothsc
3 tica an, has also served as Vice President of the n Israel
ia gon, Israel Zionists corp hild
9 l Roger European Jewish Congress and the k
PA , all
5 Alliance Israélite Universelle.
ICTS International is an Israeli firm
based in the Netherlands that develops
products and provides consulting and
WTC, personnel services in the field of
poli Israel l Intel
Wikiped Penta aviation and general security. It was Israeli Shin 1/1/1
tica & 9/11 n agencie Israel
ia gon, established in 1982, by former members gov Bet 982
l ICTS k s
1 PA of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security
3 agency, and El Al airline security
9 agents. The company's shares are traded
6 on NASDAQ under the symbol ICTS
Another subsidiary of ICTS
International is Huntleigh USA
Corporation (Huntleigh), which engages
poli Israel primarily in non-security related l Corpora Huntlei
Wikiped Penta Israeli
tica & 9/11 activities in the United States. Providing n tions & gh, Israel
ia gon, corp
1 l ICTS limited aviation security services, its k 9/11 USA
3 main aviation services include cleaning
9 aircraft cabins, skycap services, and
7 wheelchair attendants
ICTS subsidiary, Huntleigh, shared
security duties at Boston's Logan
WTC, Airport on September 11, 2001, where
poli Israel l Corpora Huntlei
Wikiped Penta two of the four planes hijacked for use Israeli 9/1/2
tica & 9/11 n tions & gh, Israel
1 ia gon, in the attacks originated. According to corp 001
l ICTS k 9/11 USA
3 PA Logan Airport officials, the company
9 provided gate and baggage security
8 services for United Airlines.
ICTS International and its two
WTC, Rothsch
1 Wikiped Penta poli Israel Underwe subsidiaries, ISEC and PI, provide l
ild Israeli Schipol
3 tica & 9/11 ar security services to the Schipol airport, n Israel
ia gon, Zionists corp Airport
9 l ICTS Bomber where the Underwear Bomber also k
PA , all
9 transited.

WTC, Huntleigh faced multiple lawsuits for

1 Wikiped Penta poli Israel
alleged screening failures by its workers
l Corpora
4 tica & 9/11 n tions & gh, Israel
ia gon, at Logan Airport, but denied any corp
0 l ICTS k 9/11 USA
PA liability for those cases
Atzmon, the Chairman of the Board of
Directors since 2004, holds controlling
poli Israel Atzmon, shares, owning more than 55% of ICTS l Corpora
Wikiped Penta Israeli
1 tica & 9/11 Menache International through a family trust. See n tions & ICTS Israel
ia gon, corp
4 l ICTS m ICTS, Huntleigh, Hellerstein and k 9/11
0 Cukierman … See ICTS, Huntleigh,
1 Hellerstein, Rothschild and Cukierman
ICTS... security system came under
WTC, scrutiny and as part of the international
poli Israel l Corpora
1 Wikiped Penta investigation into how Umar Farouk Israeli
tica & 9/11 n tions & ICTS Israel
4 ia gon, Abdulmutallab (Underwear bomber) corp
l ICTS k 9/11
0 PA was able to board Northwest Airlines
2 Flight 253 with explosive materials
The Guardium is an Israeli unmanned
WTC, security vehicle (USV), created by G-
poli WTC l Corpora
1 Wikiped Penta Yoran, NIUS, an Autonomous Unmanned Israeli Guardi
tica Securit n tions & Israel
4 ia gon, Amit Ground Vehicles joint venture company corp um
l y k 9/11
0 PA established by Israel Aerospace
3 Industries and Elbit Systems.
Amit Yoran was the National Cyber
Security Division director within the
WTC, cking
poli United States Department of Homeland l
Wikiped Penta BOD Yoran, U.S.
1 tica Security. He took up the post in n DHS Israel
ia gon, & Amit gov
4 l September 2003 and served as the initial k
PA conspi
0 Director of the US-CERT. He resigned
4 in October 2004.
Revisionist Zionism is a faction within
the Zionist movement. It is the founding
ideology of the non-religious right in
WTC, Netanya Rothsch
poli Israel, and was the chief ideological l
Wikiped Penta Zionis hu, ild Israeli
tica competitor to the dominant socialist n Likud Israel
ia gon, m Benjami Zionists gov
1 l Labor Zionism. Revisionism is the k
PA n , all
4 precursor of the Likud Party,Netanyahu,
0 Olmert, Barak, Sharon, ethnic cleansing
5 of Palestine ... Iraq War.
Marc Rich ... he had made his "most
WTC, important and most profitable" business
poli Energy l White
1 Wikiped Penta Rich, deals by violating international trade U.S.
tica / Drug n House, U.S.
4 ia gon, Marc embargoes and doing business with the gov
l wars k Clinton
0 PA apartheid regime of South Africa. ...
6 Castro's Cuba, Marxist Angola, the
Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Gaddafi's,
Nicolae Ceausescu's, and Pinochet's

Six AGM-129 ACM cruise missiles
WTC, r
poli were mistakenly loaded on a United White
1 Penta smugg U.S.
DoD tica States Air Force B-52H heavy bomber House, U.S.
4 gon, ling, gov
l at Minot AFB and transported to Bush
0 PA Netany
Barksdale AFB.
7 ahu

1 --
4 ---
According to Dr. Theodore Taylor after
reviewing leaked photographs of
disassembled weapons components
WTC, Engine
phy taken before 1986, Israel possessed l
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Barnaby, Mini 9/11 ers &
sica boosted weapons and would require n U.S.
ia gon, Israel C. F. Nukes Truth Scientis
1 l supercomputers of that era to advance k
PA ts
4 further toward full two-stage weapons in
0 the megaton range without nuclear test
9 detonations
Jewish, opened The Lauder School of
WTC, Government, Diplomacy and Strategy is Rothsch Mossad
poli l Israeli
1 Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Lauder, a school within the Interdisciplinary ild /
tica n think Israel
4 ia gon, Israel Ronald Center private college located in Zionists Sayeret
l k tank
1 PA Herzliya, Israel … son of Estee Lauder , all Matkal
0 cosmetics
Lost mayoral race to Giuliani, a vocal
WTC, Likudnik, with long-standing ties to Jewish
poli Jewish l Israeli
1 Wikiped Penta Lauder, Benjamin Netanyahu. Lauder manages World
tica organi n think Israel
4 ia gon, Ronald investments in real estate and media, Congre
l zations k tank
1 PA including Central European Media ss
1 Enterprises and Israeli TV
Madoff could not have stolen $64.8
billion of other people’s money without
the complicity of a major financial
institution. ... Madoff maintained huge Jewish
Chaitma poli 9/11 balances in his JPMorgan Chase Corpora financi
Penta Madoff, U.S. 1/1/2
n,Helen tica Financ account, reaching $4 billion or more tions & al Israel
gon, Bernard corp 006
Davis l ing from 2006 on… senior officers of 9/11 organiz
1 JPMorgan Chase knew that Madoff was ations
4 misappropriating customer funds and
1 knew who all the victims were. see also
2 Chaitman and Gotthoffer
Lauder is actively involved in numerous
civic organizations, including the
Conference of Presidents of Major
WTC, American Jewish Organizations, the 9/11
poli 9/11 l Israeli
Wikiped Penta Lauder, Jewish National Fund, the World Jewish Finacin
tica Financ n think ADL Israel
ia gon, Ronald Congress, the American Jewish Joint g&
l ing k tank
1 PA Distribution Committee, the Anti- Roots
4 Defamation League, the Jewish
1 Theological Seminary, Brandeis
3 University, and the Abraham Fund.
In 1998, the Port Authority decided to
WTC, privatize the World Trade Center,
poli WTC l State
Wikiped Penta Lauder, leasing the buildings to a private New 1/1/1
1 tica privitiz n NYC Commi
ia gon, Ronald company to manage, and awarded the York 998
4 l ation k ssion of
PA lease to Silverstein Properties in July
1 Privatiz
4 ation
In the mid-1970s members of the Saudi
royal family set up covert accounts at
the Riggs Bank in Washington
amounting to tens of millions of dollars; 9/11
poli 9/11 l
Wikiped Bush this money was used by the so-called Finacin Riggs Saudi 1/2/1
global tica Financ n global
ia GW "Safari Club" to run intelligence g& Bank Arabia 975
l ing k
1 operations at a time when American Roots
4 intelligence was paralyzed by
1 investigations in the aftermath of
5 Watergate.

WTC, the Taliban offered to surrender Osama

1 poli Energy li Afgha
Fetzer, Penta bin Laden if we could prove that he had Afghan
4 tica / Drug n nistan Taliban
James gon, been involved, which we promised to do istan
1 l wars k , gov
PA but of course ignored.

1 -- …Top
4 ---
- 20

1 --
4 ---
Jewish, …. He is an Institute Professor
at the Massachusetts Institute of Jewish
WTC, cking Rothsch
poli Technology and serves on the Board of l financi
Wikiped Penta BOD Deutch, ild U.S.
1 tica Directors of Citigroup, Cummins, n al Israel
ia gon, & John Zionists corp
4 l Raytheon, and Schlumberger Ltd. k organiz
PA conspi , all
1 Deutch is also a member of the ations
9 Trilateral Commission.
Jewish, …. He is an Institute Professor
at the Massachusetts Institute of
WTC, Rothsch
poli Technology and serves on the Board of l
Wikiped Penta Zionis Deutch, ild U.S. Raythe
1 tica Directors of Citigroup, Cummins, n U.S.
ia gon, m John Zionists corp on
4 l Raytheon, and Schlumberger Ltd. k
PA , all
2 Deutch is also a member of the
0 Trilateral Commission.
Jewish, …. He is an Institute Professor
at the Massachusetts Institute of
WTC, Rothsch Trilater
poli Technology and serves on the Board of l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Zionis Deutch, ild al
1 tica Directors of Citigroup, Cummins, n think U.S.
ia gon, m John Zionists Commi
4 l Raytheon, and Schlumberger Ltd. k tank
PA , all ssion
2 Deutch is also a member of the
1 Trilateral Commission.
Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs
WTC, ... "of course we didn't dodge the
poli 9/11 l Corpora Goldm
1 Wikiped Penta Blankfei mortgage mess … We lost money .. U.S.
tica Financ n tions & an Israel
4 ia gon, n, Lloyd Then made more money than we lost corp
l ing k 9/11 Sachs
2 PA because of shorts" … 85 Broad St. Is a
2 public company, by controllings share
held by consortium of 221 people
including Rothschilds

Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs

... "of course we didn't dodge the
WTC, mortgage mess … We lost money .. Rothsch
poli 9/11 l
Wikiped Penta Blankfei Then made more money than we lost ild Israeli Rothsc
tica Financ n Israel
1 ia gon, n, Lloyd because of shorts" … 85 Broad St. Is a Zionists corp hild
l ing k
4 PA public company, by controllings share , all
2 held by consortium of 221 people
3 including Rothschilds
Later reports confirmed that the Bin
Laden family had invested $2 million
into Carlyle's $1.3 billion Carlyle
WTC, Partners II Fund in 1995, making the
poli 9/11 bin l Corpora
Wikiped Penta family relatively small investors with U.S. Carlyle 10/1/
tica Financ Laden, n tions & U.S.
ia gon, the firm. These connections would later corp Group 2001
l ing Osama k 9/11
1 PA be profiled in Michael Moore's
4 Fahrenheit 911. The Bin Laden family
2 liquidated its holdings in Carlyle's funds
4 in October 2001.
Carlyle has completed investments in
such notable companies as Booz Allen
poli 9/11 bin Hamilton, Dex Media, Dunkin' Brands, l Corpora
Wikiped Penta U.S. Carlyle
1 tica Financ Laden, Freescale Semiconductor, Getty Images, n tions & U.S.
ia gon, corp Group
4 l ing Osama Kinder Morgan, Nielsen, and United k 9/11
2 Defense. … ranked as the third largest
5 private equity firm in the world ...
At the Carlyle annual board meeting in
New York guests including Bush 41 &
43, Shafig bin Laden , half-brother 'of
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 Osama Bin Laden leader of Al Qaeda l
Wikiped Penta Carlucci, Finacin Carlyle New 9/11/
tica Financ ,Shafig Bin Laden is one of 13 members n NYC
ia gon, Frank g& Group York 2001
1 l ing of the bin Laden family who left the k
PA Roots
4 United States aboard a Boeing 727
2 registered in the United States N521DB
6 September 19, 2001
At the Carlyle annual board meeting in
New York guests including Bush 41 &
43, Shafig bin Laden , half-brother 'of
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 bin Osama Bin Laden leader of Al Qaeda l bin
Wikiped Penta Finacin New 9/19/
tica Financ Laden, ,Shafig Bin Laden is one of 13 members n NYC Laden
ia gon, g& York 2001
1 l ing Osama of the bin Laden family who left the k family
PA Roots
4 United States aboard a Boeing 727
2 registered in the United States N521DB
7 September 19, 2001
At the Carlyle annual board meeting in
New York guests including Bush 41 &
43, Shafig bin Laden , half-brother 'of
poli Osama Bin Laden leader of Al Qaeda l
Wikiped Penta Air bin Saudis U.S. al Saudi 9/20/
tica Saudis ,Shafig Bin Laden is one of 13 members n
ia gon, Laden & 9/11 gov Queda Arabia 2001
1 l of the bin Laden family who left the k
4 United States aboard a Boeing 727
2 registered in the United States N521DB
8 September 19, 2001
Khalid bin Mahfouz (died 2009) was a
WTC, Mahfouz Neocon
poli 9/11 & wealthy Saudi Arabian businessman l Saudi Saudi
1 Wikiped Penta , Sheikh s Saudi
tica Saudi residing in Ireland. He was accused of n Arabi Royal
4 ia gon, Khalid created Arabia
l Arabia supporting al-Qaeda, fined $225 million k a gov Family
2 PA bin al
for BCCI scandal,
9 Queda
Khalid bin Mahfouz was the second
eldest son of Salem Ahmed bin
Mahfouz, a Saudi who rose from being
an illiterate moneychanger to the
WTC, Mahfouz Rothsch
poli 9/11 & founder of the first bank in his country, l Saudi Saudi
Wikiped Penta , Salem ild Saudi
tica Saudi the National Commercial Bank of Saudi n Arabi Royal
ia gon, Ahmed Zionists Arabia
l Arabia Arabia (NCB). Salem Ahmed then k a gov Family
PA bin , all
1 became the personal banker of the Saudi
4 royal family. He handed management of
3 NCB, the largest bank in the country, to
0 Khalid sometime in the 1980s.
In the 1970s Khalid bin Mahfouz bought
and lived in a $3.5 million chateaux-
WTC, style house, later named "Versailles," in 9/11
poli 9/11 l U.S. Bush
Wikiped Penta Bath, the River Oaks area of Houston. He also Finacin
tica financi n think Crime U.S.
1 ia gon, James bought a four thousand acre (16 km²) g&
l ng k tank Family
4 PA ranch along the Trinity River in Liberty Roots
3 County, Texas, near the ranch of James
1 Bath
In the 1970s Khalid bin Mahfouz bought
Interlo and lived in a $3.5 million chateaux-
WTC, cking style house, later named "Versailles," in
poli l U.S. Bush
Wikiped Penta BOD Bath, the River Oaks area of Houston. He also Saudis Saudi 1/1/1
tica n think Crime
1 ia gon, & James bought a four thousand acre (16 km²) & 9/11 Arabia 975
l k tank Family
4 PA conspi ranch along the Trinity River in Liberty
3 rators County, Texas, near the ranch of James
2 Bath.
Lewis Eisenberg - Eisenberg was the
head of the Port Authority of New York
WTC, and authorized the lease transfer to
poli 9/11 li Corpora Bush
Wikispo Penta Eisenber Silverstein and Lowy. Eisenberg was a U.S.
tica Groun n tions & Crime U.S.
1 oks gon, g, Lewis large contributor to the Bush-Cheney corp
l dwork k 9/11 Family
4 PA presidential campaign, as well as a
3 partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-
3 Sachs.
2001 9/11 Wikispooks Lewis Eisenberg
- Eisenberg was the head of the Port
WTC, Authority of New York and authorized
poli 9/11 li Corpora Goldm
Wikispo Penta Eisenber the lease transfer to Silverstein and U.S. 8/1/2
tica Groun n tions & an U.S.
1 oks gon, g, Lewis Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor corp 001
l dwork k 9/11 Sachs
4 PA to the Bush-Cheney presidential
3 campaign, as well as a partner in the
4 Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs.
2001 9/11 Wikispooks Lewis Eisenberg
- Eisenberg was the head of the Port
WTC, Authority of New York and authorized 9/11
poli 9/11 li White
Wikispo Penta Eisenber the lease transfer to Silverstein and Finacin
tica Groun n NYC House, Israel
1 oks gon, g, Lewis Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor g&
l dwork k Bush
4 PA to the Bush-Cheney presidential Roots
3 campaign, as well as a partner in the
5 Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs.
Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a
staunch Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose
Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of
WTC, the Beth Israel School of Nursing and
poli li
Wikispo Penta Zionis Hauer, the Honorary President of the New York Israeli Zionist
tica n Israel
oks gon, m Jerome Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of gov s
l k
1 PA Zion movement that is one of the central
4 Zionist organizations involved in the
3 creation and support of the State of
6 Israel.
was chairman of both New York State
Commission of Privatization and the
WTC, New York State Research Council on
poli WTC li State
Wikispo Penta Lauder, Privatization. In 2000 Lauder helped New 1/1/2
tica privitiz n NYC Commi
1 oks gon, Ronald privatize the Stewart Air Force base in York 000
l ation k ssion of
4 PA New Windsor, NY into the hands of
3 another Zionist, William Rollason and
7 his National Express Group.

WTC, Stewart
1 Wikispo Penta poli WTC
He helped privatize Stewart Air Force li
U.S. Air
4 tica privitiz base where the two twin tower-bound n U.S.
oks gon, Ronald gov Force
3 l ation planes converged. k
PA base
Larry Silverstein, super-Zionist UJA
board member and Frank Lowy, ex-
Haganah terrorist, both multi-
millionaires billionaires with very close New
ties to the state of Israel, acquired this York
poli WTC lease for the WTC in late July of 2001 li State
Wikispo Penta Lauder, New 7/1/2
tica privitiz hardly 6 weeks before the attack through n NYC Commi
oks gon, Ronald York 001
l ation the efforts of Lauder and Eisenberg. All k ssion of
four of these men had personal Privatiz
1 friendships and relations with Benjamin ation
4 Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, leaders of
3 the Israeli government and suspects in
9 9/11
Lewis Eisenberg - Eisenberg was the
head of the Port Authority of New York
WTC, and authorized the lease transfer to
poli li Corpora Goldm
Wikispo Penta WTC Eisenber Silverstein and Lowy. Eisenberg was a U.S.
tica n tions & an U.S.
1 oks gon, lease g, Lewis large contributor to the Bush-Cheney corp
l k 9/11 Sachs
4 PA presidential campaign, as well as a
4 partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-
0 Sachs.
… clearly different people in images of
bin Laden over the years, source of
images: Search for International
WTC, Disinf
poli bin Terrorist Entities (SITE) is a li Intel
Penta o& Israeli
WMR tica Laden, Washington, DC-based research n agencie SITE Israel
gon, ommis gov
1 l Osama institute with links to Israeli right-wing k s
PA sions
4 Likud elements and Mossad. SITE is
4 operated by Israeli intelligence asset
1 Rita Katz
PDAS The super-classified network
that served as command and control for
poli Rogue the 9/11 false flag attack on America .... li
Penta Cheney, U.S. Rogue
1 WMR tica govern includes some 70 terminals in select n U.S.
gon, Dick gov govt
4 l ment U.S. government locations handled the k
4 parallel command-and-control activities
2 that permitted the 9/11 attack ....
WTC, McDaniel was in charge of the
security operation in terms of what he
WTC, called a “completion contract,” to
poli Demol li Corpora
Penta McDani provide services “up to the day the U.S. Stratese
WMR tica ition n tions & Israel
1 gon, el buildings fell down.” iii] McDaniel corp c
l prep k 9/11
4 PA came to Stratesec directly from BDM
4 International, where he had been Vice
3 President for nine years.
Italian parallel network, neo-Fascist
1 poli covert kidnapping team, links between li Intel
Neoco Italy
4 WMR global tica terrorists and Bush, SISMI, assassinated n agencie Gladio Italy
ns gov
4 l Nicola Calipari, kidnapped Imam Abu k s
4 Omar
Silverstein .. WTC bidder, However,
Port Authority chairman Lewis M.
Take WTC, cking
poli Eisenberg is in charge of negotiations. l Corpora Goldm
Our Penta BOD Eisenber Israeli
1 tica Eisenberg was a partner of Goldman n tions & an Israel
World gon, & g, Lewis corp
4 l Sachs for many years, and is on the k 9/11 Sachs
Back PA conspi
4 planning Board of the UJA / United
5 Jewish Federation "charity".
June 3, 2014 –The 24-member 9/11
Consensus Panel – which includes
Contro Control 9/11
phy physicists, chemists, engineers, li
WTC lled Gateke led 9/11 Consen 6/3/2
1 WMR sica commercial pilots, attorneys and n U.S.
1-2 demoli epers demolit Truth sus 014
4 l lawyers – today announced three new k
tion ion, all Panel
4 studies confirming the controlled
6 demolition of World Trade Center 7.
The studies (Consensus Panel)
scientifically refutes the U.S. National
Contro 9/11
phy Institute of Standards and Technology li
WTC lled 9/11 Consen
1 WMR sica (NIST) claim that, for the first time in n U.S.
1-2 demoli Truth sus
4 l history, fire caused the sudden and k
tion Panel
4 complete collapse of a large, fire-
7 protected, steel-framed building on 9/11.
(Note that whereas the Consensus Panel Control 9/11
1 phy lled li
WTC Peer uses a scientific methodology to peer- led 9/11 Consen
4 WMR sica demoli n U.S.
7 review review its work, the NIST is not peer- demolit Truth sus
4 l tion, k
reviewed. ion, all Panel
NIST computer simulations, which
purported to show that fire-induced
Contro thermal expansion caused a girder to be Control 9/11
phy lled li
WTC lled pushed off its seat at Column 79, a led 9/11 Consen
WMR sica demoli n U.S.
1 7 demoli FOIA request shows that the NIST demolit Truth sus
l tion, k
4 tion simulations omitted basic structural ion, all Panel
4 supports that would have made this
9 girder failure impossible.
The Consensus Panel study deals with
Contro NIST’s claim that it did not recover any
Contro Control 9/11
phy lled steel from this massive steel-frame li
WTC lled led 9/11 Consen
1 WMR sica demoli skyscraper. This is extraordinary, given n U.S.
7 demoli demolit Truth sus
4 l tion, that this is the first time in history a steel k
tion ion, all Panel
5 NIST frame structure collapsed supposedly
0 from fire alone.

Beams Contro We know now that some of the steel Control 9/11
1 phy li
WTC , lled was recovered. Photographs recently led 9/11 Consen
4 WMR sica n U.S.
7 horses demoli obtained by researchers show the demolit Truth sus
5 l k
hoe tion strange curled-up paper-thin WTC 7 ion, all Panel
steel, with a NIST investigator pointing
it out.

On WTC 7: Assistant Commissioner

James Drury: "I must have lingered
Contro 9/11
phy there. There were hundreds of li
WTC lled Drury, 9/11 Consen
1 WMR sica firefighters waiting to -- they were n U.S.
7 demoli James Truth sus
4 l waiting for 7 World Trade Center to k
tion Panel
5 come down.” and Chief Thomas
2 McCarthy:
Susan Rice and UN ambassador
Samantha Power, both students of the
WTC, George Soros "responsibility to protect" U.S.,
poli Rogue li White
Penta Soros, (R2P) school of thought. R2P, in reality, U.S. Israel, 7/1/2
WMR tica govern n House,
1 gon, George is nothing more than a baked-over gov SA, 014
l ment k Obama
4 PA neoconservative interventionist foreign Britain
5 policy trimmed with "humanitarian"
3 intentions.
Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush / Swiss
/ German bank on behalf of Osama bin
WTC, Laden, headquartered in the Italian 9/11
poli 9/11 li Nada
Penta Bush, Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia and Finacin U.S. Baham
WMR tica Financ n Manag
1 gon, GHW had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets g& gov as
l ing k ement
4 PA blocked by US Treasury, changed its Roots
5 name to Nada Management. see
4 Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)
Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush / Swiss
/ German bank on behalf of Osama bin
WTC, Laden, headquartered in the Italian 9/11 Nasred
poli 9/11 li (Liecht
Penta Bush, Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia and Finacin U.S. din
WMR tica Financ n enstein
1 gon, GHW had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets g& gov Founda
l ing k )
4 PA blocked by US Treasury, changed its Roots tion
5 name to Nada Management. see
5 Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)
Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush / Swiss
/ German bank on behalf of Osama bin
WTC, Laden, headquartered in the Italian Rothsch
poli 9/11 & bin li bin
Penta Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia and ild U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Saudi Laden, n Laden
1 gon, had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets Zionists gov Arabia
l Arabia Osama k family
4 PA blocked by US Treasury, changed its , all
5 name to Nada Management. see
6 Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)

1 Aangirfa Penta poli 9/11
Goldman Sachs, Office of Naval
l Corpora
4 tica Financ n tions & an Israel
n gon, Intelligence corp
5 l ing k 9/11 Sachs
LTV was among the companies whose
stocks were flagged for insider trading
WTC, Wall
poli related to 9/11. The FBI also briefly l Corpora
911 Penta St., U.S.
1 tica considered investigating Stratesec for n tions & LTV U.S.
Blogger gon, Israel corp
4 l insider trading related to 9/11, due to an k 9/11
PA & 9/11
5 SEC referral of suspicious accounts …
8 see BDM, Carlyle, Baker, Kasputys
FBI agent John O'Neill was
investigating Israeli "art students" and
Israeli "movers" engaged in suspicious activity Mossad
poli l Intel
WTC spies, around sensitive facilities prior to the Israeli /
WMR tica n agencie Israel
1 7 histori 911 attacks. Upset at interference of gov Sayeret
l k s
4 cal investigations of Suadis and Israelis by Matkal
5 Bush officials, ….'art students...spies....
9 investigations.
the late FBI John O'Neill, the head of
the Joint Terrorism Task Force in New Zionist/
WTC, York and the man who fought Neocon
poli l
Penta al O'Neill, bureaucratic meddling in his s U.S. al 10/1/
WMR tica n U.S.
1 gon, Queda John investigation of the October 2000 USS created gov Queda 2000
l k
4 PA Cole bombing and the Saudi connection al
6 to the funding of Al Qaeda, …he was Queda
0 killed when South Tower collapsed.
FBI agent John O'Neill was
investigating Israeli "art students" and
WTC, "movers" engaged in suspicious activity
poli 9/11 & l students
Penta O'Neill, around sensitive facilities prior to the U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Saudi n , Urban FBI
1 gon, John 911 attacks. Upset at interference of gov Arabia
l Arabia k Moving
4 PA investigations of Suadis and Israelis by
6 Bush officials, ….'art students...spies....
1 investigations.
O'Neills briefcase was stolen and
returned after a few hours…. Contained
WTC, Israeli
poli reports on Israeli intelligence activities l
Penta spies, O'Neill, U.S.
1 WMR tica originally eminating from DEA and n DEA U.S.
gon, histori John gov
4 l suspicious activities of Israeli operatives k
PA cal
6 in same locations as future 9/11 patsy
2 hijackers.
the Atlanta consulate serves as a liaison
to jailed Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard,
WTC, Israeli Mossad
poli who is imprisoned at the Butner Federal l Intel
Penta spies, O'Neill, Israeli /
1 WMR tica prison in North Carolina. Atlanta n agencie Israel
gon, histori John gov Sayeret
4 l consulate interceded on behalf of Israeli k s
PA cal Matkal
6 Art Students. Namely: Deput Counsel
3 Aviv Ezra, who routinely visits Pollard.
FBI surveillance of Israeli operatives
WTC, Israeli Mossad
1 poli Ofri, surged before 9/11…and see Yosef l Intel
Penta spies, Israeli /
4 WMR tica Yosef Sagir Ofri, sodomy, child molestation, n agencie Israel
gon, histori gov Sayeret
6 l Sagir contact with minors,… returned to Israel k s
PA cal Matkal
4 with ease.
According to well-informed police
sources in New Jersey, on the evening
of September 10, 2001, the four men
poli Hijack who would, the following morning, l
Flight Hijacke Israeli / Saudi 9/10/
WMR tica er, hijack United Flight 93 en route from n
93 rs, all gov Sayeret Arabia 2001
1 l Lace Newark Liberty International Airport to k
4 San Francisco, were living it up in a
6 Wayne, New Jersey strip club called
5 "Lace."
Cornell University’s Quill & Dagger
society. This included Paul Wolfowitz,
poli Global National Security Advisors Sandy l Secret U.S.
911 Penta Wolfowi Quill &
1 tica ist Berger and Stephen Hadley, Marsh & n societie think U.S.
Blogger gon, tz, Paul Dagger
4 l agenda McLennan executive Stephen Friedman, k s tank
6 and the founder of Kroll Associates,
6 Jules Kroll.
The FBI confiscated the security tape
from "Lace" and it was never identified
or discussed in the official 911
poli Hijack hijacker Commission report. the four hijackers, l
Penta Hijacke U.S. Saudi
WMR tica er, patsies, Ziad Jarrah (Lebanese), the pilot, and n FBI
gon, rs, all gov Arabia
1 l Lace Lace three Saudis: Ahmed al-Haznawi, k
4 Ahmed al-Nami, and Saeed al-Ghamdi.
6 The FBI confiscated the tapes hand has
7 never made them available.

The El Salaam Mosque is where both

1 poli Hijack l
WTC hijacker the 1993 and 2001 World Trade Center Hijacke U.S. 1/1/1
4 WMR tica er n FBI Israel
1993 patsies attackers were active prior to each rs, all gov 993
6 l patsies k
The Kennedy Boulevard video store
video tapes showing Saudi hijackers and
Israeli Urban Moving Systems Israeli
hijacker agents patronizing the store were seized U.S.,
poli Hijack l
WTC patsies, as evidence by the FBI and the store's Hijacke U.S. Israel,
WMR tica er n FBI
1-2 video computer hard drive, with the names, rs, all gov SA,
l patsies k
1 store addresses, and phone numbers of video Britain
4 rental customers, was stolen in a "black
6 bag" operation believed to have been
9 carried out by the FBI.
Islamist mercenaries from the West
would not be flocking to join the ranks
of ISIL / ISIS if it were not for the U.S.,
poli 9/11 & Bandar l
WTC support given them by Saudi national U.S. Israel, 7/1/2
WMR tica Saudi bin n ISIS ISIS
1 1-2 security adviser Prince Bandar bin gov SA, 014
l Arabia Sultan k
4 Sultan, whose fingerprints are all over Britain
7 the 9/11 false flag attack on the United
0 States.
Brennan's operations on behalf of anti-
Christian and anti-Shi'a Islamist radicals
WTC, Brenna
poli would not have been possible without l White
Penta n, Brennan, Saudis U.S. Saudi 7/1/2
1 WMR tica the diplomatic cover provided to him by n House,
gon, Saudi John & 9/11 gov Arabia 014
4 l the female duo of national security k Bush
PA Arabia
7 adviser Susan Rice and UN ambassador
1 Samantha Power,
Susan Rice and UN ambassador
Samantha Power, both students of the
WTC, Brenna George Soros "responsibility to protect"
poli l White
Penta n, Rice, (R2P) school of thought. R2P, in reality, Saudis U.S. Saudi 7/1/2
WMR tica n House,
1 gon, Saudi Susan is nothing more than a baked-over & 9/11 gov Arabia 014
l k Bush
4 PA Arabia neoconservative interventionist foreign
7 policy trimmed with "humanitarian"
2 intentions.
Susan Rice and UN ambassador
Samantha Power, both students of the
WTC, George Soros "responsibility to protect" U.S.,
poli Power, l White
Penta Neoco (R2P) school of thought. R2P, in reality, U.S. Israel, 7/1/2
WMR tica Samanth n House,
1 gon, ns is nothing more than a baked-over gov SA, 014
l a k Obama
4 PA neoconservative interventionist foreign Britain
7 policy trimmed with "humanitarian"
3 intentions.
SECRET CIA reference guide titled
"Islam and Politics: A Compendium,"
WTC, U.S.,
poli Middle dated April 1984, outlines the agency's l Intel
Penta U.S. Israel, 1/1/1
1 WMR tica East divide and conquer policies in the n agencie CIA
gon, gov SA, 984
4 l policy Muslim and Arab worlds. Issued when k s
PA Britain
7 Brennan was a junior-ranking CIA case
4 officer fluent in Arabic,
The Kennedy Boulevard video store
WTC, Urban
1 poli Hijack video tapes showing Saudi hijackers and l
Penta Hijacke Israeli Moving
4 WMR tica er Israeli Urban Moving Systems Israeli n Israel
gon, rs, all gov System
7 l patsies agents patronizing the store were seized k
PA s
5 as evidence by the FBI and
Kennedy Boulevard video store's
computer hard drive, with the names,
WTC, Urban
poli Hijack addresses, and phone numbers of video l
Penta Hijacke Israeli Moving Saudi
1 WMR tica er rental customers, was stolen in a "black n
gon, rs, all gov System Arabia
4 l patsies bag" operation believed to have been k
PA s
7 carried out by the FBI. Saudi hijackers,
6 Muslim, Arab world
WTC, cking ... Bush's nominee to head the panel
poli li Commi
1 Alternati Penta BOD Kean, that's investigating the Sept. 11, 2001 U.S.
tica n ssion, U.S.
4 ve news gon, & Thomas terror attacks, Thomas Kean, used to gov
l k omissio
7 PA conspi serve as the company's director
7 rators
The CIA's involvement in Afghanistan
WTC, in the 1980s gave rise to the Taliban and U.S.,
poli l Intel
1 Penta Mujah Al Qaeda, the latter spawning various U.S. Israel, 1/1/1
WMR tica n agencie CIA
4 gon, eddin Islamist groups now wreaking havoc in gov SA, 980
l k s
7 PA Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, Britain
8 Mali, Somalia, and other countries.

WTC, Jefferson May 24, 2006 -- The Saturday raid by 9/11

1 poli 9/11 l U.S.
Penta , 19 armed FBI agents on the House of Finacin U.S. 5/1/2
4 WMR tica Groun n Congre U.S.
gon, William Representatives office of Rep. William g& gov 006
7 l dwork k ss
PA Rep. Jefferson Roots
Sept. 12, 2006 -- From FEMA sources:
at Ground Zero on and after 9/11,
residents of southern Manhattan and
me First rescue and clean-up workers and first l
WTC r, Victim Victims U.S. 9/1/2
WMR dic responde responders of WTC attack are n FEMA U.S.
1-2 Thyroi s , all gov 006
1 al rs experiencing an unusually high rate of k
4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, from
8 extremely high levels of ionizing
0 radiation in nuclear blasts, leaks,
May 24, 2006 -- The Saturday raid by
19 armed FBI agents on the House of
WTC, Representatives office of Rep. William
poli 9/11 l Intel
Penta Jefferson ... a threatening broadside U.S. 5/1/2
WMR tica Groun n agencie FBI U.S.
1 gon, against the 110th Congress,. "engage in gov 006
l dwork k s
4 PA investigations, hearings, subpoenas of
8 Bush administration current and ex-
1 officials, and impeachment notions,
FEMA sources: ... reason for the
Contro "pulverization" of concrete, molten Control
phy l
1 WTC Pulver lled metals, pyroclastic surges and fallout, led U.S. 10/1/
WMR sica n FEMA U.S.
4 1-2 ization demoli and other anomalies resulting from the demolit gov 2006
l k
8 tion catastrophe. It was also pointed out that ion, all
2 some vehicles parked on the west side
of the World Trade Center were "fused"
on the sides facing the towers

ce FEMA sources: FEMA banned
poli l
1 WTC destruc unauthorized photos of Ground Zero U.S. 11/1/
WMR tica n FEMA U.S.
4 1-2 tion, and southern Manhattan for weeks after gov 2006
l k
8 obstru 9/11.
3 ction
Joel S. Hirschhorn, Ph.D., served twelve
1 poli years as a Senior Staff Member of the l US
WTC 9/11 Hirschho 9/11 1/1/2
4 WMR tica former Congressional Office of n Congre U.S.
1-2 Truth m, Joel Truth 007
8 l Technology Assessment. Hirschhorn has k ss
4 called for a new investigation of 9/11.

Lynn Margulis, Ph.D. is a member of

1 poli the National Academy of Sciences. l
WTC 9/11 Margulis 9/11 1/1/2
4 WMR tica Margulis called the official account of n U.S.
1-2 Truth , Lynn Truth 007
8 l 9/11 "fraud" and called for a new k
5 investigation
James Quintiere, Ph.D. is the former
Chief of the National Institute of
poli Standards and Technology (NIST) Fire l
WTC 9/11 Quintier 9/11 FEMA 1/1/2
1 WMR tica Science Division. He called for an n U.S.
1-2 Truth e, James Truth UL 007
4 l independent review of the World Trade k
8 Center Twin Tower collapse
6 investigation
J. Marx Ayres, a former member of the Institut
National Institute of Sciences Building e of
poli l
WTC 9/11 Ayres, J. Safety Council and former member of 9/11 Science 1/1/2
WMR tica n U.S.
1-2 Truth Marx the California Seismic Safety Truth s 007
l k
1 Commission, also called for a new Buildin
4 investigation of 9/11. g
8 Safety
7 Council
Commander Ralph Kolstad, a U.S. Navy
‘Top Gun’ pilot, questioned the official
y Kolstad,
poli account of 9/11 and called for a new l
WTC officer Ralph 9/11 U.S. 1/1/2
1 WMR tica investigation. Kolstad said, "When one n U.S.
1-2 s for Comman Truth military 007
4 l starts using his own mind, and not what k
9/11 der
8 one was told, there is very little to
8 believe in the official story."
ASCE report: "...essentially all interior
impact damage was inflicted in the first
phy Report l
1 Penta story. The aircraft seems for the most 9/11
sica s, n U.S.
4 gon part to have slipped between the first- Truth
l Pentag k
8 floor slab on grade and the second
9 floor."
WTC: “Live loads on these [perimeter]
columns can be increased more than
2,000% before failure occurs.” “One
Engineer phy Struct li Corpora
WTC could cut away all the first-story U.S. 4/2/1
y News sica ural, n tions & U.S.
1 1-2 columns on one side of the building, and corp 964
Record l steel k 9/11
4 part way from the corners of the
9 perpendicular sides, and the building
0 could still withstand design loads and a
100-mph wind force from any
direction.” Engineering News-Record,
April 2, 1964

The Pantex plant is the United States'

only nuclear weapons assembly and
poli Mini disassembly facility … managed by l
Wikiped WTC U.S.
1 tica Nukes, DoE and Sandia National Laboratories n U.S.
ia 1-2 gov
4 l Israel … see plutonium storage … many labor k
9 disputes and anti-nuclear activist
1 events…
February 9, 2000 cable from the
American Embassy in Doha, issuing a
security alert on a Qatari resident in the
Shimats poli U.S. named Mohammed Ali Dahham
Penta Warni U.S. 2/9/2
u, tica Mansoori, who guided a three-man team Qatar
gon, ngs gov 000
1 Yoichi l that allegedly scouted the World Trade
4 Center, the Statue of Liberty and the
9 White House for the upcoming 9-11
2 attack.
in January 1998 a Mafia-type team used
“maintenance access” to grab over $1.6
million from a Brink’s crew about to
poli WTC enter the Bank of America on the North li Corpora
WTC U.S. Securac 1/1/1
MSM tica Securit Tower’s 11th floor. One robber had n tions & U.S.
1-2 corp om 998
1 l y worked at the WTC for 20 years and k 9/11
4 used his ID card to get their briefcases
9 full of ski masks and guns past
3 Securacom guards.
UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which
allegedly struck the twin towers, both
phy Israel originated in Boston, while UAL 93, l Corpora
Flight Israeli man &
1 Bollyn sica & 9/11 which purportedly crashed in n tions & Israel
93 corp Compa
4 l ICTS Pennsylvania, departed from the k 9/11
9 Newark airport. See ICTS, Huntleigh,
4 Hellerstein, Rothschild and Cukierman

LeBourget Airport outside of Paris was 9/11

1 poli 9/11 l
WTC the airport that received the Bin Laden Finacin Franc Saudi 10/1/
4 WMR tica Financ n
1-2 family flight from the United States g & e gov Arabia 2001
9 l ing k
following the 9/11 attacks. Roots
Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush's
longtime mysterious Swiss German
WTC, money operated on behalf of Osama Bin 9/11
poli 9/11 l bin
Penta Bush, Laden, his family, and some of his Finacin U.S. Switze 1/1/2
WMR tica Financ n Laden
1 gon, GHW closest business associates. The network g& gov rland 001
l ing k family
4 PA of Swiss-based terrorist financiers are Roots
9 also linked to the Muslim Brotherhood
6 and fascist leaders. 20070409_1
Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush / Swiss
/ German bank on behalf of Osama bin
WTC, Laden, headquartered in the Italian 9/11
poli 9/11 l bin
Penta Bush, Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia and Finacin U.S. 1/1/2
WMR tica Financ n Laden
1 gon, GHW had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets g& gov 001
l ing k family
4 PA blocked by US Treasury, changed its Roots
9 name to Nada Management. see
7 Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)
Al Taqwa ... funded procurement of
nuclear material from former Soviet
Union, through Baltics, these companies
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 included Iksir Holding, SA Asat Trust l bin
Penta Bush, Finacin U.S. 1/1/2
WMR tica Financ (Liechtenstein), Iksir Ltd. (Bahamas), n Laden
gon, GHW g& gov 001
1 l ing Gulf Center (Italy), NASCO (Turkey), k family
PA Roots
4 Nasreddin International Group
9 (Liechtenstein), Akida Bank (Bahamas),
8 MIGA (Switzerland),
The Iranian con man and Pentagon
neocon contact Manucher Ghorbanifar,
WTC, Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, and 9/11
poli 9/11 l bin
Penta Bush, members of the Bin Laden family are Finacin U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica Financ n Laden
1 gon, GHW reportedly linked to Geneva-based g& gov 976
l ing k family
4 PA Potomac Capital, a front company Roots
9 created by George H. W. Bush when he
9 was CIA Director in 1976
The Iranian con man and Pentagon
neocon contact Manucher Ghorbanifar,
WTC, Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, and 9/11
poli 9/11 l bin
Penta Bush, members of the Bin Laden family are Finacin U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica Financ n Laden
1 gon, GHW reportedly linked to Geneva-based g& gov 976
l ing k family
5 PA Potomac Capital, a front company Roots
0 created by George H. W. Bush when he
0 was CIA Director in 1976
Potomac Capital, a front company
created by George H. W. Bush when he
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 was CIA Director in 1976. Interestingly, l Potoma
Penta Bush, Finacin U.S. 1/1/2
1 WMR tica Financ it was George W. Bush, who, in n c
gon, GHW g& gov 001
5 l ing November 2001, cited Al Taqwa as part k Capital
PA Roots
0 of "Al Qaeda's" money laundering
1 activities.
Potomac Capital appeared ... the Iran-
Contra investigation conducted in the
late 1980-90s. The Al Taqwa connection
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 to weapons of mass destruction l Potoma
Penta Bush, Finacin U.S. 1/1/2
WMR tica Financ proliferation, Bin Laden, and George H. n c
gon, GHW g& gov 001
1 l ing W. Bush and his business associates k Capital
PA Roots
5 stands as another reason the George W.
0 Bush administration leaked the CIA's
2 Brewster Jennings
Atzmon was implicated in a financial
donations scandal involving forged
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 Atzmon, receipts in the 1988 Likud campaign, l
WhoDid Penta Finacin Israeli 1/1/1
1 tica Financ Menache This affair culminated in the March n Likud Israel
It gon, g& gov 988
5 l ing m 1996 conviction of three other k
PA Roots
0 Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon,
3 Ehud Olmert
Saeed Alghamdi was one of the
hijackers on board United Flight 93,
WTC, which crashed in Pennsylania after 9/11
poli 9/11 l Potoma
Penta Bush, being shot down by U.S. military fighter Finacin U.S.
WMR tica Financ n c
1 gon, GHW planes (according to an NSA employee g& gov
l ing k Capital
5 PA who was on duty in the National Roots
0 Security Operations Center on the
4 morning of 911
The second is the listing of Ahmed
Mesfer Ahmed Alghamdi as a
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 shareholder of Al Taqwa on a Central l Potoma
Penta Bush, Finacin U.S. 4/15/
1 WMR tica Financ Bank of the Bahamas document dated n c
gon, GHW g& gov 2000
5 l ing April 15, 2000. Ahmed Alghamdi and k Capital
PA Roots
0 Hamza Alghamdi were two of the Saudi
5 hijackers on board United Flight 175,
Osama bin Laden is never far away
from his ex-U.S. Air Force T-39 twin
engine Sabreliner, bought in 1993 from
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 bin the Davis Monthan Air Force Base l bin
Penta Finacin U.S.
WMR tica Financ Laden, "boneyard" outside of Tucson, Arizona. n Laden U.S.
gon, g& gov
1 l ing Osama ...purchased for $200,000 by Essam al k family
PA Roots
5 Ridi to be used to ship missiles between
0 Bin Laden's home base of Sudan and
6 Pakistan. 20070412_13
Saberliner, bin Laden …. the plane sale
was made to Bin Laden after National
poli 9/11 bin Security Agency intercepts of the l bin
WTC Finacin U.S. 1/1/1
1 WMR tica Financ Laden, Sudanese mission to the U.N. proved n Laden U.S.
1993 g& gov 993
5 l ing Osama that two Sudanese diplomats were k family
0 working with Bin Laden to bomb the
7 World Trade Center in 1993.
Bin Laden's Sabreliner was, according
to an ex-CIA source, retrofitted at an ex-
WTC, 9/11 Evergre
poli 9/11 bin CIA base in Marana, Arizona by l
Penta Finacin U.S. en
1 WMR tica Financ Laden, Evergreen International, an airline n
gon, g& gov Internat
5 l ing Osama company with close ties to the CIA. k
PA Roots ional
0 Evergreen currently operates the base as
8 the "Evergreen Air Center."
The Bin Laden banking ..... SICO
(Saudi Investment Co. Organization),
centered in Geneva and Jeddah with Saudi
WTC, operations in Rotterdam, Bristol, 9/11 Invest
poli 9/11 bin l
Penta London, Panama, Curacao, Cayman Finacin U.S. ment Saudi
WMR tica Financ Laden, n
gon, Islands and USA. SICO primarily g& gov Co. Arabia
l ing Osama k
1 PA M&A. SICO also "talent spots" Roots Organi
5 competent associates in new zation
0 jurisdictions and off-shore locations.
9 20070411_31
One of the top U.S. contractors in Iraq
was also intimately involved in the Bin
WTC, cking
poli Laden global financial empire. Fluor l Fluor
Penta BOD Oscar, U.S.
1 WMR tica Corp, Kenneth Oscar, VP, was assistant n Corpor U.S.
gon, & Kenneth gov
5 l Sec Army for Procurement, Bobby Ray k ation
PA conspi
1 Inman on Board, former deputy director
0 of CIA and NSA
One of the top U.S. contractors in Iraq
was also intimately involved in the Bin
WTC, cking
poli Inman, Laden global financial empire. Fluor l Fluor
Penta BOD U.S.
1 WMR tica Bobby Corp, Kenneth Oscar, VP, was assistant n Corpor U.S.
gon, & gov
5 l Ray Sec Army for Procurement, Bobby Ray k ation
PA conspi
1 Inman on Board, former deputy director
1 of CIA and NSA
WTC, cking Fluor had long standing ties to Bin
poli Inman, l Fluor
1 Penta BOD Laden family, SICO, through off-shore: U.S.
WMR tica Bobby n Corpor U.S.
5 gon, & Curacao, Cayman Islands, London, gov
l Ray k ation
1 PA conspi Netherlands, Virginia.
2 rators
Sharon's drive to wreck the peace
process and install a fascist war Cabinet,
was a collection of Russian "Mafiya"
WTC, Organi dons and American organized crime
poli l Ukraini
Penta zed Sharon, figures, whose own longstanding goal Israeli 11/1/
EIR tica n an Israel
gon, Crime Ariel was to install their ally Sharon in power, gov 1995
l k Mafia
1 PA & 9/11 and complete the process of
5 transforming Israel into a Mafiya "mini-
1 state," a goal first set out by Meyer
3 Lansky in the 1960s.
Nevzlin's and Berezovsky's activities
with Litvinenko are the tip of a huge
iceberg of private intelligence intrigue
that involves a number of wanted
Russian exiles, including Nevzlin,
WTC, Organi
poli Berezovsky, ex-Russian media magnate li Israeli
Penta zed Nevzlin,
Rense tica Vladimir Gusinsky, Mikhail Chernoy, n think Israel
gon, Crime Leonid
l Roman Abramovitch, and Chechen k tank
PA & 9/11
"Foreign Minister" Akhmed Zakayev.
1 Berezovsky's [and Litvinenko's]
5 spokesman, Russian exile Alex
1 Goldfarb, freely operates out of both
4 London and New York.
WMR first to suggest that the
WTC, Organi Scaramella-Litvinenko affair was a dirty
poli Scarame l Corpora Kroll &
1 Penta zed bomb plot gone bad and that the U.S.
WMR tica lla, n tions & Associa Russia
5 gon, Crime intelligence services of Russian corp
l Mario k 9/11 tes
1 PA & 9/11 President Vladimir Putin may have
5 actually derailed the plot. 20070428_76
Nevzlin's and Berezovsky's activities
with Litvinenko are the tip of a huge
iceberg of private intelligence intrigue
that involves a number of wanted
WTC, Organi
poli Russian exiles, including Roman li Israeli
Penta zed Nevzlin,
Rense tica Abramovitch, and Chechen "Foreign n think Israel
gon, Crime Leonid
l Minister" Akhmed Zakayev. k tank
PA & 9/11
1 Berezovsky's [and Litvinenko's]
5 spokesman, Russian exile Alex
1 Goldfarb, freely operates out of both
6 London and New York.
According to a knowledgeable source,
Jules Kroll, who founded Kroll
Organi Associates in 1972 obtained needed
gs & poli l Corpora
zed Kroll, funding for his firm from Foothill U.S. Foothill
WMR Loan tica n tions & U.S.
1 Crime Jules Capital in the 1980s. Foothill was corp Capital
Scand l k 9/11
5 & 9/11 deeply enmeshed in the Savings & Loan
1 collapses in the 1980s but salvaged itself
7 to become a part of Wells Fargo Bank.
Kroll, who helped Curtis Publishing
(renamed Cadence Industries after a
Organi merger) cut waste in the 1970s (and
gs & poli l Corpora
zed Kroll, pilfer the company's pension fund in the U.S. Foothill
WMR Loan tica n tions & U.S.
1 Crime Jules process), got his first big break when he corp Capital
Scand l k 9/11
5 & 9/11 helped locate the stolen millions of
1 Philippine ex-President Ferdinand
8 Marcos, Scaramella
According to our well-placed source,
Ray Steffans (aka diStefano of New
WTC, Organi Jersey), Jewish mobster Gideon Chern,
poli l Corpora Kroll &
Penta zed Kroll, and Eddie Baker of Vanguard Petroleum U.S. 9/1/1
WMR tica n tions & Associa U.S.
1 gon, Crime Jules met in Houston in September 1983 to corp 983
l k 9/11 tes
5 PA & 9/11 discuss, among other items, funding for
1 Kroll, who handled security for WTC.
9 see links to Scaramella
Bernard Taubenfeld, Gideon Chern and
Shalom Goldburd, officials of B'nai
WTC, Organi Torah Institute affiliate, Nutrition for B'nai
poli l Israeli
Penta zed Gideon Youth, were convicted of defrauding the Torah
WMR tica n think Israel
1 gon, Crime Chem government by submitting bills for food Institut
l k tank
5 PA & 9/11 that was never served to poor children in e
2 the New York City summer lunch
0 program
Chern's other organized crime activity in
WTC, Organi B'nai
1 poli the 1980s reportedly had an important l Israeli
Penta zed Giuliani, Torah 1/1/1
5 WMR tica protector -- former US Attorney for the n think Israel
gon, Crime Rudy Institut 980
2 l Southern District of New York Rudolph k tank
PA & 9/11 e
1 Giuliani. … B'nai Torah Institute
Kroll was responsible for the security of
the World Trade Center on 9/11. The
poli WTC firm had hired FBI top counter-terrorism l Corpora Kroll &
Penta O'Neill, U.S. 9/11/
1 WMR tica Securit agent John O'Neill as Director of World n tions & Associa Israel
gon, John corp 2001
5 l y Trade Center security upon his k 9/11 tes
2 retirement from the FBI. O'Neill died in
2 the 9/11 attacks.
The Chern link brings us back to the
Russian-Israeli Mafia connections of
Scaramella and company. Berezovsky's
WTC, Organi Russi
poli friend, former Yukos co-owner Leonid l
Penta zed Gideon an-
WMR tica Nevzlin, a Russian-Jewish oligarch and n Israel
gon, Crime Chem Israeli
1 l former President of the Russian Jewish k
PA & 9/11 Mafia
5 Congress who now lives in Tel Aviv
2 and is wanted by Russia for tax evasion
3 and corruption.
Yukos co-owner Leonid Nevzlin, a
WTC, Organi Russian-Jewish oligarch and former Russian
poli l Israeli
1 Penta zed Nevzlin, President of the Russian Jewish Jewish
WMR tica n think Israel
5 gon, Crime Leonid Congress who now lives in Tel Aviv Congre
l k tank
2 PA & 9/11 and is wanted by Russia for tax evasion ss
4 and corruption.
Nevzlin (Russian-Jewish oligarch) is
now in the United States, protected by
the FBI from arrest based on previously-
WTC, Organi issued Russian and Interpol arrest
poli l US
Penta zed Nevzlin, warrants. This is not Nezvlin's first visit U.S. 7/1/2
WMR tica n Congre Israel
gon, Crime Leonid to the United States. In the summer of gov 005
l k ss
1 PA & 9/11 2005, he appeared before the US
5 Congress' Helsinki Committee to
2 criticize the government of Vladimir
5 Putin.
Nevzlin (Russian-Jewish oligarch) used
WTC, Organi
1 poli the hearing to argue for the expulsion of l US
Penta zed Nevzlin, U.S.
5 WMR tica Russia from the G-8. Another Nevzlin n Congre Israel
gon, Crime Leonid gov
2 l supporter is Arizona Republican Senator k ss
PA & 9/11
6 John McCain, GOP
the Arlington, Virginia-based
Fellowship Foundation, dubbed the
"Christian Mafia" by many local
residents, two of Nevzlin's wanted
Yukos fellow shareholders, oligarchs
WTC, Organi
poli Mikhail Brudno and Vladimir Dubov, l U.S.
Penta zed Nevzlin, 2/1/2
WMR tica who were indicted in Russia on charges n think Israel
gon, Crime Leonid 005
l similar to those brought against jailed k tank
PA & 9/11
Yukos former chairman Mikhail
1 Khodorkovsky, were invited the have
5 breakfast with President George W.
2 Bush at the February 5, 2005 "National
7 Prayer Breakfast."
The annual Prayer Breakfast contrivance
of the Fellowship Foundation is a ruse
designed to provide a series of top level
WTC, Organi Fellowsh intelligence and organized crime Fellows
poli l U.S.
Penta zed ip meetings under the sanctioning smile of hip
WMR tica n think
gon, Crime Foundati "Jesus." The person who invited Founda
l k tank
1 PA & 9/11 on Brudno, Dubov, and the jailed tion
5 Khodorkovsky to the prayer breakfast
2 was Lantos, whose wife, daughter, and
8 son-in-law are devout Mormons.
Nevzlin (Russian-Jewish oligarch) has
been under investigation by Israeli
police for illegally laundering $500
WTC, Organi million through a Tel Aviv branch of
poli l Corpora financi
Penta zed Nevzlin, Bank Hapoalim, Israel's largest bank. Israeli
WMR tica n tions & al Israel
gon, Crime Leonid Nevzlin also took over assets of corp
l k 9/11 organiz
1 PA & 9/11 Khodorkovsky's collapsed bank,
5 Menatep, which was also linked to
2 money laundering involving the Bank of
9 New York.
Former Soviet President Mikhail
WTC, Organi Gorbachev supports Putin's attempt to
poli l Corpora
1 Penta zed Putin, bring the Russian-Israeli oligarchs to Israeli
WMR tica n tions & Israel
5 gon, Crime Vladimir justice. He told Britain's Sunday Times corp
l k 9/11
3 PA & 9/11 that it is believed that the exiled
0 oligarchs have hidden away $1 trillion.
Security at Schiphol Airport is operated
by ICTS, an Israeli-owned airport
WTC, security company based in the
poli Israel l Corpora
Abel Penta Netherlands, founded by former officers Israeli Schipol 7/1/2
tica & 9/11 n tions & Israel
1 Danger gon, of the Shin Bet intelligence agency. Its corp Airport 001
l ICTS k 9/11
5 PA subsidiaries, including Procheck,
3 Ramasso, and I-SEC, are also involved
1 in key security functions there.
Abramoff was Senior Director of
Government Affairs for the Greenberg
poli Traurig law and lobbying firm and was l Corpora Greenb
Penta Neoco Abramof U.S. 1/1/1
1 WMR tica CRNC National Chairman from 1981- n tions & erg U.S.
gon, ns f, Jack corp 985
5 l 85. He is also a Director of the National k 9/11 Traurig
3 Center for Public Policy Research, a
2 conservative activist group.
WTC, cking In July 2004, Marsh-McLennan bought
poli Jeffrey l Corpora Kroll &
1 Penta BOD Kroll and Associates. Marsh-McLennan U.S. 7/1/2
WMR tica Greenbe n tions & Associa U.S.
5 gon, & is run by Jeffrey Greenberg, son of corp 004
l rg k 9/11 tes
3 PA conspi Maurice (Hank) Greenberg of AIG.
3 rators
WTC, cking
poli Chase and Citibank notes from Kenneth l Corpora
1 Penta BOD Lay, U.S. 5/1/2
WMR tica Lay/Enron were purchased in May 2001 n tions & Enron U.S.
5 gon, & Kenneth corp 001
l by AIG and the MacArthur Foundation. k 9/11
3 PA conspi
4 rators
Kroll was responsible for the security of
WTC, the World Trade Center on 9/11. The
poli WTC l Corpora Kroll &
1 Penta O'Neill, firm had hired FBI top counter-terrorism U.S.
WMR tica Securit n tions & Associa U.S.
5 gon, John agent John O'Neill as Director of World corp
l y k 9/11 tes
3 PA Trade Center security upon his
5 retirement from the FBI.
Marsh established a crisis consulting
practice specializing in terrorism, with
Ambassador L. Paul Bremer as
WTC, Marsh
poli Chairman and Andrew R. Daniels as l Corpora
Penta UK & Bremer, U.S. & 10/1/
WMR tica President and COO. Marsh also n tions & UK
gon, 9/11 Paul corp McCle 2001
1 l announced a partnership with Control k 9/11
PA nnan
5 Risks Group to provide political risk
3 assessment. Lord Lang of Monkton is
6 chairman
Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of Israel's
extreme right-wing Likud party founded
WTC, Netanya
poli by Irgun terrorists, at the Ron Lauder l
Penta False hu, Israeli 1/1/2
1 WMR tica School of the Mossad school, the Inter- n Irgun Israel
gon, flag Benjami gov 008
5 l Disciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, k
PA n
3 January 2008. see Irgun King David
7 Hotel …
The connections now discovered by
Italian and Russian investigators
between the Russian-Israeli-Italian-
British-US private intelligence network
of former intelligence agents and
WTC, Organi Litvinen Mossad
poli billionaire mobsters suggest that the l Intel
Penta zed ko, Israeli /
WMR tica "serious crimes" committed may be n agencie Israel
gon, Crime Alexand gov Sayeret
l more than the poisoning of Litvinenko k s
PA & 9/11 er Matkal
and others with radioactive materials.
1 The investigators are wise to pursue the
5 links to U.S. security firms and former
3 CIA personnel involved in pre-9/11
8 protection functions.
Over ten former top U.S. cops and spies
all agree: 911, the USS Cole bombing, 9/11
WTC, Disinf Mossad
poli and the U.S. embassy attacks in East l Intel Truth,
Penta o& /
1 WMR tica CIA Africa were products of acts of n agencie anti- Israel
gon, ommis Sayeret
5 l commission and omission by the top k s Zioni
PA sions Matkal
3 leadership of U.S. intelligence and law sts
9 enforcement 20070412_46
Contrary to the findings of the 911
Commission, there were several
attempts after the 1998 U.S. embassy
attacks in East Africa and the 2000 USS
poli 9/11 Cole bombing in Aden by CIA, DIA, l Intel
Penta U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica Groun CIA and FBI officers to coordinate their n agencie FBI U.S.
gon, gov 998
l dwork activities but every one of these efforts k s
1 were met by coordinated resistance from
5 the FBI hierarchy led by then-Director
4 Louis Freeh, ... Rumsfeld, Cohen,
0 Chertoff, Tenet, Hayden, Bush...
WMR has reported the WTC 93
bombing was carried out as the result of
a fatwa issued by top Saudi clerics in
response to the January 1993 "Mecca
poli Middle Incident" in which 18 U.S. military l Saudi
WTC Saudis Saudi 1/1/1
WMR tica East CIA personnel assigned to Saudi Arabia were n Arabi
1993 & 9/11 Arabia 993
l policy shot to death by Pakistani guards at the k a gov
1 Islamic holy shrine in Mecca after the
5 Americans attempted to storm into
4 Kabaa Square while drunk and
1 disorderly.
Four Americans flew with "Air Bin
Laden" flight transporting Bin Laden
family members to Saudi Arabia and
Europe nine days after 911. The post-
poli 9/11 & 911 domestic flights of Bin Laden l Saudi
Penta Saudis Saudi 9/20/
WMR tica Saudi Saudis family members out of the United States n Arabi
gon, & 9/11 Arabia 2001
l Arabia with the sanction of the Bush White k a gov
1 House were not the only instances
5 where Americans have flown with the
4 family that spawned "Al Qaeda" leader
2 Osama Bin Laden. 20070411_32
Four Americans flew with "Air Bin
Laden" flight transporting Bin Laden
family members to Saudi Arabia and
poli Europe nine days after 911. Aero l Saudi
Penta Air bin Saudis Saudi 9/20/
WMR tica Saudis Services private charter flight from Le n Arabi
gon, Laden & 9/11 Arabia 2001
1 l Bourget Airport, north of Paris … k a gov
5 include Jason Blum, J.P. Buonono,
4 Joseph Allen Wyka and Ricardo V.
3 Pascetta.
two Bin Ladens with U.S. citizenship
were also on the charter flight: Khalil
Sultan Binladen and Badr Ahmed Bin
WTC, Laden. A British citizen, Akberali [sic]
poli l Saudi
Penta Air bin Moawalla [sic], identified by French Saudis Saudi 9/20/
WMR tica Saudis n Arabi
gon, Laden intelligence as the same Akbar Moawala & 9/11 Arabia 2001
l k a gov
1 PA (the Tanzanian in the French
5 intelligence report below regarding
4 SICO and Fluor Corp.), was also on the
4 flight.
A Saudi diplomatic passport holder
named Kholoud Osama Kurdi
accompanied the passengers to Jeddah.
What is significant about Mr. Kurdi is
that the Bush administration claimed the
poli Saudi flights were purely "private" in l Corpora
Penta Air bin U.S. Carlyle Saudi 9/20/
WMR tica Saudis nature. Shafig Bin Laden, who had n tions &
gon, Laden corp Group Arabia 2001
l attended a Washington, DC meeting of k 9/11
the Carlyle Group at the Ritz Carlton
1 Hotel on the morning of September 11
5 (George H. W. Bush and James Baker
4 were present at the same meeting the
5 day before),
Mossad links to neo-Nazi, anti-Muslim
WTC, Zionis gangs, and renewed interest in massacre Rothsch Mossad
poli l
1 Penta m / Breivik, of Norwegian socialist youth on Utoya ild Israeli /
WMR tica n Israel
5 gon, NeoNa Anders Island and bombings in downtown Oslo Zionists gov Sayeret
l k
4 PA zi carried out by pro-Zionist, neo-Nazi , all Matkal
6 Anders Breivik.
The ATLAS Report's detailed
investigation of Zionist players in global
financial scandals dovetails with recent
WTC, Rothsch Mossad
poli comments by officials of Egypt's l
Penta Zionis ild Israeli /
WMR tica Muslim Brotherhood that the former n Israel
gon, m Zionists gov Sayeret
1 l corrupt regime of Hosni Mubarak k
PA , all Matkal
5 represented a "Talmudic dictatorship"
4 imposed on Egypt by international
7 players.
Gladio, stay behind, right-wing terrorist
attacks, including death squad hits and
bombings, which were initially blamed
WTC, Mossad
poli by authorities on leftist guerrilla groups l Intel
Penta Israeli / 1/1/1
WMR tica Gladio Nebula such as the Communist Combatant n agencie Israel
gon, gov Sayeret 994
1 l Cells. Belgian deepstate network, k s
PA Matkal
5 nuclear smugglers, drug dealers,
4 diamond and gold smugglers, weapons
8 merchants, all tied to the Mossad,
The ATLAS Report also identified who
the Belgian police believed was a
WTC, kingpin of Nebula. It is also noteworthy
poli Przedbor l
Penta how Costa Rica is identified as a major Costa Costa
WMR tica Gladio ski, n Nebula
1 gon, nexus for the worldwide network. Rica Rica
l Felix k
5 PA Przedborski, Felix husband of Helene
4 Krygier, Belgian Costa Rican
9 nationality,
Pinal is the home to America's
"boneyard" of retired civilian aircraft,
including Boeing passenger aircraft.
WTC, militar
phy Nearby Davis-Monthan Air Force Base l Intel
Penta y Marshall U.S. 3/1/2
WMR sica is the home to the boneyard of retired n agencie CIA
gon, aircraft , Phillip gov 013
1 l military aircraft. In addition, the CIA k s
PA boneya
5 and US Special Forces maintain
5 operations at Pinal, the CIA through its
0 contractor, Evergreen International.
Sweeny, Amy: flight attendant on AA
Flight 11, Amy Sweeney, on 9/11 called
her office, revealed seat numbers of
hijackers.. FBI Director Robert Mueller
poli Hijack later said, “This was the first piece of l
Penta Hijacke U.S. 9/11/
WMR tica er hard evidence.”[2] In his memoirs CIA n CIA U.S.
gon, rs, all gov 2001
l patsies Director George Tenet and Richard k
1 Clarke all emphasize the importance of
5 the passenger manifests, , but there were
5 no hijacker names on the manifest ....
1 20080731
A former Pakistani diplomat, Niaz Naik,
tells virtually the same story. During a
BBC interview, three days after 9/11,
poli Niak claimed that senior American l U.S.
Penta Warni Naik, U.S. Afghan
WMR tica officials had informed him in mid-July n Militar
gon, ngs Niaz gov istan
1 l 2001 that the US would attack the k y
5 Taliban “before the snows start falling
5 in Afghanistan, by the middle of
2 October at the latest.”
Those who murdered 9/11 author and
WTC, militar
poli former Iran-contra CIA contract pilot l U.S.
1 Penta y Marshall U.S.
WMR tica Phillip Marshall were hoping to block n Militar U.S.
5 gon, aircraft , Phillip gov
l Marshall's investigation into the role k y
5 PA boneya
that the Pinal Air Park/Marana Airfield
3 rd
outside of Tucson, Arizona played in the
9/11 attack.

The senior U.S. Judge for the Middle

District of Alabama, Mark Fuller, is a
major player in the 9/11 operation
poli Hijack owing to his former ownership of Doss l Saudi Doss
Penta Fuller, Hijacke Saudi
WMR tica er Aviation, the U.S. Air Force contractor n Arabi Aviatio
gon, Mark rs, all Arabia
1 l patsies that trained Egyptian Air Force Lt. Col. k a gov n
5 Mohammed Atta at Maxwell Air Force
5 Base in Alabama and who also had
4 contracts to train Saudi pilots.
U.S. Judge for the Middle District of
WTC, Confli
1 poli Alabama, Mark Fuller, is the judge who l
Penta ct of Siegelm U.S. Alaba
5 WMR tica sent former Alabama Democratic n
gon, Interes an, Don gov ma
5 l Governor Don Siegelman to prison on k
PA t
5 trumped up charges
Doss Aviation, the U.S. Air Force
WTC, contractor that trained Egyptian Air Maxwe
poli Hijack Atta, l U.S.
1 Penta Force Lt. Col. Mohammed Atta at Hijacke ll Air
WMR tica er Moham n Milita Egypt
5 gon, Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama rs, all Force
l patsies med k ry
5 PA and who also had contracts to train Base
6 Saudi pilots.
Potomac Capital set up by GHW Bush
1 poli 9/11 in 1976 while he was CIA Director. l Corpora Potoma
Penta Bush, U.S. 1/1/1
5 WMR tica Financ Potomac Capital was pattern for BCCI. n tions & c U.S.
gon, GHW corp 976
5 l ing Potomac Capital was Bush’s funding k 9/11 Capital
7 mechanism for CIA ops.

WTC, Eastern Airlines planes ended up in

1 poli 9/11 l Corpora
Penta Lorenzo, eastern Afghanistan. ULTRAIR Boeing U.S. Afghan
5 WMR tica Financ n tions & Ultrair
gon, Frank 727s. Frank Lorenzo, Texas Air Corp., corp istan
5 l ing k 9/11
PA bought Eastern
Hartmut Kelhoffer. Austrian – lived in
Vienna. He called xxxx in April 1996.
connected to Baliko. Kelhoffer is an
expert on international funds transfers
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 Kelhoffe ( is likely the bag man between Yeslam l
Penta Finacin Saudi Switze 4/1/1
WMR tica Financ r, Binladin and Osama Bin Laden). He n
gon, g& banks rland 996
l ing Hartmut went to Scotland and had a Panamanian k
PA Roots
1 corporation with a brass plate office in
5 Zurich. Office raided in 1996 by
5 Interpol and Swiss police. Name
9 mentioned in Noriega trial.
TAPI pipeline, designed to bring Israeli-
owned gas from Turkmenistan to India
poli Energy and China, after pacifying Afghanistan, l
Penta Israeli
1 Bollyn tica / Drug is still in the plans … Trans-Afghanistan n Israel
gon, gov
5 l wars Pipeline is a proposed natural gas k
6 pipeline being developed by the Asian
0 Development Bank
Enron and UNOCAL negotiated on
pipeline with Taliban in Sep 1996.
Kelhoffer now in Geneva. Kelhoffer
friend of Gaidar Aliyev of Azerbaijan.
poli Energy Kelhoffe Kelhoffer is likely the bag man between li Corpora
Penta U.S. Afghan 9/1/1
WMR tica / Drug r, Yeslam Binladin and Osama Bin Laden. n tions & Enron
gon, corp istan 996
l wars Hartmut John Hannah knew of false radio signal k 9/11
1 used to bring down Ron Brown’s
5 aircraft while Kelhoffer and Baliko (a
6 Hungarian expert on sending false radio
1 signals) were in Italy
Enron and UNOCAL negotiated on
pipeline with Taliban in Sep 1996. Link
Unocal, Bush, Lay, Enron to Israel via
poli Energy Josef Maiman… President of Merhav li Corpora
Penta Maiman, Israeli Merhav 9/1/1
WMR tica / Drug Group, global energy conglomerate, and n tions & Israel
gon, Josef corp Group 996
1 l wars Channel 10 in Israel, Venezuela cable k 9/11
5 … 9/11 was the pretext for creating the
6 chaos of war and stealing resources all
2 over the world

1 poli Energy Kelhoffe li Corpora
Penta Enron and UNOCAL negotiated on U.S. Afghan 9/1/1
5 WMR tica / Drug r, n tions & Unocal
gon, pipeline with Taliban in Sep 1996. corp istan 996
6 l wars Hartmut k 9/11

1 poli 9/11 li Corpora
Penta Hannah, Kelhoffer is likely the bag man between U.S. Afghan
5 WMR tica Financ n tions & Unocal
gon, John Yeslam Binladin and Osama Bin Laden. corp istan
6 l ing k 9/11
Three Arabs involved in financial
WTC, 9/11
1 poli 9/11 transfers arrested a few weeks after 911 li
Penta Djejeria Finacin U.S. State
5 WMR tica Financ in Fort McMurray, Alberta. [redacted] n
gon, n, Ed g& gov Dept
6 l ing told James Baker. Baker told former US k
PA Roots
5 amb. to Israel and Syria Ed Djejerian.

Three Arabs involved in financial

WTC, 9/11
1 poli 9/11 transfers arrested a few weeks after 911 li
Penta Baker, Finacin U.S. State
5 WMR tica Financ in Fort McMurray, Alberta. [redacted] n Canada
gon, James g& gov Dept
6 l ing told James Baker. Baker told former US k
PA Roots
6 amb. to Israel and Syria Ed Djejerian.
xxxx noticed an ULTRAIR plane at
Lambert Field, St. Louis. Told White
House chartered their planes. GHW
Bush leased the planes from the
financially troubled company. Janet
poli Reno had the investigation of Bush- li Corpora
Penta Mujah Bush, U.S.
WMR tica ULTRAIR links as a top priority. Vince n tions & Ultrair U.S.
gon, eddin GHW corp
l Foster, Dept WH Counsel discovered k 9/11
that ULTRAIR was being used to buy
1 weapons and ship them to Afghanistan.
5 Frank Lorenzo was in Afghanistan after
6 he left Texas Air. Mujaheddin was
7 funded out of Houston.
Vince Foster, Dept WH Counsel
WTC, discovered that ULTRAIR was being
poli li Corpora
1 Penta Mujah Foster, used to buy weapons and ship them to U.S.
WMR tica n tions & Ultrair U.S.
5 gon, eddin Vince Afghanistan. Frank Lorenzo was in corp
l k 9/11
6 PA Afghanistan after he left Texas Air.
8 Mujaheddin was funded out of Houston.

1 Port me Manhat
Vogel, r, Port see Peter Vogel, The Last Wave of Port Victims U.S. 7/17/
5 Chica dic tan U.S.
Peter Chica Chicago , all gov 1944
6 go al Project
Vince Foster, Dept WH Counsel
WTC, discovered that ULTRAIR was being
poli li Corpora
1 Penta Mujah Lorenzo, used to buy weapons and ship them to U.S.
WMR tica n tions & Ultrair U.S.
5 gon, eddin Frank Afghanistan. Frank Lorenzo was in corp
l k 9/11
7 PA Afghanistan after he left Texas Air.
0 Mujaheddin was funded out of Houston.

1 poli li
Penta Mujah
5 WMR tica Safra Safra killed by a hit man from Mexico. n U.S.
gon, eddin
7 l k

1 poli Litigat Bracewell and Patterson is now li Corpora Neocon
Penta Giuliani, U.S.
5 WMR tica ion & Bracewell Giuliani (Pat Oxford of n tions & legal
gon, Rudy corp
7 l 9/11 Bracewell Patterson brought in Giuliani k 9/11 org

WTC, US funds in Italy (for special ops) are 9/11 Banco

1 poli 9/11 li
Penta handled by Banco Nazionale del Finacin Italy Nazion
5 WMR tica Financ n Italy
gon, Lavoro. Bank tied up in the Vatican g& corp ale del
7 l ing k
PA Bank scandal Roots Lavoro
Yeslam Binladin, Kelhoffer, Potomac
Capital (Geneva), Manucher
poli 9/11 bin Ghorbanifar office where Potomac li Corpora Potoma
Penta U.S. Switze
1 WMR tica Financ Laden, Capital is located (same office building). n tions & c
gon, corp rland
5 l ing Yeslam [redacted]: Potomac Capital played a k 9/11 Capital
7 hand in Honduras and El Salvador, Iran-
4 contra (Negroponte and Hannah)

1 poli 9/11 Marcos, Frank Decolater, NBC News producer, li Corpora
Penta U.S.
5 WMR tica Financ Ferdinan was aware of Five Star Trust gold stash n tions & U.S.
gon, corp
7 l ing d (from Marcos) in NYC. k 9/11
5 shows links to Agent
1193125 of Evergreen family of
companies that are of interest to us:
UNISYS and the Republic of Panama;
poli 9/11 Warren Buffett; Blackrock; ING family li Corpora
Penta Agent U.S. Blackro
WMR tica Financ of companies; Gary Halbert's family of n tions & U.S.
gon, 1193125 corp ck
l ing companies; JP Morgan: Harte Hanks k 9/11
1 which has a Larry Franklin listed - a
5 Larry Franklin has recently been
7 indicted for treason with Israel; NU
6 SKIN: Kopin - shows links to Agent
1193125 of Evergreen Neal Bush;
poli PTECH; American Realty Inc. Gene li Corpora
Penta Ptech / Agent U.S.
1 WMR tica Philips of First Equity and Southmark n tions & Ptech
gon, Mitre 1193125 corp
5 l [S&L bank robber]; DuPont; k 9/11
7 Pennichuck and Veolia; State Street
7 Bank; Banyan; shows links to Agent
WTC, 1193125 of Evergreen: JP Morgan:
poli 9/11 li Corpora
1 Penta Agent Harte Hanks which has a Larry Franklin U.S.
WMR tica Financ n tions & U.S.
5 gon, 1193125 listed - a Larry Franklin has recently corp
l ing k 9/11
7 PA been indicted for treason with Israel;
8 NU SKIN: Kopin - shows links to Agent
1193125 of Evergreen: TETRA
poli 9/11 HOLDINGS US, Marisco, Danone, li Corpora Evergre
Penta Agent U.S.
1 WMR tica Financ Vornado, Comerica, Marathon Oil, AIG, n tions & en U.S.
gon, 1193125 corp
5 l ing Ace, Mischer, Sarofim Fayez, [Ptech]; k 9/11 Capital
7 Phoenix Technologies, and many more
9 connections to Hobbs Act violators.
Evergreen connects to Evergreen
Capital, etc. In the case of Evergreen
Capital again its the agent, Advisor
poli 9/11 Compliance Associates, Washington li Corpora Evergre
Penta Agent U.S.
WMR tica Financ DC. One of the links is Nevis Capital n tions & en U.S.
gon, 1193125 corp
1 l ing Mgmt LLC which links to Hyperion k 9/11 Capital
5 Solutions. Besides Amerindo, Hyperion
8 Solutions issuers include: FMR, Pilgrim
0 Baxter and MFS.

1 poli 9/11 Advisor Compliance also links li Corpora
Penta U.S.
5 WMR tica Financ to Emerson Investment Mgmt 11 n tions & U.S.
gon, corp
8 l ing Beacon Street Boston MA. k 9/11
In re: Datotech. I found a DSI Datotech
WTC, Systems Inc. out of Vancouver whose
poli 9/11 li Corpora
1 Penta agent is 1130319. This agent also is U.S.
WMR tica Financ n tions & U.S.
5 gon, agent for Hollinger, Ravelston Corp, corp
l ing k 9/11
8 PA Nortel Networks and Alderwoods
2 companies - linking back to Evergreen.
Douglas Feith, the chief architect of the
WTC, 9/11 Office
1 poli 9/11 Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, this li
Penta Feith, Finacin U.S. of
5 WMR tica Groun agency lies at the very center of the n
gon, Douglas g& gov Special
8 l dwork Neocon/Ziopnist push to invade Iraq. … k
PA Roots Plans
3 headed by Abram Shulsky
Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
WTC, and Plans Eric Edelman has been 9/11 Office
poli 9/11 li
1 Penta Edelman identified as then "then Principal Finacin U.S. of
WMR tica Groun n
5 gon, , Eric Deputy" to Vice President Dick g& gov Special
l dwork k
8 PA Cheney's recently indicted Chief of Staff Roots Plans
4 Lewis Libby.
Eric Edelman replaced Douglas Feith,
WTC, the chief architect of the Pentagon's Office
poli 9/11 li
1 Penta Feith, Office of Special Plans, as Neocon U.S. of
WMR tica Groun n
5 gon, Douglas Undersecretary after he was given a s, all gov Special
l dwork k
8 PA recess appointment by President Bush to Plans
5 the Pentagon post.
Edelman left the Vice President's office
in June 2003 to take up his post as
WTC, 9/11 Office
poli 9/11 ambassador to Turkey. However, the li
Penta Edelman Finacin U.S. of 6/1/2
1 WMR tica Groun indictment indicates that Edelman n
gon, , Eric g& gov Special 003
5 l dwork continued to be involved in discussions k
PA Roots Plans
8 with Libby after beginning Turkish
6 language training.
Friedman figured prominently in the
evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his
role at Marsh & McLennan and his later
WTC, cking
poli Friedma role as George W. Bush's top economic l Secret U.S.
Alternati Penta BOD Bilderb
tica n, advisor. Friedman was also a member of n societie think U.S.
ve news gon, & erg
1 l Stephen the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg k s tank
PA conspi
5 group, the Foreign Intelligence
8 Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-
7 Tel
CIA: early 1960s, Kennedy confronted
David Ben-Gurion with U-2 intelligence
that Israel had constructed a nuclear
poli facility at Dimona in the Negev Desert. l
Penta 9/11 U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica Kennedy demanded that Ben-Gurion n U.S.
gon, roots gov 962
1 l provide an explanation for the facility. k
5 The Israeli Prime Minister responded to
8 Kennedy by lying: he said the facility
8 was a "textile factory.
Israeli Art Students and the Lower
Manhattan Cultural Council…members Lower
of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Manhat
poli WTC li
Truth WTC Council were invited to use the 91 and tan 1/1/2
tica Securit n Israel
1 Alliance 1-2 92 floor in WTC Tower 1, as part of a Cultura 001
l y k
5 residency program (World Views l
8 program) from 1997 to 2001. see B- Council
9 thing stunt...
There is a link between Karni and
Abramoff. Rabbi Herzel Kranz, the head
of the Hebrew Sheltering Home in
WTC, r
poli Kranz, Silver Spring where Karni was housed l Israeli
Penta smugg
WMR tica Rabbi after his bail, is also a colleague of n think Israel
gon, ling &
1 l Herzel Abramoff's. … Kranz praised Abramoff k tank
PA Plame
5 for donating to Jewish projects and,
9 referring to Abramoff's conviction, said,
0 'people make mistakes.'"
Revelations from former FBI Turkish
translator Sibel Edmonds that top
Nuclea officials of the U.S. government were
WTC, r involved in a nuclear proliferation
poli l
Penta smugg Edmond espionage ring involving Turkey, Israel, 9/11
WMR tica n Turkey
gon, ling & s, Sibel and Pakistan." In fact, Edmonds Truth
l k
1 PA Plame revelations support the earlier US
5 gate intelligence conclusions that Turkish
9 "private entities" were engaged in
1 nuclear proliferation activities.
Chairman of the State Department's
International Security Advisory Board.
WTC, r
poli One of Wolfowitz's key areas of l
Penta smugg Wolfowi U.S. State
1 WMR tica responsibility will be non-proliferation n U.S.
gon, ling & tz, Paul gov Dept
5 l and arms control and he will have input k
PA Plame
9 on the proposed US-Turkey nuclear
2 technology deal.
The WTC 1 lobby also was a wreck,
according to a firefighter whose unit
arrived two minutes after one aircraft’s
impact: glass from windows and
Lobby Contro
phy revolving doors blown onto West Street, v
Alternati WTC destru lled U.S.
sica 10-foot marble panels hanging off walls, i Israel
ve news 1-2 ction, demoli gov
l elevators for Basement Levels 1-6 to d
WTC tion
1 Floor 30 with doors blown off hinges,
5 and two fire-blackened people dying in
9 that lobby. Jet airliners could not have
3 done this.
Wikipedia states: "Two weeks after the
WTC, September 11 attacks, the Federal
poli edia l
1 Wikiped Penta Bureau of Investigation connected the
tica rewrite n
5 ia gon, hijackers to al-Qaeda", but Ehud Barak
l s k
9 PA was on national TV within two hours
4 exclaiming al Queda's complicity
The CIA and US Customs Service
busted one nuclear smuggling ring
involving South African-Israeli national
Nuclea Asher Karni, a Pakistani businessman
WTC, r named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish
poli Khan, li
Penta smugg Jew with strong Israeli ties named Zeki U.S.
WMR tica Humayu n Turkey
gon, ling & Bilmen. The smuggling network gov
l n k
PA Plame involved companies in Cape Town;
1 gate Secaucus, New Jersey; and Islamabad,
5 Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US
9 court for smuggling nuclear triggers to
5 Pakistan via South Africa.
The CIA and US Customs Service
busted one nuclear smuggling ring
involving South African-Israeli national
Nuclea Asher Karni, a Pakistani businessman
WTC, r named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish
poli Khan, li Intel
Penta smugg Jew with strong Israeli ties named Zeki U.S.
WMR tica Humayu n agencie CIA U.S.
gon, ling & Bilmen. The smuggling network gov
l n k s
PA Plame involved companies in Cape Town;
1 gate Secaucus, New Jersey; and Islamabad,
5 Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US
9 court for smuggling nuclear triggers to
6 Pakistan via South Africa.
Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza
WTC, r
poli Technologies of Secaucus, New Jersey, li Corpora Giza
1 Penta smugg Bilmen, U.S.
WMR tica apparently died under suspicious n tions & Techno U.S.
5 gon, ling & Zeki corp
l circumstances in 2004 after Karni's k 9/11 logies
9 PA Plame
arrest by Federal agents.
7 gate
The CIA and US Customs Service
busted one nuclear smuggling ring
involving South African-Israeli national
Nuclea Asher Karni, a Pakistani businessman
WTC, r named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish
poli li Intel
Penta smugg Bilmen, Jew with strong Israeli ties named Zeki U.S.
WMR tica n agencie CIA U.S.
gon, ling & Zeki Bilmen. The smuggling network gov
l k s
PA Plame involved companies in Cape Town;
1 gate Secaucus, New Jersey; and Islamabad,
5 Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US
9 court for smuggling nuclear triggers to
8 Pakistan via South Africa.
"A Clean Break: A New Strategy for
Securing the Realm," written by Richard
Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith,
and David Wurmser in 1996 and being
pushed by Binyamin Netanyahu, was li
Penta doc False Perle, U.S. 1/1/1
WMR the dismemberment of Iraq after the n PNAC Israel
gon, s flag Richard gov 996
overthrow of Saddam Hussein. "Clean k
1 Break" being carried out: Israeli and
5 U.S.-planned dismemberment of Iraq
9 into Kurdistan, western Sunni Iraq, and
9 eastern/southern Sh'ia Iraq in full swing.
Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar
bin Sultan has paid off key members of
the U.S. Senate and House leadership,
WTC, Neocon
poli 9/11 & Bandar as well as key ministers of the French li U.S.
Penta s U.S. 9/1/2
WMR tica Saudi bin government, with "incentive cash" to n Congre Syria
gon, created gov 013
1 l Arabia Sultan support an American and French "shock k ss
PA al
6 and awe" military strike on not only
0 Syria but Hezbollah positions in
0 Lebanon.
According to classified documents from
French intelligence, Al Qaeda and Bin
poli Laden had still been under the li
Penta Mujah U.S. al 1/1/1
1 WMR tica al Queda operational control of U.S. and British n U.S.
gon, eddin gov Queda 995
6 l “security services” until 1995, fully two k
0 years after the 1993 World Trade Center
1 bombing.

1 JFK,
6 --- 9/11 &
0 Zionists
Israeli art students activities: the casing
of the offices and homes of Federal law
enforcement officials, U.S. military
Israeli art
WTC, bases, and other sensitive sites by Israeli Mossad
poli Art li students
Penta “art students” during 2000 and 2001 … Israeli / 1/1/2
WMR tica Studen n , Urban Israel
gon, were eventually arrested by New Jersey gov Sayeret 000
l ts, k Moving
1 PA police near Giant Stadium ... the five Matkal
spies System
6 Israeli 'movers' (Kurzberg, his brother
0 Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded
3 Elner, and Omer Marmari)
Israeli art students activities: unusual
activities of Israeli “movers” around
sensitive areas during and after 911. ... Israeli
Israeli incidents occurred in tandem with the art
WTC, Mossad
poli Art suspiscious activities of other former li students
Penta Israeli / 1/1/2
WMR tica Studen Israeli military and intelligence officials n , Urban Israel
gon, gov Sayeret 000
l ts, in Canada and Mexico, after 911. In k Moving
PA Matkal
1 spies addition, a number of Israeli intelligence System
6 agents were apprehended abroad for s
0 passport violations and other illegal
4 activities.
a number of the Israelis arrested for Israeli
Israeli suspicious activities involving selling art
WTC, Mossad
poli Art bogus Israeli art and driving moving li students
Penta Israeli / 5/1/2
1 WMR tica Studen vans were concentrated in some of the n , Urban U.S.
gon, gov Sayeret 001
6 l ts, same neighborhoods where a number of k Moving
PA Matkal
0 spies the 911 Saudi and other Arab hijackers System
5 lived and trained at flight schools. ... s
Hollywood, Florida; Miami, Florida;
and Irving, Texas.

From (DEA) Report drafted in June

2001 on the activities of the art students
Israeli and... (FBI) list of the hijackers and
poli Art other terrorist suspects, accidentally li Intel
Penta U.S. 10/1/
WMR tica Studen released in early October 2001 on a n agencie FBI U.S.
gon, gov 2001
1 l ts, Finnish government web site. The DEA k s
6 spies memo specifically stated that the Israelis
0 may have had ties to an “Islamic
6 fundamentalist group.”
Attorney General John Ashcroft issued a
WTC, Disinf memorandum that states his Justice
poli li
1 Penta o & Ashcroft Department will use its enormous legal U.S. 1/1/2
WMR tica n DoJ U.S.
6 gon, ommis , John might to defend any refusal by any gov 002
l k
0 PA sions government agencies to withhold
7 information requested under the FOIA.
December 2001 when the Fox News
Network, in a four part series by Carl
Israeli Cameron, referred to Israelis being
poli Art arrested and detained in the United li Corpora
Penta U.S. Fox 12/1/
WMR tica Studen States for espionage. Cameron also n tions & U.S.
gon, corp News 2001
1 l ts, stated, “Evidence linking these Israelis k 9/11
6 spies to 911 is classified. I cannot tell you
0 about evidence that has been gathered.
8 It’s classified information.”
suspected Israeli intelligence activity
surrounding 911, including the arrest by
WTC, New Jersey police near Giants Stadium
poli 9/11 li Corpora
Penta Dancing of five Israelis who were seen U.S. Fox
WMR tica Groun n tions & U.S.
1 gon, Israelis celebrating, high-fiving, jumping up and corp News
l dwork k 9/11
6 PA down, and videotaping the collapse of
0 the World Trade Center, was reported
9 by the media.
The Israelis were later linked to an
9/11 Urban
1 poli 9/11 Israeli-owned office moving company li
WTC Otto, Finacin Israeli Moving
6 WMR tica Groun called Urban Moving Systems n Israel
1-2 Dominik g& gov System
1 l dwork headquartered in Weehawken, New k
Roots s
0 Jersey at 3 West 18th Street.
Urban Moving office was located on
West 50th Street in Manhattan. Urban
Moving’s owner, Dominik Otto Suter, 9/11 Urban
poli 9/11 Suter, li
WTC fled to Israel shortly before he was to be Finacin Israeli Moving
WMR tica Groun Dominik n Israel
1 1-2 re-questioned by the FBI. [4] One of the g& gov System
l dwork Otto k
6 five Israelis had a ticket for Bangkok Roots s
1 and was due to fly out on September
1 13.[5]
"Third Congress of the Jewish
Community of the Far East," was held
Zionis in Jan., 1940, in Harbin, Manchuria,
t / poli Zionis then reeling under a brutal military li Jewish
Israeli 1/1/1
WMR Nazi tica m& occupation by the Japanese imperial n organiz Japan
gov 940
1 Germ l Nazis forces. At that time, too, Tokyo was k ations
6 any already aligned with Hitler and Italy's
1 Mussolini, in the notorious Anti-
2 Comintern Pact.
1 t / poli Zionis Anti- li
ild Israeli
6 WMR Nazi tica m & Cominte Anti-Comintern Pact n
Zionists gov
1 Germ l Nazis rn Pact k
, all
3 any

Zionis The Zionist also had a trade plan with

1 t / poli Zionis the Berlin government by which li
Israeli Zionist
6 WMR Nazi tica m & Zionists German Jews could redeem their n Israel
gov s
1 Germ l Nazis property in Nazi goods exported to then k
4 any British-occupied Palestine.
In a March 12, 2012 FOIA appeal
response, the US Dept. of Justice (DOJ)
implicitly acknowledged the existence
of FBI File 203A-WF-210023, which
WTC, r
poli FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has li
Edmond Penta smugg Edmond Whistle U.S. 3/12/
tica said contains evidence of top US n FBI U.S.
s, Sibel gon, ling & s, Sibel blowers gov 2012
l officials’ complicity in the trafficking of k
PA Plame
1 nuclear secrets, arms and drugs, in
6 addition to bribery, blackmail, money-
1 laundering and obstruction of
5 investigation into 9/11.
Bush and Cheney's point man for
Nuclea nuclear issues was DoE Deputy Director
WTC, r Clay Sell, a lawyer born in Amarillo and
poli l Corpora
Wikiped Penta smugg Sell, former aide to Panhandle district U.S.
tica n tions & Pantex U.S.
1 ia gon, ling & Clay Congressman Mac Thornberry. Sell corp
l k 9/11
6 PA Plame served on the Bush-Cheney transition
1 gate team and became the top adviser to the
6 President on nuclear issues.
Franklin convicted of passing classified
information, including Sensitive
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 Franklin, Compartmented Information (SCI), to l Israeli
Penta Finacin
1 WMR tica Groun Lawrenc two AIPAC officials who then passed n think AIPAC U.S.
gon, g&
6 l dwork e the information to a Mossad officer k tank
PA Roots
1 assigned to the Israeli embassy in
7 Washington
Franklin was also closely linked to then-
WTC, 9/11
1 poli 9/11 Franklin, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. l Israeli
Penta Finacin 1/1/2
6 WMR tica Groun Lawrenc It was Rumsfeld's closest ally in the n think AIPAC U.S.
gon, g& 001
1 l dwork e Bush administration, Vice President k tank
PA Roots
8 Dick Cheney,
Vice President Dick Cheney, who, after
Grossman reportedly leaked Brewster
Jennings' cover to Turkish intelligence
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 operatives in 2001, ordered the "work l Israeli
Penta Cheney, Finacin 1/1/2
WMR tica Groun up" on Plame's husband, former n think AIPAC U.S.
gon, Dick g& 001
1 l dwork ambassador Joseph Wilson. Cheney's k tank
PA Roots
6 order ultimately resulted in Grossman
1 preparing a report on Plame and Wilson
9 and Plame's covert role within the CIA.
The two AIPAC employees, Steven
Rosen and Keith Weisman, were
indicted for illegally receiving classified
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 information. Franklin and other neo-con l Israeli
Penta Weissma Finacin
WMR tica Groun cell members -- Harold Rhode and n think AIPAC Israel
gon, n, Keith g&
1 l dwork Michael Ledeen -- conducted secret k tank
PA Roots
6 negotiations with the knowledge of
2 Rumsfeld and Pentagon policy chief
0 Douglas Feith -- with the Iranian
government through the offices of Iran-
Contra co-conspirator Manucher

the Turkish intelligence ring exposed by

Edmonds through the FBI's wiretaps of
the Turkish embassy, key Turkish
operatives in Washington, and top
WTC, r
poli figures in the State and Defense l Israeli
Penta smugg Wolfowi
WMR tica Departments had close ties to the Office n think AIPAC Israel
gon, ling & tz, Paul
l of Special Plans (OSP), set up under the k tank
PA Plame
1 aegis of then-Undersecretary of Defense
6 for Plans and Policy Douglas Feith and
2 Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
1 Wolfowitz.
Dimitri Khalezov, former officer in the
Soviet Union's nuclear intelligence 9/11
WTC, Khales r Mossad
Barrett, poli Khalezo service, now staff writer for Veterans l Intel Truth,
Penta ov, smugg /
1 Kevin tica v, Today, discuss whether Mossad agent n agencie anti- Israel
gon, Big ling & Sayeret
6 VT l Dimitri Michael Harari organized 9/11, … k s Zioni
PA Nukes Plame Matkal
2 Gordon Duff says this should be taken sts
2 seriously, …
A. Q. Khan and his Khan Laboratories.
Khan is considered the “father” of
Pakistan’s nuclear weapons capability.
But since the funding for this nuclear
History poli program gets traced back to Saudi l
WTC Nukes, Khan, Mini U.S.
Commo tica Arabia, restrictions are placed on the n FBI U.S.
1-2 Saudi AQ Nukes gov
ns l inquiry. Also in early 2001, FBI agent k
1 Robert Wright, attempting to pursue an
6 investigation into Saudi multimillionaire
2 Yassin al-Qadi, is told by FBI superiors,
3 “it’s just better to let sleeping dogs lie”
The penetration by the Israelis of the
Defense Intelligence Agency is also
significant. From WMR's Sept. 28, 2006
WTC, report: "Grossman, who now works for
poli 9/11 l Intel
Penta Grossma the Cohen Group of former Defense U.S. 9/1/2
WMR tica Groun n agencie DIA U.S.
gon, n, Marc Secretary William Cohen, was, gov 006
l dwork k s
1 PA according to U.S. intelligence sources, a
6 subject of interest to counter-
2 intelligence agents since his stint as U.S.
4 ambassador in Ankara.
IAI, for which Feith was CEO and sole
stockholder, also steered hundreds of
WTC, thousands of dollars to Feith's law firm,
poli 9/11 l Corpora Jewish
Penta Feith, Feith and Zell (FANZ), which, along U.S.
WMR tica Groun n tions & organiz Israel
1 gon, Douglas with Perle, was involved in setting up corp
l dwork k 9/11 ations
6 PA the Bosnia Defense Fund and amassed
2 millions of dollars of contributions from
5 Muslim countries for Bosnia.
Following the 911 attacks, Melek Can
applied for a translator job at the FBI's
WTC, Washington Field Office. In a Justice 9/11 Turke Americ
poli 9/11 l
Penta Edmond Department Inspector General report, it Finacin y an
WMR tica Groun n Turkey
1 gon, s, Sibel is stated that Melek Can failed to list on g & think Turkish
l dwork k
6 PA her application her prior jobs with ATA, Roots tank Council
2 ATAA, and the German-Turkish
6 Business and Cultural Association.
U.S. intelligence sources stated that the
"same people" who have continually
protected Perle and Feith since the
1980s were also protecting Dickerson
Nuclea and Grossman. CIA sources, including
WTC, r those who served in Istanbul tracking
poli l Intel
Penta smugg Khan, nuclear smuggling in the late 1980s, U.S. Pakista
WMR tica n agencie CIA
gon, ling & AQ also confirm that the Turkish-U.S. gov n
l k s
PA Plame nuclear black marketeering ring was
gate directly tied to the Abdul Qadeer Khan
1 nuclear smuggling ring in Pakistan, an
6 operation that sold sensitive nuclear
2 technology to Iran, North Korea, and
7 Libya.
Nuclea Lewis “Scooter” Libby — PNAC
WTC, r founding member; studied political
poli l White
1 WhoDid Penta smugg Libby, science at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; U.S.
tica n House, Israel
6 It gon, ling & Scooter aid to Cheney; convicted for lying about gov
l k Cheney
2 PA Plame outing of Valerie Plame; “dual citizen”
8 gate of US and Israel; Zionist
the Turkish intelligence ring exposed by
Edmonds through the FBI's wiretaps of
the Turkish embassy, key Turkish
operatives in Washington, and top
WTC, r
poli figures in the State and Defense l Israeli
Penta smugg Wolfowi
WMR tica Departments had close ties to the Office n think AIPAC Israel
gon, ling & tz, Paul
l of Special Plans (OSP), set up under the k tank
PA Plame
1 aegis of then-Undersecretary of Defense
6 for Plans and Policy Douglas Feith and
2 Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
9 Wolfowitz.
Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza
WTC, r
poli Technologies of Secaucus, New Jersey, l Corpora Giza
1 Penta smugg Bilmen, U.S. 1/1/2
WMR tica apparently died under suspicious n tions & Techno U.S.
6 gon, ling & Zeki corp 004
l circumstances in 2004 after Karni's k 9/11 logies
3 PA Plame
arrest by Federal agents.
0 gate
former House Speaker Bob Livingston's
WTC, r Brewst
poli lobbying activities on behalf of Turkey l Cayma
1 Penta smugg Livingst U.S. er
WMR tica and the Cayman Islands; the lobbying n n
6 gon, ling & on, Bob gov Jenning
l activities and Pentagon ties of the k Islands
3 PA Plame s
American Turkish Council;
1 gate
Hauer, (Zionist), managed WTC
security thru Kroll, managed Giuliani's
OEM controversially moved to WTC 7,
WTC, and directed the Anthrax attack Rothsch
Francis, poli l
Penta 9/11 & Hauer, response. Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose ild
Stephen tica n NYC Israel
gon, Israel Jerome Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of Zionists
NFU l k
1 PA the Beth Israel School of Nursing and , all
6 the Honorary President of the New York
3 Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of
2 Zion
The link centers around convicted
Nuclea Israeli-South African nuclear
WTC, r components smuggler Asher Karni, a Plame
poli l
Penta smugg Karni, former officer in the Israeli Defense U.S. Wilson
WMR tica n Israel
1 gon, ling & Asher Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally gov CIA
l k
6 PA Plame smuggled 66 U.S.-made triggered spark team
3 gate gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town,
3 South Africa, where his company was
located, to the Pakistan-based network
of Abdul Qadeer ('A Q') Khan, a major
target of Plame Wilson's CIA team.

The CIA and US Customs Service

busted one nuclear smuggling ring
involving South African-Israeli national
Nuclea Asher Karni, a Pakistani businessman
WTC, r named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish
poli l Intel South
Penta smugg Karni, Jew with strong Israeli ties named Zeki South
WMR tica n agencie Afric CIA
gon, ling & Asher Bilmen. The smuggling network Africa
l k s a gov
PA Plame involved companies in Cape Town;
1 gate Secaucus, New Jersey; and Islamabad,
6 Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US
3 court for smuggling nuclear triggers to
4 Pakistan via South Africa.
Turkish spy ring also intersects with
Israeli espionage ring a link between the
Turkish espionage ring in the US State
and Defense Departments and the outing
Nuclea in 2001 of former CIA covert agent
WTC, r Valerie Plame Wilson's Brewster
poli l Israeli
Penta smugg Grossma Jennings & Associates non-official 1/2/2
WMR tica n think AIPAC Turkey
gon, ling & n, Marc cover energy consultancy by the very 001
l k tank
PA Plame same Turkish intelligence and influence-
gate peddling ring that also involved former
1 US ambassador to Turkey and
6 Undersecretary of State for Political
3 Affairs Marc Grossman. ... also included
5 AIPAC and DIA officer Larry Franklin
In 1989, one of Valerie Plame Wilson's
Nuclea predecessor's in the CIA's Counter-
WTC, r Proliferation Division, Richard Barlow,
poli l White
Penta smugg Barlow, was fired after he uncovered the U.S. Pakista 1/1/1
WMR tica n House,
1 gon, ling & Richard involvement of the George H. W. Bush gov n 989
l k Bush
6 PA Plame administration in facilitating the A Q
3 gate Khan network and Pakistan's nuclear
6 weapons program.
link between those who 'outed' CIA
counter-proliferation covert agent
Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster
Jennings & Associates cover firm and
convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
WTC, r Brewst
poli The link centers around convicted l
Penta smugg U.S. er
WMR tica Israeli-South African nuclear n U.S.
gon, ling & gov Jenning
l components smuggler Asher Karni, a k
PA Plame s
former officer in the Israeli Defense
1 Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally
6 smuggled 66 U.S.-made triggered spark
3 gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town,
7 South Africa
link between those who 'outed' CIA
counter-proliferation covert agent
Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster
WTC, r Brewst
poli Jennings & Associates cover firm and l
Penta smugg U.S. er
WMR tica convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff. n U.S.
gon, ling & gov Jenning
1 l The link centers around convicted k
PA Plame s
6 Israeli-South African nuclear
3 components smuggler Asher Karni, a
8 former officer in the Israeli Defense
Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally
smuggled 66 U.S.-made triggered spark
gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town,
South Africa

The link centers around convicted

Israeli-South African nuclear
components smuggler Asher Karni, a
former officer in the Israeli Defense
WTC, r Plame
poli Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally l
Penta smugg Karni, U.S. Wilson
WMR tica smuggled 66 U.S.-made triggered spark n Israel
gon, ling & Asher gov CIA
l gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town, k
PA Plame team
1 South Africa, where his company was
6 located, to the Pakistan-based network
3 of Abdul Qadeer ('A Q') Khan, a major
9 target of Plame Wilson's CIA team.
The link centers around convicted
Israeli-South African nuclear
components smuggler Asher Karni, a
former officer in the Israeli Defense
WTC, r Plame
poli Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally l
Penta smugg Karni, U.S. Wilson
WMR tica smuggled 66 U.S.-made triggered spark n Israel
gon, ling & Asher gov CIA
l gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town, k
PA Plame team
1 South Africa, where his company was
6 located, to the Pakistan-based network
4 of Abdul Qadeer ('A Q') Khan, a major
0 target of Plame Wilson's CIA team.
The A Q Khan network sold nuclear
materials to Libya, North Korea, and
WTC, r
poli most importantly, Iran. Karni's end-user l Pakist
Penta smugg Khan, Paklan Pakista
1 WMR tica client for the nuclear triggers in Pakistan n an
gon, ling & AQ d Corp n
6 l was Humayun Khan's import-export k gov
PA Plame
4 Pakland Corp. Humayun Khan is no
1 relation to A Q Khan.
The A Q Khan network sold nuclear
materials to Libya, North Korea, and
WTC, r
poli most importantly, Iran. Karni's end-user l Pakist
Penta smugg Khan, Paklan Pakista
1 WMR tica client for the nuclear triggers in Pakistan n an
gon, ling & AQ d Corp n
6 l was Humayun Khan's import-export k gov
PA Plame
4 Pakland Corp. Humayun Khan is no
2 relation to A Q Khan.
Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza
WTC, r
poli Technologies of Secaucus, New Jersey, l Corpora Giza
1 Penta smugg Bilmen, U.S. 1/1/2
WMR tica apparently died under suspicious n tions & Techno U.S.
6 gon, ling & Zeki corp 004
l circumstances in 2004 after Karni's k 9/11 logies
4 PA Plame
arrest by Federal agents.
3 gate
Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza
WTC, r
poli Technologies of Secaucus, New Jersey, l Corpora Giza
1 Penta smugg Bilmen, U.S. 1/1/2
WMR tica apparently died under suspicious n tions & Techno U.S.
6 gon, ling & Zeki corp 004
l circumstances in 2004 after Karni's k 9/11 logies
4 PA Plame
arrest by Federal agents.
4 gate
There is a link between Karni and
Abramoff. Rabbi Herzel Kranz, the head
WTC, r
poli Kranz, of the Hebrew Sheltering Home in l Israeli
Penta smugg
1 WMR tica Rabbi Silver Spring where Karni was housed n think Israel
gon, ling &
6 l Herzel after his bail, is also a colleague of k tank
PA Plame
4 Abramoff's. … Kranz praised Abramoff
5 for donating to Jewish projects and,
referring to Abramoff's conviction, said,
'people make mistakes.'"

There is a link between Karni and

Abramoff. Rabbi Herzel Kranz, the head
of the Hebrew Sheltering Home in
WTC, r
poli Kranz, Silver Spring where Karni was housed l Israeli
Penta smugg
WMR tica Rabbi after his bail, is also a colleague of n think Israel
gon, ling &
1 l Herzel Abramoff's. … Kranz praised Abramoff k tank
PA Plame
6 for donating to Jewish projects and,
4 referring to Abramoff's conviction, said,
6 'people make mistakes.'"
Able Danger was a classified military
planning effort led by (SOCOM) and
(DIA). It was created... in early October
poli Able 1999 by… Arlen Specter held a hearing l
Wikiped Penta U.S. 10/1/
tica Dange on September 21, 2005, looking into the n Israel
ia gon, gov 1999
1 l r facts about Able Danger. However, Lt. k
6 Col. Shaffer and the other four members
4 of Able Danger were ordered not to
7 testify by the DoD
In 1998, Feith was one of a number of
U.S. officials who signed an open letter
to President Bill Clinton calling for the
WTC, United States to oust Saddam Hussein.
poli l
Wikiped Penta Iraq Feith, Feith was part of a group of former U.S. 1/1/1
tica n U.S.
ia gon, War Douglas national security officials in the 1990s gov 998
l k
1 PA who supported Ahmad Chalabi and the
6 Iraqi National Congress and encouraged
4 the U.S. Congress to pass the Iraq
8 Liberation Act of 1998
Building 6 was home to the U.S.
Customs agency and the El Dorado Task
Francis, poli Money force, (, U.S. Customs Service l
WTC U.S. Dorado
1 Stephen tica Laund Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy n U.S.
6 gov Task
6 NFU l ering Act) which was responsible for k
4 coordinating all major money-
9 laundering investigations in the U.S
Widely circulated in the Internet (and
admitted by the U.S. Government to be
true ... two supposed seismograms from
phy Seism seismographs of the Columbia li
Veterans WTC Warni Mini 9/11 9/11/
sica ograph University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth n Russia
Today 1-2 ngs Nukes Truth 2001
1 l s Observatory in Palisades, New York, 21 k
6 miles north of the WTC, allegedly
5 recorded some suspicious seismic
0 activity on September 11, 2001.
There is a belief by some seasoned US
intelligence professionals that the
Turkish-Israeli-US network involves the
Cold poli li Secret
Mujah Bush, continuation of the unofficial "Safari U.S. Safari 1/1/1
WMR War tica n societie U.S.
1 eddin GHW Club," a network of intelligence chiefs gov Club 976
hoax l k s
6 created under the aegis of then-CIA
5 director George H. W. Bush in 1976 as a
1 bulwark against the Soviets.
The Safari Club brought together the
intelligence chiefs of Saudi Arabia,
Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, the Shah's
Iran, the United States, and eventually,
Cold poli Israel and Pakistan (although Iran was li Secret
Mujah Bush, Turke Safari 1/1/1
WMR War tica dropped after the overthrow of the n societie Russia
eddin GHW y gov Club 976
hoax l Shah). Israel and Pakistan became Safari k s
1 Club insiders after the decision to use
6 Pakistan to arm the Afghan mujaheddin,
5 partly with captured Soviet weapons
2 held by Israel
There is a belief by some seasoned US
intelligence professionals that the
Turkish-Israeli-US network involves the
Cold poli li Secret
Mujah Bush, continuation of the unofficial "Safari Turke Safari 1/1/1
WMR War tica n societie Israel
1 eddin GHW Club," a network of intelligence chiefs y gov Club 976
hoax l k s
6 created under the aegis of then-CIA
5 director George H. W. Bush in 1976 as a
3 bulwark against the Soviets.
The Safari Club brought together the
intelligence chiefs of Saudi Arabia,
Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, the Shah's
Iran, the United States, and eventually,
Cold poli Israel and Pakistan (although Iran was li Secret
Mujah Bush, Israeli Safari 1/1/1
WMR War tica dropped after the overthrow of the n societie Turkey
eddin GHW gov Club 976
hoax l Shah). Israel and Pakistan became Safari k s
1 Club insiders after the decision to use
6 Pakistan to arm the Afghan mujaheddin,
5 partly with captured Soviet weapons
4 held by Israel

WTC, Bin Laden was spirited out of

1 poli bin li
Penta Mujah Afghanistan to his native Hadhramaut
6 WMR tica Laden, n Yemen
gon, eddin region of Yemen, was never charged
5 l Osama k
PA with a crime involving 9/11.
WTC, Neocon
poli li
1 Penta al s U.S. al
WMR tica al Queda Al Qaeda" website Al Sahab. n U.S.
6 gon, Queda created gov Queda
l k
5 PA al
6 Queda
WMR has received documents sent to
one of the presidential campaigns from
WTC, Leonard D. Wallace, a former business 9/11
poli 9/11 Baxter, li
Penta associate of former Enron Vice Finacin U.S. al
WMR tica financi J. n U.S.
1 gon, Chairman J. Clifford Baxter, that g& gov Queda
l ng Clifford k
6 PA provides details of Al Qaeda and the Roots
5 9/11 attacks being financed through
7 Citigroup/Citibank.
WMR has received documents sent to
one of the presidential campaigns from
WTC, Leonard D. Wallace, a former business
poli 9/11 Wallace, li Corpora
Penta associate of former Enron Vice U.S.
WMR tica financi Leonard n tions & Citi U.S.
1 gon, Chairman J. Clifford Baxter, that corp
l ng D. k 9/11
6 PA provides details of Al Qaeda and the
5 9/11 attacks being financed through
8 Citigroup/Citibank.
A Weehawken, New Jersey-based
moving company, linked by the FBI and Israeli
CIA to the Israeli intelligence agency art
g Mossad
poli Mossad, received $498,750 in assistance li students
WTC Syste Dancing Israeli / 9/11/
WMR tica from the US federal government in n , Urban Israel
1-2 ms, Israelis gov Sayeret 2001
1 l 2001, according to, a k Moving
Dancin Matkal
6 web site operated by the federal System
5 spending watchdog organization, OMB s
9 Watch.
Vinson & Elkins was the outside
counsel for Enron, whose board
included Lord John Wakeham, the
JFK former British Energy Minister who
assass poli Rothsc joined the board of N.M. Rothschild l JFK,
Hoefle, Wakeha U.S. Permin
inatio tica hild & after he left government service. Enron's n 9/11 & U.S.
John m, John corp dex
n, l JFK accountant, Arthur Andersen, also k Zionists
1 Israel handled Halliburton, and there have
6 been suggestions that Halliburton
6 engaged in some Enronesque accounting
0 of its own under Cheney.
A Union City off-duty policemen, saw
three suspicious people at Union Park Israeli
next to the Doric Temple at the corner art
g Urban
poli Waleed of 9th Street and Palisades Avenue in li students
WTC Syste Israeli Moving
WMR tica Al Union City. The three, who matched the n , Urban Israel
1-2 ms, gov System
1 l Shehri description of other Israeli false flag' k Moving
Dancin s
6 teams, were filming New York City’s System
6 skyline before the first plane hit the s
1 World Trade Center.
According to Jersey City police sources,
another FBI agent, Monica Patton,
investigated the activities of Israeli Israeli
'movers' and four of the hijackers, art
g Urban
poli Marwan Mohammed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, li students
WTC Syste Israeli Moving
WMR tica al and two Saudi brothers – Waleed M. n , Urban Israel
1993 ms, gov System
l Shehhi and Wail Al-Shehri -- at the same video k Moving
Dancin s
1 rental store in Jersey City. One of the System
6 videos the Saudi brothers rented was an s
6 HBO documentary on the 1993
2 bombing of the World Trade Center.
Urban Jersey City Police also reported that the
Murra Movin business card of a Jersey City municipal
h g government social worker had been Urban
poli McVeig li
Feder Syste found on Timothy McVeigh after his Israeli Moving 1/1/1
WMR tica h, n U.S.
1 al ms, arrest for the bombing of the Murrah gov System 995
l Timothy k
6 Buildi Dancin Federal Building in Oklahoma City in s
6 ng g 1995. Urban Moving Systems, Dancing
3 Israelis Israeli connections.
Urban After serving two and a half months in
Movin prison and after a barrage of official
g complaints from the Israeli government, Urban
poli li students
WTC Syste Elner, the five Israeli 'movers' (Kurzberg, his Israeli Moving 12/1/
WMR tica n , Urban Israel
1 1-2 ms, Oded brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, gov System 2001
l k Moving
6 Dancin Oded Elner, and Omer Marmari) were s
6 g released over the objections of the CIA
4 Israelis and permitted to return home.
1 Fascis
6 m&
6 Zionis
5 m
Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert art
g Urban
poli interceded twice with his good friend li students
WTC Syste Olmert, Israeli Moving
WMR tica New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to n , Urban Israel
1 1-2 ms, Ehud gov System
l have the Israelis released. On September k Moving
6 Dancin s
14, 2004, System
6 g
6 Israelis
g the five 'dancing Israelis' filed suit Urban
poli li students
WTC Syste Dancing against the United States in U.S. District Israeli Moving
WMR tica n , Urban Israel
1 1-2 ms, Israelis Court in Brooklyn for wrongful arrest gov System
l k Moving
6 Dancin and imprisonment. s
6 g
7 Israelis
Some of the Dancing Israelis were
Urban classified as being 'of high interest' to
Movin the government’s terrorism
g investigation, 'Witness Security' and/or Urban
poli li students
WTC Syste Dancing 'Management Interest Group 155.' They Israeli Moving
WMR tica n , Urban Israel
1-2 ms, Israelis were 'housed in one of the most highly gov System
l k Moving
1 Dancin restrictive prison settings possible, the s
6 g Administrative Maximum Special
6 Israelis Housing Unit ('ADMAX SHU') of the
8 Metropolitan Detention Center ('MDC') The
"Russian" Revolution was not Russian
but Jewish ... "the first Soviet
Holoc poli government ... composition was 80-85 l
Alternati Putin, Holo
aust tica percent Jewish." -Vladimir Putin, n
ve news Vladimir caust
1 hoax l Russian President ... (Extract from k
6 official transcription of Putin’s speech at
6 a Moscow museum ceremony, June
9 13th, 2013)
The Forward, reported that a top U.S. Israeli
government official told it, 'The art
g Mossad
poli assessment was that Urban Moving li students
WTC Syste Israeli /
WMR tica Mossad Systems was a front for the Mossad and n , Urban Israel
1 1-2 ms, gov Sayeret
l operatives employed by it… the k Moving
6 Dancin Matkal
conclusion of the FBI was that they System
7 g
were spying on local Arabs.' s
0 Israelis
Movin ABC 20/20 host Barbara Walters
g commented on how the story of the Urban
poli li students
WTC Syste Dancing Israeli movers was received in the Arab Israeli Moving
WMR tica n , Urban Israel
1 1-2 ms, Israelis world, 'The story is that Israel knew gov System
l k Moving
6 Dancin more than it would like to admit about s
7 g the terrorist attack in this country.
1 Israelis
FBI surveillance of Israeli operatives
WTC, Mossad
1 poli Ofri, surged before 9/11…and see Yosef li Intel
Penta Warni Israeli /
6 WMR tica Yosef Sagir Ofri, sodomy, child molestation, n agencie Israel
gon, ngs gov Sayeret
7 l Sagir contact with minors,… returned to Israel k s
PA Matkal
2 with ease.
The Egyptian Islamists who killed Sadat
would become a major recruiting
ground for the CIA in hiring Arab
mujaheddin to travel to Afghanistan to
poli fight the Soviets. Out of their ranks li
WTC Mujah U.S. Mujahe
WMR tica came Al Qaeda's number two man, Dr. n U.S.
1993 eddin gov ddin
l Ayman al-Zawahiri, and the man k
1 convicted of planning the 1993 World
6 Trade Center bombing, Omar Abdel
7 Rahman, otherwise known as the "Blind
3 Shaikh."
The Egyptian Islamists who killed Sadat
1 poli would become a major recruiting li
WTC Mujah ild U.S. Mujahe
6 WMR tica ground for the CIA in hiring Arab n U.S.
1993 eddin Zionists gov ddin
7 l mujaheddin to travel to Afghanistan to k
, all
4 fight the Soviets.
Both Zawahiri and Rahman assisted the
CIA in identifying Egyptians who, after
fighting in Afghanistan, would swear
poli bin allegiance to Saudi millionaire Osama li
WTC Mujah U.S. Mujahe
WMR tica Laden, Bin Laden. Qaddafi, on the other hand, n U.S.
1993 eddin gov ddin
1 l Osama would issue the very first Red Notice, or k
6 international arrest warrant, for
7 INTERPOL to apprehend Bin Laden.
5 20140903_2
Salem-News: “67% of Australians cite
9/11 government conspiracy in poll.
WTC, How can a government get so out of
poli l Corpora
Penta touch with reality, so “snookered” by U.S.
MSM tica Polls n tions & U.S.
1 gon, American pressure over the 9/11 corp
l k 9/11
6 PA coverup that it would wake up one
7 morning looking totally idiotic to its
6 own people?”
Zarqawi was recruited in Jordan by
"The Base" or "Al Qaeda" to serve in
the ranks of Arab legions fighting the Zionist/
WTC, Soviets in Afghanistan. As the late Neocon
poli li
Penta al Cook, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook s al Afghan
WMR tica n
gon, Queda Robin pointed out,. Zarqawi's real name was created Queda istan
l k
1 PA Ahmed Fadeel Nazal al-Khalayleh. He al
6 was born in the Jordanian town of Queda
7 Zarqa. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was an
7 alias
"The Base" or "Al Qaeda" was a Central
Intelligence Agency database containing
the names of various CIA recruiters,
poli financiers, exporters, and other li Intel
Penta al U.S. Afghan
WMR tica al Queda personnel required to maintain the flow n agencie CIA
gon, Queda gov istan
1 l of mercenaries, weapons, and money to k s
6 Afghanistan and Pakistan to sustain the
7 campaign against the Soviets in
8 Afghanistan.
Urban Moving office was located on
West 50th Street in Manhattan. Urban
Moving’s owner, Dominik Otto Suter, 9/11 Urban
poli 9/11 li
WTC Dick, fled to Israel shortly before he was to be Finacin Israeli Moving
WMR tica Groun n Israel
1 1-2 Michael re-questioned by the FBI. [4] One of the g& gov System
l dwork k
6 five Israelis had a ticket for Bangkok Roots s
7 and was due to fly out on September
9 13.[5]
The New York Department of
9/11 Urban
1 poli 9/11 Suter, Transportation revoked Urban Moving li
WTC Finacin Israeli Moving
6 WMR tica Groun Dominik Systems’ license after it was discovered n Israel
1-2 g& gov System
8 l dwork Otto that its Manhattan business address was k
Roots s
0 merely a post office box.
Israel used centrifuges identical to those
in Iran to test out worm that set
Teheran's nuclear program years back; Los
WTC, virus was authorized by Bush Alamos
poli r li
Jerusale Penta administration, rather than allow an U.S. Nationa
tica smugg n Israel
m Post gon, Israeli attack. Siemens cooperated with gov l
l ling & k
1 PA the Idaho National Laboratory, allowing Laborat
6 it to identify problems in the comany's ory
8 computer controllers, which are used in
1 Iranian nuclear plants.
US Geological Survey data on nuclear
materials found at WTC site includes
phy Nukes p
1 Fetzer, WTC amounts of Barium, Mini U.S.
sica , i USGS U.S.
6 James 1-2 Strontium,Thorium,Uranium, Lithium, Nukes gov
l USGS c
8 Lanthanum, Yttrium, Chromium and
2 Tritium
Cockburn: February 3, 1991, a B-52G
had been deployed to circle around
WTC, Nuclea
poli Baghdad. It was armed with 3 SRAM li
Alternati Penta r Cheney, Mini U.S. 2/1/1
1 tica missiles armed with nuclear warheads n U.S.
ve news gon, smugg Dick Nukes gov 991
6 l and fitted with rocket drives to push k
PA ling
8 them 100 miles to the rear of the B-52
3 before detonating…
SITE is infamous for releasing
unverified video and audio tapes from
WTC, Disinf such Al Qaeda leaders as Osama bin
poli li Intel Israeli
Penta o& Katz, Laden; Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri; and
WMR tica n agencie think SITE Israel
1 gon, ommis Rita Adam Gadahn, aka Adam Pearlman,
l k s tank
6 PA sions whose grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was
8 a member of the board of the Anti-
4 Defamation League (ADL).
It has been reported that the FBI
WTC, questioned Feith in relation to Franklin's 9/11
poli 9/11 l Israeli
1 Penta Feith, passing of classified documents to the Finacin
WMR tica Groun n think AIPAC Israel
6 gon, Douglas Israeli embassy official. At the time, g&
l dwork k tank
8 PA Franklin was an employee of Feith's in Roots
5 the OSP.
"... highly classified CIA information
convicted Pentagon analyst Larry
Franklin passed through (AIPAC)
WTC, staffers Steve Rosen and Keith 9/11 Brewst
poli 9/11 l
Penta Plame, Weissman to Israeli agents attached to Finacin U.S. er
WMR tica Groun n Israel
gon, Valerie the Israeli embassy in Washington dealt g& gov Jenning
l dwork k
1 PA with Iranian nuclear development and Roots s
6 that CIA sensitive sources and methods
8 not disclosed by the outing of Plame
6 Wilson/Brewster Jennings were
discovered in the leak of the CIA
documents to AIPAC and the Israelis."

"There is also evidence that some of the

highly classified CIA information
convicted Pentagon analyst Larry
Franklin passed through American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
WTC, staffers Steve Rosen and Keith 9/11
poli 9/11 Franklin, l
Penta Weissman to Israeli agents attached to Finacin Israeli
WMR tica Groun Lawrenc n AIPAC Israel
gon, the Israeli embassy in Washington dealt g& gov
l dwork e k
PA with Iranian nuclear development and Roots
that CIA sensitive sources and methods
1 not disclosed by the outing of Plame
6 Wilson/Brewster Jennings were
8 discovered in the leak of the CIA
7 documents to AIPAC and the Israelis."
When FBI translator Sibel Edmonds (a
Turkish, Farsi, and Azerbaijani
translator who worked with Melek Can)
WTC, 9/11 Turke Americ
poli 9/11 complained publicly about MIT's l
Penta Can, Finacin y an
WMR tica Groun penetration of the FBI, Senators Patrick n Turkey
gon, Melek g & think Turkish
1 l dwork Leahy and Charles Grassley pointedly k
PA Roots tank Council
6 asked the FBI why no Special
8 Background Investigation (SBI) was
8 conducted on Melek Can.
Environmental (WTC, 9/11) exposure to
ionizing radiation from both natural
background sources and artificial
Cance sources are suspected to play a
Me l
Wikiped WTC r, significant role, and there are significant Victims 9/11
dic n U.S.
ia 1-2 Chern increased rates of thyroid cancer rates in , all Truth
al k
1 obyl those exposed to mantlefield radiation
6 for lymphoma, and those exposed to
8 iodine-131 following the Chernobyl
9 disaster. (and a 239% increase in NYC)
Morgan (dir of Health Physics,
Manhattan Project) laments his
"pitifully limited" wartime awareness of
Manh Cance the true risks of radiation, citing studies
Me Manhat
Morgan, attan r, Victim that suggest the nuclear industry's Victims U.S. 1/1/1
dic tan U.S.
Karl Z. Projec Thyroi s "acceptable" levels of airborne , all gov 947
al Project
1 t d emissions and its contamination of
6 waterways with radioactive wastes have
9 greatly increased the incidence of
0 cancer, cataracts and genetic mutation.
Chernobyl disaster, … reactor vessel
1 Wikiped Chern Me r, Victim
rupture, steam explosions and l
Victims Russi 4/26/
6 dic radioactive cloud that will eventually n Russia
ia obyl Thyroi s , all a gov 1986
9 al kill about 4000 out of the 600,000 or so k
1 workers, evacuees and residents..

1 phy Khalezo l
Fetzer, WTC ov, See VeteransToday article by James 9/11
6 sica v, n Russia
James 1-2 Big Fetzer on Khalezov 'Big Nuke' theory Truth
9 l Dimitri k
After the Soviets withdrew from
Afghanistan, Zarqawi, who befriended
Bin Laden, returned to Jordan but was
poli Bin jailed by the authorities for setting up l
Penta Mujah Jorda Mujahe 4/30/
WMR tica Laden, Jund al-Sham, a "caliphate" liberation n Jordan
gon, eddin n gov ddin 1988
1 l Osama movement with the goal of establishing k
6 an Islamist state in Syria, Lebanon,
9 Jordan, Palestine, Cyprus, and southern
3 Turkey.
Citigroup Inc had a lawsuit for violating
federal securities laws by
misrepresenting Citigroup's potential
WTC, Enron-related exposure in its 2001
poli Energy l Corpora 10/2
Penta Annual Report and elsewhere, and U.S.
WMR tica / Drug n tions & Citi U.S. 2/20
gon, failing to disclose the true extent of corp
l wars k 9/11 01
1 PA Citigroup's potential legal liability
6 arising out of its 'structured finance'
9 dealings with Enron. see Enron 9/11
4 links
Ehud Olmert, like his Russian-born
parents who emigrated first to China and
then to Palestine, is an ideological child
of Jabotinsky. Olmert's father,
poli Israel Mordechai, was a devoted follower who l Israeli
Penta Olmert,
Bollyn tica & 9/11 joined the right-wing Herut movement n think Irgun Israel
gon, Ehud
l ICTS and the Irgun militia then led by the k tank
1 notorious Zionist terrorist Menachem
6 Begin. Olmert's intensely right-wing
9 family lived on a cooperative farm
5 called Nahalat Jabotinsky.
Summary of nanothermite abstract:
red/gray chips found in WTC dust were
analyzed with SEM, XEDS and DSC.
100 nm grains were largely iron oxide
phy Nanot and elemental aluminum that are l U.S.
Harrit, WTC Harrit, ers &
sica hermit intimately mixed. The chips were n think U.S.
Niels 1-2 Niels Scientis
l e separated from the dust and found to k tank
1 ignite at 430 degrees which is far below
6 the ignition temp of conventional
9 thermite. Iron rich spheres found are
6 unreacted thermitic material.
ClimateGuy report auguing that no
nanothermite found … Steel rusts. Rust
crusts crack and blow off the steel when
physically disrupted … When steel rusts
in a humid building environment it Engine
phy Nanot l U.S.
Harrit, WTC Harrit, grows a crust composed of layers of ers &
sica hermit n think U.S.
Niels 1-2 Niels different Fe-oxides and Fe- Scientis
l e k tank
oxyhydroxides ... these Fe- ts
1 oxyhydroxides typically form as
6 nanoparticles and have the same needle
9 and nanoflake-like morphologies as
7 observed here
After the Soviets withdrew from
Afghanistan, Zarqawi, who befriended
WTC, Neocon
poli Zarqawi, Bin Laden, returned to Jordan but was l
Penta al s Jorda Mujahe 5/1/1
1 WMR tica Abu jailed by the authorities for setting up n Jordan
gon, Queda created n gov ddin 988
6 l Musab Jund al-Sham, a "caliphate" liberation k
PA al
9 movement with the goal of establishing
8 an Islamist state in Syria, Lebanon,
Jordan, Palestine, Cyprus, and southern
Turkey. shows links to Agent

1193125 of Evergreen family of
companies that are of interest to us:
UNISYS and the Republic of Panama;
WTC, Evergre
poli 9/11 Warren Buffett; Blackrock; ING family l Corpora
Penta Agent U.S. en
WMR tica Financ of companies; Gary Halbert's family of n tions & U.S.
gon, 1193125 corp Internat
l ing companies; JP Morgan: Harte Hanks k 9/11
PA ional
1 which has a Larry Franklin listed - a
6 Larry Franklin has recently been
9 indicted for treason with Israel; NU
9 SKIN: Kopin -
Dow hired jailed Nazi scientist Otto
Ambros (Ambros manufactured the
infamous Zyklon-B gas, invented liquid
WTC, silicone, and pushed asbestos on Control
phy l Chemic
Penta Asbest Ambros, American industries). After his release, led U.S.
WMR sica n al U.S.
gon, os Otto he became an adviser to chemical demolit corp
l k manf.
1 PA companies such as J. Peter Grace, Dow ion, all
7 Chemical, as well as the U.S. Army
0 Chemical Corps, and Konrad Adenauer.
0 Wikipedia
Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza
WTC, r
poli Technologies of Secaucus, New Jersey, l Corpora Giza
1 Penta smugg Bilmen, U.S.
WMR tica apparently died under suspicious n tions & Techno U.S.
7 gon, ling & Zeki corp
l circumstances in 2004 after Karni's k 9/11 logies
0 PA Plame
arrest by Federal agents.
1 gate
Contro Underground nuclear weapons testing:
lled Antler, Shrew, Boomer, Chena, Mink
Nuclear l
1 WTC demoli Fisher, Gnome, Mad, Ringtail, Feather, U.S.
Weapon doc n DoE U.S.
7 1-2 tion, Stoute, Agouti, Doormouse, Stillwater, gov
Archive k
0 nuclea Armadillo, Atomic Demolition
2 r Munitions, (ADM)
Source of word al Queda: ... early 80s,
the Islamic Bank for Development,
Jeddah, SA ... hosted Islamic
WTC, Neocon
poli Conference and created database and li
Global Penta al s U.S. Saudi
tica files to exchange/store info, ... In n
Research gon, Queda created gov Arabia
1 l Arabic, the files were called al Quida, k
PA al
7 short for ‘Q eidat il-Maaloomaat’ and
0 ‘Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.’ then one file: Q
3 eidat ilmu’ti’aat’ 'base', Kelley....
Peter Gay (Flight 11) was Raytheon’s
Remot vice president of operations for
e- Contro Electronic Systems and had been on Control
phy Weapon l
Alternati Penta contro lled special assignment to a company office led U.S. Raythe
sica s manf n U.S.
1 ve news gon lled demoli in El Segundo, California. ... Raytheon’s demolit corp on
l execs k
7 aircraf tion El Segundo’s Electronic Systems ion, all
0 t division is one of two divisions making
4 the Global Hawk.
Abramoff was Senior Director of
Government Affairs for the Greenberg
poli Traurig law and lobbying firm and was l U.S.
Penta Neoco Abramof 1/1/1
1 WMR tica CRNC National Chairman from 1981- n think RNC U.S.
gon, ns f, Jack 981
7 l 85. He is also a Director of the National k tank
0 Center for Public Policy Research, a
5 conservative activist group.
Abramoff was Senior Director of
Government Affairs for the Greenberg
poli Traurig law and lobbying firm [1] and l U.S. Jewish
Penta Neoco Abramof
1 WMR tica was CRNC National Chairman from n think organiz U.S.
gon, ns f, Jack
7 l 1981-85. He is also a Director of the k tank ations
0 National Center for Public Policy
6 Research, a conservative activist group.
The Jonathan Institute is important
WTC, source of Islamophobic propaganda, Rothsch Jonatha
poli Netanya l Israeli
1 Penta 9/11 & named after Benjamin Netanyahu's ild n 1/1/1
WMR tica hu, n think Israel
7 gon, Israel brother Jonathan who was killed in the Zionists Institut 976
l Jonathan k tank
0 PA 1976 Israeli raid on Entebbe, Uganda to , all e
7 free hijacked Air France hostages.

WTC, Rothsch Jonatha

1 Wikispo Penta poli Islamo
Netanya li
7 tica hu, Jonathon Institute, 9/11 perp \ n think Israel
oks gon, phobia Zionists Institut
0 l Jonathan k tank
PA , all e

WTC, Netanya Jonatha

1 poli l Israeli
Penta False hu, n
7 WMR tica Jonathon Institute, 9/11 perp \ n think Israel
gon, flag Benjami Institut
0 l k tank
PA n e
WTC, cking Silverste Jonatha
poli l Israeli
1 Penta BOD in, The treasurer of the Jonathan Institute in n
WMR tica n think Israel
7 gon, & Lawrenc 2001 was Larry Silverstein, Institut
l k tank
1 PA conspi e e
0 rators
Netanyahu also told the 2008 Jonathan
WTC, Netanya Rothsch Jonatha
1 poli Institute gathering that his father, Ben- l Israeli
Penta Zionis hu, ild n
7 WMR tica Zion Netanyahu, a noted Zionist and the n think Israel
gon, m Benjami Zionists Institut
1 l personal assistant to Zionist leader Ze'ev k tank
PA n , all e
1 Jabotinsky,

Netanyahu also told the 2008 Jonathan

WTC, Rothsch Jonatha
1 poli Institute gathering that his father, Ben- l Israeli
Penta Zionis Jabotins ild n
7 WMR tica Zion Netanyahu, a noted Zionist and the n think Israel
gon, m ky, Ze'ev Zionists Institut
1 l personal assistant to Zionist leader Ze'ev k tank
PA , all e
2 Jabotinsky,
Jabotinsky was a Benito Mussolini
supporter and an Adolf Hitler enabler
through the Zionist leader's support for
WTC, Rothsch Jonatha
poli the Transfer Agreement that was l Israeli
Penta Zionis Jabotins ild n
WMR tica concluded between Jabotinsky and the n think Israel
gon, m ky, Ze'ev Zionists Institut
1 l Nazi German government that permitted k tank
PA , all e
7 a major influx of German Jews into the
1 British mandate of Palestine in the
3 1930s.
The Jonathan Institute held its first
major conference in Jerusalem in 1979.
Its second conference was held in 1984
WTC, in Washington, DC and it attracted Jonatha
poli l Israeli
Penta Neoco many of the neo-cons serving in the n
WMR tica n think Israel
gon, ns Ronald Reagan administration, Institut
l k tank
1 PA including Secretary of State George e
7 Schultz, UN ambassador Jeane
1 Kirkpatrick, Defense Secretary Caspar
4 Weinberger, and Michael Ledeen.
1993: February 26. The WTC garage is
hit by a car bomb. The FBI has been
aware of the plot via their informant
Emad Salem yet let it go ahead, killing Control U.S.,
poli Drills l
WTC six and injuring more than a thousand in led U.S. al Israel,
WMR tica gone n
1993 the resulting fires after a plan to demolit gov Queda SA,
l live k
1 substitute harmless powder for the ion, all Britain
7 explosives was called off by an FBI
1 supervisor There now exists a pretext
5 for subsequent "fireproofing upgrades"

According to Israeli intelligence Mossad U.S.,

1 poli Drills l Intel
WTC sources, Ahmad Ajaj, involved in the U.S. / Israel,
7 WMR tica gone n agencie
1993 early stages of the WTC 93 bombing gov Sayeret SA,
1 l live k s
plot, was a Mossad mole. Matkal Britain
"FBI surveillance teams have seen
Emanuel enter Washington, DC and
WTC, Israeli Mossad
poli Chicago synagogues at the same time l Intel U.S.
Penta spies, Emanuel /
1 WMR tica known Mossad agents assigned to the n agencie think Israel
gon, histori , Rahm Sayeret
7 l Israeli embassy in Washington and the k s tank
PA cal Matkal
1 Israeli Consulate General in Chicago
7 entered the facilities.
Four Americans flew with "Air Bin
Laden" flight transporting Bin Laden
family members to Saudi Arabia and
poli Europe nine days after 911. including a l bin
Penta Air bin Saudis U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Saudis Los Angeles Police Department officer n Laden
gon, Laden & 9/11 gov Arabia
1 l named Jason Blum, … The other three k family
7 Americans on the passenger list are J.P.
1 Buonono, Joseph Allen Wyka and
8 Ricardo V. Pascetta.
. In addition, two Bin Ladens with U.S.
citizenship were also on the charter
poli flight: Khalil Sultan Binladen and Badr l bin
Penta Air bin Saudis U.S. Saudi
1 WMR tica Saudis Ahmed Bin Laden. A British citizen, n Laden
gon, Laden & 9/11 gov Arabia
7 l Akberali [sic] Moawalla [sic], identified k family
1 by French intelligence as the same
9 Akbar Moawala
. A Saudi diplomatic passport holder
named Kholoud Osama Kurdi
accompanied the passengers to Jeddah.
What is significant about Mr. Kurdi is
poli that the Bush administration claimed the l bin
Penta Air bin Saudis U.S. Saudi
WMR tica Saudis Saudi flights were purely "private" in n Laden
gon, Laden & 9/11 gov Arabia
l nature. Shafig Bin Laden, who had k family
1 attended a Washington, DC meeting of
7 the Carlyle Group at the Ritz Carlton
2 Hotel on the morning of September 11
0 (George H. W. Bush and James Baker
were present at the same meeting the
day before)

The parties arriving at Le Bourget for

1 poli the onward flight to Geneva and Jeddah l Corpora Fluor
Penta Air bin U.S.
7 WMR tica Saudis flew from Los Angeles International, n tions & Corpor U.S.
gon, Laden corp
2 l Dulles International, Boston Logan, and k 9/11 ation
1 Orlando International.
One of the top U.S. contractors in Iraq
was also intimately involved in the Bin
WTC, cking
poli bin Laden global financial empire. the U.S. l Corpora Fluor
Penta BOD U.S.
1 WMR tica Laden, construction and engineering firm Fluor n tions & Corpor U.S.
gon, & corp
7 l Osama Corp. has raked in handsome profits k 9/11 ation
PA conspi
2 from reconstruction contracts awarded
2 by the Pentagon in Iraq. Fluor,
Fitzgerald refused to enter as evidence
tapped phone calls of Vice President
Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff I. Lewis
poli "Scooter" Libby and others that would l White
Penta Plame Cheney, U.S.
WMR tica have proven the severe damage of n House, U.S.
gon, gate Dick gov
1 l Libby's actions to the covert counter- k Cheney
7 proliferation operation involving Plame
2 and her Brewster Jennings & Associates
3 cover firm.
Ibrahim, was a key 'unsavory' ally of the
CIA and Cheney in the war against 'Al
poli Qaeda.' In fact, Ibrahim's dalliances with l White
Penta Plame Cheney, U.S.
1 WMR tica the CIA go back to the Afghan n House, U.S.
gon, gate Dick gov
7 l mujaheddin war against the Soviets and k Cheney
2 coincide with the CIA's alliance, at the
4 time, with Osama Bin Laden .
Ibrahim’s operations connect with those
of the CIA’s Tinners, and, quite
possibly, the investigations by Valerie
Plame Wilson’s Brewster Jennings
WTC, network of Israeli and Turkish
poli l White
Penta Plame Brewster involvement in nuclear black marketing U.S.
WMR tica n House, U.S.
gon, gate Jennings through the Asher Karni and Zeki gov
l k Cheney
PA Bilmen operations....puts India’s mob
1 boss at the heart of an operation that was
7 eventually disrupted by Cheney’s and ...
2 Libby’s revelations about Brewster
5 Jennings and Wilson.
Ibrahim’s operations connect with those
of the CIA’s Tinners, and, quite
possibly, the investigations by Valerie
Plame Wilson’s Brewster Jennings
WTC, network of Israeli and Turkish
poli l White
Penta Plame Karni, involvement in nuclear black marketing U.S.
WMR tica n House, U.S.
gon, gate Asher through the Asher Karni and Zeki gov
l k Cheney
PA Bilmen operations....puts India’s mob
1 boss at the heart of an operation that was
7 eventually disrupted by Cheney’s and ...
2 Libby’s revelations about Brewster
6 Jennings and Wilson.
JP Morgan Chase whistle-blower
Alayne Fleischmann … Jamie Dimon
paid $9 billion for nondisclosure
poli Whistl of…sub-prime loan fraud, … involving Corpora
Alternati Penta U.S. 12/1/
tica eblowe GreenPoint … selling high-risk loans as tions & Chase U.S.
ve news gon, corp 2006
1 l r low risk securities … she wrote detailed 9/11
7 letters that were ignored, Holder
2 protected Chase, ... fines ended up as tax
7 write-offs, slap on the wrist.
Minot and Barksdale incident took place
on 29 and 30 August 2007 Six cruise
Minot- missiles AGM-129 ACM , each fitted
Barksd with a nuclear warhead W80 to return
poli ale variable , were charged by mistake in a li White
Penta Cheney, Mini U.S. 8/29/
WMR tica nuclea heavy bomber B-52H of the United n House, U.S.
gon, Dick Nukes gov 2007
l r States Air Force (USAF) in Minot and k Cheney
1 scanda transported to Barksdale. Missile
7 l warheads should have been removed
2 before leaving them to their storage
8 bunker.
Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal related
Minot- to Operation Orchard, bombing of
Barksd alleged nuclear facility in Syria, with the
poli ale cooperation of Israel. Bent Spear, li
Penta Cheney, Mini U.S. Rogue 9/6/2
WMR tica nuclea AGM-129 ACM was commissioned in n U.S.
gon, Dick Nukes gov govt 007
1 l r 1987 as a platform stealth cruise missile k
7 scanda to deliver a nuclear warhead W80-1
2 l ... related the Cheney rogue government
9 ... PDAS
U.S. depleted uranium bombs dropped
1 Global Penta poli by Israel on Lebanon in 2006 contained
7 Research gon, tica enriched uranium4,5 suggests covert Israel
3 l testing of fourth generation nuclear
0 weapons.
Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal related
to Operation Orchard, bombing of
alleged nuclear facility in Syria, with the
WTC, Operat
poli cooperation of Israel. Bent Spear, li
Penta ion Cheney, Mini U.S. Rogue
WMR tica AGM-129 ACM was commissioned in n U.S.
gon, Orchar Dick Nukes gov govt
1 l 1987 as a platform stealth cruise missile k
PA d
7 to deliver a nuclear warhead W80-1
3 ... related the Cheney rogue government
1 ... PDAS
Paul Wolfowitz — Deputy Secretary of
WTC, Israeli War on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and
Francis, poli l
1 Penta spies, Wolfowi Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying U.S. US
Stephen tica n DoD
7 gon, histori tz, Paul for Israel; former PNAC member; chief gov Israel
NFU l k
3 PA cal architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in
2 World Bank scandal
paper trails linking George H. W. Bush's
longtime mysterious Swiss German
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 bin money mover to a now defunct bank l Bush
Penta Finacin
1 WMR tica financi Laden, operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, n global Crime global
gon, g&
7 l ng Osama his family, and some of his closest k Family
PA Roots
3 business associates. See Al Taqwa
3 Bank, Nada Management Organization,
paper trails linking George H. W. Bush's
longtime mysterious Swiss German
WTC, Ghorban 9/11
poli 9/11 money mover to a now defunct bank l Bush
Penta ifar, Finacin
1 WMR tica financi operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, n global Crime global
gon, Manuch g&
7 l ng his family, and some of his closest k Family
PA er Roots
3 business associates. See Al Taqwa
4 Bank, Nada Management Organization,
paper trails linking George H. W. Bush's
longtime mysterious Swiss German
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 Khashog money mover to a now defunct bank l Bush
Penta Finacin
1 WMR tica financi gi, operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, n global Crime global
gon, g&
7 l ng Adnan his family, and some of his closest k Family
PA Roots
3 business associates. See Al Taqwa
5 Bank, Nada Management Organization,
Yeslam Binladin, Kelhoffer, Potomac
Capital (Geneva), Manucher
Ghorbanifar office where Potomac
Iran poli 9/11 Capital is located (same office building). l Corpora Potoma
ifar, U.S. Switze
WMR Contr tica Financ [redacted]: Potomac Capital played a n tions & c
Manuch corp rland
1 a l ing hand in Honduras and El Salvador, Iran- k 9/11 Capital
7 contra (Negroponte and Hannah) now
3 Deputy Secretary of State in Obama
6 administraion

WTC, Transcripts of Carl Cameron four-part

1 WTFRL Penta poli 9/11 & Cameron series on Israeli spies on and before
l Intel
U.S. Fox
7 tica n agencie U.S.
Y gon, Israel , Carl 9/11, Amdocs, Israeli Art Students, corp News
l k s
3 PA DEA … casing the 9/11 hijackers
1956, a secular Iraqi Shiite from a
wealthy banking family, left Iraq at age
WTC, 12.
poli li U.S.
Penta Iraq Chalabi, 1985, introduced Perle to Wolfowitz.
Zfacts tica n think U.S.
1 gon, War Ahmed 1989, fled Jordan after receiving 22 year
l k tank
7 PA sentence for embezzlement. 1999,
3 Wurmser says Chalabi one of two
8 mentors concerning the Middle East.
William J. Perry . Hambrecht & Quist,
In-Q-tel, LGS Innovations, Sec of
Interlo Energy Advisor Board, Stanford,
WTC, cking Lucent, Anteon International Corp, Aspen
Francis, poli l U.S.
Penta BOD Perry, Center for a New American Century, Strateg
Stephen tica n think U.S.
gon, & William Defense Policy Board, Atlantic Council, y
NFU l k tank
1 PA conspi DoD, GTP, Aspen Strategy Group, Group
7 rators Stanford, Iraq Study Group, Technology
3 Strategies & Alliances Corp, ESL,
9 Nuclear Tipping Point, Hoover Institute.
Arnon Milchan, Dec 6, 1944) is an
Israeli billionaire, film producer (New
Regency Films ... was also a former key
WTC, Krytro r
poli Israeli intelligence operative from the l Corpora
Wikiped Penta n smugg Milchan, U.S. 1/1/1
tica mid-1960s to the mid-1980s , Earned n tions & Lakam Israel
ia gon, trigger ling, Arnon corp 985
1 l degree from LSE (Rothschild), … known k 9/11
PA s Netany
7 for obtaining sensitive technology and
4 materials for Israel's nuclear weapons
0 program.
Scaramella-Berezovsky link to WTC
WTC, Organi Litvinen
1 poli security firm emerges in Italian law l Corpora Kroll &
Penta zed ko, U.S.
7 WMR tica enforcement investigation. .. Mario n tions & Associa Italy
gon, Crime Alexand corp
4 l Scaramella linked to 9/11 through Kroll k 9/11 tes
PA & 9/11 er
1 & Associates,

Scaramella-Berezovsky link to WTC

WTC, Organi
1 poli Scarame security firm emerges in Italian law l Corpora Kroll &
Penta zed U.S.
7 WMR tica lla, enforcement investigation. .. Mario n tions & Associa Italy
gon, Crime corp
4 l Mario Scaramella linked to 9/11 through Kroll k 9/11 tes
PA & 9/11
2 & Associates,

Contro Control
1 phy ions,
WTC lled Explosions in WTC Building 6 prior to led 9/11/
7 sica during U.S.
6 demoli the supposed plane attack on WTC. demolit 2001
4 l 9/11
tion ion, all
3 attack
Peter Peterson — CEO of the
Interlo Blackstone Group, parent corporation of
WTC, cking one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on
poli l U.S. Blackst
WhoDid Penta BOD Peterson, 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the
tica n think one U.S.
1 It gon, & Pete Federal Reserve Bank of New York on
l k tank Group
7 PA conspi 9-11; CEO of the Institute for
4 rators International Economics in October
4 2000
WTC, cking Offutt Air Force Base, Warren Fiducia
poli l Corpora
1 Alternati Penta BOD Tatlock, Buffett…. Watched her offices blown U.S. ry
tica n tions & U.S.
7 ve news gon, & Ann up on 9/11. Bush flew to Offutt on corp Trust
l k 9/11
4 PA conspi 9/11… Co.
5 rators
The CPSG is closely affiliated with both
the neoconservative Project for the New
American Century (PNAC—see June 3,
1997 and January 26, 1998) and the
neoconservative American Enterprise
WTC, 9/11
History poli 9/11 Institute (AEI), both of which boast l U.S. Neocon
Penta Finacin
Commo tica Groun Perle as a powerful and influential n think financi U.S.
gon, g&
ns l dwork member. Jim Lobe of the Project k tank al org
PA Roots
Against the Present Danger later learns
1 that the CPSG is funded in large part by
7 a sizable grant from the right-wing
4 Bradley Foundation, a key funding
6 source for both the PNAC and the AEI.
Ahmed Chalabi an Iraqi-born
businessman and founder of the Iraqi
National Congress, helped Perle secure
WTC, millions of dollars from the U.S. Defens
poli l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Iraq Chalabi, government in 1990.[2] Chalabi was one e
tica n think Israel
ia gon, War Ahmed of the key figures driving the war in Iraq Policy
l k tank
1 PA and helped transmit important Board
7 “information” to U.S congress and the
4 public that would successfully help sell
7 the war effort.
Michael Chertoff, supervised the non-
investigation by the F.B.I. in which Rothsch
Barrett, phy l
1 WTC Chertoff, more than 99 percent of the steel ild U.S.
Kevin sica n FBI U.S.
7 1-2 Michael evidence from the World Trade Center Zionists gov
VT l k
4 was hastily shipped to China and other , all
8 Asian nations to be destroyed.
1 Wikiped Penta poli Jewish
Jewish Theological Seminary of l U.S. Jewish
7 tica organi America (deep Chertoff family n think organiz Israel
ia gon, Michael
4 l zations connections) k tank ations
Bush and Cheney's point man for
nuclear issues was DoE Deputy Director
WTC, Clay Sell, a lawyer born in Amarillo and
poli r l Corpora
Wikiped Penta Sell, former aide to Panhandle district U.S.
tica smugg n tions & Pantex U.S.
1 ia gon, Clay Congressman Mac Thornberry. Sell corp
l ling & k 9/11
7 PA served on the Bush-Cheney transition
5 team and became the top adviser to the
0 President on nuclear issues.
Legal Complaint Against Saudi Arabia
is Back … Litigation Daily, Michael
Goldhabe, attorney Ronald Motley in
poli 9/11 & NYTimes 2004, new complaint in 2014, l Saudi
911Trut Penta Saudis U.S. Saudi
tica Saudi seeks $200 billion, a pro-Israel law firm n Royal
h gon, & 9/11 gov Arabia
1 l Arabia (Cozen O'Connor) attempting to deflect k Family
7 9/11 complicity on Saudi Arabia, clients
5 include Lucent, HSBC.. see FSIA,
Molte Many alternative media reports that
WTC, n Putin (Snowden confirms) is dumping Control
1 Storylea Penta steel, 9/11 evidence on the internet in led U.S.
sica Russia
7 k gon, concre retaliation for sanctions. Huge cavern demolit gov
5 PA te & where the towers once stood of melted ion, all
2 granite granite.
Video fakery accomplished with
compositing. These factors were
required: (1) a high contrast between
poli sky and towers, (2) a steady camera with li Corpora
Videogr WTC Video U.S.
tica no panning, tilting or zooming, (3) n tions & MSM U.S.
aphers 1-2 fakery corp
1 l airplane path across sky only, (4) k 9/11
7 airplane has to disappear across a
5 straight edge. All the live shots from
3 MSM contained these features.

Lear stated during this interview that

1 Pilots for WTC poli Video Lear, AA11 and UA175 demonstrated
Video 9/11
9/11 tica n Corpor U.S.
7 1-2 fakery John “impossible speed” and that no planes fakery Truth
5 Truth l k ation
hit the towers.

Lear has possession of military

1 Pilots for WTC poli Video Lear, documents stating reality of holographic
Video 9/11
7 9/11 tica n Corpor U.S.
1-2 fakery John aparatus used in strategic visual fakery Truth
5 Truth l k ation
perception management.
The jet engine (Flight 175) on Murray
Street in New York (which just
happened to be lying on top of a Murray
Jet Control
Pilots for phy St. street sign!) was identified as a GE li
WTC engine Lear, led 9/11
9/11 sica CFM-56 (or CF-6). Boeing only used n U.S.
1-2 plante John demolit Truth
1 Truth l Pratt & Whitney engines. It was k
d ion, all
7 determined that the fake engine was dug
5 out of a landfill on Staten Island ( the
6 cooling duct was the evidence of this).
1 Pilots for phy schedu Flight 93 was spotted on April 10, 2003 li
Flight 93 9/11 4/10/
7 9/11 sica le at Chicago O'hare Aiport, N591UA, n U.S.
93 Shot Truth 2003
5 Truth l anoma Flight 1111, … a United Airlines 757. k
7 lies

1 Pilots for phy schedu li
Flight Flights 11 and 77 did not even exist on 9/11
7 9/11 sica le n U.S.
93 9/11 according to FAA records. Truth
5 Truth l anoma k
8 lies
Ex-CIA agent Susan Lindauer: …
Trucks were arriving at the WTC at 3:00
phy AM till 5:00 AM delivering what she li
Lindauer WTC Warni Lindauer Whistle U.S. 8/22/
1 sica believes to be explosive devices. She n FBI U.S.
, Susan 1-2 ngs , Susan blowers gov 2001
7 l said she was warned to stay of of NY on k
5 9/11 and that a mini nuke would be used
9 on the WTC.

Trucks were arriving at the WTC Control

1 Lindauer WTC phy Whistl
Lindauer between Aug 23 and Sept 2 at 3:00 AM
led 9/11 8/22/
7 , Susan 1-2 sica eblowe
, Susan till 5:00 AM delivering what she
demolit Truth
6 l r k
believes to be explosive devices. ion, all
From DoE: Restricted Data
Declassifications Decisions: August
1958: "Mere fact that the U. S. has
lled Contro Control
phy developed atomic munitions suitable for li
WTC demoli lled led U.S. 8/1/1
DoE sica use in demolition work." and The fact of n DoE U.S.
1-2 tion, demoli demolit gov 958
1 l weapon laboratory interest in Minimum k
nuclea tion ion, all
7 Residual Radiation (MRR) devices. The
6 fact of successful development of MRR
1 devices." (1976)

1 Lindauer WTC phy Power Demol Lindauer Power (scheduled) prior to 9/11 li
led 9/11
7 , Susan 1-2 sica down ition , Susan completely disabled all security n
demolit Truth
6 l prep systems. k
ion, all
A careful analysis of the difference
1 Truth in WTC poli Video
between recorded live videos and videos li
7 Seven 1-2
played later in the day that are synched n
6 Minutes l exactly reveals no plane in the live k
3 videos….

1 Truth in Penta me Victim li
7 Seven gon, dic s, fake Victims, fake names n
, all
6 Minutes PA al names k

1 Truth in Penta me Victim li
7 Seven gon, dic s, no Victims, fake names n
, all
6 Minutes PA al SS# k
"Just before the south tower collapsed at
9:59 a.m., a spurt of calls reached the
911 operators. One of these was from
phy Shimmy Biegeleisen, who worked for li Corpora
NY WTC gone U.S.
sica Fiduciary Trust in the south tower on n tions & U.S.
Times 1-2 live, corp
1 l computer systems. He was on the 97th k 9/11
7 floor where, by chance, an emergency
6 drill had been scheduled for that day." -
6 NY Times (03/31/06)
II, 9/11
Francis, poli 9/11 l Group
1 Fascis Finacin
Stephen tica Groun Group of Thirty, Business Roundtable n global of
7 m& g&
NFU l dwork k Thirty
6 Zionis Roots
7 m

1 poli l
Penta Warni Palfrey, Her call girls had information on 9/11
7 WMR tica n Florida
gon, ngs Janet hijackers
6 l k
"The buildings were half-empty when
the jets struck. USA TODAY estimates
5,000 to 7,000 people were in each
Tower tower when the attack began. Earlier Silverst
phy li Corpora
USA WTC s low estimates ranged from 10,000 to 25,000 U.S. ein
sica n tions & U.S.
Today 1-2 tenanc per tower. But company head counts corp Propert
l k 9/11
1 y show many desks were empty at 8:46 ies
7 a.m. There were few tourists; the
6 observation deck wasn't scheduled to
9 open until 9:30 a.m."
U.S. intelligence agency, NRO was
planning an exercise last 9/11 in which
an errant aircraft would crash into one
phy of its buildings ... ... a small corporate li
USA WTC NRO U.S. Reconn 9/11/
sica jet would crash into one of the four n U.S.
Today 1-2 drills gov aissanc 2001
1 l towers at the agency's headquarters k
7 building after experiencing a mechanical
7 failure. ... in simulation, some stairwells
0 and exits were to be closed off,
... NRO reports to both the Director of
National Intelligence and the Secretary
of Defense and serves as Assistant
WTC, l
poli Rogue Secretary of the Air Force (Intelligence l
Wikiped Penta U.S. Reconn
tica govern Space Technology). has "virtually no n U.S.
ia gon, gov aissanc
1 l ment federal workforce",works ... through k
PA e
7 "tens of thousands" of defense
7 contractor personnel. by far the largest
1 budget of any intelligence agency
... NRO reports to both the Director of
National Intelligence and the Secretary
of Defense and serves as Assistant
poli Secretary of the Air Force (Intelligence l Intel
Wikiped Penta War Fulton, U.S.
tica Space Technology). has "virtually no n agencie CIA U.S.
ia gon, Games John gov
1 l federal workforce",works ... through k s
7 "tens of thousands" of defense
7 contractor personnel. by far the largest
2 budget of any intelligence agency
During the attacks most of the
employees at NRO headquarters were
WTC, Pentag l
poli evacuated, save for "essential" l
Wikiped Penta on, NRO Fulton, U.S. Reconn 9/11/
1 tica personnel. In charge of the exercise was n U.S.
ia gon, evacua drills John gov aissanc 2001
7 l CIA man John Fulton, head of the k
PA tions e
7 NRO's "Strategic War Gaming
3 Division" see Menwith UK.
On 9/11, John Fulton and his team at the
CIA were running a pre-planned
poli simulation to explore the emergency l Intel
Wikiped Penta War Fulton, U.S.
1 tica response issues that would be created if n agencie CIA U.S.
ia gon, Games John gov
7 l a plane were to strike a building. Fulton k s
7 served as as Chief of the Strategic War
4 Gaming Division of the NRO
In 2014, an inspector generals' report
concluded that NRO failed to report
felony admissions of child sexual abuse
WTC, l
poli Pedop to law enforcement authorities. NRO l
Wikiped Penta U.S. Reconn
tica hilia obtained these criminal admissions n U.S.
ia gon, gov aissanc
1 l rings during abusive polygraph testing but k
PA e
7 never forwarded the information to
7 police. ... former NRO examiners were
5 the whistleblowers.
David WTC, David Brent said he was part of team
poli Hijack l
1 Ray Penta Brent, that scanned surveillance videos for the Hijacke U.S. 10/1/
tica er n FBI U.S.
7 New gon, David hijackers and found nothing from over rs, all gov 2001
l patsies k
7 Pearl PA 300 cameras with 30 days retention,
6 Harbor
Adnan Khashoggi, a Bush-allied Saudi
billionaire and arms trafficker, founder
poli Khashog of the Barrick Gold Corp.; famous for l
Penta Iran Saudis U.S. Barrick Saudi 3/1/1
1 EIR tica gi, his illegal weapons sales to Iran. … e n
gon, Contra & 9/11 gov Gold Arabia 986
7 l Adnan Iran-Israel-Nicaragua guns and cocaine k
7 tangle which would explode in 1986 as
7 the "Iran-Contra" scandal.
... debris from the plane was found in
New Baltimore, some 8 miles away
from the crash. …A second debris field
poli was in and around Indian Lake about 3 li
Flight o& U.S.
MSM tica miles from the crash scene. … the debris n NTSB U.S.
93 ommis gov
1 l was all very light material, such as paper k
7 and thin nylon the wind would easily
7 blow. NTSB ... the debris is from the
8 crash, it is probable,
At least 43 of the pics at the Voices of
China 9/11 September, the official website of the
Williams Empire
WTC phy Syndr Memo 9/11 National Memorial Museum were li
Septemb , State
1 Memo sica ome, rial, photoshopped. … backgrounds have n NYC U.S.
er Clues Candace Develo
7 rial l WTC radiati been removed, people inserted... even k
L. pment
7 pools on faces blurred … at least some 9/11
9 victims ... were created out of thin air...
WTC, cking CNN was a AOL - Time Warner
poli l Corpora
1 Penta BOD subsidiary in 2001 … Gerald Levin, U.S.
MSM tica n tions & MSM U.S.
7 gon, & CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner corp
l k 9/11
8 PA conspi is Jewish,
0 rators
Gerald Levin, of AOL Time Warner,
Michael Eisner of the Walt Disney
Company, Edgar Bronfman of Seagram
WTC, cking
poli Company Ltd, Edgar Bronfman, Jr, l Corpora
Wikiped Penta BOD U.S.
tica President and CEO of Seagram, n tions & MSM U.S.
ia gon, & corp
1 l Company Ltd, Sumner Redstone of k 9/11
PA conspi
7 Viacom, Inc, Dennis Dammerman, of
8 GE, Peter Chernin of News Corporation
1 Limited are all Jewish, Ashkenazi Jews.
Most of the ISIL press releases are
WTC, laundered through SITE, the
poli l Intel Israeli
1 Penta Islamo Katz, Washington-based Search for
WMR tica n agencie think SITE Israel
7 gon, phobia Rita International Entities run by Israeli-
l k s tank
8 PA Iraqi-American Talmudist Jew Rita
2 Katz.
Katz (Jewish) is a terrorism analyst and
the co-founder of the Search for
International Terrorist Entities (SITE)
Intelligence Group, a private
poli intelligence firm based in Washington, l Intel Israeli
Wikiped Penta Islamo Katz,
tica DC. The Institute tracks global terrorist n agencie think SITE Israel
ia gon, phobia Rita
l networks, and intercepts and distributes k s tank
1 secret messages, videos, and advance
7 warnings of suicide bombings from
8 terrorist groups' communications
3 networks
In October 2007, it was revealed that
Katz had discovered and issued to the
Bush administration a copy of an Osama
bin Laden video which had yet to be
poli released by al-Qaeda. Katz issued the l Intel Israeli
Wikiped Penta Islamo Katz, 10/1/
tica video via a private link to a SITE web n agencie think SITE Israel
ia gon, phobia Rita 2007
l page to White House counsel Fred F. k s tank
1 Fielding and Joel Bagnal, deputy
7 assistant to the President for Homeland
8 Security. It soon appeared on Fox
4 News....
In October 2007, it was revealed that
Katz had discovered and issued to the
Bush administration a copy of an Osama
bin Laden video which had yet to be
WTC, Neocon
poli released by al-Qaeda. Katz issued the l
Wikiped Penta Islamo Katz, s U.S. Fox
tica video via a private link to a SITE web n U.S.
ia gon, phobia Rita created corp News
l page to White House counsel Fred F. k
PA al
1 Fielding and Joel Bagnal, deputy
7 assistant to the President for Homeland
8 Security. It soon appeared on Fox
5 News....
in 1997 Katz’s husband was offered a
1 Wikiped Penta poli Islamo Katz,
research fellowship in endocrinology at l
7 tica the National Institutes of Health and n NIH U.S.
ia gon, phobia Rita gov
8 l they moved to Washington with their k
6 three children
Who is controlling the phony terror
WTC, news? … Who says Al Qaeda takes
Gordon poli li Intel Israeli
1 Penta Islamo Katz, credit for a bombing? Rita Katz. Who
Duff, tica n agencie think SITE Israel
7 gon, phobia Rita gets us Bin Laden tapes? Rita Katz.
VT l k s tank
8 PA Who gets us pretty much all information
7 telling us Muslims are bad? Rita Katz?
Unocal was one of the key players in the
CentGas consortium, an attempt to build
the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline to run
WTC, from the Caspian area, through
poli Energy Khalilza l Corpora Energy
Wikiped Penta Afghanistan and probably Pakistan, to U.S.
tica / Drug d, n tions & compan U.S.
ia gon, the Indian Ocean. One of the consultants corp
l wars Zalmay k 9/11 ies
1 PA to Unocal at that time was Zalmay
7 Khalilzad, former US ambassador to
8 Afghanistan, Iraq, and the United
8 Nations.
Marc Rich was an asset of the CIA,
Mossad and the Russian Jewish Mafia.
"Lewis Libby's real claim to fame is his
18-year collaboration with Russian
WTC, Organi Mafiya 'godfather' Marc Rich… who
poli l Ukraini
Aangirfa Penta zed Rich, sold Iranian oil to Israel and Nigerian oil Mini Israeli
tica n an Israel
n gon, Crime Marc to South Africa. He Nukes gov
l k Mafia
PA & 9/11 sold North Korean arms to Iran ...
1 several deals involving gold, grain,
7 nickel and tin with the Russian Mafia
8 and henchmen of the former Soviet
9 Union.
its claimed... the CIA had ties with
Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda and its
"Afghan Arab" fighters when it armed
WTC, Neocon
poli Mujahideen groups against the Soviet l
Wikiped Penta al Osman, s U.S.
tica Union during the Soviet war in n CIA U.S.
ia gon, Queda Timothy created gov
1 l Afghanistan. Robin Cook, BBC said bin k
PA al
7 Laden had security training from the
9 CIA … Wikipedia does not mention
0 Timothy Osman.
The Ha'aretz article by Sara Leibovich-
Dar reveals the "close ties with
Netanyahu" that Silverstein has. "The
WTC, Netanya Rothsch Mossad
poli two have been on friendly terms since l
Penta 9/11 & hu, ild Israeli /
Bollyn tica Netanyahu's stint as Israel's ambassador n Israel
gon, Israel Benjami Zionists gov Sayeret
1 l to the United Nations. - See more at: k
PA n , all Matkal
9 between-netanyahu-and-
1 silverstein#sthash.LTWgJZNK.dpuf
The Ha'aretz article by Sara Leibovich-
Dar reveals the "close ties with
WTC, Silverste Netanyahu" that Silverstein has. "The Rothsch Mossad
poli l
Penta 9/11 & in, two have been on friendly terms since ild Israeli /
Bollyn tica n Israel
1 gon, Israel Lawrenc Netanyahu's stint as Israel's ambassador Zionists gov Sayeret
l k
7 PA e to the United Nations. - Was there more , all Matkal
9 to these meetings than just social
2 chatter?
On the day of the bombings Peter Power
of Visor Consultants gave interviews on
BBC Radio 5 Live and ITV, Manchester
Evening News... saying that he was
7/7 working on a crisis management
Drills Mossad
Londo poli simulation drill, in the City of London, l Intel
Wikiped gone UK /
n tica "based on simultaneous bombs going off n agencie Israel
ia live, gov Sayeret
bombi l precisely at the railway stations where it k s
global Matkal
ngs happened this morning", when he heard
1 that an attack was going on in real life.
7 ... he spoke of "an exercise involving
9 mock broadcasts when it happened for
3 real
On the day of the bombings Peter Power
of Visor Consultants gave interviews on
BBC Radio 5 Live and ITV, Manchester
Evening News... saying that he was
working on a crisis management
simulation drill, in the City of London, Mossad
Londo poli l Intel
Wikiped False "based on simultaneous bombs going off UK /
n tica n agencie Israel
ia flag precisely at the railway stations where it gov Sayeret
bombi l k s
happened this morning", when he heard Matkal
that an attack was going on in real life.
1 ... he spoke of "an exercise involving
7 mock broadcasts when it happened for
9 real ... All terrorist attacks associated
4 with 'drills'.
Thanks to a pledge of $100,000 in direct
grants from the Righteous Persons
WTC, Foundation (RPF), The Foundation for Rothsch
Francis, poli l Israeli Founda
Penta 9/11 & Kroll, Jewish Culture convened a panel in ild
Stephen tica n think tion for Israel
1 gon, Israel Jules January 2014 and selected four projects Zionists
NFU l k tank Jewish
7 PA to receive awards from the Lynn and , all
9 Jules Kroll Fund for Jewish
5 Documentary Film.
Peter Power, Managing Director of
Visor Consultants (and former senior
7/7 Scotland Yard official), a private firm
Drills Rothsch
Londo poli on contract to the London Metropolitan
Global gone Power, ild UK
n tica Police, described in a BBC interview UK
Research live, Peter Zionists gov
1 bombi l how he had organized and conducted the
global , all
7 ngs anti-terror drill, on behalf of an
9 unnamed business client. That terror
6 drill went live on 7/7
According to a report of the Associated
Press correspondent in Jerusalem, the
Drills Netanya Israeli embassy in London had been Rothsch
Londo poli
Global gone hu, advised by Scotland Yard of an ild Israeli 7/1/2
n tica Israel
1 Research live, Benjami impending terror event, suggesting that Zionists gov 005
bombi l
7 global n there was advanced knowledge of the , all
9 planning of the 7/7 bomb attack by the
7 British Home Office. (AP, July 7, 2005)
Davy Crockett mini nuke: The M-388
Mini uses a version of the W54 warhead, a
WTC, Nukes small sub-kiloton fission device..taken Control
phy r
Alternati Penta , out of service, retooled by Israel ... used led U.S. U.S. 1/1/1
sica smugg U.S.
1 ve news gon, Fissio in Special Atomic Demolition Munition demolit gov military 967
l ling &
7 PA nless project and the AIM-26A Falcon. see ion, all
9 Fusion M65. … converted fusion device? 4th
8 gen mini nuke?
The bathtub’s construction supervisor
George Temaro has said the chiller had
China two steel “cooling water” intake
phy Syndr pipelines with six-foot diameters to l
Norfidid sica ome, siphon water from the Hudson River and n NYC NYC
1 l bathtu two discharge lines. Reactor cores k
7 b require a coolant circulating around the
9 core vessel containing the bundles of
9 nuclear fuel to prevent overheating.
In an official statement by Susan Nationa
Ginsberg of the National Commission l
National Passpo
WTC, on Terrorist Attacks, she stated that Control Commi
Commis poli rts,
Penta three passports were found at the plane led U.S. ssion
sion on tica miracu U.S.
1 gon, crash sites: two in Pennsylvania and one demolit gov on
Terrorist l lously
8 PA in New York. Another passport was ion, all Terrori
Attacks found
0 found in a piece of Mohammad Atta's st
0 "left-behind luggage." Impossible .... Attacks
Bush's quote: "...ensure that the
1 poli explosives went off at a high....a point White
Bush, WTC False Bush, led U.S.
8 tica that was high enough to prevent people House, U.S.
GW 1-2 flag GW demolit gov
0 l trapped above from escaping." see Bush
ion, all
1 YouTube video.
Patriot Act signed into law 15 days after
9/11. passed opportunistically with little
debate, unread, … among vast amount
WTC, of usurpation of rights: allows NSLs,
poli l US 10/2
Wikiped Penta Patriot allows access to voicemail through a U.S.
tica n Congre U.S. 6/20
ia gon, Act search warrant rather than through a title gov
l k ss 01
1 PA III wiretap order, allow the nationwide
8 service of search warrants, allowed for
0 agents to undertake "sneak and peek"
2 searches.

1 …Top
8 20
The Committee for Peace and Security
in the Gulf (CPSG), a bipartisan group
made up largely of foreign policy
History specialists, sends an “Open Letter to the l U.S.
Penta doc Iraq Zakheim
Commo President” calling for President Clinton n think CPSG U.S.
gon, s War , Dov
1 ns to use the US military to help Iraqi k tank
8 opposition groups overthrow Saddam
0 Hussein and replace him with a US-
4 friendly government.
These co-signers (of CPSG) include
Elliott Abrams, Richard Armitage, John
Bolton, Stephen Bryen, Douglas Feith,
WTC, Frank Gaffney, Fred Ikle, Robert Kagan,
History l U.S.
Penta doc Iraq Zakheim Zalmay Khalilzad, William Kristol, 2/18/
Commo n think CPSG U.S.
gon, s War , Dov Michael Ledeen, Bernard Lewis, Peter 1998
ns k tank
1 PA Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, Gary
8 Schmitt, Max Singer, Casper
0 Weinberger, Paul Wolfowitz, David
5 Wurmser, and Dov Zakheim.
Rabbi Dr. Dov Zakheim served as the
WTC, 9/11
1 Kolhame Penta poli 9/11
Undersecretary of Defense
Finacin Israeli 5/1/2
8 tica Groun (Comptroller) and Chief Financial Israel
vaser gon, , Dov g& gov 001
0 l dwork Officer for the U.S. Department of
PA Roots
6 Defense from May 2001 to April 2004.
JINSA President and CEO David
Steinmann is also a director of
WTC, Israeli
poli CAMERA (Committee for Accurate Israeli
Penta spies, Cameron CAME 12/1/
1 Rense tica Middle East Reporting in America), the think Israel
gon, histori , Carl RA 2001
8 l group that actually staged the e-mail, tank
PA cal
0 fax, letter, and phone call mobilization
7 that squeezed Fox TV, to the point that
they removed the transcripts of the four
Carl Cameron segments from their own
web site.

JINSA President and CEO David

Steinmann is also a director of
Interlo CAMERA (Committee for Accurate
WTC, cking Middle East Reporting in America), the
poli Israeli
Penta BOD Cameron group that actually staged the e-mail,
Rense tica think JINSA U.S.
gon, & , Carl fax, letter, and phone call mobilization
l tank
1 PA conspi that squeezed Fox TV, to the point that
8 rators they removed the transcripts of the four
0 Carl Cameron segments from their own
8 web site.
JINSA's board includes a dozen or more
retired flag grade U.S. military officers,
Interlo including Lt. Gen. Anthony Burshnick
WTC, cking Israeli (USAF), Gen. Crosbie Saint (USA),
poli Israeli
Penta BOD US Maj. Gen. Lee Downer (USAF), Adm.
Rense tica think JINSA U.S.
gon, & military Leon Edney (USN), Gen. John Foss
l tank
1 PA conspi officers (USA), Adm. David Jeremiah (USN),
8 rators Adm. Jerome Johnson (USN), Maj.
0 Gen. Jarvis Lynch (USMC), Rear Adm.
9 Sumner Shapiro (USN). Dore Gold,
On September 10, 2001, Secretary of
Defense Rumsfeld held a press
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 Rumsfel conference to announce that $2.3 l
Wikiped Penta Finacin U.S. 9/10/
1 tica Groun d, TRILLION was missing from Pentagon n DoD U.S.
ia gon, g& gov 2001
8 l dwork Donald coffers and could not be located k
PA Roots
0 =player_embedded&v=IVpSBUgbxBU
The CPSG is closely affiliated with both
the neoconservative Project for the New
American Century (PNAC—see June 3,
1997 and January 26, 1998) and the
neoconservative American Enterprise
WTC, 9/11
History poli 9/11 Institute (AEI), both of which boast l U.S. Bradley
Penta Finacin
Commo tica Groun Perle as a powerful and influential n think Founda U.S.
gon, g&
ns l dwork member. Jim Lobe of the Project k tank tion
PA Roots
Against the Present Danger later learns
1 that the CPSG is funded in large part by
8 a sizable grant from the right-wing
1 Bradley Foundation, a key funding
1 source for both the PNAC and the AEI.
The CPSG is closely affiliated with both
the neoconservative Project for the New
American Century (PNAC—see June 3,
1997 and January 26, 1998) and the
neoconservative American Enterprise
WTC, 9/11
History poli 9/11 Institute (AEI), both of which boast l U.S.
Penta Perle, Finacin
Commo tica Groun Perle as a powerful and influential n think AEI U.S.
gon, Richard g&
ns l dwork member. Jim Lobe of the Project k tank
PA Roots
Against the Present Danger later learns
1 that the CPSG is funded in large part by
8 a sizable grant from the right-wing
1 Bradley Foundation, a key funding
2 source for both the PNAC and the AEI.
1 History Penta poli Iraq Hussein,
Iraq War commenced, Shock and Awe, l Intel
8 Commo gon, tica War Sadam
based on lies about WMD, Sadam n agencie
Militar U.S.
1 ns l Hussein. k s y
December 1998 - Fall 1999: ’Vulcans’
Tutor Bush on Foreign Affairs…
History poli includes: Richard Armitage, Robert l Intel U.S.
Penta Iraq Bush Vulcan 12/1/
1 Commo tica Blackwill, Stephen Hadley, Richard n agencie think U.S.
gon, War GW s 1998
8 ns l Perle, Condoleezza Rice, Donald k s tank
1 Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov
4 Zakheim, Robert Zoellick,
December 1998 - Fall 1999: ’Vulcans’
Tutor Bush on Foreign Affairs…
WTC, includes: Dick Cheney, George Schulz,
History poli 9/11 l Intel U.S.
Penta Bush Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Vulcan 12/2/
Commo tica Groun n agencie think U.S.
1 gon, GW Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, s 1998
ns l dwork k s tank
8 PA Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld,
1 Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, Robert
5 Zoellick,
Conservative Sen. Henry “Scoop”
Jackson meets with Pres. Ford ... on
standoff with the Soviet Union over
WTC, 9/11
History poli 9/11 trade and emigration of Soviet Jews to l U.S.
Penta Perle, Finacin Neocon
Commo tica Groun Israel. Jackson—hawkish, defense- n think U.S.
gon, Richard g& s
1 ns l dwork minded, and solidly pro-Israel. ... is a k tank
PA Roots
8 forerunner of what in later years will be
1 called “neoconservatism” Richard Perle
6 is his outspoken aid.
16 War games occurring on 9/11, book,
A simulated terrorist attack exercise
poli called "Mall Strike 2001" is conducted
Tarpley, Penta War Tarpley, 9/11
1 tica in the Pennsylvania county of U.S.
Webster gon, Games Webster Truth
8 l Westmoreland which borders Somerset
1 county where the city of Shanksville is
7 located in.
James Bath (born 1936) is a former
director of Bank of Credit and
Commerce International (BCCI), a
WTC, Bush
poli bin former frontman for Salem bin Laden, l Saudi
Wikiped Penta ties to Neocon U.S.
tica Laden, and also former part owner of Arbusto n Royal U.S.
ia gon, Saudi s, all gov
1 l Salem Energy with George W. Bush, with k Family
PA Arabia
8 whom Bath served as a member of the
1 Texas Air National Guard during the
8 Vietnam War.
Moreover, Perle and Chalabi also had
very similar motives: they both wanted
poli the Hussein regime deposed and Chalabi l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Iraq Chalabi, Neocon
1 tica to be elected as president. In 2004, the n think U.S.
ia gon, War Ahmed s
8 l FBI investigated Chalabi after U.S. k tank
1 intelligence sources revealed that he was
9 working as a double agent for Iran
Moreover, Perle and Chalabi also had
very similar motives: they both wanted
poli the Hussein regime deposed and Chalabi l Intel U.S.
Wikiped Penta Iraq Perle,
1 tica to be elected as president. In 2004, the n agencie think FBI U.S.
ia gon, War Richard
8 l FBI investigated Chalabi after U.S. k s tank
2 intelligence sources revealed that he was
0 working as a double agent for Iran
Chalabi is a controversial figure,
especially in the US, ... In the lead-up to
the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Iraqi
National Congress (INC), with the
poli assistance of lobbying powerhouse l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Iraq Chalabi, Neocon
tica BKSH & Associates, provided a major n think U.S.
ia gon, War Ahmed s
l portion of the information on which k tank
1 U.S. Intelligence based its
8 condemnation of the Iraqi president
2 Saddam Hussein, including reports of
1 WMD and alleged ties to al-Qaeda
Chalabi is said to have had political
contacts within the Project for the New Zionist/
WTC, American Century, most notably with Neocon
poli Neoco Wolhstet l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Paul Wolfowitz, a student of nuclear s
tica ns, ter, n think U.S.
1 ia gon, strategist Albert Wohlstetter, and created
l Strauss Albert k tank
8 PA Richard Perle. He was a special guest of al
2 First Lady Laura Bush at the 2004 State Queda
2 of the Union Address.
... is a member of the Steering
Committee of the Bilderberg Group,
Perle is the former co-chairman and
WTC, director of Hollinger, Inc., a partner of
poli l Secret
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Perle, Trireme Partners and a non-executive Bilderb
tica n societie global global
ia gon, Israel Richard director of Autonomy Corporation. erg
l k s
1 PA classmates include Joan Wohlstetter (the
8 daughter of Albert and Roberta
2 Wohlstetter of the Rand Corporation).
... is a member of the Steering
Committee of the Bilderberg Group,
Perle is the former co-chairman and
poli Wohlstet director of Hollinger, Inc., a partner of l Secret
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Bilderb
tica ter, Trireme Partners and a non-executive n societie global global
ia gon, Israel erg
1 l Albert director of Autonomy Corporation. k s
8 classmates include Joan Wohlstetter (the
2 daughter of Albert and Roberta
4 Wohlstetter of the Rand Corporation).
November 2005, Chalabi traveled to the
U.S. and met with top U.S. government
officials, including Defense Secretary
Donald H. Rumsfeld, Vice President
poli Dick Cheney, Deputy Secretary of State l White
Wikiped Penta Iraq Cheney, U.S. 11/1/
tica Robert Zoellick, Secretary of State n House, U.S.
ia gon, War Dick gov 2005
l Condoleezza Rice, and National k Cheney
1 Security Advisor Stephen Hadley. At
8 this time Chalabi also traveled to Iran to
2 meet with Iranian president Mahmoud
5 Ahmadinejad.
Wohlstetter .... taught in the political
science department of the University of
WTC, Chicago, and chaired the dissertation
poli Wohlstet l Intel
Wikiped Penta Neoco committees of Paul Wolfowitz and U.S. Rand
tica ter, n agencie U.S.
1 ia gon, ns Zalmay Khalilzad. He is often credited corp Corp
l Albert k s
8 PA with influencing a number of prominent
2 members of the neoconservative
6 movement, including Richard Perle
NIST is not an independent scientific
institution, but a dependency of the
Ministry of Commerce, ... George Bush
named Arden Bement its management
NIST / Control NIST /
poli in October 2001 Bement, metallurgist
Alternati WTC FEMA Bement, led U.S. FEMA 10/1/
tica and expert on fuels and materials, is a U.S.
ve news 1-2 Cover- Arden demolit gov UL 2001
l former deputy defense minister, former
up ion, all Labs
1 director of the division of materials
8 science from... (DARPA), and a former
2 executive of the firm TRW, Inc. source:
Saudi Arabia acknowledged for the first
time that 15 of the Sept. 11 suicide
hijackers were Saudi citizens ... But
WTC, Disinf
poli Interior Minister Prince Nayef told The li
USA Penta o& Nayef, Saudis U.S. Saudi 2/1/2
tica Associated Press that Saudi leaders were n MSM
Today gon, ommis Prince & 9/11 corp Arabia 002
1 l shocked to learn 15 of the hijackers k
PA sions
8 were from Saudi Arabia. ... and also said
2 they were Zionist dupes as reported by
8 NY Times.... and Wikipedia
Mohammed Atta and Prince Nayif: the
Saudi drugs dealers who helped finance
Israeli the 9/11 attack. The DEA operations
poli Art were contained in a “Declassification of l
WTC Nayef, Saudis U.S. Saudi 6/26/
WMR tica Studen a Secret DEA 6 Paris Country Office” n DEA
1-2 Prince & 9/11 gov Arabia 2000
1 l ts, memo: dated June 26, 2000, a date k
8 spies which coincided with the height of
2 Israeli art student and 911 hijacker
9 activity in the U.S.
Jonathan Elinoff calls into Kevin
Barrett’s radio program to reveal a story
he is breaking about art students who
lived in tents on the 90th floor of the Rothsch Mossad
Barrett, poli Art l
WTC Elinoff, World Trade Center. He claims they ild Israeli / 7/1/2
Kevin tica Studen n Israel
1-2 Jonathan lived there illegally for months before Zionists gov Sayeret 001
VT l ts, k
1 the attack and that they were later , all Matkal
8 arrested after 9/11 and detained as part
3 of an Israel spy ring although they are
0 Austrian and German.
Nayef bin Sultan bin Fawwaz Al
Shaalan (born 1956) is a Saudi Arabian
prince. He was convicted of drug
trafficking in a French court. … He is a
maternal grandson of the founding
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 monarch, King Abdulaziz … Nayef's l Saudi
Wikiped Penta Nayef, Finacin 5/16/
tica financi father-in-law is Abdul Rahman bin n Arabi France
ia gon, Prince g& 1999
l ng Abdulaziz Al Saud, Saudi Arabia's k a gov
PA Roots
former deputy minister of defense and
1 aviation who is a member of the
8 powerful Sudairi Seven. Nayef's twin
3 brother Saud is also son-in-law of Prince
1 Abdul Rahman
What the French and US law
enforcement investigators discovered in
WTC, 1999 may have been a major financial Rothsch
poli Able Shaffer, l
Penta source for al Queda's terrorist attacks. ild U.S.
WMR tica Dange Lt. Col. n U.S.
1 gon, The Able Danger unit was shadowing al Zionists gov
l r Anthony k
8 PA Queda the same year that Nayif's courier , all
3 activities were discovered. ... Gigabytes
2 of info on Nayef may have been
destroyed when Able Danger data was

Eliot Spitzer — New York Attorney

WTC, General on 9-11; barred his top aide,
poli Able l
1 WhoDid Penta Spitzer, Deputy Attorney General Dietrich Snell,
tica Dange n NYC DoJ U.S.
8 It gon, Eliot from testifying to Congress on Able
l r k
3 PA Danger; threw out Karl Schwarz’s 9-11
3 synopsis
A business card obtained by WMR
shows a clear link between Skyways
International, the firm tied to the Bush
poli 9/11 & family and the Saudis, and the National l Saudi
Penta Able Saudis Saudi Saudi
WMR tica Saudi Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia. The n Arabi
gon, Danger & 9/11 banks Arabia
1 l Arabia business card for a flight engineer k a gov
8 named Keith Monroe indicates that
3 Skyways International is a subsidiary of
4 the National Commercial Bank.
The 9-11 Commission, (highly deceptive
cover-up) officially called the National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon
WTC, Disinf the United States, was formed by
History poli l Commi 2-
Penta o& President Bush in November 2002 “to U.S.
Commo tica n ssion, U.S. Nov-
gon, ommis prepare a full and complete account of gov
ns l k omissio 02
1 PA sions the circumstances surrounding the Sept.
8 11, 2001 terrorist attacks” and to offer
3 recommendations for preventing future
5 attacks.
David S. Addington is group vice
president for research at The Heritage
Foundation. assistant general council of
WTC, the CIA, chief counsel or counsel for
poli Rogue Addingt White
Penta four congressional committees (Senate U.S.
MSM tica govern on, House, U.S.
gon, intelligence committee, House gov
l ment David Cheney
1 PA intelligence committee, House foreign
8 affairs committee and House Iran-
3 Contra committee)... head of Meese
6 Center ... Dep Secretary of Defense...
According to statements by Lt. Col.
Anthony Shaffer and those of four
others, Able Danger had identified 2 of
WTC, 3 Al Qaeda cells active in the 9/11
poli Able Shaffer, l U.S.
Wikiped Penta attacks; the 'Brooklyn cell' linked to U.S.
tica Dange Lt. Col. n Militar U.S.
ia gon, "Blind Sheik" Omar Abdel-Rahman, gov
l r Anthony k y
1 PA including September 11 attacks leader
8 Mohamed Atta, and three of the 9/11
3 plot's other 19 hijackers. Gen. Hugh
7 Shelton created Able Danger.
The Senate Judiciary Committee first
attempted to investigate the matter for
the Senate in Sept, 2005. The Pentagon
poli Able Shaffer, "ordered five key witnesses not to l U.S.
Wikiped Penta U.S. 9/1/2
tica Dange Lt. Col. testify", according to Senate Judiciary n Congre U.S.
ia gon, gov 005
1 l r Anthony Committee Chairman Arlen Specter. In k ss
8 December of 2006 the US Senate
3 Intelligence Committee concluded
8 "Able Danger did not identify Mohamed
Atta or any other 9/11 hijacker at any
time prior to 9/11.

The Senate Judiciary Committee first

attempted to investigate the matter for
the Senate in September, 2005. The
Pentagon "ordered five key witnesses
WTC, Disinf not to testify", according to Senate
poli l U.S.
Wikiped Penta o& Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen U.S. 9/1/2
tica al Queda n Congre U.S.
ia gon, ommis Specter. In December of 2006 the US gov 005
l k ss
PA sions Senate Intelligence Committee
1 concluded "Able Danger did not identify
8 Mohamed Atta or any other 9/11
3 hijacker at any time prior to September
9 11, 2001
The Senate Judiciary Committee first
attempted to investigate the matter for
the Senate in September, 2005. The
Pentagon "ordered five key witnesses
WTC, Disinf not to testify", according to Senate
poli l U.S.
Wikiped Penta o& Nayef, Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen U.S. 9/1/2
tica n Congre U.S.
ia gon, ommis Prince Specter. In December of 2006 the US gov 005
l k ss
PA sions Senate Intelligence Committee
1 concluded "Able Danger did not identify
8 Mohamed Atta or any other 9/11
4 hijacker at any time prior to September
0 11, 2001
The Senate Judiciary Committee first
attempted to investigate the matter for
the Senate in September, 2005. The
Pentagon "ordered five key witnesses
WTC, Disinf not to testify", according to Senate
poli Shelton, l U.S.
Wikiped Penta o& Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen U.S. 9/2/2
tica Gen. n Congre U.S.
ia gon, ommis Specter. In December of 2006 the US gov 005
l Hugh k ss
PA sions Senate Intelligence Committee
1 concluded "Able Danger did not identify
8 Mohamed Atta or any other 9/11
4 hijacker at any time prior to September
1 11, 2001
Shaffer reportedly told Zelikow that
DIA leadership declined to share this
information with the FBI... Shaffer also
asserted that he briefed ... George Tenet
WTC, on three separate occasions regarding
poli Able Weldon, l U.S.
Wikiped Penta his unit's activities. The 9/11 9/11 6/1/2
tica Dange Sen. n Congre U.S.
ia gon, Commission Report did not mention Truth 005
l r Curt k ss
PA Shaffer's allegations, but in 2005 and
1 2006 the Chairman of the House Select
8 Intelligence Committee, Rep. Curt
4 Weldon, publicized Shaffer's
2 allegations...

WTC, Tony Gentry — Army Intelligence and

1 WhoDid Penta poli Able
Gentry, Security Command General Counsel;
l Intel U.S.
8 tica Dange n agencie Milita U.S.
It gon, Tony ordered 2.5 terrabytes of Able Danger
4 l r k s ry
PA data destroyed
"Federal authorities are investigating the
activities of a Houston businessman
(James Bath) -- a past investor in
companies controlled by a son of
WTC, Bush
Chronicl poli President Bush GW -- who has been
Penta ties to Neocon Saudi
e, tica accused of illegally representing Saudi
gon, Saudi s, all Arabia
Houston l interests in the United States. ... James
PA Arabia
1 R. Bath guided money to Houston from
8 Saudi investors who wanted to influence
4 U.S. policy under the Reagan and Bush
4 administrations
1976 trust agreement, drawn shortly
after Bush was appointed director of the
CIA, Saudi Sheik Salem M. Binladen
WTC, appointed James Bath as his business
Chronicl poli Saudi
Penta 9/11 Bush representative in Houston. Binladen, see Saudis Harken Saudi 1/1/1
e, tica Arabi
gon, Roots HRW Binladen Brothers & 9/11 Energy Arabia 976
Houston l a gov
1 PA Construction,...According to White,
8 Bath told him that he had assisted the
4 CIA in a liaison role with Saudi Arabia
5 since 1976.
Russia Ukraine Israel Mafia (RUIM):
Madoff & Forest Hills, NY Jewish
mafia, money laundering by Bank of
WTC, SPIDERWEB, … and Benex (Marc
poli smugg l White
Penta Madoff, Rich), offices in same building as Mini U.S. 1/1/1
WMR tica ling, n House, Israel
gon, Bernard Grigori Loutchansky ... who is a Nukes gov 996
l Russia k Clinton
PA Latvian-born Israeli who laundered
/ Israel
1 billions through his Vienna-based
8 NORDEX firm. ...connect nuclear
4 smuggling and Clinton re-election ...
6 Sam Domb

WTC, Mahfouz
1 poli 9/11 & l Saudi
Penta , Sheikh Saudis Saudi
8 WMR tica Saudi House of Bush, House of Saud n Arabi
gon, Khalid & 9/11 Arabia
4 l Arabia k a gov
PA bin

1 History Penta poli Minin BCCI Khan, 1981 and After: BCCI Charity Front l
Saudi 1/1/1
8 Commo tica corrupt Funnels Money to A. Q. Khan’s Nuclear n an BCCI
gon, ukes AQ Nukes Arabia 981
4 ns l ion Program k gov

1 History Penta poli Minin BCCI Pharaon, 1982 and After: BCCI Charity Front l Mini Pakist Saudi 1/1/1
8 Commo gon, tica ukes corrupt Ghaith Funnels Money to A. Q. Khan’s Nuclear n Nukes an BCCI
Arabia 981
4 ns l ion Program k gov
On 9/18/01 69 Saudis were questioned
by the FBI and on 9/19/01 51 Saudis
departed Las Vegas on flight DC-8-73
poli the airplane’s tail # TR-LTZ. Then on Intel Saudi
Judicial Penta Air bin Saudi 9/18/
tica Saudis 9/20/01 18 Saudis departed Las Vegas agencie Arabi FBI
Watch gon, Laden Arabia 2001
1 l on flight B 727-21 the airplanes tail # s a gov
8 N727PX. On 9/24/01 34 Saudis
5 departed Las Vegas on flight (ATA) L-
0 1011 the airplane’s tail # N189AT
4 J’s Associates LLC, a joint venture of
4 J’s Plumbing & Heating Corp. and
China 9/11
Fresh Meadow Mechanical Corp., was Empire
WTC phy Syndr Memo p
tasked with the piping installation for State
MSM Memo sica ome, rial, i NYC U.S.
1 the memorial. KSW Inc. was Develo
rial l WTC radiati c
8 responsible for the installation of a pment
pools on
5 heating and cooling system as well as
1 the chiller plant.
On 9/18/01 69 Saudis were questioned
by the FBI and on 9/19/01 51 Saudis
departed Las Vegas on flight DC-8-73
poli 9/11 & the airplane’s tail # TR-LTZ. Then on Intel Saudi
Judicial Penta Saudi 9/20/
tica Saudi Saudis 9/20/01 18 Saudis departed Las Vegas agencie Arabi FBI
Watch gon, Arabia 2001
1 l Arabia on flight B 727-21 the airplanes tail # s a gov
8 N727PX. On 9/24/01 34 Saudis
5 departed Las Vegas on flight (ATA) L-
2 1011 the airplane’s tail # N189AT
Abramoff's connections to the Saudis
goes back to the 1980s when he and
Grover Norquist, who had close links to
WTC, cking
poli the Saudis were aiding the mujaheddin l U.S.
Penta BOD Norquist Saudis Neocon Saudi
WMR tica through the International Freedom n think
gon, & , Grover & 9/11 s Arabia
1 l Foundation. Grover Norquist has close k tank
PA conspi
8 ties to the Saudi Al-Abdul Rahm ...
5 Norquist was also cofounder of the
3 Islamic Institute,
Abramoff's connections to the Saudis
goes back to the 1980s when he and
Grover Norquist, who had close links to
WTC, Rothsch ional
poli 9/11 & the Saudis were aiding the mujaheddin l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Norquist ild Freedo Saudi
tica Saudi through the International Freedom n think
ia gon, , Grover Zionists m Arabia
1 l Arabia Foundation. Grover Norquist has close k tank
PA , all Founda
8 ties to the Saudi Al-Abdul Rahman
5 Amoudi through Americans for Tax
4 Reform.
In December 1994, Abramoff was hired
Interlo as a lobbyist at Preston Gates Ellis &
WTC, cking Rouvelas Meeds LLP, the lobbying arm
poli l Corpora Preston
Wikiped Penta BOD Abramof of the law firm Preston Gates & Ellis U.S. 12/1/
tica n tions & Gates U.S.
1 ia gon, & f, Jack LLP … Slade Gorton is of counsel at corp 1994
l k 9/11 & Ellis
8 PA conspi Preston Gates & Ellis LLP. He also
5 rators recently served as a Commissioner on
5 the 9/11 Commission
During this time Al-Amoudi served as
an Islamic adviser to Clinton and a
fundraiser for both the Republican and
WTC, cking Al-
poli Democratic parties. More recently, Al- l U.S. Neocon
Wikiped Penta BOD Amoudi, Saudis Saudi
tica Amoudi worked with Grover Norquist, n think financi
ia gon, & Abdul & 9/11 Arabia
1 l president of Americans for Tax Reform. k tank al org
PA conspi Rahman
8 Al-Amoudi was convicted in an
5 assassination plot on Crown Prince
6 Abullah.
is the name of a series of a record arms
sales by the UK to Saudi Arabia, which
have been paid for by the delivery of up
WTC, cking
poli to 600,000 barrels of crude oil per day l BAE
Wikiped Penta BOD Yamama Saudis UK Saudi 9/1/1
tica to the UK government. The prime n System
ia gon, & h deal & 9/11 gov Arabia 985
1 l contractor has been BAE Systems and k s
PA conspi
8 its predecessor British Aerospace. The
5 first sales occurred in September 1985,
7 and then 2006, Charles Powell.
Bandar's wife, Princess Haifa, used
WTC, 9/11
1 Wikiped Penta poli 9/11
money from the same Riggs bank l
Finacin UK
8 tica financi accounts containing the secret n System
ia gon, patsies g& gov Arabia
5 l ng payments, to pay for the lodging of one k s
PA Roots
8 of the 9/11 hijackers.
Peter Peterson — CEO of the
Blackstone Group, parent corporation of
WTC, one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on
poli 9/11 l Corpora Blackst
WhoDid Penta Peterson, 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the U.S.
tica Financ n tions & one U.S.
1 It gon, Pete Federal Reserve Bank of New York on corp
l ing k 9/11 Group
8 PA 9-11; CEO of the Institute for
5 International Economics in October
9 2000
Marc Rich (born Marcell David Reich);
was an international commodities trader,
hedge fund manager, financier and
poli 9/11 businessman... founded the commodities l Corpora
Wikiped Penta Rich, U.S. Glenco
tica financi company Glencore and for being n tions & U.S.
ia gon, Marc corp re
1 l ng indicted in the United States on federal k 9/11
8 charges of tax evasion and illegally
6 making oil deals with Iran during the
0 Iran hostage crisis.
... the Bosnia Defense Fund, which
partly financed al Queda in Bosnia civil
war, was established by Richard Perle
WTC, Organi and Douglas Feith, … and facts strongly
poli l Russian
Penta zed Feith, indicate that there was high-level U.S. 12/1/
WMR tica n Israeli Israel
gon, Crime Douglas coordination between Abramoff's gov 1995
l k mafia
1 PA & 9/11 underworld network of Russian-
8 Ukranian-Israeli gangsters, wealthy
6 Saudi financiers, and Bush neocon
1 operatives.
Five Israelis are arrested that afternoon
after tie-ins to the 9/11 attacks are found
in their van, such as maps of the city
phy Urban with certain places highlighted. The FBI l Intel
WTC Anthra Israeli / 9/11/
WMR sica Moving searched their warehouse, discovered n agencie U.S.
1-2 x hoax gov Sayeret 2001
1 l Systems fertilizer, other chemicals for making k s
8 explosives, pipes, caps and traces of
6 Anthrax. Sivan Kurzburg was the driver.
2 "We are Israelis..."
In 1978, the 59-story story Citicorp Jewish
Elevat Control
1 phy Demol building was secretly retrofitted at night l financi
9/11 WTC or led U.S. 1/1/1
8 Scholars 1-2 sica ition over the course of several months n al U.S.
renova demolit corp 978
6 l prep without the knowledge of tenants, the k organiz
tion ion, all
3 general public, or the media: ations
Government Accountability Office
records show his frequent calls to the
WTC, Confli 456 telephone exchange in the 202 area
poli l White
Wikiped Penta ct of Zelikow, code used exclusively by the White U.S.
tica n House, U.S.
1 ia gon, Interes Philip House. … Zelikow ordered his assistant gov
l k Bush
8 PA t to stop keeping a log of his calls,
6 although the Commission's general
4 counsel overruled him
1 phy ar p
Fetzer, WTC lled 9/11
8 sica physic Periodic Table of Elements i U.S.
James 1-2 demoli Truth
6 l s short c
5 course
during the 1990s, the CIA, under its two
proto-neocon directors, James Woolsey Zionist/
WTC, and John Deutch, unsuccessfully tried to Neocon
poli li
Penta al Deutch, prevent publication of Unholy Wars s U.S.
WMR tica n CIA U.S.
1 gon, Queda John because of its exposure of the CIA's role created gov
l k
8 PA in nurturing Osama bin Laden and Al al
6 Qaeda during the Mujaheddin war Queda
6 against the Soviet Union.
Francis, poli Pedop l U.S.
1 Scand Bush White House pedophilia ring, RNC,
Stephen tica hilia n think RNC U.S.
8 al GW Lawrence Franklin, Omaha
NFU l rings k tank
6 Omah
7 a
According to Lawrence Livermore
Laboratories the maximum velocity for
an energetic compound made of iron
Deton Contro oxide and aluminum in a silica substrate Control Lawren
Prager, WTC ation lled Jones, is 895mps. Again, according to led 9/11 ce
sica U.S.
Jeff 1-2 velocit demoli Steven Lawrence Livermore the velocity can be demolit Truth Liverm
1 y tion increased to above 2000mps if copper is ion, all ore Lab
8 added. We know that the energetic
6 compound allegedly found by Dr. Jones
8 did not have a copper component.
As of March 1st, 2011, the rate of
Multiple Myeloma and death among
Ground Zero First Responders was 18
Cance Engine
me per 100,000 with all of those afflicted
Prager, WTC r, Victim Mini 9/11 ers & 3/1/2
dic being between the ages of 37 and 60. U.S.
Jeff 1-2 Myelo s Nukes Truth Scientis 011
1 al Some First Responders have succumbed
ma ts
8 to not one, not two, but in some cases
6 three rare cancers. ... including thyroid,
9 brain and pancreatic cancer.
Fukushima thyroid cancer in children:
140 cases out of 300,000 in three years
far greater than the expected 7 cases.
me Government cover-up rampant. …
Global Fukus r, Victim Victims 9/11
dic Using estimates made by the Norwegian Japan
Research hima Thyroi s , all Truth
1 al Air Laboratory it is possible to estimate
8 that more than 250PBq (200 x 1015) Bq
7 of Iodine-131 (half life 8 days) were
0 released at Fukushima
Ashton Baldwin Carter ... a physicist,
dep sec of Defense, 2011-13and U.S. ..a
senior partner of Global Technology
Partners advising on tech and defense, Global
WTC, cking
poli an advisor to Goldman Sachs ... he was l U.S. Techno
Wikiped Penta BOD Carter,
tica professor and chair of the International n think logy U.S.
ia gon, & Ashton
l Relations, Science, and Security faculty k tank Partner
PA conspi
1 at Harvard ... received his doctorate in s
8 theoretical physics from the University
7 of Oxford in 1979, where he was a
1 Rhodes Scholar.
Link Peter Munk, Adnan Khashoggi and
George HW Bush… Barrick Gold,
WTC, Munk was jr. partner in Barrick
poli 9/11 & l Saudi Bush
Penta Munk, Petroleum, Bush elected in 1988, passed Saudis Saudi 1/1/1
EIR tica Saudi n Arabi Crime
1 gon, Peter special dispensation that shot up & 9/11 Arabia 987
l Arabia k a gov family
8 PA Barrick's value to billions …Sheik
7 Kamal Adham initial owner … and
2 chief of Saudi Intelligence ... connected
to illegal arms through Khashoggi to
Yemen guerillas.

Link Peter Munk, Adnan Khashoggi and

George HW Bush… Barrick Gold,
Munk was jr. partner in Barrick
WTC, Petroleum, Bush elected in 1988, passed 9/11
poli 9/11 Adham, l Saudi Bush
Penta special dispensation that shot up Finacin Saudi
EIR tica financi Sheik n Arabi Crime
gon, Barrick's value to billions …Sheik g& Arabia
l ng Kamal k a gov family
1 PA Kamal Adham initial owner … and Roots
8 chief of Saudi Intelligence ... connected
7 to illegal arms through Khashoggi to
3 Yemen guerillas.
Adham...was a businessman and former
director general of Saudi Arabia's Al
WTC, 9/11
poli 9/11 Adham, Mukhabarat Al A'amah or the general l Saudi
Wikiped Penta Finacin Mukha Saudi
1 tica financi Sheik intelligence directorate. He served as a n Arabi
ia gon, g& barat Arabia
8 l ng Kamal royal counsellor to both King Faisal and k a gov
PA Roots
7 King Khalid. See BCCI, Mukhabarat,
4 Khashoggi
Adham involved in the huge BCCI
scandal at the beginning of the
WTC, 1990s.[34] The US prosecutors accused 9/11
poli 9/11 Adham, l Saudi
Wikiped Penta him of playing a key role in the secret Finacin Saudi 1/1/1
tica financi Sheik n Arabi BCCI
1 ia gon, and illegal takeover of First American g& Arabia 992
l ng Kamal k a gov
8 PA bank by BCCI. In 1992, he pleaded Roots
7 guilty in the US under a deal with the
5 prosecutors
Jamie Gorelick, while serving in the
DoJ under the Clinton administration,
developed the policy (the "wall memo")
that prevented communication
WTC, Confli
poli Faisal, between... the FBI and CIA ... also on l White
Wikiped Penta ct of U.S.
tica Moham board of United Technologies, ... and n House, U.S.
ia gon, Interes gov
l med al Gorelick's firm represented Prince k Clinton
PA t
1 Mohammed al Faisal in the suit by the
8 9/11 families. The families contend that
7 al Faisal has legal responsibility for the
6 9/11 attacks.
Jamie Gorelick, while serving in the
DoJ under the Clinton administration,
developed the policy (the "wall memo")
that prevented communication
WTC, Confli
poli between... the FBI and CIA ... also on l White
Wikiped Penta ct of Gorelick Neocon U.S.
tica board of United Technologies, ... and n House, U.S.
ia gon, Interes , Jamie s, all gov
l Gorelick's firm represented Prince k Clinton
PA t
1 Mohammed al Faisal in the suit by the
8 9/11 families. The families contend that
7 al Faisal has legal responsibility for the
7 9/11 attacks.
Jamie Gorelick, while serving in the
DoJ under the Clinton administration,
WTC, Confli developed the policy (the "wall memo")
poli l White
Wikiped Penta ct of Gorelick that prevented communication Saudis U.S. Saudi
tica n House,
1 ia gon, Interes , Jamie between... the FBI and CIA ... also on & 9/11 gov Arabia
l k Clinton
8 PA t board of United Technologies, ... and
7 Gorelick's firm represented Prince
8 Mohammed al Faisal in the suit by the
9/11 families. The families contend that
al Faisal has legal responsibility for the
9/11 attacks.

After 9/11, the victims families

launched a lawsuit against Prince
poli Litigat Faisal, Mohammed al Faisal along with two l
Wikiped Penta Saudis U.S. Saudi
1 tica ion & Moham other members of the House Saud, ... n
ia gon, & 9/11 gov Arabia
8 l 9/11 med al late Prince Sultan and Prince Turki, in k
7 addition to other people whom they
9 accused of financing Al Qaeda …
Stratesec had a small board of directors
that included retired Air Force General
WTC, Rothsch
poli 9/11 & James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the l
911 Penta Walker, ild Kuwa Stratese
1 tica Saudi brother of George W. Bush) and Wirt n Kuwait
Blogger gon, Wirt Zionists it gov c
8 l Arabia Walker III, a cousin of the Bush k
PA , all
8 brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah, a
0 member of the Kuwaiti royal family
1990s Illuminati Game Cards Still
Creating Controversy … card accurately
WTC, depicted the World Trade Center attack 9/11
poli 9/11 U.S.
Penta in great detail. … in 1995 … correctly Finacin Illumin 1/1/1
Rense tica Groun think global
1 gon, places floors, shows Illuminati pyramid, g& ati 995
l dwork tank
8 PA identifies the perpetrators as 'terrorists'. Roots
8 And the Pentagon strike on a separate
1 card
... Seymour Hersh have opined that
Strauss endorsed noble lies, "myths used
poli Neoco by political leaders seeking to maintain l
Wikiped Penta Hersh,
1 tica ns, a cohesive society". In The City and n global
ia gon, Seymour
8 l Strauss Man, Strauss discusses the myths k
8 outlined in Plato's Republic that are
2 required for all governments.
Machiavellian became a pejorative term
describing someone who aims to
deceive and manipulate others for
poli Neoco personal advantage. … agreed about l
Wikiped Penta Strauss,
tica ns, Machiavelli's influence on n global
ia gon, Leo
1 l Strauss republicanism and argued that even k
8 though Machiavelli was a teacher of evil
8 he had a nobility of spirit that led him to
3 advocate ignoble actions.
System Planning Corporation (SPC)
WTC, International executive, Dov Zakheim,
Francis, poli 9/11 l Corpora
1 Penta Zakheim called for "some catastrophic and U.S. Booz 1/1/2
Stephen tica Groun n tions & U.S.
8 gon, , Dov catalyzing event "like a new Pearl corp Allen 010
NFU l dwork k 9/11
8 PA Harbor" Senior Vice President of Booz
4 Allen Hamilton.
Adelson, Ukranian (Ashkenazi) Jew,
worth $36 billion, heavily funds
WTC, Rothsch
poli Republican party, developed COMDEX l Israeli
Wikiped Penta 9/11 & Adelson, ild
1 tica (Las Vegas) sold it to Softbank, razed n think RNC U.S.
ia gon, Israel Sheldon Zionists
8 l the Sands, built Venetian,close k tank
PA , all
8 relationship to Netanyahu… funded
5 removel of Olmert…
Adelson, Ukranian (Ashkenazi) Jew,
worth $36 billion, heavily funds
WTC, Netanya
poli Las Republican party, developed COMDEX l Israeli
Wikiped Penta hu,
1 tica Vegas (Las Vegas) sold it to Softbank, razed n think Israel
ia gon, Benjami
8 l & 9/11 the Sands, built Venetian, close k tank
PA n
8 relationship to Netanyahu… funded
6 removel of Olmert…
Scott Bennett, author of Shell Game and
Follow the Money. He worked for Booz
Allen Hamilton. He ..., held a Top
WTC, cking
poli Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Corpora
Tatum, Penta BOD Bennett, U.S. Booz
tica Information (TS/SCI) security tions & U.S.
Chip gon, & Scott corp Allen
1 l clearance..., and operations for U.S. 9/11
PA conspi
8 Special Operations Command, U.S.
8 Central Command, the State Department
7 Coordinator for Counterterrorism,.
Carter on the board of MITRE Corp,
and the Advisory Boards of MIT's
Lincoln Laboratory and the Draper
Laboratory. a consultatnt to Goldman
Military WTC, cking
poli Sachs and Mitretek Systems, also a Corpora
Officers Penta BOD Carter, U.S. Mitre
tica member of the Aspen Strategy Group, tions & U.S.
for 9/11 gon, & Ashton corp corp
l CFR, International Institute for Strategic 9/11
Truth PA conspi
1 Studies, and the National Committee on
8 U.S.-China Relations. Carter was
8 elected a Fellow of the American
8 Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Bill Clinton was photographed at a
Nuclea Democratic Party function with
r controversial Russian businessman
Washing poli smugg Loutcha Grigory Loutchansky, whose Vienna, li
Penta Mini U.S. 9/1/1
ton tica ling, nsky, Austria-based company Nordex has n Nordex U.S.
gon, Nukes corp 999
1 Times l Russia Grigori been the focus of multiple international k
8 / Israel probes investigating Russian organized
8 mafia crime and money laundering. Mr.
9 Loutchansky surfaced in
The November 13, 2001 Presidential
Military Order purported to give the
President of the United States the power
WTC, to detain non-citizens suspected of
poli Civil l 11/1
Wikiped Penta connection to terrorists or terrorism as U.S.
tica Rights n DoJ U.S. 3/20
ia gon, enemy combatants. As such, that person gov
l lost k 01
1 PA could be held indefinitely, without
8 charges being filed against him or her,
9 without a court hearing, and without
0 legal counsel.
.A writ of habeas corpus,..., allows for a
court to determine whether the
poli Civil custodian has lawful authority to detain l
Wikiped Penta U.S. 6/1/2
1 tica Rights the prisoner. In June 2008, the Supreme n DoJ U.S.
ia gon, gov 008
8 l lost Court ruled 5-4 that the (Military k
9 Commissions Act of 2006 did suspend
1 habeas and found it unconstitutional.
“A Scripps-Howard poll of 1,010 adults
WTC, found that 36% of Americans consider it
1 Penta “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that 9/11 6/1/2
Pollsters tica Polls U.S.
8 gon, government officials either allowed the Truth 006
9 PA attacks to be carried out or carried out
2 the attacks themselves.
Pew Research: In 2008 polls ...
skepticism about 9/11 persists among
Muslim publics. When asked whether
poli they think groups of Arabs carried out U.S.
Penta 3/1/2
Pollsters tica Polls the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., most think U.S.
gon, 008
1 l Muslims ... say they do not believe this. tank
8 There is no Muslim public in which
9 even 30% accept that Arabs conducted
3 the attacks.
A poll of 17
nations found that majorities in only
nine of them believed that al Qaeda was
poli behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the
Penta 9/1/2
Pollsters tica Polls United States. 46 % said that al Qaeda global global
gon, 008
1 l was behind the attacks while 15% say
8 the US government, 7% Israel, and7%
9 some other perpetrator. 25% said they
4 do not know.
Wikipedia: August 2004 on 808
randomly selected residents of New
York State. It found that 49 percent of
WTC, New York City residents and 41 percent
Penta of New York state citizens believe 8/1/2
Pollsters tica polls U.S.
gon, individuals within the U.S. government 004
1 PA "knew in advance that attacks were
8 planned on or around September 11,
9 2001, and that they consciously failed to
5 act.
Wikipedia: 42% believe: Some people
believe that the US government and its
poli 9/11 Commission concealed or refused
Penta 5/1/2
1 Pollsters tica polls to investigate critical evidence that U.S.
gon, 006
8 l contradicts their official explanation of
9 the September 11th attacks, saying there
6 has been a cover-up
Wikipedia: 38% of New Yorkers
responded yes to: Are you aware of this
1 WTC skyscraper's (WTC 7) collapse, and if so 5/1/2
Pollsters tica polls U.S.
8 7 do you believe that the Commission 006
9 should have also investigated it? … 43%
7 said not aware of WTC 7 collapse.
The results of the 2007 August poll
indicate that 51 percent of Americans
WTC, want the United States Congress to
Penta probe President George W. Bush and 8/1/2
Pollsters tica polls U.S.
1 gon, Vice President Dick Cheney regarding 007
8 PA the 9/11 attacks and over 30 percent of
9 those polled seek immediate
8 impeachment.
Ari Fleischer — White House
WTC, Israel,
1 WhoDid Penta poli spokesman for Bush on 9-11; “dual l White
Dual Fleischer U.S.
8 tica citizen” of US and Israel; connected to n House, U.S.
It gon, citizen , Ari gov
9 l the extremist group called the Chabad k Bush
PA s
9 Lubavitch Hasidics

black smoke--was coming from a series

1 phy Fires, of enormous dumpsters in front of the
Fetzer, Penta 9/11 ers &
9 sica Pentag Pentagon and not from the building U.S.
James gon Truth Scientis
0 l on itself, a nice example of the use of
0 "special effects" on 9/11.
WTC, Mossad
1 poli Canad Israeli l Intel
Penta Israeli /
9 WMR tica a& Art Israeli spies, Israeli Art Students n agencie Israel
gon, gov Sayeret
0 l 9/11 Students k s
PA Matkal
WTC, does not have any
1 Francis, Penta poli Gateke references to Silverstein, and a search
l Truth,
9 Stephen gon, tica epers on 'Israel' leads to no artilces that
n gatek U.S.
0 NFU l k eeper
PA implicate Israel in 9/11.
2 s
President George W. Bush meets with
WTC, Neocon
poli 9/11 Bandar Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi l White
1 911Trut Penta s U.S. Saudi 8/27/
tica Financ bin Ambassador to the United States, on n House,
9 h gon, created gov Arabia 2002
l ing Sultan August 27, 2002, at Bush’s ranch in k Bush
0 PA al
Crawford, Texas.
3 Queda

WTC, Newt Gingrich — former Speaker of the 9/11

1 WhoDid Penta poli 9/11
Gingrich House; PNAC member; reputed to be a
9 tica Groun n think DoD U.S.
It gon, , Newt member of the CFR; served on the g&
l dwork k tank
0 PA Pentagon’s War Policy Board Roots
Elliot Abrams — former member of
1 WhoDid Iran poli 9/11
PNAC, National Security Council; l
Finacin U.S. 1/1/1
9 Contr tica Groun pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to n PNAC U.S.
It Eliot g& gov 991
0 a l dwork Congress about Iran-Contra affair; “dual k
5 citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist
Netanyahu also told the 2008 Jonathan
Institute gathering that his father, Ben-
WTC, Zion Netanyahu, a noted Zionist and the Rothsch Jonatha
poli l Israeli
Penta 9/11 & personal assistant to Zionist leader Ze'ev ild n
WMR tica n think Israel
1 gon, Israel Jabotinsky, told him in the 1990s that Zionists Institut
l k tank
9 PA the Twin Towers would one day be , all e
0 brought down in the manner that they
6 were on 9/11.
Much of the Jonathan Institute's work in
developing international terrorism as a
bête noire for the Western military
WTC, industrial complex was taken up by the Rothsch
poli 9/11 l U.S.
Penta Perle, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), see ild
WMR tica Groun n think AEI Israel
gon, Richard University of Chicago alum Walter Zionists
l dwork k tank
1 PA Berns … "A Clean Break: A New , all
9 Strategy for Securing the Realm," which
0 was partly written by Jonathan Institute
7 habitué Richard Perle.
Much of the Jonathan Institute's work
...was taken up by the American
WTC, Enterprise Institute (AEI), see 9/11
9/11 l U.S.
Penta doc Perle, University of Chicago alum Walter Finacin
WMR Groun n think AEI Israel
1 gon, s Richard Berns … "A Clean Break: A New g&
dwork k tank
9 PA Strategy for Securing the Realm," which Roots
0 was partly written by Jonathan Institute
8 habitué Richard Perle.
Nicoletti confided to him that he
9/11, (Nicoletti) , Marshall Caifano, Johnny
1 JFK & Roselli and James Files were the hitteam Holoca 9/11
Murder n U.S.
9 Holoc on Dealey Plaza. "We blew his brains ust Truth
Soloved k
0 aust out". See Permindex, Meyer Lansky,
9 Israel, Dimona, Military Industrial
Complex, reverse Kennedy's attempt to
pull troops out of Vietnam. Murder in
Dealey Plaza, Assassination Science,
James Fetzer

Eretz Israel ..biblical name for the

territory roughly corresponding to the
area encompassed by the Southern
poli Levant. ..including ... Land of Canaan, l
Wikiped Penta Israel, Israeli
tica the Promised Land, the Holy Land, and n Israel
ia gon, Eretz gov
1 l Palestine. The Land of Israel (between k
9 Tigris and Euphrates rivers) concept ...
1 of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) ...
0 etc.
PressTV: Israel’s contested legitimacy is
founded on two myths. Myth #1 claims
that Zionists are always victims and
Barrett, poli never perpetrators. Myth #2 asserts that
Penta Israel, Israeli
Kevin tica Israel is a modern liberal democratic Israel
gon, Eretz gov
1 VT l state that respects human rights and the
9 rule of law, both domestically and
1 internationally. ... Settlements explode
1 those myths...
Israel always claimed, ... that all of its
settlements on territory seized in 1967
were temporary. The purpose of these
settlements was supposedly to serve as
Barrett, poli bargaining chips in a “land for peace”
Penta Israel, Israeli
Kevin tica deal. ..., Israel was going to make peace, Israel
gon, Eretz gov
VT l retreat back to its pre-1967 borders, and
1 be accepted by its neighbors... especially
9 the Palestinians it ethnically cleansed in
1 1948. ... claims have been proven to be
2 lies.
Yad Vashem in Jerusalem (Holocaust
Museum) opened ..but.. unified
opposition of so-called ultra-orthodox,
or Haredi Jewry … some experts say,
poli between 50% - 70% of those murdered l
Penta Israel, Israeli 1/1/2
WMR tica by the Nazis, were "traditionally n Israel
gon, Eretz gov 005
l religious Jews... only one of the 50-60 k
1 taped testimonies are from Haridi Jews..
9 secular Zionists created Israel at the
1 expense of Orthodox Jews. ... 9/11 is
3 extension of this imperialist policy.
Maiman … made deals with PetroSaudi
in 2009, but was also involved in Enron
negotiations in 2001, Ken Lay, Dabhol
WTC, Power in Turkmenistan, the world's
poli Energy l Corpora
Penta Maiman, 10th-largest gas producer. The United Israeli Merhav 1/1/2
WMR tica / Drug n tions & Israel
gon, Josef States, Europe, China, Russia and Iran corp Group 001
l wars k 9/11
1 PA are all clamoring for access to its vast
9 gas fields. PetroSaudi, headed by Turki
1 bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, one of the
4 sons of the Saudi monarch
BEIRUT, Lebanon, Dec. 10, 2009 (UPI)
WTC, Interlo
1 poli -- The drive by foreign companies to
Penta cking Maiman, Saudis Merhav Saudi 12/1/
9 UPI tica grab a piece of the action in gas-rich
gon, BOD Josef & 9/11 Group Arabia 2009
1 l Turkmenistan is reported to be
PA &
5 producing some strange bedfellows --
conspi like PetroSaudi, owned by the son of
rators King Abdallah, and Merhav, an Israeli
conglomerate run by former Israeli
intelligence officer Yosef Maiman.

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Dec. 10, 2009 (UPI)

-- The drive by foreign companies to
grab a piece of the action in gas-rich
WTC, cking
poli Turkmenistan is reported to be Corpora
Penta BOD Maiman, U.S. Saudi 12/2/
UPI tica producing some strange bedfellows -- tions & Enron
gon, & Josef corp Arabia 2009
1 l like PetroSaudi, owned by the son of 9/11
PA conspi
9 King Abdallah, and Merhav, an Israeli
1 conglomerate run by former Israeli
6 intelligence officer Yosef Maiman.
Interlo Kissinger is also closely associated with
WTC, cking several 9/11 Commissioners, including
poli l 9/11
1 911 Penta BOD Kissinge his long-time National Security Council U.S.
tica n Commi U.S.
9 Blogger gon, & r, Henry assistant John Lehman, and his fellow gov
l k ssion
1 PA conspi Hollinger board member James R.
7 rators Thompson.
Interlo Kissinger is also closely associated with
WTC, cking several 9/11 Commissioners, including
poli l 9/11
1 911 Penta BOD Lehman, his long-time National Security Council U.S.
tica n Commi U.S.
9 Blogger gon, & John assistant John Lehman, and his fellow gov
l k ssion
1 PA conspi Hollinger board member James R.
8 rators Thompson.
Interlo Kissinger is also closely associated with
WTC, cking several 9/11 Commissioners, including
poli l Intel
1 911 Penta BOD Lehman, his long-time National Security Council U.S.
tica n agencie NSC U.S.
9 Blogger gon, & John assistant John Lehman, and his fellow gov
l k s
1 PA conspi Hollinger board member James R.
9 rators Thompson.
And Phillip Odeen of BDM, who was
WTC, cking
poli Barry McDaniel’s boss until McDaniel l Corpora
1 911 Penta BOD Odeen, U.S.
tica left to lead WTC security company n tions & BDM U.S.
9 Blogger gon, & Philip corp
l Stratesec, was a Kissinger assistant for k 9/11
2 PA conspi
several years.
0 rators
Renato Ruggiero of Kissinger
Associates. Mr. Ruggiero was present
WTC, cking
poli Ruggier on 9/11 in the sense that he was on the l Corpora Salomo
911 Penta BOD U.S.
1 tica o, International Advisory Board for n tions & n Smith Israel
Blogger gon, & corp
9 l Renato Salomon Smith Barney (SSB), the k 9/11 Barney
PA conspi
2 company that occupied all but ten of the
1 47 floors in WTC building 7
Renato Ruggiero of Kissinger
Associates. Mr. Ruggiero was present
poli on 9/11 in the sense that he was on the l Corpora Salomo
911 WTC BOD Kissinge U.S.
1 tica International Advisory Board for n tions & n Smith Israel
Blogger 7 & r, Henry corp
9 l Salomon Smith Barney (SSB), the k 9/11 Barney
2 company that occupied all but ten of the
2 47 floors in WTC building 8
Salomon Brothers (Jewish) (Arthur,
Herbert and Percy, Ben Levy) merged
Francis, poli Money with Smith Barney, became Salomon l Corpora
Penta U.S.
1 Stephen tica launde Inc in the 1980s, which was acquired by n tions & Citi Israel
gon, corp
9 NFU l ring Travelers, which was acquired by k 9/11
2 Citigroup,… because of Clinton
3 deregulation of investment banks…
Allegedly, Marc Rich is an asset of the
WTC, cking
poli CIA, Mossad and the Russian Jewish l White
1 Aangirfa Penta BOD Rich, Mini Israeli
tica Mafia. "Lewis Libby's real claim to n House, Israel
9 n gon, & Marc Nukes gov
l fame is his 18-year collaboration with k Clinton
2 PA conspi
Russian Mafiya 'godfather' Marc Rich…
4 rators
Occult Forces 1943 … Paul Riche
(Mamy) learns of how the Freemasons
are conspiring with the Jews and the
poli Anglo-american nations to encourage
Alternati Penta 9/11 Illumin
tica France into a war against Germany. Jean global Israel
ve News gon, Roots ati
1 l Mamy, a ex-freemason himself, was
9 executed after the war.
5 MR8LuWcLs Occult Forces 1943
Salomon Brothers (Jewish) (Arthur,
Herbert and Percy, Ben Levy) merged
Francis, poli Money with Smith Barney, became Salomon l White
Penta Clinton, U.S.
1 Stephen tica launde Inc in the 1980s, which was acquired by n House, U.S.
gon, Bill gov
9 NFU l ring Travelers, which was acquired by k Clinton
2 Citigroup,… because of Clinton
6 deregulation of investment banks…
Long-Term Capital Portfolio L.P.,
collapsed in the late 1990s, leading to an
agreement on September 23, 1998
which included Bankers Trust, Barclays,
Bear Stearns, Chase Manhattan Bank, Jewish
WTC, Wall
poli Credit Agricole, Credit Suisse First l Corpora financi
Wikiped Penta St., U.S.
tica Boston, Deutsche Bank, Goldman n tions & al Israel
ia gon, Israel corp
l Sachs, JP Morgan, Lehman Brothers, k 9/11 organiz
PA & 9/11
Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Paribas, ations
1 Salomon Smith Barney, Societe
9 Generale, and UBS — for a $3.6 billion
2 recapitalization (bailout) under the
7 supervision of the Federal Reserve.
Cornell University’s Quill & Dagger
society. This included Paul Wolfowitz,
WTC, cking
poli National Security Advisors Sandy l Secret U.S.
911 Penta BOD Kroll, Quill &
1 tica Berger and Stephen Hadley, Marsh & n societie think U.S.
Blogger gon, & Jules Dagger
9 l McLennan executive Stephen Friedman, k s tank
PA conspi
2 and the founder of Kroll Associates,
8 Jules Kroll.
Stratesec director James Abrahamson …
He also co-founded a company called
Crescent Investment Management
WTC, cking
poli (Crescent) with the Pakistani-American, l Intel
911 Penta BOD Woolsey U.S.
tica Mansoor Ijaz. Crescent’s board of n agencie CIA U.S.
Blogger gon, & , James gov
1 l advisors included James Woolsey, the k s
PA conspi
9 CIA Director for President Clinton who
2 became a PNAC signatory and Booz
9 Allen Hamilton executive.
Stratesec director James Abrahamson …
He also co-founded a company called
Crescent Investment Management
WTC, cking
poli (Crescent) with the Pakistani-American, l Corpora
911 Penta BOD Woolsey U.S. Booz
tica Mansoor Ijaz. Crescent’s board of n tions & U.S.
Blogger gon, & , James corp Allen
1 l advisors included James Woolsey, the k 9/11
PA conspi
9 CIA Director for President Clinton who
3 became a PNAC signatory and Booz
0 Allen Hamilton executive.
Steven Jones quote: "All nuclear
weapons ... release copious high-energy
neutrons which will activate steel and
other materials... I have studied fusion
phy li
AE911T WTC Minin Gateke Jones, for decades, and have made frequent Mini 9/11 debunk
sica n U.S.
ruth 1-2 ukes epers Steven measurements of neutron radiation... I Nukes Truth ers
l k
1 tested WTC dust samples and a
9 solidified metal sample for radioactivity
3 using a Geiger counter: I found zero
1 radioactivity."
Dow hired jailed Nazi scientist Otto
Ambros (Ambros manufactured the
infamous Zyklon-B gas, invented liquid
WTC, silicone, and pushed asbestos on
poli Rogue l Corpora Chemic
Penta Ambros, American industries). After his release, U.S.
WMR tica govern n tions & al U.S.
gon, Otto he became an adviser to chemical corp
l ment k 9/11 manf.
1 PA companies such as J. Peter Grace, Dow
9 Chemical, as well as the U.S. Army
3 Chemical Corps, and Konrad Adenauer.
2 Wikipedia
1 Commi
WTC doc U.S.
9 Aneta ssion, U.S.
1-2 s om/articles/911Report.pdf gov
3 omissio
3 ns


1 NISTReportWtc1&2.pdf
9 Aneta U.S.
1-2 s Cover- gov UL
3 om/articles/NISTReportWtc1&2.pdf
up Labs
Ijaz went on to become a Fox News
WTC, cking
poli correspondent, and he was a strong Corpora
1 911 Penta BOD Ijaz, U.S. Fox
tica promoter of false claims leading up to tions & U.S.
9 Blogger gon, & Mansoor corp News
l the Iraq War, including WMDs and ties 9/11
3 PA conspi
between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda.
6 rators

WTC, October 9, identical anthrax letters are

1 Alternati Penta poli Anthra postmarked in Trenton, New Jersey, U.S. 10/9/
9 ve News gon, tica x hoax with lethal doses to Senators Daschle gov
3 l
PA and Leahy
The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv astutely
notes: "If one looks at the map of the big
poli Energy American bases created [in the Afghan
Alternati Penta U.S. 10/1/
1 tica / Drug war], one is struck by the fact that they U.S.
ve News gon, gov 2002
9 l wars are completely identical to the route of
3 the projected oil pipeline to the Indian
8 Ocean
Donald Fox works for a Canadian
financial company, which happens to be
WTC, 9/11 the largest partner in Tamir Fishman, an
poli l
Penta Truth Fox, Israeli financial firm where Ehud Barak 9/11
Bollyn tica n U.S.
1 gon, faction Donald is a senior partner and adviser, suggests Truth
l k
9 PA s that his disinformation work against 9-
3 11 Truth is connected to his
9 employment at RBC Capital Markets
Friedman figured prominently in the
evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his
Interlo Foreign
role at Marsh & McLennan and his later
WTC, cking Intellig
poli Friedma role as George W. Bush's top economic l
Alternati Penta BOD U.S. ence
tica n, advisor. Friedman was also a member of n U.S.
ve news gon, & gov Adviso
1 l Stephen the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg k
PA conspi ry
9 group, the Foreign Intelligence
rators Board
4 Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-
0 Tel
The gravitational potential energy...
formula is U = mgh. U is the potential
Contro energy, m is mass in kilograms, g is the Engine
phy l
Duff, WTC lled gravitational acceleration, and h is the 9/11 ers &
sica n U.S.
1 Gordon 1-2 demoli height in meters. Energy is in joules. Truth Scientis
l k
9 tion One watt is one joule per second, and a ts
4 joule is roughly the energy needed to
1 raise one pound one foot
The WTCs weighed 600k tons So the
total gravitational potential energy in
Contro one tower was 6 x 108 kg x 9.8 m/sec2 Engine
phy l
Duff, WTC lled x 400 m x 1/2..... So we have U = 1.2 x ers &
sica n U.S.
1 Gordon 1-2 demoli 1012 joules. A kiloton is 4.2 x 1012 Scientis
l k
9 tion joules, so the gravitational potential ts
4 energy is about a quarter of a kiloton or
2 280 tons of high explosive, per tower.
Scoop Jackson, Henry Martin ...was a
U.S. Congressman and Senator from the
poli Neoco state of Washington from 1941 until his l U.S.
Wikiped Penta Perle, U.S. 9/1/1
1 tica ns, death in 1983. … known as "the Senator n Congre Israel
ia gon, Richard gov 983
9 l Strauss from Boeing" and a "whore for Boeing" k ss
4 … mentored Douglas Feith … Richard
3 Perle was an aid to Jackson.

1 Francis, Penta poli Rothsc
Frost, Martin Frost The 'Rothschild
9 Stephen gon, tica hild &
Martin Connection': in the invasion of Iraq
4 NFU l 9/11 k
The Israelis discovered that only U.S.
nuclear cores composed of plutonium
alloys were ripe for theft at Pantex. The
99 percent plutonium fuel was more
well-guarded. Because the older
WTC, plutonium cores required refrigeration to
poli r l
Penta keep them cooler than 150 degrees, the Mini Israeli
WMR tica smugg n Israel
gon, Israelis used refrigeration trucks to Nukes gov
l ling & k
PA move the cores through the port of
Houston and into refrigeration
1 containers loaded on board ships
9 belonging to Zim-American Israeli
4 Shipping Company, a firm with close
5 links to the Mossad. From Houston, the
plutonium alloy cores were shipped to
Israel and Dimona.

... (Dimona, Negev Nuclear Research

Center) suffered a major equipment
failure in the 1990s that impacted on
Israel's ability to re-process nuclear
fuel.prompting Israel to actively Brewst
poli r l
Plame Plame, smuggle nuclear materials to Israel.... Mini U.S. er 1/1/1
WMR tica smugg n U.S.
gate Valerie the smuggling operations immediately Nukes gov Jenning 995
l ling & k
became known to the CIA's s
1 Counterproliferation Division and its
9 non-official cover (NOC) Brewster
4 Jennings & Associates ... see Carnaby
6 and Pantex
SkyWay was part of a network of
companies, three of which—L-3
Communications, Net Command Tech
WTC, Inc, and Triton Network Systems Inc.—
Hopsick poli 9/11 Corpora
Penta were cited by Elliot Spitzer, then the U.S.
er, tica Financ tions & Israel
gon, Attorney General of New York State, corp
Daniel l ing 9/11
1 PA for being used by Wall Street brokers in
9 “pump and dump” schemes which cost
4 unwary investors tens of millions of
7 dollars.
William Casey's covert operations as
Director of the CIA led from the arming
the mujehaddin to the intricacies of
poli BCCI Contragate. Drug profits from this Intel
Bowles, Penta Casey, U.S. Saudi
tica corrupt funneled through BCCI at the behest of agencie CIA
William gon, William gov Arabia
1 l ion Saudi Arabia / CIA that used the s
9 Pakistan ISI as a proxy. These funds
4 went to a drug dealer named Hekmyatar
8 and to his protégé, Osama bin Laden.

WTC, Shirlz007: Buller: Director General of Rothsch

1 Alternati Penta poli Rothsc
MI5 Eliza Manningham-Buller … ild U.S. Rothsc 9/12/
9 ve news gon, tica hild &
connected to Rothschild through her Zionists gov hild
4 l 9/11
PA father Victor Dilhorne. , all
Ari Ben Menashe, a top Israeli military
intelligence official, alleged that the
Achille Lauro hijacking and other
terrorist attacks had been paid for by Mossad
Iran poli Intel
Alternati False Israeli intelligence ... aimed at gaining Israeli /
Contr tica agencie Israel
ve News flag sympathy for Israel’s war against the gov Sayeret
a l s
1 Palestinians. Meanwhile, a large cast of Matkal
9 Israeli officials and arms dealers were
5 involved with Monzer al-Kassar in the
0 Iran-Contra dealings.
Environmental exposure to ionizing
radiation from both natural background
sources and artificial sources are
Me suspected to play a significant role, and l
Wikiped WTC r, Victims 9/11
dic there are significant increased rates of n U.S.
ia 1-2 Chern , all Truth
1 al thyroid cancer rates in those exposed to k
9 mantlefield radiation for lymphoma, and
5 those exposed to iodine-131 following
1 the Chernobyl disaster.
For thyroid cancer, the only latency
(onset of disease) information available
was from radiation studies in children,
Me with a reported minimum latency of 4
Fukus r, Victim Victims U.S.
CDC dic years. The Administrator selected a CDC U.S.
hima Thyroi s , all gov
1 al minimum latency of 2.5 years for
9 thyroid cancer, based on lifetime risk
5 modeling of low-level ionizing
2 radiation.
Cell phone calls were impossible from
commercial airlines in 2001 because of
David WTC, Airlin
phy technological limitations. Cell phone l
Ray Penta e cell Airline
1 sica towers could not hand off calls from one n U.S.
New gon, phone s, US
9 l to the next fast enough. The phones use k
Pearl PA calls
5 low power transmitters, receiving
3 towers boost signal
We have studies (3) by Elias Davidsson
WTC, Disinf demonstrating that the government has
phy No l
1 Fetzer, Penta o & Davidso never been able to prove that any of the 9/11
sica Arab n U.S.
9 James gon, ommis n, Elias alleged “hijackers” were aboard any of Truth
l names k
5 PA sions those planes … no hijackers, then no
4 planes…
the US trading arm of Deutsche Bank –
WTC, which bought traditional Eight Families’
Francis, poli l Corpora he
1 Penta wealth repository and largest Four U.S.
Stephen tica Cabal n tions & Bank U.S.
9 gon, Horsemen shareholder Banker's Trust in corp
NFU l k 9/11 Alex
5 PA 1999 to become the world’s largest bank
5 with $882 billion in assets.
The Vela Incident, or South Atlantic
Flash, was ... "double flash" of light
detected by an American Vela Hotel
Vela satellite (by TRW) (with EMP sensor)
poli 'nuclea on September 22, 1979, near the Prince l 22-
Wikiped Penta Israeli
tica EMP r' Edward Islands off Antarctica, believed n TRW Israel Sep-
ia gon, gov
l incide to be a joint South African and Israeli k 79
1 nt nuclear test ... denied by Israel ... most
9 information about it is classified. ... a
5 double flash was also seen at Port
6 Chicago 1944
Two billion pounds seemed like an
extremely large amount of particulate
matter from buildings whose total
Pilots for phy weight has been quoted at around 3 li
WTC lled 9/11
9/11 sica billion pounds. Debris removal has been n U.S.
1-2 demoli Truth
1 Truth l quoted at 1.2 billion pounds. Based on k
9 these rough numbers 2/3rds of the
5 building was indeed turned to dust or
7 vaporized.

WTC, Contro Engine

1 Francis, Penta phy lled Tower CTV Tower, China, Russia, Spain….
ers &
9 Stephen gon, sica demoli inferno Etc
5 NFU l s k
PA tion ts
WTC, Charlie Sheen has spoken out for 9/11
1 Francis, Penta poli Gateke Sheen, Truth and even created videos, but has
l Truth,
9 Stephen gon, tica epers Charlie since distanced himself from the
n gatek U.S.
5 NFU l k eeper
PA movement
9 s
Five Israeli Army veterans (Mossad) Israeli
dressed in Arab clothing were seen art
WTC, g Mossad U.S.,
Francis, poli celebrating after WTC attack. .. they l students
Penta Syste Israeli / Israel,
Stephen tica were arrested. Their visas were expired n , Urban
1 gon, ms, gov Sayeret SA,
NFU l and they were in the country illegally. k Moving
9 PA Dancin Matkal Britain
There was no investigation and were System
6 g
sent back to Israel. s
0 Israelis
NIST partners with the Naval Surface
Warfare Center (NSWC-IH) on
Chemical Science and Technology ...
and see Argonide and Technanogy ...
poli and contractors in 1999 were SAIC, l
911 Penta s, Victims U.S. 9/11/
tica Applied Ordnance, Battelle, Booz Allen n SAIC U.S.
Review gon Flight , all gov 2001
l Hamilton, Mantech, Titan, ... William k
1 Caswell, an employee of NSWC-IH,
9 dead on (Flight 77). He had for many
6 years worked on “deep-black” projects
1 at NSWC-IH
A careful analysis of the difference
1 Truth in WTC phy no Video between recorded live videos and videos li
9 Seven 1-2
planes fakery
played later in the day that are synched n
6 Minutes l exactly reveals no plane in the live k
2 videos….
Within hours of 9/11, Woolsey appeared
on television suggesting Iraqi
complicity. In September 2002, ... also
poli Neoco told the Wall Street Journal that he l
Wikiped WTC Woolsey U.S. Neocon
tica ns, believed that Iraq was also connected to n U.S.
ia 1993 , James gov s
1 l Strauss the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. k
9 Murrah Federal Building and the
6 bombing of the World Trade Center in
3 1993
Karzai (Afghan pres.), the leader of the
southern Afghan Pashtun Durrani tribe,
was a member of the mujaheddin that
poli fought the Soviets during the 1980s. He li
Penta Mujah Karzai, U.S. Neocon
WMR tica was a top contact for the CIA and n U.S.
gon, eddin Hamid gov s
1 l maintained close relations with CIA k
9 Director William Casey, VP George
6 Bush, and their Pakistani ISI Service
4 interlocutors.
Rogue government chain of command:
Vice President Dick Cheney, COS
David Addington, AF Sec Michael
poli Neoco l White
Wynne, AF COS Gen. Michael Mosely, U.S.
WMR WTC, tica ns, n House, U.S.
1 Gen. Lawrence Stuztriem gov
l Strauss k Cheney
9 CHECKMATE, Lt. Gen. Robert Elder,
6 Dr. Lani Kass, Col. Bruce Emig, Maj.
5 Gen. Stephen Goldfein
Griffin, It was omitted that Osama bin Laden Zionist/
David WTC, was treated in July 2001 by an Neocon
Me 9/11 & bin l Saudi Commi
1 Ray Penta American doctor in an American s Saudi 7/1/2
dic Saudi Laden, n Arabi ssion,
9 New gon, hospital in Dubai. … FBI said there created Arabia 001
al Arabia Osama k a gov omissio
6 Pearl PA never was enough evidence to charge al
6 Harbor him with a crime involving 9/11. Queda
Wikipedia: Health effects arising from
the September 11 attacks page … there
is no mention of any radioactive
Me l
Wikiped WTC Cance elements on this page.. Despite ample U.S.
dic n U.S.
1 ia 1-2 r evidence of such elements in the USGS gov
al k
9 data… the fact that Wikipedia is
6 omitting these is actually a important
7 indicator of there existence.
David WTC, The omission of any information on 9/11
poli 9/11 l
1 Ray Penta Posner, Gerald Posner's account of Abu Finacin U.S. al Saudi
tica Financ n
9 New gon, Gerald Zubaydah's testimony concerning Saudi g& gov Queda Arabia
l ing k
6 Pearl PA funding of al-Queda Roots
8 Harbor
David WTC, The omission of any information on Rothsch
poli 9/11 & l Commi
1 Ray Penta Posner, Gerald Posner's account of Abu ild U.S. Saudi
tica Saudi n ssion,
9 New gon, Gerald Zubaydah's testimony concerning Saudi Zionists gov Arabia
l Arabia k omissio
6 Pearl PA prior knowledge of 9/11. , all
9 Harbor
The 9/11 Commission's denial of any
Griffin, Zionist/
evidence that money from Prince 9/11
David WTC, Neocon
poli 9/11 & Bandar Bandar's wife, Princess Haifa, went to l Commi
Ray Penta s U.S. Saudi 9/13/
1 tica Saudi bin al-Qaeda operatives. … Prince Bandar n ssion,
New gon, created gov Arabia 2001
9 l Arabia Sultan were allowed to leave the U.S. on k omissio
Pearl PA al
7 9/13/2001 without being adequately ns
Harbor Queda
0 investigated.
Multiple Myeloma (Hiroshima disease):
The exact cause of multiple myeloma is
Cance not clear. Past treatment with radiation
NIH WTC r, therapy increases the risk of this type of Victims U.S.
dic U.S.
1 NCBI 1-2 Myelo cancer. confirms this: People , all gov
9 ma who were exposed to radiation from an
7 atomic bomb blast had a higher risk of
1 multiple myeloma.

1 poli WTC Magna BSP, an Israeli security company Corpora

Fukus Israeli Magna
9 MSM tica Securit controls security systems at the tions & Israel
hima corp BSP
7 l y Fukushima nuclear power plant. … 9/11
Omitted Coleen Rowley's claim that the
David WTC, U.S.,
poli Whistl Kenneth Williams memo was seen by l Intel
1 Ray Penta Rowley, U.S. Israel,
tica eblowe some FBI officials and her attempts to n agencie FBI
9 New gon, Coleen gov SA,
l r obtain a search warrant on Zacarias k s
7 Pearl PA Britain
Moussaoui was sabotaged by FBI.
3 Harbor
David WTC, Omitted any information concerning U.S.,
poli l Commi
1 Ray Penta Warni Wright, Robert Wright's case on a 9/11 terrorist U.S. Israel,
tica n ssion,
9 New gon, ngs Robert cell and used intimidation to prevent gov SA,
l k omissio
7 Pearl PA publication of his book about this. Britain
4 Harbor
Leitner testimony to Congress on
Clinton decontrols of 280 MTOP super
Nuclea computers … in context of dual-use
l White
WTC doc r technology transfer to foreign U.S.
FAS n House, U.S.
1 1-2 s smugg governments…. political payback for gov
k Clinton
9 ling campaign contributions … Providing
7 access to even greater processing power
5 will impart to potential adversaries and
proliferators the ability to pursue design,
modeling, prototyping, and development
... of wmds, nuclear

These five companies were AMEC

Clean Eviden Construction Management, Bovis Lend
WTC, up, ce Lease, Turner Construction, Tully
Francis, phy l Corpora Salvage
Penta Zionis destruc Construction and Tishman Construction. U.S.
Stephen sica n tions & compan U.S.
1 gon, t tion, Charlie Vitchers, who worked for Jim corp
NFU l k 9/11 ies
9 PA compa obstru Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at
7 nies ction Ground Zero, said the site was then
6 broken up "into basically five segments.
London School of Jewish Studies
1 Francis, Penta poli Rothsc
(LSJS) and London School of l
9 Stephen gon, tica hild &
, Dov
Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov n
7 NFU l 9/11 Zakheim (9/11 mastermind) k
7 relationship.
David WTC, Disinf
poli Omission of evidence that ISI chief l Commi
1 Ray Penta o& Tenet, U.S. Pakista
tica Mahmoud ordered $100,000 to be sent n ssion,
9 New gon, ommis George gov n
l to Mohamed Atta prior to 9/11. k omissio
7 Pearl PA sions
8 Harbor
Graham says the FBI -- which is
fighting the release of thousands of
pages of its investigation -- is continuing
WTC, 28
poli Graham, to cover up the Saudi Arabian Saudi
Graham, Penta pages Saudis Saudi
tica Senator connection between Sarasota and the Arabi ISIS
Sen. Bob gon, declass & 9/11 Arabia
1 l Bob 9/11 attack. "After having said there a gov
PA ified!
9 were 'no' documents about the
7 investigation in Sarasota, 'no' has now
9 become 80,000 pages,"
Hani Hanjour (Flight 77 Pentagon)
Griffin, failed small plane flight training and
David WTC, could not have piloted Boeing jet
phy Hijack l Commi
Ray Penta hijacker, aircraft. Professional pilots using flight Hijacke 9/11 Saudi
sica er n ssion,
1 New gon, patsies simulators found it essentially rs, all Truth Arabia
l patsies k omissio
9 Pearl PA impossible to fly the planes the way
8 Harbor they were depicted in the 9/11
0 Commission Report.
Scribd: 2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities
in the Twin Towers came from two
WTC, companies that managed U.S.
Francis, me li Intel of
Penta Victim Victims, government securities: Cantor U.S.
Stephen dic n agencie Naval
1 gon, s 9/11 Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 31% of the gov
NFU al k s Intellig
9 PA 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from
8 the Naval Command Center that housed
1 the Office of Naval Intelligence.
Bush cousin (Judge John M. Walker of
1 Global Penta poli Litigat Walker, the 2nd Circuit of the United States
9 Research gon tica ion & Judge Court of Appeals) presides over April
DoJ U.S.
8 l 9/11 John M. Gallop 9/11 suit against Cheney,
2 Rumsfeld, Myers
The 1994 NDAA National Defense
Authorization Act , prevented US from
developing nuclear weapons with a
WTC, yield under 5 kilotons, but was repealed White
phy ar l
Wikiped Penta under the 2004 NDAA. The lightest is U.S. House, 1/1/1
sica physic n U.S.
ia gon, the W54, which was used in both the gov Bush 994
l s short k
1 PA Davy Crockett 120 mm recoilless rifle– GW
9 launched warhead, and the backpack
8 version called the Mk-54 SADM
3 (Special Atomic Demolition Munition
Twin Towers were reduced to a few
large pieces and millions of cubic yards
of very fine dust, which appears to have
Contro been critical for the preservation of the Control Engine
phy Syndr
Alternati WTC lled bathtub, the shattering of which would led 9/11 ers &
sica ome, U.S.
ve News 1-2 demoli have allowed Hudson River water to demolit Truth Scientis
l bathtu
1 tion flood beneath Lower Manhattan, the ion, all ts
9 subway and the PATH train tunnels,
8 causing monumental damage to the
4 most valuable real estate in the world
Bolt: In contained underground
detonations of fusion devices,
radioactive products are trapped in
WTC, cracked rock and rubble beneath the
Penta Cance ground's surface. The gaseous products 9/11
MSM dic U.S.
gon, r such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, Truth
1 PA iodine, and tritium gradually cool. ...
9 tritiated water is formed with the
8 interaction of iodine and lithium which
5 mixes with ordinary water.
Iodine-131, I-131,radioiodine, is an
important radioisotope of iodine ... 8-
day half life, a product of uranium /
WTC, Cance
Me plutonium fission (nearly 3% by weight) l
Wikiped Penta r, Victim Victims 9/11
dic ... significant contributor to health n U.S.
ia gon, Thyroi s , all Truth
1 al hazards from open-air atomic bomb k
PA d
9 tests, Chernobyl, Fukushima ... I-131 is
8 also a major fission product of uranium-
6 233, produced from thorium.
Cancer is a stochastic rather than
deterministic effect of radiation. The
probability of occurrence depends on
the dose received. Enough radiation to
Me cause ionization breaks molecular bonds l
Wikiped Penta Cance Victims 9/11
dic thus altering the structure of cell tissue n U.S.
ia gon, r , all Truth
al and cell DNA. Cell repair mechanisms k
1 help but once double strand breaks
9 (DSBs) appear epigentic expression is
8 disrupted and cells that survive
7 uncontrollably reproduce.
BuzzFeed was funded by money from
Ben Horowitz, the son of the king of
poli neo-conservative political correctness li Israeli
Penta Zionis Buzzfe
1 WMR tica on college campuses, David Horowitz. n think Israel
gon, m ed
9 l Ben Horowitz, a wealthy Silicon Valley k tank
8 entrepreneur, is a major funder of the
8 American Jewish World Service.
Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal related
to Operation Orchard, bombing of
alleged nuclear facility in Syria, with the
WTC, Operati
poli cooperation of Israel. Bent Spear, l
Penta False Cheney, Mini Syria on
WMR tica AGM-129 ACM was commissioned in n Syria
gon, flag Dick Nukes gov Orchar
1 l 1987 as a platform stealth cruise missile k
PA d
9 to deliver a nuclear warhead W80-1
8 ... related the Cheney rogue government
9 ... PDAS
William Casey's covert operations as
Director of the CIA led from the arming
the mujehaddin to the intricacies of
poli Contragate. Drug profits from this Intel Pakist
Bowles, Penta Iran Hekmyat Pakista
tica funneled through BCCI at the behest of agencie an ISI
William gon, Contra ar n
1 l Saudi Arabia / CIA that used the s gov
9 Pakistan ISI as a proxy. These funds
9 went to a drug dealer named Hekmyatar
0 and to his protégé, Osama bin Laden.
“I believe that the failure to shine a full
light on Saudi actions and particularly
WTC, Neocon
poli 9/11 & Graham, its involvement in 9/11 has contributed Saudi
Graham, Penta s Saudi
1 tica Saudi Senator to the Saudi ability to continue to Arabi ISIS
Sen. Bob gon, created Arabia
9 l Arabia Bob engage in actions that are damaging to a gov
PA al
9 the US – and in particular their support
1 for ISIS,”
9/11 was launched in June
2004 and has become a central portal for
many 9/11 Truth movement
WTC, organizations. It is run by Janice
poli l Truth,
Wikiped Penta Gateke Matthews (Executive Director), David 911Tru
tica n gatek U.S.
ia gon, epers Kubiak (International Campaign th
l k eeper
1 PA Advisor) and Mike Berger (Media
9 Coordinator), among others, and its
9 advisory board includes Steven E. Jones
2 and Barrie Zwicker.
Madame Curie died in 1934 at the
sanatorium of Sancellemoz (Haute-
Savoie), France, due to aplastic anemia
brought on by exposure to and effects of
Me l
Wikiped WTC Cance ionizing radiation …nearly blinded from Victims Franc Jul-
dic n France
ia 1-2 r catarcts ... she coined the term , all e gov 34
al k
1 radioactivity and discovered the
9 elements polonium and radium, ... her
9 personal papers are too hot to handle.
3 Oppenheimer died of throat cancer.

1 Francis, JFK & poli Kennedy Kennedy assassination video, LBJ, CIA,
Holoca U.S.
9 Stephen Holoc tica , John F. Big Oil murdered him…
ust gov
U.S. Nov-
9 NFU l d 63
Clinton, Bush &
Obama suspicious
death lists, body
Alphabetic Index 300+
counts. names: Clinton ... Bush ... Obama below
9/11 Truth Search Engine / ISIS /JFK / Holocaust /Interactive Spreadsheet

A compilation of about Clinton 9/11 Truth Timeline

50 websites. below
go to


and Bush Involvement in

Kennedy Assassination

Mossad and the JFK


Obama home page

Israel home page


Hillary Clinton
9/11 Truth
Alphabetic Index 300+ names
Clinton / Bush / Obama suspicious death list
 911 Witnesses  go to Clinton / Bush  Novinger, Darlene
 Aalund, James Downing  Obama Secret Kill List
 Adams, Doug  Okrent, Alex
 Adger, Sid  Olson, Paul
 Aguilera, Pres. Jaime Roldós  O'Neil, John
 Ackerman, Kirk von  Palfrey, Deborah Jeane
 Afghanistan, Bales Massacre  Palme, Olaf
Coverup  Parks, Luther (Jerry)
 Al-huk,Mohammed Zia  Patrick, Dennis
 Al-huk,Mohammed Zia  Perdue, Sally
 al-Kabir, Fahd bin Turki bin Saud  Prieto, Raphael
 al- Saud, Prince Sultan bin Faisal  Raiser, Montgomery
bin Turki bin Abdullah  Raiser, Victor C. II
 Gelareh Bagherzadeh  Reynolds, Capt Scott
 Baldridge, Malcolm  Rhodes, Spec. Gary
 crime families page
Bales massacre cover-up  Rhodes, Jeff
  Hartmann, Peter
Barkley, Maj. William  Rice, Charles Dana
  Hatfield, James
Baugh, Gandy  Robertson, Maj. Gen. William
  Heard, Stanley
Bates, Robert  Eridania Rodriguez,
  Herndon, Lance
Baxter, Clifford J.  Rogers, Dr. Ronald
  Henry, Don
Bearden, Boonie  Rose, Gen. James
  Hilli, Dr. Saad al Hilli
Bennett, William  Ruff, Charles
  Hillier, John
bin Laden, Osama  Ryan, Kieth
  Holland, Don
Blue, Todd  Sabel, Marine Sgt, Tim
  Holton, Michael
Boggs, Hale  Samples, Mike
  Horton, Jake
Bono, Sonny  Sanford, Paul
  Hubbell, Webster
Boorda, Jeremy 'Mike'  Schoedinger, Margie
  Huggins, Stanley
Britton, Dr. Brandy  Seal, Barry
  Hume, Sandy (Britt son)
Branscum, Herby  Seal Team Six
  Hunt, Mrs. E. Howard
Breitbart, Andrew  Sierra, Sarai
  Hunziker, Evan
Brown, Ron  Serrano, Juan Antonio
  Ives, Kevin
Bunch, James  Serbia, war
  Ivins, Dr. Bruce
Butera, Eric  Shelton, Bill
  Janitzchek, Hans
Caradori, Gary  Shebarshin, Leonid
  Jennings, Barry
Carnaby, Roland  Sleeping Indian Mountain C-130
  Johnson, Gary
Casey, William  Smith, Phil
  Jerkuic, Niko
Casolaro, Danny  Solly, Dave
  Kangas, Steve
Chavez, Cesar  Spence, Craig
  Kellerman, David
Bertha Champagne  Spence, David Wayne
  Kelly, Christopher
Colby, William  Spiro, Ian
  Kelly, Col. Robert
Coleman, Suzanne  Spitler, Timothy
  Kelly, Shelly
Connell, Mike MORE  Standoff, Alan
  Kennedy, Robert
Collins, Gregory  Stone, Gregory
 Fitzgerald
Cools, Andre  Swartz, Aaron
  Kennedy, John F. Jr.
Corbin, Michael  Tobias, Seth
  Kennedy assassination
Coulbeck, Neil  Todd, Michael
 Curie, Betty  Thompson, Hunter
 Kettleson, Jordan
 Damus, Robert G.  Torrijos, Gen. Omar
 Killian, Lt. Col. Jerry B
 Davis, L. J.  Tower, John Sen.
 Klausutis, Lori
 Delaney, Jack  Trentadue, Kenny
 Kokal, John
 Tropinov, Andrei
 Koney, Kieth
 Kopold, Jan
 Krim, Lucia & Leo and
 bin Laden, Salem
 Larsen, Jackie
 Laughton, Johnny
 Lash, William
 Lawhon, Johnny Jr.
 Lawrence, Larry
 LeBleu, Conway
 
 Lemme, Ray 
 Delaughter, Doc Tucker, Karla Faye
 Letelier, Orlando 
 Densberger, Col. William Tully, Paul
 Levy, Chandra 
 DiBiase, Maria Vance, Judge Robert
 Lombardi, Mark 
 Dickson, Steve W Hotel Woman
 Luna, Jonathan 
 Dixon, Julian Waco, Branch Davidian
 Mahoney, Mary 
 Duncan, Theresa Blake Walker, Jon Parnell
 Martin, Florence 
 Dutko, Daniel A. Warfield, Zachary Greene
 Marshall, Philip 
 Eisman, Dennis Watkins, James Daniel
 McConnel, 
 Farish, William S. Webb, Gary
Leona, Missing? 
 Farouq, Agmed Weinsten, Warren
 McCoy, Don 
 Ferguson, Kathy Welch, Russel
 McDougal, James 
 Ferrat, Mohamed Samir Wellstone, Paul Sen.
 McKaskle, Keith 
 Flight 77 9/11 Westhusing, Colonel Ted
 McKechan, Todd 
 Flight 93 9/11 Brigadier General David Wherley
 McMillan, Colin 
 Forrestal, James Wilcher, Paul
 McWethy, John 
 Foster, Vincent Wilhite, Jim
 Meng Fanjun 
 Fox, Cpl. Eric S. Wiley, Dr. Don C.
 Meissner, Charles 
 Friday, Hershell Willey, Ed
 Merrill, Phillip 
 Frueh, John, Cpt Williams, Gareth
 Milam, James 
 Fuentes, Rosa Williams, Robert
 Millis, John 
 Gadahn, Adam Willis, Steve
 Miller, Charles 
 Galster, Michael Milbourne
Wilson, John
 Gandy, Baugh  Winters, Richard
 Miller, Eric 
 Geronimo  Miller, Ron
Wise, Barbara
 Ghigliotti, Carlos  Yunhuan, Shao
 Milosevic, Slobodan 
 Gibbs, Judy  Miskell, Lewis B.
Xinghu, Xu and his wife, Zhu Ying
 Rep. Gillmore, Paul  Zhitomirsky, Ilya
 Moffit, Ronni 
 Gosch, Johnny  Mohrenschildt, George
PDAS assassinations,
 Graham, Gary 
 Grober, Paula  Moody, Neal
 Guantanamo Suicides  Mooney, Col. Thomas
 Guerrin, Larry  Moser, Tony
 Hamad, Riad  Naval Intelligence Office
 Haney, Staff Sgt. Brian  Nichols, Larry
 Hariri, Rafiq PM Lebanon  Nichols, Robert Booth
 Harris, Lt. Col. William  Nir, Amiram
 Harris, Quarles  Novakova, Anastasia

 Dar
? page

 Flight 93 Victims List  Bush Body Count McClellan book

 Pentagon 9/11, missile attack, victims list  Clinton Death Lists
Bush / Clinton Suspicious Death List intro: The editors and staff at are finally realizing that we are
uncovering one of the most incredible political stories of modern history. It best can be described by getting out the idea of 'limited
hangout' and applying it to the past 25 years of Bush / Reagan / Clinton administrations. Bill and Hillary Clinton are still in the
process of hoodwinking the world including Democrats, Republicans and Progressives. The Clinton impeachment was just a
smokescreen to launch the neo-con PNAC agenda 'under the radar'. The Clinton's are / were an integral part of the neo-con
operation. Osama bin Laden is their creation. They (Cheney and Israel) piggy-backed their operation on top of bin Laden's 9/11
mission; it all went very smoothly. The Clinton healthcare initiative, OJ Simpson trial, Iraq sanctions, and countless media tricks
were all necessary parts of the decades-long run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Countless duped Republicans like Falwell, Limbaugh,
fell into the trap and were unwitting coconspirators. The lists of names on this page are just a few of the people who got in the way
and had to be 'taken care of'....all very fascinating and tragic. ....New York Times Crazy Clinton, 1997, and file

Clinton Suspicious Death

Lists ... Body Counts

 Commerce Dept deaths

Clinton body count  Company Executives
 The Henry Ives deaths
 Iran transfer of arms to Bosnian
 Misc deaths
 INSLAW case
 BCCI, Bank of Credit and Commerce
 Oklahoma City bombing
 Dead Bodyguards
 Waco / Mena drug running
 Administration
 Wounded or attempted murder:
 Dead Women
 Iraq sanctions
 Dead Fundraisers
 Disappearances
 Vince Foster / Whitewater Death

Iran transfer of arms to Bosnian Muslims go to index

John Millis "Knowledge of the Iran-Contra

Affair may also be the true cause of the essentially unpublicized June 3,
Vincent Foster White House 2000 alleged "suicide" of John Millis, Staff Director of House Intelligence
Counsel died: 7/21/93 - Found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Committee. In 1996, Millis had investigated and uncovered the Clinton
Washington, DC, of a supposed suicide by gunshot. A administrations’ role in helping Iran transfer arms to Bosnian
suicide note was supposedly found a few days later, torn Muslims. New York Times file.... The suspicious nature of the death of
into several pieces, in his briefcase, after his office had Millis and the lack of media coverage continued
been entered by White House staff and materials at notes. news: Gunderson Educate Yourself WMR, Disinfo,
removed. The gun which he supposedly used to kill and Salon and file (Larry Nichols, Iran Contra, Arkansas, FAS Federation
himself was reported to be still in his hand, but the person of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra continued Brattleboro
who first found the body reports that there was no gun at petition AP
that time. Many irregularities surround the death and the
investigation of it. - Foster was also from Hope, Ark., like
Clinton, and also worked for the Rose Law firm.
Foster had
intimate knowledge of the
Clintons' personal finances. Foster was
involved in an investigation of their finances, and
reportedly made a phone call to HillaryClinton, in Little
Rock, just hours before his
death. websites Wikipedia Wikipedia PBS Frontline
Rose Law firm billing
records, CNN Fair MediaMatters AND 42
inc see PROMIS, INSLAW below continued

go to Sudan, Bill Clinton,

advancing neo-con schemes in the 90's more

Charles Ruff Charles Ruff was one of

Clinton's attorneys during the impeachment trial and was
known to have inside information on the White House
emails scandal as well. Original reports were that he died
in an accident in his home although no details were given.
Then the report changed to claim that he was found in his
bedroom unconscious, then declared dead on arrival at the
hospital. The authorities will provide no details other than
the usual (and quite premature) assurances that there was
no foul play involved New York Times, Spiritually
A Hillary Clinton presidency
Smart Wikipedia continued and see John Millis means war in the Balkans more
research file Scoop and Hitz Report
Gary Webb : ,Suicide .. TruthNews L.A. Times had never
William Colby : Retired CIA director was acknowledged that Webb was substantially correct in his reporting about
found dead on May 6,1996 after his wife reported him the Nicaraguan contras’ role in smuggling cocaine into the United States
missing on April 27,1996. Apparently, Colby decided to
go on a impromptu canoeing excursion and never
returned. Colby who had just started writing for Strategic
Investment newsletter, worried many in the intelligent
community. Colby's past history of divulging CIA secrets
in the past were well known. Strategic Investor had
covered the Vince Foster suicide and had hired
handwriting experts to review Foster's suicide note. and
see research on William Colby John DeCamp relationship
in the Franklin Scandal Omaha NFU research
pages, and Etherzone, AmericanRetiredPersons see
in the 1980s. Online Journal more That
also , John DeCamp JJRaymond Wikipedia decision by the L.A. Times – when combined with the abusive treatment
Webb received from other major news outlets and his betrayal by his own
editors at the San Jose Mercury News – had sent Webb’s life into a
James McDougal American Retired Persons Jim downward spiral that ended with him shooting himself with his father’s
McDougal was serving his three-year sentence for bank handgun. New York Times New York Times Consortium News New
fraud at the Fort Worth Federal Medical Center in Texas, York Times concedes Contra CIA drug operations true ...more search
a facility operated by the federal Bureau of Prisons for terms: Dark Alliance, San Jose Mercury News
inmates who need medical attention. ... Just prior to
another round of testimony before Kenneth Starr's grand
jury, McDougal, while in solitary confinement, suffered a Milosevic, Slobodan MediaMatters On March 11, Milosevic died in his
heart attack that may have been brought on by diuretics prison cell in The Hague, Netherlands. A preliminary autopsy report cited
forced on him. Wikipedia,New York Times, Salon New a heart attack as the cause of death. The Associated Press reported on
Yorker, and see David Hale, continued March 13 that Dutch toxicologist Donald Uges said "he found traces of an
unprescribed drug in Slobodan Milosevic's blood earlier this year that may
have reduced the effectiveness of other medications he was
taking." ... Wikipedia, PrisonPlanet Antiwar

Shao Yunhuan, of Xinhua News Agency, Xu Xinghu and his wife, Zhu
Ying, reporters at Guangming Daily. (NATO bombed the Chinese
Embassy in Yugoslavia) God save Obama from assassination.
BCCI, Clinton go to index or
Mary Mahoney .White House
Search terms: Bert Lance, Jackson Stephens, Abdullah Taha Bakkhsh,
... Intern died 7/97 An attractive 25 year old woman,
BCCI Hong Kong, Mochtar Riady, Aga Hassan Abedl, National Bank of
Mary was a former White House Intern for Bill Clinton Georgia, Gaith Pharoan, defense contracts, Stephens Inc. (bond investors)
working as the Assistant Manager at a Starbuck's Coffee Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Worthen
shop in Georgetown. In the pre-trial publicity surrounding
Bank. FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra
Paula Jones lawsuit, and mere days after Newsweek's
Mike Isikoff had dropped hints that a "former White
House staffer" was about to go public with her story of Oklahoma City Bombing go to index
sexual harassment at 1600 Pennsylvania, gunmen entered
the Starbuck's while the crew was cleaning up after
closing. Mary's two associates were taken to a room and
Kenny Trentadue A Salt Lake city lawyer searching for the truth
shot. Mary herself had five bullets in her. No money was behind his brother's death has uncovered a wealth of new information that
taken. Washington Post continued could implicate the FBI in the Oklahoma City bombings. The documents
he dug up suggest the FBI knew about the plot to bomb the Alfred P.
Murrah federal building in advance but did little to prevent it. Jesse
Eric Butera An informant in the murder of White Trentadue's brother Kenney Trentadue was found dead in his prison cell in
House intern Mary Mahoney. Assigned by DC police to Oklahoma City in August 1995. The FBI calls it a suicide but Jesse
make an undercover drug buy and was beaten to maintains Kenney was beaten to death during an interrogation.
death. Prorev

The Secret Service told Dallas police to stop screening for weapons while
Clinton Administration go to index
people were still arriving at a campaign rally for Barack Obama,

Jeremy "MIKE" Boorda, President Clinton's former Chief of

Dead Bodyguards go to index MORE Naval Operations allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the
chest with a .38 caliber pistol on his front lawn in May 1996. The
unauthorized wearing of valor pins was the alleged reasoning behind the
Maj. Gen. William Robertson Deputy suicide. By 1998 this reasoning was proved false after the Navy issued a
Commanding General, V Corps, Europewebsites report that said Boorda earned the right to wear the pins after
all. continued Arlington Cemetery (page misspelled) websites SMHAI
Col William Densberger V Corps Chief of
Operations and Plans Paul Tulley - Democrat National Committee Political Director found
dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas September 24, 1992,
Col. Robert Kelly V Corps Chief of Intelligence Described by Clinton as a "Dear friend and trusted
advisor". websites , NewsMeat continued

Spec. Gary Rhodes Crew Chief died: 2/23/93 -

All were killed when their helicopter crashed in Kathy Ferguson Ex-wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson died: circa
Weisbaden, Germany. No cause was ever determined. - V 5/94 - Died of a supposed gunshot suicide in her living room. There was a
Corps figured prominently in the US Bosnia-Serbia suicide note found by the body. However, friends were surprise at having
peacekeeping operations, along with the carrier noticed nothing wrong previously. And even more curious, found nearby
Roosevelt. These men, and 8 others associated with were several packed suitcases, as if she expected she was going
Clinton's visit to the Roosevelt all died within 4 months somewhere. She was the former wife (since changed her name) of Trooper
of each other. websites MORE Danny Furguson, who is the Arkansas State Trooper alleged to have
escorted Paula Corbin Jones to the hotel room for her alleged episode of
sexual harassment by then-Governor Clinton. Ferguson's wife was
Steve Willis ATF Agent & Former Clinton reported as a possible corroborating witness for Ms. Jones.
bodyguard Jeremiah Project
Branscum, Herby Arkansas bankers Herby Branscum and Robert
Robert Williams ATF Agent & Former Clinton Hill were tried on charges in connection with Clinton's 1990 gubernatorial
bodyguard Jeremiah Project campaign. They were acquitted on some, but a mistrial was declared on
Conway LeBleu ATF Agent & Former Clinton others. Branscum subsequently killed in a suspicious auto
bodyguard Jeremiah Project accident. continued New York Times Prorev

Todd McKeehan ATF Agent & Former Clinton Gandy Baugh Attorney representing Mr. Lasater in a case
bodyguard, died: 2/28/93 - "executed" by gunfire in the concerning alleged financial misconduct. died: 5/94 - Died in an alleged
Waco, Texas assault on the Branch Davidians. - All four suicide by jumping out of a window of a multi-story building. - Mr.
were examined by a "private doctor" and died from nearly Lasater was a close associate of Gov. Clinton, and was later indicted on
identical wounds to the left temple, so-called execution
style. According to Linda Thompson, videotapes and
other evidence indicates that none died from guns fired by
Branch Davidians. continued Jeremiah Project MORE

Staff Sgt. Brian Haney Clinton bodyguard

Marine Sgt. Tim Sabel Clinton bodyguard drug related charges, among other things. search
Lasater, Roger Clinton, Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Rose
Law firm, Webb Hubbel, Hillary Clinton. see NewsMax Dan
Maj. William Barkley Clinton Lasater New York Times American Thinker (Arkansas State Police
bodyguard websites Radio
Network) and Time file WayneMadsenReport and Salon FAS Federati
Capt. Scott Reynolds Clinton bodyguard died: on of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra continued
5/19/93 - All four men died when their helicopter crashed
in the woods near Quantico, Va. - Reporters were barred Dr. Ronald Rogers Dentist from Arkansas killed in plane crash as
from the site, and the head of the fire department he was on his way to an interview with a "London Sunday Telegraph"
responding to the crash described it by saying, "Security reporter to reveal some Clinton dirt. continued websites
was tight," with "lots of Marines with guns." A videotape
made by a firefighter was seized by the Marines. All four
If Obama is elected President will Blackwater or Halliburton assassinate
men had escorted Clinton on his flight to the carrier
him, NewsBusters wonders about Huffington Post blogger who mentioned
Roosevelt shortly before their deaths. MORE
this. Is he another Kennedyesque candidate? Does he have the
Dead Fundraisers go to index
Bill Shelton: Shelton was an Arkansas police officer and was found
C. Victor Raiser II National Finance Chairman of dead as an apparent suicide on Kathy Ferguson's grave (Kathy was his girl
the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the friend), on June 12, 1994. This "suicide" was the result of a gunshot
finance chairman for the Middle Atlantic States in wound to the back of the
Clinton for President Campaign websites New York head. Etherzone HillaryProject Slate file websites
Times He was affiliated with the Washington law firm of
Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue and was chairman of the Stanley Huggins Partner in Memphis law firm investigating
American Mobile Satellite Corporation of Washington Madison Guaranty. His 300 page report has never been
and vice chairman of the Mobile Telecommunication released. Jeremiah Project
Technologies Corporation of Jackson, Miss. ... died in a
plane crash near Dillingham, Alaska. New York
Times topics Bill Clinton Florence Martin Accountant subcontracting to CIA related to the
Barry Seal case. Dead of three gunshot wounds to the head. websites and
see Florence Martin, accountant subcontracting to the CIA , found dead in
Montgomery Raiser Son of C. Victor Raiser II 1994 in Mabell, Texas, the victim of three gunshot wounds to the head.
died: 7/30/92 - Both men died in a private plane crash in Ms. Martin had the documents and paperwork, including the PIN number
Alaska, en route to a fishing expedition. No cause was for an account that had been set up in the name of Barry Seal for $1.5
ever determined. Five others not connected to Clinton million at the Fuji Bank in the Cayman Islands. Oddly enough, following
died with them. - DeeDee Meyers described Raiser as a her death, the money was transferred to the Guaranty Bank in the Cayman
"major player" in the Clinton organization. Victor raiser Islands and then to another bank in the Virgin Islands. Jim Wilhite,
was also chairman of Mobile Telecomm Technologies associate of Mack McClarty's former firm. Many remember the sleezy
Corp., whose subsidiary, SkyTel Corp. is an international McClarty from Clinton's first administration. Planetquo
paging company used by federal police agencies such as
the= FBI.
Jim Wilhite Wilhite was an associate of Mack McClarty's former
firm. Wilhite died in a skiing accident on December 21, 1992. websites
Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser Sleeping Indian Mountain C-130 crash, Secret Service agent
died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded. and 9 crew members text file continued

Paul Tully Democratic National Committee Political Is Obama a threat to Dyncorps ... will they assassinate him? Limbaugh
Director died: 9/24/92 - Found dead in a hotel room in called him the 'magic negro', if he's elected the Right wing Christian Erik
Little Rock Arkansas of "unknown causes." No autopsy Prince will lose big time. Will it be a Secret Service inside job? Who's
allowed. - Described by Clinton as a "dear friend and Palmero,
trusted advisor. Tully authored several key strategies for
Clinton and the party. websites Dead Investigators go to index

Ed Willey Real Estate Attorney, Clinton Fund Raiser Jerry Parks Head of Clinton's Gubernatorial security team in Little
died: 11/30/93 - Died of gunshot to the head. Body found Rock. died: 9/26/93 - Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection
in deep woods in Virginia. Ruled a suicide, no note was outside Little Rock. - His family reported that shortly before his death,
found, nor was any motive identified. - Intimately they were being followed by unknown persons, and their home had been
involved in several Clinton fund raising events. Ruled a broken into. Parks had been compiling a dossier on Clinton's illicit
suicide, no note was found. Died on the same day his wife activities. The dossier was stolen. also mentioned as Luther
was allegedly sexually accosted in the White House by Parks, FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-
Bill Clinton. Intimately involved in several Clinton fund Contra websites
raising events. Wikipedia Salon see Linda Tripp

Paul Wilcher Washington attorney investigating government

corruption died: 6/22/93 - Found dead on a toilet in his Washington
apartment. No cause of death was ever determined. - At the time of his
Dead witnesses go to index death, he was investigating connections between the "October surprise"
during the 1980 federal election campaign and drug and gun-running out
of Mena, Arkansas, as well as the BATF assault on the Waco, Texas
James Bunch Influential Texan died: ??? - Died Branch Davidians. Was planning on producing a television documentary
from a gunshot suicide, similar to Vince Foster. - Was on his findings. He had delivered a 99-page affidavit to Janet Reno three
discovered to have a "little black book" containing the weeks before his death. websites
names of many influential persons in Texas and Arkansas
who visited certain prostitutes.
Jon Parnell Walker RTC investigator Mysteriously fell to his
death from an apartment balcony. The same apartment which was alleged
Jeremy "Mike" Boorda, President Clinton's to have been a secret getaway which Foster may have visited. also: Jon
former Chief of Naval Operations allegedly committed Walker, an investigator for the Resolution Trust Corporation, mysteriously
suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a .38 caliber "fell" to his death from Lincoln Towers, in Arlington, VA. In March 1992,
pistol on his front lawn in May 1996. The unauthorized Walker contacted the Kansas City RTC office for information concerning
wearing of valor pins was the alleged reasoning behind the ties between Whitewater and the Clintons. He reportedly was looking
the suicide. By 1998 this reasoning was proved false after into a 50 million dollar transfer from an RTC fund in Chicago to Madison
the Navy issued a report that said Boorda earned the right Guaranty Savings & Loan to cover up a 47 million dollar
to wear the pins after all. embezzlement. StewWebb Consortium and file

John Wilson Former Washington DC Council Darlene Novinger - Former FBI operative, January 23rd, 2003.
member died: 5/18/93 - Found dead from an apparent Novinger was known to hold sensitive information on the Clinton and
hanging suicide - Suicide appears suspicious due to an Bush I administration's drug operations. Her husband murdered March
unusual number of reports made to the media concerning 1987 when she went public with initial reports. Her father died July 8,
his "depression". Was reported, but not proven, to have 1993 four hours after Darlene was a guest on the Tom Valentine show.
ties to the Whitewater affair. websites Suffered retaliation after reporting discussions by government protected
drug smuggler who described contacts with Vice President George Bush
Will Oliver Stone make a movie about a GOP and his son, Jeb Bush. UofM, KPThomas, no mention in
assassination of Obama? Actually it was David Wikipedia, MORE
Ehrenstein of the LA Times that coined the 'magic negro'
label. no racism or racists here? but he is young and
charismatic. Where's the Clinton 'hit squad'? Is this a
Luther Parks Head of Clinton's security team in Little Rock. Died
conspiracy? And how does it compare to Robert Sept. 26, 1993 Gunned down in his car at the intersection of Chanaul
Kennedy? or Martin Luther King assassination? Parkway and Cantrell Road, near Jacksonville, Arkansas, (near Little
Rock). Parks was shot through the rear window of his car. The assailant
then pulled around to the driver's side of Park's car and shot him three
Bill Shelton Arkansas state trooper and fiancee of more times with a 9mm pistol. His family reported that shortly before his
Kathy Ferguson died: 6/94 - allegedly committed suicide death, they were being followed by unknown persons, and their home had
by shooting himself at the gravesite of his fiancee - been broken into (despite a top quality alarm system). Parks had been
Officer Shelton was the fiancee of Kathy Ferguson, who compiling a dossier on Clinton's illicit activities. The dossier was stolen.
was the ex-wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson. Kathy When news of the discovery of Vincent Foster's body was reported, Parks
Ferguson also committed "suicide" 6/94 when she shot is reported to have said, "Bill Clinton is cleaning house." websites
herself in her living room. Oddly, next to the body were
her packed bags, as if she was expecting to be going
somewhere. Danny Ferguson is a co-defendant along with
John Hillier - video journalist and investigator. He helped to produce
Bill Clinton in Paula Corbin Jones's sexual harassment the documentaries "Circle of Power," and "The Clinton Chronicles." He
suit. His ex-wife was reported as a corroborating witness mysteriously died in a dentist's chair for no apparent reason. You
for Ms. Jones. Tube and full length

Paul Olson A federal witness in investigations to Tony Moser: 41, was killed as he crossed a street in Pine Bluff, Ark
drug money corruption in Chicago politics, Paul had just on on June 10, 2000. Killed 10 days after being named a columnist for the
Democrat-Gazette newspaper and two days after penning a stinging
finished two days of FBI interviews when his plane ride
indictment of political corruption in Little Rock. NoHillary08
home crashed, killing Paul and 130 others on Sept 8,
1994. The Sept. 15, 1994, Tempe Tribune newspaper
reported that the FBI suspected that a bomb had brought Steve Francis, author of ... just kidding. no relation to th famous basketball
player ... of the Houston Rockets ... no assassination, assassinated, suicided, oft, etc.
down the airplane. websites

Commerce Department deaths go to index

Wounded or attempted murder: go
to index

Gary Johnson : Not dead, but beaten near death and

left for dead. Had videotapes of Clinton breaking into
Gennifer Flowers' apartment. His tapes were taken.

Ron Brown Former Chairman, DNC; Commerce

Dennis Patrick : Court clerk. Had millions of Secretary died: 5/3/96 - Ron Brown died along with 39 other people when
dollars laundered through his accoun t at Lasater & Co the T-43 (a converted 737 used by the Air Force) carrying the group on a
without his knowledge. Four attempts on his trip to Bosnia crashed while approaching the Dubrovnik airport. On the
life. websites verge of being indicted and having stated publicly his willingness to make
a deal with prosecutors, Ron Brown's death brought to an end the
L.J. Davis : Reporter investigating Clinton scandals. investigations into the Commerce Department. (NOTE: Also belongs
Attacked at his hotel room in Little Rock. His notes were under dead fundraisers) Wikipedia Ron Brown, YouTube, Clinton
stolen. 'crying' Judicial
Watch Conservative (Chinagate) Wikipedia Chinagate WhatReallyHappene
d, CraigsList
Larry Nichols : Former official at ADFA and
author of "The Clinton Chronicles." The man who broke
many of the Clinton scandal stories. Several attempts on Barbara Wise Commerce Department Staffer died: 11/29/96 -As the
his life scandals continued to swirl around the Commerce Department, and most
of all about John Huang, one of Huang's associates, Barbara Wise, was
found dead in her locked office at the Department of Commerce, partially
Steve Dickson- nude and covered with bruises. No cause of death has ever been
announced. Oddly enough, following the discovery of her body, Bill
Sally Perdue, one of Clinton's "regulars", was Clinton made an unscheduled return to the White House from Camp
offered a $60,000/year federal job to keep her mouth David, claiming he needed a book of poetry in order to complete his
shut; or she would have her legs broken. When she did inauguration speech. Wikipedia John Huang 1996 fund raising
come forward, she received a series of threats; but luckily scandal, John Huang, 1996 fund raising scandal, campaign finance
for her, the American press mostly ignored her. scandal, PRC, People's Republic of China, influencing U. S. domestic
politics. Taiwan replaced with 'New China Lobby', promoted by
Kissinger, Shultz, Vance, Eagleburger, Haig, Scowcroft. see Charlie Trie,
Betty Currie The night before White House became citizen and owned restaurant in Little Rock, convicted on Fed
secretary, Betty Currie, was to testify before the finance campaign laws, ... then Wang Jun, investor, Poly Technologies,
Campaign Finance hearing, her brother, Theodore PRC front company, smuggle AK-47s, met with Bush 41, Ron Brown,
Williams, Jr., was severely beaten and hospitalized (see and invitation to meet from Hillary Rodham Clinton. ... and Johnny
Oregonian January 29, 1998 Page A9). Then within one Chung, Liu Chaoying and General Ji ... the White House, illegal campaign
month of her testifying in the Lewinsky Grand Jury her contributions ... etc. ... back to John Huang, and employee of of
sister was killed in a car "accident" in December 1997. Indonesian company Lippo Group's Lippo Bank, and its owners Mochtar
Michael Galster The controversial story Riady and James Riady, raised millions for DNC, held Commerce Dept
involving tainted plasma from Arkansas prisoners that position, continued
was shipped to Canada in the 1980s while Bill Clinton
was state governor continued Charles Meissner Assistant Secretary of Commerce for
International Economic Policy. died: UNK - Following Ron Brown's
Could the GOP blame their assassination of Obama on a death, John Huang was placed on a Commerce Department contract that
Palestinian terrorist? Who are their heroes? Surely their allowed him to retain his security clearance by Charles Meissner. Shortly
not paranoid left-wing nutbags. No, Blackwater (created thereafter, Charles Meissner died in the crash of a small plane.
in 1997) did not take out RFK. But Scott Hinckley,
brother of John W. Hinckley Jr., who allegedly shot What about Israel and the Mossad and an Obama assassination? they are
Reagan, dined in Denver at the home of Neil Bush. highly skilled at this. We pray that Obama is safe from this. How to
protect Obama. Protecting Obama will be difficult. this page is proof of
INSLAW case: go to index what can happen.

Alan Standorf An employee of the National Jerkuic, Niko Chief Niko Jerkuic, technician in charge of the radio
beacons used during the fatal Ron Brown flight committed suicide May 6,
Security Agency in electronic intelligence. Standorf was a
source of information for Danny Casalaro who was 1996. Christopher Ruddy and Hugh Sprunt wrote, "Brown's plane was
investigating INSLAW, BCCI, etc. Standorf's body was probably relying on Croatian ground beacons for navigation. In the
found in the backseat of a car at Washington National minutes before Brown's plane crashed, five other planes landed at
Airport on Jan 31, 1991. Etherzone 42inc NFU Dubrovnik without difficulty, and none experienced problems with the
Jackson Stephens research beacons. But additional questions about the beacons and the crash will
remain unanswered because, as the Air Force acknowledges, airport
maintenance chief Niko Junic died by gunshot just three days after the
Larry Guerrin Was killed in February 1987 while crash and before he could be interviewed by investigators. Within a day of
investigating the INSLAW his death, officials determined the death was a suicide." Prorev
case.Etherzone 42inc and NFU Jackson Stephens
Shelly Kelly was the flight attendent on Ron Brown's ill fated flight
(April 3, 1996) James Nugent of the Wall Street Underground wrote,
Dennis Eisman An attorney with information on "Four hours and 20 minutes after the crash, the first Croatian Special
INSLAW. Eisman was found shot to death on April 5, Forces search party arrives on the scene and finds only Ms. Kelly
1991. Etherzone 42inc NFU Jackson Stephens research surviving. They call for a helicopter to evacuate her to the hospital. When
it arrives, she is able to get aboard without assistance from the medics. But
Ian Spiro Spiro had supporting documentation for Kelly never completes the short hop. She dies enroute. According to
multiple reports given to journalist/editor Joe L. Jordan, an autopsy later
grand jury proceedings on the INSLAW case. His wife
reveals a neat three-inch incision over her main femoral artery. It also
and 3 children were found murdered on November 1,
shows that the incision came at least three hours after her other cuts and
1992 in their home. They all died of gunshot wounds to
bruises." Prorev
the head. Ian's body was found several days later in a
parked car in the Borego Desert. Cause of death? The
ingestion of cyanide. FBI report indicated that Ian had Ron Miller investigated by authorities over the sale of his company,
murdered his family and then committed Gage Corp. to Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. was the man who tape-
suicide. Etherzone 42inc NFU Jackson Stephens recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned those tapes (and other records)
research websites over to congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were sentenced to
prison for campaign finance violations, using "straw donors" to conceal
Waco / Mena drug running go to index and the size of their contributions to various candidates. Indeed, Dynamic
Energy Resources, Inc. had hired Ron Brown's son Michael solely for the
see The Henry Ives deaths
purpose of funneling $60,000 through him to the Commerce
secretary, more

The Henry Ives deaths (drug running victims) go

to index

Carlos Ghigliotti 42, was found dead in his home

just outside of Washington D.C. on April 28, 2000. There Kevin Ives & Don Henry Initial cause of death
was no sign of a break-in or struggle at the firm of was reported to be the result of falling asleep on a railroad track in
Infrared Technology where the badly decomposed body Arkansas on August 23, 1987. This ruling was reported by the State
of Ghigliotti was found. Ghigliotti had not been seen for medical examiner Fahmy Malak. Later it was determined that Kevin died
several weeks. ... Ghigliotti, a thermal imaging analyst from a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks. Don had been
hired by the House Government Reform Committee to stabbed in the back. Rumors indicate that they might have stumbled upon
review tape of the siege, said he determined the FBI fired a Mena drug operation. websites A 1988 Saline County grand jury
shots on April 19, 1993. The FBI has explained the light determined the boys were murdered and their bodies afterwards laid on
bursts on infrared footage as reflections of sun rays on the tracks
shards of glass or other debris that littered the scene. ... "I
conclude this based on the groundview videotapes taken
from several different angles simultaneously and based on
Keith Koney Keith had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. Died
the overhead thermal tape," Ghigliotti told The in a motorcycle accident in July 1988 with unconfirmed reports of a high
speed car chase.
Washington Post last October. "The gunfire from the
ground is there, without a doubt." ... Ghigliotti said the
tapes also confirm the Davidians fired repeatedly at FBI Keith McKaskle McKaskle has information on the Ives/Henry
agents during the assault, which ended when flames raced deaths. He was stabbed to death in November 1988 at his home and In
through the compound. About 80 Branch Davidians August 1989, Ronald Shane Smith was sentenced to ten years for the 10
perished that day, some from the fire, others from gunshot November 1988 murder of Keith McKaskle. McKaskle had earlier
wounds. ... Mark Corallo, a spokesman for the expressed fears for his life, linking them to his knowing something about
congressional committee chaired by Rep. Dan Burton, R- "the railroad track thing". Smith may have been paid to kill McKaskle, as
Ind., said that police found the business card of a a prison inmate said he had been approached and offered $4,000 to kill
committee investigator in Ghigliotti's office. Corallo said McKaskle himself.
Ghigliotti's work for the committee ended some time
ago. Etherzone websites Clinton deaths,
Stephanopolis. continued Gregory Collins Greg had information on the Ives/Henry deaths.
He died from a gunshot wound to the face in January 1989.
76 deaths as a result of the government siege on the
Branch Davidians compound at Waco Jeff Rhodes He had information on the deaths of Ives, Henry &
Texas. Wikipedia Public Action search Janet Reno McKaskle. His burned body was found in a trash dump in April 1989. He
died of a gunshot wound to the head and there was some body mutilation,
Judy Gibbs (along with her sister Sharon) appeared leading to the probably speculation that he was tortured prior to being
killed. websites In July 1989 Frank Pilcher was arrested for the April
in the December 1979 issue of Penthouse, and later
1989 murder of Jeffrey Rhodes. Rhodes had earlier told his father he
worked at a bordello near Mena, Arkansas which also ran
feared for his life because he'd witnessed a narcotics transaction.
a blackmail operation with photos taken of the customers
with their girls. According to the Gibbs family, Bill
Clinton was a regular customer of Judy. While James Milan Milam had information on the Ives & Henry deaths. He
cooperating with law enforcement in a drug investigation, was decapitated. The state Medical examiner, Fahmy Malak, initially
Judy was burned alive when her house burned down. In a ruled death due to natural causes. Milam? Remember that Arkansas
sworn statement, Clinton bodyguard Barry Spivey related medical examiner, the one I said wasn't always the most conscientious
how he had been with the governor when the governor's investigator on God's green earth? Yep, we're about to see him again.
plane had flown over Judy Gibb's house and Clinton had Fahmy Malak listed James Milam's cause of death as a perforated ulcer,
shown Judy's penthouse photos on the plane and pointed adding that Milam's small dog afterwards ate the dead man's head,
out the house. WhatReallyHappened accounting for Milam's headless condition.

notes: Delaughter, Clinton, Arkansas, The Chief of Richard Winters Winters was a suspect in the deaths of Ives &
Police in Arkansas at that time, Doc Delaughter, said he Henry. He was killed in a "robbery" in July 1989 which was subsequently
had gathered information from many persons in Lasater's proven to be a setup.
surroundings, how he smuggled drugs and abused young
girls sexually. During those investigations Doc was
harassed by persons from his own police department, paid Jordan Kettleson Kettleson had information on the Ives & Henry
by Clinton. deaths. He was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup in June
1990. websites
It was about the Regan-Bush administration and an
alleged effort to delay the freeing of the hostages being Mike Samples Ives/Henry witness ... The Wall Street Journal
held at the time by Iran in order to do damage to 4/18/96 Micah Morrison "…Mike Samples - Murdered June 1995 - Mike
President Jimmy Carter's reelection bid. Casolaro was was another grand jury witness for Don and Kevin. He was reported as
told that as a part of the effort, drugs and weapons were knowing a great deal about the deaths of Ives and Henry. Sources say he
being flown into and out of the airport at Mena, Arkansas. had been involved with picking up drugs that were dropped out of planes
Bill Clinton was governor at the time and there have been at the Mena drop sites. He was shot to death in the head and was not found
numerous questions about whether Clinton was in any for some time…."
way involved in any of the activities connected with
Mena or protected those who were
Boonie Bearden Ives/Henry Witness, disappeared The Wall Street
Journal 4/18/96 Micah Morrison "…Boonie Bearden - Murdered under
involved CraigsList see Children Franklin Scandal mysterious circumstances March 1989 - He was a friend of both Greg
Omaha Collins and Keith Coney. He "vanished" without a trace. It was rumored
he knew exactly what had happened at the tracks. An anonymous caller
said he knew where he had been murdered. The police found a piece of a
Barry Seal Wikipedia Adler Berriman Seal, or
shirt, nothing more. His body has never been recovered…."
"Barry Seal" (July 16, 1939–February 19, 1986) was a
pilot with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and an
drug smuggler (again, with the help of the CIA) turned notes:In a 25 May 1990 hearing before U.S. Magistrate Henry Jones Jr.,
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) informant. Katherine Brightop said her ex-boyfriend Paul William Criswell told her
After a 1984 arrest in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for money he and three other men were involved in the teenagers' deaths. Brightop
laundering and Quaalude smuggling, Seal negotiated a said Criswell told her the boys tried to steal cocaine from Callaway's
plea bargain that included him becoming an informant for home and they were caught and beaten to death before their bodies were
the DEA and testifying against his former Colombian placed on the tracks.
employers websites

Spartacus Seal also offered to provide information to the

DEA implicating federal officials in the Iran-Contra Serbia -Baltics, war go to index
scandal. This included Richard Ben-Veniste, a Watergate
prosecutor who played a crucial role in the successful
fight to secure the secret Richard Nixon White House Iraq sanctions go to index
tapes. Ben-Veniste represented both Barry Seal and Bill
Clinton in the early 1980s. Ben-Veniste served as chief Tens of thousands of children in Iraq.
counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. However,
the authorities were not interested in this
information. websites Misc Deaths go to index

Russell Welch, an Arkansas State Police Dr. Stanley Heard Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health
Investigator, was stricken with what his doctor called Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small
"military- grade" anthrax poisoning during his probe of plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory
Mena drug operations. Welsh did recover, thanks to a council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother. If this
very astute doctor. Of course, Mena drug running has unlucky chiropractor treated Clinton's brother, it is likely he accidentally
long been rumored to be connected with stumbled on to some of the drug operation in which the Clintons were
Clinton. StewWebb Salon Wall Street Journal Mena involved. websites and NTSB StewWebb
Coverup file MORE
Steve Dickson - Counsel to Mr. Heard died: 9/10/93 - Both died in a
Robert Bates Barry Seal's aircraft mechanic at plane crash outside Dulles airport, after their aircraft, rented after Heard's
Mena (name unknown as of this time) died March 21, personal craft developed troubles, crashed while attempting an emergency
1995 of an "overdose of mouthwash". Regarded by local landing after reporting a fire on board. - Heard, in addition to serving on
authorities as an obvious homicide. Clinton's advisory council, also personally treated Clinton's mother,
stepfather, and brother.

Company executives go to index

Jim Wilhite Vice Chairman, Arkla, Inc. died: 12/21/92 - Died in a
one-person skiing accident. - Wilhite had extensive ties with Clinton and
Charles W. Miller - Was executive vice president Mack McLarty, with whom he visited by telephone just hours before his
and member of the board of directors for a company death. websites
called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own software
engineering company. Alltel is the successor to Jackson
Stephens' "Systematics", the company that provided the Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to
software for the White House's "Big Brother" data base Clinton in the trunk of a car left in his repair shop. Died when his car hit a
system and that was behind the administration's plan to utility pole. (Johnny Lawhon)
develop the secret computer "Clipper" chip to bug every
phone, fax and email transmission in America. Found Florence Martin - Accountant subcontractor for the CIA related to
dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. Dead of three gunshot
1998 in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch wounds.
house near Little Rock. Police found a Ruger .357-caliber
revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the
Rugerwas the weapon used by Miller to kill himself. Yet, Hume, Sandy : On Sunday, February 22nd, 1998, Sandy Hume, the
two rounds in the handgun's cylinder had been 28 year old son of journalist Britt Hume, was reportedly found dead in his
spent. World Net Daily MORE notes Arlington, Virginia home. Aside from the statement that this was an
"apparent" suicide, there remains in place a total media blackout on this
story, possibly out of concern that the actual facts will not withstand
public scrutiny. Worked for Hill magazine, about Congress for
Congress. websites
Vince Foster case go to index
Lance Herndon: Herndon a 41 year old computer specialist and
a prominent entrepreneur who received a presidential appointment in
1995 died August 10, 1996 under suspicious circumstances. He appeared
to have died from a blow to the head. Police said no weapons were found
at his mansion, adding that Mr. Herndon had not been shot or stabbed and
there was no evidence of forced entry or theft.Etherzone
Vincent Foster White House
Counsel died: 7/21/93 - Found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Doug Adams: Died January 7, 1997- A lawyer in Arkansas who got
Washington, DC, of a supposed suicide by gunshot. A involved trying to help the people who were being swindled out of their
suicide note was supposedly found a fews days later, torn life savings. Adams was found in his vehicle with a gunshot wound to his
into several pieces, in his briefcase, after his office had head in a Springfield Mo. hospital parking lot. Etherzone websites
been entered by White House staff and materials
removed. The gun which he supposedly used to kill
himself was reported to be still in his hand, but the person
who first found the body reports that there was no gun at
that time. Many irregularities surround the death and the
investigation of it. - Foster was also from Hope, Ark., like
Clinton, and also worked for the Rose Law firm. Foster
had intimate knowledge of the Clintons' personal
finances. Foster was involved in an investigation of their
finances, and reportedly made a phone call
to Hillary Clinton, in Little Rock, just hours before his
death. websites NFU Jackson Stephens research, 42inc

Neil Moody: Died -August 25, 1996 Following

Vincent Foster's murder, Lisa Foster married James
Moody, a judge in Arkansas, on Jan 1, 1996. Near the
time Susan McDougal first went to jail for contempt,
Judge Moor's son, Neil died in a car crash. There were
other reports that Neil Moody had discovered something
very unsettling among his stepmother's private papers and
was threatening to go public with it just prior to the
beginning of the Democratic National Convention. He
was alleged to have been talking to Bob Woodward of the
Washington Post about a blockbuster story. Witnesses
said they saw Neil Moody sitting in his car arguing with
another person just prior to His car suddenly speeding off
out of control and hitting a brick wall.Etherzone NFU
Jackson Stephens research, 42inc


Bill Clinton (demo-con) quieted a political opponent who

was making allegations that he had fathered a mulatto
child of a Little Rock hooker named Bobbi Anne
Williams. NewsMax

FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report,


Disappearances go to index

John Glasgow Yahoo / AP Clinton Library

Builder's CFO Vanishes, Leaving Questions, No
Clues. Police say no evidence of foul play, ... Company:
CDI Contractors LLC, Little Rock, owned by Dillard's
and the estate of Bill Clark, who built or remodeled many
of the 300-plus department stores, and built the Clinton
Library, ... other terms: options, shares, audit, accounting
scandal, clean books, tracking dogs may have found
something, Petit Jean Mountain, Volvo SUV, Conway
County, .... NFU: this is a huge
stretch to any connection to Clinton death lists but
mentioning it on this page may help the search. The
information is very smelly and stinky and should not be

side note: Huffington Post Clinton Library, Bill Bradley

... Obama supporter, former senator, called into question
of Bill Clinton Library financial backers, quid-pro-
quos, Hillary is a flawed candidate, won't release the
names of the people who contributed to the Clinton
presidential library. ... terms: favors,
pardons, investigations squelched, contracts
awarded, business cash advance, regulations
delayed, effect on run against John McCain,

notes: and in a bizarre twist in the 2008 campaign, Bill

Clinton accused Barack Obama of putting out a "hit
job"on him. Clinton has been accused of fanning racial
issues in the campaign, Clinton said that was a total myth
and mugging.

Dead Women go to index

Suzanne Coleman : Had affair with Clinton when

he was attorney general. Died of "suicide" with gunshot
wound to the back of her head. No autopsy performed.
Was pregnant at time of her death. Some say it was
Clintons. websites

Paula Grober Clinton's speech interpreter for the

deaf died: 12/9/92 -Died in a one-car accident with no
known witnesses. Her body was thrown 33 feet from the
car. A very attractive women, Paula traveled extensively
with Clinton from 1978 until her death.

Jan Kopold Shortly after Clinton's return to

America and his first meeting with HillaryRodham at
Yale Law School, his friend, Jan Kopold, died. One
report said it was from a fall off the roof of a building
while vacationing in Turkey, but Oxford’s magazine
reported it was from a mountain climbing fall. continued

Clinton, misc
Bush Death

 Palfrey
 Iran Contra deaths
 AWOL Bush
 Enron bodies  9/11
 Kennedy  911 - Office of Naval Intelligence
assassinations and Bush  Katrina Hurricane
Involvement page  Labor Leaders
 Bush Sr. deaths  Israel
 Plame outing death list
 Franklin scandal Omaha & mor e
 Minot / Barksdale nuclear
transfer & more

John Fitzgerald Kennedy An internal FBI Keep Quiet go to index

memo reported that on November 22 a reputed Shoebat / WND Three Saudis ... 9/11 a deal was struck between the U.S. and S
businessman named George H. W. Bush reported hearsay Arabia that included the deaths of three Saudi princes who met very suspicious en
that a certain Young Republican had been talking of July of 2002, within days of each other. Vanity Fair ... all were 9/11 financers nam
killing the President when he came to Houston. The Abu Zubaydah. more below
Young Republican was nowhere near Dallas on that date.
According to a 1988 story in The Nation, J. Edgar Hoover Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz owner of Kentucky Derby wi
said in a memo that Mr. George H. W. Bush of the CIA War Emblem. Less than one year earlier, bin Salman was allowed to fly out of the U
had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about the States on 9/16/01. His cause of death was ruled a heart attack during routine abdomi
reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to the surgery on July 22, 2002. more below
assassination of President Kennedy. George H. W. Bush
Prince Sultan bin Faisal bin Turki bin Abdullah al- Saud who myste
has denied this, although he was in Texas and cannot
died on his way to bin Salman's funeral in a car accident one day later, on July 23,
account for his whereabouts at the time. YouTube This is
2002. Time “...leading member of Osama bin Laden's brain trust and the operatio
Robert Gaylon Ross interview with Lyndon Johnson’s
control of al-Qaeda's millennium bomb plots as well as the attack on the USS Cole i
mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown. She claims that LBJ
October 2000.” more below
told her that he had John F. Kennedy killed. ...& You
Tube Wikipedia Warren Commission, Rolling Stone ( Fahd bin Turki bin Saud al-Kabir , who mysteriously got lost in the deser
The Last Confessions of E. Howard died of thirst on July 30th, 2002. more below
Hunt), Tarpley JFK Murder
Solved AssassinationScience JFK Assination
Ray Lemme

Brigadier General David Wherley WMR On that particular

morning, an exercise was being conducted that resulted in the two stand-
by F-16s being flown without their heat-seeking missiles. When it was
determined that the planes had to be pulled from exercise status to a real-
Source George H. W. Bush ... and time actual threat situation, they landed at Andrews and were dispatched
(enlarge)New York Times 'Bush in the CIA- immediately to the skies over Pennsylvania. WMR has previously
1963) file and pic .... and Bush in Dallas on Nov. 22, reported that the two F-16s engaged United Flight 93 over Shanksville and
1963) below photo from compiled shot it down. Eyewitnesses who lived in the Mount Vernon, Virginia area
reported hearing loud explosions over the Potomac River during the
morning of 9/11. These explosions may have been caused by the F-16s
from Andrews breaking the sound barrier over the area south of
Washington during their flight to Pennsylvania to intercept United
93. ... The Commander of the 113th Air National Guard fighter unit at
Andrews on 9/11 was then-Brigadier General David Wherley. Wherley
and his wife Ann were killed in the crash of a Red Line Metro train on
June 22 of this year. It was Wherley who ordered the F-16s off of exercise
status and into attack mode on the morning of 9/11. Wherley is reported to
have been aware of who in the chain of command ordered the F-16s into
exercise status and disarmed.

Geronimo AP HARTFORD, Conn. – Geronimo's descendants

from Flocco enlarge have sued Skull and Bones — the secret society at Yale University linked
and The Men Who Killed Kennedy (1988) to presidents and other powerful figures — claiming that its members
Starring: Hilary Minster, Robert J. Groden Director: stole the remains of the legendary Apache leader decades ago and have
Nigel kept them ever since. ... The federal lawsuit filed in Washington on
Turner memo and YouTube, or MORE and more on Tuesday — the 100th anniversary of Geronimo's death — also names the
Zapruder film university and the federal government. ... Geronimo's great-grandson
Harlyn Geronimo said his family believes Skull and Bones members took
more on some of the remains in 1918 from a burial plot in Fort Sill, Okla., to keep
in its New Haven clubhouse, a crypt. The alleged graverobbing is a
longstanding legend that gained some validity in recent years with the
John F. Kennedy Jr. On July 16, 1999, at the
discovery of a letter from a club member that described the theft. file
age of 38, John F. Kennedy Jr. was killed along with his
wife and his sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette, when the
aircraft he was piloting crashed into the Atlantic Mike Connell WMR December 20-21, 2008 -- Karl Rove now a
Ocean Great Dreams Murder by Plane Crash ... John F. possible suspect in murder conspiracy Former George W. Bush political
Kennedy Jr. .Wikipedia YouTube FAA, final approach, guru Karl Rove, as a result of a plane crash that killed his top computer
2500 ft., 100 ft, low altitude, 5 minutes, consultant, Mike Connell, has come under new suspicions, since Rove, as
reported by WMR, threatened Connell if he provided testimony to Ohio
Hillary Clinton "When she decided to run (for Senator officials investigating the 2004 GOP theft in the presidential
NY), Clinton and her husband purchased a home in election. ... Bath Township, Ohio police reported that on the evening of
Chappaqua, New York, north of New York City in December 19, a single-engine Piper Saratoga piloted by Connell crashed
September 1999." Wikipedia next to a vacant house in Uniontown, Ohio, near Akron, and exploded in
flames. Connell was killed. The plane was approaching Akron-Canton
Michael Kennedy died in skiing accident January 2, 1998 airport and was three miles from the runway when it crashed. Taylor Fano,
who lives two doors from the crash site, told the Akron Beacon-
Journalthat the plane "blew up." Another neighbor, Julie Hufstetler, told
Sonny Bono Sonny Bono, Wikipedia On January 5, the paper she heard an "explosion." Connell's plane was en route to
1998, Bono died of injuries after striking a tree while Akron-Canton from College Park, Maryland. Connell had flown from
skiing on the Nevada side of the Heavenly Ski Resort Akron-Canton airport on December 18 to College Park, a suburb of
near South Lake Tahoe, California. He was 62 years Washington, DC. A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) official told
old. Bono's death came just days after Michael Kennedy the Beacon-Journal that the investigation of the crash may take "weeks
died in a skiing accident. and even months or longer to complete."MORE

Governor Mel Carnahan Missouri's former 9/11 go to index

Democratic governor, Mel Carnahan, who lost his life in
2000, three weeks before Election Day, during his
Senatorial race against John Ashcroft. Carnahan went on Dr. Bruce Ivins Wayne Madsen Report Bruce Ivins, a
to become the first dead man to win a Senatorial race, microbiologist at the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious
humiliating and defeating the unpopular Ashcroft Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, reportedly committed
posthumously. Ashcroft, despite his unpopularity, went suicide after ingesting prescription-strength Tylenol and codeine, as the
on to be appointed Attorney General by George W. Bush. FBI prepared to charge him in the anthrax attacks that took place weeks
Investigators determined that Carnahan's plane went after the 9/11 attack in 2001. ... Ivins was part of the FBI team that
down due to "poor visibility." Alternet sweb continued investigated the anthrax sent in letters to the Senate's Democratic
leadership. more search terms: Jean Carol Duley, Judith Miller, Woolsey,
Dark Winter, Anser Institute, homeland security, Ames strain, Fort
William Colby On April 27, 1996, Colby died in an Detrick, Patriot Act, Dugway, Brian Ross, Bioreparat, Hadron, PROMIS,
apparent boating accident near his home in Rock Point, Herbert Abrams, BioPort, El-Hibri, Lansing, Michigan, Emergent
Maryland, see above Biosystems, Daschle, Project Jefferson, Battelle, Alibekov, Alibek,
acetominephen overdose, Hadron Advanced Biosystems, Carlyle Group,
William Casey Hours before Casey was scheduled Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Leahy, Cipro, Citicorp, Crowe, Rubenstein,
D'Aneillo, Conway, Genetics Institute, Hoescht, Farben, Institute for
to testify before Congress about his knowledge of Iran-
Genomic Research, Merck, Dr. Thomas Monath, National Veterinary
Contra, he was reported to have been rendered incapable Services Lab, Syntek, Oravax, Phrma, PortonDown, kappa kappa gamma,
of speech, and was later hospitalized. In his 1987 book, Tylenol, codeine, bentonite, biological weapons, USAMRIID, Laurie
Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987, Mylroie, Rupert Murdock, Engler, Clear Vision, Dugway Lifesciences
Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, who had Division, Michigan Biologic Products, BioThrax, David Kelly, Joint
interviewed Casey on numerous occasions, said that he Vaccine Acquisition Program
had gained entry to Casey's hospital room for a final,
four-minute long encounter — a claim that was met with Cliff Baxter suicide,
disbelief in many quarters, and adamant denial by Casey's
wife, Sofia. According to Woodward, when he asked
Casey if he knew about the diversion of funds to the WTC victims see NFU 911 investigation
Nicaraguan Contras, "His head jerked up hard. He stared,
and finally nodded yes." Death Casey died of brain cancer Palfrey
in 1987. Cooperative Research FAS Federation of
American Scientists Walsh Report
Deborah Jeane Palfrey WMR suicide more at NFU
Senator Paul
Wellstone see Wellstone plane Dr. Brandy Britton 43, an Associate Professor at the University
crash /murderpage and ... Alternet, the only Progressive of Maryland Baltimore Campus who used the escort name "Alexis," was
in the Senate, Great Dreams Murder by Plane Crash ... found hanging in her Ellicott City, Maryland home in January 2007. It is
John F. Kennedy Jr. ... Paul Wellstone continued not known if the Justice Department prosecutors had pressured Britton
into testifying in the Palfrey case before her alleged "suicide." Britton's
identity was made known to Howard County, Maryland police after an
Rafiq Hariri Prime Minister, Lebanon, assassinated "anonymous" tip was received in a phone call to the department. Wayne
in bomb blast. U. S. and Israel gained the long sought Madsen Report and more at NFU and NFU
removal of Syrian armed forces from Lebanon. Global
Research,, Robert- SDS2000, World Socialist Website, and NFU
John O'Neill John O'Neill - FBI Asia Times Remember
Middle East, John HereInReality UofMichigan

Haj Ali Razmara Wikipedia search terms: oil, Anglo- John McWethy Feb 2008, Former ABC News national security
Iranian Oil Company, Standard Oil of New Jersey, correspondent John McWethy was killed in a skiing accident in Colorado.
Aramco McWethy was at the Pentagon on 9/11 and covered the attack live.
McWethy had a number of good sources within the intelligence Riad
Hamad community. In a June 2005 WMR report: "WHY NSA IS THE
Michael Todd AP A city police chief who led an FORT KNOX OF THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE ESTABLISHMENT" that
investigation into charges that Britain cooperated with covered the effect of outsourcing on the diminishing security of sensitive
secret CIA flights to transport terrorism suspects without U.S. communications intelligence sources and methods, a major story first
formal proceedings has been found dead, ... Manchester reported by McWethy. WMR continued and see Africa McWethy
Chief Constable Michael Todd, 50, was found dead in suspicious death. and Flight 77 research NFU more at Stellar Wind
Snowdonia .... see NFU 'war on terror' page

Israel go to index

Plame outing death list go to index

Riad Hamad see Middle East street war raging between CIA /
FBI and Mossad / Russian / Israeli mob ... WMR

Lewis B. Miskell WMR Murdered Canadian

Roland Carnaby see Middle East street war raging between
diplomat another possible victim of Valerie Plame
CIA / FBI and Mossad / Russian / Israeli mob ... WMR
Wilson/Brewster Jennings disclosure. On May 26, Italian
police discovered the badly decomposed body of
Canadian diplomat Lewis B. Miskell in a Naples sewer. Smith, Phil Americans. Domestic spying, Amdocs On April 27,
Miskell, 49, had been stabbed in the abdomen. 2002, Solly, 53, died of a sudden heart attack at his Silver Spring,
Intelligence sources report that Miskell, who assigned to Maryland home shortly before he was to anchor a newscast. WJLA news
the Canadian embassy in Vienna, Austria, was the attache director Phil Smith also succumbed to a heart attack within three weeks of
responsible for liaison to UN specialized agencies in Solly's sudden death. search terms: FISA, Amdocs, AIPAC, surveillance,
Vienna telecom immunity, Israeli Art Students, 911, wiretaps, T2S2,
Bush Went AWOL Bodies go to index
Solly, Dale Americans. Domestic spying, Amdocs Solly, 53,
died of a sudden heart attack at his Silver Spring, Maryland home shortly
Sid Adger Mr. Adger, a Houston oil supply company before he was to anchor a newscast. WJLA news director Phil Smith also
executive and Bush family friend, died in 1996 of succumbed to a heart attack within three weeks of Solly's sudden
unknown causes. Adger was the mysterious businessman death. Jane Harman, AIPAC, Steny Hoyer, investigation, WMR
who approached General James Rose and asked him to
help George W. Bush avoid Vietnam by recommending Political Assassination Team March 12-13, 2009 -- Sy Hersh
him for a pilot position with the National says Bush White House operated assassination network New Yorker
Guard. websites investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported in a speech March 11 at
the University of Minnesota that an "executive assassination ring"
General James Rose General Rose recommended operated under the direct command of Vice President Dick Cheney. Hersh
George W. Bush for a pilot position with the Texas reported that Task Force 121, part of the Joint Special Operations
National Guard. He died of unknown causes in 1993. He Command, carried out assassinations. Afghanistan has been mentioned as
was immediately buried and no autopsy was one country where the assassination team was particularly active. search
performed. websites terrms: Rafik Hariri, explosion-by-wire bombing authorized by Bush,
Sharon, Likud, rogue Syrian intelligence agents, Lebanese Christian, Elie
Hobeika, testify, Sabra, Chatilla, Karl Rove authorization, Elliot Abrams,
Lt. Colonel William Harris, Jr. Lt. Col. political assassinations. file
William Harris was one of two commanding officers who
could not perform George W. Bush's annual evaluation
covering the year from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973.
They stated in their filing that "Lt. Bush has not been
observed at this unit during the period of this report." Minot / Barksdale nuclear transfer go to index
Fortunately for George W. Bush, Lt. Col. Harris is not
here to verify his 1973 statement. He's dead.
WMR has obtained previously "sealed" documentation that there was
a "plan" afoot by at least four personnel at Minot, two including 91st
Lt. Colonel Jerry B. Killian Lt. Col. Jerry B. Security Forces Group military security personnel charged with guarding
Killian, another George W. Bush's commanding officer. Minot's Minuteman III silos, that involved the warehousing of military
He cannot testify, he's dead. equipment, including flash bang and smoke grenades, battlefield trauma
kits, gas masks, and chemical gloves, off base for an unknown
operation more
James Downing Aalund Mr. Aalund's name is
the first on a long list of young Texans who died in
Vietnam. No Texas Air National Guard connections. Cpt. John Frueh WMR The involvement of Tyndall and Eglin Air
Force bases in REX REDUX is significant. A little over a week after the
Minot-Barksdale nuclear weapons incident, the body of US Air Force
Enron Bodies go to index Captain and Major-selectee John Frueh, assigned to "Operations Weather"
at Hurlburt Field, adjacent to Eglin, was found near is rental car, near
J. Clifford Baxter Found dead in his car, shot in Badger Peak in Washington state. Frueh was in Portland to attend his best
the head. Mr. Baxter was vice chairman of Enron Corp. friend's wedding. Frueh's last phone call to his family in Florida was from
when he resigned in May 2001. Enron has been hot copy a pay phone at Portland International Airport on August 30, the very same
lately with the revelation that they were the largest day the B-52 flew with the loose nuclear missiles from Minot to
campaign contributors for George W. Bush. Was J. Barksdale. more
Clifford Baxter a potential witness to Bush
foreknowledge of their wrongdoings? His death was ruled
a suicide.
Katrina Hurricane deaths go to index

Charles Dana Rice He was the senior vice Peter Hartmann CNN Central Figure in cemetery probe found
president and treasurer of El Paso Corp., an energy dead ... Peter Hartmann Raw Story FEMA, La. Outsource Katrina
corporation swept up in the recent energy scandal. Two body count to firm implicated in body-dumping scandals. The Federal
months after the "suicide" of Enron executive Clifford Emergency Management Agency has hired Kenyon International to set up
Baxter, in the midst of questions about the accounting a mobile morgue for handling bodies in Baton Rouge, Louisiana following
practices of El Paso Corp., Charles Rice was found dead Hurricane Katrina, RAW STORY has learned. Kenyon is a subsidiary of
of a gunshot wound to the head. His death was ruled a Service Corporation International (SCI), a scandal-ridden Texas-based
suicide. company operated by a friend of the Bush family. Recently, SCI
subsidiaries have been implicated in illegally discarding and desecrating
corpses. MORE
James Daniel Watkins His body was found on
December 1, 2001 in the Pike National Forest in
Colorado, a gunshot wound to the head. Mr. Watkins was Silent Voices Bodies go to index
a consultant for Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm for
Enron. He disappeared on November 13 after he left
work. He was described as a devoted family man who
always called home if he were going to be late. Officials
initially said that the death was suspicious, but have
changed their tune and have ruled his death a suicide.

Jake Horton He was the senior ice-president of Gulf

Power, a subsidiary of Southern Company, a cohort of Robert Booth Nichols WMR May 8-10,
Enron in the energy industry, and a major contributor to 2009 -- Was Clan Bush involved in looting of other Federal Reserve
the Bush agenda. According to reporter Gregory Banks? ... There is additional information to report on the Treasury Note
Palast and Guardian, Horton knew of the company's that is secured by $250 billion in gold (2500 metric tons) at the Federal
appalling accounting practices, and "... had no doubt Reserve Bank of Atlanta. After the sudden resignation of New York
about its illegal campaign contributions to Florida Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Stephen Friedman, a one-time top
politicans - he'd made the payments himself. In April of economic adviser to President George W. Bush and someone who
1989 Horton decided to come clean with state officials, apparently profited from the government's bailout of Goldman Sachs
and reserved the company jet to go confront company while he served as both Chairman of the New York Fed and as a board
officials. Ten minutes after takeoff the jet exploded. member for Goldman Sachs, the entire Federal Reserve Bank system
appears to be involved in a massive ploy to loot the United States of its
Kennedy Assassination Bodies go to index gold and cash reserves. ... On May 5, 2009, WMR reported:
"According to WMR's sources, the FBI and London police are working
together on a case that involved a $250 billion U.S. Treasury Note seized
Hale Boggs He sat on the Warren Commission, by the FBI from a London safety deposit box company, London Safe
which concluded that President Kennedy was slain by a Deposit Company, Ltd. The box was reportedly placed at the
lone assassin. Later, in 1971 and '72, Boggs said that the London firm by self-described 20-year CIA veteran Robert Booth Nichols,
Warren Report was false and that J. Edgar Hoover's FBI who reportedly died in Geneva, Switzerland on February 14, 2009. more
not only helped cover up the JFK murder but blackmailed below
Congress with massive wire-tapping and spying. He
named Warren Commission staff member Arlen Specter
as a major cover-up artist. Congressman Boggs' plane Bertha Champagne The kidnapping of Mrs. Judd Greg, wife of
disappeared on a flight to Alaska in 1972. The press, the Senator Judd Gregg came just two days after the mysterious death of
military, and the CIA publicly proclaimed the plane could Bertha Champagne. She was crushed to death by her own vehicle in the
not be located. Investigators later said that was a lie, that driveway of Marvin Bush the brother of George W. Bush. The house was
the plane had been found. On the plane were Nick on Fort Hunt Road in Alexandria, Virginia. According to the Fairfax
Begich, a very popular Democratic Congressman, and police she was retrieving a videotape of "her and the President" to show to
Don Jonz, an aide to Mr. Boggs. All were Marvin. The car went out of gear and crushed her to death. The
killed. Wikipedia continued kidnapping story effectively overshadowed Champagne's death. Two men
were convicted: Michael Pierre and Christopher Forbes.

George de Mohrenschildt A rich Russian

oilman, he was described with his wife as being the two Michael Corbin Radio talk show host found dead in car. He hosted
people friendliest to Oswald at the time of the "A Closer Look", WMR in 2003 his radio studio was
assassination. De Mohrenschildt was the man who moved firebombed. Corbin investigated top Republicans in child prostitution and
Oswald to Dallas. In the late 1970's, shortly before the sex slavery rings, also the political prosecution of Alabama Democratic
first meeting of the House Select Committee on Governor Don Siegelman. Wayne Madsen interviewed him in on the
Assassinations, de Mohrenschildt started seeing a new 2004 election corruption stories. He worked closely with Jimmy
doctor in town. He quickly became mentally unstable, at Rothstein on the Franklin Scandal Omaha, also interviewed Rothstein on
which time his wife convinced him to stop seeing the Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis after JFK assassination. Also worked on
doctor. They moved away and left a false forwarding 9/11, big oil land grabs in Utah, Colorado, and foreign ownership of North
address. On the same day that the Committee tried to American Super Highway. He interviewed Daniel Elsberg, Gary Webb,
contact him about testifying, he was found dead of a Ralph Bunche, Malachi Martin, Carlo Calvi, (see Vatican Bank,
gunshot wound. In his personal address book was the Balckfriar's Bridge, P-2 Masonic scandal, Italy. continued
entry Bush, George H.W. (Poppy) and Zapata Petroleum
Midland (the oil company owned by George H.W. Bush). Jonathan Luna WMR DiBiagio was the first US Attorney fired by
George W. Bush's Justice Department after the November 2004 election.
Mrs. E. Howard Hunt In December 1972, while On December 3, 2003, DiBiagio's Assistant US Attorney,Jonathan
George H. W. Bush was at the Republican National Luna, was found in a creek off the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Lancaster,
Convention, a United Airlines flight carrying Mrs. east of Harrisburg, stabbed to death 36 times. Police investigators
Dorothy Hunt, CIA operative and wife of Howard Hunt, entertained the theory that Luna stabbed himself with his own pen knife.
(CIA operative and suspect in the Kennedy assassination) Luna was reportedly investigating Ehrlich and GOP lobbyist Jack
crashed. Believed to be carrying $25,000 in "hush Abramoff for being clients of the Pamela Martin escort agency at the time
money", she died in this crash. Wikipedia E. Howard of his death.
George H.W. Bush / Reagan Bodies go Leona McConnell McConnell also claims to have firsthand
to index knowledge that Bush had an affair in the mid-1980s with Victor Ashe, the
former mayor of Knoxville, Tenn., who has served as the Bush's
ambassador to Poland since 2004. Is feared MISSING
Gary Caradori He was investigating Lawrence E.
King, Jr., a very influential black Republican who was
also a friend of George H.W. Bush. King was director of Dr. Don C. Wiley Mysterious deaths, disappearances of
the Franklin Community Credit Union in Omaha, microbiologists since 911. The body count of infections disease experts
Nebraska, and was suspected of embezzling $40 million . continues to climb. Connections to weapons research began to
The Nebraska Senate questioned child prostitutes, who surface. ... As many as 14 world-class microbiologists died between
accused King of running a child prostitution ring. One of 9/11/1 and 3/2/2, and on 6/24/2 yet another microbiologist was added to
these children said that she saw George H.W. Bush at one the list. Still the US Government acted as if nothing was amiss, as silent
of King's parties. on the question of dead microbiologists as they are on the question of the
Israeli spies and their connection to 9-11. In fact, the official silence on
the question of how so many top experts in infectious diseases could die in
Orlando Letelier He was torn to bits by a car such a short time span is deafening. WhatReallyHappened Rense
bomb on the streets of Washington DC just before he was
to testify against the Chilean dictator Pinochet. After the
bombing, CIA Director George H. W. Bush told the FBI Steve Kangas His web site, Liberalism Resurgent, was meticulously
that there had been no Chilean involvement whatsoever. researched and presented such a problem to the "real boss" of George
In 1991 the post-Pinochet Chilean Supreme Court asked Bush, Richard Scaife, that he hired a private detective to look into Kangas'
George H. W. Bush if he would submit to questioning. past. Steve Kangas was found in a 39th-floor bathroom outside of Scaife's
BUSH REFUSED. and continued and offices at One Oxford Centre, in Pittsburgh, an apparent suicide. Post
see Wikipedia and what Wikipedia fails to Gazette continued
mention: Global Policy, Third World Traveler
Maria DiBiase WMR has learned from UN sources that the 19th
Ronni Moffit She was Letelier's assistant. She and Floor from which UN employee Maria DiBiase plunged to her death in the
her husband were riding in the car with Letelier when the early morning of February 17, houses the Department of Peace-keeping
bomb exploded. Mr. Moffit survived. Ronni didn't. Operations/Field Administration and Logistics Division (DPKO/FALD).
The offices also house the code machines used for the encrypted fax
machines used for DPKO activities in addition to a spare set of code
Jack Delaney and Ted White These young men machines used for DPKO rapid response teams. New York Daily
were killed when pilot George H. W. Bush abandoned his News more search terms: Austrian national, IAEA, Conference Services,
plane when it was hit by enemy fire. Much has been made UNSCOM, Saadam Hussein wmd database, Iraq invasion, black market
of this story - nuclear suppliers, A Q Kahn, Libya , Turkey, Pakistan, Marc Rich, Sibel
Edmunds, 'black bag' operation. WMR and see NFU
Malcolm BaldridgeMalcolm Baldridge: Plamegate continued
Commerce Secretary May 1987. Baldridge was familiar
with the Bush family ties to the Communist Chinese. He Gus W. Weiss, former White House policy adviser on technology,
died in a mysterious rodeo horseback riding intelligence, and economic affairs, highly significant player in Reagan /
accident. New York Times Wikipedia The Bush Sr. execution of Soviet downfall, Wikipedia file, "Weiss had
ForbiddenKnowledge declared himself to be against the war in Iraq a short while before his
"suicide". It is interesting to note that 18 days before Weiss' death, another
Hunter Thompson ... Hunter Thompson Bush government analyst also committed suicide -John J. Kokal (58 years
(renowned journalist,Wikipedia) Thompson died at his old) on November 7, 2003. This man leapt to his death from an office in
self-described "fortified compound" known as "Owl the State Department where he worked. Kokal (see below) was an
Farm" in Woody Creek, Colorado, at 5:42 p.m. on intelligence analyst for the Department of State in matters dealing with
February 20, 2005, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to Iraq. search terms Farewell Dosier, Directorate T, Line X,
the head. ... and see Flocco Rusty Nelson was allegedly Kokal RenewAmerica, Rense continued and Reagan Cold War End file
employed by a former Republican Party activist to take
pictures of current or retired U.S. House-Senate members Charles Wilbourne Miller, 63, was found dead of a gunshot
and other prominent government officials engaging in wound to the head on November 17, 1998 in a shallow pit about 300 yards
sexual criminality by receiving or committing sodomy from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a .410 gauge shotgun
and other sex acts on children during the Reagan-Bush 41 near Miller's body and a Ruger .357-caliber revolver submerged in water.
administrations. Flocco, and DailyKOS, see Franklin Investigators concluded the Ruger was the weapon used by Miller to kill
Scandal Omaha MORE NFU himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun's cylinder had been spent. He had
research Wikipedia Hunter long served as executive vice president and member of the board of
Thompson, CNN transcripts, andNew York directors for a company called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own
Times and continued software engineering company until the day he died. Alltel is the
successor to Jackson Stephens' Systematics, the company that provided
the software for the White House's "Big Brother" data base system and
that was behind the administration's plan to develop the secret computer
"Clipper" chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in
America. Prorev

Colin McMillan - Bush nominee for Navy secretary Truthout

White House
Call Boy Scandal, 1989, NBC, Don Holland - (D)SC - U.S. Senator - (10/05/03) TheState

Tom Brokaw and below: Hunter J. CLIFFORD BAXTER - ENRON WSWS convenient death, CBSNews
Thompson ... "He'd been working on a story about the
World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across Michael Holton - UN security guard Foxnews
what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had
been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into
Salem bin Laden Rense
them but by explosive charges set off in their
foundations" Wikipedia and go to Franklin Scandal Omaha, and 9/11 Paul Sanford, Paul Sanford, making waves as the first reporter to
Investigation page ask then-White House press secretary Scott McClellan whether the
leaking of CIA agent Valerie Plame's name might be considered an act of
treason. In what police describe as a "probable" suicide leap, a prominent
Panamanian General Omar Monterey Bay Area attorney fell at least nine floors to his death at the
Torrijos working in 1981 thumbed his nose at the Embassy Suites Hotel Monterey Bay in Seaside the morning before
Reagan/Bush administration and threatened to destroy the Christmas. He joined the White House Press Corps in 2005, Monterey
Panama Canal in the event of a U.S. invasion. Torrijos Herald
died shortly thereafter when the instruments in his plane
failed to function upon takeoff. Panamanians speculated
that the U.S. was involved in the death of the popular John Kokal - State Department Employee - Intelligence Div. highly
dictator, who was replaced by a U.S. intelligence significant player in Reagan / Bush Sr. execution of Soviet
operative, Manuel Noreiga, who previously worked with downfall, Global Free Press, From the
George Bush Senior. Alternet, Wikipedia continued Wilderness, RenewAmerica,Foxnews, News8 continued

Pres. Jaime Roldós Aguilera President of James Hatfield Mr. Hatfield was the author of Fortunate Son, an
unauthorized biography of George W. Bush. The book detailed Bush's
Equador, 1981. He died (shortly after Reagan took office) cocaine use and cover up of a cocaine arrest. He was found Wednesday,
in an airplane crash later in 1981 when his Air Force July 18, in a motel room, an apparent suicide. Wikipedia continued
plane (variously identified as either a Beechcraft King Air
or an Avro turboprop) crashed in heavy rain near the
Peruvian border ... Many Ecuadorians claimed that Don McCoy: Mr. McCoy had agreed the day before to turn state's
Roldós' death was actually an assassination carried out by evidence in an FBI investigation that threatened some of El Paso's most
the United States since he has refused international prominent business leaders. On February 19, 1988, he took off from El
proposals for oil exploitation.Wikipedia continued Paso International Airport Famous Texans

Office of Naval Intelligence, Pentagon, Margie Schoedinger woman who filed sexual lawsuit against George W.
Bush in '02 search terms, rape, Texas UofMissouri ThoughtCrimes
911 go to index
911Research The attack was at 9:40, about one and a half
Evan Hunziker the man held three months by North Korea for
hours after the attack first started to unfold. Yet the alleged spying, was found dead in a Tacoma motel, apparently a victim of
Pentagon was left undefended, despite its close proximity suicide. ... a single gunshot wound to his head. He was 26 years old.
to Andrews Air Force Base, which had two combat-ready Hunziker returned to the United States on November 27 after spending
fighter wings on duty on 9/11/01. The attack plane three months in the hands of North Korean authorities on suspicion of
approached Washington DC from the northwest, but espionage. He was freed after New Mexico Rep. Bill Richardson traveled
instead of diving into the portions of the Pentagon to North Korea and negotiated his release. ……" Alamo Girl
housing the top brass like Donald Rumsfeld, the plane
executed a 320-degree spiral dive to approach the vast Gabriel Ferez and Laurent Bonomo see Archive Headline
building from the southwest side and strike a portion of
Wedge One that was undergoing renovations. While Labor leaders go to index
crashing into other portions of the Pentagon would likely
have killed thousands, the precision maneuver limited
fatalities in the building to under 200. The final approach
of the attack plane was so low and fast that the wings
clipped lamp-posts on the adjacent highway and damaged Rosa Fuentas Reuters Masked gunmen killed the leader of
objects in the construction yard in front of the building. Honduras' largest union group in an attack authorities said was a robbery
The crash embedded the plane almost entirely in the first attempt, but fellow unionists said she was targeted because of her job.
floor, wiping out most of the personnel in the Office of
Naval Intelligence, that had recently been moved into the
newly renovated section. Pilots doubt that even the most Prescott Bush Bodies go to index
skilled fighter pilots could have executed such a precise
surgical strike, particularly with such a large plane.
Physical evidence of the attack was systematically
William S. Farish He was one of Prescott Bush's partners in
business deals with Adolph Hitler. He was devastated by the intense
suppressed by the authorities. Instead of releasing video
grilling he received from the Senate about his dealings with Nazis, and
seized by the FBI from adjacent businesses, authorities
while Prescott Bush skated free, Farish collapsed and died on November
leaked five frames of video from a Pentagon CCTV
29, 1942.
camera, which show clear signs of forgery. list below

Franklin Scandal Omaha go

James Forrestal He was U.S. Secretary of Defense, and become a
problem for Prescott Bush when he proposed racial integration of the
to index and MORE NFU research Armed Forces. On March 28, 1949, he was forced out of office and flown
on a military plane to Jupiter Island in Florida. From there he was taken to
Gary Caradori He was investigating Lawrence E. Walter Reed Army Hospital, where he was given insulin shock treatments.
He was shielded from all visitors except his estranged wife. From "George
King, Jr., a very influential black Republican who was
also a friend of George H.W. Bush. more and see NFU Bush, the Unauthorized Biography": On May 22, Forrestal's body was
Franklin Scandal Omaha found, his bathrobe cord tied tightly around his neck, after he had plunged
from a sixteenth-story hospital window. The chief psychiatrist called the
death a suicide even before any investigation was started. The results of
Craig Spence a number of Reagan White House the Army's inquest were kept secret. Forrestal's diaries were published, 80
Craig Spence, a high-ranking aide in the Office of the percent deleted, after a year of direct government censorship and
International Trade Advisor; Stanley Tapscott, an official rewriting. Wikipedia Majestic 12
in the director's office at the Office of Personnel
Management; and Reginald deGueldre, a member of the
Uniformed Division of the Special Service -- were found
Texas Justice Bodies go to index Famous Texans
to have hired a number of gay male escorts (including
boys as young as 13) from Professional Services, Inc. Karla Faye Tucker She was executed in spite of enormous protest
(well-known D.C. gay escort business). Private midnight from the public, even those religious groups that advocate the death
tours of the White House were given to a number of the penalty.... continued Famous Texans
boys, after which homosexual orgies were alleged to have
occurred in offices in the New Executive Office Building
across the street. Spence later told associates and family David Wayne Spence David Wayne Spence was executed in
members he had many more secrets to reveal. But he Texas in 1997 in spite of compelling evidence of his innocence. Two of
committed suicide in a Boston hotel room in 1990 after the State's witnesses were co-defendants who testified to avoid the death
being indicted on weapons, drug and child rape charges." penalty, one of whom changed his story three times in response to
go to Franklin Scandal discrepancies. continued Famous Texans
Gary Graham Gary Graham was convicted of the robbery and
Johnny Gosch see NFU Franklin Scandal murder of a white man in 1981. Nearly two weeks after the crime, the
Omaha one of about 70 kids sexually abused by the state's prime witness could not pick Gary's picture out of a photo line-up.
power elite of Omaha Nebraska from 1980 to the early Mr. Graham was arrested with a 22 caliber pistol.
90's... probably still occurring.
Iran-Contra deaths, S&L, BCCI go to index
Theresa Duncan see NFU Franklin Scandal
Omaha and Alex Constantine, Blacklist Robert William Casey Hours before Casey was scheduled to testify before
Wadman, Warren Buffet. Congress about his knowledge of Iran-Contra, he was reported to have
been rendered incapable of speech, and was later hospitalized. In his 1987
Craig Spence Alex Constantine, Blacklist book, Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987, Washington Post
reporter Bob Woodward, who had interviewed Casey on numerous
occasions, said that he had gained entry to Casey's hospital room for a
final, four-minute long encounter — FAS Federation of American
Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra continued

Amiram Nir: He was a former Israeli agent who was in Jerusalem

with George Bush during Iran Contra. He went under the assumed name
of Pat Weber. Nir was scheduled to testify to the Senate subcommittee and
it was feared he would reveal the truth. He perished, following the
shooting-down of his aircraft with missiles from the helicopter of a man
called Gene Tatum, 25-year CIA deep cover agent. FAS Federation of
American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra Cooperative Research

White Danny Casolaro He was working on a book that tied together the
House Call Boy Scandal, scandals surrounding the presidency of George H. W. Bush. He told his
friends he was going to "bring back" the head of the Octopus. Instead, his
1989, NBC, Tom Brokaw body was found in a hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia, on August 10,
1991, an apparent suicide. ............. and see It was about the Regan-
Franklingate Franklin Scandal Omaha, deaths: Aaron Bush administration and an alleged effort to delay the freeing of the
Owen, brother of Alisha Owen; Shawn Boner, brother of hostages being held at the time by Iran in order to do damage to President
Troy Boner, both dead. Bill Baker, Newt Copple, Clare Jimmy Carter's reelection bid. Casolaro was told that as a part of the
Howard, Mike Lewis, Joe Malek, Charlie Rodgers, Dan effort, drugs and weapons were being flown into and out of the airport at
Ryan, Curtis Tucker, Harmon Mena, Arkansas. Bill Clinton was governor at the time and there have
Tucker, GodLikeProductions been numerous questions about whether Clinton was in any way involved
in any of the activities connected with Mena or protected those who were
involved CraigsList
MORE keywords: super-classified, terminals, SCI,
Sensitive Compartmented Information, Special Access
Program, need-to-know, downed flight 93, Gen. John Sen. John Tower : He was appointed by the Reagan/Bush
Jumper, Sept 6, PEOC, Norman Mineta,, 9:25, 9/11 Administration to chair the bipartisan committee to investigate the
Commission, 50 miles out, "do the orders still stand", Iran/Contra scandals. He directed the Tower Report and had all the Iran
Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post, DIA, Contra documents and knew the inside of the story. He was killed in an
NORAD, COCOMM, STO, US Central Command, uninvestigated airplane crash later in Georgia in 1991. Also killed was his
SecDef, IJSTO, assassination, Milosevic, Habyarimana, daughter, Marian. Cooperative Research Wikipedia, Iran
Ntaryamira, General Wesley Clark, SIPRnet, JWICS, Contra, FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-
NIPRnet, Canada, Australia, UK, JSSG, SIGINT, IVY Contra
Bells, covert technical operations, Balkans, Rwanda,
September 11, 2001
Mark Lombardi He was an accomplished conceptual artist who,
while chatting on the phone with a banker friend about the Bush savings
and loan scandal, started doodling a diagram and was inspired to create a
complex series of drawings and sketches that charted the details of the
Washington Post LOS ANGELES — Lawyers scandal. According to the New York Times, "He was soon charting the
representing convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan argue in complex matrices of personal and professional relationships, conflict of
newly filed court documents that a bullet was switched in interest, malfeasance and fraud uncovered by investigations into the major
evidence at his trial and new forensic details show he is financial and political scandals of the day; to keep facts and sources
straight, he created a handwritten database that now includes around
innocent of the 1968 killing ofSen. Robert 12,000 3-by-5-inch cards." On the evening of March 22, 2000, Mark
Lombardi was found hanging in his loft, an apparent suicide.
F. Kennedy . ... In the latest of many appeals
filed on behalf of Sirhan, the attorneys are seeking to
overturn his conviction. They repeated a previous Olaf Palme Olof Palme: He was the prime minister of Sweden,
assertion and presented reports from experts who said assassinated in 1986. Oliver North, the golden boy of the Bush/Reagan
Sirhan was programmed through hypnosis to fire shots as machine, had met with Mr. Palme to discuss the possibility of obtaining
a diversion for the real killer. ...Prosecutors had no false end-user certificates for the plethora of weapons that were being
comment, said Lynda Gledhill, a spokeswoman for the purchased, so that they would seem to have come from a country other
California attorney general’s office, which is handling the than the U.S. Mr. Palme refused to participate, after the plan was
appeal. ... The lawyers, William F. Pepper and Laurie presented to him. He was dead within
Dusek, also said sophisticated audio tests recently weeks. continued Wikipedia Timeline 1986 Rumormill News Modern
conducted on recordings from the assassination night History Project (Iran Contra)
show 13 shots from multiple guns were fired — five more
than Sirhan could have fired from his small Mohammed Zia al-huk Dictator of Pakistan, and knew all about
pistol. ... Authorities have claimed eight bullets were Iran/Contra, the training, funding, and arming of narco-terrorists like
fired, with three hitting Kennedy and the rest flying Osama bin Laden. In August 1988, the same day George Bush got the
wildly around the kitchen and striking five other victims Republican nomination, his plane crashed into the ground with all engines
who survived. ... Paul Schrade, who was struck by running. The Pakistanis kept the bodies around (in violation of Islamic
gunfire, refused to comment on the new filing, saying he custom) for weeks, awaiting US experts. They showed up three weeks
is working on his own new analysis of the later and never checked the bodies. Why? BBC
assassination. ... Pepper and Dusek argue that before
Sirhan’s trial, someone switched a bullet before it was
placed in evidence because the bullet taken from
Kennedy’s neck did not match Sirhan’s gun. The lawyers
suggest a second gun was involved in the assassination,
but they do not know who fired it. ... Pepper said the
new evidence outlined in a 62-page federal court brief
filed in Los Angeles is sufficient to prove Sirhan is
innocent under the law. ... “They put fabricated
evidence into court before the judge and jury” Pepper told
The Associated Press. “We are satisfied that for the first
time in 43 years of this case we think we have the
evidence to set this conviction aside,” The motion was
filed last week in federal court in Los Angeles Whether it
has any chance of success is questionable, said leading
appellate lawyer Dennis Fischer of Santa Monica. “It’s a
longshot in the longest way,” he said, “but they certainly
are raising intriguing questions.” He said the passage of
time weighs against defense appeals, with courts tending
to ask what took so long to raise the issues. However, he
said federal courts frequently are willing to take a closer
look at cases in which governmental misconduct is
alleged, even if it is long after the fact. ... “The current
thinking by the U.S. Supreme Court is these things need
to end,” said Fischer. But he added in case with such
historical importance, “No one will ever be
satisfied.” Sirhan, now 67, a Palestinian immigrant, was
denied parole after a hearing last March where he denied
any memory of shooting Kennedy on June 5, 1968,
moments after he claimed victory in the California
presidential primary. Parole officials said he doesn’t
understand the enormity of his crime that changed U.S.
history. ... Pepper and Dusek are the latest attorneys to
take up Sirhan’s case after his conviction and argue on his
behalf before parole boards and courts.. All of his appeals
have been turned down. Pepper, who has taken on other
unpopular cases including that of Martin Luther King
assassin James Earl Ray, stepped in after Sirhan’s
previous lawyer died. At trial, Sirhan took the witness
stand and said he had killed Kennedy “with 20 years of
malice aforethought.” He later recanted the confession.
Prosecutors introduced in evidence handwritten diaries in
which he wrote: “RFK must die.” ... The latest filing
by Pepper and Dusek relies heavily on a report by audio
analyst Philip Van Praag who did tests on an audio
recording made by a news reporter during the shooting.
The expert concluded that 13 shots were fired and that
none of the sounds on the recording were echoes or other
anomalies. ... The report also claims that the sounds of
gunfire were not isolated to one spot in the room but
came from different directions. .,.. The lawyers also
contend that Sirhan did not have adequate assistance of
counsel at trial, noting that his chief attorney, Grant
Cooper, decided Sirhan was guilty at the outset and never
pursued available defenses. ... The Sirhan defense
team settled on a claim of diminished capacity and never
denied that Sirhan was the shooter of Kennedy, the brief
noted. ... “Defense counsel did not pursue the issue of
a possible substitution of another bullet,” the brief
said. ... Acknowledging “the difficulty of retrying a case
of this vintage,” the lawyers asked that the sentence be set
aside and Sirhan set free. “Petitioner fully understands
that he is likely to be deported to Jordan where he would
hope to quietly live out the rest of his life with family and
friends, but at long last he would, at least, have received
long delayed justice,” the filing states. As an alternative,
they asked that the judge set an evidentiary hearing to
reexamine the case.

Pentagon, 911, Contractors, Office of Naval continued: Pentagon, 911, Contractors,Office of Naval Intelligence,
Army, Navy, civilians....
Intelligence, Army, Navy, civilians.... see
NFU Flight 77 Pentagon, MISSILE  Molly McKenzie, 38, Dale City, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Patricia E. (Patti) Mickley, 41, Springfield, Virginia financial manager, Defense
ATTACK The Truth Will Honor the Department
Victims  Maj. Ronald D. Milam, 33, Washington, D.C. assistant to the Secretary, U.S. Army

 Spc. Craig Amundson, 28, Fort Belvoir, Virginia multimedia  Gerard (Jerry) P. Moran, 39, Upper Marlboro, Maryland engineering contractor, U.S.
illustrator for deputy chief of staff of personnel, U.S. Army Navy

 Melissa Rose Barnes, 27, Redlands, California yeoman second  Odessa V. Morris, 54, Upper Marlboro, Maryland budget analyst, U.S. Army
class, U.S. Navy  Brian Anthony Moss, 34, Sperry, Oklahoma electronics technician second class, U.S.
 (Retired) Master Sgt. Max Beilke, 69, Laurel, Maryland civilian Navy
employee, U.S. Army  Ted Moy, 48, Silver Spring, Maryland civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Kris Romeo Bishundat, 23, Waldorf, Maryland information  Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Jude Murphy, 38, Flossmoor, Illinois U.S. Navy
systems technician second class, U.S. Navy  Khang Nguyen, 41, Fairfax, Virginia Navy contractor
 Carrie Blagburn, 48, Temple Hills, Maryland civilian budget  Michael Allen Noeth, 30, New York, New York illustrator/draftsman second class,
analyst, U.S. Army U.S. Navy
 Lt. Col. Canfield D. Boone, 54, Clifton, Virginia U.S. Army  Diana B. Padro, 55, Woodbridge, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Donna Bowen, 42 Pentagon communications representative,  Spc. Chin Sun Pak, 25, Oklahoma U.S. Army
Verizon Communications
 Lt. Jonas Martin Panik, 26, Mingoville, Pennsylvania U.S. Navy
 Allen Boyle, 30, Fredericksburg, Virginia
 Maj. Clifford L. Patterson, 33, Alexandria, Virginia U.S. Army
 Christopher Lee Burford, 23, Hubert, N.C. electronics
technician third class, U.S. Navy  Lt. J.G. Darin Howard Pontell, 26, Columbia, Maryland U.S. Navy
 Daniel Martin Caballero, 21, Houston, Texas electronics  Scott Powell, 35, Silver Spring, Maryland BTG Inc.
technician third class, U.S. Navy  (Retired) Capt. Jack Punches, 51, Clifton, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Navy
 Sgt. First Class Jose Calderon, 44, Puerto Rico U.S. Army  Joseph John Pycior, 39, Carlstadt, New Jersey aviation warfare systems operator first
 Angelene C. Carter, 51, Forrestville, Maryland accountant, U.S. class, U.S. Navy
Army  Deborah Ramsaur, 45, Annandale, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Sharon Carver, 38, Waldorf, Maryland civilian employee, U.S.  Rhonda Rasmussen, 44, Woodbridge, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
Army  Marsha Dianah Ratchford, 34, Prichard, Alabama information systems technician first
 John J. Chada, 55, Manassas, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. class, U.S. Navy
Army  Martha Reszke, 36, Stafford, Virginia budget analyst, U.S. Army
 Rosa Maria (Rosemary) Chapa, 64, Springfield, Virginia  Cecelia E. Richard, 41, Fort Washington, Maryland accounting technician, U.S. Army
civilian employee, Defense Intelligence Agency
 Edward V. Rowenhorst, 32, Lake Ridge, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Julian Cooper, 39, Springdale, Maryland Navy contractor
 Judy Rowlett, 44, Woodbridge, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Lt. Cmdr. Eric Allen Cranford, 32, Drexel, North Carolina U.S.
Navy  Robert E. Russell, 52, Oxon Hill, Maryland civilian budgetary supervisor, U.S. Army
 Ada Davis, 57, Camp Springs, Maryland civilian employee,  William R. Ruth, 57, Maryland Chief Warrant Officer 4th Class, U.S. Army
U.S. Army  Charles E. Sabin, 54, Burke, Virginia civilian employee, Defense Department
 Capt. Gerald Francis Deconto, 44, Sandwich, Massachusetts  Marjorie C. Salamone, 53, Springfield, Virginia budget program analyst, U.S. Army
director of current operations and plans, U.S. Navy  Lt. Col. David M. Scales, 45, Cleveland, Ohio U.S. Army
 Lt. Col. Jerry Don Dickerson, 41, Durant, Mississippi U.S.  Cmdr. Robert Allan Schlegel, 38, Gray, Maine U.S. Navy
 Janice Scott, 46, Springfield, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Johnnie Doctor, 32, Jacksonville, Florida information systems
technician first class, U.S. Navy  Michael L. Selves, 53, Fairfax, Virginia information management support center
director, U.S. Army
 Capt. Robert Edward Dolan, 43, Florham Park, New Jersey
head of strategy and concepts branch, U.S. Navy  Marian Serva, 47, Stafford, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Cmdr. William Howard Donovan, 37, Nunda, New York U.S.  Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower, 40, Naperville, Illinois U.S. Navy
Navy  Antoinette Sherman, 35, Forest Heights, Maryland budget analyst, U.S. Army
 Cmdr. Patrick S. Dunn, 39, Fords, New Jersey surface warfare  Don Simmons, 58, Dumfries, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
officer, U.S. Navy
 Cheryle D. Sincock, 53, Dale City, Virginia administrative assistant, U.S. Army
 Edward Thomas Earhart, 26, Salt Lick, Kentucky aerographer's
 Gregg Harold Smallwood, 44, Overland Park, Kansas chief information systems
mate first class, U.S. Navy
technician, U.S. Navy
 Lt. Cmdr. Robert Randolph Elseth, 37, Vestal, New York U.S.
 (Retired) Lt. Col. Gary F. Smith, 55, Alexandria, Virginia civilian employee, U.S.
 Jamie Lynn Fallon, 23, Woodbridge, Virginia storekeeper third
 Patricia J. Statz, 41, Takoma Park, Maryland civilian employee, U.S. Army
class, U.S. Navy
 Amelia V. Fields, 36, Dumfries, Virginia civilian employee,
 Edna L. Stephens, 53, Washington, D.C. budget analyst, U.S. Army
U.S. Army  Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland, 52, Woodbridge, Virginia senior adviser on personnel
 Gerald P. Fisher, 57, Potomac, Maryland Booz-Allen &
issues to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Army
Hamilton Inc.  Maj. Kip P. Taylor, 38, McLean, Virginia adjutant general's corps, U.S. Army
 Matthew Michael Flocco, 21, Newark, Delaware aerographer's  Sandra Taylor, 50, Alexandria, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
mate second class, U.S. Navy  Karl W. Teepe, Centreville, Virginia
 Sandra N. Foster, 41, Clinton, Maryland  Sgt. Tamara Thurman, 25, Brewton, Alabama classified employee, U.S. Army
 Capt. Lawrence Daniel Getzfred, 57, Elgin, Nebraska U.S.  Lt. Cmdr. Otis Vincent Tolbert, 38, Lemoore, California U.S. Navy
Navy  Willie Q. Troy, 51, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland civilian employee, U.S.
 Cortz Ghee, 54, Reisterstown, Maryland civilian employee, Army
U.S. Army  Lt. Cmdr. Ronald James Vauk, 37, Nampa, Idaho watch commander, U.S. Navy
 Brenda C. Gibson, 59, Falls Church, Virginia civilian  Lt. Col. Karen Wagner, 40, Texas U.S. Army
employee, U.S. Army
 Meta Waller, 60, Alexandria, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Ron Golinski, 60, Columbia, Maryland civilian employee, U.S.
Army  Staff Sgt. Maudlyn A. White, 38, St. Croix, Virgin Islands U.S. Army
 Diane M. Hale-McKinzy, 38, Alexandria, Virginia civilian  Sandra L. White, 44, Dumfries, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
employee, U.S. Army  Ernest M. Willcher, 62, North Potomac, Maryland Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc.
 Carolyn B. Halmon, 49, Washington, D.C. budget analyst, U.S.  Lt. Cmdr. David Lucian Williams, 32, Newport, Oregon U.S. Navy
Army  Maj. Dwayne Williams, 40, Jacksonville, Alabama U.S. Army
 Sheila Hein, 51, University Park, Maryland civilian employee,  Marvin Woods, 58, Great Mills, Maryland Navy contractor,
U.S. Army
 Kevin Wayne Yokum, 27, Lake Charles, Louisiana information systems technician
 Ronald John Hemenway, 37, Shawnee, Kansas electronics second class, U.S. Navy
technician first class, U.S. Navy
 Donald McArthur Young, 41, Roanoke, Virginia chief information systems
 Maj. Wallace Cole Hogan, 40, Florida U.S. Army technician, U.S. Navy
 Jimmie Ira Holley, 54, Lanham, Maryland accountant  Edmond Young, 22, Owings, Maryland BTG Inc.
 Angela Houtz, 27, La Plata, Maryland civilian employee, U.S.  Lisa Young, 36, Germantown, Maryland civilian employee, U.S. Army
 Brady K. Howell, 26, Arlington, Virginia management intern
for chief of intelligence, U.S. Navy
 Peggie Hurt, 36, Crewe, Virginia accountant, U.S. Army
 Lt. Col. Stephen Neil Hyland, 45, Burke, Virginia personnel
issues, U.S. Army
 Robert J. Hymel, Woodbridge, Virginia
 Sgt. Maj. Lacey B. Ivory, 43, Woodbridge, Virginia U.S. Army
 Lt. Col. Dennis M. Johnson, 48, Port Edwards, Wisconsin U.S.
 Judith Jones, 53, Woodbridge, Virginia civilian employee, U.S.
 Brenda Kegler, 49, Washington, D.C. budget analyst, U.S.
 Lt. Michael Scott Lamana, 31, Baton Rouge, Louisiana U.S.
 David W. Laychak, 40, Manassas, Virginia civilian budget
analyst, U.S. Army
 Samantha Lightbourn-Allen, 36, Hillside, Maryland budget
analyst, U.S. Army
 Maj. Steve Long, 39, Georgia U.S. Army
 James Lynch, 55, Manassas, Virginia civilian employee, U.S.
 Terrance M. Lynch, 49, Alexandria, Virginia consultant, Booz-
Allen & Hamilton Inc.
 Nehamon Lyons, 30, Mobile, Alabama operations specialist
second class, U.S. Navy
 Shelley A. Marshall, 37, Marbury, Maryland budget analyst,
Defense Intelligence Agency
 Teresa Martin, 45, Stafford, Virginia civilian employee, U.S.
 Ada L. Mason, 50, Springfield, Virginia civilian employee,
U.S. Army
 Lt. Col. Dean E. Mattson, 57, California U.S. Army
 Lt. Gen. Timothy J. Maude, 53, Fort Myer, Virginia deputy
chief of staff for personnel, U.S. Army
 Robert J. Maxwell, 53, Manassas, Virginia civilian employee,
U.S. Army

Flight 93 Victims List (Shot down 9/11/01) and WTC 9/11 victims list The
Truth Will Honor the Victims
 UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT 93 United Airlines  William Cashman
Flight 93, from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco,  Georgine Corrigan
California, crashed in rural southwest Pennsylvania,  Joseph Deluca
with 45 people on board.
 CREW  Patrick Driscoll
 Jason Dahl, 43, from Denver, Colorado, was the plane's  Edward Felt, 41, was from Matawan, New Jersey.
captain.  Colleen Fraser
 Leroy Homer, 36, from Marlton, New Jersey, was the  Andrew Garcia
first officer on board. He was married and had a  Jeremy Glick, 31, from West Milford, New Jersey,
daughter.  Lauren Grandcolas of San Rafael, California, was a
 Lorraine Bay was a flight attendant. sales worker at Good Housekeeping magazine.
 Sandra Bradshaw, 38, of Greensboro, North Carolina,  Donald F. Green, 52, was from Greenwich, Connecticut.
was a flight attendant.  Linda Gronlund
 Wanda Green was a flight attendant.  Richard Guadagno, 38, of Eureka, California,
 CeeCee Lyles of Fort Myers, Florida, was a flight  Toshiya Kuge
attendant.  Waleska Martinez
 Deborah Welsh was a flight attendant.  Nicole Miller
 PASSENGERS Christian Adams  Mark Rothenberg
 Todd Beamer, 32, was from Cranbury, New Jersey.  Christine Snyder, 32, was from Kailua, Hawaii.
 Alan Beaven, 48, of Oakland, California,  John Talignani
 Mark Bingham, 31, of San Francisco  Honor Wainio
 Deora Bodley, 20, of Santa Clara, California, was a  data from CNN
university student.
 Marion Britton
 Thomas E. Burnett Jr., 38, of San Ramon, California,

go to Franklin Scandal Omaha and Johnny Gosch and ... Craig

Spence, Notes: a number of Reagan White House officials -- including Charles Dutcher, presidential personnel manager of the
White House staff; Paul Balach, Sec. of Labor Elizabeth Dole's political liaison to the White House; Todd Blodgett, the presidential
press aide who prepared the daily news briefing; Craig Spence, a high-ranking aide in the Office of the International Trade Advisor;
Stanley Tapscott, an official in the director's office at the Office of Personnel Management; and Reginald deGueldre, a member of the
Uniformed Division of the Special Service -- were found to have hired a number of gay male escorts (including boys as young as 13)
from Professional Services, Inc. (well-known D.C. gay escort business). Private midnight tours of the White House were given to a
number of the boys, after which homosexual orgies were alleged to have occurred in offices in the New Executive Office Building
across the street. Spence later told associates and family members he had many more secrets to reveal. But he committed suicide in a
Boston hotel room in 1990 after being indicted on weapons, drug and child rape charges."

Flight 77, Pentagon more on Flight 77 and WTC 9/11 victims list The Truth Will Honor the
 Ambrose, Paul  Heidenberger, Michelle
 Betru, Yeneneh  Jack, Bryan
 Booth, Mary Jane  Jacoby, Steven
 Brown, Bernard  Judge, Ann
 Burlingame, Charles  Keller, Chandler
 Calley, Suzanne  Kennedy, Ynonne
 Caswell, William  Khan, Norma
 Charlebois, David  Kincaid, Karen
 Clark, Sarah  Lee, Dong
data from Physics911 and FOIA, Freedom
 Cotton, Asia  Lewis, Jennifer
of Information Act
 Debeuneure, James  Lewis, Kenneth
 Dickens, Rodney  May, Renee
 Dillard, Eddie  Menchaca, Dora
 Droz, Chuck  Newton, Christopher
 Edwards, Barbara  Olson, Barbara
 Falkenberg, Charles  Ornedo, Ruben
 Falkenberg, Zoe  Penninger, Robert
 Ferguson, James  Ploger, Zandra
 Flagg, Darlene  Raines, Lisa
 Flagg, Wilson  Reuben, Todd
 Gabriel, Richard  Sammartino, John
 Gray, Ian  Simmons, Diane
 Hall, Stanley  Simmons, George

Clinton / Bush Death lists sources top

 Alternet Prominent Democrats  AmericanRetiredPersons
Die Disproportionately in  APFN and APFN Clinton kills
Small Plane Crashes:  Arlington Cemetery
 Bilderberg Bush Bodies
 Brief Bush military
 ArgueThis, Blog
 BBC  video
 CraigsList  Ron Paul names neo-cons video
  Alamo Girl
 Famous Texans  Alamo Girl search Google "dov
zakheim" "jackson stephens"
  FAS Federation of American
Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-  ABCNews
Vulture Contra  Arkancide books and death list
Capitalist,...beware. ...  Henchnet, Bills Kills  Bush Collection
limited hangout.  HurricaneC  Bush Sr. Library
 Alternet, Mel Carnahan,  Iluminati News  CBSNews
Wellstone  LizMichael  Christian Party
 Antiwar   Clinton Presidential
 AWOL Bush, Where were you  Clinton body count Center Hillary dirty tricks central
in '72?, Bush doesn't  Modern History Project (Iran  CNN If Bush blames the Democrats
remember. Documented Contra) for the Iraq War failure they will lose
the 2008 election
Service Records of John Kerry  Museumstuff
and George Bush.  CNN Whitewater timeline
 New York Daily News Maria
 Books by Jim Huck, Fred DiBiase  Christian Worldview Network Clinton
Fielding info  NorthstarZone, Geocities  Citizens for Honest Government
 CommonDreams  PBS Frontline  DLC, Hillary Clinton, Third Way
 Common Dreams Bush's Body  Political Graveyard  FoxNews
Count  Rumormill News  FreeRepublic
 Consortium and file  Slate Clinton, Murder Inc. file  HillarProject
 CooperativeResearch  Spiritually Smart Waco, Mena  House Intelligence Committee, 1996,
 Cooperative Research Bush  StarStreamResearch
Clinton Administration
41, Pakistan, CIA, heroin drug  Indyk, Martin, neo-con
 Talk.RGJ
trade, Afghanistan, BCCI ...  Jeremiah Project
 Timeline 1986
 Democratic  Metcalff
 Truth or Fiction
Underground more Bush,  NewsMax Clinton, Lasater
 WelfareState
Kennedy assassination links  NBCNews
 ZPub, and ZPub Unofficial
 Educate Yourself Clinton,  Binyamin Netanyahu &
Bill Clinton
Bosnia, Iranian arms
transfer see NFU
 NewsBusters, JFK assassination,
Balkans page Barack Obama
 Etherzone  New York Times topics Bill Clinton
 GodLikeProductions, Bush and biography
serial killer  NTSB Stanley Heard
 Great Dreams Murder by  Justice, Dept of press releases
Plane Crash ... John F.  Clinton Kill List
Kennedy Jr. ... Paul Wellstone  Planetquo
 Indymedia, cb  Snopes Debunk Clinton Body Count
 MediaMatters  Truth or Fiction Whitewash
 New Yorker  Systems Research And
 NoHillary08
 PlanetQuo
Applications Corporation?
 Tyson Foods
 PlanetQuo, Clinton hit list
 Urban Legends body count myth, ...
 PrisonPlanet
 Washington Post
 PropagandaMatrix
 Prorev  search Hudson
 Progressive Review Clinton
Timeline, Iran Contra, Institute, Clinton
Mena file and graphic
 Rolling Stone ( The Last
welfare legislation
Confessions of E. Howard
 Salon
 StewWebb
 StewWebb and more Clinton  Clinton, Tyson
Bosnia, Fitzgerald  Bernard Wilkes and Kyle Dusty Foggo
 TW Scaife
 Uhuh, Progressive Review
reprint: Hillary's Hits
 Unauthorized Biography
 WayneMadsenReport "Why
a Hillary Clinton
administration will not be
much different from her
husband's or Dubya's, Here
We Go Again" file
 body count
 WMR, Clinton, Bosnia, Iran
arms transfer file
 WhatReallyHappened
 notes: Rove Abramoff Gannon
Palfrey, the relationship the
hold the key to everything,
Franklin, Bush, sex, power,
Israel, Iraq War, Afghanistan,
Cheney, Omaha, Scandal

 Bob Woodward, book, Sept 8, 2008, Robert "Bob" Upshur Woodward, assistant managing editor, Washington Post,
investigative reporter, ... Carl Bernstein, search terms: uncover Watergate, Nixon, resignation, 12 best-selling books,
Pulitzer Prize, served in the Navy as an aid to Chief of Naval Operations, Moorer, met Mark Felt, FBI Assistant Director,
deepthroat, inside source on Watergate, book 'The Secret Man', DNC convention, 1972, wrote All the President's Men,
Redford Hoffman movie, Ben Bradlee, editor, reporting on 'Nixon dirty tricks, Woodward interviewed Bush 43 four times,
books: Bush at War, Plan of Attack, State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III, with Dan Balz, Camp David, Worldwide
Attack Matrix, too close to Bush, Kerry, involvement in Plame scandal: deposition to Fitzpatrick, told him senior
administration official leaked Plame identity to him in June 2003, November 2005 article revealed his special knowledge,
casual, offhand by Armitage, part of confidential conversation of a 'source', asked Libby questions about Armitage,
interview on CNN Larry King, junkyard dog prosecutor, consequences of Plame outing not that great, Downie,
inaccuracies, inconsistencies, exaggerations, fabrications in books: John Dean and Ed Gray: Felt not the only deepthroat,
also Donald Santarelli. Brad DeLong: inMaestro and The Agenda, The Choice, Clinton Whitewater inconsistencies,
abandon critical inquiry to maintain access to high-profile actors, for glory, stenographer to the rich and powerful, At the
Eye of the Storm, see Maureen Dowd, and The Brethren, and his sitting on information for publication of a book, The
Commanders ...Powell opposed Operation Desert Storm, published after war voted for in Congress, and Veil he did
not reveal that William Casey knew of arms sales to the Contras until after the
investigations, and see Martin Dardis ... Watergate burglars, and Committee to Re-elect the President, ...and accused of
fabricating deathbead interview with Casey, ... Reagan called him a liar, for whatever that's worth, and other books: Wired,
 WMR January 16-18, 2009 -- New book reveals details of JFK assassination cameraman ... "Family of Secrets," the new
book by Russ Baker that chronicles the secret nature of the Bush political dynasty, reveals some intriguing details about
the cameraman whose film captured the attention of JFK assassination conspiracy theorists and conspiracy debunkers,
alike: Abraham Zapruder. ... As it turns out, Zapruder worked a Nardis Sportswear in Dallas with Jeanne De
Mohrenschildt, the wife of George H. W. Bush's and Lee Harvey Oswald's friend George De Mohrenschildt. In 1954,
Zapruder helped start up Jennifer Juniors, Inc., a firm that made children's clothing. Jennifer Juniors had its offices in the
Dal-Tex Building, off of Dealey Plaza. The Dal-Tex building was, according to some sources, the location of one of the
sniper nests. ... According to Baker's new book, Zapruder sat on the board of the right-wing Dallas Council on World
Affairs, which was headed up by Neil Mallon, the close friend of Prescott Bush and an investor in George H. W. Bush's
Zapata Corporation. Mallon was President of Dresser Industries, which later morphed into Halliburton. President Bush 41
named his savings and loan-infamous son, Neil Mallon Bush, after his friend Mallon. ... According to the Baker book,
Olga Fehmer, the mother of Lyndon Johnson's private secretary, Marie Fehmer, also worked with Jeanne De Mohrenshildt
and Zapruder at Nardis. After President Kennedy's assassination, Marie Fehmer joined the CIA where she became a top
supervisor. ... Marie Fehmer's father, Ray Fehmer, worked for defense contractor Ling Temco Vought (LTV), owned by
D. Harold Byrd, the owner of the Texas School Book Depository where Oswald had a job. Byrd was a cousin of Admiral
Richard Byrd, the famed explorer of Antarctica.

Please spread this copy of the list over the internet, there's strength in numbers.
Bush / Clinton Suspicious Death List Body Count / Attack: Aalund, James Downing; Adams, Doug, Adger, Sid; Al-
huk,Mohammed Zia; Baldridge, Malcolm;Barkley, Maj. William; Baugh, Gandy; Bates, Robert; Baxter, Clifford J.; Bearden,
Boonie; Boggs, Hale; Boorda, Jeremy 'Mike'; Branscum, Herby; Brown, Ron; Bunch, James; Butera, Eric; Caradori, Gary;
Carnaby, Roland; Casey, William; Casolaro, Danny; Champagne, Bertha; Colby, William; Coleman, Suzanne; Collins, Gregory;
Curie, Betty brother Theodore Williams Jr.; Corbin, Michael; Damus, Robert G.; Davis, L. J.; Delaney, Jack; Delaughter, Doc;
Densberger, Col. William; Dickson, Steve; Dutko, Daniel A. Eisman, Dennis; Farish, William S.; Ferguson, Kathy; Ferrat,
Mohamed Samir; Forrestal, James; Foster, Vincent; Fox, Cpl. Eric S.; Friday, Hershell; Fuentes, Rosa; Gandy, Baugh; Gibbs,
Judy; Gosch, Johnny; Graham, Gary; Grober, Paula; Guerrin, Larry; Haney, Staff Sgt. Brian Harris, Lt. Col. William; Hartmann,
Peter; Hatfield, James; Heard, Stanley; Herndon, Lance; Henry, Don; Hillier, John; Hamd, Riad, Holland, Don; Holton, Michael;
Horton, Jake; Huggins, Stanley; Hume, Sandy; Hunt, Mrs. E. Howard; Hunziker, Evan; Ives, Kevin; Johnson, Gary; Jorton,
Jake Jerkuic, Niko; Kangas, Steve; Kelly, Col. Robert; Kelly, Shelly; Kennedy, Robert Fitzgerald; Kennedy, John F. Jr.; Kettleson,
Jordan; Killian, Lt. Col. Jerry B.; Kokal, John; Koney, Kieth; bin Laden, Salem; Laughton, Johnny; Lawhon, Johnny Jr.; Lawrence,
Larry; LeBleu, Conway; Letelier, Orlando; Lombardi, Mark; Luna, Jonathan; Mahoney, Mary; Martin, Florence; McCoy, Don;
McDougal, James; McKaskle, Keith; McKechan, Todd; McMillan, Colin; Meissner, Charles; Merrill, Phillip; Milam, James; list
compiled by Steve Francis,, Millis, John; Miller, Charles Milbourne; Miller, Ron;Milosevic, Slobodan;
Moffit, Ronni; Mohrenschildt, George de; Moody, Neal; Moser, Tony; Nichols, Larry; Nir, Amiram; Novinger, Darlene; Olson,
Paull; O'Neil, John; Palme, Olaf; Parks, Luther (Jerry); Patrick, Dennis; Perdue, Sally; Raiser, Montgomery; Raiser, Victor C. II;
Reynolds, Capt Scott; Rhodes, Spec. Gary; Rhodes, Jeff; Rice, Charles Dana; Robertson, Maj. Gen. William; Rogers, Dr. Ronald;
Rose, Gen. James; Ruff, Charles; Sabel, Marine Sgt, Tim; Samples, Mike; Sanford, Paul; Schoedinger, Margie, Seal, Barry;
Shelton, Bill; Sleeping Indian Mountain C-130; Spence, Craig; Spence, David Wayne; Spiro, Ian; Standoff, Alan; Tucker, Karla
Faye; Tilly, Paul; Tower, John Sen.; Walker, Jon Parnell; Walraven, Calvin; Watkins, James Daniel; Webb, Maynard; Weiss, Gus
W.; Welch, Russel; Wellstone, Paul Sen.; Wilcher, Paul; Wilhite, Jim; Wiley, Dr. Don C.; Willey, Ed; Williams, Robert; Williams,
Theodore Jr.; Willis, Steve; Wilson, John; Winters, Richard; Wise, Barbera; Yeakey, Terrance; Chinese embassy Yugoslavia:
Yunhuan, Shao; Xinghu, Xu and his wife, Zhu Ying,; 9/11 WTC victims, Flight 93 victims, Flight 77 / Pentagon victims, 1 million
Iraqis. Franklin Scandal Omaha, White House call boy related: Aaron Owen, Shawn Boner, Bill Baker, Newt Copple, Clare
Howard, Mike Lewis, Joe Malek, Charlie Rodgers, Dan Ryan, Curtis Tucker, Harmon
Tucker. Will the Republicans assassinate Obama? probably ... there's too much at stake
andHillary will follow their course.
Lord James of Blackheath Hansard offical transcript for 16 Feb 2012 YouTube
Lord James of Blackheath: My Lords, I hope the minute that that has taken has not come off my time. I do not wish noble Lords to
get too encouraged when I start with my conclusions but I will not sit down when I have made them. I will then give the evidence
to support them and, I hope, present the reasons why I want support for an official inquiry into the mischief I shall unfold this
afternoon. I have been engaged in pursuit of this issue for nearly two years and I am no further forward in getting to the truth.

There are three possible conclusions which may come from it.

First, there may have been a massive piece of money-laundering committed by a major Government who should know better.
Effectively, it undermined the integrity of a British bank, the Royal Bank of Scotland, in doing so.
The second possibility is that a major American department has an agency which has gone rogue on it because it has been wound
up and has created a structure out of which it is seeking to get at least €50 billion as a pay-off.

The third possibility is that this is an extraordinarily elaborate fraud, which has not been carried out, but which has been prepared to
provide a threat to one Government or more if they do not make a pay-off. /b] /color] These three possibilities need an urgent

In April and May 2009, the situation started with the alleged transfer of $5 trillion to HSBC in the United Kingdom. Seven days
later, another $5 trillion came to HSBC and three weeks later another $5 trillion. A total of $15 trillion is alleged to have been
passed into the hands of HSBC for onward transit to the Royal Bank of Scotland. We need to look to where this came from and the
history of this money. I have been trying to sort out the sequence by which this money has been created and where it has come from
for a long time.

It starts off apparently as the property of Yohannes Riyadi, who has some claims to be considered the richest man in the world. He
would be if all the money that was owed to him was paid but I have seen some accounts of his showing that he owns $36 trillion in
a bank. It is a ridiculous sum of money. However, $36 trillion would be consistent with the dynasty from which he comes and the
fact that it had been effectively the emperors of Indo-China in times gone by. A lot of that money has been taken away from him,
with his consent, by the American Treasury over the years for the specific purpose of helping to support the dollar.

Mr Riyadi has sent me a remarkable document dated February 2006 in which the American Government have called him to a
meeting with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which is neither the Federal Reserve nor a bank. It is a bit like "Celebrity Big
Brother". It has three names to describe it and none of them is true. This astonishing document purports to have been a meeting,
which was witnessed by Mr Alan Greenspan, who signed for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of which he was chairman, as
well as chairman of the real Federal Reserve in Washington. It is signed by Mr Timothy Geithner as a witness on behalf of the
International Monetary Fund. The IMF sent two witnesses, the other being Mr Yusuke Horiguchi. These gentlemen have signed as
witnesses to the effect that this deal is a proper deal. There are a lot of other signatures on the document. I do not have a photocopy;
I have an original version of the contract.

Under the contract, the American Treasury has apparently got the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to offer to buy out the bonds
issued to Mr Riyadi to replace the cash which has been taken from him over the previous 10 years. It is giving him $500 million as
a cash payment to buy out worthless bonds. That is all in the agreement and it is very remarkable. Establishing whether I have a
correct piece of paper is just two phone calls away-one to Mr Geithner and one to Mr Greenspan, both of whom still prosper and
live. They could easily confirm whether they signed it. Mr Riyadi, by passing these bonds over, has also put at the disposal of the
US Treasury the entire asset backing which he was alleged to have for the $15 trillion. I have a letter from the Bank of Indonesia
which says that the whole thing was a pack of lies. He did not have the 750,000 tonnes of gold which was supposed to be backing
it; he had only 700 tonnes. This is a piece of complete fabrication.

Finally, I have a letter from Mr Riyadi himself, who tells me that he was put up to do this, that none of it is true, and that he has
been robbed of all his money. I am quite prepared to recognise that one of the possibilities is that Mr Riyadi is himself putting this
together as a forgery in order to try to win some recovery. But it gets more complicated than that because each of the $5 trillion
payments that came in has been acknowledged and receipted by senior executives at HSBC and again receipted by senior
executives at the Royal Bank of Scotland. I have a set of receipts for all of this money. Why would any bank want to file $5 trillion-
worth-$15 trillion in total-of receipts if the money did not exist? The money was first said to have come from the Riyadi account to
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and from there it was passed to JP MorganChase in New York for onward transit to
London. The means of sending it was a SWIFT note which, if it was genuine, ought to have been registered with the Bank of

When this came about, I took it to my noble friend Lord Strathclyde and asked what we should do with it. He said, "Give it to Lord
Sassoon. He is the Treasury". So I did, and my noble friend Lord Sassoon looked at it and said immediately, "This is rubbish. It is
far too much money. It would stick out like a sore thumb and you cannot see it in the Royal Bank of Scotland accounts". He went
on to say, "The gold backing it is ridiculous. Only 1,507 tonnes of gold has been mined in the history of the world, so you cannot
have 750,000 tonnes". That is true. The third thing he said was, "It is a scam", and I agree with him. The problem is that at that
point we stopped looking, but we should have asked what the scam was instead of just nodding it off.

We have never resolved it. Today, I have this quite frightening piece of paper, which is my justification for bringing it into this
meeting. It is available on the internet and I am astonished that it has not already been unearthed by the Treasury because every
alarm bell in the land should be ringing if it has. It is from the general audit office of the Federal Reserve in Washington-the real
Federal Reserve-and its audit review to the end of July 2010 on the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It has on it some 20 banks
listed to which $16.115 trillion is outstanding in loans. That is the sore thumb that was being looked for by my noble friend Lord
Sassoon. But more particularly there are two other interesting things. The first is that Barclays Bank has $868 billion of loan, and
the Royal Bank of Scotland has $541 billion, in which case one has to ask a question, because they could have earned back in three
weeks their entire indebtedness and could pay off the taxpayers of Britain. Why have they not done so and could we please ask
them to put a cheque in the post tonight for the whole $46 billion?

The next thing that is wrong with it is that every bank on this list, without exception, is an MTN-registered bank, which means that
they are registered to use medium-term notes to move funds between themselves with an agreed profit-share formula, in which case
these banks are investing this money and, most extraordinarily, not a penny of interest does the Federal Bank of New York want
paid on that vast amount, $16 trillion. Anyone who knows what the IMF rules are will immediately smell a rat. The IMF has very
strict rules for validating dodgy money. There are two ways of doing it. You either pass it through a major central bank like the
Bank of England, which apparently refused to touch this, or you put it through an MTN-trading bank, which is then able to use the
funds on the overnight European MTN trading market where they can earn between 1 per cent and 2.5 per cent profit per night. The
compound interest on that sum is huge. If it is genuine, a vast profit is being made on this money somewhere.

I believe that this is now such an important issue that I have put everything that I have got on the subject on to a 104-megabyte
memory thumb. I want the Government to take it all, put it to some suitable investigative bureau and find out the truth of what is
going on here, because something is very seriously wrong. Either we have a huge amount of tax uncollected on profits made or we
have a vast amount of money festering away in the European banking system which is not real money, in which case we need to
take it back. I ask for an investigation and for noble Lords to support my plea.

5.30 pm

Lord Lea of Crondall: My Lords, I am quite happy to believe everything that the noble Lord, Lord James of Blackheath, has said. I
will be very disappointed if the noble Lord, Lord Pearson of Rannoch, is unable to explain how this is all a conspiracy by Brussels.
Will the Minister confirm that if you want to buy up the whole world you need a quadrillion? That is the latest figure.

This debate began with a presumption that what happened on 9 December was something of a mystery. It remains a mystery. In
answer to the question posed by the noble Lord, Lord Kerr, as to why we walked away on that fateful night, I can only assume,
because no other explanation has been offered, that in the middle of the night David Cameron's phone was being hacked into by
Rupert Murdoch.


Obama Suspicious Death Lists ...

Body Counts

Obama body count Fake Obama death list?

Adam Gadahn WMR On April 23,
Ahmed Farouq WMR On April 23, President Obama made the startling announcement that three U.S.
President Obama made the startling announcement that three citizens, Warren Weinstein, a Jewish-American contractor for the
U.S. citizens, Warren Weinstein, a Jewish-American contractor ever-suspicious U.S. Agency for International Development
for the ever-suspicious U.S. Agency for International (USAID); frequent Al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn
Development (USAID); frequent Al Qaeda spokesman Adam (Pearlman), a Jewish convert to Christianity and then to Islam;
Gadahn (Pearlman), a Jewish convert to Christianity and then to along with a Muslim-American Al Qaeda leader named Ahmed
Islam; along with a Muslim-American Al Qaeda leader Farouq, were killed in a January 2015 U.S. drone strike launched
named Ahmed Farouq, were killed in a January 2015 U.S. drone against an Al Qaeda compound on the Afghan-Pakistani border in
strike launched against an Al Qaeda compound on the Afghan- North Waziristan...... Although the White House is indicating
Pakistani border in North Waziristan. ... Although the White Gadahn/Pearlman was killed in a drone attack, there have been
House is indicating Gadahn/Pearlman was killed in a drone reports in the past about his death following U.S. attacks.
attack, there have been reports in the past about his death Nevertheless, what Gadahn/Pearlman may have told Weinstein
following U.S. attacks. Nevertheless, what Gadahn/Pearlman about 9/11, the alleged Bin Laden "death" in Abbottabad, and
may have told Weinstein about 9/11, the alleged Bin Laden Gadahn/Pearlman's connections with SITE may have resulted in a
"death" in Abbottabad, and Gadahn/Pearlman's connections with decision by America's chief drone attack official, the CIA's John
SITE may have resulted in a decision by America's chief drone Brennan, to eliminate all three Americans lest some unsavory
attack official, the CIA's John Brennan, to eliminate all three information end up in the public domain. MORE
Americans lest some unsavory information end up in the public
domain. MORE

Warren Weinstein WMR On April 23,

President Obama made the startling announcement that three
U.S. citizens, Warren Weinstein, a Jewish-American contractor
for the ever-suspicious U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID); frequent Al Qaeda spokesman Adam
Gadahn (Pearlman), a Jewish convert to Christianity and then to
Islam; along with a Muslim-American Al Qaeda leader
named Ahmed Farouq, were killed in a January 2015 U.S. drone
strike launched against an Al Qaeda compound on the Afghan-
Pakistani border in North Waziristan. .... Although the White
House is indicating Gadahn/Pearlman was killed in a drone
attack, there have been reports in the past about his death
following U.S. attacks. Nevertheless, what Gadahn/Pearlman
may have told Weinstein about 9/11, the alleged Bin Laden
"death" in Abbottabad, and Gadahn/Pearlman's connections with
SITE may have resulted in a decision by America's chief drone
attack official, the CIA's John Brennan, to eliminate all three
Americans lest some unsavory information end up in the public
domain. MORE
To be included: from WMR ... Rwandan President
Juvenal Habyarimana, Margaret Davis King, Stephanie

Hugo Chavez Venezuela Analyis Maj

After two years of battling cancer, President Hugo Chavez has
died today at 4.25 pm. and Sodahead Hugo Chavez Says CIA
May Have Given Him Cancer: Assassination by Cancer? Hugo
Chavez and several other Latin American leaders recently got
diagnosed with various forms of cancer. Chavez said in a speech,
“It’s very difficult to explain, even with the law of probabilities,
what has been happening to some of us in Latin America...
Would it be so strange that they’ve invented technology to spread
cancer and we won’t know about it for 50 years? ... I’m just
sharing my thoughts, but it’s very, very, very
strange." and Bloomberg ... Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez hinted that the U.S. may be behind a “very strange” bout
of cancer affecting several leaders aligned with him in South
America. Chavez, speaking a day after Argentine President Aaron
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was diagnosed with thyroid
cancer, said the Central Intelligence Agency was behind Swartz) NaturalNews Visionary internet activist Aaron
chemical experiments in Guatemala in the 1940s and that it’s Swartz found dead; was this brilliant internet
possible that in years to come a plot will be uncovered that shows
the U.S. spread cancer as a political weapon against its critics.
revolutionary 'taken out?' Learn (NaturalNews)
Adding to the list of mysterious deaths that have happened over
the last few days, internet visionary and brilliant internet activist
Aaron Swartz was found dead yesterday. Swartz, only 26 years
old, was the co-founder of, the co-creator of RSS
technology, and the key activist who achieved a stunning defeat of
the freedom-crushing SOPA / PIPA bills in the U.S. Congress.
Swartz was found dead yesterday, and the official story is that he
Lucia & Leo Krim and committed suicide. But Swartz himself would have wanted us
Nanny MarketWatch Major Banks, Governmental Officials to question the official story and dig deeper. After all, his own
and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, website, Demand Progress, questions the "PROTECT-IP" act, the
LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking insanity of George Bush's Patriot Act, the censorship of free
Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury ... NEW speech by Facebook, the financial scams of Goldman Sachs, the
YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law internet kill switch and much more. He even questioned the TSA's
Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the naked body scanners, just like I have here at Natural News. In fact,
venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion when I look at Aaron Swartz, I see him as the next generation of
racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money American activists who we all desperately need: energized,
laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and intelligent, freedom-loving critical thinkers who spread truth and
identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered beat back tyranny and oppression at every opportunity. It's quite
money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners clear that had Swartz not been assassinated (er, I mean
and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key
racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest "suicided "), he would have gone on to be a game changer
offices of government and acting for their own self-interests. In for freedom in our world. more:
connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United
States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-
04269-JBW-RML) - involving, among other things, a request
that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the
Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is
repaid to a court-appointed receiver more andIntelHub CNBC
Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43
Trillion Bankster Lawsuit ...
and Intelhub and DissidentVoice Who Killed Lucia and Leo U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of
Krim? by Moti Nissani / October 2012 and Examiner Money
laundering lawsuit against Fed could be tied to Obama staff Appeals Judge Robert Vance (1931-
shakeup ... On Nov. 8, Craig B. Hulet, a well known and highly 1989) WMR Ever since the Bush family's links to Iran-contra
respected analyst on government policy, terrorism, and were exposed, there has been a concerted effort to erase their
international relations, spoke on Coast to Coast AM regarding complicity in the operation. ... The dead include U.S. Fifth
the growing scandal involving a lawsuit against the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals judge and former Siegelman law partner
Reserve, major banks, and many members of the Bush and and mentor Robert Vance, assassinated by a mail bomb in 1989.
Obama administrations. During his one hour interview, Hulet The mail bomb that killed Vance was part of an attempt to
offered the assessment that many members of the Obama cabinet, intimidate and drive from the federal bench Democratic judges
including Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, and Eric Holder, (including Siegelman) who posed a threat to "The Enterprise."
were resigning their offices due to their potential roles in the Dozens of judges across the South, in states heavily involved in the
TARP money laundering lawsuit. Yet, the whole story on this CIA's and "The Enterprise's" smuggling of weapons to and drugs
massive lawsuit is much more complex than what is being from Latin America -- Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,
reported on the surface. Just hours after the Wall Street Journal South Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Georgia -- were
issued a press release on the suit, the children of a CNBC threatened in the mail bombing campaign. In addition, CIA Iran-
producer were found murdered in his home, along with a nanny contra pilot and Drug Enforcement Administration informant
who reportedly tried to commit suicide. This horrific event took Barry Seal, who was prepared to provide evidence about the
place just hours before or after, CNBC posted the Wall Street involvement of senior White House officials in drug and weapons
Journal story on their website, and interestingly, the story was smuggling, was gunned down at a Baton Rouge halfway house
quickly removed three hours later. However, even the evidence Obama has perpetuated
after his arrest in a drug sting.
of a murder suicide by the nanny is highly questionable, as the this criminal gang's operations by allowing the re-
knife wounds inflicted on her were of extreme force, enough to
break her neck, and not coinciding with those of a self-inflicted imprisonment of Siegelman more below Insider
slashing. Magazine and SpitFireList

Rafael Prieto WMR Several corporate

media outlets are now reporting that the agent who "apparently"
committed suicide was Rafael Prieto, a 22-year veteran of the
Secret Service and a married father. Prieto, whose duties as a
member of President Obama's protective detail were confirmed
Eridania Rodriguez WMR Murdered New York
cleaning woman worked in building housing New York banking
by anonymous sources, was said to have had an extra-marital
regulator The body of New York City cleaning woman Eridania
relationship with a female Mexican national. Prieto was
Rodriguez, sister of professional body builder Victor Martinez,
reportedly outed by another Secret Service presidential detail
was found July 12 bound and gagged on the 12th floor of the 2
agent who was investigated for his own involvement in the
Rector office building near the "ground zero" site of the former
Colombian prostitution scandal that enmeshed a number of
World Trade Center. Rodriguez, the mother of three, had been
agents earlier this year before and during Obama's attendance at
missing since July 7. The cleaning woman was found with a gold
the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena. It was also confirmed
crucifix taped to her mouth, her hands bound behind her back with
that Prieto, in 2009, was the Secret Service's agent-in-charge of
her feet and mouth also bound in what resembles a ritualistic
the White Plains, New York office responsible for protection of
slaying. Rodriguez's cleaning cart was found on the 8th floor of the
the Clinton residence at Chappaqua. Prieto's death is still being
26 story building. ... WMR has learned from city sources that
investigated by the DC Metropolitan Police and the DC Medical
New York financial regulators have discovered that the
Examiners office but the cause is being reported as carbon
administration of Governor David Paterson, under pressure from
monoxide poisoning. Prieto's death is being reported as taking
Silverstein's friend, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, ordered
place on Saturday, October 27, the date previously confirmed by
the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance to grant
WMR in our October 28 initial report. and see FanDaily
Silverstein a "tax holiday" from paying state income taxes as an
incentive for the Freedom Tower project. New York Daily
News Pabon denies killing Eridania Rodriquez.

Keith Ryan Jan 2008 U.S.

diplomat Keith Ryan, the son of Boston Globe sports columnist
Bob Ryan, was found dead at his home in Pakistan, a day before
he was due to fly back to the States. Keith C. Ryan, 37, a father
of three who was a Homeland Security attache at the U.S.
embassy in Islamabad, apparently shot himself in the head,
Pakistani police told news agencies. U.S. officials said foul play Obama Secret Kill List Obama
is not suspected, but an investigation is Secret Kill List YouTube Real News @ http://RevolutionNews.US
ongoing ... andWMR January 30, 2008 -- Ryan "suicide" seen — According to Reuters news agency, a committee composed of
as foul play ... Keith Ryan, the 37-year old Bureau of midlevel National Security Council staffers is in charge of
Immigration and Customs (ICE) agent attached to the US compiling the "death list" of terrorists to be targeted by the CIA for
embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, was likely shot in the back of killing. Their recommendations are sent to a principals committee
the head by an assassin, not from a self-inflicted gun shot wound for approval. The president then has the option of objecting to the
as proffered by the US embassy. Ryan's body was found in his names on the list, but if he remains silent, he gives his consent.
home in the upscale neighborhood F-7/3. Ryan was to fly back to This system reportedly was intended to "protect" President Obama
the United States on January 28, completing his one-year but instead has created a growing political predicament. ...
assignment, mere hours from the time of his death. Ryan's body political question of whether the United States can wage a
was found by a colleague who arrived to drive him to Islamabad clandestine war against terrorists through the use of deadly force
airport. A 9 mm pistol was found nearby. more seems to have been settled. The type of CIA covert actions that
shocked the conscience of the nation when they were revealed in
the 1970s are now taken for granted, even lauded. It is a reflection
of the dangerous times in which we live. But the question of
whether these same deadly techniques may be used against
American citizens has never even been debated. The matter has
become acute since the CIA killed al Qaeda leader and U.S. citizen
Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen last week. see also Reuters American
militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list
by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then
informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

Okrent YouTube HuffingtonPost Alex Okrent Dead:
Obama Campaign Worker Dies After Collapsing At
Headquarters ... Alex Okrent was a veteran of two earlier
Obama campaigns, having worked on the president's 2008
campaign, and his 2004 Senate bid before that. Okrent was
employed in the campaign's paid media department at the time of Jeff Rice WMR Jeff Rice, the freelance
his death. ... Is this another gay / Obama issue? Sodahead Per producer for CBS's "The Amazing Race," was murdered by agents
the Obama campaign, Okrent had been a staffer going all the way of the Ugandan dictator Yoweri Museveni, according to
back to Obama’s 2004 U.S. senate campaign—being on staff for information received from WMR's Ugandan opposition sources.
eight years. That’s a long time. ... The guy must have a lot of For two decades, Museveni has been a favorite of U.S. ambassador
history. A lot of stories to tell. Except… Do a Google search. to the UN Susan Rice (no relation to Jeff Rice). Museveni's
You will find that the guy literally does not exist. Except for the Uganda is also now host to hundreds of U.S. troops dispatched by
story about his death, the guy does not appear anywhere. Even if Barack Obama to put down a rebellion by the Lord's Resistance
he wasn’t an Obama campaign staffer, anyone who has googled Army (LRA). Ugandan troops in Somalia are also supported
their own name knows everyone that walks the face of this Earth logistically by the Pentagon. ... Jeffrey Rice was found dead last
who has not lived in a cave all of their lives will be all over the week in his room at the five-star Serena Hotel in Kampala, the
Internet. Ugandan capital. Ugandan army troops and police immediately
sealed off access to the hotel, according to our sources in Kampala.
Rice's production assistant, Catherine Fuller, was found
unconscious and remains in the hospital. ... Initial reports
claimed that Rice and Fuller were poisoned, however, Ugandan
police are now claiming they succumbed to an overdose of
cocaine. WMR's sources report that Rice may have been involved
in some advance work for CBS News, possibly 60 Minutes, in an
Dr. Saad al Hilli, wife and step investigation of the corruption of the Museveni regime. Uganda
mother Mirror. uk Nuclear link to French Alps massacre: and Museveni have appeared on the radar screens of the corporate
Murdered Saad al-Hilli worked at top-secret British lab. His news media because of harsh measures being taken by Uganda's
links to the lab will fuel conspiracy theories about the gun attack government against homosexuality, including a proposed law that
which left the dad of two, his wife Ikbal and another woman dead would execute gays. Homosexuality is illegal in
in their BMW in the French Alps on Wednesday. .. Our Uganda. ... Rice's film production company, SB Productions, is
revelation follows claims that Saad's family had owned an based in Durban, South Africa. Rice, Fuller, and a film crew were
engineering plant in Iraq, that he was spied on by Special Branch involved in producing a documentary in Uganda at the time of
during the Gulf War and that his aerial satellite photo firm Rice's death. WMR has received word from Uganda that one of
worked for the Ministry of Defence. Mirror and WMR spied Rice's cameramen was also poisoned and is in a coma in a
has all the markings of a Mossad hit. ... Mossad targeted Kampala hospital. ... The word from opposition sources in
assassinations, such as those carried out against Iraqi, Iranian, Uganda is that Rice and Fuller may have asked one two many
and Syrian scientists, are known for their brutality. In January of questions that the Ugandan regime found uncomfortable and in an
this year, Mossad assassins planted a bomb on the vehicle of attempt to forestall a further investigation, decided to poison Rice
Iranian scientist Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan in Tehran. On and Fuller. Police said a large quantity of cocaine was found in
September 3, Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoebi, Rice's stomach during an autopsy. ... The Fox network and
accused Mossad of carrying out assassinations of Syrian Rupert Murdoch-owned newspapers are spinning the meme that
scientists. Al Jazeera reported that after the U.S. occupation of Rice and Fuller were involved in a botched cocaine smuggling
Iraq, Mossad assassins killed 530 Iraqi scientists and academic operation, however, the charge is merely echoing the propaganda
professors in the country. WMR previously reported that some of from Museveni's security apparatus. It has been suggested that
the Iraqi scientists killed were sources for former CIA weapons Uganda's anti-gay tabloid, the Red Pepper, is modeled after
of mass destruction expert Valerie Plame Wilson, whose outing Murdoch's Sun tabloids because of a hidden partnership with
by neocon operatives in the Bush administration led to the Murdoch's News International. ... Obama has a problem with
exposure of her worldwide network of sources and his gay supporters when he dispatches U.S. troops to a country that
informants. more below rails against homosexuals and has even suggests they be
executed. see DailyMail.UK
Robert Booth Nichols WMR May
8-10, 2009 -- Was Clan Bush involved in looting of other Federal Michael Scott WMR Valerie Jarrett, the
Reserve Banks? ... There is additional information to report on
director of the White House Office of Public Liaison that works
the Treasury Note that is secured by $250 billion in gold (2500
with state and local governments, was a key player in the deal to
metric tons) at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. After the
bring the 2016 games to Chicago. Jarrett's firm, Habitat, Inc.,
sudden resignation of New York Federal Reserve Bank WMR was told, played a key part in the Chicago Olympic
Chairman Stephen Friedman, a one-time top economic adviser todevelopment scheme. Jarrett had served as Vice Chairman of
President George W. Bush and someone who apparently profited Chicago 2016, the non-profit organization established to lure the
from the government's bailout of Goldman Sachs while he served
games to the city, and she worked closely with Michael Scott. A
as both Chairman of the New York Fed and as a board member key member of Mayor Richard Daley's Olympic committee, real
for Goldman Sachs, the entire Federal Reserve Bank system estate developer Scott, who was also President of the Chicago
appears to be involved in a massive ploy to loot the United States
Board of Education and a confidante of the Chicago school
of its gold and cash reserves. ... On May 5, 2009, WMR system's former CEO, Arne Duncan, President Obama's friend and
reported: "According to WMR's sources, the FBI and London current Education Secretary, was found dead in the early morning
police are working together on a case that involved a $250 billion
of November 16. Scott's body was found in the Chicago River and
U.S. Treasury Note seized by the FBI from a London safety the Chicago medical examiner reported Scott died from a self-
deposit box company, London Safe Deposit Company, inflicted gun shot wound to the
Ltd. The box was reportedly placed at the London firm by self-
head. more see CrimeFileNews The area of interest was a
described 20-year CIA veteran Robert Booth Nichols, who corruption probe of Scott’s land acquisition in hope of a hugely
reportedly died in Geneva, Switzerland on February 14, profitable expected condemnation for the anticipated 2016
2009. more Olympics. Barack Obama insiders including Valerie Jarrett stood
to make millions had Chicago been awarded the games. Jarrett is a
below and HongPong see Rothschild connections Daily senior advisor and assistant to Obama.
Beast and more / Rothschild and TV News video. more
belowand also Bush Looting Fed funds page and Bloomberg

Juan Antonio
Serrano WMR sources in Cuenca, Ecuador report that the Seal Team Six Forbes more than
murder of the brother of Interior Minister Jose Serrano, a close 20 Navy SEALs from the unit that killed Osama bin Laden were
ally of President Rafael Correa, was the target of a politically- among those lost in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. ... U.S.
motivated assassination. Correa recently tweaked the nose of the officials say they believe that none of those who died in the crash
United States by granting asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian participated in the bin Laden raid but were from the same unit that
Assange, who remains holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in carried out the bin Laden mission. ... The operators from SEAL
London. ... Serrano's brother, Juan Antonio Serrano, a freelance Team Six were flown by a crew of the 160th Special Operations
photo-journalist who has worked for the Spanish news agency Aviation Regiment. That's according to one current and one former
EFE, had his throat slit on September 2 while he was attending a U.S. official. Both spoke on condition of anonymity because
family party at the house of a relative in Cuenca, a town in families are still being notified of the loss of their loved
southern Ecuador. Cuenca, according to our source, has ones. ... One source says the team was thought to include 22
experienced a much lower crime rate than other Ecuadorian SEALs, three Air Force air controllers, seven Afghan Army troops,
cities, such as Quito and Guayaquil. Juan Antonio Serrano also a dog and his handler, and a civilian interpreter, plus the helicopter
worked for the Ecuadorian Foreign ministry, which has been at crew. ... The sources thought this was the largest single loss of
the forefront of the confrontation with London and Washington life ever for SEAL Team Six, known as the Naval Special Warfare
over the Assange matter. full article search terms: Bolivia, two
tons of uranium, ...tantalum, Mossad/CIA/MI-6 "dirty bomb" Development Group. and WMR: "U.S. officials
attack in Latin America that would later be blamed on Iran, an
ally of Hezbollah.
say they believe that none of those who died in
the crash participated in the bin Laden raid but
were from the same unit that carried out the bin
Laden mission." Either way, the
SEALS would have known about
the hoax Bin Laden assassination -
- another Hollywood drama
brought to the world by Obama's
Kirk spinners of fiction. The SEALS were
von Ackerman WMR and Wikipedia He was employed by safer in Abbotabad on their staged mission than
Ultra Services of Istanbul, Turkey when he disappeared in Iraq
on Thursday October 9, 2003. His whereabouts are still
they are in fending off the CIA hit teams that will
unknown. His car was found empty on a road between Kirkuk eliminate all of them until there are no more
and Tikrit, with his equipment and $40,000 still inside. On witnesses
December 14, 2003 his colleague, Ryan G. Manelick was gunned
down just after leaving Camp Anaconda. The Major Procurement left. MORE below and LIST
Fraud Unit (MPFU) at U.S. Army Criminal Investigation
Command (HQCID) is investigating. The CID recently and more on ' No Easy Day"
determined that Von Ackermann died on October 9, 2003 in a
botched kidnapping attempt. They still, however, refuse to give
CBSNews Dec 2012 A member of the same elite U.S.
out information on his case which is still "active." The Obama
administration has continued the Bush administration's cover-up special operations team that killed Osama bin Laden
of this incident. CutDC Tea Party blog and Alex was himself killed during a weekend rescue mission in
Joneson Osama bin Laden, Able Danger connections Afghanistan to free an American doctor abducted by
to this story. and An associate of von Ackermann, Ryan the Taliban. CBS News National Security
Manelick, a former Air Force Intelligence officer, was shot and correspondent David Martin reports the member of
killed outside a US military base near Baghdad two months later. SEAL Team 6 killed in the rescue mission has been
Manelick had earlier told various people that he was in fear for
identified as 28-year-old Petty Officer First Class
his life. Both von Ackermann and Manelick worked for the
contractor Ultra Services, based in Turkey. No particular link Nicolas Checque of Monroeville, Pa.
between von Ackermann or Manelick and the IRON MAN
allegations has ever been proposed. source: Truthout

Afghanistan Bales Massacre The Timothy Spitler WMR Timothy

names of the 16 people murdered: Mohamed Dawood son of Spitler, a former consultant to Liew and one-time Dupont chemical
Abdullah Khudaydad son of Mohamed Juma Nazar Mohamed engineer, reportedly committed suicide in Reno, Nevada on
Payendo Robeena Shatarina daughter of Sultan Mohamed Zahra January 30, just prior to the indictments being issued against
daughter of Abdul Hamid Nazia daughter of Dost Mohamed Pangang and the two former Dupont employees. Spitler was
Masooma daughter of Mohamed Wazir Farida daughter of scheduled to testify on behalf of the U.S. government against the
Mohamed Wazir Palwasha daughter of Mohamed Wazir Nabia Liews and the Chinese company. Few details have been published
daughter of Mohamed Wazir Esmatullah daughter of Mohamed on the circumstances of Spitler's alleged suicide. ... The high-
Wazir Faizullah son of Mohamed Wazir Essa Mohamed son of stakes espionage between China and the United States concerns
Mohamed Hussain Akhtar Mohamed son of Murrad the mineral titanium oxide (TiO2), also known as titania, a mineral
Ali Common Dreams for which Spitler had expertise. ... TiO2 has been at the
forefront of Chinese research and development on titanium dioxide
MSNBC Then there is the account that child witnesses provided nano-photocyde technology that has been discovered by Chinese
Yalda Hakim, a journalist for SBS Dateline in Australia. Hakim, scientists to kill viruses and bacteria in air conditioning and waste
who was born in Afghanistan and immigrated to Australia as a water systems. Before China was devastated by the SARS and
child, is the first international journalist to interview the avian influenza outbreaks, Chinese scientists were light-years
surviving witnesses. She said American investigators tried to ahead of the United States and Dupont in research on nano-
prevent her from interviewing the children, saying her questions photocydes, especially at research centers in Fuzhou and Hong
could traumatize them. She said she appealed to village leaders, Kong. It was technology that the CIA, working through Dupont
who arranged for her to interview the witnesses. In the video, non-official cover intelligence agents, dearly wanted to get their
the children told Hakim that other Americans were present hands on. ... However, the U.S. industrial spies in China were
during the rampage, holding flashlights in the not interested in TiO2 for safeguarding the environment but for
yard. Dateline journalist Yalda Hakim and
cameraman Ryan Sheridan were granted rare access to President something more in tune with U.S. interests: TiO2 is also an
Hamid Karzai’s chief investigator, to survivors and their important component in military stealth technology that is used to
relatives, and to the area where the attacks took place. defeat radar systems and a source for such strategic rare-earth
minerals as neodymium, cerium, and lanthanum. ... Spitler was
a specialist in nanomaterials for Dupont and BHP Minerals. There
are indications that in addition to supplying the FBI with
information on the Liews and Pangang, he made have also
stumbled across the CIA activities by Dupont China in acquiring
secrets on Chinese stealth coating technology. Spitler's knowledge
of such CIA activities under Dupont China cover, may have earned
Gelareh him a death sentence by the CIA's very active "wet affairs"
Bagherzadeh ConsciousnessTV Died January 16, 2012 element. see NFU China page ... Dupont's own
shot in a head. According to police, someone walked to the industrial espionage activities involving Chinese research and
passenger’s side of her car and shot her at point-blank range. development into TiO2 is supplemented by Dupont's operations in
Bagherzadeh was a molecular genetic technology student at M.D. Taiwan. Dupont maintains a large titanium dioxide plant in Kuan
Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. She also was active in Yin, Taiwan. The CIA and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
promoting Iranian women’s rights, police spokesman Victor predecessor have long used Dupont for its weapons development
Senties said. Suspicious death. False Flag? programs in China. During World War II, Dupont produced for the
OSS in China a high-explosive powder disguised as flour. The
granular flour-like explosive, which matched the grayish Chinese
wheat flour, was nicknamed "Aunt Jemima," and the flour could
be baked into explosive biscuits and pancakes, which only became
deadly when a detonator was attached to the baked
goods. ... Today, the Dupont white pigment and mineral plant in
Kuan Yin is the home to one of the world's largest TiO2 plants and
with a production rate of 60,000 tons a year, makes Dupont the
world's largest producer of TiO2. Taiwanese chemical engineers
Andrew for Dupont are well-placed to ferret out titanium oxide secrets
Breitbart TheRightsofthePeople despite his family’s from Chinese research centers across the Taiwan Straits for their
(alleged?) history of heart health issues, I had a hard time own company and the CIA. ... Haag, like her Chicago
believing that Breitbart, a guy with as much energy and vibe as counterpart, Patrick Fitzgerald, appear more interested in
he exhibited at CPAC this year and who has pulled off some aggressively protecting the interests of the CIA than in meting out
freakishly awesome video truthtelling over the past few years, fair and proper justice. see also Reuters and Mercury News
would have the propensity to simply keel over in instant death at
midnight while walking down the street…in the dark…after just
claimed to possess
weeks before having

incriminating videos of the most power-mad

president in U.S. history, Barack Hussein Obama, from his
college days…and stuff.....Look, I’m not entirely immune to the
idea that it was a bunch of capitalist pig Wall Street-ers behind
this and other suspicious deaths around the country. After all,
they have a lot to lose if Obama is suddenly no longer “their Gregory
guy”. Stone ConsciousnessTV ELME54, died from an unknown
illness Feb. 17, 2011. Stone, who was quoted extensively in many
publications internationally after last year’s BP oil leak, was the
director of the renowned Wave-Current Information System. Stone
quickly established himself as an internationally respected coastal
scientist who produced cutting-edge research and attracted
millions of dollars of research support to LSU. As part of his
research, he and the CSI Field Support Group developed a series of
offshore instrumented stations to monitor wind, waves and
Guantanamo currents that impact the Louisiana coast. The system is used by
Suicides Harpers Guantanamo Suicides Late on the evening many fishermen and scientists to monitor wind, waves and currents
of June 9 that year, three prisoners at Guantánamo died suddenly off the Louisiana coast. Stone was a great researcher, teacher,
and violently. Salah Ahmed Al-Salami, from Yemen, was thirty- mentor and family man.
seven. Mani Shaman Al-Utaybi, from Saudi Arabia, was thirty.
Yasser Talal Al-Zahrani, also from Saudi Arabia, was twenty-
two, and had been imprisoned at Guantánamo since he was
captured at the age of seventeen. None of the men had been
charged with a crime, though all three had been engaged in
hunger strikes to protest the conditions of their imprisonment.
They were being held in a cell block, known as Alpha Block,
reserved for particularly troublesome or high-value
prisoners. more Obama promised to close Guantanamo in his
2008 campaign for President.

Alaska (AP) — The officer who commands an air force wing in
Alaska has died of a gunshot wound that likely was self-inflicted,
authorities said Monday. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Tinsley suffered a
gunshot wound to his chest late Sunday night and was pronounced
dead within a half hour, said Col. Richard Walberg, who assumed
command at Elmendorf Air Force Base after Tinsley's death. The
weapon was likely a handgun, Walberg said. ... His previous 22-
Osama bin Laden OBL month assignment was executive officer to the Air Force chief of
staff, Gen. T. Michael "Buzz" Mosely, who resigned in June under
died in 2001 WMR The so-called "Osama Bin Laden pressure in an agency shake-up. Mosely, the Air Force military
tape," was not only transmitted via the auspices of the Search for chief, and Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne, the agency's
International Terrorist Entities (SITE) Institute, a Washington, civilian head, were held accountable for failing to fully correct an
DC-based research institute with links to Israeli right-wing Likud erosion of nuclear-related performance standards. One concern
elements, but U.S. intelligence officials are now claiming that
large portions of the "Bin Laden" speech were written by Los was a cross-country flight in August of aB-52 carrying armed
Angeles native Adam Gadahn, born Adam Pearlman, (aka nuclear weapons. and DailyMail "Mr President
Azzam the American), the number three man in charge of Al we've lost control of FIFTY nuclear warheads:
Qaeda, whose grandfather, Carl K. Pearlman, was a member of
the board of the Anti Defamation League (ADL), an important Obama told how his arsenal was hit by 45-
component of the Israeli Lobby in the United States. minute computer glitch"

Congresswoman Tubbs Washington Post

Andrei Tropinov

Andrei Tropinov ConsciousnessTV Andrei Tropinov,

Sergei Rizhov, Gennadi Benyok, Nicolai Tronov and Valery
Lyalin, in a Russian plane crash. The five scientists were employed
at the Hydropress factory, a member of Russia’s state nuclear
Army Colonel corporation and had assisted in the development of Iran’s nuclear
William Bennett Jack Wheeler's murder has some plant. Theyworked at the Bushehr nuclear power plant and helped
similarity to the murder of CIA analyst and former Army to complete construction of it. Officially Russian investigators say
that human error and technical malfunction caused the deadly
Colonel Willliam Bennett, who was, with his wife, crash, which killed 45 and left 8 passengers surviving.
attacked while walking near their Loudoun County, Virginia
home on March 22, 2009. ... Bennett's battered body was found
off the side of a road in Landsdowne while Wheeler's(more
below) was discovered in a garbage dump next to the Delaware
Memorial Bridge. and WMR 2,3 4 Retired U.S. Army Colonel
William Bennett, who was bludgeoned to death by as many as
five assailants while walking with his wife in Landsdowne,
Virginia, on the early morning of March 22 had intimate
knowledge that components of Russia's S-300 missile defense
system was based on U.S. Patriot missile technology had been
illegally sold by the Israelis to both the Russians and Chinese,
according to U.S. intelligence sources. ... WMR has also
learned that there is still a great deal of interest in the Florida Ashley Turton WMR WMR Progress
white van seen in the Leesburg/Landsdowne area the night before Energy lobbyist and ex-chief of staff to Representative Rosa
and the morning of the attack on Bennett and his wife, which left
Mrs. Bennett in critical condition. FBI counter-intelligence
agents believe the van seen in the area was a Ryder rental van.
The van, known as a "cargo van," does not have rear windows DeLauro (D-CT) , (DeLauo provided rent-
for security purposes and was favored by the Israeli "art
students" who cased the offices and homes of federal employees free apartment to Rahm
in the months prior to 9/11. see alsoFreeRepublic Emanuel Gawker, Gawker, New York Post) Ashley
Westbrook Turton, opened the door of her BMW suburban utility
vehicle a few minutes before 5 am on January 10. The 37-year old
Thomas R. Bennett Jack Wheeler's murder has some mother of three young children, including twin boys, and the wife
of Dan Turton, President Obama's chief liaison to the House of
Representatives, was on her way to work. Later that day, an
announcement would come from Duke Power that it was buying
Progress Energy for $26 billion, creating the largest power utility
in the United States. ... Ashley Turton would never make it to
work that day. Turton's car was engulfed in flames after she turned
the ignition. The Washington Metropolitan Police Department,
which can always be counted on to come up with the best fiction
any time there is a suspicious death with political implications,
Larry Bland WMR: spoke to several well-placed sources in surmised that Turton's car was involved in a "low-speed" crash in
Chicago who reported that Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of her garage with a work bench that triggered a chemical fire. But to
Obama's former church of 20 years, Trinity United Church of top it all off, the police said an "unknown medical condition" was
Christ (TUCC) on Chicago's south side, ran what was essentially also likely involved in what was described as a "freaky" accident.
a matchmaking service for gay married black professional
members of the church, including lawyers and businessmen,
particularly those with children. The matchmaking club was
called the "Down Low Club" but references to it over the phone
and email simply referred to the group with the code phrase
"DLC." The ruse, according to our sources, was to make anyone
who was eavesdropping on the communications believe that the
references were to the Democratic Leadership Council, also
known as the DLC. ... The gay DLC's services were intended to
keep ensure TUCC's gay members avoided posting solicitations
on web services like Craig's List and refrain from cruising gay Unknown MediaFreedomInternational The Obama
bars. The strategy was to protect them from getting busted and
administration has quietly put into practice an ‘incomplete idea’
being "outed." ... Among the members of the gay "DLC" were
left over from the Bush II presidency: creating a de facto
Obama and TUCC's choir director, Donald Young, an openly gay ‘presidential international assassination program.’ Court
man who reportedly had a sexual relationship with Obama. Two documents, evidence offered by Human Rights Watch and a
other gay members of the church were LarryBland and special United Nations report allege that U.S citizens suspected of
Nate Spencer. Young and Bland were encouraging “terror” had been put on “death lists.” Reports of the
‘death’ list’ say Obama’s Director of National Intelligence told a
brutally murdered, execution style, in late Congressional hearing that the program was within the rights of
2007. Bland was murdered on November 17, 2007 and Young the Executive Branch of the government and did not need to be
on December 24, 2007. The latter was killed by multiple gunshot revealed. At least two people are known to have been murdered by
wounds. Spencer reportedly died on December 26, 2007, official Central Intelligence Agency operatives under the program. When
cause of death: "septicemia, pneumonia, and the program was challenged in a New York City court the judge
HIV." FreeRepublic, Fellowship of Minds refused to rule saying, “there are circumstances in which the
executive’s decision to kill U.S. citizens overseas is
constitutionally committed to the political branches and judicially
Steve Bridges zxcv unreviewable.” IPS, Human Rights
Watch, Salon, ExtraJudicialKillings , Global Research

Maria DiBiase On February 21, 2008,

WMR reported the following: "WMR has learned from UN
sources that the 19th Floor from which UN employee Maria
DiBiase plunged to her death in the early morning of February
17, houses the Department of Peace-keeping Operations/Field Jack Wheeler WMR Former special
Administration and Logistics Division (DPKO/FALD). The assistant to Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne, John
offices also house the code machines used for the encrypted fax Wheeler III, also a veteran of the GHW Bush and Reagan
machines used for DPKO activities in addition to a spare set of administrations, was discovered at the Cherry Island landfill in
code machines used for DPKO rapid response teams. Wilmington, Delaware on December 31 after it was dumped from
a sanitation truck that originated its run in Newark, Delaware.
Wheeler's wife lives part-time in Harlem, New York where she
reportedly runs a Cambodian silk import business. ... Wheeler
was last seen on an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington
on December 28. ... Wheeler, a West Point graduate, former
Army officer, and lawyer, served under Air Force Secretary
Michael Wynne until Wynne and Air Force chief of staff General
T. Michael Moseley. Wynne and Moseley were fired by Secretary
Air Force Captain John of Defense Robert Gates on June 5, 2008, over a breakdown in the
Frueh WMR: When the body of Air Force Captain John Frueh security of nuclear weapons under Air Force control, particularly
at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Wheeler left his Air
was found near his rental car near Badger Peak in northeast
Force position in June 2008, the same month Wynne and Moseley
Skamania County, Washington on September 8, 2007 questions
were fired. After leaving the Pentagon, Wheeler took a job with
began to be asked. Frueh was assigned to “Operations Weather”
for the Air Force Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field MITRE Corporation. and DailyMail "Mr President
in Florida. Hurlburt is the headquarters for the Air Force's special we've lost control of FIFTY nuclear warheads:
forces activities. Frueh was a veteran of special forces combat
operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. He had flown to Portland,
Obama told how his arsenal was hit by 45-
Oregon to attend his best friend's September 2 wedding. Frueh minute computer glitch"
was to have returned to Florida on September 4,
2007. ... Frueh's last reported phone call at Portland airport
came on the same day, August 30, 2007 that five or six nuclear
weapons aboard a B-52 supposedly went "missing" during a
flight from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale
Air Force Base in Louisiana. Frueh's position in the headquarters
of the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command "weather
operations" would have given him access to a highly classified and
information. The Obama administration has continued the Bush
administration's cover-up of this
incident. more and Rumormillnews, Global Research, Veterans
Today, MilfuegosBibliotecapleyaes and DailyMail "Mr
President we've lost control of FIFTY
nuclear warheads: Obama told how his
“Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair:
arsenal was hit by 45-minute computer Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?
Available in limited number
autographed with custom
embossed seal. Order your Copy

glitch" and
Bill Gwatney Wikepedia Bill Gwatney
(August 26, 1959[3] – August 13, 2008) was an American
politician who served as the State Chair of the Democratic Party
of Arkansas.[4]... ][5] Gwatney was selected as a superdelegate
at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, and was replaced
by his widow Rebecca Rankin following his
assassination. ... On August 13, 2008, Gwatney was fatally
wounded[6] when a man, identified in news reports as Timothy
Dale Johnson, 50,[7][8] entered Democratic Party headquarters
in Little Rock, Arkansas and shot Gwatney three times.[9]
Gwatney was taken to a hospital, but died at 3:59 pm
CDT.[6] ... After the shooting, the gunman fled the scene in his
truck and led police on a 30-mile (48 km) chase out of Little
Rock.[10] Johnson was fatally shot by police after a PIT
maneuver forced him off the road into a field near
Sheridan.[9][11] No motive was discovered, except Johnson
quitting his Target job earlier that day.[ and Rensepic Gwatney Gareth
was a major ally of Hillary and Bill Clinton, and was a leader of Williams Rumormillnews McConnell and Hawkins explore
the strongly pro-Clinton Arkansas delegation to the upcoming the crime scene signatures relating to the death of MI6 operative
Denver Democratic National Convention. ... Observers in Garth Williams, whose dead body was bagged and placed in a
Washington are now asking whether the assassination of bath. ... Williams’ death suggests that he had cracked a Clipper-
Gwatney can be read as attempted intimidation of the anti- encrypted bordereau network allegedly run by Miriam Clegg,
Obama forces now gaining strength before the Denver
convention. Michelle Obama, and Ba’ath Party banker Nadhmi Auchi ,
(Wikipedia, Auchi) who used sexual extortion to finance man-in-
the-middle election campaigns to put their puppets in
power. and Telegraph.UK Gareth Williams, an MI6 spy found
dead inside a locked holdall could have been killed by someone
who specialised in “the dark arts of the secret services”, a coroner
was told. ... Image 1 of 2 MI6 spy Gareth Williams's body was
found in a similar North Face bag By Gordon Rayner, Chief
Reporter1:00PM BST 30 Mar 2012 Gareth Williams could not
Christopher Hargrove A former have locked the bag from the inside, meaning a “third party” must
have done it, according to a lawyer representing his family.
lover of Larry Sinclair. Found dead in a hotel room of apparent
Relatives believe his death in 2010 may have been linked to his
auto-erotic asphyxiation in January 2001. Was said to have been
work at MI6, where he had recently qualified for "operational
enraged when he found out that Sinclair had cheated on Jackson
deployment", and that fingerprints, DNA and other evidence was
with Obama in the back of a limousine. To get revenge, Jackson
wiped from the scene in a deliberate cover up. Police have always
planned to release digital pictures Sinclair had taken of the
said they were keeping an open mind on whether the 31-year-old
encounter on the Internet. SadlyNo
codebreaker was murdered or died as a result of an accident,
possibly during a bizarre sex game. But at an interim hearing
ahead of the full inquest into his death, Westminster Coroner’s
Court in London was told that a delay by MI6 in notifying police
of his disappearance meant a post-mortem examination had been
“ineffective” and the cause of his death remained unclear. A series
of blunders, including a mix-up over DNA found at the scene, had
also hampered the inquiry, Dr Fiona Wilcox, the coroner, was
Christopher Kelly WMR: The
government's investigation of Levine and Rezko was code- Wikipedia Tony Rezko As his business ventures began failing,
named Operation Board Games by the FBI. The investigation Rezko entered into several partnership with Iraqi-born business
also involved Blagojevich's campaign fundraiser Christopher
Kelly and Blagojevich's first term chief of staff Alonzo "Lon" executive Nadhmi Auchi , including a massive 2005 real
Monk. Monk was portrayed as someone who was willing to lie estate development project on Chicago's South Loop whose value
for the prosecutors in return for a prison sentence of two years as was pegged by an observer familiar with the deal at $130.5
opposed to a maximum of twenty years. Kelly, died from what million.[10] In 2008. Rezko was imprisoned for his failure to
was determined to be a drug overdose last September. Even
though Kelly had been stabilized at Oak Forest Hospital, he died disclose a $3.5m loan from Auchi. HawiiFreePress search
after being transferred to Stoger Hospital in Chicago. Among the Obama Auchi Rezko... also NFU Obama page
last people who saw Kelly before he died were reportedly a
police officer and an unidentified "grey-haired man." Kelly was
to be called as a witness in the Blagojevich trial by the
prosecution. more

W Hotel Woman On February 21,

2008, WMR reported the following: "WMR has learned from UN
Lori Klausutis WMR: This is not sources that the 19th Floor from which UN employee Maria
related to Obama, but included ....Klausutis, Lori On July 20, DiBiase plunged to her death in the early morning of February 17,
2001, the constituent service coordinator for then-U.S. houses the Department of Peace-keeping Operations/Field
Representative Joe Scarborough (R-FL), Lori Klausutis, was Administration and Logistics Division (DPKO/FALD). The offices
found dead in Scarborough's district office in Fort Walton Beach, also house the code machines used for the encrypted fax machines
Florida. The 28-year old Klausutis, who was hailed from used for DPKO activities in addition to a spare set of code
Niceville, Florida and was married to an engineer who worked on machines used for DPKO rapid response teams.WMR July 2-4,
U.S. missile targeting systems, was a marathon runner who was 2011 -- Another suspicious "suicide" in Washington, DC just one
reportedly in excellent health. The immediate conclusion of block from the White House .... At 11:00 pm on June 29, an
medical examiner Michael Berkland prior to an autopsy was that unnamed 47-year old woman plunged to her death from the 10th
Klausutis, whose body was discovered by some visiting story rooftop patio of the W Hotel, the former Washington Hotel,
constituents may have suffered from "prior health problems." located at 515 15th Street in downtown Washington. The hotel is
Berkland had previously served as a medical examiner in located across 15th Street from the U.S. Treasury building and one
Missouri but lost his medical license in that state after he was block from the White House. ... The W Hotel is owned by
found to have made false statements in inquests. and Dubai World and security in and around the hotel is extremely
continued: ..... Allegations of possible foul play surfaced in tight. From the rooftop bar, there is a direct line-of-sight to the
2006 when Florida Republicans were urging Scarborough to White House. Hotel residents and guests are carefully screened by
enter the U.S. Senate primary race against Representative hotel security prior to entering the elevator to the rooftop. The
Katherine Harris, who was considered a sure loser against reason is simple: from the rooftop, a terrorist, unchecked, could
Democrat Bill Nelson. The Miami Herald reported that Harris fire a shoulder launched missile into the roof of the southwest
was overheard telling Collier Merrill, a Pensacola developer, that corner of the White House, the location of the president's second-
if Scarborough entered the primary race against her, he would floor bedroom. ... Washington, DC police have not revealed the
have problems when "they start asking questions about that dead name of the woman who fell to her death but the hotel revealed she
girl," a reference to Klausutis. In fact, it was also reported that was not a registered guest of the hotel and that it was not certain
Harris told more than one GOP donor her opinion of that she had been at the POV Rooftop Terrace very long before her
Scarborough entering the primary, "I don't know what he's fall. Even before their investigation has been completed,
thinking when he's got this whole issue of a dead intern on his Washington Metropolitan Police have tentatively ruled the death of
hands." more and All Hat and No Cattle UPDATE the woman a suicide. Police, who were assisted by uniformed
BELOW members of the Secret Service in their investigation, immediately
ruled out foul play or an accident in the woman's death. The DC
Medical Examiner has not yet ruled on the cause of
death. ... The suicide theory is even more questionable
considering that some witnesses spotted the woman hanging from
a ledge on the 9th floor, one floor below the patio before she fell to
her death on 15th Street. There are a number of security cameras at
the W Hotel, as well as at the Treasury Department across 15th
Street. After the woman's fall, police and Secret Service officers
cordoned off 15th Street from New York Avenue, south to
Pennsylvania Avenue with yellow crime scene tape and patrol
Lt. Quarles Harris more below on vehicles.
April 17, 2008, Lt. Harris was found fatally shot dead slumped
over the steering wheel of his car in front of the Judah House
Praise Baptist Church in Northeast DC. The Washington Times
reported that Lt. Harris was a key witness cooperating with the
federal probe into the State Department security breach. Lt.
Harris’ mother, Cleopatra Harris, told ABC affiliate WJLA-TV
that she believed her son’s murder may have been due to his role
in the federal investigation (Obama passport records
break-in) ... Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., 24, who had been
cooperating with a federal investigators, was found late Thursday
night slumped dead inside a car, in front of the Judah House
Praise Baptist Church in Northeast, said Cmdr. Michael Anzallo,
head of the department’s Criminal Investigations Division.

Zachary Greene
Warfield ConsciousnessTV died July 4,2011 in a boating
accident on the Potomac River. Zack was a co-founder and a
member of the Board of Directors for Omnis, Inc., a McLean, VA-
based strategic consulting firm for the intelligence, defense and
Barry national security communities. He spearheaded major research
Jennings 9/11 JenningsMystery ..on August 19, 2008, 53 initiatives and, in addition to helping steer the company, was
year old Barry Jennings died, two days before the release of the directly involved in numerous projects, including analytic training
NIST Final Report on the collapse of WTC7. Jennings was and technology consulting. Prior to founding Omnis, Zack was an
Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the New engineer and analyst for the U.S. Government and private industry.
York City Housing Authority. On September 11th, 2001, he saw As a science and technology analyst, he assessed missile and space
and heard explosions BEFORE the Twin Towers fell, while systems, managed technical contracts, and investigated Iraq’s
attempting to evacuate the WTC 7 Command Center with NYC Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) program as a member
Corporation Counsel Michael Hess. Jennings publicly shared his of the Iraq Survey Group, serving in Baghdad on two separate
experiences with a reporter on the day of 9/11/01, as well as in a occasions.
lengthy 2007 video interview with Dylan Avery, a small clip of
which was then released; subsequently his job was threatened
and he asked that the taped interview not be included in Loose
Change Final Cut.. However, after an interview with Jennings
was broadcast by the BBC in their program The Third Tower
ostensibly refuting what he had previously stated to Avery,
Avery felt compelled to release the full original video interview
to show the distortions made by the BBC. The cause of Jennings'
death has not been made public, and a private investigator hired
by Avery to discover the cause and circumstances surrounding Donald Young ABC local “The
his death refused to proceed with his investigation. In spite of the bombshell may involve the murder of Donald Young, a 47-year-
significance of Jennings' position with NYC on 9/11 and his old choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United
controversial eyewitness testimony regarding the collapse of Church of Christ—the same congregation that Obama has attended
WTC7, the media has not investigated or reported on his death, for the past 20 years. Two other young black men that attended the
nor reported on his statements. Obama has not considered a 9/11 same church—Larry Bland and Nate Spencer—were also
new investigation. murdered execution style with bullets to the backs of their heads—
all within 40 days of each other, beginning in November 2007. All
three were openly homosexual. Larry Sinclair in his book says
that Donald Young contacted him about his homosexual
relationship with Barack Obamajust prior to his murder in

Klausutis WMR

Johannemann 9/11 PatriotsQuestion911 Mr.
Johannemann was in the basement of the North Tower when the TV Anchorwoman death
first plane impacted. "I was right there. I was down in the
basement. Came down. All of a sudden the elevator blew up.
Cheney Sources report to WMR that U.S. troops confiscated
Smoke. I dragged a guy out. His skin was hanging off and I
"billions" in currency found stored in aluminum containers in
dragged him out and I helped him out to the ambulance."
various secret caches in Baghdad and elsewhere. Our sources
[Editor's note: At this point, Mr. Johannemann was in the
report that the seized cash was transferred to accounts run by
basement of the North Tower, approximately 1,100 feet below
Cheney and the money is now being partly used to fund Cheney's
the airplane's point of impact at floors 93 to 98.] Died from
growing political opposition movement to the Obama
gunshot to the head, ruled a suicide Beverly Eckert (Wife of 9/11
administration, including secretive payments to a "stay behind"
group of Cheney loyalists who burrowed into senior civil service
WTC Victim, .... Obama has not considered a 9/11 new positions from political appointee jobs during the Bush
investigation. NY Daily News administration. Cheney's loyalists are now in key positions to
stymie Obama's programs and policies within a variety of Cabinet
departments and federal agencies.

Paul Smith (Pilot of WABC7's 9/11 "International Shot" Chopper)

-- Car accident

Michael H. Doran (9/11 Victims Lawyer) -- Airplane crash

David Kellerman WMR Veterans

Bertha Champagne (Longtime babysitter for 911 Perp Marvin
Today However, we may never really know how much Rahm Bush's family) -- Crushed by a car
Emanuel see (Ashley Turton suspicious death) profited from
his stint with Freddie Mac because of what WMR can now report Christopher Landis (Former Operations Manager for Safety
is more than one suspicious death involving Freddie Mac’s top Service Patrol for the Virginia Department of Transportation,
financial executives. In April 2009, David Kellerman, Freddie Interviewed by makers of "The Pentacon", Gave makers of "The
Mac’s chief financial officer who was assisting law enforcement Pentacon" a photo collection, Involved in the response to the
personnel in investigating fraud at the firm, was found hanging in Pentagon attack) -- Suicide
the basement of his Fairfax, Virginia home. A Freddie Mac
source told WMR that Kellerman’s death was followed by the Train crash Un-named Ticket Agent (Boston Logan Ticket Agent
suspicious death of a Freddie senior economist who was killed in who checked Atta and Alomari) -- Suicide
an unreported bicycling hit-and-run incident near his northern
Police Found Freddie
Virginia home. ABCNews Suzanne Jovin (Yale Student who had a thesis about Osama Bin
Laden, Her thesis adviser was an intelligence operative) --
Mac CFO Dead by Hanging LameCherry Obama Murdered (Killer unknown)
body count
Perry Kucinich (Brother of Congressman who advocated new 9/11
investigation) -- Fell down

Ezra Harel (Chairman of the Israeli Company That Handled

Security For All 9/11 Airports) -- Heart attack

Investigators have found no sign of foul play in the death of a man

identified as the whistleblower behind the scandal surrounding
media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News International, British police
announced Tuesday. ... Sean Hoare was one of the first journalists
to go on the record and allege phone hacking at Murdoch's now-
defunct News of the World. He was found dead Monday at his
Fanjun Meng ConsciousnessTV (2011 home in Watford, northwest of London, the British Press
Association said. ... An autopsy conducted Tuesday afternoon
)Fanjun Meng, 29, and Chunyang Zhang, 26, drowned in a
"has concluded there is no evidence of third-party involvement and
Branson hotel swimming pool. Both were from China and
the death is non-suspicious," Hertfordshire police said in a
working in the anatomic pathology lab at the University of
statement. Earlier, police had called his death "unexplained, but
Missouri-Columbia. Meng was a visiting scholar and his wife,
not thought to be suspicious."
Zhang, was a research specialist, according to information at the
university’s website. Meng was working on research looking at a
possible link between pesticides and Parkinson’s disease.Police Don Wiley ... The Winnipeg laboratory figures into the November
said the investigation is ongoing as to the cause of the drowning 15, 2001 disappearance of noted Harvard University virologist Dr.
but had said earlier there was no sign of foul play. In Don C. Wiley in Memphis, Tennessee after his attendance at a
banquet honoring his service as a scientific advisory board
member of St. Jude's Hospital. Wiley's body was found one month
later in the Mississippi River in Vidalia, Louisiana. The Shelby
County medical examiner ruled Wiley's death a "suicide" from
WMR On February 25, 2008, WMR had a follow-up story: "On jumping into the Mississippi River from the west bound lane of the
February 21, longtime UN correspondent Hans Janitschek was I-40 Hernando de Soto bridge. Wiley was heading back to his
busy asking questions of UN staff about the suspicious death on father's residence in Millington, northeast of Memphis at the time
February 17 of Maria DiBiase, a UN computer specialist, former of his disappearance.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) conference planner,
and fellow Austrian. Janitschek, a former Secretary General of
Socialist International, would not live long after he peppered UN Julian Dixon Democratic Underground The jury is still out
official with questions about DiBiase, who was reported to have on Affiliated Computer Systems (ACS) of Dallas, but a certain
plunged to her death from the 19th floor of the UN Secretariat Stephen Goldsmith, former GOP Mayor of Indianapolis, may be
building early on the morning of February 17. into some dirty business there... Gary Webb was investigating
ACS and contract fraud in CA when he committed suicide on Dec.
WMR on May 31, 2006, WMR reported: "On May 26, Italian 10. ... We also know that Florida DOT investigator Ray
police discovered the badly decomposed body of Canadian Lemme committed suicide in 2003 when he was investigating
diplomat Lewis B. Miskell in a Naples sewer. Miskell, 49, had fraud involving Yang and the FL state government. House
been stabbed in the abdomen. Intelligence sources report that Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Executive Director
Miskell, who assigned to the Canadian embassy in Vienna, John Millis committed suicide in 2000 when he was investigating
Austria, was the attache responsible for liaison to UN specialized CIA ties to Latin American drug cartels, links that involved the
agencies in Vienna." Bush family. State Dept. Iraq intelligence analyst John Kokal
committed suicide in late 2003 after he questioned the attack on
Kitterman death, Iraq contractor Iraq. Former CIA official Dr Gus Weiss committed suicide after
he, too, questioned the attack on Iraq in late 2003. Dr David Kelly
of Britain's MOD committed suicide after he questioned the
David Butler Butler's bloodied and battered body was found in validity of Iraq WMD reports. Danny Casolaro committed suicide
the early morning of July 15 in the parking lot of Triple E Auto in 1991 after he investigated Bush ties to weapons smuggling and
Sales lot, one of many such auto sales lots in Arlington run by drug deals. Paul Wilcher, a friend of Sarah McClendon, died in his
Middle Eastern foreign nationals that are usually devoid of apartment after he picked up on some of Casolaro's research.
customers and some of which are believed to be money Charles Ruffand HPSCI's ranking member Julian Dixon dropped
laundering operations operating with a wink-and-nod from the dead only weeks apart after being briefed by Millis on CIA-Bush-
CIA, on the 1800 block of Wilson Boulevard in the Court House drug connection. ... What was Gary Condit, also of HPSCI,
section of Arlington. briefed on by Millis? What did Condit tell his friend Chandra
Levy, an intern for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Or what did he
For 28 years Rachel Begley has waited for the murderer(s) of her ask her to find out for him through her Bureau contacts? John F
father, Ralph Boger, 42, Fred Alvarez, 32, vice-chairman of the Kennedy Jr was working on a Bush-CIA-covert ops story for his
Cabazon Indian Tribal Council, and Patricia Castro, 44, to be George Magazine when his plane crashed. And what did poor Lori
brought to justice. Klausutis discover before her body was discovered in Jan. 2001 in
the FL office of GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough (the MSNBC
JFK Jr. investigation initially treated as murder colleague of someone who has made it his cause to rip apart my
investigation ... According to the Kennedy friend, the son of the reporting on this election story)? Cliff Baxter, chief Enron witness
late president and publisher of "George" magazine, was about for the govt. shot himself before he testified. John Tower had the
ready to announce his run for the U.S. Senate from New York. goods on the Bushes, but his commuter plane crashed and killed
Kennedy was acutely aware of his vulnerability and hired on a him, his daughter and several other passengers. Paul Wellstone and
personal security team just prior to his announcing for the Senate. his family and staff? Mel Carnahan? Bush biographer JH Hatfield?
Kennedy also decided, unlike all previous flights, not to file a Athan Gibbs, the founder of TruVote International, the only clean
flight plan at Caldwell. Instead, Kennedy, instead of filing an election machine company. And the list goes on and on. At least
FAA flight plan, provided his own "flight following" by having a those who are merely being fired -- the latest being the Pentagon's
Kennedy friend waiting at the Martha's Vineyard airport. When Jack Shaw, are getting the easier "treatment" from the Bush Mafia.
the plane was overdue the friend notified Woods Hole Coast
Guard Station which, in turn, notified the FAA and other Obama will figure out some way of eliminating Orly Taitz.

The Washington Post, the White House's largest collection of

media stenographers for the administration, reported on June 3
that the Obama has secretly dispatched US Special Operations
forces to 75 countries around the world. Just as the Post initially
agreed not to publish the locations of CIA "black" torture and
detention centers in eastern Europe, the Post has toed the line by
not providing a complete list of the countries where US Special
Operations forces are operating covertly. ... WMR scooped the
Post by identifying a number of eastern European "black" sites,
including those in Poland and Romania. ... We are now
providing the list of 75 countries where Obama has secretly
deployed US Special Operations forces: 1. Afghanistan 2.
Albania 3. Algeria 4. Azerbaijan 5. Bahrain 6. Bangladesh 7.
Benin 8. Bosnia and Herzegovina 9. Brunei 10. Burkina Faso 11.
Cameroon 12. Central African Republic 13. Chad 14. China 15.
Colombia 16. Comoros 17. Congo (DR) 18. Cote d'Ivoire 19.
Djibouti 20. Egypt 21. Eritrea 22. Ethiopia 23. Gabon 24.
Gambia 25. Georgia 26. Guinea 27. Guinea-Bissau 28. Honduras
29. India 30. Indonesia 31. Iran 32. Iraq 33. Jordan 34.
Kazakhstan 35. Kenya 36. Kosovo 37. Kuwait 38. Kyrgyzstan
39. Lebanon 40. Libya 41. Malaysia 42. Mali 43. Mauritania 44.
Mexico 45. Morocco 46. Myanmar 47. Nepal 48. Niger 49.
Nigeria 50. Oman 51. Pakistan 52. Philippines 53. Qatar 54.
Russian Federation 55. Rwanda 56. Saudi Arabia 57. Senegal 58.
Sierra Leone 59. Somalia [including Somaliland] 60. South
Africa 61. Sri Lanka 62. Sudan 63. Syria 64. Tajikistan 65.
Tanzania 66. Thailand 67. Togo 68. Tunisia 69. Turkey 70.
Turkmenistan 71. Uganda 72. United Arab Emirates 73.
Uzbekistan 74. Venezuela 75. Yemen

Breitbart / Bannon Harvard tapes could open up interest in

Obama's real family history as a creation of the CIA, Ford
Foundation etc.. more. see also: Derrick Bell, Arpaio, Mike

Activist Disappeared, NDAA, Indefinite Detention Without Trial

Sandy Hook Victim List Newtown Police Accident Report website

Charlotte Bacon, 6 Madeline Hsu, 6 Noah Pozner, 6
Daniel Barden, 7 Catherine Hubbard, 6 Caroline Previdi, 6
Rachel Davino, 29 Chase Kowalski, 7 Jessica Rekos, 6
Olivia Engel, 6 Jesse Lewis, 6 Avielle Richman, 6
Josephine Gay, 7 James Mattioli, 6 Lauren Russeau, 30
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6 Grace McDonnell, 7 Mary Sherlach, 56
Dylan Hockley, 6 Anne Marie Murphy, 52 Victoria Soto, 27
Dawn Hocksprung, 47 Emilie Parker, 6 Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Jack Pinto, 6 Allison Wyatt, 6
 DenverChannel NEWTOWN, Conn. - In identifying the victims of the Sandy Hook school
shooting, the medical examiner confirmed that all of the victims died of multiple gunshot wounds. "I
believe everybody was hit more than once," said Dr. H. Wayne Carver, II, Connecticut's chief
medical examiner. Twenty children and six adults were killed inside the Newtown, Connecticut
school before the gunman killed himself. All six adults killed at the school were women. Of the 20
children, eight were boys and 12 were girls. All the children were ages 6 or 7. [Complete list at the
bottom of this page] "I just hope that everybody gets the help that they need," said Robbie Parker,
father of 6-year-old victim Emilie Parker. Parker added that he wasn't mad and expressed sympathy
for the shooter's family.
 Wikipedia Natalie Hammond Hochsprung may have turned on the school intercom to alert others in
the building. A nine-year-old boy said he heard the shooter say: "Put your hands up!" and someone
else say "Don't shoot!", people yelling and many gunshots over the intercom as he, his classmates,
and teacher took refuge in a closet in the gymnasium.[26] Diane Day, a school therapist who was at
the faculty meeting, heard screaming, followed by more gunshots. Natalie Hammond, lead teacher
in the meeting room, pressed her body against the door to keep it closed. Lanza shot Hammond
through the door, in her leg and arm. She was later treated at Danbury Hospital.[25][27] The police
reported that a second adult was wounded in the attack, but that individual has not been
identified.[9] and NYTimes
 Go to main Sandy Hook research page

RT US Navy SEALs have reportedly been taken off active duty as a consequence of the leaked firsthand account “No
Easy Day” about the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan which resulted in his death. The entire
command of SEAL Team Six, which carried out the operation, has likely been told to stand down temporarily, according to former
SEAL Brandon Webb. He was one of the authors, Special Operations veterans, who have posted their own e-book response “No
Easy Op: The Unclassified Analysis of the Book Detailing the Killing of OBL (Osama Bin Laden)”. The report came one day
before the release of the No Easy Day account and examines its version of events, the motives of the author and the consequences of
him publishing the book. “We are already aware of several operators at SEAL Team Six who have been pulled from regular
deployment cycles in order to deal with the aftermath of No Easy Day,’ the UK’s Daily Mail quotes Webb as writing in the e-book
response to the controversial account. He also adds that the book, set to be made public on Tuesday, September 4, has already
caused quite a storm among the military. “In our opinion the whole command will be on the bench as well because the
consequences of this are so serious,” he states. Most of the authors, however, are convinced that while the “reading public will get
their dose of reality,” the most confidential details of the raid simply won’t be found in No Easy Day. “No Easy Day is nothing
more than a well-executed marketing strategy that will make the author and publisher tens of millions of dollars overnight,” the US
news website The Daily Beast quotes the response authors as stating. Cover art for "No Easy Day" by Mark Owen/Dutton
Publishing In August, the US Defense Department threatened to pursue “all remedies legally available” against the author. The
Pentagon said the author, Mark Owen – who has been identified as former Navy SEAL Mark Bissonnette – breached nondisclosure
agreements. But the Special Operations veterans are sure that since the general counsel of the Department of Defense has not yet
pointed out specific disclosures, it “likely means, they aren’t there.” Before the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden was undertaken,
the White House, Pentagon, and CIA reportedly had a “single, agreed-upon narrative that would be sold to the public,” the e-book
presumes. ”With the killing of OBL came a huge opportunity for political gain and they were insistent that the PR spin make Obama
look powerful and decisive. In an attempt to preserve the original story, the White House allegedly “leaked” information to author
Nicholas Schmidle at The New Yorker, giving him enough meat to write a “sweeping narrative with great scenes that sound like
clichés straight out of a Jerry Bruckheimer production,” cites The Daily Beast. “Now that No Easy Day is being released, the public
will likely become attached to this story.” It will become “the established narrative on the raid, the only truth.” The authors however
warn that Bissonnette is likely to face personal consequences. “Members of the Special Operations community are well known for
eating their own,” the e-book says. “It is likely that Bissonnette will be not only ridiculed and criticized, but ostracized from the
military completely: Some of these authors are considered personae non grata by their former units: members are instructed to never
talk to the author and the author is never to be allowed to participate in unit functions again.”

WMR OBL died in 2001 and Seal Team deaths in

helicopter crash. LIST

Osama bin Laden OBL died in 2001

WMR The so-called "Osama Bin Laden tape," was not only transmitted via the auspices of the Search for International
Terrorist Entities (SITE) Institute, a Washington, DC-based research institute with links to Israeli right-wing Likud elements, but
U.S. intelligence officials are now claiming that large portions of the "Bin Laden" speech were written by Los Angeles native Adam
Gadahn, born Adam Pearlman, (aka Azzam the American), the number three man in charge of Al Qaeda, whose grandfather, Carl
K. Pearlman, was a member of the board of the Anti Defamation League (ADL), an important component of the Israeli Lobby in the
United States.more on Seal Team Six August 10-11, 2011 -- Jakarta -- Obama welcomes home SEAL Team bodies after the
SEALS became a "problem" ... President Obama welcomed home the coffins carrying the remains of Navy SEAL Team 6
members, other SEALs, and Special Operations personnel. Obama flew to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware as the coffins arrived
from Afghanistan. A Chinook helicopter carrying Navy SEAL Tam 6 members involved in the so-called "take out" of Osama Bin
Laden in Abbotabad, Pakistan, an event that boosted Obama's flagging poll numbers. ... Most of the SEALS killed in the
downing of the helicopter in the Tangi Valley of eastern Afghanistan were part of the team that supposedly surprised and then killed
Bin Laden in Abbotabad in May. The body of "bin Laden" was quickly buried at sea without any independent confirmation that it
was the leader of "Al Qaeda." ... WMR has learned from Navy SEAL Team 2 sources that the Chinook was flying under
prescribed normal transit altitudes, which made it vulnerable to an attack from a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG). SEAL Team 2 is
based in Little Creek and Dam, Neck, Virginia, where many of the dead SEAL Team 6 members were also based. The sources claim
that many SEALs believe the SEAL Team 6 members were sacrificed for political reasons because they "knew too much" about the
Abbotabad raid. Moreover, SEAL Team 2 members believe their comrades were eliminated by CIA assets operating in the area in
an effort to eliminate witnesses to the actual events that occurred in Abbotabad. ... The bitterness of SEAL team personnel over
what happened with the Chinook is intense since an entire unit of their friends was almost completely wiped out. Jesse Lee will
move from the new media department into a role in the communications department as White House Director of Progressive Media
& Online Response,

more on Seal Team Six August 10-11, 2011 -- Jakarta -- Obama welcomes home SEAL Team bodies after the SEALS became a
"problem" ... President Obama welcomed home the coffins carrying the remains of Navy SEAL Team 6 members, other SEALs,
and Special Operations personnel. Obama flew to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware as the coffins arrived from Afghanistan. A
Chinook helicopter carrying Navy SEAL Tam 6 members involved in the so-called "take out" of Osama Bin Laden in Abbotabad,
Pakistan, an event that boosted Obama's flagging poll numbers. ... Most of the SEALS killed in the downing of the helicopter in
the Tangi Valley of eastern Afghanistan were part of the team that supposedly surprised and then killed Bin Laden in Abbotabad in
May. The body of "bin Laden" was quickly buried at sea without any independent confirmation that it was the leader of "Al
Qaeda." ... WMR has learned from Navy SEAL Team 2 sources that the Chinook was flying under prescribed normal transit
altitudes, which made it vulnerable to an attack from a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG). SEAL Team 2 is based in Little Creek and
Dam, Neck, Virginia, where many of the dead SEAL Team 6 members were also based. The sources claim that many SEALs
believe the SEAL Team 6 members were sacrificed for political reasons because they "knew too much" about the Abbotabad raid.
Moreover, SEAL Team 2 members believe their comrades were eliminated by CIA assets operating in the area in an effort to
eliminate witnesses to the actual events that occurred in Abbotabad. ... The bitterness of SEAL team personnel over what
happened with the Chinook is intense since an entire unit of their friends was almost completely wiped out.

Disappearing 9/11 Witnesses: In the above video these names are included: General David
Wherley, John del Giorno, Paul Smith, Barry Jennings, Beverly Eckert, Kenneth Johannemann, Michael
Doran, Christopher Landis, Bertha Champagne, Salvatore Princiotta, David

Graham. account required

 Ex-head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Leonid Shebarshin, who was head of KGB for one day, was
found dead in his flat likely having shot himself. He was 77. A pistol and a death note were found near his body. Police
haven't disclosed the contents of the note. ... Recently Shebarshin had lost weight, said Yuri Kobaladze, a friend to
Shebarshim and managing director for corporate relationship in the X5 Retail Group and a retired general in the Foreign
Intelligence Service, to "Maybe he was sick," he said. ... Shebarshin started as an interpreter in the Soviet
embassy in Pakistan in 1958. In 1962 he was invited to KGB school, after a year there he returned to Pakistan as a spy, his
work was considered successful. ... Afterwards he went to India where he headed the field station in 1975. Three years
later he went to Iran, where he headed the field station just at the time of Islamic revolution. ... Later he specialized in
Afghanistan, where he has been at least 20 times. ... In 1989 he headed the First Chief Department of the KGB, the
department that later became the Foreign Intelligence Service. During the coup of 1991, Shebarshin was demonstratively
neutral and played tennis the whole day of August 19. After the coup failed, for one day, he headed the KGB. In September
1991 he resigned as a sign of a disagreement with current KGB chief Vadim Bakatin on personnel policy. ... He has
written several books about intelligence including "Hand of Moscow: memoir of an Intelligence chief." and
WMR "Veteran KGB officer in Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Former Russian spymaster Leonid Sherbarshin
believed, along with British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook (head of MI-6 and GCHQ), that "Al
Qaeda" was a notion, not a group. Both Sherbarshin and Cook died suddenly and suspiciously."

The War in Afghanistan Wikipedia

Wikipedia The War in Afghanistan, also called the Afghan war, began on October 7, 2001,[37] as the armed forces
of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Afghan United Front (Northern
Alliance) launched Operation Enduring Freedom. The primary driver of the invasion was the September 11 attacks on the United
States, with the stated goal of dismantling the al-Qaeda terrorist organization and ending its use of Afghanistan as a base. The
United States also said that it would remove the Taliban regime from power and create a viable democratic state. A decade into the
war, the U.S. continues to battle a widespread Taliban insurgency, and the war has expanded into the tribal areas of neighboring
Pakistan.[38] The preludes to the war were the assassination of anti-Taliban leader Ahmad Shah Massoud on September 9, 2001,
and the September 11 attacks on the United States, in which nearly 3000 civilians lost their lives in New York City, Arlington,
Virginia, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The United States identified members of al-Qaeda, an organization based in, operating out
of and allied with the Taliban's Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as the perpetrators of the attacks. In the first phase of Operation
Enduring Freedom, ground forces of the Afghan United Front working with U.S. and British Special Forces and with massive U.S.
air support, ousted the Taliban regime from power in Kabul and most of Afghanistan in a matter of weeks. Most of the senior
Taliban leadership fled to neighboring Pakistan. The democratic Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was established and an interim
government under Hamid Karzai was created which was also democratically elected by the Afghan people in the 2004 general
elections. The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) was established by the UN Security Council at the end of December
2001 to secure Kabul and the surrounding areas. NATO assumed control of ISAF in 2003. ISAF includes troops from 42 countries,
with NATO members providing the core of the force.[39] The stated aim of the invasion was to find Osama bin Laden and other
high-ranking al-Qaeda members to be put on trial, to destroy the organization of al-Qaeda, and to remove the Taliban regime which
supported and gave safe harbor to it. The George W. Bush administration stated that, as policy, it would not distinguish between
terrorist organizations and nations or governments that harbored them. In 2003, Taliban forces including the Haqqani network and
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's Hezb-i Islami started an insurgency campaign against the democratic Islamic Republic and the presence of
ISAF-troops in Afghanistan.[40][41] Their headquarters are alleged to be in or near Quetta, Pakistan.[42] Since 2006, Afghanistan
has experienced a dramatic increase in Taliban-led insurgent activity. In their campaign the Taliban also target the civilian
population of Afghanistan in terrorist attacks. According to a report by the United Nations, the Taliban were responsible for 76% of
civilian casualties in Afghanistan in 2009.[43] The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIGRC) called the
Taliban's terrorism against the Afghan civilian population a war crime.[44] Religious leaders condemned Taliban terrorist attacks
and said these kinds of attacks are against Islamic ethics.[44] On December 1, 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that
he would deploy an additional 30,000 soldiers over a period of six months.[45] He also set a withdrawal date for the year 2014. The
New York Magazine writes that Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s leaking of the need for additional troops boxed Obama into a corner
about boosting troop levels in Afghanistan, which the magazine refers to as the “McChrystal risk“ (leaking of information to force
presidential action).[46] On January 26, 2010, at the International Conference on Afghanistan in London, which brought together
some 70 countries and organizations,[47] Afghan President Hamid Karzai told world leaders that he intended to reach out to the top
echelons of the Taliban (including Mullah Omar, Siraj Haqqani and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar) with a peace initiative.[48] He called
on the group's leadership to take part in a "loya jirga" – or large assembly of elders – to initiate peace talks.[49] According to the
Wall Street Journal, these steps have been reciprocated so far with an intensification of bombings, assassinations and
ambushes.[50] Many Afghan groups (including the former intelligence chief Amrullah Saleh and opposition leader Dr. Abdullah
Abdullah) believe that Karzai's plan aims to appease the insurgents' senior leadership at the cost of the democratic constitution, the
democratic process and progress in the field of human rights, especially women's rights.[51] On June 22, 2011, President Obama
announced that 10,000 U.S. troops would be withdrawn by the end of 2011. An additional 23,000 troops will leave the country by
the summer of 2012. After the withdrawal of 10,000 U.S. troops, 80,000 are left participating in the war.[52] The War in
Afghanistan is the United States's second longest military conflict, only the Vietnam War (1959-1975) lasted longer.

Civilian Causulties There is no single official figure for the overall number of civilians killed by the war since 2001, but estimates
for specific years or periods have been published by a number of organizations. The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
(UNAMA) reported that 2,118 Afghan civilians were killed by armed conflict in 2008, the highest number since the end of the
initial 2001 invasion. This represented an increase of about 40% over UNAMA's figure of 1,523 Afghan civilians killed in
2007.[390] On March 15, 2009, in an interview with Margaret Warner of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, General McKiernan,
then commander of all foreign military forces in Afghanistan, claimed that 80% of civilian casualties in Afghanistan were caused
by the Taliban. He added that "by the very nature of an insurgency", it "mixes in on purpose with the civilian population."[391] In
contrast to that, UNAMA attributed 55% of the civilian deaths it tracked in 2008 to anti-government forces, 39% to international-
led military forces, while the remaining 6% could not be attributed because they died in crossfire or were killed by unexploded
ordnance, for example.[390] On May 11, 2009, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates abruptly replaced McKiernan with General
McChrystal as the new U.S. commander of all foreign military forces in Afghanistan.[392] One of General McChrystal's first
announcements was a sharp restriction on the use of airstrikes to reduce civilian casualties. Afghan leaders have long pleaded that
foreign troops end airstrikes and nighttime raids of Afghan homes.[393] According to a report by the United Nations, the Taliban
were responsible for 76% of civilian casualties in Afghanistan in 2009.[43] The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights
Commission (AIGRC) called the Taliban's terrorism against the Afghan civilian population a war crime.[44] Very few people in
Afghanistan have been unaffected by the armed conflict there. Those with direct personal experience make up 60% of the
population, and most others also report suffering a range of serious hardships. In total, almost everyone (96%) has been affected in
some way – either personally or due to the wider consequences of armed conflict.[394] The issue of civilian casualties is
recognized as a problem at the highest levels of ISAF command. In a September 2009 report, General McChrystal wrote "Civilian
casualties and collateral damage to homes and property resulting from an over-reliance on firepower and force protection have
severely damaged ISAF's legitimacy in the eyes of the Afghan people."[395] On September 9, 2010, it was reported that 12 U.S.
soldiers from a rogue squad face court-martial for allegedly murdering Maywand District civilians at random and collecting their
fingers as trophies. Five of the soldiers are charged with murdering 3 Afghan men who were allegedly killed for sport in separate
attacks this year. Seven other soldiers are accused of covering up the killings as well as a violent assault on a new recruit who
exposed the murders when he reported other abuses, including members of the unit smoking hashish stolen from civilians. The
Army Times reported that a least one of the soldiers collected the fingers of the victims as souvenirs and that some of them posed
for photographs with the bodies. The Guardian newspaper has described the event as "one of the most serious accusations of war
crimes to emerge from the Afghan conflict...". Andrew Holmes, Michael Wagnon, Jeremy Morlock and Adam Winfield are four of
the five Stryker soldiers who face murder charges.[396] The fifth soldier is Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs who has been described as the
ringleader.[397] A UN report in June 2011 stated that 2,777 civilians were known to have been killed in 2010, with insurgents
being responsible for three-quarters of the deaths.[398] Another United Nations report issued in July 2011 said "1,462 non-
combatants died" in the first six months of 2011, with insurgents being responsible for 80 per cent of the deaths.[399] A coalition
report in June 2011 stated that insurgents were responsible for 85% of civilian deaths.[400] In 2011 a record 3,021 civilians were
killed in the ongoing insurgency, the fifth successive annual rise.[401]
Drug Trade In 2000, the Taliban had issued a ban on opium production, which led to reductions in Pashtun Mafia opium
production by as much as 90%.[402] Soon after the 2001 U.S. led invasion of Afghanistan, however, opium production increased
markedly.[403] By 2005, Afghanistan had regained its position as the world’s No. 1 opium producer and was producing 90% of the
world’s opium, most of which is processed into heroin and sold in Europe and Russia.[404] In 2009, the BBC reported that "UN
findings say an opium market worth $65bn (£39bn) funds global terrorism, caters to 15 million addicts, and kills 100,000 people
every year."[405] While U.S. and allied efforts to combat the drug trade have been stepped up, the effort is hampered by the fact
that many suspected drug traffickers are now top officials in the Karzai government.[404] Recent estimates by the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimate that 52% of the nation's GDP, amounting to $2.7 billion annually, is generated by
the drug trade.[406] The rise in production has been linked to the deteriorating security situation, as production is markedly lower
in areas with stable security.[407] The extermination of the poppy crops is not seen as a viable option because the sale of poppies
constitutes the livelihood of Afghanistan's rural farmers. Some 3.3 million Afghans are involved in producing opium.[408] Opium
is more profitable than wheat and destroying opium fields could possibly lead to discontent or unrest among the indigent
population.[409] Several alternatives to poppy eradication have been proposed, including controlled opium licensing for poppy for
medicine projects.

White phosphorus use White phosphorus has been condemned by human rights organizations as cruel and inhumane because it
causes severe burns. There are cases that have been confirmed of white phosphorus burns on the bodies of civilians wounded in
Afghanistan caused by clashes between U.S. and Taliban forces near Bagram. The United States claims at least 44 instances in
which militants have used white phosphorus in weapons or attacks.[427] In May 2009, Colonel Gregory Julian, a spokesman for
General McKiernan, the overall commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, confirmed that Western military forces in
Afghanistan use white phosphorus to illuminate targets or as an incendiary to destroy bunkers and enemy equipment.[428][429] US
forces used white phosphorus to screen a retreat in the Battle of Ganjgal when regular smoke munitions were not available.[430]
The Afghan government later launched an investigation into the use of white phosphorus munitions.[431]

Bush, Looting Fed Banks

 WMR May 8-10, 2009 -- Was Clan Bush involved in looting of other Federal Reserve Banks? ... There is additional
information to report on the Treasury Note that is secured by $250 billion in gold (2500 metric tons) at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta. After the sudden resignation of New York Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Stephen Friedman, a one-time
top economic adviser to President George W. Bush and someone who apparently profited from the government's bailout of
Goldman Sachs while he served as both Chairman of the New York Fed and as a board member for Goldman Sachs, the
entire Federal Reserve Bank system appears to be involved in a massive ploy to loot the United States of its gold and cash
reserves. ... On May 5, 2009, WMR reported: "According to WMR's sources, the FBI and London police are working
together on a case that involved a $250 billion U.S. Treasury Note seized by the FBI from a London safety deposit box
company, London Safe Deposit Company, Ltd. The box was reportedly placed at the London firm by self-
described 20-year CIA veteran Robert Booth Nichols, who reportedly died in Geneva, Switzerland on February 14,
2009. ... A heart attack was believed to have been the cause of death but there was a blow to Nichols's head. A 'friend' of
Nichols, a New York stockbroker who was reportedly helping Booth move a large sum of cash, bonds and gold in Geneva,
arranged for a quick cremation of Nichols's body and the U.S. embassy in Bern was notified. ... The T-Note is reportedly
secured by 2500 metric tons of gold at the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta." ... The scheme involving the Atlanta Fed
T-Note, according to court papers filed in the U.S. Court for the Southern District of New York, involves the jailed
former chairman of the collapsed Bayou hedge fund, Samuel Israel III, and a first cousin of George W. Bush,
former Fox News political adviser John P. Ellis. ... The Treasury Note in question is not the only one in existence that
is involved with the massive money movement operation out of the United States. Sources tell WMR that there are two
additional Treasury Notes, each for an equal amount of money in gold reserves as the note secure by 2500 metric tons of
gold at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. They are Treasury Notes drawn on 2500 metric tons at the Federal Reserve
Bank in Chicago and 2500 metric tons of gold at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Together, the gold in question is
worth $750 billion in U.S. gold reserves, ironically about equal to the sum of money allocated by the administration for the
bailout of Wall Street and the banks. ... There is additional information and documents on the attempted $250 billion U.S.
Federal Reserve heist found at this blog. The current malfeasance found within the Federal Reserve system can be traced
back to the administration of George H. W. Bush.
 Bloomberg "Bayou's Israel Was Cheated in Scam, Investigator Says By David Glovin and Bob Van Voris ... July 15
(Bloomberg) -- As Samuel Israel grew desperate to raise money in 2004 to save his Bayou Group LLC hedge fund firm, he
turned for help to a Hawaii man who promised a windfall and then conned him out of $10 million, said a U.K.
investigator. ... Robert Booth Nichols cheated Israel, later convicted in his own $400 million theft, in a ``prime bank''
fraud, a scheme used by con-artists promising quick riches in secret markets, the U.K. investigator said in a document filed
in June in federal court in New York. U.S. prosecutors seeking to recover funds for Bayou investors won a British judge's
ruling in November freezing $1 million Nichols held there, and they may be pursuing millions more in Singapore, Nichols's
lawyer said. ... ``Israel was defrauded,'' wrote Stephen Annis, an investigator in the U.K.'s Assets Recovery Agency.
Nichols, who Annis said was under investigation by U.S. prosecutors as of November, ``benefited from his criminal
conduct.'' ... Israel hid losses from Bayou investors before his fund collapsed in 2005. He pleaded guilty and is now in
prison after faking suicide and jumping bail to avoid a 20-year sentence. Prosecutors and Bayou's bankruptcy estate have
sued to recover funds for investors who lost $250 million. ... Bayou's lawyers asked a bankruptcy judge yesterday to order
33 investors to return $89 million. They said the payouts were fraudulent transfers under bankruptcy law and that the hedge
funds and individuals who received the money should have seen the ``red flags'' of fraud. The estate has already recovered
$30 million. ... Bayou Lawsuit ... Separately, Bayou is suing Nichols, who once claimed to have worked for the CIA,
and his wife, Ellen, and U.S. prosecutors are pursuing their assets. Annis's statement, written Nov. 13, 2007, as part of a
U.S. bid to freeze Nichols's U.K. account, was filed last month in Bayou's New York lawsuit against Nichols. ... ``This is
the investors' money,'' Ross Intelisano, a lawyer who represents 20 Bayou investors, said of the funds given to Nichols. Gary
Mennitt, a lawyer for the bankruptcy estate of Stamford, Connecticut-based Bayou, declined to comment. ... Nichols, 65,
denies wrongdoing and seeks to retain the $1 million. He said in court papers that he helped Israel invest in a legitimate,
though unspecified ``project'' involving U.S. government obligations. Nichols said he had no reason to believe Israel was
engaged in fraud. ... ``He was asked to find something, and he found it,'' Nichols's lawyer, Joseph Bainton, said in an
interview, declining to elaborate. ``There are very few people capable of performing this service, for which he was paid a
lump sum of $10 million.'' ... `Suicide Is Painless' Israel, whose sentence in April included a $300 million fine, faces 10
additional years in prison for jumping bail. On June 9, the day he was to report to prison, his car was found on a bridge north
of New York City with the words ``suicide is painless'' written in the windshield dust. On July 2, he surrendered to police in
Massachusetts. ... In 1998, Bayou's finance chief, Daniel Marino, and co- founder James Marquez created a sham
accounting firm to serve as the fund's auditor rather than report modest setbacks. Israel admitted he led a years-long fraud as
losses grew. ... By 2004, with their fraud unraveling, Israel and Marino were ``desperate'' for cash and began searching
for high-payout, short-term investments, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which sued the pair in
2005. ... `Investment Scams' ... ``Israel sought to invest in a series of `prime bank instrument trading programs' in
Europe,'' the SEC said in its lawsuit. ``These program, which themselves are an enduring staple among fraudulent
investment scams, required that large sums of money be sent to various foreign and domestic banks.'' .... In most such
scams, con artists claim to have access to a secret trading market among top banks, or prime banks, where they buy notes,
guarantees or debentures at a discount, yielding high returns for investors with no risk. ... ``In reality, no such instruments
or market exists,'' Annis, the U.K. investigator, said. ... According to Annis, Israel turned to Nichols, who in a 1993
lawsuit claimed to have worked for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency for 20 years. Nichols was also the target of a 1987
probe by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of organized crime in the entertainment industry, the Hollywood Reporter said
in 1993. Bainton said he's unaware of charges being filed against Nichols. ... Nichols claimed to have experience with
prime bank investments, Annis said. Israel traveled in April 2004 to London, where two people referred by Nichols told him
the investment was safe, Annis said. ... Money Transfers ... On Nichols's instruction, Israel moved $120 million
through accounts in Europe and North America, and ultimately $100 million in Bayou funds made its way into a Wachovia
Bank account in New Jersey, the SEC said. In May 2005, the Arizona Attorney General seized the money after concluding it
was related to fraud. The $100 million will go to Bayou investors. ... Also in 2004, Nichols told Israel he needed a short-
term loan he'd repay with his share of their ``extraordinary profits,'' Annis wrote. Israel advanced Nichols $10 million, of
which $1.06 million ended up in the U.K. account -- money now frozen by the U.S. That year, Nichols fabricated a
document that made it appear as if the $10 million was a fee for services, Annis said. ... Nichols ``has shown he is
capable of setting up and operating a large-scale fraudulent enterprise,'' Annis wrote. ... President's Cousin ... Nichols
said in court papers that he believed the investment was on behalf of Israel personally, that Nichols was told his services
``involved matters of national interest,'' and that a first cousin of President Bush, John P. Ellis, vouched for the legitimacy of
the transaction. Nichol said the deal required him to contact representatives of foreign governments that he knew, according
to court documents. ... Bainton wouldn't elaborate on the investment's ``national interest.'' ... ``Mr. Ellis attended some
meetings and gave Mr. Nichols some assurance with respect to the approval of the United States,'' Bainton said. Ellis
worked at GH Venture Partners in 2004, Nichols said. ... ``These allegations are ridiculous, and I categorically deny
them,'' Ellis said in a phone interview. ... Traveling ... Nichols has homes in Hawaii and California, according to court
papers and public records. A woman answering the phone at Nichols' California home, who said her name was Eleanor, said
Nichols and his wife were traveling. ... Rebekah Carmichael, a spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia in New
York, declined to comment, as did Israel's lawyer, Barry Bohrer. ... U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon on July 3 said
she was doubtful the money paid to Nichols came just from Israel. She said she ``has not yet been apprised of any money'' in
Israel's pocket ``that did not actually belong to Bayou.'' Israel, who cooperated with prosecutors after he pleaded guilty in
2005, claims he was duped. In a legal brief filed on his behalf before sentencing, Bohrer wrote, ``Sam Israel is the victim of
fraud.'' Other details in the brief are redacted. ... The criminal case is U.S. v. Israel, 05cr1039, U.S. District Court,
Southern District of New York (Manhattan). ... The bankruptcy case is In re Bayou Group LLC, 06-22306, U.S.
Bankruptcy Court, Southern District New York (White Plains). ... To contact the reporters on this story: David Glovin in
Manhattan federal court at; Bob Van Voris in New York at;

Alphabetic Index and Death categories index and websites

go to page

Edmond J. Safra Banker, died mysteriously when a fire swept his Monaco penthouse apartment. His banks had been used for
laundering money by the Bush Iran/Contra traitors. ConsortiumNews

 search terms: Clinton / Obama ticket is best, militia are always right wing, no left wing militia (well, except eco-terrorists),
but plenty of crackpots, nut case, bigoted racist assholes, go ballistic if we elected a black man, half-black man, they won't
assassinate Hillary, fear of being attacked, credible threats, vote for Obama and end the era of fear, no one ever tried to
assassinate Clinton, just demonizing and stereotyping, no bat-shit crazies around here, its Barack not Barak, who is Doris
Lessing, British Nobel literature laureate, first black president, expressed sympathy for the Palestinian people, Mossad won't
like this, false flag, suicide bombing, Hillary is Israel's darling, he needs a bullet-proof vest, watch out for the Secret Service,
Obama is a huge threat to southern whites and their evangelical offshoots, I pray to god that nothing happens to him, it would
be blamed on white supremacists, Hillary billary, or even Colin Powell, the tragic irony of American democracy, a black
JFK, Did Kennedy approve a Castro hit, and George Wallace, plenty people don't know about Nixon's involvement in his
being shot, Warren Harding first black president, no Texas white supremacists,
 Boycott ABC, Boycott NBC, Boycott CBS, Boycott Fox
 Digg

Bush, Looting Fed Banks

 WMR May 8-10, 2009 -- Was Clan Bush involved in looting of other Federal Reserve Banks? ... There is additional
information to report on the Treasury Note that is secured by $250 billion in gold (2500 metric tons) at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta. After the sudden resignation of New York Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Stephen Friedman, a one-time
top economic adviser to President George W. Bush and someone who apparently profited from the government's bailout of
Goldman Sachs while he served as both Chairman of the New York Fed and as a board member for Goldman Sachs, the
entire Federal Reserve Bank system appears to be involved in a massive ploy to loot the United States of its gold and cash
reserves. ... On May 5, 2009, WMR reported: "According to WMR's sources, the FBI and London police are working
together on a case that involved a $250 billion U.S. Treasury Note seized by the FBI from a London safety deposit box
company, London Safe Deposit Company, Ltd. The box was reportedly placed at the London firm by self-
described 20-year CIA veteran Robert Booth Nichols, who reportedly died in Geneva, Switzerland on February 14,
2009. ... A heart attack was believed to have been the cause of death but there was a blow to Nichols's head. A 'friend' of
Nichols, a New York stockbroker who was reportedly helping Booth move a large sum of cash, bonds and gold in Geneva,
arranged for a quick cremation of Nichols's body and the U.S. embassy in Bern was notified. ... The T-Note is reportedly
secured by 2500 metric tons of gold at the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta." ... The scheme involving the Atlanta Fed
T-Note, according to court papers filed in the U.S. Court for the Southern District of New York, involves the jailed
former chairman of the collapsed Bayou hedge fund, Samuel Israel III, and a first cousin of George W. Bush,
former Fox News political adviser John P. Ellis. ... The Treasury Note in question is not the only one in existence that
is involved with the massive money movement operation out of the United States. Sources tell WMR that there are two
additional Treasury Notes, each for an equal amount of money in gold reserves as the note secure by 2500 metric tons of
gold at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. They are Treasury Notes drawn on 2500 metric tons at the Federal Reserve
Bank in Chicago and 2500 metric tons of gold at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Together, the gold in question is
worth $750 billion in U.S. gold reserves, ironically about equal to the sum of money allocated by the administration for the
bailout of Wall Street and the banks. ... There is additional information and documents on the attempted $250 billion U.S.
Federal Reserve heist found at this blog. The current malfeasance found within the Federal Reserve system can be traced
back to the administration of George H. W. Bush.
 Bloomberg "Bayou's Israel Was Cheated in Scam, Investigator Says By David Glovin and Bob Van Voris ... July 15
(Bloomberg) -- As Samuel Israel grew desperate to raise money in 2004 to save his Bayou Group LLC hedge fund firm, he
turned for help to a Hawaii man who promised a windfall and then conned him out of $10 million, said a U.K.
investigator. ... Robert Booth Nichols cheated Israel, later convicted in his own $400 million theft, in a ``prime bank''
fraud, a scheme used by con-artists promising quick riches in secret markets, the U.K. investigator said in a document filed
in June in federal court in New York. U.S. prosecutors seeking to recover funds for Bayou investors won a British judge's
ruling in November freezing $1 million Nichols held there, and they may be pursuing millions more in Singapore, Nichols's
lawyer said. ... ``Israel was defrauded,'' wrote Stephen Annis, an investigator in the U.K.'s Assets Recovery Agency.
Nichols, who Annis said was under investigation by U.S. prosecutors as of November, ``benefited from his criminal
conduct.'' ... Israel hid losses from Bayou investors before his fund collapsed in 2005. He pleaded guilty and is now in
prison after faking suicide and jumping bail to avoid a 20-year sentence. Prosecutors and Bayou's bankruptcy estate have
sued to recover funds for investors who lost $250 million. ... Bayou's lawyers asked a bankruptcy judge yesterday to order
33 investors to return $89 million. They said the payouts were fraudulent transfers under bankruptcy law and that the hedge
funds and individuals who received the money should have seen the ``red flags'' of fraud. The estate has already recovered
$30 million. ... Bayou Lawsuit ... Separately, Bayou is suing Nichols, who once claimed to have worked for the CIA,
and his wife, Ellen, and U.S. prosecutors are pursuing their assets. Annis's statement, written Nov. 13, 2007, as part of a
U.S. bid to freeze Nichols's U.K. account, was filed last month in Bayou's New York lawsuit against Nichols. ... ``This is
the investors' money,'' Ross Intelisano, a lawyer who represents 20 Bayou investors, said of the funds given to Nichols. Gary
Mennitt, a lawyer for the bankruptcy estate of Stamford, Connecticut-based Bayou, declined to comment. ... Nichols, 65,
denies wrongdoing and seeks to retain the $1 million. He said in court papers that he helped Israel invest in a legitimate,
though unspecified ``project'' involving U.S. government obligations. Nichols said he had no reason to believe Israel was
engaged in fraud. ... ``He was asked to find something, and he found it,'' Nichols's lawyer, Joseph Bainton, said in an
interview, declining to elaborate. ``There are very few people capable of performing this service, for which he was paid a
lump sum of $10 million.'' ... `Suicide Is Painless' Israel, whose sentence in April included a $300 million fine, faces 10
additional years in prison for jumping bail. On June 9, the day he was to report to prison, his car was found on a bridge north
of New York City with the words ``suicide is painless'' written in the windshield dust. On July 2, he surrendered to police in
Massachusetts. ... In 1998, Bayou's finance chief, Daniel Marino, and co- founder James Marquez created a sham
accounting firm to serve as the fund's auditor rather than report modest setbacks. Israel admitted he led a years-long fraud as
losses grew. ... By 2004, with their fraud unraveling, Israel and Marino were ``desperate'' for cash and began searching
for high-payout, short-term investments, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which sued the pair in
2005. ... `Investment Scams' ... ``Israel sought to invest in a series of `prime bank instrument trading programs' in
Europe,'' the SEC said in its lawsuit. ``These program, which themselves are an enduring staple among fraudulent
investment scams, required that large sums of money be sent to various foreign and domestic banks.'' .... In most such
scams, con artists claim to have access to a secret trading market among top banks, or prime banks, where they buy notes,
guarantees or debentures at a discount, yielding high returns for investors with no risk. ... ``In reality, no such instruments
or market exists,'' Annis, the U.K. investigator, said. ... According to Annis, Israel turned to Nichols, who in a 1993
lawsuit claimed to have worked for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency for 20 years. Nichols was also the target of a 1987
probe by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of organized crime in the entertainment industry, the Hollywood Reporter said
in 1993. Bainton said he's unaware of charges being filed against Nichols. ... Nichols claimed to have experience with
prime bank investments, Annis said. Israel traveled in April 2004 to London, where two people referred by Nichols told him
the investment was safe, Annis said. ... Money Transfers ... On Nichols's instruction, Israel moved $120 million
through accounts in Europe and North America, and ultimately $100 million in Bayou funds made its way into a Wachovia
Bank account in New Jersey, the SEC said. In May 2005, the Arizona Attorney General seized the money after concluding it
was related to fraud. The $100 million will go to Bayou investors. ... Also in 2004, Nichols told Israel he needed a short-
term loan he'd repay with his share of their ``extraordinary profits,'' Annis wrote. Israel advanced Nichols $10 million, of
which $1.06 million ended up in the U.K. account -- money now frozen by the U.S. That year, Nichols fabricated a
document that made it appear as if the $10 million was a fee for services, Annis said. ... Nichols ``has shown he is
capable of setting up and operating a large-scale fraudulent enterprise,'' Annis wrote. ... President's Cousin ... Nichols
said in court papers that he believed the investment was on behalf of Israel personally, that Nichols was told his services
``involved matters of national interest,'' and that a first cousin of President Bush, John P. Ellis, vouched for the legitimacy of
the transaction. Nichol said the deal required him to contact representatives of foreign governments that he knew, according
to court documents. ... Bainton wouldn't elaborate on the investment's ``national interest.'' ... ``Mr. Ellis attended some
meetings and gave Mr. Nichols some assurance with respect to the approval of the United States,'' Bainton said. Ellis
worked at GH Venture Partners in 2004, Nichols said. ... ``These allegations are ridiculous, and I categorically deny
them,'' Ellis said in a phone interview. ... Traveling ... Nichols has homes in Hawaii and California, according to court
papers and public records. A woman answering the phone at Nichols' California home, who said her name was Eleanor, said
Nichols and his wife were traveling. ... Rebekah Carmichael, a spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia in New
York, declined to comment, as did Israel's lawyer, Barry Bohrer. ... U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon on July 3 said
she was doubtful the money paid to Nichols came just from Israel. She said she ``has not yet been apprised of any money'' in
Israel's pocket ``that did not actually belong to Bayou.'' Israel, who cooperated with prosecutors after he pleaded guilty in
2005, claims he was duped. In a legal brief filed on his behalf before sentencing, Bohrer wrote, ``Sam Israel is the victim of
fraud.'' Other details in the brief are redacted. ... The criminal case is U.S. v. Israel, 05cr1039, U.S. District Court,
Southern District of New York (Manhattan). ... The bankruptcy case is In re Bayou Group LLC, 06-22306, U.S.
Bankruptcy Court, Southern District New York (White Plains). ... To contact the reporters on this story: David Glovin in
Manhattan federal court at; Bob Van Voris in New York at;
Shoebat / WND Three Saudis, 9/11
Before we discuss the Arabic sources we examined, a crucial link is necessary between these three deaths and
Abu Zubaydah, when he was captured in March of 2002. In 2003, TIME Magazine published an article by
Johanna McGeary that focused on Zubaydah, considered to be “the Rosetta stone of 9/11” who provided a
wealth of information about the internal dealings between al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia. According to McGeary,
Zubaydah was a: “...leading member of Osama bin Laden's brain trust and the operational control of al-Qaeda's
millennium bomb plots as well as the attack on the USS Cole in October 2000.” Subsequently, the U.S.
depended largely on its allies to do some of the dirty work. Jordan – after an al-Qaeda attack on a hotel there –
was asked to help get some of Abu Zubaydah’s henchmen as they were rounded up in a Jordanian prison. It
was my cousin – Jawad Younis – who took the case, defending Abu Zubaydah’s terrorists to save some of the
al-Qaeda operatives from facing the hangman. Abu Hushar (named in the 9/11 Commission Report on Page
175) and Abu Sammar weren’t so lucky; both got sentenced to death by hanging. As an aside, Jawad’s brother
– Kamal Younis – helped to plant seeds of doubt about my terrorist past to one gullible American named
Eileen Fleming while his brother Jawad, the prominent lawyer, works with other Muslim Brotherhood activists
to topple the Kingdom of Jordan and convert it to a Muslim Brotherhood state. Yet, people like Fleming give
them credibility and attempt to impugn mine. McGeary wrote that after Zubaydah was captured in Pakistan, he
was transferred to Afghanistan. While in captivity, he was sedated with truth serum (sodium pentothal), then
the two Arab American agents told him that he was in a Saudi prison facility, to induce fear and make him
empty his memory bank. Zubaydah’s reaction “was not fear, but utter relief.” Happy to see ‘Saudi agents’, he:
“...reeled off telephone numbers for a senior member of the royal family who would, said Zubaydah, 'tell you
what to do.' The man at the other end would be Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, a Westernized
nephew of the late King Fahd and a publisher better known as a racehorse owner.” It cannot be understated that
this was the same Prince bin Salman who was allowed to fy out of the United States on 9/16/01 without being
questioned or interviewed. This is a glaring indictment of Bush administration policy relative to unfettered
Saudis on American soil in the days after 9/11/01. Abu Zubaydah mentioned all three royal-princes as
intermediaries. Yet, an examination of Arabic sources provides more reasons to suspect foul play. Take Prince
Sultan bin Faisal bin Turki bin Abdullah al-Saud. There were four media reports that gave scant information
about the circumstances of his death. The offcial statements were provided to Al-Jazeera, to Okaz, to Al-
Iktisadiyeh, and Asharq Al-Awsat, based in London. Only Asharq Al-Awsat preserved their version of the
story in its archives; all the others purged their articles, which we had to obtain from other sources. Okaz was a
call-in by Faisal’s half-brother Abdullah, who called the paper to issue a summary of the death. There was only
one eyewitness account, provided secondhand from Sultan’s other brother. Prince Khalid relayed the testimony
of an Ethiopian “Akhwiya” by the name of Muhammad Hassan. “Akhwiya” is a term used only in Saudi
Arabia, for what they consider lower class, handpicked non-Saudi helpers who usually tag along and hang
around Saudi royals in hopes of gaining special favors. Al-Jazeera’s exclusive interview by Abdullah al-
Kathiri with Prince Khalid seems more like an attempt to portray Hassan as an alibi in an oddly created section
subtitled, “Eye Witness Account” to answer the question about how the prince was the only one killed in the
alleged accident, despite having several helpers with him. The story goes – as told by Hassan – that Prince
Sultan took off at 2:00 AM en route from Jeddah to Riyadh after he paid sums of money to the usual beggars
who surrounded his castle. While it's unusual to have beggars two hours past midnight, more troubling were
the number of conficting reports about how many cars were trailing the prince during his trip to attend Prince
bin Salman's funeral – after the latter had died of a heart attack a day before. Al-Jazeera reported that “several
cars” trailed the prince while Asharq Al-Awsat cited the prince’s business manager Hamdan Khalil Hamdan as
saying that “two cars” trailed behind. Okaz reported there was only “one car” trailing the prince and then fnally
produced merely one lone man – an Ethiopian named Muhammad Hassan – who was trailing the prince. The
story continues that when prince Sultan stopped in Ta’if to lead the group in morning prayers, one of the
helpers (no name) offered to accompany the prince in his car and was shunned away by Prince Sultan, who
loved to speed. As a gesture of self-sacrifce, the prince allegedly told him, “you are the only son of your
mother”. After the prayers were fnished, which would still be pitch dark (4-5 AM), they continued on the
journey while the entourage followed the prince, who was speeding recklessly. Then all hell broke loose 70
miles before reaching Riyadh, in an area called Alhawmiyat. Hassan allegedly witnessed the tire explode while
he was trailing directly behind prince Sultan. The vehicle (an Audi) then rolled several times in the air,
crashing to the side of a mountain. As to the debris and how car pieces were strewn all over the place (an
unexplained piece of the puzzle that had no source), Hassan assumed it was the result of the high rate of speed
at which the prince was traveling. No reference was provided to the shattering of the vehicle or how this piece
of information came about. But for Hassan to see a tire blowout, we must assume that he was traveling at the
same high rate of speed as well. Why would the prince refuse passengers because he was a speeding fanatic
while also expecting one of those would-be passengers – Muhammad Hassan (a name akin to Bob Smith) – to
speed in order to keep up with him? Hassan even relayed a miraculous ending to the prince's demise, saying
that after his high-speed crash, Sultan died with his body hanging halfway out of the car while facing Mecca,
and miraculously pointing his right index fnger (a typical gesture Muslims make) to proclaim that Allah is the
indivisible One God. There was not a single frsthand account – no photos of the scene of the accident nor of
the wreckage, no statements from police, nothing. If foul play was involved, Alhawmiyat (where the death
allegedly occurred) is an excellent place to claim an accident. A search of Alhawmiyat in Arabic shows the
notoriety of this place for car accidents. Yet, how is it possible to fnd countless reports that include many
photos of vehicles crashed by lay persons, as well as by several VIP's but nothing on prince Sultan? For
example, Prince Muhammad bin Nay, while accompanying a Malaysian diplomat, had an accident and didn’t
even die. Nonetheless, several photos of the accident scene can be found, as can hospital photos, wreckage
photos, etc. An ambassador from Bosnia even had a simple accident and a report with a photo can be found.
Yet, a Saudi prince dies on his way to the funeral of another Saudi prince who died mysteriously one day
earlier and there is nothing of the sort? Prince Fahd bin Turki bin Saud al-Kabir's story about being lost in the
desert is another unsolved mystery. What little detail of the story we found came from only a couple of purged
media sources, which we got elsewhere. They relayed the testimony of “Brigadier Abdul Qadir Altalha” who
can be verifed and does exist as someone working for the kingdom’s authority. The prince’s death was issued
in the form of a statement from Altalha that was more about being an offcial warning that communicated,
“beware of wandering in the desert” than it was an announcement of the death of a royal Saudi. It was defnitely
a great idea for minimum circulation and the report only existed on a handful of sites. We translated the report
verbatim: “An accident forced the death of three Saudis, including a Prince who died of thirst in the desert.
Saudi authorities had issued a warning urging citizens not to hike in the desert during the hot summer days in
order to preserve their lives. The Royal Court issued a statement in Riyadh yesterday which mourned Prince
Fahd bin Turki bin Saud Al-Kabeer, aged twenty-fve years, who died Monday afternoon as a result of thirst
during a trip that was carried out in the desert of the southern province of Rumah near the Omani Centre, 90
kilometers east of the capital. The details of the incident as relayed by Brigadier Abdul Qadir Altalha were that
three victims were on a picnic with two other colleagues in the Rumah area. While they were returning, the car
fell into a ditch, which rendered it unusable, prompting three of them to move in an attempt to get rescued from
the desert. The three lost the road and decided to return to the car and died beside it as a result of thirst. The
other two were lucky and were able to guide a colleague to their place by using their mobile phone.” None of
those stories add up. A man with a royal pedigree is stranded in the desert without fancy, sparkling water and
leaves his vehicle on foot to get help while his other ‘helpers’ have a cell phone and were able to use it? The
two who stayed behind got rescued while the royal prince lays dead by his car? Why are there no names of the
eyewitnesses attached to the story except prince Fahd and an offcial named Altalha? The story seems like an
alibi to answer how a body was found. How could the other two who died with the prince have no names or
any mention of an obituary showing they died with a royal? When it comes to any ‘Al Saud’ stranded
somewhere, the Kingdom sends its best. The story of Princess Lawlawa bint Mashhur is a case in point. When
the Jeddah food of 2011 left an entire city stranded, a private chopper was sent at night not to rescue all or even
some of the girls who were drowning at Dar al-Hekma College, but to pick up only one – Princess Lawlawa –
while leaving the rest of the women stranded; those left behind can be seen getting rescued a day later by
courageous civilians. Countless people died in Jeddah and were buried under the mud and debris. This is a
government that left girls to die in a fre, fearing that their rescue could lead to the possibility that some female
fesh might be revealed while government offcials sin in secret. And why would a simple abdominal surgery
cause a healthy young athlete like prince bin Salman a heart attack? These are accounts that remain highly
suspect. While coverage by cameramen who visited the funerals was in abundance, none asked serious
questions or took photos of the sites of these deaths; none provided any details apart from the fantastic,
princely piety and self-sacrifce. Consider the mathematical probabilities of the following events actually taking
place: · Three princes named by Abu Zubaydah as having helped plan 9/11 all die mysteriously within four
months of Zubaydah's capture and within one week of each other. · The stories of these three princes are not
included in the 9/11 Commission Report or available in the original Arabic media sources. · There are no
photos or verifable names of individuals present during these deaths.

WMR Are the elites employing medical

July 26-29, 2012 -- Are the elites employing medical assassination?

WMR's sources who closely follow the financial and investment activities of George Soros and his Rothschild
family overseers report that the presidents of three African nations, all rich in gold, may have been assassinated
through medical means to place into power presidents more willing to grant access to gold and other natural
resource deposits to Soros- and Rothschild-owned companies.

Since 2008, three African presidents, and one former president who was rumored to be interested in a political
comeback, died suddenly from "natural causes." In 2008, Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa, 59, suffered a
stroke while attending the African Union summit in Cairo. He later died in hospital in Paris. Mwanawasa's
predecessor was Frederick Chiluba who unsuccessfully tried to amend the constitution to run for a third term.
In 2007, Chiluba was convicted by a London court of embezzlement, however, the foreign ruling was never
imposed on Chiluba by Zambia. In June 2011, Chiluba died at the age of 68.

Vice President Rupiah Banda, a former ambassador to the United States, friend of CIA-supported Angolan
rebel commander Jonas Savimbia, and CEO of the Zambian Rural Development Corporation, succeeded
Mwanawasa and served out his presidential term and was then elected in his own right. However, in 2011,
Banda was defeated for re-election by social democrat Michael Sata who promised to seek more money for
Zambians from foreign mining companies. Sata also railed against capitalist exploitation of African resources.
In January 2012, Sata's Wikipedia entry was altered by hackers tracked back to England. Sata's entry stated:
"Michael Sata was assassinated in the early hours of the 22nd of January. He was killed through a single shot
to the chest, which proved to be fatal." Although the story was false, Western newspapers began to run stories
about the "frail health" and heart condition of the 74-year old president. Sata scoffed at the reports about his
health, telling The Daily Telegraph of the UK, "David Cameron has more physicians than me. He has all sorts,
for eyes, for teeth, me I only have one person."

In April of this year, Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika, 78 and a one-time World Bank economist, died
suddenly from a heart attack. Vice President Joyce Banda, a rival of Mutharika, became the new president,
Banda was heralded as Africa's second female president, after former Liberian president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.
However, both Banda and Johnson-Sirleaf, a former official of the World Bank, Citibank, and Equator Bank,
are heroines of the Soros-controlled non-governmental organization human rights and international policy
network. Banda's political start came when she headed the National Association of Businesswomen of Malawi
where she funneled international aid funds for micro-financing loans and training to women-owned small
businesses. It was the same international aid and loan racket that employed President Obama's mother for
decades. Banda received her bachelor's degree in gender studies in an online course with Atlantic International
University, which is, ironically, based in Honolulu, Hawaii, thousands of miles from the Atlantic Ocean.

As is the case with Soros-sponsored political changes, Malawi's original post-colonial flag, which was
scrapped by Mutharika, was brought back into use by Banda.
On July 24, Ghana's president, John Atta Mills, who just turned 68 and who was running for re-election, died
suddenly from what was initially reported as unknown causes. Mills had recently received a medical check-up
in the United States and only began complaining of pains the day before his death in Accra, the Ghanaian

Zambia, Malawi, and Ghana have all attracted western mining companies. Ghana is Africa's second largest
gold producer. Rio Tinto Zimbabwe is exploring for gold in Zambia, which is also extremely rich in copper.
Canadian companies are prospecting for cold and rare earth minerals in Malawi.

With Africa's growing imporrtance for its oil and rare earth mineral resources, the U.S. Africa Command
(AFRICOM) and Drug Enforcement Administration are increasing the U.S. military and "counter-narcotics"
profile in Africa. Given the sordid history of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) and DEA joint
operations in Latin America, we can expect to see many more African presidents "drop dead" suddenly as a
result of increased medical assassinations on the continent.

Mossad And The
JFK Assassination
"Israel need not apologize for the assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy it. The first order of
business for any country is the protection of its people." Washington Jewish Week, October 9, 1997 Message Board Post | Read In March, 1992, Illinois Representative Paul Findley said in
The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, "It is interesting - but not surprising - to note that in all the
words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never
been mentioned."

Considering that the Mossad is quite possibly the most ruthless and efficient intelligence agency in the world,
it is peculiar that they have never been scrutinized in relation to the Kennedy assassination, especially when
practically every other entity in the world (short of Elvis impersonators) has been implicated. But that all
changed in January, 1994 with the release of Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment. In this book, Piper says,
"Israel's Mossad was a primary (and critical) behind the scenes player in the conspiracy that ended the life of
JFK. Through its own vast resources and through its international contacts in the intelligence community and
in organized crime, Israel had the means, it had the opportunity, and it had the motive to play a major frontline
role in the crime of the century - and it did."

Their motive? Israel's much touted Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who ruled that country from its
inception in 1948 until he resigned on June 16, 1963, was so enraged at John F. Kennedy for not allowing
Israel to become a nuclear power that, Collins asserts, in his final days in office he commanded the Mossad to
become involved in a plot to kill America's president.

Ben-Gurion was so convinced that Israel's very survival was in dire jeopardy that in one of his final letters to
JFK he said, "Mr. President, my people have the right to exist, and this existence is in danger."

In the days leading up to Ben-Gurion's resignation from office, he and JFK had been involved in an
unpublicized, contentious debate over the possibility of Israel getting nuclear capabilities. Their disagreement
eventually escalated into a full-fledged war of words that was virtually ignored in the press. Ethan Bronner
wrote about this secret battle between JFK and Ben-Gurion years later in a New York Times article on October
31, 1998, calling it a "fiercely hidden subject." In fact, the Kennedy/Ben-Gurion conversations are still
classified by the United States Government. Maybe this is the case because Ben-Gurion's rage and frustration
became so intense - and his power so great within Israel - that Piper contends it was at the center of the
conspiracy to kill John Kennedy. This stance is supported by New York banker Abe Feinberg, who describes
the situation as such: "Ben-Gurion could be vicious, and he had such a hatred of the old man Joe Kennedy, Sr.,
JFK's father]." Ben-Gurion despised Joe Kennedy because he felt that not only was he an anti-Semite, but that
he had also sided with Hitler during the 1930's and 40's. We will touch upon this aspect of the story in an
upcoming article entitled The CIA and Organized Crime: Two Sides of the Same Coin].

Anyway, Ben-Gurion was convinced that Israel needed nuclear weapons to insure its survival, while Kennedy
was dead-set against it. This inability to reach an agreement caused obvious problems. One of them revolved
around Kennedy's decision that he would make America his top priority in regard to foreign policy, and not
Israel! Kennedy planned to honor the 1950 Tripartite Declaration which said that the United States would
retaliate against any nation in the Middle East that attacked any other country. Ben-Gurion, on the other hand,
wanted the Kennedy Administration to sell them offensive weapons, particularly Hawk missiles.

The two leaders thus engaged in a brutal letter exchange, but Kennedy wouldn't budge. Ben-Gurion, obsessed
by this issue, slipped into total paranoia, feeling that Kennedy's obstinance was a blatant threat to the very
existence of Israel as a nation. Piper writes, "Ben-Gurion had devoted a lifetime creating a Jewish State and
guiding it into the world arena. And, in Ben-Gurion's eyes, John F. Kennedy was an enemy of the Jewish
people and his beloved state of Israel." He continues, "The 'nuclear option' was not only at the very core of
Ben-Gurion's personal world view, but the very foundation of Israel's national security policy."

Ben-Gurion was so preoccupied with obtaining nuclear weapons that on June 27, 1963, eleven days after
resigning from office, he announced, "I do not know of any other nation whose neighbors declare that they
wish to terminate it, and not only declare, but prepare for it by all means available to them. We must have no
illusions that what is declared every day in Cairo, Damascus, and Iraq are just words. This is the thought that
guides the Arab leaders … I am confident … that science is able to provide us with the weapons that will serve
the peace and deter our enemies."

Avner Cohen, in Israel and the Bomb, published by Columbia University Press, reinforces this sense of
urgency by writing, "Imbued with lessons of the Holocaust, Ben-Gurion was consumed by fears of security …
Anxiety about the Holocaust reached beyond Ben-Gurion to infuse Israel's military thinking." He further adds
fuel to this point by pointing out, "Ben-Gurion had no qualms about Israel's need for weapons of mass
destruction," and "Ben-Gurion's world view and his decisive governing style shaped his critical role in
instigating Israel's nuclear progress."

Kennedy, on the other hand, was adamant in his refusal to promote Israel's ascension to the nuclear stage.
Avener Cohen, in Israel and the Bomb, stresses, "No American president was more concerned with the danger
of nuclear proliferation than John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He was convinced that the spread of nuclear weapons
would make the world more dangerous and undermine U.S. interests." Cohen continues at the end of this
passage, "The only example Kennedy used to make this point was Israel."

Realizing that Kennedy would not change his mind, Ben-Gurion decided to join forces with Communist China.
Both countries were greatly interested in creating nuclear programs, and so began their secret joint dealings.
Working in unison through intermediary Shaul Eisenberg, who was a partner of Mossad gun-runner and
accountant Tibor Rosenbaum, Israel and China proceeded to develop their own nuclear capabilities without the
knowledge of the United States.
If you find this scenario improbable, I strongly urge you to read Gordon Thomas' excellent book, Seeds of Fire,
where he exposes how the Mossad and CSIS (Chinese secret service) have conspired on many occasions to not
only steal American military secrets, but to also doctor U.S. intelligence programs such as the Justice
Department's PROMISE software. This instance, I am afraid to say, is but the first where echoes of the JFK
assassination can still be felt today reverberating through our post 9-11 world. The danger of Israel developing
the Bomb in unison with China became a highly volatile situation, and was closely monitored by the CIA.

Intent on pursuing this path, the Israeli's constructed a nuclear facility at Dimona. When Kennedy demanded
that the U.S. inspect this plant, Ben-Gurion was so incensed that he erected another PHONY facility that held
no evidence of nuclear research and development. (Does this scenario sound eerily familiar to the game we're
playing with Saddam Hussein in Iraq right now?) Fully aware of their shenanigans, though, JFK told Charles
Bartlett, "The sons of bitches lie to me constantly about their nuclear capability."

Avner Cohen, in Israel and the Bomb, reiterates this claim by saying that Ben-Gurion had taken the nuclear
issue so closely to heart that he, "concluded that he could not tell the truth about Dimona to American leaders,
not even in private."

Dr. Gerald M. Steinberg, political science professor at Bar-Ilan University's BESA Center for Strategic Studies
in Tel Aviv, weighs in by saying, "Between 1961 and 1963, the Kennedy administration placed a great deal of
pressure on Ben-Gurion in the effort to pressure for acceptance of international inspection of Dimona and
Israeli abdication of their nuclear weapons. This pressure apparently did not alter Israeli policy, but it was a
contributing factor to Ben-Gurion's resignation in 1963."

To convey how serious this situation had become in modern terms, look at what is happening in Iraq with
United Nations security teams inspecting the royal palaces and bunkers for nuclear weapons and materials.
This matter is so urgent that our nation is on the verge of war. Forty years earlier, the heat that JFK was placing
on Ben-Gurion was equally as strong as what George Bush is laying on Saddam Hussein today.

In Israel and the Bomb, Avner Cohen reinforces this point. "To force Ben-Gurion to accept the conditions,
Kennedy exerted the most useful leverage available to an American president in dealing with Israel: a threat
that an unsatisfactory solution would jeopardize the U.S. government's commitment to, and support of, Israel."

The pressure on Ben-Gurion was so immense that he ended up leaving office. But Kennedy, in true pit-bull
style, didn't let up on Ben-Gurion's successor, Levi Eshkol, as Avner Cohen reports. "Kennedy told Eshkol that
the U.S. commitment and support of Israel 'could be seriously jeopardized' if Israel did not let the U.S. obtain
'reliable information' about its efforts in the nuclear field. Kennedy's demands were unprecedented. They
amounted, in effect, to an ultimatum." Cohen concludes this thought by asserting, "Kennedy's letter
precipitated a near-crisis situation in Eshkol's office."

In the end, as we're all aware, Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963; but less known is that China
conducted its first nuclear test in October, 1964. What makes this event more profound is Piper's claim that
even though Israel said its first nuclear tests took place in 1979, they actually occurred in October, 1964 along
with the Chinese! If this is true, other than August, 1945 when the United States dropped atomic bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, October 1964 may possibly be the most dangerous month in 20th century history.

Let's return, though, to JFK's assassination and the direct results of it in regard to the Jewish lobby, American
foreign policy, and the militarization of Israel. To understand how powerful the Israeli lobby is in this country,
venerable Senator J. William Fulbright told CBS Face the Nation on April 15, 1973, "Israel controls the U.S.
Senate. The Senate is subservient, much too much; we should be more concerned about U.S. interests rather
than doing the bidding of Israel. The great majority of the Senate of the U.S. - somewhere around 80% - is
completely in support of Israel; anything Israel wants; Israel gets. This has been demonstrated time and again,
and this has made foreign policy] difficult for our government."

Do you hear what Senator Fulbright said? This isn't a crazy conspiracy theorist or a KKK anti-Semite. It's a
much-respected U.S. Senator saying that about 80% of the Senate is in Israel's hip pocket. Adding clout to this
argument is Rep. Paul Findley, who was quoted in The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs in March,
1992, "During John Kennedy's campaign for the presidency, a group of New York Jews had privately offered
to meet his campaign expenses if he would let them set his Middle East policy. He did not agree … As the
president, he provided only limited support of Israel."

To understand how important Kennedy's decisions were during his short-lived presidency, we need to look at
the issue of campaign finance. Considering how influential the Israeli lobby is in the U.S. Senate (hearkening
back to the words of Senator Fulbright), they had to have been enraged when President Kennedy genuinely
wanted to cut the knees out from under the current campaign finance methods because it made politicians so
reliant upon the huge cash inlays of special-interest groups. Regrettably, Kennedy did not have the time to
implement this program, and to this day our political system is still monopolized by lobbyists from the very
same special-interest groups. One can only imagine what changes would have occurred in regard to our foreign
policy had Kennedy eradicated these vipers and blood-suckers from the halls of Congress.

Tragically, Kennedy's ideas never came to fruition, and his heated battle with Prime Minister Ben-Gurion over
whether Israel should be allowed to develop a nuclear program was ultimately lost. The reason why is that
Lyndon Baines Johnson, who Kennedy intended to drop from his ticket in 1964 due to his extreme dislike for,
had a complete reversal in foreign policy. As you will see, not only did Israel's nuclear program move ahead
unchecked; they also became the primary beneficiary of our foreign aid.

But this absolute turnaround would not have occurred if Kennedy would not have been assassinated. Up until
LBJ became president, Kennedy dealt with the Middle East in a way that most benefited the U.S. His primary
goal - and one which would most keep the peace - was a balance of power in the Middle East so that each and
every nation would be secure. This decision adhered to the Tripartite Declaration which the U.S. signed in
1950. But under the Johnson administration, this fragile balance was overturned, and by 1967 - only four years
after Kennedy's assassination - the U.S. was Israel's main weapons supplier, and OUR best interests were put
well behind those of Israel!

As Michael Collins Piper writes: "The bottom line is this: JFK was adamantly determined to stop Israel from
building the nuclear bomb. LBJ simply looked the other way. JFK's death did indeed prove beneficial to
Israel's nuclear ambitions and the evidence proves it."

Reuven Pedatzer, in a review of Avner Cohen's Israel and the Bomb, in the Israeli Newspaper Ha'aretz on
February 5, 1999 wrote, "The murder of American president John F. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the
massive pressure being applied by the U.S. administration on the government of Israel to discontinue their
nuclear program." He continues, "Kennedy made it quite clear to the Israeli Prime Minister that he would not
under any circumstances agree to Israel becoming a nuclear state." Pedatzer concludes, "Had Kennedy
remained alive, it is doubtful whether Israel would today have a nuclear option," and that, "Ben-Gurion's
decision to resign in 1963 was taken to a large extent against the background of the tremendous pressure that
Kennedy was applying on him concerning the nuclear issue."

If you're still not convinced; how about some numbers? In Kennedy's last fiscal budget year of 1964, Israeli aid
was $40 million. In LBJ's first budget of 1965, it soared to $71 million, and in 1966 more than tripled from two
years earlier to $130 million! Plus, during Kennedy's administration, almost none of our aid to Israel was
military in nature. Instead, it was split equally between development loans and food assistance under the
PL480 Program. Yet in 1965 under the Johnson administration, 20% of our aid to Israel was for the military,
while in 1966, 71% was used for war-related materials.

Continuing in this same vein, in 1963 the Kennedy administration sold 5 Hawk missiles to Israel as part of an
air-defense system. In 1965-66, though, LBJ laid 250 tanks on Israel, 48 Skyhawk attack aircrafts, plus guns
and artillery which were all offensive in nature. If you ever wondered when the Israeli War Machine was
created, this is it! LBJ was its father.

According to Stephen Green in Taking Sides: America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel, "The $92
million in military assistance provided in fiscal year 1966 was greater than the total of all official military aid
provided to Israel cumulatively in all the years going back to the foundation of that nation in 1948."

Green continues, "70% of all U.S. official assistance to Israel has been military. America has given Israel over
$17 billion in military aid since 1946, virtually all of which - over 99% - has been provided since 1965."

Can you see what's happening here? Within two years of JFK's assassination, Israel went from being a weak,
outmatched member of the volatile Middle Eastern community that was not allowed to develop nuclear
weapons to one that was well on its way to becoming a undeniable military force on the world stage. John
Kennedy adamantly put his foot down and refused to allow Israel to develop a nuclear program, while LBJ
bent over backward to facilitate and bolster them. Or, as Seymour Hersh wrote in The Samson Option, "By
1968, the president had no intention of doing anything to stop the Israeli bomb."

The result of this shift in focus from the Kennedy to Johnson administration is, in my opinion, the PRIMARY
reason behind our current troubles in the Middle East which culminated in the 9-11 attacks and our upcoming
war with Iraq (and beyond). I have a great deal of confidence in this statement, for as Michael Collins Piper
points out, here are the results of John F. Kennedy's assassination:

1) Our foreign and military aid to Israel increased dramatically once LBJ became president.

2) Rather than trying to maintain a BALANCE in the Middle East, Israel suddenly emerged as the dominant

3) Since the LBJ administration, Israel has always had weaponry that was superior to any of its direct

4) Due to this undeniable and obvious increase in Israel's War Machine, a constant struggle has been
perpetuated in the Middle East.

5) LBJ also allowed Israel to proceed with its nuclear development, resulting in them becoming the 6th largest
nuclear force in the world.

6) Finally, our huge outlays of foreign aid to Israel (approximately $10 billion/year when all is said and done)
has created a situation of never-ending attacks and retaliation in the Middle East, plus outright scorn and
enmity against the U.S. for playing the role of Israel's military enabler. In Israel's, and especially David Ben-
Gurion's eyes then, what were their alternatives - to remain weakened (or at least balanced) in relation to their
neighbors and handcuffed by JFK's refusal to bow to their will, or KILL the one man standing in their way to
becoming dominant in the Middle East, the recipient of huge amounts of military aid, and one of the premier
nuclear forces in the world? It's something to think about. Also, while these thoughts are running through your
head, ask yourself this question. If Kennedy, LBJ, and all subsequent administrations would have adhered to
the 1950 Tripartite Declaration and did everything in their power to maintain balance in the Middle East
instead of pushing Israel to the forefront, would our Towers have been attacked on 9-11, 2001, and would we
be on the verge of a possibly catastrophic war today? It's certainly something to ponder.

follow up, the act of following up. 2. an action or thing that serves to increase the effectiveness of a previous one, as a second or subsequent letter, phone call, or visit. 3. Also
called follow. Journalism. a. a news story providing additional information on a story or article previously published. b. Also called sidebar, supplementary story. a minor news
story used to supplement a related story of major importance. Compare feature story (def. 1), human-interest story, shirttail. –adjective 4. designed or serving to follow up, esp. to
increase the effectiveness of a previous action: a follow-up interview; a follow-up offer. 5. of or pertaining to action that follows an initial treatment, course of study, etc.: follow-
up care for mental patients; a follow-up survey. fol·low –verb (used with object) 1. to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.: The speech follows the dinner. 2. to go or come
after; move behind in the same direction: Drive ahead, and I'll follow you. 3. to accept as a guide or leader; accept the authority of or give allegiance to: Many Germans followed
Hitler. 4. to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey: to follow orders; to follow advice. 5. to imitate or copy; use as an exemplar: They follow the latest fads. 6.
to move forward along (a road, path, etc.): Follow this road for a mile. 7. to come after as a result or consequence; result from: Reprisals often follow victory. 8. to go after or
along with (a person) as companion. 9. to go in pursuit of: to follow an enemy. 10. to try for or attain to: to follow an ideal. 11. to engage in or be concerned with as a pursuit: He
followed the sea as his true calling. 12. to watch the movements, progress, or course of: to follow a bird in flight. 13. to watch the development of or keep up with: to follow the
news. 14. to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.): Do you follow me? –verb (used without object) 15. to come next after something else in sequence, order of
time, etc. 16. to happen or occur after something else; come next as an event: After the defeat great disorder followed. 17. to attend or serve. 18. to go or come after a person or
thing in motion. 19. to result as an effect; occur as a consequence: It follows then that he must be innocent. –noun 20. the act of following. 21. Billiards, Pool. follow shot (def. 2).
22. follow-up (def. 3). —Verb phrases23. follow out, to carry to a conclusion; execute: They followed out their orders to the letter. 24. follow through, a. to carry out fully, as a
stroke of a club in golf, a racket in tennis, etc. b. to continue an effort, plan, proposal, policy, etc., to its completion. 25. follow up, a. to pursue closely and tenaciously. b. to
increase the effectiveness of by further action or repetition. c. to pursue to a solution or conclusion. —Idiom26. follow suit. suit (def. 13). fol·low·a·ble, adjective —Synonyms 3.
obey. 4. heed, observe. 8. accompany, attend. 9. pursue, chase; trail, track, trace. 19. arise, proceed. Follow, ensue, result, succeed imply coming after something else, in a natural
sequence. Follow is the general word: We must wait to see what follows. A detailed account follows. Ensue implies a logical sequence, what might be expected normally to come
after a given act, cause, etc.: When the power lines were cut, a paralysis of transportation ensued. Result emphasizes the connection between a cause or event and its effect,
consequence, or outcome: The accident resulted in injuries to those involved. Succeed implies coming after in time, particularly coming into a title, office, etc.: Formerly the
oldest son succeeded to his father's title. —Antonyms 1. precede. 2, 3. lead. 4. disregard. 9. flee.

February 6-7, 2013 -- Is there a connection between alleged double murder-suicide in California and dead
American woman in Turkey?

Leave it to a small town newspaper, The Calaveras Enterprise of California, to provide the details on the

alleged double murder-suicide of former CIA pilot Philip Marshall

and his two children. It is
the details of Marshall's occupation and his recent travels that may link the suspicious deaths in the Forest
Meadows subdivision of Murphys, California to the suspicious death of a Staten Island, New York amateur
photographer, wife, and mother of two in Istanbul, Turkey.

Between late Thursday, January 31, and Saturday, January 2, Saturday being the same day the badly beaten

body of Sarai Sierra was found along the ancient wall of Istanbul, Marshall, age 54, allegedly
took a Glock 9 mm handgun and shot his 17-year old son Alex and 14-year old daughter Macaila in their heads
while they slept on a couch before turning the gun on himself. Marshall was a former airline pilot for Eastern
and United and was a contract pilot for the Central Intelligence Agency and Drug Enforcement Agency during
the Iran-contra episode of the 1980s. Marshall was also the author of two books about 9/11, which suggested
that the Bush administration, along with Saudi Arabia, not any terrorist group, were responsible for the 9/11
attacks. Marshall also wrote an earlier book, a novel titledLakefront Airport, which was a recollection of his
experiences in the Iran-contra episode.

According to the Enterprise, Marshall's neighbors discounted the Calaveras County Sheriff's quick
determination that the shooting deaths of the Marshalls, along with that of Marshalls' wife's dog, were a
murder-suicide. Toxicological findings for the final autopsy reports may not be available for several weeks,
the Enterprise reported. TheStockton Record reported that police "did not find any evidence at the scene to
indicate what motivated Phillip Marshall to kill his children." Yet the police made the determination of a
double homicide, pet dog killing, and suicide anyway.

Neighbors said they heard no gun shots but police were quick to dispel the notion that the suspected gun used
was silenced. However, the police did not say whether other guns used by other parties may have used
silencers. One neighbor across the street said he heard strange noises late Friday night.

Friends of the Marshall children said they exchanged text messages with them Thursday night and nothing
appeared abnormal. Although Marshall was estranged from his wife Sean and there was a police record from
2008 of domestic physical altercations between them and between Marshall and his sister-in-law, Marshall and
his wife traveled to Turkey together six weeks prior to allegedly buy saffron for an unnamed import-export
business. Sierra, who left her husband and children in New York and had never traveled abroad, took a trip to
Turkey and disappeared from sight around January 21. Marshall's wife, Sean, was in Istanbul the same time
Sierra's body was discovered.

The Sacramento Bee conveniently omitted the fact that Marshall's wife was traveling to Turkey at the time of
the deaths of her family, merely reporting she was "out of the country."

Police reported that Sierra's Samsung Galaxy phone and iPad were missing although her gold earrings,
necklace and bracelet were still on her body. Other reports said Sierra's i-Phone was also missing. Sierra had
been beaten so bad her face was said to be unrecognizable. Police also said that although Sierra was only
wearing a shirt and underwear, she had not been raped.

Sierra reportedly flew from Istanbul to Amsterdam and Munich before returning to Istanbul after which she
disappeared. Sierra also reportedly was hanging around with a criminal element, according to the FBI. Sierra's
travels and interests in her first trip abroad correspond to those of a DEA or other federal agent who was either
a rookie or was using a new "cover" passport. The CIA and DEA also use "import-export" businesses, such as
one importing "saffron" from Turkey, as covers.

Marshall's 2008 book, False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World, is
described as follows by Amazon:

From the flight deck of a Boeing 767, airline captain Philip Marshall pulls back the veil of deception
surrounding the 911 attacks. In gripping, authoritative detail he recreates the hijacked flights, including all their
technical challenges, exploding the myths behind official accounts of pilot training and tactical planning. His
finding: the mission could not have been carried out by any known terrorist group. Explaining for the first time
the hijackers’ mysterious trips to Las Vegas, where and how they could have been trained, and the document
that actually states a political motive for the attacks, he finds abundant evidence implicating a nexus of Saudi
officials, American contractors and, most unthinkably, members of the Bush administration. Analyzing 911 in
terms of its original tactical plan, Marshall concludes that the attack partially failed, and that its failures could
ultimately serve to bring the creators of the Post 911 World to light, if not to justice.

Marshal's last book, published in 2012, The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror, is described as

From the perspective of a Boeing 767 captain and former "special activities" contract pilot, Philip Marshall
straps the reader into the cockpits of hijacked commercial airliners to tell the story of the most sophisticated
terrorist attack in history. Based on a comprehensive ten-year study into the murders of his fellow pilots on
9/11, he explains how hijackers, novice pilots at the controls of massive guided missiles, were able to beat
United States Air Force fighters to iconic targets with advanced maneuvering, daring speeds and a kamikaze
finish. But, as Marshall explains, the tactical plan was so precise that it rules out car-bombers and shoe-
bombers known as al Qaeda, KSM and Osama bin Laden. So then, who was it? That's what you are about
learn. Backed by official NTSB, FAA and black box recordings, Marshall finds the most capable and most
documented group of conspirators buried deep within a Congressional Inquiry's report and retraces their work
in gripping detail. Fasten your seatbelt--- the sad truth is that all of the solid evidence points to a dark
collaboration between members of the Bush Administration and a covert group of Saudi government officials.
This is a game changer that will finally set the record straight on the most horrific crime in US history. This
book is a compilation of official reports that disputes the Bush Administration, the Bush Intelligence
Community and the American media's account of the 9/11 attack. United States Senator Bob Graham's
Congressional Joint Inquiry in 2002 revealed that Saudi Arabian Intelligence agents met the 9/11 hijackers in
the Los Angeles in January of 2000, harbored them and led them to 18 months of flight training in Florida and
Arizona. Marshall follows reports from FBI field agents that warned George W. Bush's Administration that a
"cadre of individuals of investigative interest were engaged in flight training" in the Arizona desert in the
spring of 2001. Marshall identifies three top federal investigators who complained that Dick Cheney obstructed
justice by refusing access to suspects who supposedly confessed to the greatest crime in U.S. history. None of
the federal investigators were ever allowed to verify the confession of Khalid Sheik Mohammed who had been
water boarded over 180 times at Guantanamo detention facility. The book disputes the video and media
confession of Osama bin Laden and points out that none of the accusations by the Bush Administration could
be proved. Marshall asserts that the Saudi government was the true executioners of the 9/11 attack and framed
their enemies while CIA special operations set up an elaborate decoy named Osama bin Laden to divert
attention away from the Saudi operation. He follows the hijackers to flight training airports and finds that
Saudi agents led the hijackers to the Arizona desert where Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 airliners were parked at
a secluded CIA operated airport. The operators of the CIA airport were traced to suspicious insider stock trades
on two airlines, United Airlines and American Airlines, the only two airlines used in the 9/11 attack. Marshall
breaks down the tactical flight plan that was used by the hijackers and chronicles the actions of Condoleezza
Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Saudi Arabian Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush to learn
that their account of the attack was severely flawed. Three top investigators wrote that Dick Cheney had
obstructed the investigation and redacted the involvement of the Saudi government agents who were employed
in California by the Saudi Civil Aviation authority. The Congressional Inquiry reported that the Saudi agents
had "seemingly unlimited funding from Saudi Arabia" and had traced the hijacker financial support to Prince
Bandar through a Riggs Bank account. Finally Marshall chronicles the media trial that allowed Bush and
Cheney to derail American Justice by trying the 9/11 case with media propaganda and away from the
American federal court system.

Marshall also apparently knew CIA contract pilot, government informant, and drug smuggler Barry Seal,
gunned down in his car execution style in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1986. Seal was preparing to provide
evidence to federal investigators of Vice President George H W Bush's involvement in CIA cocaine smuggling
and the Iran-contra scandal. Vice President Bush's personal phone number was reportedly found in the trunk of
Seal's car. Seals murderer or murderers were never brought to justice. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Gary
Webb documented the CIA drug smuggling activities in his book Dark Alliance. Webb was found dead in his
Sacramento home in 2004 from two gunshot wounds to the head. The county coroner ruled the death a

Former Senator Graham's novel, Keys to the Kingdom, is about a retired senator from Florida named John
Billington who takes meticulous notes and tells a State Department intelligence officer about a Saudi
connection to terrorism. Before he can provide any further details, Billington is run over by a black pickup
truck, killing him. Billington is obviously Graham in the novel that points to a significant Saudi government
connection to terrorism. The late Philip Marshall agreed with Graham's contention concerning Saudi links to
terrorist attacks in the United States.

President Obama's policy on assassinating American citizens anywhere in the world has been authorized by
what are called "elastic" Department of Justice criteria. Four Americans are now dead with Turkey being a
common factor. Because of his policies, Mr. Obama now owes the nation a full explanation of "what he knew
and when he knew it" every time an American dies from suspicious causes at home or abroad. The Marshall-
Sierra deaths call for an immediate "what they knew and when they knew it" explanation from Mr. Obama and
the architect of America's torture, kidnapping, and assassination policies, John O. Brennan, nominated by
Obama to head the CIA.

Clinton Timeline ... 9/11 Truth and Cover-up ... Go to index
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1
1994 1996 1998 2000 2001 2004 2008 2

See also 9/11 Truth Timeline and Nazi Era Timline (w/ISIS)

 Timeline
..................................... ....Intro ... Assuming 9/11 was executed by a cabal
including US,Israel, Saudi Arabia & the UK, the Clinton adminstration was undoubtedly in
the loop, given the makeup of his cabinet which included a substantial number of neocons
and Israeli firsters. Hard evidence may be difficult to substantiate, but given the Clinton's
long history of corruption a smoking gun does not need to be found.
 1600 BC Mosiask The Jewish Timeline ... and TheControversyofZion Introduction to the
German translation of Douglas Reed’s book “The Controversy of Zion” By Jürgen Graf
... Bill and Hillary Clinton's lives were and are inextricably linked to Israel ... as all leaders
of the U.S. have been over the last dozen decades.

1227 AD RealNews247 Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe, but took his stepfather's
name as a teenager. Clinton's ancestry can be traced back, on his mother's side, to King Henry III
who ruled England from 1227 to 1272. He is descended from King Robert I of France.
Furthermore, he is related to every Scottish monarch to the current British royal
family. Clinton's royal roots include several medieval monarchs and Simon de Montfort, a
statesman and soldier under King Henry III. Through de Montfort,Clinton is related to every
ancient aristocratic family in Britain today. ... Bill Clinton's family goes back to William Henry
Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, making him related to Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. His kinship
to Ford makes him 'near kin' to Richard Nixon and George Bush. Small world, isn't it?

Clinton Timeline Topic Index ... most topics have multiple entries,
search page for remainder. ... top

Bill Clinton
 Albright, Berger,  Iraq regime  B'nai Brith's power  Living History
Cohen, Perry & change  Benghazi, Syria gun book, lies
9/11  Jordan, Vernon runners  Martha's
 Balkanization of Jordan, &  Bruer, Lanny Vineyard,
the Balkans Rothschilds  Clinton Foundation Rothchild
 Bennett, Scott  Kaminski, Paul funding scandal  Morsi 9/11
 Ben-Veniste, ... GTP,  Clinton Truther
9/11 Commission Rothschild Foundation, uranium  Secret
 Bruer, Lanny  KLA, Kosovo deals Societies,
 Clinton ancient Liberation  Covington & Burling Hillary
aristocratic Army  Emailgate  Passportgate,
ancestry  Margulis, Prof  Emanuel, Rahm Brennan CIA
 Clinton Lynn & 9/11 ... Axlerod  Plouffe, David
Foundation  Mini-nukes,  The Fellowship (Chr ... Obama
 DynCorp, Clinton 1996 istian Mafia)  Post 9/11
Pentagon missing  Oil for Food  Foster, Vince Cover-up
trillions Scandal, 9/11  Holbrooke, Richard  'Prayer
 Emanuel, Rahm, disinfo  HSBC money meetings'
Israel, Mega  Oklahoma laundering, offshore & $$$
 Emanuel, Freddie bombing accounts  Rothschild,
Mac scandal  Path to  Hookergate, Hillary Lynn Forrester
 Epstein sex slave 9/11 debacle & Netanyahu  Extraordinary
scandal  Perry, William  India --China Rendition plan
 Falwell, Gerry  Rhode, Harold encirclement, war e
on Clinton ... ONE mongering  Third Way
murders  Rich, Marc  LaFarge Iraq War  Watergate firin
 Glass-Steagull Rich pardon profiteering g
repeal, Zionist  Libby, Scooter,  White Water
banksters Rich pardon  Yiddish
 Global  Sudan, al-  Zakheim, Dov
Technology Shifa 9/11 bin & Roger
Partners, Perry Laden ruse
9/11  Third Way, PPI
 Holder, Eric  Trilateral
 Iraq Sanctions Commission

 1843 Christopher Bollyn To spread the Zionist ideology among the Jews of Eastern Europe
they employed the secret Masonic organization of Jewish Zionists, the International Order of
B'nai B'rith , which they had founded with fellow German Jews in New York in
1843. Michael Chertoff, Lewis Eisenberg, Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, Rupert Murdoch,
and every other Rothschild-funded criminal involved in the 9-11 terror atrocity and cover-
up. and ... Chaim Weizmann (the Zionist leader). Dr. J. R. Hertz, (Chief Rabbi of England),
Mrs. Neville Laski (President of the Jewish Board of Deputies), and Israel Moses Sietff (well
known Zionist and communal worker.) ... and on Hilliary Clinton Della Murray Rosenberg,
spoke Yiddish around the Rodham house when she was a girl. Texemarrs
 1865 Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Anthony Sutton History of Citi ... First National City
Bank of New York ... SmokersHistory of Citi
 ISGP Master List of NGOs Supranational Societies global power structures history
 1900 ... top timeline
 1902 Wikipedia Rhodes Scholar (has very little to do with intelligence ... is a 1% elite
finishing school for purveyors of global domination tactics/strategies) Known as the
"world's oldest and most prestigious international graduate scholarship", 11] the Rhodes
Scholarships are administered and awarded by the Rhodes Trust, which was established in
1902 under the terms and conditions of the will of Cecil John Rhodes, and funded by his
estate under the administration of Nathan Rothschild.
 1910 top timeline
 1910 ModernHistoryProject The Round Table Society (1910- ) The Outer Circle was known
as the 'Association of Helpers,' but was not implemented until 1909-1913, when Milner
established it as the Round Table organization. Their goal was to eventually establish a one-
world government, which would be controlled by the international banking community,
under the cloak of Socialism. more
 1920 top timeline
 1930 top timeline
 1935 WMR Hillary attends Fellowship events annually ... The roots of the Fellowship go
back to the 1930s and a Norwegian immigrant and Methodist minister named Abraham
Vereide. According to Fellowship archives maintained at the Billy Graham Center at
Wheaton College in Illinois, Vereide, who immigrated from Norway in 1905, began an
outreach ministry in Seattle in April 1935. But his religious outreach involved nothing more
than pushing for an anti-Communist, anti-union, anti-Socialist, and pro-Nazi German
political agenda. A loose organization and secrecy were paramount for Vereide. Fellowship
archives state that Vereide wanted his movement to "carry out its objective through personal,
trusting, informal, unpublicized contact between people." Vereide’s establishment of his
Prayer Breakfast Movement for anti-Socialist and anti-International Workers of the World
(IWW or "Wobblies") Seattle businessmen in 1935 coincided with the establishment of
another pro-Nazi German organization in the United States, the German-American Bund.
Vereide saw his prayer movement replacing labor unions.
 1940 top timeline
 1940 WMR Another pro-Nazi Christian fundamentalist group (similar to The Fellowship)
that arose in the pre-Second World War years was the Moral Rearmament Movement. Its
leader was Frank Buchman, a Lutheran minister from Philadelphia. Buchman was a pacifist,
but not just any pacifist. He and his colleagues in the United States, Britain, Norway, and
South Africa reasoned that war could be avoided if the world would just accept the rise of
Hitler and National Socialism and concentrate on stamping out Communism and Socialism.
Buchman coordinated his activities with Vereide and his Prayer Breakfast Movement,
which, by 1940, had spread its anti-left manifesto and agenda throughout the Pacific
 1948 BushStole04 President Truman, a highest level Freemason, was forced to accept the
dictates of a gang of Zionist Jewish Freemasons on crafting U.S. policy in the Middle East.
What does this say about the real hierarchy of power among Freemasons? Truman, a
Freemason since 1909, had established the Grandview Lodge No. 618 in Missouri and
served as its first "Worshipful Master". In 1940, Brother Truman was elected the ninety-
seventh Grand Master of Masons of Missouri. In 1945, President Truman was made a
Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, and Honorary Member at the Supreme Council of
the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) Southern Jurisdiction Headquarters in
Washington D.C. The fact that Jewish Freemasons of the B'nai B'rith were able to meet
secretly with the president in the Oval Office whenever they wanted and were able to direct
the U.S. president, a highest level Mason, to follow their orders in shaping U.S. policy in the
Middle East, shows the immense power this secret society of Zionist Jews has long had over
the U.S. government and other Masonic orders. Barack Hussein Obama was cultivated as a
politician in Chicago and made President of the United States by the power of the B'nai
B'rith. It's high time for these secret societies to be removed from the corridors of power
where U.S. policy is crafted.
 1950 top timeline
 1950s InformationClearingHouse 1959- The US gives Iran a 5-megawatt nuclear reactor
which became operational in 1967 Iran signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
in 1968 and ratified it in 1970. The Islamic Revolution in 1979 saw the overthrow of a CIA
back Dictatorship-The Shah

 1960 top timeline

 1960 Telegraph.UK Hillary canvassed for Richard Nixon in his failed 1960 campaign
against John Kennedy. Four years later, she volunteered for Barry Goldwater, the staunch
conservative who won the Republican nomination, in 1964. Declaring herself a “Goldwater
Girl”, Hillary wore a cowboy hat and a sash emblazoned with AuH20 (the chemical formula
for gold and water).
 1960 Early sixties Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment ... There does exist, and has
existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent,
in the way the Radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we
may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the
Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this
network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the
early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records.
 1960 Voltairnet The neoconservative movement, which is generally perceived as a radical
(rather than “conservative”) Republican right, is, in reality, an intellectual movement born in
the late 1960s in the pages of the monthly magazine Commentary, a media arm of the
American Jewish Committee, which had replaced the Contemporary Jewish Record in 1945.
The Forward, the oldest American Jewish weekly, wrote in a January 6th, 2006 article
signed Gal Beckerman: “If there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention
Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it. It’s a thought one imagines most American
Jews, overwhelmingly liberal, will find horrifying. ...Just as we speak of the “Christian
Right” as a political force in the United States, we could also therefore speak of the
neoconservatives as representing the “Jewish Right”. ..includes the Conference of Presidents
of Major American Jewish Organizations. (Freidman: without them the Iraq war would not
have happened”), and... the neoconservatives of the first generation mostly came from the
left, even the extreme Trotskyist left for some such as Irving Kristol, one of the main editors
of Commentary. During the late 1960s the Commentary editorial staff begins to break with
the liberal, pacifist left, which they suddenly find decadent. Norman Podhoretz, editor of
Commentary from 1960 until his retirement in 1995, was a militant anti-Vietnam dissenter
until 1967, but then in the 70s became a fervent advocate of an increased defense budget,
bringing the journal along in his wake. In the 1980s, he opposed the policy of détente in his
book The Present Danger: in the 1990s, he calls for the invasion of Iraq, and then again in
the early 2000s. In 2007, while his son John Podhoretz was taking over as editor of
Commentary, he asserted once again the urgency of a U.S. military attack, this time against
Iran. ... and they appear mostly non-religious. It is well-know that their major influence is the
philosophy of Leo Stauss, so much so that they are sometimes referred to as “the
straussians”; Norman Podhoretz and his son John, Irving Kristol and his son William,
Donald Kagan and his son Robert, Paul Wolfowitz, Adam Shulsky, to name just a few, all
expressed their debt to Strauss.
 1968 Telegraph.UK Hillary was still a Republican when she enrolled at Wellesley College,
an elite women’s university outside Boston, and chaired the party’s campus group as well as
being elected president of the student government. Yet her views were evolving as America
was wracked by war in Vietnam and the struggle for civil rights at home. By
1968 Hillary had switched sides to support Eugene McCarthy, the liberal, anti-war
 1969 Arkancide At Yale, Hillary helped edit the Yale Review of Law and Social Action – a
left-wing journal which promoted cop-killing and featured cartoons of pig-faced police. (3)
A series of hard-Left mentors introduced Hillary to the brass-knuckle realities of
revolutionary activism. As a Wellesley undergraduate, she met and interviewed radical
organizer Saul Alinsky, whose Machiavellian tactics she admired. Hillary's senior thesis
supported Alinsky's call for class warfare. (4) At Yale, Hillary found a new Svengali in the
form of left-wing law professor Thomas Emerson, known around campus as "Tommy the
Commie." Emerson recruited Hillary and other students to help monitor the trial of the New
Haven Nine for civil rights violations. Hillary took charge of the operation, scheduling the
students in shifts, so that student monitors would always be present in the courtroom. She
befriended and worked closely with Panther lawyer Charles Garry. (5)

 1970 top timeline

 1972 LegalEd Hillary's work for the Panthers won her a summer internship at the Berkeley
office of attorney Robert Treuhaft in 1972. A hardline Stalinist, Treuhaft had quit the
Communist Party in 1958 only because it was losing members and no longer provided a
good platform for his activism. (7) "Treuhaft is a man who dedicated his entire legal career
to advancing the agenda of the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB," notes historian
Stephen Schwartz. (8)
 1973 NFU/Rothschild Trilateral Commission, founded 1973
... Clinton connections: CounterCurrents Trilaterial member James Johnson was on
Obama’s vice presidential vetting team. He stepped down after questions surfaced about
loans he received from Countrywide Financial Corp., a key player in the U.S. housing crisis.
Other Obama North American Trilateral members in Obama’s inner circle include
Brzezinski, former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright see Rothschild connection
to Madeleine Albright, Michael Froman of Citigroup, and former Congressman Dick
Gephardt, along with Dennis Ross, Middle East envoy for Clinton and the first President
Bush, and James Steinberg (Preventive War, A Useful Tool). Additional Trilateral members
of team Obama include Warren Christopher and Clinton National Security Advisor Anthony
Lake. ... with the appointment of James Rodney Schlesinger,... a Trilateral approach is
already underway .... SunTimes -Laura Jarrett married Tony Balkissoon wedding ... see
attendees: Susan Sher, Dr. Barbara Bowman, Newton and Jo Minow, (Harvard Martha
Minow), John Levi (Sidley partner that hired Obama), Martin Nesbitt (treasurer of Obama
campaign); Eric and Cheryl Whitaker (Strategic Affiliations); Vernon and Ann Jordan
(UofChicago trustee emeritus); John Rogers (Ariel Investments, grew up with Jarrett, see
Desiree Rogers); Antoinette Cook Bush (a Jarrett cousin who is a partner at Skadden); Eric
Holder & wife Sharon Malone (Jarrett friend & Michelle O.); Allison & Susan Davis
(Davis's law firm); Dan and Fay Hartog Levin (Daley staffer, resigned from Ambassador to
the Netherlands) LovetheTruth Peter Rupert Lord Carrington, who is the chairman of the
Bilderbergers. has been the Rothschild’s director of their Rio Tinto Zinc Corp. He also is
director of Barclay’s Bank and part of the Trilateral Commission member list
 1973 Wikipedia The US DoD's Office of Net Assessment (ONA) was created in 1973 by
Richard Nixon to serve as the Pentagon's "internal think tank" that "looks 20 to 30 years into
the military's future, often with the assistance of outside contractors, and produces reports on
the results of its research".[1] The Director of Net Assessment is the principal staff assistant
and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense on net assessment. Harold
Rhode worked in this office. ... Politico Much of the ONA’s work is handled by contractors,
including big players such as Booz Allen Hamilton and Washington think tanks like CSBA
... Center for Strategic Budgets and Assessments... Harold Rhode was officially assigned to
the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment. NFU AIPAC DoJ unclassified espionage file on
Franklin murders ... an in-house Pentagon think tank headed by fellow neocon Andrew
Marshall. Rhode helped Feith lay down the law about the department's new anti-Iraq, and
broadly anti-Arab, orientation in 2001
 1974 Telegraph.UK As Bill mulled making a first run for Congress in 1974, Hillary moved
to Washington as a Congressional staffer. She arrived at the height of the Watergate scandal
and was soon involved in preparing impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon
 1974 TruthorFiction Hillary Clinton’s former boss (Jerry Zeifman) says he fired her from an
investigative position because she was a “liar” and “unethical” ... Claims that HillaryClinton
had been fired from the impeachment inquiry first went viral during her 2008 presidential
bid. A column written by Dan Calabrese, the founder of Northstar Writers Group, appeared
in countless forwarded emails, and the eRumor was born. The column was inspired by
statements made by Jerry Zeifman, a Democrat who served as counsel and chief of staff for
the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation. Zeifman’s book,
“Hillary’s Pursuit of Power,” and comments that he made on his website, which is no longer
active, have been critical of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s actions during the Watergate
investigation, and in the years that followed.
 1974 AIM Concerning Hillary's unethical behavior as reported by Jerry
Zeifman ...Zeifman's diary entry: "After President Nixon’s resignation, a young lawyer, who
shared an office with Hillary, confided in me that he was dismayed by her erroneous legal
opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel—as well as an unwillingness
to investigate Nixon. In my diary of August 12, 1974 I noted the following: John Labovitz
apologized to me for the fact that months ago he and Hillary had lied to me [to conceal rules
changes and dilatory tactics]. Labovitz said, ‘That came from Yale.’ I said, ‘You mean
Burke Marshall’ [Senator Ted Kennedy’s chief political strategist, with whom Hillary
regularly consulted in violation of House rules.] Labovitz said, ‘Yes.’ His apology was
significant to me, not because it was a revelation but because of his contrition. At that
timeHillary Rodham was 27 years old. She had obtained a position on our committee staff
through the political patronage of her former Yale law school professor Burke Marshall and
Senator Ted Kennedy. Eventually, because of a number of her unethical practices I decided
that I could not recommend her for any subsequent position of public or private trust."
 1974 WMR Rodham (Hillary) was accused of removing files on the 1970 impeachment
attempt by the House Judiciary Committee of Associate U.S. Supreme Court Justice
William. The files set a precedent on the ability of an impeachment subject to hire counsel to
represent them in the House proceedings. Rodham (Hillary) removed the documents so they
would not be available to House and Senate Watergate investigators who were being asked
by the White House and congressional Republicans to allow Nixon to have counsel cross
examine witnesses in the House impeachment hearings. It was agreed in 1970 that Douglas
would have counsel present in the House proceedings to cross-examine witnesses but
Rodham (Hillary) had no intention of affording that privilege to Nixon. Rodham's misdeeds
were supported by her colleague Bernard Nussbaum, who later became her husband's White
House counsel and helped cover up aspects of the alleged 1993 suicide of deputy White
House counsel Vince Foster.
 1974 CNN 1974-1977 and 1979-1980 - Assistant Professor of Law at the University of
Arkansas School of Law.
 1974 WMR Although Mrs. Clinton once referred to Paul Fray, her husband's 1974 campaign
manager for a congressional seat in Arkansas, as a "fucking Jew bastard," her loyalty to
Israel and its right-wing government is rock solid. Mrs. Clinton was also known for having
some choice words, some of them referring to religion, about her husband's White House
aide Rahm Emanuel early on in the Clinton administration. It is well known that Mrs.
Clinton wanted Emanuel, who once served in the Israel Defense Force and whose father
served in an Israeli terrorist outfit fighting the British, fired from the White House staff. But
Mrs. Clinton's anti-Semitic outbursts, similar to Nixon's, never shook her support for Israel.
 1976 Heddesheimer 1976- The influential Zionist leader Nahum Goldmann, co-founder and
long-time head of the World Jewish Congress, publishes a book about Jews, The Jewish
Paradox. In this book Goldmann candidly admits on pages 122 and 123 that years before the
end of the second World War two influential co-conspiring Jews conceived the idea of a
post-war Nuremberg show-tribunal and “German reparations” to be paid out to the Jews.
Goldmann describes how he, and his fellow conniving Zionists at the World Jewish
Congress, intended the reparations swindle to finance Jewish settlement in Palestine after the
 1978 CNN 1978 - President Jimmy Carter appoints Clinton to the board of directors of the
Legal Services Corp., an organization that provides federal funds to legal-aid bureaus
throughout the United States.

 1980 top timeline

 1981 WSJ She’s (Hillary) a Clinton: There is no Bill Clinton 2.0 when it comes to caring
about Israel. Sure, he was frustrated with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996 (and
exclaimed in exasperation, after their first meeting that July, “Who’s the [expletive]
superpower here?”) But Bill Clinton also reached two agreements with Mr. Netanyahu. The
president’s bond with the idea of Israel was deep and emotive, which helped him make some
allowances for Israeli behavior. Mrs. Clinton is cut from the same mold. (Hillary)She first
visited Israel in 1981 and understands the country and Israelis. I saw that firsthand while
accompanying her to Leah Rabin’s funeral in 2000. It was clear that she had the same
affection and feelings for the Rabins that her husband had.
 1981 WMR As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, carried out a policy started in earnest
during the Ronald Reagan administration and implemented by the Central Intelligence
Agency and State Department Counselor Robert C. McFarlane in 1981 to overthrow Libyan
leader Muammar Qaddafi and bring about the fracture of the Libyan state. This plan is
revealed in a November 17, 1981 memorandum written by McFarlane to a CIA official
named "Chuck." The memo was discovered in the CIA's archives. McFarlane would later
become National Security Adviser under Reagan and become immersed in the Iran-contra
scandal. The memo discusses several policy options brought to McFarlane's attention by
Henry Schuler, who is described as a "former foreign service officer now in business." In
fact, Schuler, who had been assigned as a U.S. diplomat in Libya prior to the 1969 Libyan
coup, served as the W. R. Grace and Company representative in Libya during the coup, had
been a naval intelligence officer in North Africa in the 1950s, was the director for Energy
Planning and Development for Deloitte Haskins and Sells in Washington, DC. He was also
the former representative for Hunt Oil Company in Libya after Qaddafi's coup. Schuler's
background appears to have been the perfect resume for a CIA officer and his easy entry into
McFarlane's office at State would suggest that the Libya expert was no mere ex-diplomat
and businessman.
 1982 NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive spreadsheet ...Marc Rich (Clinton pardon)
was charged in 1982 with the largest tax-evasion scheme in U.S. history, having evaded
more than $48 million in income taxes. ... Rich also violated the Trading with the Enemy Act
by conducting business with Iran, during hostage crisis. In 1983, Rich fled to Switzerland,
beame an Israeli citizen, Barak and Olmert urged pardon.
 1982 YouTube Back to the Future predicts 9/11 and JFK assassination
 1988 PressTV “The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified version of the W-
54 nuclear artillery shells covertly provided to the Israelis between 1988 ... during the
Bush/Clinton era. Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandia was able to identify the
chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the warheads based on samples taken after 9/11
of the fallout at ground zero.” see NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive
spreadsheet Multiple modified W-54 fission devices may have been used on WTC on 9/11 ...
nanothermite does not have sufficient detonation velocity to reduce a 400,000 skyscraper
into dust ... only a nuclear weapon can do this. The weapons used were smuggled out of the
US to Israel during the Clinton adminstration... Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth talk
abundantly about nanothermite, but never mention how it was placed in the WTC, who
placed or its specific origin.

 Wasserstein & Perella Both Rahm Emanuel Wikipedia and Vernon

Jordan Wikipedia were employed by Asserting. See Bruce Asserting (Winkled)

 1986 WhatReallyHappened F.A.A. records show that in October 1986, the same Fat Lady
was shot down over Nicaragua with a load of arms destined for the Contras. Documents
found on board the aircraft and seized by the Sandinistas included logs linking the plane with
Area 51 - the nation's top-secret nuclear-weapons facility at the Nevada Test Site. The
doomed aircraft was co-piloted by Wallace Blaine "Buzz" Sawyer, a native of western
Arkansas, who died in the crash. The admissions of the surviving crew member, Eugene
Hasenfus, began a public unraveling of the Iran-Contra episode. An Arkansas gun
manufacturer testified in 1993 in federal court in Fayetteville that the C.l.A. contracted with
him to build 250 automatic pistols for the Mena (Clinton drug smuggling) operation.
William Holmes testified that he had been introduced to Seal in Mena by a C.l.A. operative,
and that he then sold weapons to Seal. Even though he was given a Department of Defense
purchase order for guns fitted with silencers, Holmes testified that he was never paid the
$140,000 the government owed him. "After the Hasenfus plane was shot down," Holmes
said, "you couldn't find a soul around Mena."
 1986 GlobalResearch A war on Libya has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for
more than 20 years. Using nukes against Libya was first envisaged in 1996. On April 14th
1986, Ronald Reagan ordered a series of bombings directed against Libya under “Operation
El Dorado Canyon”, in reprisal for an alleged Libya sponsored terrorist bombing of a Berlin
discotheque. The pretext was fabricated. During these air raids, which were condemned by
both France and Italy, Qadhafi’s residence was bombed killing his younger daughter. Barely
acknowledged by the Western media, a planned attack on Libya using nuclear weapons, had
been contemplated by the Clinton Administration in 1996, at the height of the Monica
Lewinsky scandal. ... Military documents distinguish between the Nuclear Earth Penetrator
(NEP) and the “mini-nuke”, which are nuclear weapons with a yield of less than 10 kilotons
(two-thirds of a Hiroshima bomb). The NEP can have a yield of up to a 1000 kilotons, or
seventy times a Hiroshima bomb.
 1990 top timeline
 1990s WMR "For political observers who see a symbiosis between the Houses of Bush
and Clinton, for example, then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton's support for covert and
illegal Reagan-Bush arms shipments through his state to Central American right-wing rebels
in the 1990s, Clinton's acquiescence of George H. W. Bush's dispatch of US troops to
Somalia during the 1992 and 1993 lame duck status of Bush, and George W. Bush's
continued support for Clinton's 'Balkanization' of the Balkans, the impending declaration of
independence of the majority Albanian province of Kosovo from Serbia could hand a
future Hillary Clinton administration another U.S. quagmire in southeastern Europe."
 1990 911Truth Amid the euphoria over Obama’s election and the end of the Bush era, it is
critical to recall what 1990s U.S. foreign policy actually looked like. Bill Clinton’s boiled
down to a one-two punch from the hidden hand of the free market, backed up by the iron fist
of U.S. militarism. Clinton took office and almost immediately bombed Iraq (ostensibly in
retaliation for an alleged plot by Saddam Hussein to assassinate former President George
H.W. Bush). He presided over a ruthless regime of economic sanctions that killed hundreds
of thousands of Iraqis, and under the guise of the so-called No-Fly Zones in northern and
southern Iraq, authorized the longest sustained U.S. bombing campaign since Vietnam.

 1991 Vernon Jordan ... Since January 2000, Jordan has been Senior Managing
Director with Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, an investment banking firm. He is also a member of
the board of directors of multiple corporations, including American Express, J.C.
Penney Corporation, Xerox, and Dow Jones & Company. He took Bill Clinton in 1991 to
the Bilderberg conference in Germany... violation of Logan act?
 1991 PressTV / WMR President Bill Clinton’s first CIA director was lawyer James
Woolsey, a Henry “Scoop” Jackson Democrat who had no prior intelligence experience.
“Scoop Jackson Democrats,” including Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and I. Lewis
“Scooter” Libby were the core of the neo-conservative cabal that emerged inside the George
W. Bush administration. Like Hugel, Woolsey also had close connections with Israeli agents
and lobbyists. Woolsey was forced to resign after the exposure of Aldrich Ames, a high-level
Soviet agent in the top echelon of the CIA. After he left the CIA, Woolsey became active
with the neo-con Project for the New American Century (PNAC), Foundation for the
Defense of Democracies, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, and Center for Security
Policy. He became an adviser to John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign against Obama.
 1991 State of the Nation It appears that Dyncorp broke the original investigation on
this. Dyncorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001. Also
missing in 1996 or 1997; $60 billion missing out of HUD. Dyncorp appears to be the
accounting division of the US government these days. Formerly under Clinton, Dyncorp
was involved with wars in Bosnia / Serbia; also involved with trafficking children. Dyncorp
may go back to daddy and Israelis. If you work as a military contractor, you work with Booz
Allen and Dyncorp fairly extensively. Israeli company that manufactured the jammers
recovered on 9/11 is a working partner, equity partner with Gordon’s firm; they own stock!
 1991 Bilderberg US attendees: Paul Allaire (CEO Xerox, CFR), George Ball (Lehman
Brothrs, CFR), Robert Bartley (Editor-Wall St. Journal, CFR), Robert Blackwill (Professor-
Harvard, CFR), Michael J. Boskin (Presidents Economic Advisor), Nicholas Brady
(Secretary of Treasury), John Chafee (Senator-Rhode Island, CFR, TC),
BillClinton (Governor-Arkansas, CFR, TC), Charles Dalara (Assistant Sec. of International
Affairs), Kenneth Dam (IBM, CFR), Diane Feinstein (Ex-Mayor-San. Francisco, TC),
Catharine Graham (CEO-Washington Post, IA, CFR, TC), Maurice R. Greenberg (CEO-AIG
Insurance, CFR, TC), J. Bennett Johnston (Senator-Lousianna), Vernon Jordan (Attorney,
CFR, TC), Henry Kissinger (CEO-Kissinger Associates, CFR, TC, KGB), Charles Mathais
(Attorney, Ex-Senator, CFR), Jack Matlock (Ambassador-USSR, CFR), Charles Muller
(Murden & Co., Friends of Bilderberg Inc.), William Quand (Brookings Institute, NBC
News, CFR) John S. Reed (CEO-Citicorp Bank, CFR), Rozanne Ridgeway (Pres.-Atlantic
Council, CFR, TC), David Rockefeller (CEO-Chase Manhattan Bank, CFR, TC), John Shad
(Philanthropist) Thomas Sions Jr. (Ambassador-Poland), Alice Victor (Rockefeller's
Secretary), John Whitehead (Ex-Depty Sec. of State, CFR), Brayton Wilbur Jr. (CEO-
Wilbur-Ellis Co., CFR), Douglas Wilder (Governor-Virginia), Lynn Williams (Pres-United
Steelworkers Union), Grant Winthrop (Attorney), James Wolfensohn (Pres., James
Wolfensohn Inc., CFR), Robert Zoellick (State Dept. Economic Advisor) and from Britain:
Gordon Brown (Opposition MP - Parliament), Lawrence Freedman (Professor), Christopher
Kegg, Andrew Knight (Editor - News International), Lord Roll of Ipsden (Conservative
Politician, Warburg Banker), Patrick Wright (Head of Diplomatic Service)
 1992 top timeline
 1992 Telegraph.UK Her time in the public spotlight in Arkansas was little preparation for
the intensity of Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential bid. The young candidate was waylaid by
allegations of an extramarital affair and Hillary repeatedly stood in front of the cameras to
defend her husband.
 1992 Wikipedia Third Way ... The Progressive Policy Institute was founded as a branch of
the Democratic Leadership Council in 1989. When Bill Clinton, the DLC's former
Chairman, made up his mind to run for the presidency in 1992, the Progressive Policy
Institute (PPI) spotted the right candidate to promote its neoliberal mission. ... The PPI
research demands a new progressive politics for the United States while modeling its
marketing strategy similar to the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute.
 1992 Frontline/PBS After raising a record $70 million as finance director for Clinton's 1992
campaign, he planned the inauguration and went on to serve as political director, then senior
advisor, at the White House. He left the White House in October 1998. ... A lot of people
have written that Hillary was sort of Clinton's organizational side, that she was much more
organized and a better sense of that than the candidate did. ...She does think in a more linear
fashion. But she was very important to him in the sense of being his partner in how they
thought about the campaign and what issues were important, et cetera. She was determined
to make sure the campaign was focused....
 1992 ConsortiumNews ..In 1992, just after BCCI had been shut down in a global sweep, the
Afghan-Soviet war finally came to an end.... most of its major players were allowed to walk
away without being held accountable, due to the fact that BCCI was deeply entwined within
the upper echelons of U.S. intelligence. Elements of BCCI would then evolve into al Qaeda,
as the Washington Post revealed in 2002: “William F. Wechsler, who monitored bin Laden’s
finances at the National Security Council during the last two years of the Clinton
administration, told Congress in September that bin Laden initially rose to prominence for
building ‘a financial architecture that supported the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan against the
Russians.’ “‘It’s this financial architecture that continued with him when he turned to
terrorism, and it’s this financial architecture that is at the heart of how al Qaeda today gets its
finances,’ he said. “Much of that architecture, ... is modeled on the Bank of Credit and
Commerce International (BCCI)…. In the 1980s it was used to launder drug money, harbor
terrorist funds and buy illegal weapons. Its collapse in 1991 was a major global financial
scandal. “The CIA used BCCI to funnel millions of dollars to the fighters battling the Soviet
occupation of Afghanistan. Bin Laden had accounts in the bank, U.S. officials said….
 1992 Deep Politics of Regime Removal-Larry Chin NFU page The Bush administration's
National Security Decision Directives (exposed in an LA Times investigation in 1992), as
well as records detailing the Bush-Saddam relationships through the notorious BCCI and
Banco Nacional del Lavoro (BNL), offer clear evidence that Saddam Hussein's government
was explicitly and knowingly armed and financed by the US and personally involved with
Bush. After the Gulf War, in the guise of a "Kurd safe haven", the CIA created a protectorate
and base for covert activities designed to destabilize the Iraqi regime, while allowing the
suppression of Kurds and Muslims to continue simultaneously. Under George H.W. Bush,
the CIA reportedly spent $20 million in anti-Saddam propaganda, and at least $11 million in
aid to a number of Iraqi and Kurd opposition groups. As Al-Kurdi points out : "It was clear
from the beginning that the "safe haven" was an operation to provide "cover" for CIA
operations against Iraq and Turkish crackdowns on Kurds---not "comfort", as its official
designation implied. A state of dependence was reinforced in which the 'providers' could

keep their Kurdish puppets on short strings." ... Clinton continued the Bush 41
policies in the Middle East.
 1993 top timeline

 1993 Wikipedia Serving as Secretary of State from January 20, 1993 until January 17, 1997,
Christopher's main goals were expanding NATO, establishing peace between Israel and its
neighbors, and using economic pressure to force China's hand on human rights practices.
The major events transpiring during his tenure included the Oslo Accords, the Dayton
Agreement, normalization of United States–Vietnam relations, the Rwandan Genocide,
Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti, and the Khobar Towers bombing.
 1993 Wikipedia John David Podesta (born January 8, 1949) is the Chairman of the
2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Podesta previously served as Chief of Staff to
President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama. He is the former president
and now Chair and Counselor of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a liberal think
tank in Washington, D.C., and is also a Visiting Professor of Law at the Georgetown
University Law Center. He was a co-chairman of the Obama-Biden Transition Project.
 1993 PressTV “The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified version of the W-
54 nuclear artillery shells covertly provided to the Israelis between 1988 ... during the
Bush/Clinton era. Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandia was able to identify the
chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the warheads based on samples taken after 9/11
of the fallout at ground zero.”
 1993 WMR In 1993, Bill Clinton appointed the very anti-Clinton Louis Freeh as FBI
director. Freeh and Hanssen were both members of Opus Dei and their wives and children
were friends. Freeh, according to the senior FBI source, was forced to resign as FBI director
in June 2001, some four months after Hanssen's arrest for espionage in February. Hanssen's
arrest came just a few weeks after George W. Bush's inauguration as President. Freeh was
suspected, according to the FBI source, of covering up for his friend Hanssen's espionage
and other questionable activities. ... through Mossad moles within Opus Dei, Hanssen's
espionage activities came to the attention of the Israelis who reportedly blackmailed him into
also spying for Israel. Hanssen reportedly first came to the attention of Mossad and Emanuel
after a February 23, 1993, incident involving Hanssen and an FBI counter-
intelligence subordinate named Kimberly Lichtenberg. Just a little over a month
after Clinton's inauguration and after a heated argument between Hanssen and Lichtenberg,
Hanssen physically assaulted the female agent. WMR has learned that Hanssen made anti-
Semitic remarks after the incident, remarks that eventually came to the attention of Emanuel
and others at the White House.
 1993 History Commons US Begins Regularly Conducting Renditions ... the official purpose
of which is to bring suspected foreign criminals to justice. Suspects detained abroad are
“rendered” to courts in the United States or other countries. In some cases they are
transferred to countries with poor human rights records and tortured. Some are convicted,
even put to death, without a fair trial.
 1993 MotherJones Through all of her years in Washington, Hillary Clinton has been an
active participant in conservative Bible study and prayer circles that are part of a secretive
Capitol Hill group known as the Fellowship. Her collaborations with right-wingers such as
Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) and former Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) grow in part
from that connection. "A lot of evangelicals would see that as just cynical exploitation," says
the Reverend Rob Schenck, a former leader of the militant anti-abortion group Operation
Rescue who now ministers to decision makers in Washington. "I don't....there is a real good
that is infected in people when they are around Jesus talk, and open Bibles, and prayer."
and Wikipedia Hillary Clinton described meeting the leader of the Fellowship in 1993:
"Doug Coe, the longtime National Prayer Breakfast organizer, is a unique presence in
Washington: a genuinely loving spiritual mentor and guide to anyone, regardless of party or
faith, who wants to deepen his or her relationship to God." and WMRWhile the Hillary
Clinton campaign has reveled in the faked controversy over Barack Obama's former Marine
Corps preacher, Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, it is
not so happy that the meain stream media is now concentrating on Hillary Clinton's long-
time ties to the shadowy "Fellowship" in Arlington, Virginia run by Adolf Hitler admirer
Douglas Coe. The Fellowship or "the Family" and Hillary Clinton's ties to it were
highlighted in a lengthy article written three years ago by this editor: "Christian Mafia." ...
The Fellowship,a promoter of fascist causes and regimes around the world, was previously
exposed by an article in Harper's but now it has gained the attention of the Huffington Post.
 1993 -Skolnick Report The Joseph Andreuccetti Affair involved 58.4 million dollars of
federal funds parked with Household Bank and Household International. $50,000,000 of
those funds vanished and turned up in Little Rock, Arkansas, as part of the Clinton family's
attempts to cover up the embezzlement of $47,000,000. Congressman Dan Burton
commented on this vanishing money, which Clinton hid using dope $$$ laundries. This
story was covered up by the media.
 1993 911Research Schoenman correctly identifies the support provided by
the Clinton Administration to the al Qaeda network at a time when Al Qaeda, and more
specifically Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman was being accused of masterminding the 1993 WTC
 1994 top timeline
 1994 VoltaireNet NAFTA/TPP ... NAFTA-related job loss is not a question of productivity,
currency manipulation, “fair trade,” environmental standards, etc. While these issues are not
trivial, free trade – as Lincoln’s advisor Henry C. Carey proved – is a matter of simple
accounting. Can an American family survive on $4,160/year ($2/hr)? If not, cars and their
components will be built in Mexico. If we want cars built in the United States, the only
solution is a general tariff (import tax) reflecting the difference between those wage
standards, like the very tariffs repealed by Bill Clinton. ... Don’t expect Hillary to behave
differently with the coming “Trans-Pacific Partnership,” which seeks to replace an ascendant
China with less-developed Vietnam and Malaysia. Vietnam would overtake India-allied
Bangladesh in the global apparel trade, and Malaysia has a high-tech manufacturing sector
poised to rival China’s. With America’s manufacturing economy in shambles,
the Hillary Clinton machine can now be redirected to geopolitical maneuvers. Continue
reading Not the Lesser of Two Evils: Why Hillary Clinton Is Unfit for the Presidency.
 1994 AlanPetersonNewsBriefs ...Research into all the aliases of the Stanley Ann
Dunham name and fraudulent money laundering schemes. ... this globalist micro-finance
scheme (including the Clinton's) using the old Muslim money system of hawala with
modern credit card laundering, including ATM transfers with the direct quid pro quo
involving non profits and the indirect infiltration of funds via some very connected Muslim
billionaires, topped off with the public airwaves as a public paid for propaganda ministry,
has deep ties between the Indonesian and certain US banking systems over the course of
several decades. search terms include: Standard Oil, Kelly A. Dunham, Madelyn L. Dunham,
Shippleck, Sandra Dunham, Stephen, Scott, real-estate scams, Dunham Enterprises, Sutoro,
Soetoro, Go to Thomas Ayers section Dunham Obama Timeline
 1994 NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive spreadsheet Marc Rich, (was born in 1934 to a
Jewish family in Antwerp), Belgium ... has close ties to the Sharon government and Israeli
intelligence … Rich had made substantial donations to Israeli charitable foundations over the
years, and many senior Israeli officials, such as Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert, and Bill and
Hillary Clinton, Scooter Libby was his attorney ... see nuclear smuggling
 1994 LA Times Evangelist Jerry Falwell has begun marketing a $43 videotape featuring an
assortment of allegations involving President Clinton ranging from sexual misconduct to
murder, in the most visible venture to date by conservative critics circulating damaging anti-
Clinton material. Larry Nichols, Gennifer Flowers and Paula Corbin Jones, who
have alleged sexual improprieties on the part of Clinton.
 1994 Nov Wikipedia Harold Rhode was a subject of a probe conducted by the Senate
Intelligence Committee for a U.S. government-authorized meeting he and Larry Franklin had
in Rome in late 2001 with Manucher Ghorbanifar, who was part of the Iran-Contra scandal.
... Between 1991 and 1994 Harold Rhode served on the US Department of Defense’s Policy
Planning Staff. While in this position he wrote strategy papers on Middle Eastern and
Central Asian topics. From 1994 until 2010 Harold Rhode worked as an adviser on Islamic
Affairs in the Office of Net Assessment, an in-house think tank for the Pentagon. Wikipedia
fails to mention that he worked with Douglas Feith and Michael Rubin in the Office of
Special Plans (OSP)
 1995 StoryLeaks World trade center destroyed by nuclear weapons. Documents in hand
prove source of materials for these weapons. Able Danger investigation proved that the FBI
was complicit in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Mossad Agent Monica Lewinsky was
set up to get Clinton to stop investigating the Oklahoma City nuclear event. 40:01 Real Able
Danger established after Oklahoma City bombing, to investigate a group that included a
rogue organization within the CIA, Israeli, and Saudi Intelligence. Able Danger pre-report
lists CIA [part of Able Danger investigation], The Mossad, and Saudi Intelligence, were
operating in the USA as terror cells who called themselves by a code name = Al Qaeda Able
Danger investigated theft of nuclear material, and the Dept of Energy, stating a high-ranking
individual within US Energy Dept, perhaps the Director himself, was an Israeli agent who
made available to Viktor Bout, and those working with him, could have been a brother of
President George Bush, and the Prime Minister of Israel, and the Prime Minister of South
Africa at that time, were all directly involved.
 1996 top timeline
 1996 TruthOut Clinton's 1996 omnibus anti-terror legislation, the pricetag for which stood
at $1.097 billion. The following is a partial list of the initiatives offered by the Clintonanti-
terrorism bill: Screen Checked Baggage: $91.1 million Screen Carry-On Baggage: $37.8
million Passenger Profiling: $10 million Screener Training: $5.3 million Screen Passengers
(portals) and Document Scanners: $1 million Deploying Existing Technology to Inspect
International Air Cargo: $31.4 million Provide Additional Air/Counterterrorism Security:
$26.6 million Explosives Detection Training: $1.8 million Augment FAA Security Research:
$20 million Customs Service: Explosives and Radiation Detection Equipment at Ports: $2.2
million Anti-Terrorism Assistance to Foreign Governments: $2 million Capacity to Collect
and Assemble Explosives Data: $2.1 million
 1996 State of the Nation It appears that Dyncorp broke the original investigation on
this. Dyncorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001. Also
missing in 1996 or 1997; $60 billion missing out of HUD. Dyncorp appears to be the
accounting division of the US government these days. Formerly under Clinton, Dyncorp
was involved with wars in Bosnia / Serbia; also involved with trafficking children. Dyncorp
may go back to daddy and Israelis. If you work as a military contractor, you work with Booz
Allen and Dyncorp fairly extensively. Israeli company that manufactured the jammers
recovered on 9/11 is a working partner, equity partner with Gordon’s firm; they own stock!
 1996 WSJ She’s (Hillary) a Clinton: There is no Bill Clinton 2.0 when it comes to caring
about Israel. Sure, he was frustrated with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996 (and
exclaimed in exasperation, after their first meeting that July, “Who’s the [expletive]
superpower here?”) But Bill Clinton also reached two agreements with Mr. Netanyahu. The
president’s bond with the idea of Israel was deep and emotive, which helped him make some
allowances for Israeli behavior. Mrs. Clinton is cut from the same mold. (Hillary)She first
visited Israel in 1981 and understands the country and Israelis. I saw that firsthand while
accompanying her to Leah Rabin’s funeral in 2000. It was clear that she had the same
affection and feelings for the Rabins that her husband had.
 1996 May DissidentVoice Madeleine Albright is infamous for her reply to the question
posed by 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl about the sanctions against Iraq in May 1996. “We have
heard that a half million children have died,” stated Stahl. “I mean, that’s more children than
died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?” “I think this is a very hard choice,”
replied Albright, “but the price–we think the price is worth it.”
 1996 JeworNotJew Is Monica Lewinsky Jewish ... yes So she shared a few cigars with
Clinton. That, we can live with. But setting back feminism and Judaism 40 years at the same
time? and for the real story on Monica Lewinsky see WMR ... "WMR has learned that
Hanssen also spied for Mossad at the same time he was spying for the Russians and that this
information was known to Emanuel. WMR has learned that the FBI established that there
was a relationship between Hanssen, a Chicago native whose father was a Chicago police
officer, and Emanuel, also a native of Chicago. The Mossad decided to 'trade out' Hanssen to
the FBI's counter-intelligence division in order to keep the bureau pre-occupied trying to
ferret out a mole within their own ranks and take the heat off Emanuel and
the Clinton White House over the knowledge that Israeli intelligence had penetrated White
House communications and this fact was related by Clinton to White House intern Monica
Lewinsky during a phone conversation. Hanssen was convicted of espionage after he was
pressured into not going ahead with a jury trial. Hanssen was warned that his wife would be
denied his FBI pension if he insisted on a full jury trial. He is serving a life sentence in
solitary confinement at the Federal Supermax Prison in Colorado."
 1996 PressTV / WMR John Deutch, a Brussels, Belgium-born Russian Jew, whose
background was chemistry and physics, succeeded Woolsey as director. It was discovered
that Deutch’s unclassified laptop computers contained classified information. However, in
what was a worse potential security compromise, classified computers that Deutch took
home with him from work were used to access pornographic websites. Security officers were
concerned that “cookie” programs used by X-rated websites may have had access to and
downloaded classified information from Deutch’s laptop. Amid the security flap, Deutch
suddenly resigned on December 15, 1996. Clinton pardoned Deutch of any wrongdoing on
January 20, 2001 and a Justice Department investigation by Attorney General Janet Reno
was put on ice.
 Jewish Media Control

1996 Wikipedia The Telecommunications Act of 1996 ... signed by Clinton... this provision as
"blatantly unconstitutional" and noted that the balance of the Act would "shape our future" by
eliminating "barriers between the industry's segments, e.g., local and long-distance services,
broadcast and cable television, etc." The now-defunct Kill Your Television website that advocated
people turn off their television sets, had a criticism of the law as well. They wrote: "thanks to the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, the business is about to get bigger...Mergers, takeovers and
acquisitions are becoming the norm in the television industry. The new law has stripped down the
television ownership rules so much, that big media players will can be more aggressive in buying
out smaller stations. ... "Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television
networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the
recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the
following seven individuals: 1. Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner 2. Michael
Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company 3. Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of
Seagram Company Ltd Edgar M. Bronfman, Sr. "Creating a Renaissance in Jewish Life" 4.Edgar
Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios 5.
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc 6. Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of
General Electric 7. Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited Those
seven Jewish men (above) collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System,
CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records,
Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

 1997: IAmTheWitness An Army mechanical engineer, Ashkenazi Jew, David A.

Tenenbaum, "inadvertently," gives classified military information on missile systems and
armored vehicles to Israeli officials (New York Times, 20 February 1997). The Washington
Post reports US intelligence has intercepted a conversation in which two Israeli officials had
discussed the possibility of getting a confidential letter that then-Secretary of State Warren
Christopher had written to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. One of the Israelis, identified
only as, “Dov,” had commented that they may get the letter from, “Mega,” the code name for
Israel’s top agent inside the United States. US ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk,
complains privately to the Israeli government about heavy-handed surveillance by Israeli
intelligence agents. Israeli agents place a tap on Ashkenazi Jew and daughter of a Rabbi,
Monica Lewinsky’s, phone at the Watergate and record phone sex sessions between her and
President Bill Clinton. The Ken Starr report confirms thatClinton warned Lewinsky their
conversations were being taped and ended the affair. Interestingly, at the same time, the
FBI’s hunt for, "Mega," is called off. On 29 October Edmond de Rothschild dies in Geneva.
Interestingly on the exact same day Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of
Satan also dies, who in his book, "Satan Speaks," he states in relation to The Protocols Of
The Elders Of Zion, "The first time I read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, my instinctive
reaction was, So what's wrong with THAT? Isn't that the way any master plan should work?
Doesn't the public deserve - nay, demand - such despotism?" Kofi Annan becomes Secretary
General to the United Nations. He is married to Nane Lagergren, a Rothschild, who he wed
in 1984. 1998: The European Central Bank is set up in Frankfurt, the city from which the
Rothschilds originate.
 1997 DavidIcke forum This photo was taken in front
of the White House Christmas tree with Hillary and Clinton campaign donor Jorge Cabreras.
Jorge is a convicted drug smuggler and friend of Fidel Castro. According to the New York
Times, April 4, 1997, Jorge was solicited for his donation by a Democratic operative in the
lobby of a hotel in Havana! The $20,000 check to the Clinton campaign came from an
account linked to cocaine money. At the time the above photo was taken, Jorge had two
felony convictions, but the Secret Service cleared him to enter the White House anyway.
 1997 Wikipedia The Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum North, Sudan, was
constructed between 1992 and 1996 .... It was the largest pharmaceutical factory in
Khartoum and employed over 300 workers, producing medicine both for human and
veterinary use. The factory was destroyed in 1998 by a missile attack launched by the United
States government (Clinton adminstration), killing one employee and wounding eleven.
Critics of the attack have estimated that up to tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians died
throughout Sudan as the supply of necessary drugs was cut off.[3] The U.S. government
stated several reasons for its attack: ... and WMR Clinton's Al-shifa attack was trumped up
... set back for several years Sudan’s ability to make aspirins, laxatives, and veterinarian
medicines. ...
 1997 Wikipedia Samuel "Sandy" Berger, Jewish, was the Assistant to the President for
National Security Affairs (aka "National Security Advisor") to President Bill Clinton, from
1997 to 2001. He was also one of the prominent actors of the Camp David 2000 Summit.
From 1993 to 1997, Berger served as the deputy to his predecessor, Anthony Lake. In April
2005, Berger pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of
classified material from the National Archives in
Washington.(seeAmericanThinker describing documents ... mostly about Millenium / LA
bombing and terror threats...presumably?)... Berger served as a foreign policy adviser to
Senator HillaryClinton in her 2008 presidential campaign. Before joining the Clinton
administration, Berger had worked as an international trade attorney; currently, he is
chairman of Albright Stonebridge Group and chairman of the board of D.B. Zwirn Global
Advisory Board ... At Cornell, Berger was a member of the Quill and Dagger society with
Paul Wolfowitz and Stephen Hadley. ... While there, he met Bill Clinton, forming a
friendship that would last for decades. Berger later urged Clinton to run for president ...
"Sandy Berger", Nancy Pelosi said in 1997, "was the point-man at... Hogan & Hartson... for
the trade office of the Chinese government. He was a lawyer-lobbyist ... Berger served as
Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to Governor Clinton during the campaign, and as Assistant
Transition Director for National Security of the 1992 Clinton-Gore Transition.
DuringClinton's first term of office (1993–1997), Berger served as deputy national security
advisor, under Anthony Lake in the National Security Council staff. In Clinton's second term
of office, Berger succeeded Lake as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
from 1997 to 2001. In this position, he helped to formulate the foreign policy of the Clinton
Administration. During this time he advised the President regarding the Khobar Towers
bombing, Operation Desert Fox, the NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia,
responses to the terrorist bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the
administration's policy of engagement with the People's Republic of China.[9] ... In 1999,
Berger was criticized for failing to promptly inform President Clinton of his knowledge that
the People's Republic of China had managed to acquire the designs of a number of U.S.
nuclear warheads. Berger was originally briefed of the espionage by the Department of
Energy (DOE) in April 1996, but did not inform the president until July 1997.
Clinton's cabinet ... preknowledge / planning of
9/11 Top
Rothschild B'nai
9/11 Obama / The Chatham /
9/11 North Brith Rahm BCCI Bain Hitler Soros
funding Romney British Aspen
America Emanuel

 Wikipedia 9/11 polls ...54% of the world's population don't believe al Queda was
responsible for 9/11.
 Begin by connecting Kroll Associates to Jerome Hauer and the WTC
security) to Global Technology Partners to Rothschild North

America. William Perry, Senior Partner Global ...

Technology Partners and Gerald Rosenfeld, CEO... see PRNewsWire press release and
William Perry was awarded the Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire. He was intimately involved the the US government in the run-up
to 9/11 see Tony Blair ... sexed up evidence to invade Iraq. Global Technology

Partners is an exclusive agent or Rothschild North

America PRNewsWire. Ashton Carter,

Secretary of Defense nominee, partner - Global Technology
Partners.... Rothschild ...
 (Wikipedia) see Biblioteca Pleyades Maurice Greenberg bought Kroll

Associates Wikipedia.

Trilateral Vernon Safra Bank,
were NATO Privitization Le Cercle
Commission Jordan Magnitzky

 1988 IAmTheWitness From 1988 to 1995, MauriceGreenberg (Wikipedia) was a

director of the New York Federal Reserve bank this is the main bank through
which Federal Reserve chiefs and the Bank of
England (Rothschild) (Wikipedia) execute their U.S. political-economic
policy. Greenberg was deputy chairman of the New York Fed in 1992 and 1993, and New
York Fed chairman in 1994 and 1995. During 1996, while Greenberg was deputy chairman
of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), he chaired the CFR task force on intelligence,
which published "Making Intelligence Smarter: The future of U.S. Intelligence." Kroll
Associates, a security consultant firm, which was renamed to Kroll Inc. in August 2001,
started in New York City in 1972. In December 1997, Kroll merged with armored car
manufacturer O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt to form The Kroll-O'Gara Company. O'Gara is
responsible for the security of all US-Presidents since 1945. In 1993, Maurice Greenberg's
American International Group (AIG), became co-owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll
Associates, as a result of rescuing Kroll from bankruptcy with a cash infusion. Kroll was
notorious during the 1980s as the "CIA of Wall Street" due to the prevalence of former CIA,
FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British Special Air Service men Kroll
employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign
nations. Greenberg has used his connections to covert intelligence, supranational institutions,
private bankers and speculators, and his huge global cash inflow, to shape a unique personal
empire. Since 1997, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member of Kroll , and is
currently Greenberg's Deputy Chairman for External Affairs. Wisner's father was a founder
of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who killed himself over the scandal from his being
duped by British-Soviet master spy Kim Philby. Frank Wisner, Jr., is a director of the
George Bush-linked energy giant Enron (a client for whom AIG negotiated payments from
Peru over nationalization of Enron operations). see DemocraticUnderground
 Go to Rothschild / GTP info and go to Vernon Jordan / Lazard / Gerald
Rosenfeld 9/11
 1997 InformationUnderground Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's
mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and
the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion
movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and
maintenance of the State of Israel. In 1918, when Hadassah opened its first hospital on
Jerusalem's Rehov Ha'nevi'im, the Street of the Prophets – a gift of the Rothschild family –
Dr. Kagan became Head of Pediatrics. Jerome Hauer was also the guy chosen to run
Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management( OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He
is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's building 7. link
Building 7 to Blackstone to Rothschild. Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who
was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was Former special agent
FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was
hired as head of security at the WTC by Jerome Hauer. Amazingly, O'neil was killed on his
FIRST day of work -- 9/11.
 1997 HistoryCommons John Deutch November 1997-August 1998: Future 9/11
Commission Staff Attend Terrorism Study Group; Predict Consequences of
‘Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policy’ Although the United States
still takes conventional terrorism seriously… it is not yet prepared for the new threat of
catastrophic terrorism.” They predict the consequences of such an event: “An act of
catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted
the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed
event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for
peacetime and undermine Americans’ ... Wikipedia Deutch was born in Brussels, Belgium,
the son of Rachel Felicia (Fischer) and Michael Joseph Deutch. 3] He is of Russian Jewish
heritage, Michael Deutch.
 1997 Zelikow (Wikipedia) had written about how a “catastrophic terrorism” event could
constitute a momentous, history-shaping milestone: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that
killed thousands or tens of thousands of people… would be a watershed event in America’s
history.… Like Pearl Harbor. RealJewNews Zelikow Zelikow & Rice are together again
when Zelikow is Director of the Aspen Strategy Group, a Zionist foreign-policy strategy
“think tank.” Rice, along with Dick Cheney & Paul Wolfowitz, are also members. see
William Perry (Global Technology Partners) as exclusive agent to Rothschild North
America and subsequent ties to Aspen Strategy Group. and see Redacted News Obama’s
New 2nd in Command at DOD: Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman
Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag. andHouroftheTime CIA's role in 9/11 Attack ... and
see the TheFreeLibrary GTP ..Zelikow, all dual Israel US citizens. Aspen Strategy
Group Jewish think tank, David Koch is member of Board of Trustees. and Michael
Eisner. Atlantic Council Wikipedia
 1999 Ashton Carter (Wikipedia) ... principle in Global Technology Partners an
affiliate of Rothschild North America. Ashton Carter, MIT professor Ashton
Carter co authored paper Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policy with
Zelikow and Deutch (GTP) senior partner at Global Technology Partners an affiliate of
Rothschild North America (SourceWatch) and Dr Carter served as a member of the
Defense Science Board from 1991–1993 and 1997–2001, the Defense Policy Board from
 2001 9/11 WhoDidIt Before 9-11 John Deutch (Wikipedia), former Undersecretary of War,
director of CIA; co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy" (Harvard)
with Zelikow, senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North
America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran
Zionist Federation of Belgium (Jewish Agency) Aliyah, The Israel Experience, Zionist
Education, Hebrew Education, Israel Advocacy, Shaping Israel, Cultural
Nationalism WhoDidIt
 2001 Academy of Diplomacy Mr. Helmut Sonnenfeldt is a trustee emeritus of the Johns
Hopkins University and has also been a member of the Advisory Council of that institution’s
School of Advanced International Studies. He is a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations (New York), and other professional associations. He is a director of the Atlantic
Council of the U.S., the World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C. and the American
Institute of Contemporary German Studies. He has been on the Board of Visitors of the
National Defense University and was a Bates Scholar at the Naval War College. He served
on the Council and Executive Committee of the International Institute of Strategic Studies
(London) between 1980 and 1998. He was a member of the International Advisory Council
of the Creditanstalt of Vienna, Austria, and is foreign editor of the International Economy.
He is on the editorial boards of Politique Internationale (Paris) and Foreign Policy
(Washington). He has also been a member of the “Executive Panel” of the Chief of Naval
Operations and, since 2001, of the Defense Policy Board. History Commons was
given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who
has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the
 2006 Gerald Rosenfeld is Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America. Prior to
joining Rothschild he was President of G Rosenfeld & Co LLC, an investment banking firm.
Prior to founding GR Co in 1998 he was Head of Investment Banking and a member of the
Management Committee of Lazard Freres & Co LLC. Mr. Rosenfeld joined Lazard in 1992
after holding significant management positions at Bankers Trust (Tariganter) Company,
Salomon Inc. and its Salomon Brothers subsidiary and McKinsey & Company. Mr.
Rosenfeld is a member of the Board of Directors of Case Corporation, of Continental Grain
Company and of the Jewish Theological Seminary and also serves on the Board of Overseers
of New York University's Stern School of Business.
 2007 Hoover Institute, Scooter Libby, Cheney, Plamegate / Leakgate Timeline
 2008 William J. Perry links: Preventative Defense Project. Hambrecht & Quist, In-Q-tel,
LGS Innovations, Secretary of Energy Advisor Board, Stanford Institute of Economic Policy
Research, Lucent, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Anteon International Corp, Center for
International Security and Arms Control, Center for a New American Century, Defense
Policy Board, Atlantic Council, Truman National Security Project, DOD, GTP, Clinton,
Aspen Strategy Group (Scooter Libby), Stanford, Iraq Study Group, Technology Strategies
& Alliances Corp, ESL, Nuclear Tipping Point, Hoover Institute.
 2008 Foreign Policy was bought by the Washington Post Company. The Washington Post is
the crown jewel of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner, who
ran the Office of Special Projects — later to become part of the CIA — recruited Philip
Graham, the publisher of the Washington Post, to run Operation Mockingbird and subvert
the free press in the United States.
 2009 Wikipedia Robert Blackwill is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group of the Aspen
Institute. Blackwill served as political-military officer in London, England from 1975 to
1978. Blackwill served as political counselor in Tel Aviv, Israel from 1978 to 1979.
Blackwill became Director, Western European Affairs, on the National Security Council
staff at the White House in 1979. Wikipedia 'The Vulcans' is a nickname used to refer to
Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush's foreign policy advisory team assembled
to brief him prior to the 2000 U.S. presidential election. The Vulcans were led
by Condoleezza Rice and included Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen
Hadley, Richard Perle, Dov S. Zakheim, Robert Zoellick and Paul Wolfowitz, and
Wolfowitz protegé, Scooter Libby. Other key campaign figures including Dick
Cheney, George P. Shultz and Colin Powell were also closely associated with the group but
were never actually members see Eustace Mullins (Kissinger) and Wikipedia Helmut
Sonnenfeldt During his time in the National Security Council and in the State Department,
he was a close assistant and adviser of Henry Kissinger and became known as "Kissinger's
Kissinger" and ... History Commons was given to Perle by National Security Council
staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for
providing classified documents to the Israelis.
 Video 9/11 Kroll, Marsh

Rothschild North America, 9/11 Connections Top

Rothschild B'nai
9/11 Obama / The Chatham /
9/11 North Brith Rahm BCCI Bain Hitler Soros
funding Romney British Aspen
America Emanuel

 Wikipedia 9/11 polls ...54% of the world's population don't believe al Queda was
responsible for 9/11.
 Begin by connecting Kroll Associates to Jerome Hauer and
the WTC security) to Global Technology

Partners to Rothschild North America. William

Perry, Senior Partner Global ... Technology Partners and Gerald Rosenfeld, CEO...
see PRNewsWire press release and William Perry was awarded the Knight Commander of
the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. He was intimately involved the the US
government in the run-up to 9/11 see Tony Blair ... sexed up evidence to invade

Iraq. Global Technology Partners is an exclusive agent or Rothschild

North America PRNewsWire. Ashton
Carter, Secretary of Defense nominee, partner - Global
Technology Partners.... Rothschild ...
 (Wikipedia) see Biblioteca Pleyades Maurice Greenberg bought Kroll

Associates Wikipedia.

Trilateral Mormons were Safra

Vernon Jordan NATO Privitization Le Cercle
Commission Freemasons Mag

 1988 IAmTheWitness From 1988 to 1995, MauriceGreenberg (Wikipedia) was a

director of the New York Federal Reserve bank this is the main bank through
which Federal Reserve chiefs and the Bank of
England (Rothschild) (Wikipedia) execute their U.S. political-economic
policy. Greenberg was deputy chairman of the New York Fed in 1992 and 1993, and New
York Fed chairman in 1994 and 1995. During 1996, while Greenberg was deputy chairman
of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), he chaired the CFR task force on intelligence,
which published "Making Intelligence Smarter: The future of U.S. Intelligence." Kroll
Associates, a security consultant firm, which was renamed to Kroll Inc. in August 2001,
started in New York City in 1972. In December 1997, Kroll merged with armored car
manufacturer O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt to form The Kroll-O'Gara Company. O'Gara is
responsible for the security of all US-Presidents since 1945. In 1993, Maurice Greenberg's
American International Group (AIG), became co-owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll
Associates, as a result of rescuing Kroll from bankruptcy with a cash infusion. Kroll was
notorious during the 1980s as the "CIA of Wall Street" due to the prevalence of former CIA,
FBI, Scotland Yard, British secret service and British Special Air Service men Kroll
employed for corporate espionage in takeover bids, as well as for destabilization of foreign
nations. Greenberg has used his connections to covert intelligence, supranational institutions,
private bankers and speculators, and his huge global cash inflow, to shape a unique personal
empire. Since 1997, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., has been a board member of Kroll , and is
currently Greenberg's Deputy Chairman for External Affairs. Wisner's father was a founder
of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, who killed himself over the scandal from his being
duped by British-Soviet master spy Kim Philby. Frank Wisner, Jr., is a director of the
George Bush-linked energy giant Enron (a client for whom AIG negotiated payments from
Peru over nationalization of Enron operations). see DemocraticUnderground
 Go to Rothschild / GTP info and go to Vernon Jordan / Lazard / Gerald
Rosenfeld 9/11
 1997 InformationUnderground Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's
mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and
the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion
movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and
maintenance of the State of Israel. In 1918, when Hadassah opened its first hospital on
Jerusalem's Rehov Ha'nevi'im, the Street of the Prophets – a gift of the Rothschild family –
Dr. Kagan became Head of Pediatrics. Jerome Hauer was also the guy chosen to run
Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management( OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He
is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's building 7. link
Building 7 to Blackstone to Rothschild. Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who
was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was Former special agent
FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was
hired as head of security at the WTC by Jerome Hauer. Amazingly, O'neil was killed on his
FIRST day of work -- 9/11.
 1997 HistoryCommons John Deutch November 1997-August 1998: Future 9/11
Commission Staff Attend Terrorism Study Group; Predict Consequences of
‘Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policy’ Although the United States
still takes conventional terrorism seriously… it is not yet prepared for the new threat of
catastrophic terrorism.” They predict the consequences of such an event: “An act of
catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted
the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed
event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for
peacetime and undermine Americans’ ... Wikipedia Deutch was born in Brussels, Belgium,
the son of Rachel Felicia (Fischer) and Michael Joseph Deutch. 3] He is of Russian Jewish
heritage, Michael Deutch.
 1997 Zelikow (Wikipedia) had written about how a “catastrophic terrorism” event could
constitute a momentous, history-shaping milestone: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that
killed thousands or tens of thousands of people… would be a watershed event in America’s
history.… Like Pearl Harbor. RealJewNews Zelikow Zelikow & Rice are together again
when Zelikow is Director of the Aspen Strategy Group, a Zionist foreign-policy strategy
“think tank.” Rice, along with Dick Cheney & Paul Wolfowitz, are also members. see
William Perry (Global Technology Partners) as exclusive agent to Rothschild North
America and subsequent ties to Aspen Strategy Group. and see Redacted News Obama’s
New 2nd in Command at DOD: Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman
Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag. and HouroftheTime CIA's role in 9/11 Attack ... and
see the TheFreeLibrary GTP ..Zelikow, all dual Israel US citizens. Aspen Strategy
Group Jewish think tank, David Koch is member of Board of Trustees. and Michael
Eisner. Atlantic Council Wikipedia
 1999 Ashton Carter (Wikipedia) ... principle in Global Technology Partners an
affiliate of Rothschild North America. Ashton Carter, MIT professor Ashton
Carter co authored paper Catastrophic Terrorism A National Policy with
Zelikow and Deutch (GTP) senior partner at Global Technology Partners an affiliate of
Rothschild North America (SourceWatch) and Dr Carter served as a member of the
Defense Science Board from 1991–1993 and 1997–2001, the Defense Policy Board from
 2001 9/11 WhoDidIt Before 9-11 John Deutch (Wikipedia), former Undersecretary of War,
director of CIA; co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy" (Harvard)
with Zelikow, senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North
America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran
Zionist Federation of Belgium (Jewish Agency) Aliyah, The Israel Experience, Zionist
Education, Hebrew Education, Israel Advocacy, Shaping Israel, Cultural
Nationalism WhoDidIt
 2001 Academy of Diplomacy Mr. Helmut Sonnenfeldt is a trustee emeritus of the Johns
Hopkins University and has also been a member of the Advisory Council of that institution’s
School of Advanced International Studies. He is a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations (New York), and other professional associations. He is a director of the Atlantic
Council of the U.S., the World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C. and the American
Institute of Contemporary German Studies. He has been on the Board of Visitors of the
National Defense University and was a Bates Scholar at the Naval War College. He served
on the Council and Executive Committee of the International Institute of Strategic Studies
(London) between 1980 and 1998. He was a member of the International Advisory Council
of the Creditanstalt of Vienna, Austria, and is foreign editor of the International Economy.
He is on the editorial boards of Politique Internationale (Paris) and Foreign Policy
(Washington). He has also been a member of the “Executive Panel” of the Chief of Naval
Operations and, since 2001, of the Defense Policy Board. History Commons was
given to Perle by National Security Council staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who
has been under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the
 2006 Gerald Rosenfeld is Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America. Prior to
joining Rothschild he was President of G Rosenfeld & Co LLC, an investment banking firm.
Prior to founding GR Co in 1998 he was Head of Investment Banking and a member of the
Management Committee of Lazard Freres & Co LLC. Mr. Rosenfeld joined Lazard in 1992
after holding significant management positions at Bankers Trust (Tariganter) Company,
Salomon Inc. and its Salomon Brothers subsidiary and McKinsey & Company. Mr.
Rosenfeld is a member of the Board of Directors of Case Corporation, of Continental Grain
Company and of the Jewish Theological Seminary and also serves on the Board of Overseers
of New York University's Stern School of Business.
 2007 Hoover Institute, Scooter Libby, Cheney, Plamegate / Leakgate Timeline
 2008 William J. Perry links: Preventative Defense Project. Hambrecht & Quist, In-Q-tel,
LGS Innovations, Secretary of Energy Advisor Board, Stanford Institute of Economic Policy
Research, Lucent, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Anteon International Corp, Center for
International Security and Arms Control, Center for a New American Century, Defense
Policy Board, Atlantic Council, Truman National Security Project, DOD, GTP, Clinton,
Aspen Strategy Group (Scooter Libby), Stanford, Iraq Study Group, Technology Strategies
& Alliances Corp, ESL, Nuclear Tipping Point, Hoover Institute.
 2008 Foreign Policy was bought by the Washington Post Company. The Washington Post is
the crown jewel of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner, who
ran the Office of Special Projects — later to become part of the CIA — recruited Philip
Graham, the publisher of the Washington Post, to run Operation Mockingbird and subvert
the free press in the United States.
 2009 Wikipedia Robert Blackwill is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group of the Aspen
Institute. Blackwill served as political-military officer in London, England from 1975 to
1978. Blackwill served as political counselor in Tel Aviv, Israel from 1978 to 1979.
Blackwill became Director, Western European Affairs, on the National Security Council
staff at the White House in 1979. Wikipedia 'The Vulcans' is a nickname used to refer to
Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush's foreign policy advisory team assembled
to brief him prior to the 2000 U.S. presidential election. The Vulcans were led
by Condoleezza Rice and included Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen
Hadley, Richard Perle, Dov S. Zakheim, Robert Zoellick and Paul Wolfowitz, and
Wolfowitz protegé, Scooter Libby. Other key campaign figures including Dick
Cheney, George P. Shultz and Colin Powell were also closely associated with the group but
were never actually members see Eustace Mullins (Kissinger) and Wikipedia Helmut
Sonnenfeldt During his time in the National Security Council and in the State Department,
he was a close assistant and adviser of Henry Kissinger and became known as "Kissinger's
Kissinger" and ... History Commons was given to Perle by National Security Council
staff member Helmut “Hal” Sonnenfeldt, who has been under investigation since 1967 for
providing classified documents to the Israelis.
 Video 9/11 Kroll, Marsh

Gerald Rosenfeld William Perry Ashton Carter John Deutch Robert Pirie
Philip Zelikow Paul Kaminski Dov Zakheim Jim Lawrence Helmu

 1948 Spartacus Frank Wisner (Wikipedia) was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (Wikipedia)
(forerunner to CIA), established Mockingbird (media control) (Wikipedia) .Wisner recruited Philip
Graham Wikipedia (Washington Post) to run the project within the industry. Philip Graham married Katherine Meyer
(Graham) (Washington Post owner) "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times,
Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles." Exulanten Eugene Meyer... Meyer (Katherine Graham's father) was
in same league as Warburgs, Rothschild, Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb, Baruch ...etc. Frank G. Wisner (son) is a board member of
Kroll Assc.

 1948 Spartacus Frank Wisner (Wikipedia) was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (Wikipedia)
(forerunner to CIA), established Mockingbird (media control) (Wikipedia) .Wisner recruited Philip
Graham Wikipedia (Washington Post) to run the project within the industry. Philip Graham married Katherine Meyer
(Graham) (Washington Post owner) "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times,
Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles." Exulanten Eugene Meyer... Meyer (Katherine Graham's father) was
in same league as Warburgs, Rothschild, Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb, Baruch ...etc. Frank G. Wisner (son) is a board member of
Kroll Assc.

 1997 Wikipedia Vernon Jordan ... Since January 2000, Jordan has been Senior
Managing Director with Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, (Michel David-Weill owns
Lazard Wikipedia regretted hiring Bruce Wasserstein) an investment banking firm. He is
also a member of the board of directors of multiple corporations, including American
Express, J.C. Penney Corporation, Xerox, Asbury Automotive Group and the Dow Jones &
Company. He is formerly a member of the board of directors of Revlon, Sara Lee, Corning
and RJR Nabisco during 1989 leveraged buy-out fight between RJR Nabisco CEO F. Ross
Johnson and Henry R. Kravis and his company KKR. A close friend of Jordan was the late
Xerox tycoon Charles Peter McColough, who convinced Jordan to join the Board of Trustees
at Xerox. McColough served as a mentor and friend of Jordan's until McColough's death. In
the 2004 presidential campaign, Jordan led debate preparation and negotiation efforts on
behalf of John Kerry, the Democratic nominee for President. That year he was elected
president of the Economic Club of Washington. In 2006, Jordan served as a member of the
Iraq Study Group, which was formed to make recommendations on the U.S. policy in Iraq.
He helpedMonica Lewinsky after the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Time Jordan's
chief role in the Lewinsky scandal and eventual impeachment was that he at one point was
tasked with finding Monica Lewinsky a job in New York City. go to Jordan / FirstMark /
Lauder Valerie Jarrett is link between Obama and Lynn Forester de
Rothschild, Wikipedia Vernon Jordan is on the board of her FirstMark
Communications company. Jordan joined Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, in
1982) and Observer Jordan ... see Ford Foundation president Franklin Thomas.
 1997 Wikipedia Vernon Jordan ... (Close friend and associate of Bill Clinton .and is
ultimate connection to the Rothschilds)... Since January 2000, Jordan has been Senior
Managing Director with Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, (Michel David-Weill owns
Lazard Wikipedia regretted hiring Bruce Wasserstein) an investment banking firm. He is
also a member of the board of directors of multiple corporations, including American
Express, J.C. Penney Corporation, Xerox, Asbury Automotive Group and the Dow Jones &
Company. He is formerly a member of the board of directors of Revlon, Sara Lee, Corning
and RJR Nabisco during 1989 leveraged buy-out fight between RJR Nabisco CEO F. Ross
Johnson and Henry R. Kravis and his company KKR. A close friend of Jordan was the late
Xerox tycoon Charles Peter McColough, who convinced Jordan to join the Board of Trustees
at Xerox. McColough served as a mentor and friend of Jordan's until McColough's death. In
the 2004 presidential campaign, Jordan led debate preparation and negotiation efforts on
behalf of John Kerry, the Democratic nominee for President. That year he was elected
president of the Economic Club of Washington. In 2006, Jordan served as a member of the
Iraq Study Group, which was formed to make recommendations on the U.S. policy in Iraq.
He helped Monica Lewinsky after the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Time Jordan's
chief role in the Lewinsky scandal and eventual impeachment was that he at one point was
tasked with finding Monica Lewinsky a job in New York City. go to Jordan / FirstMark /
Lauder NeValerie Jarrett is link between Obama and Lyn Forester Rothschild

..., Wikipedia Vernon Jordan is on the board of her FirstMark

Communications company. Jordan joined Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, in
1982) and Observer Jordan ... see Ford Foundation president Franklin Thomas.
 1997 GlobalResearch A 1997 document of the US Congress reveals how the Clinton
administration --under advice from the National Security Council headed by Anthony Lake--
had "helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base" leading to the recruitment through the
so-called "Militant Islamic Network," of thousands of Mujahedin from the Muslim world.

2015 Jan TheSmokingGun Billionaire Sex Offender's Phone Book Contained E-Mail Addresses,
21 Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton ... Now that Prince Andrew has found himself ensnared in the
sleazy sex slave story of wealthy degenerate Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton can’t be too far behind.
Epstein, who paid teenage girls for naked massages at his Palm Beach, Florida mansion, is a
convicted sex offender whose circle of powerful friends has included financiers, celebrities,
politicians, and scientists. In fact, Epstein, 61, has maintained many of these relationships even
after pleading guilty in 2008 to a felony charge stemming from a lengthy probe of his lewd
interaction with scores of underage girls, many of whom were recruited while they were students at
a Palm Beach high school.

2015 Jan WMR As previously reported by WMR, not only has GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush
seen his White House chances damaged by the Jeffrey Epstein underage sex slave scandal, but
Democratic frontrunner for her party's presidential nomination,Hillary Clinton, is reportedly
"furious" with her husband Bill Clinton for his involvement in the scandal. Mrs. Clinton's early
political life was dominated by her commitment to the rights of children. It will all but destroy Mrs.
Clinton's presidential hopes if her husband's involvement in the Epstein sex slave ring are proven in
court. Bill Clinton has been named as a materiel witness in a lawsuit brought by two of the women
who were trafficked by Epstein when they were underage. The women claim that Epstein, a
billionaire Wall Street financier, trafficked them domestically and internationally for sexual
trysts. Clinton and Harvard celebrity attorney Alan Dershowitz, a vocal defender of Israel, have
been named in the lawsuit as Epstein accomplices. A number of email addresses for
Mr. Clinton and 21 private phone numbers for the ex-president, his personal assistant Doug Band,
and his schedulers were discovered in Epstein's personal phone directory. Mr. Clinton made a
number of trips with Epstein on his private plane from 2002 to 2005. After Epstein, who is
currently a registered sex offender, was charged in 2005 with soliciting a 14-year old girl for
Jeb Bush
prostitution, Clinton's air jaunts with Epstein abruptly ceased. ... was Governor
of Florida in 2005 when Epstein was first charged with having sex with a 14-year old girl. And it
was Bush's administration and his Attorney General and successor, Charlie Crist, that first entered
into negotiations with Epstein's lawyers, who included Dershowitz, Miami celebrity lawyer Roy
Black, and Bill Clinton special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, to guarantee Epstein a 13-month house
arrest sentence.

Observer Exactly how tight is the friendship between former President and potential future first
gentleman Bill Clinton and Mr. Epstein, who owns a private island in Florida and is now accused
of having sex with girls as young as 12 and procuring young girls for sex with other friends of his?
What was Bill Clinton doing on the island with Mr. Epstein on multiple occasions and why did he
fly overseas on Mr. Epstein’s plane at least 10 times?

 1998 top timeline

 1998 Rense Once the State of Israel had been bombed and terrorised into existence a long
list of Zionists were relocated to especially the United States so their children would be born
as American citizens. These children are the Rothschild Zionists that dominate the American
government and its agencies today. Among them is Rahm Emanuel, Obama's White House
Chief of Staff in the crucial years after his election and now Mayor of Chicago. Emanuel's
father openly boasts that he was a member of the Zionist terrorist organisation Irgun before
he headed to the US to produce his offspring. Rahm Emanuel's associate, David Axelrod, the
Rothschild Zionist White House Senior Advisor, ran Obama's election campaigns
against Hillary Clinton and John McCain and has the role as handler and minder of 'the most
powerful man in the world'.
 1998 Wikipedia Wang Jun, (CITIC, Clinton, Ken Starr, Monica Lewinsky) is Chairman of
the Board of Poly Technologies in the People's Republic of China. The company deals in
arms-trading and is associated with the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Wang is also the
Chairman of China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC). He is the son of
China's revolutionary elder Wang Zhen. 6] BusinessWeek Rothschild / CITIC winery
 1998 WMR Third Way ... The Third Way is truly an enigma. No one is quite sure when it
began as a movement. Its major inauguration was on September 21, 1998 when a gathering
of like-minded politicians met in New York to officially kick off the movement. Those
attending that meeting included Clinton and Blair. Along with the political leaders came a
parade of New Age policy wonks and party apparatchiks. They included Professor Anthony
Giddens, the director of the London School of Economics, author of a book not surprisingly
titled The Third Way, and the intellectual guru of the movement; David Miliband, Blair’s
Policy Chief; Peter Mandelson, one of Tony Blair’s closest advisers and current political fix
it man for Northern Ireland; and the First Lady of the Global Village, Hillary Rodham
 1998 Wikipedia ... The Third Way is a synthesis of the right and the left that originated from
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Lynn Forrester (later de Rothschild), Michael Steinheart and Al
From. Bill Clinton was the first candidate chosen by the Democratic Leadership Council
(DLC) to run for US president. Tony Blair, Clinton's buddy from Oxford, was the Third
Way candidate in Great Britain. When Clinton and Blair won, the New Democratic
Movement transcended the right v left conflict and reinvented the world. ... "New
Democrat policies transcend the stale left-right debate and define a Third Way for governing
based on progressive ideas, mainstream values, and innovative solutions that reflect
changing times. New Democrat ideas that have become law include national service, work-
based welfare reform, charter schools, community policing, an expanded earned-income tax
credit, and market incentives for environmental protection." see Wikipedia Third
Way, Harold Macmillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963, based his philosophy of
government on what he entitled in a book, The Middle Way (1938). Centrism, Blue Dog
Democrats, DLC..... search CESJ for Rothschild
 1998 VoltairNet, Beginning with Africa, Hillary defended the 1998 cruise missile strike on
the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, destroying the largest
producer of cheap medications for treating malaria and tuberculosis and provided over 60%
of available medicine in Sudan.
 1998 GlobalResearch The charge of aggressively blocking investigation into certain terror
subjects has not been made only against the Bush Jr. administration. A few years earlier, FBI
agent Robert Wright had protested that the Clinton Justice Department was blocking him
from “following the money trail” behind Saudi national Osama bin Laden, in the words of an
ABC News report, after the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in Africa. Chicago
federal prosecutor Mark Flessner, a Wright ally who was assigned to the case, told ABC
 1998 Foundation for Defense of Democracies DISINFORMATION! "Saddam had given
$300,000 in cash to Ayman Al Zawahri, Osama bin Laden's number two man, in the spring
of 1998," the Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes told WABC Radio's Monica Crowley on
Saturday. "It's likely that Saddam was giving some of his [Oil-for-Food] money to al-Qaida."
- John Hannah is a senior fellow at FDD and served on Dick Cheney's staff as a national
security adviser ... there has never been any substantial proof of any links between Sadam
Hussein and al Queda (a creation of the CIA).
 1998 Aug Wikipedia The August 1998 bombings of Afghanistan and Sudan (codenamed
Operation Infinite Reach by the United States) were American cruise missile strikes on
terrorist bases in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan on August 20, 1998.
The attack was in retaliation for the bombings of American embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania which killed 224 people (including 12 Americans) and injured 5,000 others. ...
Officials later acknowledged, however, that "the evidence that prompted President Clinton to
order the missile strike on the Shifa plant was not as solid as first portrayed." Indeed,
officials later said that there was no proof that the plant had been manufacturing or storing
nerve gas, as initially suspected by the Americans, or had been linked to Osama bin Laden,
who was a resident of Khartoum in the 1990s."
 1998 Sep WMR “THE THIRD WAY” TO A FASCIST WORLD? The cryptic international
political movement of Clinton and Blair April 9, 2000 Wayne Madsen During his recent
European trip, President Clinton could not pass up the opportunity to gather together his
merry band of Third Way world leaders at a summit in Florence, Italy. Putting aside the fact
that no one at the conclave could actually explain the true philosophy of their so-called
centrist political movement, Clinton and his sycophantic British comrade-in-arms, Tony
Blair, rambled on about the generalities of the “progressive governance” intentions of the
Third Way. The Third Way is truly an enigma. No one is quite sure when it began as a
movement. Its major inauguration was on September 21, 1998 when a gathering of like-
minded politicians met in New York to officially kick off the movement. Those attending
that meeting included Clinton and Blair. Along with the political leaders came a parade of
New Age policy wonks and party apparatchiks. They included Professor Anthony Giddens,
the director of the London School of Economics, author of a book not surprisingly titled The
Third Way, and the intellectual guru of the movement; David Miliband, Blair’s Policy Chief;
Peter Mandelson, one of Tony Blair’s closest advisers and current political fix it man for
Northern Ireland; and the First Lady of the Global Village, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Together, the New York grouping set out to chart a confusing tertiary political course
between conservative laissez-faire capitalism and an odd form of hands-off-big business and
anti-labor "socialism." Clinton reconvened his Third Way comrades during the NATO
summit held in Washington, DC in April 1999.
 1998 ... Ken Starr turned in his report on Bill Clinton on 9/11/1998, omitting Clinton’s
involvement in Iran-Contra.
 1998 Bibliotecalaplayedes According to knowledgeable U.S. and European investigators,
Soros is part of a circle which includes Marc Rich of Zug, Switzerland and Tel Aviv, the
indicted metals and commodity speculator and fugitive; Shaul Eisenberg, (ThinkAboutIt)
(Globes, Rothschild) the secretive Israeli arms and commodities dealer; and "Dirty Rafi"
Eytan - both linked to the financial side of the Israeli Mossad, and to the family of Jacob
Lord Rothschild. search also Bill / Hillary Clinton, pardon.
 1999 NFU/Rothschild Salomon Brothers (Jewish) (Arthur, Herbert and Percy, Ben Levy)
merged with Smith Barney, became Salomon Inc in the 1980s, which was acquired by
Travelers, which was acquired by Citigroup,… because of Clinton deregulation of
investment banks…
 1999 Huffington Post In a 2012 interview with CBS' "60 Minutes," former CIA official
Hank Crumpton detailed an opportunity the agency (Clinton presidency) had to take down
bin Laden in 1999. According to Crumpton, bin Laden's convoy was detected by a Predator
drone outside Kandahar, but the White House wouldn't authorize the CIA to engage in a
missile or on-ground attack.
 1999 Mar DissidentVoice Madeleine Albright helped produce disaster in the former
Yugoslavia. As violence rose in the Serbian province of Kosovo, between the Kosovo
Liberation Army and security forces, she (and Cohen) deliberately exaggerated the Kosovar
Albanian death toll and demanded the U.S. right to intervene. She arranged the de facto
alliance with the KLA, earlier labelled “terrorist” by U.S. officials. In March 1999 at the
Rambouillet talks between Serbia and the Kosovar rebels, along with the U.S., its European
allies and Russia, the U.S. demanded that the whole of Serbia (and other states within what
was left of Yugoslavia) submit to virtual occupation by NATO. Yugoslavia had proudly
remained outside the Warsaw Pact and had prided itself on participation in the Non-Aligned
Movement. No government in Belgrade could have complied with Albright’s demands. ...
This was indeed Albright’s plan (and that of Bill Clinton, egged on by Hillary, who has
confessed, “I urged him to bomb”), resulting in the deployment of NATO to bomb a
European capital for the first time since 1945, killing at least 500 civilians (Human Rights
Watch) and maybe ten times that number.
 1999 Aug CNN Seth Gitell of the Jewish newspaper Forward, CNN, 8/5/99: "What we've
found is that Hillary Clinton's grandmother, a woman named Della Murray, married a
Russian Jewish immigrant named Max Rosenberg and had a daughter who
was Hillary Clinton's half-aunt, who Hillary was in touch with until that woman died in
December." and NY Post Clinton’s grandmother Della Murray Howell married Max
Rosenberg, a Russian-born Jew, in 1933, The Forward weekly newspaper reported
yesterday. He was her second husband.
 1999 Wikipedia In 1999, Berger was criticized for failing to promptly inform President
Clinton of his knowledge that the People's Republic of China had managed to acquire the
designs of a number of U.S. nuclear warheads. Berger was originally briefed of the
espionage by the Department of Energy (DOE) in April 1996, but did not inform the
president until July 1997.
 1999-2001 TruthOut ... Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts ... (conservative official position BS)
Roger Cressy, National Security Council senior director for counterterrorism in the period
1999-2001, responded to these allegations in an article for the Washington Times in 2003.
"Mr. Clinton approved every request made of him by the CIA and the U.S. military
involving using force against bin Laden and al-Qaeda," wrote Cressy.
 1999 NFU/Rothschild S Scooter Libby (Jewish) as Marc Rich's attorney … Libby was the
behind-the-scenes Svengali responsible for the disastrous Clinton Presidential pardon of
Rich, working directly with "former" Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner Azulay. Marc
Rich was an international arms dealer in nuclear materials.
 1999 PNAC Clinton cut more than $160 billion from the Bush defense program from 1992
to 1996. Over the first seven years of the Clinton Administration, approximately $426 billion
in defense investments have been deferred,
 1999 Wikipedia Glass-Steagull repealed by Clinton ... The Glass–Steagall legislation was
enacted by the United States Congress in 1933 as part of the 1933 Banking Act, amended as
part of the 1935 Banking Act, and most of it was repealed in 1999 by the Gramm–Leach–
Bliley Act. Its protections and restrictions had also been chipped away during most of its
existence by lenient regulatory interpretations and use of loopholes. ... Citigroup was able to
retain ownership of the Travelers insurance underwriting business ... could increase the “too
big to fail” problem. ... Commentators pointed to the Enron, WorldCom, and other corporate
scandals of the early 2000s as exposing the dangers of uniting commercial and investment
banking. ... While accepting that under Glass–Steagall financial firms could still have “made,
sold, and securitized risky mortgages, all the while fueling a massive housing bubble and
building a highly leveraged, Ponzi-like pyramid of derivatives on top,” the New Rules
Project concludes that commentators who deny the GLBA played a role in the financial
crisis “fail to recognize the significance of 1999 as the pivotal policy-making moment
leading up to the crash.
 1999 EIR Clarke Makes the Case: Vulcans Run Dumb Bush
 1999 ISGP Global Power Structures ... Marth's Vineyard members: Martha's Vineyard Bill
and Hillary Clinton | Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild | Vernon Jordan |
Thornton Bradshaw | Maurice Tempelsman | Walter Cronkite | Jack Valentis | Barack and
Michelle Obama | Prince Andrew (Epstein underage sex scandal).
 2000 top timeline
 2000 VillageVoice (official 9/11 BS) Similarly, the security concerns during the 1995 U.N.
anniversary focused on Cuba and China and didn't involve Arab terrorist threats. The
millennium target, well established at subsequent trials, was the Los Angeles International
Airport, not New York. While there's no doubt the Clinton administration did put the
country and city on terrorist alert for Y2K and other reasons, it was an arrest on the
Washington/Canadian border that busted up a West Coast plot.
 2000 Mar 3 Wikipedia Operation Merlin (Clinton plan to deliver flawed nuke blueprints to
Iran) In his book State of War, author and intelligence correspondent for The New York
Times, James Risen describes that the CIA chose a defected Russian nuclear scientist to
provide deliberately flawed nuclear warhead blueprints to Iranian officials in February
2000.[2] According to CIA documents, the search for a suitable Russian emigre with an
engineering background in nuclear physics and production started in September 1996. The
Russian emigre selected had been first contacted by CIA in August 1994, and received an
monthly salary by the CIA of US$5,000 (plus travel expenses) in 1997 and 1998, which was
raised to US$6,000 starting February 1999. The weapon component selected was based on
the Russian TBA-480 Fire Set (High Voltage Automatic Block), which was modified in an
attempt to make it "fatally flawed". The CIA estimated that the TBA-480 Fire Set, which had
been developed at Arzamas-16, was 20 years more advanced than anything required to get a
first generation nuclear weapon operational. After delivery of the designs to Iranians on
March 3, 2000, the CIA employment of the Russian emigre was extended to at least March
2003 with the intention to plant the flawed TBA-480 plans to another country suspected to
be interested in the development of nuclear weapons.[1]
 2000 TruthorFiction John Elvin of Insight magazine looked into the Hillary-Panthers
eRumor as well as how it was handled by some urban legends sites and wrote his findings in
an article that appeared in July of 2000. He quotes former sixties radical David Horowitz as
saying that both Hillary Rodham and Bill Lann Lee organized demonstrations at Yale
against the Panther trial. Elvin also says, “Insight reviewed biographies of Hillary Clinton by
Milton, Brock and Roger Morris for this story and lengthy selections from such other
biographies as Barbara Olson’s Hell to Pay. Together, relying on primary and other firsthand
sources, they unquestionably back Horowitz’s contention that Hillary was a campus leader
during the Panther protests.”
 2000 Wikipedia Abram Shulsky Abram Shulsky is a neoconservative scholar who has
worked for U.S. government, RAND Corporation, and the Hudson Institute. Shulsky served
as Director of the Office of Special Plans, a unit whose function has been compared to the
1970s Team B exercise. In the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Shulsky approved OSP
memos with talking points about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction and terrorism.
Shulsky is critical of the traditional intelligence analysis, which is based upon the social-
scientific method, and of independent intelligence agencies. Shulsky favors a military
intelligence model which can be used support policy as, in Shulsky's words, "truth is not the
goal" of intelligence operations, but "victory". Shulsky signed a letter to the Clinton White
House on Iraq ... see PNAC REBUILDING AMERICA’S DEFENSES Strategy, Forces and
Resources For a New Century
 2000 CNN September 20, 2000 - Independent counsel Robert Ray announces that the
evidence found in the Whitewater case is insufficient to prove that the Clintons knowingly
participated in any criminal conduct.

 1989 & 2000 Nov Vulcans (Wikipedia) Bush Family Project Hammer. In 1989
President George H. W. Bush began the multi-billion dollar Project Hammer program using
an investment strategy to bring about the economic destruction of the Soviet Union including
the theft of the Soviet treasury, the destabilization of the ruble, funding a KGB coup agaist
Gorbachev in August 1991 (Wikipedia) and the seizure of major energy and munitions
industries in the Soviet Union. Those resources would subsequently be turned over to
international bankers and corporations (Zionist Jews). On November 1, 2001, the second
operative in the Bush regime, President George W. Bush, issued Executive Order 13233 on
the basis of “national security” and concealed the records of past presidents, especially his
father’s spurious activities during 1990 and 1991. Consequently, those records are no longer
accessible to the public.1 The Russian coup plot was discussed in June 1991 when Yeltsin
visited with Bush in conjunction with his visit to the United States. On that same visit,
Yeltsin met discreetly with Gerald Corrigan, the chairman of the New York Federal Reserve.
 2000 Bollyn Global Technology Partners, LLC is "an exclusive affiliate of Rothschild North
America, formed to make acquisitions of and investments in technology, defense and
aerospace-related companies," according to a biographical sketch of one of the corporation's
senior partners, Paul G. Kaminski. Elsewhere it is described as "an aerospace and defense
investment banking boutique affiliated with the Rothschild Group" or "a professional
services firm associated with the Rothschild Group of investment banks." see Wikipedia
Paul Kaminski ... he returned to government in 1994 as Under Secretary of Defense
(Acquisition and Technology, Clinton administration ) from 1994 to 1997, under by-then
Secretary of Defense William J. Perry. In this role, he was responsible for activities with an
aggregate annual budget exceeding $100 billion
 2000 Rahm Emanuel was named to the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) by President Clinton in 2000.During Rahm's time on
the board, Freddie Mac was plagued with scandals involving campaign contributions and
accounting irregularities. The Obama Administration rejected a request under the Freedom
of Information Act to review Freddie Mac board minutes and correspondence during
Emanuel's time as a director, The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
later accused the board of having "failed in its duty to follow up on matters brought to its
attention." Emanuel resigned from the board in 2001 when he ran for Congress. ... January
2003, Emanuel was named to the House Financial Services Committee, and sat on the
subcommittee that oversaw Freddie Mac, Emanuel won re-election to the House, defeating
Republican candidate Tom Hanson. Open Secrets reported that Emanuel "was the top House
recipient in the 2008 election cycle of contributions from hedge funds, private equity firms
and the larger securities/investment industry". Securities and investments business interests
were the main sector contributing to Emanuel's campaigns in both 2006 and 2008, During
his original 2002 campaign, go to Emanuel / Bnai Brith
 2000 YouTube Wesley Clark ... General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven
Countries In Five Years..."Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About
ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy
Secretary Wolfowitz. ... one of the generals called me in. He said, "Sir, you've got to come in
and talk to me a second." ... "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq. ... he
was fired by Clinton's Secretary of Defense William Cohen ... see DissidentVoice
 2001 Jan 20 NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive spreadsheet Scooter Libby (Jewish) as
Marc Rich's attorney … Libby was the behind-the-scenes Svengali responsible for the
disastrous Clinton Presidential pardon of Rich, working directly with "former" Mossad
operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner Azulay. Marc Rich was an international arms dealer in
nuclear materials.(with ties to Viktor Bout and 9/11)... Marc Rich was an asset of the CIA,
Mossad and the Russian Jewish Mafia. "Lewis Libby's real claim to fame is his 18-year
collaboration with Russian Mafiya 'godfather' Marc Rich… who sold Iranian oil to Israel and
Nigerian oil to South Africa. He sold North Korean arms to Iran ... several deals involving
gold, grain, nickel and tin with the Russian Mafia and henchmen of the former Soviet Union.
 2001 top timeline
 2001 FoxNews2 NEW YORK — From his cell in a maximum security prison, terrorist
Zacarias Moussaoui is reviving old allegations and making new ones against al Qaeda and a
handful of Saudi royals. The 46-year old French national is claiming that Saudi Embassy
officials were involved in a plot to shoot down Air Force One to assassinate
BillClinton and/or Hillary Clinton during a trip to the United Kingdom. Moussaoui says he
met with a Secret Service agent several months ago and told him what he knew. CNN has
reached out to the Secret Service for comment. In two handwritten letters filed this month in
federal court in New York and Oklahoma, Moussaoui claimed that during the time he was
taking flying lessons in Norman, Oklahoma, he met with a Saudi prince and princess and
that she “gave me money,” and provided funding for 9/11 hijackers. Lawyers for the Saudi
government have repeatedly denied connections, maintaining Saudi Arabia was cleared by
the 9/11 Commission.
 2001 State of the Nation It appears that Dyncorp broke the original investigation on
this. Dyncorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001. Also
missing in 1996 or 1997; $60 billion missing out of HUD. Dyncorp appears to be the
accounting division of the US government these days. Formerly under Clinton, Dyncorp
was involved with wars in Bosnia / Serbia; also involved with trafficking children. Dyncorp
may go back to daddy and Israelis. If you work as a military contractor, you work with Booz
Allen and Dyncorp fairly extensively. Israeli company that manufactured the jammers
recovered on 9/11 is a working partner, equity partner with Gordon’s firm; they own stock!
 2001 WMR In 2001, when KLA forces, allied with Macedonian Albanian nationalists,
fought Macedonian forces in the town of Aračinovo, Macedonia, forces of the U.S. private
military firm, Military Professional Resources, Inc. (MPRI) were involved with both sides.
 2001 ISGP Two other directors of AIG joined Partnership for a Secure America. The first
was Richard C. Holbrooke, appointed to the board of AIG early in 2001. [131] Holbrooke
was an incredibly connected globalist with likely early CIA ties through USAID, the Peace
Corps and later the International Rescue Committee. He went to Bilderberg, the Trilateral
Commission, used to be managing editor of the CFR's quarterly magazine Foreign Policy,
and was deeply active in the national security field. Among his friends were General Wesley
Clark, a presidential candidate in 2004; Henry Kissinger and John Whitehead. Immediately
after 9/11 he became chairman of the CFR's Terrorism Task Force. He is also known to have
held a speech to the Pilgrims Society in 2005. AIG isn't Holbrooke's only potentially very
interesting connection to the events of 9/11 actually. At the turn of the century he, Kissinger,
Volcker, John McCloy II, Marie Warburg General Vernon Walters and various other
establishmentarians were directors of the American Council on Germany [132], the sister
organizations of Atlantik Brucke. [133] Both groups were completely intertwined with the
Robert Bosch Foundation and the Carl Duisberg Society (CDS International). [134] For
decades Kissinger has been the only American deeply involved in the Robert Bosch
company and its foundation. [135] What is interesting about these German connections is
that lead hijacker Mohammed Atta was a scholarship holder and tutor of the Carl Duisberg
Society in the 1995-1997 period. Kissinger andClinton are known to have given speeches to
this society. [136]
 2001 Nov Wikipedia Harold Rhode ... was a subject of a probe conducted by the Senate
Intelligence Committee for a U.S. government-authorized meeting he and Larry Franklin had
in Rome in late 2001 with Manucher Ghorbanifar, who was part of the Iran-Contra scandal.
... Between 1991 and 1994 Harold Rhode served on the US Department of Defense’s Policy
Planning Staff. While in this position he wrote strategy papers on Middle Eastern and
Central Asian topics. From 1994 until 2010 Rhode worked as an adviser on Islamic Affairs
in the Office of Net Assessment, an in-house think tank for the Pentagon. ... Wikipedia fails
to mention that he worked with Douglas Feith and Michael Rubin in the Office of Special
Plans (OSP) ... Harold Rhode was officially assigned to the Pentagon's Office of Net
Assessment. NFU AIPAC DoJ unclassified espionage file on Franklin murders ... an in-
house Pentagon think tank headed by fellow neocon Andrew Marshall. Rhode helped Feith
lay down the law about the department's new anti-Iraq, and broadly anti-Arab,
 2001 Dec WMR The Taliban sources report that it was Bout (Marc Rich partner) who
secretly flew Osama Bin Laden and his family out of Afghanistan prior to the massive U.S.
bombing of Tora Bora in late 2001. Bout, a Bukharan Jew was... involved with the Bin
Laden family in logistics for their construction activities, diamond business.
 2002 top timeline
 2002 Jun EIR Larry Franklin had served several tours of duty at the U.S. Embassy in Tel
Aviv, where, according to one military source, he had gotten in trouble for unauthorized
contacts with Israeli intelligence officials. According to one news account, the current FBI
probe into Franklin's activities was triggered by a June 2002 leak in the New York Times,
which detailed American war plans against Iraq. While on the NESA Iran desk, Franklin was
also reportedly the subject of a probe into his mishandling of classified documents; however,
a serious probe into that incident was blocked by the intervention of Luti and Feith,
according to a confidential Pentagon source. Franklin, according to an eyewitness, was part
of a neo-con inner circle that met frequently, behind closed doors, in the office of Doug
Feith. The group included Feith, Luti, OSP official Abram Shulsky, Office of Net
Assessment Mideast specialist Harold Rhode, former Defense Policy Board Chairman
Richard Perle, David Wurmser, and Michael Maloof. As a group, they worked closely with
Wolfowitz and with Libby, whose own ties to the Israeli Mafiya and Israeli intelligence run
deep: Libby was the former attorney for Israeli "Mafia" boss Marc Rich.
 2002 WMR, like many anti-war organizations during the Vietnam War,
receives a large degree of financial support from wealthy Jewish-Americans. In the case of, huge support comes from Jewish-American financier George Soros.
 2003 SECFilings Since leaving N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Lord Rothschild has established an
independent private equity and venture capital investment business. He was one of the two
founder shareholders of Global Asset Management, the successful asset management
company which has recently been sold to the Union Bank of Switzerland. Sir Mark
Weinberg and he together founded J Rothschild Assurance which is now part of St James'
Place Capital. Lord Rothschild is now chairman of RIT Capital Partners plc (the successor
company to RIT) and Five Arrows Limited. Bush Sr. Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady
came from Dillon Read (UBS Warburg) and both Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin
and Bush Jr. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson came from Goldman Sachs. Obama Treasury
Secretary Tim Geithner worked at Kissinger Associates and the New York Fed.
 Nndb Pilgrim Society PilgrimSociety ... leaders include: Allen W. Dulles, Andrew
Carnegie, Andrew W. Mellon, Anne L. Armstrong, Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, Jr., C.
Douglas Dillon, Charles Francis Adams IV, Charles G. Dawes, Charles M. Schwab,
Chauncey Depew, Clement Attlee, Cyrus Vance, David K. E. Bruce, David Rockefeller,
David Sarnoff, Dean Acheson, Dean Rusk, Edmund de Rothschild, Educator, Elihu Root,
Francis Biddle, Frank B. Kellogg, George C. Marshall, George F. Baker, George Nathaniel
Curzon, George Shultz, Harry Brittain, Henry Catto, Henry Kissinger, Henry L. Stimson,
Henry Luce III, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Henry R. Luce, Henry S. Morgan, Historian, Horatio
Herbert Kitchener, J. Pierpont Morgan, Jacob Schiff, James Baker, James Buchanan Duke,
James Speyer, John C. Whitehead, John D. Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., John Foster
Dulles, John Hay Whitney, John Macomber, John Tower, John W. Davis, Joseph Choate,
Joseph P. Kennedy, Journalist, Leonard Bernstein, Levi P. Morton, Lewis W. Douglas, Lord
Acton, Lord Inge, Lord Mountbatten, Lord Robertson, Malcolm Forbes, Margaret Thatcher,
Marshall Field, Nelson Rockefeller, Nelson W. Aldrich, Neville Chamberlain, Nicholas
Murray Butler, Orvil Dryfoos, Otto Kahn, Paul Mellon, Paul Volcker, Peter Carington, Peter
G. Peterson, Peter Sutherland, Philanthropist, Philip Lader, Prince Andrew, Prince Charles,
Prince Edward, Prince Philip, Princess Anne, Queen Elizabeth II, Raymond Seitz, Richard
A. Boucher, Richard C. Holbrooke (Obama’s top consultant on Afghanistan and Pakistan,
and AIG), Robert Cecil, Robert H. Tuttle, Robert Worth Bingham, Sandra Day O'Connor,
Steve Forbes, Thomas J. Watson, Jr., Thomas W. Lamont, W. Averell Harriman, Walter
Annenberg, Walter P. Chrysler, Warren Burger, Warren Christopher, William J. Crowe, Jr.,
William Rehnquist, William S. Farish, William Waldorf Astor, Winston Churchill, Winthrop
W. Aldrich, and ... John R. Drexel III (great-great-great-grandson of Francis
Martin Drexel), John R. Drexel IV (married Mary Jacqueline Astor), Raymond Seitz
(Ambassador to the United Kingdom, 1991-1994, after which he joined the boards of
companies including British Airways, Rio Tinto, General Electric, and silver short Lehman
Brothers), Sir Edwin A.G. Manton (died 2005), Rupert Hambro, Pilgrims Society of Great
Britain, Eric Norman Shrubsole, Sir David Alan Walker, Pilgrims Society
of Great Britain (chairman of Morgan Stanley International and chaired, 1985-1988, Johnson
Matthey Bankers and held a high post at the Bank of England, 1981-1993), Richard A. Debs
was with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1960-1976 and pres Morgan Stanley until
1987, James D. Robinson III, Lindsay Russel, Sir Christopher Meyer, Edmund L. de
Rothschild, Paul Mellon, Peter John Charles Mosse, David Rockefeller, Detlev W. Bronk,
George L.Hinman, Richard Dilworthe, George Hanar, Dean Rusk, Hillary Clinton, Earl of
De La Warr, and possible members: Timothy Mellon; David Rockefeller Jr.; Timothy
Geithner; Benjamin Bernanke; George Soros; Warren Buffet; Bill Gates; Ted Turner; Robert
Kelly of Bank of New York Mellon; Gene McQuade of Citigroup; Lloyd Blankfein, William
W. George, James A. Johnson and John H. Bryan of Goldman Sachs; Jamie Dimon, James
Crown and Lee Raymond of JPMorganChase; John Stumpf of Wells Fargo; Marcus Agius,
Sir Richard Broadbent and Sir John Sunderland of Barclays; Donald F. Donahue, Depository
Trust New York; William Dudley, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Thomas J. Healey of
the Rockefeller Foundation; and others the reader can look up including Philip Anschutz;
John D. Arnold; Louis M. Bacon; Robert Bass; Michael Bloomberg; David Bonderman; Eli
Broad; Anne Cox Chambers; Barry Diller; Larry Ellison; James Goodnight; William H.
Gross; Amos Hostetter Jr.; Carl Icahn; Edward Johnson III; Rupert Johnson Jr.; Paul Tudor
Jones; George B. Kaiser; Peter R. Kellogg; Randal J. Kirk; Thomas H. Lee; Donald B.
Marron; Forrest Mars Jr.; John Franklyn Mars; Craig McCaw; Gordon Moore; Donald
Newhouse; Samuel Newhouse Jr.; Hank Paulson; John Paulson; Thomas Pritzker; Richard
Rainwater; Julian Robertson; Sir Simon Robertson and Sir Brian Williamson of HSBC;
Richard Mellon Scaife; Harold Simmons; Donald Trump; Mortimer B. Zuckerman.
 2004 top timeline
 2005 Nov WMR November 22, 2005 -- Not only has Rep. Jack Murtha caught heat from the
GOP over his plan to begin an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, he also faces criticism
from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-Hamptons, Upper West Side). Hillary made her
comments yesterday in Rye Brook, New York. Clinton believes Democrats should "work
together" with the Bush administration to "fix" the "problems" in Iraq. She also believes Iraq
will collapse into civil war after a U.S. withdrawal.
 2005 WMR has learned from a source close to the Fellowship that in early November
2005, Hillary Clinton, who had been a long associate of the Fellowship and its "prayer
meeting" activities at The Cedars, its Arlington mansion headquarters, attended a luncheon
hosted by Coe at The Cedars. Present were wealthy Republican business leaders. After the
luncheon, the Republicans and Coe said that Clinton was "a delightful person" who deserved
their support. Afterwards, Hillary Clinton began receiving generous donations from the
Fellowship members through 2006 and 2007 federal election reporting cycles.
 2005 Clinton Global Initiative Hillary Rodham Clinton (former first lady of U.S., 67th U.S.
Sec. of State under Obama - Lynn Forester De Rothschild, friend, de Rothschild and other
Clinton backers created the website Clinton supporters - Clinton Global
Initiative, member - Broadcasting Board of Governors, Governor - Voted for Financial
Markets Bail out Bill 10/1/08 .... Lynn Forester de Rothschild also major contributor to
Bill Clinton Foundation
 2006 YouTube PATH TO 9-11: The scene they didn't want you to see ... Last year, ABC and
Disney appeared to cave to political pressure from Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger, and
Democrat leaders in the Senate. As a result, a key scene that was critical of the Clinton
administration's mishandling (intentional?) of Osama bin Laden never made it to broadcast
television. To this day, Disney refuses to release the movie on DVD.
... AmericanThinker search terms: blogosphere, backchannel moves, threats to ABC / Disney
to quash the film, Clinton attorneys Richard Ben-Veniste, Bruce Lindsey, and Floyd
Abrams; pundits Keith Olbermann (remember 'The Worst Person in the World'?), Judd
Legum and Max Blumenthal; Senators Harry Reid, Dick Durbin
 2006 AmericanThinker Path to 9/11 ... s 'The Path to 9/11'. This film is arguably the most
significant of the post-9/11 set, as it connects the dots between the first World Trade Center
attack of 1993, the failure to neutralize Osama Bin Laden despite multiple opportunities, and
the ultimate tragedy of September 11, 2001. ...Igor sent it to DVD ... The reason for the
unprecedented censorship may be summarized in two words: The Clintons. The Clinton
machine, jealous both for Bill's legacy and Hillary's 2008 White House ambitions, saw the
film as a threat, and mobilized all of its heavy artillery to make Disney/ABC offers it
couldn't refuse, first to edit and then to completely withdraw the film. ... (Israel, Saudi
Arabia, UK gatekeeper film)
 2006 Huffington Post During a 2006 interview with "Fox News Sunday," Clinton defended
his administration's efforts to capture and kill bin Laden, ...
 2007 Telegraph.UK In January 2007, Hillary delivered the news her supporters had been
waiting decades for: she was running for president. She entered the Democratic primary as
the overwhelming favourite but went down to a shock defeat at the hands of Barack Obama,
then a youthful Illinois senator, in the Iowa caucuses. Despite winning the critical New
Hampshire primary, Hillary never caught up with Obama and dropped out of the race to
campaign on his behalf against John McCain.
 2007 Oct WMR Hillary Clinton flew on plane owned by company linked to CIA renditions
and organized crime On September 24, 2007, a Gulfstream II (tail number N987SA) crashed
landed in Yucatan, Mexico with 3.3 metric tons (3.7 tons) of cocaine on board. The plane
had recently been sold to Donna Blue Aircraft, Inc. of Coconut Creek, Florida, a firm owned
by two Brazilians, and re-sold, shortly before the crash, to two Florida businessmen.
N987SA had also flown patterns to and from Guantanamo Bay similar to those flown by
CIA rendition aircraft Before being sold to Donna Blue, the Gulfstream had been owned by
Air Rutter International, a firm with offices in Garden City, New York; Long Beach and
Irvine, California, whose owner is Arik Kislin, the son of Sam Kislin. N987SA was owned
by Kislin's business partner, William Achenbaum, an owner, along with Arik Kislin, of
Manhattan's Hotel Gansevoort. Air Rutter leased out the aircraft. ... ... On October 1, 2007,
the New York Post reported that an ex-employee of Air Rutter, Mark Billey, subsequently
arrested on federal child sex charges, said he noted a number of armed U.S. Marshals at Air
Rutter's facilities in Long Beach, however, given the connection between the firm
and Hillary Clinton, the federal agents may have been part of Senator Hillary Clinton's
Secret Service detail. Clinton has made several fundraising visits to the Los Angeles area
over the past year.
 2007 Nov 9/11Blogger ... members of Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth attended
a Hillary Clinton event in Peterborough, NH. While Hillary escaped being asked about a
new 9/11 investigation, she was asked about her alleged attendance at the 2006 Bilderberg
 2008 top timeline
 2008 YouTube The 9/11 Chronicles: Part One, Truth Rising full length ...
TopDocumentaryFilms ... (never mentions Israel, Saudi Arabia, UK but useful) ... See, this is
what the media does. The documentary elaborates how they never talk about the family
members. They never talk about the rescue workers. The family members, rescue workers
started this 9/11 truth movement and people have to understand that it's these people who are
affected by 9/11 - who we are fighting for. Seven years after the attacks of September the
Eleventh, a global awakening has taken place, the likes of which the world has never seen.
As the corporate-controlled media dwindles into extinction, a new breed of journalists and
activists has emerged. Join Alex Jones, Luke Rudkowski and others as they set out on a
mission determined to expose the ruthless global elite, and alert the masses to the truth about
9/11. Strap in and get ready to ride along as criminal overlords David Rockefeller, Zbigniew
Brzezinski, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Alan Greenspan, John McCain, and many others are
confronted about their lies and manipulation. Including interviews with Jesse Ventura, Rosie
O'Donnell, George Carlin, Willie Nelson and Martin Sheen, this film is unlike anything you
have ever seen. the only question after viewing it is, will you become part of the Truth
 2008 Wikipedia Lynn Forester de Rothschild was a major fund raiser for Hillary Rodham
Clinton's 2008 Presidential bid and has received attention for endorsing John McCain for
President. On June 22, 2011, she hosted a fundraiser for Jon Huntsman, Jr.'s presidential
campaign.[10] From 1993–1995, she served on President Bill Clinton's National
Information Infrastructure Advisory Council. From 1998-2000, Lynn Forester de Rothschild
served on the US Secretary of Energy’s Advisory Committee.
 2008 Digital Journal Now comes this bombshell from Jerry Zeifman, who supervised a much
younger Hillary Clinton when she worked as a staffer for the Watergate committee: 'A
lifelong Democrat, Mr. Zeifman supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the
committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law
professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the
Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the
committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three
people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.' Why? "Because she
was a liar," Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer.
She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee
and the rules of confidentiality.' Read more:
 2008 Oct WMR -- Obama's Rice problem The "other Rice," Barack Obama's chief foreign
policy adviser Susan Rice, a former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs under
President Bill Clinton, may have egg on her face as a result of the Somali pirate capture of a
Belize-flagged Ukrainian freighter, the MV Faina, on September 25 off the Somali coast.
The ship is carrying 33 Soviet T-72 tanks, anti-aircraft batteries, rocket and
grenade launchers, and ammunition, which was reportedly destined for the government of
South Sudan, a breakaway movement that is currently in a tenuous coalition with the central
Sudanese government in Khartoum. Rice is a long-time supporter of the southern Sudanese
Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and a virulent critic of the Khartoum government.
The capture of the Faina by Somali pirates points to the existence of a secret arms supply
line involving Ukraine's neocon government led by President Viktor Yushchenko, the
government of Kenya, and the United States. The U.S. Navy is currently shadowing
the Faina in a standoff with the Somali captors of the ship. Wikipedia He failed to secure a
runoff spot during the 2010 Ukrainian presidential election
 2008 Feb WMR Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton served on the
board of a French chemical company that was implicated in shipping war materials to
Saddam Hussein's government. Hillary Clinton served on the board of the American
subsidiary of Lafarge Corporation before the first Gulf war. Attorney Marianne Gasior,
whose veracity has been verified by a long-serving Department of Defense investigator,
brought attention to Hillary Clinton's conflict of interest and her culpability in violating the
U.S. and UN embargoes against Iraq and the U.S. Trading With the Enemy Act. Gasior was
the corporate counsel for Kennametal, a Latrobe, Pennsylvania-based firm that was
connected to Lafarge. Hillary Clinton was reportedly part of a covert CIA arms export
network designed to ship embargoed war materials to Iraq. A Solon, Ohio warehouse owned
by the British firm Matrix Churchill, Ltd. allegedly collected from manufacturing plants,
including Teledyne, Kennametal, Mannesman-Demag, materials that were warehoused at
Allied's Marblehead plant on Lake Erie, a one-time steel armor manufacturing plant for the
US Army. Lafarge owned the property on which the Marblehead plant was located. The
materials bound for Iraq were shipped up the St. Lawrence River to the UK for further
transfer to Iraq. and 'landing under sniper fire' video .Let's not think about Brian Williams
and the meltdown of NBCNews because of lies.. more below
 2008William J. Perry links: Preventative Defense Project. Hambrecht & Quist, In-Q-tel,
LGS Innovations, Secretary of Energy Advisor Board, Stanford Institute of Economic Policy
Research, Lucent, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Anteon International Corp, Center for
International Security and Arms Control, Center for a New American Century, Defense
Policy Board, Atlantic Council, Truman National Security Project, DOD, GTP, Clinton,
Aspen Strategy Group (Scooter Libby), Stanford, Iraq Study Group, Technology Strategies
& Alliances Corp, ESL, Nuclear Tipping Point, Hoover Institute.
 Clinton Global Initiative Wikispooks LeCercle member list, MasterJules, Gnostic
Liberation Front TheRealBarackObama Findtrade
 2008 Obama Zionist Advisors list 2008 More Zionist Advisors: Rahm Emanuel ,
White House Chief of Staff; Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury; Ben Bernanke,
Chairman Federal Reserve; Peter Orzag, Director of the Office of Budget Management;
David Axelrod, Chief political advisor; Larry Summers, Chief Financial Advisor; Ezekiel
Emanuel, White House Medical Czar; Thomas Frieden, Director, Centers for Disease
Control; Douglas Shulman, IRS Commissioner; Richard Haass, President of CFR and
Obama’s ambassador-at-large; Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State; Lloyd Blankfein, CEO,
Goldman-Sachs; Ken Feinberg, Corp. Executive Compensation Czar; Cass Sunstein,
Director, Office of Regulatory Affairs; Daniel Fried, Overseer of USA’s gulag camps;
Steven Rattner, Director, Obama’s Task Force of Auto Industry; Alan Bersin, Special
Representative for Border Affairs; Todd Stern, Climate Change Czar; Carol Browner,
environmental advisor and Energy Coordinator; Gary Gensler, Chairman of Commodities
Futures Trading Commission; Elena Kagan, U.S. Solicitor General; Ron Klain, Chief of
Staff to Vice President Biden; Eric Lander, Chairman, Council of Advisors on Science and
Technology; Jacob Lew and James Steinberg, Deputy Secretaries of State; Ellen Moran,
White House Director of Communications; Mary Schapiro, Chairperson, Securities and
Exchange Commission; Sheila Bair, Chairperson, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC); Mona Sutphen, Deputy White House Chief of Staff; Donald Kohn, Vice Chairman,
Federal Reserve Board; Richard Holbrooke Wikipedia, Special Envoy to
Pakistan/Afghanistan; , Karen Mills, head, Small Business Administration; Jon Leibowitz,
Chairman, Federal Trade Commission; Julius Genachowski, Chairman, Federal
Communications Commission; , Dr. Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner, Food and Drug
Administration; Susan Sher, Chief of Staff for First Lady, Michelle Obama, Henry
Kissinger, Susan Rice - ambassador to the UN; Michael McFaul - head of the Russian desk
at the National Security Council; Elena Kagan - solicitor general of the United States; Anne-
Marie Slaughter - State Department policy planning staff; Neal S.Wolin - deputy counsel to
the president for economic policy; Ezekial Emanuel - senior counselor at the White House
Office of Management and Budget on health care policy; Lawrence Summers - head of the
National Economic Council; Peter Orszag - director of the Office of Management and
Budget; Peter Rouse - senior advisor to the president; Mona Sutphen - deputy chief of the
White House staff.

Politico ... Brian Williams lies ...'Choppergate'

During the January 30, 2015, NBC Nightly News broadcast, Brian Williams referred to "a terrible
moment a dozen years back during the invasion of Iraq when the helicopter we were traveling in
was forced down after being hit by an RPG." Williams later said he was not in the the helicopter
that was hit by an RPG, but in a helicopter direclty behind it. The pilots of Williams'
helicoptersay their chopper was not directly behind the hit Chinook, but in a different company

SEAL Team 6

During the May 3, 2011, NBC Nightly News broadcast, Williams said that he had "the great honor
of flying into Baghdad with [SEAL Team 6] at the start of the war." A Special Operations
Command spokesman has told Huffington Post: "We do not embed journalists with this or any
other unit that conducts counter-terrorism missions." Said another SEAL officer to CNN: "That
early in the conflict, there were only missions taking place, not bouncing between outstations."
The Berlin Wall

At a 2008 forum at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Williams said that he "was at the
Brandenburg Gate the night the [Berlin] wall came down." As CNN reports, "'the night the wall
came down' is widely recognized as November 9, 1989. ... An NBC News source in a position to
know confirmed to CNNMoney that "Brian arrived the day after the wall came down."

 2008 Apr WMR The Fellowship and its guest speakers The secretive and cult-like
Fellowship, which recently attracted the attention of NBC news because of its links
to HillaryClinton, maintains that it is spreading the word of Jesus through its prayer
breakfasts. However, the Fellowship is more like a K Street super-lobbying firm with
tentacles into the highest echelons of governments everywhere. .... WMR's Lebanese
contacts have provided some additional information about Safi Kaskas, who, while
originally hailing from Beirut, is a well-connected businessman in America. In addition to
owning four oriental rug stores -- one of which is in Austin, Texas -- Kaskas is also chairman
of Mid-America Holding Company and founder of the New Orleans Polo Club. Kaskas also
co-founded a mosque. Information was included in an article published in the
September/October 1986 print edition of Saudi Aramco World. on Oriental rugs, lectures,
special functions by the Fellowship ...etc ... WMR From our Lebanese sources: "Saudis are
financing much more than oil, oil lobbies, and military hardware . . . they are at the heart of
PNAC [Project for the New American Century]." other search terms: Hosts: Hon. And Mrs.
Don Bonker [former Democratic Representative from State of Washington], 'shadow Billy
Graham', links to Muslim Suadis, Raytheon full article
 2008 RealJewNews “It’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street
from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council so this will mean I
won’t have this far to go to be told what we should be doing.”] Well, Hillary—with CFR’s
OWN Jewish President, Richard Haass; and Board of Directors’ Jewish bankers Robert Rubin
of CitiGroup/Stephen Friedman of Goldman Sachs and Hyatt Hotels Jewish heiress, Penny
Pritzker, currently special advisor to Obama—what you’re being “told to do” is coming
STRAIGHT from the Jewish horse’s mouth!
 2008 NewYorker The Times has reported that people involved in a series of Canadian
uranium-mining deals channelled money to the Clinton Foundation while the firm had
business before the State Department. And, in one case, a Russian investment bank
connected to the deals paid money to Bill Clinton personally, through a half-million-dollar
speaker’s fee. There were a number of transactions involved, and corporate name changes,
but, basically, a Canadian company known as Uranium One initially wanted American
diplomats to defend its Kazakh uranium interests when a Russian firm, Rosatom, seemed
about to make a move on them; and then, after the company decided to simply let
Rosatom acquire it (through Rosatom’s alarmingly named subsidiary, ARMZ), Uranium One
needed State Department approval. (The approval was necessary because Uranium One
controlled American uranium mines and exploration fields, a strategic asset.) search terms:
half-million-dollar speaker’s fee, Putin, Russian dominance of uranium supplies, Clinton
Giustra Enterprise Partnership, Uranium One, Telfer, Canadian foreign charities, Rosatom,
“the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the
United States.” , Schweizer book, ARMZ.
 2009 Wikipedia Susan Rice Susan Elizabeth Rice (born 17 November 1964) is an American
diplomat, former Brookings Institution fellow, and the current United States Ambassador to
the United Nations. Rice served on the staff of the National Security Council and
as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs during President BillClinton's second term.
Rice was confirmed as UN Ambassador by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on 22
January 2009.
 CNN Money UBS admits helping tax evaders Swiss banking giant agrees to pay $780 million
and hand over account information after helping U.S. clients evade the IRS. Vanguard
founder blames banks. - Switzerland's largest bank, UBS, has admitted helping U.S.
taxpayers hide money from the IRS, and has agreed to pay $780 million in fines and
restitution, and to turn over account information. The deferred prosecution agreement was
approved Wednesday by a federal court judge in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. "UBS admitted to
conspiring to defraud the United States by impeding the IRS," the Justice Department
announced late Wednesday. The statement says that UBS, "in an unprecedented move"
based on an order by Swiss authorities, has agreed "to immediately provide the U.S.
government with the identities of, and account information for, certain U.S. customers of
UBS's cross-border business." UBS (UBS) also has agreed to end its business practice of
providing banking services to U.S. customers with undeclared accounts. "Swiss bankers
routinely traveled to the United States to market Swiss bank secrecy to United States
clients interested in attempting to evade U.S. income taxes," the Justice Department said.
The government document says Swiss bankers made a total of about 3,800 trips to discuss
their clients' accounts. The government said that because the bank has acknowledged
responsibility for its actions, has cooperated fully, and has taken remedial actions, the
United States will recommend dismissal of the criminal charge "provided the bank fully
carries out its obligations under the agreement." Two former UBS bankers have pleaded
guilty to charges of conspiracy for similar conduct. The acting head of the Justice
Department Tax Division called Wednesday's agreement "but one milestone" in the effort
to make sure U.S. citizens pay their fair share of taxes. "The veil of secrecy has been pulled
aside, and we will continue to aggressively pursue those who shirk their federal tax
obligations, or assist others in doing so," said John DiCicco, acting assistant attorney general
for the Justice Department Tax Division. IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman issued a warning
to the taxpayers who held the accounts, telling them to voluntarily pay up. Shulman said
the taxpayers should note that Wednesday's agreement also stipulates that the U.S.
government will continue to seek enforcement of its court action. "People who have
hidden unreported income off shore need to get right with their government. They should
come forward and take advantage of our voluntary disclosure process," Shulman said. e
 2009 WMR Largely the idea of then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,
the Clitnon administration adopted a number of African dictators as "beacons of hope" for
America's Africa policy. Obama's job in correcting America's dangerous policies in Africa will
be all the more difficult since two major players in the Bill Clinton
administration, HillaryClinton and Albright's god-daughter Susan Rice, have been named as
Obama's Secretary of State and ambassador to the UN, respectively.
 2009 ICIJ Another push against tax havens began when U.S. authorities took on UBS, forcing
the Swiss bank to pay $780 million in 2009 to settle allegations that it had helped
Americans dodge taxes. U.S. and German authorities have pressured banks and
governments to share information about offshore clients and accounts and UK Prime
Minister David Cameron has vowed to use his leadership of the G8, a forum of the world’s
richest nations, to help crack down on tax evasion and money laundering.
 2009 CFR Board of Directors: Carla A. Hills(Jewish) - Co-Chairman; Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer, Hills & Company Robert E. Rubin(Jewish) - Co-Chairman; Former
Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Richard E. Salomon(Jewish) - Vice Chairman; Managing
Partner, East End Advisors, LLC Richard N. Haass(Jewish) - President, Council on Foreign
Relations Peter Ackerman(Jewish) - Rockport Capital, Inc. Madeleine K. Albright(Jewish) -
Principal, The Albright Group LLC Charlene Barshefsky(Jewish) - Senior International
Partner, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP Henry S. Bienen(Jewish) - President,
Northwestern University Alan S. Blinder(Jewish) - Gordon S. Rentschler Memorial Professor
of Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton University Frank J. Caufield(Jewish) - Co-Founder,
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Kenneth M. Duberstein(Jewish) - Chairman and CEO, The
Duberstein Group, Inc. Stephen Friedman(Jewish) - Chairman, Stone Point Capital Maurice
R. Greenberg(Jewish) - Chairman & CEO, C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. J. Tomilson Hill(Jewish) - Vice
Chairman, The Blackstone Group Henry R. Kravis(Jewish) - Founding Partner, Kohlberg
Kravis Roberts & Co. Joseph S. Nye, Jr.(Jewish) - Distinguished Service Professor, John F.
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University David M. Rubenstein(Jewish) -
Cofounder and Managing Director, The Carlyle Group Leslie H. Gelb(Jewish) - President
 2010 WMR ... on Chilean earthquake 2010 ... Mrs. Clinton also met with Pinera, a protege
of the former fascist dictator General Augusto Pinochet. Pinera sees the quake as having a
silver lining having stated that he sees post-quake construction creating more jobs, a
thought shared by the neocon-controlled International Monetary Fund, which sees
potential profits in reconstruction efforts. search terms: using the military to impose
emergency rule, restore order.
 2010 WMR video ... RT: Hillary Clinton praises Henry Kissinger; Obama has adopted his
foreign policy ... Kissinger (probably the most prominent unindicted war criminal) was
chosen to chair the 9/11 Commission but declined.
 2011 May 9/11TruthNews Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State) vows to continue wars...the
(faked) killing of Osama bin Laden is not the end of the war on terrorism ... committed to
tracking down the perpetrators of extremist violence....

 2011 HolocaustRevisionism This article is dedicated to everyone before me who has been
ostracized, vilified, reticulated, set up, threatened, lost their jobs, bankrupted, beaten up,
fire bombed, imprisoned and killed for standing up and telling the truth on this historical
subject. This is also dedicated to a true humanitarian for the people of Palestine who was
savagely beaten and hung by the cowardly agents of the Mossad. Vittorio Arrigoni
(February 4, 1975 - April 15, 2011)
 2011 Scientists for 9/11 Truth ... Professor Lyn Margulis (1938-2011) Academy of Sciences,
Univ of Massasschusetts ... statement on 9/11 "Whoever is responsible for bringing to grisly
fruition this new false-flag operation, which has been used to justify the wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq as well as unprecedented assaults on research, education, and civil
liberties, must be perversely proud of their efficient handiwork. Certainly, 19 young Arab
men and a man in a cave 7,000 miles away, no matter the level of their anger, could not
have masterminded and carried out 9/11: the most effective television commercial in the
history of Western civilization. I suggest that those of us aware and concerned demand that
the glaringly erroneous official account of 9/11 be dismissed as a fraud and a new,
thorough, and impartial investigation be undertaken." ... In 1999, President
WilliamClinton presented Dr. Margulis with the National Medal of Science
 2011 Libya Against Super Power Media The Assassination of Minister of Defense, planned
by Clinton! According to IRIB, “Islamic Times”, quoted by Farsnews, the Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton knew about the terrorist operation, which targeted the security
complex in Damascus. On tour last week in the region, Clinton tried to coordinate the
operation and the countries that are involved, namely, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel and
Turkey. The head of diplomacy even oversaw the content of the debates that took place in
the context of multiple security meetings of the above countries, before the terrorist
attack. No wonder, therefore, if the Israeli authorities claimed, following their meeting
withHillary Clinton, the Assad regime’s days are numbered. ... Three days before the attack,
Israel has even made the decision to deploy troops along the borders with Syria. As for
Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the new head of the intelligence services, Prince Bandar bin Soltan
and Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassem had assissté, while two preparatory meetings
in the presence of intelligence agents. Last week, the press had reported a secret meeting
between Hamad bin Jassem and a senior Israeli security. The Prime Minister had then asked
the caller, to leverage all possible means, to overthrow Assad.
 2011 VoltaireNet 2011 NATO bombing of Libya; an attack promoted and facilitated with the
eager support of Mrs. Clinton. In an infamous CBS news interview, said regarding this
international crime: “We came, we saw, he died.” As Time magazine pointed out in 2011,
the administration understood removing Qaddafi from power would allow the terrorist
cells active in Libya to run rampant in the vacuum left behind. Just last month the New York
Times reported that Libya has indeed become a terrorist safe haven and failed state—
conducive for exporting radicals through “ratlines” to the conflict against Assad in Syria. (as
in 9/11, the US conducts a policy of 'control by chaos' in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine...many other
 2011 Nov CNN/YouTube Bill Clinton addresses a protester calling for a new independent
investigation of 9/11 ... says "19 hijackers from Saudi Arabia" ...
 2011 WMR India, ... where Hillary and former President Bill Clinton have sizable
investments in the nuclear energy and software sectors, ... One of the legacies of Mrs.
Clinton's time at the State Department is her encirclement of China with governments that
are advancing America's interests in the region at the expense of China's. Using India to
confront China in the South China Sea avoids getting the United States involved militarily in
the conflict while assuring South China Sea claimant countries like the Philippines and
Vietnam that other non-claimant naval powers like India have a stake in the maritime
dispute with China. ...The U.S. is transferring 60 percent of its naval assets to the Pacific
 2012
 2012 Sep Washington Post / opinion ... 75 percent of Arabs don't believe the official version
of 9/11 .. see Pew Research including Egyptian president Morsi ...
 2012 Nov 9/11 Blogger The 9/11 truth film "September Morn" starring Martin Sheen,
Woody Harrelson, Daniel Sunjata and others, has been derailed and sabotaged according to
 Hillary Clinton admits U.S. government created al Queda
 2012 Sept BeforeItsNews Hillary Clinton admits al-Qaeda behind Benghazi attack ... RT US
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now suggests the attack in Benghazi that killed
Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans may have been hatched by an al-
Qaeda affiliate, yet another drastic change of heart from an Obama appointee. In New York
City on Wednesday, Secretary Hillary Clinton told attendees at a special United Nations
meeting that the September 11, 2012 assault first thought by the White House to be a
spontaneous, violent response to an Anti-Islam film made in America could have been
orchestrated by extremists in North Africa, specifically those subscribed to an off-shoot of
al-Qaeda. “For some time, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and other groups have
launched attacks and kidnappings from northern Mali into neighboring countries,” Clinton
told the crowd this (pic: al Qaeda flag) week. “Now, with a larger safe haven and increased
freedom to maneuver, terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in
multiple directions. And they are working with other violent extremists to undermine the
democratic transitions underway in North Africa, as we tragically saw in
Benghazi.” and PragmaticWitness CIA / false flag,
 2012 WMR The timing of Mrs. Clinton's partying at a night club as news of the Secret
Service scandal began breaking had a number of observers scratching their heads. It is
significant that President George W. Bush's Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, another
committed supporter of Israel (dual Israeli-American citizen), was one of the few to come
toClinton's defense, stating, "She only had a beer." WMR previously reported that the
Secret Service scandal in Cartagena was part of a covert operation by Israeli Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu to discredit Obama and lay the groundwork for a November
presidential victory by Netanyahu's former business colleague and friend Mitt Romney. The
secret trip of Sherman to Colombia in January and the ill-advised night clubbing by
Mrs. Clinton and her team after news of the Secret Service scandal broke has political
observers wondering whether Team Clinton is in on the Netanyahu hit job on Obama.
 2012 Sept 13 TownHall Another key piece of the puzzle Rice is unlikely to possess is why
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, three days after the Benghazi attack, was out there
flogging that same concocted story, as when Hillary tried to console the father of slain ex-
SEAL Tyrone Wood by promising him the video's producer would be arrested and
 NY Times in the call to clarify his comment, Mr. Wolfson said that news accounts at the
time made clear that the area in which she (Hillary) was landing was “a potential combat
zone and was hazardous.” He said that in her memoir, “Living History,” she wrote about
sniper fire in the hills and “clearly meant to say that” when she brought it up last week. He
said she had described the event many times the same way and that “in one instance
she (Hillary) said it slightly differently.” A third reporter then asked about it, prompting Mr.
Howard to read the relevant passage from her book, in which she wrote: “Due to reports of
snipers in the hills around the airstrip, we were forced to cut short an event on the tarmac
with local children.” He repeated that this was the one time in which she misspoke.
 2012 Sept Examiner ... on Benghazi ... death of Ambassador Stevens ...(running guns into
Syria) ...Ed Klein insisted these communications written by Hillary Clinton had ordered
additional security to be provided in Benghazi, and Obama blatantly refused her request.
These documents could be used to further support the rampant suspicions Obama had
ulterior motives for leaving the American outpost virtually unguarded from outside
aggressors. Bill Clinton tried to convince Hillary to go forward with her written requests so
she would be exonerated from any wrong-doing in the attack. Hillary refused to disclose
the orders for additional security out of fear she would be labeled as a "betrayer" of the
Democratic Party. This "betrayal" would have eliminated her chance to run for president in
2016. It is worth noting that within days of Obama’s reelection, Hillary Clinton resigned
from her cabinet position as Secretary of State.
 2012 World Business Chicago bod Rahm Emanuel, James S. Crown, J.B. Pritzker, James Bell,
Morman Bobins, Bouton CCGA, William Brodsky CBOE, Terrance Duffy CME Group, Glerum
Citigroup, Michael Moskow CCGA, Henry Paulson, Muneer A. Satter Goldman Sachs ...
Brodsky is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s International Advisory
Committee ... LeadersMag Brodsky vice chairman WFE World Federation of Exchanges,
France, Rothschild to Chicago via Wieslaw Rozlucki, PhD, William Brodsky and the

 2012 WMR Wayne Madsen Report, WMR new book: L'Affaire Petraeus The Benghazi
Stand-down and the Plot to "Carterize" Obama. Stevens death was the result of an
"October Surprise" political scheme cooked up by the GOP / Mossad / Netanyahu that did
not go as planned and the Obama administration caught wind of it and purged around 20
military leaders including Petraeus, Ham, Gaoette and Allen. MORE
 2013top timeline
 2013 Dec WMR It was U.S. ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt who, working with his boss,
State Department European Affairs Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland, who conspired with
Ukrainian opposition leaders in late 2013 and early 2014 to organize the Euromaidan
protest that eventually saw the democratically-elected Ukrainian president, Viktor
Yanukovych, toppled from power and the subsequent outbreak of the Ukrainian civil war.
 2013 WMR Although her investment firm Albright Capital Management denied it to The New
York Times in January, WMR has learned from a United Nations source who recently visited
Kosovo that former Clinton administration Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has a
more than fifty percent stake in Kosovo Telecom, also known as PTK. The arrangement was,
according to Kosovars to whom the UN source spoke, a by-product of Albright's reported
long-running romantic affair with Kosovo's Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. While he was
leader of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which received financial and logistical
support from Balkans War U.S. ally Osama Bin Laden, Thaci was seen as Albright's "toy boy"
by all parties in the Balkans conflict: Kosovars, Serbs, Croatians, Macedonians, Bosnians,
and Montenegrins.
 2014top timeline
 2014 July YouTube Bill and Hillary Clinton block a major film on 9/11 TRUTH ... good
comment: My thought is that this film is a propaganda tool to fortify the official 9/11
Report. It's a lot of baloney that poses as a probe into security failures before and during
the attacks. It imbeds the myths of Al Qaeda and bin Laden, who were molded from thin
air. Clinton, the Shrubs, Giuliani, heads of the press and TV networks, along with Cheney
and most high level military brass, and Larry Silverstein were all in on the scheme going
back several years.
 2014 WMR At a July 30, 2014 panel held at The Washington Post building, Watergate
reporter Carl Bernstein and retired Post columnist Elizabeth Drew commented on the
similarities between Hillary Clinton and Nixon and the "air" of Nixon that surrounds Clinton.
The major similarity with Nixon is Clinton's tendency to be loose with the truth. WMR's
editor was told by the ghost writer for Clinton's 2003 "autobiography," Living History, that
the book is packed with falsehoods. Many of Hillary's claims, when fact checked, turned
out to be false or hugely embellished. When the ghost writer brought these to Clinton's
attention, she barked back, "I'm paying you to write this fucking book, not question it.
 2014 Sep WMR Today, Libya is governed by a least two rival governments. One Islamist
rebel faction called Libya Dawn, which sounds very much like Odyssey Dawn, the name of
the U.S.-led military intervention in Libya that toppled Qaddafi, is now in control of the
capital Tripoli. The group, which ransacked the abandoned U.S. embassy compound in
Tripoli, receives its spiritual guidance from the Grand Mufti of Libya, Sheikh Sadik al-
Ghariani, who broadcasts radio messages to Libya with the support of the Britain's MI-6
intelligence service. Meanwhile, the Libyan government, including acting Prime Minister
Abdullah Al-Thinni and the Libyan Parliament, have fled to exile in the eastern Libyan city of
Tobruk, near the Egyptian border. Egyptian and United Arab Emirates war planes recently
bombed Islamist rebel-held areas of Tripoli, earning a stern warning from the U.S., British,
French, and Italian governments. ... Hillary Clinton's puff piece article in Newsweek, under
the headline "The Liberation of Timbuktu." It was Hillary'stransformation of Libya from a
moderate Sufi society to rule by radical Salafi Wahhabists that saw half of Mali, including
Timbuktu, fall to Islamist radicals spurred on by their benefactors in Libya. Hillary "came,
saw, and the Islamists conquered."
 2015top timeline
 2015 Jan WMR As previously reported by WMR, not only has GOP presidential hopeful Jeb
Bush seen his White House chances damaged by the Jeffrey Epstein underage sex slave
scandal, but Democratic frontrunner for her party's presidential
nomination, Hillary Clinton, is reportedly "furious" with her husband Bill Clinton for his
involvement in the scandal. Mrs. Clinton's early political life was dominated by her
commitment to the rights of children. It will all but destroy Mrs. Clinton's presidential
hopes if her husband's involvement in the Epstein sex slave ring are proven in court.
Bill Clinton has been named as a materiel witness in a lawsuit brought by two of the
women who were trafficked by Epstein when they were underage. The women claim that
Epstein, a billionaire Wall Street financier, trafficked them domestically and internationally
for sexual trysts. Clintonand Harvard celebrity attorney Alan Dershowitz, a vocal defender
of Israel, have been named in the lawsuit as Epstein accomplices. A number of email
addresses for Mr. Clintonand 21 private phone numbers for the ex-president, his personal
assistant Doug Band, and his schedulers were discovered in Epstein's personal phone
directory. Mr. Clinton made a number of trips with Epstein on his private plane from 2002
to 2005. After Epstein, who is currently a registered sex offender, was charged in 2005 with
soliciting a 14-year old girl for prostitution, Clinton's air jaunts with Epstein abruptly
 2015 Jan TheSmokingGun Billionaire Sex Offender's Phone Book Contained E-Mail
Addresses, 21 Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton ... Now that Prince Andrew has found himself
ensnared in the sleazy sex slave story of wealthy degenerate Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton
can’t be too far behind. Epstein, who paid teenage girls for naked massages at his Palm
Beach, Florida mansion, is a convicted sex offender whose circle of powerful friends has
included financiers, celebrities, politicians, and scientists. In fact, Epstein, 61, has
maintained many of these relationships even after pleading guilty in 2008 to a felony
charge stemming from a lengthy probe of his lewd interaction with scores of underage girls,
many of whom were recruited while they were students at a Palm Beach high school.
 2015 Feb Guardian The charitable foundation run by Hillary Clinton and her family has
received as much as $81m from wealthy international donors who were clients of HSBC’s
controversial Swiss bank. Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the
identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts
in Geneva.
 2015 Yahoo Obama adviser John Podesta's biggest regret: Keeping America in dark about
UFOs ... Podesta’s longtime fascination with UFOs is well-documented, as his brief political
hiatus following four years as President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff freed him up to pursue
his otherworldly passion. At a 2002 press conference organized by the Coalition for
Freedom of Information, Podesta spoke on the importance of disclosing government UFO
investigations to the public.
 2015 Mar GlobalResearch Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Hillary Clinton was
secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor
Pinchuk Foundation (Pinchuk is a Jewish mining oligarch in Ukraine), according to that
foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune
stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the
Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European
Union. In 2008, Mr. Pinchuk made a five-year, $29 million commitment to
the Clinton Global Initiative, a wing of the foundation that coordinates charitable projects
and funding for them but doesn’t handle the money. The pledge was to fund a program to
train future Ukrainian leaders and professionals “to modernize Ukraine,” according to
the Clinton Foundation. Several alumni are current members of the Ukrainian Parliament.
Actual donations so far amount to only $1.8 million, a Pinchuk foundation spokesman said,

citing the impact of the 2008 financial crisis. and see WMR report on
Pinchuk below ...
 2015 Apr People-press Hillary Clinton approval timeline Clinton 9/11 Truth
 2015 APR American Thinker We will probably never know specifically what was
on Hillary's email server (unless, as suggested by the Wall Street Journal, we subpoena
China's military intelligence). But if the spell is finally and definitively broken, as the
willingness of less-than-right-wing pundits at the New York Times, Time magazine and
others to criticize Hillary without restraint suggests it might be, then we may yet learn
many things about the world in which we live that we had no idea were being suppressed
out of rapturous worship, or mortal terror, of the Clintons. search terms: Flight 93, World
Trade Center, Zero Dark 30, or American Sniper, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko and An Inconvenient
Truth, Prime time miniseries Path to 9/11, Clinton's failure to kill bin Laden,
 2015 Frontpage Hillary Clinton ... awards received
 2015 State of the Nation Then there is Emailgate, a multi-year series of transgressions to
long to list here. Any objective look at the facts of this unprecedented scandal reveals that
the “Former Secretary of State Effectively and Illegally Operated A Parallel
Government”. Also, her continued stonewalling of a House Select Committee which has
subpoenaed her email records certainly does not help her candidacy.
 2015 Apr CNN Clinton officially announces a second bid for the White House. The initial
word comes in an email to supporters from John Podesta, a longtime Clinton ally, then a
video launched on YouTube and a newly minted Facebook page. Shortly after declaring her
candidacy for president, she resigns from the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation's
board of directors, according to foundation officials.
 2015 Apr 23 FresnoZionism (pro Zionist)A particularly offensive position commonly
attributed to Jews is that recognition of the Armenian Genocide would diminish the
importance of the Jewish Holocaust.
 2015 Apr 23 FoxNews Clinton Foundation got $$ from investors as Russians pushed for
uranium deal ... The relationship between former President Bill Clinton and a group of
wealthy Canadian mining investors who made significant contributions to
the Clinton family's foundation has come under scrutiny after their uranium company
ended up in the hands of the Russians. That deal, which gave the Russians access to part of
the U.S. uranium reserves, all started with Bill Clinton's dealings with friend Frank Giustra.
 2015 WMR NFU summary of article: David Plouffe, ( Senior VP of Policy and Strategy for the driving service and political mastermind behind Obama's presidential campaigns
of 2008 and 2012 is now an unofficial adviser to Hillary Clinton's campaign... specifically to
circumvent the WH press corp in the similar manner (relying on social media) that he
exercised in Obama's campaigns. Uber application has been discovered to not only keep
track of very specific geo-location data on its customers but also other applications running
on a customer's smart phone, records of past phone calls, web browsing histories, WiFi hot
zone usage, and the actual device identifier (iPhone, Android, etc.). Not only is such data
valuable to third party marketers but also to law enforcement and intelligence agencies
 Arkancide, EIR Rhode, Abram Shulsky, Feith, Perle, Vulcans, 9/11
preparation...DigWithin "office of net assessment" 9/11 wtc, "stephen green" wolfowitz
 WMR John O'Neil PNAC, Bush and Clinton administration thwarting his investigations...
clearing the baffle, History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
 NFU 9/11, JFK & Holocaust interactive spreadsheet
 ConcisePolitics Am...Trump says Zakheim linked to UBS / Clinton scandal ... Trump has
reportedly exposed Dov Zakheim and his son Roger Zakheim as treasonous connection to
the UBS-Clinton Foundation scandal at the State Department with Scott Bennett
ROTHSCHILDS MAFIA RUN SWISS BANK... UBS ...Finances terrorist operations, People
involved, Roger Zakheim, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Lanny Breuer, Eric Holder, Covington &
Burling, Booz-Allen-Hamilton, Brad Birkenfeld, UBS, Hillary Clinton.
 2015 Jul WSWS A report in the Wall Street Journal Thursday details Hillary Clinton’s actions
while US secretary of state,on behalf of the Swiss banking giant UBS. The bank reciprocated
by means of large contributions to the Clinton Foundation and a fat paycheck for Bill
Clinton to participate in a question-and-answer session with UBS executives.
 2015 Jul WSJ A few weeks after Hillary Clinton was sworn in as secretary of state in early
2009, she was summoned to Geneva by her Swiss counterpart to discuss an urgent matter.
The Internal Revenue Service was suing UBS AG to get the identities of Americans with
secret accounts. If the case proceeded, Switzerland’s largest bank would face an impossible
choice: Violate Swiss secrecy laws by handing over the names, or refuse and face criminal
charges in U.S. federal court. Within months, Mrs. Clinton announced a tentative legal
settlement—an unusual intervention by the top U.S. diplomat. UBS ultimately turned over
information on 4,450 accounts, a fraction of the 52,000 sought by the IRS, an outcome that
drew criticism from some lawmakers who wanted a more extensive crackdown.
 2015 July HotAir Hillary Clinton’s curious relationship with major Swiss bank draws
attention ... after controversial settlement .... The bank also joined the Clinton Foundation
to launch entrepreneurship and inner-city loan programs, through which it lent $32 million.
And it paid former president Bill Clinton $1.5 million to participate in a series of question-
and-answer sessions with UBS Wealth Management Chief Executive Bob McCann, making
UBS his biggest single corporate source of speech income disclosed since he left the White
 2015 Aug DailyBeast Spies: Obama’s Brass Pressured Us to Downplay ISIS Threat U.S.
intelligence analysts keep saying that the American-led campaign against ISIS isn’t going so
well. Their bosses keep telling them to think again about those conclusions. Senior military
and intelligence officials have inappropriately pressured U.S. terrorism analysts to alter
their assessments about the strength of the self-proclaimed Islamic State

 2015 Sep RT Clinton ‘jeopardized national security’ by using private email server – Snowden
... National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden said that Hillary Clinton’s use
of a private email server while serving as secretary of state jeopardized national security
secrets. He said Clinton’s claims to the contrary “is completely ridiculous.” Snowden’s
remarks were taken from an interview with Al Jazeera English, excerpts of which were
made available on Thursday, and were in response to a reminder that a year ago it was
Clinton who accused Snowden of helping terrorists by leaking details of the NSA’s
surveillance programs. search terms:
 end

End of Timeline

WayneMadsenReport Hillary
Clinton's arms smuggling past
February 4, 2008 -- SPECIAL REPORT - EARLY EDITION. Hillary Clinton's arms smuggling

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton served on the board of a French
chemical company that was implicated in shipping war materials to Saddam Hussein's

Clinton served on the board of the American subsidiary of Lafarge Corporation before the first
Gulf war. Attorney Marianne Gasior, whose veracity has been verified by a long-serving
Department of Defense investigator, brought attention to Clinton's conflict of interest and her
culpability in violating the U.S. and UN embargoes against Iraq and the U.S. Trading With the
Enemy Act. Gasior was the corporate counsel for Kennametal, a Latrobe, Pennsylvania-based firm
that was connected to Lafarge.

Clinton was reportedly part of a covert CIA arms export network designed to ship embargoed war
materials to Iraq. A Solon, Ohio warehouse owned by the British firm Matrix Churchill,
Ltd. allegedly collected from manufacturing plants, including Teledyne, Kennametal, Mannesman-
Demag, materials that were warehoused at Allied's Marblehead plant on Lake Erie, a one-time
steel armor manufacturing plant for the US Army. Lafarge owned the property on which the
Marblehead plant was located. The materials bound for Iraq were shipped up the St. Lawrence
River to the UK for further transfer to Iraq.

Gasior maintained that as late as 1996, the Marblehead facility continued to be a part of the secret
CIA arms and war material export network. Late House Banking Committee Chairman Henry
Gonzalez began to see the Clinton connection to the scandal in his investigation of the smuggling
network's major banking contrivance, the Atlanta branch of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
(BNL) of Rome, Italy. In 1992, Gonzalez's investigation of BNL was blocked by the George H.
W. Bush administration and the Bill Clinton campaign in Little Rock because it threatened to
expose both Bush operatives and Hillary Clinton's role in the covert arms network. One of the
chief people used to block the Gonzalez investigation was House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence Chairman Lee Hamilton.

It is also significant that Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, who investigated the Clintons for the
Whitewater land deal and Bill Clinton's sexual indiscretions, and found little if nothing of
consequence, consistently avoided any investigation of Iraqgate, although evidence of the secret
arms network became known to Starr. Starr's political ally, right-wing financier Richard Mellon
Scaife, was reportedly an investor in Kennametal along with Jackson Stephens, the wealthy Little
Rock owner of Worthen Bank, who was a top contributor to both Bill Clinton and George W.

Marianne F. Gasior
420 Atlantic Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221
July 15, 1996



The Honorable Robert E. Rubin

Secretary of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220

Dear Mr. Secretary:

I am writing to inquire as to the status of the Kennametal investigation by the Office of Foreign
Assets Control, and to inquire as to whether the scope of OFAC's investigation includes the role of
First Lady Hillary Clinton as a Director of Lafarge Corporation during the time Lafarge was
involved with Kennametal and other parties in a conspiracy to commit numerous federal offenses,
including Trading with the Enemy, and to defraud the United States via an arms smuggling
operation carried out through Lafarge's Marblehead, Ohio facilities.

Documents obtained by Congressional investigators in 1991 clearly detail Kennametal's violations

of the August 2, 1990 Iraqi Trade Embargo, and indicate a steady supply of the Iraqi war effort by
Kennametal throughout 1990 and during the Gulf War in early 1991. These documents also show
that Kennametal products originating in the United States were transhipped to the U.K., in
violation of the Export Control Administration Act, and then fraudulently marked "made in the
E.C.C." for shipment to Iraq. Further investigation has revealed evidence detailing the path of the
shipments out of the U.S. via the Ordnance Center located on Lafarge's premises on Marblehead

Under 18 U.S.C. 371, Lafarge is liable as a co-conspirator for the crimes committed by
Kennematal and others in furtherance of the conspiracy. Since the shipments which were in
violation of the Trade Embargo and the Trading with the Enemy Act occurred between August
1990 and March 1991, the First Lady's potential liability as a Director and corporate agent of
Lafarge. Moreover, serious conflict of interest issues are raised by the fact that Lafarge
Corporation from 1990 to 1992, I am obviously concerned about the possible correlation between
OFAC's continued lack of action and the First Lady's potential liability as a Director and corporate
agent of Lafarge. Moreover, serious conflict of interest issues are raised by the fact that Lafarge
Corporate and its Board of Directors have been represented by Buchanan Ingersoll the same law
firm that was representing Kennametal in the Iraqgate investigations.

Given the fact that the violations occurred in 1990 and 1991, that documentation of the violations
has been publicly admitted that the violations occurred, it appears that OFAC has had more than
enough time and evidence to initiated a criminal prosecution. Please inform me at your earliest
convenience as to the status of OFAC's Kennametal investigation and whether the First Lady and
Lafarge Corporation are or have been subjects of that investigation.
Very truly yours,

Marianne F. Gasior

Both Senators John Kerry and Al Gore were fully aware of the impact of what became known as
"Iraqgate" but both were warned away from speaking about it or demanding a further
investigation. No sooner had Attorney General Janet Reno become Attorney General in the
Clinton administration, the department issued a report that let Bush off the hook. According to
Robert Parry's book, "Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush," in early 1995
the Justice Department stated it "did not find evidence that U.S. agencies or officials illegally
armed Iraq." However, the very same report stated "the CIA withheld an unknown number of
relevant documents that were contained in 'sensitive compartments."

However, in a case of one hand not necessarily knowing what the other was doing, Reno's Justice
Department decided to prosecute Teledyne Industries and Ed Johnson, a salesman, for selling
explosive pellets to Chilean arms manufacturer Carlos Cardoen, who, in turn, sold them to Iraq,
which used them to produce cluster bombs.

Journalist Danny Casolaro, who was investigating the George H. W. Bush administration's covert
and illegal activities, including its connections to Cardoen, allegedly committed suicide in a
Martinsburg, West Virginia Sheraton Hotel. Casolaro was to meet a source. Many individuals who
worked with Casolaro on his investigation believe he was murdered.

Casolaro was not the only journalist to have been murdered in the investigation of Iraqgate. A
stringer for the Financial Times, Anson Ng, who was following a CIA-connected money trail
connecting the weapons smugglers to Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) money
tranches, including one that led through the Cabazon Indian Reservation in California, was shot
and killed in Guatemala City.

On November 27, 1992, a number of dramatic revelations were made in a debate in the British
House of Commons, chief among them that a British journalist investigating Cardoen, Matrix
Churchill, and the weapons smuggling ring was murdered in Chile:

The following comments were made by then-MP Ken Livingstone, now Mayor of London: "I must
emphasise that we are still talking about allegations that Mark Thatcher [son of Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher] was trading arms to Iraq and that he was trying to sell South African arms to
Saudi Arabia. However, if there is any shred of truth in the charges, are we to believe that MI5 and
MI6 did not warn the Prime Minister of the day about the activities in which her son was
involved? Surely the director of MI5 or MI6 must have thought that it was important, if any
information of that kind came to light, to warn the Prime Minister immediately that her son was
engaged in activities that were illegal in British law and contravened United Nations resolutions.
Of course, the director of MI5 or MI6 would have done that.

I shall examine the position of Dr. Carlos Cardoen a little more. He is a major and powerful figure
in Chile. According to Mr. Ari Ben-Menashe, Dr. Cardoen is a business associate of Mark
Thatcher. A British journalist who went to investigate Dr. Cardoen has been murdered. That is a
particularly unpleasant twist to the story.

I draw the attention of the House to early- day motion 827 which attracted considerable support. It

'That this House, recalling the mysterious death in an hotel room in Santiago, Chile, in March
1990, subsequently held to be murder, of the British defence journalist Jonathan Moyle [editor of
Defence Helicopter World], conscious of the belief of Mr. Moyle's family that their son was
murdered because of his investigations into the supply to Iraq of the Helios weapons guidance
system and the Stonefish mine by Chilean arms dealers Cardoen Industries, and noting the links
between Cardoen and Matrix Churchill and the Iraqi regime, calls upon Mr. Justice Scott to
include in his inquiry an investigation into the circumstances of the murder of this young British
journalist.' . . .

A pattern has emerged. Mark Thatcher has been linked to Dr. Carlos Cardoen. It is alleged that
Mark Thatcher's Texas-based company sent arms to Iraq. Then the British journalist who was sent
to investigate was murdered. After the pattern emerged, I tabled another early-day motion, which

'That this House notes the belief of Mr. Moyle's family that he was murdered because of his
investigation into the arms deals of Carlos Cardoen, the Chilean associate of Mr. Mark Thatcher,
and calls on both men to publish full details of their business links.' Once again, I was told by the
Table Office that the early-day motion was repetitious, according to the previous Speaker's ruling
on repetitious motions.

Yesterday, we saw Dr. Cardoen speak out in public for the first time. In the months and years that
have passed, I have never seen a picture of that gentleman work its way into the press, let alone
heard of his conducting an interview and being questioned by British journalists. However, in
yesterday's The Independent an account of that interview was reported. That report is truly
shocking. It brings a much more sinister twist to the matter and raises frightening issues.

Dr. Cardoen revealed that he briefed the British and United States Governments during most of the
1980s on Baghdad's efforts to acquire weapons. Dr. Cardoen is no longer some shady arms dealer ;
he claims to have briefed our Government and the United States Government during the 1980s.
The report states:

'Dr. Carlos Cardoen, who produced and procured weapons for Iraq from 1981' -- he admits the
charge that he was the main arms procurer for Iraq in the west--"told the Independent that the
British and American embassies in Santiago, as well as US Department of Defense officials, were
given ample explanation' of Iraq's procurement network."

Stepping forward in support of the defendants in the Justice Department's case against Johnson
and Teledyne was former Reagan National Security Council (NSC) official Howard Teicher, who
verified all the details of the secret CIA arms smuggling network to Iraq. Teicher submitted an
affidavit stating that CIA director William Casey and his deputy, Robert Gates, "knew of,
approved of, and assisted in the sale of non-U.S. origin military, weapons, ammunition, and
vehicles to Iraq."

It is significant that Teicher worked with Douglas Feith in the NSC's Middle East bureau until
Feith was transferred to the Pentagon to work for Richard Perle after the FBI opened an
investigation of Feith for passing classified material to the Israeli embassy in Washington. Feith's
name has recently surfaced in connection with a continuing illegal and covert arms smuggling
network involving nuclear technology that links Turkey, Israel, and Pakistan.

It is also noteworthy that Hillary Clinton, then an attorney for the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock,
who helped provide cover for one of the "non-U.S." entities cited by Teicher that was used to
"sheep dip" the American war materials for Iraq with a foreign point of origin: Lafarge of France.

Teicher's explosive affidavit, dated January 31, 1995, follows:



WayneMadsenReport ...Clinton
& Clinton, Inc: Global panhandlers
December 19-21, 2008 -- Clinton & Clinton, Inc: Global panhandlers

When it comes to crooked politicians who are for sale, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and his
political horse trading shenanigans in Illinois pale in comparison to the master of the art: former President Bill
Clinton and his wife, Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton.

Last April, during the height of the primary race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the issue of the
William J. Clinton Foundation was raised. Obama's camp called on former President Clinton to release the
names of the donors to the Clinton on Foundation. In an April 3, 2008, Op-Ed in USA Today, Clinton pal and
Clinton Foundation CEO Bruce Lindsey said for Clinton to release the donor list would "violate the
president's pledge to foundation donors that their contributions could remain anonymous unless they chose

Now that Hillary is Obama's selection to be Secretary of State, Bill Clinton has been forced to do what he
refused to do during the primary season: name the donors to his foundation. It is all because his wife now
faces Senate confirmation scrutiny over possible conflicts-of-interest rather than primary voter scrutiny. And
as far as Bill and Hillary Clinton are concerned, let the voters be damned when it comes to accountability.

Lindsey concluded his Op-Ed by writing, "It would be a true shame if political motivations in a presidential
campaign discouraged magnanimous people from supporting the efforts of the Clinton Foundation to save and
improve lives around the world." It now appears from the names on Clinton's list that the lives the former
President sought to improve were his and his wife's.

Clinton's donors raise all kinds of red flags on the confirmation of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Among the most egregious donors is the private military contractor Blackwater USA. Mrs. Clinton's most
obvious conflict-of-interest is next year when Blackwater's State Department contract comes up for renewal.
Knowing the ways of the Clintons, it is not hard to see a quid pro quo between a Secretary of State Clinton
and the very Republican and very right-wing Blackwater in the offing.

A spokesman for the Obama transition team had the audacity to claim that donations to the Clinton
Foundation have no bearing on Clinton's job as Secretary of State. Oh, really? Have the Obama people ever
heard of Jackson Stephens of Little Rock's Stephens, Inc.? The Clintons and conflicts-of-interest go together
like peanut butter and jelly.

One of the most astounding Clinton donors is the Alavi Foundation. Alavi is the co-owner of a 36-story
building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. On December 17, federal officials charged that Alavi's co-owner,
Assa Corporation, is a front for Iran's Bank Melli that funneled revenue from the building to Bank Melli via a
front company in the Channel Islands. Hillary Clinton has been a hawk on Iran and once suggested that she
would launch a devastating military attack on the country. Apparently, the Clintons are not so hawkish when
it comes to taking Iranian money in a "pay-to-play" enterprise that would make Blagojevich and Rahm
Emanuel (also a Clinton donor) envious.

Bill Clinton certainly was a busy man as a globe-trotting panhandler. He managed to get donations from a
number of foreign governments, including Saudi Arbia, Norway, Oman, Brunei, Kuwait, Qatar, Australia,
Jamaica, Ireland, Taiwan, Italy, and the Canary Islands' Tenerife island government. Other foreign donors
include the Netherlands National Postal Lottery, Swiss Reinsurance Company, the Swedish Postal Lottery,
China Overseas Real Estate Development, Venezuela's Venevision TV network, Credit Suisse, National
Opera of Paris, South Africa's African Rainbow Minerals, Bahrain Petroleum, Beirut Container Terminal
Consortium, De Beers Marine Namibia, National Bank of Kuwait, Taiwan Mobile Foundation, Baltic
International Bank, Booz Allen Hamilton, BNP Paribas, Jordan Investment Trust, Kenya Commercial Bank,
New Zealand Stock Exchange, Newmont Mining Corp. (major gold mining compamy), Occidental Petroleum
Corporation, Palestine Telecommunication Company, Portugal Telecom, Reykjavik Energy, Society Tourism
Diversions of Macau, Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co Ltd., TD Bank Financial Group, De Beers Family
of Companies, Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. of Israel, First Philippine Holdings Corporation,
International Bank of Commerce of Laredo, Texas, Oppenheimer Funds, Inc., Hutchison Whampoa
Limited,PT. Polychem Indonesia, Neptune Orient Lines Ltd. (Singapore), Morgan Stanley Asia Limited,
and UBS Wealth Management.

Another major donors is Clinton Foundation trustee Frank Giustra, a Canadian billionaire who made a
windfall profit in 2006 after landing a huge uranium contract from Kazakhstan's authoritarian President
Nursultan Nazarbayev with Bill Clinton's help.

Haim Saban, the Israeli-American entertainment guru who supports Israeli interests over those of his adopted
country, was also a multi-million dollar donor to Clinton's non-profit contrivance.
Other major donors are Saudi construction billionaire Nasser al-Rashid; Dubai Emir Mohammad Rashid bin
Maktoum, the majority owner of Dubai Ports World; Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese Christian billionaire with
sizable investments in oil-rich Nigeria; the Zayed ruling family of Abu Dhabi; Jordanian-Canadian Victor
Dahdaleh, chief of Dadco Group, who was once accused in a lawsuit of bribing Bahrain officials on behalf of
Alcoa and using front companies in the British Virgin Islands, Singapore, and Switzerland; Lebanese
Houston-based Issam Fares, a former Lebanese Deputy Prime Minister; Indian mining mogul Lakshmi Mittal,
aka "Taj Mittal," who has been accused of running slave labor mines in places like Kazakhstan; Ukrainian
Jewish mining oligarch Viktor Pinchuk; former Loral Chairman Bernard Schwartz, who was investigated for
the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China; URS Corporation's Richard Blum, the Iraq war profiteer
husband of incoming Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA); Rupert
Murdoch's News Corporation Foundation; Little Rock billionaire and longtime Clinton financial supporter
Jackson Stephens; personal data mining giant Acxiom Inc,; scandal-plagued American International Group
(AIG); Denise Rich, the ex-wife of American-Swiss-Israeli billionaire fugitive Marc Rich; Mexican
telecommunications baron Carlos Slim Helu; former AES CEO and secretive Arlington-based Fellowship
Foundation supporter Dennis Bakke; Barrick Gold, whose international advisers have included Bill Clinton's
golfing buddy George H. W. Bush; Israel supporter Edgard Bronfman; Lynn F. de Rothschild; sub prime
mortgage perpetrator Merrill Lynch; Brazilian Jewish banking billionaire Joseph Safra of Safra Group; right-
wing political funder Richard Mellon Scaife; the American Jewish Committee; the University of Judaism;
Iranian expatriate Farhad Azima, a longtime provider of air services to U.S. intelligence agencies; Wall Street
collapse perpetrator Goldman Sachs; Banque Privee Edmond De Rothschild; Evelyn de Rothschild; Lazare
Kaplan International Inc.; Rahm Emanuel, Lafarge Corporation (where Hillary Clinton once served as a
director during a time when the firm was implicated in the shipment of restricted materials to Saddam
Hussein); The Chatterjee Group (which is linked to Marvin Bush, brother of George W. Bush); Wesley K.
Clark and Associates; Albanian-American Center for Information and Cooperation, and World Vision.

Another donor was Citigroup and its Citi Foundation. Citigroup is one of the recipients of the U.S.
government's nearly $1 trillion bailout of Wall Street. No conflict-of-interest there Mr. and Mrs. Clinton?

Another donor is Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi, a Saudi-Ethiopian billionaire who once threatened a libel
lawsuit against this editor unless more than $100,000 was deposited in his foreign bank account. The
attempted shakedown by this dubious individual was reported to the FBI. Another donor is Jordanian-
American businessman A. Huda Farouki, Nour USA and Erinys Iraq majordomo who, like al-Amoudi, once
threatened a libel lawsuit against this editor.

George Soros' Open Society Institute and the Soros Foundation, which fund "themed" neocon revolutions and
destabilizing political chicanery around the world, also kicked into the Clinton Foundation.

The Friends of Saudi Arabia, Saudi billionaire businessman Walid Juffali, the U.S. Islamic World Conference,
and Saudi construction mogul Hamza al Kholi are among Clinton's donors.

With a donation from the First Bank of Nigeria and Nigeria's Intercontinental Bank Plc, as well as Nigeria's
Obat Oil And Petroleum Limited, the Clintons may be the first successful recipients of Nigerian "419" money.
Congratulations Bill and Hillary!

Bill's global panhandling is a disgrace to the United States. Obama's selection of the other half of Clinton &
Clinton, Inc. as Secretary of State is also a disgrace. Hillary Clinton is unsuitable to be Secretary of State
since she and her husband are walking and talking conflicts-of-interest. "The List" proves that they are
nothing more than political prostitutes of the Nth degree.
WMR on Emanuel's shady past with
the Clinton administration
November 10, 2008 -- More on Emanuel's shady past with the Clinton administration

WMR has learned from U.S. intelligence sources additional details of prospective White House
Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's ties with the Israeli intelligence agency, the Mossad. We have also
learned that President-elect Barack Obama is fully aware of the problems with Emanuel's past
security woes within the Clinton administration, but that the President-elect faced the problem of
delivering on a few political IOUs he handed out during the campaign.

WMR has learned that Emanuel will be under a virtual probationary period as Chief of Staff and
that if there is one whiff from the FBI or another law enforcement or intelligence agency that he is
dealing with foreign intelligence agents, Obama will cut him loose as soon as practicable.

Emanuel has, according to our sources, been the subject of FBI counter-intelligence surveillance
for quite some time. FBI surveillance teams have seen Emanuel enter Washington, DC and
Chicago synagogues at the same time known Mossad agents assigned to the Israeli embassy in
Washington and the Israeli Consulate General in Chicago entered the facilities. FBI regulations
prevented the surveillance teams from pursuing the parties into the places of worship.

WMR has also learned that during Emanuel's stint at the White House under President Clinton,
Mossad became increasingly concerned that the identity of their top agent, an American who
served in a high position in the Reagan administration and code-named "Mega," would be exposed
by the FBI's counter-intelligence division. For that reason, the Mossad leaked information on two
top Russian spies in the CIA and FBI, Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen, respectively, in order to
"cool the trail" leading to Mega. WMR has learned that Hanssen also spied for Mossad at the same
time he was spying for the Russians and that this information was known to Emanuel. WMR has
learned that the FBI established that there was a relationship between Hanssen, a Chicago
native whose father was a Chicago police officer, and Emanuel, also a native of Chicago.

The Mossad decided to "trade out" Hanssen to the FBI's counter-intelligence division in order to
keep the bureau pre-occupied trying to ferret out a mole within their own ranks and take the heat
off Emanuel and the Clinton White House over the knowledge that Israeli intelligence had
penetrated White House communications and this fact was related by Clinton to White House
intern Monica Lewinsky during a phone conversation. Hanssen was convicted of espionage after
he was pressured into not going ahead with a jury trial. Hanssen was warned that his wife would
be denied his FBI pension if he insisted on a full jury trial. He is serving a life sentence in solitary
confinement at the Federal Supermax Prison in Colorado.

Ames was convicted of espionage in 1994 and Hanssen was arrested on February 18, 2001 in
Vienna, Virginia, just a few weeks after George W. Bush took over the White House from Clinton.
What ultimately led to Emanuel's dismissal in 1998 from the Clinton White House was FBI
intelligence that linked him to sabotaging Clinton administration initiatives to hammer out
diplomatic deals between Morocco and the Western Sahara independence front POLISARIO, as
well as diplomatic initiatives to ease tensions between Washington and the Palestinian Authority
and Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq. Emanuel's sabotaging of the Clinton initiatives led FBI
Assistant Director John P. O'Neill to conduct an investigation of the U.S. mission to the United
Nations since it was being used as a platform by Emanuel and his Mossad friends to sabotage
the Clinton administration initiatives. Bill Richardson served as U.S. ambassador to the UN during
this time frame and it was Richardson who was asked to find a job for Lewinsky at the mission
after her name and relationship with Clinton became known to federal investigators working for
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

On January 23, 1998, CNN reported: "Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr has issued
subpoenas for documents to U.S. Ambassador Bill Richardson and the entire U.S. mission,
according to Richardson's chief of staff, Rebecca Cooper. Cooper said, 'The subpoenas are for
documents only at this point, for all details pertaining to Monica' Lewinsky. Cooper said
Richardson and the staff 'plan to comply fully.' Richardson's office offered Monica Lewinsky a job
as junior assistant doing public outreach and cabinet agency assignments. She would have worked
for the ambassador's chief of staff in the New York office. Her job would have included working
with grass-roots organizations across the country, like college model U.N.s and associations and
other groups with interest in the work of the United Nations."

It was the FBI that revealed Emanuel's intelligence work on behalf of the Mossad to President
Clinton. Clinton then ordered Emanuel dismissed from the White House staff. Ironically, it was
then-Chief of Staff John Podesta who helped to clean house. Podesta is now in charge of Obama's
transition team.

There is also a belief by some observers in Washington that Emanuel is behind the pressure being
exerted on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to keep Connecticut Independent Senator Joseph
Lieberman within the Democratic caucus by letting him keep his chairmanship of the Senate
Homeland Security Committee. Reid favors tossing Lieberman off as Chairman because the
former Democratic Senator supported Republican presidential candidate John McCain, spoke at
the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, and ran against the Democratic Senate candidate
in Connecticut Ned Lamont. Sources in Washington also believe that Emanuel is behind efforts to
challenge the House chairmanships of Michigan Representatives John Dingell and John Conyers
of the Commerce and Energy and Judiciary Committees, respectively. Conyers and Dingell
represent the largest Arab-American congressional districts in the United States.

Cabinet of President Bill Clinton (1993–2001)


Secretary of State  Warren M. Christopher (1993–1997)

 Madeleine Albright (1997–2001)

 Lloyd Bentsen (1993–1994)

Secretary of the Treasury  Robert Rubin (1995–1999)
 Larry Summers (1999–2001)

 Les Aspin (1993–1994)

Secretary of Defense  William J. Perry (1994–1997)
 William S. Cohen (1997–2001)

Attorney General  Janet Reno (1993–2001)

Secretary of the Interior  Bruce Babbitt (1993–2001)

 Mike Espy (1993–1994)

Secretary of Agriculture  Dan Glickman (1995–2001)

 Ron Brown (1993–1996)

 Mickey Kantor (1996–1997)
Secretary of Commerce  William M. Daley (1997–2000)
 Norman Mineta (2000–2001)

 Robert Reich (1993–1997)

Secretary of Labor  Alexis M. Herman (1997–2001)

Secretary of Health  Donna Shalala (1993–2001)

and Human Services

Secretary of Housing  Henry G. Cisneros (1993–1997)

and Urban Development  Andrew M. Cuomo (1997–2001)

 Federico Peña (1993–1997)

Secretary of Transportation  Rodney Slater (1997–2001)

 Hazel O'Leary (1993–1997)

Secretary of Energy  Federico Peña (1997–1998)
 Bill Richardson (1998–2001)

Secretary of Education  Richard W. Riley (1993–2001)

 Jesse Brown (1993–1997)

Secretary of Veterans Affairs  Togo West (1998–2000)

WMR Who's responsible for 3-year old Aylan

Kurdi's death? September 3-6, 2015 --
The world is in angst over an photograph of a dead Syrian Kurdish boy who washed ashore after the
boat transporting the baby boy capsized while en route from Turkey's Bodrum peninsula to the Greek
isle of Kos. Four other children, including Aylan's 5-year old brother and their mother, also drowned.

Fingers of blame are being pointed at European countries that have objected to having to bear the brunt
of dealing with the influx of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. These include Hungary,
Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Austria, and others. Some neo-conservatives, always eager to avoid blame
for their own failed policies, are blaming Syrian President Bashar al Assad, Russian President Vladimir
Putin, Iran's government, and even Chinese President Xi Jinping for the refugee crisis.

Those responsible for Aylan's body washing ashore on a Turkish beach are not Assad's or Putin's
governments but the nations that have encouraged the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and
their allies to bring death and destruction to Syria's Kurds, Shias, Alawites, Christians, and Sunni tribes
who oppose Salafism and Saudi Wahhabism. Aylan was from the Syrian town of Kobani, located on
the Turkish border, which has been besieged by ISIL and allied forces, including the Al Nusra Front. Al
Nusra and its Al Qaeda friends are the favorite jihadists of former CIA director David Petraeus, who
wants to arm them, and the pro-Saudi and -Israeli lickspittle, John O. Brennan, Petraeus's replacement
at the CIA.

In addition to the CIA and Israel, ISIL and its Syrian rebel friends have been supported by the
government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Wahhabist governments of Saudi
Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. Erdogan has engaged in a duplicitous campaign by
claiming his forces are on the offensive against ISIL when, in fact, they are attacking Turkish, Syrian,
and Iraqi Kurdish population centers, creating a refugee nightmare that saw young Aylan and his family
trying to make it to Europe.
Aylan's father, Abdullah Kurdi, who survived the capsizing of the refugee boat, had petitioned the
government of Canada's hopelessly neocon and pro-Israel prime minister, Stephen Harper, to
allow him and his family to join Abdullah's sister who lives in Vancouver. Kurdi's refugee asylum
petition, submitted in June of this year, was rejected by Harper's immigration minister, Chris
Alexander. Incidentally, Alexander has two young children of his own and he has suspended his
re-election campaign in Ontario to return to Ottawa to deal with the political fallout from the
Aylan photo. For Canada, Turkey, and other countries, the Aylan photograph has had the same
impact that a news photo of a young Vietnamese girl, who had just been napalmed by a U.S. air
strike, had on the support of the American public for the war in Vietnam.

It was Alexander's predecessor, Jason Kenney, now defense minister, who championed, along with
former foreign minister John "Rusty" Baird, Canada's support for the "Arab Spring" rebellions in
Syria and Libya that triggered the massive outflow of refugees after those two nations were
plunged into bloody civil wars. Kenney and Baird are members of Harper's well-known and
influential "lavender brigade" of Tory homosexuals, which has ensured Canada has adopted a
foreign policy plank that opposes immigration while supporting Israel's campaign to destabilize
the Arab Middle East and North Africa. Alexander, Kenney, and Baird, as well as Harper, are
directly responsible for Aylan's death. Since Turkey refused to grant Aylan's family an exit visa,
Erdogan and his prime minister, Ahmet Davitoglu, are also directly responsible for Aylan's and his
brother's and mother's deaths.

Joining the Canadian neocons are those in the United States that also provided weapons and cash
to the jihadist and Salafist rebels who now run rampant in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and
other countries. These include Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, as well as President
Obama's "Responsibility to Protect (R2P)" foreign policy team of U.S. ambassador to the UN
Samantha Power, national security adviser Susan Rice, and former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton. Power apparently only cares about the security of her two young sons, Declan and Rian.
As far as Power is concerned, Aylan deserved to wash up dead on that Turkish beach. After all, the
Syrian refugees just didn't do enough while they lived in Syria to depose Assad, so why worry
about their fate?

A tale of two photos: Samantha Power with her two young sons, Declan and Rian [left]. The body
of 3-year old Aylan Kurdi washed ashore on a Turkish beach [right]. Power's support for the civil
war against the Syrian government led to Aylan's parents trying to leave ISIL-infested Kobani,
Syria for Canada. Aylan, his 5-year old brother, and mother didn't make it. As people at the UN
now know, Power has the diplomatic tact and skills of a washer woman in a coin-op on Belfast's
Falls Road.

There are many others who should be tormented by the photo of young Aylan on the Turkish
beach. From Petraeus, who recently suggested the United States support Al Qaeda against ISIL in
Syria and Iraq, when they are actually one and the same, to former U.S. ambassador to Syria
Robert Ford; current U.S. Syria envoy Michael Ratney; and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of
State for Near Eastern Affairs and current UN Political Undersecretary Jeffrey Feltman, these
infernal neocons should be purged from our nation's body politic. They are a cancer in every
nation where they are permitted to matastisize. And like a cancer, neocons must be cut out from
every government and media organization where they fester.

Aylan, 3, [left] and his brother Galip, 5 [right]. Drowning victims of the neo-con lust for the
destabilization of the Middle East.

As for the government of Israel, it doesn't care one wit about dead children, as long as they aren't
dead Jewish children. The support provided by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's government
for the Syrian jihadist rebels who have created the refugee crises in the Mediterranean and Europe
is also directly responsible for Aylan's death. Of course, Netanyahu has been responsible for
killing hundreds of children in Gaza in repeated Israeli military strikes on highly-populated
residential neighborhoods in the ghetto of Gaza.

While we all convey our collective shock over Aylan, let's not forget what Israel did to 4-year old
Palestinian boy Kaukab al-Daylan (above). A rescue worker found the dead boy's head poking
from the rubble after an Israeli air strike on his home.

The Saudi, Qatari, Emirati, and Kuwaiti supporters of ISIL, Al Qaeda, the Khorasan Group, Ahrar
al-Sham, Al Nusra Front, Ansar al-Sharia, and other jihadist rebel groups will not be bothered by
the photo of Aylan. As the people of the Middle East know about these royal sheikhs, princes,
emirs, viziers, nabobs, and stooges, their philosophy is that suppressed Arab women are given to
them by Allah to make babies. Young boys, on the other hand, are there to provide them with sex.

The people of the world have a right to be mad, in fact, Goddamned mad, about what happened to
Aylan. But the corporate media is already busy trying to divert popular anger away from where it
should be directed. It was the infernal neocons and their project to overthrow Assad, Libya's
Muammar Qaddafi, and the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, and Yemen and destabilize
every nation from North Africa and southeastern Europe to the Middle East and South Asia that
caused one of the world's worst modern refugees crises. Protests and severe ass-kicking for
Aylan's fate should be visited upon every neocon from Foggy Bottom and Turtle Bay to
Parliament Hill in Ottawa and Langley, Virginia. Only then will Aylan, his brother, and mother be
able to rest in peace.

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