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Zafin Cloud

Where can Zafin help?

80% of an average bank’s total sales
come from 20% of its products
Legacy core banking systems make it difficult to innovate and respond to
market demands. The types of challenges that many banks face around

lift in revenue across products
product management, product distribution and pricing uncover many is possible by pricing clients
compelling opportunities to explore. differently

“Slow time to market is one of the biggest risks facing the

lift in revenue is possible by
banking industry.” – Don Free, Gartner increasing value for product

lift in revenue is possible
How does Zafin help? when improving discipline
around discounts, promotions,
and fee waivers
To manage client value effectively, retail banks are looking to

strike that optimal balance between what’s good for the client and bps lift in Net Interest Income is
good for the bank. Such an approach demands agility, flexibility possible by optimizing for pricing
and innovation. Incentivize the right client behaviour with greater elasticity

control over three levers of client value: fees, rates, and offers.
Source: Gartner, AT Kearney, Deloitte, EY, BCG

Increase revenue and profitability. Execute client-

centric strategies to acquire, deepen, and retain
relationships and improve campaign response rates.

Take back control. Enable Product and Segment

Managers to tailor, change, and rapidly deploy
multi-product value propositions – all without any
technical knowledge or IT interaction.

Enhance transparency. Provide greater visibility into

what a fee is and why it was charged, as well as why
clients received a particular rate.

Automate governance. Eliminate revenue

leakage by automating the monitoring, tracking
and governance around fees, rates and offers.

Accelerate speed to market. Reduce time to

market for products, pricing and offers from as
much as six to nine months to as little as two weeks.

Reduce operating costs. Automate manual

processes and drive efficiencies around marketing
and distribution costs. | Zafin Cloud

Key features
Zafin Cloud is comprised of three core feature sets that work together:

Fee Management
• Configure standard fees and calculations.
• Create different price plans for specific microsegments based on configurable attributes.
• Create a rules-based governance framework to track fee waivers, discounts, rebates and reversals
against required conditions.
• Enable fee transparency for both front-line staff and clients, with clear descriptions of what a fee is
and why it was charged.

Rate Management
• Configure standard rates.
• Create different rate plans for specific microsegments based on configurable attributes.
• Import base rates or configure your own.
• Configure rate offsets, exceptions and validations.
• Create a rules-based governance framework to track preferred rates against required conditions.

Cross-Product Conditional Offers

• Design unique cross-products offers for specific microsegments.

• Configure eligibility rules, conditions and benefits for each offer.
• Create a rules-based governance framework to track benefits against required conditions.
• Assign the applicable benefit automatically.


A range of options for

public and private cloud


Application Programming
Interfaces feed data from
different systems

Fixed data model

Data is sent and received

to and from our platform
a standard format

Approval workflow
Maintain a workflow
process and configure
who can make changes
and approve them

Audit log

Automatically log
information regarding
changes and approvals | Zafin Cloud

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