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Lesson Plan 1 – Peer Reviewed Session 25-10-2018

4.1Lesson Planning Assessment

Note: the candidate must engage in lesson planning and review for all teaching
sessions during the academic year. For the assessment, each candidate
providesfourcompleted lesson plans and reviews for a module(s) that they
teach (two in semester 1 and a further two in semester 2). You are required to
record outputs from your four lesson plans on the Moodle/VLE CRN 51389.

TEACHING SESSION PLAN – Thomas Lyons (25-10-2018 @ 11:00am)

Module: Capital Works Management Level / Stage 8
Year: 4th

Title of session/ topic: Project Execution Plan

Mark the type of session:

Lecture ☐Tutorial ☐ Lab ☐ Studio ☐ Workshop ☐

Module Outcome(What module outcome(s) is the class/session aligned to):

Capital Works Management Framework:

Learning Outcome 1 – Demonstrate a working knowledge of procurement options under Capital Works
Management Framework (CWMF)
Learning Outcome 2 – Assess and evaluate project information and formulate a Project Execution Plan

Class/Session Outcomes : Upon completion of this session, you should be able to:(Share with students e.g.
Write on board /slide/ project image at beginning of lecture for students)

• Understand procurement process for construction works designed by the employer / contractor
(under CWMF)
• Distinguish between works designed by the employer and works designed by the contractor
• Have an increased background knowledge of Project Execution Plans (PEP)
• Understand the Document control; Project Definition and Roles, Responsibilities + Authority
sections of the guidance notes.
• Apply knowledge gained and complete relevant sections of PEP document.
Select & Prioritise Your Content:
For the session, decide what material is used in class and what material the students should study independently
and/or online. To do this, think about the material and its relative importance and prioritise and list in the
appropriate quadrant.

Support Learning Independent Learning

1 2
Guidance Notes 1.1 – (Project Management) Guidance Notes 1.1 – (Project Management)
Guidance Note 1.2 – (Project Definition
(Need to know)
and the Definitive Project Brief)
Guidance Note 1.5.1 - (Public Works
Contracts: Managing the Pre-Contract Phase)

3 4

Supplementary Guidance Note 1.2 – (Project Definition

Learning (Nice to Guidance Note 1.2 – (Project Definition and the Definitive Project Brief)
know) andthe Definitive Project Brief) Guidance Note 2.1- (Design
Development Process)
Guidance Note 4.1 – (Review process)

Material in quadrants 1 and 3 typically become the focus during classes. Quadrants 2 and 4 represent
material students could study themselves and use the VLE/Moodle and online learning objects to
support this learning.
Think about how you might incorporate Technology Enhanced Learning Tools and Blended Online Learning
Objects, that will develop studentslearning and engagement with the module.
Time Teacher Activity(what
(what you will do during Student Activity(what students will do during workshop/lecture):
(minutes) the class):

(0 – 2) Welcome students
Introduction to class (content)

(2 – 3) Set student up so that he can

deliver his presentation

(3 – 18) Student Delivers (his) presentation

(18 – 30) Lead up question and answer session

on presentation topic.
Listen to student presentation
(30 – 31) Thank and praise student
Get involved in question and answer session
(31 – 35) Introduce PEP lecture
Listen to PEP lecture + raise questions if needed
Discuss prior knowledge of GN 1.1
Briefly recap previous lecture – Discuss prior knowledge
Document Control
Review GN 1.1 (PEP template)
(35 – 45) Discuss Project
roject Definition
Start work on PEP
(45 – 50) Discuss Roles, Responsibilities and

(50 – 55) Recap on key points.. Receive questions.

(55 – 60) Give feedback to student ( for


Student Engagement Tools:

Moodle – to access class info and documents

Internet – to access construction procurement website for guidance notes, etc.
Library – Procurement books
nt presentation and Q&A session
Flipped class (for student doing presentation)

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