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Analytical studies using finite element analysis of pile cap resistance under

lateral load is seldom reported in literature. Recently, El-Garhy et. al. (2009) presents

the results of experimental study on model piles to show the effect of pile cap elevation

below the ground surface and pile spacing on lateral resistance of single pile and pile

groups driven in sand. From their parametric study, they concluded that the lateral

carrying capacity of single pile and pile groups increase as the pile cap depth below the

ground surface increases and as the spacing between piles in the group increases. The

objective of this study is to study pile-soil-cap interaction under lateral load

considering different influences parameter and thus quantityfying the lateral resistance

for different condition. Finite element modelling and analysis is strong tool to study

this phenomenon and the results obtained from parametric study using finite element

analysis are good agreement with the findings of Mokwa (1999).


Finite element techniques can be used to analyze complicated geotechnical

problem like pile-soil-pile cap interaction under the lateral load. A two-dimensional

finite element programme PLAXIS 2D (Version 8) has been used to model pile, soil and

pile cap using the concept of plain strain condition. Plane strain condition results in a

two-dimensional finite element model with only two translational degrees of freedom

per node. The 15-noded triangle provides a fourth order interpolation for displacements

and the numerical integration involves twelve Gauss points. The 15 node triangle is a

very accurate element that has produced high qualities stress results for difficult


The interface elements are placed around the pile to model the interaction

between the pile and the soil. Each interface has assigned to it a “virtual thickness”

which is an imaginary dimensions used to define the material properties of the

interface. The higher the virtual thickness is the more elastic deformations are

generated. In general interface elements are supposed to generate very little elastic

deformations and therefore the virtual thickness should be small. The virtual thickness

is calculated as the “virtual thickness factor” times the average element size. A proper

modelling of the pile-soil interaction is important to include the material damping

caused by the sliding of the soil along the pile during penetration and to allow for

sufficient flexibility around the pile tip.


Soil and rock tend to behave in highly non-linear way under load. The non

linear stress-strain behaviour can be modelled at several levels of sophistication. The

well known Mohr-Coulomb model can be considered as a first order approximation of

real soil behaviour. This elastic perfectly plastic model requires five order basic input

parameters, viz. (i) Modulus of Elasticity (E), (ii) Poisson’s ratio (v), (iii) cohesion (c),

(iv) friction angle ($ and (v) dilatancy angle (y/).

4.3.1. Formulation of the Mohr-Coulomb Model

The Mohr-Coulomb yield conditions are an extension of Coulomb’s friction law

to general states of stress. In fact this condition ensures that Coulomb’s friction law is

obeyed in any plane within a material element.

The full Mohr-Coulomb yield condition consists of six yield functions when

formulated in terms of principal stresses (Smith and Griffith, 1982). These are

f\a = ~(<4 -<4) + |(<*2 + 03)sin0^-■CCOS0£0


fib = -<*2)+^(<>3 + 02)sin<z>-ccos<z»<O (4.2)

/2a = ^(°3 “^) +1 + )Sin(Z>“CC°S^^° (4.3)

fib = 21 (°1 “)■+121(°1+°3)sin0ccos0-0 (4.4)

1 1
ha = -<*2)+~(o( + ai)sm0-ccos0<O (4.5)

hb = |(°2 -< 4)+~(<*2 +)sin $-ccos <!>^0 (4.6)

Two plastic model parameters appearing in the yield functions are the well

known friction angle (<j>) and the cohesion (c). These yield functions together represent

a hexagonal cone in principal stress.

In addition to the yield functions, six potential functions are defined for the

Mohr-Coulomb model.

Sla = -{<*2-4, )+|(<*2 +V

8ib =|(<*3 -^) + ~(o3 +tf2)sini/


82a = \{di - 4+<A )sinr


82b = + (4.10)

83a=^{<7/l-<r/2) + ^{<7i+<T2)nW

S3*=!(<4-^)+!(<4+<*i)smr (4.12)

The plastic potential functions contain a third plasticity parameter, the dilatancy

angle (if/). This parameter is required to model positive plastic volumetric strain

increment. A suitable soil model and the appropriate material parameters have to be

assigned to the geometry. In the software, soil properties are collected in material data

sets and the various data sets are stored in a material database. From the database, a

data set can be appointed to one or more clusters.

All model parameters in this software are meant to represent the effective soil

response, i.e. the relation between the stresses and the strains associated with the soil

skeleton. An important feature of soil is the presence of pore water. Pore pressures

significantly influences the soil response. To enable incorporation of the water skeleton

interaction in the soil response, PLAXIS offers for each soil model a choice any of the

following three types of behaviour, namely (i) drained behaviour, (ii) undrained

behaviour and (iii) non-porous behaviour.

The Mohr-Columb model for soil modelling under drained condition is

considered in this study.


Plates are structural objects used to model slender structures in the ground with

a significant flexural rigidity and a normal stiffness. Plate can be used to simulate the

influences of pile and pile cap. The material properties of plates are contained in

material data sets. The most important parameters are flexural rigidity (El) and the

axial stiffness (EA). An equivalent plate thickness (deq) is calculated from these

properties from the equation 4.13. below.


The plates can be activated or deactivated in calculation phase using staged

construction as loading input

4.4.1. Beam Elements

Plates in the 2D finite element model are composed of beam elements with three

degrees of freedom per node, viz. two translational degrees of freedom (ux, Uy) and one

rotational degrees of freedom (rotation in the x-y plane & ). When 6 nodded soil

elements are employed then each beam element is defined by three nodes whereas 5-

node beam elements are used together with the 15-node soil elements. The beam

elements are based on Mindlin’s beam theory (Bathe, 1982). This theory allows for

beam deflections due to shearing as well as bending. In addition the element can

change length when an axial force is applied. Beam elements can become plastic if a

prescribed maximum bending moment or maximum axial force is reached.


The mesh generation in finite element analysis is not only difficult task but also

critically important to achieve a better and accurate results of the problem. Before the

mesh is generated, all material data sets should have been defined and all clusters and

structures must have an appropriate data set assigned to them. The mesh generation

requires a general meshing parameter which represents the average element size (le).

Here, this parameter is calculated from the outer geometry dimensions (xmin,

Xnwx> ymim ymax) and a Global Coarseness setting as defined in the Mesh Sub Menu.

K*max" -^min ^min )


Distinction is made between five levels of global coarseness: very coarse,

coarse, medium, fine and very fine with the help of following guidelines of the

software. These are tabulated in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1.: Type of coarseness and approximate number of elements developed

SI No Type of Coarseness Value of nc Approximate number of element

1 Very Coarse 25 50
2 Coarse 50 100
3 Medium 100 250
4 Fine 200 500
5 Very Fine 400 1000

•The beauty of the software is that it allows for a fully automatic mesh

generation procedure in which the geometry is divided into elements of the basic

element type compatible structural elements, if applicable. The mesh generation takes

full account of the position of points and lines in the geometry model so that the exact

position of layers loads and structures is accounted for in the finite element mesh. Once

the mesh has been generated the finite element model is complete.


Once mesh generation is completed successfully for desired condition, the

models have to assign the initial conditions. The initial conditions comprise of:

(1) The initial groundwater conditions: - pore pressure can be generated on the

basis of phreatic levels (by geometry line).

(2) The initial geometry configuration: - it enables to deselect the geometry

clusters that are not active in the initial situation

(3) The initial effective stress state: - this initial stress in a soil body is

influenced by the weight of the material and the history of its formation. This stress

state is usually characterised by an initial vertical effective stress a^0 .The initial

horizontal effective stress (<7^0) is related to the initial vertical effective stress

(cr^o) by the coefficient of lateral earth pressure £0(o^0 = k0a^0) - This may be

generated by ko or by using gravity loading. By default ko= l-simft. In this current

study, consider the soil layer is assumed to be dry and so there is no need to take into

account of groundwater conditions.


The calculations program is used to define and execute calculation phases. It

can be used to select calculated phases for which output results are to be viewed.

During the execution of a calculation a window appears which gives information about

the progress of the actual calculation phase (Figure 4.1.).

k-aicuiaoon progress
j X -Mdisp: 1.000 PMax 0.000
I -MloadA: 1.000 X -Marea: 1.000
I -MloadB: 1,000 Force-X: 38.318
I -Mweight: 1.000 Force-Y: 0.000
I -Maccel: 0.000 Stiffness: 9 489E-04
X-Msf: 1.000 Time: 0.000
X -Mstage: 0.031 Dyn. time: 0.000
IUI |n«j*a
Current step: 108 Max. steps: 2S0 | Semen t 158
Iteration: 3 Max. iterations: 60 Decomposition: 100 %
Global error: 0.009 0.010 I Calc, time:
Tolerance: 18s

Plastic stress points: 32 I Inaccurate 8 Tolerated: 6

Plastic interface points: 0 Inaccurate 0 Tolerated: 3

Tension points: 46 I Cap/Hard points: 0 Apex points: 0

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1

Fig 4.1. Calculation progress windows in PLAXIS 2D


The first step in every analysis is to set the basic parameters of the finite

element model. The model is generated for plain strain condition with 15 node

elements. The minimum dimensions of the draw area have to be finalised such that the

geometry model will fit the draw area. This is done by keeping x= 50 m and y=25 m in

xy plane (Figure 4.2.1).

The soil is modelled by the geometry lines. The plate elements are considered

for modelling of pile and cap. Three position of pile cap are considered for this study.

These are:

(1) The bottom of the pile cap free from ground surface.

(2) The top of the pile cap at the ground surface (GS), i.e. Df^ = 0 and

(3) The bottom of the pile cap below the GS at depth where Dfyf=1 , where Df is

the depth of pile cap below GS and the t is the thickness of pile cap.

Figure 4.2.2. shows the definition of parameters in model generation.

\ 1 GS


Fig. 4.2.2. Definitions of parameters in model generation

The different position of pile cap, pile and cap length, and number of piles in a

group can be modelled accurately using plate elements by simply putting accurate

coordinate system of the respective conditions.

The interaction between the soil and the pile is modelled at both sides by means

of interfaces. The interfaces allow for the specification of a reduced pile friction

compared to the friction in the soil. Interfaces are indicated as dotted lines along the

geometry line (Pile). In order to simulate the behaviour of the soil, Mohr-Columb

model is considered for investigation of the problem. With the help of standard fixity

option of the software, the boundary condition is created. It will generate a full fixity at

base of the geometry and roller conditions at the vertical faces («*=0, «y=free). For

deformation problem either prescribed displacement or prescribed forces can be

adopted as boundary conditions. In this study, the prescribed force is considered for the

entire model.

After the input of boundary conditions, materi al data sets for plates and soil and

interfaces are created as shown in Tables 4.1. and 4.2. An appropriate data set is

assigned to all clusters and structures.

The mesh generation in finite element analysis is not only difficult task but also

critically important to achieve a better and accurate results of the problem. Selected 15

node triangular elements as the basic type of element to model soil layers. The mesh

generation takes full account of the position of points and lines in the geometry model,

so that the exact position of layers, loads and structures is accounted for in the finite

element mesh. Although five different level of global coarseness namely very coarse,

coarse, medium, fine and very fine are available to take in to account, but here two

different coarseness i.e. coarse and medium is only considered.

Three initial conditions have to be considered after mesh generation. These are

(1) the initial groundwater conditions- the pore pressure can be generated on the basis

of phreatic levels by using geometry line, (2) the initial geometry configuration- it

enables to deselect the geometry clusters that are not active in the initial situation, (3)

the initial effective stress state -this initial stress in a soil body are influenced by the

weight of the material and the history of its formation. This stress sate is usually

characterised by an initial vertical effective stress . The initial horizontal effective

stress cyl 0 is related to the initial vertical effective stress by the coefficient of lateral

earth pressure k 0(<7j[ 0 = k0(?'v 0). This may be generated by ko or by using

gravity loading (by default kg= (l-Sin</>). In this current study, consider the soil layer is

dry and so there is no need to enter groundwater conditions.

The calculations program is used to define and execute calculation phases. It

can be used to select calculated phases for which output results are to be viewed.

During the execution of a calculation a window appears which gives information about

the progress of the actual calculation phase.

The basic principles followed in the analyses are based on the approach

proposed by Taiebat and Carter (2000, 2002). The parameter considered to study for

soil and pile are tabulated in Table 4.1 and Table 4.2. Typical values for the static

stress-strain Modulus (E) is considered according to Bowles (1982).

Table 4.2: Properties of soil considering for this study

Item Surrounding Surrounding

the Cap the Pile

Soil unit weight above phreatic level, yunsa, (kN/m3) 14 18.19

Soil unit weight below phreatic level, ysat (kN/m3) 14 18.19

Permeability in horizontal direction, kx (m/day) 1 1

Permeability in vertical direction, ky (m/day) 1 1

Young’s modulus, Eref (kN/m2) 10 xlO6 48 xlO6

Poisson’s ratio, v 0.3 0.3

Cohesion, Cre/(kN/m2) 1.0 1.0

Friction Angle, <j> in degree 30° 35°

Dilatancy Angle, y in degree 1.0 1.0

Table 4.3: Properties of pile and pile cap

Item Pile Pile Cap

Dia. 1 Dia. 2 Dia. 3
Normal Stiffness, EA in kN/m 2 xlO6 2.25 xlO6 2.3 xlO6 2 xlO6
Flexural Rigidity, El in kNm2/m 1.5 xlO4 3.0 xlO4 4.8 xlO4 1.35 xlO6
Equivalent Thickness (d) in m 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.9
Weight, (W) kN/m/m 2 2 2 2
Poisson’s ratio, v 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

A two dimensional finite element analysis is performed to observe the pile cap

resistance. The analysis is performed for elasto-plastic condition. The different

geometric as well as finite element model is prepared by varying the position of pile

cap from the ground level as stated above and pile length (P*) for single pile and

different spacing in case of pile group.


The finite element model of 2x1, 3x1 and 4x1 group of pile of spacing 3D is

shown in Figures 4.3 to 4.5 below. The length of the pile is 10 m and 15 m for all

group. Modeling is done for three different spacing 3D, 5D and 9D considering pile

cap in three different same positions as stated above. The lateral resistance of pile cap

is observed for two different position of cap (Figure 4.2), namely (1) the pile cap at the

ground surface (GS), i.e. Df/t =0 and (2) the pile cap below the GS at depth where

Df/t =1 , where Ds is the depth of pile cap below GS and the t is the thickness of pile

cap for three different diameter of pile i.e. 300 mm, 400 mm and 500 mm.

The lateral resistance of the pile cap (LPCr ) in percentage is evaluated from the

following expression.

Lpcr = Pr~Pf xl00% (4.15)



PR = Lateral load of piles for which pile caps are not free from the ground surface.

PF = Lateral load of piles for which pile caps are free from the ground surface.

50 m

25 m

Fig. 4.3.1. Finite element model of 2 x 1 pile group in PLAXIS 2D {3D spacing)

50 m

25 m

Fig. 4.3.2. Finite element model of 3 x 1 pile group in PLAXIS 2D {3D spacing)

SO in
*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —------------------------------ *•


Fig. 4.3.3. Finite element model of 4 x 1 pile group in PLAXIS 2D {3D spacing)

4.9.1. Pile Group with 300 min Pile Diameter

Figure 4.4. shows a typical calculation of lateral load against the deflection in

PLAXIS 2D. This typical calculation is showing for the pile cap at ground level of 2 x 1

pile group. The length, diameter and spacing of pile are 15 m, 300 mm and 3D


The load-displacement (P-A) curves of different position of pile cap are shown

in Figures 4.5.1 to 4.5.3 for three different spacing 3D, 5D and 9D respectively for 10

m pile length. The lateral load corresponding to 1.0 mm deflection of pile is found to

be 252.153 kN (Figure 4.5.1). For 15 m pile length for these three spacing the

corresponding load displacement curves are shown in Figures 4.5.4 to 4.5.6.

The lateral cap resistance for pile length of 10 m are 37.20%, 38.96 % and 39.46

% at 3D,5D and 9D spacing respectively for position of pile cap at Dfy/=o.. In case of

pile length of 15 m, these values are increasing i.e. 35.71 %, 35.93 % and 36.14 %.

Moreover similar is trend observed in case of pile cap at Df/t =1. The values

37.58 %, 37.67 % and 37.95 % at 10 m length increases to 37.93 %, 38.01 % and

38.10 % at 15 m pile length for the three spacings. It is observed that:

(1) The lateral resistance of pile cap increases as spacing increases. This can be

attributed to the fact that pile soil pile interaction becomes minimised at higher


(2) The lateral resistance of pile cap increases as pile length increases. This is

obvious because of increasing of axial load and thus the lateral capacity group

resulting increasing lateral pile cap resistance; and

(3) The lateral resistance of pile cap increases as increasing the position of pile

cap. The pile cap resistance as contributed by the passive resistance of the soil

and increasing the passive resistance of the soil by introducing the cap in

greater depth resulting increasing of pile cap lateral resistance.

Fig. 4.4. Typical calculation in PLAXIS 2D, cap at GL ,2x1 Group,5Z>,PL= 10 m,300 Dia

—Bottom of the cap free from GS
"" ' Cap at Df/t =0
Cap at Df/t =1

Displacement in mm

Fig.4.5.1. P-A curves for 2x 1 group Fig.4.5.2. P-A curves for 2x 1 group
(Spacing=3D,Length=10 m,Dia =300 mm) (Spacing=5D,Length=10 m,Dia.=300 mm)

■” " Bottom of the cap free from GS Bottom of the cap free from GS
Cap at Df/t=0 11 Cap at Df/t =0
Cap at Df/t=l -------Cap at Df/t = 1

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.5.3. P-A curves for 2x 1 group Fig.4.5.4. P-A curves for 2x1 group
(Spacing=9D,Length=10 m,Dia.=300 mm) (Spacing=3D,Length=15 m,Dia.=300 mm)

Bottom of the cap free from GS
Cap at Df/t =0
Cap at Df/t =1

Displacement in mm

Fig.4.5.5. P-A curves for 2x 1 group Fig.4.5.6. P-A curves for 2x 1 group
(Spacing=5D,Length=15 m,Dia.=300 mm) (Spacing=9D,Length=15 m,Dia.=300 mm)

For the pile group of 3 x 1 with 300 mm pile diameter, the load-displacement

curves of lateral resistance of pile cap with and without considering the resistance of

pile cap are shown for pile length of 10 m and 15 m are shown in Figures 4.5.7 to 4.5.9

and Figures 4.5.10 to 4.5.12 respectively. The lateral pile cap resistance varies from

36.31 % to 39.94 % considering the variation of pile length, pile diameter, spacing and

position of pile cap. In case of 3 x 1 pile group , similar type of results of 2 x 1 pile

group observed.

--------Bottom of the cap free from GS
1 Bottom of the cap free from GS
■ ■■ Cap at DfA =0
—““Cap at Df/t =0
—“ Cap at DfA =1 “““Cap at Df/t =1

1_ _ z_ Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.5.7. P-A curves for 3x 1 group Fig.4.5.8. P-A curves for 3x1 group
(Spacing=?D,Length=10 m,Dia.=300 mm) (Spacing=5D,Length=10 m,Dia.=300 mm)

— Bottom of the cap free from GS

—11 1 Cap at Df/t =0
Cap at Df/t = 1

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.5.9. P-A curves for 3x1 group Fig.4.5.10. P-A curves for 3x1 group
(Spacing=9D,Length=10 m,Dia.=300 mm) (Spacing=3D,Length=15 m,Dia.=300 mm)

—1 Bottom of the cap free from GS ■...
Bottom of the cap free from GS
Cap at Df/t =0 Cap at Df/t =0
—■ Cap at Df/t =1 —Cap at Df/t =1

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.5.11. P-A curves for 3x1 group Fig.4.5.12. P-A curves for 3x1 group
(Spacing=5D, Length= 15 m,Dia.=300 mm) (Spacing=9D, Length= 15 m,Dia.=300 mm)

For the pile group of 4 x 1 with pile diameter equal to 300 mm ,the same

spacing i.e. 3D, 5D and 9D and the pile length of 10 m and 15 m for the two different

position of pile cap the load displacement curves are shown in Figures 4.5.13 to 4.5.18.

The pile cap lateral resistance in this type of pile group is observed in increasing order

as increasing of (i) spacing, (ii) pile lengths, (iii) cap position below ground level. The

lateral resistance varies from 36.65 % to 40.56 %. Also by comparing these three pile

groups of same condition it is observed that the lateral resistance of pile cap increases

as the number of the pile increases in a pile group.

Bottom of the cap free from GS — Bottom of the cap free from GS
1 Cap at Df/t=0 —Cap at Df/t=0
—■—Cap at Df/t=1 Cap at Df/t=1

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.5.13. P-A curves for 4x 1 group Fig.4.5.14. P-A curves for 4x 1 group
(Spacing=3D,Length=10 m,Dia.=300 mm) (Spacing=5D,Length=10 m,Dia.=300 mm)

—Bottom of the cap free from GS —" Bottom of the cap free from GS
—Cap at Df/t =0 —Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at Df /t=1 Cap at Df/t=1

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.5.15. P-A curves for 4x1 group Fig.4.5.16. P-A curves for 4x1 group
(Spacing=9D,Length=10 m,Dia.=300 mm) (Spacing=iD,Length=15 m,Dia.=300 mm)

—Bottom of the cap free from GS
1 Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at Df/t=1

Displacement in mm

Fig.4.5.17. P-A curves for 4x1 group Fig.4.5.18. P A curves for 4x1 group
(Spacing=5D,Length=15 m,Dia.=300 mm) (Spacing=9D,Length=15 m,Dia.=300 mm)

4.9.2. Pile Group with 400 mm Pile Diameter

The load-displacement curves of lateral resistance of pile cap with and without

considering the resistance of pile cap for 2x1, 3x1 and 4x1 for pile length of 10 m and

15 m are shown in Figures 4.6.1 to 4.6.18. The same three different spacing are

considered. Similar trend of results are observed. Interestingly, lateral resistance pile

cap increases as the diameter of the pile increases from 300 mm to 400 mm. This is due

to the increase of the stiffness of pile the lateral capacity of pile decreases.

Increase of lateral resistance of pile cap for pile cap at = 0 and Df/f = I are

(i) from 37.02% to 41.10 % and 38.51 % to 41.10 % for pile group type 2x1, (ii) from

39.04% to 40.00 % and 41.32 % to 42.33 % for pile group type 3x1 and (iii) from

41.52% to 43.04 % and 42.63 % to 43.69 % for pile group type 4x1 are observed.

- Bottom of the cap free from GS Bottom of the cap free from GS
■ Cap at Df/t=0 ■■■ 11 Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at df/t=l Cap at Df/t=l

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.6.1. P-A curves for 2x 1 group Fig.4.6.2. P-A curves for 2x 1 group
(Spacing=3D,Length=10 m,Dia.=400 mm) (Spacing=5D, Length= 10 m,Dia.=400 mm)

Bottom of the cap free from GS

”~ Bottom of the cap free from GS
1 Cap at Df/t=0
—*1 ' Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at Df/t=l
---- Cap at Df/t=l

Displacement in mm

Fig.4.6.3. P-A curves for 2x1 group Fig.4.6.4. P-A curves for 2x 1 group
(Spacing=9D,Length=10 m,Dia.=400 mm) (Spacing=3D,Length= 15 m,Dia.=400 mm)

— Bottom of the cap free from GS
Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at Df/t=l

Displacement in mm

Fig.4.6.5. P-A curves for 2x 1 group Fig.4.6.6. P-A curves for 2x 1 group
(Spacing=5D,Length= 15 m,Dia =400 mm) (Spacing=9D,Length=15 m,Dia.=400 mm)

— Bottom of the cap free from GS -Bottom of the cap free from GS
- Cap at Df/t=0 -Cap at Df/t=0
1 Cap at Df/t=1 -Cap at Df/t=1

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.6.7. P-A curves for 3x 1 group Fig.4.6.8. P-A curves for 3x1 group
(Spacing=JD, Length= 10 m,Dia.=400 mm) (Spacing=5ALength=10 m,Dia.=400 mm)

Fig.4.6.9. P-A curves for 3x1 group Fig.4.6.10. P-A curves for 3x1 group
(Spacing=9D,Length=10 m,Dia.=400 mm) (Spacing=3D,Length=15 m,Dia.=400 mm)

Bottom of the cap free from GS 1 1 Bottom of the cap free from GS
Cap at Df/t=0 1 Cap at Df/t=0
1 Cap at Df/t=1 —“—Cap at Df/t=1

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.6.11. P-A curves for 3x1 group Fig.4.6.12. P-A curves for 3x1 group
(Spacing=5D, Length= 15 m,Dia.=400 mm) (Spacing=9D,Length=15 m,Dia.=400 mm)

Bottom of the cap free from GS —■ Bottom of the cap free from GS
Cap at Df/t=0 Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at Df/t=1 ——Cap at Df/t=1

Fig.4.6.13. P-A curves for 4x 1 group Fig.4.6.14. P-A curves for 4x 1 group
(Spacing=3D,Length= 10 m,Dia =400 mm) (Spacing=5D,Length= 10 m,Dia.=400 mm)

Bottom of the cap free from GS Bottom of the cap free from GS
—Cap at Df/t=0 Cap at Df/t=0
—Cap at Df/t=1 —Cap at Df/t=1

Fig.4.6.15. P-A curves for 4x1 group Fig.4.6.16. P-A curves for 4x1 group
(Spacing=9D,Length=10 m,Dia.=400 mm) (Spacing=5D,Length=15 m,Dia.=400 mm)

Bottom of the cap free from GS
——Cap at Df/t=0
—Cap at Df/t=1

Fig.4.6.17. P-A curves for 4x1 group Fig.4.6.18. P-A curves for 4x1 group
(Spacing=5D, Length= 15 m,Dia.=400 mm) (Spacing=9D,Length=15 m,Dia.=400 mm)

4.9.3. Pile Group with 500 mm Pile Diameter

From Figures 4.7.1 to 4.7.18, the load-displacement curves of lateral resistance

of pile cap for 2x1, 3x1 and 4x1 pile groups for pile length of 10 m and 15 m are

shown. The spacings considered here also 3D, 5D and 9D. The lateral resistance of pile

cap increases as the diameter of the pile decrease from 400 mm to 500 mm.

Increase of lateral resistance of pile cap for pile cap at Df// = 0 and Df/( = 1 are

(i) from 37.20 % to 40.11 % and 38.67 % to 41.14 % for pile group type 2x1, (ii) from

39.27% to 40.25 % and 41.92 % to 42.88 % for pile group type 3x1 and (iii) from

41.69% to 42.50 % and 42.79 % to 44.06 % for pile group type 4x1 are observed.

Bottom of the cap free from GS “'Bottom of the cap free from GS
— ■ Cap at Df/t=0 ““Cap at Df/t=0
---- - Cap at Df/t=l Cap at Df/t=l

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.7.1. P-A curves for 2x1 group Fig.4.7.2. P-A curves for 2x1 group
(Spacing=3D,Length=10 m,Dia =500 mm) (Spacing=5D,Length=10 m,Dia.=500 mm)

— "Bottom of the cap free from GS

Cap at Df/t=0
■ 1 ■ Cap at Df/t=l

Fig.4.7.3. P-A curves for 2x 1 group Fig.4.7.4. P-A curves for 2x 1 group
(Spacing=9D,Length=10 m,Dia.=500 mm) (Spacing=?D,Length=15 m,Dia.=500 mm)

-■ ■ Bottom of the cap free from GS ..... Bottom of the cap free from GS
Cap at Df/t=0 Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at Df/t=1 Cap at Df/t=l

Displacement in mm

Fig.4.7.5. P-A curves for 2x 1 group Fig.4.7.6. P-A curves for 2x 1 group
(Spacing=5D,Length=15 m,Dia =500 mm) (Spacing=9D,Length=15 m,Dia.=500 mm)

Bottom of the cap free from GS

Cap at Df/t=0
1 Cap at Df/t=1

Displacement in mm

Fig.4.7.7. P-A curves for 3x1 group Fig.4.7.8. P-A curves for 3x1 group
(Spacing=3ALength=10 m,Dia.=500 mm) (Spacing=5D,Length=10 m,Dia.=500 mm)

Fig.4.7.9. P-A curves for 3x1 group Fig.4.7.10. P A curves for 3x1 group
(Spacing=9D, Length= 10 m,Dia =500 mm) (Spacing=JD,Length=15 m,Dia.=500 mm)

' Bottom of the cap free from GS Bottom of the cap free from GS
Cap at Df/t=0 Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at Df/t=1 -------Cap at Df/t=1

Displacement in mm Displacement in mm

Fig.4.7.11. P A curves for 3x1 group Fig.4.7.12. P-A curves for 3x1 group
(Spacing=5D, Length= 15 m,Dia =500 mm) (Spacing=9D, Length= 15 m,Dia.=500 mm)

----- - Bottom of the cap free from GS ■" Bottom of the cap free from GS
" Cap at Df/t=0 Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at Df/t=1 —Cap at Df/t=1

Fig.4.7.13. P-A curves for 4x1 group Fig.4.7.14. P-A curves for 4x1 group
(Spacing=3D,Length=10 m,Dia.=500 mm) (Spacing=5D, Length= 10 m,Dia.=500 mm)

— Bottom of the cap free from GS —Bottom of the cap free from GS
— - Cap at Df/t=0 --------Cap at Df/t=0
Cap at Df/t=! ■ Cap at Df/t=1

Fig.4.7.15. P-A curves for 4x 1 group Fig.4.7.16. P-A curves for 4x 1 group
(Spacing=9D, Length= 10 m,Dia.=500 mm) (Spacing=?D,Length=15 m,Dia.=500 mm)

-Bottom of the cap free from GS ■■ Bottom of the cap free from GS
-Cap at Df/t=0 Cap at Df/t=0
-Cap at Df/t=1 ——Cap at Df/t=1

Fig.4.7.17. P-A curves for 4x 1 group Fig.4.7.18. P A curves for 4x 1 group

(Spacing=5D,Length= 15 m,Dia.=500 mm) (Spacing=9D, Length= 15 m,Dia.=500 mm)

It is observed that the pile cap lateral resistance increases

(1) As the pile length increases,

(2) As depth of pile cap from the ground level increases, and

(3) As the spacing increases; and the amount of lateral resistance of pile cap

increases gradually as the number of the pile in a group increases.

It is observed the pile cap has a good contribution against the lateral load. The

different factors like the length of pile, position of pile cap, spacing etc. influence the

lateral resistance of pile cap.

The lateral resistance of pile cap increases as pile length increases. This is

because the passive resistance is mobilized on increased embedment of pile, i.e. when

the embedment length of pile increases. Further, the axial capacity of pile increases as

pile length increases. It is well known postulate that lateral resistance of pile also

increases as axial capacity of pile increases. Thus this increasing tendency of lateral

resistance of pile group due to increase of length contributes of increasing of the lateral

resistance of pile cap.

As the depth of position of pile cap increases the lateral resistance of pile cap

also increases. The pile cap lateral resistance occurs due to passive resistance of soil

surrounding the pile cap. This passive resistance developed in front of the pile cap

which is directly related to the backfill strength. As position of the pile cap increases

from the ground level, the passive resistance of the soil also increases resulting in

increase of lateral resistance of pile cap.

The spacing of pile influences the lateral resistance of pile cap. As the pile

spacing increases the cap lateral resistance also increases. This is because of the

diminishing effect of pile soil pile interaction at higher spacing.

The details findings from the analytical studies are tabulated in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4. Lateral pile cap resistance from analytical studies

Type Length Diameter Position of pile Pile cap lateral resistance (%)
(m) (mm) cap
3D Spacing 5D Spacing 9D Spacing
10 300 35.42 35.74 35.84


10 300 37.58 37.67 37.95

15 300 V- 35.71 35.93 36.14

15 300 37.93 38.01 38.10



36.31 36.84 36.73


10 300

10 300 39.39 39.70 39.88


15 300 36.59 36.68 36.76

15 300 39.47 39.88 39.94


36.65 36.73 37.27

\* *

10 300

10 300 V- 40.00 40.06 40.17

15 300 37.31 37.43 37.94

15 300 40.20 40.29 45.56



10 400 37.02 38.89 39.07



10 400 Y-1 38.51 39.29 40.53

15 400 37.11 38.96 39.35

15 400 39.20 39.94 41.10


Contd. to next page

Table 4.4. Lateral pile cap resistance from analytical studies (Contd.)

Type Length Diameter Position of pile Pile cap lateral resistance (%)
(m) (mm) cap
3D Spacing 5 DSpacing 9D Spacing
39.04 39.91 39.97

10 400

10 400 Y- 41.32 42.49 42.18
15 400 Y- 39.08 39.95 40.00

15 400 41.89 42.17 42.33

41.52 42.03 43.00

10 400

10 400 Y-> 42.63 42.45 43.56

4x1 15 400 41.58 42.20 43.04

\> «

15 400 Y- 42.69 42.86 43.69


10 500 37.20 38.96


s\ >


10 500 38.67 39.35 41.05



15 500 37.05 39.42 40.11

15 500 39.55 40.00 41.14



10 500 •39.27 40.00 40.18


10 500 Y-> 41.92 42.33 42.74

15 500 39.49 40.11 40.25
\v SJ?

15 500 Y- 42.20 42.76 42.88

Contd. to next page

Table 4.4. Lateral pile cap resistance from analytical studies (Contd.)

Type Length Diameter Position of pile Pile cap lateral resistance (%)
(m) (mm) cap
3D Spacing 5D Spacing 9D Spacing

10 500 41.69 42.25 41.69

10 500 42.79 42.99 42.79
4x1 15 500 y-o 41.76 42.55 43.50

15 500 42.94 43.12 44.06



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