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NOTE : Please answer all questions with 100 % honesty, This will help you to understand yourself and take a good decision. If your answer is
“ YES ” in each and every single question then without a doubt you can opt flying as your career, Otherwise if any of your answer is “ NO ”
then try to solve or rectify it if you can , Otherwise don’t opt flying as your career just my opinion . These questions is totally based upon my
analysis , experience and observation so its not compulsory to follow these questions , Its totally upto you , you can do what you want .

1. Have I done proper research on current aviation market ?

2. Do I know or have the the complete flow chart from starting to till I join any airline ?
3. Am I fulfilling the eligibility criteria i.e Age , Physics & Maths in 12 th ?

4. Do I know briefly about the exams, subjects and syllabus ?

5. Am I class 2 & 1 medically fit ?
6. Am I really 100% focused to do anything required on mental and physical level i.e
putting time and consistent effort from start to finish ?
7. Am I really passionate about flying or its just my fantasy ?
8. Have I really tested my passion or capabilities by studying few subjects ?
9. Do I know briefly about the lifestyle and challenges in pilot profession ?
10. Do I really enjoy learning about flying or its just like a part time hobby ?
11. Do I know my strength and weakness ?
12. Am I fluent in English ? If not can I improve it ?
13. Do I really have that level of passion or capability which is needed to make it as my
profession ?
14. Am I ready to take responsibilty and consequences of my decision ?
15. Do I really have required money for complete training or not?
16. Are my parents comfortable in investing this huge amount of money without any kind
of job guarantee or not ?
17. Do I know or have a list of all pros and cons of this profession ?
18. Did I told my parents each and every detail pros and cons of this profession with
honesty ?
19. Have I done risk calculations properly as per the ground level reality ?
20. Am I ready to take this level of financial risk or will it effect my family condition or
other members of my family like brother’s or sister’s education ?
21. Do I have money to survive in worst case scenario i.e even if I don’t get job for 2-3
years after CPL ? Do I have that level of patience ?
22. Do my family have extra money apart from my complete pilot training fee, which
could be required in any emergency purpose at home on during my training ?
23. If I am taking huge loan then do I have the capacity to repay even if I don’t get job in
time ? Are my parents comfortable with that or not ?
24. If I become medically unfit at some point or don’t get job in time due to market
dynamics then Do I have a good backup plan ready like any degree or other higher
qualification so that I can apply in other jobs too OR have any business OR have good
financial backing and support from my parents side. Do I have any of these ?
25. Is my decision based upon proper thinking and logic or not ?
26. Am I really ready to give exams and checks all of my life as this career demands ?
27. Am I ready to take the physical and mental stress this industry demands ?
28. Am I taking this decision purely by myself OR to proof any other person OR friend OR
even my parents OR am I influenced by some other person?
29. Am I taking this decision with clear and calm mind ? OR in depression OR in sad mood
OR after watching any motivational video or movie OR with confused mind OR with
overconfidence OR in over excitement OR just by seeing any other successful person in
this field OR in any other kind of emotions .

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