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HL7 SIU message

The HL7 SIU message notifies an auxiliary (or other similarly configured) application
of changes to some facet of the filler application’s appointment schedule. There are
14 different trigger events for the SIU message, but they all use a common message

The fourteen SIU messages include:

 SIU-S12 – Notification of new appointment booking
 SIU-S13 – Notification of appointment rescheduling
 SIU-S14 – Notification of appointment modification
 SIU-S15 – Notification of appointment cancellation
 SIU-S16 – Notification of appointment discontinuation
 SIU-S17 – Notification of appointment deletion
 SIU-S18 – Notification of addition of service/resource on appointment
 SIU-S19 – Notification of modification of service/resource on appointment
 SIU-S20 – Notification of cancellation of service/resource on appointment
 SIU-S21 – Notification of discontinuation of service/resource on appointment
 SIU-S22 – Notification of deletion of service/resource on appointment
 SIU-S23 – Notification of blocked schedule time slot(s)
 SIU-S24 – Notification of opened (“un-blocked”) schedule time slot(s)
 SIU-S26 – Notification that patient did not show up for scheduled appointment.

The segments and groups of segments in the SIU message are as follows, and
apply for all trigger events:


MSH Message header Required

SCH Schedule activity Required


NTE Notes and comments Optional, Repeatable

PatientGroup – Optional and repeatable group

PID Patient identification Required

PV1 Patient visit Optional

PV2 Patient visit – Optional
additional info
OBX Observation Optional, Repeatable
DG1 Diagnosis Optional, Repeatable
ResourceGroup – Repeatable group
RGS Resource group Required
ServiceGroup – Optional and repeatable group, part of ResourceGroup
AIS Appointment Required
information – service
NTE-1 Notes and comments Optional, Repeatable
GeneralGroup – Optional and repeatable group, part of ResourceGroup
AIG Appointment Required
information –
General resource
NTE-2 Notes and comments Optional, Repeatable
LocationGroup – Optional and repeatable group, part of ResourceGroup
AIL Appointment Required
information –
Location resource
NTE-3 Notes and comments Optional, Repeatable
PersonnelGroup – Optional and Repeatable, part of ResourceGroup
AIP Appointment Required
information –
Personnel resource
NTE-4 Notes and comments Optional, Repeatable

In HL7 pipe and hat format, the SIU-S14 message would look like this:

SCH|00331839401|||||58||HLCK^HEALTHCHECK ANY AGE|20|MIN|^^^200803061000
PV1|1|O|||||HHR^NGUYENSUSAN MD|^|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AIL|1||HHR^FPCS NGUYEN, MD||||||||||

SIU Schedule Information Unsolicited

MSH Message Header

SCH Schedule Activity Information
[{NTE}] Notes and Comments (for Schedule Activity)
PID Patient Identification
[PD1] Patient Additional Demographics
[ROL] Role (for Patient)
[PV1] Patient Visit Information
[PV2] Patient Visit Info Continued
[{OBX}] Notes and Comments (for Patient)
[{DG1}] Diagnosis (for Patient)
RGS Resource Group Segment
AIS Appointment Info. - Service
[{NTE}] Notes and Comments (for Service)
AIG Appointment Info. - General Resource
[{NTE}] Notes and Comments (for Resource)
AIP Appointment Info. - Personnel
[{NTE}] Notes and Comments (for Personnel)

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