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Plant a tree, Grow hope will bring together 30
participants from Bulgaria, Romania, Greece,
Macedonia and Spain in a very special place in the
Northwest of Spain, called Galicia, near the Atlantic
where we will reforest with
autochthonous and fruit trees a damaged area of
the city of Vigo, property of the local neighbours
community, in order to grow an edible forest, while
creating an intercultural, sustainable and organized
community through consensus and active

Three phases:

- Advance Planningz Visit: 5 Youth Facilitators , 4th -7 th April

- Youth Exchange: 30 participants, 19th - 27th May
- Follow up activities
Galicia is a region with a big problem
regarding wildfires and
monocultures of eucalyptus and
pine. There is an increasing number
of regions in Europe and in the
world that are becoming affected by

GALICIA desertification, by the abandonment

of rural areas and by the extension of
monoculture. In this exchange we
will understand the importance of
the native and biodiverse forest for
the balance of the ecosystem and as
a multifunctional and abundant
This project wants to give the opportunity to all
people, regardless of their life situation, to learn
theoretical-practical tools to empower and
become an agent of change in our communities,
tools to begin the transition with ourselves and
thus, develop a greater collective and ecological
resilience and awareness.

- Youth between 18 and 30 years old
- To show interest in learning and in applying the criteria
of sustainability to their way of life
- Responsibility and commitment to all the activities of
the project (before, during and after)
- Big motivation to live this beautiful, challenging and
intercultural experience
- Priority to: people f rom rural areas, people who have
never left their country, unemployed and to young people
who have fewer opportunities to be engaged in such
1 2
To appreciate the
importance of trees
and native forest in our To learn about
ecosystem, to preserve permaculture and how
the nature around us to be more sustainable
and to get into Galicia’s

3 4
To reach more
competences to face To discover healthier
the ecological, social ways of living with
and cultural problems ourselves, nature and
of the society people different from us

To live an experience of intercultural coexistence, caring
about community, taking decisions together and learning
from each other
Regenerating the environment we regenerate ourselves as people and as an intercultural group of different
origins; living together in a place treated and designed with great care through the principles of permacultu-
re, in the land of the Ecolectivo.

Ecolectivo is a multidisciplinary project born with the aim of promoting and developing experiences in areas
such as ecological, community, cultural and personal growth. With a transformative and experimental nature,
we try to promote actions and life models that are more respectful with people and with nature in general.
A hectare designed in permaculture in the area of Castrelos, a rural environment 35 minutes
walking f rom the center of Vigo. An unparalleled opportunity to bring all kinds of experiences
to the grassroots community, to encourage ecosocial change and actively show what it can
contribute to our lives.

There, the participants will have the opportunity to live in a space with a f ruit forest, a diverse
vegetable and medicinal garden, a natural pool, composting toilets, showers, an artistic class-
room, a nursery, constructions made with natural materials, a clay oven, water collectors and
other models that are more sustainable to live with the earth.

For sleeping there will be tents with mattresses provided by the space and also a few places
indoors with beds. You will have the opportunity to choose, prioritizing people who have speci-
fic needs. We will ask you to bring your own sleeping bags.

There is wifi available, a classroom for training and to do activities, a dynamic terrain with
numerous outdoor meeting points and an open dining room area.
The living conditions will be basic, as the more sustainable we can be at the
moment. Recycling is an important action, as composting all the organic mate-
rials. We will create five intercultural teams for light household duties to maintain
the place clean and dignified.

Food will be vegan and vegetarian, ecological and highly nutritious, cooked by a
person with more than 20 years of experience in nutrition and veganism. The food
will be local produced in the garden or it will be locally sourced.
You will be asked to do an online assignment with your group about
the forest and wildfires situation of your country and also an activity
of dissemination after the project!

INFORMATION Bulgary, Romania, Greece and Macedonia: 2000 to 2999 km - Up to

All the reimbursement will be done after the youth exchange based
on the original tickets and after the follow up activities!

Accomodation, food and materials are co-funded by the Erasmus+

COSTS programme

is up to the participants. We recommend a valid European Health

HEALTH INSURANCE insurance card for the time of the exchange or any other travel

Certificateof non-formal learning


*After the APV (Advance Planning Visit) in April with the Youth
Facilitators we will publish an infopack with more detailed program

Are you in?

Apply here before 15th of March
“The true meaning of life is to plant
trees, under whose shade you do not
expect to sit” N. Henderson

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