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Transcript Interviews

Transcript 1

Company: Reckitt & Benkiser

Name: xyz

Designation: xyz

Recruitment & Selection

Q. How is the job analysis done?

Q. What is the selection criteria in your company?

Q. Are services of head hunters used?

Q. What is the advertising procedure of jobs?

Q. What is your Short-listing Policy at your company?

Q. Please tell us about the application forms used for applying?

Q. How is Testing done?

Q. What is the format of interviews that the company holds?

Q. Please tell us about the Assessment Centers held at the company?

Q. Please tell us about your Management trainee program

Q. How is the appointment process like?

Q. How is the verification process done? Like employee background and documents checking?

Q. How is Induction and orientation done?

Q. Is there a Mentorship policy for new hires?

Q. Do you have any Rehiring Policy?

Q. Please tell us about the Diversity in your company.

Q. Please enlighten over the annual manpower budgeting

Q. Do you have any Internal placements policy?

Q. Employee referral policy – is there any? If yes, what is it?

Q. Exit interviews and subsequent analysis (if any)

Compensation & Benefits

Q. How is the compensation budget set?

Q. Who sets the compensation structure?

Q. What is the Compensation Objective?

Q. How often are the base salary structures revised?

Q. Is there an evaluation of salary practices or programs? How, based on what?

Q. What is the no. of salary structures in use?

Q. How do you use salary ranges vs. market percentile

Q. What is the total reward package formulation?

Q. What are the Benefits offered to employees?

Q. Do you have any Variable pay policy?

Q. Do you have Performance in range (PIR) policy placed in the company?

Q. Scenario: An employee following successive increments as per the policy, hits a pay cap (a threshold
above which his pay cannot be raised as per his designation), how does the HR policy deal with this?

Q. What is the Increment policy?

Q. What is the Bonus policy?

Q. How is internal pay equity determined?

Q. How is cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) taken into account?

Q. What is the Promotion policy?

Q. Is there a recognition program policy?

Q. Is there a Work-life balance policy?

Q. What are the Retirement plans/ policy in place?

Q. How is Job evaluation done?

Q. Is your payroll outsourced?

Q. How does the company ensure transparency and communication of compensation policy to
employees across organization?
Learning & Organizational Development
Q. How is training need identification done?

Q. How is resources assessment done?

Q. Is there a competency framework? How is it designed? What are the core competencies?

Q. Is the 70:20:10 theory applied for L&OD?

Q. How are the training programs designed?

Q. How is competency assessment carried out to identify skill gaps? Are learning outcomes defined?

Q. What training methodologies are used?

Q. Is e-training used or encouraged? How?

Q. How is quality assurance of training programs assessed?

Q. How is certification and evaluation of training programs done?

Q. Is there a concept of train the trainer? How is it implemented?

Q. What are the KPIs for L&OD?

Q. Is there a financial measure on success of training? Any ROI being measured?

Q. What is the Non-financial measure on success of training?

Q. How is L&OD budget set?

Q. Is there a Talent review policy?

Q. Is there a Job rotation policy?

Q. How is employee engagement measured?

Q. How are HI-POs identified and treated in your organization?

Q. Is culture being measured in any way? If yes, how?

Q. Is there a Whistle blowing policy?

Q. How does HR ensure that employees take the organization guidelines and code of conduct seriously?
Is there an established accountability framework? How is breach of conduct / ethics dealt with?
Performance Management
Q. Type of performance rating system being used? : HR software/ Manual/ Automated

Q. Is there a Ranking system being adopted?

Q. If forced ranking is followed, to what level is the bell curve applicable? For e.g.: Departmental level?
Meaning each department will have a certain ratio of A,B and C graders? How is the curve maintained
at a macro level?

Q. Is 5 band curve or 3 band curve being used to categorize employees for performance management

Q. What are the Key components of the performance appraisal form?

Q. Does the system place greater importance on the development of employee (behavioral / Leadership
attributes) or the completion of objectives assigned to them?

Q. How well are KPIs integrated in the PMS to bring objectivity to ascertain the completion of an

Q. Does HR monitor how objectives from the top are cascaded to lower levels to ensure alignment?

Q. Is there a formal policy for the manager and subordinate to decide the annual goals of the
subordinate before the start of the year?

Q. Is there a formal policy of mid-year performance review? Are formal meetings during the year
between appraiser and appraise documented? Are mid-year ratings assigned?

Q. Is there a policy of self-evaluation before the appraiser conducts his evaluation?

Q. Is the year end appraisal meeting between appraiser and appraisee formally documented? What are
the key process items when assigning final ratings to employee?

Q. At how many levels is the appraisal ratings discussed? Is the boss of the boss also involved? To what

Q. Is performance rating tied to salary increments? Are bonuses linked to performance ratings?

Q. If salary increases are based on performance, what is the criteria for the general base salary
increment (other than performance related)

Q. How are training needs identified from the performance appraisal?

Q. How are low performing employees dealt with?

Q. What is the key analysis being performed on the data that is collected from submitted performance
management forms?

Q. To what degree is HR involved in the performance management and consolidation process to ensure
all PMS values / policies are being adhered to?
Q. If an appraisee is not satisfied with the rating he / she receives, what channel is provided to the
concerned to raise the disagreement and how is it resolved? How is fairness across the process ensured?

Q. How is the respective employee's potential in the organization measured? What are the key

Q. How is performance of Non-management staff measured?

Q. Supervisor / manager performance evaluation training? - Are they trained to ensure that they
become mentors and better counsel their subordinates?

Q. What is the total no. of employees?

Q. How many of those are HR resources?

Q. What are the key HR functions

Q. What is the level of Outsourcing - What functions are outsourced?

Q. What is the type of structure: Corporate HR, dedicated HR, shared services (HRBP structure)?

Q. Is there a high focus on Centralization / Decentralization of HR processes?

Q. What is the Employee hierarchy / grading system?

Q. Is there a scope of HR on the plant side (If applicable)?

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