Spring High School Academic Reflection - Leo Lara

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Portfolio 2018-19

High School Academic Reflection


You are now about fourteen months away from high school graduation. You’ve had another
semester of school to grow in many ways, including academically. Take a moment to reflect on
your progress.

What academic goals did you set for yourself last fall?
My academic goal that I sat up for myself was to balance my time for I can have time to do
everything that I have/want to do. I had to develop a plan to balance school, sports, homework,
and personal time.

How successful were you in accomplishing your goals? Explain.

I was somewhat successful because I accomplish all of the aspects everyday, but everything feels
rushed and I still need to work on it to alleviate my load.

Has your post high-school vision changed? Explain.

Not really. I still want to be a doctor or a surgeon. My high-school vision hasn't changed because
I still want to help people and have an affect on the world.

Looking forward to your senior year, what will you have to do to keep yourself on track to
achieve your future vision?
I have to stay focus on my goals and my future. I can't let senioritis get to me because becoming
a doctor is really hard and I can’t slip up.
Portfolio 2018-19

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