MG 6851 Principles of Management Important 2 & 16 Marks Unit - I Introduction To Management and Organizations 2 Marks

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1. Define management. (Apr/May 2016) (Apr/May 2017) (Nov/Dec 2017)

2. What is the function of a management? (Apr/May 2016) (Nov/Dec 2016)
3. Give current trends in management. (Nov/Dec 2016)
4. Define management. (Apr/May 2017) (Nov/Dec 2017)
5. What is organizational culture? (Apr/May 2017)
6. Define partnership. (Nov/Dec 2017)
7. List out the roles played by managers in an organization. (Apr/May 2018)
8. Distinguish between public and private limited companies. ( Apr/May 2018)


1. Is management is a Science or Art? Discuss. (Apr/May 2016)

2. Explain the evolution of Management in detail.
3. Explain the fourteen principles of Management in detail. (Apr/May 2016)
4. Explain in detail about the different types of business organization. . (Nov/Dec 2016)
5. Discuss in detail the evaluation of management. (Nov/Dec 2016)
6. Explain the different roles and functions of a manager. (Apr/May 2017)
7. Explain the different types of business organizations. (Apr/May 2017)
8. Explain the current trends and issues in Management. (Nov/Dec 2017)
9. Elucidate in detail the various principles of management as advocated by Henry Fayol.
(Nov/Dec 2017)
10. Elucidate the contributions of F.W.Taylor to Management. ( Apr/May 2018)
11. Enlighten the relevance of environmental factors that effects global business.( Apr/May 2018)



1. What is objectives of planning? (Apr/May 2016)

2. List the steps in decision making process. (Apr/May 2016)
3. What is meant by policies? (Nov/Dec 2016)
4. Define MBO. (Nov/Dec 2016)
5. State the purpose of planning. (Apr/May 2017)
6. List the planning tools available in the business management. (Apr/May 2017)
7. What you understand by Strategic Management. (Nov/Dec 2017)


8. Define Career Management. (Nov/Dec 2017)

9. What is intuitive decision making? ( Apr/May 2018)
10. Define planning permissions. ( Apr/May 2018)


1. What are the objectives of planning? Illustrate how you will set objectives for a manufacturing
organization. (Apr/May 2016)
2. With suitable example illustrate the steps involved in the process of decision making.
(Apr/May 2016)
3. Discuss in detail about the classification of planning practices. (Nov/Dec 2016)
4. Explain briefly about the decision making step and process. (Nov/Dec 2016)
5. Explain the general planning process adopted by the business organizations. (Apr/May 2017)
6. Discuss the eight steps of decision making process. (Apr/May 2017)
7. Explain in detail the various types of planning. (Nov/Dec 2017)
8. Is Decision making a rational process? Discuss. (Nov/Dec 2017)
9. Define MBO and explain the various steps involved it.
10. Classify the types and goals organizations might have and the plans they use for
accomplishments. (Apr/May 2018)
11. Define MBO. Explain the process of MBO. (Apr/May 2018)



1. Define carrier management (Dec 2015)

2. Why do you understand by organization chart?(Dec 2017)
3. What is delegation of authority? (May200,May 2011, Dec 2015 & May 2017 )
4. Why performance management is important? (May 2017)
5. Define organization.(May 2016,May 2011)
6. What is the necessity of organization? (Dec 2013)
7. What should be Understand by effective organization? (Nov 2005)
8. What are the limitations of matrix organization structure? (Apr 2010, Dec 2013)
9. What is decentralization?
(Dec 2007,Dec 2012,May 2016)
10. What is formal and informal organization? (May2011, May 2012, Dec 2015)
11. What is span control? (Apr 2004, May 2007, May 2009,May 2011,May 2013)
12. Define authority. (May 2011,Dec 2014)
13. Define line and staff authority (May 2011)
14. What is functional departmentation? (May 2012)
15. What are the advantages of decentralization? (Apr 2004, May 2013)


16. What is job design?(May 2018)

17. Distinguish between authority and power?(May 2018)
18. Define staffing. (May 2011, Dec 2014)
19. What is job enrichment? (May 2011, May 2012)
20. Mention any two merits of performance appraisal. (May 2011)
21. List down the different types of training. (May 2014)
22. What is the purpose of HRM? (Dec 2005)


1. Explain any four type of organization. (Dec 2017)

2. Distinguish between training and development and explain the various methods of training.
(Dec 2017)
3. Explain the different types of organization structure followed by the company. (May 2017)
4. Describe the Human Resource Management activities in a business organization. (May 2017)
5. In detail explain the nature and purpose of organization. ( Nov 2006, May 2016)
6. Explain line and functional organizational structures with their advantage and
limitations.(Nov 2013,May 2016)
7. Discuss the merits and demerits of line and staff organization with examples. (Dec 2015)
8. Discuss detail about the selection process which is followed in selecting IT professionals.
Briefly discuss the different type interview techniques which can be followed in selection
process.(Dec 2015)
9. Describe six key elements in organization design. (May 2018)
10. Discuss task associated with identifying and selecting competent employees.(May 2018)
11. Mention the factors which are responsible for the emergence of informal organization and
also state the advantages and disadvantages of informal organization. ( May 2011)
12. What are the advantages of organization? ( May 2012)
13. Explain how formal organization is different from informal organization. Illustrate ( Nov
2004, Apr 2010, May 2011, May 2012)
14. What do you understand by organizational chart? Explain the basis of departmentalization.
(May 2011, Dec 2011)
15. Define matrix organization. Why matrix organization is used? Discuss the problems with
matrix management and guidelines for making management effective. (May 2009)
16. Describe a case in which matrix organization structure will be effective. Also discuss the
advantages and limitations of matrix organization. (Apr 2010)
17. Explain the line organization with a next sketch. (Nov 2005, May 2012)
18. Differentiate line and staff authority. (May 2007, May 2012, May 2014)
19. Explain the concept of functional authority. How do you delegate it? ( Nov 2004)
20. Describe the various bases for departmentation and suggest a scheme of departmentation for
a large marketing organization with a field network all over the country. ( May 2013, Dec
2014 )


21. Describe about various types of departmentation by different strategies. ( May 2011)
22. Define span of management. Explain the factors which influence the effective span of
management. (Apr 2005, May 2011, May 2013, Dec 2013 )
23. “Delegation is the ability to get result through other “- Discuss. Explain the steps and
guidelines to be followed while delegation authority. (Nov 2009, Apr 2010 )
24. What are the steps involved in the process of delegation? ( May 2011)
25. Explain the concept of decentralization. ( Nov 2005, May 2011, May 2012)
26. Bring out the factors affecting centralization or decentralization. Also highlight the merits
and demerits of centralization and decentralization with examples. ( May 2008, Apr 2010)
27. Briefly explain the factors determining the degree of decentralization of authority. ( Apr 2005
28. Explain selection and recruitment process. ( Dec 2014)
29. Explain the procedures involved in the selection process. (May 2011, Dec 2012, May 2014,
Dec 2014)
30. What are the tests given to candidates undergoing the selection procedure? (May 2012)
31. What do you mean by performance appraisal? Discuss its need and importance in an
organization. ( May 2012 )
32. Explain any four methods of performance appraisal. ( Dec 2012 )



1. What are the advantages of democratic leadership styles?(April/May 2018)

2. What is brainstorming?(April/May 2018)
3. What is personality? (April/May 2017)
4. What do you understood on the ‘job enrichment’? (April/May 2017)
5. Mention elements of directing. (May/June 2012)
6. List the components of communication process. (May/June2012)
7. Define Motivation.(Nov/Dec2012)
8. Who is a leader?(Nov/Dec2012)
9. Define Job enlargement.(Nov/Dec2011)
10. List the basic types of control.(Nov/Dec2011)
11. Define Motivation. (April/May 2011),(Nov/Dec 2012),(May/June 2009)
12. What is organizational culture? (April/May 2011)
13. What is Job Satisfication?(Nov/Dec 2017)
14. Define job enrichment.(Nov/Dec 2017),(Aril/May 2008)
15. State the type of leaders? (May/June 2012)
16. What do you mean by job enrichment? (May/June 2012)
17. Mention the elements of directing? (May/June 2012)
18. What is mean by brain storming?(May/June 2013)


19. What are the different types of management state gives involved in leadership?(May/June
2013)20. What are the limitations of matrix organization structure?(Nov/Dec 2013)
20. What is organization culture?(April/May 2011)


1. Write short notes on creativity and innovation. [2003-May ’11]

2. Explain four traditional theories of motivation. [Nov ’04, Apr’10, May’11,Dec’14]

3. Describe theory X and theory Y. [Apr’04,Dec’04,Apr’05,Dec’06 &Dec’07]

4. Discuss the Maslow’s need hierarchy theory. Compare and contrast the Maslow and Herzberg
theory of motivation.[May’07,May’09,Apr’10,May’11,May’12,&Dec’12]

5. Explain porter and Lawler theory of motivation and Adam’s equity theory of motivation. [2007-

6. Define leadership and state its features and significance. [2005-May’12]

7. What are the essential qualities of a good leader? [2007-Dec’12]

8. Explain democratic type of leadership with examples. [2011-Dec’06]

9. Discuss the various leadership behavior and styles ranging from maximum to minimum.
[may’07,May’08,May’09,Dec’09,Apr’10 & May’11]

10. Explain the types of formal organizational communications. [2015-May’11]

11. What is the purpose of Communication? [May ’10 & May’12 ]

12. Explain the process of communication. [May’08,May’10 & May’12]

13. Define communication, types of communication. Explain the barriers for effective communication.
[Dec’06,May’07,May’11 & Dec’14]

14. Explain why management by wandering around considered as effective communication. What
are the barriers to effective communication? [May’09,May’12,Dec’12,Dec’13 & May’14]

15. Discuss the contemporary theories of motivation. [2017-Apr’05 & May’05]

16. Identify the barriers in communication and explain how to overcome them. [2017-Apr’05]

17. Explain any two motivation theories of your choice. [2017-Nov’11 & Dec’11]

18. Difference between motivation and satisfaction. [2018-Apr &May]




1. Define productivity. List the types of productivity? (April 2014)

2. What are the types of budget? (April 2014)
3. List the basic type of control? (April 2015)
4. What are the potential pitfalls of budget? (April 2015)
5. What the uses of computers in management control? (Dec 2016)
6. Discuss the productivity problem in a management? (Dec 2016)
7. What is budget control? (April 2017)
8. What do you understand by productivity? (April 2017)
9. What is preventing control in management? (Dec 2017)
10. Why controlling is important? (Dec 2017)
11. What are the characteristics of control function? (June 2018)

12. What is performance appraisal? (June 2018 is performance appraisal? (June 2018)


1. What is budgetary control? Explain the details the different technics to control budget? (April
2. Explain following: (April 2014)
a .purchase control
b. maintenance control
c. quality control
3. a. Explain the relationship between controlling and over all management discuss the steps in
controlling process? (April 2015)
b. Describe the potential barrier to successful controlling? (April 2015)
4. Discuss briefly about 1. Break event analysis and 2.budget as tools for organization (April
5. Discuss the details about the budgetary and non-budgetary control techniques? (Dec 2016)
6. Impact of IT in management concept –discuss? (Dec 2016)
7. Explain the various control technic (April 2017)
8. Discuss the impact of information technology on management control? (April 2017)
9. Explain the issues of organization culture in modern business organization? (Dec 2017)
10. Job performance of individual is significant influencing by the employees attitude-discuss (Dec
11. Illustrate and explain the three steps in the control process? (June 2018)
12. Discuss the various types of tools used to monitor and measure organizational performance?
(June 2018)


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