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Molly Weston

Statement of intent
For my coursework I chose brief 2, which is to producing a three minute opening sequence
of a pilot for a new music magazine show for BBC Radio One, which will be broadcast on a
Friday between 7pm-7.30pm.

I must create my Radio Magazine Show (RMS) for a target audience of 16-25 as this is the
target audience for BBC Radio One and the product right now. The radio show will include
interviews, reviews, documentary features and performances, it will not include all of the
above as it is only the first 3 minutes but will have at least 2 of them. I felt this was the best
brief for me to do as I had more ideas for the radio show than the other brief for example;
music videos. This brief is also the ideal for me to do because of the target audience as we
know is 16-25 which puts me in the age range allowing me to be able and understand the
brief. The audience for my show should be culturally sophisticated and of an AB
demographic. When making my show I will people of different representations which I will
be on my website as photographs and also through the shows content.

To research for my main task RMS I am going to use various different shows that are similar
to the aspects of my show that I have to create such as ‘BBC Live Lounge’ and ‘Sounds like
Friday Night’. I will also be using BBC Radio 1 to have a better understanding of the
conventions that my show must conform to. When I start to plan for my RMS, I will create a
script for my ideas that will eventually turn into my 3 minute radio show which will guide me
through my production, when writing them I will consider what sound effects to include and
how long my sound bites will last as I must keep my show at exactly 3 minutes. I will create
it and edit using Audacity to put in my sound effects and my sound recordings once I have
all of my audio which I will edit for the best possible result. I will also be adding found music
to create the different segments of the show.

I will use PowerPoint to compile all of my planning which I will put onto my Weebly blog,
this will include brainstorms, research for similar shows that I can compare back to and also
market research such as a survey to be able to understand my target audience for my show.

My product is a radio show so this would mean that using media convergence will be
important. This is being able to use one media platform that enables you to consume
different types of media texts. For example using a smartphone you can listen to the radio,
and watch films etc. which have their separate devices which are for that media text,
however through media convergence it allows the consumer to use one device to access
multiple media texts. My own radio show will be accessible through smartphones and
various media platforms that have radio broadcast capability. I will also be creating a
website with a linked page to go along with my three minute RMS.

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