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The founder of this Krishnamurthi Padhdhati, Madras, was Sothida Mannan,

Jotish Marthand Late Prof K.S.Krishnamurti was born on 1st November,1908 at

Thiruvaiyaru in Tanjore District. He has grasped all the Indian & Western System of
Astro Science. He studied in depth, the available literatures on Indian as well as
western Astro sciences. Finding numerous flaws in these traditional ones, he devoted
about 40 years in research work and finally has succeeded in discov erring an unique
formula of his own to predidct miraculously. He named his discovery under the title
"Krishnamurthi Padhdhati" a monumental work appears to be humanly impossible.

His convulsive effort bore him fruit, when he discovered that deciding factor
"Sub" gives a definite clue and surprisingly accurate prediction. He verified his new
found Stellar & Sub theory for its accuracy.

One may ask what is the "Sub" which it play such a predominant role in this
system? The Sub is one of the nine divisions of constellation, divided in the order and
the proportion of Vimshottari Dasa system. Traditional astrologers make use of
constellations only in fixing the balance of Dasa at the time of Birth whereas this
system uses the constellations and the sub to offer preditions .

To make further development & research on this system, he established

"Modern Stellar Astrological Research Institute" at Madras. In 1963, he started
publishing a monthly magazine "Astrology & Athrishta" to spread his system not
only in India but also in many countries of East & West.

When other struggle to Rectify the Birth time, he with great ease, fixes the
correct birth time up to the exact seconds with the guidance of Ruling Planets.

In June, 1970, he visited Kualalumpur on being invited by "The Malayan

Astrological Society, Malaysia, which conferred on him the title "Sothida Mannan''
(King of Astrologer) with a Gold Medal.

Convinced by his Scientific explanations and uncanny prediction, then Kulapati

K.M.Munshi, Chancellor of Bharatiya Vidys Bhavan, appointed Shri
K.S.Krishnamurthi as Visiting Professor of Astrology in India to deliver lectures
regularly at Delhi, Bombay, and Madras and occasionally in other kendras. He also
honoured him by conferring the title " Jothis Marthand" with Gold Medal through
Dr. P.V.Cherian, the then Governer of Bombay.

This K.P.System is differs with the Traditionl System only in the application or
technique of predictions and one could precise preditions & admit that "Stellar
Principles" is unique ,Sub Lord Theory, a novelty and "Ruling Planets" concept a
masterpiece in this K.P.System.

As innovator of the "Horary System" his Analysis, Judgements and Conclusion

are Methodical, Metiaculous and Marvelous.

He passed away in March -1973.

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