Control Systems Viva Questions

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1. Explain open loop and closed loop control systems and significance of feed back?
2. Why mathematical modelling of a system is required?
3. Explain the significance of impulse reponse?
4. Explain the effect of feedback on sensitivity(w.r.t. parameter variation of forward path)
5. Explain the effect of feedback on sensitivity(w.r.t. parameter variation of feedback path)
6. Explain the effect of feedback on system stability?
7. What is T/F and explain the role of T/F in control systems?
8. What is servo motor?
9. What is synchros?
10. Explain Mason’s gain formula?
11. What are basic elements of mechanical systems? Explain equations?
12. How D.C. Servo is different from normal D.C.Motor?
13. How A.C. Servo motor differ from normal A.C.Motor?
14. What is time response? Explain its importance?
15. What is transient and steady state response?
16. Define pole and zero?
17. What is type and order of the system?
18. Explain nature of response w.r.t. damping?
19. Define rise time, peak time, peak overshoot, delay time, settling time?
20. What is the relation between settling time and Stability?
21. What is steady state error? Explain significance?
22. What is stability?
23. What are various methods of stability analysis?
24. Explain Routh-Hurwitz criterion? And discuss advantages and limitations?
25. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for stability?
26. What is meant by dominant poles?
27. What is auxiliary polynomial?
28. What is root locus? Explain significance? Explain construction steps?
29. What is the effect of adding a pole, adding a zero to loop T/F on Root Locus?
30. What is Gain Margin?
31. What is Phase Margin?
32. Correlate frequency domain with time domain?
33. What is the criterion to find stability from Bode plot?
34. Define corner frequency?
35. What are the advantages of Bode plot?
36. What are resonant frequency , resonant peak and Band width?
37. How you calculate GM and PM using Bode plot?
38. What is meant by Wgc, Wpc?
39. Why GM should be taken at Wpc?
40. Why PM should be taken at Wgc?
41. How you justify GM = 𝐺(𝑤 ) and PM = 180 + Ф𝑔𝑐
| 𝑝𝑐 |
42. What is Polar plot?
43. What is Nyquist plot? Explain its significance?
44. What is principle argument?
45. What are minimum and non minimum phase systems?
46. What is relative stability?
47. Define dominant pole?
48. What are P,PI,PID controllers? Explain effects ?
49. Explain the role of compensator in control system?
50. What are various compensators?
51. What is Lead compensator? Explain its effects?
52. What is Lag compensator? Explain its effects?
53. What is Lead-lag compensator? Explain its effects?
54. Explain state, state variable? Explain the significance of S.V.A.?
55. What is state transition matrix? Give its properties?
56. What is controllability?
57. What is observability?
58. What is diagonalization? Explain its importance?
59. Solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous state equation?

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