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Mobility 400 C O M M O N W E A L T H DRIVE W A R R E N D A L E , PA 15096

D. W. Garside
Norton Motors (1978) Limited

International Off-Highway Meeting

& Exposition
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
September 13-16,1982
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ISSN 0148-7191
Copyright 1982 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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D. W . Garside
Norton Motors (1978) Limited

the market uhere it uould be competing

uith highly complex multi-cylinder
reciprocating engines. The production
Norton Motors have developed the cost uould be too high for it to be
mechanically-simple air-cooled-rotor- competitive uith louer-pouered single
type of Uankel engine to have a higher or tuo cylinder tuo-stroke machines.
specific output than the oil cooled
The initial target uas then to
rotor type. The paper traces the
develop an engine of 50 to 60 bhp.
development over a thirteen year period
and describes the present design. The major design choices uere:-
a) Air or uater cooling of the
A characteristic of the engine is
the very lou mechanical friction.
b) Charge or oil coaling of the
Mainly resulting from this factor, the
specific fuel consumption is similar
to the best four-stroke reciprocating c) Number of rotors (one or tuo
engines. The potential exists for appeared to be the practical alter-
further improvements. natives).


The starting point for the res-

earch uork uas the commercially-
available single rotor Fichtel & Sachs
KM 914 engine ( 1 ) * uhich had a charge
cooled rotor and forced-air cooled
housings. The induction system is
A FORERUNNER OF THE PRESENT COMPANY, shoun in Fig. 1. The chamber size uas
BSA Motorcycles Limited started to 300 cc and the pouer output 18 bhp
investigate the Uankel rotary engine nett.
in 1969. First reactions uere that the
The engine type appeared to be mechanical simplicity of this charge
particularly attractive for the motor- cooled engine uas attractive uhen
cycle application because of the lou compared uith the oil cooled rotor
level of vibration and the potentially type, but the lou pouer output from
louer specific ueight. Any small uhat uould generally be regarded as a
increase in fuel consumption relative 600 cc engine uas a disadvantage.
to four-stroke reciprocating engines HOUSING COOLING - The performance
would not be important because tuo- of the KM 914 engine, including heat
stroke machines, with much inferior rejection rates, etc, uas fully mapped.
fuel consumption, in those days took The available cooling air velocity
a large proportion of the market. over the engine of a moving motorcycle
It appeared that an initial uas also investigated on the test track
rotary-engined motorcycle uould be using pitot tubes and uool tufts. The
most likely to achieve commercial data indicated that a single rotor
success at the higher-pouered end of * Numbers in parentheses designate
references at end of paper.
Copyright 1982 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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engine similar to the KM 914 uould not This positioning also alloued the
be adequately cooled in all conditions inlet and exhaust pipes to pass res-
without an integral fan. pectively over and under a transverse
Water cooling uas briefly considered gearbox (see Fig. 2 ) .
but rejected on the grounds that it A twin rotor engine was designed
uould not be acceptable to the majority and built using the same internal
of customers in the market place. Today, dimensions and moving parts as the KM
uhen uater cooled motorcycles are fairly 914 engine.
common-place, no doubt a different dec- POUER DEVELOPMENT - Although the
ision uould be taken. charge cooled rotor system allows a
Similar calculations relating to very simple mechanical construction,
the cooling available and the cooling it does result in a low maximum BMEP
required by reciprocating air cooled due to the charge heating. The long
engines used in motorcycles showed that tortuous inlet path through the moving
most of them uere undercooled uhen oper- rotor passages also limits the breathing
ated at or near full pouer. However, at higher engine speeds.
they performed adequately in service in Some designs of this engine type
spite of occasional excursions to higher (5) increased the BMEP by passing only
than desirable temperatures. a proportion of the induction air
A major question uas uhether the through the rotor, the remainder passing
rotary could also be developed to directly to the working chamber. This
operate occasionally at higher temper- method must result in reduced rotor
atures than had been measured in the cooling. The colour and carbon dep-
KM 914. osits of the internal parts from the
Many papers, ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , ( 4 ) , on the KM 914 engine indicated that rotor cool-
air cooling of engines uere studied. ing uas already marginal despite the use
Mackerle, ( 4 ) , states that 40 in2 of of rich mixtures. Without the use of
cooling fin area per bhp uas typical detergent-type oils the seals would
for a reciprocating engine. Some of stick.
the BSA motorcycle engines only had The partial bypass method did not
20 in^/bhp and the cylinder head uas therefore appear a promising route.
situated directly behind the line of An initial experiment at BSA ducted
the motorcycle front uheel and at a the heated mixture emerging from the
height uhere measurements shoued the rotor passageways through an air-ta-
cooling air velocity uas only about uater intercooler before bBing passed
half the forward speed of the machine. to the induction chamber. At the same
The KM 914 engine had about 50 i n 2
time, the half-lemon shaped opening in
fin area per bhp. A tuin rotor engine each side housing, which communicated
has considerably more fin base area with the axial passageways through the
than a larger suept volume single rotor rotor, uas opened up to the full lemon
engine of the same pouer output. There- area as shoun in Figs. 3 and 4.
fore it uas considered that a tuin This was folloued by replacing the
rotor version of the KM 914 engine, intercooler uith a plenum chamber of
circumferentially finned and situated approximately 5 litres capacity. A
quite lou in a motorcycle uith the shaft later major step uas to reposition the
axis transverse to the plane of the carburetter to a point in betueen the
motorcycle, stood a good chance of being plenum chamber and the induction chamber
adequately cooled. The plane of each so that air only, and not the mixture,
rotor housing uould be offset from the passed through the rotor.
centre line of the motorcycle into an The induction system uas then as
area uhere the cooling air velocity uas shown diagrammatically in Fig. 5.
less disturbed by the front wheel and The pouer curve obtained uith this
would be approaching the motorcycle system (single rotor version) is shoun
forward speed. in Fig. 6. The increase in maximum out-
By sloping the major axis 15° to put uhen compared to the original KM
the rear, the sector of the trochoid 914 uas about 85%.
between the spark plug and the hot-lobe The explanation for the pouer inc-
major axis which required the most cool- rease, uhich is entirely duB to an inc-
ing, uould be forward facing and have rease in volumetric efficiency, is as
the mast direct impingement of 'cooling follows:-
air. The circumferential finning en- a) The full lemon-area opening
sured that hotter regions of the trochoid in the end plates reduces the pressure
uould be able to transfer heat to cooler drop of the charge in passing through
regions and that the trochoid shape uould the rotor by making more passage area
be rigidly supported. available. At any angular position of
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Fig. 3 - Half-lemon shaped opening

in side housing

Fig. 1 - Induction system of conven-

tional charge-cooled rotor engine

Fig. 4 - Full lemon shaped opening

in side housing



Fig. 2 - Positioning of engine in — 1



Fig. 5 - Revised induction system

uith air only passing through rotors
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the shaft the air has a choice of at balance the adverse factor of the ind-
least tuo parallel routes through the uction air only and not the greater tot-
rotor. al mass and lower temperature fuel/air
b) The plenum chamber acts to mixture being passed through the rotor.
some degree as an intercooler (giving At part-throttle there is an addit-
approximately 20° C temperature re- ional advantage in that the cooling
duction) . medium in the rotor passages is now at
c) The plenum chamber modifies the ambient pressure. Prior to the carb-
highly-intermittent uorking chamber uretter position change, the cooling
intake flow to a more continuous one medium is at the throttled inlet pipe
through the restrictive rotor and side pressure and therefore is composed of
plate passages. These passages are reduced-density gas. For a vehicle
therefore used more effectively and mean application, when over-run with a
pressure losses are reduced. This is completely closed throttle occurs
particularly true for a tuin rotor frequently, this is perhaps an import-
engine having a single plenum chamber. ant factor.
d) The re-positioning of the It must be remembered that the
carburetter results in the latent heat heat input pattern to the rotor flank
of evaporation of the fuel being is not as severe as it is to the hot
utilised at a more favourable point sector of the trochoid housing. ThB
thereby giving a lower final mixture rotor flank sees the four cycles of
temperature. induction, compression, expansion and
e) A selected inlBt pipe length exhaust in the same manner as the piston
and diameter between the carburetter and crown of a reciprocating engine. The
inlet port gives some degree of inlet total quantity of heat received by the
tuning. rotor is not large, being typically
The overall reduced static pressure less than 1 0 % of that rejected from the
loss and reduced temperature of the uorking gas to the main outer housings.
mixture at the point where it finally A small proportion of the heat is
enters the induction working chamber is conducted from the rotor via the gas
illustrated in Fig. 7. side seals to the main side housings.
The major penalties of the re- A fluid cooling system must be incor-
arranged induction system are: - porated to remove the remainder in
a) The additional bulk of t h B order to prevent the gas seals sticking
plenum chamber and some ducting. and particularly to provide a satisfac-
b) The engine internals can no tory working tempBrature for the rotor
longer be lubricated by a fuel/oil bearing. The cooling ability of the
mixture. An oil metering pump and induction air volume is adequate for
separate tank have to be added. this function providing that the outer
However, the plenum chamber does housing temperatures are not excessively
act as an effective intake silencer. high.
Also, for the high quality type of The induction-air rotor coaling
motorcycle being envisaged, a fuel/oil system gives a near automatic balance
self-mix system would not have been for all load and speed conditions. Any
acceptable. increase in power output and thsrefore
ROTOR COOLING - Visual appearance heat input to the rotor, whether due to
and test results with Templugs showed rpm or BMEP increase, is simultaneously
that the rotor temperatures at a given balanced by a corresponding increase in
load and speed were little changed by air volume flow internally. Under no
the above power-increasing modifications. condition is the rotor over-coolBd. Law
The reasons for the someuhat surprising rotor temperatures lead to higher fuel
result are considered to be:- consumption and HC emissions ( 6 ) , ( 7 ) .
a) The available induction cooling Furthermore, at a given part-laad,
air is used more effectively by being any weakening of the mixture necessary
passed through several passages in for optimum fuel economy does not cause
parallel more slowly and continuously rotor overheating because greater heat
rather than through one passage at high input is again offset by an increase in
velocity and intermittently. airflow.
b) The louer final charge temper- Overall the alternative approach
ature reduces the gas temperatures of using a special oil coaling system
throughout the cycle and therefore red- for the rotor is much I B S S attractive
uces the heat input through the rotor because of the associated cost, space,
flank. leakage, wear, and friction problems.
At uide open throttle (UOT) these Ruch of the time since this early
two favourable factors approximately research uork uas completed has been
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used in development of the above con- chain drive. (See Fig. 1 0 ) .

cepts to obtain reliability and dura- ECCENTRIC SHAFT - There is only one
bility together uith further increases rotating shaft in the complete engine
in pouer output and reduced fuel con- (shoun in Fig. 1 1 ) . The material is a
sumption. case-hardened steel forging. The tuo
It uas about 1976 before there main bearings are high-capacity roller
uas a reasonable certainty that tech- type. Axial location is by a small ball
nical success uas possible. The design race on the right hand side uhich is
of a completely neu fully-styled produc- conveniently lubricated by the primary
tion motorcycle uas then started. chaincase oil.
The flyuheel is on the left hand
PRESENT DESIGN OF MOTORCYCLE ENGINE side and carries the rotor of the three-
phase alternator.
Table 1 lists the relevant engine The oil metering pump is driven by
geometry, the left hand end of the gearbox main-
shaft. It is not operating uhen the
clutch is disengaged but this is
ROTOR HOUSING - Test engines have
Table 1 - Engine Geometry
used sand cast LI"! 9 (A36D) aluminium
selected for its lou copper content.
This alloy uas preferred for adhesion
11.6mm of the Elnisil coating an t h B trochoid
bore and is the same material as used
0. 5mm
in the KM 914 engine. For production
68.2mm thB housing uill be gravity die cast.
2 Uith thB high pouer output nou
No. of Rotors
being obtained cracking at the spark
Displacement 2 x 294 cc plug hole has become a problem. There-
fore higher hot-strength alloys such as
Compression Ratio 9.2 : 1
LP) 13 piston alloy (A132), L 35 (SAE39)
and L 52 are b B i n g investigated.
Port Timing
SIDE HOUSINGS - The sidB housings
and intermediate plate are gravity die
Intake Port
cast LM 13. The uear surfaces for thB
Opens 75° BTDC rotor side seals are merely surface
ground and then etched.
Closes 64° ABDC
Early research and test uork uas
uith LM 30 (A390) hyper-eutectic
Exhaust Port silicon alloy. Houever, occasional
Opens 72° BBDC cracking failures occurred uith this
lou-ductility material at positions
Closes 55° ATDC uhere the transverse cooling fins formed
local regions of high tensile stress at
ThB motorcycle main frame (shoun thB cool casting periphery.
in Fig. 8) is a uelded 1.5mm thick The change to LM 13 uas made uith
sheet steel box structure giving very some trepidation because of fears of
high torsional stiffness uith lou scuffing at lou temperatures and poss-
ueight. The box has a duplicate func- ibly uear problems. These fears proved
tion of being the plenum chamber for unfounded. It must be remembered that
the engine induction system. the side plates of a Uankel engine do
The rear main frame part is a four not normally have to withstand any
litre oil tank. piston side-thrust as is the case uith
The engine is underslung, being the cylinder bore of a reciprocating
supported by the tuo castings uhich engine. They merely have to provide a
transfer the induction air from the flat uear surface for the rotor side
sidB plate passageuays to the plenum. gas seals. These are not as highly
A cross-section through the engine is loaded as the oil scraper rings of the
shoun in Fig. 9. oil-cooled-rotor type of Uankel engine.
Not including the frame part, uhich The LM 13 alloy has proved to be
fulfills an essential function in the satisfactory and uear is negligible.
induction system, the engine ueighs It is much easier to cast and machine
about 100 lb (45 k g ) . It is rigidly than the high-silicon LM 30. The
connected to the transmission through external surface appearance is also
the RH side housing uhich forms the improved and this is an important
inner part of the enclosed primary factor for an engine used in a motor-
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temperatures at final intake port F i g „> 1 Q R i g h t h a n d s i d e housing

uith integral chaincase

Fig. 8 - Motorcycle main frame Fig. 11 - Eccentric shaft

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cycle. is by fitting three axial grub screus

A feu cases of side plate scuffing into the joint line betueen each com-
that have occurred uere caused by ponent.
inaccurate rotor needle bearing cages. The opportunity uas taken uhilst
These allowed the needles to skeu making the neu rotor castings to inc-
excessively, thereby causing very high orporate some cooling fins into the
axial forces to be transmitted from rotor corner passages in order to give
the eccentric shaft to the rotor. The further temperature reductions to both
problem has been encountered previously the bearing outer race and the rotor
in tuo-stroke engines uhars caged itself.
needles are used for connecting rod Ma cracking nou occurs in 75 hours
bearings ( 8 ) . at 7500 rpm U0T.
Only needle bearings uith lou GAS SEALING - Conventional Uankel
lateral creep must be used for these engine gas sealing component designs
applications. are used.
ROTORS - All the early engine The apex seals are tuo-piece IKA 3
testing uas carried out using KH 914 cast iron material uith the split line
type rotors or the slightly later on top. UBar rates of about 15 microns
KC 24 type as shoun in Fig. 12. The per 1000 milBS are typically measured
symmetrical straight-through combustion during relatively high speed and longer
recess uas produced by a broaching pro- than average road journeys.
cess. The QMC charge cooled Snoumobile A large number of cold starts and
engine (9) also has a similar recess. a high proportion of short journeys can
It uas 1980 before there uas an increase this uear rate considerably.
opportunity to investigate different The uear rates of the mating
shapes of recesses. Leading and trail- Elnisil surface on the trochoid bore
ing shapes uith associated changes of has aluays been acceptably lou.
spark plug position uere tested. Side seal end clearances have been
The leading shape proved to be progressively reduced during development.
superior. A torque qain of betueen Higher load and more temperature-resis-
5% and 10$ uas achieved relative to the tant seal springs are nou fitted.
straight-through recess. There is potential for further
Similar gains in SFC throughout improvemsnt to the gas sealing quality
the load and speed range uere recorded. by adopting some of the developmBnts
Houever, the change led to a made by Mazda ( 1 1 ) . Improvements to
serious durability problem. KC 2 4 - the gas sealing system result in louer
type rotors had been tested up to housing and rotor temperatures as uell
60,000 miles on the road uithout as reduced fuel consumption.
failure. Uith the revised recess IGNITION SYSTEM - A single
shape, rotor cracking occurred in leading - position 10 mm diameter semi-
3000 to 5000 miles. The cracking surface-gap spark plug uith long-life
initiated in the integral bridges platinum centrB electrode is fitted.
across the rotor corners in uhich the The capacitive discharge (CD) ignition
gear teeth are cut. The cracking system is triggered by a permanent-
could bB reproduced in less than tuo magnet variable-reluctance unit sensing
hours at a continuous 7500 rpm the start and end of a 180° duration
U0T on the test bed. recess cast into the flyuheel periphery
The cause of the problem is (Fig. 1 5 ) . The step-up or step-doun
thermal and cyclical mechanical stress is discriminated and electronic suitch-
combined uith gear tooth impact load- ing causes thB appropriate coil and
ing uhich in turn may uell partially spark plug to be fired. The ignition
result from uneven gas pressures on timing is fixed at 18° BTDC far all load
the rotor flank during combustion ( 1 0 ) . and speed conditions.
In order to overcome the problem, To avoid over-speeding the ignition
a completely neu construction of rotor system incorporates a cut-out system
assembly had to be designed as shoun uhich operates at 9250 rpm.
in Fig. 13. The gear teeth are nou cut A 10mm plug uas chosen because
in an extension of the steel rotor this enables the spark to be brought
bearing outer r a c B . The high-grade SG close to the uorking chamber uithout
iron shell-moulded rotor casting is having an unnecessarily large diameter
of a more flexible type (Fig. 14) uith hole at the trochoid surface. Even
no integral bridges across the corners. uhen in a leading position this hole
It is interference assembled uith only can allou gas leakage over the apex
local contact both axially and circum- seal at some load and speed conditions
ferentially to thB baaring slseve. uhen thB pressure across the seal is
Final prevention of relative movement unbalanced.
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Bringing the spark closer to the throttling of a reciprocating engine

trochoid surface also improves the light uhich has been shoun (14) to be bene-
load SFC and the idle quality ( 1 2 ) . ficial for fuel consumption and ex-
Plug life is 15,000 miles minimum haust emissions.
uith no cleaning or adjustments req- b ) There is much reduced pressure
uired. Life is limited by the diffic- variation in the inlet pipes as the
ulty in preventing tracking from the load is varied. Hence less mixture
very exposed NT leads in the motor- enrichment is necessary during rapid
cycle uhen the plug electradB gap throttle opening.
reaches about 1.75mm. A neu plug has IDLING SYSTEM - It is more diff-
a 1.2mm gap. icult to achieve a satisfactory idle
The advent of lou-cost CD ignition quality uith a Uankel rotary engine
systems allauing the use of cold surface than uith a reciprocating engine.
gap plugs has been an important favour- Detrimental factors include:-
able factor in the development of this a) Late closing of the exhaust
engine. port giving high dilution uith exhaust
The short spark duration of CD gas of the related intake charge.
ignition is often found (13) to be b) Relatively poor gas sealing
inferior to the longer duration spark quality.
available from an inductive system for c) 5Q% extended duration of each
the ignition of ueak mixtures. In uorking stroke relative to a reciproc-
engine tests carried out uith an in- ting engine allouing more time for
stantaneous change-over system from a heat loss and gas leakage.
short CD to a long inductive spark no The situation is particularly
change in engine performance uas det- difficult for the air-cooled-rotor
ected. Initial combustion at least type of engine because of its lou
must be quite rapid in this engine mechanical friction losses. This
because there is negligible penalty in results in a lou fresh mixture volume
operating at all load and speed condit- requirement at idle and therefore an
ions uith the ignition timing at 18° even higher percentage dilution uith
BTDC (equivalent to only 12° BTDC for exhaust gas.
a reciprocating engine). Even at Uith a fan-less air cooled housing
9000 rpm there is negligible torque engine it is essential that a reasonably
gain uith further advance. Only at the lou idle speed is achieved because high
lightest road-loads uould more advance idle speeds result in high heat rejec-
be slightly beneficial to the SFC. tion rates and general engine overheat-
The hot induction air is thought ing.
to be a major factor in the lou ign- A solution uas found by supplying
ition-advance requirements of the engine. the idle mixture to only one rotor as
CARBURATI0N AMD PORTING - Peri- shoun in Fig. 5. The parasitic drag
pheral inlet ports are used in order to of the non-firing rotor imposes extra
give good volumetric efficiency at high load on the other. That chamber then
rpm. At light load the relatively long requires a larger charge per cycle and
duration overlap of the inlet and ex- the dilution is much reduced.
haust ports by the combustion recess in A steady 850 rpm idlB is achieved
the rotor flank uould normally give mis- uith zero misfires by using this sys-
fire problems due to the lou pressure tem. IdlB fuel consumption is about
mixture in the inlet pipes being ex- 650 cc per hour.
cessively diluted by exhaust gas. The housing cooling problem is
The problem is minimised by sit- also eliminated because the firing
uating the throttle valves in the rotor chamber can use the cooling fins of the
housing casting and VBry close to the non-firing chamber, as uell as its oun,
trochoid surface as shoun in Fig. 16. for heat rejection.
Tuin constant-velocity carburetters A problem of rotor cooling still
uith hydraulically-damped pistons are remained because the firing rotor uas
used uith the normal throttle valves only being cooled internally by half
merely omitted. the induction air flou - the other
Placing the throttle valves at the half passing through the non-firing
engine end of the inlet pipes has tuo rotor.
further advantages: - This problem uas overcome by
a) At part load a high pressure using the non-firing rotor as a pump
drop exists at the throttle disc edges to drau a relatively large quantity of
causing high turbulence and good mixing additional air through the centre of
at a point very close to the induction both rotors during idle and over-run
chamber. This is akin to inlet valve conditions. This is achieved by the
closing of the throttle lever activ-
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Fig. 12 - Rotor uith integral gear THIGGIRUNIT

and symmetrical recess

Fig. 15 - Flywheel uith ignition

trigger unit and spark plug

Fig. 13 - Revised rotor assembly

Fig. 16 - Throttle disc in inlet port

of rotor housing

Fig. 14 - Rotor casting (part machined)

uith cooling fins
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ating a microsuitch. This switch deposits on the rotor flank. The thick-
controls a solenoid valve in a 14mm ness appears to stabilise by pieces
diameter by-pass passagauay betueen the flaking off and passing out of the
plenum chamber and the inlet port of exhaust port. Pre-ignition or plug
the non-firing housing, fouling has not been a problem. At
EXHAUST SYSTEM - Noise regulations continuous high pouer, uith high
relating to motorcycles required that housing temperatures, apex seal sticking
a lot of effort had to go into devel- can occur. This is not a problem uith
oping a suitable exhaust system (shoun the motorcycle on the road.
in Fig. 1 7 ) . The high exhaust gas Based on a feu recent tests there
temperature of the Uankel engine, par- is evidence that modern synthetic lou-
ticularly uhen combined uith short and ash high performance two-stroke oils
partially shielded exhaust manifold have advantages in this respect. This
pipes (compared uith most m o t o r c y c l e s ) , has yet to be confirmed.
result in mild steel silencers having Smoke - Some design changes had
an unacceptably short life. Therefore to be made to eliminate visible smoke
type 321 stainless steel is used during occasional transient conditions.
throughout. The problem uas eliminated by fitting
Thin-uall tubular exhaust port drain tubes to a pocket at the bottom
liners uith a surrounding air gap reduce of the induction air transfer passages
the heat input to the rotor housings in each end plate, and to the base of
in the region of the exhaust ports. the plenum chamber.
The exhaust system has a back These small-bore drain tubes are
pressure of about 140mm HG at 8500 connected to the main inlet pipes
rpm. betueen the carburetters and the throttle
LUBRICATION - A twin-outlet valves. The tubes tend to be purged of
variable-stroke oil metering pump the small oil quantity in them whenever
(Fig. 1 8 ) , of the type fitted to most the throttle is opened due to the addit-
Japanese tuo-stroke motorcycles, is ional vacuum from the damped carburetter
driven from a free end of the gearbox pistons. In these conditions the oil
mainshaft. At a given engine speed is burnt uithout producing smoke.
the flow is related to engine throttle
opening by means of a cable connection ENGINE PERFORMANCE RESULTS
to the pump lever.
The oil is fed via two small-bore Fig. 19 shows the UOT performance. The
pipes into the induction airstream in peak torque occurs at a relatively high
the intermediate plate. From there it speed of about 7500 rpm. This is normal
is carried to all the bearings and for most motorcycle engines.
rubbing surfaces. The full load SFC is some 1 0 % or
The oil eventually finds its way so higher than necessary for best torque.
either past the rotor gas side seals This is due to a slightly rich mixture
or uith the airstream through the being supplied in order to give some
carburetters into the combustion additional internal coaling for this
chamber before being burnt or being air cooled engine. To illustrate this
scraped out of the exhaust port. ThB point the lean-out capability of the
precise pattern of oil movement in the engine is given in Fig. 20.
engine is not yet fully knoun. The SFC map, as carburatad for the
The oil quantity used during motorcycle, is shoun in Fig. 21.
development has been approximately Fig. 22 gives the steady speed fuel
1.3% of the fuel flou at light throttle consumption achieved in t h B motorcycle
openings and 3,5% at UOT - uhich is in top gear. This is competitive uith
only used for a small percentage of the the best four-stroke reciprocating-
time in a pouerful motorcycle. snginBd motorcycles having a similar
There is evidence that the resi- accelBrativB performance. It is much
dence time of the oil in the engine is superior to any six cylinder machines
quite long and probably the oil quant- uhich are the most direct equivalents
ities can be reduced considerably. of a tuin rotor motorcycle.
More research is rBquirsd in this area. Motoring Friction - The measured
Oil type - The recommendation motoring friction lass af the engine is
from earlier Papers on the chargB- shown in Fig. 23. For this test the
cooled rotary engine ( 1 ) , ( 5 ) , ( 9 ) , engine uas equipped uith the complete
have been folloued and single grade motorcycle induction and exhaust systems.
SAE 40 detergent type oil (API Service Therefore this measurement includes all
CC) uith about 1% ash content havB cold pumping losses as uell as a prop-
been used. ortion of the non-adiabatic compression
There is considerabls build-up of and gas sealing losses that exist in the
Downloaded from SAE International by University of Bath , Friday, March 29, 2019




5 o.o a

— —

\ pm
/ \ /
50 0 0 '

/ >
^ \/
r )
20 25 3 0 35 4 0
FUEL FLOW ilmperia! P i m s / h )

Fig. 20 - BMEP and SFC versus mixture

strength at UQT

Fig. 17 - Motorcycle exhaust system

: -
0. JO.
0 A
13 —
J - * "
- 7
0. ii_ •
— 0.
- 6
0 57
s\ N

-5 1 s
| 0.55

•4 1

-3 [ f 1 1 "
Q 65 i
' 6.7

-2 i
0.9 L _ ... i _

1.0 —|
l '1.5 !

i 1 j
2000 3000 4000 5000 COOO 7000 B00O 9000

E N G I N E SPEED I r p m l

Fig. 18 - Oil metering pump Fig. 21 - SFC map of motorcycle


• h >—• f / (Ibl/.ff)

I / 120

/ 110
— r — t
T ™mp~ 7 " n—e t1 ™0 0~0i pm
~- E
= 15.
=p- !00 w §

f-1 •3

/ Ib/lhphl


0,0 •5

0.5 •G

/ 0.1



1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 GOCO 7000 8000 9000

50 6 0

Fig. 19 - UOT performance of motor- Fig. 22 - Steady speed fuel consumption

cycle engine in top gear
Downloaded from SAE International by University of Bath , Friday, March 29, 2019


firing engine. Therefore it can be umption.

judged that the actual mechanical The development uork described
friction losses are remarkably lou. has increased the maximum BMEP of the
For comparison, typical motoring induction-air-cooled rotor engine to
losses of reciprocating engines and about 10B l b / i n . 2
This is still a
oil-cooled-rator type Uankel engines relatively lou figure for a naturally
are also presented. aspirated spark ignition engine.
The main reasons for the lou fric- In order to make a substantial
tion are that there is:- improvement it uill be necessary to
1. No piston side thrust. use uater-cooled rather than air-
2. No camshaft or other access- cooled housings and to reduce the
ory shafts to drive. temperature of the induction air by
3. No pressure oil pump. means of an intercooler.
4. No cocktail-shaker loss of The proposed induction system
oil in the rotor. arrangement (for a single rotor engine)
5. A lou total sealing line suept uill be as shoun diagrammatically in
area per cycle. This is particularly Fig. 25. At part-load the induction
true for a lou K (R/e) ratio engine air uill bypass the intercooler in
uhen compared to a typical oil-cooled- order to retain the advantages of hot
rotor type. For similar rotor overall induction air in that mode. At full
dimensions and ueight, sealing line load all the induction air uill pass
length and rubbing velocities, the through the intercooler.
higher shaft eccentricity of the air- The possibility also exists for
cooled-rotor enginB results in a achieving a further torque boost at
"free" 1 5 % increase in suept volume. UOT by passing a proportion of ambient •
Cold Starting - The friction air directly to the carburetter for
loss is also lou uhen the engine is short-duration use such as during
cold. The machine uill therefore vehicle acceleration. A richer mix-
start at -17° C uith a small Q.5 bhp ture could be used for these short
starter motor and 14 Ampere Hour periods if necessary to avoid excessive
battery. rotor temperaturss.
The short doun-sloping inlet pipe Some experimental harduare of this
betueen carburetter and inlet port type has been designed and procured.
also assists the engine to cold start All the moving parts and uear surfaces,
readily uithout an excessively rich etc, are identical to the motorcycle
mixture. Unlike the mixture-coolad- engine.
rotor type, the rotor internals are An alternative version of the
not made auash uith liquid fuel during rotor housing uith tuin side-by-side
cold starting. spark plugs has been made because some
EXHAUST EMISSIONS - At intervals brief earlier experiments indicated
a machine has been put through the US that this might be advantageous par-
Federal test procedure for the meas- ticularly for improved light load SFC.
urement of exhaust emissions. Results The uater cooling flou is circum-
are shoun in Fig. 24. These are base- ferential and common castings are used
line figures uith no special features for either single or tuin rotor engines.
incorporated for reducing emission Only the hot side of the trochoid has
levels. a uatBr jacket, the usual necessary
No test has been carried out heating of the cold side being effected
since the revised leading-recess by the heated induction air.
design and final carburetter settings Fig. 26 shous a set of thB assem-
have been adopted. Uith thB improved bled main housings. Uhen fitted uith
on-the-road fuel consumption nou being all the rotating parts, (but uithout
achieved it is expected that signif- induction system or any accessories),
icantly louer levels of HC and CO the ueight is 49 lb (22 kg) for a
uould be recorded. projected vehicle-rated output of
approximately 90 bhp.
ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Fig. 27 shous some early UOT
performance data achieved uith this
Any vehicle engine uhich operates engine uhen fitted uith an air-to-air
through the load range must aim to intBrcoolsr.
have a high maximum BMEP in order that A one hour "mini" endurance test
the highest gearing can be used. At at 94 bhp, 7500 rpm, uith about 2 5 % of
light load the engine is then operating the induction air bypassing the rotor
further up the SFC map and into areas has been carried out. Strip and
of progressively improving fuel cons- inspection shoued that rotor cooling
Downloaded from SAE International by University of Bath , Friday, March 29, 2019




T YPin I _r n _


.HO O R \l / A N K ei p N C I M
( J A N 1931)

| J
0 1000 2000 3000 '1000 5000 6000 7000 B000 9000

Fig. 23 - Motoring friction comparison

\ i | 1
. | 1
\ J |
y -47 Fig. 26 - Uater cooled engine main
1 }

i I i
1 i i

| i
_j_ _ 100
| i

\\ | !
| /

r FOU V 130
[ | BMEP
70 s 120

NO. , I 60 100
• i
y t
" 1 "
1D7-J 1375 1376 1977 10VB \373 1950 50

Fig. 24 - Exhaust emission results SFC

40 lb/{hp-h)
(LA4 route)
30 / 0.6


20 / s

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000


Fig. 27 - Early UOT performance data

of uater coaled engine (uith inter-
cooler and partial air bypass)

Fig. 25 - Induction system of engine

uith intercooler
Downloaded from SAE International by University of Bath , Friday, March 29, 2019


is adequate even at this high continu-

ous pouer output. This result probably
illustrates that reduced gas cycle
temperatures are very important in
reducing heat input to the rotor.
Development and testing of this
engine is continuing.


The type of Uankel rotary engine

uith induction-air-cooled rotor has
been developed to have a high specific
pouer output. Various mechanical
problems encountered have been solved.
The induction-air rotor cooling system
has many advantages over oil coaling
of the rotor particularly uith regard
to louer cost and ueight and reduced
mechanical friction.
Air cooling of the housings is
satisfactory for light duty-cycle
applications uhere a suitable cooling
airstream exists such as in a pouerful
For most applications uater cool-
ing of the housings is superior to air
cooling because it allous the possib-
ility of continuous high pouer output
uithout thermal problems. Despite
the addition of radiator and coolant
the total ueight is reduced.
The particular enginB described
in the paper uith a 294 cc chamber
size already has a superior fuel
consumption at high speed to alter-
native reciprocating engines. The
engine is therefore suitable for
applications uhich require freedom
from vibration, lou ueight, and
relatively lou fuel consumption.
The possibility exists that a
larger suept volume engine using the
rotor cooling principles described
in this paper and incorporating the
best gas sealing and combustion
technology already developed by Mazda,
Audi NSU and others could lead to a
competitive automotive pouer unit.
Downloaded from SAE International by University of Bath , Friday, March 29, 2019


REFERENCES 11. Kenji Shimamura and Tomoo

Tadokoro, "Fuel Economy Improvement
1. Helmut Keller, "Small UankBl of Rotary Engine by Using Catalyst
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2. P V Lamarque, "The Design of 12. Kenichi Yamamoto and Takumi
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3. A E Biermann and H H Eller-
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4. Julius Mackerle, "Air-Cooled
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5. Kojiro Yamaoka and Hiroshi
14. M R Beale and D Hodgetts,
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6. Richard van Basshuysen and
Gottlieb Uilmers, "An Update of the
Development on the Neu Audi NSU
Rotary Engine Generation". SAE
780418, presented at Congress and
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7. Charles Jones, "A Revieu of
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8. K Luebbsrsmeyer, "Design
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9. H M Ward III, M 3 Griffith,
G E Miller and D K Stephenson,
"Outboard Marine Corp.'s Production
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10. Shigeyasu Kamiya and Sadao
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