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Food and Drinks (Alimente şi băuturi)

Everyday food: bread (pâine), roll (chiflă, corn), rice (orez), pasta (paste făinoase), salami (salam),
sausages (carnati), bacon (costiţă), ham (şuncă), meat (carne): pork (-de porc), beef (-de vită), chicken (-de
pui), turkey (-de curcan), mutton (-de oaie) , fish (peşte), youghurt (iaurt), cheese (brânză), butter (unt), milk
(lapte), egg (ou), honey (miere), jam (dulceaţă, gem), biscuits (biscuiţi), chocolate (ciocolată), pie (plăcintă,
pateu), cake (prăjitură), pudding (budincă), ice-cream (îngheţată), compote (compot).

Popular food / fast food: spaghetti, pizza (pizza), hamburgers, hot-dogs, fish and chips (peşte cu cartofi
prăjiţi), sandwiches (sandvişuri), soup (supă), fried potatoes (cartofi prăjiţi), doughnuts (gogoşi).

Drinks: water (apă), tea (ceai), fruit juice (suc de fructe), mineral water (apă minerală), soda-water (sifon),
coffee (cafea), beer (bere), wine (vin), brandy (ţuică), fizzy drinks (băuturi carbogazoase).

Vegetables and Fruit (Legume şi fructe)

1. tomatoes=roşii; cucumbers=castraveti; potatoes=cartofi; beans=fasole; peas=mazăre; cabbage=varză;
cauliflower=conopidă; carrots=morcovi; marrow=dovlecel; mushrooms=ciuperci; radishes=ridichi; egg-
plants=vinete; peppers=ardei; onion=ceapă; garlic=usturoi; leek=praz; lettuce=salată verde; spinach=spanac;
olives=masline; parsley=pătrunjel; dill=mărar.

-What are your favourite vegetables? (e.g. My favourite vegetables are tomatoes.)
Care sunt legumele tale preferate? (e.g.Legumele mele preferate sunt rosiile.)

2. apples=mere; pineapple=ananas; pears=pere; oranges=portocale; grape-fruit=grefe; strawberries=căpşuni;

raspberries=zmeură; cherries=cireaşe; sour cherries=vişine; walnuts=nuci; nuts=alune; peanuts=arahide;
lemons=lămâi; bananas=banane; talgerines=mandarine; apricots=caise; peaches=piersici; grapes=struguri;
water melon=pepene; plums=prune; quinces=gutui;

-What fruit do you like best? (e.g. I like apples and cherries best.)

Meals (Mesele zilei): breakfast (mic dejun), lunch (prânz), dinner/supper (cină).

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you usually have for breakfast? (Ce serveşti de obicei la micul dejun?)

I usually have........................................................................................................................for breakfast.

2. What do you usually have for lunch?

I usually have.............................................................................................................................for lunch.

3. What do you usually have for dinner?

I usually have...........................................................................................................................for dinner.

4. What do you eat and drink every day?

These are 10 foods and drinks that I eat and drink every day:

1)……………………. 2)………………………. 3)……………………. 4)

………………………. 5)……………………. 6)………………………. 7)
……………………. 8)………………………. 9)…………………….

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