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Survey results

Q1: What gender are you?

In this question I need to determine to see what gender my target audience was. The results tell me
that the lager majority was male but there is a female audience even though it is a small minority.
With this information I know I will need to target males for my product.

Q2: What age are you?

In this question I need to find out the age of my target audience. This information gathered from this
question tells me that the majority is 18-24 with a small amount being 16 and under. This mean that
the main age demographic is teens to young adults.
Q3: Do you like weapons in games?[guns mostly]

In this question I need to see if people liked guns in games since for my FMP I would be making
weapons. Since 100% answered yes to this in need not change anything. so I can continue with my
plan uninterrupted.

Q4: Are you interested in WW2?

Since the time frame of my modeling is going to be set in the WW2 time period with a modern day
twist. I need to know if people where interested in WW2. Once again 100% of answers are yes so I
need not change anything.
Q5: Since the models are based of WW2 weapons there will be Nazi symbols on some of them.
Dose this offend you?

In this question I need to know if people would be offended with Nazi insignias since the time frame
is WW2. But from this I need not worry about it since no one who answered would be offended.

Q6: If you answered yes to the above. Do you have any ideas on what i can replace them with?

In this question I needed to know what to replace the Nazi insignia incase people got offended. So I
asked people what I could replace them with these are the responses. There not very helpful all
except on with gave a real answer.

Q7: What kind of WW2 weapons should I make?

In this question in need to get ideas on what kind of weapons I should make. These are that ideas
that I was given. I will take them into consideration.

Q8: How many weapons should I make?

In this question I asked people how many weapons I should make. The average was 6.8 but since I
can’t make 0.8th of a weapon the general consensus is to make 6. But due to how long it takes to
make weapon I will only be able to realistically make 2.
Q9: Any other ideas and comments?

In this question I asked people if they had any other ideas or comments but a lot of people took this
chance to be silly. Only one answer was really helpful which was melee based WW2 weapons. That is
something I can do.

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