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Are microbes at the root of a solution

to world food production?
Rational exploitation of interactions between microbes and plants can help to transform agriculture
John P. Morrissey, J. Maxwell Dow, G. Louise Mark & Fergal O’Gara

ne major challenge for the twenty- that interact with plants to influence plant If global food production is to
first century will be the produc- health, productivity and biodiversity. The keep pace with an increasingly
tion of sufficient food—the impact of the microbial world on plants is
urbanized and growing
United Nations Population Fund estimates evident: worldwide each year, microbial
that the global human population may diseases cost crop producers billions of population […] the great
well reach 10 billion by 2050 Euros. Similarly, the important role of challenge for modern societies
( This means increasing nitrogen fixation by rhizobia and other is to boost plant productivity
agricultural productivity of food crops, as bacteria for plant growth has been known in an environmentally
plants form the basis of every food chain. for decades. What is less appreciated, and sustainable manner
However, agriculture in developed coun- less well understood, is the pervasive
tries already creates a range of serious influence that other microbes have on
environmental problems through the use plant health and growth; they enhance work and research on the biology and
of pesticides and herbicides, salinization stress tolerance, provide disease resis- biochemistry of the rhizosphere, there is
and the depletion of water resources. tance, aid nutrient availability and uptake, still very little known about the detailed
Furthermore, agricultural production in and promote biodiversity. Although major mechanisms that take place in the soil.
many African, Asian and South American advances in genomic technologies and Although most plant biodiversity research
countries cannot be increased without fur- in situ studies of beneficial plant–microbe focuses on what is visible above the
ther destroying more areas by turning interactions have produced a large ground, researchers have demonstrated a
them into arable land, thus threatening amount of knowledge and given insights clear link between ‘above-ground’ and
global biodiversity, which is already under into the mechanisms of these interactions, ‘below-ground’ diversity (Helgason et al,
stress from human action. If global food their application in biotechnology and 1998; Marcel et al, 1998). The biological
production is to keep pace with an agriculture has yet to be exploited. A and ecological details that underpin this
increasingly urbanized and growing greater understanding of how plants and phenomenon remain elusive, but these
population, while formulating new food soil microbes live together and benefit findings suggest that maintenance of a
production strategies for developing coun- each other can therefore provide new high diversity of plant species requires
tries, the great challenge for modern soci- strategies to improve plant productivity, a correspondingly high level of diversity
eties is to boost plant productivity in an while helping to protect the environment in the soil microbial community (Wardle
environmentally sustainable manner. and maintain global biodiversity. et al, 2004).
A major effort in plant biotechnology is The influence of plants on microbial

therefore the development of new crop he most intense interactions population structure and function in the
varieties with enhanced disease and pest between microbes and plants take rhizosphere has important ecological
resistance, greater drought and salt toler- place at the rhizosphere, which is implications for soil function, including
ance and better nutritional value through the interface between plant roots and the biogeochemical cycles. Similarly, soil
the introduction of desirable traits either soil. The concept of the rhizosphere was microbes have a tremendous influence on
by conventional breeding or genetic modi- broached 100 years ago by the German plant health and productivity (Bloemberg
fication. However, these efforts have tradi- biologist Lorenz Hiltner (Fig 1), who first & Lugtenberg, 2001). One straightforward
tionally focused on plant phenotypes. proposed that the area around the roots is and visible benefit for the plant is a better
What has been largely ignored is the a region of high microbial activity supply of and access to nutrients. The role
important role of microbial communities (Hiltner, 1904). Despite a large amount of of mutualistic nitrogen-fixating rhizobia


v iew point science & society
significant environ- agriculture at present. A reduction in the
mental benefits as use of these chemicals would lead to obvi-
they would allow a ous environmental benefits and it would
reduction in the also appeal to consumers who seek more
application of nitro- natural produce.
gen and phospho-
rous fertilizers. The What has been largely ignored is
overuse of such fer-
tilizers has become
the important role of microbial
a major concern communities that interact with
because they cause plants to influence plant health,
nitrate contamina- productivity and biodiversity
tion of soil and
groundwater by
leachates and In addition to these direct effects on
because microbial plant growth, rhizobacteria exert another
denitrification con- health-promoting effect on the plants with
verts residual which they interact. This phenomenon is
nitrogen into the known as induced systemic resistance
greenhouse gas and arises when interactions with non-
nitrous oxide pathogenic bacteria confer better disease
(Nosengo, 2003; resistance on plants (van Loon et al,
Reay, 2004). Equally, 1998). Induced systemic resistance differs
excess phospho- from acquired systemic resistance in
rous compounds plants; the latter occurs in response to
leach into ground- localized microbial attack. Induced resis-
water, rivers and tance is triggered by microbial inter-
streams, where they actions in the rhizosphere, but also
promote algal growth enhances resistance of remote aerial plant
and other environ- parts against pathogens. This systemic
mental problems. change in plant physiology bears con-
Although commer- ceptual similarities to other phenotypes,
Fig 1 | Lorenz Hiltner: pioneer of the rhizosphere concept. Courtesy of the cial fertilizer prod- such as improved stress, drought or dis-
Bavarian State Institute for Agriculture in Freising, Germany ucts based on ease resistance, that have been linked to
rhizobia and plant–fungal associations. Little is known
has been well documented for decades, Azospirillum are already available, their about why bacteria induce this condition,
but recent data detail the intimate wider application is restricted by inconsis- which is clearly beneficial to the plant.
exchange of nutrients during the symbiosis tent performance and limitations of host Although induced systemic resistance is
of plant roots and bacteria (Lodwig et al, range. A better understanding of plant– generally ascribed to interactions with
2003). The plant attracts nitrogen-fixating microbe symbiosis could help to overcome bacteria, there is emerging evidence that
bacteria to invade the cells in the root and at least some of these problems. some fungi, particularly endophytic fungi,
provides them with carbohydrates as a In addition to enhancing the nutrient may also be able to induce a similar
food source while the bacteria reduce supply of plants, microbes also confer a response in plants (Arnold et al, 2003;
nitrous compounds in the soil that are then degree of protection against plant diseases. Harman et al, 2004; Clay, 2004).
used by the plant. Similarly, interactions In particular, various bacteria and fungi—

between plants and fungi can also provide especially of the genera Pseudomonas, he interactions of rhizosphere
nutrients for the plant. Arbuscular mycor- Bacillus and Trichoderma—produce a microbes with plants depend on the
rhizal fungi, which form an intricate inter- range of metabolites against other phyto- establishment of intimate associa-
nal symbiosis with the roots of most pathogenic fungi (Bloemberg & tions between the two partners (Fig 2).
flowering plants, are associated with the Lugtenberg, 2001; Walsh et al, 2001; Research on some of these interactions,
provision of phosphorous to the plant in Raijaamkers et al, 2002). Such biocontrol such as those between symbiotic rhizobia
exchange for organic carbohydrates agents are already efficiently used in the and legumes, has demonstrated that this
(Smith & Read, 1997). Microbes also indi- field, but they have not yet attained the intimate cooperation between plant and
rectly aid nutrient uptake—bacteria of the degree of efficacy and consistency that is bacteria displays a high level of host
Azospirillum genus promote increased needed for large-scale commercialization. specificity. There is also a growing body
root mass and more efficient nitrogen But there is the potential for improvement of evidence suggesting that many other
uptake from the soil in response to the and, with development, such microbes associations between plants and microbes
plant hormone indole-3-acetic acid. Using could become a realistic alternative to show similar degrees of specificity;
these bacteria and fungi could provide the heavy fungicide regimens used in different plant species, and even different


science & society v iew point

cultivars of the same plant species, estab- unknown. By profiling the complete
lish distinct microbial populations in their genetic response to root exudates, it will
rhizospheres when grown in the same be possible to assemble a full picture of
soil. The formation of these communities how gene expression, and thereby func-
depends, at least in part, on the activation tion, is modulated in the bacterium after
of specific programmes of gene expres- perception of plant signals. It will facili-
sion in the microbe in response to chemi- tate studies of how different bacterial
cal signals secreted from the plant. A species and subspecies respond to partic-
pertinent example is the induction of ular plants and how a bacterium responds
nodulation genes in receptive rhizobia, differentially to signals from different
which are triggered by the production and plant species or varieties. This, in turn,
secretion of particular flavonoids by the will lead to a better understanding of the
plant. In the case of the rhizobia–legume basis of host specificity and host selection
interaction, the plant also responds to during microbe–plant interactions. It may
bacterial signals, and it is likely that this also be possible to describe general prin-
type of chemical cross-talk is typical of ciples of plant–microbe communication
other microbe–plant interactions. Other that define or distinguish associative,
examples of plant-derived signals that mutual and pathogenic interactions of
influence microbial gene expression microbes with plants.
include phenolics exuded from plant In addition to the economic effects of
wounds, which induce expression of viru- plant disease, microbial interaction with
lence genes in pathogenic Agrobacterium plants can also have serious and direct
spp., and compounds that mimic the Fig 2 | Intimate associations between bacteria and consequences for human health. One
quorum sensing signals used by bacteria plants: fluorescently labelled bacteria visualized notorious case is the reputed association
to regulate gene expression (Loh et al, in situ growing on the root surface (unpublished between the consumption of ergot-
2002; Newton & Fray, 2004). In general, figure provided by Estibaliz Larrainzar) contaminated products and the hysteria
however, there is only scant knowledge of that characterized the Salem witch trials in
signalling interactions between beneficial seventeenth century USA. A hypothesis has
microbes and plants. Understanding how and of functional genomics is now possi- been put forward that psychoactive alka-
microbes respond to plant signals in terms ble. So far, most data have come loids related to LSD, produced by the
of growth and gene expression, and the from comparative analyses with a particu- fungus Claviceps purpurea during rye infec-
role that plant signalling has in determin- lar emphasis on mutualistic and patho- tion, caused the symptoms seen during that
ing interaction specificity or driving popu- genic interactions. Although comparative period, although this can never be un-
lation selection is central to reaping the genomics focuses on genetic potential equivocally proven. Another example of
benefits of plant–microbe interactions. rather than gene expression, these studies microbial toxins in the food chain are fun-
do raise some interesting questions about gal aflatoxins, produced by certain strains
The influence of plants on the distinction between pathogenic and of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus
non-pathogenic bacteria. For instance, growing on foods and feeds, which are a
microbial population structure
investigations have already yielded a sur- serious health concern. The effects of
and function in the rhizosphere prising insight regarding type-III protein microbes on plant physiology itself have
has important ecological secretion systems. These are ordinarily received less attention, although it is known
implications for soil function, associated with pathogenicity in bacteria that many food crops naturally produce
including biogeochemical cycles and are possibly also involved in non- toxic metabolites; potatoes and tomatoes,
pathogenic associations (Puhler et al, for example, can accumulate high levels of
2004). In the future, transcriptome profil- toxic steroidal alkaloids (Friedman, 2002;
Before the advent of genomic tech- ing and functional genomics (Fig 3) are Korpan et al, 2004). The possible role of
nologies, scientists had only limited likely to produce more information about microbes in inducing toxin production, or
options to investigate these interactions in microbial responses to plant signals and in modifying metabolites or metabolic
detail, particularly with a view to their the contribution of specific gene products pathways within the plant, remains largely
commercial exploitation. This situation to the establishment of an interaction with unexplored. There are clear precedents for
has changed considerably, now that the host. An important question is this premise, for instance the production of
the genomes of more than ten plant- whether plant metabolites exuded from secondary metabolites by plants, such as
associated bacteria have been sequenced, roots induce microbial type-III protein phytoalexins, in response to pathogenic
and the sequencing of another 35 relevant secretion systems, and, if so, how?
genomes is already under way (Puhler Pseudomonas fluorescens, for instance, is
Understanding how microbes
et al, 2004). A detailed investigation of the chemotactic towards components of root
molecular basis of pathogenic, symbiotic exudates (de Weert et al, 2002), but the respond to plant signals […] is
and associative plant–microbe interac- global effect of these exudates on gene central to reaping the benefits of
tions, both at the levels of comparative expression in the bacterium is still plant–microbe interactions


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Applying knowledge about
beneficial plant–microbe
interactions […] may allow us
to increase food production
while reducing stress on the
environment and on global

use of basic technology; for instance,

before the advent of vaccines and anti-
biotics, care and hygiene were the only
means to help patients to cope with infec-
tious diseases. The advanced phase uses
modern technologies but is clunky and
intrusive, such as the infamous iron lung
that was used in the 1950s and 1960s to
help polio victims breathe. The high-tech
stage finally provides elegant, efficient and
seemingly simple solutions on the basis of
Fig 3 | The ‘-omics’ technologies: proteomics and genomics are revolutionizing the study of interactions detailed scientific knowledge—by under-
between plants and microbes (unpublished figure provided by Olive Gleeson and Gordon McAlester) standing the problem and addressing the
cause rather than the symptoms. In the
fight against polio, it was the Salk and
attack and fungal modification of plant interact with the plant to generate improved Sabin vaccines that eventually helped the
saponins (Morrissey & Osbourn, 1999; productivity or health for the latter. medical community to combat the disease.
Bouarab et al, 2002). Although it is clearly a Furthermore, bacteria could be genetically Modern agriculture has gone through
complex issue, the combination of plant engineered to confer increased disease similar phases in recent history. The first
and microbial functional genomics with resistance or growth promotion that is only agricultural revolution in the eighteenth
metabolome analysis provides a route to activated when the bacterium is associated century introduced crop rotation to take
start addressing these questions. with its host plant. From the perspective of advantage of and manipulate microbial
developing nations, these are exciting populations in the soil, although at that

uture biotechnological developments strategies that may help to increase yields time it was not known why this benefited
in the agricultural sector—whether while avoiding some of the costs and plant health and growth. The second revo-
based on gene modification tech- environmental problems that come with lution, which began in the 1960s and is
nology or on traditional breeding—should the use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides sometimes described as the ‘green revo-
recognize the importance of plant–microbe and fungicides. However, most of the lution’, was based on improved plant-
associations. The ‘traditional’ plant bio- microbial biodiversity in soil remains breeding techniques and the development
technology sector is based around plant unexplored and much work remains to be of hybrid varieties; it now includes genetic
breeding and the selection of varieties with done to first identify and then characterize engineering of plants but also a heavy
desired traits, and it pays little attention to microorganisms that could be used reliance on the use of chemicals. We may
plant–microbial ecology. But the expres- in such applications. Furthermore, such now be at the cusp of a third stage, which
sion of desirable traits, such as disease approaches require a detailed knowledge will combine both approaches in a more
resistance, or drought and salt tolerance, of the molecular signalling that takes place holistic and elegant strategy. Applying
could equally be driven by interactions between plants and microbes to drive knowledge about beneficial plant–
between a particular plant variety and the expression of desirable traits and suppress microbe interactions in the rhizosphere to
colonizing microbial flora. Conversely, unwanted effects in a controlled manner. plant-breeding and genetic-engineering
particular plant genotypes may attract a Exploiting plants and microbes by using technologies may allow us to increase food
microbial flora with undesirable traits. such an integrated approach requires a sys- production while reducing stress on the
Understanding the genetic basis of tems biology strategy to understand the environment and on global biodiversity.
plant–microbe interactions in the context of degree and complexity of plant–microbe
how the plant selects its microbial popula- interactions through the application of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
tion in the soil may allow ‘conditioning’ of modern ‘-omics’ technologies. Research in the authors’ laboratories is supported
the rhizosphere to promote desirable traits One could describe the evolution of by research grants from Science Foundation
Ireland (02/IN.1/B1261; 03/IN3/B373), the HEA
in the plant, which is, in fact, the basis of technology as passing through three phases:
PRTLI programmes, Enterprise Ireland
natural disease-suppressive soils. Similarly, the low-tech stage, the advanced stage and (SC/02/0420; SC/02/517), the European Union
it is also an attractive proposition to the high-tech stage. The low-tech phase is, (QLK3-2001-00101; QLK5-CT-2002-00914) and
influence or modulate the microbes that as the name implies, characterized by the the Health Research Board (RP76/2001).


science & society v iew point

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