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Esmeralda Lopez

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

The exam in Nevada requires you to get a score of 150 to pass the Math part of

the Praxis Core. For the Reading portion, you must receive a score of 156. The last

portion of the test is Writing and to pass this exam you must receive at least a 162. This

exam is important if you would like to have a career in the education department, to

transfer into a 4-year university, or to continue to the bachelor’s program.

Exam Preparation

I did prepare for the exam prior to taking it. I did the teacher's prep website that

was assigned to us. I also read the material that was given about the Praxis. Some I

skimmed because I had already looked over it when I scheduled my exam at the

beginning of the semester; it was a good refresher. I also went over some of the

mathematical formulas I would need for the test. I also asked my boyfriend who had

already passed the exams on what I should focus on for the exam.

Exam Results

The results I got from the teacher’s prep were very interesting to me. Math is one

of my strongest subjects, however, the recent test did not reflect that. For Math, I

received a 66% which means I am borderline passing and needs improvement. For

Writing, I scored a 70% score that means borderline. For Reading, I scored 34%, which is

my weakest subject and need significant improvement.

Future Exam Preparation

I have passed the Reading portion of the Praxis and I am waiting for the result of

the Writing portion. However, I think I did well on the writing. For math, I failed by 2

points. Next time I need to practice more on the math portion, mainly focusing on the

area of circles and cylinders. I will try the Ed Ready to help improve my Math skills.

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