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and jobs in
high demand



Intermediate B1_1013R_EN English

■ Learn about new

professions and jobs in
high demand
■ Practise talking about
professions and jobs
■ Review making
comparisons 2
There are so many jobs and
professions in the world today!

Some new professions are in very

high demand.

Let‘s explore what they are... 3
Vocabulary review slide


university nurse

salary competitive

stressful cope

popular 4
Sentences slide

There has been huge growth in the

technology industry in recent years.

My daughter is studying Italian at


The nurse checked my heartrate.

The starting salary is €15,000. 5
Sentences slide

Her job is very stressful, she needs to

relax more.

Pizza is popular around the world.

They have a new baby and are finding it

hard to cope.

My brother is very competitive, he

always has to win. 6
New professions and jobs in high demand

The world of work has changed a lot in recent

years. Thanks to the growth of the technology
industry, there are now many new professions
that people can do. However, there are also lots of
traditional professions that are still in high
demand. 7
New professions and jobs in high demand

In the past, there weren’t so many jobs in the technology industry. Now
there are lots of new jobs available in this field. Take, for example, an
online marketing manager. Before the growth of the internet most
marketing jobs were based in offices. Marketing managers worked with
pen and paper, and with printed newspapers and magazines. Now a lot
of marketing is done online. Online marketing managers are
specialised in this kind of marketing. You can even go to university and
study to become an online marketing expert. Online marketing
managers are in high demand and are important for many
businesses. 8
Changes in the world of work

Read the quote below from the text you have read.
Can you think of at least 4 ways that the world of work has changed in
recent years?

“ “
The world of work has changed a lot in recent years… 9
Thinking about jobs and professions

Look at the different fields of work on the cards below.

Can you think of at least 3 jobs for each category?
Which of these jobs are in high demand? 10
Before and now

Think again about the text you

have read.
What was the job of marketing
manager like in the past?
How has it changed?

Now think of five other jobs that

have changed in recent years.
What were they like before?
What are they like now? 11
New professions and jobs in high demand

Other jobs in the technology industry, such as a

web developer or software developer are also
very new positions. These days, nearly everyone
owns a computer and a smartphone for personal
use. We also use computers and smartphones
regularly at work. It’s software developers who
create the software that we run on our computers
and smartphones. Web developers design
websites and make sure that they work.
Nowadays, every business needs to have a
website and so the very best web developers can
demand a competitive salary. Software
developers also find their work is in very high
demand, especially if they are good at designing
software and apps for mobile phones. 12
Check your understanding

What do software developers and web developers do? What is the

difference between the two jobs? What do they have in common? 13
Get ready to listen

The next slide will focus on

training your listening comprehension 14

Your teacher is going to read to you.

Write down what you hear them say.

c 15
Traditional professions

Now summarise what you have just heard.

What did your teacher say about traditional professions?



nurses 16
Imagine you are…

Imagine you are meeting with a friend who wants to move to

your home country and find a job.
What advice would you give them? 17
New professions and jobs in high demand

In general, most medical professions have

always been in high demand and will continue to
be in the future. However, there are some jobs in
the medical field that are quite new.

An occupational therapist works with different

groups or individuals, and teaches them how to
cope with life or health changes. Occupational
therapists often work with disabled people,
children or elderly people. Occupational
therapists do an important job and help people a
lot in their daily lives. Their role within
companies is now becoming much more popular. 18
New professions and jobs in high demand

There are many other professions that will always be in high demand.
It’s difficult to imagine a day when we won’t need the police,
firefighters, teachers or lawyers.

These days, a teenager who is finishing school has a lot of options

when it comes to choosing their future career. It can be extremely
exciting for them to find out about the varied fields of work and
professions available to them. 19
Traditional jobs in high demand

Look at the traditional professions on the cards below.

Can you describe each job?
Why are they in high demand? 20
Remembering the past

What did you want to do when

you left school?
What was important to you in a
What made you choose your
current job?
Is your profession in high
demand? 21
Game time!

Think of a job starting with each letter of the

alphabet! Can your teacher guess each job
without you saying the name of the job?

After your teacher has guessed the job, decide

together if the job is in high demand, or not,
and give your reasons why.

I am thinking of a job starting with the letter A. This person often

works in a theatre or can be seen in films! 22
Reflect on the goals

Go back to the second slide of the lesson and check

if you have achieved all the goals of the lesson.

yes no

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ 23
Reflect on this lesson

Think about everything you have seen in this lesson.

What were the most difficult activities or words? The easiest?

+ _______________________________

+ _______________________________

– _______________________________

– _______________________________
If you have time, go over
the most difficult slides again 24
Exercise p. 15
However, although there are lots of new professions in high demand, there are also
a lot of traditional professions that remain very popular. Every country around
the world needs doctors and nurses, for example.
It takes a long time to study to become a health professional, but when you finish
your studies you can be sure of finding a job anywhere in the world! Doctors have
very stressful jobs with long working hours but they are usually paid a good salary.
Nurses also have a very difficult job, and have to work very hard, though they do
not get paid as much as a doctor. It can be a challenge to gain a place on a
university course to become a doctor as the profession is so competitive. It is
often a little easier to get a place on a course to become a nurse.
Homework 26
Homework writing activity

Think about jobs in your home country. What jobs are in high
demand and why? Are some of them new professions?
Try to write at least 150 words! 27
Write to your friend

Write to your friend and explain what you have learnt in this
lesson. Detail which jobs are in demand and why. You could
then talk about your career goals.
Aim to write about 150 words.

– □ ×

Guess what I learnt today? 28
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