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AnnisaLuthfiyatulH : Nutritionists (Mrs. Suparni)

EkawantaDaulay : Nurse (Eka)

LiaSulistiawati : Doctor (Lia)

LintangGuspita : Nurse (Lintang)

LuftiHidayanti : Patient (Mrs. Jane)

Nurse Lintang : Nurse Eka we have new patients. Please prepare for the bed making.

Nurse Eka: Okay, I will prepare the room for the patient.
Nurse Lintang: thank you
Nurse Eka: You’re wellcome

After the nurse prepares a room for new patient. Nurse Lintang came into the room
along with the patient.
Nurse Lintang: Nurse Eka. Please do the assessment for Mrs. Jean. And after that, we can do the
next treatment.
Nurse Eka: all right. I am going to the nurse station. Just a minute.

After that, the nurse went to the nurse station for setting up purposes in assessing

Nurse Eka: Good morning. My name is Eka. I’m a nurse who will take care of you today. Now, i need
to collect your personal data. I’m going to ask you some questions. What is your name?

Mrs. Jane: Good morning nurse. My name is Jane.

Nurse Eka: And how old are you Mrs. Jane?

Mrs. Jane: I’m 27 years old.

Nurse Eka: and what’s your date of birth?

Mrs. Jane: I was born in the 5th of January 1990, I live in Pondok Indah

Nurse Eka: Have you ever been hospitalized?

Mrs. Jane: No. I haven’t

Nurse Eka: What is the reason you come to this hospital?

Mrs. Jane: my stomach feels pain. And sometimes I feel nauseous. But after consume the
medicine, I feel better. I hope I can go home as soon as possible
Nurse Eka: okay, have you had any others problems?

Mrs. Jane: No Nurse.I just feel tired

Nurse Eka: Okay. you have to take a breakright now. If you need something you can call us.

Mrs. Jane: Okay. Thank tou nurse.

After the nurse doing the assessment, the nurse gave information about the patient's condition to
the doctor.

Nurse Eka: good morning doctor.

Doctor: good morning, nurse Eka

Nurse Eka: I would like to give the results of the assessment of the patient. The patient is Mrs. Jane

Doctor: hm okay, Sit down please. I will check and read it

Nurse Eka: thank you doctor

Doctor: his blood pressure is still low and the other complaints is just tired of it . So, we only
give her medicine and nutrition.

Nurse Eka: Well...I am going to the nurse station. Good morning doctor

When the nurse back to the nurse’s station, Mrs jean call nurses.
Mrs. Jean: Nurse.. help me please!.

Nurse Lintang: Do you need a help Mrs. Jean?

Mrs. Jean:I feel very nauseous . My stomach is very painful. Please help me

Nurse Lintang: Okay mrs. Jean, just wait a minute, I am going to call a doctor.

Mrs. Jean: Okay nurse....

After the nurse call a doctor. The doctor immediately check the condition of the patient
Nurse Lintang: you have to relax mrs. Jean

Doctor: Is it still very nauseous?

Mrs. Jean: yes doctor.

Doctor: okay. Nurse Lintang, please provide prescription medicine that are already right here. To
reduce her nauseous.

Nurse Lintang: okay doctor

Doctor: And... please tell the nurse Eka to give a report the condition of Mrs. Jean to the

Nurse Lintang: yes doctor, I would tell her

Doctor: nurse Lintang will give you a medicine. Please wait a minute. Good afternoon Mrs.

Mrs. Jane: Thank you doctor

After a nurse Lintang gave medication, she tells Nurse Eka to inform the patient's
conditionon a nutritionist.

Nurse Eka: Good afternoon Mrs. Suparni

Mrs. Suparni: Good afternoon nurse
Nurse Eka : I would like to give the report a patient named Ny. Jean. Her condition is not good.
Mrs. Suparni: Okay. I will go to Mrs. Jane’s room to check her condition

Nurse Eka: Okay, thank you.

Mrs.Suparni and Nurse Eka are going to Mrs. Jane’s room immediately

Ny. Suparni: Good afternoon, are you Mrs. Jane ?

Ny. Jean: Good afternoon, yes I am Jane.

Ny. Suparni: okay Mrs Jane let me introduce my self. My name is Supartini, I am a nutrisionist here.
What do you feel right now?

Ny. Jean: I really feel nauseous and I don’t have an appetite. My stomatch feels pain

Ny. Suparni: I understand what you feel. Nurse Eka, just give her a little portion of food but the
frequency of that food is often

Perawat Eka.: okay.

Perawat1: good afternoon mrs.Jane. Where’s the part of your stomatch that feels so pain?

Pasien: right there nurse. It feels so pain. I can’t hold it

Perawat1: okay please just wait for a minute. I wil give you an analgetic. Just take a deep breathe
for the relaxation

Pasien: okay nurse, i will try the relaxation techniques

Perawat1: yes Mrs. Jane, I will take the analgetic.

Pasien: Okay nurse

After three minutes, the nurse come and bring the analgetic to Mrs. Jane

Perawat1: this is an analgetic. This type of medicine that can reduce your pain, so you must consume
it right now to decrease your pain, okay?
Keluarga: Okay Nurse, I will help my mother to consume that medicine.

Perawat1: Okay, I will go back to the nurse station

Prolog: After the nurse give an analgetic to Mrs Jane, in two days later Mrs Jane recovered from her
gastritis and after that the doctor permit her to go home


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