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Jose Rizal University – SHS – HG PAGE 1

Revolutionary Change: The Impact of Technological

Advancement on the Present Lifestyle of Teenagers

A Research Paper Presented to

Mrs. Mary Grace C. Morales

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in RSCH S12 Quantitative Research

Submitted by:

Dalusong, Jun Nathaniel

Fabi, Jullian

Mastrili, Iverson

Padilla, Kate Annedre

Quilang, Prince

Tamba, Jan Arvie P.


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In the present world, every part of our daily life is related to technology
in one way or the other. The rate of technological advancement is increasing
with time, society is looking to create and develop easier ways to live and
lengthen their lives. The internet is a massive source of information that millions of
people use and depend on every day. When compared in the old days, we are
having better facilities and even better luxuries with the help of develop
technology. The development of technology is not confined to any one sector,
and all the industries and different sectors of society are developing new
technologies according to their needs and requirements (Daily Alert, 2013). One
that has been really trying to adapt the newly advance technologies is the
education sector; From using blackboards to write some information to using
projectors with a Microsoft PowerPoint flash in the white board, and from just an
open window to electric fans to air-conditioned facilities - these developments in
the education section help the students, who are in some ways the most prone
in using technology, to be more active in participating in the discussions and
focus on what’s ahead in front of them.

Technology has already been widespread in our current society, and

we’re not going to walk by the street without seeing one. The electrical devices
or “gadgets” have been continuously updated and innovated. Thanks to the
innovative minds of the manufacturers, the latest smartphones can do almost
anything what a consumer would like to do with his/her phone. Most of these
consumers are mostly teenagers. These people would like to keep up with the
trend and become as close to as what is currently popular in the market.
Teenagers are being more and more advanced as the technology advances.
The way they are thinking now, they become more advance thinkers. In this era,
almost everything is related to electronics. So having a useful technology is very
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useful for their everyday lives. This will give them access to the latest happenings
in the society. While this is progressing and being innovative, the user is being
progressive as well. This shows that these have good effect but solely dependent
on electronics is one thing that makes the advancement of electronics bad. In
the future, given the continuous upgrades and innovations of the current
electronics, we could say that there will come a time when people don’t need
to do work anymore. This will cause laziness and abusive mental states. Because
of this, people who are the ones using gadgets everyday are more affected by
these gadgets. There are many other good and bad effects of advanced
technology to people, and technology is like a coin which has both positive and
negative sides. We are the deciders and we have to choose how to use it. The
usage of technology for over exploitation of resources should be always
avoided. If we use it for positive things, it will have positive effect of our lives and
vice versa. Nobody would oppose the development of technologies in any
sector but the developments should be in a positive way and they should not
have any negative impact on present or future generations.
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Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods,

and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the
accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can
be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be
embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of
their workings. The simplest form of technology is the development and use of
basic tools. The prehistoric discovery of how to control fire and the later Neolithic
Revolution increased the available sources of food, and the invention of
the wheel helped humans to travel in and control their environment.
Developments in historic times, including the printing press, the telephone, and
the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed
humans to interact freely on a global scale. Technology has many effects. It has
helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global
economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological
processes produce unwanted by-products known as pollution and deplete
natural resources to the detriment of Earth's environment. Innovations have
always influenced the values of a society and raised new questions of the ethics
of technology. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of
human productivity, and the challenges of bioethics (The Free Encyclopedia,

This study will not focus only on phones; this will include all types of
technological equipment, electronic, and machinery. Knowing the fact that
most of the teenagers are using gadgets in the 21st century, it affects them in
their everyday lives. The example for this is how they socialize in the community.
They may be socially active in social media sites but they may be anti-social in
person. Also the advancement in technology can make or destroy their futures.
They can become abusive, either consciously or unconsciously. When a new
type of technology is invented, people will start to patronize it. Then it will start to
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become trendy. Many teens would start to want the new technology. This
advanced technology could either benefit a teenager or not, for example, most
of the times teenagers rely on their smartphone or laptops to find an answer to
their assignments, and it will surely be as easy as one, two, and three. But on the
contrary, the more the information can be easily search in the internet the more
the teenagers will procrastinate and tend to rely on the internet to get the
information they need instead of learning to strive for getting it.

The advancement of technology to everyone can be either good

or bad. It will always give an effect. But it depends on how the person will use the
advancement, if he or she will make use of it to be productive or the opposite.
As technology is rapidly advancing, it will have positive and negative effects to
teenagers, who are the subjects in this research study. Pornography, Cyber
bullying and other types of illegal activities can be done online and there is no
law that can actually regulate the uses of this websites to people, which means
everyone, by everyone we mean kids, teenagers and adults have access to
these types of malicious contents.

Moreover, we are the deciders and we have to choose how to

use it. If we use it for positive things, it will have positive effect of our lives and
vice versa. Nobody would oppose the development of technologies in any
sector but the developments should be in a positive way and they should not
have any negative impact on present or future generations. What about the
people who cannot keep up with the advancements of technology? What will
happen to them? If they would be left out, wouldn’t they become lagging in the
current society? This study will try to answer these types of questions and try to
enumerate the possible effects of advancement of technology to
teenagers. Technology is in fact a vital force that is necessary to our existence,
but we should remember that it is not the answer to everything—it’s not going to
make us better people, but it can make us live in a better world (Max, 2014).
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This study entitled “The Impact of Technological Advancement on

Present Lifestyle of Teenagers” aims to determine the effects, and benefits of the
technological advancement on the present lifestyle of teenagers. Furthermore, it
aims to know if technology is changing the way teenagers live, and the positive
and negative effects of technology on their present lifestyle.

Specifically, it meant to answer the following questions:

1. Does technology have a long-term effect on the present

lifestyle of teenagers?
2. How does technology affect the behavior and mentality of
3. What are the benefits of technology for teenagers?
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Aims and Objectives

Generally, this study aims to assess the ongoing advancement of

technology and how it positively and negatively affects the present lifestyle of

This will be done through a structured questionnaire with 10 questions

each scale of positive and negative effects will be distributed to the
respondents. The filled-out questionnaire will be gathered and the data will be
tallied and computed according to measures of central tendency. The different
students from different school of grade 8-11 students will help to determine the
long-term effects of technology. The response of different students from different
school of grade 8-11 students will help to determine if there has been an effect.
Lastly, the different students from different school of grade 8-11 students will be
determined if they are benefited.
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Conceptual Framework


• Survey • Long term

effects of the
• Behavior • Likert scale

Impact on the Present Lifestyle of teenagers

• Measuring the advancement
Determinants of the impacts of technology

perspective of the • Effect on the

behavior and
students about
their mentality • Benefits

• Relationship
Its Process

• Education

• Reliability on

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The following null hypothesis will test in this study: There is an impact
between the positive and negative effects of the advancement of technology
through the following determinants: behavior, measuring the perspective of the
students about their mentality, relationship, education, and reliability on
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Significance of the Study

This research study can be a beneficial strategy to the following:

 Students
This study can be a beneficial strategy for the students to realize and
measure the effects of overusing and inappropriate use of advance technology,
thus, it will make them keener in using it appropriately and effectively.
 Parents
This study also can serve as a guide for the parents of the students . This
study will help them determine if the university is capable enough in providing
advance learning for their children, thus will make them more attentive inside the

 Future Researchers

Lastly, this study also gives a spring hold and guide for future studies in
determining the impacts of technological advancement on the present lifestyle
of teenagers or students.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses only on the students in the Jose Rizal University within the
age of 13-18 years old or grade 7-11. This study will examine the possible effects
and impact of the advancement of technology to students. A total of 50
respondents including junior high school students will participate in the study. The
researchers will use available materials within the range of the study. The
respondents are only limited to grade 7-11 students of the Jose Rizal University.
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Definition of Terms

 Positive Impact

– Fully assured that technological advancement will have a good effect

or result to humanity.

 Negative Impact

– A negative result of the advancement of technology to humanity.

 Procrastinate

- delay or postpone action; put off doing something.

 Mental Health

– is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or

her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his

 Technology

- The definition of technology is science or knowledge put into practical

use to solve problems or invent useful tools.

 Likert Scale

-Includes simply-worded statements to which respondents can indicate

their extent of agreement or disagreement on a five or seven point scale.
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 Behavior

-The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

 Mentality

- The characteristic attitude of mind or way of thinking of a person or


 Relationship

- The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are

connected, or the state of being connected.

 Teenagers

-a person aged between 13 and 19 years old.

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The following chapter outlines the methodology and research techniques

adopted to answer the questions proposed in the Chapter 1 of this research
study. The chapter begins by explaining the research locale of the study, then
research design of the study; the approach that will be used in conducting the
study. Next is the profiling of the population of the study, the sampling method to
be used to arrive at the sample of the study, followed by the respondents of the
study. Following this, the use of questionnaire as the primary data collection
method is rationalized. Finally, the data analysis technique that will be used in
analyzing and interpreting the data that will be gathered and the statistical
treatment in this study is discussed.

3.1 Research Locale

This research study will be conducted within the premises of the Jose Rizal
University situated along 80 Shaw Boulevard Mandaluyong City. The research will
be undertaken with the students’ age of 13 years old to 18 years old. The Jose
Rizal University also known as JRU, is a private university located in Mandaluyong
City, Philippines. It was founded in 1919 by Vicente Fabella.
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Figure 2: Jose Rizal University

3.2 Research Design

Survey tend to be a quantitative research projects or largely quantitative,

research projects that is quantitative with some qualitative element. The essence
of survey method can be explained as “questioning individuals on a topic or
topics and then describing their responses” (Jackson, 2011, p.17). In research
studies survey method of primary data collection is used to conduct experiments
to test specific hypotheses about causal relationships between variables. Such
studies, when conducted on large and diverse samples, can be a useful
supplement to laboratory studies conducted on university students. Although this
approach is not a typical use of survey research, it certainly illustrates the
flexibility of this method (Converse, J.M., 1987).

Given the nature of the study and the various resource constraints (i.e.
time, money, accessibility) placed upon the researchers, survey appeared to be
the most feasible method in comparison to other data collection methods.
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3.3 Population and Sample

This research study will draw on sources of data (Yin, 2008) and the study
will use a homogenous population.

The population will be a population of age 13-18 years old students of the
Jose Rizal University. These students will be drawn from random students on the

A total of 50 students will participate to the research study.

The participants for the study will be selected using random sampling. In
random sampling, each member of the population has an equal chance of
being selected as subject. The entire process of sampling is done in a single step
with each subject selected independently of the other members of
the population (, 2009). In addition, random sampling is the most
popular types of random or probability sampling. Therefore, in an attempt to
maximize homogeneity between participants, a requirement of the sample was
that all participants were enrolled on the Jose Rizal University.

The researchers acknowledge that random sampling can only be carried

out if the list of the population is available and complete.

The sample is arrived using random number tables or a computer

program that generates numbers.

3.4 Respondents of the Study

This study will be conducted at the Jose Rizal University. The respondents
of the study are the grade 7 to grade 12 students. They were selected as the
potential respondents of the study because they were born exactly when
technology is in demand, and they are also the most prone in using the
technology frequently.
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3.5 Research Instrument

The research study will be conducted at one institution of higher

education which will be the Jose Rizal University. In order to conduct this
research, the population; i.e. the total number of students at the Jose Rizal
University and the sample will be identified. The research will be conducted using
a structured questionnaire with 10 questions for each scale. All of the five
dimensions of SERVQUAL model: behavior, relationship, reliability on information,
education and mentality were covered with 10 questions, and the structure of
the questionnaire is presented by table 1:

Table 1: Dimensions and structure of questionnaire

Dimensions Variables (questions)

Behavior 1-4, and 6

Relationship 5 and 7

Reliability on information 8

Education 9

Measuring the perspective of the 10

students about their mentality

Dimension related to behavior includes questions 1 to 4 and also question

6 and analyses the behavior of the teenagers in their present lifestyle. Dimension
related to Relationship is represented by questions 5 and 7 and analyses the
emotion of students and their strong communication. Third dimension (reliability
on information) includes questions 8 and analyses the speed of spreading
information. Dimension related to education (question 9) analyses the use of
technology in schools to improve knowledge and academic learning. The last
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dimension of this model (measuring the perspective of the students about their
mentality) includes question 10 and is related to individual effect of technology
to their mental health. In this research, a 5-point Likert scale will be used. The
scale was defined so that, strongly agree is coded as 5 and strongly disagree as

A copy of the questionnaire will be placed in the appendices of this thesis.

3.6 Data Gathering Analysis

Descriptive statistics will be used to analyze the data before it will be used
in accordance to SERVQUAL methodology to identify the impact of
technological advancement on the present lifestyle of teenagers. Descriptive
statistics are used to describe the basic features of the data in a study. They
provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Together with
simple graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every quantitative
analysis of data.

Descriptive Statistics is used to present quantitative descriptions in a

manageable form. In a research study there may have lots of measures. Or there
may measure a large number of people on any measure. Descriptive statistics
helps the researchers to simplify large amounts of data in a sensible way. Each
descriptive statistics reduces lots of data in a simpler summary.

3.7 Statistical Data Treatment

The researchers will apply the measures of central tendency and

measures of dispersion to describe a whole set of data with a single value that
represents the middle or center of its distribution. The formulas are as follows:

Sample Mean =
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𝑥𝑖 is the scores

𝑛 is the total number of observations

𝜀 is summation or sigma
Median (Odd number) =

Median (Even number) =


N is the total number of observations

Sample Standard Deviation = 𝑛−1


𝜀 is summation or sigma

𝑥 is the scores

𝑥 is the sample mean

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Table 2: Range of Mean Score and Equivalent Behavior


Strongly Agree 4.5 – 5.0

Agree 3.5 – 4.4

Neutral 2.5 – 3.4

Disagree 1.5 – 2.4

Strongly Disagree 0 - 1.4

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#80 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City, 1552 Metro Manila

Dear Respondent:


May we request your cooperation to please answer this survey questionnaire in our study about
the “The Impact of Technological Advancement on Present Lifestyle of Teenagers”. Rest assured
that your responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will solely be used for
academic purpose only.

Thank you for your cooperation,

The Researchers

Part I. Respondents profile.

Instructions: Please provide your personal information.

Name (Optional): _____________________

Gender: _________

Age: _____

Strand: __________

Part II. Impact and changes in the present lifestyle of teenagers as technology advances.

Instruction: Please rate the level of each statement as honestly as possible.

Weighted Mass Description Rating

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Neutral

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree
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Impact Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

agree Disagree

1) I spend too much

time on my phone,
and watching TV.

2) I procrastinate a lot.

3) I rely on the
internet or in an
advance equipment to
help me do my work.

4) I always rely on
things to be instant.

5) I usually talk with

my friends virtually in
text messages, or

6) I often neglect my

7) I feel left out when I

see my friends posting
their pictures on social
medias without me.

8) I become more
updated on what’s
happening around me
as technology become

9) I’ve noticed a
positive change in my
school performance
since schools make
use of advance
technology to
Jose Rizal University – SHS – HG PAGE 24

10) I spot a few

changes in my
behavior, and
relatively unwell in my
mental health.
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Chapter 4


This Chapter presents the data gathered, its analysis and interpretation the

data gathered from the respondents are presented in tabular forms. The information

obtained from the respondents thru the questionnaires that were distributed were

transferred into appropriate tables were they are sorted ranked and applied with

frequency and percentages. The data indicated in every table are described and

interpreted based on the theories that were used as basis of this study.

PROBLEM 1 Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Gender

Table 1

Frequency and Distribution of the Respondents

by Gender
Gender Frequency Percent

Male 17 34

Female 33 66

Total 50 100.0
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Tables 1 show the respondents distribution according to gender. Out of 50

respondents, 66% equivalent to 33 respondents, were females, while 34% equivalent

to 17 respondents, were males.

1.2 Age

Table 2

Frequency and Distribution of the Respondents

by Age

AGE Frequency Percent

13 - 14 years old 3 6

15 - 16 years old 32 64

17 - 18 years old 15 30

Total 30 100.0

As shown in table 2, 32% of the respondents are aged 15 to 16 years old, 30% of

the respondents are aged 17 to 18 years old, 6% of the respondents are aged 13-14

years old. Generally, the respondents were dominated by 15-16 years old teens.
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1.3 Year

Table 3

Frequency and Distribution of the Respondents

by Grade Level and Strand

Year Frequency Percent

Junior High School 45 10

Senior High School 5 90

Total 30 100.0

As shown in a study conducted that 45% of the respondents are in Senior High
School, 10% of the respondents are in Junior High School.
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1.4 Strand/Grade Level

Table 4

Strand Frequency Percent

STEM 15 30

ABM 15 30

HUMSS 10 20

FBS 3 6

CSS 2 4

GAS 1 2

Grade 9 1 2

Grade 8 3 6

Total 30 100.0

As shown in the table 4, 30% of the respondents in senior high school are both in
STEM and ABM strand, 20% are in HUMSS strand, 6% of the respondents are in FBS,
there are 4% respondents in CSS, and 2% of the respondents are in GAS strand;
While in grade level, 6% of the respondents in junior high school are in grade 8, and
there are 2% respondents in grade 9.
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PROBLEM 2: Assessment on the Impacts of Technological Advancement on

the Present Lifestyle of Teenagers

2.1 Behavior

It can be seen from Table 5 that “I rely on the internet or in an advance

equipment to help me do my work.” Obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.82,
followed by “I spend too much time on my phone, and watching TV” with a weighted
mean of 3.82 and then by “I procrastinate a lot.” With a weighted mean of 3.36, the

“I always rely on things to be instant.” were rated 2.94 respectively and lastly “I often
neglect my responsibility” rated 2.72. As a whole, Behavior got a weighted mean of
3.34. All weighted mean are verbally interpreted as “Neutral” the results may mean
that technology has somewhat affect the behavior of teenagers in their present

Table 5

Level of Impact of Technological Advancement on the Present Lifestyle

of teenagers in terms of Behavior

Openness and Communication Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

I spend too much time on my phone,

and watching TV. 3.82 Agree

I procrastinate a lot.
3.36 Neutral
I rely on the internet or in an
advance equipment to help me do
my work. 3.84
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I always rely on things to be instant.

2.94 Neutral

I often neglect my responsibility.

2.72 Neutral

2.2 Relationship

As shown on the Table 6. “I usually talk with my friends virtually in text

messages, or chats.” Obtained a weighted mean of 3.66, and “I feel left out when I see

my friends posting their pictures on social medias without me.” with a weighted mean

of 2.4. The results showed that the relationship of teenagers to others are somewhat

affected because of the technological advancement.

Table 6

Level of Impact of Technological Advancement on the Present Lifestyle

of teenagers in terms of Relationship

Weighted Verbal Interpretation

Continuous Improvement/Innovation

I usually talk with my friends virtually in text

messages, or chats. 3.66 Agree

I feel left out when I see my friends posting

their pictures on social medias without me.
2.4 Disagree


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2.3 Reliability on Information

Table 7 shows that “I become more updated on what’s happening around me as

technology become advance.” Obtained a weighted mean of 3.78, which verbally

interpreted by agree.

Table 7

Level of Impact of Technological Advancement on the Present Lifestyle

of teenagers in terms of Reliability on Information

Weighted Verbal
Involvement and Interdependence
Mean Interpretation

I become more updated on what’s happening

around me as technology become advance. 3.78 Agree


2.4 Education

It can be seen from table 8 that all the items under Education were verbally

interpreted as “Agree” with a grand mean 3.6. The statement “I’ve noticed a positive

change in my school performance since schools make use of advance technology to

educate” obtained a weighted mean of 3.6 which verbally interpreted as “Agree.”

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Table 8

Level of Impact of Technological Advancement on the Present Lifestyle

of teenagers in terms of Education

Weighted Verbal
Vision, Direction, Goals
Mean Interpretation

I’ve noticed a positive change in my school 3.6 Agree

performance since schools make use of
advance technology to educate.


2. 5 Measuring the Perspective of the Students about their Mentality

Table 9

Level of Impact of Technological Advancement on the Present Lifestyle

of teenagers in terms of Measuring the Perspective of the Students about their

Weighted Verbal
Staff Performance and Recognition
Mean Interpretation

I spot a few changes in my behavior, and

relatively unwell in my mental health. 3 Neutral


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Table 9 shows that “I spot a few changes in my behavior, and relatively unwell in

my mental health.” obtained a weighted mean of 3, which were verbally interpreted as

“Neutral. Overall Measuring the Perspective of the Students about their Mentality

obtained a grand mean of 3 which was verbally interpreted as “Neutral”.

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Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations of the

study based on the gathered, analyzed and interpreted data of the Revolutionary

Change: The Impact of Technological Advancement on Present Lifestyle of Teenagers

in Jose Rizal University.

Summary of Findings

The main purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the technological

advancement in the behavior and mentality of Jose Rizal University students in terms of

their present lifestyle.

The researcher adopted the descriptive method of research and the main data

gathering instrument used was a questionnaire which was answered by 50 students.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution and Weighted Mean were the statistical tools

utilized in the study.

Based on the data gathered, the following findings were drawn:

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1. Profile of the Respondents

In terms of age, 64% of the respondents aged 15-16 years old, 30% aged 17-18

years old and 6% aged 13-14 years old. In terms of sex, majority of the respondents

were females (66%) and males were 34%. In terms of educational stage, 90% were in

Senior High School and 10% were in junior high school. In terms of the different strand,

20% were taking HUMSS strand, there are 30% taking STEM and ABM strand, 4%

were taking CSS strand, in FBS strand there are 6%, and 2% were taking GAS strand;

while the grade level in junior high school, most of the respondents are grade 8 student

(6%), and 2% were in grade 9.

2. Respondents Assessment on the Impacts of Technological Advancement on

Their Present Lifestyle

In terms of Behavior, the questions 1-4 and 6 obtained an individual weighted

mean of 3.82, 3.36, 3.84, 2.94, and 2.72, and have an average mean of 3.34 and had a

verbal interpretation of “Neutral”. In terms of Relationship, questions 5 and 7 gained

3.66 and 2.4, and have an average mean of 3.03; it had a verbal interpretation of

“Neutral.” The Reliability on Information gained 3.78, and had a verbal interpretation of

“Agree.” In terms of Education, obtained the weighted mean of 3.6 and had a verbal

interpretation of “Agree.” And lastly, in terms of measuring the perspective of the

students about their mentality it gained a weighted mean of 3, and had a verbal

interpretation of “Neutral.”

3. Difference of Respondent’s Assessment on the Impact of Technological

Advancement on Their Present Lifestyle Compare When They are Grouped

according to Profile
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Based on the assessment of the respondents, the Reliability on Information, and

Education achieved a verbal interpretation of “Agree”; consequently, “Behavior”,

“Relationship”, and “measuring the perspective of the students about their mentality”

aspects had a verbal interpretation of “Neutral” when grouped according to profile.


Based on the result in the survey we conducted, technological advancement

has positively and negatively impact in the present lifestyle of teenagers. On the
positive side, they become more updated on what’s happening around them,
the used of advance technology in school help them positively in their
performance, and with the use of technology they can communicate to each
other faster than before. However, the data we collected shows that teenagers
became more focus on their phones/watching TV, and often times neglect their
responsibility, they become more dependent on things that is instant as
technology can provide to them, habitually putting off intentionally the things
that should be done (procrastinating), and relying too much on the internet to
provide answers to their home works and the advance equipment to do their
work. The negative side on the other hand based on the data we gathered is
that the impact of technological advancement on the present lifestyle of
teenagers leads to more negative effects and results as they become more
dependent on the advance technology to do their work, and habitual laziness
becomes a trend because of the advancement. We’re not saying that the
advancement of technology must stop because it relatively causes negative
effects than positive, but instead the advancement of technology should be
used accordingly, and positively; because if we use the technology properly it
will have a positive effect in the present lifestyle of teenagers. Advancement of
technology to everyone can be either good or bad. It will always give an effect.
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But it depends on how the person will use the advancement of technology, if he
or she will make use of it to be productive or the opposite.


Based on the conclusions of the study, the researcher presents the following


1. The university should promote a cellphone-free classrooms, canteens

and library to improve the students’ social interaction, communication
skill, and also to mildly teach them from not relying on the internet for the
information they need.

2. Parents, teachers, and the government have the great responsibility in

ensuring the teenagers and public alike in the effect of technology to
teenagers if not use properly.

3. Teenagers should also know their limitation, and always bear in mind
that the technology we have is just an additional hand to help us, not to
replace the two hands we have.
Jose Rizal University – SHS – HG PAGE 38

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