Range of Water Streams From A Container Qno. 15 Similar To 1.376 (B)

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Fluids Ranker

1. A uniform rod of density  is placed in a wide tank containing a liquid of density 0 (0
> ). The depth of liquid in the tank is half the length of the rod. The rod is in
equilibrium with its lower end resting on the bottom of the tank. In this position the rod
makes an angle  with the horizontal
1 1 0
A) sin   0 /  B) sin   C) sin    / 0 D) sin    0 / 
2 2 
2. A beaker containing a liquid of density  moves up with an acceleration a. The pressure
due to the liquid at a depth h below the free surface of the liquid is
ga 
A) hg B) h(g  a) C) h(g  a) D) 2hg  
ga 
3. A sealed tank containing a liquid of density  moves with a horizontal acceleration a, as
shown in the figure. The difference in pressure between the point A and B is
C A a
h B

A)hg B)la C)hg – la D)hg + la

4. A spring balance reads W1 when a ball is suspended from it. A weighing machine reads
W2 when a tank of liquid is kept on it. When the ball is immersed in the liquid, the
spring balance reads W3 and the weighing machine reads W4
A) W1  W3 B) W1  W3 C) W2  W4 D) W2  W4
5. A massless conical flask filled with a liquid is kept on a table in a vacuum. The force
exerted by the liquid on the base of the flask is W1. The force exerted by the flask on
the table is W2

A)W1 = W2 B)W1 < W2 C)W1 > W2 D) None of these.

6. The vessel shown in the figure has two sections of areas of cross–section A1 and A2. A
liquid of density  fills both the sections, up to a height h in each. Neglect atmospheric

h A2

A) the pressure at the base of the vessel is constant
B) the force exerted by the liquid on the base of the vessel is hgA2
C) the weight of the liquid is < 2hgA2
D) None of these.

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Fluids Ranker

7. The reading of a barometer containing some air above the mercury column is 73cm
while that of a correct one is 76 cm. If the tube of the faulty barometer is pushed down
into mercury until volume of air in it is reduced to half, the reading shown by it will be
A) 70 cm B) 72 cm C) 74 cm D) 76 cm
8. The minimum horizontal acceleration of the container so that the pressure at the point A
of the container becomes atmospheric is

2m a


3 4 3
A) g B) g C) g D) g
2 3 4

9. A large open tank has two holes in the wall. One is a square hole of side L at a depth y
from the top and the other is a circular hole of radius R at a depth 4y from the top.
When the tank is completely filled with water, the quantities of water flowing out per
second from both holes are the same. Then, R is equal to
A) B) 2L C) L D)
2 2

10. A tank full of water has a small hole at its bottom. If one-fourth of the tank is emptied
in t1 seconds and the remaining three fourths of the tank is emptied in t2 seconds, then
ratio (t1/t2) is
2 2 2 3
A) 3 B) 2 C) D)
2 3

11. A solid sphere of radius R made of a material of bulk modulus K is surrounded by a

liquid in a cylindrical container. A massless piston of area A floats on the surface of the
liquid. When a mass M is placed on the piston to compress the liquid, the fractional
change in the radius of the sphere, R is
Mg Mg Mg Mg
A) B) C) D)

12. Consider an iceberg floating in sea water. The density of sea water is 1.02 gm/cc and
that of ice is 0.92 gm/cc. The fraction of the total volume of iceberg above the level of
sea water is nearly:
A) 8% B) 9% C) 3% D) 1.8%

13. A vessel contains oil (density = 0.8 g/cm2) over mercury (density = 13.6 g/cm3). A
homogeneous sphere floats with half its volume immersed in mercury and the other half
in oil. The density of the material of the sphere in g/cm3 is
A) 3.3 B) 6.4 C) 7.2 D) 12.8

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Fluids Ranker
14. A tank is filled with water upto a height H. Water is allowed to come out of a small
hole P in one of the walls at a depth h below the surface of water. The water stream
strikes the ground at a distance x from the tank. x is given by


A) x  hH  h B) x  hH  h / 2 C) x  2 hH  h D) x  4 hH  h

15. As shown in the figure, water squirts horizontally out of two small holes in the side of
the cylinder and the two streams strike the ground at the same point. If the hole Q is at a
height h above the ground and the level of water stands at height H above the ground,
then the height of P above ground level is


A) 2h B) H/h C) H – h D) H/2
16. A large open tank has two holes in the wall. One is a square hole of side L at a
depth y from the top and the other is a circular hole of radius R at a depth 4y
from the top. When the tank is completely filled with water, the quantity of
water flowing out per second from both holes are the same, then R is equal to
A) L B) 2L C) L D) L
2 2
17. Two identical cylindrical shape vessels are placed, A at ground and B at height h. Each
contains liquid of density  and the heights of liquid in A and B are h1 and h2
respectively. The area of either base is A. The total potential energy of liquid system
w.r.t ground is
A g 2 A g 2
 h1  h22  2hh2  B)
 h1  h2   h22
A g  h1  h  2
C) hA g  h1  h  h2  D)    h2
2  2 
18. A tank with vertical walls is mounted so that its base is at a height H above the
horizontal ground. The tank is filled with water to a depth h. A hole is punched in the
side wall of the tank at a depth x below the water surface. To have maximum range of
the emerging stream, the value of x is
Hh h Hh 3(H  h)
A) B) H  C) D) .
4 2 3 4
19. A large open tank has two holes in the wall. One is a square hole of side L at a depth y
from the top and the other is a circular hole of radius R at a depth 4y from the top.
When the tank is completely filled with water the quantities of water flowing out per
second from both the holes are the same. Then, R is equal to
A) 2L B) C) L D) .
2 2

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Fluids Ranker

20. Water is flowing through a tube of non–uniform cross–section Ratio of the radius at
entry and exit end of the pipe is 3: 2. Then the ratio of velocities at entry and exit of
liquid is
A) 4: 9 B) 9: 4 C) 8: 27 D) 1: 1.

21. Water flows through a vertical tube of variable cross–section. The area of cross–section
at A and B are 6 mm2 and 3 mm2 respectively. If 12 c.c. of water enters per second
through A, find the pressure difference PA – PB (g = 10 m/s2). The separation between
the cross–sections at A and B is 100 cm.

100 cm
A) 1.6 × 105 dyne/cm2 B) 2.29 × 105 dyne/cm2
C) 5.9 × 104 dyne/cm2 D) 3.9 × 105 dyne/cm2.
22. The velocity of the liquid coming out of a small hole of a vessel containing two
different liquids of densities 2 and  as shown in figure is

 2h

 h

A) 6gh B) 2 gh C) 3 gh D) gh
23. Water rises in a straight capillary tube upto a height of 5 cm when held vertical in
water. If the tube is bent as shown in figure then the height of water column in it will be

A) 5 cm B) less than 5 cm C) more than 5 cm D) 5 cos .

24. Two identical cylindrical vessels with their bases at the same level, each contains a
liquid of density d. The height of the liquid in one vessel is h1and that in the other is h2.
The area of either base is A. The work done by gravity in equalizing the levels when
the vessels area inter connected is
2 2
h h  h1  h2  h h  h1  h2 
A) Adg  1 2  B) 2Adg   C) Adg  1 2  D) Adg  
 2   2   2   2 
25. A ball of relative density 0.8 falls into water from a height of 2 m. The depth to which
the ball will sink is
A) 8 m B) 2 m C) 6 m D) 4 m
26. A metallic sphere floats in an immiscible mixture of water   w  103 kg / m3  and a liquid
 l  13.5 103 kg / m3  poured in a container such that its 4 / 5th portion is in water and
1/ 5th portion in the liquid. The density of metal is
A) 4.5  10 3 kgm 3 B) 4.0  10 3 kgm 3 C) 3.5  103 kgm 3 D) 3.0  103 kgm 3

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Fluids Ranker
27. A water tank resting on the floor has two small holes vertically one above the other.
The holes are h1 cm and h2 cm above the floor. How high does water stand in the tank
if the jets from the holes hit the floor at the same point?
 h22  h12 
A) (h1  h2 ) B) (h2  h1 ) C) 2h1+h2 D)  
 2 
28. A liquid is flowing through a horizontal capillary tube of radius r at the rate of Vm 3 / s .
The velocity of the liquid at a point on the axis of the capillary tube is:
V 2V V 2V
A) B) C) D)
 r2  r2 2 r 4  r4
29. Water flows through a tapering horizontal tube of radius of cross section of the ends
r1  20cm and r2  10cm . The velocity of water at the points for the radius of cross
section r1 is v1  1m / s . The force imparted by the emerging water at the other end of the
tube is
A) 0 N B) 50.24N C) 502.4N D) 5.024N
30. Water from a tap emerges vertically downwards with an initial speed of 1 m / s. The
cross-sectional area of tap is 10 4 m2 . Assume that the pressure is constant throughout
and the flow is steady, the cross-sectional area of stream 0.15 m below the tap is
 g  10m / s 

A) 5.0  10  4 m 2 B) 1.0  10  4 m 2 C) 5.0 10  5 m 2 D) 2  10  5 m 2

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Fluids Ranker

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. B
23. A
24. D
25. A
26. B
27. A
28. D
29. C
30. C

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Fluids Ranker


1. Let AB = L, AC = L/2, D =  , A = area of cross–section of the B

rod. 0
Weight of the rod = ALg, acting through the midpoint of AD. h= 2
Taking torque about A, 
1 L A
 A0 g  cos    LAg  cos 
2 2
 2

or 2
 .
L 0
h L
Also, sin    s
 2
 1 
or  
L 2sin  0
1 0
or sin   .
2 
2. Consider an element of the liquid of height dh and area of cross-section  
at a depth h below the surface of the liquid. Let p and p + dp be the liquid h p
pressures at the upper and lower surfaces of the element.
Mass of the liquid in the element = dm = ( dh) .
Net upward force on the element = [(p + dp)  - p] – g dm p + dp
or  dp – g dm = a dm, as the element moves up with an acceleration a
or  dp = (g + a) ( dh) 
or  dp   (g  a)dh
or p =  (g + a) h.
3. Consider an element of the liquid of width dx and area of cross– dx
section , at a distance x from the front of the tank. x
Mass of the element = dm = ( dx). 
Net force to the right on the element = (p + dp)  – p =  dp. p+dp p
  dp = (  dx)a
or  dp   a dx
or pC  p A  a .
(Refer to the figure in the question to identify A, B, C).
Also pB  pC  gh
or p B  (p A  a )gh
or p B  p A  hg  a .

5. Pressure acts equally in all directions, and a liquid exerts forces on these walls of its container
normal to the walls. Hence, the liquid exerting forces on the sloping walls of the conical flask
will have a net upward component. Similarly, an upward force acts on the walls of the
container at level X.
7. (76  73)V  (76  H)
 H = 70 cm
8. Volume equality gives

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Fluids Ranker

2m h

3m 3m
2×3= ×h×3
 h = 4m
4 a
 tan  = =
3 g
9. A
Velocity of efflux is same at both holes.
L2 2gy   R 2 2g  4y

or R  L
10. D
A 2
t  H  H min  H  Initial height of water, Hmin  Final height of water.
a g 

A 2 3H 
t1   H 
a g 4 
A 2  3H 
t2    0
a g 4 
 3 
H 1  
t1  2  2 3
 
t2  3 3
H 
 2 
Mg / A V Mg
11. K  
V / V V KA
Now V= R 3  V = 4R2R
V 3R
 
R Mg
 
 C
12. From principle of floatation
Vdg = Vsub dlg
 Required fraction = V  Vsub  1
 1
 1
 0.09
V V dl 1.02
 B
13. C
From the principle of floatation
4 3 2 2
r dg  r 3d1g  r 2d2g
3 3 3
d1  d2 0.8  13.6
 d=   7.2 g/cm2
2 2
14. The velocity of water stream coming out of P = 2gh
2H  h 
The time taken by water stream to fall through the height H – h =

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2H  h 
 x= 2gh  = 2 hH  h 
15. From the expression of the previous question, it is clear that the water stream will strike
at the same distance on the ground if the holes are made either at height h or H – h.
16. Asvs = Acvc  L2  2gy  R 2  2g4y   R = L 2
17. PE A  mA g
h 
PEB  mB g  2  h 
2 
 Agh1 h 
PE    Agh2  2  h 
2 2 
18. To have the maximum range of the emerging stream, the value of x is to be where h
is the depth of water.
19. v  2gh
Q1  v1 A1  2gyL2
Q2  v2 A 2  2g  4y R 2
Q1  Q 2
 2R 2  L2
or R .
20. According to equation of continuity
vA  v  r 2 = constant
or vr2 = constant.
 v1 r12  v 2 r22
v1  r1  4
or    .
v2  r2  9
21. PA  PB  g(h1  h 2 )  (v12  v 22 )
Volume of liquid flowing per second through A,
A1v1 = 12 cm3
 v1   2m / s
From equation of continuity, A1v1  A 2 v 2
A1v1 12cm3
or v 2   2 2
 4  102 cm / s
A2 3  10 cm
 PA  PB  1000  100  (16 10 4  4  10 4 )
 105   12  10 4  105  6  10 4
 1.6  105 dyne / cm 2 .

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Fluids Ranker
22. B
Bernoulli’s theorem at 1 and 2
1 2h
 2gh   g2h  2(0) 2
 Patm  2g(0)  2v 2 h
v  2 gh 2
23. The vertical height of liquid level in a capillary tube remains constant.

h1 m1
A Initial potential energy =
h1 h
= m1g + m2g 2
2 2
h h
= Ah1dg + Ah2dg 2
2 2
 h12  h22 
= Adg  
 2 
Since volume is constant so after connecting the vessels
h1A + h2A = 2hA, h = h1  h2
2 2
h h h
= Adg  1 2 
h h
final potential energy = 2mg = 2Ahdg = 2Adg
2 2 2  2 
 h12  h2 2   h1  h2 
Work done = vi – vf = Adg   – Adg  
 2   2 
 2h 2  2h22  h12  h22  2h1h2 
= Adg  1  = Adg (h1 – h2)2
 4  4

26. B
2 2
Total free surface energy E1  8 r1 T  8 r2 T after coalesce, radius of resulting bubbles r

then E2  8 r T  E2  E1  r  r12  r2 2  2

27. A
28. D
P 2
r  x2 
 pr 4
V  4 at x  0
29. C
30. C

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Fluids Ranker

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