From The School of Hard Knocks: Why The HYV Matters in UP Politics

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MUMBAI | 4 MAY 2019

The misallocated Why the HYV matters in UP politics Adityanath did as chief minister was a harsh
crackdown on the sand mining mafia (which
was run as a side-business by many HYV
activists); action against overloading of trucks
Once a source of Chief Minister Adityanath's clout, the Hindu Yuva Vahini is (which were allowed to go only if they paid a

his is the silly “tax” to HYV); and shutting down illegal hooch
season for eco- like a thorn in his side now outlets. “Unka do number ka business thupp ho
nomic policy, gaya (their illegal business crashed),” said a BJP
though some would Unthinkable in the past. But he has to. His as the unchallenged BJP leader in east UP and worker with ill-concealed satisfaction.
say it’s been that for supporters can see that a crucial rule has been to buttress his rise, he announced the formation Slowly, HYV began losing people. State pres-
five years now. It is broken. He explained gruffly to one of them of the Hindu Yuva Vahini (HYV). ident Sunil Singh quit, followed by Ram
therefore a good time that he was no longer just a mahant of the Why HYV when Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Laxman, a crucial activist who is also a Dalit.
to take stock of the sort Gorakhnath mandir but chief minister of the Parishad (ABVP) and Bharatiya Janata Yuva Singh told local journalists that the BJP lost the
of economic advice entire state and all people. Morcha (BJYM), both front organisations of the Gorakhpur by-election (2018) because HYV
that is tendered in our When he was made chief minister, Prime BJP, already exist? A BJP supporter explained workers stayed away from the campaign. A BJP
country. Minister Narendra Modi was asked by a cheeky that the HYV is slightly different. While ABVP worker said it was none other than Amit Shah,
This necessarily supporter: “Why him?” The PM replied: “iss lot and BJYM are more “prabuddh”(intellectual) who requested Adityanath to tighten the reins
MARGINAL UTILITY involves taking stock of
the sort of economists
mein sabse achha wahi hai” (he’s the best of the
lot). There was Keshav Prasad Maurya, now
and “vaicharik” (ideological) the HYV is con-
sidered “lampat” (lumpen), more interested in
of the HYV’s activities, now that he was CM
(“adhyaksh-ji ne nakel kasne ke liye kaha”).
TCA SRINIVASA RAGHAVAN we have. The result is deputy chief minister and reportedly not on creating “danga” (rioting) than ideology. In oth- But Adityanath is not prepared to let go so
The overall prob-
PLAIN POLITICS talking terms with the CM; Manoj Sinha, min-
ister of state for railways with independent
er words, a militia.
Anecdotal data suggests membership grew
easily. On the day the 2019 elections were
announced, the state government issued a noti-
lem is that India has far too many macroeconomists and too ADITI PHADNIS charge of the ministry of communications; and from 300 in 2002 to 1.5 million in 2014. In a fication appointing scores of HYV activists to
few microeconomists. Thus, I had pointed out a few weeks somewhere on the remote horizon, Adityanath. region where large-scale unemployment and positions on boards and other lower-level
ago specifically in the context of the closure of Jet Airways The Gorakhpur Lok Sabha seat is considered migration in search of jobs is endemic, young offices of profit. Although the model code of

and the aviation business generally, India has around three he first compromise people noticed “mandir ki seat”. But previous incumbents — people now had a position. In the Gorakhpur conduct came into force immediately, delaying
transport economists. This is surely very odd for such a cap- was the food. Digvijaynath and Avaidyanath — never tried division alone, 500,000 people joined the HYV the perks of office (authority, salary and official
ital and labour intensive industry. to assert themselves as “true” Hindus although as it expanded to the villages. The volunteers car and accommodation), once the election is
That’s not the only problem. Ever since the data bug bit Yogi Adityanath is a mahant, a holy man. they claimed to represent the Hindu had a range of tasks: From spreading awareness over, they will take over. “In the BJP we have a
the profession about 40 years ago, very few Indian econo- He is prohibited, for pollution-purity reasons, Mahasabha and considered BJP somewhat about encephalitis or brain fever that kills peo- system. We send the name from below and it is
mists know much of economic theory or economic history. from eating just anywhere. As MP, he would be tame on issues of Hinduism. Adityanath ple like flies in the region to issues of sanitation. vetted at every stage reaching the leadership
Both are scoffed at with a sneering, “show me the data”. invited by voters and constituents for meals realised that to be taken seriously, he needed “Earlier, when you asked a young man what he via proper channel,” said a BJP worker. “In this
What this has meant is no data, no economist to think and his supporters would warn them in to make an impression within the BJP. In the did, he would say “nothing”. Now he began say- case, none of the names we sent featured on
beyond the immediate. Our economists are mere data advance: “Maharajji khana nahin khayenge… 2002 assembly elections, the BJP fielded Shiv ing proudly: “I am a padadhikari (officebearer) the list that was finally announced.”
crunchers which means robots will replace them soon. ”. He might have a piece of fruit or a nut or two, Pratap Shukla from Gorakhpur overruling of the HYV,” explained a BJP worker. How will this creative tension play out?
What is truly worrisome is that the sort of analysis we but nothing more. claims from the mandir. Adityanath was The BJP observed the growth and develop- BJP supporters say that whatever Adityanath
saw in economics till about the mid-1970s is now virtually Now, along with party President Amit incensed and he challenged the BJP by fielding ment of HYV silently but watchfully. When and HYV might say, there’s a price to be paid
extinct. This despite the fact that an overwhelming propor- Shah, the mahant of the Gorakhnath temple Radha Mohan Das Agarwal on a Hindu Adityanath was sworn in as CM, many cele- for power. Their prediction? HYV, the source
tion of ‘Nobel’ prizes in economics have gone to theorists. is eating everywhere: You can see him squat- Mahasabha ticket against Shukla. Agarwal brated, expecting a surge in their fortunes. They of Adityanath’s clout, will eventually have to
Go deeper and you will find that among the macroecon- ting and eating with Yadavs, Dalits… defeated Shukla. This established Adityanath were disappointed. The first three things shut shop.
omists, barely a handful have been trained in formal econo-
metrics. The rest just wing it on software. Indeed, now even
budding lawyers have started doing it. It will be doctors next,
I suppose. Chartered accountants have already got in there. DINNER WITH BS > ZIA MODY | FOUNDER | AZB & PARTNERS
This sad story doesn’t end here. We don’t have economists
who have specialised in the high-impact field of law and eco-
nomics. That area, too, has been left to chartered accountants
who only study the finance bill and make pronouncements.
As to economics’ younger sister, sociology, perish the
thought. India’s economists don’t allow themselves to be
tainted by something as "flaky" as sociology.

More orphans
From the school of hard knocks
The mother of all shows, of course, is monetary economics. Over pizza and ravioli, Mody talks to gating regulations, law plus image sand, how close they are, and on
Ever since the FIIs flooded into India, monetary economists management, law plus global which side.”
have blossomed like bananas in Kerala. The only thing they Pavan Lall about her reputation, firm impact, law plus business sense”. In the next four or five years,
need to know is the term "yield" which makes it easy. The I stop and take a sip of my green Mody says, we will see the emer-
rest, yes, you guessed it, is data. It's extraordinary how much
succession and how different clients tea. She works round the clock at gence of class-action law suits in a
time is devoted to discussing the financial markets, as if we
are major players on Wall Street.
require different doses of fear a pace which would deter most
youngsters half her age and then
big way. “Promoters are listening
much harder, the noises being made
Amazingly, given that fiscal matters loom so large on our there’s the matter of her reputa- by proxy advisors and minority

economy’s horizon dominating everything, we have very o, who have you signed on unusual Alexandrite one tion. She’s notorious for being a shareholders are getting louder and
few specialists in public finance. I doubt if it is even taught recently?” I ask of Zia Mody, that matches her tunic. merciless task master and AZB is one or two hard class-action cases
any longer in our universities. Everyone is content just founding partner of law firm Almost always, it’s known for being one of the tough- will set the tone. It’s coming.” She
tediously analysing the Budget. AZB & Partners. After all, at this easy to tell the kind of est law firms to cut one’s teeth at. also means that fear is today a
Then there is industrial economics. Three decades ago, stage of her career, Mody, who needs mood Mody is in by her Mody smiles, then says slowly stronger factor in decision-making
some Indian economists like Ashok Desai and TCA Anant no introduction, has represented hairdo. If pulled back, with jarring honesty, “I’m an and there is genuine regulatory con-
tried to develop the field. most captains of industry that like rockstars or gang- unbalanced human and it’s obvious cern, about not making a habit of
Nothing came of it because this time even though the include Ratan Tata, Mukesh Ambani sters do with pony-tails I don’t need a balanced life as much certain business processes.
data was there the effort was too much. Result: India’s indus- and Anand Mahindra. There are sev- tied up with a band, the as anyone else because I’ve gotten How does she deal with loss?
trial policy has always been made in an intellectual vacuum eral others that we don’t know about message is: Stay out of used to a certain schedule”. Mody, a follower of the Bahá’í faith
by politicians and bureaucrats who have degrees in biology, — and Mody makes it emphatically the way. If she’s got it “You here at this time of the night who visits Israel every couple years
zoology and geology. clear it’s going to stay that way. down, you can get away and working isn’t balanced either,” on pilgrimage, says she’s okay with
Oddly enough, we do have a lot of agricultural econo- We’re catching up for dinner and with pushing the envelope. she quips. it. “Some big deals will go to com-
mists. But if you ask my colleague Surinder Sud, who is an instead of meeting at a restaurant, Today, it appears, is a regular The thing is that clients expect a petitors, a few talented partners will
absolute master of the game, they don’t know the difference we have decided to order in at AZB’s hair day. response quickly, which means that leave. The element of churn is there
between the various types of Indian soils, let alone anything corporate office at Peninsula My ravioli is bang on target, the instead of taking five days to get but the objective is to keep moving
else. But since the data is there they hold forth incessantly, Corporate Park in Lower Parel, Italian dumplings stuffed with back, it needs to be done in two ahead.” Hang on a second — did
mostly about MSP! Mumbai. We sit down in the Oak spinach and ricotta cheese are driz- days. That means you push faster Mody just say she’s okay with occa-
Ditto for international trade. The world collects the data, room. India’s best known lady zled with a tangy orange sauce gar- and run harder than others, sional losses? Has time mellowed
and our lads joyously piggy-back on it without the faintest lawyer opts for a margherita pizza nished with slices of green olive Mody says, adding it’s also the the iron lady of law? It almost
clue of industrial economics which, I would think, is the with an extra dollop of sun-dried and translucent flakes of garlic. reason she’s managed to settle sounds like she’s okay to hang up
minimum you need to know to be a good trade economist. I tomatoes from Quattro on Senapati The slightly charred zucchini and fights, and do the big deals. her boots sooner than later.
asked one of them the other day about the cost structure of Bapat Marg. It’s spinach and ricotta mixed greens offer as perfect a foil “At the end of the day Mody says, “I’ve been perceived
India’s textile industry. He waved me away. ravioli with a side of grilled vegeta- as they can. I offer Mody some it’s about the let- as a larger than life presence, inter-
bles for me from Cafe Zoe. but she sticks to her com- terhead of this nally for a long time now, but as my
More of the same Mody, a vegetarian and strict pact pizza, that’s neatly firm.” other founding partners will agree,
And what about sustainability issues and environmental teetotaler, has no pretensions when pre-sliced. She isn’t fib- we have the best second line of sen-
economics? These are taught only in a handful of places and it comes to dining, and is as much AZB’s league tables bing about the ior partners in the market, and
there are too few economists who know anything much at home with street food that rankings are impeccable. big deals. In institution building stands tall for
about the subject that can be of use at the local and regional includes idlis and other spicy Mergermarket’s latest report puts recent times, all of us.” So is it going to be five,
levels. Go to any seminar and you will see the same faces snacks from lesser known eateries AZB at number one with 22 deals AZB has advised seven or eight years before she and
talking about carbon emissions. as she is to five-star favorites like valued at around $9.5 billion. Tata Steel on its her founders retire? “I hope sooner,
And how many universities teach urban economics? How the Thai Pavilion at the Taj Hotel Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & ~35,000 crore acquisition of I mean look at my hair, it’s getting
many economists do you know of who specialise in it? This in Cuffe Parade. Inside AZB’s office Co is at number two with 19 deals years of getting it right. Sounds sim- Bhushan Steel, one of the largest white now.” I disagree and tell
in a country that is haphazardly but rapidly urbanising and in Lower Parel there’s a stillness valued at $8.5 billion. It’s the same ple but few do it well. deals under the new Insolvency and Mody it’s dark in patches and she
needs such economists like a pig needs a pool of mud. that’s periodically broken by foot- with Bloomberg’s legal rankings, and So, what is the first question she Bankruptcy Code; the $14.6 billion pushes the last slice of pizza
These gaps are clearly reflected in the amount of pub- steps and the sound of young part- that of Thomson Reuters, where typically asks while taking on a case? merger of Indus Towers with Bharti towards me and it’s clear I am not
lished research in most of these areas. Why, we have only ners and associates checking on again, Mody sits pretty at number It depends on the client but if it’s a Infratel; and the $1.2 billion ATC- being asked but told to polish it off.
two or three Indian journals in which it is considered all case updates and calls as they move one by value and count. negotiation she will ask “what’s the Vodafone-Idea Cellular merger. I oblige and once done realise it’s
right to publish. As a result, the Economic and Political in and out of rooms named after That isn’t the only reason that bottom line that you want from this Is there a secret formula to catch- almost 11 pm.
Weekly has become the acceptable substitute for our uni- trees such as Juniper, Sequoia and she is the first port of call for most deal?,” she says. If it’s litigation, then ing the most high-flying of clients? How long will Mody stay in
versities. so on. promoters, conglomerate heads and the questions are judgment calls on “Different clients require different office? “Another four-five hours or
The worst consequence of this debility is that we import Dinner is laid out for us on AZB CEOs. In her favour, she’s a unique where the matter is likely to go, how doses of fear, some get it quickly, so,” she says, as she turns to face the
NRI economists who, with one or two exceptions, are not monogrammed china ware and we blend of tough-as-nails counsel who much reputational damage is likely some need to be told categorically light flashing on her phone, an assis-
quite the sharpest pencils in the box. start the minute it’s served. Mody, can switch at light-speed to offer a to happen and so on, she says, what will happen if they cross the tant with a sky-high pile of papers
It is like buying Chinese products. Okay, but not really as always, is dressed simply in a silk, sympathetic ear when the client is adding that “every meeting is a law line, and I don't think we advise and three junior lawyers who need
German engineering. purple tunic, one very large record- losing a deal, is at war with a sibling, plus. Law plus strategy, law plus EQ being virginal but what we do is direction. And vanishes into a dif-
size diamond ring and another or has made pivotal mistakes after (emotional quotient), law plus navi- counsel clients as to the line in the ferent world.

And then there was one... The summer of discontent

to mutter about not being allowed the eymoon,” my wife insists, “now we must
the neighbourhood children who’d stop asked them to return the puppies. same privileges as him. It feels like the travel as a family.”
to feed and play with them on the way The very next day, puppy number one summer of discontent at home. My daughter, meanwhile, is keeping
to the park every evening. One morning, was killed by a speeding car. “We were I blame it on the heat, which is her council. “What are your holiday
the mother just wouldn’t stop crying. It devastated,” they said. “Having watched already at its peak. Normally, by this plans?” her mother asked her. “This and
turned out all her puppies were missing. the puppies being born, seeing one die time, we would be fleeing Delhi, having that,” my daughter said ambiguously,
The watchmen said that perhaps some in front of our eyes was horrible.” Later, chalked up our travel plans to parts cool- “here and there,” which may not have
of the children who played with them after the two surviving puppies became er than the capital in May. Alas, the city’s made sense but put my wife off her trail
had taken the puppies home. “We 40 days old, the children who had taken tryst with the 17th Lok Sabha elections — momentarily. In truth, our daughter
thought it was for the best,” they told them earlier didn’t want them anymore. will happen on May 12, considerably hasn’t been able to make up her mind
me. “They were too young to survive the Two months later, puppy number delaying our travel schedules. As a result, whether to go with one bunch of friends
PEOPLE LIKE THEM long winter nights outdoors.”
But all hell broke loose that evening.
two was also run over and killed. This
time, the watchmen were furious at the
PEOPLE LIKE US prices for tickets on even previously
unknown airlines have skyrocketed, visa
to a favourite city, or with another hop-
ing to discover a yet unchartered desti-
GEETANJALI KRISHNA Local animal lovers accused the watch- animal activists. “They ‘protected’ the KISHORE SINGH appointments are being offered weeks nation. I suspect she’s working on the
men of selling the puppies. The police puppies from children willing to adopt later, and rumblings about the unafford- logistics for both but is tightlipped about
was brought in to register a case against them,” they said, “instead of sheltering ability of international destinations is it in case her mother decides to subpoe-

he other day, yet another street them as separating puppies less than 40 them from the elements and the dangers t has been a few weeks since my being laid at my door. It was the reason na one, if not both.
dog was run over by a car near our days old from their mother amounted to on the road.” The animal activists, so mother and I talked to each other my son and his wife had a tiff in the first Since I chose to defer my holiday
house. I stopped to ask the two animal cruelty. The watchmen were vociferous when it came to ‘rescuing’ the over the phone, having had an place, and even though they kissed and plans till after the elections, I now find
watchmen nearby, the only people out- flummoxed by the turn of events. puppies, were oddly silent. “They would altercation that was, shall we say, made up, the rumblings have caused myself in danger of being done out of
side in the afternoon heat, if anything “The puppies were not ours to look have sent us to jail for animal cruelty,” unpleasant? My son and his wife too unrest at home. one entirely. Which must be why I
could be done for the unfortunate ani- after,” they said. “Neither were they ours muttered one of the watchmen, “but had their first tiff as newlyweds, caus- Oblivious to their discomfort, my wife agreed on a whim to sign up for the
mal. “A change of law would be good,” to give away.” They were unaware of ani- have done nothing against the drivers ing them both to sulk — though they keeps butting in with suggestions about extended family package to the hills this
said one of them. I asked why? The story mal cruelty laws in India. Moreover, both who have run them over.” were equally quick to make up. My accompanying them. “Can I come to St weekend. It spans three generations and
they told me gave me food for thought. were convinced that their adoption gave We silently watched the mother with daughter, whose daily commute takes Petersburg with you?” she asks, when I doubt it will amount to more than a few
It all started when a street dog gave the puppies a better chance of survival. As her one remaining offspring, now almost her from Noida to Gurugram and back, she catches them checking for reserva- clan skirmishes over harboured child-
birth to three puppies in winter this year. the animal lovers became more and more as large as her, wondering what fate had at least has reason to be in a rage on tions on the Sapsan high-speed train. hood resentments, which is all one can
The watchmen finally had something to aggressive, the men decided the unpleas- in store for them. There are no easy working days. My wife tells me off so “Can we go to Moscow with them?” she anticipate over a couple of days of being
do to pass time during their long working antness wasn’t worth it. “We’re poor answers when it comes to the manage- often that I can safely say we are in a checks with me. Quietly, when she isn’t thrown together. Cooler weather should
hours. “We looked after them, brought migrants,” they told me. “People like us ment of stray canines in cities. For perpetual state of war. Our driver of looking, the children change their choice at least ensure there won’t be too many
them milk and found gunny bags for can’t afford to mess with the police.” So humans might have spent millennia many years suddenly upped and of destination. “They’re honeymooners,” frayed feathers — or tempers. Who
them to be warm at night,” they said. the next evening, when the same children domesticating animals, they still haven’t absconded, complete with loan and I remind my wife, “we should let them knows, maybe my mother and I will even
The puppies soon became popular with passed by on their way to the park, they learnt to peacefully coexist with them. motorcycle, causing the domestic staff be.” “But they’ve already been on a hon- start being civil again.


Volume Vl Number 40

Modi meets his

Crowd: Yes
MUMBAI | 4 MAY 2019 Mamata: Lakshmi Puja?
Crowd: Yes
WEEKEND RUMINATIONS Mamata: Saraswati Puja?
Crowd: Yes

Cold shower after the polls

match in Mamata Mamata: Boro din (Christmas)?
Crowd: Yes
Mamata: Ramzan?
Crowd: Yes
Modi & Shah are street-fighters trying to win Bengal Mamata: Chhat Puja?

he tax revenue numbers published in this newspaper yesterday are Crowd: Yes
a shock. They show a shortfall of ~1.6 trillion, when compared to the through Hindu-Muslim polarisation. But Mamata is But there’s only one thing that doesn’t happen
revised revenue numbers for 2018-19 presented to Parliament three
months ago. That represents over 0.8 per cent of gross domestic
fighting their poison with her own here — Modi. Modi hoi na (Modi doesn’t happen here)
… BJP hoi na, mithya (falsehood) hoi na, kutsha (char-

product (GDP). Some of the shortfall would have been compensated by a last- ou can pick your metaphor: It takes iron to It worked in Assam, so it must work in West acter assassination) hoi na.
minute squeeze on expenditure, reported at the year-end to have been about break iron. Diamond cuts diamond. If you so Bengal. That is the reason BJP leaders have been
~60,000 crore. Taking that as accurate, the fiscal deficit numbers for the year
would have gone up from the reported 3.4 per cent of GDP to about 3.9 per cent
wish, you can even say, poison is the only
antidote to poison. It means the same thing. But the
last may be more appropriate, given that the election
claiming a near-sweep, upwards of 22 seats out of its
42. After Uttar Pradesh (80) and Maharashtra (48), M amata turns the knife and not slowly. Do your
homework, and set it on your teleprompter so
West Bengal sends the highest contingent of MPs to you don’t make a fool of yourself here, “Modi babu,”
— clear slippage from the levels of the last two years.
campaign we are talking about is our most ven- the Lok Sabha. she says, a hundred times more mockingly than
The numbers are a shock for a further reason: The Centre’s revenue growth
omously bitter yet. If this is where the BJP expected to partly make Modi calls Rahul shahzada or how Rahul may call
clocks in at only about 6.2 per cent. It is understandable if this falls short of the
The tone has been set by Prime Minister Narendra up for the losses it might suffer in Uttar Pradesh and Modi chor. She lists, in one breath, all the various
ambitiously budgeted revenue growth of 19.5 per cent. What is more worrying is Modi. Nobody can deny him that other states they had swept in pujas that take place in West Bengal, taunts Mr Modi
that growth in gross collection (including the states’ share), at 8.4 per cent, falls proud distinction. From calling 2014, they should rethink. It is true if he even knows the Saraswati Mantra, then recites
short of GDP growth (in nominal terms, ie including inflation) of 11.5 per cent. In opponents anti-national, in that the prime minister’s rallies it in Sanskrit, her crowds, including hundreds of
other words, the trend of an increasing tax-GDP ratio has been reversed. Some of cahoots with Pakistan, families on have been enthusiastic and big. Muslims, cheering. What does Mr Modi know about
the shortfall may have been on account of the progressive cutting of rates for the bail/halfway to jail, and so on. His But given the low base, the BJP has each religion?
goods and services tax. But there is the possibility that real economic growth (ie party chief Amit Shah and Uttar an electoral Kanchenjunga to She quickly moves to food. “Modi babu, if we go
adjusted for inflation) may be less than the officially reported 7 per cent. Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi climb here. to Gujarat, we eat dhokla, idly in Tamil Nadu, upma
The implications for the current year are grim. The Budget numbers for Adityanath have taken this for- Mamata isn’t also impressed by in Kerala, litti-chokha in Bihar, halwa in Gurudwara,
2019-20 project revenue growth of 14.9 per cent on the numbers that had been ward, one calling Muslim immi- the BJP’s shock-and-awe tactic. lassi in Punjab. You order people, don’t eat fish, meat,
expected for 2018-19. On the real revenue base that has emerged, tax collection grants termites or other kinds of She is probably the toughest politi- eggs. Pregnant women should not eat eggs. “Hey
vermin and the other pitching cian in India now, tougher than brother, who are you to order what women can eat
would have to grow 29.1 per cent in order to meet the new year’s Budget numbers.
Bajrangbali versus Ali. Mayawati. She is also a street-fight- or not?” The country, she says, is being told to eat
Since that is impossible, the Budget will have to be substantially re-cast as soon
as a new government takes charge after the elections. Both revenue and expen-
In large parts of the country, NATIONAL INTEREST er, which Rahul and Priyanka, what Mr Modi eats, buy the waist-coats he wears,
especially the Hindi heartland, Kamal Nath and Akhilesh Yadav watch him on TV all day. “I used to think he was a
diture numbers will have to be trimmed — and then may better reflect the decel- this is working. But there is a dis-
SHEKHAR GUPTA aren’t. But, for further clarity. selfless RSS pracharak,” she says, “but now these
eration of economic activity caused by slowing consumption trends. Since much tinction. It is working where the Arvind Kejriwal is. RSS men who paraded in khaki knickers (short-
of government expenditure is on pre-committed items like interest payments, BJP’s main rival is the Congress. Steeled through survival in a state that was no bet- pants), roam shopping malls in trousers carrying
subsidies, salaries and pensions, the axe will fall (as it did late last year) on invest- In Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, ter than a Left Front concentration camp for her, she briefcases and make crores”.
ment in the physical infrastructure, an important driver of growth so far. Delhi, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, also knows the art of turning adversity into opportu- She attacks him on demonetisation, never wastes
In terms of the growth outlook, some factors have improved — like the the BJP sees this line working. Because it is mostly nity. Or, grab the opportunity when Mr Modi a second on Rafale, and delivers the final
global economic situation, and receding prospects of a US-China trade war. up against the Congress. It responds by asking as to says it’s become difficult for Bengalis to even blow: “A party that was starving not long
Oil prices have climbed, but various oil exporters may up output to neutralise how its patriotism can be questioned if Indira Gandhi hold Durga Puja. The Congress ago and used to smoke the same beedi
the stoppage of supplies from Iran. Domestically, the monsoon prospects are broke up Pakistan, or how you call us soft on terror I track her through rallies on a day when is yet to thrice a day, now owns billions.”
when our father and grandmother were assassinated the menacing advance vanguard of the com- understand “And then they call themselves chowki-
less than optimal, while two lead sectors (aviation and automobiles) have taken
by terrorists. But it sounds defensive, and its tone ing Cyclone Fani stalks her helicopter. That the Modi-Shah dar,” she says as the crowd sets up a
a toss and a third (telecom) has seen value destruction, even as construction isn’t right. Or not wrong enough. Because, as we know, Durga Puja is the theme running through method “chowkidar chor hai” chant that is louder
remains dependent on government spending. The financial and corporate sec- it can’t cut poison with coconut water. these, in Bhatapara (Barrackpore, where for- and more spontaneous than any you hear
tors have come through the worst of the twin crises of bad loans and excessive To understand how this works, come to West mer railways minister Dinesh Trivedi is con- from the front-rows in Rahul’s rallies. In
debt, and credit has picked up. But much cleaning up remains to be done, and Bengal with me, going through the most verbally and testing) and Rajarhat, on Kolkata’s outskirts, where West Bengal, Rahul’s party is her rival too. But she
further systemic shocks cannot be ruled out. Monetary policy has tried to sup- physically violent election in the entire country. This Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar seeks her third term. has neatly appropriated his slogan.
port growth, but the Reserve Bank’s rate cuts find no echo in a liquidity-con- is also where Mr Modi and Mr Shah have found their “Modi babu, you must do your homework before The question then: Why does this slogan look so
strained market for a variety of reasons, including the level of government bor- match in “didi” Mamata Banerjee — her loyalists pre- you shout expletives at us Bengalis,” she speaks at a effective in the hands of a one-state leader when the
rowing. Real interest rates remain high. fer the old-style “Bandopadhyaya”, though. Not a pace that even that other fast-talker Gautam Gambhir Congress invented it, and spread it across the coun-
This is a sobering context in which to consider the promises of expansive word she says in response to the BJP is defensive, can’t keep pace with, striding left to right and back try? The short answer is, the Congress is yet to under-
hand-outs as part of the election campaign: Loan write-offs, cash payouts, and nothing is said to play the victim, and because you on her stage with the wireless microphone, without stand the Modi-Shah method. Unlike Atal Bihari
mocked her, she mocks you back like none else can looking anybody in the eye. Vajpayee and L K Advani, these two are street-fighters
possibly a higher food subsidy. As should be obvious, there simply isn’t the fiscal
with the possible exception, lately, of Raj Thackeray. “Even kids get scolded by Didimonis (teachers) and they have accordingly changed their party’s DNA.
space for all of this, or indeed any of it. When the limits of monetary policy are
when they go to school without doing their home- To fight street-fighters, you need street-fighters.
being tested, the fisc has to be in contractionary mode — especially since the
official deficit numbers conceal off-balance sheet borrowing. As it is, the ratio of
government debt to GDP remains above the limits reckoned to be desirable.
T he Modi-Shah BJP has been targeting West
Bengal for five years. If Hindu-Muslim polari-
sation is their ticket to power, West Bengal should
work. What will people do when you lie? You come Remember, just as we said in the very beginning, iron
to Bengal and tell people that there’s no Durga puja? breaks iron, diamond cuts diamond and, only poison
“Now, tell me mothers & sisters here — do we have counters poison. If Mr Modi and Mr Shah have made
The danger is a post-poll government being tempted to go the other way, be even more amenable to it than Uttar Pradesh. Durga Puja or not? a poisonous, polarising campaign their brahmastra
taking comfort from moderate inflation and opting for expansionist policies in That’s because West Bengal, like Assam, has a nearly Crowd: We do for 2019, Mamata Banerjee is showing them its limi-
order to deliver on unaffordable election promises or in pursuit of unrealisable 30 per cent Muslim population. As with the Mamata: Does anyone stop you from celebrating tations. Or why it will “hoi na” (won’t happen) in her
growth objectives — precisely the kind of policy heresy being heard currently Congress in Assam, there is a feeling that the rulers, Durga Puja? state of 42 MPs.
in some other countries. first the Left and now Mamata, have been appeasing Crowd: No
them for votes. Mamata: Louder, does Durga Puja take place here? By Special Arrangement with ThePrint

Why it’s smart to bet on climate science Is yeti real? Not a

larly in the US Many investors are conser-
vative. As one finance professional told
Uppsala University researcher Brett
in a 2018 study by the asset management
firm Schroders.
The “show me the money” attitude is
options is small and illiquid. Billions of
dollars of such derivatives are traded over
the counter: They’re used mainly in the
matter of science
Christophers for a recently published natural, but another recent paper high- reinsurance business, given that about 30 yeti/bigfoot theory is based on such
study of institutional investor attitudes lights at least one part of the financial com- per cent of the US economy is estimated EYE CULTURE anecdotes only.
toward climate change: munity that’s taking climate science seri- to be directly affected by the weather. But And, in the words of social sci-
Oil and gas analysts are generally not ously. Wolfram Schlenker and Charles weather derivatives is still a niche area for KUMAR ABISHEK entist Frank J Sulloway: “Anecdotes

building climate risk into their models. Taylor from Columbia University looked major investors. Traders who specialise in couple of years ago when I do not make a science. Ten anec-
There is zero chance that any of these groups at the US market in exchange-traded these instruments have to be more attuned tagged along with a friend to dotes are no better than one, and a
are going to divest from oil or gas companies weather derivatives for 2002 through 2018, than other finance professionals to what’s watch a poorly critiqued hundred anecdotes are no better
any time soon. You still get investors in the comparing the way investors priced tem- really going on with the planet’s climate. Bengali movie, Yeti Obhijaan, little than ten.”
US who don’t believe in climate change. perature expectations for a particular There’s no reason for climate skeptics to did I know that awful experience one Science cannot completely dis-
These guys honestly couldn’t give a stuff. month with climate scientists’ tempera- go out of their way and make contrarian day would come handy to write prove that “yeti is real” because it is
LEONID BERSHIDSKY Christophers’s study, based on inter- ture forecasts based on the impact of bets on barely liquid contracts. about the legendary beast. Though not a question for science. Non-sci-
views with executives at investment firms human activity. They found something Nevertheless, investors should pay more the movie, like most researchers, dis- entific theories could not be falsified
with more than $1 billion under manage- approaching full agreement between the attention to what’s going on with weather missed the claim of a giant primate as they aren’t testable in a legitimate

tipping point for governments in ment, showed that these financiers weren’t traders and the white coats. Schlenker and derivative pricing. The market has existed species wandering in the Himalayas, way. There was no possible objection
aligning their policies with the sci- interested in selling their fossil fuel assets, Taylor wrote: for 20 years, long enough to make it clear it ended with a mysterious unseen that could be raised which would
ence of climate change won’t be didn’t see productive ways of incorporat- The observed annual trend in futures that betting against the consensus climate creäture lurking and watching show the theory to be wrong.
brought about by schoolkids demonstrat- ing climate change into their models, and, prices shows that the supposedly efficient models doesn’t pay. This should have humans leave the mountains, and Noted astrophysicist Carl Sagan
ing. It will come from a shift in investor if they did see it as a risk, then saw it as financial markets agree that the climate is broader implications. If the derivatives mar- thus helped keep the belief in folk- in his book The Demon-Haunted
sentiment. merely one of many. warming. At least so far, climate models ket is bearing out these projections, divest- lore alive. World: Science as a Candle in the
Data show that even if investors don’t That led Christophers to conclude that have been very accurate in predicting the ing from fossil fuel stocks and looking for Stories about yeti, popular among Dark, to encourage sceptical think-
flag environmental cataclysm as a major environmental lobbyists and progressive average warming trend that’s been observed more sustainable opportunities should be sherpas and among millions world- ing, offers a story concerning a
concern or even express skepticism about politicians wouldn’t sway the investment across the US. When money is on the line, it viewed as reasonable strategies. Stocks wide, are back in the spotlight after fire-breathing dragon that lives in
it, there are some who bet consistently and crowd until it saw a clear financial return is hard to find parties willing to bet against exposed to climate risks might be more mis- the Indian Army recently tweeted his garage.
successfully on the scientists being right. in adjusting for climate change. As things the scientific consensus. priced than commonly perceived. photographs of giant footsteps, When Sagan persuades a rational,
Conservatives are on the whole still stand, sustainability plays a minor role in That’s probably an overoptimistic con- claimed of a yeti. open-minded visitor to meet the
skeptical about climate change, particu- investment decisions, as was made clear clusion. The market for weather ETFs and ©Bloomberg It’s important to note that crea- dragon, the visitor remarks that he
tures like komodo dragon, giant pan- couldn’t see the creäture. Sagan
da and gorillas were all discovered replies that he “neglected to mention
partly because of folklore. Also, that she’s an invisible dragon”. The

Celebrity couples sparkle for brands Malik, Jyoti Randhawa-Chitrangada

Singh, Mahesh Bhupati-Lara Dutta and
Leander Paes-Rhea Pillai are all good for
Page 3 but fall short of the fame thresh-
Gigantopithecus blacki, an extinct
species of 10 ft tall apes that existed
100,000 years ago, lived in the region
which today comprises India, China,
visitor then suggests spreading flour
on the floor so that the creature’s
footprints could be seen, to which
Sagan says “this dragon floats in the
The rise of couple celebrity brands taboos of those times. But by the time old, and therefore cashable commercial Vietnam and Indonesia. air”. When the visitor considers using
begets two questions: first, are celebrity the two were married in 1969, Pataudi had value together. In 2004, Henry Gee, editor of the an infra-red camera to view the crea-
couples saleable just because they are started to fade out from cricket and the So, famous couples need more than journal Nature, wrote: “The discov- ture’s invisible fire, Sagan explains
married? Second, are individual partners couple preferred to remain low-profile just matrimony to sell brands. They ery that Homo floresiensis (3-4 ft tall that the fire is heatless. He continues
singly more powerful as brands than the post marriage. Dharmendra and Hema require togetherness, that too visible and cousin of humans) survived until so to counter every proposed physical
couples together? Malini were hardly ever seen together in enduring happiness together, that makes very recently, in geological terms, test with a “reason” for why the test
To answer the first question about public as a couple. Rishi Kapoor and them aspirational, trustworthy, respect- makes it more likely that stories of will not work.
marriage as the USP, let us go down mem- Neetu Singh were young, buzzy, success- ed, and worth emulating as a couple. other mythical, human-like crea- Sagan concludes: “Now what’s
ory lane to see why celebrity couples in ful and popular when they got married: Choices so far have been limited. tures such as yetis are founded on the difference between an invisible,
India never really caught public fancy all the right ingredients for a power Recent research by the grains of truth.” incorporeal, floating dragon who
and, therefore, did not get to do brand alliance but the marriage was very rocky Indian Institute of Human Brands Earth is a big planet and many spits heatless fire and no dragon at
endorsements together. in the initial years, never allowing them (IIHB) shows that for a couple brand to species still remain undiscovered. all? If there’s no way to disprove my
When Dilip Kumar married Saira to build a public profile of togetherness. succeed today: Could yetis be one of them? Unlikely. contention, no conceivable experi-
YES, BUT... Banu, Yusuf Saheb’s career was well neigh
over and Saira really wasn’t an ‘A’ grader.
In cricket, Sunil Gavaskar and wife
Marshneil were pretty well known
1) at least one of the two must be in top form
2) both must independently be respected
Two studies of “yeti” samples in
the past five years — one published
ment that would count against it,
what does it mean to say that my
SANDEEP GOYAL Sunil Dutt and Nargis could have been a together as a couple, when he was at his 3) be seen to be successful in 2014 in Proceedings of the Royal dragon exists? Your inability to inval-
genuine power couple but then Nargis peak in the 70s. But she had no independ- 4) be buzzy. Society B and the other published in idate my hypothesis is not at all the
just renounced the movies after they ent credentials, and did not really add to Amongst the current choice sets, Virat 2017 in the same journal — have indi- same thing as proving it true.”

irat-Anushka (Virushka) featured married. Rajesh Khanna was India’s first her husband’s persona as one of India’s drives the Virushka brand with his per- cated that the samples belonged to According to the principle of
together in the Google Duo ad last superstar and Dimple Kapadia was the finest cricketers. Sachin and his wife formance. Anushka adds the oomph. bears and not a primate species. Ockham’s Razor, attributed to 14th-
week, their second advertising darling of the nation after the success of Anjali could have been cricket’s original Akshay is a winner-all-the-way while Similar studies in the past, too, have century scholastic philosopher and
outing together after they became man Bobby but the marriage itself was not a first couple, but Anjali preferred to keep Mrs Funnybones provides class and discouraged any belief in yeti. theologian William of Ockham,
and wife. Their first campaign together very successful or enduring one. When her head down despite her own charisma. In Deepveer both partners are But as the popular aphorism goes: more straightforward explanations
was for Manyavar, just a few weeks before Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bhaduri tied independent credentials as a doctor. equally strong and individually no. 1. “The absence of evidence is not evi- are, in general, better. That is, if you
they tied the knot a year ago. the knot, Jaya was actually the Mohd Azharuddin and Sangeeta Bijlani Unfortunately for Abhiash and Saifeena dence of absence!” No research, so have two possible theories that fit
Deepika-Ranveer (Deepveer) too better-known half of the couple. As did hit the upper circuits for a while as a neither couple is a top leaguer. far, has disproved the existence of a all available evidence, the best the-
debuted together in an ad for Lloyd Amitabh carved a dominant position in couple but his getting mired in the Going forward Virushka, Deepveer, yeti or a bigfoot (the western version ory is which has fewer abstract
air-conditioners last month. They have Indian cinema, Jaya however faded into match-fixing controversy killed any pos- and Akshay-Twinkle are all well poised of a yeti-like creäture). ideas, or guesses.
done movies together in the past but this domesticity. sibilities of their becoming an aspira- to break the celebrity couple jinx of the So, should we believe in Nepalese So, a better and scientific theory
was their maiden effort for brand When Indian cinema’s heart-throb tional power couple. Dhoni and his wife past many decades. If Ranbir-Alia decide folklore? No. And here comes the would be that there is no giant hairy
endorsement together. Akshay-Twinkle Sharmila Tagore married the Indian Sakshi are part of Colgate’s latest version to tie the knot, they too will join this need for encouraging people towards primate roaming the snowy peaks
have been featuring together in ads too, cricket captain Mansoor Ali Khan of Andar se Strong campaign, but Sakshi August league of made in heaven critical and sceptical thinking. of the Himalayas. Because all it
the most recent one being for Pataudi, they together had just the right is hardly known. alliances to sell brands with their sparkle The study of animals whose exis- takes to prove this idea wrong is to
Fortune basmati rice. Saif-Kareena credentials to become a power couple: he Harbhajan Singh and his actress wife and sizzle. The era of the Celebrity tence has yet to be proved is known find one!
(Saifeena) have been featured together by was a right royal Nawab, and the Geeta Basra, Yuvraj Singh-Hazel Keech, Couple, methinks, is finally here. as cryptozoology and cryptids, or
AirBnB and Abhishek-Aishwarya youngest ever captain of the Indian crick- Zaheer Khan-Sagarika Ghatge, Stuart “hidden animals,” start their lives as Every week, Eye Culture features writers
(Abhiash) have jointly endorsed TTK et team and she was the first actress to Binny-Mayanti Langer, Dinesh Karthik- The writer is an advertising and media veteran blurry photographs, grainy videos, with an entertaining critical take on art,
Prestige pressure cookers. have posed in a bikini, breaking the Dipika Pallikal, Sania Mirza-Shoaib footmarks and countless stories. The music, dance, film and sport

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